The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

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The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP
February 2021 | Volume 50 | Number 2

The Future of
Public Health
Protection in
Our Hands
Artificial Intelligence
Applied to Medication Data
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

       04                                                     08                                                    01   Interview With a
                                                                                                                         Board Executive Officer
                                                                                                                          Cody Wiberg, PharmD, MS, RPh

                                                                                                                    02    olicy Perspectives
                                                                                                                         New Year, New Government:
                                                                                                                         Renewed Focus on Illegal
                                                                                                                         Online Drug Sales

                                                                                                                    07   Association News
                                                                                                                         07 PMP InterConnect Is the
                                                                                                                            Solution to Provider Challenges
                                                                                                                         11   NABP Receives BBB Torch
                                                                                                                              Award for Marketplace Ethics
                                                                                                                         1 2 NABP President Fensky
                                                                                                                             Promotes MAT Initiative
                                                                                                                             via Association Resources,
                                                                                                                             Virtual Events

                                                                                                                    14 Interview With a Board Member
                                                                                                                       Todd Barrett, RPh

                                                                                                                    16 State Board News
                                                                                                                       Oregon Adopts New Statewide Drug
                                                                                                                       Therapy Management Protocols

                                                                                                                    17 Professional Affairs Update
        Feature News                                            Feature News                                           Final Insanitary Conditions at
        The Future of Public Health                             Regulators Prepare for                                 Compounding Facilities Guidance
        Protection in Our Hands –                               Pharmacist Involvement in                              Released by FDA
        Artificial Intelligence Applied to                      COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
        Medication Data

                                                                                                                         NABP Executive Committee
     (ISSN 2472-6850 — print; ISSN 2472-6958 —              Amy Sanchez                                                  Jack W. “Jay”          Fred M. Weaver
     online) is published 10 times a year by the National   Communications Manager                                       Campbell IV            Member, District 4
     Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®)                                                                          Chairperson
                                                            ©2021 National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.                                   Shane R. Wendel
     to educate, to inform, and to communicate the
                                                            All rights reserved. No part of this publication may         Timothy D. Fensky      Member, District 5
     objectives and programs of the Association and its
                                                            be reproduced in any manner without the written              President
     65 member boards of pharmacy.                                                                                                              Lenora S. Newsome
                                                            permission of the executive director/secretary of the
                                                                                                                         Caroline D. Juran      Member, District 6
     The opinions and views expressed in this               National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.
     publication do not necessarily reflect the official                                                                                        Nicole L. Chopski
                                                            NABP Mission Statement
     views, opinions, or policies of NABP or any board                                                                   Reginald B. “Reggie”   Member, District 7
                                                            NABP is the independent, international, and
     unless expressly so stated. The subscription rate is                                                                Dilliard
                                                            impartial association that assists its member boards                                Kamlesh “Kam”
     $70 per year.                                                                                                       Treasurer
                                                            and jurisdictions for the purpose of protecting the                                 Gandhi
     National Association of Boards of Pharmacy             public health.                                               Bradley S. Hamilton    Member, District 8
     1600 Feehanville Drive, Mount Prospect, IL 60056                                                                    Member, District 1
     847/391-4406 |                                                                                    Tejal J. Patel         NABP Executive                                                                                                  Member, District 2     Committee elections
                                                                                                                                                are held each year
     Lemrey “Al” Carter                                                                                                  Jeffrey J. Mesaros     at the Association’s
     Executive Director/Secretary                                                                                        Member, District 3     Annual Meeting.

   2 | APRIL 2020
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

                             Cody Wiberg, PharmD, MS, RPh
                             Executive Director, Minnesota Board of Pharmacy

                             How long have you served as                         period. The Board issued a separate civil unrest
                             executive director?                                 FAQs document, which granted blanket
                             I have been executive director of the Board since   variances to rules or exercised enforcement
                             September 21, 2005. Between January 1999 and        discretion. We published a document on the
                             September 21, 2005, I was pharmacy program          Board’s website, in five different languages,
                             manager for the Minnesota Department of             with advice for patients on how to obtain
                             Human Services. Basically, my team and I served     prescriptions if their pharmacy was closed.
                             as the internal pharmacy benefits manager           We also worked with chain and independent
                             for Minnesota’s publicly funded programs,           pharmacies to get temporary pharmacies open
                             including Medicaid and some state-funded            at the sites of the pharmacies that had been
                             programs. I also worked with the Minnesota          damaged the worst.
                             Legislature, providing technical assistance on         During its 2020 session, the Minnesota
                             pharmacy-related issues.                            Legislature enacted legislation, signed into
   Minnesota                                                                     law by Governor Tim Walz, that required
Board of Pharmacy            What is one significant issue your                  the Board to work with another agency,
                             Board addressed in the past year?                   MNsure, to develop the Minnesota Insulin
                             The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).            Safety Net Program. The program, which has
      Number of Board
                                                                                 been operating since July 1, 2020, requires
      6 pharmacist           What actions were taken by the                      manufacturers to provide insulin to Minnesotans
      members and 3          Board to address the issue?                         who meet certain eligibility criteria and who are
      public members         The Board issued a COVID-19 frequently asked        having difficulty affording insulin.
                             questions (FAQs) document in mid-March and             The legislature also passed a law requiring
                             has updated it several times since then. Through    the Board to work with a vendor to establish
      Number of
      Compliance             the FAQs document, our Board has effectively        a prescription drug repository program,
      Officers/Inspectors    either granted blanket variances to rules or        which became operational at the end of 2020.
      7                      exercised enforcement discretion by allowing        The vendor established a central repository
                             licensees to do things not otherwise permitted      and is working to establish local repositories
                             by the statutes. For example, under Minnesota       around the state. Long-term care facilities,
      Rules & Regulations    Statutes, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians      manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies, and
      Established by         cannot complete any portion of the dispensing       members of the public (with certain restrictions)
      Board of Pharmacy      process from home. But in order to minimize         are able to donate drugs to the repositories. Once
                             contact between pharmacy employees and the          deemed safe by a pharmacist, the drugs are
                             public, the Board is allowing pharmacists and       dispensed to patients who would not otherwise
      Number of              pharmacy technicians to perform data entry,         be able to afford the drugs.
      Pharmacist Licensees   certification of data entry, profile reviews, and
      9,033                  prospective drug utilization reviews from home.     What insights do you have for states?
                             Board staff also worked with the Minnesota          The key to dealing with pandemics or with
                             Department of Health to provide legal clarity to    man-made or natural disasters is to have a plan
      Number of              licensees so that pharmacists could be involved     in place. For COVID-19, I began preparing
      Pharmacies             in COVID-19 testing.                                for the worst at least a month before the
      2,142                                                                      World Health Organization officially declared
                             What other key issues has the                       a pandemic, and Governor Walz declared a
                             Board been focusing on?                             peacetime emergency. Consequently, we were
      Number of              We also handled some repercussions of the civil     able to give guidance to licensees shortly after
                             unrest that occurred after the death of George      the pandemic and emergency were declared.
      261 (resident)         Floyd. At the height of the civil unrest, over      I believe that boards need to be flexible when
                             200 pharmacies in Minnesota were temporarily        dealing with such disasters and must be willing
                             closed as a precaution. Over 20 pharmacies          to relax enforcement of statutes and rules –
                             were either destroyed or damaged to the extent      but must do so in a way that minimizes any
                             that they had to remain closed for an extended      additional risks to patients.

