SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - $4.95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...

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SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
$4.95 • DESIGN •Saskatoon
                               • DECOR
                                    2009 • SUMMER 2009   1

                       Greening the Future
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
Saskatoon   Summer 2009   3
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
4   Saskatoon   Summer 2009                                                Saskatoon           Summer 2009                                                 5

                                                    SUSTAINABLE CITY:
                                                            Greening the Future
                                                                                                   19        The Quest for a
                                                                                                             Sustainable Saskatoon
                                                                                                             Everyone’s starting to do
                                                                                                             their part.

                                                                                                   21        How Green is Our City?
                                                                                                             It’s becoming a movement,
                                                                                                             not just a colour.

                                                                                                   31        A House with Sun Sense
                                                                                                             A solar system heats
                                                                                                             this suburban home.

                               9     FRONTLINES
                                     News for Homeowners
                                                                      35 STYLE
                                                                         How to Hide Your Floors
                                                                                                              41   SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                                                   Green Renovator Recycles
                                     Economy, new developments             Put leather under your feet.            He reclaims 80% of demolition
                                     and more.                                                                     materials.
                                                                      37 OUTSIDE
                               15    INNOVATORS
                                     “Green” Spray Foam
                                                                           Grooming Your Grounds
                                                                           Styling for your property.
                                                                                                              43   PRACTICAL
                                                                                                                   Where to Find Green Products
                                     It’s endorsed by Mike Holmes.                                                 You’ll also find services and advice.
                                                                      39 THE ROOM
                               33    DECOR                                 Outdoor Summer Living              45   BACKWORDS
                                     Window Covering Winners               Furnish your patio with flair.          Saskatchewan’s Stone Buildings
                                     Choices for style and comfort.                                                It’s a fascinating heritage book.

                              The Alexander Residence, Arts and Crafts style house built in 1912 and designated a municipal heritage property in 2001,
                              was home to Dr. Harold Alexander, head of the Surgery Department at St. Paul’s Hospital. Photo: Darrell Noakes
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
6                                              Saskatoon        Summer 2009

Join the Green Team                                                                                           Issue 6, Summer 2009
                                                                                                              ISSN 1916-2324

        oing green is no        make good green sense.         vation programs. And while                     Jeff Pexa
                                                                                                              Editor, Writer:
                                                                                                                                                             30 26 Lots are now available in Greengate Estates First Phase
longer just a fashionable       Home owners are becoming       many of the endeavours are
                                                                                                              Dona Sturmanis
option, but is becoming         much more conscious in the     happening at a municipal
                                                                                                              Contributing Writer, Photographer:
a necessity. On the home        choices they make whether      level, individuals and busi-                   Darrell Noakes
                                                               nesses are forming proactive                   Art Director:
                                                               “green” groups as well. Af-                    Mark McCann
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Serviced Lots Available Now!
                                                               ter all, it is individuals who                 Associate Art Director:                                                                City Water, Gas, Electrical
                                                               make up the energy and ef-
                                                                                                              Stephanie Symons
                                                                                                                                                                                                     & Telephone
                                                               fect a group or association
                                                                                                              Joe Ralko, Deanna Merrick
                                                               can have as a whole.
                                                                                                       Saskatoon Home
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Fenced, treed, ponds,10 acre
                                                                  In this issue, we take a
                                                                                                       is published by:                                                                              park with playground
                                                               look at some of the many                Wheat King Publishing Ltd.
                                                               ways in which Saskatoon                 200-160 Dougall Road South
                                                               has become green, from en-              Kelowna BC V1X 3J4
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Terrain offers many design
                                                               trepreneurial endeavour to              Telephone 306.373.1833                                                                        options including walkout
                                                               city policy.                                                                                                basements
                                                                                                       President: Jeff Pexa
                                                                  Saskatoon is fortunate to
                                                                                                       Administrative Director: Lara Pexa
                                                               have a wealth of profession-                                                                                                        • Build Green Cash Incentives
                                                               als in the home industry,
front, architects, builders,    it’s as simple as carrying
                                                               who can help you to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                   • 15 minutes South of
                                                               your residence a more ef-               No part of this publication may be copied
developers, renovators and      reusable shopping bags or
                                                               ficient, comfortable and at-            or reprinted without the written consent
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Saskatoon on Hwy 11
contractors are stepping up     purchasing energy-efficient
                                                               tractive place to live. Wheth-          of the publisher.
to the plate in incorporat-     appliances.
ing sustainability into their                                  er your home goal is to be-
                                   Like many cities, Saska-                                            Publications Mail Agreement
projects. Suppliers are in-                                    come more sustainable or                # 41216508
                                toon is creating initiatives
troducing products that are                                    more stylish, they are there
                                to become more sustain-
environmentally-friendly                                       to offer their products and
                                able, whether it’s through
whether they are made of                                       expertise. Many of them ad-
                                development of affordable
reclaimed materials       or                                   vertise in the pages of Saska-
                                housing to energy conser-                                    enviroink.indd 1                          10/1/08 10:44:38 AM
                                                               toon Home...check out what
                                                               they can do for you.
                                                                  In the meantime, think of
                                                               what you can do as an in-
                                                               dividual to do your part in
                                                               contributing to a more sus-
                                                               tainable Saskatoon. A thou-
                                                               sand acts of green can make
                                                               a difference.
                                                                                    Dona Sturmanis
                                                                                                Editor                                                                    (306) 665-4663 • Toll Free (866) 695-3136
                                                                                                                                                                • Saskatoon
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
8   Saskatoon   Summer 2009                                                                                      Saskatoon   Summer 2009                                                                     9

                                                                               well ahead of the national                    apart from other provinces
                                                                               average of 0.5 per cent. In                   in the coming year.”
                                Saskatchewan                                   the west, Alberta decreased                     For 2009, most major
                                                                                                                                                                                Station 20 West
                                                                               by 0.2 per cent, British Co-                  forecasters predict Sas-
                                 Led Canada’s                                  lumbia was down by 0.3                        katchewan will be the only                           Still Hopeful
                               Economy in 2008                                 per cent while Manitoba in-                   province to post economic
                                                                                                                                                                                 for Go-Ahead
                                                                               creased by 2.4 per cent. Only                 growth.
                                                                               five provinces had economic                     “Saskatchewan is not im-
                                                                               growth in 2008.                               mune to the economic chal-
                              Statistics Canada has con-                          “Our economy in 2008                       lenges faced globally, but
                              firmed what most economic                        outpaced other provinces                      we are in a great position to
                              forecasters have been saying                     with strong activity in the                   fend off the major declines                    Station 20 West Community
                              for months -- that Saskatch-                     resource sector and in ag-                    experienced in much of                         Enterprise Centre is shov-
                              ewan had the fastest grow-                       riculture,” said enterprise                   Canada and stay on track                       el-ready and ready to go,
                              ing economy of all Canadian                      and innovation minister                       over the coming year,” said                    says project manager Paul
                              provinces in 2008.                               Lyle Stewart. “We have made                   Stewart.                                       Wilkinson.
                                 The report shows that Sas-                    considerable      investment                                                                   “Basically, the foundation
                              katchewan’s economy grew                         in infrastructure and major                                                                  plans are in the hands of the
                              by 4.4 per cent in 2008, the                     personal tax cuts that will                    PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN                      city and we’re hoping to get
                              highest in the nation, and                       definitely set Saskatchewan                                                                  a permit approved,” he says.

                                                                        Relax, unwind, let an interior design consultant from Studio 2.0 Interior Design Consultants answer all of your design questions,
                                                                        from the initial planning stages of your new build or renovation to the finishing touches. You’ll have one resource to answer your
                                                                        questions and point you in the right direction. Now doesn’t that feel better? Just grab a coffee and come along for the ride.

