Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.

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Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Sunshine Resources, Inc.          ®

  Kristin Turbin
  Developing Skills
  Through Play
  Meet Two New Staff

Impacting Lives in Door County Since 1971       Spring 2022
Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
                                       Spring 2022
                                                                      In This Issue
                                                                      Client Spotlight:                    3
                                                                      In this Issue:
                                                                      Day Services:                        4

                                      On the Cover!                   Creating Opportunities 5

                                      Need copy here!
                                                                      Impacting Lives                      6–7

                                                                      Thank you Donors                 8

                                                                      Wish List		                           9

                                                                      Bright Futures                       10

       Thank you to                                                   Successful Life
   Our Board of Directors
     Julie Gerndt, Board Chair,                                       Meet Our New Staff               11
Valerie Clarizio     Carrie Schilz,
Dan Ferroly,         Heather Smith,
                                                                      One More Picture                 12
Jerry Mellenberger, Sarah Traeger,
Jeff Miller,         Jerry Worrick,
                                                                      Shine is the Sunshine Resources of Door
Mike Nelson,         Barbara Wulf
                                                                      County's magazine keeping you up to
Tyler Pluff,                                                          date on all our programs and events that
                                                                      support those with disabilities.

     Please Consider
                                      Amazon Smile is a program that donates
                                      0.5% of your eligible purchases at to a

                                      charity of your choice. There is no extra cost to you or

                                      the charity. Go to and please consider

                                      Sunshine Resources of Door County!
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Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Kristen Turbin
                                            The Passing of an Outgoing, Welcoming
                                            and Witty Client

In Memoriam: Kristen Turbin,
a client of Sunshine Resources
of Door County for more than
twelve years, passed away on
November 30, 2021, at age 51.

Kristen will be remembered for many
things—all of them positive and good.
Her family mentioned many of those
qualities in her obituary. “Kristen had
a great sense of humor and enjoyed
teasing her family and friends,” they
                                            Kristen is all smiles as she holds one of her many trophies.
noted. “She was always happy and
found great enjoyment in the simple            One of Kristen’s favorite activities              witty and always had a quick
things in life.”                            was drawing with her ever-present                    comeback when we were playing
   “Kristen had an infectious smile,”       markers. “She loved markers,” Thiry                  a game.”
says Dawn Thiry, Day Services Director.     says, “especially alphabet stencils. She                And then there was food. “Kristen
“When she smiled it made other people       also liked to make geometric drawings                loved to eat,” Thiry says. “Her favorite
smile. In addition, she was always          with circles, squares and lines. Kristen             meal was a hamburger, French fries
thinking about other people. She would      loved to collect markers and never had               and Diet Coke at Applebee’s,”
always get a chair for people who           enough. She even made a request last                 Thiry says. “She also loved snack time,
came into the room.”                        Christmas for a set of 150 markers.”                 especially grapes and yogurt.”
   Volunteers will always remember             “Kristen always wanted to be doing                   Kristen also loved to cook and
Kristin for those welcome cheers and        something,” Thiry says. “She didn’t like             appreciated that people trusted her
for her cheery greetings—Hey, John!         sitting around doing nothing. Kristen                when she was in the kitchen.
Hey, Sue!—whenever they walked into         definitely liked to stay busy.”                        When Kristen was younger, she
Day Services. Her genuine sincerity            When she wasn’t drawing with her                  enjoyed bowling, baseball, running in
brightened everyone’s day.                  markers, she often could be found                    track events and participating in
   “Kristen had a wonderful smile and a     playing a table game.                                Special Olympics.
gentle, caring spirit,” says Jeremy, SRDC      “Kristen was a prolific game
Staff. “She was friendly, outgoing and      player and especially enjoyed Farkle
a good friend, adds Finn,” a friend of      and Rack-O,” says Steve Secrest, Day
Kristen. “I liked her a lot.”               Services Aide. “She was exceptionally
Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Developing Skills Through Play