                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2021 | 1
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

      New Year, New Government: Renewed Focus
      on Illegal Online Drug Sales
      Last month, the 117th Congress convened
      and President Joseph R. Biden began his
      term as president and, as such, we can expect
      many new policy changes at the federal level.
      As discussed in January’s issue of Innovations,
      there are some issues that have garnered
      interest across the political spectrum and
      thus may be ripe for consideration. One of
      those issues, which is of great interest to the
      practice of pharmacy given its public health
      and patient safety implications, is reforming
      a telecommunications law – Section 230
                                                              Matthew J. Rubin                                 Sarah-Lloyd Stevenson, MPH
      of the Communications Decency Act                       Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP                Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
      (47 USC §230) – that currently provides
      liability immunity to online platforms                  resources for health information and services.   legitimate providers on the internet.
      that knowingly facilitate illegal or obscene            For example, in 2017, approximately 30%          Two programs, NABP Digital Pharmacy
      content, including the sale of prescription             of respondents to a national survey said they    Accreditation and the .Pharmacy Verified
      drugs and illicit narcotics through illegal             would order medicine online. In 2020, that       Websites Program, help consumers determine
      online pharmacies.                                      number climbed to nearly 75%.                    which pharmacy websites are licensed and
                                                                 This growing interest in seeking out          safe. Digital Pharmacy Accreditation has
      The Dangers of Illegal                                  medications online has also impacted the         been recognizing legitimate websites offering
      Online Pharmacies                                       national response to the opioid epidemic,        pharmacy services for more than 20 years
      NABP and its member boards of pharmacy                  a major public health issue that NABP            by ensuring that pharmacies with an online
      are committed to protecting public health               leadership – including President Timothy         presence are licensed, operating in compliance
      and ensuring the appropriate, safe practice of          D. Fensky – is prioritizing. With the            with pharmacy laws and practice standards,
      pharmacy, whether through brick-and-mortar              available data indicating a spike in opioid-     and undergoing on-site inspections. The
      storefronts or via the internet. Unfortunately,         related overdose deaths, the confluence of       .Pharmacy Program was launched in 2014
      criminals are actively leveraging the internet          the COVID-19 pandemic and this historic          to address new online business models for
      to target unsuspecting consumers, peddling              public health emergency has significantly        prescription dispensing and other pharmacy-
      substandard, falsified, and otherwise counterfeit       strained resources. The internet remains         related services. A .pharmacy verification
      drugs, and posing a significant risk to those           a constant source of synthetic opioids           instills confidence in patients’ choices and
      who may rely upon these medications for                 and illicit narcotics, like fentanyl. With       helps ensure access to care. If a pharmacy or
      acute, chronic, or life-threatening conditions.         local shutdown orders in place and social        business offering pharmacy-related services
      Alarmingly, last year NABP found that of the            isolation setting in, individuals suffering      has not been vetted through one or both
      nearly 22,400 surveyed “pharmacy” websites,             from substance use disorders have turned         of NABP’s programs, it may be a rogue
      95% were illegal. Despite this statistic, a recent      to unsafe and illegal websites at alarming       website offering medicines without a valid
      survey conducted by the Alliance for Safe               rates. The Centers for Disease Control and       prescription, operating out of compliance
      Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global) found that              Prevention found that four in 10 Americans       with pharmacy laws and practice standards,
      seven in 10 Americans erroneously believe that if       are suffering from mental health or substance    and/or selling counterfeit or misbranded
      an online pharmacy website appears high up in           abuse issues due to the pandemic. Thirteen       prescription drugs.
      search engine results, it is likely to be legitimate.   percent cited an initiation or increase
         This misguided trust in online platforms             in substance misuse and abuse, and an            Section 230 and Federal
      and “internet pharmacies” that are                      additional 31% cited anxiety or depression.      Liability Protections
      incorrectly assumed to be legitimate has                One in 10 noted suicidal ideations.              Despite the grave concerns associated
      only been exacerbated by the proliferation                                                               with accessing illegal online pharmacies,
      of misinformation and criminality during                NABP’s .Pharmacy Program                         a seemingly obscure and concise section
      the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)                 NABP has led efforts to curtail illegal online   of a decades-old telecommunications law
      pandemic, as more patients turn to online               pharmacies and help patients identify            indirectly helps protect these bad actors from

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The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

