WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...

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WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
APRIL 2021

               THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS


                     We were delighted to be able
                     to welcome members back on
                     Monday 29th March when
                     Club Captain, Gary Little was
                     first to tee off on the Marquess
                     course at 7.30 am.
WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
Welcome to this special edition of
                          Woburn Golf News
It is fantastic to see golf back at Woburn. The weather for the                                                                                     members only. We would appreciate any support members are
re-opening fell in our favour and it has been lovely to catch up                                                                                    able to give to this event in terms of volunteering and would be
with so many of you over the last few days, once again enjoying                                                                                     grateful if you could please contact Glenna if you would be
your Club. My sincere thanks go to the team who have worked                                                                                         willing to assist - glenna.beasley@woburn.co.uk
hard over the past few months to ensure that the Club was                                                                                             The return of golf sees many members wrestling with the
ready for re-opening this week.                                                                                                                     mathematical equations that the new World Handicapping
  As we all do, I hope that the remaining milestones laid out in                                                                                    System provides. James Parker goes into more detail in his
the Roadmap are achieved and that we can look forward to a                                                                                          article providing you with more clarity on how the new system
more positive season ahead.                                                                                                                         works. Whilst I trust you find the article beneficial, the
  I am delighted to confirm the announcement that Woburn will                                                                                       overriding point that we need to get across is that we are here
host a Rose Series Ladies event on the Duchess course on                                                                                            to support and help whenever required!
Thursday 6th May. Justin Rose and his wife Kate put the Rose                                                                                          Sadly, we lost a former colleague of ours recently. Many of you
Series together last year, contributing a substantial amount                                                                                        will fondly remember Bethany Edwards,
of prize money to create a series of one day tournaments,                                                                                           who worked in the catering department at
culminating in a three day final. The Rose Series gave members                                                                                      the Club for five years and was a lovely
of the Ladies European Tour an opportunity to play in some                                                                                          member of our team. Our sincere and
events during a heavily disrupted 2020 season. Two of the series                                                                                    deepest sympathies are with her family
events were won by Woburn members, Charley Hull and                                                                                                 and may she rest in peace.
Meghan MacLaren. We are very proud to become part of the                                                                                              I trust this finds you and your families
Rose Series and look forward to the Lady Tour Professionals                                                                                         in good health and I look forward to
visiting Woburn in six weeks’ time. The event will not be open                                                                                      catching up with you all through the year.      Jason O’Malley,
to the general public with spectators restricted to Woburn                                                                                                                                         Managing Director

                                 Welcome back everyone!                                                                                             go to Tracey Mann who had a hole in one on the 3rd on the Duke’s on 29th!
                                   It was great to be at the Club and on the                                                                          Did anyone break handicap on their first day back? I read that apparently
                                 course when we reopened on 29th March.                                                                             in England, after 3 months off, the average score on 29th March was +5.23
                                 The Club was as busy as I have seen it in a long                                                                   versus handicap. 94% of people hit driver of the first tee (par 4’s and 5’s)
                                 time! I think everyone was definitely ready to                                                                     30% of people hit the fairway - I wasn’t one of them!
                                 get back out and mix with friends. As an added                                                                       We hit the ground running with the fantastic news that Woburn will host
                                 bonus we were blessed with some warmth                                                                             the Rose Ladies Series on the Duchess Course on 6th May. It’s an honour to
                                 and sunshine for the first few days. As we have                                                                    be asked to stage this event and we look forward to welcoming the leading
                                 come to expect, the courses and the facilities                                                                     ladies of the Ladies’ European Tour to Woburn.
                                 were presented in excellent condition, a real                                                                        Following on fast, will be the Inaugural Joint Captains Charity day on 31st
                                 testimony to the work that has been going on                                                                       May. Julie and I are very excited to be putting on this event. Julie has
  behind the scenes over the last few months.                                                                                                       covered the event in detail in her update. there are some great auction
    It will, undoubtedly, be a few months of transition as we try and resume                                                                        prizes, a trophy for the winning pair and a fantastic opportunity for us to
  something like “normal”. I know Jason, his leadership team and their team                                                                         raise some money for our charities early in the year. it will be a fun day and
  members are all working very hard and are committed to making that a                                                                              we do hope you will support it.
  reality as soon as they can. Your understanding and support whilst they                                                                             Stay safe - I look forward to seeing everyone back at Woburn over the
  navigate their way through the coming months will be greatly appreciated.                                                                         coming months.
    Among the good news stories from the opening few days, congratulations

