Page created by Jessica Sparks
2021 edition
Insider’s Guide
           to the     Pointes
            & HARPER WOODS
            A Pointe Media Incorporated Publication

                             MEMBER DIRECTORY
            AND SUPPORTING
             IN THE WORLD

          John Minnis           Terry Minnis          Jody McVeigh         Laurel Kraus Beat       Whitney McDonald
           Publisher           Vice President             Editor            Reporter City/          Business Writer

      Alexis Bohlinger         Kate Vanderstelt        Mike Adzima          Elizabeth Martin       Peggy Walsh-Sarnecki
   Sports/Features Writer       Beat Reporter          Sports Writer        Obituary Writer        Schools/Sailing Writer

  Shelley Owens          Julie R. Sutton      Paul V. Biondi       Olivia Monette      Melanie Mahoney         Renee Landuyt
Advertising Manager     Account Executive   Account Executive     Account Executive    Administrative Asst   Staff Photographer

                                   Complete news coverage of all the Pointes since 1940
                                                     16980 Kercheval
     For subscriptions call 313.343.5578 or email:
Celebrating 44 years
       1977         -    2021

                                             of Real Estate Excellence
       Y E A R S O F
           ADLHOCH &

       SCOTT ADLHOCH                            BILL ADLHOCH                       JENNIFER ADLHOCH                        MIKE LE VAN             MARSHA ZELLER

        DEBBIE CAPUTO                                                                                                                              MOLLY HOHLFELDT

      NANCY HOHLFELDT                                                                                                                               PAULA MORRIS

     CRAIG DOUGHERTY                       RUTH ELLEN MAYHALL                           TOM TABER                          JOY BRACEY              SARAH LATZMAN


          Contact our agents at (313) 882-5200
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                     3
2021 Edition
        John Minnis

      Lauren McGregor
                                                                                               Inside the Guide
         Terry Minnis
         Vice President
                                           On the Cover                                        6           From the Chamber/Publisher

       Graphics Designers                                                                      20          Our Cities
          John Pigott                                                                                      City of Grosse Pointe		 20
          Ken Schop                                                                                        Grosse Pointe Farms		   24
        Donna Zetterlund                                                                                   Grosse Pointe Park		    30
                                                                                                           Grosse Pointe Shores		  34
     Account Representatives                                                                               Grosse Pointe Woods		   38
          Kris Beaver                                                                                      Harper Woods			44
          Paul Biondi
        Dorothy Hawring                                                                        48          Chamber of Commerce
         Diane McIntyre                                                                                    College for Creative Studies 48
         Shelley Owens                                                                                     Welcome to the Chamber       50
          Julie Sutton                                                                                     Board of Directors		         52
        Marilyn Waldmeir               The cover of the 2021 Insider’s                                     Chamber Ambassadors          53
                                       Guide to the Pointes and Harper                                     Ribbon Cuttings		54
    Contributing Photographers         Woods was photographed by Lisa                                      Santa Claus Parade		         55
             Chad Craig                Vreede Photography                                                  The Heartbeat of GP		        56
     Don Schulte Photography                                                                               Arts, Beats & Eats		         57
             Ryan Eaton                                                                                    Legacy on the Lake		         58
     Christine M. J. Hathaway                                                                              GP Chamber Chat		            60
    John F. Martin Photography                                                                             Member Directory		61
            Dana Kaiser                                                                                    Mayors' Prayer Breakfast     64
           Renee Landuyt
      Lisa Vreede Photography                                                                  82          Our Schools and Libraries
          Lauren McGregor                                                                                  Grosse Pointe Public Schools 82
            John Minnis                                                                                    Harper Woods Schools
          Patricia O’Blenes                                                                                and Library			84
          The Portrait Place                                                                               Private Schools			88
            Bill Spengler                                                                                  Grosse Pointe Public Library 92
        SkyView Productions
       Stewart Fine Portraits                                                                  94          Where to Worship
     Yellow Door Photography
                                                                                               96          Advertisers Index
    Editorial Advisory Board           Insider’s Guide to the Pointes & Harper
     Jim and Angie Bournias
        Betsy Burt-Feller
                                       Woods is published annually by Pointe
                                       Media Incorporated, 602 N. Higbie Place,                Features
         Coleman Feller                Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Phone:                               Ford House			10
    Ahmed and Mary Ann Ismail          (313) 640-8955; email: publisher@                                   The War Memorial		       12
      Bob and Diane Klacza    Pointe Media                              Grosse Pointe Yacht Club 14
                                       Incorporated reserves the right to reject
                                       any advertising. Copyright 2021 Pointe
                                                                                                           The Helm			16
                                       Media Incorporated. Complimentary                                   Lisa Vreede Photography  18
                                       delivery to all Grosse Pointe homes and                             Lochmoor Club		42
                                       businesses.                                                         Pointe Fitness 			47

4                              2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
Grosse Pointe’s
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2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY           5
From the Chamber                                                                                                                                    From the Publisher

Experience                                                                                                                                 7 years
Grosse Pointee                                                                                                                             ... and
and Harper Woods!                                                                                                                          counting!

