Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities

Page created by Lewis Park
Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
MAY 2021

Take a look at our draft       Gym classes for
Budget for 2021–2022       people of all abilities
page 4–5                                  page 14

Meet some inspiring
women of Yarra
page 6–7
Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
MESSAGE FROM                                                                    YOUR
THE MAYOR                                                                       COUNCILLORS
                                        supporting residents to cut back        LANGRIDGE WARD
                                        on pollution.                           Abbotsford, Alphington (south of Heidelberg Road),
                                        2020 also reminded us just how          Clifton Hill (east of Wellington Street), Collingwood
                                                                                (except for the area bounded by Johnston, Wellington
                                        important it is to have green open
                                                                                and Smith streets and Alexandra Parade), Fairfield
                                        space right across our thriving city.
                                                                                (south of Heidelberg Road), Fitzroy (south of Moor
                                        Over the next year, we’ll create        Street), and Richmond (in the area bounded by
                                        new parks and improve existing          Lennox, Highett and Hoddle streets).
                                        open spaces.
                                                                                Cr Stephen Jolly
                                        As we bounce back from the                  0437 856 713
                                        economic impacts of COVID-19,
Hello everyone                          we’ll work hard to help local
                                        businesses get back on their feet.      Cr Anab Mohamud
Welcome to the May edition of
                                        I’m thrilled to share our vision for        0418 172 938
Yarra News, where I’m very proud
to bring you our draft Budget for       a cleaner, fairer community.                anab.mohamud@yarracity.vic.gov.au
2021–2022.                              Speaking of which, take a look at       Cr Gabrielle de Vietri, Mayor
The past year has shown how             one of our Yarra annual grant               0419 591 023
important our local communities         recipients: on page 13 a                    gabrielle.devietri@yarracity.vic.gov.au
are, and how, throughout the            community group helping diverse
pandemic we’ve worked together          community members grow and              MELBA WARD
to keep each other safe,                cook food sustainably.
                                                                                Burnley, Cremorne and Richmond (except the area
supported, and informed.                Finally, did you know you could         bounded by Lennox, Highett and Hoddle streets)
With rising inequality and the          create roads from recycled tyres?       Cr Edward Crossland
climate emergency continuing to         Turns out, you can! A street in            0400 326 812
worsen, this draft Budget is our        Yarra is set to be paved with this
chance to ensure Yarra is a             remarkable technology that
liveable place for everyone.            reduces pollution and helps water       Cr Herschel Landes
                                        trees! See page 12 for more.               0427 460 053
Yarra is leading the way in
meaningful action to tackle the         I wish you all the best.                   herschel.landes@yarracity.vic.gov.au
climate emergency, by                   Cr Gabrielle de Vietri                  Cr Claudia Nguyen, Deputy Mayor
transitioning our community             Mayor                                      0409 779 630
spaces to renewable energy and

COUNCIL MEETINGS                                                                NICHOLLS WARD
Council Meetings are all livestreamed at yarracity.vic.gov.au/webcast.          North Carlton, Princes Hill, part of Clifton Hill (west
If you would like to attend in person, please make sure you are not             of Wellington Street), Fitzroy North, Fitzroy (north of
displaying any COVID symptoms, and follow all COVID-safe guidelines.            Moor Street) and part of Collingwood (the area
                                                                                bounded by Johnston, Wellington and Smith streets
All meetings begin at 7pm at Richmond Town Hall                                 and Alexandra Parade)
• Tuesday 4 May 2021          • Tuesday 18 May 2021                             Cr Bridgid O’Brien
• Tuesday 1 June 2021         • Monday 7 June (Special Budget Meeting)             0439 302 590
Visit yarracity.vic.gov.au/yarrameetings for agendas, minutes and
more information about council meetings.                                        Cr Amanda Stone
                                                                                   0429 358 170
    WURUNDJERI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                     amanda.stone@yarracity.vic.gov.au
    Yarra City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung                  Cr Sophie Wade
    people as the Traditional Owners and true sovereigns of the land now           0400 570 763
    known as Yarra. We also acknowledge the significant contributions
    made by other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to life in
    Yarra. We pay our respects to Elders from all nations and to their          To contact your Councillors, call 9205 5055, send
    Elders past, present and future.                                            a letter to c/o PO Box 168, Richmond VIC 3121,
                                                                                or you can reach them via their direct lines as above.

