SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE

SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
                      Programa de Intercambio
                      Fact Sheet 2021
SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Catholic University
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University is an
educational institution which is promoted and spon-
sored by the Bishopic of Chiclayo and is located in the
department of Lambayeque in the north of Peru.
This university is a community of professors and stu-
dents who serve society blending faith and science as                             In the words of its founder, Monsignor
a norm of Christian life since its founding on October                            Ignacio Maria de Orbegozo y Goicoe-
14th, 1998. It has a first class technology and infras-                           chea, Santo Toribionde Mogrovejo Uni-
tructure, which facilitates personal and professional                             versity seeks to mold people into pro-
formation in accordance with the circumstances and                                fessionals with a high degree of science
motives, which exist in today’s society.                                          and a profound Christian life.
The education imparted to students attending Santo Toribio de Mogro-              Our university does not receive any government sub-
vejo Catholic University combines educational and scientific experiences          sidies or private funding. However, in order to carry
with continuous modernization in demand by current social changes and             out specific work for the benefit of all those who are
trends. Thanks to the agreements that have been signed with important             economically and socially marginalized, we do receive
universities in America and Europe in recent years, the internationalization      support from various institutions such as: Generalitat
of our university has now become a tangible reality.                              Valenciana via the Mainel Foundation, the Community
Consistent with our mission and axiology statements, Santo Toribio Ca-            of Madrid via Cooperación Social, the Italian govern-
tholic University makes a special effort to mold students during classes          ment, the Roviralta Foundation and the Italian Episco-
independently of their socioeconomic backgrounds and conditions. It is            pal Conference. All of these institutions are committed
of the upmost importance to us to have students with adequate academic            to our serious work.
qualities for university studies. Furthermore, the scholarship program and        Our main objective is to build character and mold stu-
the tiered tuition policy offered by our university give a lot of families from   dents in becoming highly qualified professionals with
the northern region of our country the opportunity to enroll their children       sound Christian principles in order to produce a signifi-
in our various programs.                                                          cant sociocultural change within our society
SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
Academic Semester Calendar
The academic calendar starts on March and ends on December.
Summer break is on January and February and winter break is
last week of July until first week of August.

             Calendar                        First Semester (mar – jul 2021)        Second Semester (aug – dec 2021)
            Calendario                      Primer Semestre (mar – jul 2021)        Segundo Semestre (ago – dic 2021)

            Deadlines                        Application: january 30th, 2021           Application: june 28th , 2021
           Fechas límite                          30 de enero del 2021                    28 de junio del 2021
      Orientation week                          First week of march 2021               Second week of august 2021
    Semana de orientación                    Primera semana de marzo 2021               Segunda semana de agosto
          Classes begin                       Second week of march, 2021               Second week of august 2021
         Comienzo clases                    Segunda semana de marzo, 2021            Segunda semana de agosto, 2021
 Classes end (including exams):                Second week of july 2021                    December 14th, 2021
 Clases finalizan (incluyendo exámenes)      Segunda semana de julio, 2021                 12 de diciembre, 2021

                                          • Application Form. Formulario de Postulación
                Application               • Academic records. Certificado de Notas
                Documents                 • Letter of intention from the student in Spanish (30 lines)
                Documentos                  Carta de motivación del alumno en español (30 líneas)
                  para la                 • Passport photocopy. Fotocopia del pasaporte
                postulación               • ID size photograph. Fotografía tamaño carnet
                                          • Health insurance policy. Póliza de seguro
SANTO TORIBIO DE MOGROVEJO CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - Student Exchange Program Fact Sheet 2021 Estudiantil - DRE
Faculty of           Management                Accounting School
Business and     Administración de Empresas        Contabilidad

de Ciencias

                 Hotel Administration          Economics School
                   Administración Hotelera          Economía
                   y de Servicios Turísticos
Faculty of
                               Informatics and                    Mechanic Electric
Facultad de Ingeniería       Systems Engineering                    Engineering
                         Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación   Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica

