Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create

Page created by Armando Goodwin
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning
                    and Teaching

What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
                  for our students?
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
The challenges we face...
 •   New qualifications with increased content

 •   Linear qualification with a need to be able to recall knowledge
     taught 2 or more years earlier.

 •   We need students to be more independent than ever to succeed -
     they have to nail their revision.
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
        Twitter   - Teachingandlearning@BrookvaleGrobyB

▶ Rosenshine Principles of instruction
▶ Dunlosky Strengthening the Student Toolbox
▶ CESE Cognitive load theory
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Model for expert teaching

Brookvale Groby Learning Campus
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Dunlosky 10 learning strategies for students
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Short term and long term
       term     term
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create

Effective         Powerful
Teaching          Learners
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Brookvale Groby
Learning Camp 2018
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Key information about knowledge
Learning Camp 30th and 31st August 2018

The Learning Camp is the new name that we are giving to the start of term. The Learning
Camp has been designed to support your child through the transition from one year to the

Our aim is to introduce your child to our learning and social expectations here at Brookvale
Groby in order that they feel confident and ready to learn for the start of the Year .
Vision Looking to the future in terms of Curriculum, Learning and Teaching - What kind of culture of learning do we need to create
Our Motto

       Work Hard
        Be Kind
Our Values
             Self Control with learning
             Self control with others
             Social intelligence
             Curiosity and creativity
             Growth mindset
Daily Homework
Work Hard, Be Kind

Knowledge organisers
knowledge organisers
A5 Student Diaries

Half a page per day to show evidence of self quizzing. One reading log entry per

Knowledge organiser folders

Manila wallet issued to all students

Tutor role

Every Monday student diary check
Knowledge Organiser Homework
● At least 20 minutes of revision per weekday
● Written notes in their diaries - Tutor check every Monday in
  tutor time
● Active nor Passive - e.g. bullet points, full sentences,
● Quizzing on the content of KOs on a weekly basis.
A5 Student Diaries
Knowledge Organiser Homework
Tutors will check that this task has been accomplished every Monday in tutor time.

Students should organise their time so that they cover the full set of subjects. Teachers will normally guide
students on which areas to focus.

Students should expect to be quizzed on the content of Knowledge Organisers on a weekly basis.

Students are encouraged to supplement their homework with other forms of subject revision including the
use of revision guides.

The ability to read quickly and accurately is becoming increasingly important as students face a more
challenging curriculum and tougher exams. In order to master new content and interpret questions
skilfully, our students must have strong literacy skills.

To help meet this challenge, we expect each student to read for at least 20 minutes every evening.
Form tutors, librarians and English department staff will be happy to give advice about what to read.

The benefits of regular reading can be seen across all curriculum areas. Regular readers are more
able to read at speed, develop a broader vocabulary, and construct organised and detailed written

Having learnt to read, our students need to read to learn. This homework will give them the skills to
do so confidently.
It is important that our students can see the role of mathematics in their daily lives. A good maths
education will provide our students with the tools to understand, analyse, critique, and take action
regarding important issues in our world.
In a world where technological advances are growing rapidly and tasks become more sophisticated,
Maths skills are becoming increasingly more important and are hugely sought after by employers.
To encourage student independence and problem solving skills, students will be required to engage
with 20 minutes of Maths every day, outside of school.
Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will be set mymaths homework which will be checked by their maths
Students in KS4 will be allocated grade booster packs, and at times, supplementary tasks such as
past papers, particularly in the lead up to exams.
Key information about knowledge
● A4 Ring Binder for Knowledge Organisers - This folder can be of any colour and each
  student must have one for the first day of term. The ring binder will be kept at home
  for the students to store individual copies of their knowledge organisers.
● Manilla Wallet—This will be supplied by the school, so no need to purchase. The
  wallet will be used to bring documents to school on a daily basis.
● Student Diary—Each student will be issued with a student diary at no charge,
  however, if it is lost, £2.50 will be charged for the replacement.
Brookvale Groby Learning Campus
 KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER: Year 6 Learning Camp             Homework and using your Knowledge Organisers

