THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

    THE                 MESSENGER
 The monthly newsletter of First Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Dear Members of the Body of Christ at First Lutheran,
       During our last Mutual Ministry Team meeting, we discussed
refreshing the congregation’s memory on what this team does. Retired
Bishop Robert Driesen, from a synod in Pennsylvania, wrote a helpful
handbook on Mutual Ministry. In it he lists some ways a Mutual
Ministry team can be helpful:
                                                                                            A Message
       1. Evaluate how effectively the goals of the congregation are
           being met for both ministry within the congregation and the                       from the
           world. Make recommendations to council or other teams.                            Co-Lead
       2. Dialogue about perceptions and concerns within the                                  Pastors
       3. Address conflicts among members that may affect the
           congregation’s ministry, as well as between members of the
           congregation and the pastors.
       4. Serve as a source of support for the pastors and other
           congregational leaders in times of personal or professional
       5. Support the pastors’ need for spiritual self-care.
       6. Be alert to the early warning signs within a congregation of
           misunderstanding that may eventually lead to difficulty.
       Quite often former students from the seminary would come
back to us after a few months in the parish and say, “Seminary never
prepared me for_______.” For certain, there was no seminary class on
pastoring during a pandemic. We are very restricted in most of the
things we take for granted we can do as pastors. This leads to a lot of
frustration. This COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented times
in our world, our community, and our congregation. Leaders during
this time, such as pastors and council members, are called upon to
make decisions that are difficult and not always received well by
everyone. However, the safety and health of the whole community is
always at the top of mind when making these decisions.
       We encourage you to be in dialogue with the Mutual Ministry
Team about your concerns as we travel this uncertain path. On page 5
of this Messenger you can find a list of the members of both Mutual
Ministry teams.
God’s Peace,
Pastor Michelle

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

    As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread widely through our community, the church
    leadership team has met and made some decisions that will impact worship and activities within
    the church facility.

    Worship services went remote-only for the last two Sundays in November. Each of those Sundays
    was broadcast on the radio, streamed online at and on our Facebook
    page. The council will meet again on November 30th to discuss December worship and
    activities. We will not be making any decisions regarding December until then.

    The church staff will primarily be working from home or have rotating hours in the office. The
    office will be open with reduced hours from 8:00 am to Noon, Monday through Friday
    for drop-offs or in-person business (if absolutely necessary).

    These decisions have been made prayerfully in the best interest of the congregation and
    community. Not only has there been a rapid increase of positive cases in the community, we’ve
    been informed of a number of positive cases within our own congregation. Additionally, local
    health officials and medical professionals have been advising fast and drastic changes in order to
    control the spread.

    Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times. We continue to pray for your
    health, safety, and wellbeing. Keep an eye on the church website, email, and social media for
    future developments.

      Message from the Co-Lead Pastor...……1

      COVID-19 Update……………….....2
      Kearney Community………………..3
      Team Announcements………….......5
      Office Updates………………….……….7
      Council Update………………………….8
      Worship Themes……………….......9                     800-638-3522                    402-896-5311

      Women of the ELCA………….…....12            
      Wednesday Night News…….…......13                                                  (308) 234-1828

      Associate Pastor and FLY…..……..14
      FLY Fundraiser………….….…….15
      Calendar Highlights……….……....19

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

The Casa Program provides a free service to abused and neglected children who are wards of
the state removed from their home by the courts in Kearney and Buffalo Counties. CASA
volunteer advocates are empowered directly by the courts and Nebraska Court Appointed
Special Advocate Act (Nebraska Revised Statutes §43-3701 et. seq.). These volunteer advocates
offer judges the critical information needed to ensure that each child’s rights and needs are
being attended to while under the jurisdiction of the court. Volunteers stay with children until
they are placed in loving and permanent homes and make recommendations to the court for
services the child(ren) need because of the crime(s) committed against them. For many abuse
children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives.

According to Denise Bryan, a CASA Volunteer: “Through the years I continued to see children
that wouldn’t tell and suffered. These children were overlooked partly because the signs they
displayed weren’t recognized as warning signs. My heart and soul have been burdened since I
can remember for these children. Some of them have grown to be adults and still suffer from
their past. I’ve been able to help at times and at other times said prayers from a distance.
Recently at the beginning of this year, a colleague and I discussed their involvement with
CASA and what was required. After that discussion, I felt in my heart it was time to get
involved. This is an opportunity to love these children, to be someone they can trust, to be their
friend, and to be their voice to the court. I am honored and grateful to be able to be a part of
the CASA program – to make a difference in the life of a child.”

