The Big Picture 2020-2021 Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview

Page created by Randy Pena
The Big Picture 2020-2021 Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview
The Big Picture 2020-2021
Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4
   Curriculum Overview
Year 7 Big Picture 2020/2021
      Autumn Term – PSHE and RSE                              Spring Term – Careers Education                         Summer Term – Citizenship Education

• Friendships – keeping good friendships                  • Aspirations – being an aspirational student               • British Values – how can British Values teach us
• Relationships – different types of relationships and    • Challenges – how can we be resilient and face new           tolerance and respect for others
  why we do not always get along                            challenges                                                • Identity – what is personal identity and why is
• Relationships – dealing with new feelings               • Personal Finance – how and why should we learn how          diversity important
• Relationships – how do we keep safe and have              to budget money                                           • Extremism – why does radicalisation happen and how
  positive relationships both on and off-line             • Personal Finance – how do you create a personal             does it change our values
• Bullying – why do people bully and how can we help        budgeting plan                                            • Global Citizenship – how can we shop ethically
  to stop this                                            • Personal Finance – what are savings, loans and            • Prejudice – what is stereotyping racism and prejudice
• Cyberbullying – why do people bully online                interest                                                  • Our planet – how can we care for our environment
• Puberty – what happens, when and why                    • Personal Finance – what are different types of              and why is it changing
                                                            financial transactions
• Periods – what happens, when and why
                                                          • Personal Finance – what are different types of
• Behaviour – how can we manage anger and our                                                                         Students will also have the opportunity to use The Day
                                                            financial products I might use
  moods                                                                                                               online resource for Citizenship related discussions and
                                                          • Personal Finance – what are wants and needs and
• Mental Health – introduction to emotional wellbeing                                                                 activities to help develop their knowledge and
                                                            why do we need to know the difference
• Self Esteem – why is it important to feel good about                                                                understanding of local, national and global issues.
                                                          All students must have created a Start Profile careers
• Social Media – staying safe online
                                                          website online account and to be working through the
• Healthy Lifestyle – what do we mean by staying
                                                          tasks set in Start as part of their career planning every
                                                          year in the Spring Term.
• Healthy Lifestyle – how can you keep healthy looking
  at diet and nutrition
                                                          Students are also expected to have written or updated
• Healthy Lifestyle – the importance exercise and being
                                                          their CV annually using Start Profile and to have also
                                                          added evidence of achievements and progress in school
                                                          to their Lockers in Start.
Year 8 Big Picture 2020/2021
      Autumn Term – PSHE and RSE                              Spring Term – Careers Education                         Summer Term – Citizenship Education

• Personal Development – why should I set targets and     • Careers and Employability Skills – how can we             • British Values – how can British Values teach us
  how can I improve my skills this year                     develop our communication skills                            tolerance and respect for others
• Self-Confidence – how can self-confidence boost         • Careers and Employability Skills – how can we             • Radicalisation – how can we prevent radicalisation
  achievement                                               develop our teamwork skills                                 and recognise the signs of extremism
• Behaviour – how can I manage my behaviour to            • Careers and Employability Skills – how can we             • Extremism – what are extremism groups and why are
  achieve my targets and goals                              become entrepreneurs                                        they dangerous
• Emotional Literacy – why is self-awareness in our       • Finance – what is income and expenditure                  • Extremism – where does it come from
  actions towards others so important                     • Finance – budgeting, saving and personal finances         • Extremism – how do religious extremists attract
• Mindfulness – how can this help us to have positive     • Finance – reading a payslip and what are national           converts
  mental health                                             insurance and income taxes                                • Islamophobia – do Muslims want Sharia Law in Britain
• Risky behaviour – the dangers of smoking and alcohol    • Finance – why do we pay tax and how is it spent           • Religion Focus – stereotyping, discrimination and
• Risky behaviour – what is vaping and is it dangerous                                                                  prejudice
• Risky behaviour – what are drugs and why are they                                                                   • Disability Focus – stereotyping, discrimination and
  dangerous (class A, B and C)                                                                                          prejudice
• Risky behaviour – what is the big deal about energy                                                                 • Domestic conflict – why do people run away from
  drinks                                                  All students must have created a Start Profile careers        home and why is this so dangerous
• Cancer Awareness Lesson                                 website online account and to be working through the
• Personal safety and first aid – how can we look after   tasks set in Start as part of their career planning every
                                                                                                                      Students will also have the opportunity to use The Day
  ourselves and others in an emergency                    year in the Spring Term.
                                                                                                                      online resource for Citizenship related discussions and
• Internet Safety – what is online grooming and why
                                                                                                                      activities to help develop their knowledge and
  must we be careful                                      Students are also expected to have written or updated
                                                                                                                      understanding of local, national and global issues.
• Relationships – Homophobia and LGBT                     their CV annually using Start Profile and to have also
• Teens and the media – stereotyping, discrimination      added evidence of achievements and progress in school
  and prejudice                                           to their Lockers in Start.
• Body Image – the influence of the media on young
Year 9 Big Picture 2020/2021
      Autumn Term – PSHE and RSE                                      Spring Term – Careers Education                               Summer Term – Citizenship Education

