THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

Page created by Sean Young
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
                                                       Vo l . X X X I , I s s u e I X , O c t o b e r 2 0 2 0

   Rev. Fr. Andrew J. Barakos, Presiding Priest |
                             V. Rev. Fr. Virgil Suciu
              Rev. Fr. Jacob Saylor |
                    Mary Boss |
         Tanya Garrison, Accounting |
                 8202 E. Cactus Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
             Office: (480)991-3009 | Info Line: (480)391-8182 “4”
   Office Hours | Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM & Fridays 9 AM - 12 PM
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

                                         WHERE IS YOUR LIFE JACKET?

It has been quite a year! As we journey into a new beginning every September with children going back to school
and Sunday School re-opening it is time to get back into the raft. My prayer is that in the midst of such a storm
which has stretched our ability to the limits to stay above water; it is not drowning us in despair towards the
very ship that awaits our rescue. I will never forget falling off a raft in class 4 rapids strong enough to submerge
me with a Life Jacket and wondering if I would be able to come up for air. In many ways the pandemic has been
like that for me. Only when we opened on August 15 did I feel that I came up for air and it has taken me until
September 14 to see the shoreline that lies ahead. A Life Jacket is essential to rafting. To climb in a raft without
one and set out down dangerous rapids is foolish. The pandemic has been in many ways like someone violently
ripping away our Life Jackets unexpectedly. Christ is our Life-Vest and it is up to us to fight for it back and not
allow Satan to prevail and hide it from us in the midst of this storm.

Why did Christ need to suffer and die for us? The answer lies in the holy nature of God as Love. Love implies
freedom, without freedom no one can purely love another person. Love without freedom is tyranny. It has been
said that when the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit acted to create the world the conversation was about
the implications of creating us as free beings. Creation needed to be free in order for love to be the only reason
that compels us towards a relationship with God. God being all-knowing also understood that we would reject
Him and believe the lie that we could have life in ourselves apart from God – this is the fall. The Father is said
to have informed the Son that if we create Man you will need to save him through suffering a violent death. It is
the only way to vest humanity with Life again. By crucifying Christ, death, the final enemy is overtaken by Life
and the work of creating humanity is completed. Christ is the true Adam, Who unites in His divinity, humanity
and fulfills all righteousness through His obedience to His Father. His death then become the birth of a new
humanity. God needs our willingness and desire to be re-created after His image and likeness and choose to
love Him. The choice to love God whether it was our parents who made the choice for us or we later in life made
it ourselves – gave us the possibility to have life in Christ. It is up to us whether or not we desire to put on Christ,
and be vested in Him.

2                                               THE ORTHODOX OASIS               W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
The implications of the Cross in creating humanity reveals that the essential nature of God is humility.

“It was humility that brought God down to earth. It is through humility that we enter into the knowledge of
God and His mysteries.” (Archim. Zacharias, Remember Thy First Love)

Jesus is not compelled to undo an injustice that was created by Adam (this is a modern teaching) through being
punished by God on the Cross on our behalf. Jesus is the manifestation of the Divine Love of His Father. Jesus
loves the Father and it is through His obedience to the will of His Father that He expresses that love. Jesus gives
himself as an example of what a person looks like who obeys God in all things. Even the ecclesial structures
of the Orthodox Church reflect this relationship of obedient love. No priest can exist and do anything without
the obedience to His bishop. In turn, no community can act to fulfill the Gospel without obedience to the same
spiritual Father of the community who is the bishop and by extension his appointed priest.

God reveals himself to humanity as three persons in relationship with each other - the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. God is a relational being, a koinonia, a communion, a community of three-persons (Zizioulas). The
relationship is one of love being shared between the three persons. This is what which drives God to create
the world and all living things – it is His love which compels Him to create mankind in His image. The world
and all created beings make known the eternal power and divinity of God but humanity alone is in addition an
express image of God Himself. (Romans 1:20). This is why we can say God is compelled by His Divine Nature
which seeks after communion, koinonia, to be united with His wayward children. Children who refuse His love
and rather choose to find life in themselves not knowing they have traded life for death (Romans 1:21-23). This
compels God to come down in order to lift up humanity by way of the Cross and unite our lives with His.