Welcome from Jason O’Malley ................................................ 2 Captains Charity Day ........................................................................ 3 Welcome to new members .................................................. 7
Captain .................................................................................................. 2 First stage out of lockdown ......................................................... 4 Course Update ............................................................................... 8
Lady Captain ..................................................................................... 3 New tree and the rules .................................................................... 4 Membership benefits .................................................................. 9
Seniors Captain ............................................................................... 3 The new handicap system .......................................................... 5/6
Hole in One on first day back ..................................................... 3 Golf Operations ............................................................................. 7

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
                               Hurray we are back enjoying the ‘wonders of         We mentioned last time our Captains Charity Day and can now give you
                               Woburn’ even if our golf is somewhat rusty!       more details and more certainty. It is scheduled for bank holiday
                               Having spent the last few months under            Monday 31st May on the Marquess course. There will be a one tee start and
                               lockdown it really makes us both appreciate       you will be able to reserve your tee time when you enter online.
                               our ‘normal’ freedom to meet up with friends      The competition is 4BBB with a trophy for the winning pair, plus prizes
                               and have some social interaction. Aren’t we       including nearest the pin, longest drive and you will also have the opportu-
                               lucky that the sport we play gives us time with   nity to ‘Beat the Pro’ on one of the Par 3 holes. The entry fee of £25, in-
                               our friends in addition to the challenge of the   cludes, prizes, a donation to our charities, Alzheimer’s Research and Ride
                               ‘little white ball’! We hope that from here we    High, some grab and go food and a drink at Halfway House and a drink with
                               continue to gradually get back to enjoying our    us as you finish. There will also be an auction with some fabulous lots.
                               golf and all the social events at the club.

                                                                                   SENIORS CAPTAIN - JOHN YOUNG
                                                                                                                It was a long time coming but, on the
                                                                                                                29th March, great to see all those honed
                                  www.alzheimersresearchuk.org                                                  athletic bodies out on the warm up area and
         www.ridehigh.org                                                                                       swinging a club for the first time in 3 months.
                                                                                                                What could possibly go wrong? My physio
                                                                                                                has offered to set up a pop up treatment
              Captains Charity Day                                                                              centre on the range!
                                                                                                                  In case we are struggling to remember
                   Monday 31st May : Marquess course.                                                           what awaits us in the coming months, I have
                           Entry fee of £25                                                                     listed a few items that are pertinent to the
                                                                                                                Seniors Section.
           We have some fantastic lots for auction which include:
                                                                                                            Inter Club Matches
                   Four ball vouchers for clubs including                          We have rescheduled any that were planned before the 17th May to
      Wisley (3 ball) • London Club • Worplesdon GC • Oxfordshire                  ensure that we can have some socialising and catering (subject to
       Parkstone (& Broadstone) • Bearwood Lakes • Stoke Park.                     Government guidelines). An updated match list has been sent to all
                                                                                   Seniors and anyone wishing to play in these matches are asked to respond
                  Exclusive Ian Poulter Guest Golf Day                             by 5th April. Matches are competitive and played in good spirit so put
        Join Gary and Julie and play in the Ian Poulter guest golf day.            your name down. The new dates for matches are set out below.
   Starting with breakfast, followed by 18 holes of golf then some finger
   food and Q&A with Ian. BUT the best bit is Ian will play 3 or 4 holes                                      Seniors Stablefords
                    with us - how scary / exciting is that!                        We have planned two stableford qualifiers each month and they will start
                                                                                   on Thursday 6th May. They will take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday
                           A Caddie Experience                                     each month and entries are via Intelligent Golf. There will also be an
    2 players 9 holes with Terry Mundy, Ian Poulter’s caddy who began              opportunity to donate a very small amount of money (via your Woburn
   caddying as a profession in 1989. Terry won’t be carrying your bag or           Card) when you check in for the qualifier. All proceeds go to Willen
    working on your swing but he will work with you on club selection,             Hospice - a very worthwhile and in need charity. There will be a lovely
  what you are trying to achieve with each shot and your course strategy.          prize on offer and details will be posted at reception.

