St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust

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St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust
St. John’s Educational Trust
        2020 MAGAZINE

                        St. John’s Preparatory School 2019 Magazine   1
St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust
world class facilities

     St John’s Educational Trust is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and developing leaders in
                                      many disciplines who make a difference globally.

       Care and concern for the individual – St John’s believes passionately that when pedagogy fits learning needs,
                                           students can and do thrive at school.

           Compassion – compassion is a core part of leading and successful leaders maintain a ‘servant’s heart’.
       Breadth and balance – we endeavour to build breadth and balance with the aim of forming men and women of

       We are committed to ensuring a caring environment in our schools where good manners, values and ethics are
        upheld and where individual expression is encouraged and all students strive to reach their full potential.

                                                  “Be the best that I can be”

             DEVELOPMENT CENTRE                         P.O. Box BW300                         P.O. Box BW600
                 P.O. Box BW300                  Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe           Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe
          Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe           Tel: (024) 2 885 128 / 885 121        Tel: (024) 2 870 942 / 850 388
               Tel: 0779 451 521                 Email:               Fax: (024) 870 941
        Email:          Website:            Email:
         Website:                                                 Website:

2 St. John’s Preparatory School 2019 Magazine
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St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust

                                                6    | Gr 7 Speech for Awards & Carol Service

                                                8    | Awards & Certificates

                                                10    | NIAA Awards

                                                12 | Subjects & Special Prizes

                                                14 | Trophies

                                                16 | Class Prizes

                                                18 | Staff & School Leavers


    EDITOR: Cheryl Kristiansen
    PHOTOGRAPHY: Lucy Boderick
    113 Enterprise Road, Highlands, Harare
    (024) 2 480 960/ (024) 2 494 349

    © St Johns Educational Trust, 2020

4 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
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St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine   5
St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust
    Mr Chairman and Mrs Martin, Board of Governors, patrons, old           It seems an age ago when I sat down on my veranda for our first
    boys, Mrs Davies, Cavalier Trinci, invited guests, staff, Grade 7      virtual MS Team Staff meeting and began preparing for what
    parents and Grade 7’s, good evening and thank you for coming to        was supposed to be a brief interlude before we got back to
    our Leavers’ Awards and Carols’ evening.                               being normal. The staff and I kissed the April holidays goodbye,
                                                                           knowing that we needed to be ready for the worst-case scenario.
    I thought to get into the spirit of things we’d start with a little    The insoluble problems were listed, and we used them as brilliant
    rhyme of mine.                                                         opportunities to shine. Our staff have been remarkable given the
                                                                           challenges they have faced and produced a professional online
    Therefore, in a poem, to sum up 2020,                                  program of an international standard. Please can you join me in
    Of which there is certainly a plenty,                                  applauding their efforts.
    We learnt from our family Kahoots,
    A lot about our history and roots,                                     Sadly, we say goodbye to two outstanding teachers this year. The
    Year 1956, our first day,                                              lovely Mrs Claire Townsend who has taught Grade 1N for 6 years
    Were 13 boys wearing green and grey,                                   and the effervescent Mrs Joan Kay the dame of Harley Davidson
    No road, no ZESA, no phone, no trees,                                  also leaves Grade 3E. They both will take a break from teaching
    They ate egg sambos off lettuce leaves,                                to spend more time with their husbands. I must also mention that
    They planted grass and bought sheep to mow,                            Mrs Nicola Seager returns after her maternity leave and so we say
    I suppose they could not keep up… So,                                  goodbye to Mrs Liz Velempini who stepped in to rescue Grade 6N
    They searched Rolfe Valley and all the streets,                        from my teaching of English and allow Mrs Geraldine De Beer a
    They bought a Wolsley with bucket seats,                               break from her extra workload. Pleasingly Mrs Velempini stays
    And a gang mower they did attach,                                      amongst family and goes to teach at our sister school Chisi Jnr in
    So a field replaced the mealie patch,                                  2021. Whilst we are sad to say goodbye, we are also delighted to
    You think that’s crazy, just wait you’ll see…                          be welcoming Mrs Nicola Blignaut from Clifton, South Africa and
    Enter COVID in 2020.                                                   a newly married teacher who trained with us, Miss Rachel Carter
    Injections or long swabs up the snout,                                 who will be putting Mrs Rachel Smith on her classroom door.
    Teach not ‘til the all clear tests come out,
    Masks, sanitise bottles, and foot trays,                               In the sports department, Mr Bobby Chauhan has been promoted
    Temperature guns and Bactogent sprays,                                 into the position of Assistant Director of Sport and Mr Taffy
    Online, the headmaster forced to go,                                   Kwatengera has assumed the role of Jerome Housemaster.
    But both Bleat and Aardvark stole the show,
    Housemasters run minute to win it,                                     We are also excited to be welcoming Miss Sinead Murray into our
    But blue Jerome took all the credit,                                   remedial department, who will help run Leonardo’s Centre. The
    Mrs Quinche mastered the ping pong peanut butter trick,                Leonardo’s Centre is an exciting initiative that we undertook at
    Mrs Gillam balanced dice on a lolly pop stick,                         the beginning of the year and my thanks go to the PLC for their
    Mr Carter made the ping pong zoom,                                     support. In particular, I would like to thank the chairman, Mr John
    Rademeyer marbled round the room,                                      Manning who steps down after his two-year term. Thanks, must
    The Cav crawled with spaghetti between his teeth,                      also go to Mrs Nicky Dawson who was chairlady for our Frog 5
    Mrs Davies’ pasta just rolled underneath.                              this year. Her efforts to fundraise with her team were heroic and
    A Youtube channel for our PE                                           listening to 21 Kahoot Family Quizzes in the evening with me as
    Jerusalema with Mr T,                                                  quizmaster in my office with raucous members of staff can’t have
    Facebook, Instagram, the Friday blog                                   been easy. Mr Kurt Heyns must also be acknowledged for the
    The MS ecosystem - whole hog,                                          time he put into the new look front of school. Mrs Nicola Johnson
    Next year we turn 65 years old,                                        has been working hard with our Growing Minds project, putting
    And dare I say, and the truth be told,                                 in rain gardens and a Hugelkultur. My thanks to the mums of the
    After 2020 come what may,                                              house captains and heads of school for always stepping in and
    Bring 2021 on I say!                                                   assisting with teas and dinners. Mr Hendrik Olivier, the St John’s
                                                                           Educational Trust’s Estate Manager, has been absolutely essential
    How sad it is that we cannot invite the whole St John’s green          in everything looking the way it is and it would be remiss of me not
    blooded community to this celebration of not just getting              to make mention of him on this stage. Again, I say that without the
    through this year, but flourishing in adversity. As they say, we are   support of our community it would have been impossible to get
    continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as      through this year, so give yourselves a round of applause.
    insoluble problems.