We have entered class 5 rapids, discarded our life jackets and are drowning each other by trying to grasp at air
while climbing on the backs of others drowning. The pandemic and social forces of our day have never made
it more clear the destructive nature of isolation, division, separation – the polarization of humanity. Some of the
worse expressions have come from Christians themselves, the one who have Christ, Who alone can lift us out
of the turmoil. As one of the great Orthodox theologians of our times reminds us what we need more than ever
now- “The person cannot exist without communion; but every form of communion which denies or suppresses
the person, is inadmissible (Zizioulas).” God can only have communion with persons, who desire to live as
relational beings and who love their enemies. This command is impossible without humility. “Humility attracts
the energy of God’s grace, and as it accumulates, the image of Christ is traced in the heart. Man then hungers
and thirsts for a clearer and bolder ‘form’ of Christ to take shape in his heart. (Archim. Zacharias, Remember Thy
First Love).”
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father and the communion (koinonia) of the Holy
Spirit be with you all.

In Christ’s love,
+ Fr. Andrew

ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, SCOT TSDALE, AZ                                OCT 2020                        3
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church

Greetings, we hope this note finds you all well! What a blessing it has been to return to Liturgy on Sunday, thank
God. After almost five months of Liturgy on Facebook, it is so good to be back in church and we look forward to
seeing you there with each passing Sunday!

I recently participated in a five-part series of webinars regarding Stewardship presented by Bill Marianes of
“Stewardship Calling” ( In the first session, he asked us to take back to our
churches in a practical manner our calling as Orthodox Christian Stewards. Stewardship is the way we show
gratitude to God and we are encouraged to take this message to heart and implement at our churches.

Metropolitan Gerasimos opened by sharing that all seven states of the Metropolis of San Francisco were
represented including participants from Canada, New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Montana and Georgia. He
said that we must learn about how to increase stewardship at our respective churches but in addition to be
better stewards of God’s gifts. He also said, “There is no magic formula in stewardship and no perfect message
but what we do is fulfillment of the gospel through our actions.”
St. Gregory the Theologian said on Stewardship:
“You will never overcome God’s generosity. Even if you give away all that you have. And however much you
bring to him, always more remains. Nor will you give everything that is your own as all things flow from God.”
Bill Marianes then followed asking, “Why are we here? What is my purpose on this earth? This is a profound
question about our calling as a journey to theosis.”
In the Divine Liturgy we pray that ‘the end of our lives may be Christian, without pain, blameless, and peaceful
for a good account before the awesome judgment seat of Christ. He said that a day awaits each of us on which
Christ will ask - “What did you do with my church under your watch given all the gifts I have given you? Given
all of the skills, talents, abilities, people, resources, experiences in your life, what did you do with them to help my
church, to help my people to help my sheep? What am I going to do today to try and have a better account before
the awesome judgement seat of Christ? At the end, what did I do that was a help or a withdrawal from that?”
As we come upon the close of 2020 this is a good time
to consider and reflect upon our 2020 giving year to
date and then for the next three months leading to 2021.
Have we given all that we are able to pledge? Are we
offering our talents to the church? Are we as engaged
as we need to be or have we instead withdrawn and if
so why?
I promise not to bore you with all of the tactics and
suggestions discussed on these webinars to increase
stewardship at Assumption. Rather, I will keep you
updated with some takeaways and considerations on
stewardship for you to contemplate and perhaps reflect
and with God’s grace to employ as a call to action.
Mike Ristagno
Parish Council President

 ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, SCOT TSDALE, AZ                                   OCT 2020                         5
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
On October 11 we are resuming in-person Sunday School classes – your children are deeply missed! We are also
continuing to develop a Family Wellness ministry that will offer seminars and retreats on marriage and family.
We now have a network of a variety of Orthodox Christian therapists to serve the needs of our community as
well. For more information or referrals please contact Fr. Andrew. We hope to resume “First Fridays” for our youth
beginning in November! Thanks to Rod Egnash for personally building, installing and donating library shelves in
the Board Room. We have the Archangel Michael Library from our old community center that will be available
to parishioners during normal business hours. Our Bookstore is undergoing re-organization and is looking for a
team of volunteers. If you are interested in assisting please contact Denise Millstine. George Bissias continues to
volunteer his time trouble shooting various repairs on campus, many thanks to him. Pauly is back just in time to
assist in the altar and maintenance of the campus. Our Good Sam fund is assisting families from our community
effected by the economic down turn; please contact Fr. Andrew for confidential assistance.

