There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...

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There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
12.04.2019 fri

   Movies: The Highwaymen
   Book: Outside Looking In by T.C. Boyle
   Music: Rated PG by Peter Gabriel
   Lifestyle: When people downsize
   to tiny houses
                                               Macau Daily Times | Edition 3269 | 12 Apr 2019

There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana.
The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of people have gotten the
                   message that smoking endangers their health
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
X2   PÁTIO DA ILUSÃO illusion
    NEWS OF THE WORLD                                               Jennifer Peltz, AP

A                                        Smoking pot vs. tobacco: What
        s more states make it legal
        to smoke marijuana, some
        government officials, re-
searchers and others worry what
that might mean for one of the
country’s biggest public health
successes: curbing cigarette smok-      juana and tobacco use. And while

                                                                                  AP PHOTO
ing.                                    smoking cannabis may be less
“We’re trying to stop people from       dangerous than tobacco to lung
smoking all kinds of things. Why        health, pot doesn’t get an entirely
do you want to legalize marijua-        clean slate.
na?” a New York City councilman,        Some health officials and an-
Republican Peter Koo, asked at          ti-smoking activists also worry
a recent city hearing about the         about inserting legal marijuana
state’s potential legalization of so-   into the growing world of vap-
called recreational pot use.            ing, given uncertainties about the
Marijuana advocates say there’s         smoking alternative’s long-term
no comparison between joints and        effects.
tobacco cigarettes. A sweeping
federal assessment of marijuana         SMOKING POT VS.
research found the lung-health          TOBACCO
risks of smoking weed appear “rel-      While cigarette smoking is the top
atively small” and “far lower than      risk factor for lung cancer, some
those of smoking tobacco,” the top      of scientific evidence suggests
cause of preventable death in the       there’s no link between marijuana
U.S.                                    smoking and lung cancer. That’s
Unlike for cigarettes, there’s ev-      according to a 2017 federal re-
idence of certain health benefits       port that rounded up nearly two
from marijuana, such as easing          decades of studies on marijuana,
chronic pain. And marijuana can         research that’s been limited by the
be used without smoking it. Most        federal government’s classifica-
states now have legal medical pot       tion of marijuana as a controlled
programs; 10 states and the Dis-        substance like heroin.
trict of Columbia have approved         While cigarette smoking is a major              according to the report from the                but also found evidence the drug is     Tobacco and marijuana use can
recreational use.                       cause of heart disease, the report              National Academies of Sciences,                 linked to developing schizophre-        also go together. Blunts — mar-
“They’re different products, and        concluded it’s unclear whether                  Engineering and Medicine.                       nia and getting in traffic crashes.     ijuana in a cigar wrapper that
they need to be treated different-      marijuana use is associated with                The report also looked at other                 In recent weeks, studies have           includes tobacco leaves — have
ly,” says Mason Tvert, a spokes-        heart attacks or strokes.                       effects, finding a mix of possible              echoed concerns about high-po-          gained popularity. And studies
man for the pro-legalization Mar-       But there’s strong evidence link-               risks, upsides and unknowns. For                tency pot and psychosis and doc-        have found more cigarette smok-
ijuana Policy Project.                  ing long-term cannabis smoking                  example, the report said marijua-               umented a rise in marijuana-re-         ers have used pot, and the other
At the same time, studies have          to worse coughs and more fre-                   na can ease chemotherapy-related                lated emergency room visits after       way around, compared to non-
shown crossover between mari-           quent bouts of chronic bronchitis,              nausea and adults’ chronic pain                 legalization in Colorado.               smokers.

    DRIVE IN                                                            Mark Kennedy, AP Entertainment Writer

Happy hunting Bonnie and Clyde
                                                                                                         AP PHOTO

in ‘The Highwaymen’

