Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto

Page created by Eduardo Hampton
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Sustrans Cymru 2021

for everyone.
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
    Wales faces some profound                               walk and cycle because it is the most obvious choice, the
                                                            easiest choice, the cheapest choice. Public transport is
    challenges. From climate change                         easily accessible, cheap and frequent. There are some
    and air pollution to physical                           longer journeys you need to make by car but these are
                                                            rare. And because you move every day, you are healthier.
    and mental health crises, the                           You see your neighbours and have a social connection
    pressures on communities                                to the place in which you live. It is a community.

    across our nation is growing.                           Perhaps you live in a smaller village. Not everything
                                                            is on your doorstep. But you have a traffic free set
                                                            of paths for everyone that allows you to cycle to
                                                            neighbouring towns where you visit the cinema or go
There is no silver bullet for these challenges. We          to work. It’s a beautiful route with great views of the
have set out Sustrans Cymru’s asks of the next Welsh        countryside as part of the National Cycle Network.
Government which, if implemented, would make a              It is for people of all ages and is shared with people
profound difference for the future generations of Wales.    walking, scooting, and using mobility scooters.

Sustrans Cymru have a vision.
                                                              This is the future Sustrans Cymru
Imagine living in a place where everything you need is        wants to see. Below we set out
within a 20-minute walk. Schools, shops, recreation and
work is on your doorstep. Streets prioritise people with      12 asks which the next Welsh
wide pavements, seating and cycle parking. Greenery           Government need to implement
and nature are found everywhere in your neighbourhood.
Cars are guests on residential streets and are the            to ensure that tomorrow’s Wales,
exception around schools. Children play out more now          is a place for everyone.
as it feels safer. They walk and cycle to school again. A
series of protected cycleways along main roads ensures
people can get around by cycle safely. You choose to

2      Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Ask 1:        ustrans Cymru is calling on the next Welsh
             Government to put forward a Sustainable Transport Bill.

Ask 2:        he next Welsh Government should invest a minimum
             of £20 per head per annum in Active Travel in
             2021/2022; with a commitment to have funded
             Integrated Network Map (INM) schemes by 2025/2026.

Ask 3:        he next Welsh Government should invest
             £20 million per annum funding for the
             National Cycle Network in Wales.

3   Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Ask 4:        he next Welsh Government should restrict cars within
             400 metres of any school at pick up and drop off times.

Ask 5:        he next Welsh Government should introduce a
             21st century school streets programme focused
             on the schools most in need. The programme
             would work with students and residents to
             redesign the landscape outside their schools.

Ask 6:        he next Welsh Government should ensure
             developments are located around pre-existing
             development and are accessible by public transport
             by incorporating 20-minute neighbourhoods as
             a central principle within the planning system.

Ask 7:        he next Welsh Government should require new
             home builders to finish all the transport infrastructure
             at the beginning of the project, so that sustainable
             transport infrastructure is plumbed in from day one.

Ask 8:        he next Welsh Government should set minimum
             housing densities around 100 dph. They should
             provide clear design guidance to ensure housing
             quality, Welsh language, character mix and
             sense of place are protected and enhanced.

4   Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Ask 9:        he next Welsh Government should
             make it illegal for people to park on the
             pavement, and prevent street clutter.

Ask 10: T
         he next Welsh Government should implement
        a default 20mph speed limit in built-up areas.

Ask 11: T
         he next Welsh Government should provide funding
        to all local authorities to remove restrictive access
        barriers on the National Cycle Network in Wales.

Ask 12: B
         uilding on the potential of the Valleys Regional
        Park, the next Welsh Government should
        establish a Wales wide National Greenways
        Programme which will provide better access to
        green and blue space for everyone, with partners
        such as the National Parks, Sustrans Cymru,
        Ramblers Cymru, and Living Streets Wales.

5   Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Sustainable Transport Bill
Ask 1:            ustrans Cymru is calling on the next Welsh Government
                 to put forward a Sustainable Transport Bill.