6 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
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Academically we managed to fully implement Cambridge Primary            To finish I would like to leave the Grade 7’s with the following
Checkpoint by aligning ourselves with the prescribed curriculum         message:
this year and so our Grade 6’s and 7’s both wrote their Cambridge
Checkpoint Examinations to facilitate this. Last year our Grade         If you take this golf ball and you put it in the hands of Mr Rademeyer
7’s managed an overall average 4.3 out of 6 for their Cambridge         it’s worth about 10c. In fact if he has his 3 wood in his other hand
English and an average of 4.7 out of 6 for Maths. For our ZIMSEC        it’s worth even less than that. But if you put this same golf ball in the
we got a 100% pass rate for English, 95% for Maths, 26% for             hands of Tiger Woods and this 3 wood it’s worth millions.
Shona, 94% for Agriculture and 99% for General Paper.
                                                                        It all depends on whose hands it’s in.
The boys were thrown in the deep end, online this year. However, it
is phenomenal how quickly they adapted and how proficient they          If you take this cricket ball and you put it in my hands and ask me
became using the Microsoft Ecosystem. When considering all the          to bowl an over of my leg spinners, it’s worth about 30 runs and 1
boys have been through, I don’t think there will be a more tech         wicket, because whilst I’m expensive, I always get my man. However,
savvy and tech competent bunch of Grade 7s.                             if you put this same ball in the hands of Ray Price, who has fingers
                                                                        like bananas, he managed to become the best bowler in the world
Indeed, there is a positive spirit flowing through the St John’s        according to the ICC rankings at one time. Let the record state that
Educational Trust at present, with a new ECD on its way and the         he never bowled at me.
College having to add an extra Form 1 stream. Approximately
90% of these boys tonight will come across the road next year.          It depends on whose hands it’s in.

Three boys managed to get honours for their Allied Arts pieces, so      If you take this rugby ball and put it in the hands of Mr Ndimutseyi, it’s
well done to Miss Cara Herrring, our exciting new art teacher who       worth a lot more than Mr Rademeyer’s golf ball, a little more than my
started at the beginning of the year. Rishaan Parmar from grade         cricket ball, but not as much as it is in the hands of R G Snyman who
3, Bryce Honiball from Grade 6 and Anthony Gumbo who is here            won the world cup with the Springboks in Japan. I just had to get that
tonight all received honours.                                           point in my speech somewhere.

Sports wise, we did our best before the masks and social                It depends on whose hands it’s in.
distancing came in. Our cross-country runners won the Gateway
Interschool Meet for the 16th year in a row and claimed third at        If you take a sling shot and put it in the hands of Mrs Davies, it’s worth
the Lilfordian Three Woods Event despite Kyle Heyns winning the         a lot of broken windows and probably a sprained wrist, however if
senior race and our juniors dominating the whole podium with a          you put it in the hands of King David, it could slay a giant like Goliath.
3rd for Jonah Sanders, a 2nd with Kholwani Nduku and a 1st with
Callum Flower. Our 1st XI cricket team won the Falcon Festival and      It depends on whose hands it’s in.
took part in the ISASA Cricket Festival with 8 South African Schools
involved. We did really well with a draw against Pridwin who            If you take a stick and put it in the hands of Cavalier Trinci, like the
remain undefeated at this prestigious festival, lost on the last ball   rudder he had when we sailed across Kariba together, it was worth
against Clifton, lost in the last over against WHPS and won against     us not getting lost and avoiding a thunder storm, but if you gave the
Woodridge. The only other sporting point I must make is that our        same stick to Moses, he was able to part the Red Sea.
cricket nets have been given a much-needed facelift from our
cricket committee. Thanks to Mr Taffy Kwatengera our Teacher in         It all depends on whose hands it’s in.
charge of cricket and the many fathers who have worked towards
this project. We have also cleared 120 gum trees to make way for        If you put your lives in God’s hands, he will turn the ordinary into the
a new exciting sports field.                                            extraordinary.

Culturally our musicians worked hard towards the Eistedford             It all depends on whose hands it’s in.
which was over before it really began. Our Orchestra had been
all set to perform with the Chisi girls at the Eisteddfod, as was the   If you put your worries, your cares and things that stress you out, if
Band, Recorders, Junior and Senior Choir, though our Saxophones         you leave them in your hands that’s all they’ll ever be.
represented us well in their solo performances as well as the
Quartet. Cameron Macnab got a 1st for his beautiful vocal solo,         But if you put those same worries and cares in the hands of our
and Callum Smith and Luca Spagnuolo have done us proud in               Shepherd Jesus Christ, he’s going to see you through them and he’s
their many performances with the Pipe Band at the College.              going to take care of you.

My thanks to the board for their support during this                    It all depends on whose hands it’s in.
unprecedented year and my first full year as headmaster. I must
also thank my other musketeers, Mrs Davies and Cavalier Trinci for      Dominus Pastor
being so good natured about the hammering they take in the blog
now and again as well as standing steadfastly beside me despite
the challenges.

