Page created by Samuel Mcbride



      The state’s natural
      resources, such as the
      environment and wildlife,
      are key beneficiaries
      of Minnesota Lottery

                                                            NASPL is here to support our members as they
                                                            make their way through uncharted territory with
                                                            the COVID-19 public health crisis. These pages
                                                            will continue to explore the business of lotteries
                                                                  as we look to come out the other side.

                                                                    STAY HEALTHY - STAY SAFE
                                                                                                     EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                           David B. Gale

                                                                                                DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                          Thomas Tulloch

                                                                                                       VP OF OPERATIONS
                                                                                                          Andrew White

                                                                                               DIRECTOR OF PROGRAM PLANNING
                                                                                                           Tamika Ligon

                                                                                                       GRAPHIC DESIGNER
                                                                                                            John Koenig

                                                                                                        Natalie Ross Norris

    Several weeks ago, I sat in my office      hopefully for the better. We will make it                      EDITOR
                                                                                                         Patricia McQueen
and proudly approved a press release           through this. But we better be prepared
from the Lottery celebrating the highest       to take advantage of the opportunities.                VENDOR RELATIONS
week of instant ticket sales in our history.   Through industry collaboration, I am                           Jake Coy
Today, I sit in an empty office corre-         certain we will come out of this on the          I.T. / SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
sponding with my employees working             other side – better, stronger, and more                       Paul Corey
remotely, trying to anticipate the next        prepared than ever.
                                                                                               COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR
monkey wrench the novel coronavirus                 On a personal note, I pray you and                 Mackenzie Whitacre
will throw into our operations.                your families are doing well and are safe
    In my first column as NASPL                in these uncertain times. I was terribly
                                                                                                 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
President, I included one of my favorite       disappointed at the fact that we need
movie quotes from “Ferris Bueller’s Day        to cancel our upcoming NASPL events.                         PRESIDENT
                                                                                                          Bishop Woosley
Off:” “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t    These meetings are some of few opportu-
stop and look around once in a while, you      nities I get to see my lottery friends each           FIRST VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                                           Angela Wong
could miss it.” That has never been truer      year.
than the last two weeks.                            In times like these, I like to remind           SECOND VICE PRESIDENT
    We are all drinking from a firehose        myself about things that make me happy                      Sarah Taylor
now. As soon as a problem is resolved,         and reflect on how lucky I have been                        TREASURER
two more pop up. Sales are falling;            in my 46 years. Below is a quote from                     Gretchen Corbin
budgets are being busted; retailers are        Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding, in the movie
struggling; NASPL conventions are being        “Shawshank Redemption” – one of my                          Cindy Polzin
canceled; and changes are coming faster        favorite characters, from one my favorite
                                                                                                  IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT
than we can come up with solutions.            movies. It's the final scene in the movie;                Charlie McIntyre
    To some, the future might seem grim.       Red has finally been released from
To me, this looks like an opportunity.         prison and is on a bus heading to Mexico        PRES. INTERPROVINCIAL LOTTERIES
                                                                                                            Kevin Gass
    Through it all, I see a silver lining.     to see his friend, who had escaped from
This is a chance to rethink our approach       Shawshank years before. It’s a quote                    REGION I DIRECTOR
                                                                                                         Gordon Medenica
to almost every facet of what we do.           about hope and friendship. And I think
I believe this crisis will have a wide-        it’s rather timely right now.                          REGION II DIRECTOR
ranging impact on the industry, and on              “I find I'm so excited that I can barely              Beth Bresnahan
consumer behavior in general. It will          sit still or hold a thought in my head. I              REGION III DIRECTOR
change the way we deliver our product. It      think it’s the excitement only a free man                   Brian Rockey
will change the way we sell our product.       can feel. A free man at a start of a long
                                                                                                      REGION IV DIRECTOR
It will provide us with a discernible          journey whose conclusion is uncertain.                       Barry Pack
argument to sell lottery through channels      I hope I can make it across the border.
that most of us have been prohibited           I hope to see my friend and shake his
from utilizing in the past. And finally,       hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it
after years of warnings, we will finally       has been in my dreams. I hope.”                        Insights ISSN 1528-123X,
                                                                                                        March/April 2020,
have the data to show our governors                 I hope to see you soon too. Stay safe.          Volume No. Twenty, Issue One.
and legislatures what lottery sales look                                                           Published bi-monthly by NASPL
                                                                                                 (North American Association of State
like when you are not prepared to sell in                                                              and Provincial Lotteries)
alternate channels. The opportunities are
                                                                                                       7470 Auburn Road, LL1
endless.                                                                                                Concord, OH 44077
    What we are enduring now is scary          BISHOP WOOSLEY
                                                                                                    © 2020 All rights reserved.
for our industry and for each of us            Director, Arkansas Scholarship Lottery
personally. Things are going to change,        NASPL President                                             NASPL Email:

                                                                                                           p 440.361.7962
2 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020                                                                        f 440.867.2327
March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 3

                                               24                                                               30

                                                                        Expanding the
                                                                           Online Reach

  36                                                           76

6 Up Front                            30 A “Lotto” Pride in Minnesota                 84 Lessons Learned on
Industry news and updates.            After 30 years, and more than $3.1 billion      Cashless Operations
                                      to the state, the Minnesota Lottery’s history   A year later: Revisiting the Ohio
                                      of innovation is serving it well.               Lottery Cashless Project – six things
12 What Should the Next               By Patricia McQueen                             to consider.
National Game Do?                                                                     By Fivi Rondiri, Director Account
By Stephen Wade, Principal, Lottery                                                   Management, INTRALOT USA
Management Consulting, LLC            36 Games for the Holidays
                                      The holiday season continues to provide
                                      benefits to lotteries, and new ideas combine    86 What Is Proof of
20 Research Corner:                   with tried and true methods to keep the fun     Integrity?
Two Cents Panel Drives                going.                                          Lotteries must understand proof of
Innovation at the Colorado                                                            integrity and why it is so important
Lottery                                                                               in the industry.
By Jennifer Thiebaut, Market          76 Expanding the Online Reach                   By Helena Pereira, Marketing
Research Manager, Colorado Lottery    Lotteries with online sales continue            Director, Szrek2Solutions
                                      to enhance their services for everyone
                                      involved, and cross-channel opportunities
24 Making a Difference                are a hit with lotteries, players and
Jay Finks, Deputy Director,           retailers.
Oklahoma Education Lottery            By Patricia McQueen

4 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
At IGT we are working around the clock to ensure our
                    employees remain safe and connected, and that our
                    customers have what they need during this difficult time.