2    YARRA NEWS MAY 2021
Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
People on the go will now be able         The Smart Benches will further enhance    Each of Yarra’s three wards will have a
to charge their device or connect         Yarra’s public spaces, providing free     smart bench installed. The Smart Bench
to free Wi-Fi at one of three new         Wi-Fi and phone charging to anyone        locations are:
smart benches.                            who connects.
                                                                                    • Nicholls Ward: Atherton Gardens oval,
                                          By providing these benches, we are          Napier Street, Fitzroy
These benches are                         offering all residents online access to
                                                                                    • Langridge Ward: Curtain Square park,
                                          critical information, products and
the first of their kind                   services – particularly those who may
                                                                                      Carlton North
in inner-city Melbourne,                  not otherwise have access.                • Melba Ward: Stewart Street,
                                                                                      Richmond, opposite Corner Hotel.
and are powered by                        Built-in environmental sensors collect
                                          and share real-time data about            The benches will be offered on a pilot
100% renewable                            temperature, humidity and air pressure.   basis of around six months. After this,
solar energy.                             Users can see this information on a       Yarra and ERE will look at usage data
                                          dashboard on ERE’s website.               and determine the next steps.
Eco Renewable Energy (ERE), our           This information may be able to be used
partnering company, is providing and      to inform important planning decisions,      Find out more about Yarra’s smart
maintaining the benches at no cost        particularly any that relate to action       benches at yarracity.vic.gov.au/
to Yarra.                                 against the climate emergency.               smartbench

A community panel is meeting              The panel will be provided with an        To respect the time and effort of the
this May to create our first-ever         overview of what we heard from around     panel, we have committed to receiving
Community Vision.                         1300 participants during our broad        this vision and adopting it as the panel
                                          consultation between November 2020        provides it later this year.
The vision will guide decision making
                                          and January 2021.
about Yarra’s services and projects for
the next 15 years.                        The panel strongly reflects our diverse
                                          community, with people from all walks        Read more about the community
                                          of life who are set to share their life      vision at yoursayyarra.com.au/
                                          experiences and views with each other.       future
                                          They are meeting four times.

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
    DRAFT BUDGET                              $205.12 million                                $38.7 million
    AT A GLANCE                               total operating expenditure                    in capital works projects

                                              1.5% increase                                  1.5% increase
                                              in general rate revenue                        in our additional rate rebate
                                              (in line with the Victorian                    for pensioners
                                              Government rate cap)

Yarra City Council has worked hard            The draft Budget has a strong focus on
to develop a draft Budget that                sustainability, both in terms of our fiscal     SEE THE DRAFT
continues to invest in the local              responsibilities and the types of
community and deliver key essential           infrastructure we are delivering. It
                                                                                              BUDGET AND HAVE
services, while also responding to            delivers on Yarra’s key strategic priorities    YOUR SAY
the climate emergency.                        and ensures that Council has a stable
                                                                                              Take a look at the draft Budget,
                                              financial position in the years ahead.
Yarra’s pools, gyms, and Council facilities                                                   and have your say, at yoursay
will transition away from gas and             Yarra’s financial position had been             yarra.com.au/budget2021
towards being powered entirely by             impacted significantly by COVID-19
                                                                                              You can come along to one of our
renewable electricity.                        and that had been an important
                                                                                              draft Budget information sessions:
                                              consideration in the delivery of this
The draft Budget 2021–2022 also
                                              year’s draft Budget.                            Wednesday 5 May
provides funding to plant 1300 new
                                                                                              Bargoonga Nganjin North Fitzroy
trees, install new bike hoops and             Like all councils, and all tiers of
                                                                                              Library meeting rooms 1 and 2
new bike lanes across Yarra, as well          Government for that matter, the
                                                                                              5pm to 6.30pm
as planning for a food and organic            development of this year’s draft Budget
bin collection.                               has presented many challenges due to            Thursday 13 May
                                              the financial losses experienced as a           Richmond Town Hall meeting
Despite the significant financial impact
                                              direct result of the pandemic.                  rooms 1 and 2
of the pandemic, Yarra Council has
                                                                                              5pm to 6.30pm
prepared a draft Budget that continues        We invested heavily in the local
to build a fairer and more equal Yarra,       community throughout the pandemic by            You can also share your feedback
that creates opportunities and tackles        providing a package of community and            directly with councillors at the
the climate emergency.                        business support totalling more than            special Council Meeting on
                                              $7.5 million. Despite the deficit this          Monday 7 June.
It remains committed to delivering key
                                              created in 2020–21, we’re pleased to be         Find out how to register to speak
essential services to our community,
                                              continuing our commitment to the                at yarracity.vic.gov.au/meetings
optimising service delivery and customer
                                              community, through a budget that
experience and maximising use of                                                              The draft Budget 2021–2022 will
                                              supports our most vulnerable residents,
existing assets.                                                                              be out for community feedback
                                              boosts our local businesses and
This year’s draft Budget was developed        addresses climate change.                       until Friday 21 May.
following broad community consultation                                                        You can read a hard copy of our
                                              This draft Budget responds to the
held between November 2020 and                                                                draft Budget at one of our
                                              extraordinary circumstances of last year,
January 2021. During this time, we                                                            customer service centres.
                                              highlights the resilience we have all
heard from more than 1300 people
                                              shown and acknowledges and                      If you need an interpreter service
about their aspirations and priorities for
                                              strengthens community aspirations and           or other support to read the
the future. These insights will help
                                              strategic priorities for Yarra.                 draft Budget, please contact us
inform Yarra’s 15-year Community Vision
and the draft Budget 2021–22. See an          The draft Budget includes a rate increase       on 9205 5555.
update on our Community Vision on             of 1.5%, which is in line with the
page 3.                                       2021–22 rate cap outlined under the
                                              Fair Go Rating System and will be
                                              accompanied by a 1.5% increase in our
                                              additional rate rebate for pensioners.

