The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney
SY DNE Y ALU MNI M AG A ZINE                                    ISSUE 03 —
                                                                         ­ SEMESTER ONE 2016


The future starts here
The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney
The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

INCUBATE gives a                               University students                                Behind the scenes
flying start to start-ups 15                   shoot for Olympic gold 18                          of a famous garden 44

Updates, awards and anniversaries 		Newsbites                                                                                                    3

On my desk – Craig Barker 			                                                                     Perspectives                                   6

Small wonders – Nanoscience			                                                                    Innovation                                     8

On my mind – Emily Scanlan			                                                                     Influence                                    22

My favourite – Karn Ghosh			                                                                      Perspectives                                 24

At the heart of dementia – Professor Jonathan Stone		                                             Research		26

Everyone’s favourite economist – Justin Wolfers		                                                 Influence		 30

Keep calm and get connected – Daniel Tasso and Hussain Nadim                                      Influence                                    34

Books that changed my mind 			                                                                    Perspectives                                 38

Streets of green – Romilly Madew			                                                               Influence                                    40

Classnotes				Community                                                                                                                        48

Managing Editor: Kate May          Produced by                            Cover: Professor David Reilly,      Inside back cover: Abercrombie
Publishing Editor: George Dodd     Marketing and Communications           Experimental Physicist,             Building, Codrington Street,
The University of Sydney,          The University of Sydney               Australian Institute of             2016. Photo: Rhys Holland
Level 7, JFR Building, NSW, 2006   Printing managed                       Nanoscale Science and Technology
02 9036 9222                       by Publish Partners                    Photo: Matthew Vasilescu            Distributed to more than 170,000
sa m                                                       Inside cover: 21 Codrington         members of our community.
                                                                          Street, Darlington, circa 1960.     16/5425 ISSN 1834-3929
                                                                          Photo: The University of Sydney     ©2016 The University of Sydney
                                                                          Archives. Ref G74_4_7_F4

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney
for good
starts here.
For 165 years our students have forged
a vision at the University of Sydney and
gone on to change lives for the better.

From left to right: John Bell, Victor Chang, Anne Summers, John Howard, Kerryn Phelps,
Michael Kirby, Samah Hadid, Gough Whitlam, Benjamin Veness, Tara Moss, Mary Kostakidis,
Nick Farr-Jones, Bruce Beresford, John Bradfield, Adam Spencer, Annabelle Chauncy,
Jack Manning Bancroft, Ethan Butson, John O’Sullivan.

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

Last month, Senate approved the              refine our understanding of how to
University’s 2016-20 Strategic Plan,         achieve our vision most effectively.
which regular readers of SAM will                 So by 2020, we will invest in
recall follows extensive consultation        outstanding research, ensuring that
with our staff, students and the wider       our best work – work of national,
community throughout 2015.                   regional and international impact – is
    During those conversations, we           well supported with the right people,
heard that the goal we established five      equipment, and physical infrastructure.
years ago – to create a place where the      We will deepen our commitment
best researchers and most promising          to undergraduate education with a
students can achieve their full potential    reinvigorated curriculum, so that
– still rings true. We also heard about      our graduates will develop the skills,                       Belinda Hutchinson AM (BEc ’76),
the pride people feel for our University,    knowledge and values they need to
and how much they want us to succeed.        thrive and lead in a rapidly changing
    Our vision for 2020 is therefore         world. And we will build a University-
unashamedly aspirational, aiming to          wide culture in which our staff and
position the University of Sydney as         students can realise their full potential.
the best university in Australia and a            Through enabling Sydney to embody
leading institution globally. It continues   the best that a university can be, this
the trajectory that began almost             is a vision that we hope will inspire
170 years ago with our twin founding         our fellow alumni. We encourage you,
commitments to excellence and public         as a valued member of the University
service. And it builds on our work since     community, to find out more about
2011, which has both strengthened            our exciting new initiatives at:
the University on every academic and                                       Dr Michael Spence (BA ’85 LLB ’87)
financial measure, and enabled us to              Your feedback is always welcome.                        Vice–Chancellor and Principal


On 11 May 1966, Charles Perkins                  It attracted national and                    Perkins’s trailblazing ideas are
walked the steps of the Great Hall           international media attention.               embodied in the University’s Charles
to receive his academic testamur,                His dedication, determination            Perkins Centre. It embraces his vision
marking a milestone in Australia’s           and activism continued well after his        by looking for solutions beyond the
history. Perkins was the first               studies, as he played a pivotal role in      traditional as it provides fresh hope for
Aboriginal man to graduate from              the 1967 referendum that amended             the health of all Australians.
any university in Australia.                 the Constitution to include Aboriginal
    This year marks the 50th                 people in the census and allow
anniversary of that singular event,          Parliament to create laws for them.
and its influence is still being felt.           Perkins made history again in
    While studying for a Bachelor of         1984 when he was appointed Secretary
Arts, Perkins led the historic 1965          of the Department of Aboriginal
Freedom Ride through western                 Affairs, the first Aboriginal Australian
NSW with a group of fellow students,         to hold such a position.
drawing attention to racism against              Perkins was a tireless champion
Aboriginal people.                           of progress and justice. He passed
                                                                                          Above: Charles Perkins has been one of
                                             away in 2000.                                the University’s most influential graduates

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney
A R T S A N D C U LT U R E                                                      RE S E A RC H

