Summer Meals Annual Application Process and Administrative Review Process Training Transcript: April 21, 2022

Page created by Nancy Hampton
Summer Meals Annual Application Process and Administrative
                 Review Process Training Transcript: April 21, 2022

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:30.510
Yearwood, Shannon
Hi everyone, thank you so much for joining us today for our mandatory training for the Summer
Food Service Program sponsors today. We have such very exciting and critical topics for you as the
SFSP application process and the term you have not heard in 2 years. Administrative reviews, they
are, they are making a comeback this summer, so we are going to go through that with you on how
that process is going to work for this summer, so but that kickoff.
00:00:30.630 --> 00:00:52.540
Yearwood, Shannon
Shannon Yearwood I'm with the Connecticut State Department of Education with our child
nutrition programs and I am delighted to be joined by my colleagues who know everything about
SFP that I will never know so that's Caroline and Terese and I will be handing it off to them after
just a quick introduction just to let you guys know we do have the?
00:00:52.620 --> 00:00:54.090
Yearwood, Shannon
I that we
00:00:54.980 --> 00:01:25.410
Yearwood, Shannon
the mute and the cameras, not enabled for this webinar. So we do encourage you if you have
questions to enter those into the chat and we will get to those as we are able to anything. We're not
able to address today. We will absolutely get back to you. We will follow up with you as needed, so
but we need to know what's on your mind in order to know what kinds of guidance. You may need
out there, so I do also want to take a moment to take a little bit off topic since I know much many
of you.
00:01:25.970 --> 00:01:57.610
Yearwood, Shannon
Out there are school food authorities and you'll be. You're trying to consider if you're gonna move
forward with your Summer Food Service Program operations. Or maybe you want to look into
seamless this year and I have heard that a few of you have been influenced by some of the supply
chain assistance funds to help help you think through this process, so part of I think what you might
be thinking about is the deadline that was put out into the USDA. Q&A is around the period of
performance and so that is really the timeline to be able to spend.
00:01:57.700 --> 00:02:28.550
Yearwood, Shannon
Those funds, so that timeline that was included in those QAs from USDA is only applicable to the
state agency. USDA expects that you do use in this again as only for those school food authorities
who are joining us today. They do expect that you will use those supply chain assistance funds to be
able to relieve any immediate supply chain issues that you are experiencing and into the next school
year. That's that we have no intentions of or expectations of having to recover those funds.

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00:02:28.760 --> 00:03:00.610
Yearwood, Shannon
So if you are concerned about that. September 30th 2023 deadline that is applicable to us as a state
agency so we have the opportunity for any of those school food authorities that are declining the
funds to reallocate those to other districts and that's the deadline for us to get those funds out
whether they are the first allocation or their reallocation. We are hoping to get those out to you in a
few hopefully in just a couple of weeks. We have now for the most part received everybody's
attestation statements that were due.
00:03:00.700 --> 00:03:32.400
Yearwood, Shannon
On the 15th but we will I continue reaching out to you individually. If we have not heard from you
yet or had that we do? Need those and that's pretty critical for us to be able to determine just exactly
how much we may have to reallocate so with that. I've taken up, too much time on these this
webinar for these very important topics. But I want to cover that in the beginning because that's a
little bit fresh off the press and I wanted to make sure that you have that information. So as you're
learning about getting a refresher on everything you need to fill out an application.
00:03:32.520 --> 00:03:51.270
Yearwood, Shannon
And to prepare for an administrative review to look at everything you need to prepare but the
process will be using for administrative reviews. That was an important consideration for you to take
into into that process as well so with that. I'll hand it off to my amazing colleagues. Caroline and
Therese, who will walk you through all of the technicalities.
00:03:52.220 --> 00:03:59.070
Cooke, Caroline
Great well welcome I am going to go off camera. So I am not a distraction or distracting myself.
00:04:00.710 --> 00:04:03.580
Cooke, Caroline
And you shall get started.
00:04:05.440 --> 00:04:05.960
Cooke, Caroline
00:04:06.790 --> 00:04:14.080
Cooke, Caroline
So for those of you that were not with us live on April 7th. This is a very quick overview of the
00:04:15.200 --> 00:04:44.310
Cooke, Caroline
2022 training webinar series and the primary topic that we have scheduled for each date. We
strongly urge you to attend all the webinar. All of the webinars live to receive the full benefits of the

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Q&A portions. But we will make the recordings available as quickly as we can in the event that you
have scheduling conflicts. The SFSP sponsors will be required to provide an accounting at the
conclusion of the webinar series of how you participated in each training session.
00:05:05.520 --> 00:05:13.570
Cooke, Caroline
So today, Therese and I are going to tackle the annual application process and the administrative
review process.
00:05:14.420 --> 00:05:31.650
Cooke, Caroline
And if you have any questions, please. Feel free to enter them in the chat and we'll try to answer
them along the way if your question pertains only to the specifics of your operations. We will
probably resolve those individually with you after the webinar is over.
00:05:33.750 --> 00:05:36.540
Cooke, Caroline
OK, so we're going to start with the annual application process.
00:05:37.330 --> 00:05:40.460
Cooke, Caroline
Break it in gently before we hit you with administrative reviews.
00:05:41.760 --> 00:06:02.850
Cooke, Caroline
The application timeline for summer 2022, the application is going to be opening today, so with no
sponsors operating the Summer Food Service Program for school year, 2021, * 2022. The
application this year will be returning to the pre public health emergency format. So we are back to
business as usual.
00:06:04.600 --> 00:06:38.400
Cooke, Caroline
All site applications must be as accurate to plan summer operations as humanly possible due to
constraints of time and manpower. We absolutely will not have the time for the number of revisions
and re approvals that many of you are accustomed to. You must have prior written approval for all
changes to site operations. So we really do not want any of you to be placed in a position of delaying
opening your sites or serving meals that you will not end up being reimbursed for that means that
you're going to need to work actively with your community partners to get site.
00:06:38.480 --> 00:06:52.750
Cooke, Caroline
Operation logistics finalized and included in the site applications. The first time around. Please do
not fill out site applications with guests and placeholders. This creates a lot of extra work for you
and a lot of extra work for us.
00:06:53.470 --> 00:07:09.960
Cooke, Caroline

