Page created by Lonnie Gilbert

Budget 2018


  The year of VAT and wealth   #Budget2018

Ramaphosa wasn’t mentioned but his fingerprints all over #Budget2018                      3

In a nutshell: Executive summary of 2018 National Budget                                  6

Latest 2018/19 tax tables: Just 3.7% of taxpayers footing 40% of SA’s bill                9

Tipping point: Treasury at upper limits of taxing South Africans – expert                 11

Wealth and VAT: Two tax factors to watch in 2018 as Ramaphosa takes control               14

#Budget2018: Curbing tax avoidance and clamping down on corporate covenants               16

Here’s what the analysts said on #Budget2018 – a mixed bag                                17

Clever tax planning: Using the retirement annuity as the new trust vehicle                29

    The year of VAT and wealth   #Budget2018

Ramaphosa wasn’t mentioned but his fingerprints
all over #Budget2018

By Alec Hogg

South Africans are today counting
the cost of Jacob Zuma’s disastrous
leadership. But while they curse a 1%
higher VAT rate; no inflation-rated
adjustments for “bracket creep”; a
52c/litre fuel price rise; a jump from
7% to 9% in luxury import duties, and
higher sin taxes, they might also allow
themselves a sigh of relief.

After years of contracting GDP per
capita (in US Dollar terms South
Africans have been getting poorer
since 2011) some rationality is finally
returning to those who determine
the priorities of national finances.
It is obvious from today’s Budget            R1m a year now paying 38.5% of total     education system lie a lot further down
allocations and tax adjustments that,        personal income tax while earning 22%    the chain. And Gigaba’s VAT argument
although it’s barely two months              of the declared taxable income.          is very definitely a minority among
since he won a razor thin majority in                                                 economic theorists who explain that
the vote for the ANC’s presidency,           Economically illiterate Jacob Zuma       broader collection vehicles are the
business-savvy Cyril Ramaphosa is            handed his successor a political         antithesis of progressive tax systems.
already having an impact where it            poison chalice by promising fee-free
matters.                                     tertiary education to the children of    But all of that is now water under the
                                             all but around a million households.     Zuma bridge.
It is hard to believe his predecessor        With the sweep of his populist hand,
would have directed the                      Zuma landed National Treasury with       There was zero room or time for
implementation of a non-populist             a headache now quantified as R57bn       creativity on stimulating economic
VAT increase rather than the populist        over three years.                        growth this time. Ramaphosa didn’t
alternative of jacking up the top                                                     have much time to get his hands
marginal income rate. As it happens,         At the traditional “lock-up” press       around the national bookkeeping
after last year’s three percentage point     conference, Zuma’s finmin Malusi         exercise. But he was helped by the
hike in the top marginal income tax          Gigaba and his emotional deputy          excellent team at National Treasury
rate (to 45%) and higher dividend tax,       Sifiso Buthelezi offered a spirited      whose leader, new DG Dondo
both were left untouched this time.          defence of the decision to make          Mogajane, said that he and his 1,200
                                             university education free. Gigaba also   colleagues have learnt that finance
Top income earners are still carrying        argued that VAT doesn’t hurt the poor.   ministers have tended to come and go
a disproportionate burden, however,                                                   – so they focus on just getting on with
with the 270,000 (3.7% of the total)         Sensible educationalists have long       the job.
who report taxable income of over            told us the real blockages in a broken

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                                                          3

They kept it simple: Treasury needed         year ago, to a distressing 4.3%. That
to fill a R36bn hole and find tens of        dropped SA from a place among
billions to meet Zuma’s free university      respectable global company next to
pledge. They did so by raising VAT and       the likes of Malaysia and France, into
using the automatic revenue boost            the league of recovering basket cases
that inflation provides to tax scales        like Argentina and Pakistan.
(aka fiscal drag).
                                             Ramaphosa needs to get that
There were a few bits and bobs at the        corrected – and fast – or risk further
extremities. In essence, however, that’s     downgrades by ratings agencies. His
the story of this Budget.                    renowned negotiating skills and trade
                                             union background must have been put
But in truth, these are little better        to good effect in convincing organised
than stop gaps. Ramaphosa’s                  labour to bend a cornerstone “no-
Administration has been dealt a weak         VAT-increase-ever” position.
hand. And its priority is to get the
economy growing again. Without a             Gigaba ducked a question about
significant improvement in economic          whether there had been any
growth – and the projected rise from         negotiating on VAT with trade unions,
1% to 1.5% won’t cut it – Treasury will      claiming that it is senseless to engage
be facing an even greater challenge          ahead of any tax increases. But given
next year.                                   their vociferous opposition in the
                                             past and their obvious potential to
This year there was a R48.2bn revenue        do damage, it is naïve to believe this
hole that pushed the 2017/18 Budget          particular balloon wasn’t floated ahead
deficit from the modest, healthy             of time.
3.1% projected by Pravin Gordhan a

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                               4

  The year of VAT and wealth   #Budget2018                5

In a nutshell: Executive summary
of 2018 National Budget

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa with Minister of Finance Malusi Gigaba at the 2018 World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos.

CAPE TOWN — South Africa’s new                  mid-term address, is around 1,000
president Cyril Ramaphosa might                 words shorter. Also, instead of the
not have been directly responsible for          emotive rhetoric that punctuated the
the deployment of the person who                Zuma era, this one is on point, rational,
delivered today’s Budget Speech,                professional.
but his fingerprints are all over the
document. The text comes from a                 As heartening, there are only two
different universe to the flowery waffle        oblique mentions to Radical Economic
Zuma-appointed finance minister                 Transformation – one in reference
Malusi Gigaba indulged in during his            to “deconcentrating the economy”
October mini-Budget address.                    through greater competition, and
                                                the other relating to the creation of
Like Donald Trump in Davos, Gigaba’s            opportunities for black agricultural
address was tightly scripted – this             producers. A new age has truly
speech is all business. That’s reflected        dawned. Here’s the executive
by its length – 8,800 words – which,            summary. – Alec Hogg
despite it dealing with far more
substantive issues than October’s

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                                6