IDE AS TAKE CENTRE S TAGE                                                            WHAT THE H U H?
Nicole Kidman made her professional debut there.                                     We congratulate Nick Enfield, Professor of
Geoffrey Rush, Jacki Weaver, Judy Davis, Russell Crowe,                              Linguistics at the University of Sydney, who has
Cate Blanchett and Mel Gibson have all trodden its boards.                           won an Ig Nobel Prize for breakthrough research.
And last year, the Seymour Centre, built after a significant                         And no, that “Ig” is not a misprint.
bequest from Sydney businessman Everest York Seymour,                                    The Ig Nobels are a parody of the Nobel Prize;
celebrated its 40th Anniversary.                                                     they are awarded for work that makes people laugh
    This year the Seymour Centre’s program includes the                              and think. Enfield was honoured for his linguistic
Great Ideas Performance Series, with post-performance forums                         insights into the word “huh”.
conducted by some of the University’s leading academics.                                 With co-authors Dr Mark Dingemanse and
    Tim Jones, Artistic Director of the Seymour Centre, believes                     Dr Francisco Torreira from the Netherlands,
this reflects an audience evolution. “Audiences are increasingly                     Enfield established that “huh” and its variants
seeking theatrical experiences that not only entertain, but also                     appear in 31 languages where its use is to
engage on a cerebral level,” he says.                                                fix misunderstandings. More than this, it
                                                                                     suggests universal principles that underpin all
Upcoming academic-enhanced productions include:                                      human communication.
The Hansard Monologues: Age of Enlightenment                                             “Our findings could help computers to
5 – 13 August                                                                        communicate in more ‘human’ ways,” Enfield says.
Written using the Hansard-recorded words                                             “They also have applications in language teaching
of our federal politicians.                                                          and cross-cultural communication.”
                                                                                         The research is part of a five-year European
Letters to Lindy                                                                     Research Council project led by Enfield.
2 – 10 September
Based on the 20,000 letters Lindy Chamberlain received
during her trial and wrongful imprisonment in the 1980s.
Take advantage of the special alumni ticket offer on these
performances by using the promo code ‘SYDALUMNI’
when you book at:
                                                                                     NEW ALUMNI AWARDS
                                                                                     At the University of Sydney we’ve added two
                                                                                     categories to our annual Alumni Achievement
                                                                                     Awards to make them even more representative of
                                                                                     the great work our alumni do.
                                                                                         The new categories are Cultural Contribution
                                                                                     and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. They
                                                                                     join International Achievement, Professional
                                                                                     Achievement, Outstanding Achievements of
                                                                                     Young Alumni and Service to Humanity.
                                                                                         This year’s winners include artist and activist
                                                                                     Ben Quilty (BVA ’96) whose work changes hearts
                                                                                     and minds; and Tom Beer (BSc ’67), a scientist
                                                                                     whose work with the International Panel on
                                                                                     Climate Change contributed to a Nobel Prize.
                                                                                         Every year the awards recognise graduates who
                                                 Top: In 1975, the Seymour           have made a significant contribution to society
                                                 Centre forecourt was
                                                 temporarily a carpark.              through innovation, dedication, leadership and
                                                 Left: The Seymour Centre
                                                 today is a vibrant performance
                                                                                     community spirit.
                                                 facility. Photos: Supplied by the
                                                 Seymour Centre.

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

has reached
$600 million
The campaign to support the
University of Sydney has reached
its goal two years early. What
inspires our donors, inspires
our students, inspires our
researchers and inspires our
staff. Here are just some of the
people who have contributed to
or benefited from INSPIRED.

What are you inspired to do?

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

Archaeologist and Manager, Education and
Public Programs, Sydney University Museums

Photography by Victoria Baldwin (BA ’14)

Dr Craig Barker’s office is right outside the door of the
Nicholson Museum so he doesn’t have to travel far when school
groups, students, staff and tourists arrive for one of his classes
or tours. When Barker’s not there, he could be in Cyprus at the
Paphos archaeological dig that has fascinated him for more than
20 years. We asked him to dig around his desk, and a few of his
other obsessions turned up.
                                                                                   CY PRIOT FIG U RE
                                                                                   I’ve spent five weeks a year working in
                                                                                   Cyprus for the past 20 years. During
                                                                                   that time, we’ve worked closely
                                                                                   with the Cyprus Department of
                                                                                   Antiquities, which has given us various
                                  AG ATHA                                          acknowledgements for the work we’ve
                                  CHRIS TIE                                        done for the country. This one was given
                                                                                   to us by the President of Cyprus. It’s just
                                  P OS TCARD                                       a little handmade replica of a 4500-year-
                                  I’ve been reading Agatha                         old figurine, but it was great to receive
                                  Christie’s books since I was                     it. You couldn’t imagine an Australian
                                  a teenager and these days                        Prime Minister giving a gift to a French
                                  I give talks about her. She                      team excavating Australian sites. But in
                                  worked as an archaeologist,                      Cyprus, they really value what we do.
                                  with her second husband, in
                                  what is now Iraq and Syria.
                                  Part of the reason she was
                                  so prolific was that she was
                                  stuck in a desert dig house
for four months of the year with nothing to do but bang out a
book on a typewriter. What’s amazing for me is that we have
material in the Nicholson collection that Christie actually
cleaned. The card has a joke on it that was attributed to
Christie but it was really written by her publicist. It says that
every girl should marry an archaeologist because the older
she gets, the more interested in her he’ll become.

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney
                                  B E ACH IN CY PRUS
                                  I just picked this up randomly on a
                                  beach in Cyprus and put it in my pocket.
                                  It doesn’t look like much, and it isn’t.
                                  But if I’m having one of those days, I
                                  can look at that pebble and know that
                                  there’s still Cyprus. It reminds me of
                                  great times I have there with friends
                                  and colleagues. It’s probably the most
                                  valueless thing here, but in some ways
                                                                                        DIG BOOKS
                                  it’s the most sentimental for me. Near                These books represent 20
                                  where I picked this up is a beach where               years of my excavations and
                                  local myth says Aphrodite was born.                   research. At the moment I’m
                                                                                        going back through them and
                                                                                        asking lots of questions like:
                                                                                        “What were we doing back in
                                                                                        1999 when we were digging
M U MM Y BANDAGES                                                                       trench 1ZZ?” What we
                                                                                        thought then was a Roman
These bandages are about our school
                                                                                        wall in Cyprus we now know
holiday programs where we have kids
                                                                                        was a Medieval wall that was
wrap themselves up as mummies.
                                                                                        reusing Roman architecture.
It’s interesting that alongside my
                                                                                        These books let me revisit
academic research I’ll often have kids’
                                                                                        my thinking when we first
colouring‑in sheets – it shows the
                                                                                        uncovered those structures.
duality of what I do. I also run a lot of
                                                                                        The popular perception
Master of Teaching courses here about
                                                                                        is that archaeology is five
object-based learning. To be honest, all
                                                                                        weeks out in the field having
a museum really needs to run a great
                                                                                        fun then that’s it. There’s
school program for kids is a mummy
                                                                                        actually far more time spent
and a dinosaur. You’re off and running.
                                                                                        in the library, laboratory and
                                                                                        in museums than in the field.

                                  REPLICA INDIANA                                                  TARDIS
                                  J ONES FEDOR A                                                   USB
                                  A lot of the Agatha Christie books popularised                   I’m happy to call
                                  archaeology and, of course, so did Indiana Jones.                myself a nerd. One
                                  I’m a real movie buff and I don’t think educators                of the things you
                                  should be afraid of using popular culture to                     learn teaching
                                  engage people in what they’re talking about.                     children is that
                                  That hat is great for engaging kids. We just have                you’re never going
                                  to point out what’s accurate in the movies and                   to be cool so you
                                  what’s not. I’d give Indiana Jones a high score for              may as well just go
                                  fun and a low score for archaeology – he doesn’t                 with it. So yes, I’m
                                  spend nearly enough time in the library.                         a Doctor Who fan.

The future starts here - SYDNEY ALUMNI MAGAZINE ISSUE 03 - SEMESTER ONE 2016 - The University of Sydney

   At the newly opened, ultra high-tech Sydney Nanoscience
       Hub, we talk to six researchers who are looking for
         big breakthroughs – at the smallest of scales.