further scrutiny, particularly those platforms
that facilitate the distribution of harmful              Notable Section 230 reform bills introduced in 2020:
content. Passed in 1996, Section 230 of the              • Protecting Americans from Dangerous Algorithms Act; Representatives Tom
Communications Decency Act provides                         Malinowski (D-NJ) and Anna Eshoo (D-CA)
immunity for online publishers of third-                 •   See Something Say Something Online Act; Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and
party content published on such platforms.                   John Cornyn (R-TX)
Specifically, the law states that “No provider           •    latform Accountability and Consumer Transparency Act; Senators John Thune
or user of an interactive computer service shall             (R-SD) and Brian Schatz (D-HI)
be treated as the publisher or speaker of any
                                                         •    nline Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act; Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS)
information provided by another information                  and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), chairmen of Senate Commerce and Senate
content provider.” Some policy experts refer                 Judiciary Committees
to these components of Section 230 as “the 26
words that created the internet.”
    In practice, this provides civil liability
protection to online platforms that republish       reining in the current policy, they have not yet   Section 230, Rogue Online
or host unlawful material, including illegal        agreed on how to do it.                            Pharmacies, and 2021
online drug sales. There are targeted exceptions       Last year, several pieces of legislation were   The first 100 days of the new administration
to the law, including a “good Samaritan”            introduced on Capitol Hill – partisan and          will be a defining time during which the
provision that allows the deletion of obscene       bipartisan proposals in both chambers of           president and members of Congress will
content removed in good faith and liability         Congress. While no legislation advanced            prioritize any number of specific policy
exclusions when copyright or sex trafficking        in 2020, two powerful congressional                reforms. Given the extensive attention
laws are infringed. However, unlawful content       committees with jurisdiction over these            Section 230 and illegal online activity
still prevails on the internet, notwithstanding     issues – the Senate Committee on the               received across Washington, DC, in 2020,
illicit drug sales. In recent years, NABP and       Judiciary and the Senate Committee on              this topic will certainly remain a policy of
other public health stakeholders like ASOP          Commerce, Science, and Transportation –            interest in the 117th Congress, and there is
Global have argued that Congress should take        used the final weeks of the 116th Congress         no shortage of proposed policy solutions
up Section 230 reform and mandate that – at         to hear testimony from the executives of           to be considered. NABP will closely follow
minimum – interactive computer service              major technology platforms like Twitter,           this debate as relevant policymakers on both
providers proactively address the pervasive         Facebook, and Google on the real-world             sides of the aisle and across government look
public health and patient safety threats that are   practice of Section 230 immunity. Further,         for opportunities to rein in these liability
caused by illegal online pharmacies.                the Trump Administration’s Department of           protections or propose other policies that
                                                    Justice released a comprehensive legislative       could protect the public health by holding
Section 230 Policy Changes                          framework to reform the law, while the             illegal online pharmacies accountable.
Proposed in 2020                                    Federal Communications Commission chief                This article was written by Matthew J. Rubin
In 2020, policymakers on both sides of the aisle    argued that the federal government has the         and Sarah-Lloyd Stevenson, MPH, with Faegre
issued proposals to reform Section 230 and          regulatory authority to reinterpret Section        Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. Please note, the
address violative content online. Unsurprisingly,   230 through rulemaking without action from         opinions and views expressed by Faegre Drinker
a lot of the interest in the issue was fueled       Congress. Supreme Court Associate Justice          Biddle & Reath do not necessarily reflect the
by potential foreign interference in the 2020       Clarence Thomas also spoke of “paring back         official views, opinions, or policies of NABP or
presidential election via the internet, causing     the sweeping immunity” of Section 230 in a         any member board unless expressly noted.
both candidates and many members of Congress        statement issued pursuant to MalwareBytes,
to speak in favor of reform. While the existing     Inc. v. Enigma Software Group USA, LLC.
statute has long been lauded as an important           An outright repeal of the law may be too
policy protecting free speech and the ability       blunt a solution, according to the technology
for the internet to grow and modernize, the         industry as well as leaders in Congress
issue of internet reform has become a political     who are championing several competing
hot topic as allegations of censorship and free     legislative proposals to make targeted
speech infringement emerged leading into last       changes to the liability protections. Of
November’s election. These activities rekindled     note, the bills noted above were introduced
the Section 230 debate, creating a potential        in the 116th Congress and may be up for
opportunity for true reform. However, while         consideration or debate in the 117th.
decision makers in both political parties support

                                                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 2021 | 3
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP
The Future of
    Public Health
    Protection in
    Our Hands
    Artificial Intelligence
    Applied to Medication Data

4 | FEBRUARY 2021
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP
I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
For decades, the cool and ominous voice of HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey and other tropes of
science fiction have been the first things that come to mind when people hear the phrase artificial
intelligence (AI). Yet, as we push into the third decade of the 21st century, many professions,
including pharmacy, are experiencing gradual but steady transformations driven by applications
of AI in the real world. So far, AI has helped pharmacists respond to issues such as drug shortages,
drug recalls, the opioid epidemic, and even the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. As
the technology improves, it seems inevitable that the pharmacy profession’s perception of AI will
continue moving beyond the realm of science fiction and into the day-to-day lives of pharmacists
and pharmacy regulators.

AI’s Strength Is in Mass Data Analysis                                    personnel to investigate and confirm the root cause of any suspicious
As discussed during a continuing education session at the 115  th
                                                                          activity and/or behavior.
NABP Annual Meeting in 2019, AI is already becoming a part of our            Without AI, an audit of only 5% of CS administrations normally
daily lives. For example, smartphone technology with voice assistants     takes several hours, according to a June 2020 article in Pharmacy
or cars with advanced driver-assistance technology, including parking     Times. AI-backed software systems can perform a complete audit of
assistance or adaptive cruise control, are already using AI. Currently,   all CS administrations in less time than it takes for staff to perform a
AI technology utilizes three key features: neural networks that           manual audit of just 5% of CS administrations.
mimic some of the human brain’s ability to analyze, natural language         Similarly, current AI technology can help with supply chain
processing that allows machines to understand and generate human          management. This is particularly useful when manufacturers
language, and the use of sensors that allow machines to see through       and dispensers need to respond to drug shortages and recalls.
object detection and pattern recognition.                                 By analyzing large amounts of current medication and their
   So far, the most successful applications of these features in health   applications, AI can actually predict how medications can be
care involve analysis of massive amounts of data to discover trends       combined in new ways to create effective treatments. This can
and flag anomalies. This is perhaps most evident in the way some          expand the options available to pharmacists and other health care
hospitals are now using AI to monitor and respond to diversion of         providers for offering medication therapy for specific conditions.
controlled substances (CS) by health care providers.                      By automating the task using AI-powered technology, researchers
   Studies indicate that hospital-based health care workers struggle      may be able to discover new treatments more quickly.
with substance use disorder (SUD) at rates that are similar to that          Drug recalls have also presented significant hurdles for health care
of the general population. For example, a 2014 study in the Western       providers and patients in recent years. For example, in April 2020,
Journal of Emergency Medicine found that 10-14% of emergency              Food and Drug Administration issued a recall for all ranitidine
physicians were affected by an SUD. A report published by Protenus        products after discovering levels of N-Nitrosodimethylamine, a
in 2018 found that 18.7 million dosage units of medication were lost      probable human carcinogen, increased in potency over time. While
due to misuse and other diversion by health care employees. This has      there are a number of alternative medications for ranitidine that
become such an important issue for health care providers that some        patients can use to treat acid reflux, the large-scale nature of the recall
pharmacy schools are directly teaching their students about it. For       illustrates the challenge health care providers and patients can face
example, the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy provides          when common medications are no longer available.
seminars, community work, and course content to teach students               AI may help to manage recalls by pinpointing exactly when
about medication management and how they should handle drug               and where a drug was contaminated within the supply chain.
diversion incidents.                                                      This allows teams to correct the issue more efficiently than using a
   Because AI can analyze massive data sets in short amounts of           manual research-based process. AI also allows visibility down to each
time, the technology can flag abnormalities in the management             individual item. In other words, AI can track every vial and syringe
of commonly abused medications, making it easier for hospital             in a shipment from the manufacturer all the way to the patient.