Thank you to the Parish Council members and Christina Pullos for heading up the volunteer staff and coordinating
check-in each week - they are doing a beautiful job! Thank you to all our parishioners for abiding by our safety
standards and making an effort to worship even under these restrictions - truly acts of humility. We are increasing
our worship capacity to two-hundred beginning October 11. We are still splitting the group with half in the Hall
and the other half in the Church. With cooler weather approaching in November we will be able to open the
doors and enhance ventilation which will allow us to increase attendance even more. For those with underlying
health conditions, or anyone not ready to attend large gatherings Communion is available every Monday at 10
AM in the Church.

It is with great thankfulness to God that we lift up our           Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
gratitude for your faithfulness in Stewardship and support
                                                                 2020 Campaign Goal $661,448 - 9/21/2020
of the ministries of the Assumption community! We have
decreased expenses by 12.5% through August. Total income              Range           Count         Total
is down 11% overall from the same time period last year (Jan-
                                                                    Under 995          131          $52,563
August). As of September 1, candle and tray collections are
                                                                  $1,000 - $1,380       71          $78,249
down 59% it went from $69,376 in 2019 to $29,154. We are
seeing some stewards increasing their pledged amounts or           $1,500-2,700         42          $83,410
giving above and beyond what they initially pledged. Please        $3,000-3,952         15          $46,952
be mindful of the shortfall from our candle and tray collections   $4,000-4,800         10          $41,600
when making your offerings. Our Stewardship goal for               $5,000-6,760         16          $87,160
2020 is $661,448. As of September 21, 2020 we have 301            $10,000-12,000        9           $92,000
Stewardship Commitment forms on file totaling $667,134 in
                                                                      $15,000           2           $30,000
pledges. We have collected $499,015 in stewardship offerings
                                                                      $25,000           3           $75,000
so far this year. Total income through August is $606,978
which includes revenue from candles, tray, special offerings          $30,000           1           $30,000
and rental income. Please check to see if your name is listed         $50,000           1           $50,000
on the Stewardship page of the Oasis, these are parishioners      Totals - Pledges     301         $667,134
who have submitted a Stewardship Commitment Form for
the year. There are presently an additional 52 additional members giving towards Stewardship without having
submitted a Stewardship Commitment Form. If a parishioner gives $800 or more (and notes “stewardship” in the
memo) without a Stewardship Commitment Form on file, we automatically enter that amount as their pledge
for the year.

6                                             THE ORTHODOX OASIS              W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
Members of Assumption continue to make additional offerings to reduce the principal on our mortgage as well!
As of September 21, 2020 the principal balance is $244,629! It is our hope to retire the mortgage by the end of
2020, please consider making a year-end gift. These are the types of gifts needed for your consideration: 2 gifts
of $25,000, 3 gifts of $20,000, 4 gift of $15,000, 5 gifts of $10,000, 3 gifts of $5,000 and10 gifts of $1,000 = $245,000.

Our church teaches that every Sunday is the Lord’s day and as soon as we leave one liturgy we look forward to
and prepare for the next. Having to make that decision on Monday morning is really a blessing of sorts. If you
are a last minute decision maker for attending liturgy each week, this a positive opportunity for that to change.
Currently reservations are only needed for Sunday Liturgies which now begin at 9 AM. Reservations for the
weekly Sunday Divine Liturgy begin every Monday at 9 AM through Wednesday at 4 PM. You can either reserve
a seat through our website ( or by calling the church office (480) 991-
3009 and speaking with Mary. To access the LIVE streaming of our liturgical services on Facebook visit https:// Please note that Communion is available every Monday morning at 10 AM
for those not ready to attend the larger gathering on Sundays for whatever reason. No reservation is required at
this short ten-minute service. The church remains open for prayer during the week, Monday through Thursday,
9 am-4 pm, and on Friday, from 9 AM -12 PM.

                                  SENIOR G OYA F ORUM
High schoolers will meet on Zoom this month on the Wednesdays of October 7 and 21, at 6:30 pm
(hoping to be able to meet again in-person soon)! For more information, please contact Fr. Jacob.