    Day Services

Blending fun, recreation and
exercise is a recipe for all-around
success. That’s what clients of
                                            Caption: Jose enjoyed am exciting game of Connect Four.
Sunshine Resources discovered
when they traveled to Algoma                time in February, “It was a really good        enough to win several games. I also
to participate in a new program             time. We exercised and had fun. I will         enjoyed walking around the track.”
                                            definitely do it again.”                           RIDE4KIDS is part of the Door
called RIDE4KIDS.
                                               Some of the nearly 25 activities            County Medical Center’s Bridges to
RIDE4KIDS is an initiative serving adults   participants can participate in include        Health initiative, a series of community
and children with special needs. RIDE       Lego blocks, Connect Four, tumble              outreach programs tailored to support
is an acronym for Recreation for Individ-   barrel, badminton, U.S. map puzzle, and        the health and wellness needs of
uals with Disabilities through Exercise.    balance board.                                 underserved populations. The program
   The program focuses on skill                All activities are voluntary and clients    is coordinated by Adam Peronto an
development through play and                and others can select what to                  exercise physiologist at Door County
recreational activity and gives adults      participate in and can do so at                Medical Center.
and children with special needs an          their own pace and comfort level. If               Peronto is also an iCan Shine
opportunity to be active during the day     someone wants to take a break they can         instructor, a program that teaches
and after school.                           do that whenever they feel the need.           children with disabilities how to ride
   “We meet from 11:00 to 11:45 on          The emphasis is on everyone having fun         a conventional two-wheel bicycle
Wednesday in Algoma,” says Dawn Thiry,      and feeling comfortable.                       independently. iCan Shine empowers
Day Services Director. “There are high         RIDE4KIDS recruits area high school         children with disabilities to maximize
school students who team up one-on-         students who volunteer for the program         their individual abilities and to step
one with our clients, as well as with       as part of their service-learning hours,       outside their comfort zone.
elementary students with special needs.     thus introducing them to people with a
                                                                                           For more information about our Day
   “It’s amazing to see because             wide range of disabilities. “It helps
                                                                                           Services Program please contact Dawn
everyone participates,” Thiry says.         everyone learn to appreciate other             Thiry at (920) 818-1491 or
“There are so many varied activities to     people,” Thiry says.                 
take part in.”                                “It was a lot of fun,” says Jose, a
   According to Jeanine, a Sunshine         Sunshine House client. “I’m looking
House client who attended for the first     forward to going again. I played a giant
                                            versions of tic-tac-toe and was lucky
Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Your Generosity Creates Tremendous
Opportunities in Our Community.
What makes a person decide to               new skills and
                                            gain employment,
support a cause or organization?            allowing them to earn
One question that we often ask              their own paycheck.
                                            Independence is a
SRDC supporters, is why they                right, and a freedom
have decided to give to our                 that we all want to
                                            experience, but for
organization.                               some, it does not
                                            come so easy.
Most times we hear, “because you do
                                                 Our clients
great work”. Sometimes its because they
                                             look to us for
knew someone in the program. We once
                                            guidance and
had a supporter tell me they gave a gift
                                            support to learn how
because they were walking the Ahnapee
                                            to navigate waters
trail and saw our building as they rested
                                            that most of us will
on a bench we have out front. After
                                            never understand.           Curtis works on a prevoc training box that helps develop muscle
looking us up, they realized what a great                               memory and hand-eye coordination.
                                            We all face adversity
purpose we serve and decided to thank
                                            in life, but imagine what
us for the resting spot.
                                            it would feel like to be looked at as if             As we look to the future of our
    Whether you give your time, talents
                                            you are not capable of making your                organization, it is with your support
or a monetary gift, it makes a difference
                                            own meal, budget your own finances,               that will allow us to continue changing
and together we can create great
                                            having confidence in yourself or even             lives and we ask that you please
opportunities for others. Our
                                            holding a job. Making a generous gift             consider a gift that will make a
community is not short of individuals
                                            to our organization, you are helping              difference. For those that have and
with kind hearts. For over 50 years
                                            individuals climb these mountains                 will continue to give, thank you so very
of service to Door County, Sunshine
                                            and become functioning members                    much for your generosity. You truly are
Resources has seen the generosity that
                                            of our community. And they are                    changing people’s lives.
provides a safe place for many of our
                                            capable, very capable of becoming
clients to build their confidence, learn

  Establish A Legacy:
                            Consider Us In Your Estate Planning
     For nearly 50 years, Sunshine          has impacted so many people through
  Resources has been in Door County         the years. A bequest such as this can
  providing a variety of services and       dramatically impact our programs and
  employment options to those with          services and continue to provide for
  disabilities. As a small, community       those we serve for many years.
  501c3 non-profit, we are grateful and       If you would like to be a part of our
                                                                                         Resources. This could be the most
  dependent on the support of those         Legacy Society, please call and learn
                                                                                         important donation you will ever make.
  with the means to give.                   how those members of our community
     As you do your estate planning,        that provide such generosity will be         Call Jeremy Paszczak at 920-818-1489
  consider supporting our mission that      recognized forever at Sunshine     

Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Impacting Lives
    			 in Door County

Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Sunshine Resources of Door County Enriches Lives
to Nurture and Inspire the Human Spirit. With Care,
Compassion, Partnership and Integrity and Integrity.
Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
To Our Very Generous Donors

                                           The Southern Door FFA group hand-made and gifted blankets to SRDC
                                           to hand out to clients to help keep them warm in winter. Thank you to
                                           these wonderful and thoughtful students for thinking of us.

