Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce

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Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Speakers Bios
Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce

                       Elias Spirtounias                           University from 2006 until January 2014 and Member of the
                       Executive Director                          Board and President of the Northern Greece Committee of
                       American-Hellenic Chamber of                EEDE. He is Member of the Committee Support CERTH,
                       Commerce                                    Trustee of Anatolia College, Member of the Board and
                                                                   Member of the Steering Committee of SVE and Honorary
                        After graduating from the School of        Consul of Belgium for Northern Greece. After being a
                        Mathematics, University of Athens,         Member of the Board of Directors of the American–Hellenic
                        Elias Spirtounias completed his            Chamber of Commerce for several years, in June 2010 he
graduate studies at the School of Electrical Engineering           was elected Vice President of AmChamGR and President of
(M.Sc. degree and pre-Ph.D. studies) at Boston University.         the Northern Greece Committee, and since June 2019 he
During his residence in the United States, he participated as      was elected President of the American-Hellenic Chamber of
a Research Engineer in several research programs in                Commerce. In October 2019 he was elected as President of
cooperation with other organizations and companies such as         HEDNO by the General Assembly of HEDNO. Nikolaos
NASA, MIT, UNH in fields of analog and digital electronics,        Bakatselos holds a B.A. in Sociology from University of
circuits design and applications. He returned to Greece in         Reading and a MSc in Shipping, Trade and Finance from City
1992 and after completing his military service in 1994, he         University Business School.
held the position of Technical Director for the subsidiary of
the Italian company Citec SpA, a company specialized in the
design, production and application of voice and image                                    Adonis Georgiadis
processing systems. From 1997-February 2009, he worked                                   Minister
for the Foundation of the Hellenic World, a major Greek                                  Ministry of Investment &
private non-profit cultural organization, starting as a                                  Development
Construction Supervisor and continuing as a Managing
Director of the brand new then Cultural Center, Hellenic                                  Adonis Georgiadis was born on
Cosmos, an innovative, based on new technologies, theme                                   November 6th, 1972, in Athens. He
park. During his tenure, he contributed significantly to the                              graduated from the Faculty of History &
expansion, development, and operation of the Center and its                               Archaeology of the School of
establishment as one of the most known technology-driven           Philosophy of the National & Kapodistrian University of
theme parks in Greece and abroad. From March 2009, he              Athens. In 1993, he took over the management of
holds the position of Executive Director of the American-          publications 'GEORGIADISLIBRARY OF GREEK'. In 1994,
Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. Along with his colleagues            he founded the Liberal Studies Center "GREEK
and in cooperation with the Board have managed, in the             EDUCATION". Elected MP in Athens B region in the
midst of the economic crisis, to increase significantly the        elections of 2007 and 2009 with the LAOS political party. In
number of activities, undertake important initiatives, retain in   February 2012, he joined the Nea Demokratia political party,
high level memberships, foster advocacy, expand further the        having resigned from the parliamentary office. Elected with
presence of the Chamber in the US and contribute to the            Nea Demokratia in Athens B in the national elections of 2012
evolution of the Chamber into one of the leading dynamic and       and 2015. In 2011, he was Vice Minister of Shipping in the
reliable business organization in Greece. He serves as             Government of Lucas Papademos and in 2013 he was
Treasurer of the American Chambers in Europe (ACE)                 appointed Minister of Health in the Government of Antonis
Executive Committee.                                               Samaras. On January 18th, 2016, he was appointed one of
                                                                   the two VicePresidents of the Nea Demokratia by decision of
                                                                   Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of Nea Demokratia. On
                      Nikoloaos Bakatselos                         July 9th, Adonis Georgiadis was appointed as Minister of
                      President                                    Develpopment and Investments after the 2019 greek
                      American-Hellenic Chamber of                 elections. He is married to Eugenia Manolidou and they have
                      Commerce                                     two children, Perseus and Alcaeus.

