RECIPES ADVOCATE TALIA'S STORY - RRP $7.90 - NZ Vegetarian Society

Page created by Michael Ruiz
ISSN 1176-9335
WINTER 2021   VOL. 77, NO.4

                              RRP $7.90


                                                                          These last few months           health on page 1. Several new Approved
                                                                          seem to have been a             and Certified products are introduced
                                                                          bit frenetic with people        on pages 6 & 8, and Anna Valentine has
                                                                          seemingly trying to             given us some more delicious recipes to
                                                                          make up for time “lost”         try out (pages 10 & 11).
                                                     last year, but life should never be too busy         The Annual General Meeting of the
                                                     to take time out to investigate links to             NZ Vegetarian Society is coming up
                                                     interesting articles sent in by members.             on August 28 - see page 3. This year
Tofu Sausages. See                                   The Guardian recently ran a piece                    it’s to be held at the EAST Vegetarian
recipe at the bottom of                              about the number of chefs in cafés and               Restaurant which is reviewed on page
this page. For more recipes get a copy of our        restaurants now moving to create vegan
Home-tried Favourites, available for purchase                                                             14. Book your place for a delicious lunch
on our website.
                                                     dishes and ignoring vegetarian dishes for            and hear about what’s been happening
                                                     their menus, most of them aiming to cover            on the veg~n front this past year!
Cover Articles                                       both vegetarians and vegans with the one
                                                                                                          As we head into the depths of Winter,
                                                     option. ......Mind you, the writer of the
P1 | Talia’s story                                                                                        encourage the children/students in your
                                                     article also feels that even though there
                                                                                                          family and neighbourhood to put their
P4–5 | Advocate for animals                          are estimated to be 1.5million vegans in
                                                                                                          thinking caps on and create an entry
P10–11 | Recipes                                     England and over 3million vegetarians,
                                                                                                          for the Think Kind competition. There’s
                                                     instead of comparing the ‘virtues’ of
P16–17 | Think Kind Colouring                                                                             plenty of scope for putting their creative
                                                     veganism and vegetarianism, maybe it
                                                                                                          talents to work and maybe even win
                                                     would be better to concentrate on the
                                                                                                          the top prize for their school – see the
                                                     94% of people who still prefer to eat
                                                                                                          Society’s website
EDITORIAL TEAM                                                                                            nz for more details.
Margaret Johns, Jeanette Blackburn                   Another piece in The Guardian concerned
                                                                                                          Remember, if you’ve ever felt inspired
GRAPHIC DESIGNER Sandi Wilson                        Medical research entitled: “Animals are
PRINTING 3A Copy & Design, Manukau Road,                                                                  to research and write on a topic related
                                                     our overlooked allies in the fight against
Epsom, Auckland                                                                                           to the ethics, economy, humane or
                                                     Covid.” I found this piece quite fascinating
Vegetarian Living NZ is produced and distributed                                                          environmental aspect(s) of veg~nism,
                                                     and very well written. See page 12 for the
by The New Zealand Vegetarian Society Inc.                                                                whether it be serious, informative or
                                                                                                          humorous, (or all three!) write it up and
No statements or opinions in this publication        In our own Vegetarian Living NZ Winter               send it in for consideration. A good
may be construed as policy or as an official
                                                     issue we have a fascinating interview with           occupation to keep out of the wind and
announcement by the Society unless so stated.
We are always happy to receive contributions. All    Deidre Sims (Direct Animal Action and                rain, staying warm and cosy inside.
material undergoes an editing process and we         the NZ Anti-Vivisection Society) (page 4)
cannot guarantee publication.                        and you can read about Talia’s journey to            - MARGARET

Vegetarian Living NZ is published in Spring (Sept-
Nov), Summer (Dec-Feb), Autumn (Mar-May),
Winter (Jun-Aug). Editorial copy and advertising
deadlines are two months prior to publication: 1
July (Spring), 1 October (Summer), 15 January
(Autumn), and 1 April (Winter),
To discuss advertising, contact the National
Vegetarian Centre 09 523 4686 or info@

NZ Vegetarian Society Inc.,
National Executive
                                                        1 onion, grate or chop finely, or cut        1.     Place all ingredients except the rolled
POSTAL PO Box 26 664, Epsom, Auckland 1344
                                                        into quarters first, if using blender               oats into a blender. (Alternatively,
OFFICE 10 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland
PHONE 09 523 4686                                       2 teaspoons savoury yeast                           mash tofu in a bowl and then add
EMAIL                            2 Tablespoons soya sauce                            ingredients as listed). Mix well.                                                                                2. Add in the rolled oats/breadcrumbs.
                                                        2 cloves garlic, crushed
NZ Vegetarian Society                                   2-3 teaspoons oregano                        3. Allow to stand to 30 minutes
Wellington Centre                                                                                       minimum, which helps flavour to
                                                        1 × 300g block soft tofu
PHONE 04 478 4665                                                                                       permeate and the mixture to firm up.
                                                        salt and pepper, to taste
EMAIL              1½ cups rolled oats or breadcrumbs           4. Make into sausage shapes, dip into
wellington-centre/                                                                                      flour and fry over medium heat in
                                                        flour for coating
                                                                                                        frying pan with a little oil.
(Full Directory listing inside back page)               oil for frying


Talia’s journey towards veganism has been
more challenging than most. I’ve known
Talia’s mum, Lorna, since Talia and my older
son were babies and we’ve kept in touch
over the years, watching our children grow
and follow their own paths to adulthood.
About 3 or 4 years ago Lorna and I
resurrected a small group of friends to meet
more regularly and support each other as we      a mastectomy in December 2019. Various fundraisers
headed towards retirement age. The timing        were held for funds to cover treatment and loss of
was fortuitous. By this time, my son had         income, and both Talia and Jesse are enormously
moved to London where he still is, trying to     grateful to both families and all their friends for the
get through UK Covid lockdowns. Talia had        amazing support they received. After the third round
followed her childhood sweetheart, musician      of treatment the couple received positive news that
Jesse, to live in New York where he had a        the tumour is no longer visible, although she has to
record deal and played at festivals such as      take a hormone therapy drug for the next 10 years
Coachella. After 6 years there, they travelled   and is currently receiving Herceptin.
around Mexico, Guatemala and Europe,             As Talia slowly started the road to recovery during       and Talia has since remained
including a trek in Nepal, as Talia’s parents    2020, she became aware that it might help to look         vegan at home, but sometimes
had done over 30 years ago.                      seriously at her diet to see if making any changes        vegetarian when out. She has
                                                 would make her feel better. Going vegetarian had          found that this option is proving
Realising that they wanted life to slow down
                                                 been something she had thought about for years,           more flexible and sustainable for
a bit, Talia and Jesse felt the time was right
                                                 even following a mostly vegetarian diet for 5 years       her and her family.
to start a family, so they returned to New
Zealand before baby Navy was born, Lorna’s       while living in New York, but when she returned to        Being challenged on such an
first grandchild. Our little group shared in     New Zealand she slipped back into her old habits of       important issue by those close to
Lorna’s joy as she was the first to become a     eating meat and fish.                                     her would have made the whole
grandmother. Then suddenly Talia and her         “Going vegetarian/vegan is something that really          process much more difficult, so it’s
family’s world turned upside down. A small       aligns with my values, but I needed some more             been a big relief for Talia to have
lump in her breast, noticed during                        knowledge and tools on how to make the           complete support and acceptance
her pregnancy, was initially                                  change.” And although Talia’s sister has     by both her family and Jesse’s.
dismissed. But 6 weeks                                           been vegan for some years now, she        Her sister is very happy and proud
after Navy was born she                                            had only a minor influence on Talia’s   that she has made these changes
realized it hadn’t gone                                             decision to re-visit vegetarianism,    to a vegetarian/vegan diet, and
away, and decided to tell                                           as Talia recognized that the           although Jesse himself eats meat
her GP.                                                              change needed to come from            when they are out, he also fully
                                                                     within herself.                       supports Talia in her vegan diet at
Talia remembers
                                                                                                           home and accepts the absence of
everything moving very                                               It was going through the cancer       meat and fish in the house. Two-
fast after that visit. An                                           journey, and becoming aware of the     year-old Navy is being brought up
ultrasound turned into                                            impacts of climate change, that made     vegetarian but Talia says “It will be
an urgent mammogram,                                          Talia realise she could no longer ignore     up to him what he decides to do
followed by a biopsy, resulting in                        the obvious need to make that change in          one day…”.
the horrifying news that she had Grade 2         her diet. The final push came from a surprising win
breast cancer and needed to start treatment      in a competition run by the Raglan Food Co, where         It’s hard to know when your baby
immediately. Looking back months later           Talia and her family were sponsored to take up the        is born what kind of journey you
she was grateful for that first six weeks of     challenge to be vegan for a month. She was given          will be taken on. My friend Lorna
breastfeeding, allowing both her and Jesse       the tools and knowledge she felt was lacking, and         and her daughter, Talia, have been
that special bonding with their precious         “became strong enough for us to move out of my            on a more turbulent journey than
baby. Giving up breastfeeding so she             Mum’s house and into our own, which meant I had           most, but it has been my pleasure
could have chemotherapy was probably the         more control over what was and wasn’t in our pantry       to see them work through the
hardest part of the whole process for Talia.     and fridge.”                                              challenges thrown at them, support
                                                                                                           them where I can, and share in the
Friends and family rallied around as Talia       Both Talia and Jesse noticed an improvement in how        joy as they have overcome these
underwent six rounds of chemotherapy, and        they felt over the four weeks in September last year,     obstacles.

