Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome

Page created by Annie Watson
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
Industry development

Spas: Embracing
                                               through the pandemic
                                               and beyond

                                               New touchless equipment,                   was growing overall, with total revenues
                                               more outdoor experiences,                  over USD$18 billion, and average revenue
                                               and safe returns to wellness               per spa reaching $826,000 in 2018.1 Nota-
                                               services people are accus-                 bly, among 6 spa types, 80% were day spas
                                               tomed to are all part of                   and 8.2%, medical. These are the types of
                                               the spa trajectory moving                  facilities most likely to serve older adults,
                                               forward                                    and to operate as part of an active-aging
                                               by Marilynn Larkin, MA
                                                                                          The pandemic forced 99% of spas to close
                                               Spas have long been a wellness hub both    in the first quarter of 2020, according to
                                               in senior living communities and in the    ISPA. However, by October, most spas had
                                               community at large. International Spa
                                               Association (ISPA) data from before the
                                               coronavirus pandemic showed the industry   Continued on page 24

22   The Journal on Active Aging 2021, Volume 20, Issue 1
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
Hydrotherapy with Gharieni Libra
Edge K features choreographed water
temperatures and programmable water
pressures using a touch-screen control
panel. Photo: © Gharieni Group
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
Spas: Embracing wellness through the pandemic and
beyond Continued from page 22

A therapist is optional for acoustic and vibrational therapy with the Gharieni SpaWave System, which allows touch-screen
preprogramming. Photo: © La Butte aux Bois, Belgium

navigated the reopening process, with 90%      spa visits once the pandemic ends. And only       The spa industry veteran has worked in vari-
reporting opening and receiving guests.2       25% say they will feel very nervous about         ous capacities over 30 years to bring health
                                               visiting a spa at that point.3                    and wellness centers, programs and education
The turnaround has been “impressive and                                                          to spas, residential communities, country
gratifying,” according to Wendy Bosalavage,    Wellness is a strong driver of the return to      club communities, commercial fitness centers
spa and wellness/chief revenue officer and     spas, and ISPA says respondents’ increased        and not-for-profit facilities. A Medical Spa
president of New York City-based LIVunLtd,     attention to their wellness in general is a       Society founder, Bosalavage also served as a
a consultancy, amenity/spa management          positive sign for the industry. Forty percent     board director for Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa
company and concierge company. Yet,            of respondents report getting more physi-         and Day Spas, as well as on ISPA’s Standards
reopening has come with “some significant      cal exercise during the pandemic, 41% say         and Practices Committee and as the Day Spa
transformations,” she acknowledges.            they’re eating more healthily; and 55% are        Association’s former president. Currently,
                                               doing more to look after their well-being.3       she cochairs both the Social Impact Initiative
Customer expectations and the transforma-      ISPA suggests the data “may indicate a            and the Living Well From Within Initiative
tions they’ll require are highlighted in a     greater desire for investing in their health      for the Global Wellness Institute, and serves
consumer survey conducted for ISPA by          and accessing spa services once guests are        as treasurer of the Green Spa Network. (To
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, at the end        able to return.”                                  learn more about Bosalavage, see the “snap-
of April 2020.3 For example, 42% of spa-                                                         shot” sidebar on page 28.)
goers anticipate asking a therapist to wear    Bosalavage notes, “These insights into cus-
a mask during treatment; 72% will likely       tomer thinking, and their expectations for a      The Journal on Active Aging® recently in-
bring their own hand sanitizer; 65% say        return to a ‘new normal’ are shaping how spa      terviewed Bosalavage about where spas are
they will avoid communal spaces; and 64%       services will be offered in freestanding spas,    heading and why they remain a necessity
will avoid shared amenities.                   as well as in senior living. The need has never   for the active-aging industry.
                                               been greater,” she adds, “and the industry is
Nonetheless, more than 80% of respon-          anticipating a ‘pent-up’ demand after all the     ML: Wendy, how would you describe the
dents plan to spend as much or more on         restrictions put in place over the past year.”    current situation for spas, given that we are

24   The Journal on Active Aging 2021, Volume 20, Issue 1
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
still in the pandemic, and restrictions vary in
different places?