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
DRAFT                          New and improved parks          The first step towards a
                               including two park              new Community Hub at
BUDGET                         extensions in Cremorne          the Collingwood Town Hall
HIGHLIGHTS                                                     Precinct, delivering
                                                               essential services including
Find out more at                                               a maternal and child
yarracity.vic.gov.au/          Continuing to support           health service
budget2021                     businesses and vulnerable
                               communities in the
                               climate emergency

New bike hoops and bike
lanes as part of a new         1300 new trees across
Transport Action Plan          the city

                               Fitness equipment and
Capacity to continue           upgraded outdoor table
delivering on important        tennis in Atherton Reserve
Council actions, such as
integrated water
management, urban
agriculture strategy, nature
                               Transitioning our swimming pools off gas to 100% renewable
strategy and our heritage
                               electricity and improving the energy efficiency of our
aspects of Yarra, including
                               leisure centres
Indigenous heritage

New toilets at Edinburgh

                               New pedestrian
                                                               Planning for a food and
                               infrastructure across Yarra
                                                               organics (FOGO) kerbside
                               making getting to school
                                                               collection service
                               safer and more accessible

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
                          HONOURING CULTURE,
                          AND HELPING
                          COMMUNITIES HEAL:
                          SUE-ANNE HUNTER
                          “I’m a proud Wurundjeri woman,
                          mum and advocate for the
                          community. I hold a space for people
                          to facilitate their own [cultural]
                          Originally, during COVID-19, everyone
                          was ok. When lockdown started to
                          get longer, people reached out
                          because they were struggling. My
                          daughter Jedda and I created
                          Connecting to Country meditations
                          to help. We put them online with
                          some strategies around keeping
                          connected to mind, body and spirit.
                                                                     WELCOMING ALL
                          I sort-of fell into this work and I love
                                                                     PEOPLE INTO OUR
                          what I do. It’s about serving the
                          community and making things better         NEIGHBOURHOOD
                          for the next generation, honouring         HOUSES: SUE KENT
                          culture in every way possible.”
                                                                     “I work alongside, and with, local
                                                                     residents [as manager of the
                                                                     Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood
                                                                     House at the North Richmond
                          FOOTBALL AT AN ELITE                       Housing Estate, and Collingwood
                          LEVEL: ELLIE MCKENZIE                      Neighbourhood House at the
                                                                     Collingwood Housing Estate].
                          “I was about five when I started
                                                                     It’s such a diverse, generous
                          footy. I played with the boys’ team
                                                                     community, so creative in its
                          when I was about 8 to 13 ... the only
                                                                     approaches to solving problems.
                          girl in the competition. Early on the
                          boys would be a bit hesitant whether       Over the years, art has really
                          to tackle me or not.                       worked for this neighbourhood
                                                                     house and our culturally diverse
                          When I got drafted [to Richmond FC]
                                                                     community. It doesn’t rely on
                          my first reaction was relief, just to
                                                                     language. It has its own language.
                          know that I’d made it, and also
                          excitement and a bit overwhelmed.          COVID-19 was like a roller coaster
                                                                     ... We found a way, through
                          Kicking my first goal in AFL was
                                                                     offering food security and food
                          amazing. Something I’ve been
                                                                     relief, to meet the needs of a
                          dreaming of. All of my teammates
                                                                     very frightened, vulnerable
                          got around me too. It’s definitely
                                                                     community and keep them
                          something I won’t forget, ever.”
                                                                     socially connected.”