                                                                                             St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine             7
St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust
                                          Commendation Certificates
      GRADE                                     CERTIFICATE                                NAME

      GRADE 1N                                  Effort and Progress                      Maxwell Loxton

                                                Effort and Progress                      Ngaatendwe Bonyongwa

                                                Enthusiastic Student                     Abdalazeez Materia

      GRADE 1S                                  Well Mannered & Enthusiastic             Mason Sibanda

                                                Consistent Good Effort                   Emmanuel Kumwenda

                                                Good Progress                            Mhelengi Manyika

      GRADE 1E                                  Consistent Effort                        James Borcherds

                                                All Round Improvement                    Ashton Clarke

                                                Good Progress                            Johnathan Manning

      GRADE 2N                                  Consistent Endeavour                     Tristan French

                                                Enthusiastic Participation               Seth Edwards

                                                Diligence and Enthusiasm                 Runako Samakande

      GRADE 2S                                  Progress                                 Jordan Katanda

                                                Consistent Good Effort                   Ayden Stewart-Smythe

                                                Consistent Good Effort                   Michael Nyajeka

      GRADE 2E                                  Attainment in Comprehension              Wade Cameron

                                                Progress in Handwriting                  Ibrahim Allana

                                                Progress                                 Isheanesu Hatendi

      GRADE 3N                                  Consistent Effort & All-round Progress   Cody Uys

                                                Participation & Excellent On-line Work   Joshua Busangabanye

                                                Participation & Enthusiasm On-line       James Hickman

      GRADE 3S                                  Consistent Effort On-Line                Tyler Fawcett

                                                Good All-round Effort                    Nathan Uys

                                                Determination On-line                    Mason Granger

      GRADE 3E                                  Wonderful On-line Participation          Mufudzi Mandiwanzira

                                                Wonderful On-line Participation          Matthew Davies

                                                Wonderful On-line Participation          Daniel Hildebrand

8 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
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GRADE 4N   Determination & Diligence                        James Eastwood

           Consistent Hard Work                             Ayaan Said

           Most Improved                                    Nicholas Wallace

GRADE 4S   Diligence & Consistency On-line                  Brayden Acutt

           Effort & Determination On-line                   Zviito Nhemachena

           Effort & Determination On-line                   David Croxford

GRADE 4E   Excellence in Maths                              Noah Mitchell

           Diligence On-line                                Benjamin Doran

           Fantastic All-round Performance                  Munopa Mhembere

GRADE 5N   Consistent Effort On-line                        Takunda Maupah

           Determination On-line                            Darrell Chinorwadza

           On-line Diligence		                              Fabio Kelly

GRADE 5S   Enthusiastic On-line Participation               Ross Gibbons

           Enthusiastic On-line Participation               Nathan Makwasha

           Commitment & Perseverance                        Dexter Smith

GRADE 5E   Fantastic On-line Participation                  Uwais Nakedar

           Consistent Effort On-line                        Anengoni Chendambuya

           Consistent Effort On-line                        Unashe Tabengwa

GRADE 6N   Determination and Progress                       Malachi Mafunga

           Consistent Effort & Achievement                  Jude Rudland

           Respect & Determination                          Liam Klinkert

GRADE 6S   Determination & Hard Work Especially On-line     Rohnan Nicholson

           Integrity, Empathy & Respect                     Karl Van As

           Helpfulness, Respect & Enthusiasm                Tanaka Banga

GRADE 6E   Participation and Effort                         Yamiko Kwaramba

           Integrity. Empathy, Respect                      Shaylen Parmar

           All Round Achievement                            Mukudzei Chisi

GRADE 7N   Consistent Effort                                Zaidaan Patel

           Good All Round Effort                            Aadil Adam

           Most Outstanding Progress                        Munesu Musarira

           Determination, Interest & Hard Work in Maths     Sebastian Williams
           & English

           Determination, Interest & Hard Work in Maths     Mukudzei Chidovi

           Diligence & Perseverance in English              Admore Kandlela

           Outstanding Work Ethic                           Anesu Musavaya

           Respect, Integrity & Empathy                     Callum Smith

           Positive Attitude & Exceptional Behaviour        Munesu Ngwende

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St. John's Educational Trust - 2020 MAGAZINE - St John's Educational Trust
     VISUAL ARTS                                                         VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL
     Honours Certificates : Grade 3 Rishaan Parmar, Grade 6              Grade 7 Brendon Kalonga
     Bryce Honiball, Grade 7 Anthony Gumbo

                                                             Class Prizes
       GRADE                                     CERTIFICATE

       GRADE 1N                                  Effort and Attainment                            Alexander Soendergaard

                                                 Consistent Effort & Attainment                   Dominic Bowl

                                                 High Standard of Work                            Mudiwa Mutumhe

       GRADE 1S                                  Improved Handwriting                             Ethan Makandiwa

                                                 Great Progress                                   Melikhaya Mlotshwa

                                                 Attainment in Number                             Dylan Rock

       GRADE 1E                                  Giving of his Best                               Teddy Nyamurera

                                                 Diligence                                        Said Shillaev

                                                 Very High Standard of Work                       Takudzwa Tigere

       GRADE 2N                                  Consistent High Standard                         Joshua Mberi

                                                 Attainment                                       Taponeswa Goreraza

                                                 Great Progress                                   Rian Harry

       GRADE 3N                                  Academic Excellence                              Satya Parida

                                                 Effort, Participation & Very Good On-line Work   Kyle Mpofu

                                                 Effort, Participation & Very Good On-line Work   Jamie Winskill

       GRADE 3S                                  Outstanding Achievement                          Tarik Moyana

                                                 Academic Excellence                              Luke Ridley

                                                 Consistent Effort                                Washe Matandaudhle

       GRADE 3E                                  Outstanding Achievement                          Isaiah Mukumba

                                                 Outstanding Achievement                          Rishaan Parmar

                                                 Consistent Effort		                              Rye Davy

       GRADE 4N                                  Academic Excellence                              Ryan Shayahama

