Vnr ubbjn - Camp Ramah in Wisconsin

Page created by Ryan Dawson
Vnr ubbjn - Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
vnr ubbjn

                                                                                                                         Summer 2020
                                                                                                                               p”a, .he

From Jacob Cytryn, Executive Director
                                       On June 24, 1992, I stepped        end of an eidah musical. It is a real loss and I ask that you join
                                   off a bus, walked up a muddy           with me and channel that grief in two directions.
                                   hill, and my life changed ...              First, tell your camp stories, proclaim the power of the
                                   I fell in love with a place.           place to change your life, to bring you and your children joy
                                   In June of 1993 I met my best          and friends, inspiration to be certain types of Jews and human
                                   friend, learned the potential of       beings. Speak to Ramah’s value and the importance of sending
                                   uniting as a cabin, fell in love       children and adolescents to be part of our transformational
                                   with camp musicals, saw the            experiences.
                                   power of my own eidah, and
                                                                              Second, please support our emergency fundraising campaign
                                   met two role models whose
                                                                          to respond to $3.9 million in lost tuition revenue and situate
                                   guidance and wisdom would
                                                                          both of our camps in a position of strength for 2021, 2022, and
                                   impact me for the next two
                                                                          beyond. We aim to raise $2 million between April 15 and
decades, and beyond. This was followed by five more summers as a
                                                                          September 30 and, thanks to lead donors, every dollar you
camper, Ramah Israel Seminar, and every summer since on staff.
                                                                          contribute will be matched 1:1, doubling all gifts, from $1 to
     Every summer we have camp is one where hundreds of campers           $100 to $10,000 or more. We are incredibly grateful to the
and staff, at Ramah Day Camp in Chicago and Camp Ramah in                 parents of our 2020 campers who have generously chosen to
Wisconsin, have innumerable experiences and form memories that            transform all or part of paid tuition fees into a donation, and
will shape their lives. Each summer we spend at camp shapes our           to donors who have already reached out to Ramah in this time
life, in one way or another.                                              of need. Thanks to them and thanks to you we will get through
   This summer, none of those memories, and none of those                 this together.
experiences, will happen.                                                     Though we trace our founding back to our first summer in
    Every summer best friends meet at camp; those who would have          1947, the actual creation of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin went
met in 2020 may not become the best friends they were destined            back to 1946 or perhaps to 1945 and earlier. If so, this year we
to be. The same holds for everything else: meeting the counselor          begin a years-long celebration of our 75th anniversary. The work
who becomes your surrogate big sister, learning to throw a Frisbee,       to identify a site, begin recruiting communal support, and
leading minchah for the first time, being on the winning basketball       preparing for that first summer of 1947 must have begun a year
team, meeting an Israeli who inspires a lifelong connection to            or more before the first buses pulled into camp with the first
Israel, and on, and on, and on. All cut off, all prevented, all delayed   100 campers that June.
- at best.                                                                    Were they alive today, the founders of our camps would
   The losses are enormous. Yes, we must remember, these losses           walk through the Northwoods of Wisconsin and the pristine and
pale in comparison to the wreckage of the COVID-19 pandemic               pastoral acres we own in the northwest suburbs of Chicago with
that has swept the world: human lives, families, friends, businesses,     mouths agape. They never could have imagined that the kernel
entire economies, and more. We must contextualize, we must                of a vision they planted would someday flower into the camps
remember the small place we hold in the broader scheme of things.         we know today. With your help we are poised to revitalize their
And, having done that, we must mourn the loss.                            vision and lay a path forward for our next seventy-five years,
    In this moment of mourning there is silence on the shore of Lake      enabling us to imagine those mythic founders walking our
Buckatabon and in the empty pools at Ramah Day Camp. No smell             campuses in 2021 and for decades to come witnessing firsthand
of French toast wafting from the hadar ochel during shacharit,            their spiritual and biological descendants reaping the fruit of
no polar bear swim, no sight of the Himnon Ramah banner at the            their labors. Their labors, and our own.
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David Kushnir, Board President                                                                                                                          Ramahniks to the Rescue
                                                                                                                                                           We are grateful to all who are caring for our communities during the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                crisis and are proud to feature these alumni and camper parents.

