THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...

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THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Diocese of Brooklyn
Office of the Superintendent ~
Catholic School Support Services

Annual Report 2019
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Mission Statement
The mission of Catholic education within the
Diocese of Brooklyn is to lead those entrusted
to its care to find salvation in Jesus Christ.

                 Mission Statement of
                 The Office of the Superintendent ~
                 Catholic School Support Services
                 The mission of the Office of the Superintendent ~
                 Catholic School Support Services is to provide support,
                 guidance, services and direction to all engaged in the
                 ministry of Catholic school education. It is through this
                 mission that we will assist Pastors, Directors and Principals
                 in the attainment of the stated goals found in Preserving
                 the Vision. The Office of the Superintendent proactively
                 engages secondary schools, Catholic academies, parish
                 schools, Boards, parishes and deaneries to ensure that
                 quality Catholic education is sustained and enriched across
                 the Diocese of Brooklyn. Each school community is entrusted
                 with providing an excellent academic education and
                 forming the whole child as it simultaneously advances the
                 evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church.

                 The Office of the Superintendent works to implement and
                 support all of the initiatives associated with Preserving
                 the Vision.
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Table of

               Letter from the Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D, D.D.,   4
               Bishop of Brooklyn

               Letter from the Most Reverend James Massa, Ph.D, D.D.,         5
               Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn, Vicar for Education

               Letter from Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D,                        6
               Superintendent of Schools ~ Catholic School Support Services

               Map of Parishes, Catholic Academies and Parish Schools         8
               within the Diocese of Brooklyn

               The Diocesan Strategic Plan Preserving the Vision              10

               Catholic Identity                                              14

               Academic Excellence                                            17

               Governance                                                     24

               Leadership                                                     27

               Operational Vitality
                     Marketing                                                30
                     Enrollment Management                                    32
                     Finance                                                  35
                     Advocacy                                                 38
                     Environment and Facilities                               40
                     Services                                                 41

               Conclusion                                                     42

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                           3
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Office of the Bishop
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn
                                January 2020
                                Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

                                T   he June 17, 2019 issue of The Tablet, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Brooklyn,
                                    included a letter I wrote to the faithful of the Diocese in which I acknowledged reaching my
                                75th year and my responsibility to submit my formal resignation to our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
                                In that letter, I recognized the cultural diversity which is a characteristic of the Diocese of
                                Brooklyn and the tremendous development in Brooklyn and Queens since 2003 when I was
                                appointed Bishop of Brooklyn.
                                The ministry of Catholic education reflects that cultural diversity and the development activities
                                which have dramatically changed the demographics of the Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens. This
                                document is the ninth Annual Report for Preserving the Vision Strategic Plan for Catholic Education
                                within the Diocese of Brooklyn. It reflects the accomplishments and challenges of its eleventh year
                                and highlights the ethnic diversity in Brooklyn and Queens and changes in recent years.
   In January 2019, during Catholic Schools Week, I was pleased to visit two Catholic academies in Queens; Saint Gregory
   the Great in Bellerose and Saint Margaret’s in Middle Village. Those visits gave me the opportunity to recognize the
   accomplishments of the students and thank pastors, principals, Board Directors, and parents for their dedication to the Catholic
   academies and to Catholic education. There is no doubt that their existence and success is due to these good people.
   In October of 2019, I was privileged to participate in a Summit on Catholic Education at the Immaculate Conception Center in
   Douglaston. The theme was Foundation for Life and highlighted the successes of the Catholic academies and parish schools
   and the challenges faced by them. The success of the Summit was due to the leadership and diligence of Auxiliary Bishop
   James Massa, Vicar for Education, Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, Superintendent of Catholic School Support Services, and our
   dedicated staff members. The presentations at the Summit were given to an overflow crowd of pastors, principals, Board
   Directors, and parents.
   The past year has been a remarkable and challenging journey that has reflected the needs, wishes, and accomplishments of
   the Catholic academies and parish schools within the Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens. The major goal of the original Strategic
   Plan in 2008 was the transition of all parish schools to an academy model with a two-tiered governance structure, i.e., a Board
   of Members, the primary sponsors of the academy with responsibility to appoint the Directors and ensure the Catholic identity
   of the academy, and the Board of Directors which serves as the governing body of the academy and its immediate supervising
   In 2019, we engaged Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education to assist us in the development of a “white paper” on
   Catholic education within the Diocese of Brooklyn. It is my intent to share this information with the faithful of the Diocese in the
   spring of 2020.
   The Diocese also engaged Meitler consultants to study our ever-changing demographics and to assist us in planning for the
   future of Catholic education. Studies have been completed for the following sections of the Diocese: Flatbush/East Flatbush,
   Williamsburg/Greenpoint and Long Island City/Astoria.
   The 2017-2018 school year was the first year of a new three-year Strategic Plan, building on the successes and challenges of
   the previous one and anticipating the needs of the future. The new Plan was devised using the resources of outside experts
   and with broad-based consultation involving all those involved in Catholic elementary school education within the Diocese.
   Our clergy and laity, administrators and teachers, parents, and community leaders all participated in the study which led to
   the revised Strategic Plan. The successful planning and implementation of the new Plan are due largely to the extraordinary
   involvement and leadership of Bishop Massa and Dr. Chadzutko. I extend my gratitude to both of them, as well as the
   appreciation of all those involved in Catholic education within the Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens.
   My sincere gratitude is also extended to the pastors and administrators of the Diocese of Brooklyn for their commitment to
   Catholic education. I am grateful to the dedicated laypeople who serve on the Boards of Directors as well as the principals,
   teachers, and staff of the Catholic academies and remaining parish schools who work with our students, day after day, to
   ensure quality religious and academic education. My sincere thanks are extended to our parents, who have rightly chosen a
   Catholic education for their children and understand what such a quality education means for the future of their children. Last
   but certainly not least, I offer my deep appreciation of and thanks to the faithful of the Diocese of Brooklyn for their ongoing
   support of the ministry of Catholic education in Brooklyn and Queens.
   Asking the Lord to extend His choicest blessings upon each of you and each of our Catholic academies and parish schools,
   I am
   Sincerely in Christ,

   Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D, D.D.
   Bishop of Brooklyn

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                                  4
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Office of the Vicar for Education
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

                                          January 2020

                                          Dear Partners in Catholic Education,

                                         T     he Preserving the Vision Strategic Plan for Catholic
                                               Education within the Diocese of Brooklyn 2017-2020
                                          will be concluded in August 2020. It is the third renewal of
                                          strategic plans since Preserving the Vision was promulgated
                                          in 2008.

                                          The dynamism and flexibility of Preserving the Vision as a
                                          living document are most apparent in the realization that
                                          six priorities in the 2011-2014 plan grew to eleven priorities
                                          in the 2014-2017 strategic plan. A change in structure in
                 the 2017-2020 plan resulted in further expanding the priorities to forty-four Essential
                 Elements. However, the basic intentions of the strategic plans have remained: to
                 maintain the Catholic identity of the Catholic Academies and parish schools; to ensure
                 the academic excellence of the Catholic academies and parish schools; to establish
                 and maintain the two-tiered governance structure in the Catholic academies; to
                 establish financial standards/benchmarks and support for the Catholic academies and
                 parish schools; to increase enrollment by vigorous marketing initiatives.