                  Small wonders

                                   Written by Katynna Parry (BSc(Adv)(Hons) ’01)
                                     Photography by Victoria Baldwin (BA ’14)

A revolution is unfolding in nanoscience       Imagine a world where diamonds        air‑conditioning gives exact
and nanotechnology. This is where          help cure cancer, aircraft are super      temperature stability and humidity
researchers work at the scale of the       light and water is used as fuel.          control; air flow is imperceptible so
nanometre – one billionth of a metre or        Launched in April 2016, the           it doesn’t affect experiments; and
roughly the size of 10 atoms – to create   Australian Institute for Nanoscale        laboratories are electromagnetically
previously unheard of technologies.        Science and Technology at the             shielded so there’s no interference
    At the exceedingly small nanoscale,    University of Sydney has been designed    either from outside or from the
the very properties of light and matter    to meet the supremely exacting needs      building’s wiring.
that we all know are significantly         of nanoscience research.                      We spoke to six University
different, offering researchers                Floors are decoupled from the         researchers who are already making
opportunities to turn science fiction      building to create a stable environment   big breakthroughs at the nanoscale.
into science fact.                         for high-precision measurements;

FU T U RE FU EL                                                 Q UANT U M LE AP                           DIAMOND DAYS
Professor Thomas Maschmeyer                                     Associate Professor Michael J Biercuk      Professor David Reilly is the Director of
(BSc ’91 PhD ’95) is the Director of                            is the Director of the Quantum Control     the Quantum Nanoscience Laboratory.
the Australian Institute for Nanoscale                          Laboratory. He’s an experimental           He’s an experimental physicist working
Science and Technology (AINST). He is                           physicist working to develop a new         at the interface of quantum science and
an experimental chemist investigating                           generation of technologies powered         nanoscale hardware systems.
how to selectively speed up (catalyse)                          by quantum physics.                            Aligning the polarisation of
chemical reactions.                                                 “We’re studying nature at the most     individual atoms inside a synthetic
    Soon everyone will want a                                   fundamental levels, and exploring how      diamond is the very definition of
battery powered house. The work                                 to control systems obeying the strange     a painstaking process. But Reilly
of Maschmeyer and his team means                                laws of quantum physics,” Biercuk          and his team are motivated by the
houses can be built with fast-charging                          says. “We hope to build technologies       possibility that it could revolutionise
batteries as part of their structure,                           that use quantum effects, much like        the early detection of cancer and the
ready to take advantage of rapidly                              we power today’s technology with the       management of treatment.
improving solar energy technology.                              flow of electricity.”                          “The process is called
    “The starting point is faster,                                  The potential is largely unknown.      hyperpolarisation,” Reilly says. “And
cheaper, zinc-bromine batteries,”                               Working at the edge of knowledge is        when you do that to nanodiamonds,
Maschmeyer says. “But we’ve filled the                          exciting to physicists such as Biercuk     they give off a signal that can be
batteries with a nanostructured gel                             and his team, and the applications         detected inside the human body by
instead of the usual liquid.”                                   already identified are powerful.           using a standard magnetic resonance
    This world-leading innovation makes                             “We’re working to develop              imaging machine (MRI).
batteries that are more robust. The gel                         special‑purpose quantum computers              “Attaching these hyperpolarised
is even fire retardant, so no wonder the                        known as quantum simulators, with          nanodiamonds to molecules that are
building industry is excited.                                   immense computational potential,”          drawn to cancer cells means an MRI can
    Maschmeyer and his team are also                            Biercuk says. “With just 300 interacting   see cancers at a very early stage, before
designing nanoparticles to convert                              quantum particles we would need a          they become life threatening. Because
waste biomass into biofuels, and                                supercomputer larger than the known        nanodiamonds are non‑reactive
nanostructures to split water into                              universe to match it.”                     and largely non-toxic, they are
hydrogen and oxygen using solar energy                              But this is only one idea. “Quantum    also of great interest for delivering
so the hydrogen can be used as fuel –                           mechanics underpins smartphones            chemotherapy drugs.
perhaps the ultimate green power.                               and global positioning,” he says. “But         “We’re effectively tackling a
    When he’s not in the lab,                                   so much more is possible if we learn       pharmaceutical problem with physics.”
Maschmeyer is busy as the Director of                           to harness quantum physics fully.”             With such promising early
AINST. “We have people with expertise                               The Quantum Control Laboratory is      breakthroughs, nanodiamonds
in physics, chemistry, engineering                              the scene of experiments at the atomic     might one day become part of the
and the medical sciences all working                            level that are enabling new discoveries    oncologist’s toolkit.
together in this amazing new building,”                         about how we can coax weird quantum
he says. “It’s purpose-built, with the                          systems into performing useful tasks.
tightly controlled conditions we need                               “These are insights with scope to
to do our work.”                                                change the world,” Biercuk says.

Previous page: The Nanoscience Hub has yellow light in the clean room for
conducting nanolithography, as white light could damage the chemicals used.

Clockwise from top left: Professor David Reilly, Director, Quantum Nanoscience Laboratory; Professor Zdenka Kuncic, Director,
Community and Research, AINST; Professor Thomas Maschmeyer, Director, AINST; Associate Professor Michael J Biercuk,
Director, Quantum Control Laboratory; Professor Simon Ringer, Director, Sydney Nanoscience Hub and Research and Prototype
Foundry; Professor Ben Eggleton, Director, Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS)

A nanometre is a billionth of a metre. It’s like a
                                                    tennis ball compared to the Earth (not to scale). Photo: iStock

                                                    “We have people with expertise
                                                     in physics, chemistry,
                                                     engineering and the medical
                                                     sciences all working together
                                                     in this amazing new building.”
                                                     Professor Thomas Maschmeyer
                                                     Director of the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology

Above: The newly opened Nanoscience Hub
is one of only five such facilities in the world.

Right: Behind the scenes at the Hub is
highly sophisticated equipment precisely
controlling the working environments.