                                                 Academic Excellence                              Joshua Maya

                                                 Academic Excellence                              Tawana Masiyakurima

10 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
GRADE 4S   Academic Excellence - 1st in Class                Munyaradzi Makumure

           Academic Excellence                               Curtis Gwata

           Academic Excellence All Round                     Amaan Bhadella

GRADE 4E   First in Class                                    Thabiso Mtwazi

           Second in Class                                   Yaseen Bhadella

           Diligence and Conscientiousness                   Kholwani Nduku

GRADE 5N   Academic Excellence                               Anthony Chitima

           Effort & Participation Throughout the Year        Theo Cochrane

           All round Effort                                  Nathan Van Rooyen

GRADE 5S   First in Class                                    Tashinga Dube

           Second in Class                                   Haydon Banks

           Wonderful Achievement in English                  Kumukai Kashangura

GRADE 5E   Academic Excellence                               Matthew Hildebrand

           Academic Achievement                              Sa’ud Sheth

           Consistent Effort and Enthusiasm                  Mununuri Nzira

GRADE 6N   Academic Excellence – First in Class              Ismail Lunat

           Academic Excellence – Second in Class             Fergus Dorward

           3rd in Class                                      Mudiwa Kwenda

GRADE 6S   Academic Excellence – First in Class              Munotida Mundira

           Academic Achievement & Effort                     Bryce Honiball

           Diligence & Conscientiousness                     Imran Hoosein

GRADE 6E   Academic Excellence – First in Class              Hamdaan Sheth

           Academic Achievement & Self Motivation            Tiger Coburn

           Academic Achievement & Effort                     Gabriel Mhembere

GRADE 7N   First in Class                                    Biswa Parida

           Second in Class                                   Sibusiso Vellah

           Academic Achievement                              Ihsaan Ismail

GRADE 7S   Academic Excellence – 1st in Class                Watida Matandaudhle

           Academic Excellence – 2nd in Class                Sean Reilly

           Academic Excellence – 3rd in Class                Mufarowashe Shava

GRADE 7E   Academic Attainment                               Anthony Gumbo

           Effort Through all Subjects                       Clayton Banks

           Diligence & Commitment to Academic Studies        Yemuro Dzinotyweyi

                                                   St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine   11

     SHONA L1 : Anthony Gumbo                        LAKE CRICKETER OF THE YEAR : Sean Price

     SHONA L2 : Biswa Parida                         THE BUTLER CUP : Kyle Heyns
                                                     (Senior Cross Country)
     ENGLISH : Muhammad Bhadella
                                                     DAVID LAIRD : Cameron McNab
     MATHS : Biswa Parida		                          (Singing)

     CONTENT SUBJECTS : Anthony Gumbo                EDWARDS TROPHY FOR CREATIVITY (ART) : Cameron McNab

     COMPUTERS : Watida Matandaudhle                 MCGEORGE ART TROPHY : Joshua Davies

     THOMSON TROPHY : Nathan Van Rooyen              WALLACE CUP : Luca Spagnuolo
     (Contribution to Colts Cricket)			              (Pipe Band)

     FIELDING CUP : Elroy Chigumbura                 KAAGMAN CUP : Luca Spagnuolo
     (Colts Cricket)                                 (Vigorously Embracing School Life)

     PATEL CUP : Peter Sanders                       ZORORO MAKAMBA : Sebastian Williams
     (Colts Batting)                                 (Helpfulness)

     BRUNDLE CUP : Brandon Kalonga                   MACKENZIE CUP : Thomas Dorward
     (Colts Bowling)                                 (Perseverance, Loyalty, Participation)

     NORAH LEWIS TROPHY : Nathan Van Rooyen          GOOD FELLOWSHIP TROPHY : Lee Chigumba
     (Most promising colt)
     		                                              BADGER CUP : Sean Price
     THE BUTLER CUP : Nathan Van Rooyen              (Displaying Core Values)
     (Junior Cross Country)
                                                     HONOURS TIES Head & Deputies : Sean Reilly (Headboy);
     JASON STEED SHIELD 1st XI                   :   Thabani Mlotshwa (Deputy Headboy); Lee Chigumba (Deputy
     Hayden Croxford		                               Headboy)
     (Most Improved Cricketer)
                                                     Zimbabwe Swimming : Kyle Heyns; Sean Reilly
     HOUGH TROPHY 1st XI : Sean Reilly
     (Most Promising Pace Bowler)                    THE GOVERNORS’ PRIZES : Sean Reilly; Thabani Mlotshwa;
                                                     Lee Chigumba
     SARPO SHIELD : Mark Ewing
     (1st XI Best All Round Cricketer)               THE HEADMASTER’S CUP : Reece Wall

     BRUNDLE CUP : James Manning                     DUX AWARD : Biswa Parida
                                                     CHAMPION HOUSE SHIELD : Jerome
     JARVIS CUP : Marcus Eckard

12 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine   13

                                                      Headboy / Headmaster & Deputies

                                                 S. Reilly; Mr R. Barbour; L. Chigumba; T. Mlotshwa

                                              Headmaster, Sports Director & House Captains

                                      BACK ROW: L. Spagnuolo; C. Flower; T. Dorward; S. Price; T. Gurupira
                                   FRONT ROW: M. Ewing; K. Heyns; Mr R. Barbour; Mr M. Mbundire; J. Manning

18 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
Grade 7E

  BACK ROW: S. Sarpo; Y. Allana; M. Macdonald; M. Davies; K. Chanetsa; D. Barrett; H. Ezzeddine; M. Musendekwa; C. Chisvo; J. Manning
        2ND ROW: M. Ngwende; C. Banks; L. Chigumba; R. Utsiwegota; A. Musuvaya; K. Heyns; M. Ewing; D. Mangtani; M. Eckard
  FRONT ROW: M. Nkomo; M. Bhadella; T. Moyo; C. Smith; Mr L. RADEMEYER; Y. Dzinotyiweyi; T. Mugumbate; M. Rodrigues; H. Saunders