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The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP
This means that when a recall is issued, affected medications can        In another article, published in the journal,
  be identified and removed from the supply chain more efficiently,     Pearl noted the importance of separating the truth of AI technology
  resulting in a smaller impact on patient care.                        in health care from the hype. “AI might someday radically transform
                                                                        diagnostic medicine to the point it can identify cancer at the single-
  Skepticism and Misgivings Remain                                      cell level. Exciting projections like these have led many entrepreneurs
  As AI in health care becomes more prominent, the technology           and futurists to declare that machines will someday take over
  has become a more frequent subject of presentations and trade         complex diagnoses entirely. Today, however, the most commonly used
  show discussions often held by technology companies eager to sell     computer applications do not feature deep learning as with AI.” Pearl
  their latest inventions to health care providers, which continue to   argues that most of these technologies, while lifesaving, are not “true”
  represent a large portion of the nation’s economy. Unfortunately,     AI, and that they contribute to misunderstanding and even fear of
  many of these innovations have so far failed to cause lasting         these tools.
  and widespread improvement in areas such as public health and            One common misgiving about AI-driven technology is that it will
  patient safety, as explained by Robert Pearl, MD, in a February       be used to replace and override professional diagnosis and treatment
  2020 Forbes article.                                                  decisions made by human health care providers. In the health care
     “Tech companies too often set out to create AI innovations they    industry, however, this has not been the case. Instead, AI systems
  can sell, rather than trying to understand the problems doctors and   are employed as new tools that can ultimately improve the ability of
  patients need solved. At many traditional med-tech conferences and    health care providers to give patients the best possible information in
  trade shows, for example, talks and sales pitches focus squarely on   a timely manner.
  the technology while routinely overlooking the human fears and           “AI is already transforming health care but will become increasingly
  frustrations that AI can address,” Pearl wrote in the article.        valuable as investments in systems that can capture and manage data
                                                                        are made and clinical informatics entities work more collaboratively to
                                                                        address current data shortfalls,” said Doug Zurawski, PharmD, during
                                                                        an interview with Drug Topics. Zurawski is senior vice president
                                                                        of clinical strategy at Kit Check, Inc, maker of radio frequency
                                                                        identification/AI technology for hospital pharmacies to help with
                                                                        medication management – a technology that is vital to applications
                                                                        related to tracking and analyzing inventory. “It is incumbent upon us,
                                                                        in this industry and in this field, to take the lead and learn more, invest
                                                                        in systems that support AI and machine learning, and prepare for the
                                                                        future with access to artificial intelligence.”
    Use of AI applications
                                                                        The Future
     in pharmacy practice                                               AI-based technology is giving pharmacists and other health care
                                                                        providers more opportunities to take an active role in patient care.
                                                                        This is important as value-based care models continue to be an
      and the drug supply                                               increasingly vital part of health care. Pharmacists are highly trained in
                                                                        patient care, and yet, they too often must act as de facto supply chain
                                                                        experts to keep hospitals stocked with the medications they need.
           chain will likely                                            With AI, pharmacists can direct more of their energy to patient care.
                                                                           Use of AI applications in pharmacy practice and the drug supply
                                                                        chain will likely continue to grow, perhaps bringing with them
        continue to grow,                                               new regulatory questions. For example, how may pharmacists’
                                                                        scope expand if more time can be devoted to patient care, or if

         perhaps bringing                                               more diagnostic tools are available across health care teams? Can
                                                                        diversion tools give boards of pharmacy the ability to further support
                                                                        pharmacists and technicians in need of recovery networks to maintain
           with them new                                                their licenses and safe practice? Can using AI to analyze mass
                                                                        amounts of data make recall and drug supply management more
                                                                        efficient, possibly alleviating some concerns with pharmacy working
    regulatory questions.                                               conditions by freeing up time for other tasks?
                                                                           As AI technologies continue to emerge and develop, there have also
                                                                        been discussions about adequate guardrails to ensure good decision
                                                                        making and to protect patient privacy and health. Such discussions
                                                                        are vital to the continuing use of this technology as the technology
                                                                        must be ethical and effective, while also adhering to all existing laws
                                                                        and regulations for patient privacy and data security.

6 | FEBRUARY 2021
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

PMP InterConnect Is the Solution to Provider Challenges;
GAO Report Examines Effectiveness of PDMPs
                                                                                                    PMP InterConnect, due to the system
                                                                                                    enabling states to have complete control over
                                                                                                    how their data is shared. PMP InterConnect
                                                                                                    creates a network between state PDMPs and
                                                                                                    is well established with over 4.67 billion
                                                                                                    transactions in the last 12 months. All major
                                                                                                    pharmacy chains and the military health
                                                                                                    system are connected.
                                                                                                       PMP InterConnect also provides the
                                                                                                    backbone for PMP Gateway – a third-
                                                                                                    party service that works in tandem with
                                                                                                    PMP InterConnect to facilitate a seamless
                                                                                                    integration of state PDMP data into the
                                                                                                    workflow of health care providers’ electronic
                                                                                                    health information systems, including
                                                                                                    hospitals, hospital systems, and pharmacies.
                                                                                                    PMP Gateway allows a patient’s prescription
                                                                                                    history to be viewed in one location,
                                                                                                    reducing provider assessment time. In fact,
                                                                                                    supporting data is available, which shows
As the nation’s only national network of        states, that PDMPs are useful in preventing         that in some states, after PMP Gateway
prescription drug monitoring programs           drug misuse and potentially dangerous drug          integration, prescriber engagement with
(PDMPs), NABP PMP InterConnect®                 prescribing. However, the physicians and            PDMP data has increased tenfold.
facilitates over 1 billion patient encounters   pharmacists from the 10 states interviewed             While the GAO report aptly recognizes
per year, connecting over 100,000 facilities    also identified issues accessing PDMP               the importance of PDMPs, interstate
and 800,000 health care providers. NABP         data, citing difficulty tapping into patient        connectivity, and clinical integration, it
is committed to growing this network to         prescription histories across state lines           does not tell the full story of the innovation
ensure that as many providers are connected     and clunky systems that require clicking            that is already being implemented through
as possible.                                    within several computer applications before         PMP InterConnect and other tools such
   PDMPs have been identified by the federal    reaching the PDMP.                                  as PMP Gateway. The solution for PDMP
government as key tools to help ensure the                                                          connectivity across state lines already exists;
safe and appropriate prescribing of opioids     PMP InterConnect Is the Solution                    improvements to clinical integration are
and other controlled substances (CS), and       PDMPs originated as standalone systems in           currently under way and already working
Congress continues to make bolstering and       each state and territory in the country and,        for a number of large hospital systems
improving PDMPs a priority. In fact, the        therefore, were not originally connected state-     and pharmacies. NABP looks forward to
Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that          by-state or clinically integrated into electronic   working with Congress and the Biden
Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment          health records and other existing clinical          Administration to bring this critical data to
for Patients and Communities Act of             systems. The infrastructure to solve both of        even more providers.
2017 includes a provision for the United        those issues now exists and has, in fact, been
States Government Accountability Office         updated in many states – it is just a matter of
(GAO) to study the operation of PDMPs.          implementing and continually improving it.             The full GAO report may be accessed
In response, GAO released a report,                PMP InterConnect has linked state                   at
“Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs:         PDMPs since 2011, and today, 52 of 54                   More information about the success
Views on Usefulness and Challenges of           PDMPs across the country are connected                 of PDMPs using PMP InterConnect
Programs,” that examines how effectively        to the information-sharing hub, sharing                   for exchanging data is available at
health care providers have used PDMPs.          PDMP data with one another. Even with          
   In the report, GAO found, in interviews      the complexities of state laws that protect                        and-integration
with physicians and PDMP directors in 10        sensitive data, data sharing is possible via