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If you do need longer to complete your application packet you can seek an extension from your
SFSP County consultant. Therese is the county consultant for the 4 southern Connecticut counties
and I am the SFP County consultant for the 4 northern Connecticut counties.
00:07:31.140 --> 00:07:41.800
Cooke, Caroline
School administration about where summer programming is taking place or working with your
community partners to get the information that you need to be able to be prepared for their
operations as well.
00:07:43.210 --> 00:07:57.890
Cooke, Caroline
But you should not be missing the Connecticut deadline of May 15th without an approved extension
in writing prior to May 15th so if you need an extension you will need to reach out to your county
consultant and get that approval in writing.
00:07:58.980 --> 00:08:31.190
Cooke, Caroline
Please do not wait to submit your plan until the day prior to your first day of planned service for
example, you cannot request an extension of your submission to June 9th submit your application
packet on June 9th and plan to start service on June 10th. We must have a reasonable time frame to
actually review and approve your application packet. It is not an automated process. It is too
humans. Trying our very best to make sure that you have planned everything you need to in order to
avoid disallowance of reimbursements.
00:08:31.570 --> 00:08:38.470
Cooke, Caroline
We know that you need every dollar you can get to make these critical services available and that is
what we're trying to assist you with.
00:08:39.490 --> 00:09:09.540
Cooke, Caroline
If you do request an extension to application submission. You will need to provide us an anticipated
first day of SFP service. The extension will only be approved provided it still results in submission
of your application packet at least 2 weeks. Prior to your anticipated first day of SFP service. So we
know a lot can change in 2 weeks, especially with summer programming. So just keep us in the loop.
The very best that you can OK.
00:09:09.690 --> 00:09:20.680
Cooke, Caroline
The federal deadline for application is June, 15th if we do not have a full application packet from
you by June 15th unfortunately you cannot participate.
00:09:26.250 --> 00:09:58.020
Cooke, Caroline
This is just a quick reminder of what another thing that we talked about on April 7th, which is

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formalizing. The structure of technical assistance assignments for SFSP in Connecticut. The State
Department of Education does not have specific dates and hours reserved for application.
Workshop this year. However, Terese and I are available to provide one on one or small group
technical assistance on your application questions. We strongly urge you to reach out as soon as
possible to schedule time with us. If you feel like you will need that.
00:09:58.290 --> 00:10:20.540
Cooke, Caroline
Over the course of the next 2 months are available. Time will become increasingly limited. You
should have already gone through the instructions and attempted to complete the application packet
prior to your technical assistance appointment. This will allow us to use the time efficiently and
cover as many of your specific questions as possible, while you have our undivided attention.
00:10:31.630 --> 00:10:56.700
Cooke, Caroline
The 2022 Connecticut SFSP Application will be released by email and opened in the online
application and claiming system. Today this includes a cover letter from John Frassinelli, John
Frassinelli. The Connecticut State director of child nutrition programs as well as an application
components for experienced sponsors so that's the document. You see the first page of on the slide
00:10:57.710 --> 00:11:14.610
Cooke, Caroline
This is a document that you will use as a checklist to ensure that you have completed all of the
required areas of the application packet prior to submitting submitting the application packet if you
submit an incomplete application packet. It will be returned to you, which will delay your approval
00:11:15.570 --> 00:11:42.610
Cooke, Caroline
The SDE SFSP apply web page has all of the templates that you need to go along with this
application packet so that's what this website is this is just the very top of the website. It's a long
scroll through because it contains all of the templates that you need to download complete and then
upload into the online application and claiming system to go along with your complete application
00:11:49.140 --> 00:12:05.490
Cooke, Caroline
So that document I'm going to go back for justice. A second if you look at it closely. You'll see
different sections. So this one is a good example of the first one. This one says. And this light.
Green ribbon required forms and materials for all applications.
00:12:07.210 --> 00:12:09.370
Cooke, Caroline
There's other sections as well there are.

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00:12:10.260 --> 00:12:30.450
Cooke, Caroline
Additional forms and materials materials that are updated annually and kept on file so that means
you're not going to be uploading them to your application packet and then materials that we provide
to you for references or assistance as you're preparing your application so for this section here. The
additional forms and materials.
00:12:31.750 --> 00:12:44.560
Cooke, Caroline
If you're unsure whether those requirements apply to your organization that's when you're going to
reach out to your county consultant and just say. Hey, I'm not sure. I think this doesn't apply to me,
but is it something that I need to complete and we can help you with that.
00:12:51.540 --> 00:13:11.410
Cooke, Caroline
The very first piece of your application packet is the sponsor application. You will complete one
sponsor application, providing sponsor level information about your summer food service program.
Please follow the directions provided in this block. There's just a very short block that talks about
the sponsor application on that checklist document.
00:13:12.060 --> 00:13:16.240
Cooke, Caroline
But what is there is a pathway for you to find.
00:13:16.970 --> 00:13:27.740
Cooke, Caroline
The ethnicity and race data that you need to include in your sponsor application. So the information
comes from your school. If you're a school district if you're a school food authority. It comes from
your district.
00:13:28.540 --> 00:13:45.670
Cooke, Caroline
It's provided to the state agency and then we make that information available back to you through
our data portal called Ed Site. So you don't have to track down whom in your district collects and
compiles. This data, we can give it back to you so if you go through.
00:13:46.750 --> 00:13:48.010
Cooke, Caroline
Let's see if I can do.
00:13:49.270 --> 00:14:08.990
Cooke, Caroline
This laser pointer this is the pathway, so you're going to click on the link in your document that we
send you and your checklist document you're going to go to exsite you're going to click on overview
profile and performance reports. You're going to select the year, which is the most recent complete
year. District you're going to select all your schools submit.