Professor Zdenka Kuncic (BSc ’92) is the     Professor Simon Ringer is the Director      Professor Ben Eggleton (BSc ’93
Director of Community and Research,          of the Sydney Nanoscience Hub and the       PhD ’97) is the Director of the Centre
AINST. She is a physicist whose work         AINST Research and Prototype Foundry.       for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for
lies at the interface between physics        He is a materials scientist working         Optical Systems (CUDOS) and is an
and the life sciences.                       on the design of next-generation            Australian Research Council Laureate
    “Entangled particles” is such a tricky   nanostructured materials.                   Fellow. He is an experimental physicist
quantum idea it even challenged Albert           It used to be a fact of                 working on creating the next generation
Einstein. He called it “spooky action at     steelmaking – it could be either            of light-based technologies.
a distance”. But Kuncic and her team         strong or malleable. It couldn’t be             Your mobile phone could soon do
are exploring how it can be used to          both. Professor Ringer and his team         much more than you ever thought
create a new generation of medical           are changing all that by creating what      possible. Eggleton and his team are
scanning technology.                         they call third‑generation steels.          working on technologies that could
    “Very basically, entangled particles         “It is crazy strong,” Ringer says.      leapfrog way beyond 5G into a future
are connected even when they’re far          “But a lot more versatile. So now           of massive download capabilities that
apart,” Kuncic says. ”It’s a bizarre         cars and trucks can be designed             will transform mobile communication.
concept but it could help us move            so they’re much lighter.”                   “But that’s only a small part of the
well beyond the current medical                  Ringer is studying small groups         story,” Eggleton says.
technology of PET scans.”                    of atoms in special architectures               Right now, the integrated circuits
    Positron emission tomography (PET)       called atomic clusters that can             in phones are passive information
already detects quantum particles            create materials with remarkable            processors and sensors. Eggleton is
to trace out a picture of organs and         properties. His findings can be             working to combine the capabilities
tissues at work in the body. Kuncic and      applied to the production of                of light, sound and electronics in
her team are looking for a way to use        semiconductors for nanoelectronics,         nanoscale circuits. These circuits will
the entanglement of these particles to       catalyst nanoparticles, and the new         be able to respond to and influence
achieve a level of detail in PET scans       ultra‑strong lightweight steels.            their environment.
that could revolutionise the detection,          The steel innovation is significant.        Think of a future in which an entire
diagnosis and treatment of disease.          Reduce the weight of a car by 100kg         medical diagnostics lab could be held
    As the Director of Community             and you reduce CO2 emissions by about       in the palm of a hand. What now takes
and Research at AINST, Kuncic is             six grams per kilometre and fuel usage      a visit to hospital could one day be
keenly aware of how valuable the new,        by about half a litre of fuel per 100 km.   done at home.
purpose-built research space is to           Extrapolated globally, the potential            Other applications are all around
nanoscience research. “There is no           impact would be gigatonnes of CO2           us. The massive amount of equipment
margin for error when you’re working         emissions, gigalitres of fuel and vast      needed to fly an aircraft could be
at the nanoscale,” she says.                 amounts of particulates that are not        reduced to a tiny chip. Easy monitoring
                                             released into the atmosphere.               of pollutants such as carbon dioxide,
                                                 “Think back to when smog shut           methane and coal particles could
                                             down Beijing,” Ringer says. “Emissions      change the economics of transport,
                                             targets are being set around the world.     mining and manufacturing.
                                             Designing new materials at the atomic           “The nanofabrication revolution of
                                             scale will help us achieve targets that     the last decade has transformed what’s
                                             are good for our lungs and good for the     possible,” Eggleton says. “We’re looking
                                             atmosphere.”                                at nationally significant outcomes.”


                        From bright idea to budding business,
                        INCUBATE has a strong track record
                           of seeding successful start-ups.

                               Written by Katie Szittner (BA (Media & Comm) ’11)
                                   Photography by Victoria Baldwin (BA ’14)

More than a persistent buzzword,            more than $25 million. “We look for the    that we don’t have extensive support
“innovation” is hailed as the               most talented entrepreneurial students     networks for entrepreneurs. Often
key to Australia’s future: the              who have innovative, technology-based      the advice budding entrepreneurs get
knowledge‑fuelled cash cow to which         ideas and want to build a business,”       is dubious because it comes from the
the Turnbull government has pledged         says INCUBATE Co‑founder and               perspective of people who have no
its identity and resources.                 Program Manager James Alexander            experience in building businesses.”
     A growing and enthusiastic group of    (BCST (Hons) ’13).                              INCUBATE, one of only a handful of
alumni, students and staff at INCUBATE          Hundreds of applications are           university-based start-up accelerator
began taking advantage of the mood          whittled down to eight for each            programs in the world, now counts
for innovation in 2012. INCUBATE is a       INCUBATE session. Each receives            more than 100 mentors as part of
14-week start-up program for gifted         $5000 of seed funding, working space       its team; they provide professional
students, staff and recent alumni of the    on campus, advice from industry            expertise, networking opportunities
University that transforms innovative       experts and mentoring from some of         and guidance.
ideas into viable start-ups. The program    Australia’s most experienced business           “We want our start-ups to make
was founded by two entrepreneurial          minds and University of Sydney alumni.     new mistakes, not the same mistakes,”
students and developed by the                   “We see students who have very         Alexander says. “We want our mentors
University of Sydney Union.                 innovative ideas but lack the support      to tell them what to avoid.”
     Just a few years later, INCUBATE-      to take them to market,” Alexander              INCUBATE has already spurred
assisted start-ups are collectively worth   explains. “A big problem in Australia is   the success of a broad diversity of

start‑ups, from Tzukuri’s unlosable                By helping exceptional young
                                            sunglasses to Abyss Solutions’                people fast-track their ideas into
                                            underwater robots, Fluid Education’s          thriving businesses, mentors at
                                            school-scheduling software,                   INCUBATE are giving a leg-up to both
                                            Breathewell’s interactive medical device      the next generation and the economy.
                                            for lung cancer patients and Persollo’s            “We’ve got to move beyond a
                                            single-click payment tool.                    resources-based economy,” says
                                                For mentor Dr Michelle Deaker             McInnes, who has also chaired an
                                            (BSc ’88 MSc ’91), a tech entrepreneur        international working group on
                                            who is Chief Executive and Managing           transferring technology between
                                            Director of leading venture capital firm      universities and industry.
                                            OneVentures, INCUBATE represents                   “In economics, innovation is the
                                            a major change in the culture of              free kick. Innovative start-ups tend
                                            entrepreneurship in Australia.                to create high-value jobs. We’re
                                                “The world has really changed since       in an environment where jobs that
                                            I started as a young entrepreneur,”           don’t actually add value can be sent
                                            Deaker says. “At that time there              offshore or automated. So it’s more
                                            was absolutely no infrastructure for          and more important that the jobs we
                                            entrepreneurs. People didn’t even             create are high value.”
                                            really discuss what it was.”                       Deaker agrees: “Generally speaking
                                                INCUBATE mentor Rob McInnes               it’s the new, up‑and-coming businesses
                                            (BSc ’86 LLB ’88), a leading intellectual     that are the net employers in this
                                            property specialist and partner at law        country,” she says. “Technology is
                                            firm DibbsBarker, has also witnessed          disrupting so many jobs in our economy.
                                            the cultural shift in entrepreneurship.       We need disruptive businesses to come
                                                “It used to be that people would          through and create new jobs, which
                                            join a big organisation at 23 and be          is why entrepreneurship is so critical
INCUBATE mentors Rob McInnes (top)          expected to retire at 65 with a gold          in Australia.”
and Michelle Deaker.
                                            watch,” McInnes says. “There wasn’t                McInnes and Deaker are also both
Previous page: James Alexander co-founded   really a management or business track         quick to extol the personal benefits of
INCUBATE to help people turn great ideas
into great businesses.                      for science graduates, let alone a            mentoring at INCUBATE.
                                            start‑up track where you would start               “Every time I go to INCUBATE, I come
                                            your own business straight out of             back energised,” Deaker says. “There is
                                            university. Now I think it’s fantastic that   an enormous amount of satisfaction in
                                            becoming a business owner is seen as          contributing to a legacy of developing
                                            within the realm of possibility in the        the next generation of entrepreneurs
                                            short term for a university graduate.”        and businesses. It gives you an
                                                According to Alexander, the               additional sense of purpose, and you’re
                                            University and its community are              continuing to develop and sustain your
                                            uniquely placed to take advantage             own professional career.”
                                            of the Turnbull government’s                       McInnes agrees: “What INCUBATE
                                            “ideas boom”.                                 has proved is that you don’t need a lot
                                                “We’re at a turning point in              of resources and industry experience
                                            Australia’s history – our current             to come up with a great idea. You
                                            government’s push on innovation and           just need some modest but efficient
                                            its emphasis for universities to be           support and help from people like me
                                            involved is a big opportunity,” he says.      and the INCUBATE team.”
                                                “INCUBATE is part of a                         INCUBATE is looking for mentors to
                                            transformation at the University from         provide expertise to the next generation
                                            a traditional education and research          of start-ups. Find out more at
                                            institution to one that takes these      
                                            skills and creates a meaningful impact
                                            on society.”