    Toni Rozek from Catholic Financial                                                            Elmer Baacke
    Life – Chapter #180 Maplewood, WI                                                             from Amber’s Last
    presents Kathy Beth (Office Manager,                                                          Promise presents
    SRDC) a matching gift. This group                                                             a generous gift to
    donated a match to funds they helped                                                          clients and staff of
    raise at our Sunflower Fest 50/50                                                             Sunshine Resourc-
    raffle. Thank you for your support.                                                           es of Door County.
                                                                                                  Thank you for your
                                                                                                  continued support
                                                                                                  and generosity.

                                                                          A special thank you to the Sturgeon Bay
                                                                          Lunch Rotary Interact group for their
                                                                          volunteer hours to help clean up some
                                                                          landscaping around our building and
                                                                          especially for their generous gift to our
                                                                          organization. This partnership is a great way
                                                                          to get our youth involved in
                                                                          supporting local non-profits.

Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Print.                                            $5000 – ATV with plow for snow removal

Mail.                                             We are looking to purchase an ATV with a plow to assist with
                                                  snow removal from our bus pickup/dropoff as well as our
                                                  walkways and entrances to ensure safety for all. A plow will

Shred.                                            allow us to get down to the surface and clear packed snow
                                                  to provide safe paths for clients, staff and visitors.

                                                  $1500 – Tool Chest and new Tools
                                                  As a prevocational and employment organization, the proper
Through our Business Services, we                 training of our clients and the diligent maintenance of our
                                                  machinery is vital to the overall success. In order to do the
are proud to provide employment                   right job, you need the right tools and some of our tools need
                                                  replacing. We are also looking to purchase a tool chest to keep
opportunities to individuals with                 our tools in order and available when needed for repairs or
special needs in our community.                   production work.

                                                  $200,000 – Roof Replacement
These paying jobs give our clients
                                                  As our building ages, we are nearing the 30 year mark and
unique opportunities to grow and                  time to replace our roof. This is one of those unglorified needs
                                                  of an independent, local nonprofit that may not effect clients
develop skills that enhance their lives.          programming, but would secure a safe and sealed building
                                                  to continue programming. We are looking to have this project
Printing: Brochures, booklets, flyers, direct     completed before winter of 2022.
mail, labels and so much more!                    $20,000 – Upgrade Activity Room Furniture
Mailing: We manage direct mail campaigns          After 50 years of service to the Door County community, we
                                                  have definitely seen some changes in the needs of our furni-
(we currently support Destination Door County
                                                  ture. For the last year we have been working on a project to
and Destination Sturgeon Bay with their           replace all of our furniture in our activity areas. This will provide
guidebooks). We also send out post cards,         a modern, comfortable and functional space for all of our
mailers and more.                                 clients to enjoy their day.

Shredding: Does your company need to              For more info contact Jeremy at (920) 818-1489 or
shred documents in a secure way? Yes, privacy
is key! We work with a number of local
businesses to provide them with their on-going
confidential shredding needs.                    Did You Know?
Contact: Jeremy Paszczak, our Business           If you are 72 years old and required to take an annual
Development Director and find out how our        minimum distribution from your IRA, and do not need
Business Services can help your business reach   the funds for living expenses, you can donate to a
the next level! 920-818-1489 or                  charitable organization.                  The benefits include:
                                                 1. Give directly to a charity
                                                 2. Can give up to $100,000 / year
                                                 3. Distribution is nontaxable.
                                                 Contact your financial advisor to
                                                 learn more about how making
                                                 this charitable contribution can
                                                 save you money.