W            elcome to the 2021 edition of the Insider’s Guide to the Pointes
             & Harper Woods!
                Our small businesses are the heartbeat of our neighborhood,
the spine of our local economy and the spirit of our town. The Chamber
understands that to have a strong economic environment you must have a
                                                                                            T        he past 12 months are a year we — business owners and residents
                                                                                                     — will not forget and, hopefully, never have to experience again.
                                                                                                     Observant readers will notice that publication of the seventh annual
                                                                                            Insider's Guide to the Pointes & Harper Woods with the Chamber Member
                                                                                            Directory was delayed for several months due to the pandemic and the
strong community. We are truly blessed in our community to have leaders,                    necessitated downturn in economic activity.
business owners, educators and citizens who realize that we all share in                       Now, with thousands of Michiganders being vaccinated daily, we are
the responsibility of creating economic success and happiness within our                    hopeful that we have turned the corner and defeated the COVID-19 virus
community.                                                                                  — the most devastating scurge to hit the Pointes, Michigan, the country and
   The businesses provide the landscape for our outstanding quality of life                 the world in a century.
by opening their doors to residents and visitors and providing a unique                        We are also very optimistic — indeed, bullish — that once we reach
experience that cannot be compared. Whether a cherished community                           herd immunity and businesses open up unfettered, the economy will come
staple open for decades or a start-up                                                       roaring back. Fasten your seat belts, business owners, pent up demand will
just beginning to make its mark, all our                                                    have customers flocking to your stores like never before!
businesses play a critical role in their                                                       We also anticipate the reopening of the Pointes' active social calendar.
respectful fields and in the continued vitality                                             Last year, all our galas were forced online with virtual auctions and other
of our area.                                                                                fundraisers. We look forward to meeting with our friends and business
   The Insider’s Guide to the Pointes &                                                     associates face to face again, beginning with the 35th annual Mayors' Prayer
Harper Woods will give you access to over                                                   Breakfast on May 6 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and culminating the
600 businesses as well as comprehensive                                                     summer season with the Chamber's Legacy on the Lake gala Sept. 16 at
information covering the entire community                                                   Ford House. The Legacy gala, always a sold-out event, will give Chamber
and the Chamber’s program of work. I                                                        members and guests a chance to experience the new Lake Shore Room in
invite you to wander through the pages of                                                   the newly completed Visitor Center on the Ford House estate.
this guide and indulge in the distinctive                                                      Of course, the galas don't end with Legacy on the Lake. It is only the
communities, rich history, excellent school                                                 beginning for the fall and holiday gala season. After being shut-in for over
system and health care, boundless array of                                                  a year, we are more than ever looking forward to getting out and socializing
shopping, dining, arts, culture and more!                                                   and supporting our many worthwhile institutions and businesses.
   A special thank you to Lauren McGregor, John & Terry Minnis and                             Thank you, again, Grosse Pointe Chamber board and staff — Jenny
the Pointe Media team for creating this publication that inspires us and                    Boettcher, Regan Stolarski and Rachele Wright — for partnering with us in
connects us to our community.                                                               producing this annual keepsake publication. We are proud to be Chamber
   In closing, I encourage you to put your money where your heart is — buy                  members and part of the broader Grosse Pointe, Harper Woods and
local!                                                                                      neighboring business community.
                                                     Jennifer Palms Boettcher                  We hope you enjoy this issue of the Insider’s Guide to the Pointes &
                                                 President/Executive Director               Harper Woods WITH the Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce Member
                                         Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce                  Directory.
                                          Grosse Pointe Chamber Foundation                                                                                     John Minnis
                                                                                                                                               Pointe Media Incorporated

6                                  2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
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2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S    | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                                   7
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8                   2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
Stronger Together!
                  Northeast Integrated Heath is now CNS Healthcare.
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          &     ROT ISSER I E                        SE A FOOD
                                                                                                                      Newly remodeled and ready to serve you!

                                                                                                                        Grosse Pointe Woods

                                                                                                                                         all day!

                                                                                                                                        Enjoy all yo
                                                                                                                                                     ur      DISCOUNT
                                                                                                                                       Big Boy fa

          &     ROT ISSER I E                        SE A FOOD                                                                                                    First
                                                                                                          Big Boy ’s birthday
                                                                                                                              !                               R ponde
                                                                                                                                                               e s
                                                                                                               42 years
                                                                                                                                                               50% offon
                                                                                                             in busines                                                  x
                                                                                                                                                               Come rela r
                                                                                                             Same pro
                                                                                                                           ud                                   your break
                                                                                                                           py to                                  carry out
                                                                                                            owner. Hap
                                                                                                               rv e th e G rosse
                                                                                                            Pointe com

  CALL US FOR CATERING OR SPECIAL PARTIES                                                                                                    • Dine in
                                                                                                                    ck Ave.                 • Carry out
                                                                                                           20710 Ma
      20515 MACK AVENUE,
                                                             HOURS:                                           Grosse Po
                                                                                                                        inte             • Curbside
                                                                                                                 Wood s
                                                    MONDAY — SUNDAY
      313-886-7755                                   3:00 p.m. - 9 p.m.                                        313.886.1
                                                                                                                         9        91
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                               9
Ford House

                                                                                       10 things to do at the Ford House

                                                                                       O          ur new Visitor Center is
                                                                                                  open as of late spring!
                                                                                                  Now’s the time to
                                                                                       rediscover Ford House, the historic
                                                                                       estate of Edsel and Eleanor Ford.
                                                                                                                                         6. Book a photography session.
                                                                                                                                      Ford House is a gorgeous backdrop
                                                                                                                                      for your engagement, graduation,
                                                                                                                                      family or wedding photoshoot.
                                                                                                                                         7. Engage your curiosity with
                                                                                       Come wander, wonder and explore.               educational programs for all
                                                                                       What can you do at Ford House?                 ages. Ford House offers workshops
                                                                                                                                      in gardening, art-based fun,
                                                                                          1. Dine at The Continental,                 interesting lectures and children’s
                                                                                       our new lakeside restaurant. Enjoy             learning activities.
                                                                                       lunch, dinner and Sunday brunch                   8. Tour the house — with a new
                                                                                       with a view of Ford Cove, or get a             self-guided option! Explore the
                                                                                       table on the outdoor patio.                    spaces where Edsel, Eleanor and
                                                                                          2. Take a ride into Driven by               their children lived. The warm and
                                                                                       Design, a new exhibit. See three               welcoming family home is also
                                                                                       of Edsel’s one-of-a-kind cars up               decorated with art and antiques
                                                                                       close and discover his impact on               from around the globe. With our
                                                                                       American auto design.                          new self-guided tour, you can hit
                                                                                          3. Experience the new Ford                  the highlights or linger and explore
                                                                                       Family Story exhibit. Get to know              at your own pace.
                                                                                       the Fords as never before and learn               9. Make memories at our special
                                                                                       about the estate through engaging              events with your family, partner and
                                                                                       interactives, personal artifacts and           friends. You can come out for a day
                                                                                       family film footage.                           of kid-friendly fun or make it a date
                                                                                          4. Host your special occasion               at one of our outdoor mini-concerts.
                                                                                       overlooking Lake St. Clair. The                   10. Stroll the grounds, gardens
       Top right, the new Ford House Visitor Center; top left; The Ford                Lake Shore Room event space                    and Bird Island. Ford House’s
       Family Story exhibit inside the new Visitor Center; above center,               features a balcony, catering, full             scenic landscapes, lakeshore and
       the star of the new Driven by Design exhibit, the world’s only 1939             audiovisual and unmatched                      wildlife are simply not to be missed.
       Lincoln Continental Prototype; above, exploring the grounds of                  panoramic views of the lake. This
       Ford House                                                                      unique venue can accommodate                      You can also become a Ford
                                                                                       corporate galas, rehearsal dinners,            House member! Members get to
                                                                                       baby showers and more.                         visit the grounds for free, take
                                                                                          5. Have a picnic on the estate.             advantage of ticket discounts and
                                                                                       Bring a blanket and spread out for a           pre-sales, walk their dogs and many
                                                                                       picnic. Pick up a bite and beverage            other perks.
                                                                                       from The Speedster, our new quick                 Check for tickets,
                                                                                       service stop in the Visitor Center.            hours and events.