                                                                                                                                Vol. 77 No.4 | 1
      Happy winter everyone! Remember            As a vegetarian, I came up against                Now they will need to spend more
      this time last year? That surreal,         protestations and advice from professionals,      time out in the world, without their
      post-lockdown time, where we were          such as doctors, midwives and well-meaning        mother, navigating their own way
      all trying to come to grips with the       nurses on quite a few occasions, telling me it    through the well-meaning advice
      reality of a worldwide pandemic,           wasn’t possible to have a healthy pregnancy       of authority figures, friends and
      while simultaneously realising how         and raise children without consuming meat.        strangers, some of whom won’t
      fortunate we were in New Zealand           At other times, I came up against friends,        understand that it’s OK not to eat
      to be getting it under control. The        colleagues and even strangers offering            meat, and that it’s a choice which
      onset of winter 2020 made things           similar, well-meaning but uninformed, advice.     is nobody’s business but their own.
      a bit more daunting and I’m sure it                                                          I hope I have taught them how to
      was a good reminder for us all to          From the time I became pregnant, through          handle themselves in a polite and
      pay attention to diet and lifestyle        to introducing solid food to the babies and       respectful manner in the face of
      choices, in order to be as robust and      through the first few years of school, there      criticism, and how to be assertive
      healthy as possible in preparation for     were people who questioned whether I was          yet calm when being pressured to
      any hiccups we might have had to           being a responsible parent by allowing my         partake in anything they don’t feel
      face while getting though that winter.     children to go without eating meat. That can      comfortable with, whether it be
                                                 be hard to take.                                  eating meat or taking drugs.
      I’m very grateful my children and I
      generally enjoy very good health and       I don’t have bad feelings towards any of          I hope they continue to grow into
      I certainly empathise with anyone          those people. It’s normal for people to be        intelligent young men who can
      battling with health issues of any         nervous about things they’re not familiar         handle bumps in the road and balls
      kind as winter sets in for 2021.           with. However, it can be quite daunting and       thrown from left field. So far on
                                                 it serves to illustrate some of the types of      their journey of life, I’m proud to say
      At the time of my first column being       things my children will need to deal with as      they’re well on the way to becoming
      published in Vegetarian Living NZ, in      they grow up. I’m sure they will have it easier   great vegetarian men.
      the summer of 2011, my boys were           than I did as a teenager in the 1980s. This
      aged one and three. In the several         millennium seems to be much more familiar
      years previously, I had been through       with plant-based foods and accepting of
      two rounds of IVF, two pregnancies,        people making a variety of choices about
                                                                                                   Tristan Hooker is a full-time writer
      two births and successfully                how to live their lives.
                                                                                                   based in the Waikato. She’s also a card-
      introduced solid food to two healthy                                                         carrying vegetarian and mother to two
      baby boys. My children were very           My children are now 11 and 12. They’re
                                                                                                   bouncing vegetarian sons.
      much wanted and strived for and I          strong, healthy, well-adjusted boys, hurtling
                                                 towards their teenage years, high school          You can see more of Tristan’s work
      worked hard, through determination,                                                          at or follow her on
      research and instinct, to make sure        and everything which comes with the next
                                                                                                   Facebook or Instagram.
      they were getting everything they          stage of life. They have their own identities,
      needed to start them off in life,          they know their own minds and they’re both
      including the correct nutrition.           happy and proud to be lifelong vegetarians.

                                     Sprinkle                               Nothing
                                     on porridge,
                                     salads, soups                          but fruit
                                  HOW TO USE
                                   HEMP HEARTS ...

                                                         Mix into
                                                       dips, pesto
                                                      or hummus

  CARBS                             ... or simply enjoy as a
                      Blend             ‘Ready-to-Eat Snack’!
                  to make milks
  *Based on a
   30g serving.     & smoothies        HE M P FA RM .CO. NZ


                      28 August 2021 - 12.30pm
                                                                                                As a special bonus we can offer a discount
                                                                                                of $30pp to the first 15 people to book in.
We have organised a special deal             Come and find out what the Vegetarian
                                                                                                We look forward to seeing you there!
for this year’s AGM which will be            Society has been doing over the last 12
held at EAST RESTAURANT,                     months, and our exciting plans for the             Contact for booking
one of Auckland’s newest plant-              future, over a 4-course vegan lunch for            details.
based eateries.                              just $60pp.                                        M JOHNS, SECRETARY, NZVS

Many thanks & farewell
                                                                                                       Bachelor of Communications from AUT
                                                                                                       University in 2011, she returned to London
                                                                                                       to travel and work, before coming back
                                                                                                       to NZ to live. She adopted a vegan diet
We bade farewell to Philip                                  I’m sure you will still see articles
                                                                                                       4 years ago, after being inspired by the
McKibbin mid-March and were                                 in the press from him, and even
                                                                                                       positive health impacts she had seen and
very sorry that Philip decided                              new books in the bookstores about
                                                                                                       heard first-hand from friends. After doing
to leave his role as trademark                              his passions – being vegan and
                                                                                                       some research of her own, she discovered
manager after two years with                                promoting Maori language. We
                                                                                                       the many other reasons to transition to a
us. However he is following his                             wish him the best with all his future
                                                                                                       plant-based diet.
passion and undertaking a PhD                               endeavours.
in Human-Animal Studies, studying                                                                      Charlotte really enjoyed the role of Trade
                                                            Charlotte Besant, took
remotely with Sydney University on a full scholarship.                                                 Manager and was looking forward to
                                                            over from Philip
                                                                                                       expanding the role and the number of
Philip was a valuable member of our NZVS team and           as Trademark
                                                                                                        certified products, but sadly received
helped grow the trademark programme, implementing           Manager between
                                                                                                        some news in May that means she has to
much needed structure and processes. He also did            February and
                                                                                                        travel back to the UK to be with family. It
wonderful work for the Society in the media, raising        June this year.
                                                                                                       is with much sympathy and regret that we
the its profile in both print and electronically.
                                                            Born and raised                            say farewell to Charlotte for the time being
He also contributed at an executive level and we really     in England, Charlotte                      and wish her well.
appreciated his insights into strategic goals for the       moved to New Zealand with her
society.                                                    family in 2003. After receiving a          - JULIA CLEMENTS, PRESIDENT NZVS

                                                                                                                     FOR YOUR SCHOOL
                                                                                                                      AND ONE OF THE
                                                                                                                      10 PRIZE PACKS!
              MAR - 16 AUG 2021
                                  YEARS 0 - 13
                                                                                        WRITE         DRAW                CREATE OR
                                                                              START SOMETHING TO HELP THE ANIMALS

         TO ENTER OR FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUT                                                      OPEN TO YEAR 0 - 13 STUDENTS. FREE ENTRY.

         WWW.VEGETARIAN.ORG.NZ                                                           Entries close 16 August 2021. Overall winner announced
                                                                                                       on 1 October 2021 (World Vegetarian Day)

                                                                                                                                     Vol. 77 No.4 | 3
    Animals                                                            MAJA SKILLING