Here are just three of the many businesses, guided by alumni mentors, that have successfully taken the INCUBATE path.

ABYS S SOLU TIONS                           PE RSOLLO                                   FLU ID ED U CATION
Abyss Solutions uses state-of-the-art       Persollo is a simple payment facility       Fluid Education founder and current
aquatic drones and data analytics to        for anyone looking to sell something.       Bachelor of Arts student Giorgio Douehi
conduct underwater inspections of           It provides a link that can be shared       conceived the company’s flagship
critical assets such as dams, bridges,      anywhere, including on Facebook,            product, Backpack, while still in high
boats and reservoirs.                       Twitter, blogs or via text message.         school. In his first year of university,
    “We were all academics – we’d           In a single click, customers can view       Douehi took the idea to INCUBATE.
been trained to look at a problem and       products and process payment, with              “Backpack is a scheduling platform
solve it, but we didn’t really know how     no need for elaborate frameworks or         for schools, built by students. It
to do business,” says Co-founder and        third party sites.                          allows teachers to notify students
Chief Executive Nasir Ahsan (PhD 15).           “We crafted Persollo to empower         and parents of upcoming events or
“INCUBATE helped us take our idea           merchants, bloggers, freelancers,           activities, and can be seen from a
out of the research world and into          writers, developers and artists who         simple feed anywhere.
the commercial world.”                      want to sell their work directly to their       “I found that parents were
    The company now counts Sydney           audience anywhere, any time,” says          missing out on vital information at
Water as a client and is in talks with      Co‑founder Olga Oleinikova (PhD ’16)        school, like upcoming exams or if
other large companies in Australia              Persollo now has more than              sports were cancelled due to wet
and overseas.                               100 active users in Australia, Japan,       weather,” Douehi says.                   the US and the UK.                              “Backpack is unique because it
                                                                  was built by people who experienced
                                                                                        first‑hand the troubles of using the
                                                                                        current education technologies.”

                                            Other University resources helping new entrepreneurs:

                                            SY DNE Y GENESIS                            ATP INNOVATIONS
                                            Many INCUBATE participants started          INCUBATE participants who have a
                                            here. Genesis is a cross-faculty start-up   deep tech idea with international
                                            program supported by the University of      potential might be invited to join
                                            Sydney Business School. It has helped       ATP Innovations (ATPi).
                                            more than 700 first-time entrepreneurs,         ATPi is a technology business
                                            students and alumni focus their ideas       incubator that is 25 percent owned
                                            so they’re ready for pitching to the        by the University of Sydney. In
                                            marketplace.                                return for a small equity share of
                                                It also runs in Indonesia, Myanmar      up to 5 percent, ATPi partners with
                                            and Vietnam in partnership with local       technology‑based start-ups to help
                                            education organisations.                    them grow, achieve success and
                                                Like INCUBATE, the program uses         find investment through in-house
                                            mentors who share their real-world          personalised assistance and mentoring.
                                            experience. The program itself is               Currently it is guiding 70 businesses
                                            free, but has high expectations of          that will step away from ATPi when they
                                            those taking part.                          have developed their own momentum.
                                                Applications open each semester.            ATPi was recently awarded Best
                                            To find out more about the program          Incubator in the World in a field of
                                            or to become a mentor:                      2800 other incubators.
James Alexander looks for entrepreneurial
students with technology-based ideas.


             As the world turns its gaze to the 2016 Olympics
               in Brazil, five University of Sydney students
                 are going for gold – while studying hard.

                         We go to Rio

                                 Written by Emily Jones (BA (Media&Comm) ’12)

Behind every Olympic statistic              turned the young hurdler into an                With an Olympic qualifying time
is a story. Scratch the veneer of           overnight star with 27 million views – at   already secured and a personal best in
headline‑grabbing medal counts              one point gaining 2 million hits per day.   the 100 metres of 12.82 seconds – the
and you’ll find countless tales of grit,        “It’s not something I thought would     second fastest time by an Australian
dedication and courage. Meet the            happen – people recognising me on the       women’s hurdler ever recorded, behind
University of Sydney students you may       street or little athletes coming to me on   Sally Pearson – Jenneke now needs
see on the podium in Rio later this year.   the track wanting to get my photo,” the     to impress at Olympic trials in April to
                                            22-year-old says. “All of that has been     book her ticket to Rio.
Michelle Jenneke, hurdler                   pretty surreal.”                                “In the next couple of years I’m
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering,            Jenneke has since moved from            obviously looking to finish my degree
fourth year                                 jiggling to juggling, managing a full       and also to keep running,” Jenneke
Michelle Jenneke is a bona fide             training schedule alongside her             says. “I’d love to keep going until the
YouTube sensation. A quick warm-up          mechatronic engineering studies.            next Olympics in Tokyo. So that’s
pre-race ‘jiggle’ at the World Junior       The hands-on course has seen her            where I’m at: I’ll keep getting faster
Championships in Barcelona in 2012          design robots and code systems.             and smarter.”