                    Across the world, please stay safe and healthy.

© 2020 IGT Global Solutions Corporation. The trademarks used herein are owned by IGT or its affiliates, may not be used without permission, and where indicated with a ®, are registered in the U.S. IGT is committed to socially respon-
sible gaming. Our business solutions empower customers to choose parameters and practices that become the foundation of their Responsible Gaming programs.

                                                                                                                                                                  March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 5
7-Eleven Provides Growth
Opportunity for Oklahoma Lottery
                                                                                               OKLAHOMA LOTTERY

                                                                                          to $3,500, 7-Eleven prizes and second
                                                                                          chance drawings for 7-Eleven gift
                                                                                          cards. With a print run of one million
                                                                                          tickets, the company made a tremen-
                                                                                          dous commitment in offering prizes for
                                                                                          the game.
                                                                                               In just the first week of lottery
                                                                                          sales at the local 7-Elevens, there was
                                                                                          a strong sense that first-time lottery
                                                                                          players were among those buying tick-
                                                                                          ets, since about a third of sales were
                                                                                          $1 and $2 scratch tickets. “It’s really
                                                                                          early, but the biggest win is that we are
                                                                                          seeing trial,” said Finks. “It looks very
                                                                                               And as it turns out, that was the tip
                                                                                          of the iceberg. About the same time
  Mary Martha Ford, Director of                                                           as the deal with the locally-owned
  Sales and Operations                                                                    7-Eleven stores came to fruition, those
                                                                                          stores were sold back to the corporate
                                                                                          7-Eleven, which has been a lottery

                                                                                          supporter for a long time. Given time,
       ebruary 24 was a watershed date       the Oklahoma Lottery. The machines           the Lottery might not have had to do
       for the Oklahoma Lottery. That’s      sell all of the Lottery’s products, can      all that groundwork, but Finks doesn’t
       when Oklahoma City’s largest          issue vouchers to cash in-store for          really mind. He can look forward to a
retailer, 7-Eleven, began offering lot-      prizes up to $600, and accept cash and       big expansion in what is still the largest
tery products at all 108 of its stores for   debit card transactions.                     retailer in Oklahoma in terms of num-
the very first time. It was a culmination        “We challenged ourselves to look         ber of stores, one which will now likely
of years of effort by the Lottery to         at our options and we did our home-          expand beyond Oklahoma City, with
strike a deal with the chain, which was      work,” said Finks, noting that a major       the addition of terminal and counter
locally owned and not part of 7-Eleven       chain in another part of the country,        sales in addition to self-service.
corporate, which has offered lottery         Wawa, is self-service only. Thinking              “It’s a good story in how we pur-
products for years.                          they could make that model work              sued, for so long, such a large chain,
    “We approached them every year           with 7-Eleven in Oklahoma City, they         and just couldn’t make it work until we
since launch and every year the answer       pitched it to the company. “We thought       came up with a new solution.” Through
was no – a very frustrating proposition      we could not only pull this off, but still   it all, the dialogue between the Lottery
for us,” said Oklahoma Lottery Deputy        have the sales we were anticipating,” as     and 7-Eleven changed how everyone
Director Jay Finks. To go from that          long as guidelines were followed about       views the partnership. And now, an-
frustration to success in 2020 took          machine placement and other best             other large chain which heretofore had
an unusual approach, starting over           practices. A bonus for the Lottery is        rejected lottery self-service machines
a year ago with meetings with the            the addition of an impressive 43-inch        is now asking for them. Some retailers
company’s executive team. “They were         Lottery InMotion screen, Scientific          are eying that 7-Eleven Cold Hard
not interested in selling lottery over       Games’ digital advertising display,          Cash ticket and asking how they can
the counter, so we spent the last year       above the counter in each store.             have their own game. “It’s no longer
working closely with them to develop             Another important initiative came        just about what the Lottery can give
a business model that could fit their        out of those discussions – the Lottery’s     a retailer; it’s about what the rela-
business needs and still achieve our         first limited-edition Scratcher, avail-      tionship can provide both parties so
market goals.” That model ended up           able only at 7-Eleven stores. 7-Eleven       everyone benefits,” said Finks. “That’s
being entirely self-service, a first for     Cold Hard Cash offers cash prizes up         where we will see more growth.”

6 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 7
Eighth Annual New Horizons in Responsible
Gambling Conference Focuses on Future-Proofing
Through Collaboration

                                                                                                Keynote speaker Tim Miller

          undreds of industry experts,
          researchers and policymakers
          gathered in Vancouver for
British Columbia Lottery Corp.’s
eighth annual New Horizons in
Responsible Gambling conference
March 10-12, 2020, to discuss how
best to prevent future harms to players
in B.C. and around the world.
    Tim Miller, Executive Director
of the UK Gambling Commission,
delivered the keynote address
titled Future-Proofing Through                Misha Glouberman, the second              • Reducing harms associated
Collaboration. His remarks focused on     keynote speaker, supported attendees            with gambling products and/or
the central question: How do we tackle    in meeting this challenge by facilitating       environments; and
key issues facing the industry today,     two sessions to teach delegates a dif-
while continuing to grow in a socially    ferent approach to networking based           • Developing a culture that priori-
responsible manner?                       on finding common areas of interest,            tizes the well-being of consumers.
    He challenged the audience to         and following up with concrete action.
follow up with at least one new connec-       New Horizons 2020 featured 16               Industry experts produced three
tion made during the conference and       sessions, with each session focused on      whitepapers beforehand to provide
collaborate on an idea, challenge or      one of three themes:                        a foundation for discussions at
initiative of common interest, and re-                                                New Horizons, based on what we
port back at next year’s New Horizons       • Promoting safer play behaviors/         know, don’t know, and need to know
conference about the results.                 decreasing risky play;                  more about. Dr. Kahlil S. Philander

8 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
Bridging the gap between
      lottery and retail
      The Abacus gateway connects consumers, retailers, vendors and
      lotteries, bridging the gaps between the different parties for frictionless
      ticket sales and gameplay, enabling lottery to be played everywhere.