• Being successful – why do we need to keep to rules in order                                                                       • British Values – how can British Values teach us tolerance
  to succeed                                                      • Growth mindset – how can we foster a growth mindset to
                                                                                                                                      and respect for others
• Stress – how can we manage the stress of school and exams         succeed and achieve
                                                                                                                                    • British Values – can we respect and celebrate British values
• Risky behaviour – why do people take illegal drugs and what     • Interpersonal Skills – how can I develop my interpersonal
                                                                                                                                      and the religion and culture of our choice
  does the law say about drug taking                                skills to help me succeed
                                                                                                                                    • British Values – why are British communities so diverse
• Risky behaviour – what are the short and long term              • Self-Discipline – how can we be self-disciplined to achieve
                                                                                                                                      and what is immigration and diversity
  consequences of excess alcohol drinking                           our aims at school and in the wider world
                                                                                                                                    • Prejudice and discrimination – how are we protected from
• Selfie Obsessed – why do people become selfie obsessed and      • Employability skills – preparing for and applying to the
                                                                                                                                      prejudice and discrimination
  what consequences can this have                                   world of work and careers
                                                                                                                                    • Knife Crime – how does knife crime impact on or
• Emotional wellbeing – what is self-harm and why do people       • Enterprise – what does it mean to be ‘enterprising’ and
                                                                                                                                      communities, why do teens get involved and what are the
  do this                                                           what is an ‘enterprising personality’
• Mental Health – how can you deal with anxiety                   • Financial capability - navigating accounts, saving loans and
                                                                                                                                    • Acid Attacks – why are these on the increase and what can
• RSE – what is consent and why is it important that we know        financial institutions
  about it                                                                                                                            we do if we witness one
                                                                  • Financial capability – what rights do we have as shoppers
• RSE – how do we have safe sex and use different forms of                                                                          • The Law – how does the law deal with young offenders
                                                                    and consumers
  contraception and avoid STIs                                                                                                      • Global Citizenship – how do charities such as UNICEF help
                                                                  • Financial capability – how can I stay financially savvy and
• RSE – what is sexting and why is it so risky to send personal                                                                       across the world
                                                                    avoid debt
  images                                                                                                                            • Global Citizenship – should we send aid to foreign
                                                                  • Financial capability – what can we learn from successful
• RSE – what is pornography and why can it be dangerous                                                                               countries
                                                                    business people and entrepreneurs
• RSE – how can we avoid teenage pregnancy and how can it be                                                                        • Human Rights – how can extreme views lead to human
  tough to be a teenage parent                                                                                                        rights abuses and atrocities
                                                                  All students must have created a Start Profile careers website
• RSE – who are the LGBT+ community and what would they                                                                             • Sustainability – what is sustainability and why is this
  like us to know
                                                                  online account and to be working through the tasks set in
                                                                                                                                      essential to our environment
• RSE - what is a healthy and unhealthy relationship including    Start as part of their career planning every year in the Spring
  domestic violence and abusive relationships                     Term.
• RSE - child sexual exploitation and how are young people                                                                          Students will also have the opportunity to use The Day online
  lured into dangerous relationships                              Students are also expected to have written or updated their
                                                                                                                                    resource for Citizenship related discussions and activities to
• Body Image – the influence of the media on young people         CV annually using Start Profile and to have also added
                                                                                                                                    help develop their knowledge and understanding of local,
• Body Image – does the media contribute to eating disorders      evidence of achievements and progress in school to their
                                                                                                                                    national and global issues.
• Peer pressure – why is it so powerful and how can we            Lockers in Start.
  overcome this
Year 10 Big Picture 2020/2021
      Autumn Term – PSHE and RSE                                   Spring Term – Careers Education                               Summer Term – Citizenship Education
• Time management – how can we manage our time                                                                                   • British Values – how can British Values teach us tolerance
  effectively to succeed                                       • The world of work and employability skills – how do we            and respect for others
• Study skills – the power of mind and memory                    choose a career which suits our personality, ambition and       • British Values – what is community cohesion and why is
• Internet safety – the dangers of excessive screen time         qualifications                                                    this important
• Health and Wellbeing – can tattoos and piercings be          • The world of work and employability skills – what rights        • British Values – how does the criminal justice system work
  dangerous                                                      and responsibilities do we have in the workplace                • Harassment and Stalking – what are they and what does
• Health and Wellbeing – why do some people commit             • The world of work and employability skills – what is money        the law say about them
  suicide                                                        laundering and why are some students taken in by this           • Fake news – what is fake news and why do we need critical
• Health and Wellbeing – how can we manage grief and             crime                                                             thinking skills
  bereavement                                                  • The world of work and employability skills – what are           • Anti-social behaviour – what is it and how does this affect
• Health and Wellbeing – how can we manage social anxiety        employers looking for in a CV                                     communities
• Health and Wellbeing – what is binge drinking, what are      • The world of work and employability skills – why should I       • Racism – what is overt and covert racism and why are
  the risks and why do teens still do it                         pursue careers in the STEM industry                               people still prejudiced
• Self-esteem – the influence of social media on self esteem   • The world of work and employability skills – why do             • Terrorism – why do some religious people become
• RSE – what are forced and arranged marriages and what do       sexism, gender prejudice and stereotypes still exist              terrorists
  we need to know                                                                                                                • County Lines – what types of crimes are involved with
• RSE – Same sex relationships, LGBT+, gender and trans                                                                            gangs and County Lines
  identity                                                     All students must have created a Start Profile careers website    • International Women’s day – do we still need days like this
• RSE – how can we successfully manage conflict                online account and to be working through the tasks set in         • Homelessness – why do some people become homeless
• RSE – revenge porn, what is it and how can we prevent        Start as part of their career planning every year in the Spring     and why is it on the increase
  ourselves from becoming a victim                             Term.                                                             • Hate crimes – what are they and why do they happen
• RSE – do we have healthy or unhealthy relationships with                                                                       • Sustainability – how can we take steps to live more
  our role models                                              Students are also expected to have written or updated their         sustainably and what is our carbon footprint
• RSE – parenting and the different types and styles of        CV annually using Start Profile and to have also added
  looking after a child                                        evidence of achievements and progress in school to their
                                                               Lockers in Start.                                                 Students will also have the opportunity to use The Day online
                                                                                                                                 resource for Citizenship related discussions and activities to
                                                                                                                                 help develop their knowledge and understanding of local,
                                                                                                                                 national and global issues.
Year 11 Big Picture 2020/2021
      Autumn Term – PSHE and RSE                                  Spring Term – Careers Education                         Summer Term – Citizenship Education

