The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society

Page created by Jeremy Blair
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
Houston Conchology Society

                                 The Epitonium
 Volume XXVIII, Issue 7                                 March, 2021

                                                     COA 2021 Convention in Melbourne, Florida
Jamboree/Shell Show                                  in June. There is so much to do and so little
The HCS Texas Jamboree and Sea Shell Search-         time to get it done. I do not feel I could do a
ers are scheduled for October 15-17. The editor      good job as the continuing President of HCS
apologizes for incorrect dates that were published   with all this on my plate. The club needs a
earlier.                                             leader who has time to devote to HCS and not
                                                     be bogged down in other projects which would
President’s Message                                  detract from his/her effectiveness. It has been
                                                     a pleasure to serve you over the past two
By Dave Green                                        years, although I don’t think you got your
                                                     money’s worth these past twelve months since
I hope all our members survived the recent
                                                     we did not have our regular monthly meet-
cold front without too much damage or dis-
                                                     ings. I hope that will change in September
comfort. We were without electrical power for
                                                     and we can renew our friendships with each
just over two days, as where many of you. It
                                                     other. Let us hope that will be the case since
was cold but we managed to survive and live
                                                     more and more people are now receiving their
through this. Needless to say, it was not a lot
of fun. I feel sure you would agree.
                                                     HCS still has reservations for our annual
I have asked Leslie Crnkovic to head up the
                                                     luncheon at Monument Inn in May. I plan to
HCS Nominating Committee to propose our
                                                     talk to the Managers at the restaurant later
list of candidates of officers in 2021-2022.
                                                     this month to determine if it is safe to have
Working with Les were Cheryl Hood and An-
                                                     our luncheon/meeting. I will let you know the
gie Haneiko. We are a little late for nominat-
                                                     results in the April newsletter. With more
ing and voting on new officers but weather
                                                     and more of our members receiving their vac-
and other issues have slowed us down. You
                                                     cinations, I am hopeful we can still meet on
will see the list of names the committee has
                                                     our scheduled date and enjoy a safe and en-
submitted in this newsletter. Lucy Clampit
                                                     joyable luncheon once again. Stay tuned for
will be sending out ballots so you can vote for
                                                     more information on this topic.
the nominated individuals or insert write-in
candidates. My thanks to Leslie and the              I would like to recognize Rusti Stover for all
members of the committee for their work on           her hard work and time she has spent selling
this project.                                        shells on eBay to add money into our club
My name will not appear on the new list of           treasury. Rusti stepped up and volunteered
proposed officers. After much thought, I have        to undertake this task and she has done really
decided to step down so I can focus on the           well. I am amazed at the amount of money
COA 2022 Convention in Galveston. In addi-           she has raised in this endeavor. I would also
tion, I am also Oral Auction Chairman for the        like to say Thank You to       Continued on Pg2
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
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President:                            President’s Message from Pg1everyone who has donated shells for this
David Green
                                      project. Most of the shells were already HCS property but we did
Vice President:                       have a few doners come forth. Rusti is continuing that effort for
Cheryl Hood
                                      the club, so please let Rusti know just how much all of us appreci-
Angie Haneiko
                                      ate her efforts. If you have good quality shells that Rusti can uti-
                                      lize for the sales, please let Rusti or Lucy Clampit know. We
Recording Secretary:
Rusti Stover                          would have been hard pressed to continue HCS had Rusti not vol-
                                      unteered. WELL DONE, RUSTI ………… our sincere Thanks.
Corresponding Secretary:
Lucy Clampit

                                        Slate of Officers for 2021-2022
                                        The nominating committee of Leslie Crnkovic, Angie Haneiko,
          Visit HCS online at           and Cheryl Hood (Rusti Stover also contributed) submits the fol-           lowing slate of nominees for the 2021-2022 year:
                                           President – Leslie Crnkovic
          CALENDAR                         Vice President – Angela Doucette
                                           Treasurer – Angie Haneiko
Mar 2021     HCS Meeting Canceled
                                           Recording Secretary – Rusti Stover
Apr 2021     HCS Meeting ?                 Corresponding Secretary – Lucy Clampit
May 2021     HCS Banquet ?
                                        Normally we vote for new officers at the March meeting. Since
June 14-20   COA in Melbourne, FL
                                        the pandemic has prevented us from meeting in person, you will
Oct 15-17 Texas Jamboree                receive a ballot in April. You may write in a candidate if you
May 31-      2022 COA in Galveston      have his/her permission to do so.