I recently had the opportunity to talk to       centered around working with local
Deirdre Sims, an inspiring animal activist      communities to help them effectively oppose      4. As someone who has come face
here in Aotearoa, involved in both the          new factory farms being built in their areas.    to face with the worst of animal
grassroots activism organisation Direct         This work sees us team up with unlikely allies   suffering, could you describe
                                                                                                 some of the harrowing and painful
Animal Action (DAA) and the New Zealand         like rural people, sometimes farmers, and
                                                                                                 things that you have encountered?
Anti Vivisection Society (NZAVS), and asked     local iwi, to oppose mega-corporations like      What kind of emotions did you feel
her what inspired her to campaign tirelessly    Tegel and Mainland Poultry. The locals fight     upon these encounters?
for a better world for animals.                 through the system (council submissions
                                                                                                 My animal activism over the last 20 years has
                                                and hearings, Environment Court) and we
                                                                                                 taken me inside many factory farms (pigs,
1. What was the catalyst that                   support them through petitions, protests,
brought about your passion for                                                                   meat and egg chickens) and even inside
                                                media commentary and farm investigations.
animal activism?                                                                                 slaughterhouses.
                                                I’m also the Chair of the NZAVS (New
I grew up eating meat, but I’d always                                                            When I am inside these places, I am there
                                                Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society) Committee
considered myself an animal lover. One day                                                       for a purpose: to film and photograph what
                                                Board. I work with other board members and
I asked myself “What makes a vegetarian a                                                        these animals are subjected to and to then
                                                Executive Director Tara Jackson to achieve
better animal lover than me?” I started doing                                                    show this to the people of New Zealand so
                                                the best outcomes for NZAVS, which is the
some research and came across a book                                                             that public pressure for change will make
                                                only organisation in Aotearoa solely focused
called ‘Old MacDonald’s Factory Farm’. I                                                         decision makers take action.
                                                on ending animal experimentation in our
read the book from cover to cover in a single   country.                                         While I am filming and taking photos, I
day and by the end of that day, I no longer                                                      feel very business-like. I am there with a
ate animals. At that time, I honestly had no    3. What are some of the projects                 purpose that will ultimately help animals if I
idea that factory farms existed or that cows    you have been involved in over the               am successful. It’s not until afterwards, that
were repeatedly artificially inseminated to     years?                                           what I’ve witnessed really starts to sink in,
increase milk production. That was about 20                                                      especially if I look at the photos I’ve taken
                                                One of the most memorable projects I’ve
years ago now!                                                                                   or at the footage I’ve filmed. I think the
                                                been involved with as part of my work with
                                                DAA, was a campaign called Stop Craddock         reason I don’t like looking at the photos or
2. Tell us about the organisations              Farms. In this campaign I worked alongside       footage I’ve obtained inside these places, is
that you are a part of, and the type                                                             that while filming I’m being proactive about
                                                a local woman called Peta, from the small
of work this leads you to do.                                                                    something very important to me but looking
                                                village of Patumahoe. A company called
The main animal activist organisation I         Craddock Farms was trying to build what          at the footage makes me feel helpless which
am involved with is Direct Animal Action        would have been the biggest colony cage          is harder to cope with.
(DAA). DAA is a grassroots animal activist      egg farm in Aotearoa just over the fence from
organisation that was started in 2015 by a      Peta’s backyard!                                 5. I remember meeting a rescued
small group of women, including myself.                                                          meat chicken called Peep at the
                                                Peta reached out for help because she            animal sanctuary when I was 13. Her
It’s an all-volunteer group that survives on
donations from people who support our
                                                knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night      story served as a huge inspiration
                                                if 300,000 egg laying hens were confined         for me, and ever since she has been
work, and our main campaigns call for
                                                to cages just over the fence from her. Peta      my driving force for caring about
legislative change to end rodeo and factory                                                      animals and campaigning for their
                                                fought Craddock Farms through Auckland
farming in Aotearoa.                                                                             rights. Is there a particular animal
                                                Council and then through the Environment
We have run well-attended peaceful protests
                                                                                                 that you have got to know during
                                                Court. DAA and I supported her with a            your time as an activist that has
outside the Warkworth, Mid-Northern and         10,000-signature petition, many peaceful         done the same for you?
Waikato rodeos for the last six years. These    protests and lots of media coverage.
protests generate a lot of media coverage                                                        Lovely to hear you mention Peep! Peep
                                                The campaign ran for about 2 years but           was actually rescued by myself and some
which helps to stir up public debate about
                                                in the end we were successful. With the          other DAA members from a Tegel meat
the use of animals in rodeo. We’ve also
                                                combined effort of Peta and DAA, the             chicken farm during one of our campaigns
spoken directly with a number of local and
                                                Environment Court ruled that Craddock            to stop Tegel building a mega-farm north
central government politicians urging their
                                                Farms could not build their farm!                of Auckland. The farm they wanted to build
support for a ban on rodeo.
                                                                                                 would have held over 1 million meat chickens
Our factory farming campaigns are largely
                                                                                                 at a time and the local community was very

Above: Protesting Craddock                                                                             Above: Protesting Tegel

                                                                                                       Animal issues have become very popular in
opposed to it. We went to an existing
                                                                                                       the media and the public reacts more and
Tegel farm to get footage to show the
                                                                                                       more against the ill-treatment of animals.
public the horrendous conditions for
                                                                                                       I’ve seen some things banned in my time
the chickens. While we were there,
                                                                                                       like battery cages for egg laying hens, exotic
we saw Peep. She was smaller
                                                                                                       animals in circuses and sow stalls for pigs.
than the other chickens and had a
                                                                                                       However, our animal welfare legislation still
number of red, open wounds from
                                                                                                       does not protect animals anywhere near the
where the other chickens had been
                                                                                                       way it should. Luckily, we have many great
attacking her. We knew if we left her,
                                                                                                       organisations in Aotearoa that are continually
she would die. So, we felt we had no
                                                                                                       campaigning for animals, including the New
choice but to take her home with us. We
                                                                                                       Zealand Animal Law Association, and which
took Peep to an after-hours vet that night,
                                                                                                       are really pushing hard for improvements to
who gave her medication and stitched up her
                                                                                                       legislation for animals.
wounds. The next day, we spoke with some
                                                      Above: Peep when she was found
friends of ours at a sanctuary who offered                                                             There’s also been a massive shift in public
to take Peep into their care. Peep had a                                                               awareness around veganism / plant-based
wonderful life at the sanctuary for a few          boyfriend, friends, and family. Over my             diets. When I first went vegan many years
weeks. But unfortunately, her wounds had a         years of activism, I’ve found that it’s really      ago, there were hardly any vegan options
deep infection which wasn’t picked up by the       important to have balance in my life to             and it was much harder! Now there are
vet. The infection eventually overwhelmed          ensure that my activism is sustainable and          vegan options almost everywhere you
her, and she passed away. We were all very         that I don’t burn out. Burnt out, I will be of no   go, and more people are very open to
sad and angry at Peep’s death – we were            use to the animals!                                 trying vegan or plant-based diets. A lot
angry at Tegel for the suffering they inflict on                                                       of this has come from increased public
                                                   The parts of activism that refresh me are
millions of chickens just like Peep every day.                                                         awareness around environmental and climate
                                                   working with other activists who’ve become
The day we found out that Peep had died,                                                               change issues – we know what a toll meat
                                                   great friends, doing creative things like
we had already planned a big protest outside                                                           production and agriculture takes on the
                                                   painting placards and banners for our
Tegel’s head office. We felt very emotional                                                            climate. But there is definitely also a growing
                                                   rodeo protests, having meetings where we
at the protest and dedicated it to Peep. A                                                             consumer demand for cruelty-free, kinder
                                                   feel really productive and come up with
couple of weeks after that, we got news that                                                           food options.
                                                   great ideas for campaigns and the feeling
the Government had intervened and told                                                                 In another 20 years, hopefully all the work
                                                   of satisfaction when we’ve successfully
Tegel they were not allowed to build the                                                               going on for animals means that animal
                                                   achieved great things together as a team.
farm. A victory we again dedicated to Peep.                                                            abuse will have come to an end, and we’ll be
                                                   7. Lastly, as someone who is                        living in a plant-based, cruelty-free, vegan
6. How do you stay positive in                     incredibly well-versed in the NZ                    world. That’s the goal!
the face of all the difficult and                  animal rights movement, do you
negative emotions you must feel                    feel as though we are progressing
having seen what you have? Are                     as a nation in terms of how we
there parts of being an activist                   treat our animals and the level of                  Maja is 16 years old, became a vegan when she
that refresh you and make you feel                 awareness amongst consumers of                      was ten and has been campaigning for animal
happy/hopeful?                                                                                         rights ever since. She writes regular articles
                                                   factory farming/animal testing?
                                                                                                       about animal activism on her blog
I stay positive by making sure I have things       Do you feel as though the younger
                                                   generation has more empathy for
in my life that bring me joy and take my                                                               and promotes a veg~n lifestyle on her instagram
                                                   animals who are exploited?
mind off the horrendous things that happen                                                             page @majakir_
to animals. I enjoy spending time with my          Since I first got involved around 20 years
two dogs, Poppy and Kowhai, and my pet             ago, I have seen progress in terms of the
possum, Daisy. I like cooking, gardening,          amount of public awareness about issues
reading books and doing Muay Thai boxing           like factory farming, rodeo, the dairy industry
for exercise. I spend quality time with my         and live export to give a few examples.

                                                                                                                                      Vol. 77 No.4 | 5


They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.      While the recipe is simple the concept is        A natural alternative to most snacking
                                                       thoughtful.                                      options in the market, Annies is free of
For Marlborough based fruit snacks company
                                                                                                        preservatives, concentrates, colouring,
Annies, the opposite applies.                          The process is by hand and products
                                                                                                        added flavours and are allergen friendly.
                                                       made by a team of passionate people
With the entire ingredients list revealed in                                                            What you see is what you get. The entire
                                                       based out of their Marlborough factory. As
the names of most of their products, take for                                                           range is certified vegan and vegetarian by
                                                       part of their sustainability focus, Annies
example Apple & Boysenberry Fruit Bar, they                                                             the NZ Vegetarian Society.
                                                       fruit pulp base is made from New Zealand
invite you to judge away.
                                                       apples that wouldn’t have made it onto           The fact they also keep for up to 24
Like the very first bar made in 1986, each             a supermarket shelf as a whole fruit. All        months is a bonus and makes them
product in the Annies Fruit Snack range is             Annies fruit snacks have an apple base           an ideal pantry staple. Ready for any
made with just two to three fruit ingredients.         (approximately 80%) that is mixed with           lunchbox, handbag or activity where you
They are made by taking whole fruit, pulping it,       another fruit, such as boysenberries from        need a sustained energy boost.
then airdrying it. It’s as simple as that. It’s just   Nelson, to give it its unique flavour. There
                                                                                                        Discover their range at or
100% air-dried fruit goodness.                         is nothing else added.
                                                                                                        at your local supermarket or favourite
                                                                                                        produce shop.
   +64 3 520 9236    

