100 years of Christ, Community and Charity - OLMC Patchogue

Page created by Anne Schwartz
100 years of Christ, Community and Charity - OLMC Patchogue
100 years of Christ, Community and Charity
  Mass times: Monday -Saturday 8:00 am & Thursday 6:00 pm in Chapel
           Confessions heard on Wednesday 6:00pm in Chapel
                 And Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm in Church
                    Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm in Church
Sunday 8:00am in English, 9:45am Family English & 11:30 Spanish in Church
100 years of Christ, Community and Charity - OLMC Patchogue
            Romanita Abad, Louis Alloyne,
                Patricia Hayes Axtmayer,
                Madison Makenzie Baker,
     Bill “ Ben,” Amelia Barone, Dennis Berger,
                                                                                                            Monday-Saturday 8:00am masses in
Audrey Bernich Butler, Patricia Boyle, Baby Lardon
      Joseph Camacho, Jim & Marilyn Capaldo,                                    Mark Frank Biondi,
             Michael Castro, Kyle Chalupa,                                      Mathew L. Brandli           ** means Offices are closed
     Angela & Joe Chiaramonte, Yolanda Celone,                              Tom Brady, Bryan Budd,          +++ no info at time of early printing
             Lillian Cestaro, Mary Collins,                                         Paul Burawa,            Saturday, February 13,
                  Neil Coogan, Kenny Cook,                            Francis X. Castellano, Garrett Carty, 8:00am Warren Armstrong
           Ginna Cooper, Kathleen Corrigan,                                 Brian Dale, Joey Diveck,        5:00pm John Beresky
                Airen Craig,Rita Cuozzo,                                        Johnathan Delvalle,         Sunday, February 14,**
            Frances Damara, Eileen Damico,                         Dennis Ryan Dooley, Tatiana Drawbridge,
    Josephine Diaz, Anna A. Ferello, Mike Flynn,                                                            8:00 am Desmond C. Corrigan
                                                                        Jeremy Ferguson, Josef Gerace,
     Malena Garcete, Deacon Anthony Graviano,                                                                9:45am Parishioners of Our Lady of
                                                                         Andrew Hughes, James Hooper,
              Joseph Guyton, Roy Hanson,
                                                                          Joe Hwang , Joseph Janssen,                Mount Carmel Church
            Lisa Haus-McWilliams, Jeffery Halle,                                                            11:30am  Spanish   Mass
                                                                               Tracey M. Kentoffio,
       Savanah Hoesterey, Ronald Balsamo,
                                                                           Kevin Kiefer, Chris Klimek,      Monday, February 15,**
       Anthony Ivancich, Lori Ann M. Kaan,
                                                                        Frankie Lopez, Adam McCarthy,                 Presidents Day closed
   Desiree Keefe, Joan Keoppen, Carol Kennedy,
     Natale Kennedy, Kathleen D. Kollegger,
                                                                          Eugene Mahan, Al Mediate,         8:00am No Intenttion
       Giavana Laakman, John Laakman Jr.,                                         Daniel Murphy,            Tuesday, February 16,
  Robert Leask Jr., James Leung , Jean LoDolce,                                  Patrick Musumeci,
                                                                                                            8:00am No Intention
Michael Lubrico, Maria Multese, Ann Mc Carthy,                                    Jonathan Parker,
      Ryan Mc Carthy, iane Raheb Maclaren,                                 Ernesto Perez, Maria Perez,      Wednesday, February 17,
         Maria Maltese, Thomas McCleary,                                         Michael B. Poole,                   ASH WEDNESDAY
  Nick Montanaro, Shirley Nocerino, Bob Metz,                             David D. Post, Michael Probst,    8:00am Dr. Francisco Rhabadam
Fransico Rabadam, Mary Ray, Helen Metz Rogers,                             Aldo Ruiz, Szu-Moy Ruiz,         12-noon Service
       Nick Montanaro, Virginia Morellino,
                                                                       Paulina Sanchez, Pamela Seagroatt    4:00pm Service
       Wayne Mudrack, Mildred Neubeck,
                                                                                  Michael Sedlak,           7:30pm Service
 Mary Norwick, Kathleen O’Kane, Sean O’Kane,
    Madline Piciullo,Joan Parente, Lucy Peters,
                                                                               Fianna Sogomoyan,
                                                                                                            Thursday, February 18,
           Lisa Rigney, Thomas Rigney,                                        Michael Vincent Toro
                                                                                 Anthony Ventura,           8:00am No Intnetion
     Michael Sanbardino, Rosa Maria Santos,
       Fran Schutz, Maria Shine, Jim Space,                                    Jonathan Warshauer,          6:00pm No Intention
   Rachel Schopp, Sylvia Shpect,, Cooper Siano,                               Alexandria Waszmer,           Friday, February 19,
    Ed Siano, Kathleen Stidioso, Lauren Sweeney,                                    James Welsh             8:00am No Intention
                Vinny & Mindy Tomaine                                            Robert W. White,           7:00pm Stations of the Cross in
     Charles Terrano, Delores Torres, Ann Vidal,                                 Brian Wilkenson,                     the Chapel
          Emerson Vidal,         Emerson Vidal II                             Brendon James Willy           Saturday, February 20,**
                Kenneth Vidal, Lisa Vidal
   Robert Vidal, John F. Watson, Mickey Welch,
                                                                                                            8:00 am No Intention
                                                                                                            5:00 pm Parishioners of Our Lady of
            D. J. Weinstein, Kathleen Wolf,                        ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                      Mount Carmel Church