                          18 holes with Gary Boyd                                                            Challenge Matches
    3 players with Gary who turned professional in 2007 and currently              There will be a number of Challenge matches through the summer and
                   plays on the European Challenge Tour.                           the dates will be posted on Intelligent Golf by mid April. All monies again
   We will be in touch with further details, but we are delighted this day is      go to Willen Hospice.
    going ahead both for some fun for us all and to support our chosen
  charities. Now we need to keep everything crossed for some sunshine!                                  Seniors v Juniors Match
                                                                                   This event has had to be rescheduled and will now take place in the
                                                                                   Summer. Details posted nearer the time.

                                                                                                             Seniors Charity Day
                                                                                   Our traditional big event in aid of our charity will be held on Thursday
                                                                                   19th August. Details will be posted nearer the time but if you have any
                                                                                   prizes that would be good for our raffle or the auction, then please let us
                                                                                   know or hand in to reception. We traditionally raise substantial sums at
                                                                                   this event through the generosity of people donating items and also the
                                                                                   lovely people who bid for the items. Charities such as Willen Hospice do
                                                                                   a fantastic job and they have suffered terribly in the recent past. Your
                                                                                   individual help really adds up and makes a big difference.

                                                                                    So I am off to my garage now to check that the mice haven’t used the
                                                                                   winter to eat through my golf bag again. Look forward to seeing
                                                                                   everyone back on the courses.
Congratulations to Tracey Mann (left) who had a Hole In One on the
3rd hole of the Duke’s course during her first round back to playing golf on
Monday. Tracey was playing in the company of Lady Captain, Julie Clarke.

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
In line with Lockdown Restrictions the Duke's, Duchess and Marquess courses
and all practice facilities are now open. The clubhouse will remain closed with
only a takeaway service available and a click & collect facility is available from
the Professional Shop.
  In adherence to the guidelines set out in the first stage of the 'Road Map'
there are a number of restrictions in place. We would also like to remind
CLUBHOUSE, LOCKER ROOMS and HALFWAY HOUSES. The facilities currently
available are as follows:

        • Reception - open from 07.00 for member enquiries
        • Bloomsbury Room - open 07.00 - 15.00 for takeaway only
        • Halfway Houses - open for takeaway only
        • Warm up area - open with complimentary balls provided
        • Tavistock Short Game Area - online booking system in operation
        • Putting Greens - open
        • Duchess Practice Ground - open
        • Locker Rooms - open
        • Showers - closed until 12th April
                                                                                         New tree on 2nd Marquess
                                                                                     During the closure a new mature tree has been planted on the lefthand side
        • Bag Store - closed until 12th April                                        of the 2nd fairway on the Marquess Course. In order to protect the tree a
                                                                                     temporary local rule is in operation with a No Play Zone in force. Free relief
                              Tee Reservations                                       MUST be taken under Rule 16.1b. Failure to do so is in Breach of Rule 16.1 and
                                                                                     results in General Penalty (2 strokes in stroke play, or loss of hole in match
We would encourage members to book online where possible. Bookings open              play - Rule 14.7a).
as from 10.00 am on a 28 day rolling basis for all mid week bookings.
For weekends and bank holidays the booking window opens 5 days in advance
as from 10.00 am on Tuesdays for Saturdays and on Wednesdays for Sundays.                                                          MacIntyre Charity Golf Day
  As from 12th April there will be no restriction on the introduction of guests                                                    The date has been changed to
and there will no longer be a limit on the number of times members may play                                                        Wednesday 1st September
each week.                                                                                   Should you be interested in entering a team please contact:
                             Booking Procedure