Michelle Jenneke, hurdler. Photo: Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness

Joshua Clarke, sprinter                                        a personal best of 10.15 seconds,            is busy timekeeping both on and
Bachelor of Commerce, second year                              Clarke will become the first Australian      off the track. He plans to turn his
Joshua Clarke was five years old                               male to compete in the 100-metre             number‑crunching skills into a career
watching the 2000 Olympic Games                                sprint since the Athens Games in 2004.       through a commerce degree.
in Sydney when his dream was born.                                 Clarke joins his personal heroes             “It’s good getting exposed to all
Sixteen years later, the sprinter is well                      Matt Shirvington and Patrick Johnson         the different aspects of commerce,”
on his way to joining his running icons.                       on the list of Australia’s fastest men.      he says. “Accounting is probably
    In March 2015, Clarke won the                              Yet he laughs at the parallels. “My          my favourite.”
Open Nationals with a time of 10.19                            friends and family still treat me just the       Clarke is determined to make his
seconds, earning him the title of                              same,” the 20-year-old student from          hard work count. “My mum and dad
“Australia’s Usain Bolt”.                                      Bella Vista, in Sydney’s north-west,         [have] sacrificed so much for me
    He has since gone from strength                            says. “It’s nice, but I try to go about my   since I could put on a jersey,” he says.
to strength: after achieving an                                business as if I were a normal athlete.”     “It would be nice for them to see their
Olympic-qualifying time at the ACT                                 Preparing for Rio with daily             efforts haven’t gone unrewarded.”
Championships in February 2016 with                            six‑hour training sessions, Clarke

From left: Basketballer Katie-Rae Ebzery (with ball); rugby player
Chloe Dalton; sprinter Josh Clarke (centre); and swimmer Te Haumi Maxwell.
Photos: Geoff Tripp; Getty Images, Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness

Chloe Dalton, rugby sevens                                      selections in July, all while putting    court” – both her mother and cousin
Bachelor of Applied Science                                     her physiotherapy studies to good use    are former elite players – Ebzery aims
(Physiotherapy), fifth year                                     throughout her own rehabilitation.       to share her love for sport as a high
“Laying your body on the line”                                      “I feel like it would be such an     school physical education teacher.
may read as sporting hyperbole,                                 incredible honour to wear the green          “I love sport and the influence
but it could be the title of Chloe                              and gold at the biggest sporting event   it can have on kids growing up,” she
Dalton’s autobiography.                                         in the world,” she says. “It would be    says. “Sport is a really good advocate
    The gifted sportswoman’s rapid,                             the pinnacle.”                           for being sociable and teamwork and
180-degree switch from basketball                                                                        all of those values we want to instil in
to rugby sevens two years ago came                              Katie-Rae Ebzery, basketball             young kids.”
at an immense physical cost. Last                               Bachelor of Education                        When Ebzery made her Opals
year the 22-year-old made headlines                             (Human Movement), third year             debut in August 2015, she helped the
after playing 12 games – or two                                 As Katie-Rae Ebzery’s voice              team beat New Zealand in the Oceania
entire tournaments – in London and                              crackles down the line of a Skype        Series and gain Olympic selection. She
Amsterdam with a fractured forearm.                             call from Brazil, there’s just a hint    now has a one-in-12 chance of joining
It was the second break to her left                             of fatigue. The 26-year-old has just     the final line-up. “I just have to keep
arm since an initial fracture the                               endured a 30‑hour flight to Rio to       working hard and take my opportunities
previous year.                                                  prepare with the Opals, the Australian   and really go for it,” she says.
    “I think because Olympic                                    national women’s basketball team,
qualification was on the line, I was                            for a whirlwind Olympic test against     Te Haumi Maxwell, swimmer
so focused on trying to get the team                            Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela.         Bachelor of Science, third year
through those couple of tournaments,”                               Ebzery and her teammates are         By the age of just 13, Te Haumi Maxwell
Dalton says. “The adrenaline of it all                          already proving hugely popular           was already being hailed as the next
seemed to help, but it pushed my                                off‑court among the home crowd.          Ian Thorpe.
rehab back a fair bit.”                                             “We can’t go out walking too             Nicknamed ‘Tsunami’, the New
    Dalton fractured her arm again                              much – we stick out like a bit of a      Zealand-born student began making
in December 2015. But just weeks                                sore thumb at the moment,” says the      waves in the swimming world when
after her latest operation, the                                 178 centimetre-tall guard, one of the    he shaved almost three seconds off
tenacious athlete is already back in                            shortest on her team.                    Thorpe’s time in the 50-metre freestyle
the gym preparing for Olympic squad                                 Having “grown up at the basketball   at the same age level.

“When I was younger I guess I didn’t
understand the magnitude of that kind
                                                   O U R OLY MPIC HONO U R ROLL
of title,” the 20-year-old says. “It didn’t        The University’s first Olympian was Nigel Barker, an
hit me too much, but I guess as I got              Engineering student, who won bronze in the 100m and
older I understood it.”                            400m running events at the 1906 Athens ‘Interim’ Olympic.
    Mounting a fresh campaign to                       Our most successful Olympics was the 2000 games
become a Rio contender, Maxwell has                in Sydney at which our students won four gold, four silver
been preparing with celebrated trainer             and two bronze medals.
Grant Stoelwinder, the former coach
of swimming legends Geoff Huegill,                 146 Number of University of Sydney Olympians
Libby Trickett and Eamon Sullivan.                 58 Number of medals
    From pushing himself to the limits             12 Number of gold medals
in the water, it follows that Maxwell
is fascinated by how the human
body performs.
    “I’m quite interested in
neuroanatomy and how the brain
works, even though it’s quite annoyingly
complicated at times,” he laughs.                  ELITE ATHLE TE PROGR AM
“My plan would be to try to get into
                                                   The five Olympic hopefuls in this story and many other
medicine after graduating. I’ll try to
                                                   gifted University athletes have been part of our Elite Athlete
keep my doors open to future studies.”
                                                   Program. Participants are offered support such as financial
    There are high hopes for Maxwell,
                                                   assistance, tutoring, travel grants and counselling.
and he is unwavering in his mission
                                                       So far, the program has helped about 400 students from
to excel both athletically and
                                                   more than 35 sports. Started in 1990 by Sydney Uni Sport &
academically. “It will be a tough haul,
                                                   Fitness (SUSF), the program helps participants achieve their
but no one said it would be easy, so I
                                                   very best, both athletically and academically.
may as well grab the bull by the horns
                                                       If you were an Elite Athlete, please share your story
and try my best.”
                                                   with us:


Registered psychologist Emily Scanlan (BEc(SocSc)
(Hons) ’01) MInternatLaw ’03) says about 10 percent
of her clients fall outside standard treatment
models. She’s calling on her profession to explore
connections with philosophy.