                                        The 2020 calendar year              During these uncertain times, it was critically important to stay   Hundreds of protective masks donated as healthcare                      Farmers donate what they can to help those who are
                                    started with incredible promise     connected with our community and be transparent about our               workers, first responders face shortages                                struggling
                                    and excitement for Camp             thinking and our process. I commend Jacob and the professional          WGN9 News, Chicago – March 22, 2020                                     WQAD8ABC – Quad Cities News, March 25, 2020
                                    Ramah in Wisconsin and              staff for their regular e-mails to our families and the speed and
                                    Ramah Day Camp. Early in            success in which Kikar from Afar was launched. We established           As health care                                                          What started out as
                                    January, we had an amazing          a values-based decision tree on the many questions that needed to       workers face more                                                       one farmer’s idea is
                                                                                                                                                and more cases of                                                       now becoming a state
                                    turnout at our Ramah                be answered. Each day, new information was processed and                COVID-19 every                                                          wide cause. Truck
                                    Committee (the Va’ad) meeting.      factored into that assessment. It was inconceivable to me that          day, there is an                                                        after truck, load after
                                    Our professional leaders eagerly    phrases such as “encourage social distancing” and “adjust activities    urgent need for                                                         load. These farmers
                                    shared our strong enrollment        and procedures to limit sharing” would be part of our discussions       personal protective                                                     work tirelessly to
                                    numbers, enhanced                   on guiding camp operations.                                             equipment, including                                                    feed the nation.
                                                                                                                                                gowns, gloves and                                                       Corn and soybean
recruitment efforts, new program initiatives, staff updates and             As time went on, the possibility of not opening our camps           masks used to                                                           farmer Nik Jakobs
recent photos of our construction projects. We ended our meeting        became more of a reality. Yet we held out hope that good news for       protect them from                Dr. Joey Sager (Nivonim 1994)          says, “As farmers our               Nik Jakobs (Nivonim 2001)
feeling energized about our future.                                     the camp community was just around the corner. Many phone               infected patients.                                                      job is to feed the
                                                                                                                                                As supplies run out, one area doctor is stepping up and asking the      world.”
    The following week, we held a strategic planning retreat at         calls and Zoom conferences started with optimism as everyone
                                                                                                                                                community to donate masks to help guard against the spread of
Ramah Day Camp and led by Julia Riseman, from JCamp 180,                wanted desperately to find a way forward. Inevitably, those calls       the virus.                                                              Now these everyday heroes are helping put food on the table for
a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. We brought                ended with more questions and concerns than when they started.                                                                                  families across Northern Illinois. “Our whole purpose was to
                                                                                                                                                “Doctors are being asked to wear just one mask over the course          convert this grain into groceries as quick as we can for families
together a group of 20 lay leaders to join our professional staff in    For every hurdle we thought we could overcome, new obstacles            of a day,” cardiologist Dr. Joey Sager said. Sager explained that       and neighbors that really need it.”
setting the vision for the next 3-5 years. This was a true cross        and uncertainties emerged. Sadly, the good news we hoped for            could be a problem because if they see even just one patient with
                                                                                                                                                COVID-19, the mask they are wearing is then potentially                 A father of three, Nik Jacobs initiated the movement, and has so
section of our constituents and all were eager to get involved.         never materialized.                                                                                                                             far raised $20,000. He says local food banks will receive the
We left our session excited to tackle the next phase of the planning                                                                            infected. “You don’t want to wear it again, so the conservation
                                                                            It was on Lag B’Omer that the gravity of the situation hit me       efforts are causing problems at the front lines and putting health      money by the end of the week. “Grain donation is not a new
process and reconvene in a few months with a draft in hand.             the hardest. That night my family made a little bonfire in the          care workers at risk,” Sager said.                                      idea. It’s just our fastest mechanism to turn grain into food.”
    At the end of the month, we had our Ramah Day Camp                  backyard, made s’mores, and turned on Israeli music. It smelled,        As health care workers confront the novel coronavirus, supplies         The last few years have been a real struggle for farmers yet here
“Summer in January” event, an annual gathering connecting Ramah         tasted and sounded like camp. At that moment, I was overcome            like masks are dwindling. So at least for today, part of the nation’s   they are today donating what they can. Today they’ve donated
                                                                                                                                                health care supply chain runs from basements and garages, to            6,000 bushels. That’s about $160,000 worth of groceries for
families to the warmth of camp in the middle of the winter.             with sadness and disappointment. Who knows what the full                                                                                        those struggling during the COVID 19 pandemic. According to
This year was a special event as we also said Todah Rabbah to Lori      impact of a cancelled season will have on our campers, our staff        back seats, to bins set up in a Barrington forest preserve. From
                                                                                                                                                there, Sager said he and his wife will drop them off at hospitals       the Illinois food bank, every dollar that we donate is converted
Stark for her 19 years as director and welcomed Talia Derman as         and the institution itself? I realized my strong emotions were simply   and local firehouses.                                                   into $8 of groceries.
her successor. There was so much love in the room as we celebrated      an indication of the remarkable and transformative place camp                                                                                   The grain drive started on Monday. Two days later, more than
                                                                                                                                                “We knew there were people out there with N95 masks that
Lori, along with confidence in what Talia would bring to the role.      can be. Our painful decision now will help to ensure wonderful          weren’t being used, and we knew there were people who needed            30 Illinois grain yards are now accepting grain donations.
                                                                        memories will be created next year and well into the future.            them that didn’t have them, so we figured we’d try to figure out        Nik says, “We just want to do our part to help feed the world
    In January all of our summer planning was ramping up and                                                                                                                                                            because that was what we were put here to do.” Nik hopes grain
our future looked great. And then, we were introduced to a force            I am still heartbroken over this decision, as we all are. At the    a way to connect them and set up a donation spot,” Sager said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        yards across the country take on similar initiatives.
beyond our control - COVID-19. All of our excitement turned             same time, this is such a clear reminder that we have something
into grave concern, and disruptions to our camp timeline rapidly        truly special in our camp experiences and our broader camp
occurred. Early on, we reached out to an esteemed group of doctors      community. These unprecedented times have demonstrated the              Twins work side-by-side as Northwestern nurses fighting coronavirus
connected to camp to provide insight into what they were seeing on      fragile nature of the world, and our tremendous need to protect         WGN News9, Chicago – May 6, 2020
the front lines treating patients with the virus. Shortly thereafter,   our camps for current and future generations. The support from          A set of twins are working side-by-side as nurses at Northwestern Medicine. “We have always been so close, but we
we convened the Emergency COVID-19 Planning Group made                  our Ramah friends is overwhelming. I am thankful to all of our          also wanted to maintain our own independence. We both loved the healthcare field but wanted to do something
up of lawyers, business owners, insurance specialists and finance       Ramah supporters and I feel blessed to be part of this remarkable       different,” said Rebecca Silverman. “And then realized, we both really want to be nurses.”
experts to lay out the possible scenarios of what we might expect       community.                                                              Rebecca and Samantha chose the same profession, but slightly different paths. Rebecca works in the medical ICU
and the immediate steps we needed to consider. All of our regular                                                                               and Samantha works in the cardiac ICU. But for right now, both are focused on caring for coronavirus patients at
                                                                           Summer 2021, God willing, is going to be amazing!                    Northwestern Medicine.
sub-committee meetings were put on hold to focus on this new
challenge. It was unbelievable how quickly and drastically things                                                                               “Everyone has their friends and their family to turn to for support, but it’s not the same as talking to someone who    Samantha (left) and
                                                                                                                                                is going through pretty much the exact same thing as you,” Samantha said. “Your coworkers you can turn to in that       Rebecca Silverman
had changed.                                                                                                                                    way, too, but having your sister is like a whole other level.”                                                            (Nivonim 2011)
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                                                                           Ramahniks to the Rescue
Hillel student lives Jewish values through volunteerism                                                                                    Frontline Workers Helping Others during Coronavirus                  Meet the medical students who launched a program
during outbreak of novel coronavirus                                                                                                       Condensed from Time Magazine, April 9, 2020                          to offer childcare to hospital workers fighting the
Hillel News May 06, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                        coronavirus pandemic
Ronen Pink, 21, has transformed                                                                                                            “We’re a program at the                                              CNN, March 23, 2020