                                                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 2021 | 7
The Future of Public Health Protection in Our Hands - Artificial Intelligence Applied to Medication Data - NABP

     Regulators Prepare for Pharmacist
     Involvement in COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

     Governments, private companies, and            billion in funding awards divided among six      a pandemic-related vaccination campaign.
     nonprofit enterprises around the globe         different vaccine manufacturers. In addition,    But since the late 1990s, the laws have
     pushed for the swift development of a          the National Institutes of Health established    gradually changed and pharmacists have
     vaccine to help impede the spread of the       the Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic            been able to increase their scope of practice
     coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),           Interventions and Vaccines partnership to        to include administering vaccinations. For
     a virus that has claimed the lives of more     bring together various federal agencies, the     a number of years, all US states as well as
     than 2 million people, including more          private sector, and philanthropic stakeholders   the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
     than 400,000 people in the United States.      in order to facilitate vaccine development.      have allowed registered pharmacists to give
     In the US, part of this push came through      US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)            flu vaccines to adults. While state laws
     the federal Operation Warp Speed (OWS)         issued regulatory guidance to maximize           have and do vary widely beyond that one
     initiative, which included a general goal of   safety despite the accelerated development       generality, the trend in recent years has been
     accelerating the development, production,      timeline. Concurrent with vaccine                toward greater empowerment of pharmacists
     and administration of various COVID-19         development, stakeholders, including             to provide immunizations, as states have
     vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.       government regulators from the federal           steadily reduced age restrictions, increased
     Though the statistics are daunting, hope       level to the boards of pharmacy, laid the        the number of allowed vaccine types, and
     seems on the horizon with the approval of      groundwork for vaccine distribution              expanded autonomy. Almost all jurisdictions
     two vaccines in December – one developed       and administration – a process in which          allow trained and supervised pharmacy
     by Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE and one          pharmacists will play a prominent role.          interns to administer vaccines as well, and a
     developed by Moderna.                                                                           few states, including Idaho, Rhode Island,
       To advance this agenda, in October 2020,     Expanding Scope of Practice                      and Utah, have even passed legislation
     the US Department of Health and Human          Twenty-five years ago, pharmacists may           allowing qualified pharmacy technicians to
     Services (HHS) announced more than $10         not have been considered a crucial part of       administer vaccines to patients.

   8 | FEBRUARY 2021

   With this expanded scope of practice,
pharmacists are now viewed as an important
part of influenza immunization campaigns.            Pharmacies’ easy accessibility and pharmacists’
According to the National Association of
Chain Drug Stores, pharmacists gave flu
                                                     increasingly important role in providing influenza
shots to nearly one-third of adults who              vaccines were two factors HHS cited in using its
received the vaccine in the 2018-2019 season         emergency powers last August to increase pharmacists’
(about 38 million). A 2017 study examining
the potential impact of retail pharmacies on
                                                     scope of practice on a national scale, authorizing
influenza vaccine administration projected           state-licensed pharmacists to independently order and
that, overall, the time to achieve 80%               administer vaccines to children ages three through 18,
vaccination coverage nationally was reduced
by up to seven weeks when retail pharmacist
                                                     subject to certain requirements.
vaccination capacity was included in
calculations, increasing national capacity to
25 million doses per week.                       to children ages three and up, as previously     partnering with “large chain pharmacies
   Pharmacies’ easy accessibility and            mentioned. The following month, HHS              and networks that represent independent
pharmacists’ increasingly important role in      issued guidance authorizing state-licensed       pharmacies and regional chains.” HHS
providing influenza vaccines were two factors    pharmacists to independently order               stated that the COVID-19 vaccine would
HHS cited in using its emergency powers          and administer COVID-19 vaccines                 be administered at the partner pharmacy
last August to increase pharmacists’ scope       for patients ages three and older, again         locations at no cost to patients.
of practice on a national scale, authorizing     subject to certain requirements; supervised
state-licensed pharmacists to independently      pharmacy interns were again included as          Board of Pharmacy Actions
order and administer vaccines to children        authorized to administer the vaccines. And       The boards of pharmacy addressed
ages three through 18, subject to certain        in October, HHS issued guidance adding           many pandemic-related issues in 2020,
requirements. The action was one of several      “qualified pharmacy technicians” to the          from carrying out state of emergency actions
pharmacist scope of practice expansions          “covered persons” under the PREP Act,            (such as enabling out-of-state licensees
HHS announced in 2020, explicitly                allowing them to administer childhood            to provide in-state services), dealing with
preempting state laws while the COVID-19         and COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19               unexpected issues (such as establishing hand gel
public health emergency remains in effect.       testing, again under the supervision of a        compounding guidelines), addressing licensure
   HHS took the actions under the auspices       licensed pharmacist and subject to certain       renewal issues impacted by shutdowns (such
of the Public Readiness and Emergency            conditions. The guidance noted that to be        as allowing a grace period for immunizing
Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which               “qualified,” pharmacy technicians must be        pharmacists to renew their CPR certification),
authorizes the HHS secretary “to issue a         licensed and/or registered in accordance         and managing day-to-day business during
Declaration to provide liability immunity        with state requirements or, if they work         shutdowns and stay-at-home orders.
to certain individuals and entities . . .        in a state without licensure or registration     Nonetheless, many states have also addressed
against any claim of loss caused by . . . the    requirements, they must have a certified         the vaccine rollout as well as the federal
manufacture, distribution, administration, or    pharmacy technician certification from either    preemption regarding vaccine administration.
use of medical countermeasures . . . ” Earlier   the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board         Several boards of pharmacy, including
in 2020, HHS had used these powers to            or the National Healthcareer Association.        those in Iowa, Texas, and Washington,
designate licensed pharmacists as “qualified        The Trump Administration had taken            have used their websites to prominently
persons” under the PREP Act and gave them        additional measures to prepare for a             provide their licensees with information
the authorization to independently order         COVID-19 vaccine rollout. In October,            on registering to become COVID-19
and administer COVID-19 tests, whether           HHS and the US Department of Defense             vaccine providers. Nevada is offering
or not the state in which a pharmacist was       announced agreements with CVS and                vaccine training for pharmacists to better
licensed would ordinarily permit him or          Walgreens pharmacy chains to provide             help in the distribution of a COVID-19
her to do so. In August, citing the public       and administer COVID-19 vaccines to              vaccine. Arkansas and Kansas, among
health threat posed by pandemic-caused           residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs)   others, have used their websites to advise
drops in childhood immunization rates, the       nationwide, at no cost to those facilities;      their licensees about the federal actions
HHS secretary amended the declaration            LTCFs had a two-week sign-up window              affecting pharmacists and outlining
to authorize licensed pharmacists to order       for opting into the program. In November,        the requirements pharmacists must
and administer (and qualified, supervised        HHS announced an allocation program              meet to order and administer vaccines.
pharmacy interns to administer) vaccines         in which the federal government would be         Other boards, including those in North