In Memoriam
During the last month, HCS has lost long time
members Ron Marr and Eunice Ganer. We send
our condolences to their families.
Ron and his wife Lauretta resided in Houston for
many years, but were living in North Little Rock,
                               Arkansas when he
                               passed away on
                               February 2 at the age of 91. He was a Research Geologist in the oil industry
                               and served in the US Army during the Korean War. He will be laid to rest in
                               the Arkansas State Veterans Cemetery later this year.
                                     Eunice and her late husband Milton resided in Corpus Christi. She passed
                                     away on March 1 after complications from a non-COVID lung infection. She
                                     retired from the Texas Employment Commission in 1995. She and Milton
                                     were very active in the Coastal Bend Shell Club, and she was an avid Astros
                                     fan. A memorial service will be scheduled for a future date.
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
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Tales of the Yellow Bucket
By Lisa Alderman

I’ve always been a beachcomber. It’s a treasure hunt! Family vacations to the beach would al-
ways result in bringing home a bag of shells, coral bits, and sand dollars to display on my book-
case. But it wasn’t until my first trip to Thailand in 2002 that the “beachcomber bug” really
took hold. We had just arrived in Krabi (Thailand) for a dive trip and walked down to the
beach. There I found a sea biscuit and several different shells. I suppose it was finding shells
different from those I’d found in the past on Gulf beaches that tweaked my interest. Enter the
Yellow Bucket into my life.
I bought the Yellow Bucket after that trip and have
carried it beachcombing ever since. It’s traveled to
Bali several times, Tahiti, Thailand, Langkawi, and
Borneo always getting curious looks from fellow
passengers and airport security. Of course, at Sani-
bel or Texas beaches, it’s not so unusual.
On foreign beaches the Yellow Bucket would always
get people’s attention. Most times we didn’t even
speak the same language, but through signs and
charades I would understand they wanted to see                      Yellow Bucket at Sea Rim State
what was in the Yellow Bucket. Then their eyes
would light up in amazement!
                              Olive shells in a variety of col-
                              ors would wash up in the surf
                              on the beaches at Nusa Dua,
                              Bali in abundance. I remember
                              one German couple (who did
                              speak English) asking to see                                Shelling
                              what was in the Yellow Bucket                               in Bali
                              and then commenting on how
                              they had been taking walks on
                              the beaches for several days
                              and not seen a single shell. I
                              told him to look down at their
                              feet. There were at least three
                              olives that has washed up
A morning’s walk on Sanibel. while we were talking. They
                              were delighted and amazed to
                             have them.
I don’t know the scientific names and probably not the common names for most of the shells I’ve
collected. I do though, remember finding some of the special ones, remember the sound of the
waves, the warmth of the sun, the feel of the sand under my feet, of momentarily escaping real
world problems and just letting the beauty of nature and the thrill of the shell hunt take me an-
other step down the beach. You never know what you might find.
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
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2021 COA Convention
by Alan Gettleman

Registrations for the COA 20/20 Return of Human Space Flight and the COA to the Florida
Space Coast show a good initial response as well as reservations for the Hilton Rialto in Mel-
bourne, Florida. We are optimistic that we will be able to have a convention in June. Florida
has already reopened major attractions such as Walt Disney World, Sea World, and Universal
Orlando, with social distancing and other health precautions. The space program continues in
full launch mode with manned and other launches, and we hope for a space launch around con-
vention time. Unfortunately, it appears the cruise industry may not get approval to resume
cruises from the Cape Canaveral port before our convention.
Registrations and latest information can be found on the COA website at https:// We can answer specific questions by contacting Alan Gettleman
The convention begins with a tour of the Kennedy Space Center on Monday, June 14. Your local
club guide will be a NASA retiree who worked on several Space Shuttle missions, including the
two flights that included mollusks, and the Mars Pathfinder mission with the series of landers
that culminated with Perseverance in February. We have a Harbor Branch Oceanographic and
McLarty Treasure Museum tour on Tuesday, June 15. Both are full day tours. We hope to have
evening turtle hatching tours on those evenings, but we will not find out until later if we can
receive reservations for those spectacular oceanside events.
The convention begins at 1 pm on Wednesday, June 16th with programs and silent auctions.
There will be special shells as door prizes for each program. Wednesday evening is our Welcome
Party. Since we are on the Space Coast, we ask attendees to dress as their favorite astronaut,
favorite space character, or favorite space creature. The best in each category will get a space
related prize. The sky is not even the limit for your imagination of costumes.
Thursday continues with silent auctions, programs, and door prizes. Thursday night is the
premier COA oral auction of spectacular and rare shell items. We are still looking for donations
of premium items for the auction, which is one of the primary funding sources for COA. Contact
Dave Green, Oral Auction Chair at Friday continues with programs and
meetings, including the COA business meeting. That evening is the COA banquet with a guest
speaker from the space program. Update on COA 20/20 The Sheller’s Family Reunion Alan Get-

