18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                                                           AUGUST 1, 2021

     18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                    “For the bread of God is that which comes
                                  down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

                                  18 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
WEEKEND MASSES                    WEEKDAY MASSES             FIRST SATURDAY MASS               SACRAMENT OF 
Saturday                          Monday       No Mass      9:00 AM (English)
                                                                                                     RECONCILIATION (in Church)
5:00 PM Vigil (English)           Tuesday     12:00 PM                                         Wednesday 5:00 PMͶ6:30 PM
7:00 PM Vigil (Spanish)           Wednesday     7:00PM
                                                                                                  Saturday      3:00 PMͶ4:30 PM
                                  Thursday    12:00 PM        ADORATION                       or by appointment 407.275.0841
Sunday                                                        Exposition:
                                   Friday      12:00 PM
8 AM, 10 AM, & 12 PM (English)                                Wednesday 5:00 ʹ6:30 PM 
3:00 PM (Polish)                                              And after Mass

                  ADDRESS                                                                 TELEPHONE
                  1501 N ALAFAYA TRAIL, ORLANDO, FL 32828                                 407.275.0841

                   WEBSITE                                                                EMAIL
                   WWW.STJOSEPHORLANDO.ORG                                                office@stjosephorlando.org
                                                                                           OFFICE HOURS
                   SOCIAL MEDIA                                                           9:00AMͶ3:00PM
                   @SAINTJOSEPHORLANDO                                                    (closed 12Ͳ12:30 for lunch)
18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

               WE ARE HERE TO SERVE
               AUGUST 1, 2021

CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                      TO JOIN OUR PARISH
                                                                                          If you would like to become a member of our

                                                     Join Our Parish
                                                                                          parish, please contact our parish office.
                    CLERGY                                                               407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org.
     PRIEST / PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR                                                    You can also find the parish registraDon form
            REV. BENJAMIN LEHNERTZ                                                       on our website at www.stjosephorlando.org.

                   DEACONS                                                               FOR SACRAMENTS
              DEACON MICHAEL AN                                                          Please contact our parish office 
        DeaconMichael@stjosephorlando.org                                                407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org
        DeaconWilmar@stjosephorlando.org                Sacraments                       BAPTISMS
                                                                                          Contact office at least 3 months in advance
                 PARISH STAFF                                                            Contact us as soon as you are engaged. You
                                                                                          will need at least six months of formaDon.
             LITURGY AND MUSIC
              MARIANN EDWARDS
                                                                                          FOR PASTORAL CARE NEEDS
                                                                                          If you or a family member is hospitalized or in

                                                        Pastoral Care
              FORMATION TEAM                                                             need of the Sacrament of AnoinDng of the Sick
                                                                                          or any other pastoral care needs, please
                                                                                          contact our parish office.
                                                                                          407.275.0841 / office@stjosephorlando.org.
                                                                           AFTER HOUR EMERGENCIES
                SUPPORT TEAM                                            To reach a priest, call 407.275.0841, x7
           jgregory@stjosephorlando.org                   TO SUBMIT CONTENT FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OR BULLETIN
                                                            announcements@stjosephorlando.org; bulleDn@stjosephorlando.org
      WENDY TAYLOR (DATA MANAGEMENT)                                            2 weeks in advance
             JULIA ARROYO (FINANCE)                WHAT’S INSIDE
                                                            03         GOSPEL MEDITATION

             MAINTENANCE TEAM                               05         THIS WEEK
            jcrews@stjosephorlando.org                      06         FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF PARISH LIFE

                                                          Please contact the PARISH OFFICE with any ques"ons
          DIRECTOR OF PARISH LIFE                                             4072750841
               DENNIS JOHNSON, JR.                                    Office@StJosephOrlando.org
                                                           Stay Connected: www.stjosephorlando.org (website)
                                                            @SAINTJOSEPHORLANDO (Facebook & Instagram)

2                                            ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                 GOSPEL MEDITATION
                                                                                 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                          GOSPEL MEDITATION 

     “You cannot see the forest for the trees” is a widely          is rather than what is happening around us and the
     known saying that can bring wisdom to our                      choices we can make. Jesus is the true bread that came
     understanding of our journey. O.en, our sight becomes          down from heaven. Jesus is the very incarnate presence
     limited to what is immediately before us. We lose touch        of God who sustains life and assures us that we will not
     with lessons and experiences from the past and                 perish. This is not easy to understand and feel. We have
     promises and hope for the future. As human beings, we          to prac5ce being in the presence of ourselves, others,
     have the privilege of being able to choose things. What I      crea5on, and God. We are brought to a holy place when
     like and don’t like, want, and don’t want can be major         we encounter the sacredness of being. This is real
     preoccupa5ons of our minds and hearts. Our                     prayer.
     preferences and desires begin to define us more than            
     the simple fact of our being. Who we are ma7ers more           Then, we learn to trust. It is when we cease trus5ng that
     than what we are or what we have. If we don’t move             we start to become afraid, uncertain, apprehensive, and
     beyond the external and superficial stuff to what really         doub@ul, and overly selfͲconcerned. We even start to
     is of essence, we risk becoming very unse7led,                 grumble. God has our back. That is the essen5al
     disorientated, angry, and unhappy. We fail to see the          powerful message of the living bread come down from
     bigger picture of hope and promise that lies ahead and         heaven. God, who is alpha is also omega, the beginning
     the Divine Presence that has sustained and carried us          and the end, and has everything in between in his care
     before.                                                       as well. A woman once remarked that her most
                                                                   powerful God moment happened when she and her
     We like it when the “now” 5me of our lives sa5sfy us.          husband cuddled with their new baby for a 5me.
     Even the people who witnessed Jesus feed the five               Without exchanging words and using only the affec5on
     thousand got confused and distracted. It felt good when        communicated through sight and touch, they rested in
     thousands of people were able to eat. They wanted to           being with each other. This brought them to the sacred,
     know what they could do to get this to happen again!           where they realized that a greater Being was with them.
     But Jesus quickly reminds them that this is not the point      It was real. They knew that they were part of something
     of this sign. As much as the now 5me of our lives is of        bigger, in5mate, and profound. When we rest in the
     concern, it is not what is ul5mately important. We need        Living Source of life, we will find that our souls are no
     to learn the difference between being and doing,                longer hungry or thirsty.
     drawing more strength from who we are and who God              ©LPi