part of his childhood home                                                                                                                 Center for Urban Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                As the war against the
into a workstation, where his                                                                                                              Services (CUCS) in New
                                                                                                                                                                                                                merciless coronavirus
3D-printer hums from morning                                                                                                               York working with adults
                                                                                                                                                                                                                rages on, health care
to night to create protective                                                                                                              living with serious mental
masks. The rising senior at                                                                                                                                                                                     workers nationwide are
                                                                                                                                           illness. The goal of our
University of Miami has made                                                                                                                                                                                    on the frontline of an
                                                                                                                                           program is to help our clients
roughly 50 masks for                                                                                                                                                                                            unpredictable battle.
                                                                                                                                           thrive in the community
Minneapolis-based medical                                                                                                                                                                                       While working tireless
                                                                                                                                           without hospitalization and
professionals since the outbreak                                                                                                                                                                                hours, those in the field
of the coronavirus pandemic.                                                                Jeff Kaminsky (Nivonim 1987)                   to reach their life goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                often forgo their own
He uses a 3D-printer template                                           Illinois Company Makes Medical Beds for Alternate                  We bring all the services to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                needs. Now, one group of
approved by the National                                                                                                                   the people where they are.
                                                                        Care Facility                                                                                                                           University of Minnesota            Sara Lederman (Nivonim 2006)
Institute of Health to produce                                                                                                             We work with their families,
                                                                        News Channel ABC 20 - April 13, 2020                                                                                                    (UMN) Medical School
each mask — a four-hour                                                                                                                    address legal issues, go
                                                                        An Illinois manufacturing company is stepping up to help supply                                                                         students has decided to lend a hand—not at the hospitals,
process. “There’s always                                                                                                                   grocery shopping or help
                                                                        medical beds to the Army Corps of Engineers at the alternate                                                                            but in the homes of health care professionals.
something you can do to help,            Ronen Pink (Nivonim 2015)                                                                         them with cleaning, if they’re   Ben Davis, Nivonim 2000, program
and this was a way I could                                              care facility at McCormick Place. Accurate Metal Fabricating       interested in employment and director and a social worker at CUCS    They call themselves the MN CovidSitters. Their main job?
contribute,” he said. “People re-                                       (AMF) developed a design for the “Rapid Deployment Emergency                                                                            To provide health care workers in the state with the some of the
                                                                                                                                           education—really everything
ally need this right now.”                                              Medical Bed” in less than 10 days.                                                                                                      things they need most at the moment, ranging from child
                                                                                                                                           we can to help them reach their goals and maintain wellness in
With donations from community members, such as elastic bands            On Friday, AMF’s bid to the USACE to supply the beds was           the community.                                                       or pet care to grocery and pharmacy runs. The initiative, which
and 3D-printing plastic, Pink has been able to aid Sholom Home,         accepted. So far, AMF has assembled and delivered nearly                                                                                launched in mid-March, pairs students with health care workers,
                                                                        2,000 beds to the McCormick Place ACF. As of April 10,             [With COVID-19] our job is different in almost every way.
a Jewish-affiliated nursing home suffering from a lack of protective                                                                                                                                            including doctors, nurses, kitchen staff, janitors and hospital
gear. The World Health Organization estimated at least 89 million       the first of nearly 2000 beds were assembled and installed at      We try to do video conferencing by phone when we can, but it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                administrators, across the entire state.
masks will be needed each month to treat coronavirus cases.             McCormick Place.                                                   so hard to assess what’s going on with people that way. When
                                                                                                                                           we think it is critical we go and see them in person because we      The idea for the program, founded by UMN second year
For Pink, who is incoming co-president of University of Miami           As AMF National Sales Manager Jeff Kaminsky described it,
                                                                                                                                           need to. This particularly includes delivering and administering     medical students Sruthi Shankar and Sara Lederman, came after
Hillel, upholding Jewish values such as gemilut chasidim, acts of       “In just 10 days we went from being a custom metal fabricator
                                                                        with basically no experience making medical beds, to fabricating   medication. We take all the precautions we can when we do this.      their university moved its classes online and canceled clinical
lovingkindness, is central to his identity.                                                                                                                                                                     rotations. On Friday, Lederman began gathering volunteers,
                                                                        and delivering nearly 20 semi truckloads of beds and mattresses.   The folks that we work with are among the most vulnerable in
“You can even turn an inanimate object into a tool for mitzvot,”        We even finished the project a full day and a half ahead of                                                                             mostly medical, pharmacy, and nursing students, while Shankar
Pink said. “When I purchased my 3D-printer with my bar                                                                                     our society. When society is functioning at its best, they face
                                                                        schedule. And now we’re getting inquiries from all over the                                                                             worked on compiling a list of health care workers in need of
mitzvah money, I didn’t have any grand idea of helping others.                                                                             incredible challenges because of their mental illness, because of
                                                                        country, not just for medical beds, but also for partitions for                                                                         assistance.
But I am so happy that it ended up enabling me to address                                                                                  trauma history, because of structural inequality, you name it.
                                                                        hospital rooms and all kinds of other pandemic-related products.                                                                        Within three days, the group had more than 280 student
a health need and giving me another opportunity to live my              It’s really a pretty amazing story.”                               Every challenge they face in society when everything’s functioning
Jewish values.”                                                                                                                            well is heightened now.                                              volunteers and more than 160 health care workers sign up for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                services. The MN CovidSitters initiative has also inspired many
                                                                                                                                           But our clients are survivors. They have been through everything,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                others to start similar initiatives. The Minnesota group has
                                                                                                                                           have lived through things I can’t imagine. They are still here
                                 A Coordinated Effort to Deliver Food to Homeless Shelters                                                                                                                      been working with more than 20 other groups across the globe
                                                                                                                                           and they’re persistent. I believe that they have that mindset that
                                 Ramah parent and guest chef, Karen Nochimowski, the creator of the cooking blog                                                                                  to help launch similar programs.
                                                                                                                                           they’ve been able to get through things before and they’ll be
                                 and Momma Chef ’s Soup Kitchen in the Chicago neighborhood of West Rogers Park, has been                  able to get through this now. I try to be optimistic that they’ll    The group is also directing all monetary contributions donated
                                 spearheading food deliveries to several homeless shelters her Soup Kitchen normally feeds. Though the     be okay. We are there no matter what to help them.”                  to MN CovidSitters to organizations, including food banks
                                 soup kitchen is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Karen and dozens of volunteers                                                                                and homeless shelters that serve Minnesota's most vulnerable
                                 (over 20 of these volunteers are Ramah families) are cooking food for those in need. Karen coordinates                                                                         populations.
                                 food drop-offs at her house every Tuesday morning and delivers 7-course homemade meals weekly to
                                 feed all of the guests at these shelters.