The Bill will:                                n      ake it illegal for people to
                                                    park on the pavement.
n     Implement the recommendations
       of the Active Travel (Wales) Act       n      estrict cars within 400
       2013 statutory “Section 11” review.          metres of any school at pick
                                                    up and drop off times.
n      equire local authorities to set
      ambitious mode share targets.           n     Introduce a National Transport
                                                     Survey in Wales.
n     Implement a national speed limit
       of 20mph in built-up areas.            n     Introduce an Active Travel
                                                     Commissioner, and bring
                                                     the Active Travel Board
                                                     onto a statutory footing.

6     Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
The next Welsh Government
    should make it a requirement of
    local authorities to set ambitious
    targets for walking and cycling.

    For example, in Copenhagen’s
    Municipal Strategy 2009: The
    overall objective for the modal split
    in Copenhagen is that for all trips
    “on wheels” at least 1/3 must be
    by public transport, at least 1/3 by
    cycle and less than 1/3 by car.

7       Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Investing in tomorrow
Our reliance on the car is at an all-time high,               Ask 2:       
continued dependency on motor vehicles to get
around has led to us facing a climate emergency.              The next Welsh Government should
                                                              invest a minimum of £20 per head
    If we are serious about lowering                          per annum in Active Travel in
    our emissions to safe limits we                           2021/2022; with a commitment to
    must make walking and cycling
                                                              have funded Integrated Network Map
    the most attractive option for short
                                                              (INM) schemes by 2025/2026.
    journeys in our towns and cities.
Currently, Welsh Government spending on                       Ask 3:
roads dwarfs spending on active travel.
                                                              The next Welsh Government should
Sustrans Cymru would like to see the next Welsh
Government investment focus on helping make our
                                                              invest £20 million per annum funding for
communities easier to walk around and more cycle              the National Cycle Network in Wales.
friendly. It should include measures like improving
pavements and crossings, tackling residential rat runs,
and building safer cycle paths away from traffic. It should
also help make public transport more accessible, and
fund schemes that give people the skills and confidence
to travel more by foot or by bike. In order to do this we
need to see greater investment and quicker progress.

8      Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Safer streets around schools
During this Assembly term, active school travel has          Ask 4: 
steadied at 44% after a fall earlier in the decade.
Urgent action is needed to prevent us falling further1.      The next Welsh Government should
                                                             restrict cars within 400 metres of any
    Streets around schools are congested                     school at pick up and drop off times.
    with cars, air pollution is damaging
    children’s lungs, and obesity is on the                  Ask 5: 
    rise. It is clear we must take action to                 The next Welsh Government should
    make streets around schools safer.                       introduce a 21st century school streets
                                                             programme focused on the schools most
Sustrans Cymru want to see neighbourhoods                    in need, the programme would work
transformed around schools so that children can walk
or cycle to school independently. Removing congestion        with students and residents to redesign
from roads outside schools will create safer streets, keep   the landscape outside their schools.
children’s lungs safe from harmful air pollution, as well
as help incorporate exercise into their daily routine.

    The next Welsh Government should
    set a target of two thirds of children
    travelling actively to school by 2025.


9          Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Tomorrow's Wales, for everyone - Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Case Study

St David’s RC School-led
regeneration project.
The challenge                                           The project is being delivered over 2 years:

The environment outside St David’s R.C. Primary         n Y
                                                           ear 1 focussed on working with the community
School in Newport is congested at pick up and             to identify issues and begin to design changes.
drop off times. The result is a number of significant
health and safety risks acting as a barrier, stopping   n Year 2 will see these designs implemented
those who might otherwise walk and cycle.

Sustrans have been commissioned to create a
people centred approach to address these issues
and support the community by making changes
that will encourage more walking and cycling.

10     Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Case Study
St David’s RC School-led regeneration project.