WB: As noted earlier, spas are in a trans-
formative state. They are making signifi-
cant changes to how they do business, in
keeping with pandemic protocols, with an
eye to the future. Overall, spas are doing
well, and anecdotally at least, many have
been experiencing an uptick in the past           The SpaWave System uses Gharieni’s MLW
few months. We’re seeing innovative ways          Amphibia NEO table, with heated water
of delivering services and new equipment          cushioning. Photo: © Gharieni Group
that enables individualized, touchless well-
being experiences.                                ally communal experiences. We’re guiding            In terms of new equipment, the industry
                                                  clients toward personalized experiences for         has pivoted to technology. For reflexology,
Right now, we’re looking ahead. And we            now, designing the experiences for indi-            for example, there’s something called a
envision what will most likely be hybrid          vidual use. The salt room is a good example.        Kneipp pool. As a person walks in the pool,
kinds of settings and services. Before we         Usually, an individual shares that room             it provides reflexology using different types
get there, we need to get through the pan-        with 4 or 5 other people. Instead, we’re            of pebbles on the floor and different water
demic and its requirements while doing            designing salt capsules for individuals—            temperatures. Some treatment rooms also
what we do best, and what is particularly         someone uses the space once, then it gets           offer waterless massage beds, plus sound
important now: helping customers opti-            wiped down and totally disinfected before           and meditation beds. Again, these are for
mize their wellness.                              the next person comes in. This same indi-           use by an individual with no therapist.
                                                  vidual use is true for infrared saunas as well.
ML: Many organizations recognize the              And we’re offering steam showers instead            We expect many spas to turn to touchless
benefits of spa services across the continuum,    of a steam room.                                    services such as hydrotherapy massage beds
from independent living to memory care,                                                               that deliver high-quality hygienic treat-
even as the pandemic continues. What              In addition, we’re incorporating a lot of touch-    ments but require minimal staff. Guests
should they be aware of if they’re consider-      less points. Customers don’t have to open the       can choose which body zone needs more
ing setting up an on-site spa now?                door, for example, as it opens for them. Also,      attention and alter the pressure, speed and
                                                  instead of a greeter, check-in is touchless.        duration of the treatment on their own.
WB: I’ve been working on a spa for an as-                                                             The values they set for each experience can
sisted living community in Manhattan, and         The focus on eliminating touch and human            be combined and saved, forming a specific
we continue to make design changes that           contact is, of course, counterintuitive to the      individualized treatment that can be called
will enable us to serve clientele now and         spa environment, which is all about heart-          up from a library of treatments. In essence,
easily retrofit once the pandemic is over. A      centered relationships and making people            spas can create their own massage journeys
key is multipurpose spaces. For example,          feel comfortable. We recognize, however,            and/or personalized programs that they
relaxation rooms are being designed now           that there is some understandable trepida-          save for frequent guests.
taking social distancing into consideration.      tion on everyone’s part, so we need to make
We’re asking such things as: How many             the experience as safe and comfortable as           ML: What costs are involved with installing
lounge chairs can we fit if they have to be       possible.                                           this type of equipment?
6 ft. apart? The same thing for a pool. How
many lounge chairs can we have? What              For the initial visit, instead of filling out a     WB: These pieces of equipment are defi-
kind of partitions can we have? Happily,          form on a clipboard or tablet that someone          nitely an investment as they run between
working with our interior designers, we’ve        hands to them, customers will receive a             USD$5,000 and $10,000 each. On the
come up with some aesthetically beauti-           form via email to be filled out prearrival. A       other hand, you can lower the cost for
ful partitions that are flexible, should we       therapist will see in advance if a person has       service because these touchless pieces of
have to move them to accommodate more             any issues, and the two can talk on Zoom            equipment don’t require a therapist. The
people.                                           before the visit. In that respect, there is still   question really is, how can an organiza-
                                                  an opportunity to build a personal relation-
Other big changes are coming for our              ship with a therapist, even if the actual visit
steam and sauna rooms, which are usu-             is touchless.                                       Continued on page 26

                                                                 2021, Volume 20, Issue 1 The Journal on Active Aging     25
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
Spas: Embracing wellness through the pandemic and
beyond Continued from page 25

The Somadome™ meditation pod integrates energy medicine with color, illumination and sound therapy in an immersive experience
designed to improve the user’s mood and well-being. Image courtesy of Somadome, Inc.

tion not afford to invest in these services?    For example, foods in senior communities          ing a treatment that costs USD$150 when it’s
There’s a lot of competition. To stay com-      and venues used to be very institutionalized,     delivered by a therapist, there’s a margin needed
petitive, you have to figure out how to         but that’s now not acceptable. Back then, you     to cover the costs of electricity, towels and things
make this work.                                 could have said, “Oh, can we afford to have       like that. These services could become another
                                                foods personalized for individual tastes and      added benefit to market to prospective residents.
Many Boomers have experienced the ben-          nutritional requirements?” Well, it might not
efits of massage and, particularly because of   have looked good on profits and losses state-     ML: What about organizations that aren’t
COVID, they’re very aware about building        ments, but organizations realized they needed     starting from scratch—that is, they already of-
the immune system and prevention. Well-         to do it.                                         fer spa services on-site, but need to make protocol
ness is a key. So, organizations that serve                                                       changes to follow cleanliness and other pandemic
older adults need to offer these options.       My prognosis is the same thing will happen        requirements?
People who are in their 50s now might be        with spas. Senior living organizations will
your new customers in independent living,       need to figure out how to make these spa ser-     WB: A touchless check-in system is something
and they’ll want the services they’re accus-    vices work while bringing in some return on       organizations can institute immediately, as is
tomed to getting. They also may have par-       investment. It might be similar to a country      sending the initial registration form. They may
ents in their 80s. When they’re helping their   club, where generally the costs are lower be-     also retrofit some space for relaxation with
parents look for a place, they’re going to be   cause they’re not looking to monetize the rev-    lounges placed 6 ft. apart. Residents can bring
looking for fitness and wellness.               enue stream through services. Instead of offer-   their own blankets.

