Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission
Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno
                  December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Our Mission: To love God, proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, and serve all God's people.
Fr. Gerard’s Corner
Isaiah’s poetic language gives us the framework to prepare for Jesus coming into our lives, whether
as an infant at Christmas, in glory at the end of time, or subtly into our hearts when we least expect.
What wastelands take up entirely too much of our time and attention? What valleys of neglect need
to be filled in? What aspects of ourselves have we built up like mountains that need to be made
low? What rugged obstacles have we put in the way so that we don’t have to think about how our
faith should be guiding us? What parts of ourselves are rough and unfinished? Leveling these bumps
and hindrances will prepare us for Jesus’ arrival.
Last week we heard Jesus say, “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come” (Mark 13:33).
Today we are counseled, “with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day” (2
Peter 3:8). In other words, Jesus’ return could come at any time and our perception of time is far different from his.
“Any day” could be tomorrow or it could be another thousand years. Or a million years. We are cautioned against
applying human perspective to divine plans.
God is on our side, the author of the Second Letter of Peter insists. If it feels like the end of the world is delayed, it
is because God wishes that no one perish, that everyone come to repentance. Let this not inspire complacency, but
instead comfort and hope as we try to live righteous and holy lives.
Fr. Gerard Lecomte, CJM
Pastoral Patterns 2020
                                               Question of the Week
                   What concrete action can I take this week to prepare myself for Jesus’ coming?
          November 29, 2020 Collection

        St. James-St. Leo             $6,305
        Online                     $5,151.67
        Total                     $11,456.67

What return shall I make to the Lord for all the Lord has
                given me. — Psalm 116
                    Online Giving

   Online Giving provides a convenient way to make
financial contributions to your church. Visit our website
                                                                     Annual Catholic Appeal is an Invitation and click on "Online Giving"                      to Respond to God’s Blessings
     and complete your initial account registration.
                                                                              St. James-St. Leo ACA Collection
 Thank you for your continued generosity, prayers, and
       participation in the ministry and mission of                       Goal:                     $91,500
  St. James-St. Leo. Your efforts make so many things                     93 Donors Pledged:        $82,915
    possible for our parish, community, and church.                       Remaining:                 $8,585
             Easy, convenient, and secure!
                                                                     For more information or to make a donation, visit:
  We are St. James-St. Leo Weekly Newsletter                          
     Sign up to receive our weekly newsletter by                    In addition to monetary donations, the diocese also
                 Contacting Pamela at                                accepts stocks, bonds and IRA charitable rollover
(858) 755-2545 ext. *106 or                                   distributions.