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
                                              AND THEIR PETS: SANDHYA JADU
                                              Sandhya Jadu is a social worker at Melbourne City Mission, and helps people
                                              experiencing homelessness find safe and secure housing. In her spare time,
                                              she pet-sits.
                                              “During the stage 4 lockdown, I realised people needed support to exercise their
                                              pets while balancing work, home schooling and navigating lockdown.
                                              I started offering help to people in the community, walking their dogs and
                                              checking in with them. During [this time] I did this every day.
                                              Freyja (pictured) belongs to an essential worker who works in the disability sector.
                                              Looking after Freyja was an opportunity to help her owner.”

Kate and Cecelia run the Richmond Skippers netball club, which helps primary
school girls in Yarra get involved in netball.
Kate: “It was Cecelia’s idea to start up a club for girls, that gets girls into sport.
Cecelia: We realised that there were heaps of girls in our community who weren’t
getting the opportunity to play netball. It’s a bit about fitness but mainly about
learning teamwork and making friends.
Kate: They’ve got a very positive attitude, they don’t care whether they win or
lose too much.
Cecelia: With our first team, we were just thinking about them playing sport.
Then we had an end of year get-together and some of the parents were quite
teary. They said to us: ‘you’ve changed our daughter’s life – her schoolwork has
improved and she’s connected at school. She’s got so much confidence.”

                                              MAKING SURE NO-ONE FALLS THROUGH THE
                                              CRACKS: RACHEL POWNING
                                              Rachel is General Manager of the Neighbourhood Justice Centre.
                                              “We were really concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on people living in Yarra.
                                              We recognised the Neighbourhood Justice Centre could help to bring the agencies
                                              together across Yarra to try to minimise any negative impacts of COVID-19 for
                                              [public housing] communities.
                                              It was a lot of logistical, emergency response management. Just making sure
                                              everyone knew what others were doing so no one fell through the cracks.
                                              The biggest challenge was making sure our clients were okay, constantly thinking
                                              ‘what can we be doing to make this easier for the community?’.
                                              I just want to keep doing work that changes people’s lives for the better. That
                                              changes society.”

                                                          Read more of these women’s stories at yarracity.vic.gov.au/women2021

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
WASTE AND                                        FAST FACTS
RECYCLING                                        Since launching the new glass bin in November 2020:

HOW ARE WE                                          Almost 923 tonnes of glass
                                                                                                      35.48 tonnes less waste
                                                                                                    from rubbish bins has gone

TRACKING?                                        collected for recycling (about the
                                                  same weight as 150 elephants!)
                                                                                                     to landfill, compared with
                                                                                                          this time last year

To help improve the way we recycle,
we rolled out a new waste and
recycling system across Yarra in
November 2020.
This included introducing a new
purple-lidded glass-only recycling bin,               The average yellow-lidded                      Only 1 in 50 rubbish bins
and changing what can go in the                       recycling bin is around ¾ full                   and 1 in 10 recycle bins
yellow-lidded recycling bin.                               when it’s collected                            are overflowing
Your yellow-lidded bin is now being
collected fortnightly. This brings Yarra in
line with 72 out of the 79 councils in
Victoria that also collect recycling
fortnightly. Recycling starts at home,
and we all have an important role to                 Since its launch on 26 February
play in addressing the recycling crisis.              2021 our cardboard recycling                  Most recycle bins that were
Overall our community has been doing                  drop off point in Burnley has                 overflowing were the smaller
a great job.                                           already collected 150 cubic                 size (it’s free to upgrade to the
                                                     metres of cardboard to recycle                 larger size – see more below)
Take a look at how we’re tracking.

• Flatten all cardboard boxes
  Unflattened cardboard is the most
  common cause of overflowing bins in
  Yarra, so make sure you remove the
  tape and flatten your boxes before
  putting them in your recycling bin.
• Drop off any excess recycling
  This could include large one-off items
  such as the cardboard packaging for
  new home appliances. Find out more
  about our recycling drop off centres
  at yarracity.vic.gov.au/dropoff
• Get a bigger recycling bin
  If you need more room for your              Both recycle bins pictured show the same amount of waste including the boxes piled next to
  recycling, we can swap it over to a         the one on the left. Unflattened boxes are the main cause of overflows.
  larger bin free of charge. Visit our
  website to request a bin upgrade:           • Scrunch your aluminium foil into              • Minimise the packaging that
  yarracity.vic.gov.au/binupgrade               a ball                                          you buy
                                                This will also help the people sorting          A great way to do this is to switch to
                                                it to separate it from other items.             reusable, refillable products.
                                              • Squash your plastic bottles and
                                                aluminium cans

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
Is it your yellow-lidded recycling bin, purple-lidded glass bin or your general
rubbish bin? Test your recycling knowledge and see if you know which bin
these items go in.