I  t’s hard to begin watching
   the Netflix movie “The
Highwaymen” and not think
                                  the heroes of director Ar-
                                  thur Penn’s 1967 film, law-
                                  men Frank Hamer (Kevin
                                                                       just this once, to hunt down
                                                                       the killers, only to endure
                                                                       guff by the new generation
about the way it will inevita-    Costner) and Maney Gault             for their old fashioned me-
bly end — in a famous am-         (Woody Harrelson) are the            thods.
bush and a hail of bullets.       ones here — gruff, taciturn          “Your     time    has     past,
That’s what happened to           and hard-nosed officers. Di-         cowboy,” one young officer
Bonnie Parker and Clyde           rector John Lee Hancock is           tells them, revealing that law
Barrow on May 23, 1934, the       so unwilling to glamorize            enforcement has become ad-
day the law finally caught up     the young outlaws that he            dicted to wire taps and aerial
to the couple who had spent       virtually never focuses his          surveillance. Instead, Hamer
years on a multi-state murder     camera on Bonnie and Cly-            and Gault have their gut ins-
spree.                            de, instead using dreamlike          tincts and tested skills, like
For film fans of a certain age,   filters or odd angles.               looking at footprints in dirt.
we’ve practically seen the fa-    Like its predecessor, there’s        Hamer knows where to find
tal ambush. “The Highway-         lots of cultural commentary          the duo: “Outlaws and mus-
men” is haunted by the 1967       going on in the moody and            tangs always come home,” he
film “Bonnie and Clyde,”          enjoyable Netflix take —             says.                                        From left, Woody Harrelson, Kevin Costner and Thomas Mann in a scene from “The Highwaymen”
which had at its final scene      issues of criminal determi-          The film has been gesta-
a torrent of gunfire riddling     nism, ageism, poverty, moral         ting so long that it was once                sweetness underneath the         evocative score by Thomas         -Beatty-led portrayal of a
Faye Dunaway and Warren           compromising and, of cour-           going to star Robert Redford                 grumpy exterior. Harrelson       Newman and Hancock’s style        bumbling Hamer.
Beatty.                           se, celebrity.                       and Paul Newman, which                       turns in another fine perfor-    is cool and unrushed, letting     But there are moments of
That film romanticized the        A cult sprang up around              raises all kinds of nostal-                  mance, just the kind of sas-     the miles of highway roll and     beautiful stillness and nice-
criminal duo who killed 13,       Bonnie and Clyde — inclu-            gia issues. (Think about the                 sy, good ol’ boy you’d want      making his action sequen-         ly-filmed sequences — like
and their fatal ambush see-       ding women aping Bonnie’s            leads of “Butch Cassidy and                  next to you on a stakeout.       ces feel all the more electric    a nifty car chase in dust
med less like a necessary         fashion — and fans gland-            the Sundance Kid” and “The                   “I’m above ground and ready      when they occur.                  clouds — that make the hunt
law enforcement action than       -handed the pair like movie          Sting” donning fedoras and                   to go,” he tells his partner.    Now, when it comes to the         enjoyable. You’ll know how
a gutless slaying. Now, 52        stars. Harrelson’s character         dark suits, getting into De-                 They’re a great odd couple.      end, this film describes the      it ends, but this time things
years later, comes the rever-     notes that while talent used         pression-era Fords and figh-                 The script at times tries too    final shoot-out in a very dif-    are different: The good guys
se view with “The Highway-        to lead to fame, “now you            ting on the OTHER side of                    hard — “There’s always           ferent way than “Bonnie and       win.
men,” screenwriter John Fus-      just shoot people.”                  the law).                                    blood at the end of the road”    Clyde.” (Hint, the cops had
co’s tale of how two handker-     There’s a throw-back, Wes-           Costner plays his Hamer like                 is one clunky line — and lin-    some honor.) The film often         “The Highwaymen,” a Netflix
chief-wiping, retired Texas       tern feel to the film, with its      a classic Costner role; silent               gers a little too much on sym-   feels in many ways as an at-       release, is rated R for violence
Rangers tracked them down.        flabby, creaky heroes begged         and focused, with a moral                    bols (like greyhound hood        tempt to correct history, or at     and language. Running time:
If Bonnie and Clyde were          to come out of retirement,           charisma and a sly hint of                   ornaments). There’s a very       least the previous Dunaway-            132 minutes.
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
12.04.2019 fri

science says about lighting up
                                                                                                                                                                                   Board of Supervisors tweaked its
                                                                                                                                                                                   prohibition just last month.

