Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations

Page created by Beatrice Davidson
Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations
Scotland &
Northern Ireland

              with host JAY TROBEC,
          KELOLAND TV Chief Meteorologist
Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations
Loch Lomond                                                                                                                       Belfast guided tour. Belfast is a city      YOUR EXPERIENCE INCLUDES
                                                                                                                                                                                   rich with history, culture, and Irish       •   All airfare
                                                                                                                                                                                   craic. We see the Titanic Quarter,          •   All fuel surcharges, government
                                                                                                                                                                                   City Hall, St. Anne’s Cathedral,                fees, airport & departure taxes
                                                                                                                                                                                   Queens University and the Prince                (minimum value of $600 per person)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Albert Memorial Clock. B,D                  •   Guaranteed prices & low deposit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               •   Holiday Vacations Tour Director
                                                                                                                                                                                   DAY 7: G I A NT’S C AUSEWAY                   & local Blue Badge Guides
                                                                                                                                                                                   We receive our first glimpse of
                                                                                                                                                                                   Northern Ireland’s majestic coast this      •   Motorcoach & professional driver/guide
                                                                                                                                                                                   morning and discover the beauty of          •   Baggage handling at hotels
                                                                                                                                                                                   Giant’s Causeway. This UNESCO               •   $100 travel voucher for a future tour
            JAY TROBEC                                                                                                                                                             World Heritage Site and unique
Jay started his television career as                                                                                                                                               geological wonder offers unmatched          14 Excellent Meals Featuring
a sportscaster in North Dakota and                                                                                                                                                 landscapes and surreal views.               •   Lunch at The George Pub, Inveraray
later moved to Sioux Falls to be a                                                                                                                                                 Afternoon takes us to the historic          •   Holiday Vacations Farewell Lunch at
newsman. As KELOLAND’s chief                                                                                                                                                       walled city of Derry. Tour the iconic           the Merchant's Arch, Dublin
meteorologist for over 20 years,                                                                                                                                                   Guild Hall and discover the city’s

