Spell of Demise, Psychosis and Haunting: Gothicism as a Rudimentary Attribute in the Works of Edgar Allen Poe

Spell of Demise, Psychosis and Haunting: Gothicism as a Rudimentary Attribute in the Works of Edgar Allen Poe
Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature
                                                                                                     Abbreviated Key Title: Sch Int J Linguist Lit
                                                                                            ISSN 2616-8677 (Print) |ISSN 2617-3468 (Online)
                                                                                  Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
                                                                                                 Journal homepage: https://saudijournals.com

                                                                                                                           Review Article

Spell of Demise, Psychosis and Haunting: Gothicism as a Rudimentary
Attribute in the
                 Works2 of Edgar 3Allen Poe4     5
Mirza Noman Shamas , Sana Akram , Dr. Akbar Khan , Zobia Ehsan , Aqsa Khadim
      University of Lahore Gujrat Campus, Department of English Language and Literature
      Student of M. Phil in English Literature, University of Lahore Gujrat Campus

DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2021.v04i04.003                               | Received: 16.03.2021 | Accepted: 21.04.2021 | Published: 29.04.2021
*Corresponding author: Mirza Noman Shamas

Edgar Allen Poe is well known writer in the history of literature due to being bestowed with the unique type of stories
and novels. Horror, demise, fester, madness, lunacy and awfulness are the most common features of his work. Similarly,
Gothicism is an important movement of Sweden that remained active for long duration of time. Furthermore, demise,
madness and haunting places are also the major attributes of the Gothicism. Therefore, it can be observed that work of
EAP is spell bound by the major features of Gothicism. Various stories and novels including ―Ligea‖, ―The Cask of
Amontillado‖, ―Tell Tale Heart‖ and ―The Fall of the House of Usher‖ are the perfect examples for proving the fact that
work of EAP embellished with gothic features. However, very literature is available for highlighting this important
scenario of literature and needs a detailed analysis for enlightening the spell bound work of EAP by Gothicism. Thus,
present research covers these entire research gaps and is a source of opening a window for new researchers to work in the
light of above explained theme of work. In the light of results obtained by qualitative analysis, it can be concluded that
our hypothesis that work of EAP is spell bound by the Gothicism is quite significantly true supported by the context
citation of the above explained short stories and novels.
Keywords: Spell Bound, Gothicism, Edger Allen Poe, Attributes.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