For more information or to volunteer for CASA please call (308) 865-5675 or email

    Other Ways YOU Can Be the Church by Volunteering to Help Our Neighbors

•      CarePortal
       Watch for CarePortal emails from Brad Stolcpart through First Lutheran. If you are
       able to help out with the need, please contact him. Prayer is always welcome for families
       in crisis.

•      Meals on Wheels
       This organization is committed to support individuals who need nourished,
       healthy meals in their own homes. Their website is wheels/ and their phone number
       is 308-234-1851.

•      Hot Meals and the Jubilee Center
       Hot Meals USA delivers a hot noon meal prepared at the Kearney Jubilee Center at
       no charge during the COVID-19 crisis. The Jubilee Center offers a Food Pantry to
       assist those in need of food. The phone number for both Hot Meals and the Jubilee
       Center is 308-234-3880.

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

                   FREE THANKSGIVING MEAL
    For 35 years the Kearney Area Concerned Citizens served a Thanksgiving
    meal. Due to COVID-19, they were unable to serve this year. Hot Meals USA
    stepped in to make sure out community gets a Free Thanksgiving Meal.

        Thursday, November 26, 2020 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
          Drive Thru: Mom and Dad’s BBQ – 222 W 42nd Street
            Delivery: Request meal delivery at (308) 234-3880

    We are feeding health care workers, law enforcement, fire departments,
    Buffalo County Corrections, long-term care workers, and any person or family
    in need of a free Thanksgiving meal.

    Would you like to volunteer?

    How can I help? Donate online at
    Mail Check: PO BOX 1466, Kearney NE 68848
    Make Check payable to Community Partners memo: Thanksgiving
    We need $20,000 to feed 3,000+ community members.

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney
From Mission Outreach…

Advent is upon us when we are reminded of Christ’s return for his kingdom.
Once again, this season, please consider buying a good gift of bees, chickens, pigs
or choose something from the Good Gifts catalog. Ornaments will be available in
the Narthex to choose from the Christmas trees. Banks are available for the
youth. Good gifts benefit people across the world by providing them with a
resource to better their life by providing them with food, clothing, education,
clean water, cooking stoves and more. In many cases good gifts can provide them
with a regular income source through milk sales, piglets, chicks, lambs, goat
kids, honey, wool etc.

While we in the United States are having a difficult time coping with the
pandemic, those in third world counties are especially challenged. They lack
basic health needs, clean water, and food; let alone the supplies necessary to
prevent the spread of Covid-19 and are unable to distance in many cases. Please
share as much as your finances allow. See if you can help by providing resources
to improve their lives.

Please submit good gifts donations to the church office by Dec. 31st, 2020.

I John 3:17; But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need,
and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God
in him?

From Mutual Ministry…

Team for Pastor Rick and Pastor Michelle:
    Angela Wright (chair), Bill Schmidt, Don Niemann, Lil Larson, Derek
Schweitzer, Grant Lewis

Team for Pastor Elisabeth:
     Dave Behle, Alexis Page, Maleah Wright, Renae Zimmer, Julie Schmidt
(Bethany, Minden), Maddy Koebernick (Campus Lutheran)

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

From Lutheran World Relief 2020…

Wow! Thank you, First Lutheran Church, for making LWR Packing Day a
success. Even during the Covid-19 outbreak, First Lutheran Church came
together for a wonderful cause. This year we donated, packed, and shipped:

                           135 School Kits
                          44 Baby Care Kits
                        30 Personal Care Kits
                              53 Quilts
                              25 Masks

Today and every day, Lutheran World Relief Quilts, Baby Care Kits, School
Kits and Personal Care Kits are a reminder to families that even in the
midst of a crisis, they are not alone.
A big heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible.

God Bless!

