Page created by Edwin French

For the 6th year in a row, the Lyon International Quais du Polar Festival has joined forces with
the SCELF to award the Polar en Séries Prize to a work that stands out for its own qualities and
its potential for adaptation into a TV series. As every year, a large number of publishers sent us
their applications, with almost 70 proposed works covering a very broad field of crime fiction:
thrillers, noir novels, investigations, documentaries, comic books/graphic novels, novels for
youth, etc.

This diversity of offers clearly illustrates the great richness and dynamism of the genre, which
constitutes an inexhaustible resource of stories and intrigues for small screen creators. It is
therefore no coincidence to see that series - which stand out for their script inventiveness and
their incredible creativity – have always given such an important place to crime fiction. Our
jury, composed of audiovisual professionals – broadcasters, screenwriters, producers, film-
makers – who have accepted with passion and seriousness to play the game to read all 6 se-
lected works, testifies this popularity of the genre. And the richness of exchanges, during the
deliberation, perfectly demonstrates the enthusiasm that books and literature can still arouse
today as a living material and source of inspiration.

Quais du Polar therefore wishes to continue to play this role as a bridge between books and
the small screen and to stimulate exchanges between all those involved in the book and au-
diovisual sector so that authors, producers, screenwriters, publishers and broadcasters can
learn from each other. This quite particular year will not allow us to award the Polar en Série
Prize, as we usually do, during the Polar Connection professional encounters. But the selection
of novels will be highlighted throughout the year during the various projects in which Quais du
Polar is invited to participate and will be widely relayed via all our partners.

We would like to thank the publishers who have entrusted us with their applications and all
our partners who support this project and build it with us: the SCELF, Initiative Film, Auvergne-
Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, the Institut français, Écran Total and the members of the jury who have
accepted to share this experience.

THE SCELF                                                                                               THE INITIATIVE
                                                                                                                                                                jury members and the short listed works, with
                                                                                                                                                                a special focus on the winning title of this
                                                                                                                                                                This booklet also aims to recall the works that
                                                                                                                                                                were short listed or rewarded on the previous
                                                                                                                                                                editions and the update of their rights status:
PARTNER OF QUAIS DU POLAR                                                                               Crime fiction, the ultimate rich genre, has al-
                                                                                                                                                                free of rights? Call option? Or already pur-
                                                                                                        ways been a major subject source for cinema
The SCELF (Société Civile des Éditeurs de             The SCELF is delighted with these Professional                                                            chased and on the way of a series or film ad-
                                                                                                        and television and has a place of honour in the
Langue Française – Civil Company of French            Encounters organized by Quais du Polar dur-                                                               aptation? It is still possible to draw from this
                                                                                                        booming creative world of series, throughout
Language Publishers) is an authors’ rights            ing the Polar Connection day, thus establish-                                                             stock of beautiful subjects.
                                                                                                        the planet.
company, managed by publishers licensed               ing links between image and writing trades,                                                               But let's go back a few months to discover the
by contract, dealing the derived exploitation         and fostering future professional collabora-      From the United Sates to France, from Scan-
                                                                                                                                                                main steps of the prize.
rights of the works they publish. Therefore,          tions in the sector of audiovisual adaptation.    dinavia to less obvious territories like Turkey,
when their works are adapted for cinema, TV,                                                            crime fiction is well established in popular            Once the specific criteria are established, de-
                                                      Furthermore, for the sixth time in France, and    culture and has inspired an infinite amount of          fining the evaluation process from the angle
radio or theatre, the SCELF collects and allo-
                                                      within a SCELF and Quais du Polar partner-        heroes and antiheroes revealing society.                of its adaptability as a series, the SCELF sends
cates rights coming from these adaptations.
                                                      ship, a Prize will be rewarding crime fiction                                                             out a call for application to a wide range of
For twelve years, the SCELF has been orga-            novels most likely to be adapted as series:       For the series universe, crime fiction is an
                                                                                                                                                                French language publishers. Once again this
                                                      "Polar en Séries". The SCELF wishes a beauti-     endless tank of intrigues, recurring charac-
nizing, during the Salon du Livre (Book Fair),                                                                                                                  year, 64 works were submitted and 6 new
                                                      ful success to these professional encounters      ters, cliffhangers and various times.
professional audiovisual encounters between                                                                                                                     publishers sent titles.
publishers and cinema and TV producers; and           and wishes that this exclusive Prize will once    Crime being universal, the hunt for murder-
                                                      again highlight the French crime fiction’s tre-                                                           The first selection, which is deliberately ec-
it has been an undeniable success throughout                                                            ers and their motivations, the world of inves-
                                                                                                                                                                lectic, opens up a variety of possibilities in
the years.                                            mendous potential for television adaptation.      tigators as well as victims’ drama fascinate a
                                                                                                                                                                terms of style and series formats. It was made
                                                                                                        borderless public of all generations. Contem-
Fortified by this experience, the SCELF seeks                                                                                                                   by Quais du Polar teams, Initiative Film and
                                                                                                        porary and patrimony authors manage to ex-
to develop other schemes of professional en-                                                                                                                    Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, but also with
                                                                                                        amine society at a given point, through these
counters, such as the one organized, for the                                                                                                                    the support of screenwriters, graduates from
                                                                                                        investigations, therefore inspiring the small
seventh time, during the 2020 Cannes Film                                                                                                                       the Conservatoire Européen d’Écritures Audi-
                                                                                                        and big screen.
Festival, intended for foreign producers. It is                                                                                                                 ovisuelles/European Conservatory of Audio-
in this promotional context of audiovisual ad-                                                          The Prize was born in 2015, naturally, within           visual Writing and la CinéFabrique.
aptation, and to valorize diverse writing pro-                                                          the most emblematic European event dedi-
                                                                                                                                                                From there, 6 works were short-listed, and
cesses, that a partnership was built between                                                            cated to crime fiction literature: Quais du Po-
                                                                                                                                                                sent to the members of a jury of professionals
our structure and the crime fiction festival                                                            lar, in Lyon. Since then, a process which con-
                                                                                                                                                                renewed every year.
Quais du Polar.                                                                                         sists in detecting works and analysing their
                                                                                                        adaptability potential into series, continues           The jury of audiovisual professionals has de-
                                                                                                        for publishers, in order to be able to offer a          livered its verdict on March 10th.
                                                                                                        jury, renewed each year, recent titles, some-
                                                                                                        times even yet unpublished, as well as older            Discover the winner through these pages,
                                                                                                        titles which could fit a serial frame.                  along with the other works in competition.