MILK OR JUICE                                  PLASTIC BAG                                 BATTERIES
CARTONS                                        Answer: Rubbish bin                         Answer: None of your
Answer: Rubbish bin                                                                        household bins
                                               Soft, scrunchable plastics
These are not accepted by                      can’t be placed in your                     The Victorian Government has banned
Yarra’s recycling processor because they       recycling bin.                              electronic waste from going into landfill,
have a plastic lining to keep the liquid in.                                               so batteries cannot be placed in any of
                                               If they’re clean and dry, you can recycle
This plastic cannot be easily separated                                                    your household bins.
                                               them by taking them to a REDcycle bin
from the cardboard, as so cannot be            at participating supermarkets. Find out     You must take electronic waste including
recycled by our processor.                     more at redcycle.net.au                     batteries to a drop off point, such as at
Instead, look for milk or other liquids in                                                 our Customer Service Centres or Clifton
                                               It is also important that you do not
plastic or glass bottles which are                                                         Hill Depot. You can find an electronic
                                               wrap your other items in plastic bags
accepted in Yarra’s recycling bins.                                                        waste drop off near you on our zero
                                               when putting them in your recycling
                                                                                           waste map: yarracity.vic.gov.au/
                                               bins. Items in plastic bags can’t be
                                               separated and so your recycling will end
                                               up in landfill.

BROKEN WINE                                    METAL JAR LIDS
GLASS                                          Answer: Recycling bin                       BERRY PUNNETS
Answer: Rubbish bin                            While your glass bottles and                Answer: Rubbish
Only glass jars and bottles                    jars go in your purple-lidded               Unfortunately this plastic
go in your purple-lidded glass bin. Other      bin, metal lids need to be                  punnet is not labelled 5.
types of glass such as drinking glasses        separated into your yellow-lidded           Most punnets are labelled 1,
or vases have different melting points,        recycling bin.                              but as it is not a bottle, our recycling
and so cannot be included with your            Plastic lids, however, go in your           processor will not accept it.
glass recycling.                               rubbish bin.                                Punnets are made from a variety of
                                                                                           different plastics, and the processor is
                                                                                           not able to tell quickly which type it is.
                                                                                           Also this type of “flimsy” plastic does
   Find out more about recycling in
                                                                                           not make for a high quality product.
   Yarra at yarracity.vic.gov.au/

Yarranews Take a look at our draft Budget for 2021-2022 page 4-5 Gym classes for people of all abilities
Five new Small Business
Ambassadors are working closely
with traders to provide practical,
on-the-ground support and help
meet the ongoing challenges local
business face as a result of
Yarra’s Small Business Ambassadors,
funded by the Victorian Government,
are working one-on-one with local
business to connect them with much-
needed peer support, mentoring and
training, as well as provide the latest
information and advice on COVID-19
guidelines and restrictions, grants and
government support.

This builds on the
significant support                       Yarra Mayor Cr Gabrielle de Vietri visits local businesses with our small business ambassadors
Yarra has provided local
                                          This program is being delivered in
businesses over the past                  partnership with the Victorian                       Find out more about how we’re
12 months including                       Government, under the Working for                    supporting businesses at
                                          Victoria initiative. It is also providing            yarracity.vic.gov.au/business
direct grants, permit fee                 important employment opportunities for
waivers and refunds.                      local people who have lost their jobs,
                                          many as a result of COVID-19.

                                                                                            Library members will soon be able
                                                                                            to visit Bargoonga Nganjin North
                                                                                            Fitzroy Library and Richmond Library
                                                                                            outside of regular opening hours,
                                                                                            through our new Open Library
                                                                                            pilot program.
                                                                                            Open Library will entrust community
                                                                                            members to access the library earlier
                                                                                            in the morning and later at night.
                                                                                            We’re looking for community members
                                                                                            to test it out, so let us know if you’re

                                                                                               Register your interest at yarracity.

10   YARRA NEWS MAY 2021
Na Nguyen volunteers for Cultivating Community, which received an Investing in Community Grant. She’s tended for this magnificent garden
for many years.

