The Promise of Christmas - "New Beginnings" Newtown Square Presbyterian Church

Page created by Willie Shelton
The Promise of Christmas - "New Beginnings" Newtown Square Presbyterian Church
The Promise of Christmas

   “New Beginnings”

            Newtown Square
            Presbyterian Church
            January 2, 2022
                        Second Sunday of Christmas
January 2, 2022                                                            10:00 AM

Please enter the sanctuary in a spirit of reverence and prayer. Take
these moments before worship to reflect and to listen to the prelude.
Ask God to be present to you as you draw near to God. Please silence
your cell phone.

                     For Reflection and Prayer
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words
on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter
is New Year’s Day.”                             ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

PRELUDE: .......................Bring a Torch.................Jeanette Isabella-trad/Raney
                              Piano 4-Hand Duet
                Dr. Joanne Yang & Ting Ting Wong

                 ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME
 Worship begins with God. God takes the initiative and calls us into
being. In the name of Christ, we heed God’s call and assemble as the
                       community of faith.

May the peace of Christ be with you.
      And also with you.

INTROIT: .................Raise a Song of Gladness .............JUBILATE DEO
                                NSPC Quartet

God, who is rich in mercy, out of great love gives us life through
    For to us a child is born; to us a son is given
By grace we have been saved through faith. It is not our doing; it is the
gift of God.
    In thanksgiving, we lift our hearts in worship!

*HYMN OF PRAISE: 132..........................................IN DULCE JUBILO
            “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice”


PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Silent and in unison):
God of love, all year long we pursue strength and power, yet you come
to us in weakness. All season long we covet material things, yet you
demand we focus on something greater. As we listen to your Word
made flesh, who has come among us full of grace and truth, may you
forgive us, heal us, and correct us. Then open our lips that we may sing
your praise with the angels, and witness to your transforming love.
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting.
  In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God!


                  PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD
   Gathered in God’s name, we open ourselves to God’s life-giving
            Word, which comes to us through Scripture.

A READING FROM THE PROPHETS:                                Isaiah 40:28-31

Spirit of the Living God (sung by soloist)............................ LIVING GOD
                 Spirit of the Living God, fall a-fresh on me.
                 Spirit of the Living God, fall a-fresh on me.
                     Melt me; mold me; fill me; use me.
                 Spirit of the Living God, fall a-fresh on me.

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE.................................................Sara Boninu
 (Children are dismissed for Sunday school following the Children’s Message.)

A READING FROM THE EPISTLES:                               Ephesians 4:1-6; 17-24

   Minister: This is the Word of our Lord.
    People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON: ..................................................... Sara Boninu, preaching
                       The Promise of Christmas
                              “New Beginnings”

ANTHEM: . .......................Gesu Bambino...................Yon, Martens/arr. Hayes
                               Brynn Terry, Solo
                          Ting Ting Wong, Piano

                   RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD
     Having heard the Word read and proclaimed, we respond by
  affirming our faith, celebrating the Sacraments, and presenting to
                    God our prayer and offerings.

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: (Romans 8:1, 28, 38, 39)
We believe there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus;
for we know that all things work together for good for those who love
God, who are called according to God’s purpose. We are convinced
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present,
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else
in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – (Including the Lord’s Prayer (‘debts’))
     The Lord be with you.
      And also with you.
     Lift up your hearts.
      We lift them up to the Lord.
     Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
      It is right to give our thanks and praise...


OFFERTORY: ................Lord of the Dance.....................Carter/Raney
                             Shaker Tune
                         Piano & Organ Duet
            Dr. Joanne Yang & Ting Ting Wong

*DOXOLOGY:....................................................................PRAISE GOD


                         GO IN GOD’S NAME
                 The God who calls us together in worship
                      now sends us forth in service.

*CLOSING HYMN: 143..................................................REGENT SQUARE
           “Angels from the Realms of Glory”


*POSTLUDE:.................Hallelujah Chorus..................Handel/arr Czerny
                           Piano 4-Hand Duet
             Dr. Joanne Yang & Ting Ting Wong
             *Congregation standing in body or spirit, as able.
NSPC Weekly
                              January 2, 2022

The NSPC congregation extends a warm welcome to those who are
visiting with us today. If you are in search of a new church home, we
invite you to make that home with us.

Worship Leader:                    Rich Digby

Ushers:                            Allen Corle, Capt; Lynne Corle,
                                   Ed Robinson, Declan Robinson

Sunday School
Superintendent for the day:        Nancy Gingras

                The chancel flowers this morning are given by Pat
                Staffelbach in honor of the members of NSPC and to
                wish you all the best in 2022!