                                                                                                                                                                                   TWO VIEWS
                                                                                                                                                                                   As a former cigarette smoker, New
                                                                                                                                                                                   Yorker Gary Smith is dismayed
                                                                                                                                      Health Officials opposes legalizing          that his home state might OK
                                                                                                                                      recreational weed.                           smoking pot.
                                                                                                                                      Vaping — heating a solution into a           He knows research hasn’t tied
                                                                                                                                      vapor and inhaling it — has been             smoking marijuana to lung cancer,
                                                                                                                                      pitched as a safer alternative to            which killed three cigarette smok-
                                                                                                                                      smoking.                                     ers in his family and struck him 20
                                                                                                                                      Experts have said vaping pot is              years after he quit; he’s been treat-
                                                                                                                                      probably less harmful to the lungs           ed. But he fears the respiratory
                                                                                                                                      than smoking it, though there’s              risks of marijuana smoking aren’t
                                                                                                                                      little research on the health effects        fully known.
                                                                                                                                      over time, and they worry about its          “It’s crazy that the government,
                                                                                                                                      potency when vaped.                          in order to raise (revenue from)
                                                                                                                                      The American Lung Association                taxes, they’re permitting people
                                                                                                                                      is concerned that vaping will ul-            to suck this stuff into your lungs,”
                                                                                                                                      timately prove damaging to lung              says Smith, 78, an accountant
                                                                                                                                      health and is alarmed about a                from Island Park.
                                                                                                                                      surge in underage e-cigarette use.           Hawaii physician and state Rep.
                                                                                                                                      And adding legal marijuana to                Richard Creagan feels no less
                                                                                                                                      the picture “only makes it a more            strongly about cigarettes. The
                                                                                                                                      complicated issue,” says Erika               ex-smoker and Democrat from
                                                                                                                                      Sward, an assistant vice president.          Naalehu this year unsuccessfully
                                                                                                                                      Others, though, think policymak-             proposed all but banning them by
                                                                                                                                      ers should view vaping as a rela-            raising the legal age to 100.
                                                                                                                                      tively safe way to use pot.                  Meanwhile, he’d like Hawaii to le-
                                                                                                                                      “I would say the risks are going             galize recreational marijuana, an
                                                                                                                                      to be less with that form of con-            idea that fizzled in the state Legis-
                                                                                                                                      sumption,” says Rebecca Haffajee,            lature this year.
“One substance reinforces the use       risk of dependence on other sub-                      Department drug policy analyst          a University of Michigan health              Creagan, 73, thinks pot benefits
of the other, and vice versa, which     stances, including tobacco.                           Rebecca Giglio. Whereas with            policy professor who co-wrote a              people’s well-being more than it
can escalate a path to addiction,”      To some public health officials, it                   marijuana, “we see this as an op-       2017 piece calling for recreational          risks their health, and he expects
says Dr. Sterling McPherson, a          makes sense to legalize marijuana                     portunity to address the harms of       marijuana programs to allow only             non-smoking alternatives will
University of Washington medical        and put some guardrails around it.                    criminalization while also regulat-     nonsmokable forms of the drug.               reduce the risks. Plus, he figures
professor studying marijuana and        “For tobacco, we know that it’s in-                   ing cannabis.”                          Meanwhile, some local govern-                legal marijuana could replace cig-
tobacco use among teens.                herently dangerous and that there                     But health department opinions          ments have adjusted public smok-             arette tax revenue someday.
The National Academies report           is no safe amount of tobacco to                       vary, even within the same state:       ing bans to cover both vaping                “That coupling,” he says, “was sort
found pot use likely increases the      use,” says New York City Health                       New York’s Association of County        and pot. The Los Angeles County              of in my head.”

   BOOK IT                                                                                                                tTUNES
   T.C. Boyle spins a family drama                                                                                        Peter Gabriel’s skill with