When I hear some of my clients talk
about depression, I find myself standing
                                              training in philosophy-based questions
                                              around meaning and purpose. This             “It takes courage
in a desert. It looks red and hot with
burning sand and sharp winds. There
                                              can mean that clinical psychologists
                                              are maybe too careful of going beyond
                                                                                           to endure this
is nothing in this place but despair.
Nothing will grow here.
                                              the bounds of what is measurable and
                                              statistically valid. Yet this is exactly
                                                                                           constant evolving
    I sat with one of these clients
just this week.
                                              where the existential client needs to go.
                                                   I am grateful for my studies
                                                                                           but it may lead to
    “Is it so bad to wish that my life        in government at the University              finding a purpose
had meaning?” the client asked.               of Sydney which included ancient
“All I wanted was to contribute               Greek philosophers such as                   or calling.”
something but everywhere I turn               Aristotle, Plato and Socrates.
people are motivated by greed and ego.        Sociology brought in the existentialists:
The world isn’t interested in my ideas.       Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir
I spend all my energy coping with the         and Friedrich Nietzsche.
pain of rejection.”                                This crew boldly asserted that
    This client is male, highly intelligent   nothing is for certain and meaning
and sensitive. He’s been trying to            is what you make of it. Defining the
build a charity. He sees this work as         existential approach is difficult as
his “calling”, but it’s been a long time      theorists disagree on much. Bridging
since it bore fruit. He has a resounding      it to therapy is even harder. However,
thought: “I don’t belong here.” This          the existentialists would agree with my
client in the desert could be understood      client that yes, the world is meaningless,
as the “existential client”. He wants to      random and chaotic. Death is inevitable
find meaning in his life or give up on        and its timing uncertain and anxiety
it altogether.                                provoking. In addition to these
    Here’s the problem: many                  hardships, we are ultimately alone.
psychologists make it through to                   For a small number of clients
registration without substantial              this world view makes sense. Some

philosophical enquiry about not               non-clinical young adult population                         also lead to frustration, disillusionment
finding a point to their lives can be         reported that individuals with high                         and unhappiness.”
deeply therapeutic.                           levels of meaning tend to have fewer                            Webb found that this cohort
     The therapist can approach the           symptoms of depression, are more                            benefits from an exploration and
existential angst with respect: “So you       stable and more motivated.                                  strengthening of meaning “so that they
wanted there to be a point to your life.          Earlier this year, the University of                    do not feel alone and helpless in a world
What did that look like?”                     Sydney Alumni Council asked me to                           that seems so paradoxical, arbitrary,
     In the clinical setting, most clients    talk to the veterinary science students                     and even absurd”.
are helped very much by cognitive             about mental health.                                            Universities offer subjects to
behavioural therapy techniques that               The faculty was interested in                           students from all disciplines that
seek to name mental processes so              ways to build resilience in this highly                     encourage philosophical inquiry into
they can be considered and treated.           intelligent group, many of whom felt                        meaning and purpose. The University
Here, my client might be said to have a       they had a calling to work with animals                     of Sydney incorporates discussion of
tendency towards catastrophising and                                                                      these ideas into its broader study units.
negativity bias.                                                                                          Internationally, Harvard, Stanford and
     But for the client in the desert,                                                                    Pennsylvania University offer these
labelling his thinking in this way would                                                                  subjects as part of a movement towards
be a further degradation in a world                                                                       positive education (emphasising
where he already feels misunderstood.                                                                     individual strengths and personal
His desire to understand the point of his                                                                 motivation to promote learning).
life is real, not a glitch in his brain.                                                                      It’s my hope that as existential
     Fortunately, existentialism isn’t just                                                               theory gains traction in tertiary
brutal realism. It throws us a lifeline                                                                   institutions, in particular the
with the concepts of “authenticity”                                                                       health and science faculties, clinical
and “freedom”.                                                                                            psychologists will embrace these
     The authentic self is not                                                                            ideas and include them more easily
predetermined by genes or roles (such                                                                     in their practice. Certainly, I believe
as mother, engineer). Rather, Sartre                                                                      that the existential can, in some cases,
says we are “condemned to be free”,                                                                       both complement and deepen other
which means we are perpetually having                                                                     treatment models.
to rechoose or recommit ourselves                                                                             When I recognise the existential
to who we are and what we do. We                                                                          client in front of me, I feel a heavy sense
create our own meaning through                                                                            of responsibility. This person wants
relationships, spirituality, work, even       Emily Scanlan also mentors University of Sydney students.
                                                                                                          desperately to make a contribution.
connection with the Earth (such as            Photo: Nuran Zorlu                                          Their experience of depression is
gardening or harvesting).                                                                                 crippling them and the world is all
     It takes courage to endure this                                                                      about rejection.
constant evolving but it may lead to          but were unprepared for the pressures                           “The way you describe your life right
finding a purpose or calling. It also         of the profession. Many struggled                           now, it feels like it has become a desert,”
provides hope and resilience that can         with depression in the early stages                         I say. “I hear you telling me you are tired
be life sustaining. As Nietzsche puts         of their career.                                            and you want out. I will stay with you on
it: “He who has a why to live can bear            Professor James T Webb, who                             this journey but you must keep walking.
almost any how.”                              founded Supporting Emotional Needs                          Slowly but surely there will be shoots
     A connection between resilience          of the Gifted , observed existential                        and soft green leaves and sprays of
and existential meaning has also been         depression to be more common in very                        colour and you will find yourself waking
found by researchers Mascaro and              bright children and adults. He says they                    up in a place that you want to be in.”
Rosen (2005) from the Department of           can be “intense, sensitive, idealistic,
Psychology at Texas A&M University,           and this can help them create good                
in the United States. Their study of a        things”. However, he adds: “This can

We welcome responses to On My Mind. Send your thoughts to:
Read responses to the last On My Mind at:

Karn Ghosh (BAppSc (Physiotherapy) (Hons) ’10)
was an award-winning student with an entrepreneurial
spirit. He’s now Founder and Chief Executive
of Hit 100, an Australian health-tech start-up
committed to tackling the diabetes epidemic via a
home-delivered meal solution and 100-point food
system. Here Karn shares some of his favourite things.

Photos supplied by Karn Ghosh

              MY FAVOURITE
01. GOLF
I love the never-ending pursuit of perfection in the
sport of golf. It’s my form of meditation in the great
outdoors. This photo was taken a couple of years ago on
a father-and-son golf trip to Queenstown, New Zealand.

                                                    03. CONQUERING
                                                    I’m pretty terrified of
                                                    heights, but I’m even more
                                                    terrified of living a safe
                                                    and mediocre existence.
                                                    In the past few years I’ve
                                                    sky dived, jumped into the
02. SPORT                                           ocean from an 18-metre
                                                    cliff, and bungee jumped
I’m a sports tragic. I love my rugby and cricket,   (I would not do them again!)
but really I follow all sport. I took this image
of a stunning sunset over the Adelaide Oval
while watching India beat Pakistan in cricket’s
World Cup last year.

                                                                We had a great family
                                                                Christmas in Tuscany
                                                                in 2014. The Leaning
                                                                Tower of Pisa makes my
                                                                handstand look really
                                                                upright! I’m looking
                                                                forward to exploring
                                                                more interesting
04. COOKING                                                     corners of the globe.

I made this spaghetti alle vongole with fresh clams from
the Sydney Seafood Market. Spaghetti, clams, garlic,
chili, cherry tomatoes, parsley and white wine – so
simple. Food and cooking is central to my life and
gives me great joy.

05. WORK
Work is where I find purpose. I’m incredibly
fortunate to do work that is as worthy as it
is needed. Hit 100 encourages meaningful,
healthy behaviour change at an individual,
family and community level. We’re also proud
to commit 10 percent of profits and 1 percent
of company equity to charity.