• New taxes will be introduced to raise      • A total of in new revenue         • A total of R3bn will have been
  R36bn. On the other side of the              will be raised through a higher fuel        collected by end March from over
  bookkeeping statement, the annual            tax. The price of petrol and diesel         2 000 applicants for off-shore
  cost cutting programme introduced            will rise by 52c a litre; 30c/l for the     wealth amnesty through the Special
  by Pravin Gordhan in 2016 to                 Road Accident Fund and 22c/l for            Voluntary Disclosure Programme.
  save 5% a year (R25bn) through               the general fuel levy. Sin taxes will
  consolidating State procurement,             be increased between 6% and 10%           • Online sales to South Africans by
  has been written in concrete this            raising R420m (tobacco) and R910m           foreign businesses will in future be
  year. As a result, the 2018/19 Budget        (alcohol) respectively.                     liable to VAT.
  deficit is projected to fall from 4.3%                                                 • Six Special Economic Zones have
  to 3.6%.                                   • Estate duty tax is raised to 25% for
                                               estates of greater than R30m. This          been approved where companies will
• The largest reallocation of State            will raise R150m in fresh taxes.3           be enjoy reduced corporate tax rates
  resources is R57bn to fund fee-free                                                      and employment tax incentives.
  higher education over the next             • The excise duty on luxury goods is
                                               raised from 7% to 9%. This will raise     • Carbon Tax will be implemented on
  three years. It will be phased in,                                                       1 January 2019, based on a principle
  starting this year with free tertiary        an additional R1bn for the fiscus.
                                                                                           of polluter-must-pay.
  education for first year students          • Spending on education is the fastest
  from households that earn less than          growing spending category, rising         • Overall government spending will
  R350 000pa (75% of taxpayers).               13.7% annually. Over the next               increase from R1.56 trn to R1.67trn
                                               three years R32bn will be invested          in the year ahead. It is projected to
• The lion’s share of the coming year’s                                                    rise at a real rate of 2.1% in the next
  additional tax of R36bn will be              in building and upgrading schools;
                                               R22bn in feeding 9m learners at 19          three years.
  generated by an increase from 14%
  to 15% in VAT, which will generate           800 schools; and R3.8bn will go into      • South Africa’s economy is
  R22.9bn. This is the first time in the       providing water and sanitation for          anticipated to grow by 1.5% in 2018
  democratic South Africa that VAT             325 and 286 schools respectively.           after 1% in 2017 (raised from the
  has been raised, the last increase         • Over the medium term, the                   0.7% anticipated in October’s Mini
  coming in 1993. VAT’s share of total         National Health Insurance project           Budget.)
  revenue rises to 25.9% from last             will receive an additional R4.2bn
  year’s 24.7%. Personal income tax                                                      • The consolidated Budget deficit for
                                               funded through a reduction in tax           2017/18 was 4.3%. This is slightly
  remains the biggest contributor at           benefits on medical expenses.
  37.6% with corporate tax kicking in                                                      lower than what was expected in
  17.2%.                                     • New country-by-country reporting,           October as higher economic growth
                                               in line with G20 recommendations,           led to a R2.6bn improvement in
• The impact of fiscal drag or                 are being introduced which will             revenues, narrowing the revenue gap
  bracket creep, where income rises            help to address tax base erosion by         to R48.2bn from October’s expected
  automatically because of inflation, is       multinational companies through             R50.8bn.
  now R21bn a year. An equitable tax           transfer pricing.
  policy would kick this back through                                                    • Old age grants will increase by R90
  adjusting the bands. This year only        • Treasury is investigating ways in           to R1 690 in April and to R1 700 in
  the bottom three income levels will          which companies reduce their tax            October. The child support grant
  enjoy the usual adjustment, kicking          liability through excessive interest        rises to by R20 to R400 in April and
  back only a third of the hit. As a           deductions.                                 to R410 in October. This will cost a
  result, an effective R14bn extra tax                                                     total of R2,6bn.
  burden will fall on those earning over
  R410 000 a year.

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                                                             7

• Social spending will increase 7.9% a       • The finmin welcomed back Old
  year.                                        Mutual, which is shifting its primary
                                               stock exchange listing from London
• The Department of Agriculture is             to Johannesburg. He added his
  re-prioritising R581m of its Budget          voice to calls for retribution for
  allocation over five years to support        the Steinhoff accounting fraud,
  a black producer commercialisation           saying SA regulators are working
  programme for 450 farmers.                   with foreign counterparts to ensure
• The Department of Rural                      “those at fault are made to account
  Development and Land Reform                  for their crimes.”
  will accelerate restitution claims         • Offshore allocation limits for
  with plans to settle 2 851 of these          institutional investors are increased
  worth A further R4.2bn has           by five percentage points across all
  been set aside to acquire R4.2bn for         categories.
  291 000ha of “strategically located
  land.”                                     • The Financial Services Board has
                                               been directed to “proceed with
• An allocation of R6bn has been               measured to modernise and improve
  set aside for provincial and local           the governance” of all retirement
  government to assit with drought             funds, including the requirement
  relief.                                      that they must now submit financial
• A property audit conducted by the            statements every year.
  Department of Public Works shows           • Government will be reviewing all
  that national government owns 195            of its open-ended, “evergreen”
  000 properties worth over R40bn.             contracts to open up opportunities
  A programme will be implemented              for SMMEs and black owned
  to “better utilise of dispose of” the        companies to participate; and
  properties. It will also review all          next week all departments will
  rental and property leases in an             be instructed to pay suppliers on
  effort to cut costs.                         time “or be charged with financial
• The new Twin Peaks authorities will          misconduct.”
  be established “on or soon after” 1        • South Africa’s Budget remains one
  April 2018.                                  of the most transparent on earth
                                               and was ranked joint first (with New
                                               Zealand) in the 2017 Open Budget

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                               8

Latest 2018/19 tax tables: Just 3.7% of taxpayers
footing 40% of SA’s bill

JOHANNESBURG — National Treasury notes that this year there will be no fiscal drag relief. As a result, an effective R14bn
extra tax burden will fall on those earning over R410 000 a year. Subsequently, 270 000 people will generate 40% of SA’s
personal income tax. Below are the latest tax details for the year. – Gareth van Zyl

     The year of VAT and wealth       #Budget2018                                                                            9

                                             Medical tax credits

                                             Over the next three years, below-
                                             inflation increases in medical
                                             tax credits will help government
                                             to fund the rollout of national
                                             health insurance. Government will
                                             increase the medical tax credit
                                             from R303 to R310 per month for
                                             the first two beneficiaries, and
                                             from R204 to R209 per month for
                                             the remaining beneficiaries. The
                                             medical tax credit will be reviewed
                                             after the Davis Tax Committee
                                             presents its recommendations.

  The year of VAT and wealth   #Budget2018                                    10

Tipping point: Treasury at upper limits of taxing
South Africans – expert

JOHANNESBURG — Amid the 2018 Budget Speech, South African taxpayers, especially the middle-to-higher income
earners, are fast approaching the maximum levels of being taxed. This is according to Ferdie Schneider who is the National
Head of Tax at BDO in SA. He says the country is already at a tipping point when it comes to personal income tax and that the
risk to tax morality is growing. Here is the full interview with Schneider. – Gareth van Zyl

I’m Ferdie Schneider and I’m the
National Head of Tax at BDO in SA.

Ferdie, thanks for chatting to
me. We’ve just had the first VAT
increase in 25 years, announced in
last week’s budget. VAT is regarded
as a regressive tax – so how will
this increase impact the everyday
South African, from the poor to the
stretched middle-classes?