                                                              Interior Designers

                                                              IDAS                 Association of Saskatchewan
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
10                                                 Saskatoon        Summer 2009                                                                                                      Saskatoon        Summer 2009                                                   11

                                                                                                                                    winning Mountain Equip-             Monarch Yards, an afford-     million over two years under         “Saskatoon and Regina will
Unfortunately, the project         would likely have to be de-      to the project, promised by                                     ment Coop building in            able rental housing proj-        Canada’s Economic Action          not match their spectacu-
is still “a little bit short of    layed until next year.           the previous NDP admin-                                         downtown Winnipeg.               ect for low-income families      Plan as part of a one-time        lar 2008 growth rates, but
money.” To date, the devel-           The group is hoping           istration, in April 2009. The      Rivergreen on                  Olmstead says he expects       has officially opened in         investment of more than $2        they have enough economic
oper has commitments to-           that it qualifies for federal    province said it needed the          Track with                 to have the architectural        Saskatoon.                       billion to build new and ren-     momentum to top all other
talling $1.85 million toward       stimulus funding, as well,       money to fund health care                                       plans and models by the end         Ed Komarnicki, Federal        ovate existing social housing     census metropolitan areas
the projected cost of the          but does not know when it        infrastructure throughout          Award-winning                of May.                          Parliamentary       Secretary    in Canada. The province will      (CMAs) again this year,” said
building cost of $5.8 mil-         might hear from the gov-         the province.                       Design Team                   The revised approach will      to the Minister of Human         also contribute $66 million       Alan Arcand, principal econ-
lion. The organization had         ernment. It also depends on         A new branch library is                                      let the project proceed in       Resources and Skills De-         for these initiatives over the    omist for the outlook report.
been aiming to $3 million          Saskatoon city council add-      located in the Saskatoon                                        phases, responding to fi-        velopment Canada and to          next two years.                      After growing by a nation-
by February.                       ing Station 20 to the city’s     Housing Authority afford-                                       nancing and demand.              the Minister of Labour, on          These investments build        leading seven per cent last
   “What we would like to do       list of priority projects.       able housing development,                                         “We’re quite excited about     behalf of Diane Finley, Min-     upon the $1.9-billion com-        year, Saskatoon’s economy
this year is start immediate-         Good      Food     Junction   which opened just north of      Rivergreen Ecovillage, at       that,” he says. “We’ve got a     ister of HRSDC and Minis-        mitment for housing and           will increase by 1.7 per cent
ly and put the foundation          Coop, a full service grocery     the Station 20 West site in     River Landing Phase II,         very, very loyal group of cus-   ter Responsible for Canada       homelessness        programs      in 2009. Regina’s economy,
in and shell in the build-         store, has already commit-       April, Wilkinson adds.          continues to build on last      tomers or potential custom-      Mortgage and Housing Cor-        announced by the Govern-          which grew by 5.3 per cent
ing, which would mean              ted to become one of the            “That’s really something,    year’s design charrette, hav-   ers,” he adds. “We’ve been       poration, along with Sas-        ment of Canada in Septem-         in 2008, will be right behind
that the building framed in        tenants of Station 20 West,      because there hasn’t been a     ing engaged the services of     really impressed with that.”     katchewan’s Social Services      ber 2008, which extended          Saskatoon, with projected
and completely finished on         Wilkinson says. The neigh-       public library on 20th Street   Dudley Thompson of Prai-          Residential tenants are        Minister and Minister re-        the Affordable Housing Ini-       1.6-per-cent growth in 2009.
the exterior,” he says. “That      bourhood has been de-            for years and years and         rie Architects in Winnipeg.     content to wait until the        sponsible for the Saskatch-      tiative and the renovation           Strong in-migration into
would take until December.         scribed as a “food desert,”he    years,” he says.                The firm has a “huge history    project is ready for them to     ewan Housing Corporation         programs for low-income           both Saskatchewan cities will
The total cost of that would       says, since the last of the                                      of sustainability,” includ-     move in, he says.                Donna Harpauer made the          households for two years.         continue to support hous-
                                                                                   DARRELL NOAKES
be 2.3 million.”                   downtown grocery stores                                          ing LEED certified projects,                 DARRELL NOAKES
                                                                                                                                                                     announcement at a signing        Today’s announcement in-          ing construction activity and
   If Station 20 West can          left more than a decade ago.                                     and a wide variety of ar-                                        ceremony earlier in May.         cludes a further combined         demand for services, the re-
reach that amount by June             Station 20 West has been                                      chitecture, says Rivergreen                                         “The Government of Can-       investment of $29 million by      port said.
1, “we will proceed imme-          struggling since the pro-                                        co-manager Rick Olmstead.                                        ada continues to work hard       both levels of government            The Conference Board at-
diately,” Wilkinson says.          vincial government pulled                                        Prairie Architects is noted          Affordable                  to support Canadians dur-        for the two-year extensions       tributed Regina’s continued
Otherwise, the project start       an $8 million commitment                                         for its design of the award-         Housing in                  ing these challenging eco-       to build new affordable           economic growth to large
                                                                                                                                                                     nomic times and has moved        housing and assist low-           capital projects, including
                                                                                                                                        Saskatchewan                 aggressively to ensure Cana-     income households with            the Consumers’ Co-opera-
                                                                                                                                         Gets a $161                 da’s Economic Action Plan is     needed renovations to their       tive Refineries Ltd. $1.9-bil-
                                                                                                                                                                     implemented rapidly,” said       homes.                            lion expansion, the develop-
       NEW LOCATION                                                                                                                     Million Boost                Komarnicki. “We are helping         Overall, the federal contri-   ment of the global transpor-
     103-3718 Kinnear Pl.
                                                                                                                                                                     the most vulnerable, includ-     bution is $84 million, while      tation hub west of the city
                                                                                                                                                                     ing seniors and persons with     the province is contribut-        and $180-million redevelop-
                                                                                                                                    The Government of Canada         disabilities, access suitable,   ing a further $77 million for     ment of Evraz Place.
                                                                                                                                    and the Province of Sas-         affordable housing, as well      the combined investment of           John Hopkins, CEO of the
                                                                                                                                    katchewan are partnering         as making needed renova-         over $161 million.                Regina & District Chamber of
                                                                                                                                    on a joint investment to         tions to existing social hous-      CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING    Commerce, agreed that the
                                                                                                                                    build new and renovate ex-       ing both in Saskatchewan                             CORPORATION   megaprojects are giving Re-
                                                                                                                                    isting affordable housing.       and across Canada.”                                                gina’s economy a significant
                                                                                                                                    This investment will help           “Together with our fed-                                         boost.
                                                                                                                                    create jobs, strengthen the      eral partners, our govern-                                            “There are many major
                                                                                                                                    economy and improve the          ment is strongly committed           Saskatchewan                  projects moving ahead in the
                                                                                                                                    quality of life for Saskatch-    to making affordable hous-                                         Regina area,” he said. “That,
                                                                                                                                    ewan families.                   ing available in Saskatch-            Cities Lead                  in and of itself, will continue
                                                                                                                                       Both levels of government     ewan,” Harpauer said. “We              in Growth                   to foster an environment
                                                                                                                                    officially signed an amend-      welcome this significant in-                                       where economic growth
                                                                                                                                    ment to the Canada-Sas-          vestment, which underlines                                         happens.’’
                                                                                                                                    katchewan Affordable Hous-       our resolve to honour this       Saskatoon and Regina are             Hopkins said he was en-
                        • Custom Home Design                                                                                        ing Program Agreement and        historical agreement and         once again expected to lead       couraged to see the Confer-
                       • Award Winning Service                                                                                      an extension to the Canada-      to build brighter futures for    the way in economic growth        ence Board forecast popula-
                                                                                                                                    Saskatchewan Housing Ren-        Saskatchewan families, se-       among 13 major Canadian           tion growth of 1.5 per cent,
                                                                                                                                    ovation Program Agreement,       niors and persons with dis-      cities in 2009, according to      as well as continued job
     Phone:(306) 373-3805 • Fax: (306) 373-3806                                                                                     resulting in a joint invest-     abilities.”                      the Conference Board of           growth and low unemploy-
                                                                                                  ment of more than $161 mil-         The announcement in-          Canada’s metropolitan out-        ment, for Regina in 2009.
                                                                                                                                    lion over the next two years.    cludes federal funding of $66    look for spring.
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
12                                                Saskatoon        Summer 2009                                                                                                                     Saskatoon      Summer 2009                                              13