  St. James—St. Leo Catholic Community is under the pastoral care of the Eudist Fathers, or Congregation of Jesus and Mary.
    We owe our name to Saint John Eudes who founded the Congregation in France in 1643. Evangelization, mainly with the
      poor and the youth, is our primary purpose, as well as formation to ministry in the training of diocesan priests and lay
        ministers. Our motto is “To Serve Christ and His Church.” For more information visit:
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
St. James Church                St. Leo Mission
   625 S Nardo Avenue             936 Genevieve Street
 Solana Beach, CA 92075         Solana Beach, CA 92075               Retirement Fund for Religious
     (858) 755-2545                  (858) 481-6788
                                                                 Please give to those who have given a lifetime.
            St. James-St. Leo Directory
                         Clergy                              Help our elders. In good times and bad, senior Catholic
           Rev. Gerard Lecomte, CJM, Pastor                     sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have | 858-755-2545              dedicated themselves to service and acts of mercy.
                                                                Today, they pray for an aching world. Yet years of
     Deacon Peter Hodsdon, Business Manager                     serving for little or no pay have left their religious | 858-755-2545 Ext. *112
                                                             communities without enough retirement savings. Your
    Dcn. Bill Kazmierowicz, Marriage Ministry Coord.         gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide
                           medications, nursing care, and other necessities.
                                                                                 Please be generous.
             Albert Fitzgerald, Bookkeeper | 858-755-2545 Ext. *104            Donate online at: or
                                                                     make check payable to your parish.
    Virginia Lopez, Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor                   (Write RFR on the memo line.)
  858-755-2545 Ext. *100 |          ______________________________________________
          Pauline Wright, Director of Music
                                                                       Stock Donations Reminder | 858-755-2545 Ext. *300
                                                             A gift of your securities, including stocks or mutual
     Evangely Ward, Director of Youth Ministry               funds, is an easy way to make a gift. By making a gift | 858-755-2545 Ext. *114
                                                             of your appreciated securities, especially during these
        Jake Morrison, Youth Ministry Support                challenging times that we are all experiencing, you can | 858-755-2545             avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be
     Pamela Smith, Director of Religious Education
                                                             due if you sold these assets. Contributions are | 858-755-2545 Ext. *106         deductible for tax purposes. There are no transaction
                                                             fees or other costs and the full value of the sold
             Cathryn Flynn, Ministry Support                 securities benefits the parish, school or other Catholic
 | Ext. *301               charity you select. Stock Donations instructions and
           Antonio Mendoza, Facilities                       forms | 858-755-2545 Ext. *109
                                                             More importantly, the question you may want to
                   St. Leo Mission                           consider is this: Have I been blessed with many gifts
        Jannet Diaz, Director of Hispanic Ministry | (858) 481-6788 Ext. *200        and am I inspired by Gospel teaching and my Catholic
                                                             values that charitable giving is a profound and
    Director of Religious Education - St. Leo Mission        joy-inspiring expression of love and gratitude? How can
                    Blanca Rodriguez
                                                             I live out my Catholic values and put them into action | 858-755-2545 Ext. *102
                                                             for the greater good of the community? Your stock
                 St. James Academy                           contribution will help you live out your Catholic values
              Christine Lang, Principal                      and benefit your parish or school at the same time. For | (858) 755-1777             more information on making a gift please visit our
                              diocesan website at and click on
                                                             Giving – Stock Donations at the top of the website. Or,
                  Saints Thrift Shop
                                                             you may contact the Office for Stewardship,
         Hours: Monday - Saturday | 10am - 4pm               Manny Aguilar, at 858-490-8294 or call Daniel
                                                             Pritchard at Merrill Lynch, the Diocese’s broker,
  To report suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse
                                                             at 760-930-3122.
 within our institutions and ministries please contact the
Victims Assistance Coord., Mary Acosta at (858) 490-8353
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Christmas Flower Offering
                                                               If you would like to make a donation toward the
                                                              Christmas Flowers/Decorations in memory of or in
                                                             honor of a loved one, please stop by the parish office
                                                            or drop off your Christmas Flower Offering envelope in
      Bringing God’s Light and Hope                         the Sunday collection basket. You can also email your
    Christmas Gift Drive December 1 - 20                       request to Virginia at
                                                             All the names of your loved ones will be published in
   Sharing the joy of Christmas by providing gifts for                    the December 20th Bulletin.
   needful families is one of our favorite traditions at
 Mission Circle. This year, our Christmas gift drive will         The deadline is Thursday, December 10th.
  benefit local children whose families have been hit
  especially hard during the pandemic and to families
receiving support from Interfaith Community Services.
               What gifts should I buy?
 Take a tag from the Christmas Tree when attending
 Mass at St. James or in the parish office during the
  week. A link to the entire list will be found on our
                    parish website.
               Where do I return the gifts?
   Return your unwrapped gifts to weekend Masses
 (place gifts in the box near the tree) or take them to
the parish office during business hours, Monday-Friday
 9am-4pm. Remember, if you take a tag from the tree,
    please attach it to your gift. There will also be a
curbside drop-off on Saturday, December 19 from 2pm
  to 4pm by the Academy gates across from the hall.
   There will also be a curbside drop off on Saturday
December 19 from 2pm to 4pm by the Academy gates
               across from the parish hall.
                 When are gifts due?
   Sunday, December 20. They will be delivered to
    Interfaith on Monday morning, December 21.
    Contact program coordinators Julie Bishop at or Debbie Derderian at
     As always, we depend on your generosity and
willingness to bring God’s light and hope to families in
   need. We pray that your faith journey during this
 Advent season bring you peace that prepares you for
the joy of the coming of the Christ child…Emmanuel…
                     Christ with us!                               Christmas Gift Tree
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Pick up your parish Advent gift at Mass!