                 Dorothy &Anthony Zeo                              If you have information for the Military Sunday, February 21,**
                                                                   or sick lists please call the Office at  8:00am Cataldo Muggo
Please Call to update information you have given on                631-475-4739 or simply put a note in the 9:45am James Rogers
this page. We wish to keep it up to date for our com-              collection basket.
munity.                                                                                                     11:30 am Spanish Mass
                                                                   Bishop John O. Barres
COMPASSION AND GENEROSITY                                                                                     --------------------------------------------------
                                                                   has written a document on
     Let your heart feel for the afflictions and                                                              COMPASIÓN Y GENEROSIDAD
                                                                   Evangelum Vitae.
distress of everyone, and let your hand give in                                                                    Que tu corazón se compadezca de las
proportion to your purse.                                                                                     desgracias y angustias de todos y que tu mano
                                                                   The Gospel of Life
—George Washington                                                                                            dé en proporción a tu riqueza.
                                                                   : https://
                                                                                                              —George Washington
    The union of man and wife is from God.                         also available at drvc.org                 UNIÓN SANTA
—St. Augustine                                                     Note it could not appear in the bulletin       La unión del hombre y la mujer viene de
                                                                   as it is 20 pages in length.               Dios.
                                                                                                              —San Agustín
100 years of Christ, Community and Charity - OLMC Patchogue
February 14, 2021                                                             14 de febrero de 2021- Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                              EL CAMINO DE JESÚS
JESUS’ WAY                                                                         Las lecturas de hoy presentan un contraste entre el “camino de
      Today’s readings present a contrast between “Jesus’ way” and the        Jesús” y el “camino viejo”. Un ejemplo del camino viejo es la ley que
“old way.” An example of the old way is the law given to Moses and            recibieron Moisés y Aarón acerca de la lepra: el leproso era impuro y se
Aaron about leprosy: the leper was unclean and cast out of the commu-         echaba fuera de la comunidad. El camino de Jesús es lo contrario: el
nity. Jesus’ way is the opposite: the leper is reached out to, touched, and   leproso se acerca, es tocado y finalmente curado.
finally cured.                                                                     Tampoco debemos pensar en el “camino viejo” como algo restrin-
      Nor ought we think of the “old way” as restricted to the days of        gido a los días de Moisés y Aarón o incluso al “antiguo” testamento. La
Moses and Aaron, or even to the “old” testament. The difference be-           diferencia entre el camino antiguo y el camino de Jesús surge en nuestra
tween the old way and Jesus’ way arises in own lives. We still choose,        propia vida. Todavía elegimos, todos los días, a vivir siguiendo el ca-
every day, to live in our old way or in Jesus’ way.                           mino viejo o el camino de Jesús.
      Jesus dared to touch a leper, disregarding the old way. The leper            Jesús se atrevió a tocar a un leproso, sin tener en cuenta el camino
then was changed forever. He felt a calling. He couldn’t keep himself         viejo. Así el leproso fue cambiado para siempre. Se sintió llamado. No
from proclaiming that he had been touched by Jesus (even though Jesus         podía dejar de proclamar que había sido tocado por Jesús (¡a pesar de
told him not to!). Once Jesus touches us, we are called to proclaim his       que Jesús le dijo que no lo hiciera!). Una vez que Jesús nos toca, esta-
way.                                                                          mos llamados a proclamar su “camino”.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                                                  Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                                         LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Monday:    Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13              Lunes:      Gn 4:1-15, 25; Sal 50 (49):1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Tuesday:   Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,                           Mc 8:11-13
           9c-10; Mk 8:14-21                                                  Martes:     Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Sal 29 (28):1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,
Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17;                                    9c-10; Mc 8:14-21
           2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18                                  Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
Thursday:  Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25                                           2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Friday:    Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15                         Jueves:     Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25
Saturday:  Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32                                 Viernes:    Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Sunday:    Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22;                                Sábado:     Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32
           Mk 1:12-15                                                         Domingo: Gn 9:8-15; Sal 25 (24):4-9; 1 Pe 3:18-22;
                                                                                          Mc 1:12-15