  Unlike many provinces,          is down 28 per cent from         price remains on par with       homes selling for more than
which are running deficits        March 2008 when 391 units        2008 at $274,584.               $1 million.
and cutting government            were sold. Sales numbers are        The average residential         An inventory correction
jobs, the Saskatchewan Party      on par with 2005 and 2006.       price is derived by taking      appears to have begun. Sas-
government is running a bal-         RealtorS® sold $75.481        the month’s dollar volume       katoon Realtors® listed 662
anced budget and preserving       million of real estate in        of homes sold and dividing      homes in March that num-
jobs, he said.                    March which is down 33 per       that number by the unit sales   ber on par with 2008. Year to
  “We are the capital city and    cent from March 2008 when        number. The percentage of       date 1,742 homes have been
the government is an impor-       $113.206 million of real es-     change should not be used       placed on the market. Buyers
tant player in the economy        tate was sold. The drop in       unilaterally as prices vary     had 1,435 properties to select
of Regina, and it’s a stabiliz-   dollar volume is directly re-    from area to area.              from at the end of March. It
ing force.’’                      lated to the reduced number         Consumers wishing an         will likely take the remain-
                                  of unit sales.                   accurate estimate of value      ing part of 2009 to reduce the
            AND CONFERENCE
                                     Year to date Realtors®        for their home should con-      current larger than normal
            BOARD OF CANADA
                                  have sold $193.581 million of    tact a Realtor® member to       inventory level.
                                  real estate.                     do a comparative market            Confidence in the Sas-
                                     The average residential       analysis.                       katoon and Saskatchewan
                                  selling price was $266,720,         In the month of March the    economy remains strong.
     City Housing                 down eight per cent from         $275 - $300,000 price range     Market activity and expecta-
                                  March 2008 with an aver-         saw the greatest sales ac-      tion are directly related to the
     Sales Down                   age selling price of $289,530.   tivity. Twenty-three homes      employment environment.
                                  These numbers indicate a         sold in the $400,000 plus
Saskatoon Realtors® sold          slight softening of upper        price range. Year to date,
283 residential properties in     price range home sales. Year     69 properties have sold                        SASKATOON REGION
the month of March which          to date, the average selling     over $400,000 with three                  ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS

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SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
Saskatoon           Summer 2009                                                15

        I N N O VAT O R S
    Holmes-                                                                                           Walltite Eco spray foam to
                                                                                                      solve problems for hom-
Endorsed Spray                                                                                        eowners.
Insulation Foam                                                                                           Dynna said BASF has re-
                                                                                                      fined the Walltite product to
   Green, Unique                                                                                      put less foam into a square
     in Canada                                                                                        foot of a house.
                                                                                                          “The medium density of
Looking for a spray foam                                                                              1.7 pounds per square foot
insulation that’s endorsed                                                                            provides the same value and
by an icon of home renova-                                                                            protection as the original
tion, certified by the federal                                                                        two pounds per square foot,
government and is safe for                                                                            but there’s less foam being
children?                                                                                             used,” he said.
   There’s only one spray                                                                                 Spray Jones is the premier
foam that fits all those cri-                                                                         installer of Canadian Con-
teria – Walltite Eco, an in-                                                                          struction Material Centre
novative building product                                                                             (CCMC) medium density
from BASF Canada which is                                                                             foam in Saskatchewan. An-
available in Saskatchewan                                                                             nual sprayed volumes are
through Spray Jones.                                                                                  double its nearest competi-
   Walltite Eco is the only                                                                           tor.
medium density foam that                                                         Photo: Spray Jones       Carl Kennedy brought
has earned the federal gov-      Walltite Eco helps make a home as airtight as possible.              a decade’s worth of con-
ernment’s      environmental                                                                          struction experience to
choice certification. It also                                                                         Spray Jones when he joined
has been certified by the        lished Spray Jones in 2004.         don’t want to spend a lot of     the Saskatoon branch as
Greenguard Environmental            Over the years, he has seen      money on heating and air         manager.
Institute (GEI) for both in-     the popularity shift for spray      conditioning. So, they’ve            Dynna is very proud of
door air quality and for chil-   foam applications from the          seen the product on TV (the      the Walltite product and the
dren and schools.                commercial to residential           Holmes on Home program)          research conducted by BASF
   Greenguard is an indus-       markets.                            and as a result we seen our      to create and then improve
try-independent, non-profit          “The first and foremost         industry grow.”                  it.
organization that is not af-     reason for the change is the           Holmes, a 46-year-old             “BASF has done a total
filiated with any manufac-       television series Holmes on         professional contractor, has     environmental impact on
turer of a product that GEI      Homes,” said Dynna.                 become an iconic figure          Walltite Eco that was based
certifies.                          “People have seen the            through his weekly televi-       on a total life cycle assess-
   “Walltite Eco is being used   product used now for years          sion show where he rescues       ment of all ingredients and
by forward-thinking individ-     and years by Mike Holmes            homeowners from renova-          products,” he said. “BASF
uals who are renovating an       and have done their own             tions gone wrong. Holmes         has brought out the best
existing home or forward-        online research about spray         has become so credible his       product and ingredients at
thinking people who are          foam products. People are           program has been syndi-          the right time.”
building a new home who          building bigger and bigger          cated into the United States,         Dynna said BASF Canada
want to make it as air tight     homes that are extravagant.         New Zealand, Australia,          worked for the last two years
as possible,” said Michael       Homes aren’t just a square          United Kingdom, Germany          on a new-to-the-market
Dynna, who has been in           box anymore. As a result,           and South Africa.                medium-density foam that
the spray foam industry for      people spend a lot of mon-             His crews are often seen      will change the standard
almost a decade and estab-       ey to build their house and         applying the purple-colored      for all other foams to come.
SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
16                                                     Saskatoon        Summer 2009                                                                                Saskatoon       Summer 2009                                       17