Gareth, if we were to believe Minister
Gigaba when he read the Budget
Speech, it will have a very small
impact because there’s 19 food items
that are subject to the zero-rating
that’s supposedly covering the poor.
In addition, there’s an increase in the
grants to low income level people in
SA as well. That’s the official message
out there from the ministry. I think
it is a bit more complicated than            Ferdie Schneider, National Head of Tax at BDO South Africa.
that. The zero-rated food items have
been more or less static since the
                                             Exactly, we needed about R51bn and               But it left us at this point, as a result
inception of VAT about 28 years ago.
                                             then it got reduced to about R36bn.              of those various factors that I’ve just
So, whether zero-rated items are really
                                             The VAT hike of one percentage point             briefly mentioned.
scientifically proven to assist the poor
                                             raises about R22.9bn. So, that brought
is a big question mark. I think there will                                                    It’s interesting if one looks at it
                                             us about two-thirds to closing the
be a very strong impact on the poor.                                                          because in terms of the breakdown
                                             gap. I think the stress on the personal
However, I’m also not saying that the                                                         in revenue, personal income taxes
                                             income tax and the high corporate tax
increase was wrong or the incorrect                                                           and VAT are going to be the two
                                             rate left only VAT to be considered. If
thing to do at the time.                                                                      biggest revenue drivers, while
                                             we had an efficient government — in
                                             the sense of State-Owned Enterprises             corporate taxes are in a distant
Gigaba, then, was essentially
                                             (SOEs) and no waste — I think we                 third. Are South Africans at risk of
between a rock and a hard place, in
                                             wouldn’t have reached this point.                being over-taxed here, especially as
terms of that VAT increase.

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                                      11

the unemployment rate is at record         the moment. We’ve seen the fuel
levels?                                    levy increase now yet again. And last
                                           year, when we still had a different
Yes, definitely. So, I’ve looked at some   Minister of Finance (it seems like we
of the studies out there, specifically     can say that every year), we heard an
on the Laffer curve and whether            announcement that they will standard-
we’ve reached that tipping point.          rate fuel, whereas at the moment it’s
Now, the Laffer Curve, as you would        zero-rated. So, I think there’s definitely     if growth expectations in GDP are not
know, measures exactly the point           a trend or shift away from direct taxes        realised by this time next year. I think
where increases in tax rates actually      to indirect taxes, and I don’t think it’s      believing all things in the Budget – the
decreases the tax take. My personal        necessarily a thought-through policy           GDP forecast as well, I don’t think we
view is that we’ve reached that tipping    redirection. I think that’s all that’s left.   would need it next year.
point at the moment, and I would hope
that the newly appointed Minister of       Just on that topic of the standard-            Just on the topic of fiscal drag. So,
Finance, Nhlanhla Nene will tackle         rating of fuel. Can you explain what           that now only applies to the bottom
the reduction and the overall tax          that involves exactly, and how it              three income levels. This seems
burden in the next five years or so.       could impact SA?                               like another form of stealth tax or
                                                                                          indirect tax, especially for those
What about inflation? The inflation        Sure, so if you look at the current
                                                                                          earning, I think over R420 000 a
rate has been cooling off in recent        landscape, fuel is zero-rated. What that
times but could VAT risk pushing it        means to the average consumer is that
up again?                                  the suppliers of fuel charge 0%, which         Yes, I think that’s a fairly new concept
                                           is a theoretical VAT rate on the supply        and it’s more prevalent in developing
Gareth, I don’t think so. I think it’s     of fuel, which enables them to claim           economies like SA with relatively
a very popular conception that             import tax reductions. So, by doing the        high inflation rates. I think that’s
an increase in the VAT rate raises         0% on fuel you’re actually removing all        become an instrument that National
inflation. I don’t personally think so.    traces of VAT in the final consumption         Treasury has been using to raise
If you look at just the makeup or the      price. If you charge VAT at 14% on             taxes. It’s almost like a VAT where
calculation of inflation, it involves a    fuels however, my rough calculation            you pay R114, now R115 almost,
consumer price index change from           showed that may increase revenues by           for an item, but you actually don’t
day one to day 366, over a 12-month        about R1.8bn or R2bn perhaps. But my           realise there’s tip inside there, there’s
period. So, if you increase VAT on day     initial indication calculations show that      VAT, and that’s the same with the
one, 1st April 2018, to 15% there’s no     that would raise an additional R18bn           bracket-creep type of adjustments,
inflation technically, theoretically for   for the fiscus. They will not completely,      where they don’t adjust for inflation.
the 12 months, even though the prices      I believe, remove the fuel levy but they       I believe that they’re raising about
increase. The moment that you come         will probably reduce it to the extent          R6bn this year on bracket-creep; this
to a point where you can actually          that there would be a tax expenditure          is after they’ve given away money in
calculate inflation, that inflation is     of about R3bn, which leaves an                 the first three or four brackets, the
gone.                                      additional R15bn. But I think with the         lower income brackets. But they’re
Yes, and just looking at stealth taxes.    shock now put on the general public            taking it effectively from the top guys.
It’s quite a popular phrase that has       by the increase in the VAT rate, they’re       What happens is that, of course, you
come up in financial media over            not going to repeat that statement of          get an inflationary increase if you’re in
recent days. It does look as if the        last year for a while.                         that grouping and then you just raise
trend in SA is that indirect taxes are                                                    more tax. If you don’t adjust that for
                                           So, do you think that it could be off
on the rise. Do you think that that’s                                                     inflation there’s effectively that stealth
                                           the table?
a fair thing to say?                                                                      tax in there.
                                           Yes, I would guess it’s off the table for
Definitely. I think we’re raising                                                         Looking forward, you’ve spoken a
                                           now. Gareth. And I think the only way
roughly about 25% just on VAT at                                                          little bit about Nhlanhla Nene, who
                                           that it can come back to the table is

     The year of VAT and wealth        #Budget2018                                                                               12

of course was named as SA’s new           in the next three years. I don’t think
Finance Minister this week. Do you        it will be easy in the next three years,
think that going forward taxpayers        because that would be part of a
will bear more pain or do you think       turnaround, in my view. But I would
that things will get easier for them      think we’ll turn in the next three years
in the years to come?                     or so and we’ll see a favourable change
                                          in the next five years.
Gareth, I also saw last night that they
quoted a term ‘Ramaphoria’. So, I         Well, at least there’s something
think whilst we’re in this ‘Ramaphoria’   to look forward to. There seems
we must capitalise on it. And with        like there’s light at the end of the
Nene there in Finance, I think the        tunnel. Thanks for chatting to me
general feeling is that he is a very      today, Ferdie.
capable and able Minister of Finance.
Then with Pravin going to Public          Gareth, thanks a mill. It was nice and I
Enterprises, I think South Africans can   appreciated it.
actually look forward to a turnaround