   from the LSD era                                                                                                       film songs stars on album

  J   ust as he did in his last    Leary’s communes, altering
                                                                                                                          I  f you’re a fan                                                               of gems trapped
                                                                    AP PHOTO

                                                                                                                                               AP PHOTO

      novel about scientists       their minds regularly and                                                                 of Peter Ga-                                                                 in celluloid, like
   inhabiting Arizona’s Bios-      testing the limits of what it                                                          briel, you pro-                                                                 the frightening
   phere 2 in the 1990’s (“The     means to be a family. The                                                              bably know his                                                                  duet with Nusrat
   Terranauts”), T.C. Boyle’s      historical references may                                                              popular hits like                                                               Fateh Ali Khan
   latest takes a real-world       intrigue some readers and                                                              “Sledgehammer”                                                                  “Taboo”       from
   event — Harvard psycholo-       thankfully there’s Google                                                              and “Big Time,”                                                                 “Natural      Born
   gist Timothy Leary’s LSD        for that. But the heart of the                                                         as well as maybe                                                                Killers” or the
   experiments in the 1960’s       story is the Loney family.                                                             some older clas-                                                                addictive “Walk
   — and imagines some of          As their drug dependencies                                                             sics like “Games                                                                Through the Fire”
   the people who went along       deepen, husband and wife                                                               Without         Fron-                                                           from “Against All
   for the trip.                   move in opposite direc-                                                                tiers.”                                                                         Odds.”
   Meet the Loneys: Grad           tions — Fitz starts being                                                              But even the most                                                               But “Rated PG”
   student Fitzhugh, his wife,     convinced that Leary is on                                                             rabid of fans might                                                             also     resurrects
   Joanie, and their son, Co-      the cutting edge of science,                                                           not know Gabriel                                                                lost tracks that
   rey. Seeking to ingratiate      while Joanie appreciates                                                               recorded        music                                                           outshined their
   himself in Harvard’s psych      the intimacy LSD creates                    “Outside Looking In” (Ecco) by             for the 2012 poli-                                                              films, like “This
                                                                               T.C. Boyle
                                                                                                                                                     Peter Gabriel, “Rated PG” (Real World)
   department, Fitz convinces      after 13 years of marriage.                                                            tical drama “The                                                                Is Party Man”
   Joanie to attend one of Dr.     Three-hundred pages la-                                                                Reluctant Funda-                                                                from the forgetta-
   Leary’s “sessions” at his       ter, nothing is what it was                 the nature of belief and the               mentalist.” Or put a gem of a song in the 2017 ble 1995 Denzel Washington flick “Virtuosity”
   home. Before they know it       and Boyle’s writing doesn’t                 very existence of God, but                 animated film “Birds Like Us.”                     or the dark and slinky, previously unreleased
   they’re swallowing a “be-       provide much hope for the                   like the hallucinations they               For those fans — and a reminder to everyone “Noctural” from 2001’s “Les Morsures de l’Au-
   ginner’s dose” (20 milli-       family’s future.                            sprout from, the questions                 else of Gabriel’s impressive sonic mutability — be.”
   grams) of psilocybin, a         “Nothing quite fit right, as                dissolve as the drug’s ef-                 comes “Rated PG,” a collection of 10 songs he’s Gabriel superfans will finally get their hands
   precursor to LSD. And be-       if the world were a suit of                 fects dissipate. What Boyle                supplied for films.                                on that track, as well as “Speak (Bol),” which
   fore they know that, they’re    clothes that had shrunk in                  leaves us with, instead, is                Because each tune is married to its movie — never made the official soundtrack for “The Re-
   having the best sex of their    the dryer and had to be pin-                a cautionary tale. No ma-                  from dark dramas to cute animated movies, all luctant Fundamentalist”; “That’ll Do,” a Randy
   lives and apologizing to the    ched and tugged till it stre-               tter how hard humans try,                  spanning decades — coherence is not baked into Newman song that ended up on “Babe 2: Pig
   babysitter for being so late.   tched back out again,” wri-                 we can’t escape the messy                  the new album. But as a showcase for a singular in the City”; as well as new edits of previously
   The story moves fast from       tes Boyle after Fitz comes                  realities of life in a wor-                artist, it’s a welcome trip.                       released songs.
   there. From Newton, Mas-        down from a week-long trip                  ld where there are rules of                Some of the songs are well-known, like “In So rich is Gabriel’s catalogue that he hasn’t ad-
   sachusetts, to Zihuatanejo,     sequestered with a teenage                  behavior and consequences                  Your Eyes,” which is familiar thanks to John ded tracks from his own soundtracks, like the
   Mexico, and finally to Mill-    girl in a Millbrook cottage.                for those who don’t follow                 Cusack blasting it from a boombox in “Say ones he did for Alan Parker’s “Birdy” or Martin
   brook, New York, the Lo-        The novel poses some in-                    them.                                      Anything,” or the anthemic “Down to Earth” Scorsese’s “The Last Temptation of Christ.”
   neys immerse themselves in      teresting questions about                                Rob Merrill, AP               from “Wall-E.” Others are welcome reminders             Mark Kennedy, AP Entertainment Writer
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
X4   PÁTIO DO SAL salt
    LIFESTYLE                                          Maria Saxton, Virginia Tech