10                            2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
                WANDER. WONDER.  EXPLORE.
                        WONDER . EXPLORE.
                    Take a tour. Walk the grounds. Visit our lakeside restaurant. Enjoy one of our wonderful programs and events.
                                 Find hours, information on how to visit, and purchase tickets at

                                              1100 L AKE SHORE RD., GROSSE POINTE SHORES, MI 48236
                                                 313-884-4222 | W W W.FORDHOUSE.ORG |
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY   11
The War Memorial
        he War Memorial is a legacy-filled institution with a reenergized                   We exist to introduce new ideas, expand horizons and celebrate
        determination to emerge as a regional driver of arts, learning,                   culture. We combat the trend of anti-intellectualism in our country
        patriotism, hospitality and connectivity. Situated on the grounds                 and help people become more aware, more tuned-in and hungrier for
of the historic Alger estate, The War Memorial serves an estimated                        knowledge.
250,000 individuals with over 3,000 functions annually                                                     Whether it’s at a summer concert on the lawn, a
including programs to honor veterans,                                                                               teenage dance or an elegant wedding, The
engagement experiences for adults                                                                                          War Memorial exists so that people
and children, community events                                                                                                  can celebrate life and all its joyous
and celebrations, and premier                                                                                                      moments in a safe, comfortable
hospitality services. With new                                                                                                        and familiar but cutting-edge
programming and innovative                                                                                                             environment.
leadership, we are a unique,                                                                                                              The War Memorial is your
dynamic and forward-                                                                                                                    gathering place. We are your
thinking hub for southeast                                                                                                             town square, your cultural
Michigan with a mission to be a                                                                                                      center, your art museum, your
patriotic, cultural and community                                                                                                 concert venue, your place for
leader.                                                                                                                       special events, your place on the
   The War Memorial is a contemporary                                                                                   lake to just be. We’re also a destination
and inspired gathering place that anchors a healthy                                                             for people outside of Grosse Pointe and the
community on the shores of beautiful Lake St. Clair in the heart of the                    exemplification of just how special this community truly is.
Great Lakes Region. We are a place where industry and innovation live                       You can learn more about The War Memorial at www.warmemorial.
side-by-side with striking natural beauty and a place that attracts the                   org.
best and the brightest to curate outstanding, exceptional experiences that                  Follow on social media to stay up-to-date on The War Memorial's
connect a growing community.                                                              ongoing renovation.

     An Inspired Future.

     The War Memorial is an experiential space unlike
     any other in Michigan, open to everyone from everywhere.
     Here art and music live, laughter and love are shared, memories
     are made, and the community and its leaders connect.
     As we look to the future, we draw inspiration from our storied                                        32 Lake Shore Drive in Grosse Pointe Farms
     past and eagerly await welcoming you to our renovated yet                                             313.881.7511 •
     legacy-filled campus.                                                                                 Learn more about our renovation at

12                               2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
Personal service, trusted guidance
                                                                                                                             for all your Real Estate needs
                                                                                                   18412 Mack Avenue

                                                                                                                         Charles Krasner
                                                                                                   Grosse Pointe Farms
                                                                                                        MI 48236

                                                                                                                                (313) 574-4950

                                                                                                                                     WILLIAM E. BROWNSCOMBE, D.D.S., P.C.
                                                                                                                                          Staff Member: Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe
                                                                                                                                                           Surgical Dept.
                                                                                                                                          Member: American Academy of Hospital Dentists
                                                                                                                                       Charter Member: American Academy of Sports Dentistry
                                                                                                                                       Member: American Dental Association, Michigan Dental
                                                                                                                                          Association, Macomb District Dental Association
                                                                                                                                                Graduate: University of Michigan-B.S.
                                                                                                                                          University Of Michigan School of Dentistry-D.D.S.
                                                                                                                                               Advanced Training in Implant Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                      and Implant Restorations
                                                                                                                                                 24055 Jefferson Ave. Suite 210
                                                                                                                                                   St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
                                                                                                                                            Tel: 586-773-1050 • Fax: 586-773-2059

                                                            In Breed
                                                          Specific Cuts
                                                             Grooming for
                                                             Dogs & Cats

                                                         7 DAYS!                                                                     LET’S FIND THE HOME
                                                                                                                                           of your dreams
                                                SERVING THE POINTES
                                                                                                                                    REAL ESTATE EXPERTISE
                                                   FOR 31 YEARS                                                                     IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                                                                                    Whether you’re interested in buying
         CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT                                                                                                  or selling, contact Julie Ahee |for
                                                                                                                                    your real estate needs.
                                                         20947 Mack Avenue
                                                         Grosse Pointe Woods                                                        313-300-9524

2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                                              13
Grosse Pointe Yacht Club
		                                                              is a club for all seasons

T       hese are typical scenes at
        the Grosse Pointe Yacht
        Club (GPYC): crowds
of wide-eyed children waiting
to greet Santa for the Annual
                                           a permanent bar. The two-
                                           story Marine Activity Center
                                           was completed in 2017 and is
                                           now home to the junior sailing
                                           program and all water sports. Plus,
                                                                                             nautical-themed splash pad. The
                                                                                             new Fitness Center opened in
                                                                                             2019 and includes Peloton bikes,
                                                                                             treadmills, free weights, cardio
                                                                                             equipment and personal training
                                                                                                                                            along with a stellar management
                                                                                                                                            team, the historic clubhouse, the
                                                                                                                                            unbeatable views of Lake St. Clair
                                                                                                                                            and exclusive annual events, make
                                                                                                                                            the GPYC a special place for many.
Tree Lighting, an exclusive wine           the second floor balcony offers the               sessions. The Club’s Tower Pub                    “I can’t think of a better
dinner set for 30 in the elegant           perfect vantage point for watching                was converted into a business                  backdrop for the special — and
Main Dining Room or a laid-back            races and regattas on Lake St.                    center, offering reprieve for those            simple — moments in your
holiday barbeque on the East               Clair. The Center turns into the                  who struggle to work their office              life than GPYC,” says General
Lawn. The backdrops for these              home base for trap shooting in the                jobs at home.                                  Manager Aaron Wagner. “A Club
special moments are plentiful and          winter months.                                       On the horizon, projects                    membership gives you permission
continually increasing, thanks to             The tennis area was recently                   include complete renovations of                to take time out of your hectic
recently completed renovation              expanded to create a true oasis                   the Club’s three dining rooms,                 schedule, splash in the pool, watch
projects and others on the horizon.        for families. The center includes                 lobby and foyer — all designed                 a breathtaking sunset, break a
   Recently completed projects             new Har-Tru tennis courts, four                   by architect Patrick Ahearn. And               sweat on the pickleball courts,
include the drastic makeover of            pickleball courts, two bocce                      with normalcy just within reach,               savor wines at a tasting in the
the Club’s Bowling Recreation              courts, a shuffleboard court, half-               the GPYC’s annual events —                     wine cellar or enjoy a world class
Center, which now includes                 court basketball, a playscape and                 such as the Blessing of the Fleet,             meal with loved ones in one of our
                                                                                                                Fleet Review,               dining rooms. We all know that
                                                                                                                Commodore’s                 life races forward at record speed,
 Photo by Lisa Vreede Photography                                                                               Ball, Summer                but GPYC gives you a chance to
                                                                                                                Breeze party and            slow down and enjoy what truly
                                                                                                                Santa visits —              matters — family and friends.”
                                                                                                                plan to be better              For more information,
                                                                                                                than ever this              visit or contact
                                                                                                                year.                       Membership Director Susan
                                                                                                                   These                    Hughes at (313) 640-3188 or