                                                                                                        The purpose of this booklet, whose design               Have a good read!
                                                                                                        has been entrusted to us as a prolongation
                                                                                                        of a collaboration initiated from the start be-
                                                                                                        tween Initiative Film and Quais du Polar, is to
                                                                                                        introduce this initiative in the line of gateways
                                                                                                        weaved between literature and audiovisual.              Since 1993, Initiative Film is dedicated to support the devel-
                                                                                                        Year after year, these ties become stronger             opment of projects and talents before the production phase
                                                                                                                                                                of a work, from the birth of the story to the actual preparation
                                                                                                        and more precise. The purpose is also to ex-            of the cinematographic or audiovisual project. Initiative Film
                                                                                                        plain the selection process and introduce the           is directed by Isabelle Fauvel and her associate Hakim Mao.

                                                  4                                                                                                         5
THE JURY                                                         SHORT LIST
                           (in alphabetical order)                                              (in alphabetical order)

                        MICHEL ABOUCHAHLA                                                          BARBARIE 2.0
                           President, Écran Total.                                       Andrea H. Japp (Flammarion), 2014

                                      •                                                                     •

                       JOACHIM DE VASSELOT                                           CELLE QUI PLEURAIT SOUS L’EAU
                                                                                         Niko Tackian (Calmann-Lévy), 2020
           Programme counsellor, Fiction Unit, France Télévision.
                          JIMMY DESMARAIS                                               Stéphane Servant (Le Rouergue), 2019
                              Creative, Netflix.
                                                                                    LE GUIDE MONDIAL DES RECORDS
                              GAIA GUASTI                                       Tonino Benacquista & Nicolas Barral (Dargaud), 2017
                   Screenwriter, cowriter of Une Île (Arte),
                 Séries Mania 2019 Best French Series Prize.
                                      •                                                                  SÅNG
                                                                                       Johana Gustawsson (Bragelonne), 2019
                            ISABELLE HUIGE
               Programme manager, Fiction Unit, Arte France.
                                      •                                                          TROADEC ET MOI
                                                                                              Anaïs Denet (Denoël), 2020
                             DOMINIK MOLL
Filmmaker of Seules les bêtes/Only the Animals, adaptation of the eponymous
     novel by Colin Niel, award winner of the Polar en Séries 2017 Prize.
                            VÉRA PELTEKIAN
       Fiction project supervisor, talent relations manager, Canal Plus.
                           FANNY RONDEAU
                   Development director, Elephant Story.
                                                                              Jury deliberations took place on March 10th in a private lounge
                                                                                        of the Parisian restaurant AU PETIT RICHE

                                      6                                                                     7
THE JURY’S OPINION                                                                                                                        FÉLINES
                                                                                                                                          STÉPHANE SERVANT
                                                                                                                                          (LE ROUERGUE, 2020)
THE 2020 SELECTION                                     THE 2020 WINNER
The 2020 Quais du Polar selection is definite-         A fluffy prize
ly a reflection of the effervescent world of se-       For the first time, a novel for youth (or
ries: diverse and bold! From a social thriller         "young adults") has been awarded with the
to a journalistic investigation, including a           prize, which demonstrates, if needed, that
teenage fantasy and a humoristic fable, and            this literature – a genuine school of excel-
lastly, two noir novels which carry us across

                                                       lence in France – benefits from being known
continents and times.                                  and renowned both in literature and in terms                                              ince the death of her mother, for which she feels
                                                       of adaptation prospects in general, and in                                                responsible, Louise, a young teenager, has been
Which crime fiction should be adapted? Be-                                                             • IF IT WERE A FILM                       feeling uncomfortable in her body, especially
cause even if the quality of its dramaturgy            series in particular.                           - Invasion of the Body
                                                                                                                                                 since she suffered another traumatic event, a
remains essential, Quais du Polar prize re-                                                            Snatchers, (different adapta-
                                                       A young girl sees her body being covered                                           rape. She only feels good with Tom, a teenager who is
wards, beyond the literary work, its poten-                                                            tions)
                                                       with animal fur, thus withdrawing her from      - Children of Men                  also quite on the margin. As things begin to get serious
tial to be the source of a good adaptation as          beauty cannons, conditioning and diktats,                                          between them, a strange phenomenon takes place at
                                                                                                       Alfonso Cuarón (2006)
a TV series. What criteria should be applied?          and she reveals herself and blossoms in                                            their high school, and simultaneously everywhere else
Which novel to choose? Perhaps, to para-               this feline body. Her story resonates with      • IF IT WERE A SERIE               in the world. Young women – and young women only
phrase Chris Albretcht – the emblematic for-           definitely contemporary issues, which go        - The Rain (Netflix)
                                                                                                                                          – suddenly see their bodies and faces covered with
mer HBO boss – the one who explores with                                                               Jannik Tai Mosholt, Esben
                                                       through all stratas of society.                                                    exceptional hair. Hair everywhere, beast hair grows on
the most accuracy and originality a profound                                                           Toft Jacobsen and Christian
                                                                                                       Potalivo (2018)                    them while an animal force and instinct grows in them.
experience that echoes a key aspect of our             The writing is visual, and the structure, al-
                                                       ready serial-like, is punctuated with cliff-    - In the Flesh
humanity.                                                                                                                                 Women concerned, as it is the case for Louise, are being
                                                                                                       Dominic Mitchell (2013)
                                                       hangers, and sometimes takes detours which                                         pointed at. They are asked to cover themselves up, to
                                                       suggest a potential for several seasons.        • FORMAT                           hide…
                                                                                                       Several season series
                                                       Once closed, this "favourite" work does not                                        Is it a new disease? Is it contagious, deadly? No one
                                                       fail to leave a trace, images and sensations,   • THE AUTHOR                       knows. Society is on pause: schools and administrations
                                                       and a message to which the jury was sensi-      Stéphane Servant has worked        are closed, people are asked to stay home while
                                                       tive.                                           in schools and associations        authorities try to understand what is going on. But very
                                                                                                       before fully devoting himself to   soon, society becomes hostile towards these mutants,
                                                                                                       writing literature for youth and
                                                                                                                                          and some Feline women, revolted by what they have
                                                                                                       young adults. He was awarded
                                                                                                       with several prizes, among         to endure, decide to form a resistance, and Louise
                                                                                                       which the Incorruptibles Prize     becomes, despite herself, the face of this new revolt.
                                                                                                       in 2013 for La Culotte du loup
                                                                                                       ("The Wolf’s underwear") and
                                                                                                       the Sorcières Prize in 2018 for
                                                                                                       Sirius. Félines is his new novel
                                                                                                       at the crossroads of genres.