                                                 2020 Daily Gospel Reflections
                                                      by Bishop Barron

                                     •    The full Gospel reading for each day of Advent 2020
                                     •    A short reflection from Bishop Robert Barron

                                     Supplies are limited. If you miss getting a booklet, you can have the
                                     reflections sent to your email inbox each day at this link:

                      General Absolution: A message from our Pastor

                                              Be Prepared!
In this time of pandemic, our bishop has granted the possibility of general absolution during Mass at Advent,
since there will be no communal penance services. Our preparation for Christmas can and should be also a
spiritual preparation. I invite our believers to get prepared for General Absolution by meditating on the
wonderful text of the formulas (see below), and completing an examination of conscience prior to general
absolution. Please see the many helps for Examination of Conscience from USCCB.

Examinations of Conscience
Before celebrating the Sacrament of Penance, one should prepare oneself with an examination of
conscience, which involves reflecting prayerfully on one's thoughts, words, and deeds in order to identify any

There are various types of examinations of conscience but regardless of which one you use to prepare
yourself for the Sacrament it should be rooted in Scripture; particularly, the Ten Commandments and
Beatitudes. Below are a few examples of Examinations of Conscience that can help you prepare for the

Examination of Conscience based on the Ten Commandments
Examination of Conscience in Light of Catholic Social Teaching
Examination of Conscience for Children
Examination of Conscience for Young Adults
Examination of Conscience for Single People
Examination of Conscience for Married Persons

Examination of Conscience link:

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
St. James-St. Leo is working with several local parishes as the:
       SAN DIEGO CATHOLIC ADULT COMMUNITY (CAC) Young Adults | Adult Community | ACTIVE 60’s+
      Website: | Contact Nancy Wesseln at (858) 847-0724
                                                 YOUNG ADULTS
                                      Wednesdays | “Catholic FORUM” | 6pm
  Elements of the Catholic Mass. Come with questions, ideas and to “meet” other young adults! This is a place to
   discuss faith and be comfortable, knowing none of us are scholars, but love God and care about other people.
                                More details/Zoom link:
                          Thursdays | COLLEGE AGE Game Night! (18-25) | 7pm - 8:30pm
              Looking for a fun faith community? Want to meet others through fun, games and play?
                       Contact: for the Zoom link and JOIN US!
                                           ADULT COMMUNITY (35+)
    Saturday, December 12 | CAC Hiking Group | ALL are welcome! | (This is our group for our advanced hikers.)
 Check email updates and/or our website for hike details! Contacts: Tim, Marc and Doug
                            Sunday, December 13 | Great Works Club | 6pm – 7:30pm
For December, we will be continuing our excellent review of excerpts of St. Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologica.”
      New members are welcome! For the ZOOM link, contact Rochelle
                                                   ACTIVE 60s+
         Friday Walking Group | Meet at 9:30am | St Brigid (parking lot) 4735 Cass Street - Pacific Beach
   We will, of course, conform to social distancing and face covering guidelines. Contacts: Carol (619) 227-7500
                               Tuesday, December 8 | Faith and Belief | 6:30pm
                  Once/month we take an article/topic for guided reflection and discussion.
              Wherever you are in your faith walk - JOIN US! There is no homework/no preparation!
                    RSVP/Contact Warren for the Zoom Link:
                               Sunday, December 13 | 50s+ SOCIAL Group | 2pm - 4pm
            ALL invited to join us for a Christmas Social Flower Child in the Flower Hill Shopping Center
        Christmas Sweaters/Colors encouraged, but not required! We will be gathering - outside patio area.
                   As always, we will conform to social distancing and face covering guidelines.
              NOTE: We need you to RSVP. This is a challenging time, but we are here to support you!
                           RSVP: and

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
El rincón del Padre Gerardo

El lenguaje poético de Isaías nos ofrece el marco para prepararnos para la venida de Jesús a nuestra
vida, ya sea como un bebé en la Navidad, en su gloria al final de los tiempos o sutilmente a nuestro
corazón cuando menos lo esperamos. ¿Qué páramos ocupan mucho de nuestro tiempo y de nues-
tra atención? ¿Qué valles están abandonados y necesitan elevarse? ¿Qué aspectos de nuestra vida
hemos elevado como montañas, que necesitan rebajarse? ¿Qué obstáculos escabrosos hemos
puesto en el camino, que no permiten que nuestra fe nos guíe? ¿Qué partes de nuestro ser se
encuentran ásperos e incompletos? Allanar estos baches y eliminar esos estorbos nos preparará para la llegada de

La semana pasada escuchamos a Jesús decir: “Velen y estén preparados, porque no saben cuándo llegará el mo-
mento” (Marcos 13, 33). Hoy se nos recuerda que “para el Señor, un día es como mil años y mil años, como un
día” (2 Pedro 3, 8). Es decir, la segunda venida de Jesús puede ser en cualquier momento y nuestra percepción del
tiempo es muy diferente a la de él. “El momento” puede ser mañana o mil años más tarde. O dentro de un millón
de años. Se nos advierte no aplicar nuestra perspectiva humana a los planes divinos.