                           The Sr. GOYA (Senior Greek Orthodox Youth of America) of Assumption Church
                           is an extension of our community’s broad youth and young adult ministry. Serving
                           all teenagers 9th-12th grade, this ministry provides youth with opportunities to
                           participate in worship, volunteer, and engage in philanthropic activities, and grow
                           their Orthodox Christian faith. Founded on the principles of worship, fellowship,
                           service, and witness, this national parish ministry is led and guided by a team
                           of parents and young adults volunteers. To get involved, or for more information,
                           please contact Fr. Jacob (

                                        GREEK DANCE MINISTR Y
I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure these past four years as Director of the Greek Dance program, watching it
grow from one to more than five groups—we’ve even seen a few choral awards in that time! It is with extreme
excitement that I am pleased to announce the newest Director of the Greek Dance Ministry - Evan Tsagaris!
Evan has been immersed in all things Greek Dance for years, including, but not limited to, dancing and instructing
with various parishes across the country, leading workshops, and attending multiple workshops to learn about
the mechanics and history of various dances. He also brings years of experience working with the youth at many
parishes, St. Nicholas Ranch, and All Saints Camp. It only seems appropriate that Evan be the best individual to
lead the ministry to the next level.
Please look for future updates on the dance program under Evan’s new lead, and be sure to send him warm
wishes and congratulations the next time you see him. Also remember, our ministry always welcomes donations
to help grow the program, and we look forward to the day when we can provide loukoumades in person again!
OPA! - Jerry Zannis

ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, SCOT TSDALE, AZ                                      OCT 2020                          7
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
2020-202 1 SCHO OL YE AR
Hello Sunday School Families! Welcome Back!

Registration for Sunday School is now open and in person classes will resume on Sunday, October 11th. Our
theme this year is KOINONIA and we can’t wait to see everyone! Additional details will be emailed to families
soon. Please take a moment if you have not already done so, to register your children online (www.assumptionaz.
org/youth#/sundayschool) only takes a few minutes and the forms are mobile responsive so can easily be
completed using your cell phone. Please do not hesitate to contact us at and
remember that we are always looking for additional great teachers to join our Sunday School team.

Love you all! In Christ,
Maria Sideris
Sunday School Director


The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has established “Policies for the Safety of Children and Youth”
for the entirety of youth ministries at the Archdiocese, Metropolis and Parish levels. The policies are created to
safeguard our children and youth from all forms of abuse: emotional, physical and sexual.

These policies require that anyone, Clergy and Laity, working with youth in our communities are required to
complete three steps: be registered, screened and certified as a Youth Worker at their parish.
Step 1: Register as a Youth Worker at your parish with the Parish Youth Safety Administrator. Ask your Parish
Priest or Church Secretary who your Parish Youth Safety Administrator is.
Step 2: Take the online youth protection training. The link will be sent to you by your Parish Youth Safety
Step 3: Pass a background check. The link will be sent to you by your Parish Youth Safety Administrator.

If you have any questions about this process, or if you need to register as a youth worker, please contact Ted
Theodorou ( or Fr. Jacob (

8                                             THE ORTHODOX OASIS              W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
THE ORTHODOX OASIS - Assumption Greek Orthodox Church
Undie Sundie-Underwear & Socks Drive: Sep 15 - Oct 31
Once again, we are holding our annual underwear and socks drive. Brighten the day for someone in need by
picking up a package of underwear, undershirts, socks and/or bras. Items are needed for men, women, and
children. Beginning September 15 through October 31, please drop off your items at the community center where
Philoptochos has set up a box for your donations.
Help the Salvation Army!
For the month of October, we will be collecting used bath towels, hand towels and washcloths. These will be
given to the Salvation Army as they are providing portable showers for the homeless in various valley locations.
There is a great need for the towels. If you are contemplating fall cleaning, it might be a good time to check your
linen closets! A container will be placed in the Café for your donations.
Annual Turkey Drive
We will be accepting monetary donations in November for our Annual Turkey Drive which benefits Vista Del
Camino. All funds are converted to grocery gift cards to be used to purchase food items for Thanksgiving meals.
Vista Del Camino distributes the gift cards to those in need.

Thank you for your generous contributions to our annual collection on behalf of Hellenic College and Holy Cross
School of Theology. As always, Philoptochos is here to help our parishioners in any way we can. For assistance,
please contact Mary Ann Bissias at or 480-500-5812.