                                                                        Material Centre (CCMC)
                                                                        12840-R for insulation,             “Each of these categories
                                                                        CCMC 12877-R for air bar-           embraces a wealth of de-
                                                                        rier material and CCMC              tailed information, some of
                                                                        12932-R for air barrier sys-        which comes from BASF’s
                                                                        tem.                                in-house records and some
                                                                           Walltite can be applied          from public databases,”
                                                                        over an exceptionally large         Dynna said.
                                                                        area in a single workday with           “According to this data,
                                                                        unsurpassed sealing perfor-         Walltite Eco has been prov-
                                                                        mance. It’s five times faster       en more eco-efficient than
                                                                        to apply than membrane              conventional insulation/air
                                                                        and board stock, which fa-          barrier systems.”
                                                                        cilitates on-site scheduling          Spray Jones is a member
                                                                        and results in exceptional          of the elite “Foam Masters”
                                                                        cost efficiency.                    program by BASF which in-
                                    Photo Courtesy of Dave Pallibroda
                                                                           Dynna said BASF adheres          cludes written exams.
Environmentally-friendly Walltite                                       to sustainable development            “Our policy is that our
Eco helps make a home as             ing agent. It contains both        standards.                          chief people in charge of a
airtight as possible.                recycled plastic and renew-           “Its eco-efficiency ap-          spray rig have a minimum of
                                     able carbon content.               proach is designed to in-           2,000 hours spray time. You
                                       Dynna said Walltite Eco          crease product value, op-           will not find this in many
   “Walltite Eco is a medium         substantially reduces both         timize the use of resources         other spray foam compa-
density polyurethane foam            air leakage and the pas-           and reduce environmental            nies,” he said.
system that lowers energy            sage of moisture through           impact,” he said.                     “The current trend in the
consumption and green-               the building envelope by              “Eco-efficiency analysis         spray foam industry is to
                                                                                                                                              A HISTORIC LANDMARK RESTORED BEYOND ITS MAJESTIC BEGINNING
house gas emissions. The
system provides a monolith-
                                     achieving airtight continuity
                                     across all joints, seams, con-
                                                                        looks at the entire life cycle
                                                                        of a product, beginning with
                                                                                                            certify people and compa-
                                                                                                            nies quick, with little to no
                                                                                                                                                                  NOW SELLING
ic surface and exceptional           struction material changes         extraction of raw materials         previous experience. We
adhesion,” he said.                  and overlaps. It eliminates        through to the disposal or          have been, and will contin-
   “There is no air gap be-          convective air flow both           recycling of the product.”          ue to be, outspoken against
tween the insulation and the         through and around insu-              An “ecological finger-           this and critical of those that
substrate. The building en-          lation, minimizes thermal          print” provides a picture of        do not value professional-
velope is perfectly insulated        bridging and controls mois-        the environmental effect of         ism and experience. Quality
and can better withstand se-         ture transfer.                     a product in six categories:        installation cannot be ac-
vere weather conditions.”              Benefits include lower en-                                           quired in a two-day course.”
                                                                        Materials consumption
   Walltite Eco can be ap-           ergy consumption, energy                                                                Darrell Noakes
plied when ambient and or            costs and protection against       Energy consumption                  Info
substrate temperatures are           premature building deterio-        Emissions to air, soil, and water   ■ Spray Jones
as cold as -10 C. The foam           ration, he said.                   Risk potential for misuse           415 Frobisher Place
is produced on site and the            Walltite is an effective air     Toxicity potential                  Saskatoon
resin material contains a            barrier system listed un-          Land use.                           306.653.3626
zero ozone depleting blow-           der Canadian Construction                                    

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                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jack Sandbrand
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SUSTAINABLE CITY: Greening the Future - .95 DESIGN ARCHITECTURE DECOR SUMMER 2009 - Saskatoon ...
18   Saskatoon   Summer 2009                           Saskatoon   Summer 2009   19

                               Summer has finally
                               arrived in Saskatoon.
                               A week after the
                               Victoria Day holiday
                               and the leaves were
                               barely, tentatively
                               emerging from their
                               buds, as if they were
                               uncertain that their
                               presence was to be
                               welcomed this year.
20                                                   Saskatoon           Summer 2009                                                                                 Saskatoon   Summer 2009   21

  Yet, here it is, summer at last. It explod-   a shift in the way we approach develop-            For instance, I happened to view an in-
ed upon us, as it usually does, although        ment and growth.                                novative Martensville home that makes
much later than we’ve become accus-                                                             use of solar hot water and solar hot air

                                                                                                                                                 How Green
tomed, abruptly bursting forth like a gre-         And the city is changing. It wasn’t no-      to reduce energy on the same day that
garious host flinging open the doors to the     ticeable at first, at least not to the vast     Raum Energy launched its newest do-
season’s first garden party. Saskatoon’s        majority of people who quite naturally          mestic wind turbine. The crowds that
summer always steps out with an adven-          are preoccupied with keeping up with the        gathered at the wind company’s open
turous spirit.                                  pace of their lives.                            house included many of Saskatoon’s
                                                                                                green builders and innovators, but also a

                                                                                                                                                 is Saskatoon?
  So, here we are, awash in a green                Look around our core neighbourhoods          large cross section of the public. There
landscape, ready for a new season’s             to see the revitalization that is taking        were a lot of contracts signed that day, a
adventure.                                      place, and doing so at an increasing pace.      definite indication that green technology
                                                It’s not just the pace, but also the methods.   isn’t merely a curiosity left to enviro-freaks
   For a growing segment of Saskatoon’s         At one time, old homes would have been          on the fringes of society.
movers and shakers in the building indus-       torn down and hauled off to the dump.
try, their clients and leaders in the commu-    Instead, these buildings are now finding          I suppose it shouldn’t have come as any
nity, there a new kind of green taking hold.    new use elsewhere in the city. Private de-      surprise that many attending a wind tur-

                                                                                                                                                 It’s Becoming a Movement,
To these people, it must feel as though the     velopments and affordable housing initia-       bine open house would also have known
city is emerging from a long, cold winter       tives are employing green technologies in       about the solar home, but I’ve been taken
of another kind, arriving every bit as hesi-    their design, construction and operation,       aback by the number of people I meet ca-
tantly as the summer of 2009.                   even in their landscaping.                      sually who have also heard about it. They
                                                                                                respond with awe when they meet some-            Not Just a Colour

                                                                                                                                                 by DARRELL NOAKES
                                                    Don’t blow it - good planets
                                                    are hard to find.
                                                    			                          ~Quoted in Time

   Consider, for example, that organiza-          At one time, not that long ago really,        one who’s actually seen it, been in it, as
tions such as Road Map 2020 and the Can-        those responsible for such developments         if they’ve caught a glimpse into a secret
ada Green Building Council formed five or       would have thought it was a big deal to         society. Perhaps what intrigues them the
more years ago, aim to ignite in our citi-      work with these methods. Some would             most is that the home is so normal, so
zenry and politicians a passion to create       even have resisted them, fearing either         much like places that are familiar to them.
a more sustainable and environmentally          that the process would cost more or             The future doesn’t look like the Jetsons.
green Saskatoon.                                that no one would be interested in buying
                                                the result.                                        Yet, there’s still a sense that going green
  More recently, groups such as Rooted                                                          is all about the technology, that it’s some-
and Urban Playground and We Are Many               Now, these things are becoming the talk      thing you buy, rather than something you
have sprouted to push for green change.         of the town. Everybody seems to be talking      do. In that respect, Saskatoon’s sense of
These are but a handful of the more than        about how energy-efficient the latest proj-     green still has a bit of a way to go before
three dozen non-profits non-government          ect will be, how much water it doesn’t use,     it matures.
organizations, environmental groups and         how much electricity it saves, how much
other agencies networking to bring about        material is re-used, how much waste is                                         Darrell Noakes
                                                diverted from the landfill.
22                                            Saskatoon       Summer 2009                                                                                                   Saskatoon            Summer 2009                                               23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Environmental design approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      applied to the new building at 121
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Research Drive, completed in 2007,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      make this one of the most energy-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      aware structures in the country.