                                                                                                       • CONTACT
                                                                                                       Le Rouergue Publishing
                                                                                                       Johanna Brock

                                                   8                                                                                                  9
BODY MUTATIONS, A TEENAGE                                PARADIGM SHIFT                                    A MULTI SEASON CONCEPT                                   THE NOVEL IN A FEW WORDS
METAPHOR                                                 A very contemporary struggle is tackled           With the different genres borrowed by the
Félines takes a lot of liberties with crime fic-         here: the transformation of a society in          novel, the ambition of the subject and the               "THREE FELINE WOMEN HAVE
tion codes but remains a true proposition                which the revolution is inevitable and the        numerous twists and turns/cliff-hangers can              JOINED ME. THEY TOOK THEIR
of fiction, with all teenage and teen movies             whole question is, how will it happen and         easily make us imagine a series covering sev-
                                                                                                                                                                    CLOTHES OFF, TOO. THEY WERE
"prerequisites" (first flirts, self-discovery…).         not when, since it is already on the go. Every-   eral seasons. Like in a dystopian Orange is
                                                         one is faced to his or her ideals: what kind of   the New Black, the part that takes place in-             TERRIFIED, I COULD FEEL IT, BUT
This way to mix adolescence, crime fiction
and an almost fantasy atmosphere, has al-                world do the characters want to live in? It is    side a prison can be considered as a season              THERE WAS SOMETHING ELSE,
ready proven its worth on television in sev-             out of the question to stand idly by, we must     on its own: more than in a standard peniten-             AND I DIDN’T KNOW IF IT WAS FEAR,
eral outstanding series such as 13 Reasons               act, and everyone must take responsibility.       tiary centre, the Feline women captured by               ANGER OR AN UNSPEAKABLE JOY
Why, Pretty Little Liars, Vampire Diaries,               Louise is one of the first to realise that… She   the police end up in a labour camp. Families
                                                         considers that it is not up to her to change,     are authorised to see them sometimes but
                                                                                                                                                                    OF NOT BEING ASHAMED ANYMORE"
Riverdale… Only that all of these series are
American and that, for now, The Returned                 to hide, but it is the society’s role to accept   encounters are extremely supervised. And,
put aside - a series in which some characters            and adapt itself. And she decides to fight for    if Feline women dare to complain openly on
are high school students - no French series              it.                                               their living conditions, these visits are forbid-
has yet dared this cocktail.                                                                               den and their food immediately reduced. All
                                                         INTRIGUES, BUT FIRST AND                          have one and only goal: to escape from this
                                                         FOREMOST CHARACTERS                               hell.
                                                         If there is suspense, action, with this harsh     We can also imagine to develop the plot more
                                                         and omnipresent police force chasing Feline       by opening up to different scales (global, like
Borrowing at the same time from teen movie               women, there is also time to focus on Lou-        in War of the Worlds, or very local like in The
and dystopia codes, both often infused with              ise’s evolution as a teenager, in her relation-   Returned) and to other characters facing
police intrigues, Stéphane Servant offers us             ship with life and her family. The character      other issues. Why not imagine the life of Fe-
a universe that resonates a lot with the one             of her father is perfectly built: he is unhap-    line women’s children for example? A bit like
we live in. Omnipresent fear and rejection of            py because since her mother’s death, he           Game of Thrones, which began with a book
others, of people we don’t understand, of                doesn’t know how to talk to his own daugh-        series but which, progressively emancipated
the difference, of the potential new power               ter anymore. To see him, step by step, get-       itself. From this society turmoil offered by the
of women… This process is obviously com-                 ting closer to her, in this complex situation,    novel, many variations are possible.
pounded in a high school environment,                    is a very moving axis. The same statement
where social pressure is particularly strong.            can be made about Tom, her boyfriend, on
                                                         the margin too, but because of his sexual
If there is indeed a "global epidemic" side
                                                         identity questioning. The relationship be-
to this story, especially in its first half, the
                                                         tween these two teenagers is touching: they
origin of this mutation is not that important
                                                         mutually accept themselves the way they
in the plot. The exciting part is the list of ef-
                                                         are. This story and these characters resonate
fects that such a sudden transformation of
                                                         like a hymn to difference.
women could generate: fear, stigmatisation,
isolation in camps… Effects that remind us
of the darkest hours of our History, which,
therefore, are not so unlikely. These young
women are chased by the authorities, mak-
ing this multi-faceted novel slide towards
the thriller genre. The captured women will
do all they can to escape… Suspense is es-
tablished around the destiny of the novel’s
heroine, Louise.