                                                                                                                                                                    Do you have a story to share? Email it to
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                                                                                                                                                            Ramah: where fun and friendship build
Ramah Connect!                                                                                                                                                 Jewish lives and Jewish leaders

We recently launched Ramah Connect,
a powerful tool to network professionally
across the vast Ramah Wisconsin alumni
base, reconnect with old friends through the
alumni directory, and view vintage camp
photos. Check out the 2020 updates below and join Ramah Connect today!
                                                                                                                                Ramah Wisconsin staff members were inspired by sessions at the Weinstein       The Ramah Wisconsin delegation joined educators, songleaders and clergy
Births                                                                                                                            National Ramah Leadership Institute held in January in Ojai, California        for the energizing Songleader Boot Camp 2020 in St. Louis in February

Will Kenneth, son of Kristie and Brett Kaplan (Nivo 1993)       Noah, son of Alyssa (Berkowitz) (Staff 2008) and Ben Tischler
Ethan, son of Rachel Katz (Nivo 1998) and Geoff Storchan        Brody Asher, son of Bekah (Hakimian) (Nivo 2008) and
Yarden, daughter of Yaela (Garr) (Nivo 1999) and Moshe Miller       Stu Almeleh
Daughter of Chevi and Raimy Rubin (Nivo 1999)                   Maxwell Simon, son of Rebecca (Nadis) (Staff 2010s) and
                                                                   Zach Strobehn
Nadav Lev, son of Tamara Frankel and Zach Silver (Nivo 1999)
Gavi Wolff, son of Courtney and Jeffrey Berman (Nivo 2000)
                                                                Gabe Roth (Nivo 1998) and Marina Arutyunyan
Noah Ezekiel, son of Leehe (Matalon) (Staff 1999-2000s)
                                                                Jonathan Zimbler (Nivo 2000) and Lisa Schuman
   and Sam Milligan
                                                                Kenny Kalman (Tikvah 2000s) and Heidi Wangelin
Son of Vered (Ken) and Barak Laness (Both Mishlachat 2000s)
                                                                Alexa Erlich (Nivo 2004) and Jordan Kelman
Elizabeth Shoshana, daughter of Rebecca (Landis) (Nivo 2001)                                                                       As part of National Ramah’s Maslul Fellowship, senior counselor and          Todah Rabbah to camper Lorelei Lindon (right), who raised over $1,000 in
     and Corey Derdiger                                         Jamie Cooper (Nivo 2004) and Mark Schnitzer                       songleader Alan Imar served as a member of an ‘American Mishlachat’          honor of her Bat Mitzvah using the platform.
                                                                                                                                         at two Jewish summer camps in Argentina in December.                    She wrote, “I am raising money for kids that are not able to go to camp.
Mara Ruth, daughter of Sarah Peaceman (Nivo 2001) and           Ari Werner (Nivo 2007) and Yaniv Wolf                                                                                                           I chose to do this because camp is an amazing place for me where I have
                                                                                                                                                                                                              made so many memories. I want all kids to have a chance to have an amazing
   Hal Dworkin                                                  Jacob Rabinowitz (Nivo 2008) and Molly Rosen                                                                                                                    experience at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin!”
Nathan Isaac, son of Dana (Fine) (Nivo 2001)                    Weddings
   and Steven Blitzstein                                        Toby Warnick (Nivo 1991) and Jordan
Ofir, daughter of Shahar and Jeff Villano (Nivo 2001)           Deanna Neil (Nivo 1997) and Tal Wolfson                                                                       Ramah Wisconsin
                                                                                                                                                                              participants and staff
Gabriella Grace, daughter of Tihela Feit and Josh Gleicher      Elli Smerling (Nivo 2006) and Andy Sevi                                                                       members Ralph Schwartz
   (Nivo 2002)                                                                                                                                                                (Special Needs Program
                                                                Josh Steinberg (Nivo 2008) and Shani Bocian                                                                   Director) and Sam Weiner
Son of Jillian and Gabi Gliksberg (Nivo 2003)                   Aaron Fineberg (Nivo 2009) and Teri McGuire                                                                   (Rosh Atzmayim) had an
                                                                                                                                                                              amazing time on the
Abraham Daniel, son of Ruth Singer (Nivo 2003) and Ari Zolin    Abby Grad (Nivo 2009) and Yoni Israelson (Nivo 2009)                                                          December Birthright Israel
                                                                                                                                                                              trip designed for individuals
Aviva Raye, daughter of Alexis Braverman and Charlie            Sam Botbol (Nivo 2010) and Ariel Goodman                                                                      with autism and related
    Gandelman (Nivo 2003)                                                                                                                                                     disorders.
                                                                Aaron Drexler (Nivo 2012) and Carly Rubin
Ruthie and Zev, twins of Shayna Flink (Nivo 2004) and
                                                                Our Sincere Condolences
   Brandon DeShields
                                                                To the family of Madeline Kripke (camper in the 1950’s),
Naveh Dov, son of Sivan and Matt Rudolph (Nivo 2004)            who passed away in April 2020.
Son of Avital (Ostfield) (Nivo 2004) and Jordan Kadosh          To the family of Deborah Kantor Nagler (Nivo 1969),
                                                                                                                                                                              This year Ramah Wisconsin
Yogev William, son of Aitan Melman (Nivo 2006) and Lee Parti    who passed away in April 2020.                                                                                alumni Jesse Steinman
Cyrus Levi, son of Leah Sarna and Ethan Schwartz (Nivo 2006)    To the family of Robert Less (Ramah Wisconsin Committee                                                       (shown here at Emory) and
                                                                                                                                                                              Ethan Weiner (Washington
Veronica Haylee, daughter of Hannah (Kreindler) (Nivo 2007)     member), who passed away in June 2020.                                                                        University) coordinated
                                                                                                                                                                              programs on their campuses
    and Matt Opad                                                                                                                                                             as part of the Ramah College    Kol HaKavod to Nivonim 1994-2011 volunteers in Chicago and the Twin Cities
Maya Dorit, daughter of Katie (Minkus) (Nivo 2007) and                                                                                                                        Network. For more info          who created fundraising pages and made calls to their friends last December
                                                                                                                                                                              visit               as part of the inaugural Alumni Impact Campaign. Nearly 400 donors
   Zach Pellish                                                                                                                                                                                                            contributed $90,000 to support camper scholarships.
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Kikar from Afar + Remote with Ramah - Bringing Camp Home
As we received shutdown orders in March our year-round staff began brainstorming.      How can we strengthen camp connections during this period of isolation?
Can we bring some camp fun directly into the homes of our campers, staff and alumni?   Can camp friendships transcend the barriers of a pandemic quarantine?

The answers are yes, yes                                                               2019 and 2020 campers enthusiastically
and yes. Our year-round                                                                joined online eidah reunions in April.
and summer staff                                                                       Rosh Eidah Jared Skoff and Special Needs
presented over 50 Kikar                                                                Program Director Ralph Schwartz
from Afar online programs                                                              described the reunion of Tikvah and
in March and April, with                                                               Atzmayim participants and alumni in this
thousands of views!
                                                                                       way, “Over the past few weeks, Tikvah,
Ramahniks enjoyed Kikar
                                                                                       Atzmayim, and alumni of both programs
dancing broadcast from
Israel, a Ramah Day Camp pajama party, a pre-Pesach study session                      have had the opportunity to get together
with Jacob Cytryn, arts, music, concerts, Kabbalat Shabbat, tae                        through Zoom reunions. Upwards of
kwon do, circus arts – even an alumni sports talk show!                                30 call participants have joined to share
                                                                                       and listen to one another. In addition to
In mid-June we launched Remote with Ramah, a taste of the
Ramah magic for current Ramah Day Camp and Camp Ramah in                               weekly check-ins, participants have found
Wisconsin campers. With peulot tzrif (cabin activities), peulot eidah                  it meaningful to process the emotions,
                                      (age division activities), art,                  challenges, and successes that have come
                                      music, cooking, sports, Hebrew,                  out of their social distancing experiences.
                                      tefillah, and performing arts,                   This week we recreated two of our favorite
                                      there is something for everyone.                 weekly moments that help us bring in
                                        This summer we have six                        Shabbat at camp: kikar dancing and
                                        Nivonim campers in our                         Shabbat zemirot. Dancing to Israeli music
                                        Amitei Ramah Teen Fellows                      and singing our favorite Shabbat songs
                                        cohort, a leadership training                  have been great opportunities to do our
                                        program of National                            favorite camp activities together and
                                        Ramah. They are adding                         virtually recreate some of the magic of
their enthusiasm and energy to the virtual programming this summer,                    being part of an eidah.
working with our staff to design fun and memorable online events
for campers of all ages.                                                               We also listened as alumnus Austin Reynolds
                                                                                       shared what it is like now to work in food
                                                                                       service at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis,
                                                                                       where he delivers meals to patients.
                                                                                       We then celebrated him as a true hero!”