                 T   he 2017-2020 Strategic Plan expanded to include an examination of the
                     environment and facilities of the Catholic academy and parish school buildings.
                 Parents of the current generation are increasingly focused on the school environment
                 as a criterion for their selection of a school for their children. We further added
                 ongoing advocacy at the city and state levels to enhance the resources available to our
                 students and their faculties and to draw on any newly available services from either
                 governmental agencies or the private sector. As is apparent in this Preserving the
                 Vision Annual Report, the intentions to strengthen Catholic education have remained
                 the same, even as the strategies have greatly expanded.

                 Pastors of parish schools, Catholic academy Boards of Directors, principals and
                 parents benefit from the services provided by the Office of the Superintendent ~
                 Catholic School Support Services. I want to extend my sincere appreciation to Dr.
                 Thomas Chadzutko and the entire staff of that Office for the ongoing support and
                 encouragement given to the leadership of the Catholic academies, parish schools and
                 parishes that host them. As Preserving the Vision 2017-2020 comes to a conclusion
                 I look forward to the next Strategic Plan to ensure that strong Catholic education is
                 always available to the children of the Diocese.

                 Sincerely in Christ,

                 Most Reverend James Massa, Ph.D, D.D.
                 Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
                 Vicar for Education

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                   5
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

                                              January 2020
                                              Dear Colleagues in Catholic Education,

                                              T  he 2019 Annual Report for Preserving the Vision
                                                 Strategic Plan for Catholic Education within the
                                             Diocese of Brooklyn is the ninth report in the series and
                                             reflects the activities and accomplishments of Catholic
                                             educators in the last half of the 2018-2019 school year
                                             and the first half of 2019-2020. It continues to report
                                             on the Essential Elements of the Strategic Plan and the
                                             strategies used for their implementation. As we have
                                             found in previous years, the Strategic Plan is a living
                 document, and strategies can and will be adapted to meet the ongoing and, perhaps,
                 changing needs of the students, teachers and administrators.
                 In order to meet those changing needs, a new position was established in May
                 2019 within the Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services.
                 The Director of Enrollment Management and Financial Assistance will serve as the
                 liaison with Futures in Education and work directly with the Catholic academy and
                 parish school leadership. In order to provide assistance to principals and the Chairs
                 of Marketing Committees, the Marketing Team of the Office of the Superintendent ~
                 Catholic School Support Services partnership with the DeSales Media Corporation.
                 They will work on-site with Catholic academy and parish school representatives.
                 The partnership between the Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support
                 Services and the Catholic Foundation has been expanded to include an initiative to
                 explore the possibility of obtaining grants from sources outside the Diocese that
                 would benefit the Catholic academies and parish schools. There has been outreach to
                 the newly established Mother Cabrini Foundation for funding to enhance and expand
                 the initiatives of the Department of Education — the Diocese of Brooklyn Program for
                 the Development of Human Potential (PDHP) which provides guidance counselors and
                 crisis intervention services upon request. A new Director of PDHP was appointed in
                 2018. In addition, PDHP now partners with Catholic Charities.
                 There are some remarkable achievements to report:
                   ꞏ Forty-two STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Labs have been installed
                   in Catholic academies and parish schools through the generosity of the St. Elizabeth
                   Ann Seton Trust.
                   ꞏ The Mount Carmel Early Childhood Center is filled to capacity.
                   ꞏ A Diocesan Curriculum in Math and English/Language Arts, which supports the
                   New York State Department of Education New Generation Learning Standards,
                   was completed and implemented in every Catholic academy and parish school in
                   September 2019.
                   ꞏ Futures in Education distributed over $12,000,000 in scholarships to over 5,000
                   ꞏ The DeSales Media Group awarded over 2,000 Chrome Books and iPads to
                   students in the Catholic academies and parish schools.
                   ꞏ Beginning principals continue to benefit from a newly established Mentoring
                   ꞏ An updated Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic Schools Support Services
                   website has been launched with the assistance of the DeSales Media Group, as well
                   as a Facebook and Instagram marketing campaign focusing on Catholic education
                   within the Diocese of Brooklyn.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                  6
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
ꞏ Excellence by Design has been expanded.
                   ꞏ The Consortium between Catholic high schools and Catholic academies and parish
                   schools continues.
                   ꞏ A new and comprehensive evaluation process for second-year principals has been
                   ꞏ Professional Development Guidelines for principals and teachers have been
                   ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services has adopted
                   the Marzano Supervision Process for Teachers.
                   ꞏ Specific professional development days for the teachers have been designated
                   throughout the academic year.
                   ꞏ Catholic academies continue to pursue accreditation through AdvancED.
                   ꞏ Catholic academies continue to pursue an Absolute Charter through the New York
                   State Board of Regents.
                   ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services is partnering
                   with Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education to develop a “white paper”
                   on the future of Catholic education within the Diocese of Brooklyn.
                   ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent has started to digitalize the archives of all of its
                   documents on Option C.
                 Efforts to ensure the quality of Catholic education and meet the needs of principals,
                 teachers and students continue:
                   ꞏ A first-time workshop in “Active Shooter Training” conducted by the New York City
                   Police Department took place for principals and teachers.
                   ꞏ Workshops in the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) and Anti-Bullying were
                   conducted and for all principals and teachers in compliance with New York State
                   ꞏ The Diocese continues to cooperate with the New York State Department of
                   Education in the Equivalency of Instruction initiative.
                   ꞏ Training for teachers in the Marzano method of evaluation continues.
                   ꞏ New York State testing now takes place in Grades 4,6 and 7 instead of 4,6 and 8;
                   the reason is explained in the Academic Excellence section of this Report.
                   ꞏ The Academy Advisory Committee continues to meet with me and is taking on an
                   expanded leadership role.
                   ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent began a newsletter for principals and teachers in
                 So much has been accomplished and so much continues to be done. This could not
                 happen without the dedication and hard work of so many people. Bishop DiMarzio
                 continues to give strong support to the academies and parish schools and is always
                 available for encouragement and advice. Bishop Massa is a role model to all in his
                 total commitment to Catholic education and the teaching of the Faith. The Catholic
                 academies and parish schools could not function without the diligent efforts of the
                 pastors and Boards of Directors. The principals work tirelessly to ensure religious and
                 academic excellence in their Catholic academies and parish schools; the teachers
                 open up the joys of learning to their students. Parents make many sacrifices to
                 ensure that their children are exposed to Catholic education. The staff of the Office of the
                 Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services bring their knowledge and expertise
                 to motivate and guide our Catholic educators. To all, I extend my sincere gratitude and
                 prayerful best wishes.

