South Korea - Park University

Page created by Frances Howard
South Korea - Park University

                                                                 • Radio as a peacebuilding tool

                                                                 • Dispatches from Cameroon, India,
                                                                 Colombia, Nigeria, Pakistan

                                                                 • PJ Bookshelf: New arrivals

                                                 Jake Lynch: Conflict frames PJ discussions in

                                                South Korea
A publication of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University        Vol. 8 No. 1- April 2019
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                   April 2019
                                                                      Contents                                               PJ can contribute to defusing Korean tensions
                                         3 Korea                           15 Costa Rica                                     By Jake Lynch

                                         Can PJ reduce tensions?                   UPeace launches new degree                “Do not demonise North Korea. De-
                                                                                                                             mons do not negotiate. If there are no

The Peace Journalist is a semi-
                                         6 India                                   16 Nigeria                                negotiations, there will be war.” These
                                                                                                                             were the words of Chung-in Moon to
annual publication of the Center         Gandhi: Original peace journalist         On social media, elections, peace         journalists who gathered for the Korea                                                                         South
for Global Peace Journalism at Park
University in Parkville, Missouri. The   8 Missouri, USA                           18 Worldwide                              Press Foundation journalism confer-
                                                                                                                             ence in Seoul, in October, as diplomat-
Peace Journalist is dedicated to dis-    Radio as peacebuilding tool               Peace Journalism bookshelf                ic efforts were being stepped up for a                                                                         Chung-in
seminating news and information
for teachers, students, and              10 Colombia                               19 USA                                    second summit meeting between Kim
                                                                                                                             Jong Un and President Donald Trump.
practitioners of PJ.                     Photojournalism aids peace                Shedding violent words aids peace                                                                                                                        the 2018
                                                                                                                             Moon is a sage old hand of arms
Submissions are welcome from all.
We are seeking shorter submissions
                                         11 Cameroon                               22 Rep. of Georgia                        control talks. A current member of the
                                                                                                                             South Korean government’s advisory
                                         Journalists evaluate peace efforts        Women in peace journalism                 committee on diplomatic strategy,                                                                              conference
(500 words) detailing peace journal-                                                                                                                                                                                                        in Seoul.
ism projects, classes, proposals, etc.
We also welcome longer submis-
                                                                                   23 DR Congo                               he previously served as Ambassador
                                                                                                                             for International Security, combining
                                                                                   Community radio and peace                 these posts with his career in univer-
sions (1000-1500 words) about
                                                                                                                             sities. His advice is timely, given the
peace or conflict sensitive journal-
                                                                                                                             findings of new research on Austra-
ism projects or programs, as well as
                                                                                                                             lian media and how they refer to the
academic works from the field. We                                                                                            Democratic People’s Republic(1). In
                                         12 Colombia
do NOT seek general submissions                                                                                              coverage from two major newspapers
about peace projects, but are in-                                                                                            and the public broadcaster, the ABC,
stead focused only on articles with                                                                                                                                    What would it take, to change the        story, which was being widely aired
                                         Community radio, peacebuilding                                                      North Korea was usually described as      tenor of international coverage?         elsewhere, but Hancocks advised cau-
a strong, central media angle.
                                         13 New Mexico, USA 24 Pakistan
                                                                                                                             rogue, secretive, totalitarian or evil,   Restraint, for one: CNN’s Seoul cor-     tion, given that no firm evidence was
                                                                                                                             with its leader “often referred to as     respondent Paula Hancocks, who also      available to support it.
Deadlines: March 3 (April edition);                                                                                          a ruthless psychopath.” Dominant
                                         Seminar: Social media and peace           Media and peace conference                                                          spoke at the conference, recalled how
September 3 (October edition).                                                                                               metaphors tended to be conflictual,       she successfully argued against the      What can the Peace Journalism