                                                                                                                                FEBRUARY 2021 | 9

           NABP Emergency Passport Program Extended in Response to Vaccination Efforts

           Federal and state programs have placed pharmacists and
           other pharmacy personnel on the front lines of delivering
           covered countermeasures of the coronavirus disease 2019
           (COVID-19) pandemic. These measures have evolved
           throughout the pandemic, and pharmacists, pharmacy
           technicians, and pharmacy interns will continue to play a
           critical role in the COVID-19 response, including with the
           national vaccination effort.
              In response, NABP has extended the operation of the
           Emergency Passport Program for pharmacists, pharmacy
           technicians, and pharmacy interns, which was set to expire on
           December 31, 2020. Passport holders for states continuing
           participation after December 31, 2020, continue to be active.
           New NABP Passport applications for participating states are        Emergency Passport Program to practice in a state in which
           currently being accepted. Applicants cannot have any current       you do not hold a license or registration. Since the program’s
           or prior board actions or discipline, with the exception of a      launch, NABP has issued nearly 55,000 passports.
           minor continuing education infraction.                                Participation in the NABP Emergency Passport Program is
              NABP Passport was created in early 2020 to provide critical     available to any individual or member board of pharmacy at
           licensure and disciplinary screening to assist member boards       no cost. Currently, more than 15 states utilize or are preparing
           of pharmacy in safely and efficiently granting temporary           to utilize NABP Passport.
           emergency licensure to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians,             If your board has not previously participated in the
           and pharmacist interns in response to COVID-19. Authority          program, please contact the NABP Member Relations and
           to practice on a temporary or emergency basis is granted           Government Affairs department at governmentaffairs@nabp
           exclusively by the states and in accordance with state emergency   .pharmacy. More information about the NABP Passport is
           orders or as otherwise determined by that state’s board of         available at
           pharmacy. NABP does not grant authority through the

     Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia, issued             who follow the federal guidelines would             States have also taken vaccine-related
     documents walking their licensees through        not be penalized. Ohio advised licensees         action in addition to the board of pharmacy.
     the differences between preexisting              that federal actions had created “two            In Montana, for example, the state’s
     state laws and the preemptive federal            processes for the administration of FDA-         governor issued a directive suspending
     requirements and noting that pharmacists         authorized or FDA-licensed COVID-19              those parts of the public health laws that
                                                      vaccines by Ohio pharmacists and                 would have conflicted with the HHS
                                                      pharmacy interns, one authorized by              preemption. The Minnesota Legislature
                                                      section 4729.41 of the Revised Code              passed a law authorizing pharmacists to
                                                      . . . and a temporary process established        administer a COVID-19 vaccine when it
     States and the federal                           by HHS in response to the COVID-19               became available. Meanwhile, in September,
     government continue                              pandemic . . . Pharmacists and pharmacy          the California State Assembly passed a bill
     to plan for a widespread                         interns must comply [fully] with either          allowing pharmacists to independently
                                                      the federal or state process . . .” The          initiate and administer vaccines in a manner
     distribution of a COVID-19                       Massachusetts Board of Registration              similar to the HHS directive.
     vaccine that could help end                      in Pharmacy issued a temporary policy               States and the federal government
     the pandemic.                                    designed to align state requirements with        continue to plan for a widespread
                                                      the HHS August amendment addressing              distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine that
                                                      childhood vaccines.                              could help end the pandemic.

   10 | FEBRUARY 2021

NABP Receives BBB Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics

                           NABP received         its mission to protect the public health.
                           the Better Business   Through its programs and services, NABP
                           Bureau (BBB)          aims to establish trust in the marketplace      “It is gratifying to be
                           of Chicago and        while supporting public health and ensuring      recognized for the work
                           Northern Illinois’s   patient safety.
                           Torch Award for          “It is gratifying to be recognized for        that we consider to be
                           Marketplace Ethics    the work that we consider to be ‘the             ‘the right thing to do.’”
                           on December 10,       right thing to do,’” remarked NABP
                                                                                                 — Lemrey “Al” Carter, PharmD, MS, RPh,
2020. The Torch Award is the most                Executive Director/Secretary Lemrey “Al”
                                                                                                   NABP Executive Director/Secretary
prestigious BBB award presented to               Carter, PharmD, MS, RPh. Displaying
exceptional organizations for their              values of cooperation and innovation
dedication to integrity and ethical              not only translates to protecting public
business practices. The year 2020                health but also permeates the culture at
marked the first year this award was             NABP. “We pride ourselves on being a          supports local outreach efforts through
granted to an organization in BBB’s              great place to work,” said Carter. NABP       fundraising and volunteer opportunities
new category for associations.                   employees thrive in the professional, team-   with organizations such as Feed My
   NABP’s core practices demonstrate its         oriented environment that consistently        Starving Children, Make-A-Wish Illinois,
belief in high ethical standards, which          demonstrates the values of respect,           Maryville Academy, and Mercy Home for
is central to the BBB’s principles. The          dedication, and innovation.                   Boys and Girls in Chicago.
Association stands out as a leader in the           In addition, NABP takes pride in its
pharmacy community while exercising              commitment to community and actively