                                                                                                       as whey and pea.
                                                                                                       This is due to hemp
                                                                                                       protein containing
                                                                                                                                   NEW VEGAN
                                                                                                       two important               CERTIFIED
                                                                                                       components - albumin         PRODUCT
Dave & Anne Jordan are change-                                                                         and edestin, which
makers and the inspiring, farsighted                                                                   the body digests and
founders of Hemp Farm. Their                                                                           utilizes easily.
mission is to create a pristine
                                                                                                       Hemp foods are easy to incorporate into
environment for the health and
                                                                                                       any healthy diet and lifestyle. Simply
wellbeing of all life - a lofty vision,
                                                                                                       sprinkle the deliciously nutty hemp hearts
which they are well on their way to
                                                                                                       onto food, blend them and hemp protein
realizing, as they harvested 1,200ha
                                                                                                       powder into smoothies and baking, and
of hemp crops last year. As with all
                                                                                                       drizzle hemp seed oil over food or use as
great visions, it began with a handful
                                                                                                       a dipping oil..
of seeds and a lot of determination.
                                                             ratio of essential fatty acids, omega     Hemp Farm is on continual journey to
The hemp seed foods that they
                                                             3, 6 and 9, including GLA. Many           supply you with the freshest and best
produce have an outstanding
                                                             people who consume this nutrient          hemp products, that are delicious,
nutritional profile. Hemp hearts,
                                                             rich oil report finding relief from       nutritious, chemical-free and that care
the seeds with the shell removed,
                                                             painful joint conditions, such as         for you, your family and the precious
contain a complete protein and all
                                                             arthritis. Others who suffer from         environment. Its parent company,
essential amino acids, which is rare
                                                             skin ailments, like eczema and            Hemp NZ Ltd works passionately with
in the plant world. They also contain
                                                             psoriasis, find it greatly improves       individuals, industries, universities, and
an array of vitamins and minerals,
                                                             their skin health.                        businesses to grow, process and utilize
including magnesium and of course
                                                                                                       hemp in everyday products, ranging from
an optimal balance of omega fatty                            Hemp’s superior plant protein does
                                                                                                       superior hemp foods to fibre for building,
acids.                                                       not upset the digestive system,
                                                                                                       insulation, plastics and many items that
                                                             unlike other isolated proteins, such
Hemp seed oil is a wonderful                                                                           we rely on so heavily today.
drizzling oil which contains a perfect
                                                                      07 560 1020      
It’s been fantastic to see recently how many NZ companies are          The Baker’s Son are making all of our vegan dreams come true
launching new vegan and vegetarian products. The trademark             and have released a 750g family size Vegan Mince & Cheddar pie!
programmes are becoming increasingly popular, with some really         Not only this, but you can now try out their tasty new flavour, Vegan
big NZ brands with products currently under review. (Watch this        Buttery Chick’n pie, which is available now in supermarkets.

Among the new certified products, we have Annies new range of
delicious fruit bars. Annies fruit snacks are gluten-free, vegan and   There’s a new and delicious plant-based protein powder on the
allergen-friendly. They use honest and wholesome ingredients so        scene, courtesy of Everyday Warrrior. Vegan Certified and
you can feel good about what you’re eating. Vegan Certified and                                available from their online store, you can
Vegetarian Approved and available in supermarkets.                                             enjoy three flavours - Vanilla, Chocolate,
                                                                                               or Kiwifruit & Apple. They have an amazing
                                                                                               offer for 30% off, which is available now if
         HempFarm NZ have two new nutrient-                                                    you buy through their website.
         rich products Vegan Certified - Kiwi
         Hemp Seed Oil & Kiwi Hemp Hearts.
         Creamy, nutty and delicious – these                           Lastly, congratulations are in order to Angel
         are literally a taste explosion! They are                     Foods. They took out first place in the recent
         packed full of goodness and can be used                       Vegan Society dairy-free awards
         to incorporate more sustainable protein                       for their cream cheese and cheddar
         sources into your diet. They are available in                 alternative – both vegan certified and
         health stores and online.                                     available in your local supermarket!

Babich Wines is the oldest family                                      You’ll find the full list of Vegan Certified and Vegetarian Society
owned wine company in New Zealand                                      Approved products at the end of the magazine, and you can stay
and they now have a newly Vegan                                        up-to-date by liking our Facebook page.
Certified Black Label Pinot Gris. It                                   Have you found a product that’s ‘accidentally vegan’? Why not
is 100% estate grown and has been                                      email the producer and ask if they’ve considered getting it Vegan
developed to complement food with its                                  Certified? We can help them spread the word! Alternatively, flick me
dry, rich and full bodied style. This wine is part of their            a message, at, and I’ll get in touch
large range of vegan wines that are already certified.                 with them.

                               Located in the
                               Waihopai Valley of Marlborough,
                               Marisco Vineyards have a near
                               perfect environment for producing
                               outstanding wines. Fourteen of their
                               wines from renowned brands such
                               as The Ned, Leefield Station and The
                               Kings Series, have now been Vegan
                               Certified, so you will be able to get
                               your hands on the perfect bottle to
                               accompany any occasion!

                                                                                                                             Vol. 77 No.4 | 7

As a former soldier I understand the meaning
of supreme performance as our ancestors did.
After watching a television advertisement on
protein powders some years ago (and curious
by nature) I embarked on a five year journey
to develop and deliver a top natural (science
backed) protein powder.
Everyday Plant based Nutrition was born.
We champion Compassion, Sustainability, Plant
based eating ...and at Everyday Warrior we are
all (Avid) animal lovers - that's how i got Chico.
Everyday Warrior is proud to be Vegan certified.
To mark this special occasion we are offering
a 30% discount offer for the duration this
Oh yes that my "bestie" Chico (he's a rescue           
dog) he's head of security...(when he's awake).

                                                                                                     OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING TO MAKE

       CORNER                                                                                       THE WORLD A KINDER HEALTHIER PLACE

The Go Green Expo was enjoyed
by our volunteers and seemed to
be better attended as well.

This came in on my email the other day and I felt it was worth sharing as part of our Kindness Corner – ED.

I came across the little saying below             Will this thought help me evolve and thrive         If everything is roses in your life right now, it
yesterday and felt called to share it.            or will it hinder me?                               doesn’t mean your inner gardening is done. On
                                                                                                      the other hand, if you’re going through a rough
“Your mind is a garden, your thoughts             If it passes this simple litmus test, we
                                                                                                      patch today, don’t think it’s too late to start
are the seeds, the harvest can either be          nourish it. If it is toxic or doesn’t serve our
                                                                                                      planting new seeds.
flowers or weeds.”                                highest ideals, we know it’s time to set up
                                                  spiritual shop and trace it down to its roots       We humans tend to get “spiritual” in a hurry
Our thoughts often pass behind our eyelids
                                                  for further exploration and healing work.           when big life challenges arise, but when the
without much investigation into their origin --
                                                                                                      rain clouds part, we forget to continue our
as though these assemblages of information        “Spiritual life is a lot like gardening. We
                                                                                                      higher practices. What we often forget is that
are out of our control, a simple reaction to      till and cultivate the garden of our heart,
                                                                                                      the deep work we did in the hard times is what
something we just witnessed.                      planting seeds of presence, openness
                                                                                                      sprouted the happy times we’re now enjoying.
                                                  and the ability to respect whatever
But are they really so untamable?
                                                  arises. We water each one so the things             A parting question: Looking within at your
In Eastern religions, particularly Tibetan        which are beautiful in us can blossom.” -           own inner garden, where is there a seedling of
Buddhism, there is a notion of cultivating        Jack Kornfield                                      potential waiting to be watered? Are there any
spaciousness or breathing room between                                                                “weeds” just waiting to be compassionately
                                                  Master gardeners and small farmers
our inner world and any events that are                                                               released back into the ether?”
                                                  never stop minding their soil, even in
transpiring around us. It takes a little
                                                  times of abundance when the plants are
practice, but if we learn to hold space for                                                           NICK POLIZZI
                                                  flourishing. In order to create a healthy
whatever the “outer us” is experiencing, we                                                           Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed
                                                  ecosystem, they must be aware of the
can begin to examine the thoughts, beliefs                                                            By Science & Founder of The Sacred Science
                                                  natural rhythms and character of their
and patterns that are running through our
                                                  particular plot.

     Are you inadvertently funding animal abuse with your KiwiSaver?
     Many KiwiSaver plans invest in unethical companies. Luckily, there is
     a good option: CareSaver! CareSaver is issued by Pathfinder, whose
     animal welfare policies are the strongest of any KiwiSaver providers.
     What’s more, despite the financial disruption from coronavirus,
     CareSaver’s Growth and Balanced funds were over 5% ahead of the
     average KiwiSaver in the first quarter of 2020.

     IT’S EASY          All you have to do is to fill out a simple online form.
     TO SWITCH          Visit where you will find a
                        copy of the CareSaver product disclosure statement
                        as well as their ‘people, planet, principles and profit’
                        approach. Please nominate the NZ Vegetarian
                        Society as your chosen charity if you switch to
                        CareSaver so we can get a donation.