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney

                                            OCTOBER FINANCE REPORT

                                            Ministry Budget:                OCT 2020        YTD ’20-21’        YTD '19-'20
                                            Budget Supporting Revenue       $ 52,535         $ 211,639          $ 243,666
                                            Payroll Protection Funds                         $ 28,108
                                            Budget Related Expenditures      $ (53,076)      $ (283,423)        $ (276,068)

Church Office                               Total 2020-2021 Ministry Budget: $798,474.97
Pastor Rick Carlson                         Facilities Budget:             OCT. 2020        YTD '20-'21         YTD '19-'20
Co-Lead Pastor                              Revenue                        $ 11,342         $ 34,634             $ 34,160           Expenditures                   $ (2,608)        $ (11,816)           $ (15,110)
Pastor Michelle Carlson                     Total 2020-2021 Facilities Budget: $30,000
Co-Lead Pastor
                                                                    YEAR-END CONTRIBUTIONS
Pastor Elisabeth Himmelman
Assoc. Pastor for Youth & Young Adults                     As the end of 2020 approaches, please make note of
                                                           our policy regarding year-end contributions. In order
Kandy Bacon                                                to be recorded on your contribution statement for the
Administrative Assistant                                   year 2020, contributions MUST be received in the                            church office no later than 12:00 NOON on
                                                           Thursday, December 31st. If mailed, contributions
Marti Brockmeier                                           must be clearly marked “Attn. Marti Brockmeier”
Bookkeeper                                                 and post-marked on or before December 31st.
Natalie Radcliffe
Worship Music Coordinator                                               Giving Options
                                               In addition to traditional giving options for your convenience First Lutheran
Adam Eilers
                                               offers online giving!
Maintenance Coordinator               GIVE PLUS: which allows people to make financial contributions to the church
Judy O’Donnell                                 electronically in the following ways:
Preschool Director
                                                    1. Online (just go to the First Lutheran website under the “Resources” tab),
                                                    2. Mobile App (download the Give Plus app on the iPhone or Android,
                                                       create a profile and search for “First Lutheran”), or
                                                    3. Text (just text the donation amount to 308-470-5058 and you will be
                                                       prompted with further instructions).

                                               If you have any questions or would like assistance in using any of the above
                                               electronic giving options or would like to receive offering envelopes, please
                                               contact Marti in the church office.

                                               Thank you so much for your faithful generosity to First Lutheran Church’s

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney
    Season’s Greetings to all!

    This year has been particularly hard, some might even say it has been
    a disaster. Disasters don’t generally come without warning, but
    COVID hit without much time to prepare. However, like with most
    disasters, we have seen the community pull together and people make           CONGREGATION
    sacrifices for each other over the past 8 months. Even though we                 COUNCIL
    don’t know what to expect in the coming days, we know Jesus is with         Kim Troudt
    us to bring hope and provide comfort.                                        President

    God sent us his son, Jesus, to forgive our sins and to offer salvation to   Dave Zimmer
    the world. God gave us the greatest gift, and in return God wants            Vice President
    generosity, faith, goodwill, peace, and praise. All things we can do to
    stay focused and create positivity. Here at First Lutheran Church, the      Lee Fritson
    Mission Outreach team collected money to adopt 20 families for the           Treasurer
    holidays. The Endowment Committee has granted requests for the
    purchase of masks for the chancel choir and Heavenly Treble Makers,         Judy Henning
    funds for disaster relief through Lutheran Disaster Services were sent        Secretary
    to places in Iowa that endured flooding and places in the west ravaged
    by wildfires, and for items to complete kits for Lutheran World Relief.     Rachel Leach
    Through the Stewardship campaign, pledge cards received show an             Miranda
    increase in weekly giving for 2021. Thanks to the Witness and               Obermeier
    Members team, approximately 20 new members have chosen First
    Lutheran Church as their new church home. First Lutheran Youth              Kelly
    (FLY) continues to gain momentum with 15-22 youth meeting regularly         Russman
    for scripture, prayer, play, and service. As you can see, mission
    continues through the uncertain times of COVID.
    Church is who we are not just a place we go. We might be forced into
                                                                                Mark Kottmeyer
    new ways of thinking and acting, but we must allow ourselves to be
    guided and remember Christ has authority overall.

     “It is proven COVID is contagious, but so is kindness, patience, love,        Have questions?
    enthusiasm, and a positive attitude. Don’t wait to catch it from others.
    Be a carrier.” - Unknown                                                    Contact information for
                                                                                our Congregational
    Merry Christmas,                                                            Council
    First Lutheran Church Council                                               Representatives is
                                                                                available in the narthex
                                                                                or the church office.