                                                    What is Peace Journalism?
                                                                                                                             framing the country as “a military        network running a story on claims        playbook contribute? How can read-
Editor: Steven Youngblood, Director,                                                                                         threat [and] unpredictable, irrational                                             ers and audiences be prompted and
                                                                                                                                                                       that Kim had removed one of his rela-
Center for Global Peace Journalism,                                                                                          and ruthless.” As the researchers com-                                             equipped to consider and value nonvi-
                                         Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices that improve the                                                  tives, fallen from government favour,
Park University                                                                                                              ment, the pattern is typical, and not     by feeding him to a pack of dogs. Edi-   olent responses to the still-unresolved
Proofreading: Prof. Carol Getty          prospects for peace. These choices, including how to frame stories and care-        just in Australia.                        tors in Atlanta had been keen on the     conflict on the Korean peninsula, with
                                         fully choosing which words are used, create an atmosphere conducive to peace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                all its potential dangers?
Contact/Social Media:                    and supportive of peace initiatives and peacemakers, without compromising
                                         the basic principles of good journalism. (Adapted from Lynch/McGoldrick,              Jake Lynch divides his time between Australia, where he is Associate Pro-        Look past slogans from both ‘sides’ to
                                         Peace Journalism). Peace Journalism gives peacemakers a voice while making            fessor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, and Oxford,    focus on the goals of the conflict par-
Twitter-@Peace Journ
                                         peace initiatives and non-violent solutions more visible and viable.                  where he writes historical novels, acts in amateur theatricals and runs a        ties, for one. The Korean war of 1950-
Facebook-Peace Journalism group
                                            A number of valuable peace journalism resources, including resource                local book group. Previously, Jake enjoyed a twenty-year career in journal-      53 has never been declared officially
Center for Global Peace                                                                                                        ism, with spells as a political correspondent for Sky News, and the Sydney
Journalism, Park University              packets and online links, can be found at                                                                                                    over. The Koreas are separated by a
                                                                                                                               correspondent for the Independent, culminating in a role as a BBC World          so-called Demilitarised Zone (DMZ)
                                          Center for Global Peace Journalism
8700 NW River Park Dr                                                                                                          TV presenter. For his work in                                                    which marks the ceasefire line. Given
Parkville, Missouri 64152 USA                                                                                                  Peace Journalism research, train-                                                this, Moon said, it was vital to realise
                                                                                                                               ing and development, he was                                                      that the North saw no reason to
                                         The Center for Global Peace Journalism works with journalists, academics, and
                                                                                                                               honoured with the 2017 Luxem-                                                    consider itself “a defeated nation. [So,
                                         students worldwide to improve reporting about conflicts, societal unrest, rec-
                                                                                                                               bourg Peace Prize, awarded by                                                    they would think] don’t treat us as if
                                         onciliation, solutions, and peace. Through its courses, workshops, lectures, this
                                                                                                                               the Schengen Peace Foundation.                                                   we have to surrender to the United
                                         magazine, blog, and other resources, the Center encourages media to reject            In 2020, he will be a Leverhulme
                                         sensational and inflammatory reporting, and produce counter-narratives that                                                                                            States.” Reporters should therefore re-
                                                                                                                               Visiting Professor at Coventry                                                   gard with scepticism calls by hawkish
                                         offer a more nuanced view of those who are marginalized—ethnic/racial/                University.
   A Park University Publication
                                         religious minorities, women, youth, and migrants.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Continued on next page
pg 2                                                                                       Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                          pg 3
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                       April 2019
South Korea                  from Pg 3     gave up too much, we should still be       they call for normalization of relations    South Korea                  from Pg 4
                                           exerting maximum pressure.” Instead,       by “establishing reciprocal liaison
voices on the American side for “com-                                                                                             tries not to send warships to take part.
                                           he called on the official agenda for the   offices, lifting sanctions that harm
plete and verifiable disarmament”                                                                                                 If more media were prepared to listen
                                           process to be “attacked from the Left:     vulnerable individuals, and facilitating
before concessions such as the lifting                                                                                            seriously to such voices, then a more
                                           demand the formation of negotiating        people-to-people engagement.”
of sanctions. Approaches that provide                                                                                             nuanced picture, exposing more of
                                           teams” to hammer out a sequence of
for such steps to proceed in parallel                                                 One of the chief gains from the first       the realistic prospects for peacemak-
                                           real progress towards denuclearisa-
should be seen as more realistic.                                                     Trump-Kim summit in 2018 was                ing, would emerge.
                                           tion, and the “easing of the trade and
                                           medicine embargo.” This would also         a “freeze for a freeze”: no further
Another distinction in the Peace Jour-                                                                                            As Annabel McGoldrick and I argue in
                                           meet one of Galtung’s key recom-           nuclear weapons testing by Pyong-
nalism model originally proposed by                                                                                               Peace Journalism (2), distilling many
                                           mendations for reporting peace plans,      yang, in exchange for a halt to joint
Johan Galtung is to focus on “people                                                                                              of the discussions we conducted
                                           which I presented at the Seoul confer-     military exercises between the US
as peacemakers”, not just leaders. A                                                                                              with editors and reporters around
                                           ence: ask “is the peace plan a process     and South Korea. Peace campaigners
couple of months before leaving for                                                                                               the world, presenting inputs to news
                                           or only an outcome?” Beyond the            are calling for the latter to be made
Seoul, I listened to a talk, at Sydney’s                                                                                          from unconventional sources requires
                                           day’s headline, what happens next?         permanent. Over recent years, the
Exodus Foundation, by the veteran                                                                                                 journalism to construct a “framework
                                                                                      pristine environment of Jeju Island
nuclear disarmament campaigner,                                                                                                   of understanding” to establish their
                                           If non-elite voices deserve greater        has been violated by the establish-
Joseph Gerson, who was visiting Aus-                                                                                              relevance to the story. Today’s journal-   demanding greater transparency as a         decades… I discarded any assumptions
                                           prominence on the American side, the       ment of a new naval base, which
tralia from the US. Because the North                                                                                             ists must do this anyway, it could be      corollary of that trust: “show me.”         I might have had about the North
                                           same is true on the Korean peninsula.      hosted an “international fleet review”
Korea talks were an initiative of the                                                                                             argued, to justify their existence as                                                  Korean people.”
                                           Korea Peace Now: Women Mobilizing          last October. The local Association of
Trump White House, he explained,                                                                                                  professional communicators.                Part of the remedy for the demonis-
                                           to End War, is an intervention by the      Gangjeong villagers, who opposed the
Democrats were instinctively scepti-                                                                                                                                         ing coverage exposed by the find-           As long-form journalism (the film runs
                                           Nobel Women’s Initiative and Women         development, called on third coun-          Another contributor to the Seoul
cal, if not downright hostile. A typical                                                                                                                                     ings on Australian media, would, the        28 minutes) it’s in a genre that lends
                                           Cross the DMZ. Taking the form of a                                                    conference was Thomas Rosenstiel,
line was: “this is all a sham, Trump                                                                     Continued on next page                                              researchers say, be to feature “more        itself most readily to the PJ approach.
                                           letter to Presidents Trump and Kim,                                                    Executive Director of the American         stories illustrating individual and         But there are clear opportunities now
                                                                                                                                  Press Institute. Publics now require       community life. This would give North       for editors and reporters engaged
                                                                                                                                  “news fluency”, he said, to enable         Koreans a human face”. Getting the          in all forms of journalism to peer
                                                                                                                                  them to differentiate journalism they      requisite access for such stories is dif-   beyond the clichés, engage with the
                                                                                                                                  can rely on. Editors and reporters         ficult, they concede.                       goals and agendas of the parties to an
                                                                                                                                  can help by explaining “how and why                                                    unresolved and potentially dangerous
                                                                                                                                  this was a story.” If the message from     However, a notable example has just         conflict, and make room for peace to
                                                                                                                                  journalism to readers and audiences        screened on Australian television,          enter the debate.
                                                                                                                                  in the 20th Century was “trust me”,        which points the way. The Foreign
                                                                                                                                  its equivalent for the 21st, in a world    Correspondent strand on ABC Tele-           Notes
                                                                                                                                  of unprecedented media plenitude,          vision took us into the heart of a          1. Bronwen Dalton (2019) ‘Hermit
     Prof. Jake
                                                                                                                                  was inverted. Now, the message was         unique US-North Korean cooperative          kingdom, nuclear nation: if the media
                                                                                                                                  coming from readers and audiences,         venture,between clinics in the country      keep calling North Korea names, it will
        peace                                                                                                                                                                for patients with multidrug-resistant       only prolong conflict’. The Conversa-
 journalism at                                                                                                                                                               tuberculosis – a deadly disease that        tion, February 28, retrieved from link:
 the 2018 KPF                                                                                                                                                                strikes half a million people a year
 conference in                                                                                                                                                               worldwide – and volunteers from the         kingdom-nuclear-nation-if-the-media-
        Seoul.                                                                                                                                                               Eugene Bell Foundation, who work            keep-calling-north-korea-names-it-
                                                                                                                                                                             with them.                                  will-only-prolong-conflict-112507
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2. Jake Lynch and Annabel McGold-
                                                                                                                                                                             Titled ‘Out of Breath’, it’s a moving       rick (2005) Peace Journalism. Stroud:
                                                                                                                                                                             and memorable film, which deserves          Hawthorn Press
                                                                                                                                                                             to be more widely viewed – which it         3.
                                                                                                                                                                             can be, on the program’s website (3).       out-of-breath/10825830
                                                                                                                                                                             “I will never forget the first tubercu-     4. Hein S Seok (2019) ‘Amid interna-
                                                                                                                                                                             losis centre I visited,” the film-maker,    tional tensions, the battle to treat
                                                                                                                                                                             Hein S Seok, has written (4). “As soon      “contagious cancer” in North Korea’.
                                                                                                                                                                             as we stopped, the North Korean             ABC News, February 19, retrieved
                                                                                                                                                                             medical team rushed over with huge          from link:
                                                                                                                                                                             smiles. I realised I was witnessing a       news/2019-02-19/north-korea-conta-
                                                                                                                                                                             reunion of old friends who had been         gious-cancer-battle-amid-internation-
                                                                                                                                  UTexas Libraries                           working towards the same goal for           al-tensions/10822102
pg 4                                                                                            Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                            pg 5
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                           April 2019