                 T homas Chadzutko
                 Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D
                 Superintendent of Schools ~ Catholic School Support Services

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                        7
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
   Parishes, Catholic Academies and Parish                                                                                                                                        Immaculate Conception
                                                                                                                                                                                Catholic Academy, Astoria          Ditmars

   Schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn                                                                                                                                                         Astoria                   St. Francis of Assisi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Catholic Academy in Astoria

                                                                                                                                                                                                       St. Joseph                        Our Lady of Fatima S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   East Elmhurst
                                                                                                                                                                                            Catholic Academy LIC
                                                                                                                                                                       Long Island City                                            Jackson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           St. Joan of Arc School

                                                                                                                                                                                                       St. Sebastian         Woodside                    St. Ba
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Catholic Academy                                      Catho

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    St. Adalbert
                                                                                                                                   St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy                                   Maspeth            Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                            St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy of Queens                                    Our Lady of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Catholic Ac
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Notre Dame                  Middle Village
                                                                                                                                                 Queen of the Rosary
                                                                                                                                                   Catholic Academy                                 Catholic Academy                            St. Margaret
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of Ridgewood                       Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                   Williamsburg                        Heights                           Ridgewood
                                                                                                                                                                      East Williamsburg                                          St. Matthias Catholic Acade
                                                                                                                                                                                             St. Brigid -
      BROOKLYN                                                                                                  Brooklyn
                                                                                                                Heights                  Clinton Hill
                                                                                                                                                                                     St. Frances Cabrini
                                                                                                                                                                                      Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    St. Thoma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Glendale     Cath
                                                                                                                            Downtown                      Fort Greene
   1. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Academy                                                                                                                                            Bushwick                                                 St. Elizabeth Cath
   2. Brooklyn Jesuit Prep                                                                                                                                         Bedford                                                         Blessed Sacrament
                                                                                                            Carroll                              Prospect          Stuyvesant
   3. Good Shepherd Catholic Academy                                                                        Gardens                              Heights                                                                            Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ocean Hill
                                                                                                 Red Hook                        Boerum Hill                                                                                  Broadway
   4. Holy Angels Catholic Academy                                                                                Gowanus                                       Brooklyn                                                      Junction           East New Yor
   5. Midwood Catholic Academy                                                                                                                                  Jesuit Prep Crown Heights
                                                                                                   St. Saviour Catholic Academy                                                                                                 New Lots       Salve Regina
   6. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy                                                                              Park Slope                         Prospect
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brownsville                     Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                         Gardens        St. Francis of Assisi
   7. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic                                                           Greenwood                                Windsor
                                                                                                                                                                        Catholic Academy
                                                                                                    Heights                                  Terrace
       Academy of Brooklyn                                                                                     St. Joseph the Worker
                                                                                                                    Catholic Academy
   8. Our Lady of Trust Catholic Academy                                                                                                                            St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy                                     Starrett City
   9. Queen of the Rosary Catholic Academy                                                    Sunset Park
                                                                                                                                                        Flatbush                                                           Canarsie
   10. St. Anselm Catholic Academy                                                                                                                                                        St. Catherine of Genoa - St. Therese
                                                                                                  Our Lady of Perpetual Help
                                                                                                  Catholic Academy of Brooklyn                                                            of Lisieux Catholic Academy
   11. St. Athanasius Catholic Academy                              Holy Angels
                                                               Catholic Academy                             Borough Park                                                                                                                   Our Lady of Trust
   12. St. Bernadette Catholic Academy                                                                                                                              Midwood Park
                                                                                                                                                                    11210                     Flatlands                                    Catholic Academy
                                                                               Bay Ridge
                                                                                                 St. Ephrem
   13. St. Bernard Catholic Academy               St. Anselm Catholic Academy                    Catholic Academy                               Midwood
   14. St. Brigid - St. Frances Cabrini             Visitation Academy
                                                                                            Dyker Heights                Mapleton                                    Midwood                                           St. Bernard
                                                                                                                                                            Catholic Academy                                           Catholic Academy
       Catholic Academy                                                                                                                                                            Marine Park
                                                St. Patrick Catholic Academy                                Bensonhurst
   15. St. Catherine of Genoa - St. Therese                                      Fort
                                                                                 Hamilton       St. Bernadette                                                                                                Mill Basin        Bergen Beach
                                                                                                Catholic Academy              St. Athanasius
       of Lisieux Catholic Academy                                                                                            Catholic Academy

   16. St. Edmund School                                                                                                                                                         Good Shepherd
                                                                                                        Bath Beach                                                               Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                St. Peter                               St. Edmund
   17. St. Ephrem Catholic Academy                                                                                                                           School
                                                                                                       Catholic Academy          Gravesend                                   Sheepshead Bay
   18. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                            Our Lady of Grace                          St. Mark
   19. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy                                                                               Catholic Academy                           Catholic Academy
   20. St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy
                                                                                                    Sea Gate                          Brighton            Manhattan Beach
   21. St. Mark Catholic Academy                                                                                  Coney Island

   22. St. Patrick Catholic Academy
   23. St. Peter Catholic Academy
   24. St. Saviour Catholic Academy
   25. St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy                                                                                                                                         Breezy Point
   26. Salve Regina Catholic Academy
   27. Visitation Academy