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00:14:17.130 --> 00:14:19.420
Cooke, Caroline
You know how to get rid of that laser pointer once I grab it.
00:14:23.330 --> 00:14:53.110
Cooke, Caroline
Your application packet will be sent back to you if the race and ethnicity section is left completely
blank in your sponsor application. You only need to answer the questions related to the geographic
area. This is the section of the sponsor application. That is assessing or collecting information on
your target population so the kids residing in your community. You can leave the questions related
to program participants blank. Those are looking for actual numbers of kids are going to be
participating in your program.
00:14:53.590 --> 00:15:03.720
Cooke, Caroline
Because most likely you don't have enrollment lists. Yet for your closed enrolled sites and for your
open so for your open sites. You cannot make those determinations until the actual operating
00:15:08.680 --> 00:15:35.110
Cooke, Caroline
The management plan and food production facility lists go hand in hand with the sponsor
application addressing how you've organized your summer operations. The management plan allows
you to identify key administrative individuals in your Summer Food Service Program as well as the
number of additional staff that will be completing SFSP tasks and what their roles are the food
production facility. List must be completed before the site applications are completed.
00:15:35.510 --> 00:16:06.880
Cooke, Caroline
All food preparation facilities that make meals to be distributed at a different location. Different
physical location where the meals are being made must be identified. For example, central kitchens
or school kitchens that are being used to make meals for distribution, either at a different school site
or at a community site. The appropriate food preparation facility will then be selected from a drop
down menu. As each site application is completed and that drop down list is populated.
00:16:07.090 --> 00:16:17.540
Cooke, Caroline
By the food production facility list so that's why you have to do the food production facility. List
first before you complete the site applications or that drop down menu won't be populated for you
to use it.
00:16:18.550 --> 00:16:48.100
Cooke, Caroline
The process of identifying food preparation facilities in districts that are contracted with a food
service management company has been updated for this year 's application packet rather than having
to create a food prep facility. For every site where you prepare meals. You will now only need to

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create them in the same manner. That self prep districts do where you create them for central
kitchens or facilities that are preparing meals to be distributed at a different location.
00:16:49.230 --> 00:17:04.370
Cooke, Caroline
If you're preparing meals only to be distributed at the site indicated in the site application. You will
finally have the option of identifying the meal service as vended meals prepared on site. So hopefully
that will save some of you some more.
00:17:05.470 --> 00:17:06.340
Cooke, Caroline
And us as well.
00:17:08.860 --> 00:17:22.170
Cooke, Caroline
OK site application this is the longest part of the application for sponsors with multiple sites. You
will complete an individual site application for each site that you propose to serve in summer 2022.
00:17:23.520 --> 00:17:46.910
Cooke, Caroline
You're going to need to organize your information in advance of entering the site application
because if you take too long with the site application open and no activity your session will time out,
and you will lose any data that you entered so you really want to be organized before you sit down to
complete them. You can save them part way through. That's not a problem. It's just when you sit
there with the screen open and it doesn't have any activity that it will.
00:17:47.120 --> 00:18:00.930
Cooke, Caroline
It will be blank itself out on you and you'll have to reenter anything that you had in there. The site
applications need to be completed before the budget. The data entered into the site applications
regarding operating days.
00:18:01.620 --> 00:18:10.350
Cooke, Caroline
Days of the week and projected average daily attendance will drive the calculation by the system of
projected revenue needed to complete the budget.
00:18:11.490 --> 00:18:41.540
Cooke, Caroline
The site applications will also reflect this year if you're planning to implement any of the first 3 of 4
statewide waivers that we have had approved by USDA for Connecticut. SFP for summer 2022. The
first is the use of area eligibility foreclosed enrolled sites in place of individual household income
assessment. The second is waiver of meal time restrictions to allow longer approved meal service
00:18:41.780 --> 00:19:08.590
Cooke, Caroline

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And more closely spaced approved meal service times the meals must still be served during
approved meal service times in order to be reimbursable and meal service times must be spaced
adequately to support children, receiving the full nutrition benefit of each meal service. For example,
not spacing meal services so closely together that it results in children not consuming all of the food
components of each service.
00:19:09.560 --> 00:19:33.050
Cooke, Caroline
And the 3rd waiver is offer versus serve Sfs. SFA sponsors will be able to elect to implement offer
versus serve with the SFSP meal pattern in place of the National School lunch and school breakfast
meal patterns and non school food authority. SFSP sponsors will be able to elect to implement offer
versus serve.
00:19:39.850 --> 00:20:05.420
Cooke, Caroline
The budget is required for all SFSP sponsors as I mentioned on the last slide. The system will
calculate your projected SFP revenue for you based on the information you enter into your site
applications. The more accurately you predict operating days and average daily participation. The
more accurately the system will project. The revenue you can expect you will identify your projected
00:20:05.490 --> 00:20:37.090
Cooke, Caroline
Expenses in a series of administrative and operating line items. It is intended to ensure that you're
making careful decisions about resource allocation. You should be monitoring participation
throughout summer operations and make active changes to the expenses you incur if you're not in
achieving your projected average daily participation and just as a side note, please. Be aware that we
will question your budget if the percentage of administrative expenses seems high compared to
operating expensives.
00:20:37.630 --> 00:20:56.680
Cooke, Caroline
We will also question your budget if you're projecting a significant amount of unused reimbursement
after SFSP expenses are deducted from projected revenue. This would lead us to question your
staffing plans or potentially encourage you to make upgrades to your planned menu.
00:21:01.660 --> 00:21:19.090
Cooke, Caroline
The budget process also includes a staffing plan for which you can find a template on the CSDE
SFSP apply web page that I showed earlier. The total staffing costs on your staffing plan should
match up with the staffing expenses. You list in your budget.
00:21:20.010 --> 00:21:21.100
Cooke, Caroline
Makes sense right.