Gandhi: The original peace journalist
By Abhilash Chandran
                                                                                                                                  Gandhi                      from Pg 6
                                                                                                                                  est of the poor. He believed in living
                                                                                                                                                                            to express his feelings while advis-
                                                                                                                                                                            ing the two parties to resist from the
                                                                                                                                                                            temptation of resorting to violence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       journal, Gandhi said, “It was never
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       intended to be a commercial concern.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       So long as it was under my control,
                                           bravely write his quest for truth or ex-   to pass                                     frugally to the point of excess. In his   and see reason in the situation. (5)       the changes in the journal were
The true function of journalism            periments with truth while boldly fac-     Gandhi as a                                 book “Small is Beautiful”, E.F. Schum-                                               indicative of changes in my life...I can-
is to educate the public mind,             ing the poignant situations to achieve     professional                                acher points out how Gandhi rejected      Furthermore, peace journalism seeks        not recall a word in those articles set
not to stock the public mind with          his goals. Essentially, he believed that   and commit-                                 Western urbanization and mass pro-        involvement of people to reduce ten-       down without thought or deliberation,
                                           newspapers should have values when         ted journal-                                duction in favour of a more traditional   sions between warring factions. In the     or a word of conscious exaggeration,
wanted and unwanted impressions.
                                           they are launched with a view to serv-     ist. He has in                              labor intensive approach. Even his ap-    Gandhian approach, Gandhi under-           or anything merely to please. Indeed
A journalist has therefore to use          ing people.                                these chap-                                 proach to circulation of his paper was    stood the involvement of the people        the journal became for me training in
his discretion as to what to report                                                   ters described                              unique. Rather than depending on ad-      would be useful to solve communal          self-restraint, and for friends a me-
and when. As it is, journalists are        Gandhian journalism                        difficulties                                vertisements as a source of revenue,      riots. Thus, he suggested a formation      dium through which to keep in touch
not content to stick to facts alone.       Gandhian journalism was a product          of publishing                               he advocated copying and circulating      of a peace brigade to reduce frequent      with my thoughts.” (6)
Journalism has become the art of           Gandhi’s approach to life, his concern     news maga-                                  of papers. (4) Gandhi’s approach to       conflicts by prescribing a code of
intelligent anticipation of events.        for humanity, and his deep commit-         zines and managing them, includ-            journalism was totally devoid of ambi-    conduct to the members of the peace        If we can practice peace journalism
       -Mahatama Gandhi-                   ment to the poor for whose sake he         ing the advertisement and finance           tions. To him it was not a vocation to    brigade.                                   effectively, then the role of journalist
                                           fought for national independence.          aspects. Thus, it is useful both for        earn his livelihood. It was a means to                                               is prominent. The above statement of
Apart from being a national leader         It was essentially the journalism of       journalists and publishers even in the      serve the public.                         In “Harijan” (June 18, 1936) he wrote,     Gandhi clearly mentioning the charac-
and social reformer, Mahatma Gandhi        communitarianisam and humanitari-          present times. (3)                                                                    “Some time ago I suggested the             ter and morality of a journalist is most
was a great communicator. More than        anisam. He had certain noble goals                                                     Gandhi as a peace journalist              formation of a peace brigade whose         important. And a journalist can work
anyone else, he recognized that com-       that were based on his philosophy of       It was Gandhi’s firm belief that the        Gandhi, in a journalistic career span-    members would risk their lives in deal-    effectively if he can express and apply
munication is the most effective tool      non-violence (ahimsa), self reliance       newspaper was meant for “self-              ning nearly four decades, used            ing with riots, especially communal.       his soul through his words.
to shape opinion and mobilize popular      (swadeshi), self rule (swaraj), and        less service” and that it should not        journalism as tool of social reforma-                                                --This piece was originally published in the
                                                                                                                                                                            The idea was that this brigade should
support. Gandhi,whose 150th birth-         truth-force (satyagraha). All these        be used as a commercial enterprise          tion and building peace in India. As a                                               April, 2012 edition of The Peace Journalist.
                                                                                                                                                                            substitute (for) the police and even
day is being celebrated this year, was     were reflected in his journalistic writ-   to amass profits. Despite financial         journalist, Gandhi took the subjects      the military. This reads ambitious. The
a strong believer in the power of the      ings and oral communications, and          strains, he chose to turn down ad-          which could only be used for peace                                                   Reference
                                                                                                                                                                            achievement may prove impossible.
word and wrote very cautiously in his      his non- verbal communications such        vertisements as they could compro-          building among the people. In Gan-                                                   1. Vilanilam v. John, Mass Communication in
                                                                                                                                                                            Yet if the congress is to succeed in its   India: A Sociological Perspective, Sage,
newspapers to mobilize public opin-        as his innumerable journeys on foot,       mise the focal purpose of the paper.        dhi’s concern the main objectives of      non-violent struggle, it must develop      05-Nov-2005. 2. Narayan, R.k, My days auto-
ion. The subjects he chose to write        padayatras, within India, mediation,       Instead, he devised unconventional          journalism are: A. Understand popular     the power to deal peacefully with          biography, Indian thought publication 2006
on were varied and variegated, which       fasting and prayer meetings. (1)           modes to sell his paper and expanded        opinion and give expression to it; B.                                                3. Iyenkar sudarshan, Gandhi was a great
                                                                                                                                                                            such situation”. These writings clearly
depicted his honesty, integrity, and                                                  the subscription to sustain his paper.      Arouse desirable sentiments among                                                    journalist, 4.
                                           Gandhi’s journals never had any sen-                                                                                             shows how Gandhi used his words for
in-depth understanding.                                                                                                                                                                                                Neelima, p, fantastic features, http://dhvani.
                                                                                                                                  the people and C. Fearlessly expose       peace building.
                                           sational topics. He wrote on construc-     He argued that additional columns                                                                                       5. Murthy, D.V.R, Gandhian journalism
                                                                                                                                  popular defects.                                                                     is it relevant today, Kanishka publication, New
Gandhian journalism emerged from           tive work, satyagraha, nonviolence,        would be saved and could be instead
the values and philosophy practiced        diet, nature-cure, Hindu-Muslim            employed to advance the struggle.                                                     Writing about the “Indian Opinion”
                                                                                                                                  Gandhi used journalism as a tool for
and propagated by Mahatma Gandhi           unity, untouchability, spinning, khadi,    Gandhi constructively used journalism
                                                                                                                                  avoiding the escalation of conflicts.                        Mahatma Gandhi:
in his life and through his publica-       swadeshi, village industries, and          as a vehicle of his political activism.
tions viz., Indian Opinion, Harijan, and   prohibition. He stressed the need          However, the movement stretched
                                                                                                                                  As a country like India with differ-         A Celebration of the World’s First Peace Journalist
                                                                                                                                  ences in each and every community,
Young India. With courage of convic-       of re- orientation of education and        beyond the political realm and en-
                                                                                                                                  the chance of violence is inevitable.
                                                                                                                                                                                              August 26-27, 2019
tion, Gandhi applied the principles        food habits and was a severe critic of     tailed the striving for dignity and self-
                                                                                                                                  Gandhi’s experiences both in South         Join us in Kansas City with scholar and author Dr. Rajmohan Gandhi, the
of honesty and integrity in his real       national defects. (2)                      respect. It brought about elemental
                                                                                                                                  Africa and in India convinced him that     grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, for an examination and celebration of
life and also in journalism. He could                                                 transformation in the socio-political
                                           Gandhi’s insights and understand-                                                      violence could only be ended by uni-       Mahatma Gandhi’s role and influence as a journalist, and his lasting impact
                                                                                      frame of the Indian community.
                                           ing of the necessity of the media                                                      lateral acts of kindness. For avoiding     on the profession. Featured speakers also include Cynthia Lukas and Kell
 Abhilash Chan-                                                                                                                   the Hindu- Muslim conflict he advised      Kearns, producers of two documentaries about Mahatma Gandhi which
                                           and communication led him to have          Today, journalism is a tool to create
 dran is the                                                                                                                      both parties to understand the situa-      have aired on PBS.
                                           the movement’s on news and views           an ever expanding source of revenue,
 M.Phil Scholar of                                                                                                                tion, and the language of Gandhi re-
                                           publication and that is how the Indian     but for Gandhi, who had very differ-
 Gandhian Studies                                                                                                                 veals the inner power within him. For      The celebration is being held in conjunction with Gandhi’s 150th birthday.
                                           Opinion seems to have been born.           ent goals, revenue was always more
 at the School                                                                                                                    instance he dedicated the entire issue
                                           Gandhi has devoted a separate chap-        of a spiritual return. Always a social                                                 Two events will be open to the public. On Monday, August 27, Park Univer-
 of Gandhian                                                                                                                      of “Young India” dated May 24, 1924
                                           ter both in his autobiography and his      and humanitarian crusader, Gandhi’s                                                    sity will host the Missouri premiere screening of “Gandhi’s Gift.” A Q&A with
 Thought And                                                                                                                      to write a lengthy article on Hindu-
                                           book on satyagraha in South Africa.        underlying journalistic concerns were                                                  filmmaker Cynthia Lukas and Kell Kearns and Dr. Gandhi will follow the film
 Development Studies, Mahatma                                                                                                     Muslim tension, its causes, and cure.
                                           Both the chapters contain details on       with the living conditions of the poor-                                                screening. On Tuesday, August 28, Johnson County Community College will
 Gandhi University, Priyadarshiny                                                                                                 In the article, he used sober language
                                           why and how to publish a newspaper.                                                                                               host Dr. Raj Gandhi in an event celebrating Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth-
 Hills Kottyam in Kerala, India.
                                           The content of the chapters is enough                         Continued on next page                                              day. His topic: “The Status of Peacebuilding Between India and Pakistan.”
pg 6                                                                                            Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                         pg 7
South Korea - Park University
April 2019
                                                                                                                                Radio peacebuilding                                              doing in community engagement with the characteristics of
                                                                                                                                                                                   from Pg 8 peace journalism. For example, they say they do not have
                                                                                                                                There are many such radio stations in East Africa that have      any preconceived ideas on what stories they will find, and,
                                                                                                                                embraced peace journalism in their radio programs.               of course, they give voice to the voiceless.
                                                                                                                                Ron Jones, Director of Community Engagement and Laura            Ron then shared an example of community engagement
                                                                                                                                Ziegler, Community Reporter from KCUR public radio in            in their story based in Tonganoxie, Kansas. This centered
                     2018 Greater Kansas City Peacebuilding Conference                                                          Kansas City spoke next on community engagement as                on the plans of Tyson Foods to bring a chicken processing
                                                                                                                                peacebuilding. Ron Jones defined community engagement            plant to the town – a plan that was supported by then-
Conference evaluates radio as peacebuilding tool                                                                                this way: “To learn the needs and aspirations of communi-
                                                                                                                                ties by examining issues that matter most to their lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. However, many in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 town opposed the plant. Tonganoxie revolted against this
By Tom Patterson                                                                                                                And to help people seek solutions to the issues facing their     plan, protesting most directly against the city council, who
                                                              oon is called “Towards a Peaceful Society.” Yet another is a
As part of a three day peacebuilding conference in Kan-       radio drama entitled, “A Call for Peace.” Vojvoda comment-        communities.” He stressed how they sought out new voices         had notice of this but did not alert the rest of the town.
sas City, speakers from around the world focused on the       ed that community media, like peace journalism, does not          and perspectives to broaden their coverage of issues. As a       Through their community engagement, KCUR’s story cap-
achievements of radio as a peacebuilding tool on Oct. 26 at   just give a voice to the elites of society but gives voice to     result, they focused on serving underserved communities          tured the variety of viewpoints reflecting the complexity of
Park University. Steven Youngblood, director of the Center    the traditionally voiceless by presenting their views directly    through their radio productions. This meant being engaged        the issue.
for Global Peace Journalism welcomed some 60 people to        from them and not from someone who claims to represent            in communities beyond parachuting in to cover one-off sto-
the afternoon event which included four sessions on radio                                                                       ries. One prerequisite for this was to establish trust; other-   Another example was KCUR’s pursuit of stories centered
                                                              them. He stressed that radio in the form of community
and peacebuilding.                                                                                                              wise the community would not engage with reporters. This         on borders in the KC metro area. In this case, their com-
                                                              media has great potential for peacebuilding.
                                                                                                                                involved identifying stakeholders in the community who           munity engagement resulted in a series of stories they
The first presentation featured via Skype Alexander Vo-       Youngblood, director of the Center for Global Peace Jour-         were asked what the issues that they faced, and whom the         titled “Beyond Our Borders.” They put in over a year to
jvoda from Vienna, who works for a civil society organiza-    nalism at Park University, spoke next and took us to East         reporters should talk to who could address the issues from       rediscover Troost Avenue (a traditional dividing line of
tion based in Buea, Cameroon, and the Reverend Geraldine      Africa (Uganda and South Sudan) in his talk on Radio and          the community’s level. With the stakeholders’ input the          segretation in KC), the State Line, the Wyandotte-Johnson
Fobang of Yaoundé, Cameroon, president of the Camer-          Peace. He began by going over the 10 characteristics of           reporters then arranged listening sessions that took place       county line (another racial dividing line), and the Missouri
oon Media Network and station manager of the Christian        peace journalism:                                                 in that community and were always off the record.                River. This in the spirit of peace journalism aims to dispel
Broadcasting Services, CBS Buea. They presented on “Radio                                                                                                                                        stereotypes perpetuated by Kansas City’s geographical and
and Peace in Cameroon,” showing how radio has been            1. Being proactive                                                The public radio reporters would always start out with the       racial boundaries.
used as an effective peacebuilding tool in reporting on the   2. Uniting rather than dividing                                   following questions:
Anglophone crisis in Cameroon.                                                                                                  “What do you want metro Kansas City to know about your           The final speaker, Spencer Graves, board member of com-
                                                              3. Rejecting official propaganda
                                                                                                                                community?”                                                      munity radio station KKFI, gave examples of peace initia-
                                                              4. Giving voice to the voiceless
Cameroon has historically been regarded as one of the                                                                           “How engaged are you in your community?”                         tives that have been broadcast by KKFI or disseminated
                                                              5. Being balanced
more peaceful countries in Western Africa, but that has                                                                         “How engaged do you want to be?”                                 on its website, including events and rallies by PeaceWorks
                                                              6. Providing depth and context
changed recently. Rev. Fobang gave a brief history of the                                                                                                                                        Kansas City.
                                                              7. Considering the consequences of the reporting                  Then after getting confirmation from the group that their
origins of the conflict, which now centers in southwestern,   8. Carefully choosing words to avoid being inflammatory
Anglophone Cameroon. Mr. Vojvoda spoke on how he has                                                                            notes were accurate of what the community shared, they           The radio and peace session was part of the Greater Kansas
                                                              9. Selecting images that are not inflammatory                     would return to the station and conceptualize stories based      City Peacebuilding Conference. This three-day event was
been organizing workshops for media to professionalize        10. Debunking stereotypes, myths, and misperceptions.
their work, stressing how hate speech can be countered                                                                          on what they learned. Ziegler pointed that while they            hosted by Avila University, Park University, and Johnson
and how media can be inclusive rather than divisive. The                                                                        don’t consider themselves to be technically peace journal-       County Community College from Oct. 25-27, 2018.
                                                              Youngblood discussed how he included these elements of
work has led to the official registration and growth of the   peace journalism in workshops he led for radio journalists        ists, there is obviously a lot of overlap in what they are
Cameroon Community Media Network, which now has               in Uganda. These journalists produced radio stories (the
more than 70 members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Far left)- KCUR’s
                                                              most important medium in Uganda) that incorporate these                                                                                                                      Laura Ziegler
                                                              10 characteristics. In one example, a public service an-                                                                                                                     discusses border-
Rev. Fobang then explained what the Christian Broadcast-      nouncement (PSA) sold the concept of a peaceful election.
ing Service (CBS radio) is doing to bring people together                                                                                                                                                                                  briding stories
                                                              It used the tag line: “Everyone has a dream to live a better                                                                                                                 produced by the
in the service of peace. One way is a program focused on      peaceful life this election. Choose Peace!” This PSA was
conflict resolution called “Eyole” which means “the Wind                                                                                                                                                                                   station. (Left)-
                                                              played thousands of times throughout Uganda.                                                                                                                                 Cameroon
of Peace.” Another, focusing on issues in Northwest Camer-
                                                              Youngblood then talked about the series of peace semi-                                                                                                                       Community
 Tom Patterson is an Associate Professor                      nars that he held in Juba, South Sudan, in 2016. The focus                                                                                                                   Media Network’s
 and Director of International Education at                   of these seminars was on radio as a tool of reconciliation                                                                                                                   Rev. Geraldine
 Johnson County Community College. He                         – the healing of groups that have been torn apart by war                                                                                                                     Fobang and Alex
 received his MA in Linguistics at the Uni-                   or conflict. Then, as in Uganda, the journalists went out                                                                                                                    Vojvoda connect
 versity of Texas in Arlington, and his Ph.D.                 into the country to produce radio stories with a theme of                                                                                                                    with the
 in English Language and Literature from the National         reconciliation. He then played a couple of these reconcilia-                                                                                                                 conference via
 University of Singapore. He has worked for number of         tion radio productions that those journalists had produced.                                                                                                                  Skype.
 universities abroad in Poland, Japan, and Singapore.
                                                                                                       Continued on next page
pg 8                                                                                          Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                            pg 9
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                           April 2019