                                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Courtesy of Innovation Place

                                                                                                                             Saskatoon’s strong affordable hous-        StatsCan notes, with residents living         working their way through the certi-
                                                                                                                             ing program, with support for low-         in lower-density “suburban-type”              fication process — the Law College
                                                                                                                             income homeowners, tax exemp-              neighbourhoods most likely to spend           on the University of Saskatchewan
                                                                                                                             tions for affordable development and       a lot of time fuming in their cars.           campus and 121 Research Drive in
                                                                                                                             priority given to affordable housing,      In addition, sprawling cities, re-            Innovation Place.
                                                                                                                             helped raise its sustainability score.     gardless of density, tend to promote
                                                                                                                             Residents spend about 18 per cent of       car dependency, the government                Developers are catching on, embrac-
                                                                                                                             their annual income on shelter, the        agency adds.                                  ing green development with increas-
                                                                                                                             publication noted. Saskatoon’s year-                                                     ing vigour. Good examples come
                                                                                                                             round farmers’ market also raised the      Our city is also a hog when it comes          from developers like Curtis Olson,
                                                                                                                             city’s ranking.                            to water use, which the Centre for the        whose in-fill projects in Saskatoon’s

                                                                                                                                                                        Study of Living Standards reported in         core neighbourhoods are turning
                                                                                                                             The scores were derived from data          2005 (the last year for which figures         heads, and Natasha Kuperman, with
                                                                                                                             available from Anielski Institute,         are available) works out to 501.7 litres      Macro Development’s Tilia Meadows
                                                                                                                             Canada Green Building Council, Cor-        per person daily, the second highest          in Langham, says Palibroda.
                                                                                                                             porate Knights survey, Environment         in the country.
                                                              The Saskatchewan chapter of the Canada Green Building
                                                                                                                             Canada, The Frontier Centre for Pub-                                                     “There are more and more develop-
                n many levels, Saskatoon has                  Council draws members from throughout the province,
                                                                                                                             lic Policy, Human Resources and Skills     “As green cities go, it seems like we’re      ers like that, who are pushing the
                                                              including Saskatoon.
     a bright future ahead as a “green” city.                                                                                Development Canada, Life Satisfac-         good and bad,” says Palibroda. “We            boundaries and doing things like put-
                                                                                                                             tion and Trust in Neighbours study,        have the potential, [but] we’re still ex-     ting solar hot water on their develop-
                                                              Groups like this bring some big guns to bear on hitting tar-
The City of Saskatoon Environmental Advisory Commit-                                                                         MoneySense 2008 “The Best Places           panding, still sprawling out, because         ments, or solar air heating — tech-
                                                              gets for sustainable and green development and growth.
tee identifies environmental issues of potential relevance,                                                                  to do Business in Canada,” Statistics      we don’t have anything limiting us.           nologies that work and are affordable
drawing on members’ expertise in ecology, biology, chem-                                                                     Canada and municipal websites and          Everybody who’s got some land out-            and make a difference,” he says. “Still,
                                                              Their efforts haven’t escaped the attention of Corporate
istry, physics, geography, economics, demography, soci-                                                                      tourism bureaus.                           side the city is subdividing and de-          I think a lot of the big developers are
                                                              Knights magazine, which publishes with an explicit focus
ology, medicine, aesthetics, toxicology, engineering and                                                                                                                veloping it. There’s nothing stopping         still leery.”
                                                              on corporate responsibility, says Dave Palibroda, president
conservation.                                                                                                                But it’s not all rosy, either. Saska-      that. It’s just increasing the need for
                                                              of Road Map 2020 and a consultant at Integrated Designs,
                                                                                                                             toon is criticized for its exceptionally   driving and decreasing density. But           Among new subdivisions, Evergreen
                                                              a Saskatoon project management company that special-
Since 2004, Road Map 2020, a non-profit partnership of                                                                       high level of car dependency, which        then again, we have all this renewal          provides an example of sustainability,
                                                              izes in sustainable building projects.
the Meewasin Valley Authority, the Saskatchewan Envi-                                                                        StatsCan pegs at 86 per cent. Less car-    downtown, where there’s a lot of good         says Palibroda.
ronmental Society and the city’s environmental advisory                                                                      dependent Canadian cities manage           going on.”
                                                              In January, Corporate Knights ranked Saskatoon the sec-
committee, has been building community awareness of                                                                          to bring that down to about 50 to 70                                                     “That’s only one subdivision,” he
                                                              ond most sustainable Canadian city under 250,000 popu-
the environmental, social and economic benefits of sus-                                                                      per cent, although only 29 per cent of     Slow Road to Sustainability                   says. “There have been a lot of sub-
                                                              lation. The city scored 6.12 out of 10 points, barely trail-
tainable practices and working to develop a multi-sector                                                                     Montrealers get around everywhere          Although Saskatoon has no LEED-               divisions. We have a lot of good ex-
                                                              ing Yellowknife at 6.14. Canada’s top cities, Edmonton and
network of community leaders interested in building a                                                                        by car. Automobile dependency is           certified buildings currently, Pali-          amples, but then we also have a lot of
                                                              Halifax, scored 7.31 and 6.94 in the large and medium cat-
more sustainable Saskatoon for the future.                                                                                   mainly a function of housing density,      broda notes that at least two are             bad examples.”
                                                              egories, respectively.
24                                             Saskatoon         Summer 2009                                                                                                         Saskatoon          Summer 2009                                               25