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00:21:25.790 --> 00:21:56.620
Cooke, Caroline
For staff training you'll update you will upload 2 documents. The training certification letter is the
first of 3 documents that must be signed by an authorized signer on the permanent agreement
between your organization and the SDE so the 3 documents that require that authorized signer are
the training certification letter visit certification letter and a free meals policy statement and we will
get to the other 2 along the way.
00:21:59.060 --> 00:22:04.790
Cooke, Caroline
The second document that you're going to upload is training agenda.
00:22:06.040 --> 00:22:35.930
Cooke, Caroline
And this USDA administration guide summer food service program. If you go to Chapter 7, it lists
all of the required training topics for administrative monitoring food service and site staff. We ask
you to reference the required topics. And, Please ensure that all of them are explicitly identified in
your agenda so that we can easily see by looking at your agenda that you are covering all of the
required training topics.
00:22:39.940 --> 00:22:54.710
Cooke, Caroline
Sponsor monitoring so Terese is going to get to you in a little bit about administrative reviews and
what our monitoring will look like this year. But as you know you all are required for doing required
to do monitoring as well.
00:22:55.900 --> 00:23:15.350
Cooke, Caroline
So as I just mentioned the visit certification letter is the second item that you need signed by an
authorized signer and that's going to identify that all of the proposed sites that you've included in
your application packet have been assessed for their viability to support successful service.
00:23:16.350 --> 00:23:25.670
Cooke, Caroline
Monitoring is impacted by the 4th statewide waiver approved by USDA for Connecticut, SFP for
summer 2022.
00:23:26.290 --> 00:23:46.950
Cooke, Caroline
So we have been approved for a waiver of first week site visits for experienced sites that did not
exhibit operational challenges last year. This will allow you to focus more of your resources on
supporting new sites or sites identified as needing operational improvement during your first week
of summer operations.
00:23:51.770 --> 00:24:17.360
Cooke, Caroline

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As part of your program planning you will be scheduling monitoring visits so the 3 visits are
preoperational first week and a full review. Please know that Terese and I look at these monitoring
schedules as we are proving your application packet every year. I find first week site visits scheduled
outside the first week of site operations and I find 4 week review scheduled outside the first 4 weeks
of operations for the associated site.
00:24:18.000 --> 00:24:48.610
Cooke, Caroline
And these scheduling errors are present application packets are returned for Corrections. This
creates additional work for both your organization and for SDE. I urge you to have a calendar in
front of you as you're building your monitoring schedule. The monitoring time frames are outlined
in federal regulation and they are not flexible when you're constructing a monitoring schedule do not
plan go to every site on the very last day allowed to meet timeframes. The first problem with this
plan is that site.
00:24:48.690 --> 00:24:56.630
Cooke, Caroline
Staff could have been operating out of compliance or mismanaging your resources for a very long
time before you've even discovered there's a problem.
00:24:57.360 --> 00:25:03.760
Cooke, Caroline
The second problem with that plan is that if you have staff illness or turnover, you will miss the
federal monitoring time frames.
00:25:08.650 --> 00:25:32.940
Cooke, Caroline
Meal pattern in the past, the menu was the one item to be uploaded to the application packet that
we did not provide a template for you all have a very wide variety of formats that work for you and
that's fine with Terese and I however, for those of you that may struggle to come up with an
organized format. Susan Fiore has created extremely user-friendly templates to assist you.
00:25:34.080 --> 00:25:53.400
Cooke, Caroline
We have to see a menu. For every meal type. You plan to serve as part of summer meals. Even if
you're not serving that meal type at every site so if you have some sites that will serve breakfast and
lunch and others that will serve lunch and snack you will submit a breakfast menu a lunch menu and
a snack menu.
00:25:54.170 --> 00:26:21.040
Cooke, Caroline
We should be able to see from your menu how you've determined that each meal meal planned
meets the minimum food component quantities. This can be done by indicating portion sizes on the
menu, including crediting or portioning information as notations on the menu. Or as a companion
document to the menu or you can submit a recipe for any item that might not be easily shown via
another mechanism.