Photojournalists can humanize, spark healing                                                                                        In Cameroon, journalists evaluate peace efforts
By Alexsandra Canedo                                                                                                                 By Rosaline Akah Obah
                                           tory of many regions in Latin America.
The Gabriel García Márquez Founda-                                                       In her role as Program Officer for         Members of the Cameroon Com-
tion for New Ibero-American Journal-       Here are four key takeaways from the          the International Center for Journal-      munity Media Network (CCMN)
ism (FNPI) held its sixth Gabriel García   panel discussion:                             ists in the Americas, Alexsandra           and North West and West chapters
Márquez Journalism Awards and                                                            Canedo provides support to several         made up of peace journalists met in
Festival in Medellin, Colombia.            1. Photojournalism adds a human               grants, particularly under the um-         Bamenda recently to evaluate efforts                                                                           Cameroonian
                                           layer to conflict.                            brella of the Investigative Reporting      put in place by their various activities                                                                       journalists meet
Every year, the event offers more than     Historically, the needs and griev-            Initiative in the Americas (IRIA).         as journalists in bringing peace to the                                                                        in Bamenda
75 free activities centered around         ances of civilians, specifically minor-       Canedo manages various small               war-torn region as well as peaceful                                                                            to evaluate
journalism, literature, art, science,      ity groups, have been pushed aside                                 grants and pro-       living and coexistence. This was during                                                                        their efforts for
technology, innovation and culture.        in peace negotiations and left out of                              vides logistical      a network meeting of the association                                                                           peace.
This year, speakers, panelists, and        peace treaties. Despite the harrow-                                and administra-       coordinated by the President Rosaline
trainers from more than 25 countries       ing experiences of individuals living                              tive assistance       Obah Akah.
gathered in Medellin Oct. 3-5 to cel-      in conflict in the 21st century, many                              to carry out
ebrate some of the best publications       people still associate conflict with mili-                         workshops and         During this strategic meeting, the
to surface in Latin America in the last    tary movement and weapons. Botero                                  conferences.          members engaged the 2019 year on a         as the ongoing crisis in Anglophone        meetings will be held within the year
year.                                      believes it’s important to photograph                                                    more promising note by conducting a        Cameroon rages on.                         that will include various stakehold-
                                           conflicts because it forces individuals      groups are not invited to the table.        situational analysis of the Anglophone                                                ers involved in peacebuilding so that
In an event titled, ”Photojournal-         to see the conflict from a different         Photography can provide irrefutable         crisis in Cameroon and the Bangoulain      The members have received trainings        peacebuilders and CCMN can combine
ism, memory and search for truth,”         perspective and makes “the conflict          evidence and challenge conflicting          crisis in the West Region.                 on principles of peace journalism and      forces for sustainable peace. Mem-
Colombian academic Germán Rey,             more human.” Many individuals in             testimonies. With this in mind, Botero                                                 conflict sensitive reporting thanks to     bers were also drilled on reporting
moderated a discussion between             power approach conflict from a top-          said that she “tries to save the survi-     After finishing one year of the peace      the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
                                                                                                                                    journalism project, a project impact                                                  with empathy during a crisis by vet-
four photojournalists: Stephen Ferry       down approach, rather than a bottom-         vors of conflicts” with her photogra-                                                  (PCC) and Bread For the World (BROT)       eran journalist Omer Songwe. Overall,
(United States), João Pina (Portugal),     up approach, which hurts individuals         phy and be as impartial as possible         analysis was done. The chapter also        in collaboration with CCMN. The
                                                                                                                                    worked out an action plan on how                                                      CCMN members continue producing
Natalia Botero (Colombia), and Álvaro      on-the-ground in conflict zones. The         when she’s behind a camera lens.                                                       participants took turns doing a self as-   productions to enhance peace and
Ybarra (Spain).                            panelists agreed that photojournalism                                                    various actors, including the media        sessment and group evaluation of the
                                                                                        Ferry brought up Peru’s Truth and           through the CCMN, can work on con-                                                    conflict transformation.
                                           can serve as a tool to help fill this gap,                                                                                          efforts they have put in so far in peace
The conversation was structured                                                         Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as          tributing towards the de-escalation of     building through the radio, TV, print,      Rosaline Akah Obah is the Re-
                                           shifting the focus to individuals who
around the role that photojournal-                                                      an example of the successful use of         violence and encourage peace in Cam-       and online platforms.                       gional Communication Secretary
                                           are affected.
ism can play in the search for truth in                                                 photojournalism in the peace process,       eroon using peace journalism prin-                                                     PCC in the North West Region. She
conflict-ridden societies and the con-     2. Photography can serve as                  and an example for other countries to       ciples and conflict sensitive reporting.   Collectively members observed that                            was named the
struction of peace. Through their own      evidence.                                    follow. Peru’s TRC ordered a multime-                                                  their work in the regions are chal-                           Pioneer Sta-
work, these photojournalists brought       Botero says that “photography testi-         dia photography project, Yuyanapaq,         Opening the one day meeting,Chapter        lenged by factors like inaccessibility
                                                                                                                                    President Akah reminded members to                                                                       tion Manager
critical insight to several conflicts in   fies.” When truth commissions meet           to build collective memory in the                                                      to news events, withering up of news                          of the Christian
Latin America, and their photographs       after a conflict ends, they mostly           aftermath of Peru’s internal conflict.      always remember that peace remains         sources, ghost towns (general strikes),
                                                                                                                                    priceless and as peace journalists,                                                                      Broadcasting
have provided a foundation for coun-       rely on written testimony, which can         Stephen Ferry believes that photo-                                                     and sporadic shooting. These all pre-                         Service (CBS)
tries to acknowledge the violent his-      be troubling if the voices of certain        graphs are fundamental if the country       contributing in any way possible for       vent journalists from doing their jobs.
                                                                                                                                    peace to reign remains paramount.                                                                        Radio Bamenda
                                                                                        truly wants to reflect on their past and                                                                                                             in 2016.
                                                                                        move forward as a unit.                     She urged them to redouble efforts         More capacity building seminars and