                                     LOV I N G L I F E + 5 0

Please join us to take a hike in the McDowell Mountains. We plan on meeting in the parking lot of the trailhead at
7:00 AM (please contact Helen for directions or map). Hiking shoes are required. Please bring your own drinking
water and be prepared to be out 2-3 hours in the sun (hat, sunscreen, and appropriate dress recommended).
We will be following social distancing guidelines. This is an intermediate hike that will have some ups and downs
in terrain. Contact Helen Noplos at 602-418-6726 if you are interested or need more details. We look forward to
spending time together soon.

                                 AHEPA CHAP T ER 2 19
                             Next Meeting: Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM
                  Interested in membership? Please contact Steve Lemere at 770-990-6825.

AHEPA Chapter 219, 2020/21 Scholarship Application The 2020/21 AHEPA Chapter 219 Scholarship Application
is now available. All high school seniors, university, trade school, and vocational training students are
encouraged to apply. The Application deadline is October 24, 2020 and the winners will be announced at our
annual Scholarship luncheon on January 2, 2020. Additional information can be found on the AHEPA website, or by contacting Ed Weiss,

10                                            THE ORTHODOX OASIS              W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
Please check the website for the list of books we will be reading this year! Our        THIS MONTH WE ARE READING
meeting to select this year’s titles occured after the Oasis deadline, so the October
book title was not available as we went to print.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 22, at 7:00pm. For more info,
contact Presvytera Andrea at

                   BOOK CLUB DATES FOR 2020-2021
                    10/22, 11/19, 12/3 (Christmas Dinner)
       1/28/21, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/20, 5/25 (End of Year Celebration)

             NE W OU TRE ACH OPP OR T UNIT Y
For over 30 years, Whole Life Foundation has performed a recurring Friday “Food Box” delivery program to
working-poor families in downtown Phoenix. Assumption Church would like to support this effort through a
monthly food [and clothes] collection program with a delivery to Whole Life Foundation on the third Friday
of each month. For those interested in getting involved, volunteers would participate in this program on an
alternating process, delivering to Whole Life Foundation’s drop-off location at 24th Street and Van Buren. The
delivery would be an hour round-trip from Assumption Church, where workers would be waiting to help unload.
For those are unable to make deliveries, but still wish to participate, donations will also be needed. Items to
donate will be non-perishable foods, including canned meats (Spam, Vienna Sausages, etc.), canned beans,
vegetables, tomato sauce, etc., and when possible, items containing multiple separately-packaged foods (ex.,
18-box package of Macaroni & Cheese, 20-box package of Oreo Cookies). Donated clothes items may also
be made for any age, and includes bedding and bathroom items. Donated items will be picked up from our
Church on the third Friday at 10 am. Donations may be made during church office operational hours. For more
information, please speak with Ed McNamara (602-502-8599).
UPCOMING MONTHLY DELIVERY DATES: October 16 | November 20 | December 18

Join us, Saturday, October 24, from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM, as we help to pack bags and stock shelves at Mom’s
Pantry. A local food bank, Mom’s Pantry was created because there is a significant community need to help
families in their struggle against hunger. In Arizona, one in five families does not have the ability to provide
enough food to feed the entire household.
We’re only able to have 10 volunteers participate in this ministry opportunity. All prospective volunteers will need
to complete a volunteer application and consent form (children 9 to 15 years are permitted, if accompanied by
an adult or guardian). Volunteers must wear close toed shoes. If you are interested in getting involved, please
contact Christina Pullos at 480-577-8993 or send an email to

 ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, SCOT TSDALE, AZ                                 OCT 2020                         11

                         Are you considering participating in a
                         church ministry? Have you thought of the
                         The Assumption Bookstore - known as
                         a great resource for books, icons, gifts,
                         religious items - is building a team to make
                         the ministry even better. Roles include store
                         clerk, marketing, merchandising, inventory,
                         and business operations. Time commitments
                         vary from several hours per year to a few
                         hours per week.
                         If you are interested, please email us at
                and we will
                         schedule a meeting in a few weeks!

                         Stop in and check out our selection or
                         email us and we can assist you remotely.
                         We have a number of new arrivals in stock!