                                                              Grade 7N

           BACK ROW: Z. Patel; I. Ismail; S. Price; D. Ngwira; T. Lewanika; L. Spagnuolo; B. Parida; S. Vellah; M. Mupakaviri
2ND ROW: B. Mungadzi; C. McNab; E. Mubaya; C. Austen; T. Chimbwanda; Z. Maguranyanga; Z. Kanharia; T. Chirambanegomo; T. Dorward;
                                                               A. Mashika
      FRONT ROW: F. Materia; J. Mhoya; M. Musarira; A. Adam; Mr L. Mutsago; T. Gurupira; L. Clark; T. Muzanenhamo; M. Sanders

                                                                                          St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine   19
Grade 7S

                  BACK ROW: S. Reilly; M. Gaur; M. Shava; M. Chidovi; H. Croxford; T. Mlotshwa; C. Flower; Z. Summers; L. Wells; T. Nhira
                2ND ROW: P. Lidsba; A. Kandlela; J. Theron; W. Matandaudhle; G. Oelfke; D. Botha; S. Williams; L. Loughran-Mostert; J. Pike
                  FRONT ROW: Z. Bhadella; M. Mahmed; J. Torr; N. Mushure; Mrs N. Seager; TJ. Dombodzvuku; T. Nagar; R. Wall; E. Paul

                                                 Lilac Breasted Roller Artwork by Dexter Smith

20 St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine
St. John’s Preparatory School 2020 Magazine   21
                                                       24-25          CLASS OF 2020 &
                                                                                COLLEGE PREFECTS

                                                       26-28          AWARDS ASSEMBLY

                                                       29-30          MAJOR AWARD

                                                       31-32            ACADEMIC WINNERS

                                                       33                  SUBJECT PRIZE
                                                       33                    TROPHY WINNERS
Mr S. Jirri
Mrs A. Post                                            34-35          AWARDS ASSEMBLY
Mrs R. Wilde
Miss G. Wannell
                                                       36		                     DA VINCI CENTRE
PRODUCTION TEAM                                                                 PREFECTS
EDITOR : Penny Hook
                                                       37                    STUDENT COUNCIL
PHOTO CREDITS : Lucy Broderick and R. Wakefield
                                                       38-39          HOUSE PREFECTS

© St John’s Educational Trust, 2020
                                                       42-47          HIGHLIGHT EVENTS

                                                       50-53          SPORT HIGHLIGHTS
h night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night & awards • speech night &

     St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       St John’s College Class of 2020

                                        BACK ROW: J. Reid, A. Moon, D. Abson, O. Swan, A. Calonne, A. Beynon-Davies, N. Mushauri, M. Gillam, A. Ellis, P. Tarinda, M. Tanner, W. Schroenn, B. Wilson, B. Harrris, M. Macdonald, N. Fourie, A. Martin
                                       FOURTH ROW: P. Erasmus, D. Chouhan, D. Jackson, R. Johnston, C. Kawodza, T. Kaseke, A. Gray, J. Maganlal, N. Ramjee, N. Vudzijena, B. Mason, S. Sande, T. Madzivire, M. Mguquka, T. Magwera, I. Ngwende,
                                                                                                                                  T. O’Beirne, S. Ribeiro
                                        THIRD ROW: J. Rusike, D. Ngorima, T. Sinyoro, T. Hwingwiri, A. Mudavanhu, S. Zvandasara, E. Atindehou, N. Tafira, V. Castaldello, T. French, M. Chinake, S. Jones, D. Van Rooyen, R. Landman, E. Burbidge,
                                                                                                                        R. Karimazondo, D. Johnson, K. Madangure
                                            SECOND ROW: T. O’Riordan, R. Teveraishe, A. Masiyiwa, L. Kuyimba, T. Gavhumende, C. Nhara, B. Java, T. Sinyoro, T. Chigogwana, T. Mouafo, N. Ndoro, A. Motsi, L. Zengeni, N. Chirewa, R. Mabiza
                                                                                FRONT ROW: K. Dandadzi, T. Manyanga, T. Maswaure, M. Manyangadze, M. Brown, P. Mupakaviri, S. Lambourn
College Prefects 2020

                                                          BACK ROW: A. Martin, R. Karimazondo, B. Java, R. Landman, D. Abson, T. Magwera, B. Mason, R. Johnston, D. Jackson, P. Erasmus

   St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                     FRONT ROW: C. Nhara, Mr C. Mutwira, C. Kawodza (headboy), Mr A. Sakala, Cav C. Trinci, Dr L. Reilly, D. Van Rooyen (Deputy Headboy), Mr J. Mariani, K. Madangure, T. O’Riordan