                                                              • Preparing for success – GCSE revision advice and study    • British Values – how can British Values teach us
• PSHE and RSE Lessons – why is PSHE/RSE so important
                                                                skills advice                                               tolerance and respect for others
• Risk Taking – why do you need to think about risky
                                                              • Preparing for success – perseverance and                  • Global Citizen – how is plastic pollution destroying
                                                                procrastination                                             our environment
• Healthy lifestyle – why do we need sleep and how
                                                              • Preparing for success – applying to university and        • Global Citizen – how can we protect animal rights and
  does sleep deprivation affect us
                                                                college                                                     aid sustainability
• Staying safe – personal safety in the wider world
                                                              • Preparing for success – being able to live                • Global Citizen – how does globalisation affect us
• Staying safe – internet safety and the dark web
                                                                independently                                             • Global Citizen – privilege and how does this affect us
• RSE – the impact of body shaming
                                                              • Preparing for success – how can we prepare                  all
• RSE – how to cope with relationship break ups
                                                                successfully for an interview                             • Multiculturalism – what is it and why do we need to
• RSE – why is it essential that we know about consent,
                                                              • The world of work - how do trade unions protect our         know about it
  rape and sexual abuse
                                                                rights at work                                            • Extremism – what is right-wing extremism and why
• RSE – relationships types and sexuality
                                                              • The world of work – why is health and safety at work        do we need to know about it
• RSE – what is safe sex and chem sex
                                                                so important
                                                              • The world of work – why is our digital footprint so
                                                                important and how could this affect us in the future
*Students and tutors can also spend these lessons
revisiting topics covered in previous Big Picture topics if
                                                              All students must have created a Start Profile careers
that would be helpful to students. All tutors can access
                                                              website online account and to be working through the
the resources through the W drive in the Personal                                                                         Students will also have the opportunity to use The Day
                                                              tasks set in Start as part of their career planning every
Development Big Picture folder*                                                                                           online resource for Citizenship related discussions and
                                                              year in the Spring Term.
                                                                                                                          activities to help develop their knowledge and
                                                                                                                          understanding of local, national and global issues.
                                                              Students are also expected to have written or updated
                                                              their CV annually using Start Profile and to have also
                                                              added evidence of achievements and progress in school
                                                              to their Lockers in Start.
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