                                                                                                                                   Since 2019, Grosse Pointe Yacht
                                                                                                                           Club has been awarded the prestigious
                                                                                                                         Distinguished Club award, as determined
                                                                                                                         by BoardRoom Magazine, one of the most
                                                                                                                         respected trade publications serving private
                                                                                                                         clubs. GPYC is part of an exclusive group
                                                                                                                         of private clubs across the country with this

14                                  2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
Picture Yourself at the GPYC!

                                                                 Grosse Pointe Yacht Club

                                                              For information please contact:
                                                               Susan Hughes (313) 640-3188

2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY   15
The Helm at the Boll Life Center
     Shining for 43 Years

W             e’re The Helm. We’ve
              been the go-to resource
              for older adults in
our community for more than 40
years. Our mission is to inspire and
                                            seminars, music and art workshops,
                                            legal and estate planning. That was
                                            just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
                                            And then we hit the iceberg — or
                                            rather it hit us. COVID-19 put
                                                                                                 Like many organizations, we
                                                                                              reopened cautiously in late summer
                                                                                              with a few exercise classes and social
                                                                                              activities, only to be shut down again
                                                                                              by state mandates in November.
                                                                                                                                             intergenerational ones.
                                                                                                                                                We won’t ever forget 2020, but we
                                                                                                                                             will take all of the lessons learned.
                                                                                                                                             We encourage you to take control
                                                                                                                                             — take The Helm — of your life’s
enable Harper Woods and Grosse              an end to all of our non-essential                But, those essential services kept on          journey and find your way here.
Pointe residents to enjoy the gift          activities for several months.                    going.
of longevity, living healthier and             We went from unbridled                            And now, it’s 2021. We’ve once
meaningful lives as they age.               excitement over all of the new                    again reopened our doors cautiously
   Our focus is on programs to help         activities and people in our facility             for those activities that make
you stay healthy and safe, enjoy            to deep concern about continuing to               growing older easier and more
fun and friendship, and provide             provide the indispensable services on             enjoyable and meaningful. The
lifelong learning opportunities — the       which many of our seniors rely and                pandemic taught us new ways to
things studies have shown help us           can’t get elsewhere.                              stay connected — whether through
age gracefully. We are also a place            Essential staff continued to work              virtual classes, meet-ups in driveways
to get help and support for yourself
or an older loved one to live as
                                            in the building or from home making
                                            wellness calls and ensuring seniors
                                                                                              or good old-fashioned telephone
                                                                                              calls. It also taught us how much we
                                                                                                                                                   Coming in 2021
independently as possible.                  had access to referrals, medical loan             enjoy being together in person. (Even                Lawn Games
   In early 2020, our house on              equipment and Medicare counseling.                Michigan winter weather couldn’t                     Monthly Barbecues
Ridge Road was bustling with more           Volunteers continued to deliver                   stop socially distanced gatherings,                  Weekly Coffee Connection
activities and people than ever             Meals on Wheels. And, we turned                   whether in garages or plastic igloos!)               Art on the Patio
in our four decades of existence.           our congregate lunches into carry-                We still will offer the regular classes
                                                                                                                                                   French on the Patio
Tai chi, yoga, dance, Zumba, card           out mode to make sure community                   you’ve come to enjoy and rely on,
games, PingPong, service projects,          members had access to nutritious                  but we have so much more in store!                   Plein Air Workshops
volunteering, movies, crafts, one-          and healthy food while limiting their             We’re going to take advantage of                     Intergenerational Gardening
on-one computer instruction,                exposure at grocery stores and food               our beautiful grounds and have
foreign language classes, brain fitness     markets.                                          planned so many activities, including

16                                   2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
One place the entire
community calls home.
What is The Helm? It’s a cooking school, a place to stay fit, a painting studio and a great spot
for lunch. Where you can get help getting things done and enjoy getting together with friends.
And it’s a reliable resource here in the community for older adults in the good times — and
even more so during these tough times. The Helm is The Hidden Treasure on Ridge Road — just
waiting for you to discover it.

           LEARN AND                                              FUN AND                              HEALTH AND                                SERVICES AND
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Find out what’s possible at The Helm:
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GROSSE           POINTE FARMS, MI 48236
  2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S &   HARPER WO ODS   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
Lisa Vreede Photography
 “Capturing Emotion ... One Photo at a Time”