                       Nikolaos Bakatselos is the Managing
                       Director of Pyramis Metallourgia A.E.                             Haris Theoharis
                       and Pyramis Deutschland GmbH. He                                  Minister
was Member of the Board of Directors, and Deputy Managing                                Ministry of Tourism
Director, of Northern Greece Publishing S.A. He has held the
position of Managing Director of Imperium AEEX, and                                    Born August 6, 1970, in Athens, Harry
Member of the Board of Directors of Egnatia Bank Securities                            Theocharis is the current Minister of
S.A. He was a Member of the Board of Directors of Attica                               Tourism of Greece. Mr. Theocharis
Bank from February 2014 until June 2016. He was a Member                               was first elected in 2015 and on
of the Steering Committee of the International Hellenic            December 18, 2018, he joined the New Democracy party. He
Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
holds a MEng (Hon) in software engineering-first class from         etc), as well as 500 individual enterprises operating in the
Imperial College, London, and has held high-ranking                 wider tourism economy. In total, SETE represents over
positions in companies of the private sector in Greece and          50.000 enterprises with over 350.000 employees. In the
abroad. He has also worked in start-up companies. During            same period (2011-2017), Dr Andreadis was President of
2011-2012, he served as secretary general for information           Marketing Greece S.A., a non-profit organization, created by
systems and he is known for introducing new digital services        SETE, officially promoting the Greek travel industry in
to assist the public, helping reduce bureaucracy and its            cooperation with public and private institutions as well as
resulting costs. He later (2013-14) served as a secretary           INSETE, (SETE Institute). INSETE aims to provide SETE
general for public revenues at the Greek Finance Ministry.          with Greek tourism research findings and statistical data and
There, he succeeded in meeting budget revenues and                  develop the sector’s standards for quality, skills, education
producing a fiscal surplus. He is also known for launching the      and training. Previously, from 2006 to 2011, he was President
www.publicrevenue.gr platform to increase transparency in           of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Hotel Federation. Dr.
public administration.                                              Andreadis also served on the Board of Directors of the Bank
                                                                    of Greece for 3 years (2013 - 2016). Dr Andreas Andreadis
                                                                    has three children, Athena, Eleni and Kimon.
                       Left Sikalidis
                       Founder & CEO, sikalidis.com
                       President of Real Estate &                                         George Vilos
                       Development Committee, American-                                   Executive Director, Commercial &
                       Hellenic Chamber of Commerce                                       Business Development
                                                                                          Fraport Greece
                        Left Sikalidis, MRICS has worked for
                        the past 27 years in vital positions for                           George Vilos has long experience in
top international real estate consulting firms (such as CBRE,                              the fields of strategic, commercial and
C&W, BNP Paribas RE), real estate funds and banks, before                                  business development.
becoming a passionate entrepreneur in the real estate field.        For more than fifteen years he was working at Copelouzos
His area of expertise mainly involves planning & execution of       Group by holding top management and BoD positions in a
real estate strategy for investment and development                 number of the Group’s companies in the fields of
companies. His latest accomplishments include the                   concessions, renewable energy sources and media. In the
optimization process of a 4,500-property portfolio, the             aviation sector, he has been member of the Supervisory
restructuring of management and sales teams, acting as the          Board at Pulkovo Airport in Saint Petersburg in Russia.
Head of Repossessed Assets for a top 4 Greek bank and the           Concerning the project of the 14 Greek regional airports, he
formulation of a real estate investment portfolio of significant    was dealing with the development and execution of the
value in Athens in less than one year. Furthermore, his             concession agreement with the Greek State and the
company, sikalidis.com, is associated with other vital              management of the transition phase until the commencement
business elements besides Real Estate, namely in energy,            of the concession. Since 2016, he holds the position of the
new technologies, and food. He holds degrees from Stanford,         Executive Director of Commercial and Business Development
CA, US, the University of Reading, UK, and the University of        at Fraport Greece. George Vilos has completed his studies at
Piraeus in strategy, real estate, statistics, and other business-   City, University of London (Cass Business School) and he
related affairs. Amongst others, he is a qualified member of        holds a BSc in Banking & International Finance and an MSc
RICS, an active member of ULI and the President of the Real         in Investment Management.
Estate & Development Committee of the American-Hellenic
Chamber of Commerce.
                                                                                          Christos Kosmas
                                                                                          Partner, Financial Advisory
                       Andreas Andreadis                                                  Deloitte Greece
                       CEO and co-Managing Partner,
                       Sani/Ikos Group                                                      Christos Kosmas is a Financial
                       Honorary President, SETE                                             Advisory Partner at Deloitte Greece
                                                                                            leading the Real Estate sector. He has
                        Dr. Andreas A. Andreadis was born in                                vast experience in various sectors,
                        Thessaloniki, Greece in 1953. He            NPL portfolios, major M&A engagements, numerous
                        graduated as a Civil Engineer from the      business and intangibles valuations, business plan and
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and has a Ph.D. from the       feasibility study reviews, financial due diligence, dispute
University of London (UK). He is the CEO of Sani/Ikos Group         consulting, corporate restructuring and specialized RE
which owns and operates Sani Resort, Greece and Ikos                advisory projects. He is member of Royal Institution of
Resorts (Greece, Spain). From 2011 to 2017, Dr Andreadis            Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Certified in the Valuation of
was President of the Board of Directors of SETE (Greek              Businesses & Intangibles.
Tourism Confederation), the institutional social partner of the
Greek government in the tourism sector. SETE comprises 14
national associations (Hotels, Apartments, Travel Agents,
Airlines, Ferries, Cruise Ships, Marinas, Rent a Car, Yachting
Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
George Bersis
                      Co-Managing Partner
                      POTAMITISVEKRIS Law Partnership

                       George is a dedicated expert in the
                       fields of real estate, banking & capital
                       markets. He has a broad expertise in
                       the area of real estate, advising on
traditional asset acquisitions as well as complex structuring
and financings. He has acted in many of the landmark real
estate transactions that took place during the recent years.
George has also played a pivotal role in the developments
that shaped the Greek banking sector and has considerable
experience in M&A transactions, with a focus on listed
companies and privatizations, including tender offers. He
holds master from New York University School of Law and an
LLB from University of Athens. Member of the New York Bar,
Athens Bar, International Bar Association and Urban Land
Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Speakers Bios - American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
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