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                                                                                                                          8
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
                                                                                                                                                                                            28. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Howard Beach
                          College Point
                                                                      St. Luke School           Bay Terrace                                                                                 29. Divine Mercy Catholic Academy
                 Holy Trinity Catholic Academy                 Whitestone
                                                                                                                                                                                            30. Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy
                                                                                           Our Lady of the
                                                                                           Blessed Sacrament                                                                                31. Holy Child Jesus Catholic Academy
                                                 St. Mel                                   Catholic Academy                          Douglaston
                                      Catholic Academy                        Auburndale                            Sacred Heart                                                            32. Holy Family Catholic Academy
                                                 Linden Hill                                                        Catholic Academy               Divine Wisdom Catholic Academy           33. Holy Trinity Catholic Academy
                                                                            St. Andrew Avellino      Bayside        of Bayside
                                                                                                                                                   Little Neck
 School                                                                     Catholic Academy                                                                                                34. Immaculate Conception
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Catholic Academy, Astoria
             Our Lady of Sorrows              St. Michael Catholic Academy                                                                                             Floral
             Catholic Academy                                                                 St. Kevin Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                       Park                 35. Immaculate Conception
                 Corona                                                                                                                                                                          Catholic Academy, Jamaica
                    St. Leo Catholic Academy                                    Fresh Meadows                      Oakland Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                         Our Lady of        36. Incarnation Catholic Academy
Bartholomew                                                                                                                                                              the Snows
 olic Academy
                                                                                                                                                           Bellerose                        37. St. Michael Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                         Catholic Academy
                                            Kew Gardens Hills                                                                                                                               38. Notre Dame Catholic Academy of Ridgewood
        Rego Park                                                                                                                 Queens Village
                                                                                       Holy Family Catholic Academy                                                                         39. Our Lady’s Catholic Academy
     Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy                                                                                                                St. Gregory the Great
                       Forest Hills                Briarwood                                             Jamaica                                            Catholic Academy of Bellerose   40. Our Lady of Fatima School
 f Hope                                                                                                  Estates
cademy                                Our Lady Queen of Martyrs                                                                   Incarnation Catholic Academy                              41. Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy
                                      Catholic Academy                                                           Hollis                                                                     42. Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Academy
t                         Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Academy                         St. Nicholas of Tolentine                                         Saints Joachim
y                                                                                                                                                      and Anne School                      43. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy
                                           Kew Gardens                               Catholic Academy
          Sacred Heart Catholic Academy of Glendale                                                                                                                                         44. Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Academy
 emy                                                           Jamaica
                                                                                                                      Saint Albans                                                          45. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament
as the Apostle                             Holy Child Jesus Catholic Academy                           Immaculate Conception                          Sacred Heart Catholic Academy              Catholic Academy
holic Academy                               Richmond Hill                                              Catholic Academy, Jamaica                      (Cambria Heights)
                                                                                                                                                                                            46. Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Academy
                    Woodhaven                                                                                                               Cambria
 holic Academy                        St. Mary Gate of Heaven Catholic Academy                                                              Heights                                         47. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Catholic Academy
          Ozone Park                                               Our Lady’s Catholic Academy                                                                                              48. Resurrection-Ascension Catholic Academy
            Divine Mercy                               Our Lady of Perpetual South
                                                                                                      Rochdale                                                                              49. Sacred Heart Catholic Academy
        Catholic Academy                               Help Catholic Academy                          Village
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Cambria Heights)
                                                        South                                                                 Gardens                  St. Clare Catholic Academy           50. Sacred Heart Catholic Academy of Bayside
                                                        Ozone Park
                                                                                                                                                                                            51. Sacred Heart Catholic Academy of Glendale
                                               Our Lady of Grace
                                               Catholic Academy of Howard Beach                                                                                                             52. St. Adalbert Catholic Academy
              St. Helen    Howard
     Catholic Academy      Beach                                                                                                                                                            53. St. Andrew Avellino Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            54. St. Bartholomew Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            55. St. Clare Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            56. St. Elizabeth Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            57. St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            58. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy in Astoria
                                                                                                                                                                                            59. St. Gregory the Great Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Bellerose
                                                                                                                                                                                            60. St. Helen Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            61. St. Joan of Arc School
                                                                                                                                                                                            62. St. Joseph Catholic Academy LIC
                                                                                                                                                                                            63. St. Kevin Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                          Far Rockaway
                                                                                                                                                                                            64. St. Leo Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            65. St. Luke School
                                                            Rockaway                                                                                                                        66. St. Margaret Catholic Academy
                                                            Beach           St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy                                                                               67. St. Mary Gate of Heaven Catholic Academy
                       Rockaway Park                                                                                                                                                        68. St. Matthias Catholic Academy
                              St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy                                                                                                                         69. St. Mel Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            70. St. Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            71. St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            72. St. Sebastian Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            73. St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy of Queens
                                                                                                                                                                                            74. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Academy
                                                                                                                                                                                            75. Saints Joachim and Anne School

                        PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                                                                                                                    9
THE VISION PRESERVING - Diocese of Brooklyn Office of the Superintendent Catholic School Support Services - Catholic ...
Preserving the Vision
Strategic Plan 2017-2020
Recognizing the successful completion of the original Preserving the Vision
Strategic Plan, promulgated in 2008 with the support of the Preserving the Vision
Advisory Committee, the goals of the newly established Preserving the Vision
Education Commission are to actively and diligently pursue academic excellence,
long term financial viability and the goals of the New Evangelization as proclaimed
by Pope Benedict XVI. The Essential Elements of Preserving the Vision Strategic
Plan 2017-2020 are designed to continue this evangelizing mission while enabling
our students to reach their God-given potential.

Essential Elements
CATHOLIC IDENTITY                          Essential Element 4.
                                           Provide liturgical, prayerful and
Essential Element 1.                       sacramental experiences for all
Ensure the hallmarks of the                students in Catholic high schools,
Catholic academies and parish              leading to a lifelong commitment to
schools are:                               the Church.
• Rooted in the evangelizing, Christ-
centered educational mission of the        Essential Element 5.
Church.                                    Maintain a Christian service-learning
• Living witnesses of the Catholic faith   program in each Catholic high school.
and its values.
• Teaching catechesis effectively in
every classroom.                           ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
• Cherishing and drawing from the gifts,
strengths and contributions which all      Essential Element 1.
cultures and faith traditions bring.       Ensure excellence that nurtures the
• Valued as an essential mission of the    intellectual, social, emotional and
Diocese of Brooklyn and its aligned        developmental needs of students,
parishes.                                  within the context of faith formation,
                                           in order to reach their full potential.
Essential Element 2.
Embody within the Catholic high            Essential Element 2.
schools a culture and a community          Plan, implement and maintain
that fosters a deep and personal faith     evolving technology and supporting
in and relationship with Jesus Christ,     infrastructure to complement
and promotes living a life according to    curriculum, instruction, assessment
Catholic Gospel values while welcoming     and communication at all levels.
students of other faiths.
                                           Essential Element 3.
Essential Element 3.                       Foster the collaboration of leadership
Value Catholic high school education as    among the Catholic academies, parish
an important mission and ministry of       schools, Catholic high schools, the
the Diocese of Brooklyn.                   Diocese and institutions of higher
                                           education to ensure quality education
                                           in the Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12
                                           continuum of learning.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                              10
Essential Element 4.                     Essential Element 3.                      Essential Element 2.
Provide for high quality, innovative     Ensure the recognition of the Bishop’s    Comply with and adhere to the
educational programs at each Catholic    reserved powers as described in Canon     policies and procedures of the
high school.                             Law in each Catholic high school.         diocesan “Administrative Manual.”

Essential Element 5.                     Essential Element 4.                      Essential Element 3.
Integrate effective technology           Recruit and retain highly qualified       Build strong Catholic leadership
throughout the curriculum at each        Catholic school administrators at each    by means of effective cultivation,
Catholic high school.                    Catholic high school in accordance with   recruitment, selection, formation,
                                         governance and sponsorship guidelines     support and accountability of Catholic
                                         and with the support of the Office of     academy and parish school principals.
GOVERNANCE                               the Superintendent ~ Catholic School
                                         Support Services.                         Essential Element 4.
Essential Element 1.                                                               Provide guidance, vision, direction
Build strong academy Boards of           Essential Element 5.                      and vitality through effective strategic
Directors and parish school Advisory     Maintain a highly qualified Board of      planning.
Board leadership through effective       Directors/Trustees at each Catholic
development, recruitment, selection,     high school.                              Essential Element 5.
formation, support and accountability.                                             Increase the level of communication

Essential Element 2.                     LEADERSHIP                                and collaboration among the Boards
                                                                                   of Directors.
Ensure the implementation of the
Preserving the Vision Strategic          Essential Element 1.
                                                                                   Essential Element 6.
Education Commission leadership          Provide the oversight and service
                                                                                   Recognize and address the need for
which provides counsel in the areas      needed to effectively implement the
                                                                                   effective leadership in Catholic high
of strategic planning, marketing,        Preserving the Vision Strategic Plan by
institutional advancement,               means of adequate staffing and counsel
communication and financial planning.    of the Office of the Superintendent ~
                                         Catholic School Support Services.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                   11
Essential Element 7.
                                           Provide assistance to the Catholic
                                           high schools for implementation of the
                                           strategic plan.