Yarra Council has awarded over                 Successful projects funded through this
$1.8 million in community grants to            year’s Annual Grants and Investing in              PRECINCT RECOVERY
more than 150 incredible applicants            Community Grants 2021–23 include:
through the latest round of its
                                                                                                  GRANTS SUPPORTING
                                               • Disability Day Radio from the                    BUSINESSES
Annual Grants and Investing in
                                                 Community Radio Federation: 12
Community Grants 2021–23.
                                                 hours of dynamic radio featuring the             To help revitalise Yarra, more than
This funding supports initiatives in the         voices, ideas and creative talents of            $160,000 in grant funding has
arts, culture, events, community                 people with disabilities in Yarra.               been awarded to support 10
development, climate action, community                                                            exciting projects, including:
                                               • Youth Behind the Wheel from the
housing, family support, youth services,
                                                 Young Assets Foundation – driver                 • Victoria Street Online
sports and recreation.
                                                 safety education to culturally and                 Marketplace
Yarra’s Annual Grants and Investing in           linguistically diverse young people.
                                                                                                  • Smith Street Vintage Trail
Community Grants programs are
                                               • Let’s Keep Cooking from Cultivating
awarded to not-for-profit organisations                                                           • Burnley Street beautification,
                                                 Community – find out more on
and community members throughout                                                                    including plant and art boxes
                                                 page 13.
the City of Yarra to support innovative                                                           • “Your Hood with the Goods”
ideas and projects.                                                                                 North Fitzroy Village campaign
Under Yarra’s Annual Grants 2021,                                                                 This is the second round of our
we’re providing more than $900,000 to             For more information on Yarra’s                 Precinct Recovery Grants, with a
143 applicants. A further 11 applicants           grants program, including a full list           total of 19 projects supported with
will share in more than $900,000 over             of successful projects visit                    $320,000 in Precinct Recovery
three years through the Investing in              yarracity.vic.gov.au/grants                     Grant funding to date.
Community Grants.

                                           The parking bay in McIlwraith Street, Princes Hill, will be paved with recycled tyres

                                           YARRA AWARDED GRANT FOR
                                           ROAD MADE FROM RECYCLED
                                           TYRES, THAT WATER TREES AND
     We want to make sure people
                                           REDUCES POLLUTION
     of all genders feel safe in Yarra.
                                           A street in Yarra is set to be paved
     To help give us some insight, we’re   with recycled tyres, with a new
     working with Monash University’s      technology that reduces waste,
     gender, design and space              encourages tree growth, and
     specialists, XYX Lab, and award-      prevents pollution.
     winning digital consultancy,
     CrowdSpot, to gather perceptions      This high infiltration permeable
     of safety in public space and make    pavement – which will be used to
     real change in our local area.        construct a centre median in McIlwraith
                                           Street, Princes Hill – retains moisture,
                                           preventing pollutants from entering our
     The project, called                   drainage network and reducing
                                                                                              Over the next two years, Yarra Council
     YourGround, looks                     stormwater runoff.
                                                                                              and the University of Melbourne will
     at women’s and                        The water it retains can
                                                                                              monitor how the permeable pavers
                                                                                              perform mechanically, and how
     gender diverse                        then be used by the                                surrounding tree health is affected.
     people’s perceived                    surrounding trees and                              We’re one of 18 Victorian councils and
     recreational safety                   plants, encouraging
                                                                                              alpine resort management boards to be
                                                                                              supported to use recycled materials in
     at different locations                more growth to prevent                             infrastructure projects, through this
     across Victoria,                      the heat island effect.
                                                                                              Victorian Government initiative.

     including Yarra.                                                                         Collectively, the projects will use
                                                                                              approximately 2,000 tonnes of recycled
                                           The pavement is made from around
                                                                                              materials including glass, plastic and
     For the next few months,              70% recycled tyres, sourced from a
                                                                                              rubber to create roads, footpaths,
     YourGround‘s online interactive       Victorian facility – diverting this waste
                                                                                              outdoor park furniture, drainage and
     map will be open for community        from landfill – as well as recycled glass
     submissions.                          and rock particles to give it the strength
                                           needed to sustain the weight of cars and           The Sustainable Infrastructure Fund
     Everyone is encouraged to
                                           other vehicles.                                    is part of the Victorian Government’s
     contribute. We’re interested to
                                                                                              ground-breaking $380 million Recycling
     know how locations make you           Yarra has been awarded a $90,000
                                                                                              Victoria: A new economy plan that is
     feel, and how different factors       grant from the Victorian Government
                                                                                              transforming Victoria’s waste and
     make you feel more or less safe.      through Sustainability Victoria’s
                                                                                              recycling sector and building its
     Contribute at yourground.org          Sustainable Infrastructure Fund to
                                                                                              circular economy.
                                           support this project. Yarra Council is
                                           contributing an additional $75,000, and
                                           is partnering with the University of
                                           Melbourne to deliver this innovative
                                           water sensitive urban design project.