                                                                             work and then, at the end of the story, he further creates
INTRODUCTION                                                                 spell of gothic features by introducing the supernatural
          Horror, demise, fester, madness, lunacy and                        aspect [13-15].Although death was confirmed in the
awfulness are the major attributes of Gothicism and                          start for the love of storyteller‘s life, however,
these most important features of Edgar Allen Poe‘s                           proceeding towards closing stages, she reappears by
(EAP) novels, stories, fictions and other write-up                           adopting some sort of mystical supremacy Hunt [16].
exertion [1-3]. This is the well-known reason that evens
the unknown person who read his work is able to                                       In the above mentioned story although the end
differentiate and easily recognize the work of EAP [4-                       scenes were quite soothing, however, the sorrow of
6]. The most well-known feature of EAP is                                    death remained the dominating factor throughout the
―bereavement and fester‖ that is major attribute of all                      context [17- 20].Death of Ligea became the grief-
the stories and novels of EAP and thus, one of the                           stricken dilemma for all the other characters. Re-
dominant character of his every story pass through the                       emergence of Ligea along with the sister of Roderick
dilemma of death and decay. This dynamic feature spell                       made the involvement of supernatural powers in the
bound the whole situation of the stories of the EAP and                      story that changed the mind of readers about death and
darkness prevails for their loved ones [7, 8]. ―Ligea" is                    demise [21, 22]. Madness, lunacy and insanity are other
well known fictional story of EAP and is the most                            rudimentary part of gothic attributes are the important
suitable example of this actuality. In ―Ligea" chronicler                    features of EAP‘s work. Two well-known short stories
found himself indulged in the darkness of loneliness                         namely; The Cask of Amontillado along with Tell Tale
after the unacceptable death of his love of life [9- 12].                    Heart are the perfect examples of EAP‘s gothic
He tries to compose himself and pass through the                             expression in the form of madness and insanity [23-26].
dilemma of unbearable loss; however, he found                                In both stories the characters show the extreme level of
darkness and dreadful surroundings around him. This                          insanity and lunacy. Moreover, in short novel ―Ligea"
dominating trait creates a link of Gothicism with EAP‘s
Citation: Mirza Noman Shamas et al (2021). Spell of Demise, Psychosis and Haunting: Gothicism as a Rudimentary Attribute                     100
in the Works of Edgar Allen Poe. Sch Int J Linguist Lit, 4(4): 100-105.
Mirza Noman Shamas et al., Sch Int J Linguist Lit, Apr, 2021; 4(4): 100-105
the main character Ligea although is clear depiction of                      that story is under the full of gothic spell. The house
glowing feature of story, however, the author has                            mentioned in the story is haunted and it creates horror
embellished her with various attributes of insanity et al.,                  throughout the story. The walls of the house are of
[27- 29].                                                                    ancient types coupled with dark and grey color that
                                                                             increase the level of dreadfulness. Furthermore,
          Similarly, Rowena, leading role of ―Tell Tale                      Roderick is character that pass through various stages
Heart‖ is a clear prove that all the work of EAP is in                       of demise and decay. Throughout the story Roderick
spell of Gothicism [30, 31, 32].Her actions, way of talk                     looks like a person that reappears after death to create
and behavior with other people explains that Rowena is                       the situations of horror and ghostly. These are the basic
patient of mental illness, she has n link with actuality                     features of Gothicism that are very clear in the story of
and reality, rather remain indulged in her own world of                      EAP. First EAP showed the involvement of death and
imaginations [33-36]. In addition, ―The Fall of the                          horror in the story and then proceeding towards the
House of Usher" further enlightens the gothic features                       ending stages, he added the involvement of supernatural
of work written by EAP and thus, a faultless instance                        powers by generating a link of Roderick with vampires.
for discussing the strange behavior of Roderick in the
story [37-39]. In currently mentioned example, EAP has                                 Similarly, Setiawati and Hersulastuti [12]
beautifully explained all the rudimentary features of                        explains the famous story of Edger Allen Poe namely;
Gothicism by incorporating the addition of death,                            ―Ligea‖ that is also following the same track of write-
demise, madness coupled with ghostly locality of story                       up as EAP used for other stories and novel. EAP in his
that increase the interest of reader as well as prevailing                   above mentioned story enlighten the worth of love in
the preoccupation of supernatural powers [39-41].                            his story and says that after the ending of our loved
Furthermore, description of ethereal house by saying                         ones the beauty of life faints. Author says that EAP has
grey ghostly walls of the house, darkness and obscurity                      beautifully explained the extreme level of love of
throughout of the house and certain unheard voices                           narrator for his love of life named ―ligea‘, however,
increase the extremeness of horror attribute [42-44].                        after her death, he finds darkness everywhere. He
                                                                             doesn‘t enjoy the life rather count the days of life and
          Additionally, in the story of ―The Cask of                         sorrows along with disappointments. Therefore, the
Amontillado‖ the chronicler demonstrates the extreme                         author concluded that EAP is unique writer whose work
level of hate towards ―Fortunato‖ that has been                              is spell bound to the various aspects of gothic attributes.