                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2021 | 11

     NABP President Fensky Promotes MAT Initiative
     via Association Resources, Virtual Events
                                                            eligible for Accreditation Council for Pharmacy     dozen meetings with legislators and staff from
                                                            Education-accredited continuing pharmacy            US Congressional offices, including Senators
                                                            education credit. More information is available     Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Lisa Murkowski
                                                            in the Resources section of the NABP website        (R-AK), and Representative Paul Tonko (D-
                                                            under Educational Programs.                         NY). Meetings were also held with staff from
                                                               The NABP Task Force on Medication-               the Senate Committee on Health, Education,
                                                            Assisted Treatment met virtually in                 Labor, and Pensions and the House Committee
                                                            November 2020. The task force was charged           on Energy and Commerce.
                                                            with the following objectives:                         The meetings supported Fensky’s initiative to
                                                            • Reviewing current federal and state laws         improve patient access to MAT by encouraging
                                                                 and regulations related to MAT                 the passage of the bill, which calls for the
                                                            •    xamining the language in the
                                                                E                                               elimination of the requirement that practitioners
                                                                Model State Pharmacy Act and Model              apply for a separate waiver through Drug
                                                                Rules of the National Association of            Enforcement Administration to offer MAT.
     NABP President Timothy D. Fensky, RPh,                     Boards of Pharmacy and, if necessary,           If passed, the bill could reduce barriers to care
     DPh, FACA, has worked diligently to promote                recommending amendments that allow              and improve access to MAT through additional
     his presidential initiative of expanding                   pharmacists to be key leaders in opioid         practitioners, including pharmacists.
     pharmacist-provided medication-assisted                    safety and patient care.
     treatment (MAT) for patients diagnosed with              Additional information about the task force
     opioid use disorder (OUD). Since he first              will be provided in future communications.
     announced his initiative at the 116th Annual                                                                    NABP Video Highlights
     Meeting, Fensky has worked closely with                Spreading the Word                                       Pharmacists’ Role in
     NABP staff, member boards of pharmacy,                 via Virtual Events                                       Increasing Access to MAT
     legislators, and other stakeholders to further         In addition to promoting pharmacist-                     The important role that
     this important objective during his term and           provided MAT for OUD patients via NABP                   pharmacists can play in improving
     beyond. Working within the current reality of          resources, Fensky shared information about               patient access to medication-assisted
     “all virtual, all the time,” Fensky used videos,       the initiative at other industry-related and             treatment (MAT) is the subject
     webinars, virtual meetings, and NABP’s website         governmental events.                                     of a new video as part of NABP
     to disseminate his message.                               In August 2020, he served as a panelist for           President Fensky’s MAT initiative.
                                                            the webinar “Addressing Access and Utilization              Fensky educates viewers about
     NABP Initiative Efforts                                of Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications,”                the value and efficacy of MAT for
     Last year, NABP added a Presidential Initiative        which was hosted by the Collaborative for                treatment of opioid use disorder
     page to its website (                Effective Prescription Opioid Policies and               (OUD). In addition, the video
     about/presidential-initiative) that describes the      Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse. Key             explains the barriers that limit
     initiative; the steps Fensky, NABP, and member         discussion points for the webinar were reducing          patient access to treatment, provides
     boards will utilize to advance the initiative;         overdose deaths through increased naloxone               information on what the boards of
     links to MAT resources, articles, and blogs; and       access and utilization, and understanding                pharmacy and NABP are doing to
     a video featuring Fensky discussing MAT.               COVID-19 implications on overdose reversal.              eliminate these barriers, and advises
        Also, in October 2020, NABP held a live                Fensky and NABP Executive Director/                   on what pharmacists can do in their
     educational webinar titled “Medication-Assisted        Secretary Lemrey “Al” Carter, PharmD, MS,                daily practice to support patients
     Treatment: Overcoming Barriers to Improve              RPh, participated in several virtual Hill days in        suffering from OUD.
     Access for Patients.” Presenters addressed             September 2020 to discuss the Mainstreaming                 The video may be accessed on
     patients’ struggles with addiction and recovery, as    Addiction Treatment Act (S 2074) with                    the Presidential Initiative page of
     well as the steps that states are taking to increase   committee and legislative staff. Over the                the NABP website and on NABP’s
     MAT access. Fensky also provided an overview           course of two days, they discussed how the               YouTube channel.
     of his initiative. This webinar was recorded           act would benefit patients struggling with
     and is now available as a home study webinar           OUD. The discussions included more than a

   12 | FEBRUARY 2021

Enhancing Networks and Expanding
Access to Protect Public Health
117th NABP Annual Meeting | Virtual | May 13-14, 2021

                              Join Your Colleagues for:

    NABP Annual Business Sessions                       Virtual networking opportunities

Keynote: Kris Paronto, inspiring hero of                  Educational Poster Session
      the 2012 Benghazi attack                      (Contact for details.)

                    Continuing pharmacy education (CPE) sessions,
                         including pre-meeting CPE on May 12

       Registration available in March at

                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2021 | 13

                                                 Todd Barrett, RPh
                                                 Secretary, Mississippi Board of Pharmacy