                                           Essential Element 8.
                                           Ensure each high school will develop
                                           its own three-year comprehensive
                                           strategic plan.

                                           Essential Element 9.
                                           Collaborate to help ensure the
                                           viability and sustainability of Catholic
                                           secondary education within the Diocese
                                           of Brooklyn.

                                           OPERATIONAL VITALITY
                                           Essential Element 1.
                                           Market the values and benefits of
                                           Catholic school education aggressively
                                           to convey a strong message and image,
                                           and ultimately maintain and build

                                           Essential Element 2.
                                           Maintain a school-specific marketing/
                                           branding plan at each Catholic high

                                           VITALITY ENROLLMENT
                                           Essential Element 1.
                                           Optimize the number of students
                                           through effective enrollment
                                           management focused on recruitment,
                                           admissions and retention initiatives
                                           that ensure a diverse student body.

                                           Essential Element 2.
                                           Aggressively and effectively market
                                           Catholic high school education in
                                           collaboration with the Office of the
                                           Superintendent ~ Catholic School
                                           Support Services to enhance the
                                           image of Catholic high schools, build
                                           enrollment and attract essential

                                           Essential Element 3.
                                           Maintain a comprehensive enrollment
                                           management plan at each Catholic high

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                           12
Essential Element 1.
Expand existing and cultivate new
models of funding and support for the
Catholic academies and parish schools
to ensure their vitality and long-term

Essential Element 2.
Ensure the financial health of the
Catholic academies and parish
schools by means of key performance
measures, financial management best
practices and fiscal accountability.

Essential Element 3.
Establish and enhance local
development initiatives to serve
as a key source of revenue.

Essential Element 4.
Ensure that sufficient financial
assistance is available across a
broad range of financial need through
strategic allocation of funds.

Essential Element 5.
Utilize funding from the Saint Elizabeth
Ann Seton Trust for tuition support,
special scholarships and program

Essential Element 6.
Base Catholic high school financial
decisions on current data and future

Essential Element 7.                       federal, state and local officials to       Essential Element 2.
Expand the sources and distribution of     secure all possible benefits for the        Plan and maintain Catholic academy and
tuition assistance at each Catholic high   Catholic educational community.             parish school facilities in cooperation
school.                                                                                with the Diocese of Brooklyn, and
                                           Essential Element 2.                        in compliance with diocesan and
Essential Element 8.                       Continue the collaboration of the           governmental policies and directives.
Ensure collaboration among the             Catholic high schools and the Office of
Catholic high schools in those areas       the Superintendent ~ Catholic School        Essential Element 3.
which will reduce expenses and             Support Services with the Diocesan          Ensure a safe and attractive
increase revenue.                          Office of the Vicar for Communication       environment and maintain facilities at
                                           to engage in political advocacy and         each Catholic high school.
Essential Element 9.                       outreach.
Maintain a written, comprehensive
Institutional Advancement plan at each
Catholic high school.
                                           ENROLLMENT AND
                                                                                       Essential Element 1.
                                           FACILITIES                                  Expand and create partnerships with
ADVOCACY                                   Essential Element 1.                        local, state, federal, corporate and
                                                                                       diocesan offices to secure essential
                                           Ensure that the learning environment
Essential Element 1.                       addresses the health, safety and security
                                                                                       entitlement services and support for
Engage stakeholders at all                                                             quality Catholic education.
                                           of all who engage with the Catholic
levels of the Diocese to vigorously
                                           academies and parish schools.
participate in political advocacy with

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                        13
Catholic Identity

           “  We are a diverse family coming together to celebrate
              our faith and prepare our children for their future.
              A parent from Saint Saviour Catholic Academy, Brooklyn

As the second year of Preserving           academies received this accreditation      from Catholic Academies and parish
the Vision 2017-2020 came to an            in 2018 and six academies were             schools were lost that day. As happens
end, the Catholic Identity of Catholic     awarded accreditation in 2019. A third     each year, the 18th anniversary of
academies and parish schools within        cohort of five academies began the         the attack was commemorated with
the Diocese of Brooklyn remained the       process leading to accreditation in        special liturgies and prayer services
primary focus of their educational         September 2019. The commendations          in the Catholic academies and parish
programs, both cognitive and affective.    and recommendations from the               schools.
A spiritual retreat for principals, held   accreditation process verify that the      The Catholic identity of the Catholic
in January, highlighted their role         religion programs within the academies     academies and parish schools was
as Catholic leaders and celebrated         are true to the teachings of the           most apparent as pastors, pastoral
those who were observing milestones        Catholic Church. The by-laws of CSAA       associates, and deacons, visited
of service. In June, Bishop Massa          were updated in 2019 by its Board of       their aligned Catholic academies or
officiated at a Teacher Recognition        Directors and can be found at              parish schools during opening week in
Day. He celebrated Mass for those in                 September. Students, staff and parents
attendance and affirmed the role of        preserving-the-vision.                     attended Masses and prayer services
Catholic school teachers as ministers      The Summit on Catholic Education,          to invoke blessings of the Holy Spirit
of the Faith and instruments of            hosted by Bishop DiMarzio and held at      for a successful school year.
evangelization. The opening meeting        the Immaculate Conception Center in
for principals and assistant principals,
held in Resurrection-Ascension Catholic
                                           October, reflected Bishop DiMarzio’s
                                           strong commitment to Catholic
                                                                                      Essential Element One.
Academy on August 29th, focused                                                       Ensure the hallmarks of the Catholic
                                           education and the New Evangelization.
on the “Principal as a Catholic School                                                academies and parish schools are:
                                           This Summit’s theme, FOUNDATION
Leader” and the multitude of related       FOR LIFE, presented an analysis of the     ꞏ Rooted in the evangelizing, Christ-
issues. The Annual Rosary Rally on         educational and fiscal situation of the    centered educational mission of the
October 30th at the Co-Cathedral of        Catholic academies and parish schools      Church.
St. Joseph was attended by students        within the Diocese of Brooklyn and an
and staff from a number of Catholic                                                   ꞏ Living witnesses of the Catholic faith
                                           outlook for the future to an overflowing
academies and parish schools.                                                         and its values.
                                           crowd of pastors, principals, teachers
The Catholic identity of Catholic          and Board Directors. It highlighted        ꞏ Teaching catechesis effectively in
academies and parish schools               that, as Catholics, we are people of       every classroom.
continued to be evaluated through          hope and although we may have fewer
                                                                                      ꞏ Cherishing and drawing from the
the Catholic School Accreditation          buildings, the quality of the religious
                                                                                      gifts, strengths and contributions
Association (CSAA,) a partnership          and academic education offered in our
                                                                                      which all cultures and faith traditions
between the Diocese of Brooklyn and        Catholic academies and parish school
Fordham University. The goal of this       will remain the best.
evaluation is to ensure the ongoing                                                   ꞏ Valued as an essential mission
                                           Memories of the September 11, 2001,
quality of the religion program in                                                    of the Diocese of Brooklyn and its
                                           attack on the World Trade Center
those academies that are seeking                                                      aligned parishes.
                                           remain strong to all within the Diocese
accreditation through the New              of Brooklyn. Numerous first responders,
York State Board of Regents. Six           who were our parishioners and parents