Remembering Kristin Turbin Developing Skills Through Play Meet Two New Staff Members! - Sunshine Resources, Inc.
Laying the Groundwork
                                                 for Success Reaps Rewards
                                                 “We focus on real-life topics,” Schwalen          machines, such as label dispensers and
                                                 says. “For example, just because you like         paper shredders.
                                                 something like clothes or the                       When a client is learning new skills on
                                                 outdoors doesn’t
Achieving success in any area                    mean that
of life depends on laying the                    working in a
                                                 clothing or sporting
groundwork and then following
                                                 goods store is the
through on a plan. At Sunshine                   right job for you. We
Resources of Door County it is                   try to help our stu-
no different.                                    dents know them-
                                                 selves better. As a
 “We have an increasing number of                result, they are able
clients working in the community,” says           to find jobs that
Tami Schwalen, Community Education                they want to do.”
Coordinator. “This is a testament to our              “I participate
efforts to train our clients for a wide           in the Job Club to
variety of workplace experiences.”                learn more about         Liz takes a short break from her job on the production floor.
    To maximize their success, clients            myself,” says Liz, a
and other community members have                  Sunshine Resources
opportunities to receive both practical           client. “I’m also learning to use new tools          the production floor, supervisors provide
and on-the job training at Sunshine               to help me find jobs and keep a job.                 in-depth training and ensure that clients
Resources of Door County.                         I really enjoy being                                                 are working at their own
    The educational component is a Job            out in the community              “I participate       in  the       individual comfort level.
Club class taught by Schwalen. The class          earning money and              Job Club to learn more “It’s an exciting
teaches students self-confidence, job             making a difference.”                about myself,”                  combination,” Schwalen
preparation, interview techniques                      Aside from the Job               –Liz, Job Club Client          says, “providing in-depth
and more.                                         Club, clients have                                                   classroom education and
                                                  opportunities to develop and hone                    on-the-job training all under one roof.”
                                                                           hands-on skills on             Schwalen notes that in the past clients
                                                                           the production              were primarily engaged in cleaning
                                                                           floor at Sunshine           services within the community. That has
                                                                           Resources. By               evolved in the last few years.
                                                                           performing actual               “We’re no longer providing cleaning
                                                                           tasks, clients              services,” Schwalen says. “We now have
                                                                           realize the                 clients doing jobs they want to do and
                                                                           importance of               that they’ve been trained to do through
                                                                           workplace safety,           our Job Club and pre-vocational training
                                                                           learn how to use            on the production floor.”
                                                                           basic hand tools
                                                                                                       For more information about our
                                                                           and jigs and how
                                                                                                       programs please contact Tami
                                                                           to operate                  Schwalen at 920-818-1483 or visit
                                                                           various types     
Students participate in the popular Job Club class
                                                                           of production               services/rise-program/

Meet Two Amazing New
Members of Our Staff
   In order to provide the best service         Heather Mundy has accepted
and programming possible, we must           the position of Director of Client
have caring and knowledgeable staff to      Services. Heather’s role will be to
make it all come together. We have such     guide the client services team,
a great team of dedicated individuals       ensuring that we are providing
that unselfishly make a difference in       enriching and nurturing programs
the lives of others, and recently we have   that will create a well-rounded
been fortunate to hire two amazing new      client experience. With a
members to our team to fill very            background in Health Care
important roles in our organization.        Management, she understands            Heather Mundy, Director of Client Services
                                                    the importance of an
                                                    efficient team with great
                                                    communication skills and an             and confidence to become active
                                                    “all hands-on deck” approach to         members of our community.
                                                    guarantee a client first directive.        Please join us as we welcome
                                                       Breanna Neering has                  Heather and Breanna to our team.
                                                    accepted the position of Client            These additions to an already
                                                    Care Specialist, specializing in        out- standing team, is a great start to
                                                    care for individuals with Autism.       what we feel is going to be a wonderful
                                                    As our organization evolves, we         year. As we continue to provide
                                                    see more younger individuals with       opportunity for all, we look forward
                                                    Autism interested in our                to the great things ahead making
                                                    programming. Breanna will assist        Sunshine Resources of Door County
                                                    with developing programs                an organization that changes lives and
                                                    specific to the needs of these          makes a difference.
Breanna Neering, Client Care Specialist             individuals to encourage
                                                   participation and build their trust

  Looking for Great Deals?
   Shop our ReSale Store!                                                    Check our Facebookpage or the
                                                                             latest surprising deals!
   Find cool stuff, get great deals and support
   our job skill training programs*!

   45 E. Walnut, Sturgeon Bay, WI
   (Visible from Hwy 42/57)
   Hours: Monday – Saturday 10 – 4
   Phone: 920-493-9300
   Donation Drop Off:          (Not at ReSale Store)                         * Through the operation of our store, we
                                                                             provide job training and communication skills to our
   Sunshine House, Inc., 55 W. Yew Street, Sturgeon Bay, WI                  clients teaching them the necessary skills needed to • Phone: 920-743-7943                           secure employment in the retail and service industry.

Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                              US POSTAGE

                                                                                             Sturgeon Bay, WI
                                                                                                Permit #31

Sunshine House, Inc.
55 West Yew Street
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235

Sunshine Resources of Door County enriches
lives to nurture and inspire the human spirit.
                                                      Postal Customer
With Care, Compassion, Partnership
and Integrity.

       Just One More Picture!                                  Establish A Legacy:
                                                               Consider us in your Estate Planning
                                                               See page 9

   Just a couple of our SRDC basketball stars,
   Kenny K. and Curtis A., getting a few buckets in
   at the Door County YMCA. Next stop, Bucks
   open tryouts!
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