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00:26:21.940 --> 00:26:35.910
Cooke, Caroline
This is a process that we go through to help you ensure you have planned reimbursable meals before
we ever show up to conduct an administrative review of your operations. We do not want to
disallow meals for reimbursement and recover funds from you.
00:26:36.710 --> 00:26:49.320
Cooke, Caroline
If you have elected to implement the offer versus serve waiver approved by USDA. We should be
able to see from your menu that you've planned sufficient food items and quantities to meet the
00:26:52.520 --> 00:27:06.260
Cooke, Caroline
This is one example of the new SDE menu templates that Susan Fiore created so this is a template
breakfast menu. She's got a column for the food components.
00:27:07.580 --> 00:27:13.750
Cooke, Caroline
She's got some recommendations and then she's got it divided out by the day so that you can
capture each of the food components.
00:27:14.650 --> 00:27:19.150
Cooke, Caroline
And she's got separate templates for the other meal service types as well.
00:27:25.230 --> 00:27:30.030
Cooke, Caroline
The free meals policy statement is the 3rd item signed by one of your authorized signers.
00:27:30.860 --> 00:28:01.330
Cooke, Caroline
The free meals policy statement for pricing programs is only for camp sponsors that are charging
children that are not eligible for free or reduced-price school meals separately for their meals from
camp registration. This must be handled in a way that does not overtly identify children that are
eligible for free meals. The free meals policy statement for non pricing programs is the template that
is used for all other sponsor.
00:28:01.450 --> 00:28:02.360
Cooke, Caroline
And site types.
00:28:08.350 --> 00:28:38.160
Cooke, Caroline
Both the public notification and Health Department notification must be completed during the
annual application process. The Health Department notification gets uploaded to your application
packet. The public notification does not, but should be retained in your files you must keep

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documentation of the distribution of the notifications after they are created during the annual
application process. So creating the notifications during the application process is not the end of the
00:28:38.270 --> 00:28:42.870
Cooke, Caroline
Once they're created they need to leave your hands and go outside of your organization.
00:28:44.150 --> 00:28:46.970
Cooke, Caroline
You must keep documentation of the distribution.
00:28:47.770 --> 00:29:03.670
Cooke, Caroline
An email stream does suffice to save yourself. The hassle of finding it when we come out to conduct
an administrative review. You can either print. The email and keep it in a hard copy SFSP file or you
can save it to your electronic files in a place where you can easily retrieve it.
00:29:10.680 --> 00:29:31.910
Cooke, Caroline
On May 17th 2021 USDA released Om SFP, 07, 2021 collection of race and ethnicity data by visual
observation and identification in the child and adult care food program and Summer Food Service
Program policy rescission.
00:29:32.820 --> 00:29:53.510
Cooke, Caroline
Programs are to remove visual observation and identification as an allowable practice in obtaining
race and ethnicity data of CACFP and SFSP participants. This does not remove the requirement of
obtaining the data simply the act of using visual observation and identification as an allowable
00:29:56.640 --> 00:30:14.690
Cooke, Caroline
These data are used to determine how effectively FNS programs are reaching potential eligible
persons and beneficiaries identify areas where additional outreach is needed assist in the selection of
locations for compliance reviews and complete reports as required.
00:30:15.380 --> 00:30:27.970
Cooke, Caroline
These requirements are established in 7. CFR 15 and FNS instruction. 113 dash one civil rights
compliance and enforcement nutrition programs and activities.
00:30:29.110 --> 00:30:40.650
Cooke, Caroline
Be sure to thoroughly read the USDA guidance. SFSP 07, 2021 as well as accessing the suite of
resources available from SDE to assist you with this process.

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00:30:44.300 --> 00:30:52.130
Cooke, Caroline
We have a form that can be used for summer meal participants to self identify their race and
00:30:53.140 --> 00:30:54.030
Cooke, Caroline
00:30:57.780 --> 00:31:07.030
Cooke, Caroline
And we also have a form for you to be able to compile the beneficiary data by site, which you are
required to do for each site each year.
00:31:07.730 --> 00:31:13.440
Cooke, Caroline
Camps are required to collect this information by camp session as you would have different.
00:31:14.770 --> 00:31:16.760
Cooke, Caroline
Campers attending each session.
00:31:17.740 --> 00:31:26.690
Cooke, Caroline
Similar to the public notification. This is a process that you would complete each year and retain in
your files for our review during the administrative review process.
00:31:35.160 --> 00:31:39.710
Cooke, Caroline
Another section of the checklist document.
00:31:41.400 --> 00:31:55.590
Cooke, Caroline
Provides access to additional forms as needed, so these forms may or may not apply to your
program on any given year. For example, the authorized signature change form if you had a change
00:31:57.010 --> 00:32:12.360
Cooke, Caroline
Superintendent or chief executive officer, depending on who the primary individuals are in your
organization. You might need to reassign who's authorized to sign on behalf of the organization.
00:32:14.380 --> 00:32:38.330
Cooke, Caroline
The enrollment information form for camps and closed enrolled sites helps to identify which
children are eligible for either free or reduced-price school meals, which would impact the number

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of meals that are reimbursable at that site and finally for food service management company
contracts if there's an optional one year renewal agreement in place.
00:32:39.630 --> 00:32:43.460
Cooke, Caroline
You would be able to upload it into your application packet.
00:32:47.170 --> 00:33:09.990
Cooke, Caroline
And then the final piece of that document is really just there to provide you easy access to a variety
of documents that you may want to reference during the course of preparing your application packet
so the appeal procedures are linked. The federal regulations are linked at 7 CFR 225 as well as the
federal financial management instructions.
00:33:13.580 --> 00:33:17.130
Cooke, Caroline
OK, I've done a lot of talking so I'm gonna pause for just a second.
00:33:17.920 --> 00:33:25.820
Cooke, Caroline
And I'm gonna take a quick scroll at the chat and see if there are any questions related to.
00:33:26.880 --> 00:33:29.070
Cooke, Caroline
The application process.
00:33:31.120 --> 00:33:39.890
Maineri, Terese
Didn't see any questions coming in. I just sent a reminder that by all means feel free to drop us a
question in the chat and we will respond to it.
00:33:41.860 --> 00:33:42.450
Cooke, Caroline
OK great.
00:33:43.420 --> 00:33:45.300
Cooke, Caroline
Alright so I'm going to turn it over to Teresa.
00:33:46.280 --> 00:34:02.710
Maineri, Terese
Hi good afternoon, I'm going to cover the components of the Summer Food Service Program
administrative review process this summer. The Summer Food Service Program is returning to
normal operation, Carolyn and I will be conducting in person site monitoring reviews and
administrative reviews.
00:34:03.660 --> 00:34:33.590
Maineri, Terese