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Awards Assembly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CULTURAL PERSON OF THE YEAR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The recipient of the Athene Cup for Cultural Person of the Year   As a senior, our recipient has held 3 leadership positions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is a very talented individual who has been fully committed        This year he served with the portfolio Head of Music. He was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to the cultural arena since Form One and he has served four       the Pipe Band Sergeant as well as the Head of Choir and A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         College clubs namely Pipe Band, Drama, Choir & A Cappella,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         however, it is as a musician that he has truly distinguished      For his commitment, excellence and contribution to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         himself; a discipline in which he plays bagpipes & sings.         cultural life of the College, this year’s winner of the Athene
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cup for Cultural Person is awarded to SEBASTIAO RIBEIRO.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A talented and seasoned Piper, he has competed in two World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pipe Band Championships representing the College and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Zimbabwe. He was part of the College Pipe Band’s historic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         visit to Glasgow in 2018, when they won the World Pipe band
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Championship title and 3 international trophies. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         he has won 5 Honours Awards and 2 Trophies for the Best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         band at the Allied Arts Eisteddfods over the last six years.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         He has sung in the College choirs since Form One and achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         an Individual Singing Honours at this year’s Eisteddfod in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Open Solo Oratorio music class. He has passed his Grade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         6 vocal examination and Level 5 Bagpipe Practical and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Theory examinations with the Scottish Piping and Drumming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Qualification Board.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Our recipient has also been a dedicated and disciplined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         member of the College’s Drama Society. He was involved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in the last five productions, portraying a distinguished yet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         conflicted Blackie in the 2018 production of “Dog Logs” and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         he was also part of the production “Journey’s End” which won                  Sebastiao Ribeiro - Athene Cup of the Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the AFDIS award for the best school play.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CROSS AWARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The St John’s Cross Award is presented to students in their U6 year who have competed in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sporting disciplines which are considered to be beyond the level of accomplishment for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    which full College colours are awarded; in other words these sportsmen compete in open
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    age groups against men who are professionals or of a professional level.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The second recipient of the St John’s College Cross Award is no stranger to achieving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    excellence on the Hockey Field. He, like Daniel, was selected to represent the Zimbabwe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    National Men’s Hockey Team at the tender age of 17. He is recognised by the International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hockey Federation as having achieved 5 International Caps at the Africa Olympic Qualifiers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in Stellenbosch in August 2019, where his quick hands and slick stickwork left many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    professional defenders at the tournament gasping in shock as to the blur they had just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    witnessed. He is quiet, humble and unassuming on the field and lets action speak louder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    than words. For reaching this distinguished level of competitive sport in Field Hockey, a St                  Tony O’ Riordan-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dux of the College, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    John’s Cross Award is presented today to Tony O’ Riordan.

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                               DUX OF THE COLLEGE

The Dux of the College is presented to the student of the class of 2019 who
attained the highest A Level results in the November examinations.

In an extremely strong academic year group, one candidate emerged with the
top overall results, achieving an outstanding four A* grades for his Advanced
Level subjects of Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. He is now
pursuing a degree in Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. Ladies and
gentlemen, the Dux of the College for 2019 is awarded to Tendai Makamure.

                                                                                       Tendai Makamure - DUX of the College

                         SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR

The Sportsman of the year is awarded to an Upper 6 pupil/pupils whose overall
achievements on the sporting field in either one or several disciplines have established
him as the College’s top sportsman.

This year it is a joint award. The first recipient of this award has established himself
consistently as one of the finest Sportsmen to ever grace the College’s fields and
courts. He has achieved College full colours in Rugby Union, Rugby Sevens and
Athletics resulting in the rare achievement of being awarded the 3 colours tie. He has
achieved National colours at U19 level in Rugby Union and Rugby Sevens as well as
representing the College Rugby, Basketball, Rugby Sevens and Athletics 1st teams. He
has captained the RAMS 1st team Basketball and been Vice Captain of the RAMS 1st                            Carl Kawodza -
15 Rugby team. The joint award of Sportsman of the Year is awarded to Carl Kawodza.                   Sportsman of the Year

               Tadiwa Hwingwiri - Honours                                                    Tavis Wright

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR & CROSS AWARD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The St John’s Cross Award is presented to students in their       performance for the Zimbabwe National Men’s Hockey team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         U6 year who have competed in sporting disciplines which           at the tender age of 17. He is recognised by the International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         are considered to be beyond the level of accomplishment for       Hockey Federation as having achieved 5 International Caps at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         which full College colours are awarded; in other words these      the Africa Olympic Qualifiers in Stellenbosch in August 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sportsmen compete in open age groups against men who are          where his excellent vision and pinpoint passing made him
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         professionals or of a professional level.                         an asset in Zimbabwe’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Midfield. He is a man
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The first recipient of the St John’s Cross Award and the second   amongst men and fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         recipient of the Sportsman of the Year Award, like the first,     deserves the award
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         has established himself consistently as one of the finest         of Sportsman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sportsmen to ever grace the College’s fields and courts, and      Year and the St John’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         one of the finest hockey players to ever have played for          Cross. He is Daniel Van
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Zimbabwe at U19 level. He is the RAMS Hockey and Tennis           Rooyen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Captain as well as the RAMS Cricket Vice-Captain. He has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         represented the College 1st teams in the afore mentioned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sports as well as the 1st team Athletics. He has achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         National colours for Zimbabwe in Hockey and Tennis. To add
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to this achievement, he was awarded the National Junior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hockey Player of the year by the Hockey Association of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Zimbabwe, making him the best hockey player in the country                                           Daniel Van Rooyen -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         at U21 level. The piece de resistance was his selection and                                   Sportsman of the Year & Cross Award

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Manan Joshi                                                  Phil Kazembe - Honours

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Major Award Winners

         James Wakefield                           James Wakefield                            Daniel Jackson                               Ryan Landman

             Davis Cup                               Walsh Award                        Da Vinci Spirit of Service                      Golden Ram Trophy
Achieving the best IGCSE results in      For Lower 6 A Level Excellence and for    For their commitment to tutoring            The “Golden Ram” award is made
2019.                                    achieving the highest EAA ranking in      many students from across the entire        to the Best All Round Student in the
                                         the form.                                 spectrum of the school, a new award         fields of Academics, Sport and Culture.
Attaining a record 10 A*                                                           recognising their service to the spirit     This year’s winner is a hard-working
                                                                                   of the Da Vinci ethos.                      student who has diligently attended
                                                                                                                               to his studies, in the process attaining
                                                                                                                               exceptional academic results, as well
                                                                                                                               as playing pivotal roles in a number of
                                                                                                                               sports as well as contributing his time
                                                                                                                               and talents significantly to several
                                                                                                                               of the senior student-led societies
                                                                                                                               established in the College. Befittingly,
                                                                                                                               this year’s Golden Ram award for the
                                                                                                                               Best All Round student is made to
                                                                                                                               Ryan Landman.