      ABACUS and TOSHIBA - Working together to provide the gateway of
      choice connecting lotteries to the BIG BOX retailers

                  The Abacus and Toshiba lottery solution is easy to deploy,
                  enabling retailers to sell lottery products through Toshiba POS
                  systems. Combining Abacus’s lottery experience and
                  Toshiba’s #1 grocery POS market share in North America, as
                  well as a substantial presence in Europe, this is a game
                  changing development in the lottery industry .

e :
w :

                                                       JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 9
Dr. Jamie Wiebe leads
                                                                                                       a panel on “Where do
                                                                                                       we go from here?"

discussed organizational culture and responsible gambling,        • Dr. Jamie Wiebe (BCLC), Tim Miller, Per Einar Karlsen,
Dr. Jonathan Parke addressed the safer design and situation         Ryan Persaud (BCLC) and Mike Randall (GLI and
of games, and Judith Glynn tackled player safeguards and            Portfolio Solutions) on future-proofing the gambling
prevention.                                                         industry – where do we go from here?
    Speakers, panelists and attendees had the opportunity to
review the whitepapers prior to the start of the conference to       All of the speakers and conference topics are listed on the
level-set the three days of conversations around how best to     conference website at
safeguard players from future harms. The whitepapers are             BCLC is synthesizing the information generated at New
now available here.                                              Horizons, including the findings and questions posed in
    A diverse representation of subject-matter experts from      the whitepapers, into a final summary paper. The paper
different areas of the industry ran sessions as presenters and   will provide a list of priorities for researchers and industry
panelists, spearheading discussions and offering perspec-        professionals to consider putting into action, and it will also
tives around current challenges and solutions:                   be available on the conference website.
                                                                     The talent, research, experience and knowledge that
 • Tim Miller on his experience at the helm of the UK’s          came together at New Horizons 2020 will determine some of
   National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms;                   the next steps we can all take to make the gambling industry
                                                                 safer for future players.
 • Dr. Kahlil S. Philander (Washington State University)
   and Dr. Ray Cho (Center for Gambling Studies at Rutgers
   University) on what we know about geography, commu-
   nity characteristics, and risk;

 • Per Einar Karlsen (Norsk Tipping) on Norway’s
   monopoly on player safety;

 • Judith Glynn (Strategic Science), Dr. Luke Clark (UBC
   Centre for Gambling Research) and Ryan Persaud
   (BCLC) on the definition and measurement of risk;

10 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 11
What Should the Next
 National Game Do?
                By Stephen Wade
                Principal, Lottery Management Consulting, LLC

             hen asked whether they             What are the properties of a game         – making the exception to interact with
             bought a lottery ticket         that support steady spending? I              a clerk or a machine to actually buy a
             within the past year, about     suggest that there are a few that are        ticket. Once in the queue or in front
half of survey respondents nation-           essential:                                   of the self-service, they may spend
wide answer “yes.” There is some                                                          well beyond the minimum needed to
variation across the country, and the         •    The top prize must be worth            be “in the big game.” If the luck of the
number answering “yes” can peak                    playing for;                           draw allows, spending may accelerate
around 75% after a particularly large         •    The top prize must be known to         to deliver the memorable big jackpots
and well-publicized jackpot in Mega                be winnable; and                       that are the signature of these games.
Millions or Powerball. The first jackpot      •    The actual experience of playing       Other, in-state draw games typically
to approach (and eventually exceed) $1             the game must entertain.               show a lift in sales when the multistate
billion brought unprecedented media                                                       games peak. This further suggests that
attention in January of 2016. Despite            These properties are not equally         it is not the money cost, but the time
the bonanza in free advertising (and         important to everyone. For people            and attention cost, that keeps these
the brief celebrity of lottery directors),   who are absolutely regular players of        valuable players away from the big
surveys after the event revealed that        Powerball or Mega Millions regardless        games most of the time.
all but about 5% of people who bought        of the roll, the first two, and the sat-          If the top prize has grown to be
a ticket during that run had also been       isfaction of being “in the running” for      “big enough,” what makes people
on board for earlier jackpots of no          a big prize, offset the sparse winning       think that the top prize is winnable?
more than half that size. The success        experience provided. The fact that the       I suggest that they simply remember
of lotteries in that event came not so
much from gaining new players, as
from inciting players to spend more.              As the jackpot grows, a jackpot that is “big
    Getting significant increases in               enough” eventually brings in players who
yield from multistate games will
depend on getting people who already                are fairly sure they will lose their wager.
play at least sometimes, to play more
often and to spend more per play. Our
current games exploit the excitement         cost of play is low makes it easy to play.   hearing or seeing something about a
of a jackpot reaching a new record           Steady spending from these players           win. The actual number of top prize
high to gain episodes of accelerated         is what allows the jackpot in Mega           wins provided by a game may not
spending. This can be fun, but this          Millions and Powerball to grow.              be important. Powerball and Mega
excitement is ever harder to come by,            As the jackpot grows, a jackpot that     Millions provide only a few wins per
and the spending episodes tend to            is “big enough” eventually brings in         year, but most people can remember
weaken with repetition. An alternative       players who are fairly sure they will        hearing about someone winning. Not
would be to strive for steady spending       lose their wager. The barrier to getting     all wins are equally memorable. The
supported by properties of the game          these players is not the cost of the         wins that are most accessible to mem-
that are consistently, reliably present.     wager, but the departure from routine        ory, and that consequently provide the

12 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
Lottery doesn’t always
make it on the shopping list

 Nearly half of lottery purchases are unplanned, which makes being
 seen critical to being top of mind. Our integration with big box retailers

 and 91% of grocery make us the gateway to new players. Our access to
 high-traffic areas like checklane and gift card racks allow you to connect