presented as the foe of the earlier one [45, 46]. All the
above explained examples are the clear depiction for                                   Whatley [58] enlightened the most dominating
the confirmation of spell bound nature of the work of                        feature of Gothicism that is death and demise. ―The
the EAP by Gothicism [47-50]. Therefore, gothic                              Assignation‖ is a famous story of Edgar Allen Poe and
features are the preliminary attributes of the EAP‘s                         in this story death of two important characters happens
work that differentiate him from all others. Any                             drastically. ―Prince Mentoni‖ along ―Marchesa
booklover that starts reading the English literature can                     Aphrodite‖, the leading characters of the story attempt
easily differentiate the work of EAP just by reading the                     suicide to get rid of the hard of life at the same duration
content due to prevailing spell of Gothicism et al., [51-                    of time. Furthermore, he involves the level of madness
54]. Therefore, it is a proximal approach to provide a                       and insanity in the story due to which both accomplish
detailed analysis for the work of EAP in respect of                          their end to their lives by their own hands. He said that
Gothicism. However, there is very less literature that                       to accept the damage and demise that occur through
explains this marvelous aspect of study. Moreover,                           accidents and other natural disaster are even acceptable
every researcher tried to give the briefings for only one                    and easy to move on for others after that. However, to
to two stories for providing the analysis of the novel or                    accept the end to one‘s life by killing themselves is
stories [55-57]. Contrary to this, our current study is                      more than strange to accept and endorse.
devised to cover all such type of issues and to give the
readers a detailed analysis for the work of EAP.                                       Therefore, the above mentioned review of
Therefore, it can be stated that present study will                          literature is highly supportive to proceed for this type of
enlighten all the untold features of all the stories and                     research. As the above explained authors enlightened
novels of the EAP.                                                           the very few stories of Edgar Allen Poe and provided
                                                                             the analysis of his work by keeping in view the
REVIEW OF LITERATURE                                                         rudimentary features of Gothicism. No researcher has
         Edgar Allen Poe is well known novelist along                        used three to four stories for general description and
with efficient travel stories. Gothic attributes including                   analysis of EAP‘s work that is highly spell bound by
revulsion, death, ghostly, demise and decay are the                          the rudimentary features of gothic attributes. Our
major gems of work of EAP. Very little literature is                         present study is a milestone in this regard as in the
available that reveals the detailed analysis of EAP‘s                        limelight of above cited review of literature; we have
work under the light of Gothicism. Han and Guo [5]                           planned to perform the detailed analysis of various
have explained the story of ―The Fall of the House of                        stories of EAP with respect to Gothicism.
Usher‖ in a beautiful way. The author is of the view
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Mirza Noman Shamas et al., Sch Int J Linguist Lit, Apr, 2021; 4(4): 100-105
Frame Work                                                                  RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
          The planned study is the shadow of rational                                 Gothicism is an important aspect that covers
standpoint of the interpretative school of thought; it is                   the madness, death, demise, insanity, disgust and
espouse qualitative research technique to regulate the                      haunted situations. Edgar Allen Poe is well known
research inquiries. Customarily qualitative researches                      writer who has revolutionized the English Literature by
antedate to put the emphasis on exposure, discernment                       introducing the various attributes of Gothicism. His
and indulgent from the viewpoint of their focus and                         work is great reflection of gothic attributes throughout
suggests about the utmost effort for creating a clear                       of his stories and novels. However, very little
change in the lives of common people. Merriam, (2009)                       knowledge is available on the analysis of these
has explained the qualitative research as; ―Qualitative                     attributes of EAP‘s work and no one has put the
researchers are concerned in analyzing the assembled                        spotlight to highlight the various short stories and
thoughts of people, along with their thought about the                      novels of EAP for explaining the gothic features
world and their experience while living in that world.                      including demise, death, disgust, horror and insanity.
Keeping in view the above mentioned definition of                           Therefore, our present study covers all these knowledge
qualitative research, we can conclude that qualitative                      gaps and enlightens the spell bound nature of EAP‘s
research is best suited to the present study planned to                     work by Gothicism with the following clear objectives
perform. Therefore, to explain the gothic attributes of                     in our minds:
the EAP‘s work qualitative research analysis is pretty                       To identify the basic attributes of Gothicism
good to analysis our data and interpret the results.                         To investigate why work of Edgar Allen Poe is
                                                                                 spell bound by Gothicism
                                                                             To analyze the stories and novels of EAP those are
                                                                                 comprised of gothic attributes
                                                                             To describe the rudimentary features of work of
                                                                                 EAP that makes it gothic