     The year of VAT and wealth        #Budget2018                                                13

Wealth and VAT: Two tax factors to watch in
2018 as Ramaphosa takes control

JOHANNESBURG — This Q&A with Stellenbosch Business School lecturer Lee-Ann Steenkamp provides a great explanation
on how Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba’s tax changes will impact South Africa in the coming months. But with Gigaba
potentially facing the chop from President Cyril Ramaphosa, the focus will also shift to how aggressively the country’s new
finance minister will help drive home tax changes and even handle possible reforms. It truly is all hands on deck if there’s any
hope of steering South Africa Inc. on the correct course again. – Gareth van Zyl

By Lee-Ann Steenkamp*

South Africa’s 2018 national budget
came with a raft of tax increases
indicating the country’s desperation
to address a growing gap in its public
finances. These include a hike in Value
Added Tax from 14% to 15%. Sibonelo
Radebe asked Lee-Ann Steenkamp to
highlight the key tax developments.

What is your general impression of
the budget speech?

I’m cautiously optimistic. In his own
words, the minister of finance Malusi
Gigaba noted this was a tough but
hopeful budget. The budget speech
echoed the theme of rebuilding and
restoration set out in President Cyril        South Africa’s finance minister Malusi Gigaba. Photographer: Dean Hutton/Bloomberg
Ramaphosa’s state of the nation
                                             from 20% to 25% (with certain                   What are the main drivers of the tax
What is your impression around the           thresholds applying). And the VAT rate          developments?
key tax announcements?                       was increased from 14% to 15%. This
                                             won’t be a popular choice for the trade         The tax proposals are designed to
Given the increases in personal                                                              increase revenue collection. And the
income taxes in previous years major         unions. But the Davis Tax Committee,
                                             set up by government to assess ways             impending sugar tax (now called a
tax instruments have reached their                                                           health promotion levy) and carbon tax
limit in being used to raise revenue         of improving the country’s tax policy,
                                             showed that a VAT adjustment would              show that environmental and health
sustainably. As a result the minister                                                        considerations have begun to play a
only had two options to work with –          have the least detrimental effect on
                                             economic growth and employment                  role in tax policy.
focusing on wealth transfer taxes and
Value Added Tax (VAT).                       over the medium term. In addition, the          Overall, the tax policy measures
                                             negative impact on poor households              are designed to raise R36 billion in
The result was that estate duty and          is mitigated by the zero-rating of basic        additional revenue in the 2018/19
donations tax rates were increased           foodstuffs.                                     financial year. These measures are

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                                14

                                              An annual wealth tax would also
                                              be extremely complex and would
                                              probably lead to increased compliance
                                              and enforcement costs for the South
                                              African Revenue Services. This raises
                                              the question: would the cost be worth
                                              the additional tax revenue? We don’t
                                              know. What’s clear is that further in-
                                              depth research is required by the Davis
                                              Tax Committee, followed by a broad
                                              public consultation process.

                                              At the very least the finance minister
                                              should have highlighted the issue in
aimed at reducing the budget deficit
                                              his speech. Policy transparency goes
and funding fee free higher education
                                              a long way in assuring investors (and
and training for students from poor
                                              taxpayers) that their money is in safe
Were there any missed opportunities
                                              Any other thoughts?
from a tax perspective?
                                              The minister admitted that corrupt
To create more certainty for tax
                                              and wasteful expenditure by the
planning it would have been helpful
                                              government had eroded taxpayers’
if the minister had explicitly said
                                              trust in the state. This is a good
something about the introduction of
                                              starting point. But we’ve heard
a wealth tax. The Davis Committee
                                              acknowledgements like this before,
looked into the efficacy of a wealth
                                              with very little (if any) progress
tax. The options would be charging it
as a land tax, as an annual net wealth
tax or as a national tax on the value of      The ConversationThe next few months
property (over and above municipal            will be crucial to see how the promises
rates).                                       made by Ramaphosa will play out.
                                              Hopefully the governance and
A wealth tax raised on the value of
                                              accountability of the South African
land would be complex. For example,
                                              Revenue Services will get immediate
it can’t be assumed that all private
land owners are wealthy individuals.
In the same vein, a national tax on the
value of property would suffer similar        Lee-Ann Steenkamp is Senior lecturer,
shortcomings to an annual land tax.           University of Stellenbosch Business
Thresholds would have to be used as           School (USB), Stellenbosch University.
well otherwise ownership would be             This article was originally published on
used as a proxy for wealth.                   The Conversation. Read the original

     The year of VAT and wealth            #Budget2018                                                15

#Budget2018: Curbing tax avoidance and
clamping down on corporate covenants

By Marcus Botha and                           • Country-by-country reporting
Sumayyah Pahad                                  enhancements that will ensure the
                                                fair share of tax is paid on South
The 2018 Budget Speech delivered                African source income.
by Minister of Finance, Malusi Gigaba
on 21 February 2018 confirmed South           • Investigating options to curb
Africa’s commitment to ending tax               excessive interest deductions to
avoidance and its impact on economies           reduce company tax liabilities.
and societies worldwide.
                                              In addition to the above, a clamp down
It was announced that the National            on the following domestic corporate
Treasury, in close cooperation with the       covenants has been announced
Reserve Bank, the Financial Intelligence      to support the fight against tax
Centre and the South African Revenue          avoidance:
Service, are taking several steps to
detect, disrupt and deter illicit financial   • Debt relief rules in terms of section
flows including:                                19 and paragraph 12A.

• Increasing capacity, coordinating           • Share buybacks.
  a national risk assessment and              • Dividend stripping.
  improving information sharing
  between various agencies.                   • Allowances granted to companies on
                                                debt funding to acquire qualifying
• The implementation and tightening             controlling interest in operating
  of policy measures to deal with               companies in terms of section 24O.
  transfer pricing and base erosion by
  multinational companies in line with        These proposals have been left open
  G20 recommendations.                        ended and certainty is expected
                                              later in the year when the Tax Law
                                              Amendments Bill is promulgated.