 better with your players and increase sales to infrequent and casual


                                                         March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 13
best “proof,” are the wins with a story.
When a workplace pool wins, that is a
story. When someone wins on the only
ticket they ever bought, that is a story.
Sometimes a picture suggests the
story – does that winner remind you
of someone you know? The absolute
size of the jackpot is less memorable
than its relatable human connections.
The low probability of winning is an
abstract concept; the story of the win
becomes a fact.
    If we wish to explore the poten-
tial for increasing steady revenue
from national-scale games, we must
understand which obstacles most limit
our success. I suggest that the money
is there, and that effective storytelling
can amplify the effect of even a small
number of wins. But really big jackpots
are by definition rare: When $100
million became commonplace, it was
not big anymore. There is a big oppor-
tunity in providing entertainment for       25 of them would win something.           likely. Every prize level defined in a
a steady player, beyond daydreams           In just the same way, if one player       particular instant game is represented
about an incomprehensibly big prize.        bought 100 tickets, we would expect       in the chart ($5, $10, $20, etc.), or
What we want is engagement that is          that about 25 of these would win some     in the list below the horizontal axis.
steady, not episodic.                       prize. Whether that player goes on to     Only those that are more likely than
                                            buy a next ticket surely depends upon     not to be won at a represented level
The Engaged Player                          the entertainment provided by those       of spending appear in the body of the
                                            (roughly) 25 wins. If all of them were    chart. The body of the chart answers
    Within the lottery portfolio, we        break-even prizes, our player would       the question, “What is the winning
already have games that excel at            not likely be keen to buy another.        experience that sustains engagement
sustaining steady engagement. Instant           Intuitively, we understand that in    of players?” Further, the chart shows
games teach us that while the size          order to sustain play, some of the wins   both “What are the parts (prize levels)
of the top prize can be an important        need to be “big enough.” Likewise,        of this experience?” and “What do the
motivator, the odds of winning the          intuitively, we understand that as        parts add up to?” – the overall rate of
top prize have almost no effect on          game designers we need to think           return for the player, or RTP.
sustaining play. What sustains play in      about “just big enough.” After all, the       The chart uses colored wedges
instant games is the actual winning         lottery needs to make money for good      that begin (going left to right) at the
experience. I have been particularly        causes. Effective game design is a very   amount of spending where the corre-
interested to understand how the size       quantitative art.                         sponding prize is more likely than not
and frequency of wins keeps players             Like many quantitative subjects,      to be won. The thickness of the wedge
engaged. What do players of a popular       this one is easier to understand by       increases to represent the likely RTP
$5 scratch game actually win, most of       using visual tools. The chart above       from this particular prize level, over all
the time?                                   is a visual tool that represents how      players spending this amount of mon-
    We need to understand how “what         greater spending by a player makes        ey. As spending increases, multiple
I am likely to win” relates to “how hard    winning particular prize levels more      prize levels are represented by wedges;
I play.” Every ticket has a statement
about the likelihood of winning any
prize, like "Overall odds are 1 in 4."
From this it is easy to understand             We need to understand how “what
that if we buy only one ticket, it is
more likely to be a non-winner than
                                               I am likely to win” relates to “how
a winner. If 100 people each bought                       hard I play.”
one ticket, we would expect that about

14 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 15
their combined thickness adds up to                                                        the top prizes in a manner less than
the likely overall RTP. The overall RTP                                                    random. That is, if we think of the
is read on the vertical axis.                    So, as a common                           game as having, for example, 100 mil-
    This particular chart represents a                                                     lion consecutively numbered tickets,
$5 scratch game, similar to hundreds            sense player, will I                       ten of which are top prizes, we can be
that sell briskly every week across            approach the game                           pretty confident that there will be a top
North America. It's just typical of the          in the same way                           prize somewhere in the last 10 million
type, and of course within this big and                                                    tickets. The precise location of any top
successful category of instant games,
                                               next week, knowing                          prize is unknown, but on the other
there are many variants. But, after            that someone in my                          hand finding one of those top prizes
looking at hundreds of these, I am               state won the big                         certainly decreases our expectation
comfortable making some generaliza-                                                        that its close neighbors have the same
                                                  prize this week?
tions, in particular regarding overall                                                     value.
RTP and its components:                                                                        This is a fact known to many
                                                                                           lottery insiders. It is also a universal
 1) Among the first 100 tickets, wins                                                      expectation among players, simply on
    of anywhere between four times                                                         the basis of common sense rather than
    and 10 times the wager are likely,       lower cost than this. Again, instant          insider knowledge. So, as a common
    and these comprise a big share of        game prize structures show that top           sense player, will I approach the game
    the overall RTP.                         prizes big enough to incite play do not       in the same way next week, knowing
 2) The overall RTP reaches about            need to cost more than 5% of revenue.         that someone in my state won the big
    50% within the first 100 tickets.        Instant game top prizes do not need           prize this week? If the common sense
 3) A player who buys 300 tickets is         to grow, and they do not have to be           players decline to buy tickets that they
    likely to experience every prize         offered at particularly good odds.            think have no chance of winning big,
    level the game will show him, even       They just need to be big enough to be         this creates both a logistic problem
    if he goes on to buy 1,000 tickets.      attractive. And, as with any top prize,       (withdrawing all those printed tickets
                                             memorability (more than accounting)           from the market) and a financial prob-
    Just by way of contrast, a similar       provides “proof” of winnability.              lem (the game falls short of its target
chart prepared for Powerball would                                                         GGR if all the big wins are claimed,
show, for $1,000 spent, a likely RTP of      Next National Game                            with lots of other tickets outstanding,
9% and no prize larger than $7. But of                                                     when the game closes).
course, the overall RTP of Powerball             Nevertheless, I do not suggest                Further, if a printed game with
is by design about 50%, with the rest        that a printed instant game is the            10 top prizes is being shipped to 40
going to the complement of RTP, gross        best “next thing” for a national-scale        states, some states are sure to have no
gaming revenue (GGR). If the expe-           lottery game. This is largely because         top prizes. Is there some way to make
rience from scratch games suggests           the printed instant game is in effect a       all participating states feel that they
that 50% RTP is the price of sustained       perishable product, and its logistical        are presenting the same value to their
engagement, does this mean that a            problems become daunting with                 players? Should every state receive
national game that engages players           increased scale.                              “slices” from all parts of a run of 100
steadily, regardless of a rolling jackpot,       Printing an instant game makes            million tickets? These are problems
must give up 50% RTP even before             prize liability a fact, rather than a prob-   that are very likely arise when consid-
considering the funding of top prizes?       ability. Only a certain small number of       ering multistate scratch games on a
    I suggest that this is exactly what      top prize tickets can be printed. Once        grand scale.
we should plan for. The instant              they are all consumed, most lotteries             An electronic instant game, as com-
category has become increasingly             are required by rule to withdraw all          pared to a printed game, may avoid
important for lotteries, because the         remaining tickets from the market.            these logistical problems. However, in
engaged player sustains a frequency          Withdrawing printed tickets from              the short term, only a few jurisdictions
of play that overcomes the thinner           the market can be a logistic hardship.        would be able to legally join a consor-
GGR margin of instant games. Lower           Failing to sell lots of tickets can have      tium for such a game.
margin with higher volume has been a         a negative impact on the GGR of the               In a draw game, on the other hand,
path to success.                             game – after all, the top prize con-          the top prize is always there. It follows
    But in Powerball and Mega                sumes the intended share of revenue           a truly random distribution and cannot
Millions, funding the top prize alone        only if essentially all the tickets are       be depleted. The likelihood of award-
consumes more than 30% of revenue.           sold.                                         ing the top prize varies, as the volume
Clearly, the top prize in a high-volume          To reduce the risk of this outcome,       of play in the particular drawing varies,
national game must be funded at              the manufacturing process distributes         in a non-linear but calculable way. The