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                        14
Strategies:                               ꞏ The Catholic School Accreditation         and online courses. The Secretariat
                                          and Principal Evaluation processes          also published its Annual Report in
ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~
                                          continued to emphasize the faith            September.
Catholic School Support Services
                                          formation of all students. CSAA
continues to partner with aligned                                                     ꞏ All Catholic academies and parish
                                          Standards can be found on
pastors and the Secretariat for                                                       schools must conform to the Diocesan
Evangelization and Catechesis to                                                      Canonical Alignment of parishes to
ensure the strong Catholic identity of                                                academies and Norms for Parish
each Catholic academy and parish          ꞏ All principals and teachers continue      Affiliation. The alignment and
school. The Secretariat provides a        to be required to obtain Catechist          Norms can be found on
number of spiritual and professional      Certification by participation in the
development resources for principals      Diocesan Living and Leading in Faith        preserving-the-vision.
and teachers. The theme of its Fourth     administered by the Secretariat for         ꞏ Each academy has submitted the
Annual Catechetical Summit, held in       Evangelization and Catechesis. Ten          Pastoral Assistance Plan; the Office of
September, was “Baptized and Sent:        hours of approved faith formation           the Superintendent ~ Catholic School
The Church of Christ on Mission in the    is required each year and may be            Support Services collaborates with
World.” Bishop DiMarzio celebrated        obtained by attending workshops or          aligned pastors in its implementation.
mass at the Summit.                       participating online. The Secretariat       The template for the Plan can be
                                          provided the 2019-2020 Secretariat
ꞏ The Diocesan religion curriculum, The                                               found at
                                          for Evangelization and Catechesis
Seed is the Word of God, continues to                                                 preserving-the-vision.
                                          Guidebook which advertised the course
be used in each classroom.                                                            ꞏ The Diocesan Religion Assessment,
                                          listings. These courses included:
ꞏ Workshops and retreat opportunities,    Introduction to Catechesis, Introduction    administered by the Secretariat for
provided for principals and Board of      to the Bible, Sacraments, Creed,            Evangelization and Catechesis, is
Directors, focused on the spiritual       Morality and Prayer. The Secretariat        expected to be administered in each
growth of the participants.               publishes a Handbook at the beginning       Catholic academy and parish school.
                                          of the school year with a listing of live

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                    15
ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~        continued to communicate and              ꞏ Students of other faiths are required
Catholic School Support Services, in        collaborate with host and aligned         to participate in all religious instruction
partnership with Fordham University,        pastors to actively support the role      and activities.
engaged in the Catholic School              of the parishes in supporting and         ꞏ Catholic academies and parish
Accreditation (CSAA) process. Six           encouraging faculties and families in     schools continue to give strong support
academies received accreditation in         their personal faith journeys and their   to the Propagation of the Faith by
2018; six received accreditation in 2019;   relationship with Jesus Christ.           conducting fundraising activities for it.
five academies started the process in       ꞏ Catholic academy and parish school
September 2019.                                                                       ꞏ Catholic academies and parish
                                            leadership continued to provide           schools have annual spiritual retreats
ꞏ The academies which have received         opportunities for parents and guardians   for faculty and staff.
CSAA accreditation have submitted           in adult faith formation and support
Action Plans which reflect action           them as the primary educators of their    ꞏ The Catholic culture of Catholic
steps on the commendations and              children in the faith.                    academies and parish schools
recommendations received from the                                                     continues to be apparent through
                                            ꞏ All Catholic academies and parish
accreditation process. A template                                                     prayer activities (May crowning,
                                            schools continue to be required to
for the Action Plan is provided to the                                                Stations of the Cross, the Rosary,
                                            follow the norms of the Diocese of
academies to ensure that the Plan is                                                  prayers for special intentions among
                                            Brooklyn concerning the Celebration
thorough and complete and can be                                                      others,) recognition of the Liturgical
                                            of First Sacraments for Children and
found at                                                   Seasons (Advent, Lent, Easter and
                                            Youth. The norms can be found at
preserving-the-vision.                                                                Ordinary Time) and service activities
                                                  which benefit the community.
ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~        preserving-the-vision.
Catholic School Support Services

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                       16
Academic Excellence
Canon Law requires that Catholic
schools maintain a quality of
instruction equal to or better than other
schools. The concept of equivalency
of instruction has taken on increased
importance during 2019 as the New
York State Department of Education
(NYSDOE) has proposed increasing
oversight of the education taking
place in non-public schools. This
oversight may include monitoring
the days of instruction, the quality of
instruction and educational outcomes.
The Catholic academies and parish
schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn
have a history of performing equal to
or better than the majority of public
schools within Brooklyn and Queens.
However, because of the proposed
increased scrutiny from the NYSDOE,
the Office of the Superintendent ~
Catholic School Support Services,
in January 2019, established
protocols to ensure compliance of           Spring of 2019 and was introduced
                                            in additional Catholic academies and
                                                                                        Essential Element 1.
all Catholic academies and parish
                                            parish schools in September 2019.           Ensure excellence that nurtures
schools with the expectations of
                                                                                        the intellectual, social, emotional and
the NYSDOE. Steps to Complying              The Diocese of Brooklyn continues to
                                                                                        developmental needs of students, within
with New York State Equivalency of          partner with the Cognia Accreditation
                                                                                        the context of faith formation, in order to
Instruction comprehensively outlines        Process (formerly AdvancEd) for
                                                                                        reach their full potential.
the responsibilities of the Catholic        accrediting Catholic academies
academies and parish schools and the        and parish schools. This process is         Strategies:
role of the Office of the Superintendent    conducted concurrently with CSAA
of Schools ~ Catholic School Support        to ensure quality of instruction in the     ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~
Services in overseeing and providing        entire educational program. As with         Catholic School Support Services
guidance to Catholic academy and            CSAA, six Catholic academies obtained       continues to partner with Catholic and
parish school leadership.                   accreditation in 2018, six more received    secular colleges and universities to                  accreditation in May 2019 and eleven        assist teachers and principals to attain
preserving-the-vision                       Catholic academies started the process      New York State Certification, as well
                                            in September 2019.                          as to provide guidance to teachers in
A Curriculum Committee, chaired
                                                                                        the comprehensive education of their
by the Associate Superintendent             Catholic Academies and parish               students. During 2019, the partnerships
for Curriculum and Supervision,             schools that have completed a               with Molloy College, St. John’s
was established early in 2019. The          Strategic Plan annually compose a           University, Manhattan College, Fordham
Committee, comprised of seven               Continuous Improvement Plan based           University and Stony Brook University
academy and parish school principals,       on recommendations, academic goals          provided more than 3000 hours of
collaborated on Mathematics                 and Catholic Identity goals from the        workshops and graduate-level courses.
curriculum mapping based on the             Plan and expectations of the Pastoral
NYSDOE Next Generation Math                 Assistance Plan. The Continuous             ꞏ Professional development programs
Standards and the Diocesan Framework        Improvement Plan is a guide to the          for new teachers are being created to
for Math. The Committee prepared            identification of the goals, the steps to   address issues relevant to Catholic
a template to allow Math teachers to        be taken to achieve them, the resources     academies and parish schools.
crosswalk the Standards with their          needed and the evidence to show that
current Math materials. The template        the goals have been achieved.
was piloted by one EPAC group in the