Que Dios está de nuestra parte es en lo que insiste el autor de la segunda carta del apóstol san Pedro. Si nos parece
que el fin del mundo se tarda, es debido a que Dios no quiere que nadie perezca, sino que todos se arrepientan.
Que esto no nos lleve a un conformismo, sino que nos reconforte y nos dé esperanza mientras tratamos de vivir
justa y santamente.

Padre Gerardo Lecomte, CJM
Palabras Pastorales 2020

                                             Pregunta de la Semana
           ¿Qué acción concreta puedo llevar a cabo esta semana para prepararme para la venida de Jesús?

         Horario de Oficina de St. Leo                                                   Si tiene algún familiar
                                                                                     enfermo en casa y le gustaría
                                                                                     llevarle la Eucaristía favor de
       Lunes:          9:00am - 4:00pm                                                      comunicarse con:
       Martes:            CERRADO                                                       Jannet Diaz en la oficina.
       Miércoles:      12:30pm - 4:00pm
       Jueves:         9:00am - 4:00pm
       Viernes:        9:00am - 4:00pm                             Solicitud de Intenciones de Misa
                                                             El mayor de los dones: Santo Sacrificio de la Misa

        ¡Mantente informado!                                   Si desea que se celebre una misa para una occasion
                                                                especial, en nombre de un familiar, un amigo o un
       ¡Síguenos en Facebook!                                 ser querido fallecido, envíenos una solicitud de misa.
                                                               Comuníquese con Virginia Lopez al (858) 755-2545
          @ St. Leo Mission                                        o envíe su solicitud por correo electrónico a
                                                                   Donación sugerida de intención de misa $10

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
Segundo Domingo de Adviento
                                                6 de diciembre de 2020
                                              Que todo valle se eleve,
                                   que todo monte y colina se rebajen. — Isaías 40:4

                        NO SUFRAS                            MISA DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN
    “No dejes que se inquiete tu corazón. No le tengas       Misión de San León Magno
miedo a esa enfermedad, ni a ninguna otra enfermedad         Martes 8 de diciembre a las 7pm
 o angustia. ¿No estoy aquí acaso, quien es tu Madre?
 ¿No estás bajo mi protección? ¿No soy tu salud? ¿No
                                                             ROSARIOS VIRTUALES A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE
eres feliz en mi redil? ¿Qué más deseas? No sufras ni te
                  inquietes por nada”.                       1 al 7 y 9 al 11 de diciembre a las 7pm
—Palabras de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a San Juan          8 y 12 de diciembre a las 6pm
                        Diego, 1531                          Transmisión en vivo por youtube:
                                                             st.james-st.leo y facebook: St. Leo Mission
Primera lectura — Prepara el camino del Señor;               VIGILIA VIRTUAL DE LA FIESTA DE
proclama la buena nueva (Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11).               NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE
Salmo — Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia y danos           Viernes 11 de diciembre
tu salvación (Salmo 85 [84]).
Segunda lectura — El Señor no tarda en guardar su            6:00 pm — 7:00 pm
promesa donde está la justicia de Dios (2 Pedro 3:8-14).     Simbología de la Virgen de Guadalupe
Evangelio — Juan Bautista apareció proclamando un
bautismo de arrepentimiento (Marcos 1:1-8).                  7:00 pm — 8:00 pm
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano             Santo Rosario
Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado
con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.                  8:00pm — 9:00pm
                                                             Mañanitas y alabanzas a la Virgen
Lunes:     Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 5:17-26
Martes: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1-4;                      Transmisión en vivo por youtube:
           Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38                       st.james-st.leo y facebook: St. Leo Mission
Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10;
           Mt 11:28-30                                       MISA EN HONOR A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE
Jueves: Is 41:13-20; Sal 145 (144):1, 9, 10-13ab;            Sábado 12 de diciembre a las 7pm en persona en la
           Mt 11:11-15                                       Misión de San León Magno
Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4; Mt 11:16-19
Sábado: Zac 2:14-17 o Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
                                                             POSADAS VIRTUALES
           Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39-47,
           o cualquier lectura del Común de la               del 15 al 23 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm
           Santísima María Virgen                            Transmisión en vivo por youtube:
Domingo: Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lc 1:46-50, 53-54;               st.james-st.leo y facebook: St. Leo Mission
           1 Tes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Adviento                                    Si desea hacer una donación para las
Lunes:     San Ambrosio;                                       Flores / Decoraciones navideñas en memoria de o en
           Día para Recordar Pearl Harbor                      honor de un ser querido, por favor pase por la oficina
Martes: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen                   parroquial o deje su sobre de Ofrenda de Flores de
           María                                              Navidad en la canasta de la colecta dominical. También
Miércoles: San Juan Diego                                        puede enviar su solicitud por correo electrónico a
Jueves: Día Internacional de Derechos Humanos;                          Virginia a
           Januká comienza al atardecer                       Todos los nombres de sus seres queridos se publicarán
Viernes: San Dámaso I                                                     en el Boletín del 20 de diciembre.
Sábado: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe                                 La fecha límite es el jueves 10 de diciembre.