12     YARRA NEWS MAY 2021
Mary Thomas (left) and Tung Nguyen (right) both volunteer with Cultivating Community

For more than 20 years, Cultivating            “You may see a session producing a
Community has been challenging                 tuna nicoise salad, or perhaps injera or    HELPING THE
Yarra residents to take a closer look          sourdough crumpets, [or] chocolate
at their food.                                 muffins, romesco, fajitas and coconut
                                                                                           COMMUNITY HELP
                                               macaroons,” said Rob Rees, Cultivating      THE ENVIRONMENT
As our population grows, so too will the
                                               Community CEO.
demand for more food. Cultivating                                                          Yarra is supporting sustainable
Community works side by side with              Cultivating Community plans to bring all    community-led programs through
public housing and diverse communities,        its cooking-based programs together,        our Investing in Community
and educates people on sustainable and         under a new, larger, broader program        Grants, which prioritise programs
culturally appropriate food practices.         called Let’s Keep Cooking. Yarra is         that help the community respond
                                               supporting Let’s Keep Cooking with an       to the climate emergency.
                                               Investing in Community Grant.
“We love food and we                                                                       This is also the first year we had a
                                               “If you are part of Let’s Keep Cooking      Climate Action stream as part of
love people. We use                            activities you will see our experts         our Annual Grants.
food – the growing,                            encouraging people to get involved
                                                                                           Read more about our grants on
                                               with tasting, touching, preparation
preparation and eating                         and of course, the enjoyment of
                                                                                           page 11.
of it – to connect people                      eating together”
and bring joy.”                                “This funding will allow us to think more
                                               long-term about how we run more
Through a range of hands-on                    cooking clubs and develop food-based
workshops, participants learn about            opportunities for all throughout the
where our food comes from, how to              City of Yarra.”
grow it, and how to make delicious,            Cultivating Community has community
diverse and sustainable meals at home.         gardens at each of Yarra’s three public
Cultivating Community also focuses on          housing high rises, as well as a
supporting those at risk of food               community baking group in Fitzroy and       Find out more about Cultivating
insecurity, offering these people food         other healthy food initiatives that         Community’s programs, and find
pantry program and a safe, dignified           support people in and around Yarra who      out how to get involved:
environment to bond over culturally            need it.                                    cultivatingcommunity.org.au
diverse dishes.

Dee with one of her Yarra Leisure trainers, Andrew

Dee has been attending the Cerebral             “I do it because it gets me moving, it        The Cerebral Palsy
Palsy Program at Richmond                       really helps with my mobility and
Recreation Centre for 10 years. Every           strength” she says.                           Program isn’t just an
Wednesday, she makes the journey
                                                Yarra Leisure’s Cerebral Palsy Program        opportunity to work
from her home in Craigieburn to
Richmond where she works out with
                                                is the only one like it in Melbourne. It’s
                                                run by passionate and knowledgeable
                                                                                              out, it’s a place where
gym instructors Xavier and Andrew.
                                                gym instructors who support and               people can connect and
When she first started the program, Dee
found it a little daunting, but being part
                                                guide a small group of participants
                                                and their carers through strength
                                                                                              meet others with shared
of it has empowered her and has                 building exercises.                           lived experiences.
encouraged her to prioritise her fitness.

                                                 Get Into Group Fitness                      Access All Abilities classes
                                                 Afternoons Monday to Thursday,              Cerebral Palsy Program
                                                 Collingwood Estate Gym
                                                                                             1.15pm weekdays, Richmond
                                                 The Collingwood Estate Gym now              Recreation Centre
                                                 offers a timetable of classes with youth
                                                                                             A strength training session for
                                                 and women’s-only programs, HIIT,
                                                                                             people with cerebral palsy. This
                                                 strength, and open gym sessions.
                                                                                             program is suitable for people who
                                                 Entry is just $2, or free for members
                                                                                             can use gym equipment with the
                                                 and anyone aged 14–17 attending a
                                                                                             support of a carer, including upper
     FIND YOUR                                   youth class.
                                                                                             and/or lower limbs movement.
                                                 Living Longer Living Stronger
     CLASS AT                                    Most weekdays, Collingwood Leisure
                                                                                             Striving for Maximum Strength
                                                                                             1.15pm Tuesday and Thursday,
     YARRA LEISURE                               Centre and Richmond Recreation
                                                                                             Collingwood Leisure Centre

     Our leisure centres offer a range of                                                    11am weekdays, Richmond
                                                 This is a group class for people aged
     programs to support people of all                                                       Recreation Centre
                                                 50+. After an initial consultation, a
     abilities to use our gym, programs          gym instructor will guide you through       Small classes with an instructor
     and services.                               strength exercises that meet your           for people living with chronic health
     Find out more about these programs,         personal health goals.                      conditions. Using different pieces of
     and other classes, at yarracity.vic.                                                    gym equipment, you’ll do a variety
     gov.au/leisure                                                                          of exercises that focus on your
                                                                                             personal goals.