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney
DECEMBER 6                                           DECEMBER 27
ISAIAH 40:1-11; PSALM 85;1-2, 8-13,                  ISAIAH 61:10-62:3; PSALM 148,
2 PETER 3-15A, MARK 1:1-8                            GALATIANS 4:4-7, LUKE 2:22-40
John calls people to repent, to clear the decks,     The palmist calls on the natural world,
to completely reorder their lives so that            celestial bodies, fire and earth, creatures, and
nothing gets in the way of the Lord’s coming.        all humanity to praise God. The voices of
The reading from Isaiah gives the context for        Simeon and 84-year-old Anna join the chorus
this radical call: the assurance of forgiveness      today, recognizing what God is doing in Jesus.
that encourages us to repent; the promise that       Simeon’s song is often sung after communion,
the coming one will be gentle with the little        for we have seen God’s salvation in the
ones. Isaiah calls us all to be heralds with         assembled community and have held Jesus in
John, to lift up our voices fearlessly and say,      our hands in the bread. Then, like the prophet
“See, your God is coming!” We say it to one          Anna, we tell of Jesus to all who look for the
another in worship, in order to say it with our      healing of the world.
lives in a world in need of justice and peace.

ISIAH 61:1-4, 8-11; PSALM 126; LUKE 1-46B-
55; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-24; JOHN 1:6-8,
“Rejoice always” begins the reading from 1
Thessalonians, Isaiah and the psalmist make
clear that God is turning our mourning into
laughter and shouts of joy. “All God’s children
got a robe,” go the words of a spiritual. It is
not so much a stately, formal, pressed outfit as
it is a set of party clothes, clothes we are happy
to wear. We receive that robe in baptism, and
in worship we gather for a foretaste of God’s

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT                                                        “LIKE” us on Facebook:
2 SAMUEL 7:1-11, 16, LUKE 1-46B-55,                                          First Lutheran Church –
PSALM 89:1-4, 19-26, ROMANS 16:25-27,                                                Kearney
LUKE 1:26-38.
                                                                               Sign up for weekly E-mail
God keeps the promise made to David to give                                  updates: Send request to:
him an everlasting throne. The angel tells                        
Mary that God will give David’s throne to her
                                                                                   LIVE Radio Broadcast:
son Jesus. She is perplexed by Gabriel’s
                                                                            Sundays 8:45 AM – KXPN 1460
greeting and by the news of her coming                                                  AM
pregnancy, but she is able still to say, “Count
me in.” We who know that Jesus is called king                                 LIVE Webstream Broadcast:
                                                                          Sundays 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
only as he is executed still find it a mystery
hard to fathom, but with Mary today we hear
the news of what God is up to and say, “Count
us in.”

THE MESSENGER - First Lutheran Kearney
                                         PRAYER WARRIORS

            This is an email prayer group. It is not a prayer chain, so you do not need to send this on
     to anyone. When you sign up, you will periodically be sent a prayer via email. After you
     receive the prayer all you need to do is read/pray the prayer at your convenience. It is that
     simple. We hope you enjoy this convenient way to use the power of prayer.
            To become a “Prayer Warrior” simply email your name and email address to Theress
     Bricker at and ask that you be added to the “Prayer Warrior” group.
            If you have any questions or have a prayer request please contact: Sister Ruth Ellen at
     (308) 455-1432, Margene Dahlstedt (308) 627-6337 or Theress Bricker at (308) 233-2469.

                            JOIN A PRAYER CHAIN

        Help pray for brothers and sisters in Christ or share requests for
        prayer. Paul reminds us “Do not be anxious about anything, but
        in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
        your requests to God”. (Phil 4:6).
               Telephone prayer chain members are led by Jeanette
        Andersen (308- 237-3634), Marlene Kotrc (308-234-3293).
               If you would like to participate in email prayer requests,
        pass your request along to the church office or Theress Bricker
               Requests will be emailed to you for your prayer time.

                                                          Prayer Shawl Ministry

                                       Prayer Shawl Ministry meets every Wednesday in the coffee
                                       area from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. during the school year. Please join
                                       us for knitting, crocheting, conversation, and prayer. If you
                                       have any questions, or if you know of someone who might be
                                       able to use a Prayer Shawl as a tangible reminder of God’s love
                                       and grace during hard times and good times, please call
                                       Theress Bricker (308) 233-2469. Will not meet in December.