Thanksgiving Mass at St. Leo Mission Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias en la Misión de San León Magno December 6, 2020 | Second Sunday of Advent
¡Hay algo para todos los jóvenes!
  Si usted tiene hijos en los grados 7 y 8, el Grupo de
 Middle School se reúne los viernes de 6pm a 7pm. Si
 sus hijos están en los grados 9 a 12, el Grupo de High
      School se reúne cada viernes de 7pm a 8pm.
  La mayoría de las reuniones son en línea, algunos
  eventos son en persona - respetando todos los lin-
         eamientos del distanciamiento social.
Para más información y para apuntarse para recibir los
  enlaces visite la página web de la pastoral juvenil:
                                                              Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos
                                                                 Done a los que donaron su vida.
      El Programa de Confirmación ya empezó, las              Ayuden a nuestros mayores. En los buenos y en los
  inscripciones fueron durante el verano, si tiene a un       malos tiempos, hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes
hijo en grado de 9-12 y no lo inscribió, comuníquese con        católicos mayores de órdenes religiosas se han
       Evangely a o al               dedicado a servir y hacer obras de misericordia. Hoy
                                                           ellos rezan por un mundo que sufre. Sin embargo, años
                   858-755-2545 X114.                        sirviendo por poca o ninguna paga han dejado a sus
        Página Juvenil:            comunidades religiosas con gran escasez en los fondos
     St. James-ST. Leo Middle School                         de jubilación. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación
                                                            de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas médicas, cuidados
     Youth Ministry | 7th & 8th Grades                       de enfermería y otras necesidades. Sean generosos.
       Sundays | 3:45 PM — 4:45 PM
       Prayer, games, faith-sharing,                              Done en línea en: o
            bible study & more!                                   Haga el cheque pagadero a su parroquia.
                                                                     (Escriba RFR en la línea de notas).
    Meetings are online. Please sign-up:
               @SJSLYM & @STLeoYM
               @SJYMPics & @STLeoYM
                                                                    Prueba de COVID-19 Gratuita
                                                                         Misión San León Magno
                                                                          936 Genevieve Street
                                                                         Solana Beach, CA 92075

                                                                  Prueba en el vehículo. Cita requerida.

                                                                  Horario: sábados: 8:30 AM — 3:30 PM
                                                                              (888) 634-1123

                                                           Para obtener más información acerca de COVID-19,

Adoración Eucarística                         Misa del Día de Acción de Gracias
            Todos los lunes de 9 AM a 5 PM
                                                           en la Misión de San León Magno
      12 Horas de Adoración Eucarística                        26 de noviembre del 2020
      Iniciando el 4 de diciembre de 6 PM a 6 AM

           Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos
        Todos los viernes de 7:00 AM a 8:30 PM

             Grupo de Matrimonios
      Todos los miércoles de 7:00 AM a 8:30 PM
       Reflexionando los 5 Lenguajes del Amor