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                                16

Here’s what the analysts said on #Budget2018
– a mixed bag

JOHANNESBURG — Analysts have provided differing views on Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba’s Budget Speech on
Wednesday. On the whole, many experts have welcomed government’s tough choices on VAT and other cost-cutting
measures. However, concerns exist about where the growth will come from. Ultimately, it’s economic growth that will help
solve many of the country’s woes, but, at the moment, faster growth is proving elusive. President Cyril Ramaphosa has a huge
task on his hands in years to come. Below is a wide compilation of several analysts’ reaction to Budget 2018. – Gareth van Zyl

By Nazmeera Moola, co-Head                  inflation in the top four tax brackets,
of Fixed Income, Investec Asset             expected to bring in a further R6.8bn.
                                            In terms of the growth forecasts, the
By raising South Africa’s VAT rate          National Treasury’s assumption
from 14% to 15%, the South African          of growth at 1.5% for 2018 is at the
government indicated a willingness          bottom of the consensus range, and
to take difficult (and unpopular)           there is definite room for upside if half
decisions in order to stabilise the         the structural measures announced in
fiscus. Coupled with the recent change      President Ramaphosa’s State of the
in the President, this Budget should        Nation Address materialise.
be enough to keep Moody’s on hold
when they release their South Africa        The main budget forecasts remain
sovereign review on March 22nd. If          higher than we would have preferred,
                                                                                        Nazmeera Moola
a good cabinet is appointed in the          with the primary balance, which
coming week, it may even be enough          excludes interest payments, only
for Moody’s also to move the outlook        moving to zero in the 2020/21 fiscal        Contrary to our expectations, there
to stable from negative. However,           year. Nevertheless, the improvements        were virtually no cuts to overall
there are two concerns – firstly, that      are still substantial. The 2018/19          expenditure over the medium
the debt-to-GDP profile does not            forecast falls from 4.5% to 3.8% of         term. Instead, there is a significant
stabilise for five years, and secondly,     GDP, while the 2020/21 forecast             reprioritisation of spending in order
the public sector wage settlement           declines from 4.6% to 3.7% of GDP.          to accommodate the R66bn needed
that is still being negotiated.             However, if growth of 3% materialises       in the next three years to fund free
                                            by late 2020, this alone would move         tertiary education. This leaves
Overall, Finance Minister Malusi            the main budget deficit to 3.4% of          considerable room to cut spending
Gigaba presented a plausible,               GDP in that year.                           if President Ramaphosa’s planned
conservative budget with reasonable                                                     merger of government departments
growth assumptions that focuses on          The improvement in the debt profile,        proceeds. However, the wage increases
what it is delivering this year rather      driven by the higher revenue forecasts      currently being negotiated with public
than making promises of future              due to the VAT hike and higher              servants is critical – any slippage from
consolidation. Revenue hikes totalling      growth forecasts, is encouraging.           the budgeted wage bills will derail this
R36bn are planned for the 2018/2019         However, with the debt-to-GDP ratio         budget.
fiscal year, anchored by the VAT            only peaking in the 2022/23 financial
increase, which will add a projected        year, we need to see further progress
R22.9bn, and the zero relief for            at the Medium Term Budget Policy
                                            Statement in October this year.

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                             17

President Jacob Zuma releases Heher report on tertiary education fees. More of Zapiro’s magic
available at

Ultimately, all our budget woes would             The Budget was always going to be a           helpful if this takes place in the context
be resolved if we could get growth                necessary, but not sufficient condition       of a competitive currency. In 2017,
going. For example, if we could achieve           to shoring up South Africa’s one              emerging markets experienced inflows
a growth rate of 3% in SA the 2020/21             remaining investment grade credit             of US$100bn into dedicated equity and
fiscal year, it would push up the                 rating and restoring the confidence of        bond funds. While flows in 2018 have
primary main budget balance by 0.4                households, investors and businesses          been more volatile, the expectation
percentage points. Indeed, it should              in the economy. This Budget is good.          is that they continue. Therefore it is
not be out of reach and the Budget                In light of the political flux it was         very clever of the National Treasury
Review sets out a breakdown of how                produced within, it is excellent. It          and Reserve Bank to loosen exchange
GDP growth of 4% could achieved.                  demonstrates the depth of the skills          controls for institutional funds. The
Assuming baseline GDP growth of                   and commitment of the Treasury staff.         Budget Review noted that offshore
1.5% currently, the following factors                                                           limit for institutional funds is
could push it to 4%:                              The key now is whether the widely             increased by 5 percentage points for
                                                  expected cabinet reshuffle puts               all categories, including the African
• Improved confidence: +0.5%                      people in charge of key Ministries that       allowance. Therefore the African
                                                  produce a regulatory environment that         allowance goes from 5% to 10%
• Telecoms reforms: +0.6%                         pragmatically encourages investment           and the Rest of World category for
• Lower barriers to entry for small               while taking into account South               institutional funds goes from 25% to
  business: +0.6%                                 Africa’s social context. As the Treasury      30%. Total ex-SA allowance is raised
                                                  noted, a boost to confidence alone will       to 40%. This allows savers to continue
• Transport reforms: +0.3%                        raise growth by 0.5%. Sectoral reforms        to diversify their holdings, while likely
                                                  will do much more.                            providing some offset to the likely
• Promotion of agriculture & tourism:
  +0.2%                                           Structural reforms are the key to             inflows as South Africa’s potential
                                                  improving South Africa’s growth               growth rate rises.
                                                  outlook. However, it is far more

     The year of VAT and wealth            #Budget2018                                                                                 18

PWC’S TAX COMMENTS                                                                      Clarification on brown bread
ON THE 2018 BUDGET                                                                      Following recent uncertainty regarding
REVIEW: INDIRECT TAX                                                                    the zero-rating of basic food items,
                                                                                        government proposes an amendment
Charles de Wet, Head of Indirect Tax,                                                   to reflect the original policy intent that
PwC Africa                                                                              only brown bread and whole wheat
Increase in VAT rate                                                                    brown bread will be zero-rated, and
                                                                                        will not extend to rye or low GI bread.
The Minister of Finance announced in
his Budget speech that the VAT rate                                                     Cryptocurrency
will be increased by 1 % to 15% with                                                    The VAT and Income tax treatment of
                                             Updated regulation for foreign
effect from 1 April 2018. This increase                                                 cryptocurrencies will be clarified.
                                             electronic services
is expected to raise additional revenue
of R22.9 billion.                            The 2017 Budget Review announced           Insertion of the definition of “face
                                             that regulations prescribing foreign       value of a debt transferred”
The result of the aforementioned
                                             electronic services subject to VAT
increase, is that consumers will now                                                    A VAT-registered vendor is permitted
                                             would be broadened to include cloud
pay an additional 1% tax on any                                                         to claim a deduction for VAT on
                                             computing and other online services.
purchases of goods or services from                                                     taxable supplies that have to be
VAT vendors. This will have a major          Updated draft regulations prescribing      written off. If the vendor cedes or sells
impact on households’ already tight          foreign electronic services and            the debt that has been written off on a
budget. The implementation of the            supporting amendments to the VAT           non-recourse basis for an amount that
VAT increase for businesses may be           legislation are to be published on         is less than the amount owing, then
complex, and the implementation date         Budget Day for public comment. It          the sale of the debt is exempt from
of 1 April 2018 does not leave much          is disappointing that the regulations      VAT and the vendor is not required to
time to allow businesses to effect           dealing with foreign electronic services   make any adjustments to the previous
the necessary system changes and             have not kept up with international        VAT deduction. Certain vendors that
enhancements.                                best practice.                             buy book debt then attempt to claim
                                                                                        a further VAT deduction if they write
                                                                                        off all or part of this debt in future.
                                                                                        This results in a double VAT deduction,
                                                                                        which is against the intention of the