                                                    10                                                                                                         11
                                                                                                    WHEN AN INVESTIGATION                                 FALL IS HERE AND WINTER IS
                                                                                                    IS HIDING ANOTHER ONE                                 COMING. AND IT WILL LAST
                                                                                                    In France, Canada, the United States, a par-          Simultaneously, we follow email exchanges
                                   ANDREA H. JAPP
                                                                                                    ticular form of crime explodes with murders           between a sick boy, with not much time left
                                   (FLAMMARION, 2014)                                               which, at first, seem unrelated to each other.        to live, and a young hadicapped girl, nick-
                                                                                                                                                          named Apollo and Artemis, one in Canada,
                                                                                                    With the help of his precious colleague Lu-
                                                                                                                                                          and the other in France. Emails concern
                                                                                                    cie, a computer genius, the analyst will soon
                                                                                                                                                          crime, statistics, what can be learned from
                                                                                                    find out that behind the neurologist’s hazy
                                                                                                                                                          it, violent true crimes, very violent and al-
                                                                                                    theories, hides a conspiracy that his superi-
                                                                                                                                                          ways toxic. These two kids seem to exist only
                                                                                                    ors are well aware of: at stake, the protec-
                                                                                                                                                          through their exchanges, they feel danger
                                                                                                    tion of extremely wealthy personalities at the
                                                                                                                                                          approaching and every email ends with this
                                                                                                    expense of the rest of the world.
                                                                                                                                                          sentence: "Fall is here and winter is coming.
                                                                                                    Yann discovers that his investigation is a            And it will last long"…

                                          first crime scene, a first body. Colette is the clean-    mere sham, a pretext, the tip of an iceberg
                                          ing lady of the former magistrate Thomas Delebarre                                                              All these threads of the novel converge and,
• IF IT WERE A FILM                                                                                 floating over "something" very big that might
                                          and she discovers his stabbed body. On his fore-                                                                to underpin the plot of this highly ramified
- The Happening,                                                                                    literally crush him. He tries to protect him-
                                          head, the inscription "Pig"; on his computer screen,                                                            story, we discover characters through time
M. Night Shyamalan (2008)                                                                           self but feels trapped by his hierarchy.
- The Game,                        child pornography images. We are in Mougins, in Southern                                                               and different settings that an international
David Fincher (1997)               France.                                                                                                                series would be ready to invest in. Numerous
                                                                                                    AN APOCALYPSE BY APOSTLES                             concrete true crimes are used and create an
• IF IT WERE A SERIE               A few days later, a woman is found, beaten to death for                                                                undeniable depth of focus, which will allow
- L’Effondrement (Canal +),                                                                         OF FREE VIOLENCE
                                   her money, her watch and her Mercedes. We are in the                                                                   the plot to expand through several seasons.
Guillaume Desjardins, Jérémy       suburbs of Boston, a city of daily violence...                   In a world where violence has almost be-
Bernard and Bastien Ughetto
                                                                                                    come the rule, a group of very wealthy peo-
(2019)                             In this context, Yann Lemadec, analyst for the Secondary
                                                                                                    ple - among which Alexandra who stands out            THE NOVEL IN A FEW WORDS
- Messiah (Netflix), Michael       Intervention Brigade of the Interior Ministry, is unofficially
Petroni (2020)                                                                                      as a kind of a muse - experiments and or-             (QUOTE)
                                   in charge of Thomas Delebarre ‘s murder case. The first
                                                                                                    chestrates a series of murders, most of them
• FORMAT                           suspicions are focused on Alexandra Beaujeu, a brilliant                                                               "WHAT IS MISSING IS AS
                                                                                                    being carried out with bows and arrows.
Multi season series                neurologist, who lost her son several years ago, tortured                                                              REVEALING AS WHAT IS PRESENT,
                                                                                                    Alexandra has in her team her adopted son
                                   and killed by a gang of young people. At the time, Thomas
• THE BOOK, THE AUTHOR             Delebarre had required a minimum sentence against the
                                                                                                    Grégoire, her neighbour that she pretends             IF NOT MORE."
Biochemistry Doctor, toxicolo-                                                                      to hate, Edward Armstrong, his adopted
                                   teen’s aggressors. Yann approaches Alexandra and her
gist and renowned researcher,                                                                       daughter, as well as Doctor Thierry Jans-
                                   mysterious adopted son and, during a dinner, Alexandra
Andrea H. Japp starts writing                                                                       sens. On the other team: the brother of the
in 1990 with La Bostonienne        talks about her scientific theories on the degeneration of
                                                                                                    murdered magistrate and his son-in-law,
("The Bostonian"), a critical      proletarian brains, from one generation to the next – a
                                                                                                    grandson of an ultra-rich Nazi, who have
success that encourages her        phenomenon which, from her point of view, could lead to
                                                                                                    caught in their net Lemadec’s boss, Henri de
to continue down this path.        a wave of unstoppable violence...
                                                                                                    Salvindon. The enemies will fight an ideologi-
She also becomes the official
translator of Patricia Cornwell,                                                                    cal war in which neither side will hesitate to
an internationally renowned                                                                         kill whoever stands in their way.
crime fiction American author.
                                                                                                    This is what Yann will learn at his expense,
Her novel Barbarie 2.0 ques-
tions the issues of power and                                                                       as he will not be able to join one side or the
money in our ultra-violent                                                                          other for a curious battle between powerful
world.                                                                                              people preparing for the apocalypse.
Flammarion Publishing
Laure Saget
                                                12                                                                                                   13
                                                                                                AN INSPECTOR AND HIS DARK                              VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN
                                                                                                SIDE                                                   Stories also carried by strong women: Rhonda,
                                                                                                Tomar Khan, recurring character, is a com-             a committed and ambitious policewoman

                                   CRIED UNDERWATER                                             plex and secretive policeman. His violent              who does not hesitate to stand against her
                                                                                                past has made him a lone investigator, which           male colleagues to solve this investigation,
                                                                                                complicates his professional and romantic              or Ara, Tomar Khan’s mother, a former vic-
                                   NIKO TACKIAN (CALMANN-LÉVY, 2020)                            relationship with Rhonda.                              tim of domestic violence, who throws herself
                                                                                                                                                       down a flight of stairs to denounce and im-
                                                                                                Unlike a righteous policeman, standing tall,           prison her neighbour, a violent and abusive
                                                                                                it is the portrait of a tortured and violent           husband. The novel features in an unusual
                                                                                                man.                                                   way current issues of our society and breaks
                                                                                                As a former boxer, he never hesitated to use           down a taboo while exposing the conse-
                                                                                                his fists to get what he wants. In a parallel          quences – too little taken into account - of
                                                                                                investigation, Tomar Kahn finds himself be-            violence against women.