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES                                                LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES
Sunday:    Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time;                                     Domingo: Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario;
           World Marriage Day; Valentine’s Day                                           Jornada Mundial del Matrimonio;
Monday:    Presidents’ Day                                                               Día de San Valentín
Tuesday:   Mardi Gras; Shrove Tuesday                                         Lunes:     Día de los Presidentes
Wednesday: Ash Wednesday; Fast and Abstinence;                                Martes:    Martes de Carnaval; Mardi Gras
           Almsgiving                                                         Miércoles: Miércoles de Ceniza; Ayuno y Abstinencia;
Friday:    Abstinence                                                                    Ayudar
                                                                              Viernes:   Abstinencia
The Gloria (2)                                                                FIESTA DE LA FE
       The Gloria is a rejoicing prayer, an exclama on of praise. It begins   Estar de pie en la liturgia
with the song of the angels at the announcement of the birth of Jesus               Esta es quizá una de las posturas más significa vas en cuanto
(Luke 2:14), a heavenly burst of praise for God’s loving ac on in the         que nos remite directamente a la libertad gloriosa de los hijos e
world. But in the Gloria, the song goes on, leaping, as it were, from         hijas de Dios mediante el sacramento del Bau smo. Son los hom-
height to height, with every kind of praise, blessing, adora on, glory,       bres y mujeres libres quienes están de pie; es la Iglesia peregrina,
and thanksgiving.                                                             que camina por este mundo y va de camino al Padre, a su principio
       We begin by thanking and praising God the Father; then we turn         y fin; es el pueblo sacerdotal, que como comunidad sacerdotal per-
our gaze to Christ, the Lamb of God. The paschal mystery of Christ’s          manece de pie en su oración; es el pueblo de Dios que ofrece un
suffering, death, and resurrec on is found here, at the heart of this          sacrificio de alabanza y que por ello está de pie, dispuesto no sólo a
prayer, which descends to the depths with Christ, but then rises with         celebrar esa Nueva Alianza, sino a permanecer de pie. En úl ma
him to the heavens, where he is seated at the Father’s right hand. The        instancia, estar de pie, es signo de resurrección, por ello es que ya
Gloria ends with a series of acclama ons to Christ, emphasizing over          no somos esclavos, sino libres. Es así que por medio del Bau smo
and over that he “alone” is the Holy One, the Lord, the Most High, truly      nos hacemos compañeros de un Reino que prescinde de las armas y
God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Our prayer of praise ends           la violencia y que como elemento principal ene la proclamación de
where it began, in the “glory of God the Father.” The Gloria, with its arc    la Buena Nueva. Por la misma razón, confesamos nuestras culpas
leading us from the glory of God to the suffering of Christ and again to       de pie, para que Dios nos reivindique en el perdón; cantamos el
glory, is the pa ern of the Mass itself. At the center of all our prayer is   himno del Gloria, proclamamos el Credo, presentamos nuestras
the sacrificial love of Christ.                                               ofrendas, oramos el Padrenuestro, comulgamos y recibimos la ben-
—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.                               dición. Somos el pueblo de Dios.
                                                                              —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
100 years of Christ, Community and Charity - OLMC Patchogue
February 14, 2021
                   Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
                       From the Pastors Desk