26    The Journal on Active Aging 2021, Volume 20, Issue 1
Spas: Embracing wellness - Somadome
It might make sense to try some of the           washed my hands and the therapist washed
equipment incrementally, in stages. Maybe        her hands. An air purifier was in the room.        Resources
put in one touchless bed and see how             The therapist wore a mask and a shield, and
people feel about it.                            I wore a mask. When I had my head on the
                                                 massage table, there was a pillow case over        Internet
Also, we’re recommending that spas book          the donut-shaped pillow, so I breathed in
clients every other hour, which gives the air    my own air instead of room air.                    Gharieni Group GmbH
in the room a chance to turn. You also can
say to potential customers, “Look, we’re         The reality is, people will still want the hu-
staggering utilization. There’ll be nobody       man touch; nothing replaces it. At some
in that room for a full hour, and we’re go-      of our locations, people are already asking        GSNPlanet (Green Spa
ing to disinfect it during that time.”           when they can get in-person massage. Some
                                                 single people, in particular, have not been
Of course, hygienic practices are more           able to be touched since the pandemic    
important than ever. For existing spas, this     started. They would welcome the oppor-
probably will mean educating staff, putting      tunity to have even a foot massage now. In         International Spa Association
policies in place, creating a checklist and      fact, if you go for a foot massage now, and
having clear expectations for the staff or       you and your therapist wear masks and you
management company. There needs to be            have a shield, you’re pretty safe. Once vac-
a big focus on cleanliness, and everything       cinations are done, I think people will have       LIVunLtd
needs to be monitored—even simple                a comfort level to come back.
things, like making sure linens are changed.
Importantly, customers need to be aware of       Organizations might say, “Why should I
what you’re doing. We used to assume basic       invest in new equipment and protocols              Somadome, Inc.
things like changing linens were done, but       now, if the pandemic will be over in a cou-
we can’t assume anything anymore.                ple of years and people will go back to what
                                                 they had?” The reality is that while I’m in-
I stayed in a hotel recently, and a label over   credibly optimistic about the future of spas,      Spa Industry Association
the door of my room said, “This room has         they are unlikely to ever be the same as they      (The Day Spa Association and the
been cleaned and checked.” The same thing        were. We are adjusting to a new normal.
                                                                                                    International Medical Spa Association
could happen in the spa area—for example,        Organizations should consider building a
a visual on the massage bed saying, “These       hybrid design that they can easily modify,         consolidated in 2017.)
linens have been changed.” Do whatever           should something like this pandemic ever 
you can to create an environment of safety       happen again.
and cleanliness, and communicate every-
thing explicitly to customers.                   People will continue to want wellness              Print
                                                 services. They’ll want to listen to beauti-
ML: You and others have noted that spas          ful music in a quiet, tranquil place. They’ll      PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, for
as people used to know them—with ther-           want to have facials. I know people who are
apist-provided services—will come back,          going for facials now. As long as we adhere        ISPA Foundation. (2020, April).
and have started to do so already. Can you       to the protocols to make sure that we’re           Navigating Through the COVID-19
elaborate?                                       doing everything possible to make it the           Pandemic: A Consumer’s Point of
                                                 safest experience it can be, this industry is
                                                                                                    View. Executive Summary. ISPA
WB: In time, people will go back to hav-         far from done.
ing therapists, but there will be precautions                                                       Consumer Snapshot, Vol. X.
such as we’re building in now—they might         Ironically, touchless used to be looked            Available at
wear a mask or a face shield. And there will     down upon in the spa industry. People              consumer-snapshot-volume-x-
be new protocols, like having your tem-          would say, “Oh, no, if it’s touchless, you
perature taken and handwashing.                  don’t get the benefits.” Well, I’ve been in        executive-summary-consumer-snapshot-
                                                 some of those touchless machines, and I            vol-x/0164057001588186052?short&
In fact, I went for a spa treatment recently.
When I came into the treatment room, I           Continued on page 28