                 Marc McDonald                                             John Rusike                                   Ndangariro Vudzijena & Brian Java

        Salver for Service to the College                          Students’ Student Award                           The Tapiwanashe Ben Siyakwazi Award
For his unfailing commitment to the College,           Introduced by the Interact Society and Leavers of         … is presented in memory of a former Old Boy of
and remaining dedicated to the principles of           2007, this award is voted on by the U6 students           the College and is awarded to the student in the U6
selflessness, we are pleased this evening to           and therefore determined by his own peers.                who displays the greatest level of commitment and
award the Salver for Service to a very deserving       The “Student’s Student” for 2020, awarded                 endeavour to their school life. The award this year
U6 student. Recognised for his commitment and          posthumously, is John Rusike.                             goes to two students who have personified these fine
services across many facets of College Life, the                                                                 qualities both in the classroom and in undertaking their
salver for service is awarded to Marc McDonald.                                                                  many extra-curricular activities. The Tapiwanashe Ben
                                                                                                                 Siyakwazi Award for Commitment and Endeavour goes
                                                                                                                 to Brian Java and Ngangariro Vudzijena.

                                                                                            Daniel Jackson

                                                                                      GPA College Valedictorian
                                          … is awarded to the Upper 6th student who completes the year with highest GPA rating and is thus considered our top
                                           overall College student. This year’s recipient has been at the top of the U6 GPA ranking for the entire year, studying
                                         Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics where he achieved an average of 83% for these very demanding subjects. He is a
                                          member of the 1st team tennis, a member of Toastmasters, a devoted Da Vinci Centre tutor and the College Prefect in
                                         charge of administration. For personifying the true model of an exemplary student, we are proud to announce that this
                                                                         year’s St John’s College Valedictorians is Daniel Jackson.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Carl Kawodza                                        Kyle Madangure                                         Daniel Jackson

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Courageous Leadership Award                        The Craig Ralph Memorial Trophy                             The Gars Charger Trophy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Courageous Leadership Award was donated          Is awarded to the boy in the Upper 6 year who         Awarded annually for the boy in the Upper 6 at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in 2016 by Mr Matthew Mbanga, an Old Boy of          has played games with the most whole-hearted          the College who has shown outstanding qualities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the College now responsible for undertaking the      enthusiasm, enjoyment, determination and the          of honour, chivalry and valour; in other words, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         leadership preparation and training of all 6th       greatest sense of sportsmanship. The trophy this      boy whose gentlemanly conduct, in the true sense
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         form students. It is presented to a student in the   year is presented to a fine young sportsman who       of the word, has distinguished him above his peers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Upper 6 who embodies leadership by imbuing the       has excelled with his athletic prowess, and yet has   Our worthy recipients this year have most certainly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         spirit of valour, humility, fearlessness, passion    always remembered that graciousness, humility         personified the qualities of a St John’s gentleman in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and naturalness of character. They are men of        and enjoyment as a sportsman is how any game is       their manner, conduct and the integrity with which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         character, leaders among other men. This year’s      at its truest played and competed. The Craig Ralph    they have conducted themselves over the course of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         award for Courageous Leadership is presented         Memorial Trophy for sportsmanship is awarded to       their final year at school. Pleasant, courteous and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to a gentleman who has come to exemplify             Kyle Madangure.                                       well-mannered, they are two true gents in green.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         modest leadership through service to others. The                                                           Tonight we are honoured to present this most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Courageous Leadership award is made to Carl                                                                distinguished accolade to both Daniel Jackson.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Aedan Martin & Petrus Eramus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Headmaster’s Awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Last year, the Headmaster initiated three new awards, which seek to acknowledge the importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the College’s Core Values of Respect, Integrity and Empathy. These three awards are open to any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    age group and serve to recognise students who best embody our Core Values. The recipients are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   nominated by members of the faculty and decided on by the Headmaster. The awards for Integrity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Empathy have already been awarded this year to members of the outgoing U6 so only one

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The recipient of the Headmaster’s Award for Respect is a very deserving young man, who is always
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      polite and respectful of all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Brian Java

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Academic Winners
MURATIWA CHINAKE                         TRISTAN MAGWERA                              RONA TEKLU
English Literature, History & Physical   Biology                                      Environmental Management
                                         ARIEL MOTSI                                  DANIEL VAN ROOYEN
THEMBA GAVHUMENDE                        Economics                                    Art & Design
                                         SEBASTIÂO RIBEIRO                            NDANGARIRO VUDZIJENA
DANIEL JACKSON                           French                                       Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics
Accounting & Business

                                      ACADEMIC TROPHIES

              Daniel Jackson                             Ariel Motsi                            Ndangariro Vudzijena

    Economous Trophy & CBZ Bank Cup                 TECHFIN Research Cup                A Level Chemistry & U6 Mathematics Cup

            Sebastiâo Ribeiro                         Benjamin Gillam                              Nicholas Fourie

      Most Outstanding Vocalist Cup        Warren Watkins Trophy for Best Soloist &              Effort & Application
                                                 Overall Performance Shield

                                                                                        St John’s College Magazine 2020          31
Daniel Van Rooyen

                                                                                                 Harrison Award

                                                                                                                                          Rugano Teveraishe & Brendan Mason

                                                                                                                                                                              Green Earth Award

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bradley Gumbo - Honours
                                                                                                Dreadnought Trophy
                                                                             Muratiwa Chinake

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                                                                                                                          Tony O’Riordan
                                                                            Petrus Erasmus

                                                                                                                                                                              CBZ Trophy

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Subject Prize Winners
                     Form 1                                            Form 2
 Aurick Bose              English Language          Phillip Ewing              History & Shona L2
 Ethan Cocksedge          Mandarin                  Aidan Fisher               Music
 Daniel Erasmus           Geography                 Adam George                Art & Design
 Rory Honey               History                   Imraan Jooma               Music
 Manan Joshi              Art & Design              Thomas Judson              Geography
 Farai Mujenge            Shona L1                  Wenyasha Madziro           French & Biology
 Aayden Nakhozwe          Shona L2                  Ngavatendwe Ngwende        English Language
 Tinashe Nduna            Computers                 Dhiren Ramabhai            Mandarin
 Christopher O'Connor     Science                   Bradley Samuels            Mathematics
 Maximilian Oelfke        French                    Sukuma Shirata             Art & Design
 Mahomed Shah-Husini      Mathematics               Lameck-Junior Tarupuwa     Shona L1 & Computers
 Enziwe Sibanda           Music                     Ryan Ushewokunze           Shona L2
 Mandlaenkosi Viki        Business Appreciation                                Chemistry, Mathematics &
                                                    Taona Zimhunga
                                                    Bongani Zulu               French & Geography