      In October                                                                        3. Photojournalism can spark healing.
    in Medellin,
                                                                                        Panelists agreed that photojournal-
                                                                                        ism can have a profound impact on
                                                                                                                                    Photo                                      since they have the power to write
                                                                                                                                                                from Pg 10 history. Photographs have the power
                                                                                                                                    are important, they create negative        to reconcile various truths and create     About IJC Net
     conference                                                                         societies and their ability to create
                                                                                                                                    peace, marked by the absence of            a more collective, consistent memory.      IJNet delivers the latest on global media
        panelists                                                                       a foundation for communal healing
                                                                                                                                    violence. Social peace — known as          With this power, it’s imperative to be     innovation, news apps and tools, training
 discuss photo-                                                                         by building a shared visual memory
                                                                                                                                    positive peace — peace goes deeper,        impartial and to shed light on all sides   opportunities and expert advice for profes-
   journalism’s                                                                         and national consciousness. Ybarra
                                                                                                                                    and can lead to true healing.              of the conflict.                           sional and citizen journalists worldwide.
        ability to                                                                      believes that photography should                                                                                                  IJNet is produced by the International
    nurture and                                                                         play an important role throughout                                                                                                 Center for Journalists in seven languages -
                                                                                                                                     4. Photojournalists have a larger         --Originally published on International
 heal societies.                                                                        the entire healing process, laying the                                                                                            Arabic, Chinese, English, Persian, Portu-
                                                                                                                                     responsibility.                           Journalists’ Network ( and is
                                                                                        groundwork for social peace. Al-                                                                                                  guese, Russian and Spanish. Subscribe to
                                                                                                                                     t’s crucial that photojournalists         published here with permission.
                                                                                        though ceasefires and peace treaties                                                                                              IJNet’s free, weekly newsletter. You can
                                                                                                                                     adhere to the highest levels of eth-      See:       also follow IJNet on Twitter or like IJNet on
                                                                                                           Continued on next page    ics and refrain from altering images,     tojournalism-has-role-constructing-        Facebook.
pg 10                                                                                             Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                              pg 11
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                              April 2019