                                                                                                                                       Vol. 77 No.4 | 9
Anna Valentine has generously shared some of
                                                                                        her delicious winter recipes with us. See Anna’s
                                                                                        website for information
                                                                                        about classes and more recipes.

                                                                                                                1 parsnip, grated
                                                                                                                1 apple, grated
                                                                                                                juice of 1 lime
                                                                                                                2 stems fresh parsley, finely chopped
                                                                                                                ½ cup onion weed, dandelion, chicory or
                                                                                                                plantain leaves, finely chopped (optional)
                      MA ES
                                                                                                                2 gherkins, diced

   VEGAN &           4-6                                                                                        1 Tbsp capers (optional)
  GLUTEN-F            SE
                           RVES                                                                                 3 Tbsp raisins or cranberries
                                                                                                                ½ tsp Himalayan pink salt
                                                                                                                2. Toss together and leave to marinate for
WINTER SLAW                                                       1. Gather your ingredients and prepare
                                                                     the following into a large salad bowl:
                                                                                                                   30 minutes. Then add:
                                                                                                                ½ cup homemade mayonnaise
I love winter vegetables in salads, they are                      ¼ red cabbage, finely sliced
                                                                                                                ½ cup pumpkin and sunflower seeds
crunchy, juicy and delicious! And a great source                  1 cup silverbeet or kale, finely sliced
of nutrients in the winter time, I very rarely peel                                                             a few cracks of black pepper
                                                                  (approximately 4-5 leaves and stems)
vegetables as the nutrients are usually found in or                                                             3. Toss everything together well and
                                                                  4-5 florets cauliflower or broccoli, finely
just under the skin so I give them a quick scrub to                                                                serve, garnish with pretty little oxalis
clean off any dirt. Utilising the wild weeds in the                                                                leaves if you like. Store leftovers in a
garden is empowering and free so I have added                     1 celery stick, finely sliced
                                                                                                                   jar in the fridge for 3-4 days, I find that
some options for those who would like to add                      1 carrot, grated                                 slaws have a great shelf life in the fridge
these to the salad for extra nutrition and flavour.                                                                unlike other dressed salads.

HOMEMADE                                  M
                                                   ES 1
                                                          x                                                     MANUKA YOGHURT
MAYONNAISE                            450ml                           VEGAN &
                                                                                                                1. Pour boiling water into a small heatproof
                                                                                                                   bowl until one-third full. You want to heat
                                               JA R
                                                                                                                   the bowl so the honey will melt in it, so
                                                                                                                   leave the water in for 30 seconds then
Making your own mayo means there are                      3. Slowly add the following oil 50ml at a                tip it out. Quickly add:
no added nasties and it tastes better too.                   time:
                                                                                                                1 Tbsp manuka honey or maple syrup
I’ve added an option for using aquafaba                   250ml rice bran oil
instead of egg yolks in the recipe.                                                                             1 tsp vanilla paste
                                                          100ml olive oil
Aquafaba is the liquid that beans are                                                                           2. Stir together well. Then add:
cooked in and most commonly used is                       4. When you’ve added about half of the
                                                                                                                1 cup (250g) thick plain yoghurt, dairy or
chickpea liquid, however any bean liquid                     oil, add:
can be used this way.                                     1 Tbsp white or white wine vinegar
                                                                                                                3. Stir and fold together. To garnish the
I use a mini food processor to make                       1 clove garlic, crushed if whisking                      Cake, prepare the following into a bowl:
this. If you’re doing it by hand, use a
                                                          5. Whisk or whizz in well, then continue to           2 oranges, peeled and sliced
big flattish bowl and put a damp cloth
                                                             add the oil gradually.                             ¼ cup hazelnuts, halved
underneath so it doesn’t skate around.
                                                          6. Lastly, add:                                       ¼ cup almonds, halved
1. Add to the food processor or bowl:
                                                          zest and juice 1 lemon (add half a lemon              2 sprigs of fresh mint, leaves only
2 egg yolks                                               at a time and test for acidity before
OR                                                        adding the rest)                                      4. Mix together and spoon into the center
120ml aquafaba                                                                                                     of the cake then drizzle with:
                                                          ½ tsp Himalayan sea salt
1 Tbsp stoneground mustard                                                                                      2 Tbsp runny honey or coconut nectar
                                                          a few cracks of black pepper
1 tsp unrefined cane sugar                                                                                      Serve with a good dollop of yoghurt per
                                                          Scrape into a jar and keep refrigerated.
2. Whisk or whizz together until pale and                                                                       serve.
                                                          Homemade mayo keeps in the fridge well
                                                          for a couple of weeks, as long as you use
                                                          a clean spoon every time you open it.

This makes a pretty pink risotto          2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil (or ¼ cup
and is a great one-pot meal for a         for dairy-free version)
weeknight when time is tight. It is       2 Tbsp butter
definitely one of my ‘go to’ meals
                                          3. Melt the butter. Add the prepared
and is super versatile flavor-wise.
                                             shallot, garlic, celery and
Grating the beetroot and pumpkin             rosemary. Fry for a couple of
makes them melt into the dish                minutes, then add:
while cooking and the pumpkin
                                          1½ cup (300g) risotto rice (arborio)
gives a lovely creamy quality to the
risotto. Constant stirring is the key     4. Continue to fry until the grains are
to achieving a really creamy risotto         coated and toasted. Add:
also, as it releases the starch from      100ml Marsala or sweet white wine
the rice.                                 or lemon juice with a pinch of sugar
                                          5. Stir through, then add the grated
1. Gather your ingredients. Prepare
                                             pumpkin and beetroot. Next make                                                        K
                                                                                                                                  MA ES
   the following vegetables:
                                             some stock:                                                                                       VEGAN &
2 shallots or 1 red onion, finely
                                          1.2 L hot water, whey or liquid                                                         4-6         GLUTEN-F
                                          vegetable stock (omit powder if                                                         SE
2 cloves garlic, crushed                  using)
2 stick celery,                           1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder
                                                                                    ½ cup tasty cheese or vegan alternative, grated
1 small stick fresh rosemary,             6. In another pot, stir the bouillon
                                                                                    ½ cup Parmesan cheese or a plant-based alternative, grated
leaves roughly chopped                       into the hot water or whey to
                                                                                    (save some for serving)
¼ pumpkin, skin and seeds                    make stock. Add the stock to
                                             the rice half a cup at a time,         1 tsp salt
removed, grated
                                             constantly stirring. Add the pitted    ½ tsp cracked black pepper
2 beetroot, scrubbed and grated              olives towards the end of cooking.
                                                                                    Stir through and serve with a beetroot tops and rocket salad
¼ cup olives, pitted                      7. Test your rice is done; it should be   drizzled with balsamic reduction, extra virgin olive oil, salt and
2. Put a large pot on the heat and           just cooked with a little bite. Add    pepper.
   add:                                      the chopped celery leaves and:

This is like a pudding cake – dense,            5. Pull the oranges apart and remove
moist and absolutely delicious. It also            any pips. Put the oranges in a
happens to be one of my all-time                   food processor and blitz until very
favourite cakes! A mini food processor             smooth.
is the best way to achieve a nice fine-         6. Measure the following into a large
breadcrumb texture for the hazelnuts.              bowl:
1. Add to a large pot:                          250g unrefined sugar
                                                                                                                       ES 1
2 oranges                                       4 eggs                                                            AK          x
                                                                                                                                                VEGAN &
                                                                                                              26cm                                      REE
enough water to cover completely.
                                                2 Tbsp ground flaxseed mixed with                                                              GLUTEN-F
2. Cover with a lid, bring to the boil,         ¼ cup orange cooking water and
   then turn down to simmer for                 leave to absorb for 10 minutes
   approximately one hour, until the
                                                ½ cup brown rice flour
   oranges are soft. 3.
                                                7. Whisk together well. Add the                 2 Tbsp baking powder
3. Drain (reserve ¼ cup of the water
                                                   orange purée and:
   if you are making the egg-free                                                               8. Using a whisk, mix everything together well then
   version) and leave to cool for 10            2 cup ground almonds                               scrape into the prepared tin. Bake for 50-60
   minutes.                                                                                        minutes; the cake is ready when you test it with a
                                                ½ cup hazelnuts, ground in the food
4. Preheat the oven to 160°C and line           processor until fine-breadcrumb                    skewer and it comes out clean. Cool in the tin for
   a 26cm cake tin.                             texture                                            10 minutes, then take the cake out of the tin and
                                                                                                   cool completely on a rack.