Prayers of peace and comfort for…

The friends and family of Rev. W. Clayton

The friends and family of Melva Goldenstein

The friends and family of Evy Kuecker on the death of
her brother, Duane Engelsgaard and sister, Mildred
The friends and family of Bernie Johnson on the death of
her husband, Lynn Johnson.


First Lutheran Staff & Family,

Jerry and I want to thank you
all for everything you have done
                                               Congratulations to our November
for us since August 31st, from
                                                  Volunteers of the Month:
starting the meal train, to
                                                     Mission Outreach!
bringing meals, helping us move,
and ALL of the prayers. We               The Volunteers of the Month for December are
could never say thank you                the Mission Outreach Team.
enough and are so blessed to             This team provides opportunities for outreach by
have you all in our lives.               encouraging congregational members to reach
                                         out beyond themselves to spread God’s love
Jerry & Carrie Stithem                   locally and globally. By planning and
                                         coordinating service projects in Kearney and
                                         throughout all corners of the world, the team
                                         helps the congregation fulfill Jesus’ command to
                                         love, serve, and care for our brothers and sisters
                                         The Mission Outreach Team works behind the
                                         scenes on many projects that we have at First
                                         Lutheran Church including: God’s Work Our
                                         Hands; projects for Lutheran Disaster Relief;
                                         support for our Lutheran Missionaries in
                                         Tanzania/Argentina; sponsoring ELCA Good
                                         Gifts program during Advent; help promote our
Dear First Lutheran Church,
                                         local Habitat for Humanity; support for the high
                                         school in Tanzania; oversees the budget which
Thank you all so much for your
                                         supports locally among other agencies: Jubilee
donation of $500 to the SAFE Center      Center, Safe Center, and Salvation Army;
in July of 2020. Your contribution       tackles issues and projects as they arise and
will help provide services and support   brings in speakers on important topics which are
to those affected by sexual and          beyond our church’s walls; oversees special
domestic violence. We greatly            summer offering and Lenten offering; and the
                                         Mission Outreach Facebook Page.
appreciate your continued support.
                                         Members are the Mission Outreach team are
Sincerely,                               Stacy Bean, Christie Behle, Calli Cardenas,
SAFE Center Staff, Volunteers and        Pastor Rick Carlson, Vicki Conn, Christine
                                         Fisher, Deb Schauer, Jerry Stuhr, Sister Ruth
Board of Directors.
                                         Ellen Rebelein and Judy Henning.

Merry Christmas! The birth of Baby Jesus always reminds us of the Nativity and the
beauty of God’s gift. The Christmas season brings childhood thoughts of participating
in church services and singing the wonderful hymns like Silent Night, Joy to the World,
Away in the Manger, Oh Holy Night, so many more. Even though the holidays are
rushed and stressful, remember the importance of God’s gift to us. Take a moment to        Ladies who are interested in
reflect on your favorite Christmas moments and share them with family and friends.         joining a monthly Bible study are
                                                                                           invited to attend a women’s circle.
The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association (W.E.L.C.A.) First                Circles can be joined at any time
Lutheran Church Board met via Zoom on November 2, 2020 due to high risk of COVID.          during the year.
The W.E.L.C.A. Board Zoom was joined by Pastor Rick to install officers for 2020-2021
The Board decided with Pastor Rick the procedure for Thanks Offerings (normally              Co-Chairs:
brought forward at church services), was to have a Thanks Offering Box at the church         Lil Larson (308)-224-6207
entrances for those attending services or dropping off donations. Thanks for giving.         Judy Workman (308)-237-2781

That day was also the scheduled Lutheran World Relief Mission packing day to ship            Secretary:
                                                                                             Bev Vacha (308)-468-6239
Supplies donated by members of WELCA and First Lutheran church members.
Theress Bricker did an excellent job of organizing and labeling which made packing           Treasurer:
remaining items easier. The nine volunteers had the packing completed before noon.           Jo Smallcomb (308)-234-3053
Special Thanks to Brown Transfer for volunteering to ship. Due to COVID the church
members transported the boxes to Brown Transfer. Thanks to those who helped load
and transport boxes. A Special Thanks to Theress Bricker and Val Ericson for their
extra efforts.