Community radio stokes peace in Colombia                                                                                             Global journalists compare threats, discuss PJ
By Emma Heidenreich                                                                    dangerous places in the world to be a         By Steven Youngblood                                          JUF was blessed by the active presence of 48 international
                                            Emma Heidenreich is a Journalism           journalist. The World Press Freedom           (Santa Fe, NM)-I traveled 754 miles from Kansas City to       journalists (literally, from Albania to Zimbabwe). These
I want you to imagine a dilapidated
                                            and International Relations Gradu-         Index situates Colombia at a dismal           Santa Fe, New Mexico in December to attend and speak          journalists were brought to the U.S. as Edward R. Murrow
but colourful radio station studio,
                                            ate (Hons. in Peace and Conflict           130 out of 180 countries. At most risk        at a conference titled, “Journalism Under Fire” (JUF). Little Fellows by the U.S. State Department.
nestled in verdant Colombian jungle
                                            Studies). Emma is a member of the          are those journalists situated in rural       did I realize that this short trip would literally take me
and protected overhead by a dense
                                            TRANSCEND Network for Peace                zones, where clashes between armed            around the world.                                             Interactions between the international journalists and
canopy. Inside, a man speaks into a
                                            Development. She lived and worked          groups and drug cartels are frequent.                                                                                                                    Continued on next page
microphone. He strategically omits
                                            as a journalist in Colombia at the
his name from his broadcast for fear
                                            height of the 2016 peace negotia-          The peace agreement in October 2016
of an armed group active in a village
                                            tions. Her research centres on en-         saw a ceasefire and demobilisation of
                                            gaging grassroots voices in conflict       record numbers of FARC troops. How-
Colombia has been at war for 60             and post-conflict contexts.                ever, other armed groups with similar
years. It is one of the longest wars in                                                ideologies to FARC remain active, such
modern history and is perpetuated by                                                   as the People’s Liberation Army, as
poverty, political underrepresentation                                                 well as right-wing paramilitaries and                                                                                                                    An overflow crowd
and a lack of access to healthcare,                                                    drug cartels. According to Human                                                                                                                         is engaged by
education or land rights for rural                                                     Rights Watch, right-wing paramilitar-                                                                                                                    speakers at the
people. In the mid-1960s, armed mi-                                                    ies in Colombia are responsible for a                                                                                                                    Journalists Under
litias emerged from both ends of the                                                   disproportionate number of extrajudi-                                                                                                                    Fire conference in
political spectrum in these rural areas,                                               cial killings, intimidation of journalists                                                                                                               December in New
many joining the FARC – the Armed                                                      and censorship of violent events.                                                                                                                        Mexico.
                                           radio to protest against the treatment
Forces of the Republic of Colombia,        of rural farmers and poor families and      How does supporting Colombia’s
the largest leftist rebel army in the      to whistle blow the activity of illegal     local radio stations build Positive
country and some joining hard-right        armed groups in their communities.          Peace?
paramilitaries with corrupt ties to        In her book “Citizens’ Media Against        In Colombia, international and na-
state security forces.                     Armed Conflict,” Clemencia Rodríguez        tional policymakers, NGOs and

                                           highlights the significant role local me-   citizens recognise local radio stations’                                                   voters are located in areas where the   cational and talkback programmes on
In this context, the history of com-                                                                                                                             from Pg 12
                                           dia projects have played in networking      contributions to peace. The earliest                                                       conflict has caused the most devasta-   community radio stations have, and
munity radio runs deep in Colombia.
                                           grassroots organisations for peace          examples of community radio net-             Organisations such as the Colombian           tion. Duque’s campaign attracted vot-   continue to be, significant platforms.
In October 2016, former-President
                                           in Colombia and in disrupting armed         works supported by USAID, the EU             Federation of Journalists and the             ers from urban areas, but many rural    Rural consumers can access informa-
Juan Manuel Santos signed an historic
                                           groups’ recruitment of young men.           and UNESCO, include Popular Cultural         Communication System for Peace                voters lacked access to information     tion, have an opinion on political and
peace agreement with FARC. The
                                           However, some stations are high-            Action (ACPO). ACPO plays a role in          (SIPAZ) today help to network local           on Duque’s political objectives or a    justice processes and hold Duque’s
agreement stipulated a commitment
                                           jacked by armed groups and religious        educating rural communities and              media projects and to ensure funding          medium through which to voice their     government to account.
to media reform and community radio
                                           authorities with their own motives.         enabling them to have a voice on             is directed to them. Funding is particu-      concerns. The link between access to
projects “in their production and                                                                                                                                                                                         Evidently, these rural radio stations
                                           Radio is a powerful medium.                 the aforementioned root causes of            larly critical given Colombia’s highly        information and peace is clear. Edu-
dissemination of content to foster a                                                                                                                                                                                      are key to peace because they are
culture of peace.”                                                                     conflict in Colombia. Understanding          monopolised media context. Accord-
                                           Violence against local radio stations       how best to address these issues in                                                                                                located where the majority of vio-
                                                                                                                                    ing to RSF, small scale media projects                                                lence takes place, where international
Today, some 450 internationally            Community radio stations and grass-         the future remains a critical challenge      have to compete for audience inter-                                                   and even urban Colombian journalists
recognised community radio stations        roots activists in Colombia often           for transitional justice policy. To build    est against more lucrative, pervasive                                                 rarely travel and where local people
operate throughout rural and regional      become targets of armed groups,             Positive Peace in the nation, local          media conglomerates and their ties to                                                 truly know and understand the causes
Colombia, actively opposing the            who see media projects as attempts          voices must be heard.                        political and economic elites.                                                        and impact of conflict on their com-
armed conflict. Radio is a cheap and       to dissuade local people against their
                                           violent ideologies. In the post-peace       Local radio stations are key to peace        In August 2018, President Iván Duque,                                                 munities. This does not need to be a
relatively accessible medium for most
                                           agreement phase, it is critical that the    in Colombia because they are located         leader of the far-right Democratic                                                    complex process. Rural communities
rural-dwelling Colombians in areas
                                           international community, the Colom-         where the majority of violence takes         Centre Party succeeded Santos. Duque                                                  have already laid the groundwork.
with poor infrastructure, no internet
                                           bian Government and non-govern-             place, where it is too dangerous for         opposed the peace agreement and its                                                   They need recognition and support.
or electricity access. Inexpensive,
                                           ment organisations work together to         most journalists to travel and where         approach to transitional justice, vow-                                                Recognition that what they do makes
battery-powered radios have become
                                           afford security measures to local radio     local people truly know and under-           ing to renegotiate the agreement and                                                  a difference and support in one of the
a key source of information.
                                           stations and grassroots journalists.        stand the causes and impact of con-          prioritise justice for victims if elected.                                            most hostile contexts in the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          --Originally published at: http://visionofhu-
Community radio stations in Colombia                                                   flict on their communities.                  Ironically, it is victim’s voices that have                                 
date back to the early 1940s. Grass-       According to a 2018 investigation by
                                                                                                                                    been silenced in the process – the                                                    radio-stations-key-peace/ and at
roots movements for peace used             Reporters Without Borders (RSF),                                                                                                                   UTexas Libraries
                                                                                                           Continued on next page   majority of peace agreement ‘yes’                                            .
                                           Colombia is still one of the most
pg 12                                                                                             Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                                  pg 13
South Korea - Park University
April 2019

JUF                                             from Pg 13
                                                                The audience pitched me some difficult questions to close
                                                                out the discussion. Will audiences pay attention to PJ
                                                                stories? (Actually, research shows audiences prefer PJ and
the Americans present enlightened and enriched both                                                                                                                                                                                              Thrilled UPeace
groups. I was privileged to moderate two exchanges with         solutions themed stories). How can we get media con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 graduates last
the international journalists. One exchange featured jour-      sumers out of their bubbles? (Not easy. Start with media
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 spring (right);
nalists from Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Nigeria        literacy).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and a view of
(panel discussion on misinformation), while another had                                                                                                                                                                                          the university’s
reporters from Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria (Citizen Ex-        Aside from my presentation, Journalism Under Fire
                                                                featured a number of outstanding speakers, including                                                                                                                             bucolic campus
change Circle). We discussed fake news and government                                                                                                                                                                                            near San Jose,
propaganda; the double-edge sword of social media; the          Pulitzer Prize winners Dana Priest (Washington Post) and
                                                                Don Bartletti (Los Angeles Times).                                                                                                                                               Costa Rica.
challenges of reporting about terrorism; and the state of
media freedom in their respective countries.                    Priest spoke about global censorship. Interestingly, she
My breakfast and lunch chats with the visitors about their      said that Facebook’s handling of news constitutes “a new