Sustrans’ solution                                         Year 2 will continue to work with the
                                                           community to realise these changes.
Sustrans developed an engagement approach
that included working with residents and                    “The project is not just about
stakeholders from across the community.
                                                            improving safety – it’s given the
The initial phase has focussed on understanding             children independence, and
specific local issues and agreeing a set of proposals.
This included working with the school to audit the local    helped them understand the
walking and cycling routes and co-designing a series        health and wellbeing effects of
of street improvements. Engagement workshops at
accessible locations across the area were delivered. To     congestion around their school.”
support this process, an on-line interactive community
mapping tool was also developed. Data captured             Louise Robinson –
through this engagement process, has produced              Head, St David’s RC Primary School
a sophisticated picture of local travel behaviour
that will be used to inform future investment.

11     Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
20 minute neighbourhoods
The way in which we have built houses over the last                            Evidence shows that people are more likely to change
decade has been focussed on the wants and needs                                their behaviour when they experience a large disruption
of the car, at the expense of providing the local jobs                         to their routine, for example, when moving house.
and services that a community needs to thrive.                                 In order to get more people travelling sustainably
                                                                               we need to ensure that all transport infrastructure is
Research by Transport for Better Homes found that                              built before people move into their new homes4.
across the UK, 18 out of 20 recently built housing
developments were designed around the car.
As a result of this, people are finding themselves
                                                                                 We desperately need new and
living in developments devoid of services and                                    affordable housing, now is the time
are forced into a car-dependent lifestyle2.
                                                                                 to stop building out of town car-
Building in this way is disadvantaging the poorest                               dependent housing estates devoid of
people in our society. Those unable to afford a
vehicle are left without access to services that we
                                                                                 any services, and start building strong,
all need every day. They are at risk of isolation, and                           well-connected neighbourhoods.
are at most risk of road danger and air pollution3.


12          Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
20 minute neighbourhoods
Ask 6: 	                                 Ask 8: 	
The next Welsh Government should          The next Welsh Government should
ensure developments are located           set minimum housing densities
around pre-existing development           around 100 dph. They should provide
and are accessible by public              clear design guidance to ensure
transport by incorporating 20-minute      housing quality, Welsh language,
neighbourhoods as a central principle     character mix and sense of place
within the planning system.               are protected and enhanced.5

Ask 7: 	
The next Welsh Government should
require new home builders to finish
all the transport infrastructure at the
beginning of the project, so that          As recommended by Transport for Quality

                                          of Life and Friends of the Earth.
sustainable transport infrastructure
                                          Between 2008 and 2011, most of London, Salford and Brighton &
is plumbed in from day one.               Hove achieved average densities of over 100 dph for new dwellings,
                                          while a further 13 authorities achieved densities of over 80 dph.
                                          Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2013)
                                          Density of new dwellings built, by local authority. Table P232 Land
                                          Use Change: Density of new dwellings, by local authority, 1996-
                                          99 to 2008-11.

13   Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Transport for everyone
Sustrans Cymru believes that walking, cycling               Ask 9:
and public transport infrastructure should
be accessible for everyone, regardless of                   The next Welsh Government
their physical ability, ethnicity or age.                    should make it illegal for people
Many people in society are currently unable to travel
                                                             to park on the pavement, and
actively. This is often due to physical barriers on the      prevent the use of street clutter.
transport network and in our towns and cities. For
disabled people, many transport options are difficult
or inaccessible. This reduces travel choice and may         Ask 10:
include public transport, but also walking and cycling.     The next Welsh Government
Pavements and cycle routes are often littered with
barriers, such as gates, bollards, bins and other street
                                                             should implement a 20 mph
clutter. This can prevent wheelchairs, pushchairs or         speed limit in built-up areas.
adapted cycles passing, as well as make it hard for blind
or partially sighted people to navigate the landscape.
                                      Ask 11:     
 We need to make the road environment The next Welsh Government should
 less intimidating and provide high   provide funding to all local authorities
                                      to remove access barriers on the
 quality infrastructure for walking
                                      National Cycle Network in Wales.
 and cycling so that everyone
 feels safe and comfortable.