        • All Midweek bookings will open on a rolling basis
          28 days in advance as from 10.00am.
        • Weekend and Bank Holiday bookings will open from
          10.00am 5 days in advance.
        • Bookings can be made individually or in 2, 3 or 4 balls.
        • Up to and including Sunday 11th April, all bookings
          restricted to members only - No Guests.
        • Guests welcome as from Monday 12th April.
        • Up to and including Sunday 11th April, each member can
          play a maximum of 3 times per week to include only once
          at weekends. (subject to availability on the day this can
          be increased).                                                             When the courses reopened on Monday new members Amanda Parrish and
                                                                                     Denise Butler were joined by Bex Howe and Sally-Anne Wright when
        • As from Monday 12th April unrestricted members golf.                       they played their first round since joining the Club.
        • All golf starts from the 1st tee only.

                              Professional Shop                                                                            Charity Golf Day in support of
                                                                                                                    MK University Hospital Cancer Care Unit
The Professional Shop is non-essential retail and will therefore remain closed
                                                                                                                                The date has changed to
but is due to re-open on Monday 12th April, as out-lined in the second stage
of the Roadmap.                                                                                                                 Tuesday 19th October
  We are currently offering members a Click & Collect service. To benefit,
members are requested to email their order to pro.shop@woburn.co.uk with
the time they wish to collect. Only items that are currently in stock will be                    For further details and an entry form please visit:
available. Payment will be by Woburn Card.                                           www.woburngolf.co.uk/members/news-and-events/events/mk-hospital-cancer-care-unit/

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
The World Handicap System has been designed with the enjoyment of
recreational golf at the forefront. The WHS will allow golfers to play with
freedom, therefore changing the nature in which they play the game. The focus
for you, as a member should not be on your ‘Playing Handicap’.
  Intelligent Golf is a really useful tool to help with working out the allocation
of shots for all club competitions, but we have also posted a link to the WHS
Handicap Calculator on the members area of the club website. Fear not, for
all club competitions, printed scorecards will be provided, however for
knockout matches please make use of the downloadable calculator, and if in
doubt speak with a member of the Golf Operations Team. Go to the WHS
calculator link - www.congu.co.uk/whs/ - (which looks like the image below).

                                                                                                          H = Handicap Index
                                                                                     The first thing you need to do is ensure you know what your new Handicap
                                                                                     Index is. This can be found on the Members Area of the Club Website, under
                                                                                     the ‘Competitions’ and ‘MyGolf’ tab. You can also find this information on any
                                                                                     of the PSI screens located around the Clubhouse. Your Handicap Index is
                                                                                     calculated by the average of the best eight of your last twenty scores.

                                                                                                         C = Course Handicap
                                                                                     Before you start any round, you must convert your Handicap Index in to a
                                                                                     Course Handicap. This will determine the number of strokes a player will
                                                                                     receive for any set of tees on a course. The course and slope rating tables can
                                                                                     be found on the members area of the club website. They are also displayed in
                                                                                     the golfers lobby at the club.

                                                                                                          P = Go out and Play

                           Social Scores                                                                       Competitions
A requirement from England Golf is that any round of golf that you wish to           Playing handicap is the mandatory stroke allowance that is implemented in
count towards your handicap record MUST be pre-registered. This should be            order to maintain the integrity of the WHS when used in competition. It allows
done at Main Reception and should be made in person. We will not accept this         golfers to compete on a level playing field, regardless of their Handicap Index.
in the form of an e-mail.                                                            The course handicap converts to a Playing Handicap for competition purposes
  If you have the Intelligent Golf Member App, then you are able to pre-             and changes depending on the format of play. The most important aspects of
register and enter your scores via the app. Please note if you would prefer to       playing handicap to remember are:
use this option, then you will be required to attach a photograph of
                                                                                           • It is only used for competition purposes
your scorecard so the scores can be verified by the Golf Operations team.
All scorecards should be signed by a ‘Marker’ and you, ‘the player’.                       • It ensures equity to calculate competition results
  If you wish to enter a social score at another club, any where in the world,               (via handicap allowances)
then you are still required to pre-register with the respective club. If this club
is in the UK & Ireland, then you should submit your score to them. However,                • Golfers do not need to calculate it (it is generated before their round)
for any overseas scores, please return these to Woburn and we will enter them              • Golfers should continue to play in the mindset of their course
on your behalf.                                                                              handicap in competition rounds
  Most formats are acceptable for entering a Social Score. Some forms of play,
however, are not acceptable - these are:                                                   • It is a mandatory stroke allowance that must be implemented in
                                                                                             competition play (shown below)
      • Scores from fourball better ball
      • Any pairs event where you are not completing a hole as
        an individual e.g. foursomes, greensomes.
      • Any matchplay format
                                                                                                                                                  Continued on page 6