                                                               2021, Volume 20, Issue 1 The Journal on Active Aging    27
Spas: Embracing wellness through the pandemic and
beyond Continued from page 27
                                                                                            will tell you something, I felt great when I
                 We n d y B o s a l av a g e : A s n a p s h o t
                                                                                            came out. So, having options to go touch-
                                                                                            less or to have a therapist will be ideal going
                                               Standards and Practices Committee of         forward.
                                               the International Spa Association and
                                               as former president of the Day Spa As-       The other thing spas are doing is making
                                               sociation. Currently, she cochairs both      big use of outdoor spaces, especially in
                                               the Social Impact Initiative and the Liv-    environments where the weather is mostly
                                               ing Well From Within Initiative for the      good year-round, like Florida. Lots of ser-
                                               Global Wellness Institute, and serves as     vices can be provided outdoors, whether it’s
                                               treasurer of the Green Spa Network.          a hot tub for one person, outdoor classes
                                                                                            where people retain a sense of socializing
                                               Also, Bosalavage strives to help people      and belonging to a group, or walking trails
                                                                                            and labyrinths designed as part of the spa.
                                               take better care of themselves by giving
                                                                                            Some organizations are incorporating treat-
                                               back to her community through volun-
                                                                                            ment rooms that open up to a patio, so the
                                               teering and mentoring. She served on the     treatment can be given outside.
                                               boards of NAMI (National Alliance on
                                               Mental Illness) Rockland, the JCC (Jew-      The bottom line is, the wellness industry
                                               ish Community Center) Rockland, the          and spas are not going away because of
                                               former Reuben Gittelman Hebrew Day           COVID. They’ll look a little different, but
 Wendy Bosalavage                              School, and as fundraising chairperson       the demand is there. We live in an experi-
                                               for the 2014 Shatterproof Challenge,         ence economy with wellness as a key. Older
                                               an initiative to increase awareness and      adults will spend on experiences that make
 As spa and wellness/chief revenue of-                                                      them feel good, now and in the future.
                                               resources to fight addiction. She is also
 ficer and president of LIVunLtd, a New
                                               currently a board member of GOSO
 York City-based consultancy, amenity/                                                      Marilynn Larkin, MA, is an award-winning
                                               (Getting Out and Staying Out), a reentry
 spa management company and concierge                                                       medical writer and editor, an ACE-certified
                                               program for young men involved with
 company, Wendy Bosalavage helps to                                                         personal trainer and group fitness instructor,
                                               the justice system. Bosalavage has studied   the editor of ICAA’s Research Review, and a
 redefine the way people interact with
                                               dialectical behavior therapy, a form of      contributing editor and technology columnist
 their communities, unwind and live the
                                               cognitive behavior therapy aimed at de-      for the Journal on Active Aging®.
 21st century “dream.” For more than 30
                                               veloping healthy ways to cope with stress
 years, she has worked through consult-
                                               and improve relationships with others,       References
 ing, design, marketing, programming and
                                               and has a certification from the Institute
 operations to bring health and wellness                                                    1. International Spa Association. (2019). 2019 ISPA
                                               for Integrative Nutrition to learn skills
 centers, programs and education to spas,                                                      US Spa Industry Study: Executive Summary.
                                               to help her work with people in under-          Retrieved from
 residential communities, country club
                                               served communities and those reentering         us-spa-industry-study-execsummary2019/
 communities, commercial fitness centers                                                       0642272001565106132?short.
                                               society after incarceration.
 and not-for-profit facilities.
                                                                                            2. International Spa Association. (n.d.). October
                                               Bosalavage credits her success to sur-          2020 Snapshot Survey–Quarterly Performance.
 Bosalavage is a founder of the nonprofit                                                      Retrieved from
                                               rounding herself with a strong network
 Medical Spa Society, created to promote                                                       ispa-academy/research.
                                               of women who can help support each
 the sound development of the medical
                                               other in business. In April 2014, New        3. PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP, for ISPA Foun-
 spa field. She served for more than 7                                                         dation. (2020, April). Navigating Through the
                                               Jersey Monthly Magazine chose her as one
 years and oversaw strategic planning on                                                       COVID-19 Pandemic: A Consumer’s Point
                                               of its “Leading Women Entrepreneurs             of View. Executive Summary. ISPA Consumer
 the Board of Directors for Glen Ivy Hot                                                       Snapshot, Vol. X. Retrieved from https://view.
                                               and Business Owners” based on her in-
 Springs Spa and Day Spas in Temescal                                                
                                               novation, market potential, community           executive-summary-consumer-snapshot-vol-x/
 Valley, California. Her professional
                                               involvement and advocacy for women.             0164057001588186052?short&.
 contributions include serving on the

28   The Journal on Active Aging 2021, Volume 20, Issue 1
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