         he seed was planted in a
         photography class at Grosse
         Pointe South High School.
   “My passion for photography
started with Jack Summers’ class,”
says Lisa Vreede. “He inspired so
many artists and photographers.”
(The beloved artist and longtime
South teacher passed away in 2019.)
   Vreede went on to earn degrees
at University of Michigan and Duke
University and spent the following
two decades working for Texas
Instruments. But all along the way,
Summers’ influence endured.
   In 1996, Vreede, her husband and
their three young children returned
to Grosse Pointe.
   “In 2001, I retired and became
really involved with the kids’ schools
and volunteering,” says Vreede, who
was elected to the School Board and
became a founding member of the
Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public
Education (GPFPE).
   “Along the way, photography was
always there,” she says. “When the                                                                                              Photos by Lisa Vreede Photography
kids came along, I photographed.
Then, for the GPFPE and                                                                             the boy.              react.” She adds, “I’m very technical
volunteering at Kerby, my camera                                                                       “He was            with my gear. I shoot in manual
was always present.”                                                                                featured in many      mode for greater control of the look
   When all her kids had graduated,                                                                 of the photos and     of my images.”
Vreede decided to pursue a career                                                                   really brightened        Vreede is constantly perfecting
in photography. “It was 2012 when I                                                                 up seeing them,”      her craft through photography
started Lisa Vreede Photography and                                                                 says Vreede. “He      workshops and organizations.
dove into my passion.”                                                                              then shared the          “I really feel fortunate to do this
   Vreede’s work runs the gamut.         she says.                               photos and his stories about the         kind of work,” she says.
“I photograph a lot of nature,              Vreede has been asked to             event with his doctors, nurses and          Lisa Vreede Photography is
landscapes and wildlife.” She’s          photograph a wide range of notable      visitors.”                               available for portraits, weddings and
an avid birder and has captured          school and philanthropic events,           The photos featured him as he         events. Learn more at
remarkable images of unique birds.       including events for Michigan           wanted to be — happy and healthy.        and on Instagram
   “Photographing birds offers           Medicine, Rehabilitation Institute of      “I will hear back from people         @lisavreedephoto.
an opportunity to enhance your           Michigan Foundation, Grosse Pointe      years later, about how much a
photographic skills,” she says.          Chamber of Commerce, The Family         photograph meant to them,” she
“There is the motion of the wings,       Center, the GPFPE and more.             says. She is especially touched by the
angles to bring catchlights to the          One of her most meaningful           clients who enlist her service time
eyes, time of day and behavioral         photography moments was the             and again — “that they trust me.”
patterns.” Working with these            result of her work at a Michigan           Capturing raw emotion is
variables on a regular basis honed       Medicine event.                         paramount to Vreede. “I love to
the photographer’s abilities.               “At the event, I took photos of a    anticipate and be prepared. Then
   While she is fond of documenting      happy, healthy boy. I found
wildlife, Vreede is equally passionate   out that he had a medical
about photographing people.              setback shortly after.”
   “When you’re behind the camera,          To lift his spirits, Vreede’s
you can develop a unique and             client at Michigan Medicine
trusting relationship with people,”      shared the full gallery with

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Grosse Pointe                                City                                                                        Grosse Pointe City Hall
                                                                                                                 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                          17147 Maumee Avenue
                                                                                                                         Grosse Pointe, MI 48230

                      with the              Mayor

            hat makes Grosse
            Pointe City unique
            to the area and the

   At 1.1 square miles, the City
                                          young families, young professionals
                                          and older adults alike. It’s no surprise
                                          that once people settle in the City,
                                          they tend to stay.
                                             How has Grosse Pointe City
                                                                                               What exciting plans does Grosse
                                                                                            Pointe City have in the next year?
                                                                                               The Village continues to be a
                                                                                            priority. Now a Michigan Main Street
                                                                                                                                             Pointe City Council
has a small-town feel with big-city       weathered the pandemic?                           community, The Village recently                     Public meetings of the City
amenities. We are home to The                Although it’s been a difficult                 hired its first full-time executive              Council of Grosse Pointe
Village, which serves as the primary      year, we’ve been able — with                      director and, working with Main                  City are held generally the
downtown for all the Pointes. Such a      modifications — to preserve many of               Street consultants, is undertaking a             third Monday of each month
small footprint allows us to provide      our traditions and events. As we’ve               community-wide visioning study to                at 7 p.m. in the Council
outstanding City services with a          adapted to changing circumstances,                ensure that plans for revitalization             Chambers, 17147 Maumee
personal touch.                           the resiliency and creativity of our              reflect what residents want. The                 Avenue, Grosse Pointe. Please
   What makes Grosse Pointe City          community members and our City                    City is also working on reopening                visit the event calendar at
an idyllic and welcoming home for         staff has been impressive. We were                strategies and is planning for better-  for
all people?                               able to finish construction of our                than-ever events when we can gather              specific meeting dates.
   Our tree-lined streets with            new Public Safety and Public Works                again.
sidewalks, the front porches of our       buildings, and are now putting the                   What is your favorite thing about
architecturally diverse homes, and        finishing touches on the renovations              being the mayor of Grosse Pointe
our lakefront and parks all foster        to the old fire station on Maumee.                City?                                          have entrusted us with preserving
an environment where people get           City Council has set realistic goals                 I enjoy working as part of a team           and protecting the traditions we all
to know their neighbors, look out         for this year, which will help us not             with my fellow Council members                 love while thoughtfully and carefully
for each other, and say hello when        only stay responsive to changing                  and with our professional City                 moving the City forward.
they’re out walking the dog. A wide       conditions but also be ready to move              staff. My goal is to live up to the                     —Mayor Sheila Tomkowiak
variety of housing options attracts       forward quickly when circumstances                expectations of the residents who                                    (313) 885-5800

20                                 2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
City Council
                                     City Contacts
                                  City Manager:                                            Assistant City
                                  Peter J. Dame                                              Manager:
                               Phone: (313) 885-5800                                      Julie E. Arthurs
                                  Email: pjdame@                                       Phone: (313) 885-5800
                                                            Email: jarthurs@

                                                                                                                             Maureen Juip              Donald J. Parthum, Jr.

                   City Clerk:                                      Supervisor of Public Services:
                 Julie E. Arthurs                                         Kirk VanOpdenbosch
            Phone: (313) 885-5800                                        Phone: (313) 885-5800
      Email:                    Email:

        Finance Director/Treasurer:                            Supervisor of Public Services/Parking:
                Kimberly Kleinow                                              Brian Kress
             Phone: (313) 885-5800                                     Phone: (313) 885-5800
      Email:                        Email:
                                                                                                                            John Stempfle                Terence Thomas
      Director of Parks & Recreation:                                 Director of Public Safety:
          Christopher M. Hardenbrook                                           John Alcorn
            Phone: (313) 343-5257                                        Phone: (313) 886-3200
   Email:                        Email:
                                                                     Location: 17320 Mack Avenue
              Court Administrator:
                   Lisa Akers                                              Building Inspector:
             Phone: (313) 343-5262                                            Terry Brennan
      Email:                               Phone: (313) 885-5800
        Director of Public Services:                                                                                        Chris D. Walsh               Daniel J. Williams
                 Pete Randazzo                                                 Assessor:
             Phone: (313) 885-5800
                                                                              Eric Dunlap
                                                                         Phone: (313) 885-5800
                                                                                                                               Court Information
       Supervisor of Public Services:                                                                                                                17147 Maumee Avenue
                 Neil Johnston                                                  Forester:                                                            Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
            Phone: (313) 885-5800                                              Brian Colter                                                        Hours: Monday through Friday,
     Email:                               Phone: (313) 885-5800                                                          8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                   Email:                                                  Municipal Judge:
                                                                                                                                                       Russell F. Ethridge
                                                                                                                                                      Phone: (313) 343-5262
                                                                                                                                                        Email: gpccourt@

                                                   Commissions and Foundations
Beautification Commission                                         Parks and Harbor Advisory Committee                          Employees Retirement System
Chair: Susan Budrys                                               Chair: Dr. Bill Quinlan                                      Chair: Michael Bernard

Election Commission                                               Urban Forestry Commission                                    The City of Grosse Pointe Foundation
City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney                         Chair: Rick Whitney                                          President: John Shook

Photos by The Portrait Place
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                                   21
Parks & Recreation                                                                                                     Director: Christopher Hardenbrook
                                                                                                                   Phone: (313) 343-5257 Fax: (313) 885-1183

     Photo by Jack Ryan/SkyView Productions

                                                                                               Neff Park
                                                                                               17350 Jefferson Avenue
                                                                                               Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
                                                                                               Supervisor: Christopher Hardenbrook
                                                                                               Phone: (313) 343-5257
                                                                                               Amenities: Recreation fields, pool, ice rink, marina,
                                                                                               and platform tennis

                                                                                               Elworthy Field
                                                                                               17150 Waterloo St.
                                                                                               Grosse Pointe, MI 48230

                                                                                                                                   Park Passes
                                                                                                                for park pass information.