THE VEGGIE TREE - Winter Schedule:

1. Pot Sticker Dumplings from Scratch - Sunday        4. Eat a Rainbow Kids Class Cauliflower            6. Master Pasta - Sunday 8th August
    27th June 3 - 5pm                                     Macaroni Cheese - Thursday 22nd July                    3-5pm
2. Sushi Skills - Sunday 4th July 3-5pm                   11-1pm                                         7.        Sourdough and Easy Cheese Workshop
3. Indian Thali Cooking Class and Meal - Sunday       5. Specialty Cakes and Decorating Workshop -                 - Sunday 29th August 3-5pm
    11th July 1-5pm                                       Sunday 1st August 2-5pm

                                                                                                                                               Vol. 77 No.4 | 11
BY SEA                                           Sunfed Meats, the company that put
On 14 April 2021, Minister of Agriculture        chicken-free chicken on Kiwi dinner plates
Damien O’Connor announced a ban on the           launched its Bull Free Beef, made from           CARBON NEUTRAL FARMS
export of live animals by sea. The trade         vegetables and cocoa butter, mid-May             Lake Hawea Station, northeast of Wanaka,
will be phased out over the next two years.      this year. Yellow pea protein was used for       has been officially recognised as New
SAFE is delighted to see the New Zealand         its meaty texture, while beetroot provided       Zealand’s first certified carbon zero
Government taking animal welfare seriously,      blood-like juiciness, and Rainforest Alliance    farm. After two years of work to improve
and for taking this world-leading step           certified cocoa butter gave a fatty feel.        its emissions profile without reducing its
forward for animals.                                                                              income, the high country station has had its
                                                 Sunfed founder and chief executive, Shama
While this is a historic development, the ban    Sukul Lee, said the Auckland-based               carbon footprint signed off by environmental
only applies to animals exported by sea.         business wanted to offer consumers more          certification provider Toitu Envirocare.
Tens of thousands of animals will continue       choice and create a new protein industry for     Close to 1800 tonnes (71 per cent) of CO2-
to suffer for the next two years during the      farmers, while being kinder to the planet.       equivalent emissions from Lake Hawea
phase-out period, as well as the animals who     Sunfed launched six years ago with a single      Station are due to methane from sheep and
continue to be exported by air.                  product – Chicken Free Chicken – which had       beef.
                                                 proven there was a good market for “meat
Contact SAFE or the SPCA to add your voice                                                        On the other side of the carbon ledger,
                                                 analogues. It’s second product, Boar Free
to an immediate ban rather than a two-year                                                        the farm locked up 3966 tonnes of carbon
                                                 Bacon followed last year.
phase in!                                                                                         through extensive tree planting and areas of
                                                 Because the yellow peas used in Sunfed           regenerating bush.
INCENTIVE PAYMENTS                               products regenerated the soil they grew in,
                                                                                                  In time the Rosses hope to add value
                                                 all three had a lighter footprint than animal
Fonterra is introducing incentive payments                                                        through their soil, from their recent
                                                 proteins, Shama Sukul Lee said.
for farmers who meet its sustainability goals,                                                    regenerative farming initiatives and the
and pledging to move quicker to replace coal     The pea plants were nitrogen-fixing, taking      ability tussock has in the alpine country to
boilers at its factories in a raft of measures   nitrogen from the air and converting it to       sequester carbon.
to help the country meet its zero emissions      nitrogen compounds, which helps plants
                                                                                                  They are also looking to reduce methane
goal by 2050.                                    grow.
                                                                                                  emissions through genetics, regenerative
“We are deeply cognisant that our business       “If we have a crop that we are using for food    farming and possibly seaweed.
produces 20 per cent of New Zealand’s            that is actually good for the soils it’s grown
                                                                                                  Their ultimate goal is to be 10 times carbon
greenhouse gas emissions,” Fonterra said         in, and the rivers, that’s a win-win any way
                                                                                                  positive, sequestering 10 times as much
in its submission to the Climate Change          you look at it.”
                                                                                                  carbon as they emit.
Commission’s draft report on reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Some 90 per         Toitu’s farm certification programme is New
cent of those emissions are generated by its     chicken-free-chicken-anyone--the-meat-           Zealand’s first carbon certification designed
                                                 alternative-made-in-new-zealand                  specifically for farms.
farmers, 9 per cent from manufacturing and
1 per cent from transport.                                                                        Steve Dixon, Toitu partnerships and strategy
From June, the dairy cooperative will reward                                                      general manager, said the organisation was
                                                 THE ROLE OF ANIMALS IN THE
its farmers who meet sustainability and milk                                                      adding farm certification to the mix after
                                                 DEVELOPMENT OF VACCINES
quality measures, with 10 cents of each                                                           working with some of New Zealand’s largest
farm’s milk payment a kilogram at stake.         ON May 17, 2021 The Guardian ran an              businesses.
Dairy companies Synlait and Miraka already       Opinion piece on Medical research by
                                                                                                  “Agriculture represents some 40 per cent
operate schemes giving farmers extra             Melanie Challenger titled Animals are our
                                                                                                  of our land mass and close to 80 per cent
payments for meeting criteria.                   overlooked allies in the fight against Covid.
                                                                                                  of our exports. So, to know the footprint of
                                                 Well worth reading, it certainly contains
“The new payment recognises farmers                                                               this sector and provide it with a competitive
                                                 much thought-provoking information. Check
who are already going above and beyond                                                            advantage will be a real asset to the
                                                 out the link below if you’d like to read it.
because they’ve innovated and invested                                                            agricultural sector and our economy.”
early, and it also offers farmers more 
encouragement for taking the steps required      may/17/animals-overlooked-allies-fight-
to meet the changing expectations of             against-covid-vaccines?
customers and communities,” Fonterra said.
31 March 2021



Help us strive for a sustainable future
Do you agree that we all need to eat more

If so, NZ farmers need to grow more plants:

Help them to do this by calling on the
government to make it easy for our farmers to
diversify and transition towards plant-based
farming. We want them to set up think tanks,
to help farmers find the best crops for their
land, They need support to change the way
they farm. Doing the same as usual is no longer
possible if the human population is to survive.
We need to change the way we do things and
what we farm is a vital part of that.

  e a d a n d s ig n o  u r petition here:
R                                   z /p /diversify
               s ta ti o n .o rg .n

                                                      Vol. 77 No.4 | 13
When I was asked to review ‘East’ for           and vegan does not mean they have to              with the perfect combination of sweet, sour
this issue of Vegetarian Living NZ I was        sacrifice taste, and it shows. All the sauces     and umami.
powerless to resist, and had no problem         and condiments are made in-house, with an
                                                                                                  The Som tam salad of young papaya,
persuading my daughter to join                      emphasis on being full of flavour and
                                                                                                  tomato, lime and tamarind was the perfect
me. I had already read                                    good for the environment. Even
                                                                                                  palate cleanser before moving onto the large
several reviews of this                                      the wine list is 100% organic and
                                                                                                  plate of Caramelised Black Pepper Tofu
new Asian vegetarian                                           vegan.
                                                                                                  with jasmine rice. Again, this proved to be
and vegan eatery,
                                                                It’s not often that vegetarians   delicious.
and being a fan
                                                                 and vegans have plenty of
of Asian cuisine,                                                                                 Sadly, we’d eaten too much to manage
                                                                 choices when eating out,
I quickly made a                                                                                  dessert, although it’s an excuse (as
                                                                 and with such an exciting
booking for lunch.                                                                                if I needed one) to go back. I highly
                                                                 menu it was difficult to
                                                                                                  recommend East.
East occupies a large                                          choose. However, the wait
space on the ground                                          staff were extremely helpful         JEANETTE BLACKBURN
level of the Sudima Hotel                                  with their recommendations, and
                                                                                                  East Vegetarian Restaurant,
in the Auckland CBD, and                               we ended up with all vegan dishes
                                                to share. We tried to cover as much of the        63-67 Nelson Street, Auckland 1010
thanks to large windows looking
onto the street it feels light and airy. The    menu as possible, in the interests of our             09 399 2361
menu at East consists of bites, small plates,   readers (you’re welcome!), starting with a
noodles and larger dishes all designed to       small bite Miang Kham, and moving onto two
share, with a 75% vegan menu (the rest          small plates – the sticky jackfruit bao bun 
is vegetarian). The owners are lifelong         and the chestnut and mushroom dumplings.
                                                                                                  Open 7 days 11am to 10pm
vegetarians believing that being vegetarian     The balance of flavours worked really well,

                                                                                                                                                                       ISSN 1176-9335
                                                                                                                       AUTUMN 2019   VOL. 75, NO.3

  Starter Kit
  $45 $30.00                                                                                                           AN INTERVIEW WITH
                                                                                                                       SARA KIDD

                                                                                                                       IN DEBT TO
                                                                                                                                                                      RRP $7.90
                                                                                                                       AROUND & ABOUT

  A PERFECT GIFT FOR VEGETARIANS AND                                                                                   RECIPES
                                                                                                                       BY ANNA VALENTINE

  The pack includes:
  • Home Tried Favourites Recipe book – over 80 easy-to-make
    100% plant-based recipes.
  • Vegetarian Living, NZ magazine
  • Going Vegetarian Booklet – Everything you need to know
    about how to go and stay vegetarian/vegan.
  • Plant-based Nutrition Chart – a must-have in every
    vegetarian/vegan household                                                                                              GOING
  • ‘Vegetarianism doesn’t cost the earth’ Eco Shopping Bag                                                                 VEGETARIAN
                                                                                                                            THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO A PLANT BASED LIFESTYLE