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                        17
ꞏ Professional Development
opportunities for principals and
teachers, scheduled with both school
year and summer schedules, included
additional training in the Marzano
Teacher Observation Protocol, the
English New Learner and Literacy
programs, Next Generation ELA and
Next Generation Math Standards,
The Pillars of STEM facilitated by
LabLearners using technology for
differentiation facilitated by EduCate
and The Wilson Foundation’s program         Evaluation Model which contains four        2019 as well as Standards for Effective
for early grade reading and spelling.       domains: Standards Based Planning;          Professional Development. These
                                            Standards Based Instruction; Conditions     documents were prepared to ensure
ꞏ Teacher coaches in Math and ELA           for Learning; and Professional              the quality of workshops and courses
continue to be provided, on request from    Responsibilities. The Professional          provided for principals and teachers.
Catholic academies or parish schools, by    Responsibilities domain involves  
Fordham University and the Houghton-        planning, teaching, assessing and other     preserving-the-vision.
Mifflin Publishing Company.                 teacher-related tasks. Professional         ꞏ The focus of the Aquinas Scholars
ꞏ The Marzano Teacher Observation           development in the Marzano model is         Program, after a thorough review by
Protocol is a comprehensive research        ongoing for principals and teachers.        the Office of the Superintendent ~
based model influenced by the work          Links to videos pertaining to the           Catholic School Support Services,
of the cognitive psychologist Anders        Marzano program can be found at             was recreated during 2019. The new
Eriksson. Eriksson’s research found that                  concept is based on a culture of equity
individuals improve with definitive goals   preserving-the-vision.                      that every child has a gift or talent and
and expert feedback. It also shows          ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~        every child should have the opportunity
that the use of a common vocabulary         Catholic School Support Services            of participate in the program. Aquinas
and specific instructional practices        continues to support and provide            Scholars is an enrichment program,
promote continued professional growth.      strong and comprehensive professional       open to all. All Catholic academies and
Principals and teachers from Catholic       development opportunities for principals    parish schools have been given the
academies and parish school have            and teachers. The Office published          opportunity to participate and receive
attended training workshops in the          Guidelines for Professional Development     funding for their own programs by
use of the Marzano Focused Teacher          within the Diocese of Brooklyn in January   submitting a proposal for an in-school,
                                                                                        cross curricular, creative program for
                                                                                        all students within the academy. The
                                                                                        program must culminate in a school-
                                                                                        wide project. The Saint Elizabeth Ann
                                                                                        Seton Trust provided grants of $2,900,
                                                                                        $9,600 and $20,750 which were
                                                                                        awarded to three Catholic academies
                                                                                        in the Spring of 2019. A new round of
                                                                                        applications was offered in September
                                                                                        2019 with support from the Trust
                                                                                        amounting to $200,000.
                                                                                        ꞏ As mentioned in the Catholic Identity
                                                                                        section of this Report, the Diocesan
                                                                                        Secretariat for Evangelization and
                                                                                        Catechesis continues to provide
                                                                                        professional development in the area
                                                                                        of religious education for principals
                                                                                        and teachers as they obtain the various
                                                                                        levels of Catechist Certification.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                       18
ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~         ꞏ The Mount Carmel Early Childhood         ꞏ For many years, the best practice was
Catholic School Support Services             Center continues to be fully enrolled      to test Catholic academy and parish
is undertaking a study of Special            with a waiting list.                       school students in grades 4, 6 and 8. The
Education within the Diocese facilitated                                                state does not provide test results until
                                             ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~
by the Meitler consultants. A Special                                                   August each year, so 7th grade results
                                             Catholic School Support Services is
Education Advisory Committee has                                                        were considered to be of more value
                                             undertaking another study to assess the
been convened to work with Meitler                                                      to the teachers. After consultation with
                                             Early Childhood needs of the Diocese.
consultants. Committee members                                                          principals and staff, the Superintendent
                                             The Meitler consultants are facilitating
include representatives of local colleges,                                              made the decision to administer State
                                             that study as well.
principals and teachers. A survey                                                       tests in grades 4, 6 and 7, starting in
is being designed which will gather          ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~       2019. The results in the following graphs
information from parents and families        Catholic School Support Services           reflect that change.
concerning special education needs.          continues to make use of the NYSDOE
The Meitler consultants are initiating       testing program as one means of
consultation with the Andrew M. Greeley      evaluating student academic progress.
Center for Catholic Education at Loyola      The percentages in the following graphs
University of Chicago to review models       (next page) indicate the number of
of special education, best practices and     students who meet or exceed state
resources needed.                            standards.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                     19
PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019   20
ꞏ The graphs indicate the percentage
of students in Catholic academies and
parish schools compared to students
in public schools in New York City and
New York State in Grade 4, Grade 6 and
Grade 7 ELA. The graphs show that
3.3% of students in Catholic academies
and parish schools scored lower than
New York State public school students
in Grade 6 math and .2% lower than
New York City public school students.
A small percentage, 1.1% of New York
State public school students scored
higher in Grade 7 Math; and 3.3% of
Catholic academy and parish school
students scored higher than public
school students in New York City in
Grade 7 Math.
ꞏ Students who do not achieve New
York State Learning Standards receive
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to
assist them. These remedial services
may take place during the school day
or in an after-school program and must
commence no later than October 30th
each year.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019   21
Another resource used by the Office
of the Superintendent ~ Catholic
School Support Services to evaluate
student progress is the TerraNova test.
The TerraNova is a norm-based test
administered to all students in grades 3
through 8 in October of each year. The
results indicate student achievement,
measure student growth from year to
year and identify areas of strengths and
weaknesses for each student and each
class. A pilot program to administer the
TerraNova tests in grades Kindergarten,
one and two was conducted in May 2019.
ꞏ These graphs indicate the results
of the TerraNova test administered in
October, 2018 and October, 2019. The
results are in percentiles which indicate
the number of students who score the
same as or above other students in the
United States in the same grade who
take the same test.
ꞏ The results of the NYSDOE tests and
the TerraNova are key factors in the
NYSDOE Equivalency of Instruction