                                                Scotland & Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               B=Breakfast            L=Lunch       D=Dinner
one of the most rewarding parts                                                                                                                                                    fortified walls and city gates on a
of his work is that he has been                                                                                                                                                    guided walking tour. We overnight in        All Accommodations Featuring
participating in professional                                                                                                                                                      Letterkenny, a bonny market town            •   3 nights at the Grand Central Hotel
organizations nationally and                                                                                                                                                       in the north of Ireland and rated the           in Glasgow
internationally.                                SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020                                                     Additional dates
                                                                                                                                   may be available                                country’s “tidiest town” in 2015. B         •   2 nights at the Grand Central Hotel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in Belfast
He is a Fellow of the American                                                                                                                                                     DAY 8: G LEN V E AGH C A STLE
Meteorological Society and is currently                                                                                                  tour featuring the history of Georgian               & DONEGA L                       •   1 night in Letterkenny
                                                Reveal the highlands and historic sites of Scotland and the                              New Town, medieval Old Town, and                                                      •   1 night at the Mill Park Hotel in Donegal
the chairman of the International                                                                                                                                                  We continue to Glenveagh National
Association of Broadcast Meteorology.           folklore of the Emerald Isle on this incredible tour.                                    enjoy a memorable visit to its iconic     Park to tour the picturesque castle         •   2 nights at the Dunboyne Castle Hotel
Jay is an AMS Certified Broadcast                                                                                                        castle. First we explore The Royal        where Hollywood stars such as                   in the Dublin area
Meteorologist, a Certified Consulting           DAY 1: SCOTL A ND BOUND                  Overlooking Loch Fyne and nestled               Yacht Britannia, home to Her Majesty      Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable
                                                We begin with an overnight flight        among gorgeous gardens sits                     The Queen and the Royal Family for                                                    Attractions & Highlights
Meteorologist, and has presented                                                                                                                                                   have vacationed. We enjoy a scenic
                                                across the pond to Scotland.             Inveraray Castle. This sprawling                over 40 years sailing over 1,000,000                                                  •   Glasgow panorama tour
papers at numerous scientific                                                                                                                                                      drive to Donegal and a dinner at our
                                                                                         chateau offers history and sophistica-          miles around the world. Later we
conferences in Europe.                                                                                                                                                             accommodations for the evening. B,D         •   Inveraray Castle
                                                DAY 2: GL A SGOW                         tion. After lunch at The George Hotel,          discover Edinburgh Castle. Towering                                                   •   Glengoyne Distillery tour
In his spare time you’ll find him playing       This morning we enjoy a city tour        we cruise the country’s most scenic             above the city atop a hillside, we tour   DAY 9: B ELLEEK POTTERY
                                                                                         waterway, Loch Lomond. Panoramic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               •   Loch Lomond Cruise & the Highlands
soccer. Join Jay and KELOLAND                   featuring the highlights of Scotland’s                                                   this historic fortress, one of the most   Belleek Pottery is our first destination
                                                largest and most colorful city. Our      views of the Southern Highlands lay                                                                                                   •   Tour Edinburgh Castle & city
viewers on this wonderful trip.                                                                                                          important military strongholds in the     today. We begin in the visitor’s center
                                                accommodations for the next three        out before us as we glide along this                                                                                                  •   The Royal Yacht Britannia
                                                                                                                                         country’s history. B                      and then enjoy a guided tour of the
                                                evenings are in Glasgow. We join this    impressive loch. A special treat this                                                                                                 •   Cairnryan Port Superferry to Belfast
                                                                                                                                                                                   world-renowned pottery. Lunch will be
                                                evening for a KELOLAND Welcome           afternoon is Glengoyne Distillery where         DAY 5: FER RY TO BELFA ST               in Enniskillen before visiting Kells, one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               •   Belfast guided tour
                                                Dinner. D                                we learn about the Scotch making                We bid goodbye to Scotland today and      of the most important Monastic sites        •   Titanic Belfast Museum
                                                                                         process and enjoy a tasty sample. B,L           board an exquisite Superferry for a       in Ireland and home to the Market           •   Derry Walls walking tour & Guild Hall
                                                DAY 3: I N V ER A R AY C A STLE                                                         pleasant trip to Northern Ireland. The    Celtic Cross which dates from the           •   Giant’s Causeway
                                                           & LOCH LOMOND                 DAY 4:    DINBURGH & THE
                                                                                                  E                                      Cairnryan Superferry offers unmatched     9th century. Tonight's dinner and our       •   Glenveagh Castle & National Park
                                                Today we leave the bustle of Glasgow              ROYAL YACHT BRITANNIA                  beauty as we cross the Irish Sea to       accommodations for two nights are           •   Belleek Pottery tour
                                                for the scenic splendor of Inveraray.    Experience Edinburgh on a guided                Belfast. Upon arrival, we check-in to     at the Dunboyne Castle Hotel. B,D           •   Heritage Town of Kells
                                                                                                                                         the Grand Central Hotel in Belfast for                                                •   Dublin panorama tour
                                                                                                                 Belleek Pottery         two nights. This deluxe property is       DAY 10: D UBLIN                            •   National Museum of Ireland
                                                                                                                                         located in the heart of the city. The     Discover Dublin this morning on a
                                                                                                                                         remainder of the day is yours to          guided tour. View Dublin Castle, the        Price Per Person
                                                 Inveraray     Loch Lomond                                                               explore the city and uncover its many     Spire of Dublin, St. Patrick’s Cathedral,   ALL AIRFARE INCLUDED!
         1 2 3 # of Overnights
                                                                  Glengoyne Distillery                                                   treasures. B                              the Guinness Factory, the Ha’penny          Double...............$5499 per person
                                                                                                                                                                                   Bridge, and visit the National Museum       Single...................6599 per person
                           Letterkenny          Giant’s         3         Edinburgh                                                      DAY 6: T ITA NIC BELFA ST               of Ireland. Our Holiday Vacations           Triple subject to availability
       Glenveagh National Park    1            Causeway                                                                                             MUSEUM                         Farewell Lunch today is at the
                                      Derry                    Glasgow                                                                                                                                                         A valid U.S. passport is required for all
                 Donegal      1                                                                                                          Enjoy Titanic Belfast, a museum           Merchant's Arch. Between courses            U.S. citizens. Passport cards and enhanced
                    Belleek       NORTHERN                       SCOTLAND                                                                commemorating the birthplace of the       storytellers will provide insights of       driver's licenses are NOT acceptable.
                 Enniskillen                    2         Cairnryan                                                                      world’s most famous ship. Built to        Irish life in times past. Later there is    Deposit: $200 per person
                                              Belfast                                                                                    resemble the doomed vessel, it            time to stroll colorful Grafton Street      Final Payment: June 26, 2020
                                                                                                                                         extends over nine interactive galleries   or visit Trinity College. B,L               Full refund 96 days prior to departure
                                                                       ENGLAND                                                                                                                                                 Guaranteed Price: Your price is
                    IRELAND            Kells                                                                                             and is frequently rated as one of
                                                                                                                                         the top museums in the world. This        DAY 11: R ETURN HOME                       guaranteed upon receipt of your deposit.
                                        2   Dublin                                                                                       afternoon, Northern Ireland’s largest     We fly home with wonderful memories         AC T I V I T Y L E V E L   3.5   OUT OF 5
                                                                                                                                         city comes alive on a panoramic           of our adventure.                           Refer to General Information insert for details
Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations
Tour Highlights
                                                          Floating Royal Residence, Rich History & World Heritage Sites
                                                                                                          The Royal Yacht Britannia
                                                                                                          Step back into the 1950’s and
                                                                                                          follow the footsteps of Her Majesty
                                                                                                          The Queen as we explore the Royal
                                                                                                          Yacht Britannia, a ship the Royal
                                                                                                          family called home for over 40 years.
                                                                                                          Before being decommissioned, this
                                                                                                          vessel traveled over one million miles
                                                                                                          and hosted countless receptions,
                                                                                                          vacations, and even honeymoons.
© Marc Millar