Extracts from an opinion piece by Simon             Asia’s food-tech hub. US start-up Eat just                                                                                                                                                  Asian cuisines, has just attracted some
Draper, in Stuff 29 March 2021                      decided to launch its lab-grown chicken                                                                                                                                                     major investment and put together a plant-
                                                    nuggets on the market in Singapore last                                                                                                                                                     based menu for Starbucks.
Asia is now on the frontier of a food
                                                    year – its government was open to it and
revolution : the rising middle class across                                                                                                                                                                                                     Many have long treated Asia, particularly
                                                    Singaporeans are willing taste-testers.
the Asia region, leaps in food technology,                                                                                                                                                                                                      China, as the key destination for New
and Covid-19 wellness trends are combining          Outside the lab, in Singapore and elsewhere                                                                                                                                                 Zealand protein exports – but there are more
to create a perfect set of conditions for           in Asia, plant-based proteins are becoming                                                                                                                                                  protein products emerging and it’s becoming
Asia’s food and beverage industry to be             big business too. Asia’s not new to                                                                                                                                                         more and more important to understand
transformed.                                        alternative proteins: tempeh has been in                                                                                                                                                    what’s going on in the increasingly
                                                    the Indonesian diet for many centuries, for                                                                                                                                                 discerning Asian markets. Right now, that
From lab-grown meat and plant-based
                                                    example, and soy milk was being sold on                                                                                                                                                     means understanding food trends that speak
proteins to crop-management apps and
                                                    Shanghai streets a fair few centuries before                                                                                                                                                to the wellbeing of people and the planet.
streamlining of supply chains for resilience,
                                                    Kiwis started putting it in their flat whites.
there is rapid growth and innovation                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alternative meats are unlikely to completely
happening around food. And this is not              With red meat being challenged by new                                                                                                                                                       replace meat in Asian dishes any time soon,
just about making money. The changes are            technology, growth in the sustainability-                                                                                                                                                   but it’s clear things are changing. So there’s
also being driven by the need to build food         minded, and people feeling more health                                                                                                                                                      an opportunity for New Zealand businesses
systems that will be resilient in the face of       conscious since Covid hit, there’s a surging                                                                                                                                                to diversify and future-proof their products.
growing populations, climate change and             market for these products in Asia.                                                                                                                                                          We already have the clean, green brand on
other disruptive events.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        our side, but we’re going to have to work
                                                    China has included the reduction of meat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                hard to distinguish ourselves from others in
Singapore, as an example, imports 90 per            consumption in its plan to reduce carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the market.
cent of its food. The pandemic has made             emissions, and its plant-based meat industry
clear its supply can be quickly cut off in          is predicted to grow by up to 25 per cent                                                                                                                                                   This will mean we also need to invest more in
times of global crisis, so it has just invested     annually. KFCs in major Chinese cities are                                                                                                                                                  research and technology to turn our natural
billions in increasing its food self-sufficiency.   already selling vegan nuggets.                                                                                                                                                              advantages into cutting-edge capabilities.
With very little arable land, that means                                                                                                                                                                                                        It’s a brave new world.
                                                    Indonesian start-up Green Butcher, which is
lab-grown food and other out-of-the-box
                                                    making plant-based ‘meat’ out of chickpeas,                                                                                                                                                 (Simon Draper is the executive director of
                                                    mushrooms and soybeans and coupling it                                                                                                                                                      the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whitau
The city state is very quickly emerging as          with traditional Indonesian spices and other                                                                                                                                                Tuhono.)

                                                                                                                               LOOK FOR THE VEGAN CERTIFIED
                                                                                                                               TRADEMARK ON PRODUCTS


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHECK OUT THE

                                                                                                     77 , NO                                                                                                                                                                                     D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PURE BREA Good Healt h
                                                                                             VO L.                                                                                                                                                                                               ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Great Taste
                                                                                      20                                                                                                                                                                                                          , Vegan
                                                                                 G 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PRODUCT LIST IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vegan Grain
                                                                        SP RIN
                                                                                                                                                           GAN PR

                                                                                                                                                   WITH VE                      N SO                                                                                                         CLAIR
                                                                                                                                                                    TARIA                                                                                                             SAINT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ly-Ow ned,
                                                                                                                                            BRANDS THE NZ VEGE
                                                                                                                                                                                      products                                                                                        100% Fami Zeala nd Wine
                                                                                                                                                                             Approved                                                                                                  100% New inable
                                                                                                                                                BY       page for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       100% Susta                        Blanc,
                                                                                                                                                                              back                                                                                                                             Sauvignon
                                                                                                                                                                 See inside                                                                                                                           h Origin        Blanc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ESTATE                                                             Marlboroug         Sauvignon
                                                                                                                                                                                                               DELTA                                                                          er Block 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Blanc                                                          Pione

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE VEGETARIAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BUZZ KOM                                                           SURTI                  of India
                                                                                                                                                                                                                GOOD                                                                                tional Taste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Life                                                              The Tradi                       sa,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Full Of                          n                                                            Vegan Samo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mon, Lemo ,                                                     Samosa,
                                                                                                                                                  ME NUS                                                                  Apple Cinna       Feijoa                                         Vegetable
                                                                                                                                      RAN T                                                                      Origins,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lemon,     Lime,                                      Vegan Kacho
                                                                                                                         RESTAU                            AUCKLAND NT
                                                                                                                                                                       ,                                         Ginger,
                                                                                                                                             HERITAGE RESTAURA                                                    Pineapple                                                                                               Grows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Turmeric                                                          TERR A               Futur e
                                                                                                                                              HECTOR’SBAR                                                         Orange                                                                                se Of The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Chee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LIVING NZ MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                                                       Y                   ial
                                                                                                                                               & LOBB              e Spec                                                       ME                  ,                                         On Trees                            &
                                                                                                                                                       Somewher                                                    GOODNESS Good Intentions                                                                           Plain, Dill

                                                                                                                                               You’r e             carry the                                                    ,                                                                             Cheese:
                                                                                                                                                        items that                                                                                                                                      Cream
                                                                                                                                                                          ge                                        Good Taste s                                                              Cashew
                                                                                                                                           arian menu          the Herita                                           Good Deed                                                                          Smokey
                                                                                                                                  and veget Restaurant and                                                                                      erry,                                          Garlic,
                                                                                                                        All vegan                                                                                                  erry & Blueb
                                                                                                                                      Hector’s                                                                        berry, Raspb             Blueberry,
                                                                                                                                   in                                                                                                  berry &                                                            R’S SON
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ets: Straw Sticks: Straw             erry; Fruit                                      THE BAKE           dar pie
                                                                                                                         Lobby Bar.                                                             Fruit Nugg       o; Fruit               & Blueb                                                              & Ched
                                                                                                                                                                    CS                                  & Mang               Raspberry                                                           Vegan Mince
                                                                                                                                                             SM ETI                             Orange              onfruit,
                                                                                                                                             AND CO                                                         & Passi
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pineapple Sticks Mix
                                                                                                                              HEA LTH                                                            Nuggets
                                                                                                                                                                         FOOD                                                     HOTDOGS                                                                    LINE             stone
                                                                                                                                                              RAL SKIN                t.                              HOWLER           Of Hotd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ogs                                                 THE BONE           , Shark
                                                                                                                                                   Aú NATU               Your Plane                                            Breed                                                                        Chardonnay
                                                                                                                                                              Skin. For                                                A New                            hers                                       Barebone
                                                                                                                                                    For Your                                                                                 Mini Munc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    , ‘Vege’                                                        Chardonnay
                                                                                                                                                                           Dark; Supe
                                                                                                                                                                                       r                                ‘Vege’ Dogs
                                                                                                                                                                 Medium,           with
                                                                                                                                                      er: Light, ging Facial Oil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WINES                                                                         ORGANIC
                                                                                                                                              al Powd                                                                                                                                                           DMAN
                                                                                                                             On The
                                                                                                                                     Go Miner
                                                                                                                                                Eye Serum l
                                                                                                                                                           ; Anti-A                                                         HUNTER’S                                                                THE BREA                           n
                                                                                                                                        entrate                                                                                               Riesling,                                             BAKE RY               100% Vega

                                                                                                                             Fruit Conc         0.2% Retino                                                                            Blanc,
                                                                                                                                        Oil and                                                                              Sauvignon , Pinot Noir,                                                            The Only         In
                                                                                                                              Harakeke                                                                                                                    Rosé,                                      Proba bly Bread Bakery

                                                                                                                                                             ICIAN  S                                                        Chardonnay iner, Pinot Gris,                                            Specialty
                                                                                                                                                                    Based                                                     Gewurztram ner                                                          Aotea roa!