Like most things in civil society, we      the door to considering alternative        municipal governments can still take           ternative forms of transportation.          have natural ventilation and daylight       little regard for compact develop-
can’t expect “someone else” or gov-        energy sources as a viable option.         steps in the right direction, such as          The city,in recent years especially,        and views. Building buildings like we       ment, infrastructure development,
ernment to do it all. It’s going to take                                              protecting solar access rights and             has made great strides in increasing        did before the advent of air condi-         shared energy or any of the issues
individual effort and commitment,          “It’s quite realistic to think that we     loosening restrictions that curtail            (transit) service and ridership.”           tioning is in a large part what LEED        that could be applied in new devel-
says Palibroda. Government can help,       could get 500 megawatts from elec-         wind generation.                                                                           advocates, a more passive approach.         opment.”
though, through incentives such as         tricity conservation,” says Peter                                                         When a City Steps Up                        That should be number one, before
grants and tax breaks that nudge citi-     Prebble, director of energy and wa-        A Thousand Acts of Green?                      Molaro points out that the City of Sas-     you throw technology into the build-        “It would be nice to go back to the
zens in the right direction.               ter policy for the Saskatchewan En-        In other areas, a green shift has al-          katoon’s new greenhouse gas man-            ing. It should be all the passive things    old model of mixed incomes in an
                                           vironmental Society, adding that the       ready begun to take shape, says                agement plan sets a performance             that can be done, integrating the me-       income in a neighbourhood as well,
“These home renovation grants are          province could meet 20 per cent of         Palibroda. Every grocery chain now             standard of LEED certification for          chanical and the architectural.             rather than getting into more of the
great,” says Palibroda, adding that        its electrical demands from wind,          has its green product line. Stores are         all new municipal buildings. The                                                        gated communities.”
the combination of tax credits and         with the rest coming from small            charging extra for plastic bags, if they       plan also promotes community-wide
energy efficiency grants available to
homeowners is making a difference.
                                           scale hydro, biomass and waste
                                           heat recovery.
                                                                                      haven’t got rid of them completely.            demonstration projects to encourage           “But it’s not like                        A green Saskatoon would also return
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to a district energy model in the city’s
                                                                                      The city has a good waste manage-
                                                                                      ment plan.
                                                                                                                                     the development of green and LEED
                                                                                                                                     certified buildings. Such projects            the city’s hands                          core says Molaro.
“As I walk down the street, walk           Building codes and civic regulations
around the block, I see people do-         passed during a time when “green”          “Look at the boom of the farmers’
                                                                                                                                     might include development at River
                                                                                                                                     Landing or a co-generation facility at
                                                                                                                                                                                   are tied either.”                         “The university’s been supplying
ing that all the time,” he says. “On       was just a colour, and not a move-         market,” he says. “That’s a great step         the University of Saskatchewan. The                                                     steam and cooling for its buildings
older homes, they’ll take off the [sid-    ment, can inhibit Saskatoon’s ability                                                                                                 Municipal regulations can really            since its inception 100 years ago,” he
                                                                                      there. You get people out, meeting             city also aims to establish demonstra-      shape how well a city like Saskatoon
ing] and they’ll put a new skin, a va-     to become a more sustainable city.         the community, meeting the other               tion sustainable neighbourhoods,                                                        says. “We even used to produce some
pour barrier lining and start insulat-     For example, Palibroda points to                                                                                                      can demonstrate its commitment to           of our own power in our early days.
                                                                                      farmers. It’s a great catalyst for a lot of    with the potential application of           sustainability, says Molaro. For ex-
ing from the outside and upgrading         regulations that stand in the way of       other change.”                                 LEED Neighbourhood standards ap-                                                        The model is extremely economical
the windows. I think there’s going to      innovative construction techniques,                                                                                                   ample, it’s counterproductive to have       over its life cycle.”
                                                                                                                                     plied to new developments.                  zoning regulations that require dou-
be a lot more of that if these grants      unconventional building materials          “It’s got to be a little bit of everything,”
keep up.”                                  and alternative energy sources.                                                                                                       ble garages in new subdivisions.            “The downtown has terrific density,”
                                                                                      he continues. “There has to be some            “A lot of municipal governments have
                                                                                      mandated change from the top. We               stated targets,” says Molaro. “The city                                                 he says. “Cities like New York and
“You get greening of Saskatoon little                                                                                                                                            “That’s discouraging, to say the least.     some of the larger northeastern U.S.
bit by little bit, house by house,” adds   “You can’t have a                          also need the whole ‘million acts of
                                                                                      green thing.’ Hit it from the bottom.
                                                                                                                                     of Vancouver is LEED Gold. The city
                                                                                                                                     of Calgary, Silver. Here’s Saskatoon
                                                                                                                                                                                 I can’t humbly stand aside and say          cities have district energy. Conn-Edi-
                                                                                                                                                                                 that’s nice. I don’t agree with that. I
Palibroda. “Every little bit adds up.”
                                           composting toilet                          Hit it from the top. We’ll end up at a
                                                                                      good place in the middle.”
                                                                                                                                     saying they’ll certify to LEED for their
                                                                                                                                     facilities, which is great.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 think the city is addressing that to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             son is a huge supplier of steam to mil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             lions of square feet of office space.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 some degree.”
Palibroda notes that it’s all about
“negawatts,” a term coined by physi-
                                              in the city.”                           “There’s no one way, no one path,” he          “In Canada and the US for that mat-                                                     “The efficiencies are proven and I’d
cist and environmentalist Amory                                                                                                                                                  Building codes can also throw up            love to see that in a green Saskatoon.”
                                           “You can’t build a straw bale home         says. “It’s everybody doing a little bit.”     ter, it’s very much a grassroots effort,    roadblocks. Molaro cites challenges
Lovins. Lovins, who stumbled upon                                                     Michael Molaro, a founding member              ‘grassroots’ meaning municipalities,
                                           in Saskatoon,” says Palibroda. “If you                                                                                                around plumbing codes, including is-
the word after spotting a typographi-                                                 of the Saskatchewan chapter of the             not so much big government,” he                                                         Planning Group Forms
                                           wanted to, every single bale has to be                                                                                                sues such as reusing “grey” water and
cal error in a utilities commission                                                   Canada Green Building Council, says            says.                                                                                   Green Partnerships
                                           stamped by an engineer.”                                                                                                              collecting rainwater for use within
report, uses it to refer to electrical                                                he has seen some promising changes                                                                                                     The public seems to be becoming
generation rendered unnecessary                                                                                                                                                  the house. But it’s not like the city’s
                                           “It’s the absolute lowest embodied         in recent years.                               “If you go to Europe, a lot of it’s regu-   hands are tied, either.                     more knowledgeable about sustain-
through energy efficiency. The word                                                                                                  lated, top down,” Molaro explains.                                                      ability issues, says Heather Landine,
                                           energy material you can get in Sas-
has a certain appeal, and its use is                                                  “Although the city is expanding to             “They’re so far ahead of us in terms                                                    sustainable communities develop-
                                           katchewan. It’s not hay. You’re not                                                                                                   “Municipalities have the power to re-
catching on.                                                                          a great degree, they’re also looking           of sustainability, in many areas, but                                                   ment project facilitator for Road
                                           taking food away from animals.”                                                                                                       interpret and, within the confines of
                                                                                      at in-fill which is a very positive and        in Canada and the US, it’s often not        their municipality, they can make the       Map 2020. Landine has temporar-
Consider, for example, that SaskPow-                                                  green thing to do, for density of resi-        the government regulators that are                                                      ily stepped in to replace Mary Beck-
                                           “You can’t have a composting toilet in                                                                                                ruling,” he says.
er forecasts that Saskatchewan will                                                   dential in particular, in the downtown         leading us, it’s people in the green                                                    ie, who left as executive director
                                           the city.”
need 1,750 megawatts of new power                                                     and close to the downtown core,”               building industry, it’s developers, ar-                                                 to return to the University of Alberta
generation by 2020 and possibly as                                                                                                                                               Alternative Energy Planning
                                           There may be good reasons for the          he says. “Density really allows us to          chitects, engineers and the like that       and Mixed Density                           in April.
much as 3,000 additional megawatts                                                    maintain and renew our infrastruc-             want to transform the industry to
                                           regulations, he says. The city follows
by 2030 if current trends continue                                                    ture more economically.” When a city           more responsible building practices.”       If there’s one issue that strikes a nerve   “I think the sheer fact that [sustain-
                                           the National Building Code, and if
unabated. To a large extent, it’s that                                                starts to get spread out, such as has                                                      with Molaro, it’s neighbourhood de-         ability is] more present in the media,
                                           something isn’t mentioned in the
future demand that is fueling the nu-                                                 occurred in Calgary and Edmonton,              Molaro likes the LEED approach be-          velopment, especially in subdivisions       that’s allowing people to gain more
                                           code, it won’t be permitted in the city.
clear power debate in the province.                                                   road, water and sewer costs escalate.          cause it’s easy to implement.               such as Stonebridge.                        knowledge,” she says. “There’s been a
                                           That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s un-
If conservation and efficiency efforts                                                                                                                                                                                       fair bit more media coverage on how
                                           safe. It just means that no one ever
could cap future demands at, say,                                                     “I think we want to learn from what            “LEED by its nature applies lo-tech,”       “One of the triggers there for me is so-    to live green and how to be more sus-
                                           felt a need to consider it before now.
1000 megawatts, the forecast would                                                    others have done around density,”              he says. “Going back to buildings that      lar,” he says. “When I look at a neigh-     tainable in your own practices, in the
                                           Although the building code is re-
be reduced by 2,000 megawatts by                                                      continues Molaro. “It certainly sup-           have thin floor plates, buildings that      bourhood like Stonebridge, there’s no
                                           viewed regularly, it takes time to get
2030. That’s “negawatts,” and it opens                                                ports safety and security, transit, al-        have windows that actually open and         regard for solar orientation. There’s
                                           changes approved. In the meantime,
26                                             Saskatoon        Summer 2009                                                                                                              Saskatoon          Summer 2009                                                       27