16 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
Engaging lottery
players in a
digital world.
Camelot Lottery Solutions change
the game for communities.
We think for lotteries to grow responsibly, players
need both a connection to the game, and a tie back
to their communities. By making the lottery relevant
to the modern player, we help lotteries drive new
growth through player engagement. Because we win
when lotteries and communities succeed.

drawings are independent events. The               level. If we could make their play worth                      Of course, any new game carries a
implication is that awarding a top prize           $5 rather than $2, we could increase                      risk of cannibalizing both our existing
in tonight’s drawing has no effect on              revenue by 5/2, or 2.5 times. If we                       national games and single-jurisdiction
the likelihood of awarding a prize in              could do both at once, we could gain                      games. This risk may be reduced by
tomorrow night’s drawing.                          1.75 *2.5 = 4.375 times the revenue we                    clear differentiation not only on price
     A game where the outcomes are                 currently handle. Calculations like this                  and play frequency, but on top prize
revealed for every player in a sched-              prove nothing, of course. However, it                     value. There may be room for a game
uled drawing also has the potential to             may not be crazy to think that a new                      with a set top prize in the low tens of
briefly draw the attention of a huge               game, with double the revenue of our                      millions, for instance.
audience nationwide. This flicker of               current multistate games, is possible.                        Is it even possible to design a draw
synchronized attention should be                       In Powerball and Mega Millions,
                                                                                                             game that would provide the values
valuable to a creative marketer.                   we might currently handle about
                                                                                                             discussed here? After all, the algo-
     For these reasons, I suggest that             $8 billion per year at 50% RTP, for
                                                                                                             rithm that distributes prizes over play
it is worthwhile to think about a                  GGR of $4 billion. If we can increase
                                                                                                             outcomes in instant games can be as
national-scale draw game that delivers             revenue by factor 2 (to keep the mental
                                                                                                             complicated as may be needed. It need
an instant-like winning experience,                math easy) to $16 billion, we could
                                                                                                             not be explained to anyone outside
through frequent play at a premium                 earn the same GGR by retaining only
                                                                                                             a very small circle of experts in the
price. Let’s say daily, at $5 per play.            one-quarter of the revenue. In other
     A daily national game is not a goal           words, we could build for an RTP of                       house that manufactures the product.
in itself, it is a way to reach the goal of        75% – right up there with the current                     Draw game rules, on the other hand,
providing more revenue for the lotter-             spectrum of premium-priced instant                        need to be simple.
ies’ beneficiaries. How big might the              games. We know how to build $5 prize                          This article does not begin to
opportunity be? We can get some idea               structures that engage players to play                    suggest how to build such a game.
of scale by comparing to the current               every day – we are doing that right                       Rather, it suggests a set of properties
reality of Mega Millions and Powerball.            now, and further we are doing it with                     that might qualify a game for serious
If we can get people to play a new game            RTP considerably less than 75%. It                        consideration as the best “next thing.”
daily, i.e. every day rather than twice            may be possible to allocate funding so                    If you can explain a draw game struc-
per week, we could increase revenue                as to offer a very distinctive top prize in               ture that provides these properties,
by factor 7/4, or 1.75 times the current           a new game.                                               you deserve our close attention!

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18 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 19

Two Cents Panel Drives
Innovation at the Colorado
By Jennifer Thiebaut, Market Research Manager, Colorado Lottery

        or the first time in history, the                                             to help manage the panel, topics,
        Colorado Lottery is receiving                                                 assessment and analysis. While the
        two cents instead of giving it.                                               data gathered from the research is
    In July 2018, the Colorado                                                        owned by the Lottery, Toluna owns
Lottery began full implementation                                                     and runs the community platform,
of a new research tool, a community                This new                           which encompasses the technology and
panel called Two Cents. The panel               platform gives                        the framework.
is a means to elicit player feedback                                                      This new platform gives a voice
faster and more consistently for                   a voice to                         to both Colorado Lottery customers
quicker adaptability to changing                both Colorado                         and infrequent and non-players.
product strategies, lottery trends, and             Lottery                           The quantitative and qualitative
consumer attitudes and opinions.                                                      information we receive helps drive
    Since the panel is proprietary, it
                                                customers and                         innovation, messaging, outreach,
allows the Colorado Lottery to control          infrequent and                        product development, advertising
topics and survey frequency, tone                non-players.                         campaigns, and other strategic goals
and messaging. This oversight and                                                     every single month.
flexibility provides us with the freedom                                                  Currently, there are 1,400 panel
to collect meaningful feedback quickly                                                members, a mix of non-players and
and in a voice that is consistent with                                                infrequent, mid-level, and core players,
our brand.                                                                            who regularly participate in surveys.
    Not just a tool for player sentiment,                                             Panel members are classified by the
the panel provides insight regarding        short turnaround. The panel makes the     Colorado Lottery’s seven motivational
how familiar our players are with           Colorado Lottery more agile and able      segmentations – Living Large
the Colorado Lottery’s three pillars        to tweak strategies based on real-time    Dreamers, Karma Seeking Dreamers,
that drive its mission – revenue,           feedback.                                 Fun Money Dreamers, Jump Start
responsible gaming and conservation.            When we began researching online      Dreamers, Working Realists, American
    In the last couple of years, the        community panels, we saw that they        Dreamers, and Retirement Driven
Colorado Lottery decided to enhance         were already a well-utilized research     Realists, and then segmented further
its research efforts beyond more            platform for private sector companies,    by our Scratch game segmentations.
traditional methodologies, such as          but still relatively new to the lottery       Panelists are recruited first through
focus groups, consumer intercepts           industry. After reaching out to the       our MyLottery platform – sending
and tracking studies, to deliver            few other state lotteries already using   an email to MyLottery members and
more quantifiable information. An           online communities and investigating      inviting them to sign up if they are
online community panel allows the           corporate panel research firms, we        interested in participating. After that,
Colorado Lottery to collect targeted        landed on Scientific Games, our           we use research firms that specialize in
information on narrow topics with a         Scratch ticket vendor, as our partner     recruiting individuals to participate in