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019    22
ꞏ Fifteen Embassy Catholic
academies received grants for
academic enhancements. These
included special programs in the Fine
Arts, Robotics, Technology Integration
and Culinary Arts.
ꞏ The Mother Frances Cabrini
Foundation has awarded two grants
to the Office of the Superintendent ~
Catholic School Support Services. One
amounting to $300,000 will support
programs in Catholic academies and
parish schools for English Language
Learners. The other, for $750,000,
will be facilitated by the Program for
the Development of Human Potential
(PDHP) and be used to provide guidance
counselors and related programs as          In 2019, the Institute provided twenty-      infrastructure at no cost. Seven Catholic
needed to Catholic academies and            three Catholic academies with coaches        academies were wired in the summer of
parish schools.                             to work with a teacher in each Catholic      2019: Holy Trinity CA; Sacred Heart CA
                                            academy who will then be its technology      Glendale; St. Adalbert CA; St. Ephrem CA;
ꞏ Through the Catholic Foundation,          resource and implement the technology        St. Patrick CA; St. Rose of Lima CA; and
McIntegart Grants were awarded to           plan for the Catholic academy.               St. Stanislaus CA. After e-rate funding,
selected Catholic academies to enhance                                                   the monetary grant from the Diocesan
educational programs.                       ꞏ Through the DeSales iPad initiative,
                                                                                         Technology Institute was in excess of
                                            the Catholic Television Network (CTN)
ꞏ Teachers in academies currently                                                        $550,000.
                                            provided 2,060 iPads to twenty-seven
involved in the Absolute Charter Process    Catholic academies in the 2018-2019          ꞏ The Diocesan Technology Institute
have been provided with the opportunity     school year with an additional four          provided additional services to the
to participate in a Pathway to New York     Catholic academies receiving iPads in        Catholic academy and parish school
State Certification.                        September, 2019.                             communities. Diocesan subscriptions
                                                                                         were made available for three cloud-
                                            ꞏ Each Catholic academy and parish
                                                                                         based instructional resources:
Essential Element 2:                        school is expected to use all available
                                                                                         Mathletics; Learn360; and Education
                                            funding to support their technology
Plan, implement and maintain evolving                                                    City. DeSales sponsored a variety
                                            needs including Diocesan resources and
technology and supporting infrastructure                                                 of special projects to encourage
                                            the federal e-rate program. The basis for
to complement curriculum, instruction,                                                   technology integration: Mathbowl;
                                            e-rate funding is the school year, not the
assessment and communication at all                                                      Grammarthon; The Great Diocesan
                                            calendar year. The amount committed
levels.                                                                                  Read-a-Loud; Dial-a-Priest; and
                                            by e-rate to Catholic academies and
                                                                                         Summer Fun Challenge.
                                            parish schools for the 2018-2019
Strategies:                                 school year was $501,008.61; of this,        ꞏ The Diocesan Technology Institute
ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~        $308,407.26 was dispersed.                   managed the recognition of Diocesan
Catholic School Support Services                                                         Valedictorians/Salutatorians at Catholic
                                            ꞏ The Office of the Superintendent ~
continues to partner with the Diocesan                                                   School Night at MCU Park and continued
                                            Catholic School Support Services
Technology Institute to provide                                                          the Focus School model of visits to
                                            provided four e-rate workshops for
technological resources and support for                                                  Catholic academies and parish schools
                                            Catholic academy and parish school
Catholic academies and parish schools.                                                   by CTN Instructional Media Specialists.
The goal of the Institute is to train one                                                It installed the DialPad phone system
teacher from each Catholic academy or       ꞏ DeSales/CTN managed a grant                into five academies: Good Shepherd
parish school to develop and implement      opportunity that leveraged the Federal       CA; Our Lady Queen of Martyrs CA: St.
a technology plan that integrates           e-rate program with a monetary grant         Margaret CA; St. Rose of Lima CA; and
technology across the classroom.            so that selected Catholic academies          St. Mark CA.
                                            received a managed Cisco WiFi

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                        23

            “  Lay leadership through the Board of Directors is
               essential to the continuous success of Catholic
               education within the Diocese of Brooklyn.
               Academy Advisory Committee

                                                                                     demanding a creative vision for the
                                                                                     future of Catholic elementary education
                                                                                     within the Diocese of Brooklyn. Another
                                                                                     finding shows the necessity of re-
                                                                                     evaluating the committee structure
                                                                                     of the Catholic academy Boards of
                                                                                     Directors with particular focus on
                                                                                     Marketing and Development. The
                                                                                     Director for Enrollment Management
                                                                                     and Financial Assistance conducted
                                                                                     a special marketing workshop for
                                                                                     Catholic academy Boards of Directors.
                                                                                     This workshop included reviewing
                                                                                     registration packets and best practices.
                                                                                     Preserving the Vision 2017-2020 has
                                                                                     provided for the successful formation
                                                                                     of sixty-eight Catholic academies with
                                                                                     two-tiered governance structures.
                                                                                     Qualified and dedicated laypeople
                                                                                     have partnered with pastors to
                                                                                     provide effective leadership for the
                                                                                     Catholic academies and the five
                                                                                     remaining parish schools. The Office
As the Diocese of Brooklyn completes        and principals in May 2019 and to
                                                                                     of the Superintendent ~ Catholic
the second year of Preserving the           teachers and parents in September.
                                                                                     School Support Services continues to
Vision Strategic Plan 2017-2020 and         Fordham University experts collated
                                                                                     concentrate on the goal of obtaining
anticipates its final year, the Office of   responses and prepared an analysis
                                                                                     New York State Absolute Charters for
the Superintendent ~ Catholic School        based on the responses which will
                                                                                     the Catholic academies.
Support Services has commissioned           be presented to Bishop DiMarzio in
the Graduate School of Education of         January 2020. The responses and          All Catholic academies possess a
Fordham University to compose a             analysis will form the basis for the     Provisional Charter from the New York
white paper which will thoroughly           next steps in planning the future of     State Board of Regents which allows
evaluate Preserving the Vision.             Catholic education within the Diocese    them to operate with all the rights and
Fordham staff composed surveys              of Brooklyn. Meitler consultants are     privileges of an educational entity in
which were sent to pastors, principals,     conducting the research and broad        New York State. In order to continue in
teachers and parents in the Catholic        based consultations which will lead to   existence, the Catholic academy must
academies and parish schools. These         a new Strategic Plan to be in place by   meet requirements for and apply for
surveys contained questions related         September 2020.                          an Absolute Charter from the State
to the two-tiered governance structure                                               within three to five years. Requirements
                                            Preliminary findings indicate a
of the Catholic academies which was                                                  to obtain an Absolute Charter can be
                                            population shift within the boroughs
the primary goal of Preserving the                                                   found at
                                            of Brooklyn and Queens. This shift is
Vision. They were sent to pastors                                                    preserving-the-vision.

PRESERVING THE VISION Annual Report 2019                                                                                   24
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