The excellent work done by volunteers making quilts (at church and home) throughout
the year was Coordinated by Betty Young and Sandy Pratt. The volunteers gave of their
time and talents to make the LWR Quilt mission a success. The Baby Care Kits
organized by Alicia Tracy, Personal Care and School Kits will be especially valued
this year with the loss of supplies overseas congregation donations helped. You can
find the total items on page 6.
                                                                                           ABIGAIL CIRCLE (SEPT.–MAY)
                                                                                           9:00 am—3rd Monday
                         Upcoming Events
                                                                                                          and Evy Kuecker
Upcoming Events 2020-2021: WELCA December Christmas Coffee has been cancelled
January 4, 2021, WELCA Board meeting TBD – Zoom or Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                DEBORAH CIRCLE
NO FALL NEBRASKA Synodical Women’s Organization activities from the             7:00 pm –3rd Monday
NEBRASKA Synodical Women’s Organization ALL S.W.O. ACTIVITIES TO END            Co-Chairs: Deb Schauer (308-233-
OF YEAR 2020 HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.                                               2669) and Ellen Epp (308-234-
April 30 & May 1 & 2, 2021(Note-Next Year!) The next Saved to Serve will be at         GLORIA CIRCLE
Camp Carol Joy Holling. Nebraska S.W.O. will collect your Mosaic                       12:00pm—3rd Thursday
Activity/Sensory/Fidget Mat Special Project as part of the program. The event emphasis Chair: Karen Foster (308-234-2157)
is Mosaic, and the lodging will be at the Camp Carol Joy Holling.
                                                                                       NAOMI CIRCLE
                                                                                           7:30pm—4th Thursday (3rd Thurs. in
Save To Serve Lynch, NE -Niobrara Valley House of Renewal was POSTPONED to
                                                                                           Nov.) Chair: Judy Niemann
AUGUST 6-8, 2021.


 The Big Important Practice Dates for all Kids & Recording Dates!

 • Wed., Dec. 2nd          – 7 - 7:45pm (All PreK – K)Narthex
After Advent Service           7 - 7:45(All 1st – 2nd) Coffee Area
                               7 – 7:45(All 3rd – 5th) Sanctuary

 •   Sun., Dec. 6th – 3 - 4pm (All PreK – K) Narthex
                           3 - 4pm (All 1st -2nd) Coffee Area
                           3 – 4pm(All 3 - 5th) Sanctuary
                    2 – 3pm (Speaking Cast only) Sanctuary-Bring a water bottle

 • Wed. Dec. 9th –           7-8pm–(Kids with LIVE Speaking parts Only)

 •   Sun., Dec. 13th - Recording times: Wear Pretty & Handsome special
     clothes! No sweatpants or clothes that have holes.
                  • 3 - 3:25 (All PreK – K) singing in Sanctuary
                  • 3:30 – 3:55 (All 1St- 2nd) singing in Sanctuary
                  • 4 – 4:25 (All 3rd – 5th) Singing in Sanctuary
                  • 4:30 – 5 (3rd – 5th) (Recorded only speaking parts only) In

 •   Wed., Dec. 16th – 7- 8pm – (Kids with LIVE Speaking parts Only)
After Advent Service – Sanctuary

        We ask that masks be worn, and hand sanitizer be used.
                   Thank you for your cooperation.

NO Sunday School classes, FROG or Confirmation in the month
            of December! See you in January!

                  YOUNG ADULTS
                           Dear First Lutheran,

                           I write to you from the guest bedroom of my home, where I’m isolating from
                           my family due to my positive diagnosis of Covid-19. I am piled up in
                           blankets, am surrounded by charging cables, and have plentiful Aleve at the
                           bedside. I feel miserable. I also know what a privilege it is to be able to
                           isolate because I have my family, food and shelter, access to healthcare, and
                           so many gracious offers from our congregation to care for us (thank you!).

                           I am beginning each morning by listening to the “Keep Going On Song” by
                           the Bengsons as a form of prayer (search it on YouTube if you haven’t heard
                           it already!). And, while my symptoms are not life-threatening, I am finding
                           myself feeling stuck in the darkness of fear, anger, and grief that this virus
                           has brought into my family’s life. I don’t like it in this darkness at all.

                           I’ve heard, as you likely have, that these coming weeks will be “the darkest
                           weeks of the pandemic.” I read a Facebook post of a UNMC doctor who said
                           that soon, no one in the entire state of Nebraska will be untouched by Covid
                           – either knowing someone with it or having it themselves. It is hitting me that
If you want to contact     as we plunge into this nadir, we will once again celebrate that “a light shines
Pastor Elisabeth:          in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).