The world famous COA Bourse with premier shell dealers is on Saturday (1pm-8pm) and Sun-
day (9am-2pm). We also have the COA raffles that include a spectacular 18 inch diameter Sail-
or’s Valentine made by a COA member. It comes with a detachable 26 inch stand.
 Our hotel is the Hilton Rialto in Melbourne, with a rooms rate of $125 per night. Junior suites
are available for $145. All rooms have refrigerators, in room safe, and free wi-fi. The hotel of-
fers a pool, hot tub, tennis courts, and an indoor exercise gym. ALL events (except of course for
field trips) are located on the first floor of the hotel with easy access to all of the meeting events.
COA has weathered interesting challenges with conventions. Our second convention was sched-
uled on a cruise ship that blew up before the convention. The first convention Continued on Pg 5
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COA from Pg 4 planned for Key West was interrupted by a hurricane. These conventions did go
on and the attendees had a great time. We know you will have a great time at the Sheller’s
Family Reunion to meet and celebrate at the only national shell convention which will be held
in the U.S. this year.
This convention is a go! Masks and sanitizer will be provided and the convention will be con-
ducted under the most current CDC guidelines. Check the COA website for updated infor-

                                         Left column and above: the Hilton Rialto experience with nearby
                                         beaches and spacious hotel accommodations both inside and out-

                                          Located on the top two floors of the Dinosaur Store, in Cocoa
                                          Beach, the 20,000 sq ft Museum of Dinosaurs and
                                          Ancient Cultures showcases hundreds of authentic artifacts and
                                          fossils from around the world. Museum pricing:
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
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More Shelling Adventures: The Quest and Its Rewards Continues…
By Darwin Alder

The edge of Neptune's Lair has yielded a fantastic array of experiences and treasures!
Beginning with a foray into the world of the beaches of Louisiana continuing with journeys to
Matagorda, Galveston, San Jose Island, Quintana, Surfside, Sargent, and Sea Rim State Park,
this explorer and companions Mary, Cheryl and Brian have had unforgettable experiences and
adventures. We have seen roseate spoonbills in flight, and in bays we have seen low tides, a
fabulous sighting of pelicans and other water birds, hawks, great blue herons, egrets, and cara-
caras. We have found all kinds of shells and other treasures from the sea and travelled many

                                                                        Drift line at Sea Rim
                                                                             State Park
Since the last writing: The list of finds now includes the following
shells: Amaea mitchelli fragment, Polinices duplicatus, Epitonium
angulatum, Epitonium rupicola, Thais canaliculate, Arca brasili-
ana, Arca ovalis, Sinum perspectivum, Tellina alternata, Busycon
contrarium, Busycon pulleyi, Busycon spiratum, Oliva sayana,
Donax variabilis, Dosinia discus, Pleuroploca gigantea, Cancellaria
reticulata, Hexaplex fulvescens, Phylonnotus pomum, Atrina semi-
nuda, Mercenaria campechiensis, Macoma constricta, Phalium
granulatum, Fasciolaria lilium, Strombus alatus, Littorina ir-
rorate, Littorina zebra, Crepidula fornicate, Raeta plicatella,
Turitella species, Thais species, Macrocallista maculata valves,
Macrocallista nimbosa valve fragment, Turkey wing ark valve, An-
gel wing valve, Scallop valves, egg case of a Busycon, Polinices egg
collars, sand dollar, and barnacles.
The quest continues!
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Oyster Farming
The January issue of The Epitonium contained an article about Texas finally joining the world
of oyster farming: It didn’t take long for
the applications to start coming in. This is from an article in the February 25th Houston
Chronicle: “Hannah Kaplan, a 30-year-old Houston native, quit her full-time job several months
ago to focus on launching an oyster farm in East Galveston Bay. She was the first person to
submit an application to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department after the agency laid the frame-
work for the industry last year… Down the coast in Corpus Christi, well-known restaurant
owner Brad Lomax will be able to enhance his business with the ability to bring oysters directly
from farm to table and cut out the middleman… He is planning to meet that demand in the fu-
ture with floating cages on an eight-acre site in Copano Bay.” You can read the entire article
by going to the HCS Publications page: and
scrolling down to “Articles of Interest”.

Armchair Collecting
During the pandemic, John Haneiko has been doing some shell
collecting from home. Here are two recent acquisitions: “The first
is the giant Turbinella pyrum comorinensis - difficult to measure
because of its bulk but it's a good 10.5" (273 mm) long. It was de-
scribed as a door stop or bowling ball by the seller. It feels like a
bowling ball at 6.9 pounds. It is from Sri Lanka.” The second is a
“102 mm giant Harpa cabriti pluricostata from Madagascar.”
The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society The Epitonium - Houston Conchology Society
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