                                                                                           K I NNER - COOKY
                                                                                                                                                       Research                    1000mg                                     Gruner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ventli                                                                                               el,
                                                                                                                                                                         Algae Oil                                                                                                                                            Pumpernick
                                                                                                                                                                     a-3                                                                                                                                           tain Rye,         heat
                                                                                                                                                        Pure Omeg                                                                                                                                      ough, Moun      lbrot, Buckwva,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rye Sourd Walnut, Dinke

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ISOCREAM Ice Cream                                                      &               Herbs,

                                                                                                                                                                               S                                                                                                              Hazel              with               ers:

                                                                                                       H L IB ER
                                                                                                                                                                    BIOACTIVE                                                  Better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Than                                        Four Seed,            & Corn               Crack
                                                                                                                                                          ORGANIC               tion                                                                   olate                                Buckwheat is, Coconut Rice; Seed, Cracked
                                                                                                                                                                     From Tradi                                                     in: Vanill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a, Choc                              & Corn,
                                                                                                                                                          Innovating                                                                                                                         Fruit, Atlant kin, Herb, Mixed li

                                                                                            W IT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Hemp Prote                                                   Cassava

                                                                                                                                                                                  &                         Dairy-Free                          S                                            Corn, Pump , Tex Mex; Mues
                                                                                                                                                                 nDerMX                                                         JUST FOOD                                            Crunchy           Spelt
                                                                                                                                                       Firm, Ocea & Brighten                                                                                                                 Seeded
                                                                                                                     N                                                                                                                   For You                                     Pepper,
                                                                                                                                              X Lift &         ce                                                                Better                   Vegan
                                                                                                                                   OceanDerM nDerMX Balan                                                                                  Vegan Aioli,rd Mayonnaise                                                   GARDENER

                                                                                                                                            Ocea                                                                                   nnaise,                                                                THE COOL                       For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ic Mayo           yed Musta                                                                          It Easy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vegan Hone                                                                            To Make          tious ,

                                                                                                          A NS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sauce,                                                                              We Want To Enjoy Nutri
                                                                                                                                                    AND BEV                                                                                                                                                                           Meals

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Everyone Plant-Based
                                                                                                                                        FOOD                                                                                                                     Zeala nd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    KILLINCHY            ium New                                            Delicious
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Prem      $7 .90

                                                                                                            CT                                                                                                                       Masters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RR P                                                                                   ra Chips
                                                                                                        ODU                                                                                                                          Ice Cream                       Salted
                                                                                                                                                                   FOOD                                                                                      Pokey,                                                           rown, Kuma
                                                                                                                                                          ANGE L
                                                                                                    D PR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                s (with
                                                                                                                                                                            e                                                                 olate Hokey                 &                                        ra Hashb         oot Pattie
                                                                                                                                                                  & Divin                                                           rt: Choc               Strawberry                                 Rosti, Kuma Falafel, Beetr
                                                                                               IFIE                                                       Vega n                                                          n Desse            Chocolate,                                      Kumara       Schnitzel,

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Oat Froze Cashew, Mint
                                                                                              CERT                                                                                        Cheddar                                                                                            Cauliflower

                                                                                                                                                                               Dairy-Free         -            Caramel                                                                                   feta)
                                                                                                                                                                Alternative, Alternative, Dairy                 Boysenberr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             y                                                                dairy-free                        T MEAT
                                                                                                                                                   Mozzarella                                   sy                                                                                                                 THE CRAF

                                                                                               E D WERS
                                                                                                                                                                       esan                                                                                      RY                                                                     Old Englis r,
                                                                                                                                        Dairy-Free Dairy-Free Parm                 -Free Chee                                                        EN WINE            , To Your                                             Chorizo,
                                                                                                                                                                     ative, Dairy Dairy-Free                                            LOTHLORI           Our Trees                                               Spanish                       Burge
                                                                                                                                        Alternative, Cheese Altern                                   ed                                                                                                                               ic Hemp                ,
                                                                                                                                              Cream              Feta  Alternative,        d Smok                                       Orga  nic, From                                                             Sausa   ge, Class
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        No   Meat Mince
                                                                                                                                         Free              -Free                     Grate                                                                                                                                           r,
                                                                                                                                                                        Dairy-Free                                                                                                                                             Burge             an Meal

                                                                                                                                                Mix, Dairy                                                                               Table                                                                       Chipotle
                                                                                                                                         Sauce            Alternative,                                                                                                 Medium                                                     Meal, Mexic
                                                                                                                                                 Cheese                                                                                                  Fruit Wine,                                                 Bolognese
                                                                                                                                                    Alternative                                                                             and Feijoa Wine, Reser ve and

                                                                                                            A NN
                                                                                                                                          Cheddar                                                                              ling Apple
                                                                                                                                                                          WINES                        ed           Dry Spark                Feijoa Fruit Wine, Still Apple and                                                 AID
                                                                                                                                                               BABICH                    Experienc                              Apple and                                                                              TRADE                  s Grea
                                                                                                                                                                              nd’s Most                             Sparkling                Feijoa Fruit        Juice, Apple                                                  Good Taste

                                                                                                      V ECG
                                                                                                                                                                New Zeala d Winery                                               Apple and             Orange                                                           Doing
                                                                                                                                                                         Owne                                        Sparkling Wine, Poormans                                                                                                           ic 70%
                                                                                                                                                                Family                                                                                                                                                                  olate, Organ
                                                                                                                                                                                       ic Sauvignon                  Feijoa Fruit                                                                                                 Choc
                                                                                                                                                                               h Organ             gnon               Feijoa Juice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ic Dark             Extra Dark olate,
                                                                                                                                                                 Marlboroug Organic Sauvi                                                                  WINES                                             55% Class Organic 85%

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ic                                          MATAVINO n In Matakana                                 Organic                                    erry Choc
                                                                                                                                                                         Vegan                                                                                                                                  Chocolate,

                                                                                                                                                                 Blanc,                h Organ                                                                                                                                   Dark RaspbOrganic 70% Salt
                                                                                                                                                                          Marlboroug         h Organ
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ic                                              Italia                                       Pure Dark Organic 55%
                                                                                                                                                                  Blanc,        Marlboroug h Organic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A Little                            iolo,                                                 olate,                  olate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tto, Nebb                       Chocolate,           Crisp Choc ic 55% Dark ChocCocoa
                                                                                                                                          ON                      Pinot Gris, , Marlboroug                                                                   , Dolce                                           70% Mint

                                                                                                       L O ANCE & LOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ic Pinot                                Chardonnay a (Viognier)                                Organic                     Organ             Organic
                                                                                                                                                                   Chardonnay               h Organ                                                       Ameli                                                    Chocolate, ing Chocolate,
                                                                                                                                                                                Marlboroug         Blocks                                      Barbera,                                               Toffee Crisp         Drink
                                                                                                                                                                   Albarino, orough Select                                                                                                                       Organic
                                                                                                                                                                                                        h                                                                                             Almonds,
                                                                                                                                                                    Noir, Marlb Blanc, Marlboroug orough
                                                                                                         IN FR                                                      Sauvignon gnon Blanc,
                                                                                                                                                                     Vegan Sauvi Gris                                                            PANNA                                                                       VICE  CREAM                 one
                                                                                                                                                                                Pinot                                                                                                                                                      For Every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Soap,                                Ice Cream
                                                                                                                                                                                         EN                                                                Charc   oal Soap,        Clay  Soap,                                     nut  Soft Serve
                                                                                                                                                                                   OGRE                                                                                     Green                                             Coco
                                                                                                                                                                      BB MICR                                                                     y Soap,                                      der
                                                                                                                                                                                    With Us!                                             & Popp              ner’s Soap, Butter & Laven
                                                                                                                                                                       Live Well                                  ,         Calendula se Soap, Garde
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Microgreen                                     Clay Soap,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shea            ng Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                            Radish                          Frankincen                                 Bar, Shavi
                                                                                                                                                                                    green,               rd                             Soap, Pink        Shampoo                                                                            HERBS              Products
                                                                                                                                                                        Pea Micro              , Musta                       Oatmeal                                                                                            WAIHEKE            Culinary
                                                                                                                                                                                  Microgreen                                               Anise Soap,                                                                                    Herbal
                                                                                                                                                                         Rocket                                              Soap, Star                                                                                         Artisa n
                                                                                                                                                                         Microgreen                                                                              CRIS PS                  s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PROPER                    ed Crisp                                                                   lar Garlic
                                                                                                                                                                                        ROOK                                                                    Hand Cook                                                                    lar, Regu
                                                                                                                                                                          BLACKENB               e                                                    Proper                             Smoked                                    d: Regu
                                                                                                                                                                                      By Natur                                                                                 Thyme,                                   Herb Sprea
                                                                                                                                                                           Inspired       Balanced                                                                   ary and                  Kumara         Waiheke             Garlic Free
                                                                                                                                                                                    And                                                               Salt,  Rosem            ra, Parsnip,                          ic, Organic
                                                                                                                                                                            – Pure                                                             h Sea               ar, Kuma              Green               Organ
                                                                                                                                                                                                        iner, Rosé,              Marlboroug Salt and Vineg                  Onion and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Gewürztram                                         Sea                   Medley,             ed Pepp
                                                                                                                                                                          , Pinot Gris,                                           Paprika, Garlic, Garden            Onion   , Crack           Hand
                                                                                                                                                                    Blanc                                                                   &                   with                        a,
                                                                                                                                                       Sauvignon                                                                  Chipotle            Pepper             za-peno
                                                                                                                                                                                                              YOGHURT                       Kumara             ed Chee
                                                                                                                                                        Chardonnay                                  CE BIO                         Chives,       Hand Cook Beer Crisps
                                                                                                                                                                                            CHOI                                          Salt,
                                                                                                                                                                               DOCTOR’S -Free Yoghurt:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Plain,            & Sea              Tortilla,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dairy                                      Cooked
                                                                                                                                                                                Coconut              olate
                                                                                                                                                                                           it, Choc


                                                                        VISIT WWW.VEGETARIAN.ORG.NZ

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vol. 77 No.4 | 15
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