                                                                                               “We have been so impressed and appreciative of the Kikar From Afar
                                                                                            programming. Thank you for the creativity and for keeping us connected to
                                                                                                               Ramah during this difficult time.”

        Amitei Ramah from left: Yael Smith, Ellior Rose, Noa Maeir.
          Not pictured: Sophie Dekoven, Ari Graupe, Talia Dolin
Vnr ubbjn - Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
page 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 page 11

Bringing the Ramah Magic to Berlin                                                                                                             Donor Recognition                                                            We are grateful for the generous support of over 1,000 donors since our fiscal year
                                                                                                                                               October 1, 2019 – June 5, 2020                                                began on October 1, 2019, including current camper parents who donated all
by Avidan Halivni                                                                                                                              * indicates Camp Ramah in Wisconsin Va’ad committee member                                            or a portion of 2020 camp tuition.
                                                                                                                                               ** indicates peer-to-peer fundraising campaign
                                                                                                                                                  indicates Legacy Society member

                                                                                                                                               Shomrei Ramah                                                          Lisa and Todd* Fishbein©                               Anne Opila and Todd Abraham
   In the summer of 2018, as I was wrapping up the first half of       pre-war sanctuary that once hosted thousands and now is home to         $150,000 and above                                                     Nami* and David Goldenberg©                            Dr. Phyllis Gorin and Rabbi Morris Allen©
my summer as Rosh Garinim/Chalutzim, I met a young German              a vibrant and growing group of families. I teach bar/bat mitzvah                                                                               Karen and Jay Goodgold                                 Lynnsie Balk Kantor©
                                                                                                                                               Rebecca and Richard Warner                                             Ashlyn* and Daniel Gorlin                              The Bill Bass Foundation
eighteen-year-old, who had just graduated high school in Berlin        lessons, conduct children’s services on Shabbat, and work with          Matthew Zell Family Foundation                                         Deborah and Gregory Greenberg                          Sarah and Sam Caplan©
and traveled halfway around the world to join my staff for the last    NOAM, the international analog to USY -- all in a mix of English,                                                                              Miriam Grossman                                        Marta Steele and Stuart Cohen
                                                                                                                                               Director’s Circle                                                      Tamar Green and Ben* Hofkin                            Phyllis and Rabbi Barry Cytron©
four weeks of the summer. His name was David Ederberg, and he          Hebrew, and as much German as I can muster.                             $100,000 and above                                                     Ann and Mike Hofkin                                    Tamar and Jacob Cytryn©
was a fantastic addition to the team for Chalutzim, energetic and                                                                              Harold Grinspoon Foundation                                            Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Minneapolis   Dr. Deborah and Rabbi Charles Dobrusin
                                                                                                                                               Susan and Marc* Sacks©                                                 Alison and Isaac Judd                                  Jeni and David* Elyashar
earnest, and beloved by Americans and Israelis alike. He told me                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Allison and Joel Kurzman                           Rachel Poretsky and Matthew Farley
about his home community in Berlin, and about his parents, both                                                                                President’s Circle                                                     Meredith and Dr. Benjamin Lewis                        Dani and Alex Fisher
                                                                                                                                               $50,000 and above                                                      JoEllen and Robert Lidov                               Dr. Julie and Dr. Michael Gideon
rabbis, and the work they had done to cultivate a Conservative                                                                                                                                                        Michelle and Lawrence Lidov                            Deborah and Dr. Ari Goldberg
                                                                                                                                               Anonymous (1)
(Masorti) community in Berlin and around Germany. His mother,                                                                                  Alumni Impact Campaign 2019**                                          Wilfred J. Minkus Charitable Trust                     Allison and Jay Gordman
                                                                                                                                               Crown Family                                                           Phyllis and Fred Nathan                                Mindy and Jeffrey Gordon©
Rabbi Gesa Ederberg, had gotten to know the Ramah movement                                                                                                                                                            Nivo 1969 Reunion Campaign**                           Marilyn Karasov
                                                                                                                                               Nina and Arnie* Harris©
through her colleagues, and at National Ramah Commission                                                                                       Minneapolis Jewish Federation                                          Sharon and Leon Oberlander                             Sheri Rosen and Jeremie Kass
Director Rabbi Mitch Cohen’s encouragement had chosen Ramah                                                                                    Lisa and Adam Vales                                                    Ayala and John Podhoretz                               Rebecca and Dr. Isaac Kirstein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Resnick Family                                         Gigi Cohen and Michael Levin
Wisconsin to send her own child and other children from her                                                                                    Rosh Aidah                                                                Helaine and Howard Resnick                          Rebecca Minkus Lieberman and Dr. David Lieberman
congregation — and to later come herself as a staff member.                                                                                                                                                              Harriet and Joseph Resnick©                         Leslie and Michael Litwack©
                                                                                                                                               $25,000 and above                                                         Rachel and Ron Cooper                               Dr. Rachel and Taylor McDowell
   After the summer, David connected me to Rabbi Gesa, and                                                                                     Julie Strauss and Joel* Brown©                                         Louise and Jerry Ribnick                               Shira and Jonathan Oberlander
                                                                                                                                               Dr. Margaret* and Alan* Silberman©                                     David Schach                                           Keren and Rabbi Simcha Prombaum
over the course of my senior year of college we designed a                                                                                                                                                            Fran and Jonathan* Sherman©                            Lori and Dr. Richard Rabinowitz
volunteer fellowship for me to spend a year with her community,                                                                                Rosh Anaf                                                              Jodie and Mark* Silberman©                             Kimberly and Dr. Ari Rubenfeld
                                                                                                                                               $18,000 and above                                                      Marcia and Bruce Sklare                                Aviva and David Rubin
bringing a little bit of Ramah magic to the different parts of the                                                                             Patti and Alan Caplan/Shalom Memorial Park                                                                                    Saul Winton Fund
Jewish infrastructure here in Berlin. I left for Berlin right around                                                                           Beth and Dr. Jeffrey* Kopin©                                           Bet Am                                                 Robyn* and Benjamin Schein
                                                                                                                                               Mesirow Financial                                                      $3,600 and above                                       Michelle and James Seidenberg
the time Rabbi Gesa arrived in Conover last summer, with enough                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dr. Renee and Michael Slade
                                                                                                                                               Nachshon Project                                                       Miranda and Steve Altschul
overlap to feel like she was passing me the baton to join her                                                                                  Elyse* Rabinowitz and Jim Porter©                                      Rebecca* and Wade Bacon                                Sheila and Michael Small©
                                                                                                                                               Cyndi and Jamie Rosenthal                                              Nicole and Dr. Ron Dolin                               Libby and Adam Smoler
community just as she was adjusting to life in mine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Valerie Stark
                                                                                                                                               Stacy Palestrant and Tomer* Rothschild                                 Sara and Dr. Mark* Drexler©
    As my year got under way, I quickly discovered there were more         One highlight of the year so far was the arrival of eight veteran   Campaign in Honor of Lori Stark**                                      Naomi Zuk-Fisher and Julian Fisher©                    Tammy and Michael Sugar
                                                                       staff members from seven different Ramah camps to Berlin as part        Michele and Ira Weiss                                                  Rabbi Betsy and Scott Forester                         Elise and Dr. Marc Swatez
connections between Conover and Berlin than I had thought.                                                                                     Deborah* and Adam Winick©                                              Foundation for Jewish Camp                             Dori and Gary Weinstein
There are American members of Nivonim 2010 and 2012 here,              of the new Maslul fellowship. These staff members volunteered                                                                                  Glick Family                                           Karen Weiss
                                                                       for three days with our school community, met German and other          Northwoods                                                                Andrew Glick                                        Meredith and Andrew Weprin
in addition to the German members of Nivonim 2011 and 2013,
                                                                       European rabbinical students, toured the German Parliament              $10,000 and above                                                         Nancy and Lawrence Glick
who welcomed me in and showed me around the city. One Shabbat                                                                                                                                                         Diane* and Shai Halivni©                               Kikar
                                                                                                                                               Anonymous (1)
dinner at the Ederbergs in the fall featured five current and former   and a former concentration camp, and participated in davening           Dr. Wendy and Dr. Howard Bach©                                         Amy and Jason Judd                                     $1,000 and above
                                                                       over Shabbat with the synagogue community. The school is still          Lynn Barr                                                              Ally and Jordan* Kirshenbaum                           Angela and Larry Adler
German Ramah campers at the same table -- it is a strange and                                                                                  Mary and Alan Becker                                                   Naomi Newman and Jason* Litwack                        Brandi and Daniel Argentar
wonderful experience to hear explanations of the Chadar Ochel or       resonating with the joy of kikar dancing on Friday afternoon led        Dr. Arthur Elstein©                                                    Michele and Seth Meisler                               Madeleine and David Arnow
                                                                       by the staff, an experience which the teachers and students were        The Bob Feldman Memorial Scholarship Fund                              Dr. Susan Feigenbaum and Dr. Jay Pepose                Bobbi and Robert Aronson
Yom Sport in German, the soundtrack of a growing international                                                                                 Julie Hirsch and Ron Feldman                                           Dina Shiner                                            Alison and Josh Berdass
contingent of children who love Ramah just as much as anyone           thrilled to recount for Jacob Cytryn when he visited in February!       Jack & Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund                                        Tamara Frankel and Rabbi Zachary Silver                Tamar Dolgen and Sergio Bicas
                                                                                                                                               Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago                              Emily and Rabbi David Soloff©                          Eve and Richard Biller
else. Their parents pressed us with questions, eager to learn more         I also had the opportunity to attend a conference of European                                                                              Jonathan Zimbler                                       Chava Alpert and Michael Bloom
                                                                                                                                               Kaplan Family Foundation
about the world into which their children had been inducted, and       Masorti youth movement workers in London, with representatives          Neera* and Michael Kaufman©                                                                                                   Lili Chester
                                                                                                                                               Dr. Lena and David* Kushnir©                                           Northern Lights                                        Jennifer and Charles Cohen
it was clear how proud they were to see their kids brimming with       from Conservative communities from France, Spain, Sweden,                                                                                                                                             Elizabeth and Mark Copelovitch
                                                                                                                                               Marion and Annette Newman Philanthropic Fund                           $2,500 and above
excitement about their Jewish friends and community on the other       Hungary, Ukraine, and more. I loved getting to know the various         Robin Newberger and Steven Sacks                                       Beth Israel Center, Madison WI                         Deborah Shalowitz Cowans and Bruce Cowans©
                                                                                                                                               Tamar* Newberger and Andrew Schapiro                                                                                          Amy and Rabbi Eric Cytryn
side of the ocean.                                                     faces of Masorti Judaism around the world and hearing about the                                                                                Ernsteen Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shosh Korrub and Dr. Daniel Derman
                                                                                                                                               Cheryl and Steven Topal                                                Barb and Andy Fishman©
    Most of my time here has been spent on the Jewish Life team        strengths, successes, and challenges faced in each country.             Arnee and Walter Winshall                                              Judith and Dr. Allon Friedman                          Michelle* and Jordan Edelman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Stacey and Ronnie Geer                                 Dr. Sarah Unterman and Dr. Joshua Ehrlich
at the new Conservative elementary school, working with a                  Overall, it truly feels like the Berlin Jewish community is on      Agam                                                                   Suzy and Dr. David Hakimian                            Terri and Solomon Eisenberg
dynamic and multi-layered student body that comprises Germans,         the rise. The unflagging efforts of Rabbi Gesa and her team,            $5,000 and above                                                       Joseph M. Levine Foundation                            Madeline Gimbel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nivo 1994 Reunion Campaign**                           Isaac Glassman
many of whom are Hebrew-German bilingual from one or two               coupled with exciting grassroots Jewish initiatives around the city,    Anonymous (3)                                                                                                                 Sharon and Dr. Harris Goldenberg
                                                                                                                                               Liz Lippow and Keith Alperin                                           Robin and Jonathan Parritz©
Israeli parents, Israelis brand-new to Berlin and to the German        have cultivated a feeling of unlimited potential here, tapping into                                                                            Roselind and Sheldon Rabinowitz                        Pamela and Rabbi Howard Gorin
                                                                                                                                               Heidi and Ben* Azulay                                                                                                         Dr. Ranna Rozenfeld and Shane Greenstein
language, Russian speakers, and more. My responsibilities include      the legacy of a historic community suffused with the vitality of        Karen and Ethan Budin                                                  Louise and Steven Schoenberger©
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Diane and Richard Weinberg                             Jodi and Adam Gruber
                                                                                                                                               Ellen and Yehuda* Cohen©                                                                                                      Jonah Harris
coordinating the celebration of Shabbat and holidays and providing     a full array of modern practices and programs. I have enjoyed my        Esther Goldberg-Davis and Rabbi Alexander Davis                        Lauren and Josh Weiser
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ruth and Mark* Harris©
additional support for Hebrew and Jewish Studies classrooms.           time here a great deal and I am grateful to have been one part          Dr. Nehama Dresner                                                                                                            Lorie Chaiten and Harold Hirshman
                                                                                                                                               Karen* and David Ebroon©                                               Buckatabon
I also work with the youth groups at the Oranienburgerstraße           of a growing connection between the Jewish community of Berlin                                                                                                                                        Linda and Michael Hoffenberg©
                                                                                                                                               Dr. Eve and Brad* Feinberg                                             $1,800 and above                                       Sharon Liebhaber and Rabbi Alan Iser
Synagogue, Rabbi Gesa’s congregation, housed in a renowned             and Machaneh Ramah.                                                     Rachel and Matthew Field                                               Anonymous (1)                                          Chaviva and Ralph Jacobson©
                                                                                                                                               Beverly and Richard Fink
Vnr ubbjn - Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
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Donor Recognition                                                           We are grateful for the generous support of over 1,000 donors since our fiscal year
October 1, 2019 – June 5, 2020                                               began on October 1, 2019, including current camper parents who donated all
* indicates Camp Ramah in Wisconsin Va’ad committee member                                           or a portion of 2020 camp tuition.
** indicates peer-to-peer fundraising campaign
   indicates Legacy Society member