I nterest is surging in
  tiny homes – livable
                                      WHEN PEOPLE DOWNSIZE TO TINY HOUSES, THEY ADOPT MORE
dwelling units that typi-
cally measure under 400               houses. Then I conduct-                                                                                                                UNDERSTANDING                     dents’ average footprint

                                                                       DAN DAVID COOK/WIKIMEDIA, CC BY-SA
square feet. Much of this             ed nine in-depth inter-                                                                                                                FOOTPRINT CHANGES                 was 7.01 global hectares
interest is driven by me-             views to learn about                                                                                                                   This study examined               (17.3 acres). For com-
dia coverage that claims              behaviors that changed                                                                                                                 tiny home downsizers’             parison, the average
that living in tiny homes             after downsizing.                                                                                                                      environmental impacts             American’s footprint is
is good for the planet.               I found that among 80                                                                                                                  by measuring their                8.4 global hectares, or
It may seem intuitively               tiny home downsiz-                                                                                                                     individual ecological             20.8 acres.
obvious that downsizing               ers located across the                                                                                                                 footprints. This metric           My most interesting find-
to a tiny home would                  United States, ecological                                                                                                              calculates human de-              ing was that housing was
reduce one’s environ-                 footprints were reduced                                                                                                                mand on nature by pro-            not the only component
mental impact, since                  by about 45% on aver-                                                 the environment in          People choose to down-               viding a measurement of           of participants’ ecological
it means occupying a                  age. Surprisingly, I found                                            many ways, including        size to tiny homes for               land needed to sustain            footprints that changed.
much smaller space                    that downsizing can                                                   loss of green space, in-    many reasons. They may               current consumption               On average, every major
and consuming fewer                   influence many parts                                                  creased air pollution and   include living a more                behaviors.                        component of downsiz-
resources. But little                 of one’s lifestyle and                                                energy consumption,         environmentally friend-              To do this, I calculated          ers’ lifestyles, including
research has been done                reduce impacts on the                                                 and ecosystem fragmen-      ly lifestyle, simplifying            their spatial footprints in       food, transportation and
to actually measure how               environment in unex-                                                  tation, which can reduce    their lives and posses-              terms of global hectares,         consumption of goods
people’s environmental                pected ways.                                                          biodiversity.               sions, becoming more                 considering housing,              and services, was posi-
behaviors change when                                                                                       The concept of mini-        mobile or achieving                  transportation, food,             tively influenced.
they make this drastic                THE UNSUSTAINABLE                                                     malist living has existed   financial freedom, since             goods and services. For           As a whole, I found that
move.                                 US HOUSING MODEL                                                      for centuries, but the      tiny homes typically cost            reference, one global             after downsizing people
For my doctorate in                   In recent decades, the                                                modern tiny house           significantly less than              hectare is equivalent             were more likely to eat
environmental design                  building trend has been                                               movement became a           the average American                 to about 2.5 acres, or            less energy-intensive
and planning, I sought                to “go big.” Newly con-                                               trend only in the early     home.                                about the size of a single        food products and adopt
to fill this gap in knowl-            structed homes in the                                                 2000s, when one of the      Many assessments of                  soccer field.                     more environmentally
edge by developing a                  United States generally                                               first tiny home building    the tiny-house move-                 I found that among 80             conscious eating habits,
study that could provide              have a larger average                                                 companies was founded.      ment have asserted                   tiny home downsizers              such as eating more
measurable evidence on                square footage than in                                                Tiny homes are an inno-     without quantitative                 located across the Unit-          locally and growing
how downsizing influ-                 any other country in the                                              vative housing approach     evidence that individ-               ed States, the average            more of their own food.
ences environmental                   world.                                                                that can reduce build-      uals who downsize to                 ecological footprint was          Participants traveled
impacts. First I surveyed             In 1973 the average                                                   ing material waste and      tiny homes will have                 3.87 global hectares, or          less by car, motorcycle,
80 downsizers who had                 newly constructed U.S.                                                excessive consumption.      a significantly lower                about 9.5 acres. This             bus, train and airplane,
lived in tiny homes for a             home measured 1,660                                                   There is no universal       environmental impact.                means that it would               and drove more fuel-ef-
year or more, to calcu-               square feet. By 2017                                                  definition for a tiny       On the other hand, some              require 9.5 acres to              ficient cars than they did
late their ecological foot-           that average had in-                                                  home, but they gener-       reviews hint that tiny               support that person’s             before downsizing.
prints in prior housing               creased to 2,631 square                                               ally are small, efficient   home living may lend                 lifestyle for one year.           They also purchased
and current ecological                feet – a 63% increase.                                                spaces that value quality   itself to unsustainable              Before moving into tiny           substantially fewer
footprints in their tiny              This growth has harmed                                                over quantity.              practices.                           homes, these respon-              items, recycled more


CANTONESE                                            SHANGHAI                                                                           Mezza9 Macau                                        Copa Steakhouse
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                                                     Catalpa Garden                                                                     Opening Hours                                       OPENING HOURS:
                                                     Mon - Sunday                                                                       Dinner: 5:30 – 11:00                                Cocktails: 4:30 pm - 12:00 am
                                                     11:00 - 15:00 / 17:30 - 23:00                                                                                                          Dinner: 5:30 pm - 11:00 pm
                                                     Hotel Royal, 2-4                                                                                                                       Tel: +853 8983 8222
                                                     Estrada da Vitoria
                                                     T: 28552222

                                                                                                                                        Vida Rica (Restaurant)
Imperial Court                                                                                                                          2/F, Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE
Monday - Friday                                                                                                                         T: 8805 8918
11am - 3pm / 6pm - 11pm                                                                                                                 Mon - Sunday                                        Pastry Bar
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays                                                                                                      6:30 – 14:30 / 18:00 – 23:00
10am - 3pm / 3pm - 11pm                              Aux Beaux Arts                                                                                                                         10am – 8pm
                                                                                                                                                                                            T: 8802 2324
T: 8802 2361                                         Monday – Friday
                                                                                                                                                                                            Level 1, MGM MACAU
VIP Hotel Lobby, MGM MACAU                           6pm – 12midnight
                                                     Saturday – Sunday
Beijing Kitchen                                      11am – 12midnight
Level 1, Grand Hyatt Macau                           T: 8802 2319
Opening Hours                                        Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
11:30am – 24:00
                                                                                                                                        Morton’s of Chicago
                                                                                                                                        The Venetian(r) Macao-Resort-Hotel
                                                                                                                                        Taipa, Macau
                                                                                                                                        T:853 8117 5000
                                                     Level 3, The Parisian Macao                                                                                                            7am – 11pm
                                                                                                                                        • Bar
                                                     Monday - Sunday:                                                                                                                       T: 8802 2372
                                                                                                                                        Open daily at 3pm
                                                     11:00am - 11:00pm                                                                                                                      Grande Praça, MGM MACAU
                                                                                                                                        • Dining Room
Kam Lai Heen                                         Tel: +853 8111 9200                                                                Monday - Saturday: 13:00 - 23:00
Grand Lapa, Macau                                                                                                                       Sunday: 17:00 - 22:00
956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F                     GLOBAL
T: 8793 3821
11:00 - 15:00 / 18:00 – 22:00                        Café Bela Vista
(Close on Tuesday)                                   Grand Lapa, Macau
                                                     T: 87933871
Shanghai Min                                         Mon -Thurs                                                                         Aba Bar                                             North by Square Eight
Level 1, The Shops at The Boulevard                  06:30 – 15:00 / 6:00 – 22:00                                                       5pm – 12midnight                                    11am - 1am
Opening Hours                                        Fri – Sunday                                                                       T: 8802 2319                                        T: 8802 2388
11:00 – 15:00; 18:00 - 22:30                         06:30 – 22:00                                                                      Grande Praça, MGM MACAU                             Level 1, MGM MACAU
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
12.04.2019 fri