                                                                08. FAMILY
                                                                My family and my beautiful girlfriend, Jess, have been
                                                                there to support me every step of the journey. As for our
                                                                dogs Neisha and Frodo – my goal is to be as good a human
                                                                as they think I am.

07. CITY
No matter where I travel, Sydney will always be
home. It’s such an amazing global city that has
something for everyone. I took this photo from my
old office as the storm clouds rolled in at sundown.


         Professor Jonathan Stone has uncovered important
         new insights into the cause of dementia. His findings
                are both powerful and controversial.

                          At the heart
                          of dementia

                                              Written by George Dodd
                                       Photography by Victoria Baldwin (BA ’14)

Professor Jonathan Stone (BSc Med ’63           For Stone and his colleagues,        idea that it’s caused by the beating of
PhD Med ’66 DSc ’77) talks in a quiet       the evidence points to dementia          the heart – that takes us somewhere
and thoughtful way, but his ideas are       being caused by the beating of the       else completely.”
attention grabbing.                         human heart.                                 The heart is heavy with symbolism,
    The implications of his research            “Many workers in the field still     representing love, nurture, courage
into the causes of dementia aren’t just     at least hope that dementia is caused    and, indeed, life. But Stone’s research
medical, they’re existential as they draw   by something you can design a drug       suggests even a healthy heart can be
an unlikely culprit into the light.         against, something you can face square   the enemy of life as it pummels the
                                            on and overcome,” Stone says. “The       delicate architecture of the brain

Above: Professors Stone’s research also looks at
                                                                 mechanisms of resilience. Photo: Victoria Baldwin (BA ’14).
                                                                 Left: Professor Stone believes amyloid plaques (in
                                                                 orange) form where capillaries are already damaged.
                                                                 Photo: Shutter Stock.

“What protects      with a relentless pulse. The brain
                    is particularly susceptible to this
                                                                 pulse becomes more intense and it
                                                                 starts to destroy the capillaries.”

 the brain in       pulse‑induced damage because every
                    part of it must be richly supplied
                                                                     When capillaries are damaged,
                                                                 plaques begin to form. As the damage
 younger people     with blood so it can do its work. This
                    means blood must penetrate into the
                                                                 accumulates, symptoms appear and
                                                                 the terrible consequences of dementia
 is a brilliant     brain’s furthest recesses with the least     assert themselves. This is all based on
                                                                 a completely natural part of the ageing
                    resistance possible.
 piece of evolved       “For most people, across most of         process, so the implication of Stone’s

 engineering in
                    their lives, this works beautifully with     work is that a long life makes dementia
                    only minimal damage,” says Stone.            not a disease but an inevitability.

 the aorta.”        “What protects the brain in younger              Right now, dementia is the second
                    people is a brilliant piece of evolved       largest killer of people in Australia,
                    engineering in the aorta.”                   behind heart disease. About 330,000
                        The aorta is the largest artery,         people currently have dementia, with
                    taking blood to every part of the body,      1.2 million more people involved in
                    but it has another talent. The aortic        caring for them.
                    tissue contains elastin that, as the name        By 2050, it is estimated 900,000
                    suggests, allows it to expand by about       people will have dementia. The burden
                    15 percent with every pulse, thereby         this will place on the community is hard
                    absorbing some of the pulse’s energy.        to contemplate.
                    It’s a buffer that protects the fine             Not everyone agrees with Stone’s
                    capillaries of the brain.                    view of the evidence. Most research and
                        But with age, some dangerous             indeed funding for dementia currently
                    changes get under way. “As a person          goes to projects that focus on protein
                    gets older, the aorta begins to lose its     plaques that form in the ageing brain,
                    vital elasticity,” says Stone. “It follows   each damaging a patch of tissue.
                    that the blood pressure goes up, the

“The work on the protein theory                               Researchers at the University of            Stone is also thinking of ways
is elegant and powerful,” Stone says.                         Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre used a       forward with dementia by pursuing
“But it’s only part of the story. Our                         dog’s own stem cells to cure it of Canine   another line of research that he calls
evidence indicates that plaques form                          Cognitive Dysfunction, a condition very     “acquired resilience”. His team is
around the sites of the damage that the                       similar to human dementia.                  investigating a hidden mechanism of
pulse is causing to the capillaries.”                             This is a game-changer for              resilience in the human body that is
    For Stone, the protein theory                             dementia researchers and the project        somehow triggered by a diverse array
struggles to answer two questions.                            leader, Associate Professor Michael         of interventions including plant toxins,
Why do the plaques appear scattered                           Valenzuela, of the University’s Brain       red light, exercise – and saffron.
throughout the brain? And why do the                          and Mind Centre, sees the implications.         “Understanding this mechanism
plaques appear in old age? Professor                              “We used to think that we didn’t        could radically change current
Stone believes his theory answers                             have the capacity to grow new brain         treatment regimens for dementia and a
both questions.                                               cells,” Valenzuela says. “But we now        number of other conditions,” he says.
    He views it as significant that                           know that’s not true. We hope we can            As he makes his way to his office
improving cardiovascular health,                              turbocharge the natural process of          on the upper floors of the University
and lowering blood pressure through                           neuro-regeneration by transplanting         of Sydney’s historic Anderson Stuart
exercise, weight loss and medication,                         customised cells.”                          building, Stone passes through its
also delays dementia.                                             These results have Stone                grand Victorian hallways.
    The thinking that brought Stone to                        exploring new questions. “We need               These hallways were once crammed
this line of research began for him at                        to know whether the stem cells are          with makeshift offices that obscured the
the University of Sydney in the early                         repairing the brain circuitry itself,       building’s magnificent stained-glass
1990s. Along the way, his work was                            or perhaps its blood vessels. This is       windows. Stone has been a key player
advanced by the insights of colleagues,                       a striking observation that deserves        in opening up these spaces and letting
including Dr Karen Cullen (Anatomy)                           thorough exploration.”                      in the light. Many believe his work on
who showed that plaque formed around                                                                      dementia is doing much the same thing.
small blood vessels, and Professor
Michael O’Rourke (previously a
physiology student, now a program
leader at the Victor Chang Cardiac
Research Institute), who discovered
how and why the pulse increases its
intensity with age.
    Most recently, Stone’s research
has benefited from a team of gifted
University of Sydney researchers from
anatomy, physiology and medicine.
    Dementia researchers are always
wary of discussing the idea of a cure.
Unlike other parts of the body where
damaged cells are routinely replaced,
the brain does very little in the way of
self-healing. But a recent breakthrough
offers hope.

Page 27: The substantia nigra, a structure in the midbrain,
where motor problems can originate. Photo: Dr Daniel
Johnstone, ECR Fellow in Physiology, and Dr Louise Cole,
manager, Bosch Institute Advanced Microscopy Facility.
Right: Professor Stone in one of the Anderson Stuart
building’s grand Victorian hallways.

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