20 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020

                                                                                    Valuable Insights

                                                                                        Quick polls might include questions
                                                                                    about how panelists would spend their
                                                                                    money, their favorite sport, favorite
                                                                                    thing about the holidays or where they
                                                                                    get their news. Answers to these types
                                                                                    of questions can influence social media
                                                                                    themes, game development and even
                                                                                    budgeting. Discussion board topics re-
                                                                                    quire a bit more thought. For example,
                                                                                    we might ask, “Is there a shop, restau-
                                                                                    rant or retail location that does not
                                                                                    sell lottery games, but if they did you
                                                                                    would purchase them there?” or “Did
                                                                                    you buy a Mega Millions ticket for the
                                                                                    $1.6B jackpot? Share a story about this
                                                                                    purchase.” Surveys might get players’
                                                                                    opinions on casinos or multipliers, or
                                                                                    tell us how they use our website or how
                                                                                    they enjoy the projects that are funded
The Colorado Lottery Attitudes and Usage surveys (A&U) show how Colorado compares   by Lottery proceeds.
to the same A&U survey fielded on Scientific Games’ national panel.                     One example of a Two Cents
                                                                                    Community Panel survey that influ-
                                                                                    enced game development is the Scratch
community panels. Individuals must
                                                                                    My Back panel. From this panel survey
be invited to participate in the panel;
                                                                                    we learned that a large group of players
there is no call for signups. We’ve
recruited panelists twice since we                                                  appreciate the ability to play at a
implemented Two Cents. On average,             By segmenting                        higher price point. Knowing this value
the Colorado Lottery asks panelists to                                              proposition resulted in the creation
complete one survey, one quick poll            our players by                       of more nuanced product positioning
                                                                                    and differentiation within our $20
and one discussion board each month.           psychographics                       price points. These panel findings were
    By segmenting our players by
psychographics we can see them                 we can see them                      further supported by focus groups and
through different filters. In some                                                  helped the product marketing team
cases, behavior is influenced by the         through different                      make the decision to keep this group-
region where they live, in others by           filters. In some                     ing of products in the product line.
                                                                                        Another revenue-boosting panel
their age or gender. By being able to
interpret the nuances of what players        cases, behavior is                     discovery: A family that plays together
or potential players want, we can                                                   stays together. Research showed us
offer products and services that will
                                              influenced by the                     that advertising the full family of
grow the Colorado Lottery in fun and         region where they                      games, as well as positioning them
                                                                                    together in displays, increased player
responsible ways.
    Most surveys take about five                live, in others                     awareness of those games. These
minutes. Members remain engaged by                                                  insights helped us overcome any
earning points for every survey, poll
                                               by their age or                      resistance from retailers to spend the
and discussion board topic that they                gender.                         additional time necessary to position –
complete, and points can be redeemed                                                and reposition – families together with
for electronic gift cards. Surveys are                                              each new launch. Interestingly, we
posted for 7 to 10 days at a time.                                                  now have additional data that supports

22 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
the belief that families of games drive   the survey were in perfect alignment
purchases of tickets both up the price    with the external survey. Analytics
point scale and down. We credit some      showed which games tested best and
of the strength of our $1 product to      guided recommendations on which
our increased number of launches and      licensed property games would be best
awareness of families of games.           to launch. This survey is an excellent
    Our Two Cents Licensed Property       example of how panel feedback drove
Study measured brand familiarity,         the product development for licensed
likeability, likelihood to purchase,      product games.
willingness to pay to play a mobile            The bottom line is that research
game and the desire to play a mobile      is critical for any new product
game for free, along with several other   development. The speed at which we
variables. This study coincided with      are introducing new games means up-
another external licensed property        to-date and current research can make
survey completed at the same time and     or break a new product launch. But
with the same properties. Results from    that’s just my Two Cents.

                                                                                   March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 23

 Jay Finks
 Deputy Director, Oklahoma Lottery

             etting things done isn’t al-                                            He oversees all day-to-day activities
             ways easy, and not everyone
                                                  "I haven’t seen                    at the Oklahoma Lottery, including
             thrives on a challenge. But      anything that Jay is                   marketing, sales, accounting,
    if you talk with Jay Finks, not only      afraid to take on. He                  operations, administration and
    will he tell you how to get things                                               security.
                                               is a protector of his
    done, but how energizing it is to                                                    And he gets things done. He
    be up to the challenge. As Deputy         time and the time of                   spearheaded the legislative change
    Director of the Oklahoma Lottery,            our employees."                     in 2017 that removed a crippling
    he has managed to get things done                                                profit requirement from the lottery
    in a way that has translated into                  - Rollo Redburn               law – more on that later. Most
    millions of extra dollars for the                                                recently, he succeeded in bringing
    Lottery’s beneficiary, education.                                                all 108 Oklahoma 7-Eleven stores
        “Jay has been with the                communicates well and clearly with     into the lottery fold for the very first
    Oklahoma Lottery from the very            his employees to make sure they        time; they had been independently
    start; he was hired from the              understand their responsibilities      owned and had resisted all previous
    private sector and has consistently       and how to achieve their goals. I      efforts to add lottery. For that story,
    demonstrated his value to the             haven’t seen anything that Jay is      see page 6.
    Lottery,” said Executive Director         afraid to take on. He is a protector       This year, Finks is working on
    Rollo Redburn. “He thinks outside         of his time and the time of our        a bill to give the Lottery’s security
    the box continually, and attacks all      employees. In addition, he is a        team more investigative powers,
    new problems with a determination         devoted husband and father, coach      and also to allow lottery retailers
    to develop a solution that is a win-      for youth athletics, and a dedicated   to accept all forms of payment,
    win for all involved, and if that isn’t   ‘doer of good.’”                       including credit cards (debit cards
    possible, then most certainly a win           Starting at the beginning in       were approved just two years
    for the State of Oklahoma. Jay is         2005 as Media & Promotions             ago.) He thinks all the goodwill
    one of those rare employees who           Manager, Finks became Marketing        generated from the 2017 legislation
    communicates with his employer            Director in 2007, Director of          and its fiscal impacts have made
    to keep them well-informed, but           Marketing & Administration in          legislators much more receptive
    also to pool resources and develop        2012, and was named Deputy             to conversations on these and
    a winning plan before he attacks          Director – essentially the chief op-   other issues. “We’ve really worked
    potentially caustic issues. He            erating officer – in January 2018.     hard to position ourselves to be a