                                           aris, July 2018. One morning, while opening          ing relieved form his duties and accused of            By questioning the men/women relation-
                                           the Pailleron pool, the life guard José Mendez       murder, and will have to face his demons to            ship, the story is built around a more than
• IF IT WERE A FILM                        discovers the body of Clara Delattre, floating in    regain his status as a Major and the woman             ever topical issue: the role of mental and
-Une nuit, Philippe Lefebvre               the middle of the water, with slit wrists. Major     he loves.                                              psychological manipulation in violence
(2012)                             Tomar Kahn is sent on the scene with his team. For him,                                                             against women.
-Möbius, Éric Rochant (2013)       it is clearly a suicide. But his teammate Rhonda is not
                                   satisfied with this conclusion: how could such a shiny
                                                                                                A WEB OF INTRIGUES
• IF IT WERE A SERIES                                                                                                                                  THE NOVEL IN A FEW WORDS
- Squadra Criminale                and passionate young girl kill herself? For her, this        Between "perfect crime", IGPN (General In-
(Rai/Arte), Claudio Corbucci       suicide hides something. José Mendez’s interrogation         spection of the National Police) investigation
                                   only reinforces her intuition. He confesses to having an
                                                                                                                                                       "THIS IS HOW THEIR LIVES WERE
(2015-2018)                                                                                     and drug cases, Niko Tackian develops a sto-
- Braquo (Canal +),                affair with Clara, but Rhonda feels he's not telling them    ry punctuated with action scenes and twists            ORGANISED, AN INVESTIGATION
Olivier Marchal (2009-2016)        everything...                                                and turns. In an always increasing suspense,           CHASED ANOTHER, FORMING A
• FORMAT                           Meanwhile, the new deputy prosecutor wishes to
                                                                                                Tomar Khan and his teammate will have to               CORRIDOR AND THEN A MAZE.
Recurring series (several sea-                                                                  prove the murder of a young girl forced to             A MAZE IN WHICH TOMAR LIKED
                                   deepen the murder investigation of Tomar Khan’s former
sons for several investigations)                                                                commit suicide.
                                   colleague, with whom the Major didn’t get along well.                                                               TO LOCK HIMSELF UP TO AVOID
• THE BOOK, THE AUTHOR             He quickly becomes the primary suspect and could lose        The novel offers the possibility of a series           THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE.
In just a few novels, Niko         it all... He decides to run his own investigation to prove   whose milestones would be based on the
Tackian became one of the          his innocence.                                               investigations and the character of Major
                                                                                                                                                       EVERYTHING ELSE."
references of the French                                                                        Tomar Khan. He finds himself dragged down
crime fiction. He was for          Rhonda then takes over the Clara Delattre case and
                                                                                                the deepest abyss of the underworld. The al-
long a journalist and editor       swears to find the man who destroyed her, who killed
                                                                                                ternating points of view of Tomar and Rhon-
of various press magazines         her.
before becoming a writer. Niko
                                                                                                da in this story allow us to follow several
Tackian is also a screenwriter     Two investigations, two police officers, between the new     plots and the personal history of the two po-
and a director and has already     HQ and the Pailleron pool of the 19th district: a story      lice officers: a complicated love relationship,
contributed a great deal to        going deep into the heart of the Paris criminal police.      a childhood trauma... Most intimate stories
crime series and thrillers for                                                                  at the service of a complex plot.

Calmann-Lévy Publishing
Patricia Roussel

                                               14                                                                                                 15
                                                                                                 ABSURD RECORDS AND RECORDS                             … BUT LIGHTNESS ABOVE ALL
                                                                                                 OF THE ABSURD                                          In fact, by its structure, the story rounds
                                                                                                 The great original idea of this graphic novel,         out the angles a bit and delivers a particu-

                                  OF RECORDS
                                  TONINO BENACQUISTA & NICOLAS BARRAL
                                                                                                 a savoury mix of genres, is to focus on Paul’s
                                                                                                 unusual job, in which he is, on a daily basis,
                                                                                                 confronted to specimens that are desperate
                                                                                                                                                        lar message. Indeed, the killer wants to
                                                                                                                                                        make our society a better place by elimi-
                                                                                                                                                        nating people he considers harmful. Is it
                                                                                                                                                        really better than someone trying to grow a
                                                                                                 to enter the guide by all means (and above
                                  (DARGAUD, 2017)                                                all through the most foolish acts). In prac-           63kg cabbage? Or than a 100 year old wom-
                                                                                                 tice, his job consists in looking at people            an trying to swim 100 metres freestyle?
                                                                                                 behaving like clowns, and in making sure               Lightness, entertainment, "not-so-important"
                                                                                                 they do it properly. These unbelievable situ-          things, are in fact essential. Does everything