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You may wonder how sponsors are chosen to participate in the administrative review process we
review. Every new sponsor. We review every sponsor that experienced significant operational
problems in the prior year, we review every sponsor at least once every 3 years and we review a
number of sponsors whose program reimbursements and aggregate account for at least the first at
least half of the states total program meal reimbursements in that.
00:34:33.680 --> 00:34:37.750
Maineri, Terese
And in the prior year, so today, I'll be reviewing.
00:34:39.260 --> 00:34:47.380
Maineri, Terese
The Summer Food Service Program sponsor preparation list and the supporting documents that you
will need for the administrative review process.
00:34:48.250 --> 00:34:50.610
Maineri, Terese
So you could forward the slide carefully.
00:34:51.900 --> 00:34:54.130
Maineri, Terese
So here is the document on.
00:34:56.800 --> 00:35:29.350
Maineri, Terese
I will be going over the items on the sponsor preparation list. At this at the start of the going over
that items and the sponsor preparation list at the start of the program year operations will help you
set up your files with all the items you require to document and retain each year. We usually send
this document when we're scheduling. The administrative review. It provides a list of documentation
that Summer Food Service Program sponsors will need to have available during the administrative
review process.
00:35:29.830 --> 00:35:59.720
Maineri, Terese
A lot of that information. We reviewed during the administrative review on components are part of
the application process. So some of this information might be a little repetitive in terms of what we
just covered but I'm going to cover it slightly different and let you know what we're looking at when
we do come out to do an administrative review for the components of the application. When you
receive the sponsor preparation. List if you feel any of the items that you're unsure.
00:36:07.820 --> 00:36:14.330
Maineri, Terese
I will schedule a time to kind of review. The information with you, or answer any questions prior to
the administrative review.

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00:36:15.170 --> 00:36:18.290
Maineri, Terese
And you can for the slide.
00:36:20.820 --> 00:36:50.650
Maineri, Terese
You know accounts so our review of new accounts during the administrative review is to ensure the
actual Daily Mail account support the monthly claim for reimbursement as you know mail counts
are conducted at point of service when a reimbursable meal is put in the hands of Summer Food
Service Program participant sponsors may use tally sheets clickers rosters. If we're close the roll
sites. You serve only one meal to each child during the meal service and meals.
00:36:50.890 --> 00:36:51.510
Maineri, Terese
00:36:52.790 --> 00:37:05.490
Maineri, Terese
Be obtained by subtracting meals leftover at the beginning from the beginning balance. You cannot
count trays before and after the service to come up with a calculation on how many meals were
00:37:04.210 --> 00:37:04.420
Cooke, Caroline
00:37:06.020 --> 00:37:06.770
Cooke, Caroline
We've been trying to get.
00:37:06.640 --> 00:37:08.250
Maineri, Terese
You're going to record.
00:37:08.980 --> 00:37:38.470
Maineri, Terese
Meal counts daily meal counts should be available at the end of every meal meal counts must be
submitted by the site to their sponsor at least weekly, but in many cases, you'll have those counts
daily because you'll be at the sites and taking those home with you. But if there's a situation where
you're not where you're not maintaining the paperwork on site, you will need to transfer over to the
00:37:38.950 --> 00:37:41.360
Maineri, Terese
That meal counts at least once a week.

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00:37:42.160 --> 00:37:45.510
Maineri, Terese
Campus must record milk counts by individual camper.
00:37:48.590 --> 00:38:02.580
Maineri, Terese
Of individual camper for each meal that goes back to the fact that camp sponsors only receive
reimbursement for meals served to eligible campers based on income eligibility applications. You
need to be documenting.
00:38:04.570 --> 00:38:08.010
Maineri, Terese
Meals consumed by the camper that you prepared.
00:38:08.760 --> 00:38:10.330
Maineri, Terese
If I claim for reimbursement.
00:38:12.200 --> 00:38:13.790
Maineri, Terese
My second meals.
00:38:14.390 --> 00:38:16.370
Maineri, Terese
I'm up to 2%.
00:38:17.370 --> 00:38:28.060
Maineri, Terese
Of what every first meal served that you served can be claimed as a second meal, so if you serve
101st meals you can claim.
00:38:29.330 --> 00:38:36.820
Maineri, Terese
To uh secondary meals if you're going to be claiming secondary meals. The reason behind secondary
meals is really to.
00:38:37.190 --> 00:38:44.900
Maineri, Terese
Ohh decrease food waste it's not intended to be a means where you can.
00:38:45.420 --> 00:38:56.840
Maineri, Terese
I it, it's it's basically intended so that you can serve meals. That would otherwise not be used, but
again, it's not intended to be more than 2% of.
00:38:58.540 --> 00:39:02.250
Maineri, Terese
The number of meals that you initially claimed.