                                                 When were you appointed to the                         practices of pharmacy benefits managers that
                                                 Board of Pharmacy? What type of                        might potentially violate the law.
                                                 member are you?
                                                 I was first licensed as a pharmacist in 1988           Has the Board encountered any
                                                 in Mississippi and currently hold licenses in          challenges to developing and/or
                                                 Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. I began          implementing these new policies,
                                                 practicing pharmacy as a consultant pharmacist         legislation, or regulations?
                                                 with a long-term care (LTC) pharmacy chain             Yes. Our state legislature passed legislation
                                                 with facilities in these states. Most of my practice   in 2017 creating the Occupational
                                                 experience has been in LTC pharmacy and                Licensing Review Commission, which
                                                 specialty pharmacy, with a short stint exploring       provides oversight for new regulations that
                                                 sales with Eli Lilly & Co. I was appointed to          occupational boards write. Regulations
                                                 the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy in 2013 and          passed by occupational boards require review
              Mississippi                        began serving on the Board in July 2013. I was         and approval from the Commission. With
                                                 fortunate to serve as president of the Board from      recent elections, new representation, and the
           Board of Pharmacy
                                                 July 2017 to June 2018.                                coronavirus disease 2019, the Commission’s
                                                                                                        ability to meet has been impacted and
                        Number of Board          What steps should a Board member                       review of some of the regulations passed
                        Members                  take to be successful?                                 by the Board has not taken place. No new
                        7 pharmacist members     A good understanding of the charge for                 regulations are put into place until they are
                                                 the board (ie, to protect the public) should           passed by this Commission.
                                                 always be in the forefront of every action
                        Number of Compliance     or initiative of the board. A comprehensive            What advice would you give to a
                        Officers/Inspectors      grasp of every practice setting is not possible,       new board member?
                                                 but a general concept of the challenges in             Develop your relationships with more
                                                 delivering patient care within a practice              experienced board members and continue to
                                                 helps prevent introductions of unnecessary             develop relationships with your professional
                        Rules & Regulations      regulatory burdens. Networking with your               network. There will be times when you will
                        Established by
                        Board of Pharmacy,
                                                 board members and with those in other                  want perspective on practice specialty areas
                        approved by              states helps one gain perspective.                     and issues that fall outside of your own
                        Mississippi                                                                     experience. You can solicit perspective from
                        Occupational Licensing   What are some recent policies,                         your colleagues, even while maintaining the
                        Review Commission        legislation, or regulations your                       level of confidentiality that is required of
                                                 Board has implemented or is                            board members.
                        Number of                currently working on?
                        Pharmacist               The Board has responded to the opioid                  Have you served as a member of any
                        Licensees                crisis in Mississippi by requiring pharmacists         NABP task forces or committees, or
                        6,357                    to become better educated on drugs of                  attended NABP or district meetings?
                                                 abuse. Additional continuing education                 I attend district meetings whenever possible
                        Number of                requirements for pharmacists related to                and have had the opportunity to attend some
                        Pharmacies               opioids were implemented in 2019. Other                of the NABP Annual Meetings as well. I also
                        1,462                    regulations that are being explored or                 participated on the Task Force on Medication
                                                 developed address physician dispensing,                Synchronization in 2014. Meetings with
                                                 telepharmacy, and drug facility licensing              board members from other states allowed
                        Number of
                        Wholesale                rules and regulations.                                 me to better understand how NABP
                        Distributors                Additionally, the Pharmacy Benefit Prompt           supports each state’s board of pharmacy with
                        45                       Pay Act of 2020 will require the Board to              model regulations and how states can offer
                                                 manage complaints from permitted facilities            consistency in regulatory measures.
                                                 and licensed pharmacists regarding certain

   14 | FEBRUARY 2021

Board Member Appointments                        •   J eff “Troy” Menard, RPh, has been        Board Member Reappointments
•   Tammy Lindemuth has been appointed              appointed a member of the Louisiana       •   Lana Bell, RPh, has been reappointed
      a public member of the Alaska Board of          Board of Pharmacy. Menard’s                   a member of the Alaska Board of
      Pharmacy. Lindemuth’s appointment will          appointment will expire June 30, 2025.        Pharmacy. Bell’s appointment will expire
      expire March 1, 2021.                      •    endra Metz, PharmD, RPh, has been
                                                     K                                              March 1, 2022.
•   Sharon Long has been appointed a                appointed a member of the Minnesota        •    ichard Holt, MBA, PharmD, RPh, has
     public member of the Alaska Board               Board of Pharmacy. Metz’s appointment          been reappointed a member of the Alaska
     of Pharmacy. Long’s appointment will            will expire January 1, 2024.                   Board of Pharmacy. Holt’s appointment
     expire March 1, 2022.                       •   Richard Tomasso has been appointed a          will expire March 1, 2024.
•   J ustin Ruffridge, PharmD, RPh,                  public member of the Nevada State Board   •    arl W. Aron, RPh, has been
     has been appointed a member of the               of Pharmacy. Tomasso’s appointment will       reappointed a member of the Louisiana
     Alaska Board of Pharmacy. Ruffridge’s            expire October 31, 2022.                      Board of Pharmacy. Aron’s appointment
     appointment will expire March 1, 2024.      •    ichael K. Bedenbaugh, MS, MBA,
                                                     M                                              will expire June 30, 2026.
•   Nick Goodman has been appointed a               PharmD, RPh, has been appointed            •   Jacqueline L. Hall, PD, RPh, has been
     public member of the Arizona State Board        a member of the South Carolina                 reappointed a member of the Louisiana
     of Pharmacy. Goodman’s appointment              Department of Labor, Licensing, and            Board of Pharmacy. Hall’s appointment
     will expire January 20, 2025.                   Regulation – Board of Pharmacy.                will expire June 30, 2026.
                                                     Bedenbaugh’s appointment will expire
•   Cedar Ann Lahann, PharmD, RPh, has                                                         •   Marty R. McKay, RPh, has been
    been appointed a member of the Arizona           June 30, 2026.                                 reappointed a member of the
    State Board of Pharmacy. Lahann’s            •   Archie L. McKnight, RPh, has been             Louisiana Board of Pharmacy. McKay’s
    appointment will expire January 20, 2025.        appointed a member of the South                appointment will expire June 30, 2026.
                                                     Carolina Department of Labor,
•    heodore G. Tong, PharmD, FAPhA,
    T                                                                                           •    onnie Bagwell, RPh, has been
    RPh, has been appointed a member of the          Licensing, and Regulation – Board of           reappointed a member of the Mississippi
    Arizona State Board of Pharmacy. Tong’s          Pharmacy. McKnight’s appointment will          Board of Pharmacy. Bagwell’s
    appointment will expire January 15, 2024.        expire June 30, 2025.                          appointment will expire June 30, 2025.

     NABP Accreditations and Verifications
     NABP awarded a total of 77 accreditations and verifications from September 1 to October 31, 2020. The breakdown
     by program is as follows:

               Drug Distributor                      Digital Pharmacy Accreditation:                  .Pharmacy Verified
                Accreditation:                                     3                                      Websites:
                     56                                                                                      18
         formerly known as Verified-Accredited          formerly known as Verified Internet
                Wholesale Distributors®                     Pharmacy Practice Sites®

     To see the names of businesses accredited and verified by NABP, visit the Association’s website at

                                                                                                                            FEBRUARY 2021 | 15
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