(308) 237-5544 (office)    Even in the darkness that has been so present in 2020, God will continue to
                           show up with the light of Jesus Christ to transform and redeem us. This
ehimmelman@firstlutheran   promise is true because of Emmaunel, God with us. God has been, is, and                will be with us. As we prepare our hearts for the birth of our Savior in ways
                           that are both the same as every other year and entirely different, may the
                           cracks of light that cannot overcome the darkness fills your souls.

                           Be well and stay safe. There is no darkness the light of Jesus cannot

                           In peace,
                           Pastor Elisabeth

                                                   FLY Updates
                           FLY Meets Wednesdays @ 7pm in December

                           If it is safe to meet in person, we will. Otherwise, stay tuned for Zoom
                           options for check-in, games, and staying connected while apart.

                           If we are meeting in person, masks are required, and no food is allowed to be
                           eaten in the building.

                           FLY will meet again on Sundays @ 9:55am beginning January 10.


             FLY Annual Silent Auction (online) & Agape Meal (via Zoom)
       Election Day Purple Zone: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
 2020… what a year! First Lutheran Youth invite you to set aside some time to reflect, spread joy, and anticipate the
 birth of Christ with our annual Christmas-time fundraiser with a 2020 twist! Thank you for supporting FLY! There
 are two components to this event:
                          Cast your vote in the 2020 election and then…

Leave your red or blue at the door, and enter the Purple Zone at Campus Lutheran: a
        Part 1: Silent Auction – ONLINE – through December 20, 2020
                non-partisan space to slow down, pray, and be fed.
 Items will be on display in the building, but with limited open hours, the auction will primarily be online. For
          assistance  or to schedule
                Individually wrappeda to-go
                                        time tosnacks
                                                  bid inwill
                                                         person,  please contact
                                                             be available all hoursKandy in the
                                                                                    to fortify   church
                               #308-237-5544 or
     8:30-8:45am            Election Day Morning Prayer and Holy Communion on front lawn
                 Use the following
                            By the firesteps   to createif your
                                         (in sanctuary           account
                                                           inclement      and begin bidding online!

        Go to
                          Sanctuary and Patio Open for quiet space:
    2. Click “login” on the top right
                          Distanced   corner
                                    prayer      of page
                                             stations    (on tealtocolored
                                                      available     engage banner,  next
                                                                           individual,   to “help”).reflective
    3. Click “Create an account      withonyour
                                  now”          faith.right of screen:

      12-12:30pm            Election Day Midday Prayer on front lawn by the fire
                            (in sanctuary if inclement weather)

      12:30-1:00pm          BE FED! Free Jimmy John’s Sandwiches to-go on the front lawn

      1:00-6:00pm         Sanctuary and Patio Open for quiet space:
                          Prayer stations available to engage individual, experiential, reflective encounters with
                          your faith.
    4. Fill in each field (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Confirm Email Address, Password).
       Check each box that
     6:00-6:30pm          BE you
                             FED!agree   to theirSoup
                                   Free Panera    policies):
                                                      and Chips to-go on the front lawn

      7:45-8:00pm           Yoga as Prayer in Sanctuary:
                            Distanced 15 minutes of simple facilitated yoga to engage body and faith.

      8:15-8:30pm           Election Day Evening Prayer and Communion by Candlelight
                            in Sanctuary

*Covid19 precautions: Masks and sign-in required. Ample hand sanitizer and masks available. Sanitization will
                                        occur between each event.*

                    Campus Lutheran | 2715 9th Ave. Kearney, NE 68845 |

 5. Login to the auction using your email and password, click on “Login.”

 6. You will be directed to our auction home screen. Click the green button, “View All Items:”

 7. Items will appear in grid form, with a photo, title, and brief description:


   8. Click on an individual title to view more information. Once you have clicked, be sure to scroll down
      the page for item details and donor information.

   9. Place your bid! Simply click on “Bidding” and enter the amount you wish to bid (or “Buy Now” to
      secure the item at/just above its retail value!).

     Part 2: Advent Agape Meal via Zoom – Sunday, December 6 @ 6-7:30pm
What is in Agape Meal? It is a Christian fellowship meal recalling the meals Jesus shared with disciples during his
ministry and expressing the koinonia (community, sharing, fellowship) enjoyed by the family of Christ – with a
2020 twist: it’s on Zoom!