14     YARRA NEWS MAY 2021
Every Saturday
7am to 1pm
Gleadell Street, Richmond
Support local at Yarra’s bustling fresh
food market, overflowing with seasonal
fruits and vegetables, fresh bread, herbs
and other gourmet delights.
                                            RENOVATING                                     WALKING RICHMOND
yarracity.vic.gov.au/gleadell               SUSTAINABLY                                    Saturday 5 June 2021
                                            Wednesday 19 May 2021                          10am to 1pm
ENGLISH                                     7pm to 8.15pm                                  Richmond Town Hall
CONVERSATIONS                               Online                                         Take a walk through the former
                                            Sustainable heritage expert and                “Dockers Hill” and the leafy Vaucluse
Monday 3, 17 and 31 May 2021
                                            conservation architect Ruth Redden will        area and learn how in the 1880s
2pm to 3pm
                                            show sustainability, solar and heritage        Richmond had terraces and villas,
                                            can go hand in hand. You’ll also hear          but became working class after the
Join our library staff for a chat! These    how we’re making it easier to install          1890s depression.
sessions give adult non-English speakers    solar for the two thirds of Yarra residents    yarracity.vic.gov.au/walkaround
a chance to practice their conversation     in heritage overlays, and how you can
skills in a welcoming and safe              get solar through the Yarra Solar
environment. A fun opportunity to           Program.                                       JOB INTERVIEW SKILLS
discuss interesting topics, practice your
English or just meet some new people.       yarracity.vic.gov.au/gosolar                   Tuesday 15 June 2021
                                                                                           2.30pm to 4.30pm
yarracity.vic.gov.au/english                                                               Online
                                                                                           Learn how you can nail your next
VIETNAMESE MUSIC:                           SEASONS TALK                                   interview with this crash course. Learn
DISCUSSION AND                              Tuesday 1 June 2021                            what to do before, during and after
                                            6.30pm to 7.30pm                               a first-round interview. You’ll also
PERFORMANCE                                                                                have a chance to workshop questions
                                            Fitzroy Library
Sunday 16 May 2021                                                                         and answers.
                                            Learn about the 13-month lunar cycle
2pm to 5pm                                                                                 yarracity.vic.gov.au/interview
                                            that make up the Wurundjeri seasons
Richmond Theatrette
                                            from Uncle Bill Nicholson. Hear how
A musical afternoon with song writers       each season relates to both previous
Vien-Trinh, Le-Phu, musician Duc-Dinh       weather patterns and the activities               Stay connected with what’s
and some popular singers in the             associated with each season.                      happening in your neighbourhood
Vietnamese Community. As part of                                                              and around Yarra with our
                                            yarracity.vic.gov.au/seasons                      fortnightly e-news, Yarra Life.
Vietnamese Reading Month, the forum
will discuss what makes a good singer                                                         yarracity.vic.gov.au/yarralife
between live singing performances.

                                               VISIT THE NEIGHBOURS
                                               Check out what’s happening in your area at one of our Neighbourhood Houses
                                               and Learning Centres. They provide a variety of programs and activities
                                               specifically for their local communities. They offer services including children and
  For more information about local             youth programs, art, music, cooking and computer classes, English and other
  events, visit yarracity.vic.gov.au/          language lessons and community lunches, all at little or no cost.
  yarraevents                                  yarracity.vic.gov.au/neighbourhood

What you can put in your recycling bins has changed
Glass                                 Plastic                                    Collection
Separate glass jars and bottles       Only plastic bottles labelled 1            We are still doing weekly
from other recycling.                 and 2 (lids off), and plastic food         recycling collections,
                                      packaging labelled 5, can go in your       alternating between glass
Clean and empty glass jars and
                                      yellow-lidded recycling bin.               and other recyclables.
bottles without their lids go in
your purple-lidded glass bin.                                                    Check the collection calendar
                                                                                 that was sent with your purple
                                                                                 glass bin, or sign up for our bin
                                                                                 collection SMS reminders.
                                                                                 Visit yarracity.vic.gov.au/recyclerev
                                                                                 to find out more.

                                                                                 Not sure where to put something?
                                                                                 Visit yarracity.vic.gov.au/atozguide

    Weekly announcements from
    Yarra News will be broadcast in
    some languages on local radio
    3CR 855AM and 3ZZZ 92.3FM

    YARRA CITY COUNCIL                       ON THE COVER: Na Nguyen is a volunteer with Cultivating Community
    PO Box 168, Richmond VIC 3121            and had been tending for this magnificent garden for many years.
    T 9205 5555                              If you have any comments or queries about Yarra News, please contact
    E info@yarracity.vic.gov.au              us at yarranews@yarracity.vic.gov.au or call 9205 5555. Large print,
    W yarracity.vic.gov.au                   audio and online versions are also available.
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