                     Form 3
                                                                       Form 4
 Tinotenda Basera         French
 Tinotenda Chiro          Geography                  Tafara Berejena             Accounting
 Daiyaan Ebrahim          History                    Adam Menk                   Information &
 Ziteng Jin               Design & Technology                                    Communication
                          Biology, Chemistry,                                    Technology, English
 Phil Kazembe             English Literature &                                   Language, English
                          Mathematics                                            Literature, Economics,
 Iain Love                Art & Design                                           Mathematics
 Joshua Makuwa            ICT                        Ryan Franceys               Business Studies
 Chief Musabayana         English Language           Toby French                 Art & Design
 Simbarashe Mutasa        Business Studies           Namatwai Watambgwa          History
                          Accounting, Mathematics    Mikael Banville             French
 Thabo Ndhlovu
                          & Physics                  Daniel Erasmus              Biology, Chemistry,
 Ndapuwa Timba            Economics                                              Physics
                                                     Toby French                 Geography

                    Lower 6                          Shaan Patel                 Design & Technology

Iman Adam                Accounting
Ryan Dean
Joshua French
                         Physical Education
Solomon Kativu
Tanaka Madake
                                                    Trophy Winners
Denzel Mhlanga           Information Technology
                                                    The Mikhail Suleman Cup F2 Mathematics
                         English Language,
                                                    Taona Zimhunga
Mandla Msipa             English Literature &
                                                    Best L6 Biology Student
                                                    James Wakefield
Ashley Mugadza                                      Best L6 Physics Student
                         Management                 James Wakefield
Daniel Schonenberger     Art & Design
                                                    Best L6 Chemistry Student
                         Biology, Chemistry,        James Wakefield
James Wakefield
                         Mathematics & Physics
                                                    Best Lower 6 Mathematics Student
Matthew Welch                                       James Wakefield
                                                                       St John’s College Magazine 2020    33
          Awards Assembly

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   St John’s College Magazine 2020
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FRONT ROW: N. Vudzijena, D. Jackson, Mrs L. Cawood, O. Swan
                                                                                         BACK ROW: K Dandadzi, J. Reid, P. Tarinda, A. Moon
           Da Vinci Centre Prefects 2020

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Student Council 2020

                                                                 BACK ROW: A. Moon, I. Ngwende, B. Gillam, N. Mushauri, T. Magandi, J. Maganlal

   St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                                            FRONT ROW: T. Kaseke, C. Kawodza, MR. A. Sakala, Cav. C. Trinci, Dr. L. Reilly, J. Reid, E. Burbidge

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                               House Prefects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CHIMANIMANI HOUSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BACK ROW: N. Fourie, P. Tarinda, B. Harris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FRONT ROW: R. Karimazondo (Head of House), Mr S. Jiri, P. Mupakaviri, M. Chinake

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MATOPOS HOUSE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BACK ROW: A. Motsi, W. Schroenn, D. Chouhan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FRONT ROW: R. Mabiza, B. Java (Head of House), Mrs M. Mukotsanjera, B. Mason, A. Calonne

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                      NYANGA HOUSE

                      BACK ROW: M. Ndoro, T. Kaseke, N. Chirewa
   FRONT ROW: T. O’Beirne, M. McDonald (Head of House), Mr G. Nyawata, V. Castaldello

                        VUMBA HOUSE

                      BACK ROW: I. Ngwende, E. Burbidge, A. Moon
FRONT ROW: S. Jones, D. Jackson (Head of House), Mr D. Mutendera, N. Mushauri, D. Ngorima

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     St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Societies 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Captains/Presidents of Clubs &

                                       BACK ROW: M. Msipa, M. Mcdonald, S. Lambourn, T. O’Beirne, T. Magwera, N. Mushauri, R. Johnston, S. Kuyimba, N. Ramjee, D. Jackson, P. Erasmus
                                        FRONT ROW: C. Nhara, R. Teklu-Beyene, R. Landman, D. Van Rooyen, Mr J. Kalonga, C. Kawodza, S. Ribeiro, P. Mupakaviri, B. Gillam, K. Dandadzi

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             Highlight Events

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    St John’s College Magazine 2020
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    St John’s College Magazine 2020
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FRONT ROW: R. Mabiza, S. Lambourn, S. Ribeiro, MR. J. Kalonga, M. Macdonald, B. Wilson
                                                                                          BACK ROW: J. Maganlal, B. Gillam, R. Johnston, T. Magwera, S. Sande
            Music Prefects 2020

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al reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural repo
Library Prefects 2020

                                                                                                   BACK ROW: P. Tarinda, A. Motsi

   St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                                                                    FRONT ROW: I. Ngwende, Mme A. Post, R, Teveraishe, A. Mudavanhu

ral reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural reports • cultural r
              Sports Highlights

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ts reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports repor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                St John’s College Magazine 2020
s reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports •

                                      BACK ROW: D. Van Rooyen (Hockey), R. Karimazondo (Waterpolo), B. Java (Football), R. Landman (Rugby), B. Mason (Cricket) M. Ndoro (Athletics) C. Kawodza (Basketball)

    St John’s College Magazine 2020
                                       FRONT ROW: A. Martin (Squash), N. Vudzijena(Volleyball), N. Chirewa (Golf), M. Chinake (Indoor Hockey), Mr C. Fourie, S. Jones (Girls’ Hockey), A. Calonne (Swimming)

ts reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports reports • sports repor


54 St. John’s Preparatory School 2019 Magazine
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