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Because it has been a while since I gave a run down of what has been happening in the parish, here goes:
Hopefully most of you have been enjoying the heat in the church, as we had to bring in the same company that
has done such great things in the parish center, to rework the heating system and controls. The upper church is
completely taken care of by the radiators along the walls, and if it gets too cold, or we need to bring up the heat
quickly, an air handler can be turned on, however, there has not been a need for this with one exception. That
exception was unfortunately caused by someone going into the boiler room and turning switches that they should
not have touched, not to mention they should not have been in the boiler room. Because of this, we had to pay
for a service call to rectify the situation. The air curtain in the church foyer is working for the first time in many
years, although we have to switch out three circuit breakers for a proper triple breaker.

In the lower church, a lot of work has been done by volunteers, with a lot of donated materials. Members of the
Wednesday night prayer group, La Grupa de Oracion, have built out the stage area, allowing it to be used as
additional worship space, and have committed to cleaning the downstairs area. In addition, they have assisted
Bill Wallace, in the renovation of the downstairs bathrooms, which hopefully will be finished soon. Bill was
able to get most of the materials from his employer, Cancos Tiles, and has had Bill Fontaine helping with much
of the work. Special thanks to Melita Delfina for her help in securing money to help in this project.

We are still waiting for the return of our St. Theresa of the Little Flower statue, which is out being stripped and
refinished, and thank you to those who have helped out with the restorations of the statues.

Currently, we are still in the process of searching for an Organist/Music Director, which will allow us to return
to full musical accompaniment for the 5pm and 9:45am Masses. Thanks to everyone who has helped out in the
interim, and to all of you for your patience during this time.

In the parish center, renovations to the chapel are basically complete, with the exception of a little bit of touch up
paint. John Barbaretti has been painting the Center kitchen, and Jim and Marie Bianco have painted the auditori-
um. While we have not been able to have Religious Education classes, we are doing our best to prepare for the
return to normalcy when Covid has subsided enough to allow. Part of that is the ongoing search to find an appro-
priate Director of Religious Education; though we have been fortunate that Madlyn D’Ambrose has continued to
volunteer her time since retiring, so we could have continuity.

Unfortunately, we have had to postpone various fundraisers, including the Irish Festival, which was supposed to
begin last year, will be put off until next year, since NY State will not be allowing these gatherings for a while.
The Chinese Auction has been missed for a couple of years now, and the craft fair was postponed as well. Fortu-
nately, we have been blessed with a number of generous parishioners, visitors, and some friends, who have con-
tributed to the parish during this past year, and it has been almost a year, enabling us to continue.
I also have to take this time to thank Susan Schmutz. Many of you know her, and you have seen her in the
church or in the parish offices, as she is the parish secretary, and the only full time worker here. Finally, I
have to point out the efforts of Mrs. Susan Schmutz, our parish Secretary, and our only full-time worker.
Because of her efforts, our offices were only closed for nine weeks after the initial shutdown, and we have
been operating fully since last Easter, while a number of other parishes are only operating partially, or not at
all. This has not been easy, as the diocesan offices have been operating remotely, as have many other
corporations and government agencies we have to deal with on a regular basis.