                                                                                        To prevent this double VAT deduction,
                                                                                        it is proposed that the term “face value
                                                                                        of a debt transferred” be defined in the
                                                                                        VAT Act to take into account the policy
                                                                                        rationale explained in the explanatory

                                                                                        Postponing the abolishment of the
                                                                                        zero-rating of the supply of goods
                                                                                        and services for the national housing

                                                                                        In 2015, amendments were made to
                                                                                        the VAT Act to abolish the zero-rating
                                                                                        of the supply of goods and services
                                                                                        for government’s national housing

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                                                          19

programme, with effect from 1 April
2017. In 2017, the legislation was
amended to postpone the abolishment
date for a further two years to 1 April

Due to budgetary constraints, it is now
proposed to postpone the effective
date for this amendment indefinitely.

The CEO Initiative is encouraged
by the steps taken in the Budget             Malusi Gigaba gestures as he speaks during a news conference after presenting his first budget
presented yesterday, aimed at                to parliament on May 23, 2017. Photographer: Halden Krog/Bloomberg
achieving fiscal consolidation, balanced
with the need to redress our country’s
severe socio-economic shortcomings
amid a low-growth economic                   the unsustainable accumulation of                 finances. This has been softened by an
environment.                                 debt, closing in on the fiscal gap and            increase in social welfare spending and
                                             accelerating growth.                              more inflation-adjusted tax relief for
“We realise the trade-offs and                                                                 those taxpayers in the lower earnings
decisions could not have been easy           “In this regard we welcome the plans              brackets,” says Mabuza.
with so many competing priorities,           towards the stabilisation of debt-
but given the severity of our                to-GDP to 56.2% by 2022/’23 fiscal                The CEO Initiative also commends
challenges, we all need to sacrifice in      year, as well as the lowering of the              the ongoing measures against
some way to ensure the long-term             consolidated deficit over the next                corruption and wasteful expenditure
stability of our fiscal position and avert   three years to 3.5%. While there                  in government departments and
further credit rating downgrades,”           is room to reduce these elements                  municipalities, such as supply chain
                                             further, we believe it is a positive start        management strengthening.
                                             to improving our long-term fiscal
                                             outlook,” says Mabuza.                            Commitment to enhancing growth

                                             The downward revision of the                      Over the past two years the CEO
                                             expenditure ceiling is encouraging,               Initiative has been engaging labour and
                                             and we particularly welcome the                   government on measures to improve
                                             comments by the Minister of Finance               economic growth in a sustainable
                                             regarding the need to rein in public              and inclusive manner. In this regard,
                                             sector borrowing, as well as the higher           we welcome the prioritisation
                                             projections for GDP to 1.5% for this              of expenditure towards growth-
Jabu Mabuza                                                                                    enhancing and employment-creating
                                                                                               measures, such as small business
says Jabu Mabuza, Convenor of the            “We acknowledge that the decision                 development and infrastructure
CEO Initiative.                              to increase VAT would not have                    growth.
                                             been an easy one for any emerging
Fiscal consolidation                         economy in a time of low economic                 “The work on the SA SME Fund to
                                             growth, but we commend the National               support high-potential SMEs is in an
Going into this budget, South Africa’s                                                         advanced stage, and this aligns well
                                             Treasury for the bravery in taking the
most pressing crisis was to achieve                                                            with the government’s establishment
                                             difficult decisions necessary for the
fiscal consolidation, by addressing                                                            of a R2.1bn fund aimed at supporting
                                             long-term health of our country’s

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                                    20

small and medium enterprises during
the early start-up phase.”

We also welcome the approval of
six special economic zones which
should enable greater investment
and employment creation in the
manufacturing sector.

“In addition to this, the CEO Initiative
has engaged extensively with labour
and government on measures to revive
the manufacturing capacity in the Vaal      SOC reform                                The government had to make a set
Triangle,” says Mabuza.                                                               of tough choices on fiscal policy,
                                            We welcome the Minister’s comments        and while the tax policy measures
Clarity on funding mechanisms of            on the reforms required at state-
social programmes                                                                     announced today may be painful, the
                                            owned enterprises, in order for these     Chamber is of the view that these
“We are well aware of our country’s         organisations to become self-sufficient   are necessary to stabilise investment
significant social challenges, and          and not dependent on the government       ratings in order to encourage
as such business supports the               for financial support and rescue.         investment going forward. In due
government’s objectives of expanding        “It is encouraging that the proposed      course government will have to take
access to tertiary education, quality       measures go beyond mere bail-             steps to incentivise higher levels
healthcare and comprehensive social         outs, but include equity investment,      of investment through greater tax
security. However, we have always           disposing of non-core assets and          competitiveness compared with South
maintained that this has to be done in      strategic equity partners,” says          Africa’s peers.
a responsible manner,” says Mabuza.         Mabuza.                                   The Chamber welcomes the
                                            The CEO Initiative remains committed      diagnosis on the difficult state of the
                                            to working with labour and the            mining industry, and the Minister’s
                                            government in achieving sustainable       reinforcement of the commitment
                                            and inclusive growth that benefits all    expressed by President Ramaphosa
                                            who live in South Africa. We echo the     in his State of the Nation address
                                            comment by the president last week        last week to allow parties the space
                                            in the State of the Nation Address, as    to engage as part of a co-operative,
The CEO Initiative welcomes the
                                            well as by the Minister in yesterday’s    multi-stakeholder effort to address
clarity from the National Treasury
                                            speech, that now is the time for          the policy and regulatory uncertainty
regarding the extra funding for the
                                            everyone to lend a hand in rebuilding     that has afflicted the industry in recent
National Health Insurance over the
                                            and strengthening our economy.            years.
next three years, as well as the funding
to be provided for fee-free higher                                                    The Chamber is looking forward to
education.                                  CHAMBER OF MINES                          working with all stakeholders including
                                            NOTES BUDGET SPEECH                       government, organised labour and
Revenue-collection strengthening
                                                                                      representatives of mining communities
                                            The Chamber of Mines welcomes the
We look forward to the proposed                                                       in formulating a social compact that
                                            2018/19 national Budget delivered
response to the recommendations of                                                    will ensure the future sustainability of
                                            today by Finance Minister Malusi
the Davis Tax Commission, but we                                                      the industry and will allow the mining
                                            Gigaba as a tough but necessary
await further clarity on the timelines                                                industry to achieve its full economic
                                            one that reinforces President Cyril
for the Commission of Inquiry into                                                    and transformational potential.
                                            Ramaphosa’s drive to stabilise the
tax administration and governance           economy and get crucial sectors of the
at SARS, as communicated by the             economy back on track.
president last week.