Homework                                        Self-testing.
Every school day you should be completing 20    You can use your KOs and student planner in a number of different ways but you should not just
minutes reading, 20 minutes of Maths and 20     copy from the Knowledge Organiser into your planner.
minutes working on your knowledge               Use the ‘How to self-test with the Knowledge Organiser’ booklet you were given to help you. It
organisers. You should be studying at least 1   can also be found here:
section of your Knowledge Organiser (KO)
within that 20 minutes.                         Below are some possible tasks
You are to use your student planner to show
the work you have done. Turn to todays page     •   Ask someone to write questions for you    •    Draw a comic strip of a timeline
in your student planner and start your work.    •   Write your own challenging questions      •    Use the ‘clock’ template to divide the
You need to bring your KOs and student              and then leave it overnight to answer          information into smaller sections. Then test
planner with you EVERY DAY to school.               them the next day                              yourself on different sections
Your parents should sign your student           •   Create mind-maps                          •    Give yourself spelling tests
planner every evening to say you have           •   Create flashcards                         •    Definition tests
completed your homework.                        •   Put the key words into new sentences      •    Draw diagrams of processes
Parents should also sign off your reading and   •   Look, cover, write and check              •    Draw images and annotate/label them with
maths using the reading /maths log page at      •   Mnemonics                                      extra information
the end of each week in your student                                                          •    Do further research on the topic
These will be checked by your tutor during
registrations each week. Failure to complete    Presentation
homework will result in a xxxxx.                You should take pride in how you present your work. Complete the self testing section of your
You will also be tested in your lessons on      student planner every day. Write the subject in the space provided. There should be an
knowledge from the organisers as part of the    appropriate amount of work.
‘Do Now’s’ and other assessments.
                                                                                  Year : 7        Term : 1             Work Hard, Be Kind
Brookvale Groby Learning Campus                                                                                                                                                Year : 10             Term : 1
                KNOWLEDGE ORGANISER: FRENCH                                                  Pastimes and Hobbies Unit 2
                                       Les Sports 1                                                                                                      Les Sports 2
1    Tu aimes quels sports?                     You like which sports?                       6     Tu fais quels sports?                                              You do which sports?
2    J’aime le foot et le rugby mais je         I like football and rugby but I don’t like   7     Je joue au foot le week-end.                                       I play at football at the weekend.
     n’aime pas la danse.                       dance.
                                                                                             8     Il joue au tennis le samedi matin.                                 He plays at tennis on Saturday mornings.
3    J’adore le tennis et le basket,            I love tennis and basketball, however I
                                                                                             9     Nous jouons à la pétanque de temps en temps.                       We play at petanque from time to time.
     cependant je déteste l’athlétisme.         hate athletics.
                                                                                             10    Ils jouent au golf tous les jours.                                 They play at golf every day.
4    J’aime le basket mais je préfère le   I like basketball but I prefer cricket.
     cricket.                  Mon Temps Libre                                               11    Je fais du judo quelquefois.                                       I do some judo sometimes.
5    Mon sport préféré c’est le golf.           My favourite sport, it is golf.              12    Elle fait du vélo le lundi soir.                                   She does some cycling on Monday evenings.
15   Qu’est-ce que tu fais le week-end?         What do you do at the weekend?
                                                                                             13    Nous faisons de la gymnastique deux fois Quand
                                                                                                                                            par semaine.     We do some gymnastics twice a week.
                                                                                                                                                  j’étais petit/e
16   Je joue à l’ordinateur.                    I play on the computer.
                                                                                             28   Ils font j’étais
                                                                                                  Quand     de l’équitation  le dimanche
                                                                                                                   petit/e j’étais         après-midi.
                                                                                                                                   plus actif/active.              They
                                                                                                                                                                When    dosmaller
                                                                                                                                                                     I was some horse-riding
                                                                                                                                                                                  I was more on Sunday afternoons.
17   Je joue de la guitare.                     I play some guitar.
                                                                                             29   À l’âge de cinq ans je regardais Bob the Builder.             At the age of five I used to watch Bob the Builder.
18   Je regarde la télé ou Youtube.             I watch telly or Youtube.

19   J’écoute de la musique.                    I listen to some music.                      30   Je jouais avec des poupées.                                   I used to play with dolls.

20   Je lis des livres et des magazines.        I read some books and some                   31   Je mangeais des yaourts.                                      I used to eat yogurts.
                                                                                             32   Je buvais du lait.                                            I used to drink milk.
21   Je fais du shopping.                       I do some shopping.
                                                                                             33   J’avais un chien.                                             I had a dog.
22   Je vais sur les médias sociaux.            I go on social media.
                                                                                                                                                         À l’avenir
23   Je vais en ville avec mes amis.            I go into town with my friends.
                                                                                             34   Dans le futur je voudrais aller aux États-Unis.           In the future I would like to go to the United States.
                                    Les Talents                                              35   À l’avenir je vais visiter Paris.                         In the future I am going to visit Paris.
24   Je peux jouer au foot adroitement.         I can play football skilfully.               36   Je vais étudier les maths à l’université.                 I am going to study maths at university.
25   Il peut courir rapidement.                 He can run quickly.                          37   Je voudrais être médecin.                                 I would like to be doctor.
26   Elle peut parler français fluidement.      She can speak French fluently.               38   Je voudrais avoir une grande voiture.                     I would like to have a big car.
27   Ils peuvent danser stupidement.            They can dance stupidly.                                                                                                                 Work Hard, Be Kind
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