12          THE ORTHODOX OASIS     W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
Bradley & Cynthia Abramson            Byron Dollas                        George & Katrina Koutsouvanos     Lance & Kerri Rouse
Christ & Christine Agnos              Georgine Donahoe                    Michael & Vera Kouvelas           John Sampanes
Catherine Agra                        Sandra & David Douglas              Nitsa Kovas                       Lazaros Sarigiannides & Ageliki
Kyrieckos & Mary Lou Aleck            Kathy Drivaras                      Irene & Keith Kufner              Bekos-Sarigiannides
Laz Amanatidis & Popy Skagos-         Peter & Ginny Economopoulos         Bill & Evie Kypreos               Ensaf Mary Sayegh
Amanatidis                            Rodney Egnash                       George & Ethel Kyros              Rev. Fr. Jacob & Pres. Jordan Saylor
Nick & Athena Anastos                 Nick & Angie Eliades                James & Nikol Liakakos            John Schneider
Peter & Carol Aravosis                George Elias                        Nicholas & Katherine Liakas       Lucille Scoulas
Ann Argyropoulos                      Chris & Sophie Evangelides          Stacy & Ginger Logan              Helen Serelis
Apostolos Argyros                     Alexandra & Steven Cheatham         Julian & Jennifer Lopez           George & Traci Sgouros
George & Vasso Athanasopoulos         Fardelos                            Vincent “Andre” & Mariana Lowe    Douglass & Juliet Shewmaker
Sarante “Sandy” & Julie Athenson      George & Dheanna Fikaris            Charleen Lucia                    William “Alex” Shewmaker
George & Kristine Banis               Timothy & Karla Floor               Takis & Vanessa Makridis          Hanadi Shraiky
Eva Barakos                           Theodore & Evangeline Fotias        Tony & Susan Makridis             Nikolaos & Maria Sideris
Rev. Fr. Andrew & Pres. Andrea        Charles Gadinis                     George & Sharon Maloley           Zachary S & Maria A Sigmon
Barakos                               Angela Gallios                      Charles & Pamela Manchen          Jim & Sandra Skarlis
Lee & Ann Bartol                      David & Marta Gambaccini            Bette Maniatis                    Scott & Helen Smith
Chris Bass & Lauren Janiec            Thomas & Tanya Garrison             Maria Maniatis                    Constantin Solomon
Sam & Heidi Bass                      Chris & Anne Gavras                 Anna Manos                        Sally Solomon
Tammy Belt                            James & Popi Govas                  George & Peter Manos              Scott & Eleni Sommerschield
Karen E. Bennion                      Mylan & Joanne Grubor               Luke & Kara Manuel                George & Diane Sotos
Lou & Judie Beratis                   Suzanne Guyan & Joey Cyganek        Gregory & Susan Marmas            George & Effe Sourvanos
John & Elaine Bergquist               Abby Hakim                          Irene Mavrikos                    Dimitri & Jewel Spanos
Daniel & Melisa Bill                  Robyn Hall                          Ed & Andrea McNamara              George & Mindy Spelius
George & Mary Ann Bissias             Diana Harris                        Alexander Mellas                  James & Laurie Stamas
James & Joyce Bogues                  Amelia Hellwig                      Nicholas & Georgia Mellas         Josephine Stamatakis
Lindsay/Mary Boss                     Mary Hiras                          Nicholas & Roxana Mellas          Kimberly Stamatelos
Clent & Soula Boudreaux               Michael Hiras & Sophia Fountis      Pete Mellas & Vanessa Gutierrez   Andrew & Christine Stamatis
James & Hilda Bourdamis               Maria Houpis                        Stephen Mellas                    Carol Stamos
Elaine Bowman                         Tony & Lindsay Ishak                Andrew & Joanne Metanias          John N Stathakis
Mark & Alyssa Brown                   Connie Issichopoulos                Mariann Mihailidis                Achilles & Janet Stathas
Slater & Elaine Browne                Gerry & Demetria Jacobus            Nicholas & Irene Mihailidis       Linda Stehling
Stephen Bull & Lana Gialamas-Bull     Thomas Janikis                      John & Denise Millstine           Dennis & Estelle Stell
Tom Burke & Joanna Gonos              Daniel & Nicole Johnson             Constantine & Debbie Moschonas    Sean & Stephanie Stephenson
Dean & Mary Burton                    Kevin & Tina Jones                  Susie Nakhla                      Roy & Maria Stuck
Angelo & Amanda Calas                 Ted & Susan Jouflas                 Jonathan Nassos & Jenni Pulos-    Christopher & Angela Syregelas
Elias & Louie Carras                  Peter Kagadis                       Nassos                            Nick & Mary Syregelas
Jimmy & Margarita Carres              James & Linda Kalivas               Marc & Terah Nassos               Markos & Pamela Tambakeras