Jody and Herschel Kahn                                                 Paula Lifchez Cantor and Dr. Jeffrey Cantor      Sarah Gollust and Ezra Golberstein                Beate and Stefan Majetschak                Tali Shapiro                               Rachel Billow and Benoit Angulo
Debra Glassman and Bob Kaufman                                         Jane and Dennis Carlton                          Dr. Paul Gotlieb                                  Fred Manaster                              Yoni Shapiro                               Jean and Larry Appel
Dr. Dalia and Brian Kirschbaum                                         Mary and Ben Channon                             Laura and Dr. Menachem Graupe                     Julie and Eric Marder                      Laura Baruch Sherman and Charlie Sherman   Kaynan Appelbaum
Eitan Korrub                                                           Mirra Klausner and Todd Clauer                   Betsy and Pelleg Graupe                           Judy and Steven Matthews                   Julie and David Sherman                    Shoshana Axler
Dr. Cindy Reich and Rabbi Harold Kravitz                               Aileen and Jacob Clingerman                      Rani Halpern and Joel Green                       Shari Cohen and Robert Mayer               Ariel Schwartz and Jonah Shifrin           Josh Azulay
Sophia Lamin Bat Mitzvah                                               Yaffa Cohen-Appelbaum                            Shaina Hinton and Jonathan Green                  Scott Mayer                                Orrin Shifrin                              Naomi Hoffman and Dr. Loren Bach
Nancy Miller-Levin and Edward Levin                                    Rita* Cortes©                                    Dr. Leslie and Daniel Greenspan                   Aphra and Adam Mednick                     Dr. Sarah and Andrew Shulkind              Debbie and Mark Balk
Sara Eisen and Matthew Levine                                          Sara and Steve Coven                             Karen and Steven Grey                             Elisa Rotman and Rabbi Aaron Melman        Amanda and Benjamin Shyman                 Cheryl Banks
Dr. Arielle and Dr. Victor Levitan                                     Karen and Bob DeBolt                             Isobel and William Griner                         Gretchen and David Miller                  Aly Sider                                  Barbara and Phillip Barnett
Linda and Rabbi Norman Lewison                                         Samantha and Tom DeKoven                         Orlee Tatarka and Yehuda Gruenberg                Ilyssa and Rabbi David Minkus              Samantha* and Yoni Silverman               Jonah Baron
Dr. Susan Goldsmith and Ira Lichtenstein                               Rebecca and Corey Derdiger                       Maxine and Jacob Handelman                        Josh Morrel                                Dr. Claire Sufrin and Michael Simon        Hallie and Steve Barr
Jane Lippow                                                            Dr. Becky Levine and Dr. Benjamin Derman         Nancy and John Harris                             Susan and Neil Moses-Zirkes                Rachelle Simon                             Surella Bartel
Lorelai Lindon Bat Mitzvah Campaign**                                  Dr. Carol and Dr. Gordon Derman                  Shira Harris                                      Diane Lowenthal and Bradley Moskowitz      Heidi and Matthew Simons                   Orly Bednarsh
Bonnie and Dr. Lee Malmed                                              Talia and Ari* Derman©                           Yonina Eisenberg Havivi and Nadav Havivi          Sheri Katz and Joel Mullin                 Rubin Singer                               Kara Behr
Jennifer and Joel Mehr                                                 Rebecca and Charles Deutch                       Marcia and Paul Herman                            Debra and Adam Natenshon                   Faith Roessel and Matthew Slater           Yael and Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell
Suzanne and Noah Mishkin                                               Debra and Dr. David Dobkin©                      Olivia and Sean Herstein©                         Leslie and Dr. William Nelson              Susan Agate and Michael Slutsky            Arnold Bender
Deborah Kaplan and Michael Mnookin                                     Susie Drazen©                                    Michelle Gendlin and William Heyman               Suzanne Neusner                            Jill and Dr. Jeremy Smiley                 Cheryl and Rabbi Ken Berger
Andrea Goldstein and Nate Mortkovich                                   Allie Hurwich and Brett Dresner                  Marilyn Hirsch                                    Marissa Oberlander                         Michelle Wasserman and David Smith         Sonia Berk
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, Highland Park, IL                    Ali and Mike Drumm                               Anna Grossberg and Jacob Hodes                    Amy and Elliot Offenbach                   Zachary Spellman                           Becky and Shie Berkman
Inbal Levitan and Moshe Ohayon                                         Dr. Risa Siegel and Dr. Siatta Dunbar            Dr. Sara and Jon Hoffenberg©                      Dr. Sharon Packer                          Rachel and Howard Spiro                    Seth Berkman
Vicki and Gary Phillips                                                Hillary and Brian Dunn                           Melanie and Brian Hoffman                         Robin Painter                              Danny Stamos                               Sydney Berkman
Brooke and Dr. Matt Plofsky                                            Joel Dworkin                                     Daniel Hofkin                                     Emily and Howie Paper                      Dr. Michele Hakimian and Kevin Sterling    Zach Berkman
Rachel Goldberg and Bryan Quigley                                      Rachel and Claude Einstein                       Nora and Lloyd Holzman                            Tamar Rubin and Adam Parker©               Rachel Katz and Geoff Storchan             Jordan Berman
Mary Ann and Joel Rich©                                                Dr. Jacoba and Dr. Drore Eisen                   Sophie and Matt Homonoff                          Karen and Dr. Alan Peaceman                Abigail Sugar                              Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann and Henry Bernstein
Paulie and Rabbi Carnie Rose                                           Mike Eisenwasser                                 Rabbi Sarit Horwitz                               Pamela and Steven Pearl                    Jodi and Bryan Sugar                       Jean Best s
Dr. Adrienne and Adam Rosenthal                                        Marlene and Larry Engelhart                      Lucas Isleman                                     Beth Kissileff and Jonathan Perlman        Meryl and Jim Sullivan                     Moria and Russell Bittmann
Jennifer Pehr and Jonathan Ross©                                       Elise and Louis Engleberg                        Abby Grad and Yoni Israelson                      Lynn and Dr. Louis Philipson               Elana and Jason Tennenbaum                 Joyce and Dennis Black
Dr. Leelach Rothschild                                                 Shari and Ahiad Erlich                           Daniel Jacobs                                     Marcie and Brad Pickard                    Gail and Joel Tenner                       Michelle and Sanford Blechman
Robin and Rabbi Steven Rubenstein©                                     Shani Abramowitz and Joseph Eskin                Lindsay and Zachary Kafitz                        Rachel Pickus                              Deena Tenzer                               Samuel Blivaiss
Amy Reynolds and Benjamin Shapiro                                      Marcie and Richard Eskin                         Lizzie and Micah* Kafitz                          Cindy and David Pogrund                    Margalit Tocher                            Theodore Bloom
Elizabeth Silver-Schack and Prof. Larry Silver                         Jessica Ettinger                                 Jeffrey Kahn                                      Hannah and Brian Pogrund                   Kari Chester and Noah Trueger              Joshua Blum
Gertrude and Melvin Taub                                               Barbara Fedor                                    Wendy and Daniel Kahn                             Elana and Joshua Pomeranz                  Tracy and Dustin Truesdell                 Barbara and Jack Blumberg
Marci and Dr. Joel Vandersluis                                         Natalie Blitt and Rabbi Josh Feigelson           Dr. Michele and Dr. Nelson Kanter                 Michelle and David Price                   Elizabeth and Ira Ury                      Jennifer and Philip Blumberg
Adina Allen and Rabbi Josh Warshawsky©                                 Michelle Berkowitz and Samuel Feinberg           Lauren and Scott Kaplan                           Adi and Alex Prombaum                      Joan and Dr. Joseph Vander Walde           Randi Blume
Rebecca and Steve Weller                                               David Feldman                                    Talia and David Kaplan                            Hillel Prombaum                            Abby and Vitaly Vorobeychik                Leah and Jori Brajer
Dr. Susan and Dr. Isaac Witkowski                                      Dr. Sandy Sheinin and Dr. Alexander Feller       Sarah and Michael Kashani                         Rachael Gray-Raff and Elliot Raff          Vicky Vossen                               Eileen Leiderman and Ben Brener
                                                                       Jessica and Rabbi Jeremy Fine©                   Linda and Allan Katz                              Liz and Matthew Rappaport                  Glenn M Warshaw                            Richard Brener