     The year of VAT and wealth          #Budget2018                                                                        21

                                                                                                 suppressed by various institution, we
                                                                                                 are now silenced by Baleka Mbete as a
                                                                                                 Speaker by defying the wishes of the
                                                                                                 PAC to have our own representative in
                                                                                                 the legislature and not her favourite
                                                                                                 Luthando Mbinda.

                                                                                                 The PAC notes the Budget speech as
                                                                                                 presented by Minister Malusi Gigaba
                                                                                                 in the National Assembly yesterday.
                                                                                                 The speech lacks an element of hope
                                                                                                 for the majority of poor landlessness
                                                                                                 African people in occupied Azania (SA).

                                                                                                 The 1 percent increase of Value-Added-
                                                                                                 Tax (VAT) as proposed by the Minister
File photo of a general view of Driefontein Gold Mine shaft, near Carletonville, South Africa.
                                                                                                 is a sign of a war waged towards
                                                                                                 the poor citizens of our country. We
                                                                                                 are finding it absurd and laughable
                                                                                                 that the poor should be held liable
                                                                                                 for irresponsible, reckless corruption
                                                                                                 committed by the filthy rich politicians
                                                                                                 and tenderpreneurs.

                                                                                                 It is a public knowledge that our
                                                                                                 state-owned-enterprises (SOEs)
                                                                                                 are ICU (Intensive Care Unit) with
                                                                                                 suggestion of other liberal opportunist
                                                                                                 to commercialise and privatize power
                                                                                                 supply, Eskom. Those opportunist
The budget speech also reinforced                   the creation of 150,000 new direct
                                                                                                 liberal want the SAA also to be sold to
President Ramaphosa’s commitments                   and indirect jobs. All stakeholders
                                                                                                 private hands, PRASA is in a rubbish
to reviving the state-owned                         must work together to develop a
                                                                                                 state that it is incapacitated to
enterprises, whose decline due to                   vision of what good looks like for the
                                                                                                 transport people to their workplace
poor governance and deep corruption                 mining sector and agree to a social
                                                                                                 or students to their institutions. We
have had serious impacts on the                     compact which will form the necessary
                                                                                                 are now told that government must
sustainability of the economy in                    foundation towards reviving and
general and our industry in particular.             building a growing, vibrant and more
                                                    transformed South African mining
Chamber members have indicated                      industrY.
that should South Africa succeed in
returning to the top 25% of mining                  PAC COMMENT ON
jurisdictions in terms of regulatory
                                                    BUDGET 2018
attractiveness as outlined by the
Fraser Institute, the country is likely to          The Budget speech confirms that the
see an almost doubling of investment                poor/landlessness are in need of a
in the sector over the next four years.             friend and that friend have been there
                                                    for many decades, its PAC. That is why
This would have profound positive
                                                    since its inception, the PAC has always      Credit ratings downgrade. More magic
economic consequences, including
                                                    been oppressed and                           available at

      The year of VAT and wealth            #Budget2018                                                                                 22

                                                                                              anti-poor budget. We are not going
                                                                                              to allow a situation when the poor
                                                                                              are continuously attacked through
                                                                                              capitalist-oriented policies which seeks
                                                                                              to take away everything from our

                                                                                              It is still clear to the PAC that that
                                                                                              Budget was drafted and codified
                                                                                              for the rich, it never talked even a
                                                                                              sentence to the poor. There is no
                                                                                              logic to say that you increase social
                                                                                              welfare by less than R90.00 and yet
sell its Telkom stake so that they are            The rich continue to be protected and       you still increase their daily basic needs
able to save other entities, you rob              prevented to pay for tax while our          commodities, it is hooliganism.
Paul to pay Peter? The rapid decline of           government have taken an anti-poor
entities such as Steinhoff signals that           policy to tax and outstrip the poor         OUTA: WHERE’S THE
greedy is at it’s highest point.                  every cent they happen to have. We          PLAN IN #BUDGET2018,
                                                  are in a situation in the country where
While we partially agree that President           the employees are working for peanuts
                                                                                              MINISTER GIGABA?
Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation                   which only allows them to buy food          Taxes are up again, but clear plans
Address was inspiring and promising               and ticket for fare to work, our people     and interventions for the recovery of
a new country but the Budget speech               are subjected to that for all their lives   state-owned entities are missing.
negates and contradicts all that                  and they die poor.
happened last week Friday. Ramaphosa                                                          Budget 2018
promised the poor a better South                  The PAC is calling for the parliament
Africa while Ramaphosa counter that               to conduct a thorough investigation         “The last few weeks have brought
by blowing the poor in the face.                  before they could adopt or bless this       a new sense of hope to the country
                                                                                              with the change in leadership and
                                                                                              clear actions that signal the address
                                                                                              of corruption and maladministration.
                                                                                              However, Budget 2018 leaves OUTA
                                                                                              concerned about the practical
                                                                                              implementation of the promises,” says
                                                                                              Ben Theron, OUTA’s COO.

                                                                                              OUTA is concerned that there is a
                                                                                              significant increase in state spending
                                                                                              — including an increase in the cost of
                                                                                              the executive — but Minister Gigaba
                                                                                              hasn’t given us a comprehensive plan
                                                                                              to eliminate systematic corruption
                                                                                              or even costed a budget yet for the
                                                                                              already running commission of inquiry
                                                                                              into state capture.

                                                                                              “Minister Gigaba is still trying to
                                                                                              mislead society by conveniently
                                                                                              spouting vague promises without
                                                                                              giving clear action to implement
The coffers are still running dry. More magic available at

     The year of VAT and wealth            #Budget2018                                                                               23