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY LIFESTYLES                                                                             plastic and paper, and
                                                                                                                generated less trash. In
                                                                                                                                                      eating out more often.
                                                                                                                                                      A handful of negative
                                                                                                                                                                                        not downsize for envi-
                                                                                                                                                                                        ronmental reasons. This
                                                                                                                sum, I found that down-               behaviors were not                indicates that downsiz-
                                                                                                                sizing was an important               representative of all             ing leads people to adopt

                                                                                                                step toward reducing                  participants in the study,        behaviors that are better
                                                                                                                ecological footprints and             but still are important           for the environment.
                                                                                                                encouraging pro-envi-                 to discuss. For instance,         These findings provide
                                                                                                                ronmental behaviors.                  some participants drove           important insights for
                                                                                                                To take these findings a              longer distances after            the sustainable housing
                                                                                                                step farther, I was able              moving to rural areas             industry and implica-
                                                                                                                to use footprint data                 where their tiny homes            tions for future research
                                                                                                                to calculate how many                 could be parked. Others           on tiny homes.
                                                                                                                resources could poten-                ate out more often be-            For instance, someone
                                                                                                                tially be saved if a small            cause they had smaller            may be able to present
                                                                                                                portion of Americans                  kitchens, or recycled             this study to a planning
                                                                                                                downsized. I found that               less because they lacked          commission office in
                                                                                                                about 366 million acres               space to store recycla-           their town to show how
                                                                                                                of biologically productive            bles and had less access          and why tiny homes are
                                                                                                                land could be saved if                to curbside recycling             a sustainable housing
                                                                                                                just 10% of Americans                 services.                         approach. These results
                                                                                                                downsized to a tiny                   It is important to iden-          have the potential to
                                                                                                                home.                                 tify these behaviors in           also support tiny home
                                                                                                                                                      order to understand               builders and designers,
                                                                                                                FINE-TUNING                           potential negative                people who want to cre-
                                                                                                                ANALYSES                              implications of tiny              ate tiny home communi-
                                                                                                                My research identified                home living and enable            ties and others trying to
                                                                                                                more than 100 behaviors               designers to address              change zoning ordi-
                                                                                                                that changed after down-              them. It is also import-          nances in their towns
                                                                                                                sizing to a tiny home.                ant to note that some             to support tiny homes.
                                                                                                                Approximately 86% had                 behaviors I recorded              I hope this work will
                                                                                                                a positive impact, while              could have been influ-            spur additional research
                                                                                                                the rest were negative.               enced by factors other            that produces more
                                                                                                                Some choices, such as                 than downsizing to a              affordable and sustain-
                                                                                                                harvesting rainwater,                 tiny home. For instance,          able housing choices for
                                                                                                                adopting a capsule                    some people might                 more Americans.
                                                                                                                wardrobe approach                     have reduced their car
                                                                                                                and carpooling, re-                   travel because they had               Editor’s Note: This article is
                                                                                                                duced individual                      recently retired.                     republished from The Con-
                                                                                                                environmental impacts.                Nonetheless, all par-                  versation under a Creative
                                                                                                                Others could poten-                   ticipants in this study              Commons license. The Con-
                                                                                                                                                                                           versation is an independent
                                                                                                                tially expand people’s                reduced their footprints           and nonprofit source of news,
                                                                                                                footprints – for exam-                by downsizing to tiny                  analysis and commentary
                                                                                                                ple, traveling more and               homes, even if they did                  from academic experts.

                                                                                JAPANESE                        THAI                                                 The St. Regis Bar
                                                                                                                                                                     Level One, The St. Regis Macao
                                                                                Shinji by Kanesaka                                                                   Cuisine: Light Fare
                                                                                Level 1, Crown Towers                                                                Atmosphere: Multi-Concept Bar
                                                                                Lunch 12:00 - 15:00                                                                  Setting: Refined, Inviting
                                                                                Dinner 18:00 - 23:00                                                                 Serving Style: Bar Menu
                                                                                Closed on                                                                            Dress Code: Casual
                                                                                                                Naam                                                 Hours: 12:00 PM - 1:00 AM; Afternoon Tea: 2:00PM - 5:30
                          South by Square Eight                                 Tuesday (Lunch and Dinner)
                                                                                                                Grand Lapa, Macau                                    PM
                          24hrs                                                 Wednesday (Lunch)
                                                                                                                956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, The Resort              Phone: +853 8113 3700
                          T: 8802 2389                                                                          T: 8793 4818                                         Email:
                          Level 1, MGM MACAU
                                                                                ASIAN PACIFIC                   12:00 – 14:30 / 18:30 – 22:30
                                                                                                                (Close on Mondays)
                          ITALIAN                                                                               BARS & PUBS
                          La Gondola
                          Mon - Sunday
                          11:00am – 11:00pm
                          Praia de Cheoc Van, Coloane,
                          next to swimming pool
                          T: 2888 0156