                      Church Office Hours
                   Monday - Thursday 9:00-3:30
                       Friday 9:00-1:00

Church Officers:
           Moderator: The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Thomas
   Class of 2022         Class of 2023         Class of 2024
    Buff Biddle          Chris Barmes         Sue Bechtold
    Rich Digby          Ginny Berman          Lynne Corle
 Rebecca DiPersia       Joe Marchesani     Siobhian Robinson
  Jane Fioravanti        Jerry Schauer       Debbie Weiss

                    BOARD OF DEACONS
                   Moderator: Marg MacDonald
  Class of 2022          Class of 2023       Class of 2024
 Marg MacDonald            Ed Arraya         Nicolle Arraya
Robbyn Marchesani        Nancy Gingras      Sara DiGirolamo
 Barbara Nicolardi       Stacey Kucera       Jennifer Gries
   Jim Thomas             Karen Shea         Debbie Villano


                        SAVE THE DATE: January 30, 2022
                        Annual Meeting of the Congregation
              Following worship on January 30, 2022, there will be an
              annual meeting of the congregation in the Gathering
              Room. More details to follow in a bulletin insert in mid-
              January. Come and hear the highlights of 2021 and the
              goals and objectives of each committee and commission
for 2022. We are all a part of what makes this congregation such a
wonderful community of faith!

                    Thank you to everyone who contributed a card or
                    gloves to the Christmas Tree. Your card and
                    generous postage donation will help to support
                    our Youth Retreat in February by lowering the
                    per person cost for our youth. The gloves &
                    mittens will benefit Chester Eastside. Christmas
                    Greetings and wishes for a prosperous New Year
                    were sent to the NSPC family and friends from:
                    Marg MacDonald, Bob & Sue Bechtold,
                    Bernice Eder, Ginni Condo, Rich Digby, Peter &
Mary Burgess, Ginny Berman, Nancy Gingras, Mary Jean Clark &
Family, Rick & Debbie Weiss, The Imprianos, & Lindy Rustam.

                Interested in Sponsoring our Chancel Flowers?
                The signup genius has been updated with flower dates
                for 2022 through the month of August. You can
                include your dedication on the signup and Heather
                will contact you the week prior to your dedication to
                confirm it. Please signup sponsor our chancel flowers
The St. Mark's Food Bank is in need of non-
                           perishable foods. We have donation baskets
                           under the Mission Table in the Gathering
                           Room. Please feel free to contribute any non-
perishable items or items for a Christmas dinner. If you would be
willing to be a driver to St. Marks in Broomall, please contact Laurie

                  The Ronald McDonald House collects flip tops as
                  one of their fund raisers. NSPC has been
                  contributing them for many years. Look in the
                  Gathering Space by the Mission Table for the big
                  jug. The flip tops can be placed in the jug and then
                  when we accumulate several they will be delivered to
the RMH in Philadelphia. Flip Tops from cans of soda, soups,
veggies, etc. Questions to Sue Bechtold

                    Did you know you can support NSPC while you
                    shop? Go to and choose
                    Newtown Square Presbyterian Church as your
                    charity. The AmazonSmile Foundation will
donate 0.5% of the purchase price from all AmazonSmile purchases to

Youth & Family Ministry Announcements

                    MLK Service Day is Monday, January 17th,
                    from 11 AM-1 PM for all children and youth.
                    Parents, please check your e-mail this week to
                    RSVP via Signup Genius.

We are hosting a bingo night on Sunday,
January 23rd from 5-6 PM to fundraise for
the youth winter retreat. Please contact Sara at to purchase your $15
ticket, which includes 6 bingo cards. All are
welcome to attend.


In Ministry Together at Newtown Square Presbyterian Church:
Pastor ............................................................... The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Thomas
Director of Youth and Family Ministry ...................................... Sara Boninu
Director of Music ................................................................. Ting Ting Wong
Church Office Manager .................................... ..................Heather Impriano
PreK-2nd Sunday School Teacher ............................................Barbara Corsi
3rd-8th grade Sunday School Teacher ......................................Brad Kohlhepp
Nursery Attendant ................................................................. Camryn Villano
Sunday School Superintendent ............................................... Nancy Gingras
Co-Director, NSPC Preschool................................................ Jane Fioravanti
Co-Director, NSPC Preschool...........................................Meghan Kazanjian
Clerk of Session ........................................................................... Buff Biddle
President, Board of Trustees ............................................................ Jim Shea
Moderator of Deacons........................................................ Marg MacDonald
Co-Treasurer ........................................................................... Dave Sampson
Co-Treasurer .......................................................................Heather Impriano
Head Usher................................................................................ Grant Snyder
The Sacristy Guild of St. Martha .........................Carol Guest & Buff Biddle
Presbyterian Women ............................................................... Ginny Berman
                              Plus...all the members of NSPC
                           Church Contact Information:
Church Phone:.......................................................................... 610-356-8063
Rev. Thomas (cell): ................................................................ 610-368-1637
Sara Boninu (cell): ................................................................... 757-814-5097
Ting Ting Wong (cell): ............................................................ 412-608-5588
Rev. Thomas e-mail: ..........................................
Sara Boninu e-mail: ................................................
Ting Ting Wong e-mail: ...........................................
                   Newtown Square Presbyterian Church
               3600 Goshen Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073
                    610.356.8063 ~

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