                                         aul Baron has been working for the world book of        ations, which are amusing most of the time,            need to have a strong ideological sense, or
                                         records for over a decade. He is the one receiving      are even more fun with his Bill Murray-like            is just having fun enough?
• IF IT WERE A FILM                      emails and letters from all those who claim to          personality, jaded and depressed. On top of
- The Brand new testament,               have achieved something exceptional. His mission        this, the police investigation brings a dose of
Jaco Van Dormael (2015)           is to check the reality of these feats.                        suspense to the story and keeps the reader             THE COMIC BOOK IN A FEW
- Keep an eye out, Quentin                                                                       on the edge of his seat until the breathtaking         WORDS
Dupieux (2018)                    If this job might sound fun at first glance, Paul is fed up.   confrontation between Paul and the record-
• IF IT WERE A SERIES             Rather than trying to break some stupid record to enter        breaking murderer.
                                  the guide book, why don’t they try to do something that                                                               "WHAT MAKES YOU WANT TO
- Li'l Quinquin (Arte), Bruno
Dumont (2014)                     really matters?                                                                                                       STAND OUT IN THE EYES OF THE
- Poulets grillés (France 2),                                                                    A GRATING CRITIC OF THE BUZZ                           WORLD? WHY AREN‘T YOU JUST
                                  One day, Paul receives a rather peculiar record claim.
based on the novel by Sophie                                                                     AGE                                                    THE NICEST NEIGHBOUR IN THE
Hénaff (ongoing production)       A person explains that he is about to enter the guide by
                                  killing as many scoundrels as possible. To prove his good      Unlike us, Paul is no longer charmed or                BUILDING? WOULDN'T THAT BE A
• FORMAT                          faith, he indicates in his letter the geographic coordi-       amused by the determination with which                 NICE RECORD?"
Serial series, several season     nates that are supposed to lead to the body of his first       these individuals strive to break records. For
potential                         victim.                                                        him, it is simply a waste of time. We can cer-
                                                                                                 tainly see a reference to our 2.0 society, in
• THE BOOK,                       A police team is sent there and a body is actually found.
                                                                                                 which young people try to post on line the
THE AUTHORS                       The clock is ticking; he must absolutely be stopped
                                                                                                 most "liked" picture, film the most unbeliev-
Tonino Benacquista has always     before he kills again. Paul feels guilty: if this individual
                                                                                                 able situation that will "buzz" successfully
pursued a double career, as a     started this horrible crusade, it is because he wanted to
                                                                                                 on social media... This absolute quest for
writer and as a screenwriter      follow his advice, and act "for the good of humankind"...
(for cinema and comic books),                                                                    celebrity, often meaningless, no longer at-
and both careers are suc-                                                                        tracts him.
cessful. For the third time, he
teams up with the illustra-
tor Nicolas Barral (author of
Baker Street and Mon pépé
est un fantôme ("My Grandpa
is a ghost") for a new graphic
novel that denounces a society
in which make-believe is more
important than the truth.

Dargaud Publishing
Laurent Duvault

                                              16                                                                                                   17
                                                                                                A STORY OF SISTERS                                       A EUROPEAN MEMORY
                                                                                                The story of Blood Song is first and foremost a          From the Spain of Franco to today’s Swe-
                                  JOHANA GUSTAWSSON                                             story of women and sisters. At the side of the           den, the investigation embraces several
                                                                                                investigators Emily and Alexis, who are strong           generations of women and destinies that a
                                  (BRAGELONNE, 2019)                                                                                                     European coproduction could bring up to
                                                                                                and endearing feminine characters, we find
                                                                                                portraits of other women. There is Teresa, who           the screen. If the part set in Franco’s Spain
                                                                                                has to fight to survive in a prison of Franco’s          is difficult to transpose, the investigation
                                                                                                dictatorship. We also meet Alienor, an Asper-            and the murder of Alienor’s family can be
                                                                                                ger autistic, facing rejection from her family,          moved from Sweden to France without af-
                                                                                                as well as two sisters who suffer violence and           fecting the main plot.
                                                                                                abuse in a religious orphanage. The novel is a
                                                                                                                                                         The author talks about the hell of Franco’s
                                                                                                rhythmic choral narrative with relentless ma-
                                                                                                                                                         orphanages and women prisons, for which
                                                                                                                                                         "the Spanish people and its battles reso-

                                         lexis Castells and Emily Roy, two outstanding          In this story, which weaves blood ties as well           nate in a special way".
                                         investigators, are working on the case of a            as it destructs them, the question of fraternity,
                                                                                                                                                         And this new opus of Alexis Castells and
                                         family massacre in Sweden. It was Alienor’s            traumatism and exile is raised: Should we really
                                                                                                                                                         Emily Roy’s adventures is approached in a
                                         family. Alienor is a profiler and Emily’s colleague.   forget people with whom we have experienced
• IF IT WERE A FILM                                                                                                                                      cosmopolitan and personal way, which re-
                                  However, it seems that the evil at work that night took       trauma in order to heal?
- The Hours, Stephen Daldry                                                                                                                              flects the extremely rich cultural heritage
(2003)                            root a long time ago... in Spain, during the Civil War, in                                                             of the Johana Gustawsson, cosmopolitan
- In Cold blood, Bennett          an orphanage, where two sisters try to survive despite        EMBEDDED STORIES                                         author by essence.
Miller (2006)                     a priest‘s violence and abuses. These two stories will
                                  finally join a third one, set in the 1990’s, through the      The story begins with two intrigues which, at
• IF IT WERE A SERIES                                                                                                                                    THE NOVEL IN A FEW WORDS
                                  thoughts of an old lady, and the link between all these       first seem to have nothing in common: the
- Mindhunter, Joe Penhall
(original broadcasting in 2017)   events will be unveiled bit by bit. From then on, it          wife of a Republican and member of the Re-
- The River, (Arte),              appears that all family members, who were stabbed             sistance is trying to survive in a women pris-           "WHEN SHE RETURNED TO HER
Arne Berggren (2017)              several times and had their tongues ripped off, are not       on during the Spanish Civil War, and a family            CELL, ONE OF HER COMPANION
                                  that innocent. As owners of a fertility clinic, Eleanor's     massacre in Sweden. Nevertheless, with a                 WAS BREAST-FEEDING THE NEW
• FORMAT                          parents have used questionable medical practices on           well built suspense, the noose will tighten
Stand-alone storyline series.                                                                                                                            BORN BABY. THE LITTLE ONE
                                  numerous occasions. They have acted on the lives and          up around the characters and the different
                                  bodies of their patients and the consequences will be         storylines, until the final revelation.                  DRANK WITHOUT COMPLAINT, AS
• THE BOOK, THE AUTHOR            dramatic.                                                                                                              IF HE HAD ALREADY FORGOTTEN
Johana Gustawsson, is a                                                                         The two plots, the first being historical and
                                                                                                the second being contemprary, are perfectly
                                                                                                                                                         HIS MOTHER. HIS HEROIC AND
French author with Spanish        Pieces of a puzzle begin to intertwine throughout these
origins. She lives in London      stories, mixing family ties, murderous revenge, secrets       coordinated thanks to a masterful construc-              STOIC 19 YEAR OLD MOTHER.
with her Swedish husband.         of origins and other betrayals which, like corrosion, eat     tion of the intrigue which combines twists               MARIA WAS WRITING HER NAME
Former journalist, her passion                                                                  and turns and emotion with a touch of hu-
for crime fiction handed down
                                  up the most intimate bonds…to the blood.                                                                               ON THE TILES, NEXT TO THE
                                                                                                mour. Moreover, the author’s thorough re-
by her parents, brought her                                                                                                                              NAMES OF THE OTHERS WHO
to writing. Now published in                                                                    search offer an unusual insight of a forgotten
                                                                                                part of History.                                         HAD BEEN SHOT."
over more than 20 countries,
Johana Gustawsson is invited
in numerous festivals. Blood
Song is her most personal