                                                                                                          While aboard, experience a myriad
                                                                                                          of original furnishings and artifacts.

                                                                                                          Titanic Belfast Museum
                                                                                                          Discover the full story of the world’s
                                                                                                          most famous ship in the city where
                                                                                                          it all began. Learn about the iconic
                                                                                                          vessel through nine fascinating
Courtesy of Titanic Belfast Museum

                                                                                                          interactive galleries, walk the decks
                                                                                                          of the last remaining White Star vessel
                                                                                                          the SS Nomadic, and immerse yourself
                                                                                                          in many expertly preserved artifacts.
                                                                                                          This impressive museum won Europe’s
                                                                                                          Leading Visitor Attraction award in 2016.

                                                                                                          Giant’s Causeway
                                                                                                          Marvel at the majesty and mystery
                                                                                                          found on one of Europe’s most
                                                                                                          magnificent coastlines. Gaze in
                                                                                                          wonder at fascinating rock formations
                                                                                                          forged by volcanic activity millions
                                                                                                          of years ago, standing today as an
                                                                                                          awe-inspiring natural wonder dotting
                                                                                                          the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
                                                                                                          Tour the visitors center and learn
                                                                                                          the unique history of this incredible
                                                                                                          UNESCO World Heritage Site.

                                     Book today! A deposit of only $200 per person confirms your reservation!

                                               I DA
                                                                                                          Departure Points:


                                                                                                                                   Subject to Change
                                                          2727 Henry Ave. | Eau Claire, WI 54701          Sioux Falls - Sioux Falls Regional Airport


                                          CA                                                              Rapid City - Rapid City Regional Airport

                                             T IO        keyword: keloland
                                     KELOIS20             ©Holiday Vacations, LLC
Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations Scotland & Northern Ireland - SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2020 - with host JAY TROBEC, Holiday Vacations
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