Friends                                                                Nan and Dr. Marc Fine                            Rabbi Amanda Russell and David Katz               Hannah Feldman and Bruce Ratain            Daniel Warshawsky                          Ari Brown
$180 and above                                                         Ellie and Marc Fineman                           Eliana Kaufman                                    Daniel Lange and Geoff Rice                Tami and Reuben Warshawsky©                Raquel Brown
Anonymous (4)                                                          Teresa Brickman Finer and Dr. Paul Finer         Sophia Kaufman                                    Sheila and Jonathan Rich                   Leigh and David Waterman                   Jordan Bryan
Rachel and Dr. Andrew Abeles                                           Judith and Marshall Flapan                       Vered and Jeremy Kaufman                          Dawn and Lee Ritterband                    Sarah and Daniel Weinberg                  Leah and Avram Buchbinder
Sarah Gold and Avi* Allen                                              Erica and Benjamin Fleischer                     Dr. Robbie Kavitt                                 Denise McLaughlin and Michael Robinowitz   Larry Weiner                               Alan Bukingolts
Sharon Benmaman and John Allen                                         Andrew Foote                                     Faye and Dr. Mitchell Kaye                        Deborah and Rabbi Chaim Rogoff             Rabbi Aaron Weininger                      Joni and Alexander Burgess
Am Yisrael Congregation, Northfield IL                                 Benjy Forester                                   Heather and Mark Kelln                            Ann Lesley and Scott Rosen©                Ari Weinstein                              Scott Burstein
Susan and Joseph Ament                                                 Jodi and Dr. Avram Fraint                        Naomi and Seth Kennedy                            Sandra and Dan Rosenbaum                   Jo Ann Weinstein                           Camp Mountain Chai
Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago IL                                       Kim and Alan Frankel©                            Shelly and Wesley Kennedy                         Shira Wakschlag and Eli Rosenblatt         Joan and Jerome Weinstein                  Nanci and Ben Caplan
Amanda and Berek Awend                                                 Jenna Lewis and Jeremy Frankenthal               Lauren Grodnicki and Larry Kirby                  Lauren Rosenthal                           Danielle and Dan Weiss                     Dina and Joey Carr
Robyn and Joshua Awend                                                 Frankenthal Family Foundation                    Dr. Michael Klein                                 Matt Rotenberg                             Philipp Weisskopf                          Jan and Brian Channon
Barbara Bach                                                           Laura and Rabbi Alex Freedman                    Sydelle Klein                                     Jill Korey and Jonathan Rozenfeld          Esther and Joel Weltman                    Lorraine and Jordan Cherrick
Stacy and Darrin Baim                                                  Aaron Freeman                                    Elana and Elie Kobrin                             Karen and Russ Rubin                       Devorah Lipkind and Justin Weprin          Haley Schaffer and Marty Chester
Laura Elkayam and Rabbi Ezra Balser                                    Alice and Dr. David Friedgood                    Vivian and Sheldon Kopin                          Tracey Rubinoff                            Naomi King-Smith and Todd Werner           Michelle Chizever
Devorah Lissek and Dr. Josh Barash                                     Clara Rubinstein and Ron Friedman                Rachel Kraft                                      Marvin Rudman                              Dr. Mary and Dr. Louis White               Susan Gellman and Jack Chomsky
Talia and Dr. Adam Baruch©                                             Jacqueline Wolff Friedman and Michael Friedman   Amy Elfenbaum and Scott Kramer                    Rebecca and Rabbi David Russo              Gail and Dr. Robert Wilensky               Ramona Choos
John Bayer                                                             Judy and Howard Friedman                         Sara and Richard Kushnir                          Michael Sackett                            Betty Winer                                Matt Coen
Anya and Firma Belenky                                                 Anne Yahanda and Alan Garber                     Alex Kahn and Jared Kwait                         Josh Sacks                                 David Witten                               Lisa Goldberg and Mike Cohen
Peggy and Jimmy Belmonti                                               Jen and Yossi Garr                               Samuel Lachterman                                 Rabbi Susan Tendler and Ross Sadoff        Aliza Bach and Jeff Wojciechowski          Benjamin Cohen
Elizabeth and Barry Bennett                                            Arianna Gavzy                                    Heather Grulkowski and Elizabeth Lamin            Susan and Rabbi Neil Sandler               Robin and Mark E. Wolff                    Ilana Cohen
Robert Berger©                                                         Liz and David Geifman                            Sue Lampert                                       Hannah Minkus and Joe Schaedler            Amy and Jon Yaffe                          Rabbi Burton Cohen s
Karin Nussbaum and Eric Berkowitz                                      Beth and Gordon Gendler                          Suzanne and Mark Lampert                          Marjorie and Bill Schlosberg               Lisa Cohen and Rabbi Jeremy Yoskowitz      Rolly and Stuart Cohen
Barbara and Dr. Howard Blivaiss                                        Talya and Joshua Gepner                          Susan Lazar                                       Elana and Seth Schrank                     Mimi and Marc Yoskowitz                    Zohara and Shmuel Cohen-Lissek
Marissa Platner and Eliot Blum                                         Sheila and Larry Gerber                          Mona and Dr. Saul Legator                         Judah Schvimer                             Yael and Dror Zetouni                      Aaron Cohn
Jackie and Dr. Philip Blumenfeld                                       David Gershuny                                   Shimrit and Gordon Leipzig                        Marci Dickman and Ralph Schwartz                                                      Susan and Kenneth Cohn
Meredith and Eddie Brener                                              Dr. Betsy Gidwitz                                Andrea Leshem                                     Carol Ann* and Michael Schwartz©           Ramahnik                                   Brenda Cole
Karen and Marshall* Brill©                                             Michelle Gilats                                  Leslie Family Foundation                          Lauren and Marty Segelbaum                 Gifts up to $180                           Amanda Condron
Stephanie Brill                                                        Scott Gilman                                     Jean and Alan Lettofsky                           Adam Seidenberg                            Anonymous (2)                              Beth and David Cook
Laura and Kevin Broder                                                 Amy Altbach and Scott Glazer                     Michael Levin                                     Jessica Weltman and Matthew Semanoff       Deanna and Brett Abrams                    Jamie Cooper
Carrie and Adam Broms                                                  Daniel Olson and Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg         Samuel Levin                                      Laurie and Mitchell Serber                 Howard Abrams                              Shelby Cooper
Shira and Ross Broms                                                   Dr. Leslie and Bernie Goldblatt©                 Dr. Elizabeth Edlavitch-Levin and William Levin   Sara Abadi and David Shalkow               Sharona and Brad Abramson                  Dawn Davis
Ilisa and Michael Brown©                                               Leora Goldblatt                                  Debbie and Gary Lindon                            Jeremy Shanas                              Adina and Adam Aft                         Robin Davis
Rabbi Gita Karasov and Daniel Buonaiuto                                Dr. Bonnie and Dr. Gary Goldish                  Erica and Zachary Lindon                          Aliza Shapiro                              William Agress s                           Tamar and Ben Davis
Carol and Scott Burg                                                   Alyssa and Barry Golob                           Sara and Steven Loevy                             Avra Shapiro                               Shelli Aderman and Narda E. Alcorn         Florina and Oren Dekalo
Joan and Peter Cabell                                                  Joseph Goodman                                   Arielle Kaufman and Ohad Ludomirsky               Jacob Shapiro                              Lynn and Alfred Altschul                   Erin and Brad Dennison
                                                                       Laura Rabinowicz and Robert Goodman              Abby and Jonathan Maeir©                          Jennifer and Jeremy Shapiro                                                           Yael Derman
Vnr ubbjn - Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
page 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 page 15