media in the past few years than ev-                                                                                                 work with the City of Saskatoon                “I think sustainability is, realistically,     A greener Saskatoon is all about trying
ery before.”                                                                                           The College of Law
                                                                                                       expansion,      completed     on improving personal access to                at year five or six on this scale. I know      to get people to implement small
                                                                                                       in 2007, is one of            recycling centres. That’s a big hurdle         it’s been around for decades, but it’s         changes in their lives, she explains.
Landine points out that Road Map                                                                       Saskatoon’s         leading   in some areas.”                                always been an ‘out there’ concept             It is these small steps that will add
2020 has been focusing its efforts on                                                                  examples of sustainable                                                      and only some people have been                 up to a successful and sustainable
working with industry — companies                                                                      building. The facility        Landine notes that it takes about 20           willing to deal with it.”                      municipal journey.
and corporations — to get them to                                                                      features natural light        years for a new concept to become a                                                                                                      DN
look at their own actions and to find                                                                  to over 75 per cent of        social norm.
ways to reduce their own greenhouse                                                                    the    interior    spaces,
gas emissions.                                                                                         Saskatchewan ís first
                                                                                                       extensive living roof and a                                 Clean and green plan: City to lead by example
The most recent Road Map 2020                                                                          displacement ventilation
forum, “Revisioning Transportation;                                                                    system providing 100
                                                                                                       per cent outdoor air to
Redesigning Communities,” held in
                                                                                                       the building. Sustainable
                                                                                                                                              Saskatoon’s Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan came about through
April, considered the ways in which
Saskatoon could develop more
                                                                                                       construction      practices                    the collaboration of the City of Saskatoon and Road Map 2020.
                                                                                                       resulted in the use
sustainable transportation models.                                                                     of building materials
                                                                                                       comprised of 32 per               Targets                                                           Goal 4: Design and build green and smart. In 2013, energy-
Landine says the forum provided                                                                        cent recycled content,                                                                              efficient planning and “green” system design practices
an opportunity for Road Map 2020                                                                       while on-site recycling           • Reduce corporate (municipal) emissions by 10% below
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ensure that land use needs are met in a sustainable way and
to welcome four new sustainability                                                                     and construction salvage            1990 levels by 2013, and
                                                                                                       diverted 87 per cent of                                                                             that sustainable choices are easily made.
champions: TCU Place, Saskatoon                                                                                                          • Reduce community emissions by 6% below 1990
Media Group, PEDCO & the University                                                                    construction waste from              levels by 2013.
of Saskatchewan Students Union.                                                                        the landfill.                                                                                       Goal 5: Be responsible stewards of our resources. In 2013,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           energy planning has helped to ensure that the community
“We currently have 30 businesses                                                                                                                                                                           can meet its needs without negative impact to the local
and groups that have signed on                                                                                                           The City’s vision is to become a leader in renewable energy,      and global environment. All decisions relating to the use of
as champions, that have made a                                                                                                           energy conservation and management of greenhouse gas              resources consider the full environmental cost.
commitment to reduce their own                                                                                                           emissions. “We possess a wealth of resources and strong
greenhouse gas emissions. The goal                                                                                                       sense of community where residents and business work              Goal 6: Lead by “green” example. In 2013, the City will be a
for this year is 10 (new champions),                                                                                                     collectively,” they state. “We will build on this foundation to   leader at implementing energy management best practices
so we will be signing on quite a few                                                                                                     enhance economic prosperity, and improve environmental            in municipal operations and as a result encourage action by
more. The more we can get to sign on,                                                                                                    and social health for future generations.”                        residents, businesses and other municipalities.
                                                                  Photo: Courtesy of Dave Pallibroda
the better.”
                                                                                                                                         Goals                                                             Some of the ways Saskatoon will
Much of the non-profit group’s             “I don’t think there’s a lot of
current emphasis has been on
                                                                                        “Those are fairly simplistic things the          Goal 1: Build an energy-aware community. In 2013, Saskatoon       meet its GHG reduction goals:
                                           infrastructure changes that would            city could implement in terms of a
transportation. City Park is the subject   need to happen,” she says. “I                                                                 residents will understand the importance of Energy and GHG         • Reduce automobile trips.
of a pilot project, with residents         would really like to see a bylaw for                                                          Management and be effectively engaged in helping the               • Implement “smart growth” principles and green buildings.
participating in a survey to obtain        green building standards. I think            “There’s a lot of antiquated bylaws              community meet the Energy and GHG Management Plan                  • Promote residential, institutional, commercial and industrial
baseline information on current and        that’s something Road Map should             in place, but not a lot of new ones              vision. Business and industry will also be active partners in        energy efficiency.
potential sustainable transportation       be looking towards this year —                                                                implementing the Energy and GHG Management Plan.
                                                                                        being put through,” she says. “Even                                                                                 • Implement domestic water conservation, including rate
practices in this neighbourhood.           minimum building codes that could            in terms of building materials that                                                                                   review.
                                           be upgraded to include a certain             you can still purchase, if we’re really          Goal 2: Create a healthy community. In 2013, energy planning       • Promote xeriscaping to residents and businesses.
“A lot more people are aware of            percentage of housing industries             trying to get people to conserve water           has improved the quality of life of Saskatoon residents by         • Encourage active transportation.
the options and there’s a fair bit of      (to use) alternative power, geothermal       why are we still selling standard                enabling active modes of transportation and by decreasing          • Purchase green energy.
acceptance to implement them into          right off the base, things like              toilets? Why aren’t dual flush
their routines,” says Landine.                                                                                                           energy-related emissions.                                          • Develop a district heating system.
                                           that. I’d like to see that implemented       and low flush the only options?”
                                           city wide.”                                                                                                                                                      • Pursue a wind power project.
Small Changes Make Big Differences                                                                                                       Goal 3: Achieve a diverse and environmentally-sustainable          • Capture and use landfill gas for power generation.
                                                                                        Sustainability also means having
                                           The city could set waste standards for                                                        energy system. In 2013, Saskatoon will have a diverse              • Research centralized organics facility.
A sustainable Saskatoon wouldn’t                                                        more convenient access to recycling
                                           residential neighbourhoods, Landine                                                           energy system that emphasizes the use of local resources           • LEED certification on all new civic facilities.
look radically different from what it                                                   centres, she says.
does now, says Road Map’s Heather          adds. Such regulation would make                                                              and alternatives to fossil fuels. The energy system will create    • Compact community development.
Landine.                                   it easier to apply LEED standards            “The city’s about 15 years behind                opportunities for local businesses and suppliers.
                                           reduce the amount of waste diverted          other cities in Canada in terms of
                                           to the landfill.                             access to recycling. We’re trying to
28              Saskatoon       Summer 2009                                                     Saskatoon         Summer 2009                                                  29

                                                  Photo: Courtesy Janis Cousyn                                                        Chef Rémi Cousyn takes a break in
                                                                                                                                      Calories’ parking lot garden.

                                                                                                                                      Photo: Courtesy Janis Cousyn

      Fresh and local
       in downtown                                                                                                                    Broadway’s hidden paradise parking lot
                                                                                                                                      garden produces herbs, Swiss chard,
                                                                                                                                      flowers and other tidbits that grace
                                                                                                                                      Calories’ plates.