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00:39:03.040 --> 00:39:10.450
Maineri, Terese
I doubt meals, Umm if you have any questions about adult meals. We can answer those individually.
00:39:12.630 --> 00:39:17.060
Maineri, Terese
But you are able to provide meals.
00:39:18.200 --> 00:39:48.670
Maineri, Terese
Basically, there are are program adults who work directly with meals service and those are either
volunteers or paid employees meals may be served for free to adults who meet this definition. These
meals may not be claimed for reimbursement, but may be counted as operational cost nonprogram
adults do not work in any direct way with the meal service at the sites such as a parent or a guardian
if sponsors choose to serve nonprogram adults as sponsors me.
00:39:48.850 --> 00:39:54.010
Maineri, Terese
Charge, a fee for the meals. One thing that's really important to be aware of is that program.
00:39:54.860 --> 00:40:08.730
Maineri, Terese
Adult meals is that you're going to allow program adults to have a meal that they are aware that the
the meal that you that you are obviously that you feed the the children first before you provide them
a meal.
00:40:10.010 --> 00:40:24.420
Maineri, Terese
And also, if you are allowing nonprogram adults to receive meals that the cost of the meal can't be
claimed towards the cost of the programming and the cost of the meal to the nonprogram adult
00:40:25.200 --> 00:40:30.960
Maineri, Terese
Be a you know the same price that you would have gotten in reimbursement for that Nonprogram
00:40:32.410 --> 00:40:35.360
Maineri, Terese
Think on that round Caroline you can.
00:40:36.990 --> 00:40:37.340
Maineri, Terese

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00:40:38.330 --> 00:40:39.320
Maineri, Terese
Move to the next slide.
00:40:45.380 --> 00:41:04.200
Maineri, Terese
A review of Menu Records is conducted to ensure that meals contain all the components required
for reimbursement. So when those point of service mail accounts are made at this site. The site
should have been ensuring that every meal has every component is supposed to have sponsors also
need to demonstrate the way.
00:41:05.690 --> 00:41:20.080
Maineri, Terese
And the way they're tracking any damage or incomplete or unused meals. These items work together
along with the documentation of expensive food invoices to support the reimbursement for meals
that were.
00:41:20.890 --> 00:41:43.220
Maineri, Terese
Consumed or distributed they also compare the meal counts to confirm the validity of meals claimed
and reimbursement by the time of the administrative review. We should have menus for all of your
meal types that we would have received during the application process. We know that things
sometimes change.
00:41:43.300 --> 00:42:11.290
Maineri, Terese
And you might have a stroke of creativity or you may have an issue with certain items being
available from your vendors so if there's any changes in your meal planning. The menu or the menus
for what was submitted during the application. We should be able to see the corrected menus. When
we come out to do administrative review. We wanna look at production records, you don't.
00:42:12.510 --> 00:42:39.990
Maineri, Terese
What if you don't production workers are not required for the Summer Food Service Program but
there are convenient way to ensure that you're sure you're able to document the meals that were
composed in such a manner that they were reimbursable. If you don't have production records. You
would have to have some alternate method of identifying meal components and quantities. The
meals produced and production records are just a very straightforward way.
00:42:41.090 --> 00:42:43.360
Maineri, Terese
To see this information.
00:42:44.180 --> 00:43:15.910
Maineri, Terese
During administrative review you will need we will need to see crediting information so that would

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be a CN label could be production. Formula statement it could be a standardized or it could be a
standardized recipe. We want to ensure that what you are providing to the kids meet the minimum
quantities required for each component. These items again work together to document expense so
for example, invoices food deliveries to support reimbursable meals were composed and distributed.
00:43:16.260 --> 00:43:23.920
Maineri, Terese
And and we could compare the meal counts to confirm the ability of meals claimed and reimbursed.
00:43:24.580 --> 00:43:27.940
Maineri, Terese
So I think with that Caroline you can continue to the next slide.
00:43:30.170 --> 00:43:47.050
Maineri, Terese
Documenting expense what we would be looking for, for expense documentation. We will be
looking for inventory records. We're going to you're going to have a beginning inventory for any of
the school food authorities sponsors. That's going to be the same inventory that your end of the
00:43:47.620 --> 00:43:53.790
Maineri, Terese
Uh that would be reflected in your end of the year National School Lunch Program inventory you
are not.
00:43:55.380 --> 00:43:59.290
Maineri, Terese
If you are not a food service of a school food authority.
00:44:03.050 --> 00:44:14.820
Maineri, Terese
And if there are there, you'll have other who's you don't have other food service operations. Then
you'll be starting your inventory from the beginning of your operation.
00:44:17.420 --> 00:44:19.140
Maineri, Terese
It's just catch up sorry about that.
00:44:22.090 --> 00:44:35.140
Maineri, Terese
So you're you should be able to create a pretty straightforward funds balance sheet. So you should
be able to make a list of income income being.
00:44:36.370 --> 00:44:42.580
Maineri, Terese
Of items in coming into your program and the expense for the program to operate and.

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00:44:44.030 --> 00:44:47.890
Maineri, Terese
That should give you an overall funding expense of your program.
00:44:49.200 --> 00:45:16.470
Maineri, Terese
You should look at or we'll be looking at you should be looking at the if the program, made a profit
and how you can use the funds to support the Summer Food Service Program so expense. Records
should include ordering invoicing delivery crediting of items, not for delivery that were not delivered
accepted or returned and payments for food, non, food supplies as well as staff and transportation.
00:45:18.070 --> 00:45:48.220
Maineri, Terese
You're going to have invoices that we're going to go through for any food aid food items non food
items administrative support supplies. Transportation and any of the expenses that you have. We're
going to we're going to look at documentation of staffing expenses. Your employees time within rate
wage records documentation of payroll checks and direct deposits sometimes time cards. We're
gonna go through whatever process you.
00:45:48.280 --> 00:45:51.530
Maineri, Terese
Have to document these expenses and.
00:45:52.750 --> 00:46:21.780
Maineri, Terese
Compared to the reimbursements that you received you should have these items clear clearly tracked
in the funds for the Summer Food Service Program should be seen clearly separated from the funds
of other programs. You need to have a separate bank account for some, the Summer Food Service
Program funds, but you you don't. I'm sorry. You don't need to have a separate bank account. But
you should be able to show all your Summer Food Service Program income and expenses.
00:46:21.910 --> 00:46:52.880
Maineri, Terese
From any other increment expenses, you might have you must be able to show all food service
program expenses and income speak of the balance of these funds and how the balance impacts.
Programmatic decisions whether it's menu planning staffing expansion to new sites. You need to
support and show non Summer Food Service Program funds for all and credible items offered in
addition to the reimbursable meals. So you'll have documentation of those expenses.
00:46:52.970 --> 00:46:56.070
Maineri, Terese
Apart from what you would be purchasing.
00:46:57.630 --> 00:47:10.340
Maineri, Terese
That relates to the programs and when it comes to administrative review. We're actively you actively