Sotera Catsadimas                     Laurie Kalivas & Robert Gibney      Bettie Neckopulos                 Teddy Tavlarides
Alexandru Cheianu & Tatiana Chirpii   George Kalomas                      Donald & Lorraine Nemer           Panagiota Terzis & Ioannis
Bessie Chirbas                        Helen Kalomas                       William & Sonia New               Manolopoulos
George & Alexandra Chondropoulos      John Kanios                         Nicholas & Rennie Nicholson       Theodore & Kiki Theodorou
Nick & Julie Chondropoulos            Louis Kanios                        Chris & Lee Nicolopoulos          Constantino & Karen Theoharatos
Eleftherios & E. Diane Christias      Nick & Dena Kantaros                Paula Nicols                      John & Patty Throuvalas
Angela Christofellis                  Jeannie Karamigios                  Mary Noplos                       William & Carole Tobey
Tony & Roushan Christofellis          Peter & Debbie Karas                Phil & Helen Noplos               Gust Tourlis
Betty Chronis                         Petros & Kiki Karidas               James & Andrea Ntapalis           Joshua & Lucille Tournas
John & Eugenia Clark                  Dimitrios & Ekaterine Kariotoglou   Dimitri Ntatsos                   Trifon & Georgia Tripsas
Andrew & Irene Clary                  Fanny Kechajias                     Jennifer Orlando                  Gust & Barbara Tsikalas
Scott & Maggie Cole                   Loretta Kehayes                     Phoebe Orlando                    Sophia Tsikalas
Edward & Pam Conti                    Leslie Kenney                       Maria Ort                         Georgia Tsikitas
Olivia Contos                         Thomas J Kenrick                    Gus M. & Gail Pablecas            Kathy & Panayote Tsokas
Pete & Elizabeth Contos               Don & Andrea Kenworthy              Paul J & Erin Panagos             Marvin & Eleni Tucker
Michael & Christina Craig             Anthony & Nickolette King           Alex & Toni Pandi                 Maria Tutelman
Janet Cummings                        Harrison Kingsley                   Anthony & Sandra Papadopoulos     Thomas & Bessie Tzavaras
Ethan & Talia Curtis                  Spiro Kircos                        George & Chrysoula Papadopoulos   Ray & Dee Unks
Thanos & Marguerite Dalianes          William & Meghan Kircos             Andrew & Emily Pappas             John & Georgia Valos
Evonne Damianos                       Louis & Maura Kireopoulos           George & Dorothy Parides          Garry & Patrina Van Sky
Gus Dandas                            Steve & Jennie Kireopoulos          Ted & Fotini Pasisis              Alexia Vasilakis
Jack & Shannon David                  Kathy Klausing                      Kirsten Paterakis                 Thomas & Jean Velonis
Michael & Sherine David               Kenneth & Sophia Kobs               Angelo & Joyce Pateras            Nick & Joanna Verveniotis
John & Mary Deffigos                  David & Maria Kockinis              Antonio & Mary Patino             Hector Villela & Sandy Kotrotsios
Theodore & Pamela Demeris             Nick & Vickie Koines                Emily Pefanis                     Jason & Betsy L Vines
Joanne Demetropoulos                  Jimmy & Nora Konstantopoulos        Peter & Penny Pefanis             Demetrios & Lydia Vlachos
John & Mary Demetropoulos             Thomas & Harriet Kosmitis           Elenitsa Pena                     Helen Vouniozos
George & Janis Demetrulias            Koleen Kosmitis-Hall & Jonathan     Sara Pessimisis                   Ed Weiss & Stephanie Demogenes
Peter & Sharon Demogenes              Hall                                Ken & Penelope Plache             Kevin & Tina Wilder
Tony Demopoulos & Trish               Richard & Mary Ann Koss             Andrew & Angela Poulos            Brent & Cynthia Wrasman
Demeopoulos                           George & Lia Kossaras               Steven & Catherine Poulos         George & Helen Yannakopoulos
Alexandros & Kelly Demos              John & Maria Kostaras               Christina Pullos                  George & Nikoletta Zafirakis
Leo & Jesse Diamont                   John J. Kostas                      Joanne Reichert                   Jerry & Amanda Zannis
Michael & Joni DiMino                 John & Valerie Kostas, Jr.          Deano & Krisanthya Reiman         J.B. Zarvos
Andrew Dimtsios                       Tiffany Kostas                      Elizabeth Riethmann               John & Mary Zias
Dorothy Dimtsios                      Georgia Kotsovos                    Mike & Antonia Ristagno           Areta Zouvas
John & Christina Dimtsios             Spiros & Krista Kotsovos            Daniel P & Olivia K Rognstad
Robert Dmitrick                       Philip & Angela Koufidakis          Samuel & Anna Rognstad                                *as of 9/9/2020