Donor Recognition                                                           We are grateful for the generous support of over 1,000 donors since our fiscal year
October 1, 2019 – June 5, 2020                                                began on October 1, 2019, including current camper parents who donated all
* indicates Camp Ramah in Wisconsin Va’ad committee member                   or a portion of 2020 camp tuition. View a complete list of donors in the online                   Every effort was made to correctly list donor names. If you gift was omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Linda Hoffenberg (info on page 16).
** indicates peer-to-peer fundraising campaign
   indicates Legacy Society member
                                                                                          edition of Machanenu Ramah at

Laura Mell and Arthur Dolinsky                                         Leo Harmon                                 David Leibman                                   Jodi and Jordan Rifkin                                   Rachel and Jonathan Snitzer                                Robert Weller
Katherine and Matthew Doscher                                          Paula Harris                               Dana Levin                                      Ellen Robinson                                           Danya Snyder                                               Ruth Igielnik and Ben Wieder
Alison Dreifuss                                                        Marlee Hasson                              Sherry and Brad Levin                           Gila and Dr. Randy Robinson                              Harry Solomon                                              Marvin Winick
Avi Edwards                                                            Debra Altschuler and Eric Hausman          Marcy and Kenneth Levin                         Rachel and Seva Rodnyansky                               Leah Sosewitz and Helga Gruenbauer                         Radyne and Dr. Steven Wolf
Ariel Efergan                                                          Stephanie Hausner                          Stephanie and James Levine                      Aaron Rose                                               Debra and Joel Spigel                                      Robin and Dr. Clifford Wolf
Rami Eilian                                                            Robbin Rittner-Heir and Stewart Heir       Marissa and Lawrence Levy                       Jill and Michael Rose                                    Nori and Rob Spiro                                         Dori Wolgel
Dan Eisenberg                                                          Elise Heisler                              Laura Lewandowski                               Allie Rosen                                              Gloria and Sanford Spitzer                                 Ryan Wynne
Jodi Eisenstadt                                                        Billie and Simon Hellerstein               Julie Lewis                                     Nancy and Rabbi James Rosen                              Amy Spungen                                                Arna and Steve Yastrow
Tanya Schlam and Jordan Ellenberg                                      Carol Hendelman                            Morgan Lewis                                    Norma Rosen                                              Carly Stein                                                Ina and Dr. Joseph Young
Deborah Swichkow and Ray Ellis                                         Gabriel Hendin                             David Lipschutz                                 Marissa Schiff and Dr. Jonathan Rosenberg                Shani Bocian and Joshua Steinberg                          David Zacks
Francine and David Ephraim                                             Barbara Herman                             Dan Loren                                       Alexandra Zimmern and Jeremy Rosenberg                   Dr. David Steinberg                                        Rosanne Zaidenweber
Lena Eskin                                                             Eunice and Bruce Hershman                  Dr. Pnina and Dr. Marshall Luban                David Rosenberg                                          Steinberg Family Fund                                      Sivan and Igor Zakai
Samantha Ezratty                                                       Yonatan Hirsch                             Jessica Lubetsky                                Donna and Alan Rosenberg                                 Melanie and Dan Steindler                                  Dr. Vita Land and Harold Zarkowsky
Lesley Farby                                                           Jamie Levin and Daniel Hochberg            Brendan Lyss                                    Holly and Michael Rosenberg                              Ruth and Frank Stern                                       Rachel Zeman
Susan and Arnie Fielkow                                                Hochberg Family Foundation                 Brian Lyss                                      Jennifer Rosenblum                                       Lauren and Kyle Stone                                      Ellen and Laib Zemel
Maris and Morris Fineberg                                              Lauren and Noam Hoffenberg                 Melissa Mady                                    Jane Rosenthal                                           Adina and Ricky Straka                                     Elizabeth and Jacob Zetley
Anat Reschke and Brad Fink                                             Barbara and Dr. Robert Hoffman             Jacob Magid                                     Avigail and Steven Rosenzweig                            Deborah and Harvey Strauss                                 Ruth Zimbler
Rebecca Ruetsch and David Finkelstein                                  Judy and Dr. Mark Hoffman                  Abigail and Justin Main                         Randye Rosser                                            Rebecca and Zach Strobehn                                  Eli Zimmerman
Roberta Fischer                                                        Stacey and William Hoffman                 Ellen Phillips and Jordan Mandel                Amy and Mark Rotenberg                                   Shaina and Brad Sugar                                      Rabbi Elka Abrahamson and Rabbi Martin Zinkow
Alexis Fishman                                                         Steve Hoffman                              Shoshana Mann                                   Gabriel Roth                                             Joni and Peter Sussman                                     Maya Zinkow
Michael Fishman                                                        Eleanor and Dr. Alan Hoffmann              Rachel and Mark Mappa                           Lisa and Matthew Rothenberg                              Maxine and Armend Szmulewitz                               Miriam and David Ziskind
Jennifer and Stewart Flink s                                           Tobi Cooper and Rabbi Daniel Horwitz       Allyson and Andrew Marcus                       Betty Rozenfeld s                                        Roxanne Kelber and Michael Tabak                           Stacy Zuick
Lilli Flink                                                            Eliana Horwitz                             Gail Marks                                      Arielle Kagan and Jason Rubenstein                       Marianne and Stuart Taussig                                Roxanne Zwier-Swanson
Jennifer Flynn                                                         David Hurwich                              Elizabeth Marshall                              Rebecca Behrmann and Joshua Rubin                        Emma Eisemann and Eli Temkin
Naomi and Jeremy Fogel                                                 Karyn Hurwich                              Shindel Materman                                Norma and David Rubin                                    Barbara and Harvey Temkin                                  In Kind
Laura Brock and Zeke Fraint                                            Risa Hurwich                               Marjorie and Bret Maxwell                       Amy Rubinoff                                             Mira and Darryl Temkin                                     Anne Tomlanovich
Nessia Frank                                                           Jessica and Benjamin Igielnik              Justin Mednick                                  Jackie Rubinoff                                          Sarah and Dr. Donald Temple                                Abby and Jonathan Maeir
Ruth and Tom Frank                                                     Israel Bonds                               Karen Klingberg and Max Menkov                  Deanna and Dr. Perry Rudich                              Matt Tepperman
Wendy and Benjamin Frank                                               Dr. Sherry Israel                          Jonah Meyerhoff                                 Miriam and Michael Rudolph                               The Levitt Foundation                                      Corporate Matching Gifts
Yael and Phillip Frankel                                               Anna and David Itman                       Susan and Michael Millenson                     Steven Sacks                                             Merle Lynn and Dr. Steven Tovian                           Anonymous (1)
Kim and Stuart Frankenthal s                                           Dr. Becky and Max Jacobson                 Nancy Miller                                    Beverly Saeks                                            Helene Turner                                              21st Century Fox
Sara and Benjamin Freedland                                            Rebecca and Brian Jacobson                 Jaclyn Millner                                  Nisa and Jordan Salins                                   Sarah Ungerman                                             Affiance Financial
Harriet and William Freedman                                           Liesel and Larry Jankelowitz               Jacob Millner                                   Debbie and Geoffrey Sanders                              Zahava Vales                                               Airbnb
Silvi Freedson                                                         JEA Midwest                                Elise Ecanow and Avi Mlotek                     Rabbi Ilene Melamed and Joel Schatz                      Ari Vandersluis                                            AmazonSmile Foundation
Leslie and Gary Freeman                                                Eli Johnson                                Rachel and Marc Modlin                          Aliza and Ben Scheier                                    Rebecca Vandersluis                                        Bank of America
Elise Frost                                                            Judy Jury                                  Joni Crounse and Richard Moline                 Jessica and Eli Scher                                    Bryan Villano                                              Gartner
Jack Fuchsman                                                          Lois and Mark Just                         Rebecca Linfield and Leon Moskatel              Estherbeth Buchbinder and Jeffrey Schvimer               Dr. Janna Villano                                          Google
Eric Galante                                                           Pearl and Joel Kagan                       Mindy and Steven Nemoff                         Alieza Schvimer                                          Janice Wahnon                                              Grainger
Robin and Stephen Garfinkel                                            Zachary Kagin                              Charlotte and Michael Newberger                 Raphael Schwartz                                         Sara Daniels Wajcman                                       Magid Glove and Safety
Yehudit and Aaron Gavant                                               Faye Kroshinsky and Bennett Kaplan         Natalie Eisen and Zach Newburgh                 Robert Schy                                              Barbara and Mitchell Wand                                  Mastercard
Max Geifman                                                            Adrienne and Brad Kaplan                   Allisa Newman                                   Alison and Jonathan Segal                                Dr. Robert Warshawsky                                      Morgan Stanley
Hanna Gensler                                                          Gerry Kaplan                               Tamar Newman-Shapira                            Dani Segelbaum                                           Liat Wasserman                                             Pepsico
Steven Gershone                                                        Gordon Kaplan                              Tamara and Dr. Earl Norman                      Lindsay Seidenberg                                       David Weber                                                Prudential
Gabriel Gershowitz                                                     Phyllis and Sidney Kaplan                  Elaine and Jeffrey Oberlander                   David Selis                                              Tyler Weber                                      
Sheila and Vern Gideon                                                 Sophie Kaplan                              Daniel Orbach                                   Shoshana Sendlin                                         Sarah Weil                                                 State Street Corporation
Heidi and Howard Gilbert                                               Ariel Goodman and Isaac Katz               Rachel Orbuch                                   Elli Smerling and Andy Sevi                              Avery Wein                                                 The Boeing Company
Annie Glasser                                                          Alexander Katz                             Harry Orenstein                                 Madeline Shaffer                                         Hollis and David Wein                                      Transunion
Tess Glassman-Kaufman                                                  Ariel Katz                                 Lucy Orenstein                                  Jacob Shanas                                             Lisa and Michael Weiner
Ari Gleicher                                                           Dr. Betsy and Michael Katz                 Nadine Orloff                                   Alex Shapiro                                             Iris and Greg Weinstein
Annie and Rabbi David Glickman                                         Eitan Katz                                 Hannah and Phillip Ostrow                       Barry Shapiro                                            Rita and Josh Weintraub
Tyler Goblirsch                                                        Matthew Kavanaugh                          Sandy Starkman and Larry Pachter s              David Shapiro                                            Joan and Anschel Weiss
Eileen Goldberg                                                        Dr. Ilana Dworin Kehl and Alex Kehl        Avram Pachter                                   Gloria Shapiro                                           Roni* and Steven Weiss
Heidi and Brian Goldberg                                               Karen and Michael Kesner                   Adam Parritz                                    Nathan Shapiro
Judith Levey and Dr. Sanford Goldberg                                  Michael Klein                              Rachel and Ari Parritz                          Steven Sheffey
David Goldblatt                                                        Mindy and Dr. Jeffrey Klein                Liad Ganz Pearlman and Robert Pearlman          Sammy Shefler
Tiffany and David Goldman
Elana and Neil Goldsmith
                                                                       Terry Kleinbaum
                                                                       Havi Kligfeld
                                                                                                                  Katie and Zach Pellish
                                                                                                                  Christina and Joe Pennington
                                                                                                                                                                  Jed Shein
                                                                                                                                                                  Caleb Sherman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Corporate Sponsors
Laurie and Joel Goldsmith s                                            Betty Kohn                                 Benjamin Philipson s                            Dr. Shelley Sherman
Shira Goldstein                                                        Brett Kopin                                Erica and Donnie Phillips                       Jeffrey Sherman
Cantor Larry Goller                                                    Jacqueline Kott                            Jane Pickus                                     Leah and Rabbi Philip Sherman                                                                         Gifts of $18,000 and above
Dr. Michael Goodman                                                    Lisa Krain                                 Kristina Pierce                                 Paul Sherman
Jon Gordon                                                             Sharon and Robert Krakowsky                Emily Podgursky                                 Rebeccah Singer and Lior Shragg
Shoshana and Matt Gordon                                               Lori and Rabbi Ben Kramer                  Hannah Porter and Marshall Pollack              Carol and Norman Shubert
Sari Grad                                                              Debra Kravitz                              Brian Price                                     Marisa and Michael Siegel
Jonah Grant                                                            Dr. Felissa and Gregory Kreindler          Victor Proeh                                    Philip Silverman
Julie and Stephen Grant                                                Jessica and Aaron Kroll                    Yael Rahimi                                     Lenore and Rabbi Mel Sirner
Shira Dickstein and Elan Green                                         Dr. Eliezer Krumbein                       Yari and Kevin Rahmanim                         Eleanor and Louis Skydell
Beth and Jordy Grey s                                                  Chloe Kruvant                              Anne-Monique and Edward Rapoport                Dr. Jeremy Slosberg                                          Camp Ramah in Wisconsin relies on the partnership and generosity of corporate donors each and every year.
Aviva Grossberg                                                        Shuli and Noam Kupchan                     Rebecca Rapport                                 Marshall Small                                               Corporate donations are recognized on multiple platforms throughout the year. Please consider whether your
Lauren Grossman                                                        Christine Lacy                             Angela Reiser                                   Maynard Small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                workplace or business can join the community partners supporting Ramah’s mission. For more information
Molly Gruesner                                                         Serafima and Vladimir Lamin                Pam Reynolds                                    Miranda Smerling
                                                                                                                  David Ribnick                                   Stephanie and Michael Smerling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                contact Sam Caplan at or 312-690-8332.
Elizabeth and Simon Halfin                                             Judith and Jerold Lax
Rabbi Jane Kanarek and Andrew Halpert                                  Danielle and Jay Lazar                     Devorah and Marc Richards                       Tamara and Adam Smith
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