14     Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Case Study

Barrier removal
Our vision for the National Cycle Network is a UK-              Edna lives with a condition called Epidermolysis
wide network of traffic-free paths for everyone,                Bullosa. It means she cannot walk very far without
connecting cities, towns and countryside,                       damaging her feet and ankles. Edna uses a pedal
loved by the communities they serve.                            assisted tricycle for stability and the advantage of not
                                                                needing to dismount when she stops. The tricycle
A crucial part of this vision is ‘for everyone’. This means     allows her to exercise, explore the outdoors and
people who use adapted bikes, wheelchairs, mobility             gives her independence. However, the A Frame
scooters, tandems, cargo bikes or push a buggy, as              barrier on the Swiss Valley section of the Network is
well as walkers and cyclists. In order to make our              too narrow to allow Edna access to the Network.
vision a reality, we need to remove or redesign the
barriers on the 1600 miles of Network in Wales.
                                                                  “The removal of the barrier would
We know that access barriers don’t stop illegal                   not only benefit Edna but also other
use of paths. They stops legitimate users.
                                                                  people with mobility problems. It is the
Access barriers have historically been used on                    only obstruction between Crosshands
walking and cycling routes to prevent illegal access to
motorbikes. Their ability to prevent motorbike access is
                                                                  and Llanelli. The removal of the A
limited, whilst their ability to prevent access to legitimate     Frame would allow Edna unrestricted
users is profound. Barriers also deter cyclists from
using routes as they can be difficult to pass through.
                                                                  access and allow her the exercise
                                                                  she enjoys. This cycle route passes
Barriers prevent people from accessing fantastic
facilities that are on their doorstep. Edna and
                                                                  through some beautiful scenery, with
Alan Flambard are just one example of legitimate                  picnic areas and a pub that we very
users being denied access to a path.
                                                                  much wish we could access together.”

15     Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto                              Alan Flambard, Edna’s husband.
Access to nature
Evidence shows that the natural environment can play                      Ask 12: 	
an important role in tackling the climate crisis, reducing
health inequalities, and promoting public health, both                    Building on the potential of the
mental and physical. Sustrans wants everyone to be                        Valleys Regional Park the next Welsh
able to have daily access to green and blue space no
matter where they live. Green and blue space is often                     Government should establish a Wales
unevenly distributed in urban areas, favouring people
living in affluent parts of a town or city6. In Wales, just
                                                                          wide National Greenways Programme
1% of all tree cover in Wales is found in areas of high                   which will provide better access to
density housing – often in our most deprived areas7.
                                                                          green and blue space for everyone,
    We would like to see the next Welsh                                   with partners such as the National
    Government work in partnership                                        Parks, Sustrans Cymru, Ramblers
    with communities and organisations                                    Cymru, and Living Streets Wales.
    to ensure that everyone can have
    access to green and blue space.

    Natural Resources Wales (2014) – Tree cover in Wales’ towns and cities: Understanding canopy cover to better plan and manage our
    urban trees : Study Summary – NRW

16        Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
Access to nature
This programme will:                       n    ncourage measures
                                               like Sustainable Urban
n      nhance existing green
      E                                        Drainage Systems.
      and blue corridors like the
      National Cycle Network.              n   Increase biodiversity.
n      xpand green corridors within and
      between our towns and cities.

n     Improve access to quality green
       and blue space in urban areas
       such as planting trees and
       providing seating along rivers
       so no one in the UK is more
       than a 20-minute walk away
       from the great outdoors.

17   Sustrans Cymru 2021 Manifesto
About Sustrans
Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

We are engineers and educators, experts and advocates. We
connect people and places, create liveable neighbourhoods,
transform the school run and deliver a happier, healthier commute.

Sustrans works in partnership, bringing people together to find
the right solutions. We make the case for walking and cycling
by using robust evidence and showing what can be done.

We are grounded in communities and believe that grassroots
support combined with political leadership drives real change, fast.

Join us on our journey.

Get in touch
123 Bute Street Cardiff CF10 5AE

029 2065 0602

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Sustrans is a registered charity in the UK No. 326550 (England and Wales)
SC039263 (Scotland)

© Sustrans January 2020
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