You prepare your simple meal at home, ready to serve, and join the Zoom! FLY will host this event that is part
worship, part storytelling, part fellowship and eating together, and all heart.

Two surprise live auction items will be featured on Zoom, so be ready for bidding!

To attend the Advent Agape Meal via Zoom, you are asked only for a free-will donation of any amount.

You can make a donation by making a cash or check donation designated “FLY Agape Meal” to the offering box or
sent to church office.

Please RSVP by Sunday, December 6 @ 12pm. The Zoom link will be shared with all participants on the
afternoon of the event. We hope you’ll join us!

                         A MINISTRY OF FLC
 Greetings from Pre-K!                             Happy Holidays!
         With the month starting out with                 Boy did we have fun since last I wrote you!
 Halloween, a full moon and a time change, all     We got through all the colors and shapes. We
 went smoothly.                                    finished our shape mobile and it was hanging in
         In November, the class learned about      our room! We get lots of compliments and most
                                                   know all their shapes already! We have gone
 all types of fall things, from scarecrow to       through numbers 0-10 and going to go through
 Veterans, to Pilgrims to the Mayflower. We        them again. I want to keep reinforcing them,
 talked about being thankful and ended the         because I want to help those who do not know
 month with learning all about animals that        them all yet. You would be amazed how many
 hibernate.                                        know all their numbers though!
         We talked about the Solar System and              Halloween was amazing! We made a
 especially the Moon. The class was really         monster mask that went with the story, “Go Away
 interested and excited about that!                Big Green Monster”. They got to color and read
         Due to the Covid rise, the Trails and     many times their first book about 5 little pumpkins.
 Rails will not have their annual Christmas Tree   The Costume Parade and games we played were
                                                   so fun! Students also got to pick a pumpkin to take
 Walk this year; instead they will have an         home. The fun and learning never ends here!
 online auction with small trees and wreaths.
 Both the Pre-K and 3-year-old Preschool                  Now we are preparing for Thanksgiving,
                                                   talking about what we are thankful for, making
 rooms will have One Tree and One Wreath
                                                   turkey placemats, decorative Indian corn, Indian
 that they will decorate. You are welcome to       headbands and learning about the five healthy food
 bid if you wish.                                  groups! We also learned that exercise is important
         We will be participating in the Yanney    with eating healthy!
 Park Holiday Light Festival which runs from               Their handwriting and cutting is getting so
 Saturday, December 5th – Saturday,                much better! They can follow directions and are
 December 12th. We hope you can stop by and        participating in all our discussions! These kiddos
 see our decorated site!                           love books and that is making my days and weeks
 As December starts, we would like to wish         even more fun! You can see how much smarter
                                                   and stronger they are getting in such a few months!
 everyone a Merry Christmas and a Blessed
                                                   They are learning to play well with their peers and
 New Year!                                         are so helpful during clean-up time! God is good!
                                                   Have a blessed December and we will be putting
 God Bless,                                        Christ into Christmas!
 Mrs. Judy & Ms. Sonya                                   Go check out Yanney Park, this month,
                                                   when they have the light show that KP&R organize!
                                                   Our families will be helping us with our spot!

                                                         Merry Christmas!

                                                         Mrs. Amanda & Mrs. Lora


                                          FLY Fundraisers

It is that time of year again! Time to
  order your Christmas Poinsettias.
  The plants will be available again
this year for $14.95 (will include bow     ONLINE through December 20th!
 and plate). You are welcome to mail
or deliver the form to the office at no
  later than, Monday, November
   30th. If you would like to put in
 honor or in memory of someone you
         can add this as well.                 Agape Meal via Zoom
                                           Sunday, December 6th 6-7:30pm

ELCA Good Gifts Donations
To the office by December 31st

                                              Wednesday Nights resume
                                                    January 6th

                                              Sunday Mornings resume
                                                   January 10th

First Lutheran Church, ELCA
                                                                                Non-Profit Org.
 3315 G Avenue                                                               U.S. POSTAGE PAID
 Kearney, Nebraska 68847-3699                                                   Permit No. 155
                                                                              Kearney, NE 68847

     M AY


UNITING                        FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH                  DECEMBER 2020
                                 3315 G Avenue - Kearney, Nebraska 68847

                      Missing the calendar page?
                      Check it out on our website:


                   PHONE: 308-237-5544   WEB:

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