                                                                                Golden Peacock                                                                       D2
                                                                                Casino Level1, Shop 1037,
                                                                                                                                                                     Macau Fisherman’s Wharf
                                                                                The Venetian Macao                                                                   Edf. New Orleans III
                                                                                TEL: +853 8118 9696                                                                  Macau
                          Portofino                                             Monday - Sunday:
                          Casino Level1, Shop 1039,                             11:00 - 23:00
                                                                                                                38 Lounge                                            Vida Rica Bar
                          The Venetian Macao                                                                                                                         2/F, Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE
                          TEL: +853 8118 9950                                                                   Altrira Macau,
                                                                                                                                                                     T: 8805 8928
                                                                                PORTUGUESE                      Avenida de Kwong Tung, 38/F Taipa
                                                                                                                Sun-Thu: 13:00 – 02:00                               Monday to Thusday: 12:00 – 00:00
                                                                                                                Fri, Sat and Eve of public holiday:                  Friday: 12:00 – 01:00
                                                                                Clube Militar                   15:00 – 03:00                                        Saturday: 14:00 – 01:00
                                                                                975 Avenida da Praia Grande                                                          Sunday: 14:00 – 00:00
                                                                                T: 2871 4000                    R Bar                                                Vasco
                                                                                12:30 – 15:00 / 19:00 – 23:00   Level 1, Hard Rock Hotel                             Grand Lapa, Macau
                          FW Rio Grill & Seafood Market                                                         Opening Hours                                        956-1110 Avenida da Amizade, 2/F
                          Tel: (853) 8799 6338                                  Fernando’s                      Sun to Thu:                                          T: 8793 3831
                          Email : riogrill_and_seafoodmarket@fishermanswharf.   9 Praia de Hac Sa, Coloane      11:00 – 23:00                                        Monday to Thursday: 18:30 – 12:00
                                                                T: 2888 2264                    Fri & Sat:                                           Friday to Saturday: 18:00 – 02:00
                          Location: Cape Town, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf          12:00 – 21:30                   11:00 – 24:00                                        Sunday: 18:00 – 24:00
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
                                                          Harry Potter and the Chamber of                         14 images that tell short stories, ranging from
                                                          Secrets™ in Concert                                     landscapes to portraits, all independent from each
                                                          Time: 4pm (April 14)                                    other, but which can be read like a book.
                                                                2pm & 8pm (April 19)
                                                                8pm (April 26)                                    Time: 10am-7pm (closed on Mondays)
                                                                                                                  Date: April 13-June 2, 2019
                                                          Harry Potter and the Prisoner of                        Venue: Macao Contemporary Art Center - Navy
                                                          Azkaban™ in Concert                                     Yard No.1
                                                          Time: 2pm & 8pm (April 20 & 27)                         Admission: Free
                                                                                                                  Enquiries: (853) 8988 4000
                                                          Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™ in                 Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau
                                                          Time: 10am & 4pm (April 21 & 28)
                                                                 2pm & 8pm (May 4)

                                                          Venue: MGM Theater, MGM Cotai
                                                          Admission: MOP480, MOP680, MOP880,
TODAY (APR 12)                                            Organizer: Chinese Performing Arts Production
Strolling and Feeling: Watercolour                        International
Paintings of Lai Ieng                                     Enquires: (853) 8802 3833
Lai Ieng is one of a number of Chinese painters           Ticketing Service: (853) 2855 5555
using watercolours and hailing from Macau, that 
came to prominence in either the middle or the
latter part of the 20th century. Their works not only
depict aspects of contemporary society and the
reality of local people pursuing their livelihoods, but
also seek often to capture some of Macao’s most
memorable settings. Lai Ieng’s work featured in the                                                               MONDAY (APR 15)
recent collective exhibition “Landscape of Change                                                                 Stamps Around the World – Liechtenstein,
- Macao Watercolour Paintings from the MAM                                                                        Kingdom of Stamps
Collection”. His pieces are now the subject of this
solo showcase.                                                                                                    The Communications Museum is holding Macao’s
                                                                                                                  first exhibition dedicated to the postage stamps
Time: 10am-7pm (no admittance after 6:30pm;                                                                       of a single issuing country, in this case the tiny
closed on Mondays)                                                                                                European principality of Liechtenstein. The display is
Until: June 16, 2019                                                                                              divided into three collections, starting with “Princely
Venue: Macao Museum of Art                                                                                        Treasures” stamps that commemorate some of
Admission: Free                                           Club Cubic 8th Anniversary ft. Tiësto                   the finest works of art in that country. Another
Organizer: Macao Museum of Art                                                                                    collection, “Chinese Signs of the Zodiac” began in
Enquiries: (853) 8791 9814                                Club Cubic is celebrating its 8th anniversary with a    2012 with the “Dragon” stamp, which was named                                            very special present for its fans, a return to Macao    in one appraisal as “Most Beautiful Stamp in the
                                                          by the legendary Dutch electronic dance music           World” that year.
                                                          DJ Tiësto. The award-winning artist was crowned
                                                          “The Best DJ of All Time” by Mixmag in 2011, and        Time: 9am-5:30pm (closed on public holidays)
                                                          has been ranked by DJ Mag as among the top five         Until: May 31, 2019
                                                          DJs in the world for 13 years in a row. In 2014 he      Venue: Temporary Gallery, Communications
                                                          won a Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording           Museum
                                                          thanks to his interpretation of John Legend’s “All Of   Admission: MOP10
                                                          Me”. The Dutch master has also performed at some        Organizers: Liechtenstein National Museum;
                                                          of the biggest festivals around the world, such as      Philately Liechtenstein
                                                          Ultra Music Festival, Tomorrowland, Electric Daisy      Enquiries: (853) 2871 8063 / 2871 8570
                                                          Carnival, Coachella and Burning Man.          