                                                                                                                                      Photo: Courtesy Janis Cousyn
                                                  The south facing wall of the Broadway     produce for the restaurant, they

     Ethical food for metro folk
                                                  Theatre reflects warmth and provides      obviously can’t meet all the needs of
                                                  shelter for the sunny location,           such a busy establishment.
                                                  assuring an abundant crop of herbs,
                                                  Swiss chard, edible flowers and other     “The bulk of our produce, almost all
                                                  delights served in the restaurant.        of our produce in the actual season,
                                                                                            comes from local farmers,” says

                                                  “It’s a lovely place to go out for your   Cousyn.
                                                  coffee break,” Cousyn laughs. “You
                                                  can sit outside, or pick some herbs or    “We work with those same producers
                                                                                                                                      Local duck pate with garden flowers
                                                  fresh flowers.”                           year round, as much as possible,
                                                                                                                                      harvested from Calories’ parking lot garden.
                                                                                            for things like potatoes and root
                                                  A plot at the City Park Community         vegetables. We use local potatoes in
                                                  Garden, tended by Cousyn’s brother,       our french fries, organic potatoes
                                                  provides another source of local          year round.”
                                    ucked away    produce. Last year, for example,
            behind a popular Broadway district    potatoes, squash, zucchini blossoms,      “We’ve been doing this for about          The restaurant lists on its website
            restaurant, there’s a tiny piece of   beans and beats found their way from      10 years already. We started doing        more than two dozen local suppliers
            paradise soaking up the sun and       City Park to Calories’ plates.            it before it really became trendy.We      that it deals with regularly. Menus
            giving back sustenance.                                                         did it because personally that was        acknowledge the contributions of
                                                  Zucchini blossoms?                        important to us,” she adds.               those and other local producers who
            “We have a garden in our parking                                                                                          make the fare unique.
            lot that we put in place about 10     “We pick the flowers and we do beer-      When the restaurant started looking
            years ago,” says Calories Bakery      battered zucchini blossoms,” says         for locally sourced foods a decade ago,   Earlier this year, Calories’ owners and
            and Restaurant owner and general      Cousyn. “It’s awesome. They’re great.     the practice was virtually unheard of,    their partners at Pineview Farms,
            manager Janis Cousyn.                 The flowers are delicious.”               Cousyn notes. Local farmers hadn’t        near Osler, announced that their next
                                                                                            really considered a market that           venture would find them teaming up
                                                  “City Park is a really great community    included restaurants. Consistency         to help end Saskatoon’s downtown
                                                  and it’s a wonderful garden.”             of supply is important. A restaurant      “food desert.” Grocery shopping had
                                                                                            depends on its ingredients being          all but dried up when Extra Foods
                                                  While the parking lot and community       delivered on time, especially when        pulled the last grocery store out of
                                                  gardens make ready sources of fresh       those ingredients are farm-fresh.         the city’s core when it closed its 3rd
                                                                                                                                      Avenue location in 2004.
30                                                 Saskatoon          Summer 2009                                                                                Saskatoon   Summer 2009                                                        31

Souleio Foods, a “European style               Cousyn, joined by local journalist          environmentally responsible, to use                                               The two vertical panels pre-heat air for the furnace
market” in the McLean Building at 263          and foodie Amy Jo Ehman, spoke at           organic, natural, locally produced                                                and heat recovery ventilator. During spring and
3rd Avenue South, opens in early June.         the Road Map 2020 forum in April,           food, serve fair trade coffee, feature                                            fall, the panels can forestall use of the furnace all
The store will feature the same locally        delivering an address, “In Our Own          the right fish species, and financially                                           together. The lower air and photovoltaic panels
grown meats and produce found at               Backyard — Why Local Matters in             to charitable and community causes.                                               comprise the solar space heater circulating warm
the restaurant. Calories is also moving        Saskatoon.”                                                                                                                   air through the study alcove.
its bakery production to Souleio.                                                          “We have spent time thinking about
                                               “Consumers are more and more                how we live and work on this earth and
Souleio’s focus will be on quick service       concerned about where their food            are proud of our accomplishments,”
and pre-prepared meals featuring               has come from and how it has been           she said.
locally sourced and organic inputs,            produced,” she told delegates. “Ethical                                  DARRELL NOAKES
says Cousyn.                                   consumers” expect a restaurant to be

           Urban harvest: Grassroots group grows produce in secret city gardens                                                                                              A House with Sun Sense
 There’s a growing local food movement
 in Saskatoon, and groups like Rooted are
 tapping into it.
                                               Patio gardens, container gardens
                                               and backyard gardens all help fulfill
                                               Rooted’s goal.
                                                                                           “There’s been a lot of people who are
                                                                                           really intent on finding alternatives to
                                                                                           our current system of transporting food
                                                                                           thousands of miles before it gets to                                              Solar System Heats
                                                                                                                                                                             Suburban Home
 Rooted, which got its start on the            The patio at Louis’s Pub on campus got a    our plates,” says Best. “There’s a lot of
 University of Saskatchewan campus two         container garden, for example.              interest in the local food movement.”
 years ago, wants to revitalize unused
 urban space. In particular, this group of     “Those were the ones that we did last       In addition to growing familiar produce
 students and volunteers from throughout       year,” says Jessie Best, one of the         such as tomatoes, peas, beans, lettuce,
 the community hopes to raise awareness        students driving Rooted forward. “We’re     chard, squash, zucchini and cucumbers,
 about alternative food production in an       hoping to expand to an apartment            the group has been branching out into
 ecologically fragile world.

 “Basically, we’re trying to promote urban
                                               building, but we don’t have any other
                                               rooftop sites. We’ve got more backyard
                                               gardens and stuff like that.”
                                                                                           heirloom seeds.

                                                                                           “We’ve been using a lot of heirloom seeds
                                                                                                                                                                             At first glance,
 food production,” says Jessie Best, one                                                   from Jim Ternier,” says Best.                                                     604 Regier Place in Martensville looks pretty much like any other
 of the students driving Rooted forward.       The group will donate the gardens’                                                                                            modern bi-level home in a new subdivision. Those similarities are
 “We’re trying to make food accessible to      produce to Saskatoon’s Child Hunger         Ternier owns Prairie Garden Seeds,                                                deceiving. It’s not the only Energy-Star rated house on the block,
 lower income families.”                       Education Program (CHEP).                   headquartered in Humboldt and with seed-                                          but it’s the first in the neighbourhood to capitalize on sunlight in a
                                                                                           growing operations at St. Peter’s Abbey                                           big way.
 “Our two main missions is to teach people     “We’re working really closely with          in Muenster and a farm near Cochin. The
                                                                                                                                                                             The familiar suburban street-side view masks some simple,
 about why it’s important to grow your own     CHEP, in the sense that we’re kind of a     company specializes in certified organic
                                                                                                                                                                             yet remarkable technology at the south-facing rear of the house.
 food, and teach them how to grow their        community gardening initiative, but we’re   heritage seed production.                                                         A pair of roof-mounted hot-water solar panels assist a standard
 own food,” she says.                          more mobile,” says Best. “We’re using                                                                                         domestic hot water supply. But the most notable feature is a set
                                               back yards instead of plots appointed by    “We’re hoping to learn how to do a                                                of solar collectors on the wall. At first easily mistaken for a large
 The group started by organizing rooftop       the city.”                                  whole bunch of seed saving later this                                             picture window, one set of panels pre-heats intake air for the
 gardens. A container garden atop                                                          fall,” says Best. “It’s another way to                                            high-efficiency furnace while another acts as a sun-powered
 Calories Bakery and Restaurant became         Rooted is currently working with Core       become self-reliant.”                                                             space heater. Combined, the solar hot water and solar air
 one of its earlier successes.                 Neighbourhood Youth Co-op to establish a                                                                                      systems substantially reduce the home’s dependence on energy
                                               container gardens project for Saskatoon’s   The group is also working with We Are                                             from natural gas.
 Many buildings wouldn’t be able to            core neighbourhoods, says Best.             Many and university professors on an
 support a fully fledged rooftop garden,                                                   initiative to get some school yard gardens                                        “There are conventional and non-conventional technologies
                                                                                                                                                                             in this house, to supplement energy savings,” says Robin Riehl,
 but there are plenty of other places in the   Rooted is seeing increasing interest from   set up, says Best, with results expected
                                                                                                                                                                             office manager at Homes by Ens, whose company built this con-
 city suitable for local food production.      homeowners looking for ways to put their    by next summer at the latest.
                                                                                                                                                                             cept home in Martensville’s Sunset Ridge subdivision. It’s an
                                               yards to more productive use.                                          DARRELL NOAKES                                         assisted system, combining conventional heating and hot water
                                                                                                                                         Photo: Darrell Noakes               with supplemental solar.
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