 ASSUMPTION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH, SCOT TSDALE, AZ                                                   OCT 2020                                 13
                                                                                                                          OCTOBER 2020
                                                               *** Due to COVID-19, please refer to website or call office to most up-to-date schedule. All meetings will be on Zoom until further notice.

                                                   S                        M                          T                            W                           T                           F                             S

                                        September 27            September 28              September 29                 September 30                October 1                   October 2                     October 3
                                        1st Sunday of Luke                                                                                         Holy Protection of

                                        7:45am: Orthros         8:00pm: "Understanding    7:00pm: Christian            10:00am: Bible Study        8:00am: Orthros                                           5:00pm: Great Vespers
                                        9:00am: Liturgy         the Tradition of          Catechism Class              6:30pm: Young Adult         9:00am: Liturgy
                                                                Byzantine Chant" Class                                 Forum

                                        October 4               October 5                 October 6                    October 7                   October 8                   October 9                     October 10
                                        2nd Sunday of Luke

                                        8:15am: Orthros         4:00pm: Family Meal       7:00pm: Christian            6:30pm: High School                                                                   7:00am: Loving Life 50+
                                        9:30am: Liturgy         Outreach (@ St Vincent    Catechism Class              Forum (Sr. GOYA)                                                                      Hike
                                                                de Paul)
                                                                8:00pm: "Understanding
                                                                the Tradition of
                                                                Byzantine Chant" Class

                                        October 11              October 12                October 13                   October 14                  October 15                  October 16                    October 17
                                        Sunday of the 7th       Columbus Day
                                        Ecumenical Council      (Offices Closed)

                                        8:15am: Orthros         8:00pm: "Understanding    7:00pm: Christian            6:30pm: Young Adult                                     11:00am: Whole Life           5:00pm: Great Vespers
                                        9:30am: Liturgy         the Tradition of          Catechism Class              Forum                                                   Foundation: Donation
                                        Sunday School Begins    Byzantine Chant" Class                                                                                         Delivery Date

                                        October 18              October 19                October 20                   October 21                  October 22                  October 23                    October 24
                                        Luke the Evangelist                                                                                                                    James (Iakovos) the
                                                                                                                                                                               Apostle, brother of Our


                                        8:15am: Orthros         8:00pm: "Understanding    7:00pm: Christian            10:00am: Bible Study        7:00pm: Women's Book        8:00am: Orthros               9:00am: Mom’s Pantry
                                        9:30am: Liturgy         the Tradition of          Catechism Class              6:30pm: High School         Club                        9:00am: Liturgy               5:00pm: Great Vespers
                                                                Byzantine Chant" Class                                 Forum (Sr. GOYA)

                                        October 25              October 26                October 27                   October 28                  October 29                  October 30                    October 31
                                        6th Sunday of Luke      Holy Great Martyr                                                                                                                            Halloween
                                                                Demetrius the Myrrh-

                                        8:15am: Orthros         8:00am: Orthros                                        10:00am: Bible Study
                                        9:30am: Liturgy         9:00am: Liturgy                                        6:30pm: Young Adult

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16                              THE ORTHODOX OASIS   W W W. A S S U M P T I O N A Z .O R G
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