them. The extension of guarantees in                                                    of South Africa’s local debt to junk
SOEs such as Transnet, Eskom and                                                        status?
SAA, whilst necessary for stability,
fails to address the plans to rebuild                                                   Kemp Munnik, Head of Structured
these institutions and stop future                                                      Solutions at Bravura, an independent
guarantees. The hints of privatisation                                                  investment banking firm specialising
of SOEs is encouraging and, in this                                                     in corporate finance and structured
regard, SAA should be disposed of as                                                    solutions, comments that this
soon as possible.”                                                                      Budget was keenly watched by
                                                                                        local and international investors
Minister Gigaba has missed an                                                           given the political change that took
opportunity to shed light on plans to                                                   place recently, especially against
get our economy growing again. The           Wayne Duvenage
                                                                                        the backdrop of the allegations of
vague statements on the stabilisation                                                   state capture. The 2018 Budget was
of balance sheets of SOEs provide no                                                    essential to restore the credibility of
certainty or confidence that further         seriously and reduce corruption.           the Annual Budget and the medium-
bailouts will be avoided. SANRAL is to       As such, we see the Budget and tax         term expenditure framework (MTEF).
be recapitalised, which underlines the       increases as a necessary bitter pill to
failure of e-tolls.                                                                     The MTEF is significant because
                                             swallow, courtesy of Jacob Zuma and
                                                                                        it provides insight into planned
                                             his ineffective Cabinet,” says Wayne
OUTA is disappointed at the lack of                                                     government expenditure and indicates
                                             Duvenage, OUTA CEO.
clarity on Government’s commitment                                                      expected tax increases that South
to reduce waste and eliminate                “We trust that government will now         African taxpayers have to face. It also
underperforming programmes to                be put to task to reduce spending and      informs decisions of the credit rating
address the deficit. OUTA is pleased         waste, in order to ensure there are no     agencies about South Africa’s fiscal
to see that the Minister managed to          further increase in taxes in 2019.”        stability.
find the money to get the free higher
education promise started, but he            OUTA intends to keep watch on the          Revision of growth forecast
seems to have forgotten that those           Budget promises and spending.
                                                                                        The South African economy has
students will soon need jobs.                                                           slowed down significantly in recent
                                             “Minister Gigaba, in your speech by
The constant increase in personal            saying we must fight corruption and        years. During the last quarter of 2016
income tax puts more strain on               maladministration. Lead by example         and the first quarter of 2017 it even
overburdened taxpayers. The plan to          and resign,” says Theron.                  retracted into negative territory.
adjust medical aid tax credits to fund a                                                Gross domestic product growth of
                                             BRAVURA HOLDINGS LIMITED:
very vague National Health Insurance                                                    1% is now expected for 2017, up from
                                             2018 BUDGET RELIES ON
plan will place taxpayers in a worse
                                             INCREASED GROWTH PROSPECTS
                                             TO BALANCE THE BOOKS
“Taxpayers are sick and tired of seeing
                                             Current Finance Minister Malusi
taxes increase year after year without
                                             Gigaba delivered South Africa’s 2018
material improvement in governance.
                                             Budget in a more positive atmosphere
Any increase in the tax burden on
                                             given that Cyril Ramaphosa has been
society is extremely frustrating
                                             sworn in as State President last week.
against the backdrop of rampant
                                             However, was he able to address
maladministration and corruption,”
                                             the glaring revenue shortfalls, ever-
says Theron.
                                             increasing debt to GDP and threat of
“We’re positive that President Cyril         Moody’s following in the steps of Fitch
Ramaphosa will take state capture            and S&P Global with a downgrade           Flag map of South Africa

     The year of VAT and wealth           #Budget2018                                                                          24

0.7% projected in October 2017. The                                                       China’s corporate income tax rate is
National Treasury projects real GDP                                                       25%. While some African countries
growth of 1.5% in 2018, 1.8% in 2019                                                      have similar or slightly higher tax
and 2.1% in 2020.                                                                         rates, these are often effectively
                                                                                          reduced with incentives and/or tax
The economy has benefited from                                                            holidays.
strong growth in agriculture, higher
commodity prices and, in recent                                                           The Budget Review recognises that
months, improving investor sentiment                                                      South Africa is becoming an outlier,
and a stronger rand.                                                                      providing an unintended incentive for
                                                                                          companies to shift profits abroad and
The global economy continues to                                                           pay lower taxes elsewhere. In recent
provide a supportive environment                                                          years, government has taken steps
for expanded trade and investment.                                                        to avoid erosion of the corporate tax
World economic growth is at its                                                           base and prevent profit shifting, and
highest level since 2014 and continues         The 2018 Budget proposals will
                                                                                          to remove or redesign wasteful tax
to gather pace. GDP growth is rising           increase the gross tax-to-GDP ratio
                                                                                          incentives. In addition to effective anti-
across all major economies. The                from 25.9% in 2017/18 to 27.2% in
                                                                                          avoidance legislation and adequate
global economic recovery provides              2020/21. Social grant payments will
                                                                                          enforcement capacity, this requires
a supportive environment for South             increase faster than inflation to offset
                                                                                          policy decisions that do not undermine
Africa to expand trade and investment,         the effect of higher taxes on poor
                                                                                          investment and competitiveness.
but domestic constraints that have             households.
reduced business confidence stand in                                                      Government debt
                                               Recognition that corporate tax rate
the way of accelerated growth.
                                               cannot be increased further                If government expenditure exceeds
Revenue shortfall and increase in                                                         revenue, the difference must be
                                               In a significant step, the 2018 Budget
taxes                                                                                     borrowed, which adds to the level
                                               recognises that a corporate tax rate
                                                                                          of government debt. This implies
There have been revenue shortfalIs in          of 28% is affecting South Africa’s
                                                                                          that the government’s burden on the
four out of the past five fiscal years,        global competitiveness. The world
                                                                                          economy (total government debt as
mainly as a result of disappointing            experiences falling corporate income
                                                                                          percentage of gross domestic product)
economic growth. The cumulative                tax rates in advanced and middle-
                                                                                          will increase. Certain economists have
shortfall is about R60bn. The                  income countries. This trend limits the
                                                                                          commented that SA has entered an
2016/2017 shortfall was R30bn — the            room to increase (or even maintain)
                                                                                          unsustainable debt spiral.
worst revenue performance since the            the corporate tax rate. Corporate
global financial crisis.                       income tax contributes more as a           The Budget Review recognises that
                                               share of GDP in South Africa than          increasing taxes in a low-growth
Minister Gigaba has now announced              in most other countries. Within            context, when many South Africans are
a projected revenue shortfall of R48.2         the Organisation for Economic              struggling to make ends meet, is not
billion in 2017/18, which is R2.6 billion      Cooperation and Development                desirable. However, the fiscal position
less than the October 2017 estimate.           (OECD), only companies in Chile            is substantially weaker than it was at
He has therefore announced an                  contribute a higher share.                 the time of the 2008 financial crisis,
increase in value-added tax from 14%                                                      when South Africa had a gross debt-
to 15%. He will also maintain the top          The global trend to reduce corporate
                                                                                          to-GDP ratio that was just above 26%.
four personal income tax brackets              income tax rates includes countries
                                                                                          That ratio now stands at 53.3%. A
with no inflationary adjustment                that maintain strong investment
                                                                                          failure to act now would lead to more
to eliminate fiscal drag. These two            and trading ties with South Africa.
                                                                                          drastic spending cuts and tax increases
measures will raise an additional              The United States, for example has
                                                                                          in future.
R36 billion in 2018/19, enabling               reduced its rate from 35% to 21%, the
government to narrow the revenue               Netherlands from 26% to 21%, and           Gross loan debt, which in the October
gap.                                           the United Kingdom from 30% to 19%.        2017 projections was set to breach

     The year of VAT and wealth             #Budget2018                                                                          25
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