24 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
JAY FINKS, Deputy Director, Oklahoma Lottery

resource for them and help them in           school students. Both his daughters,        interview I convinced the Director
any way possible.”                           15 and 17, play for him on the team.        of Sales and Marketing that hiring
    Finks still loves his roots in market-   He and his wife Jennifer also have an       someone with experience would be in-
ing, creative and media strategy. He’s       older son.                                  valuable at launch. She then combined
proud to say that all of the Lottery’s           Finks has a bachelor of science de-     two of the marketing positions into one
instant tickets are designed in-house,       gree in promotions management from          and I became the sixth employee of the
and thinks Oklahoma has some of the          the University of Central Oklahoma,         Oklahoma Lottery.
best-looking tickets in the industry. “If    and he spent the early part of his
you are creating an impulse item, don’t      career in advertising and media buying      Did your early media buying and
you want it to look absolutely the best      for agencies and private corporations.      advertising experience help you with
it possibly can?” Another thing he’s         He was honored with a NASPL Powers          your lottery duties?
proud of – proving it’s not always the       Award in 2010, recognized for excel-            Absolutely. I was hired on Aug. 24,
big challenges that provide satis-           lence in the field of lottery marketing.    2005, and launch was Oct. 9, which
faction – are the 10-second jackpot                                                      left a very tight window to prepare. My
trigger spots that air on radio stations     What first brought you to the               experience with navigating creative,
throughout the day on draw days once         Oklahoma Lottery?                           media strategy and other marketing
Powerball and Mega Millions get over             In short, fantasy football. A friend    efforts made that timeline a little more
a certain jackpot level. “It’s a simple      who played in my fantasy football           manageable. My strategic marketing
call to action and it works,” he said.       league suggested it to me as his father     background has been a foundational
    Outside the Lottery, Finks is an         was just appointed to the Lottery           component of how we’ve built the
avid gamer. For as long as he can            Commission Board. The idea of               marketing department here at the
remember, he’s played video games.           marketing a new lottery and all of its      Oklahoma Lottery. We take on the
But he gets plenty of outdoor activity       products sounded intriguing to me so        primary role of an ad agency internally
as a soccer coach – he’s now in his          I applied for the job. At the time, the     and utilize our agency as a secondary
eighth year coaching a local recreation-     Lottery was only offering entry level       resource when needed. Our marketing
al girls’ soccer team comprised of high      marketing positions, but during my          team does all the creative for instant

                                                                                        March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 25

tickets, negotiates media buys and      different approach and started actively    machines in the U.S.), we are pushing
sponsorship deals, handles print        utilizing key Lottery employees to go to   leadership to take a serious look at the
production, manages our website and     the capital and create more meaningful     evolution of lottery offerings to include
mobile app and is the primary driver    discussions about our needed law           initiatives like iLottery.
on all creative, media and marketing    change. While we were unsuccessful             For the industry as a whole, let
strategies.                             in 2016, it laid the foundation for the    me take a deep breath and be direct.
                                        ultimate success we had in the 2017        Powerball and Mega Millions are
How challenging was it to get the law   session.                                   never going to reach their full potential
changed, and do you have any tips for        The irony was that the primary        unless we stop looking at small, incon-
other lotteries trying to bring about   author of our 2017 bill had been an        sequential and limited changes to the
legislative change?                     outspoken opponent of the Lottery          games themselves and start looking at
   To put it in perspective, from       for years. I took it on as a personal      what we can do on national level. We
2006 to 2016 our bill to remove the     challenge in 2016 to build a relation-     can’t say we are a national brand when
35% profit requirement was only         ship with her and to convince her not      we don’t act like one. Powerball and
heard once in subcommittee, where it    only to carry our bill but to champion     Mega Millions are our most profitable
was voted down. The majority of the     it. She kicked me out of her office once   offerings and allow us the ability to
time the Committee Chair wouldn’t       a week in 2016, but by the summer, I       offer high payout instant games – we
even hear the bill. In 2016 we took a   had built enough respect with her to       must have a stronger commitment to
                                        create some space to be heard. At that     strengthening these brands.
                                        point, politics were pushed to the side        First, we need to pool our adver-
                                        and we could explore the business case     tising efforts on a national level and
                                        of changing the law. That relationship     utilize the effectiveness of national
                                        was key to building the cooperation        advertising to reach a greater amount
                                        needed to get the law changed. And         of people. And while many get caught
                                        the results have been extraordinary.       up in the complexity of navigating one
                                        Our sales in FY17 were $150 million,       effort across all states, in practice it is
                                        and our goal for FY20 is $260 million.     only as hard as we make it. We need to
                                        Our beneficiary has seen year over         collect a percentage of the prize pool
                                        year growth in contributions and we        on a national level and create meaning-
                                        anticipate this trend will continue to     ful sponsorships, marketing programs,
                                        increase.                                  promotions and media exposure on a
                                             I have two tips for lotteries at-     national level. A key group of lottery
                                        tempting to secure law changes. The        marketing professionals could steward
                                        first one is easier said than done:        the initiative and provide the games’
                                        Retain a professional lobbyist to help     leadership with the necessary approv-
                                        work your bill. We didn’t even think       als to ensure the initiatives follow the
                                        we were allowed to do so until we dug      national strategy. When you really
                                        into the law, but doing so afforded us     think about the buying power that we
                                        a conduit to connect with key legisla-     could generate nationally, it is stagger-
                                        tive leaders and navigate the bill in a    ing. That buying power would translate
                                        more efficient manner. Two: Get up         to partnering with other national
                                        from your desk, grab a few articulate      brands and growing our exposure
                                        co-workers, and go build relationships     exponentially.
                                        with leadership, key legislators and           Second, we need a jackpot man-
                                        most importantly, key members of           agement program to maximize sales
                                        your lottery’s beneficiary.                during high jackpot runs and to
                                                                                   enhance mid-level jackpot runs. Why
                                        Are there any other things you’d like      do we let the jackpot grow so quickly
                                        to see changed, either in Oklahoma or      at the higher levels when we could all
                                        across the lottery industry?               benefit from more draws in between?
                                            Given the magnitude of the             In FY16, when Powerball hit $1.5
                                        competitive market in Oklahoma (we         billion, we had three draws from $550
                                        have the third largest number of slot      million to $1.5 billion. In FY19, when

26 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
                                    IS HERE.
                                                            Head to Head

                                           Lottery Game
                                                    Attracts New Players

                                               Graphics and Animations

 Venue        Online   Interactive
                                     JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 27