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
For those of you who are interested, and keen to learn about the formulas involved in the new system, we have put together some examples.
                    Norman and Norma both have a Handicap Index of 15.0. Their Course Handicaps are 15 and 17 respectively.

     Individual Stableford / Medal Format                                         In this case Norma receives an upward adjustment of 4.8 strokes (72.0 –
                                                                                 67.2) after the stroke allowance is applied.
                Mixed Tee Competitions                                                     Norman’s Playing Handicap = Course Handicap = 15
                     Course Rating         Slope Rating             Par               Norma’s Playing Handicap = Course Handicap + difference in CR
      Men                67.2                  113                  71                              = 17 + 4.8 = 21.8 rounded up to 22
     Women              72.00                  129                  71
                                                                                 Therefore Norma receives 7 strokes for the match.
Stroke Play Competitions: Medal: Gross Score (Scratch): Maximum Score:
Medal: For singles stroke play the stroke allowance is 95% of the Course                                     Foursomes
  In addition, because the players are playing from tees with different Course   Foursomes Playing Handicaps for each side in Foursomes are 50% of the
Ratings, the competitor playing over the higher rated course receives the        combined Course Handicaps of the two players concerned.
difference in the Course Rating values added to the Course Handicap after          If multiple tees are in use, then an adjustment for any difference in the CR
the application of the stroke allowance.                                         or Par is required.
  In this case Norma receives an upward adjustment of 4.8 strokes (72.0 -          The first step is to calculate the allowance as 50% of the combined Course
67.2) after the stroke allowance is applied.                                     Handicaps and then to apply any adjustments. To achieve equity any
                                                                                 adjustment is half the combined adjustments for each side.
                      Norman’s Playing Handicap                                    Foursomes competitions involving mixed/multi-tee pairings, the Handicap
        = Course Handicap x Handicap Allowance = 15 x 0.95                       Committee will specify which single set of tees will determine the Pars and
                    = 14.25 rounded down to 14                                   Stroke Indices that are to be used.
                      Norma’s Playing Handicap
  = Course Handicap x Allowance + difference in CR = 17 x 0.95 + 4.8                                        Greensomes
                      = 20.95 rounded up to 21
                                                                                 Greensomes, as for Foursomes, use the same principles in determining the
Both players returned gross scores of 89 strokes. For placing in the             Playing Handicaps, using 60% of the lower handicap plus 40% of the higher
mixed/multi-tee Medal competition: Norman’s net score is 89 -14 = 75             handicap in the team, rather than 50% combined.
Norma’s net score is 89 -21= 68                                                    To achieve equity any CR / Par adjustment is half the combined adjustments
                                                                                 for each side.
                Matchplay Competition                                              As an example, the Playing Handicaps in a Greensomes Medal would be:
For Singles Matchplay the stroke allowance is 100% of the Course Handicap.                           Norman (HI - 10) and Robert (HI - 27)
  In addition, because the players are playing from tees with different Course      (0.6 x 10) + (0.4 x 27) + 0.85 = 16.8 + 0.85 = 17.65 rounded to 18
Ratings, the competitor playing over the higher rated course receives the                                      Norma and Rachel
difference in the Course Rating values added to the Course Handicap after                (0.6 x -1) + (0.4 x 3) + 2.6 = 0.6 + 2.6 = 3.2 rounded to 3
the application of the stroke allowance.