        Architecture          Civil Anvironmental               Industrial Engineering
          Arquitectura            Engineering                       Ingeniería Industrial
                              Ingeniería Civil Ambiental
Medical School     Psychology School
Faculty of            Medicina            Psicología
Health Studies
de Medicina

                 School of Nursing   Dentistry School
                     Enfermería          Odontología
Faculty of
Humanities Studies
Facultad de Humanidades
                          Early Childhood        Teaching degree for secondary
                            Education          schools in Theology and Philosophy
                                                      Educación Secundaria:
                           Educación Inicial
Faculty of Law                                         Filosofía y Teología


          Law Schoo        Elementary               Comuncation School
            Derecho         Education                     Comunicación
                          Educación Primaria
Graduate Programs
For complete list of graduate programs, visit:
Para ver la lista completa, visite:
                                         of instruction
Course                                   Idioma de                               Language
catalogue                                enseñanza                               requirements
Programas de los cursos                  Spanish Español                         Requerimientos de idioma
The curricula of each program will be    Regular exchange: Students who          The Home University can provide a
sent per email.                          apply to a regular exchange semes-      language certificate for the student,
Las asignaturas de cada carrera serán    ter and whose native language is not    which accredits that the student has
enviadas por email.                      Spanish, should certify Spanish         done at least four-semesters of Spa-
If further information of any program    proficiency that corresponds at least   nish or equivalent.
is required, please contact:             to an upperintermediate level.          La Universidad de origen puede emi-
Si necesita información adicional, por   Intercambio Regular: Los alumnos        tir un certificado que acredite que el
favor contactar a:                       que postulen al intercambio             estudiante estudiado al menos cua-
             • José M. Paolillo:         regular de intercambio cuya lengua      tro semestres de español o equiva-
          materna no sea el español,              lente.
             • Bertha Celis:             tienen que certificar el dominio del
             idioma a nivel intermedio.
insurance                            Credits                                 Housing
Seguro de Salud                      Créditos                                Alojamiento

It is a mandatory requirement for    To have the equivalent of 30 Credits    La Universidad Católica Santo To-
students to have Medical Insurance   ECTS in one Semester the student        ribio de Mogrovejo does not offer
with international coverage during   needs to take 4 or 5 subjects. The      on-campus accommodation; howe-
their visiting term(s) in Perú.      minimum of subjects are 3 in one        ver, the International Office can re-
Los alumnos de intercambio tienen    Semester.                               commend external housing options.
que contar con un seguro de salud    Para tener el equivalente a 30 crédi-   La Universidad Católica Santo To-
con cobertura internacional duran-   tos ECTS en un semestre, el alumno      ribio de Mogrovejo no cuenta con
te su estadía en Perú.               debe realizar entre 4 y 5 asignatu-     residencias universitarias, no obs-
                                     ras por semestre siendo el mínimo 3     tan- te, Relaciones Internacionales
                                     asignaturas.                            puede recomendar opciones de alo-
                                                                             jamiento externas.
                                                                             Contact: José M. Paolillo
information                                 Contacts
Información de llegada                      Contacto

La Universidad Católica Santo Toribio       José M. Paolillo
de Mogrovejo can arrange a pick-up          Director de Relaciones Internacionales
service at the Chiclayo National Air-       Phone number: +51 74 606200 anexo 1261
port.                                       e-mail address:
La Universidad Catolica Santo Toribio
de Mogrovejo puede organizar el ser-        Bertha Celis
vicio de transfer desde el Aeropuerto       Coordinadora de Movilidad Estudiantes Extranjeros
Nacional de Chiclayo.                       Incoming Students
For further information, please contact:    Coordinator International Relations
Para más información, por favor contac-     Relaciones Internacionales
tar:                                        Phone number: +51 74 606200 anexo 1261
• José M. Paolillo:   e-mail address:
• Bertha Celis:
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