                Grupo de Oración
        Todos los jueves de 7:00 AM a 8:30 PM

Distribución de Comida en St. Leo Mission
      Los martes y jueves de 6:00PM a 8:00 PM
       Regístrate aquí:
       Para asistencia: Marisol (858) 382-9444
       Recuerda venir en auto y usar mascara

       Segundo Domingo de Adviento
          6 de diciembre de 2020
               Que todo valle se eleve,
         que todo monte y colina se rebajen.
                    — Isaías 40:4

Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Adviento
Lunes:     San Ambrosio;
           Día para Recordar Pearl Harbor
Martes: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen
Miércoles: San Juan Diego
Jueves: Día Internacional de Derechos Humanos;
           Januká comienza al atardecer
Viernes: San Dámaso I
Sábado: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

                    NO SUFRAS
    “No dejes que se inquiete tu corazón. No le tengas
miedo a esa enfermedad, ni a ninguna otra enfermedad
 o angustia. ¿No estoy aquí acaso, quien es tu Madre?
 ¿No estás bajo mi protección? ¿No soy tu salud? ¿No
eres feliz en mi redil? ¿Qué más deseas? No sufras ni te
                  inquietes por nada”.

—Palabras de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a San Juan
                    Diego, 1531

Prayer Intentions                                            Mass Schedule
     Mike Brown, Rex Browne, Paisley Lafontaine,         Monday—Saturday            Patio of the Bells 8:30 AM
              Gina Marshall and Family                   Saturday: 4:00 PM          SJA Blacktop
                  Mass Intentions                        Sunday: 9:00 AM            SJA Blacktop
                                                                   10:30 AM         St. Leo Mission | Outdoors
Date                    Intention                                                   Spanish Mass
Sun. Dec. 6    9:00 AM Eithne Mery †
                                                         Reconciliation By appointment only.
Sun. Dec. 6 10:30 AM Parishioners                        Office Hours: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM | Monday — Friday
Mon. Dec. 7 8:30 AM Frederick Wendland †
Tue. Dec. 8 12:00 PM Kathryn Kremer †                    Morning Rosary Group
Tue. Dec. 8    7:00 PM Parishioners                      St. James Church | Mon. — Sat. | 8:00 AM — 8:30 AM
                                                         Evening Rosary Group
Wed. Dec. 9 8:30 AM Brian Kenthack †
                                                         St. James Church | Mondays | 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM
Thu. Dec. 10 8:30 AM Bob Edwards †                       Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Fri. Dec. 11   8:30 AM Ralph Grimmer †                   St. James Church | Thursdays | 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM
Sat. Dec. 12   8:30 AM Ralph Grimmer †                   Prayer Ministry
                                                         Patio of the Bells | every 3rd Sunday | after 9am Mass
Sat. Dec. 12   4:00 PM Maria Samaniego †
                                                         Five First Saturday Devotion
 The greatest of Gifts: Holy Sacrifice of the Mass       St. James Church | 1st Saturday | 7:30 AM
      Have a Mass celebrated for a loved one,            Confession, Rosary, Fatima Prayers, and Mass
                 living or deceased.
        Submit a Mass Request to Virginia at                    Parish Website: or call (858) 755-2545           Follow us on Facebook @ St. James - St. Leo
      Suggested Mass Intention Donation $10

   Sunday           Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday           Thursday          Friday          Saturday
6             7                8 NO 8:30 MASS 9                   10                11              12
Second Sunday     Adoration      Immaculate     Staff Meeting        Adoration                            Feast of
  of Advent    St. Leo Mission  Conception of                        St. James                           Our Lady of
              9:00AM-5:00PM       the Blessed                         Church                             Guadalupe
                                  Virgin Mary                     9:00am-4:00pm
                Mission Circle        Mass                                                               Mass at
               Board Meeting       St. James                                                         St. Leo Mission
                                    12:00 PM                                                             7:00 PM
                                St. Leo Mission
                                     7:00 PM

13               14             15             16                 17                18              19
  Collection for    Adoration                   Staff Meeting        Adoration
 the Retirement St. Leo Mission                                      St. James
    Fund for     9:00AM-5:00PM                       Liturgy          Church
    Religious                                      Committee      9:00AM-4:00PM
                                                                   Pope Francis’s
                                                Finance Council      Birthday

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