                                                                                                                                    UPeace to offer new MA in media and peace
careers and their lives were equally enriching. Profes-         kind of censorship” that promotes extreme views by
sionally, several journalists even indicated an interest in     giving consumers only the news Facebook thinks readers
hosting me for a peace journalism workshop or project           “want.” Photojournalist Bartletti showed his photo essays
                                                                from the U.S.-Mexico border (including recent shots of a            By Suamava Mitra                            practice from both the fields of Peace     critical cultural studies related to
in their home countries in Africa, the Middle East, and                                                                                                                         and Conflict Studies and Media Stud-       media, political communication, inter-
Southeast Asia.                                                 migrant caravan), and from Honduras. His photos were                To build peaceful and inclusive societ-
                                                                evocative: infuriating, depressing, and startling.                  ies in today’s mediatized world, know-      ies, the University for Peace is launch-   national media law as well as critical
I presented a breakout session where a lively group of                                                                              ing how media can be a tool for con-        ing a new postgraduate program             understanding of contemporary digital
about 50 gathered to discuss media coverage of migrants,        Other JUF speakers included Ukrainian Olga Yurkova (fake            flict transformation, and a platform        called MA in Media and Peace.              media.
and how peace journalism can be a tool to improve that          news, Russia and Ukraine); Arbana Xhare from Kosovo                 to promote inclusivity, is essential.
                                                                (threats against journalists); Angela Kocherga and Alfredo                                                      The program at UPeace, which was           Admissions to the program are open
coverage. In this session, after a quick examination of su-                                                                         Peacebuilding processes now increas-        established by the General Assembly        now. Partial scholarships for students
perficiality, negativity, and stereotyping coverage of Syrian   Corchado (covering the U.S.-Mexican border); Nikahong               ingly include media-related practices
                                                                Kowsar (the dangers of political cartooning in Iran); and                                                       of the United Nations, will begin in       from all signatory countries to the
refugees in European and Turkish media, we talked about                                                                             and approaches to enhance their             August 2019 and is meant for students      University for Peace Charter of the
how many of those same traits can be seen in recent cov-        several New Mexico journalists discussing their challenges          impact but focused higher education
                                                                and threats.                                                                                                    who are interested in studying peace-      UN General Assembly (currently 41
erage of the caravan “crisis.” I showed findings of recent                                                                          for students and practitioners in this      building and conflict transformation       countries), along with a few full schol-
studies that showed the threat was exaggerated by politi-       Journalism Under Fire was organized by Executive Direc-             wide area is lagging behind.                from the perspective of media and          arships, are on offer for prospective
cians, and that negative language was used far more than        tor Sandy Campbell and his staff at the Santa Fe Council                                                        communications. Current or would-          students. Those interested can find
positive language about the caravan migrants. Finally, we                                                                           The gap between the disciplines of
                                                                on International Relations. Jason Rezaian of the Washing-           Media Studies and Peace and Conflict        be practitioners in the international      more information by visiting www.
discussed the way that the president used the media to          ton Post spoke at JUF and wrote about the conference in                                                         humanitarian and peacebuilding fields
spread his anti-immigrant hysteria.                                                                                                 Studies – in spite of efforts by scholars
                                                                the Post. Rezaian noted that the conference was timely,             and practitioners around the world          who want to specialize in information-
                                                                since threats facing journalism are “one of the most con-                                                       related interventions will find the        Based in the beautiful surroundings of
I said that peace journalism, conversely, would po-                                                                                 such as the Peace Journalist magazine                                                  a 300-hectare nature reserve near the
tray immigrants more three-dimensionally, and with              sequential challenges facing free societies today.”                 – remains one of the major stumbling        program beneficial.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           capital San Jose in Costa Rica, Uni-
a humanitarian angle. PJ would also reject the harsh,           I couldn’t agree more.                                              blocks.                                     The students of the program will be        versity for Peace is a globally focused
judgmental language we’ve seen so much in the me-                                                                                                                               attending a range of courses related       institution of higher education in the
dia. I played several examples of peace journalism-style        Steven Youngblood is editor of the Peace Journalist Magazine,       With a goal of building interdisciplin-
                                                                                                                                    ary knowledge among the peacebuild-         to Peace and Conflict studies that are     field of peace and conflict studies, as
stories, including a terrific piece by NPR’s Scott Simon        author of Peace Journalism Principles and Practices, and direc-                                                 already offered by the Department          well as international law, and environ-
about a family separated at the border (https://www.npr.        tor of the Center for Global Peace Journalism at Park University,   ers of tomorrow about research and
                                                                                                                                                                                of Peace and Conflict Studies at the       ment studies.
org/2018/08/11/637780548/how-separation-affected-a-             where he is an associate professor.
                                                                                                                                                                                University. In addition, the MA in
migrant-family).                                                                                                                     Saumava Mitra coordinates the              Media and Peace program will re-           The University is well known for its
                                                                                                                                     new MA program in Media and                volve around five core courses meant       pedagogy and research in the broad
                                                                                                                                     Peace at University for Peace. He          to offer them deeper understand-           area of peace and conflict studies and
                                                                                                                                     holds a doctorate in media studies         ing of the diverse theories, practices     has been active in creating disciplin-
        At a peace                                                                                                                   from University of Western Ontario                                                    ary dialogues between Media Stud-
                                                                                                                                                                                and research within the Media and
        journalism                                                                                                                   in Canada. Apart from his teaching,                                                   ies and Peace and Conflict Studies
                                                                                                                                                                                Communications discipline that have
     presentation                                                                                                                                       he researches                                                      since its inception in 1980. The MA
                                                                                                                                                                                intersections with, and implications
   (left); and at a                                                                                                                                     on news media’s                                                    in Media and Peace will build on this
                                                                                                                                                                                for, peacebuilding and conflict trans-
  panel of African                                                                                                                                      role in conflict                                                   expertise in inter-disciplinary research
journalists at JUF                                                                                                                                      with a special                                                     and pedagogy at the University and
 in New Merxico.                                                                                                                                        emphasis on             These core courses will draw on            also broaden the scope of the current
                                                                                                                                                        visual imagery of       knowledge and understanding related        MA specialization in Media, Peace
                                                                                                                                                        war.                    to global political economy of media,      and Conflict that has been on offer for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           students in recent years.
pg 14                                                                                             Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                             pg 15
South Korea - Park University
April 2019                                                                                                                           April 2019