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
             KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS                                                        MEMBERS GUEST GREEN FEES 2021
    As previously communicated all Summer and Winter                                       in effect as from Monday 12th April
     Knockouts resumed as from Monday 29th March.                                 Our 2021 Members Guest Green Fees are as detailed below. A member
                                                                                  is permitted to introduce a maximum of three guests at any one time with
 The draws for all Summer Knockout competitions are available on the
                                                                                  the exception of weekend mornings, where a member can only bring one
 Competitions / Intelligent Golf Section on the Members’ Area of the
                                                                                  guest before 10.30am. No single guest can be signed in to play Woburn's
 website. As previously communicated the entry fees have been deducted
                                                                                  courses more than six times within a calendar year.
 from Members’ Woburn Cards.
                                                                                               One round only 12th April - 31st October
                                                                                                    (subject to ongoing restrictions)
                     CLUB COMPETITIONS                                                            Duke’s, Duchess or Marquess Course
                                                                                                                Pre 14:00
Club Competitions prior to Monday 19th April have been cancelled with the           £65 per guest (Monday - Thursday) £75 per guest (Friday - Sunday)
exception of the Ladies Medal Winners Final, which will take place on the                                      From 14:01
revised date of Monday 17th May.                                                    £45 per guest (Monday - Thursday) £55 per guest (Friday - Sunday)
  The Captain and Lady Captain’s Charity Day which is scheduled in the fixture
List on Monday 3rd May will now take place on Monday 31st May. Full details
will be available in due course.                                                                     Two rounds played on the same day
  Changes to the Club Fixture List:                                                                    (subject to ongoing restrictions)
                                                                                                    Duke’s, Duchess or Marquess Course
              Monday 17th May         Ladies Medal Winners Final                                    £100 per guest (Monday - Thursday)
           Monday 31st May Day        Captain and Lady Captain’s                                      £110 per guest (Friday - Sunday)
                                      Charity Golf Day
              Tuesday 20th July       Mixed Past Captain’s Competition                           1st November 2021 - 31st March 2022
      Wednesday 1st September         MacIntyre Charity Golf Day                                  Duke’s, Duchess or Marquess Course
         Tuesday 19th October         MK Cancer Care Charity Golf Day               £45 per guest (Monday - Thursday) £55 per guest (Friday - Sunday)