22                                     2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
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                the reputation of honesty, integrity and reliability that is why Makos Builders offers a                            Project completion on agreed upon date.
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2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                              23
                                                                                                                        Grosse Pointe Farms City Hall

Grosse Pointe
                                                                                                                 Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                90 Kerby Road
                                                                                                                        Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

                       with the              Mayor
             hat makes Grosse
             Pointe Farms unique
             to the area and the

   While the Pointes share many
                                            feet to well over 15,000 square feet.
                                            Our Pier Park has what seems like
                                            an unlimited amount of recreational
                                            opportunities, paired with the only
                                            beach in the Grosse Pointes. New this
                                                                                              benefit the city for years to come.
                                                                                              I’m also grateful to our Public Safety
                                                                                              and Public Works employees who
                                                                                              worked uninterrupted throughout
                                                                                              the pandemic — keeping the city
                                                                                                                                             the opening of a new bookstore
                                                                                                                                             and restaurant on The Hill. In
                                                                                                                                             addition, the City is also working
                                                                                                                                             with the Grosse Pointe Chamber of
                                                                                                                                             Commerce in hosting a Summer Art
attributes, the Farms has many              summer will be an expanded number                 safe, trash collected and streets              Fair in the community.
unique offerings. We have nine              of paddleboard/kayak racks and a                  plowed. Furthermore, our Parks and                            —Mayor Louis Theros
places of worship, five public              new gazebo made possible by our                   Recreation staff has worked tirelessly                        Phone: (313) 319-6708
schools, two private schools, the           Farms Foundation. Finally, we enjoy               and creatively to keep recreation                                     Email: ltheros@
Central Library, The Helm at the            a long length of public lakefront to              programs and the pool open safely.                              
Boll Life Center, The War Memorial,         walk or ride bikes. Can’t get more                   What exciting plans does Grosse
three premier private clubs and two         idyllic than this in my opinion.                  Pointe Farms have in the next
distinct business districts that boast         How has Grosse Pointe Farms                    year?
a variety of restaurants, retail and        weathered the pandemic?                              In the next year, the city will
office space.                                  It has been a difficult year for all           be embarking on the first year of               Grosse
   What makes Grosse Pointe
Farms an idyllic and welcoming
                                            our residents, but I am proud of how
                                            the community has galvanized and
                                                                                              voter-approved road work. This
                                                                                              year’s work includes repair of a
                                                                                                                                              Pointe Farms
home for all people?
    The amenities provide our
                                            stayed safe. The number of COVID
                                            cases has remained relatively low
                                                                                              substantial section of Kerby Road,
                                                                                              among other roads; Kerby Field will
                                                                                                                                              City Council Meetings
diverse citizenry with a plethora           in the Farms when compared                        unveil over $1.5 million of mostly                City Council Meetings are
of educational and recreational             with state-wide figures. Our                      privately funded improvements; The              held monthly at 7 p.m. See www.
options. Additionally, our city has a       administration has reexamined how                 War Memorial is launching its $20      for complete
wide variety of housing stock, with         to best continue service and focused              million renovation and expansion                schedule.
homes ranging from 1,000 square             on technological upgrades that will               project; and we look forward to

24                                   2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
City Contacts                                                                                    City Council
                                                              City Manager:
                                                              Shane Reeside
                                                     Phone: (313) 885-6600 ext. 1235
                                                             Email: sreeside@

                                                                                                                      James C. Farquhar Jr.                   John J. Gillooly
      Assistant City Manager/Clerk:                             Director of Public Services:                          Phone: (313) 510-1124               Phone: (313) 418-4995
               Derrick Kozicki                                          Matthew Baka                                     Email: jfarquhar@                    Email: jgillooly@
      Phone: (313) 885-6600 ext. 1236                          Phone: (313) 885-6600 ext. 1231                    
              Email: dkozicki@                                          Email: mbaka@

   Director of Finance and Operations:                           Director of Public Safety:
         Debra Peck Lichtenberg                                    Chief Daniel V. Jensen
     Phone: (313) 885-6600 ext. 1237                           Phone: (313) 885-2100 ext. 1203
               Email: dpeck@                                     Email:
                                                              Deputy Director of Public Safety:
      Director of Parks & Recreation:                                Chief John Hutchins
                Chris Galatis                                  Phone: (313) 885-2100 ext. 1202
                                                                                                                          Beth Konrad-                          Joe Ricci
           Phone: (313) 343-2405                                 Email:
                                                                                                                           Wilberding                     Phone: (313) 304-4268
               Email: cgalatis@
                                                                                                                      Phone: (313) 600-2534                  Email: joericci1@
                                      Water Superintendent:
                                                                                                                       Email: bethkonrad@               
                                                                        Scott Homminga
                                                                                                                                           Mayor Pro-Tem
            Court Administrator:                                       Email: shomminga@
                Susan Thomas                                
            Phone: (313) 885-2104
               Email: sthomas@

                                      Court Information
                                                City Hall - Second Floor
                                            90 Kerby Road, Michigan 48236                                                   Neil Sroka                         Lev Wood
                                             Hours: Monday through Friday,                                            Phone: (847) 219-8491               Phone: (734) 904-0868
                                                8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                                    Email: nsroka@                    Email: levwood1@
                                                Phone: (313) 885-2104                                                  
                                                  Municipal Judge:
                                           Honorable Matthew R. Rumora                                                                                  Photos by The Portrait Place

                                          Grosse Pointe Farms Foundation
   Founded in 1980, the Grosse Pointe            inception, the Foundation has built,             Grosse Pointe Farms Foundation Board                  Foundation Contact
Farms Foundation is an organization              restored or maintained some of Grosse                  Jeffrey Huebner, Chairman                   Shane Reeside, City Manager
that aims to make the Grosse Pointe              Pointe’s most endearing landmarks,                     Ed Wujek II, Vice Chairman                 Phone: (313) 885-6600 ext. 1235
Farms community a truly exceptional              enhancing both the utility and aesthetic              Stephen Brownell, Treasurer                         Email: sreeside@
place to live, work and visit. Since its         of the area.                                            Ryan Jezdimir, Secretary             