Bragelonne Publishing
Delphine Clot

                                              18                                                                                                    19
                                                                                                AN ON-BOARD CAMERA                                       SIFTING THE PRESS
                                                                                                INVESTIGATION                                            The case of "the missing persons of Orvault"
                                                                                                We follow the case and its twists and turns              fascinates and unleashes a national media
                                  ANAÏS DENET (DENOËL, 2020)                                                                                             storm. People get passionate about this
                                                                                                as closely as possible to the young journal-
                                                                                                ist, who juggles between her private life (her           true crime and the media-machine goes
                                                                                                boyfriend, their roommate, her sick grand-               wild: journalists dig up old tweets from
                                                                                                mother who is far away, in Picardy) and her              Sébastien, the Troadec son, and find their
                                                                                                exciting, demanding job, which means she                 ideal culprit. Very quickly, he is introduced
                                                                                                always has her briefcase in the trunk of her             as the primary suspect: the son, uncom-
                                                                                                car, ready to hit the road if duty calls.                fortable is his body, would have freaked out
                                                                                                                                                         and became a monster.
                                                                                                And bit by bit, this obsession will eat up her
                                                                                                daily life. First this desire to find the missing        We also witness several "red line cross-

                                                                                                family, and then to understand the truth of              ings", as the young journalist names these
                                       ebruary 2017: the presidential campaign is in
                                                                                                this despicable crime that fascinates France.            practices. Such as going so far as to seek
                                       full swing, antifascist demonstrations reveal the
                                                                                                                                                         exclusive information from family members
                                       hatred for journalists from the 24 hours news            Several flashbacks complete the character’s              deeply affected by the horror they have
                                       channels.                                                back-story, such as the night of November                been through.
                                  Anaïs, a young regional correspondent journalist,             13th, 2015 when she was on duty in Paris and
• IF IT WERE A FILM                                                                             where, thanks to her determination, she                  A realistic and humble reflection on the
                                  recently moved to Nantes to reconcile her passion for
- Zodiac, David Fincher                                                                         landed her first job. A perfect opening for a            race for the scoop and the hunt for the
                                  field investigations and a less exhausting life than in
                                                                                                first episode, so to speak.                              most talkative witness, and exclusivity ob-
- Night Call, Dan Gilroy          Paris, covers a disappearance that will become known
                                                                                                                                                         session: information as it is produced and
(2014)                            as the Troadec case. This case will change her life and
                                                                                                                                                         consumed today is perfectly screened in
                                  make her journalist career reach a turning point.             THE MACHINERY OF A DOUBLE
• IF IT WERE A SERIES                                                                                                                                    parallel with the investigation.
- Grégory (Netflix),              From the start, Anaïs feels incredibly close to this case –   INVESTIGATION
Gilles Marchand (2019)            without understanding the reason why – at the point of
- Sharp Objects (HBO),            developing an obsession for the Troadec family and for
                                                                                                Step by step, Anaïs runs the investigation,              THE NOVEL IN A FEW WORDS
Marti Noxon and Jean-Marc                                                                       between interviews of neighbours and theo-
                                  the truth of what really happened to them. Pushed by                                                                   "WE END UP TURNING THE LIGHT
Vallée (2018)                                                                                   ries of her informant of the Nantes police
                                  her editors, she will begin a scoop hunt that will bring
                                  her always further.
                                                                                                station, worthy of the best screenwriters. We            BACK ON. NO ONE DARES TO
• FORMAT                                                                                        follow all her investigation, from promising             SPEAK. HERE BODIES HAVE STRUG-
Stand alone storyline series.     To gain acceptance among the most experienced                 leads to dead ends, from key testimonies to
                                                                                                                                                         GLED, BLED, WERE TORTURED,
• THE AUTHOR                      journalists, led by the addictive news rhythm – as            false alarms.
Journalist-correspondent for      well as her addiction to sweets that she compulsively                                                                  MUTILATED. WE'LL HAVE TO TELL
                                                                                                Meanwhile, we also follow the police inves-              THE PROSECUTOR, WHO WILL
RMC and BFMTV, Anaïs Denet        swallows to calm her increasing stress – Anaïs will
                                                                                                tigation and forensics, the "cotton buds", as
testifies for the first time on   let her instincts lead the way, but also her strange                                                                   INFORM THE MEDIA. THE MEDIA-
the Troadec case, three years                                                                   they are nicknamed by journalists.
                                  obsession to always discover and know more, to be                                                                      MACHINE WILL GO WILD, WILDER
after. Based on a true story,     always closer to horror, because she feels that she will      A memorable scene: the moment when,
the young journalist shares an
                                  own the answer at the price of her health, her reason,        windows closed, lights off, the police team
                                                                                                                                                         THAN EVER."
investigation from the heart
of the field, in the 24 hours
                                  and perhaps by crossing the red line...                       sprays Bluestar, the blood revealer, in the
news channels universe and                                                                      Troadec pavilion, and when, after a few
investigation methods.                                                                          minutes, it reveals the extent of the massacre.
Denoël Publishing
Frédérique Massart

                                              20                                                                                                    21
WINNERS AND SELECTIONS OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS                                                  Free of
                                                                                             rights             or sold