Mega Millions hit $1.6 billion, we had
four draws above $500 million. With a
strong jackpot management program,
we could have doubled the number of
draws and reaped the benefits of the
additional sales from those draws. And
why settle for a $394 million jackpot
when we could increase it to $400
million and create a more marketable
amount? We could do that when we
do a better job of managing the earlier
jackpots. These are our games, and we
need to maximize how we are using          once we got our 35% profit require-        instant launch calendars: one in
these funds in order to maximize their     ment removed. Most in the industry         case the law wasn’t changed, and 16
impact on our sales and profits.           advised us to phase out the old product    new games to launch immediately in
                                           and gradually introduce the improved       case it was. The strategic plan was
What have you enjoyed the most in          product (instant games with higher         to remove all instant games from
your lottery career?                       payouts) over a six month period,          the field and replace with the 16 new
    I love taking on initiatives that      because that is what traditionally had     instant games in a matter of eight
start with “no one has ever done that”     been done. We felt the right strategy      business days. The bill was signed
or “we can’t do that.” Embracing new       for our product and players was to         by the governor in early June and
ways of thinking and bringing those        remove all the old product from the        new games were in the field less
initiatives to life create great moments   market and start fresh. As I was work-     than one month later. This was a
of enjoyment for me. One of my             ing the bill through legislation, before   very risky and aggressive approach
favorites was the effort to overhaul and   it had been approved, our product          but it allowed us to make the biggest
launch our new instant product line        team was simultaneously building two       impact on our sales.

28 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
Win Big with In-Lane Innovations

                                                                                                                                                                                                           123                                                                                456
                                                                                                                                                                                   $4                                                                                           $4
                                                                                                                                                                                    2 PLA                                                                                       2 PLA
                                                                                                                                                                                    CASH VALUE                                                                                  CASH VALUE
                                                                                                                                                                                    OPTION                          QUICKTICKET ™                                               OPTION                          QUICKTICKET ™



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                                                                                                                                                                                     QUICKTICKET not valid until activated at register. This is your official Texas Lottery®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 QUICKTICKET not valid until activated at register. This is your official Texas Lottery®

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ticket. Scratch to reveal your Quick Pick numbers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ticket. Scratch to reveal your Quick Pick numbers.



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At InComm, we connect lotteries to consumers in new and exciting                                                                             $4
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ways. Through innovative point-of-sale activation (POSA)
                                                                                                                                             OPTION                          QUICKTICKET ™
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technology and our vast network of over 60,000 retail partners,
we’re making in-lane lottery sales and redemption a reality.                                                                                  QUICKTICKET not valid until activated at register. This is your official Texas Lottery®
                                                                                                                                                            ticket. Scratch to reveal your Quick Pick numbers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            QUICKTICKET not valid until activated at register. This is your official Texas Lottery®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ticket. Scratch to reveal your Quick Pick numbers.


Contact us to learn more about how we’re broadening lottery’s

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reach through new and existing retailers, increasing lottery brand                                                                                                                                                                                                             238

awareness and growing the player base.

Visit to learn more.
A “Lotto”
                                        Pride in
                                         After 30 years, and more
                                         than $3.1 billion to the state,
                                         the Minnesota Lottery’s
                                         history of innovation is
                                         serving it well.

                                              By Patricia McQueen

30 | NASPL INSIGHTS March/April 2020
                    t’s not surprising that the Minnesota Lottery is all                 than 10% of the current staff of about
                    about close ties to the state’s people and its heri-                 155. “We have an amazing staff,” he
                    tage. The Lottery’s logo prominently features the                    exclaimed. “People really care about
                                                                                         the state, and we have not only talent
                    official state bird, the common loon, and any state
                                                                                         but a team mentality. That’s just
                    known as the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” clearly puts
                                                                                         amazing to see.”
                    a lot of emphasis on its prized natural resources.
                    And it just so happens that Lottery revenues help                    Innovative Products
                    support those resources in a big way. By law,
                    Lottery proceeds may not be used as a substitute                         While Wes Harms is not one of
                    for traditional sources of funding for environmen-                   those 30-year employees, he’s about
                    tal and natural resources activities, but rather as a                as close as they come, starting with the
                    supplement to those traditional sources.                             Lottery just a few months after startup.
                                                                                         Currently Director of Operations,
                                                                                         he has seen it all over the years, and
                                                                                         is proud of the innovative – even
Celebrating its 30th anniversary this       fantastic. Minnesotans are very proud        groundbreaking – projects developed
year (the first ticket went on sale on      of their natural resources and the great     in Minnesota. Some have been more
April 17, 1990), the Minnesota Lottery      outdoors, and we are fortunate to be         successful than others, but they all
has come a long way. From inception         raising money to make all that better.”      represent a willingness to try new
through the last fiscal year, it had            Prock is also proud to say that there    things. That’s a heritage that came
generated $12.8 billion in sales, sent      is plenty of evidence that the Lottery’s     from the Lottery’s initial director, the
more than $7.7 billion to players in        player base is expanding at a time           late George Andersen, who was always
the form of prizes, paid almost $775        when all lotteries are concerned about       ahead of the curve when it came to
million to retailers, and – most impor-     a potentially aging pool of players.         new ideas. “He could come up with
tantly – provided $3.1 billion to the       “New people enjoy our products every         a lot more ideas faster than we could
State of Minnesota. Part of those state     single day.” They understand that            execute them,” noted Harms.
proceeds benefit the Environment            there are fun and innovative products,           The most successful of those
and Natural Resources Trust Fund,           and even if they don’t win, they can         innovative products is what is now
which was created by a voter-approved       embrace the knowledge that their             called Print-N-Play, a progressive
constitutional amendment and is solely      money contributes something great to         jackpot instant-win game printed by
funded by the Lottery. The Fund’s           the State of Minnesota.                      the lottery terminals. The game was a
programs enhance, protect and restore           The Lottery’s employees love doing       first in the industry when it originated
Minnesota’s environment and wildlife.       their jobs that make that happen.            as the slot-themed Slots Plus in March
Other proceeds benefit the state’s          Prock humbly points out that 17 of the       2002; the product expanded to other
Natural Resources Fund, the Game            original employees are still working         themes and became known as G3
& Fish Fund and the General Fund            at the Lottery after 30 years, more          games in 2004. They were rebranded
(supporting important programs like
education, public safety and health and
human services).
    “The thing that we are probably
the most proud of is our mission that
raises money to make Minnesota,
and the lives of Minnesotans, better,”
said Executive Director Adam Prock,
who was named to the position in
April 2019 after two years as the
Lottery’s Director of Communications
and Government Relations. With
over $1 billion of those cumulative
proceeds going to environmental
causes, there are few places in the state
that haven’t directly benefited from
lottery dollars. “I think that is pretty

                                                                                        March/April 2020 NASPL INSIGHTS | 31
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