2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                                       25
Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                                      Director: Chris Galatis
                                                                                                                       Phone: (313) 343-2405

                                                                                                                     Photo by Renee Landuyt; courtesy of Grosse Pointe Farms

                                                                                     Pier Park
                                                                                     350 Lakeshore Rd.
                                                                                     Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
                                                                                     Phone: (313) 343-2405
                                                                                     Amenities: The only beach in the Pointes, pool, wading pool,
                                                                                     splash playground, playscapes, three tennis courts, three shuffle
                                                                                     board courts, two paddle tennis courts, ice rink, 333 boat slips,
                                                                                     Orten Activity Building, harbor and community building

                                                                                     Kerby Field
                                                                                     498 Kerby Rd.
                                                                                     Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
                                                                                     Amenities: Orten Fieldhouse,                       Park Passes
                                                                                     four baseball fields, batting                       Visit www.
                                                                                     cages, soccer field, dog park and                   grossepointefarms.
                                                                                     playscape                                           org for park pass

Photos by Lauren McGregor

26                          2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S    | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
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    We’re Global.... connecting our sellers with buyers from                                                                                                                        throughout Metrop
                     around the Nanci
                                      Bolton And  connecting
                                               Janet Ridder      Connieour
                                                                                 Donna Stoner                                                               Cathy Champion                      andMega
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               Contact one of our Professionals today!                                                                                                                            with Realtors in any

                                                                                                                                                                             Contact one of our Pro
  Chace Wakefield                     John D. Hoben          DarleneCynthia
                                                                     Clifford BrilesKate Molloy Lynda Robert
                                                                                                      Rabaut Ridder                         Kate
                                                                                                                                                  Hill               Robert Ridder
                                                                                                                                                            Charlene Williams   Polly Ryan                 Jean Stroh
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Alexis DeLuca           Kathari

      Nanci Bolton     Janet Ridder      Connie Dunlap    Donna Stoner      Cathy Champion     Kevin Brennan      Chace Wakefield    Megan Prieur

                                                                                                                                                                   Nanci Bolton      Janet Ridder     Connie Dunlap   Donna Stoner     Cathy C

    Darlene Clifford    Kate Molloy       Robert Ridder       Carolyn
                                                            Cindy Hill Candler           Cynthia Polly
                                                                          Charlene Williams      BrilesRyan         Suzi DeLuca
                                                                                                                   Alexis Brock     KatharineRoger
                                                                                                                                              MurrayMason    Lynda Rabaut              Jean Stroh               Bob Neeme            Melissa

       Cindy Hill                     Brittany Scherer                   Roger Mason                          Suzi Brock                     Bob Neeme             Carolyn Candler
                                                                                                                                                                              Kate Molloy
                                                                                                                                                                  Darlene Clifford                    Darlene Clifford
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Robert RidderCindy Hill         Charlene

                               Nathan Steiner
                                VP of Mortgage Lending
    Carolyn Candler    Cynthia Briles  Suzi Brock
                         Roger Mason
                                                                            Lynda Rabaut          Associates
                                                                                                        Bob Neeme
                                                                                                 Jean Stroh       ofMelissaGrosse
                                                                                                                                    Pointe, Realtors
                                                                                                  Associates of Grosse Pointe, Realtors                           Carolyn Candler    Cynthia Briles    Suzi Brock     Roger Mason      Lynda
                             O: (313) 279-6886Dick Dunlap
                                                                                                   90 Kercheval “on the Hill” Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236                                                                          Brittan

                             C: (313) 570-3121

       Nathan M. 86
                             F: (773) 541-2044
           Dunlap Vice President of Sales
                                          of Avenue,
                                             Grosse Pointe, Realtors
                             Grosse Pointe Farms,
                                                                                                                                    Brittany Scherer                                          Associates of Grosse Pointe,

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                                                                                                      Call Bill-Free Vessel Safety Exam at 313.744.7472
                                                                                                                      Grosse Pointe information
28                                  2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
                             #1 OFFICE

                                    Meet Our Award Winning Team

         Michelle Agosta                                                  Andrew Kesteloot                                       John Peck
         Julie Ahee                                                       Miles Knight                                           Megan Prieur
         Tom Boos                                                         Charles Krasner                                        Dino Ricci
         Lynn Caldwell                                                    Peggy Kudla                                            Jan Ryndress
         April Caputo                                                     Phil Labut                                             Taryn Schaldach
         Helena Carroll                                                   Mike Lizza                                             Bill Schueler
         Katie Caul                                                       Jeanne Lizza Liddane                                   Pete Schueler
         Ann Chapelle                                                     Carli Lovell                                           Amber Shekoski
         Pat Chasteen                                                     April Lucas                                            Dean Sine
         Austin Colpaert                                                  Frank Lucido                                           Shana Sine Cameron
         Rob Crandall                                                     Sally McLeod                                           William Skitch
         Michael DeFauw                                                   Kelie McMillan                                         Cheryl Smith
         Connie Dunlap                                                    Chelsea Michon                                         Linsey Spooner
         John Gallagher                                                   Cindy Miller                                           Shawna Sturtz
         Charles Gates                                                    Alice Mitkus                                           Nora Utley
         Patty Groezinger                                                 Mark Monaghan                                          Kim Valice
         Gregory Jones                                                    Mark Orr                                               Patty Vasilos
         Christine Jurcak                                                                                                        Charlene Williams

                                18412 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY      29
                                                                                                                           Grosse Pointe Park City Hall

Grosse Pointe
                                                                                                                     Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                            15115 East Jefferson Avenue
                                                                                                                            Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