While we have all been struggling with the effects of Covid, not only with health related issues, but also
financial, psychological and spiritual, our parish has continued to remain strong and grow during this time.
God willing, we will come out of this as a more dynamic parish than before. Thank you and God Bless you


Fr. Henry

                               The 2021 NEW YORK ENCOUNTER,

                                          When Reality Hits,

       will take place online on February 12-14 and will be broadcasted live at the
                     Encounter website (www.newyorkencounter.org).

         The Encounter is a three-day cultural event organized by members
         of Communion and Liberation featuring panel discussions, artistic
  performances and unique exhibits. Some highlights: Reflections by Cardinal Do-
   lan, Archbishop of New York, and Archbishop Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of
                      Jerusalem, on the events of last year.

         A conversation with word renown philosopher Charles Taylor on what we
 are learning from 2020. A dialogue with Luigi Zamagni President of the Pontifical
   Academy of Social Science on the future of work and business in a post-covid
    world. A discussion on a truly human path to racial justice with Rev. Eugene
  Rivers. Video exhibits on the Servant of God Msgr. Luigi Giussani, founder
 of Communion and Liberation and on Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, theologian and
     close friend of the Encounter. These events and many others can be found

    at (www.newyorkencounter.org). All events are FREE and no registration is
                            required. All are invited!
Wednesday February 17th is ASH WEDNESDAY

         All services are in the Church

            8:00 AM Mass with Ashes

          12:00 PM-Noon Ash Service

                4:00 PM Ash Service

               HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE

              PALM SUNDAY-March 28, 2021
              Church – Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass
          Sunday 8:00 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am Spanish

        Diocesan Day of Reconciliation Mar ch 29, 2021
            Confessions 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm Chapel

     Tenebrae Prayer Service, Wednesday, Mar ch 31, 2021
                7:30 pm (Multilingual) Church

             HOLY THURSDAY – April 1, 2021
              Morning Prayer (Chapel) – 8:00 am
           Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Church) – 8 pm
             Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
                    In Chapel until Midnight

                GOOD FRIDAY – April 2, 2021
                 Morning Prayer (Chapel) – 8am
            Stations of the Cross 12:00 noon (Church)
        Passion of the Lord (with Veneration of the Cross)
                          3:00 pm Church

              HOLY SATURDAY – April 3, 2021
               Morning Prayer (Chapel) – 8:00am
                Easter Vigil (Church) – 8:00 pm

                 EASTER SUNDAY – April 4th
              8:00 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am (Spanish)
                ON THE FOLLOWING DATES:

                       FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19
                       FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26
                         FRIDAY, MARCH 5
                        FRIDAY, MARCH 12
                        FRIDAY, MARCH 19
                        FRIDAY. MARCH 26

                   Copies of all bulletins, flyers,
                  The Rosary with Father Henry
                          Lenten Links

 Free sign up for FORMED.org which is a Catholic Streaming
Service. We will give you information on shows, documentaries,
books, lectures, programs for all ages in English and in Spanish.
              Free for all the people of the parish.

                        Holy Angels Regional School
                     1 Division Street, Patchogue, New York

                      Virtual Open House and Registration

                          Beginning January 31, 2021

                     For more information, please visit us at

                     or contact the Main Office at 631-475-0422

         Give Your Children The Advantage That Lasts A Lifetime!

                            Through Faith We Grow
               A Rich Curriculum with Innovative Special Classes ,
                             After School Activities
                      Early Childhood Academic Program
                              Before & After Care
                          Pre-K through Eighth Grade
Parish Outreach
                             Pantry Hours: Thursday and Friday
                            10 AM to 2 PM BY APPOINTMENT
                           Call 631-475-9580 for further information

The Food Pantry is open at this time BY APPOINTMENT ONLY for pre-
packaged bags of food for curbside pick-up only.

                                      MASKS MUST BE WORN.