                                                          Time: 10pm
                                                          Venue: Club Cubic, City of Dreams
                                                          Admission: MOP480, MOP680
                                                          Organizer: Club Cubic
                                                          Enquiries: (853) 6638 4999

Harry Potter™ Film Concert Series
Maestro Shih-Hung Young is conducting the
Orchestra Italiana del Cinema to interpret some of
the film music canon of composer John Williams.
The orchestra’s Macao mini season features
performances of the musical scores of four films in
the Harry Potter series. As the orchestra plays, the
respective film inspired by author J.K. Rowling’s
work will be shown in high-definition format on                                                                   TUESDAY (APR 16)
MGM Theater’s indoor LED screen at the MGM                                                                        Space Reader: Fill in the One Hour
Cotai resort. The screen is described as the world’s
largest facility of that type. Since the world premiere                                                           Space Reader was formed in 2016 by a group of
of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series in June           SUNDAY (APR 14)                                         young artists in the Taiwan region, and aims to
2016, more than 1.3 million fans have enjoyed these       Photo-Scripts                                           carry out collective experiments in the arts, as well
experiences. The entire world tour is scheduled to                                                                as research projects. Outside people with distinct
include more than 900 performances across more            After a long career as a lawyer, Macau-based            creative skills are invited by the group to join them
than 48 countries from 2016 to 2019.                      João Miguel Barros has only recently begun to           on a per-project basis. Four of the group’s own
                                                          exhibit his work as a photographer. Last year           artists, Huang Xuan, Yao Min, Zeng Yong-Xiu, and
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™                    alone he won two international awards. After a six-     Jiang Yu-Jie, are bringing their “Fill in the one hour”
in Concert                                                month run at Portugal’s Museu Coleção Berardo,          exhibition to Macao, offering a combination of
Time: 2pm & 8pm (April 13)                                João Miguel Barros is now bringing his “Photo-          installation and performance. The curator for the
      8pm (April 18 & 25)                                 Scripts” exhibition to town. The showcase features      event is artist Cai Guo Jie.
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
12.04.2019 fri

Time: 12pm-7pm (closed on Mondays)
Until: April 28, 2019
Venue: Post-Ox Warehouse Experimental Site
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2853 0026
Organizer: Ox Warehouse

Community Involvement with Music
Macao Chinese Orchestra is using music to create
fresh ties with the community, and to promote
and popularise traditional Chinese music. This
month the orchestra performs a free concert in an
unfamiliar setting, the terrace garden of one of the
city’s public health facilities, Conde de S. Januário

Time: 4pm
Venue: Terrace Garden, Conde de S. Januário
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 8399 6699
Organizer: Macao Chinese Orchestra

See Saw Zine?
Taipa Village Cultural Association has invited three
artists from Hong Kong-based collective Zine Coop,
namely Forrest Lau, Beatrix Pang, and Ranee Ng,
to exhibit its extensive collection of ‘zines’ and
other printed materials such as broadsheets, and
documents produced by Risograph - a 1980s
brand of Japanese duplicating machine - to a
Macau audience. “See Saw Zine?” is also aimed at
prompting collaboration with local associations and
creative groups regarding independent publishing,
workshops and ‘zine’ making. The term “zine” is
short for “fan magazine,” i.e., a hand-made, low-
cost publication that can feature all manner of
topics, and can include text, sketches, images,
diagrams, photos and illustrations.

Time: 12pm-8pm (closed on Tuesdays)
Date: April 17-July 12, 2019
Venue: Taipa Village Art Space
Admission: Free
Enquiries: (853) 2857 6212/ 2857 6118
Organizer: Taipa Village Cultural Association
There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
12.04.2019 fri

There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ... There are notable differences in health research findings on tobacco and marijuana. The juxtaposition strikes some as jarring after generations of ...
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