                        with the               Mayor
W              hat makes Grosse Pointe
               Park unique to the area
               and the Pointes?
   Grosse Pointe Park is known as
the Pointe of Distinction and a great
                                               architectural styles are a strength of
                                               Grosse Pointe Park.
                                                  How has Grosse Pointe Park
                                               weathered the pandemic?
                                                  Although the pandemic
                                                                                                 districts will continue to host periodic
                                                                                                 events which include closing streets
                                                                                                 and numerous family-oriented
                                                                                                 activities. The Parks and Recreation
                                                                                                 Department will be busy with a full
                                                                                                                                                  Pointe Park
                                                                                                                                                  City Council Meetings
place to raise a family. There are             has stressed us all, and been a                   calendar and completing a new dog                   Meetings of the City Council
many reasons for this. The Park has            considerable challenge for some of                park at Patterson Park.                          are held on the second or fourth
four walkable commercial districts,            our businesses, the Park is poised to                We also expect to see ground                  Monday of each month at 7
on Mack, Charlevoix, Kercheval and             emerge from the pandemic stronger                 breaking for the donor-funded A. Paul            p.m. in the Council Chambers
Jefferson, each with a unique mix of           than ever. The community and local                and Carol C. Schaap Center for the               at the Municipal Office
retail, restaurants, offices and services.     government supported our local                    Performing Arts and the Richard and              Complex, 15115 E. Jefferson.
Kercheval and Charlevoix also have             businesses, allowing them to continue             Jane Manoogian Art Gallery. It will be           See the City Calendar at www.
designated social districts, supporting        to serve the residents of the area.               located at Jefferson and Maryland and   for details.
the local restaurants by allowing open         Many businesses also benefited from               will be constructed and operated by
container outdoor socializing across           federal and state grant programs. This            an independent foundation.
the district.                                  has been particularly important for                  On the topic of the city                    home for these basic city services.
   We also boast two beautiful                 the many restaurants and bars in the              infrastructure, the paving program                What is your favorite thing about
waterfront parks which include many            Park, as they all look forward to more            will complete residential street paving        being mayor of Grosse Pointe Park?
amenities, including two movie                 normal operations in the future.                  and begin to focus on parking lots and            We have a wonderful community
theaters, fitness center, community               In addition, the real estate market            alleys. The Park will also be initiating       of residents, many of whom volunteer
center, Olympic pool, marina,                  has done well and City finances are               a major underground infrastructure             their time and talents to serve on
boardwalk, ice rink/reflecting pond,           very sound. The City administration               improvement project focused on                 our boards and commissions. The
golf pitch and putt, kayak storage/            also successfully applied and received            replacing the lead water service lines         enthusiasm and energy of our city
launch and more.                               grant funding, which along with                   which connect some homes and                   administration employees across
   The Park is also the most diverse           prudent fiscal management has left                upgrading selected water mains.                all departments is also inspiring as
of the Pointes, both demographically           the City in a strong financial position.          A new Public Service Department                I work daily with them to serve our
and in terms of the wide range of                 What exciting plans does Grosse                (DPW) facility is expected to be               residents.
residential living options. Single             Pointe Park have in the next year?                completed on Mack to provide a                            —Mayor Robert W. Denner
family homes of various sizes and                 Our Kercheval and Charlevoix                   modern, efficient and attractive new           Email:

30                                      2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
City Contacts                                                                                 City Council
                                                             City Manager:
                                                             Nick Sizeland
                                                         Phone: (313) 822-6200
                                                           Email: sizelandn@

             City Clerk/Treasurer:                          Interim Director of Public Safety:
                  Jane Blahut                                         James Bostock
            Phone: (313) 822-6200                                 Phone: (313) 822-4416
      Email:                    Dispatch/24-hour: (313) 822-7400                               Aimée Fluitt                 Michele Hodges
                                                           Email:                            Email: fluitta@              Email: hodgesm@
       Phone: (313) 822-6200 ext. 281                      Director of Parks and Recreation:
     Email:                              Chad Craig
                                                             Phone: (313) 822-2812 ext. 200
                 Water Billing:                            Email:
             Phone: (313) 822-4380
                                                                   Building Inspector:
          Director of Public Works:                                      Ron Supal
                  Pat Thomas                                      Phone: (313) 822-4365
             Phone: (313) 822-5100                         Email:
                                                         Deputy Clerk of Voting and Elections:
                 City Forester:                                     Courtney Delmege                                     Darci McConnell                   Lauri Read
                  Brian Colter                                    Phone: (313) 822-4380                                 Email: mcconnelld@                Email: readl@
        Phone: (313) 822-5020 ext. 271                   Email:                 

                                                Court Information
                                                   15115 E. Jefferson, Grosse Pointe Park
                                            Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                                                    Phone:                           Criminal/Traffic:
                                                (313) 882-3535                      (313) 822-4323
                                                (313) 822-4479                     Court Administrator:
          Municipal Judge:                                                                                               James E. Robson                   Vikas Relan
                                                  General Civil:                      Jamie Ferzst
       Honorable Carl F. Jarboe                                                                                           Email: robsonj@                 Email: relanv@
                                                (313) 822-4565                      (313) 822-4327
                                                                                                                                                         Photos by The Portrait Place

                                                   Commissions and Foundations
Beautification Commission                                         Grosse Pointe Housing Foundation                              Planning Commission
Chair: Kimberly Clexton                                           Contact:                        Chair: Malik Goodwin

Board of Review                                                   Grosse Pointe Park Foundation                                 Tax Increment Finance Authority
Allene Carlile, Jay Hackleman, Margot Parker                      President: Allene Carlile                                     Director: Nick Sizeland
                                                                  Phone: (313) 822-6200                                         Chair: John Hughes
Downtown Development Authority
Director: Nick Sizeland                                           Parks and Recreation Commission
Chair: Dr. Phillip Hessburg                                       Chair: Robert Klacza
2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S    | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY                                 31
Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                                   Director: Chad Craig
                                                                                                            Phone: (313) 822-2812 ext. 200

 Photo by John Minnis

                                                                                Patterson Park
                                                                                16006 Essex
                                                                                Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
                                                                                Phone: (313) 822-1681
                                                                                Amenities: Grills, picnic tables, splash pad, pickleball courts,
                                                                                playscape, bocce ball court, practice putting green, boardwalk,
                                                                                exercise course, covered pavilion and ice skating

                                                                                 Windmill Pointe Park
                                                                                 14920 Windmill Pointe Drive
                                                                                 Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
                                                                                 Phone: (313) 822-2812
                                                                                 Amenities: Olympic size
                                                                                 swimming pool, wading pool,
                                                                                 bath house, marina, fishing
                                                                                 pier, concession stand, four            ark assesP          P
                                                                                 lighted tennis courts, two sand
                                                                                 volleyball courts, two horseshoe
                                                                                                                       Visit www.
                                                                                 pits, playground equipment,
                                                                                 picnic tables and grills; Tompkins
                                                                                                                       org for park pass
                                                                                 Community Center and the
                                                                                 Lavins Activity Center, which
                                                                                 houses the Okulski Family
                                                                                 Theatre and Carol C. Schaap Theatre, McKeever Lounge (rental space),
                                                                                 Meade Fitness Center and Golden Family Gymnasium

                                                                                Visit for park hours.
Photo by Ryan Eaton

32                      2 0 2 1 I N S I D E R’ S G U I D E T O T H E P O I N T E S & HA R P E R WO O D S   | G RO S SE P OI N T E C HA M B E R M E M B E R DI R E C TORY
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