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be balancing these funds to support the Summer Food Service Program and bounces the impact
your program decisions so.
00:47:10.960 --> 00:47:13.880
Maineri, Terese
Uh we can move to.
00:47:16.040 --> 00:47:17.100
Maineri, Terese
The next slide.
00:47:19.450 --> 00:47:46.460
Maineri, Terese
Some fiscal management. These are oftentimes fiscal management items are those that you need to
work with other departments or individuals within your organization to obtain obtaining them in
advance of our arrival speeds up the process and ensures that we're able to close the reviews more
quickly. We're going to look at the procurement procedures, including written code of conduct so
you don't have to.
00:47:46.530 --> 00:47:59.650
Maineri, Terese
Look, I'm don't we're saying on when it comes to writing quote a contact. You definitely have some
homework to do you go back and reference USDA policy and guidance for Summer Food Service
Program zero to?
00:47:59.740 --> 00:48:08.120
Maineri, Terese
And 2015 Andy Paul and Monica Pacheco have an entire website filled with templates that you.
00:48:08.930 --> 00:48:25.190
Maineri, Terese
You can use or your organization can use with the required language already included you do not
need to create these documents from scratch. You should be reviewing existing documents your
organization your organization to ensure they have required language included.
00:48:28.780 --> 00:48:46.810
Maineri, Terese
Umm it's just because it's these documents are under review. Day-to-day operation does just because
they're not part of day-to-day operation doesn't mean you shouldn't be familiar with the code of
contact and some of these other documents so we can move to the next slide.
00:48:52.030 --> 00:49:00.520
Maineri, Terese
Documenting actions taken so as Caroline discussed when you create a publication of that's being
sent out.

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00:49:00.840 --> 00:49:29.080
Maineri, Terese
I like the development public notification or the health department notification, creating those
documents alone doesn't fulfill the requirements that we're looking at for administrative review. We
need to see that the items were emailed to individuals outside of your office so as she stated earlier.
An email would Suffice. We also need to know in terms of programming that individuals within
your agency know that.
00:49:30.660 --> 00:49:40.330
Maineri, Terese
I'm the to someone else 's program is taking place at the site and that could be. You know, notifying
office staff janitors security a lot of times.
00:49:40.800 --> 00:49:54.890
Maineri, Terese
I if a participant meets someone who's not aware of the summer food service program. I'm taking
place at the site, they might be turned away unintentionally to receive email.
00:49:59.350 --> 00:50:09.800
Maineri, Terese
So training and documentation on Caroline really went over this. A lot during the application
process. But basically when we go out to review for the administrative review. We'll be looking at
training that took place.
00:50:10.630 --> 00:50:11.040
Maineri, Terese
00:50:11.500 --> 00:50:16.690
Maineri, Terese
I in terms of items that we look at we ensure that.
00:50:17.410 --> 00:50:24.180
Maineri, Terese
There, at least one individual for every site received training the training that that received.
00:50:24.360 --> 00:50:35.790
Maineri, Terese
I has the minimum requirements that are outlined in federal regulations and on Chapter 7 of the
Summer Food Service Program administrative guide developed by USDA.
00:50:35.870 --> 00:50:36.050
Maineri, Terese
00:50:37.390 --> 00:50:58.660
Maineri, Terese

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Carolyn also talked a lot about monitoring so I'm not gonna go over in great detail here. When we
are reviewing monitoring. We look at the dates. The reviews fall within so as she mentioned we
looked to make sure the first week visit is done within the first week, the preoperational visit was
taking place prior to meal service operation and the 4th week.
00:51:01.550 --> 00:51:05.630
Maineri, Terese
We review is done within the first 4 weeks of operation.
00:51:07.040 --> 00:51:08.960
Maineri, Terese
Here we can go to the next slide.
00:51:10.270 --> 00:51:27.860
Maineri, Terese
Several months, so as Caroline also mentioned you will have on display. The USDA in justice for all
poster and that can be found on USDA’s website. Of course, is the green poster. I'm hasn't changed
in hasn't changed for this year.
00:51:28.940 --> 00:51:30.070
Maineri, Terese
And you
00:51:31.510 --> 00:51:41.660
Maineri, Terese
and also in in if you don't have a poster. You can also print it as long as it's 11 inches by it as long as
you have 11 inch by 17 inch paper.
00:51:43.690 --> 00:51:45.470
Maineri, Terese
When it comes to.
00:51:46.140 --> 00:52:04.410
Maineri, Terese
Looking at programming in terms of the administrative review and civil rights. We will see the
documentation that you have in place from your application process where you use edge site to
determine the race and ethnicity data you need it to complete the annual application packet?
00:52:05.990 --> 00:52:30.370
Maineri, Terese
Again, you'll demonstrate what type of method are you allowed participants to use as self identify
their race and ethnicity again. You can use the template that is created on our website or ask us for
guidance regarding that change in practice. The information collected during summer operations
season should be compared to the population of children in your community.
00:52:31.630 --> 00:52:41.470
Maineri, Terese

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You can also read