Nigerians concerned about social media, violence                                                                                  Nigeria                    from Pg 16
                                                                                                                                                                              views and opinions concerning elec-
                                                                                                                                                                              toral processes. These tips, adapted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7. Avoid comments that portray the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “election as a personality conflict
By Innocent Iroaganachi                                                                                                                                                       Nigerian politics, are:                    between candidates. Instead, focus
                                                                Innocent Iroaganachi holds a Bachelor and Master of Arts          of political powers, even before the                                                   on the candidates’ positions on issues
The 2019 general elections in Nige-                             in Communication Studies. He is a Doctoral student in             coming of the social media.                 1. Avoid comments that make it look        of importance—schools, health care,
ria were delayed, then finally held                             Peace and Development Studies and a part-time lecturer                                                        as if the election is between APC and      roads,” security, housing, unemploy-
                                                                                                                                  Prior to the coming of the social           PDP. Instead, let our comments give
Sunday, Feb. 24. These elections were                           at the Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA) Nigeria. He                                                                                              ment, etc.
                                                                                                                                  media, basing political arguments on        publicity to other political parties,
held against a backdrop of real and                             is a member of the World Catholic Association of Com-
                                                                                                                                  religion and ethnicity for winning of       whose candidates and ideologies are        8. “Avoid unbalanced stories. Instead,
perceived violence on social media in                           munication (SIGNIS) and of Young Peace Journalists of Pax
                                                                                                                                  votes was minimal and it could eas-         credible.                                  seek to balance each story with com-
previous elections.                                             Christi International (YPJ - PCI), a blog writer for Asante
                                                                                                                                  ily be regulated. But with the social                                                  ments from the major parties or their
                                                                Africa Foundation, and a journalist with the Centre for
Prior to the 2015 general elections                                                                                               media, doing so has been amplified          2. Avoid limiting our arguments on         supporters. Balance includes getting
                                                                Social Awareness, Advocacy and Ethics (CSAAE).
in Nigeria, some predictions were                                                                                                 and has had negative effects on both        just polls and surveys. Instead, let our   input from informed citizens.”
made, that Nigeria will break up,                                                                                                 educated and uneducated electorates.        comments focus on “issues of impor-
                                          to publicise contents aimed specifi-       television, radio, and newspaper to
there is going to be war, etc. Most of                                                                                            Some electorates, in many cases the         tance as identified by the public and      9. “Avoid letting candidates use you to
                                          cally at discrediting institutions and     also engage APC in the war of words.
these predictions were based on how                                                                                               young people, make uninformed judg-         articulated by candidates and parties,     spread their
                                          personalities in the then PDP (Peoples
heated arguments were on the media,                                                  Four years down the political line,          ment on a candidate or political party      including platforms/manifestos.”           propaganda.
                                          Democratic Party) -led government,
especially the social media. Those                                                   Nigeria is back going through the            because of negative social media con-                                                  Identify and
                                          by the newly formed coalition party                                                                                                 3. Avoid basing your knowledge of the
intense moments on the social media                                                  same experience again with the 2019          tent. Added to this, electorates go as                                                 expose talk-
                                          known as APC (All Progressive Party).                                                                                               candidates on what they say about
were felt among the political class and                                              elections. Now, it is no longer the case     far as using abusive and inflammatory                                                  ing points.
the electorate, who were in support       In 2014, it was basically the then op-     of one political party, other political      words to insult fellow electorates.         themselves. Instead, “seek expert          Instead, as
of either of the leading political par-   position party (APC) who understood        parties have learned the skills, that is,                                                analysis of the candidate’s background     you broad-
                                                                                                                                  Foreseeing this kind of incivility, the     as well as the veracity and logic of the   cast their
ties in the country. With providence      ‘better’ how to use the social media       skills on how to maximise the social
                                                                                                                                  Nigerian parliamentarians some time         candidates’ comments.”                     statements, UTexas Libraries
on her side, the country held her         to reach the electorates with their        media, to sell demeaning, aggressive,
                                                                                                                                  ago proposed laws to regulate social                                                   include a
elections and a new government was        desired contents, though not minding       inflammatory, and damaging contents
                                                                                                                                                           media and to       4. Avoid making reference to “inflam-      critical analysis of what is being said.”
instituted.                               if the contents were violence-oriented     against their perceived opposition. In
                                          or not. While APC was focused primar-      fact, on the 18th of January, 2018, the      Prudence is              set up a media
                                                                                                                                                           council com-
                                                                                                                                                                              matory, divisive, or violent statements
                                                                                                                                                                              by candidates. Instead, there are two      10. “Avoid reporting that gives opin-
During the run up to these elections,
in 2014, the interesting thing was the
                                          ily on disseminating contents through
                                          the social media, PDP focused on us-
                                                                                     online version of Leadership News-
                                                                                     paper had reported a piece with this
                                                                                                                                  expected of              mission. The       options: A. Edit these comments to         ions/sound bites only from political
                                                                                                                                                           both proposed      eliminate these inflammatory state-
antagonistic use of the social media      ing the traditional media namely; the      headline: “PDP Launches Social Media         (those of) us            laws have          ments; B. Publish or broadcast these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         leaders and/or pundits. Instead, cen-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ter stories around everyday people,
                                                                                     War Against APC.”
 Abuja workshop unites media, police                                                                                              who use                  encountered
                                                                                                                                                           setbacks be-
                                                                                                                                                                              comments, and then offer pointed
                                                                                                                                                                              analysis and criticism of what is being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         their concerns and perceptions about
                                                                                     The fear of concerned citizens in                                                                                                   the candidates and process” (Young-
 A workshop February 6-8 in Abuja, Nigeria brought together senior jour-             Nigeria is not about the social media,       social media             cause of mas-      said.”                                     blood, 2012, p.14).
 nalists and editors and police officials to discuss and plans for the Nigerian      which is good in itself, but the fear is                              sive campaign
                                                                                                                                                           against them       5. Avoid “airing comments and reports      Nobody wishes to be insulted or
 general elections later in February, according to the Media Foundation for          on the kind of direct and indirect vio-
                                                                                                                                  from the people, as a result of lack of     that encourage sectarianism and divi-      abused because of a political party or
 West Africa (                                                             lence-oriented contents which these
                                                                                                                                  trust in the government.                    sions within society—race-baiting,         persons running for office that he/she
                                                                                     political parties and their respective                                                   for example. If these comments must
 The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), International Media Society            followers transmit using social media                                                                                               supports. Neither does anyone who
 (IMS), Nigeria Union Journalist (NUJ), and the Nigeria Police Force held a                                                       One thing the Nigerian electorates us-      be aired, then follow up with com-         loves peace wish to foment a virtual
                                                                                     platforms.                                                                               mentary pointing out the candidate’s
 workshop “to ensure mutual respect and understanding between the police                                                          ing social media need to know is that                                                  war of words that is capable of caus-
 and the media during and after the 2019 Nigeria elections,” according to the        A clear instance where we see more           the political class in Nigeria are firmly   attempt to divide and distract voters.”    ing direct violence for electorates. It
 Media Foundation for West Africa.                                                   of these virtual incivilities taking place   united in believing that the direct and     Instead, our comments should “insist       is journalism’s responsibility to share
                                                                                     is on the comment sections of any            indirect fights and insults taking place    on the candidates addressing issues        our views in a manner that they “in-
                                As the workshop concluded, the participants          news story that is published by online       on the social media between the elec-       that highlight common values and           form citizens so that they may intel-
                                adoped a resolution that stated a need to            by news agencies which contain politi-       torates mean ‘success’ for politicians.     bring communities together.”               ligently fulfill their electoral duties and
                                educate the public on social media and its           cal content about parties or politi-         Thus, the Nigerian electorates are to                                                  framing stories so as to short-circuit
                                possible adverse effects; for police to share                                                     be guided by prudential peace in their      6. Our comments should be such             violence and not exacerbate political
                                                                                     cians. It need be said that religion and                                                 that do not allow “candidates get
 their operating procedures with the media and to hold regular briefings; to         ethnicity are the dominant divisive          transmission of views on elections and                                                 polarization.”
 hold “confidence building” sessions between the media and police prior to                                                        political issues.                           away with using imprecise, emotive
                                                                                     factors on which most of the com-                                                        language. This includes name calling.
 elections; and to “check overzealousness and overbearing attitudes on both          ments found therein are based upon.                                                                                                 This prudence is expected of us using
 sides,” according to the Media Foundation for West Africa.                                                                       In his article “Connecting Peace and        Instead, our comments should “hold         the social media, because we all are
                                                                                     These factors have for a very long                                                       candidates accountable for what they
                                                                                                                                  Electoral Journalism,” Steven Young-                                                   Nigerians, seeking to have commit-
                                                                                     time remained prominent for use by                                                       say, and use precise language as you
 For more, see:                                                           blood (2012, p.14) made a list of tips                                                 ted Nigerians that will make Nigeria
                                                                                     Nigerian politicians in the acquisition                                                  discuss issues.”
 police-commit-to-ensure-improved-police-media-relations-ahead-of-                                                                to be avoided and others to be imple-                                                  better.
 2019-nigeria-elections/                                                                                 Continued on next page
                                                                                                                                  mented by those wishing to transmit
pg 16                                                                                           Vol. 8, No. 1                                                                                                              pg 17
South Korea - Park University
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