We would appreciate donations of the following items:
Chef Boy-R-Dee                     Body wash/bar soap
Coffee/tea                         Deodorant
Cookies/snacks                     Detergent
Jelly                              Shampoo/conditioner
Ketchup                            Toilet paper
Pasta sauce (in jars)              Toothpaste

May God bless you for your continued generosity to the Food Pantry.

I would like to have my loved one remembered in memoriam for one year with a memorial candle in the church vestibule
in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. $200.00 year begins First Sunday of Advent and Ends on Christ the King Sunday .

In Loving Memory __________________________________________________________




Phone ___________________________________________________________________

One year Offering is $200.00 if by ck to OLMC Church
PASTOR                                                           Monday Night Prayer Group
                                                                 7:30 in the Chapel -Jerry Curreri 698-3533
Rev. Henry Reid
                                                                 Legion of Mary Prayer Group Monday
Deacon Bob Lyon                                                  7:pm In Parish Center
                                                                 Rob Costanzo 631-834-3385
Deacon Anthony Graviano , Retired
                                                                 Wednesday Night Prayer Group
Father Henry’s and the Deacon’s Offices are located in the       7:30 pm in a Private Home
Parish Center. The Rectory is a Residence                        Mary Peterson– 475-4739

                                                                 Secular Franciscans (OFS)
             Parish Offices– in Parish Center                    Meet in the Parish Center
Telephone 475-4739         Fax 447-1030                          1st Sunday of the Month 1pm to 4 pm

Parish Secretary Susan Schmutz ext.101                           EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
                                                                 Following 8 am Mass Thursday till 10 pm
Business Office Hours in Parish Center
                                                                 6pm Divine Mercy Mass
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:30pm                                  Rosary for Life 7pm
Saturday-Sunday Closed                                           Prayer Groups as printed above.
Mass cards sold in the parish center
info@OLMCPatchogue.org                                           Reconciliation/Confession -Saturday 4:00 – 4:45 PM in Church

                                                                 Wednesday 6:00 PM in the Chapel
                      Religious Education
Telephone: 289-7327
                                                                Sacrament of Marriage
Religious Education Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00am -
                                                                Arrangement must be made 6 months in advance.     No date for a
3:30pm                                                          wedding can be given over the phone or reserved until the couple
Coordinator of Religious Education                              completes the formal        paperwork with a member of the pas-
ext 104                                                         toral staff.

                                                                Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, R.C.I.A. is for those who
                 Parish Outreach Food Pantry
                                                                are interested in coming into the Catholic Church or a Catholic int
Telephone 475-9580 ext.113
                                                                completing the Sacraments of Initiation. Call the Faith
Outreach Office Hours 10am-2pm                                   Formation office for more information. Thursday evening 7:30 pm
Thursday & Friday                                               in Parish Center. 631-475-4739 ext 102 You must have an meeting
olmcoutreach@gmail.com                                          with Father Henry for paperwork prior to attending.

                                                                Sacrament of Baptism
                        Regional School
                                                                Baptisms Baptismal preparation is required prior to the
Holy Angels Regional School          475-0422                   baptism of any child.

                                                                Please call 631-475-4739 for additional info.
                        Mass Intentions

Mass cards announced are $20.00
Presentation Folders are $25.00                                                  And the TV show on Telecare
Mass cards sold in the parish center during business hours.                     Catholic Radio with a weekly
Spanish Mass intentions taken before Spanish mass                Perhaps we can have you listen to: The Catholic
                                                                                  Sirius/XM Radio,
                                                                                    Channel 159.
                                                                 Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun
COMMUNION CALLS                                                                    on Sunday from
Any homebound or shut-in may receive
Holy Communion in their home.                                        7:00AM –8:00AM on WBAB 102.3FM or 95.3
A Eucharistic Minister, will visit.                                              on L.I.’s East End.
Please call 631-475-4739 so we many schedule visits

New Parishioners are invited to come to the Center and pick up a registration form. Envelopes are available upon request.
You can also read