                                                                            RESEARCH QUESTIONS
                                                                                What are the important characteristics of EAP‘s
                                                                                What are the basic attributes of Gothicism?
                                                                                Why work of Edgar Allen Poe is spell bound by
                                                                                Which stories and novels of EAP are comprised of
                                                                                 gothic attributes?
                                                                                Which are the rudimentary features of work of
                                                                                 EAP that make it gothic?

Data Collection                                                             ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
         Data has been collected by using all the                                     By using the qualitative technique of data
possible sources that would be helpful for analyzing the                    analysis we can analyze our data in the light of context
basic theme of our study. For this purpose, two basic                       citation and detailed discussion on that reference. Edgar
categories of data collection have been used namely,                        Allen Poe is well known author in the history of
primary sources and secondary sources.                                      English Literature and has provided us with various top
                                                                            ranked stories and novels that have clear link with
Primary Source                                                              various attributes of the Gothicism. The most important
          Primary data is comprised of all the original                     aspect of Gothicism is death and demise that is
novels of Edger Allen Poe that are being used in our                        distinctive feature of EAP. In his story of ―The Fall of
research. Coupled with all the selected novels and short                    the House of Usher‖ the EAP explains the phenomenon
stories of EAP, further data collection was performed                       of death and sorrows related to it.
by visiting various libraries throughout in the Punjab.
                                                                                      ―I have said that the sole effect of my
Secondary Source                                                            somewhat childish experiment— that of looking down
         Secondary data was collected from various                          the tarn—had been to deepen the first singular
libraries and publications (articles, newspapers and                        impression. There can be no doubt that the
conference proceedings) showing the clear relationship                      consciousness of the rapid increase of my
with our context. Little research is done on explaining                     superstition—for why should I not so term it?—served
the gothic attributes of EAP‘s work. Therefore, all the                     mainly to accelerate the increase itself. Such, I have
note-books, articles, magazines and conference                              long known, is the paradoxical law of all sentiments
proceeding showing the basis for our study were used to                     having terror as a basis. And it might have been for this
properly depicting our results of study.                                    reason only, that, when I again uplifted my eyes to the
    © 2021 |Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates                                                      102
Mirza Noman Shamas et al., Sch Int J Linguist Lit, Apr, 2021; 4(4): 100-105
house itself, from its image in the pool, there grew in                 that is given to him and thus, he resembles himself with
my mind a strange fancy—a fancy so ridiculous,                          some dog that may die accidently and people throw him
indeed, that I but mention it to show the vivid force of                somewhere to avoid his decayed body and unbearable
the sensations which oppressed me. I had so worked                      smell of dead body of the dog. Thus, the above
upon my imagination as really to believe that about the                 explained paragraph enlighten the fact that EAP is
whole mansion and domain there hung an atmosphere                       highly impress by the Gothicism movement and
which had no affinity with the air of heaven, but which                 consequently, all of his stories and novels are spell
had reeked up from the decayed trees, and the gray                      bound by the rudimentary features of Gothicism.
wall, and the silent tarn—a pestilent and mystic vapour,
dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued‖.                            ―The intellectual faculties appear to have
(Text citation from ―The Fall of the House of Usher‖ by                 sustained little or no injury, while the disorder is
EAP)                                                                    manifested principally or alone, in the state of the
                                                                        feelings, temper, or habits. In cases of this description
         The above mentioned context citation clearly                   the moral and active principles of the mind are
indicates that first EAP creates the spell of horror and                strangely perverted and depraved; the power of self-
haunt. The description of house is totally ghostly, old                 government is lost or greatly impaired; and the
designed walls; grey color and downfall structure are                   individual is found to be incapable, not of talking or
basic features of the concerned residence. Furthermore,                 reasoning upon any subject proposed to him, for this he
crumble form of tress and other plants make the direct                  will often do with great shrewdness and volubility, but
relation of story with the gothic features. Similarly,                  of conducting himself with decency and propriety. . . .
proceeding towards the other attributes of the                          His wishes and inclinations, his attachments, his likings
Gothicism, the main character of the story also known                   and disliking have all undergone a morbid change, and
as ―Roderick‖ pretends to remain under the force of                     this change appears to be the originating cause, or to lie
supernatural powers. Throughout the story it becomes                    at the foundations of any disturbance which the
harder to identify whether the leading character of the                 understanding itself may seem to have sustained, and
story is human being or any other creature from some                    even in some instances to form throughout the sole
other world. In addition, his description makes him the                 manifestation of the disease‖. (Text citation from ―Tell
person that is bestowed with some ghostlike clout.                      Tale Heart‖ by EAP)
Therefore, the above mentioned text citation is highly
supportive for our title of the article that work of EAP is                       The above explained paragraph has been taken
spell bound by the various attributes of Gothicism.                     from ―Tell Tale Heart‖ and it enlightens the most
Similarly, other stories of the EAP are also comprised                  dominating feature of the Gothicism in the terms of
of various features of Gothicism movement and make                      madness and/ or insanity. The narrator pas through
the work of EAP identifiable even from the first                        various stages of life and then feels him abnormal in
reading.                                                                almost all aspects of life. He undergo through various
                                                                        mental as well as physical disruption and decay. The
         ―There came suddenly to my nostrils the                        chronicler reveals that his temper to bear the things has
strong peculiar odor of moist earth. . . . I was not within             changed a lot and it has become difficult for him to
the vault. I had fallen into a trance while absent from                 control his anger and other feelings that make him mad
home—while among strangers—when, or how, I could                        and insane. Furthermore, it has become difficult for the
not remember—and it was they who had buried me as a                     narrator to perform his daily routine wise tasks with
dog—nailed up in some coffin—and thrust, deep, deep,                    ease and courage. He remain indulged in sorrows, over
and forever, into some ordinary and nameless grave.‖                    thinking and other such type of insanity features that
(Text citation from ‗The Premature Burial‖ by EAP).                     confirm that he is not fine rather suffering from various
                                                                        mental disruptions. Therefore, from the above
          The above mentioned paragraph is taken from                   mentioned examples it can be concluded that work of
the story of EAP named, ‗The Premature Burial‖. Death                   EAP is highly impressed and spell bound by the gothic
is the most fundamental content of the gothic attributes.               features. All the major attributes of Gothicism are the
Death, demise, decay and perish condition of the things                 rudimentary components of the work of the EAP. His
and human beings make the Gothicism an unachievable                     stories, novels and other write up shows the clear
and annoying movement for the normal mankind. The                       prevailing features of demise, death, horror, insanity,
above mentioned paragraph reveals the most precarious                   ghostly and perishing components throughout the story
factor of gothic attributes. The narrator feels himself                 and this character makes the work of EAP recognizable
dead and buried beneath the thousand layers of the soil                 from the very first glance.
after being indulged and locked in some decayed coffin.
Furthermore, the chronicler explains the level of his                   CONCLUSION
pains by saying that he don‘t know wherever he is                                      Conclusion of every study is the most vital
obscured, the only thing with which he is aware is the                       component of every research. Significance of every
tons of soil above him and he is lying in the grave that                     research multiplies up-to great extend with proper
is unknown to all others. There is no name and identity                      conclusion. Thus, in the light of above explained facts it
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