                                                                                                                          OF INSPIRATION
 Irons, Tristan Roulot and Luc Brahy (Le Lombard,2019)                                         X
 Le Parfum d’Adam, Jean-Christophe Rufin (Flammarion, 2007)                                    X
 Le Signal, Maxime Chattam (Albin Michel, 2018 )                                                                  X
 Les Mafieuses, Pascale Dietrich (Liana Levi, 2019)                                                               X
 Parfois c’est le diable qui vous sauve de l’enfer, Jean-Paul Chaumeil (Le Rouergue, 2018)     X                          CRIME FICTIONS HAVING GENERATED SERIES
 Racket*, Dominique Manotti (Les Arènes, 2018)                                                                    X
                                                                                                                          Wire in the blood Val McDermid Wallander Henning Mankell Ikebukuro West Gate Park Ishida
 2018 SELECTION                                                                                                           Ira Inspector Morse Colin Dexter Women’s murder club James Patterson Smiley’s People John Le
 Justice soit-elle, Marie Vindy (Plon, 2017)                                                                      X       Carré XIII Jean Van Hamme William Vance Banks Peter Robinson Il comissario Montalbano Andrea
 La chance du perdant, Christophe Guillaumot (Liana Lévi, 2017)                                X                          Camilleri Murdoch mysteries Maureen Jennings Tyskungen Camilla Läckberg Pronto Elmore Leonard
 L’Avocat*, Laurent Galandon, Frank Giroud, Frédéric Volante (Le Lombard, 2015)                X                          Intruders Michael Marshall Smith Under the dome Stephen King Case Histories Kate Atkinson Les
 Le suivant sur la liste, Manon Fargetton (Rageot, 2014)                                       X                          enquêtes du Commissaire Maigret Georges Simenon Modus Anne Holt Il giudice meschino Mimmo
                                                                                                                          Gangemi Inspector Barnaby Martina Cole Bones Kathy Reichs Le sang de la vigne Jean-Pierre Alaux
 Plus jamais seul, Caryl Ferey (Gallimard, 2018)                                                                  X
                                                                                                                          Dexter Jeff Lindsay Thorne Mark Billingham The red riding trilogy David Peace Boulevard du palais
 Que la guerre est jolie, Christian Roux (Rivages, 2018)                                       X
                                                                                                                          Thierry Jonquet Miss Marple Mysteries Agatha Christie The Night Manager John Le Carré Messiah
                                                                                                                          Boris Starling Gone Michael Cain Boardwalk Empire Nelson Johnson The Firm John Grisham
 En Pays Conquis, Thomas Bronnec (Gallimard, 2017)                                             X                          Commissaire Winter Ake Edwardson Justified Elmore Leonard The Ruth Rendell Mysteries Ruth Rendell
 Hedge Fund, Tristan Roulot, Patrick Hénaff, Philippe Sabbah (Le Lombard, 2014, 2015)          X                          Backstrom Leif G. W. Persson Glacé Bernard Minier Longmire Craig Jonhson Cadfael Ellis Peters
 Jeu d’ombres, Loulou Dedola, Merwan (Glénat, 2016)                                                               X       Wayward Pines Blake Crouch Legends Robert Littell Raja Riikka Pulkkinen Sharp Objects Gilliam Flyn
 Kabukicho, Dominique Sylvain (Viviane Hamy, 2016)                                             X                          The runaway Martina Cole Women Murder Club James Patterson The Cuckoo’s Calling Robert Galbraith
                                                                                                                          L’accident Linwood Barclay Big Little Lies Liane Moriarty In the Dark Mark Billingham Quicksand
 Quand la neige danse, Sonja Delzongle (Denoël, 2016)                                          X
                                                                                                                          Malin Persson Giolito Pretty Little Liars Sara Shepard Juste un regard Harlan Coben Mr. Mercedes
 Seules les bêtes*, Colin Niel (Le Rouergue, 2017)                                                                X
                                                                                                                          Stephen King The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Alexander McCall Smith Polar Victor Santos
 Zanzara, Paul Colize (Univers Poche, 2017)                                                    X
 L’alignement des équinoxes, Sébastien Raizer (Gallimard, 2015)                                X
 Au fer rouge, Marin Ledun (Flammarion, 2015)                                                  X                          CRIME FICTIONS HAVING GENERATED SERIES AND FEATURE FILMS
 Infiltrés, Sylvain Runberg, Olivier Truc, Olivier Thomas (Soleil, 2015)                       X
                                                                                                                          Incorruptibles Elliot Ness Arsène Lupin Maurice Leblanc Millenium Stieg Larsson Miss Fisher’s Murder
 Les loups à leur porte*, Jérémy Fel (Rivages, 2015)                                                              X
                                                                                                                          Mysteries Kerry Greenwood The Case of The Cheminal Syndicate Bob Kane Bill Finger Sherlock Holmes
 Tout le monde te haïra, Alexis Aubenque (Robert Laffont, 2015)                                X
                                                                                                                          Arthur Conan Doyle Cidade dos homens Paulo Lins Vidocq Eugène-François Vidocq Moōryoō no Hako
 Ubac, Elisa Vix (Le Rouergue, 2016)                                                                              X       Natsuhiko Kyoōgoku Romanzo Criminale Giancarlo de Cataldo Sin City Franck Miller Das Parfum, die
 2015 SELECTION                                                                                                           Geschichte eines Mörders Patrick Süskind Gomorra Roberto Saviano The Frankenstein Chronicles Mary
 Après la guerre*, Hervé Le Corre (Payot & Rivages, 2014)                                      X                          Shelley Hannibal Thomas Harris
 Bunker Parano, Georges-Jean Arnaud (French Pulp Editions, 2014)                                         X
 Commandant Achab, Stéphane Piatzszek et Stéphane Douay (Casterman, 2013)                      X
 Et qu’advienne le chaos, Hadrien Klent (Le Tripode, 2010)                                     X
 Le partage des terres, Bernard Besson (Odile Jacob, 2013)                                     X                          LEGEND
 Poulets grillés*, Sophie Henaff (Albin Michel, 2015)                                                             X       American Scandinavian British French Others

* the winner
                                                         22                                                                                                               23
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