  Welcome to our New Members                                                                         INTER CLUB MATCHES
 We would like to take this opportunity of welcoming New Members who              The majority of the Inter-Club Matches will proceed as scheduled but the
 have joined our Club this year, and thank those Members who have kindly          formats will be subject to Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of each
 introduced them and supported their applications. We are still operating a       match. On the basis that the teams were selected and notified in respect
 waiting list for all categories following the intake of the below new members:   of the Mens’ and Mixed Matches in 2020, the Committee has decided, that
                                                                                  where possible, those selected to play in the respective matches in 2020
                                Full Members:                                     will be given priority when selecting players for the corresponding matches
                              James Clark (20)                                    in 2021. With regard to the Ladies Matches sing up sheets have been posted
                        Nic Morreale-Devereaux (18)                               on the Members’ Area of the website and ladies are asked to indicate their
                             Mark Hastings (24)                                   availability for the respective matches.
                               Neil Davis (17)                                                 Sunday 15th May        Mixed Match v Moor Park (Away)
                            Jonathan Callaby (18)                                               Friday 21st May       Seniors v Moor Park (Away)
                              John Peters (11)                                                Thursday 3rd June       Ladies v Wellingborough (Home)
                             Terry Charlton (18)                                               Sunday 20th June       Mixed Match v Ashridge (Away)
                                                                                              Monday 21st June        Seniors v Beaconsfield (Home)
                             Junior Members:                                               Wednesday 23rd June        Seniors v Frilford Heath (Away)
                            Nathan Nolan (29)                                          Wednesday 1st September        Seniors v Hadley Wood (Away)
                      Rhian Morjaria (Returning Cards)                                  Thursday 2nd September        Ladies v Wentworth (Home)
                    Cameron Neilson (Returning Cards)
                      Emma Robson (Returning Cards)
                     Joseph Redman (Returning Cards)
                           Corporate Members:
          BWR Trading (Stephen Richardson - Returning Cards)                        We are sad to announce the recent passing of Mr Rupert Hambro,
         MPL Technology Group (Phil Maidment - Returning Cards)                        Chairman of Woburn Golf Club between 1998 - 2011 and the
           Dry Wall Solutions (Rob Wardlaw - Returning Cards)                        passing of Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale, a former Trustee of the
                      Goto Insure (Chris Dillon - 13)                               Bedford Estates. They were both Honorary Life Members of Woburn
                HDL Ltd (Kevin Harris - Returning Cards)                              Golf Club and we offer our sincere condolences to their families.
                   RS Response Ltd (Mark Horgan - 13)
                 Home & Legacy (Mark Wooldridge - 18)
            Martin Lockyear Assets Ltd (Martin Lockyear - 9)
             Steel Arts Metalwork Ltd (David Newham - 10)
               Gough Thorne Solicitors (Philip Harris - 17)
                      Rightmove (Simon Feilden - 12)
                 Craig Jemmett (CJ Fire and Security) (17)
             Bailey MK Ltd (Nathan Bailey - Returning Cards)
                     Golf Unplugged (Geoff Swain - 4)
                                                                                                                                              James Parker
                  PPV Group Ltd (Chris Larrington - 11)
                                                                                                                                             Golf Operations
                   Novus Logistics Ltd (Dale White - 6)

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
With the announcement of the easing of lockdown and the return to golf, the      The Marquess closure in May and the Duchess closure in August will both go
green staff have been extremely busy on the courses.                            ahead as scheduled in the fixture list. As a result of the work
  Alongside the completion of the winter project works, the team have           undertaken during lockdown the closure scheduled on the
brought forward a huge amount of renovation works on greens, tees,              Duke’s course in April will no longer be required.
approaches and fairways across all three courses, the practice putting greens    I hope you are enjoying your first week back playing
and Tavistock Short Game Area. From hollow coring, scarifying, solid tine       golf and fingers crossed we have some great golfing
aeration and top dressing these essential works were carried out in             weather in the coming weeks.
challenging conditions (see photographs below) to ensure the health and
condition of the playing surfaces moving forward and causing the least                                                                    John Clarke
disruption to members on their return to golf.                                                                                          Courses Manager

                                                                                MAY WE REMIND YOU TO
                                                                                 PLEASE SLOW DOWN

             Duchess : Thursday 6th May

                                                                                We are back to playing golf! However, we would be grateful if
                                                                                members could please slow down when driving to and from the Club,
 Charley Hull winner of the inaugural      Meghan MacLaren winner of the        particularly when approaching the bend on Longslade Lane where
    event at Brockenhurst Manor              second event at Moor Park          there is a concealed driveway.
WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...

                                                                                    WOBURN ESTATE PASSES
                                                                                     Would members wishing to renew their passes please submit their
                                                                                        current passes to Reception and a new pass will be issued.
                                                                                     Members who do not currently have a pass, but would like to obtain
                                                                                           one, should download and application form from the
                                                                                         Benefits Section on the Members’ Area of the website.

                       If you have any comments about Woburn Golf News we would be delighted to receive your feedback
                                    Contact: Glenna Beasley, Marketing Manager: glenna.beasley@woburn.co.uk
There are several members who do not appear to be receiving email broadcasts from the Club. Please advise us if you do not receive emails on a regular basis.

              Woburn Golf Club, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LJ. Tel: 01908 370756. E-mail: golf.enquiries@woburn.co.uk

WELCOME BACK! THE WOBURN GOLF NEWS - We were delighted to be able to welcome members back on Monday 29th March when Club Captain, Gary Little was ...
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