3                                         ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                                                  MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO 

                           MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGELIO 

     Estamos en momentos diDciles de la historia. Mucha             gente que lo buscaba: “En verdad les digo: Ustedes me
     gente murmura y se pregunta: ¿Cuándo terminará la              buscan, no porque han visto a través de los signos sino
     pesadilla de la pandemia? ¿Dónde está Dios en todo             porque han comido pan hasta saciarse” (Juan 6:26Ͳ27).
     esto que estamos viviendo? Vivió algo similar el pueblo        Cuando par5cipo en la EucarisLa, ¿busco a Jesús como
     de Israel que caminaba en el desierto, también senLa la        alimento de vida, o lo busco para saciar mis caprichos?
     angus5a de saber dónde estaría Dios en su experiencia          ¿Veo la EucarisLa como alimento de vida que me acerca
     de jornada, después de su salida de Egipto. Ellos              a Jesús? Recordemos que Jesús es el Pan de vida y el
     basaban su realidad en el hambre, pues recordaban las          que acude a él con sinceridad de corazón nunca tendrá
     ollas de carne y de comer pan hasta saciarse. Con todo         hambre, y el que cree en él nunca tendrá sed. Pidamos,
     esto, Dios dijo a Moisés: “He oído las quejas de mi            en la EucarisLa que seamos cris5anos que orientamos
     pueblo. Diles: por la tarde comerán carne y por la             nuestra vida a ejemplo de Jesús.
     mañana se saciarán de pan; así sabrán que yo soy Yavé,         ©LPi
     el Dios de ustedes” (Éxodo 16:11Ͳ12).
     El maná que cae del cielo es un alimento que la
     misericordia de Dios da al pueblo de Israel. Pero, debía
     ser recogido todos los días, es decir, alimento para cada
     día que obliga a la gente a confiar en Dios y a darse
     cuenta que este maná es un alimento para el camino
     por el desierto. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice a la

4                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                     THIS WEEK
                                                                                                                                                               IN YOUR 
    Monday, August 2
                NO MASS
    Tuesday, August 3
    12:00 PM † Julia & Felixberto Valdez / † Charlie Knoll / † Antonia Jover Sepulcre
                                                                                                        ...the sick of our parish family:
    Wednesday, August 4                                                                                    Carmen Rivera                          Denise Ziobrowski
                                                                                                            Milán Corchuelo                        Nguyen Oank Kyme
    7:00 PM     Susen & David Hurtado                                                                     Xavy Blanco                            Maria Nguyen Thi Phu Hien
                                                                                                           Suzanne Cerosky                        Pham Cao Dung
    Thursday, August 5                                                                                     Rony Lebrun                            Wayne Swi@
                                                                                                            Edson Arboleda                         Gisela
    12:00 PM † Shirley Mankovich / † Philip Bouley                                                        Jus5n V Reyes                          Maritza San5ago
                                                                                                           LaVon LeGrand                          Mr. & Mrs. Clarkson
                                                                                                            Ethan, Maribel, & Renee Quinones       John Isaac Cole
    Friday, August 6                                                                                       Elizabeth Morales                      Maria Guadalupe SantsCoy
    12:00 PM Paul & Liz Mancini                                                                           Miriam Rodriguez                       Kim Guzy
                                                                                                            Kathy Boehm                            Consuelo Rodriguez
                                                                                                            Grace Connors                          Andres Gomez
    Saturday, August 7                                                                                     Patricia Medina                        Zulma Sanchez Diaz
    9:00 AM     † Nydia Peña                                                                              Meggan Rae Warder                      Jim Nagle
                                                                                                            Robert E Mitchell, Jr.                 Carlie Mauer
    5:00 PM     † Elvira Molinares                                                                        Monica Payne                           Antonio Barreca
    7:00 PM     † Carlos E Neja Armgo / † Gilberto Vinasco                                                Maureen & Michael Kinney               Elizabeth Morales
                                                                                                            Douglas Kinney                         Jesús Rosales
                                                                                                            Mike Jenkins                           Linda Rasco
    Sunday, August 8                                                                                       Ken Dold                               Losalite Louis
    8:00 AM     Arlene Valdez                                                                              ...and the deceased of our parish family:
    10:00 AM † William OrDz Prieto / † Isao Yonekura /† Alice Zella 
                                                                                                        †   Clarise Harris                     †    Celso B Climaco
    12:00 PM For the People of the Parish
                                                                                                        †   Daniel Malecki                     †    Philip Bouley
    3:00 PM     For the People of the Parish                                                          †   James Kollenberg                   †    Czeslaw Witek
                                                                                                        †   Nathaniel Charles Knoll            †    Maria Teresa Correa

                                                           READINGS FOR THE WEEK
     Sun     Ex 16:2Ͳ4, 12Ͳ15/Ps 78:3Ͳ4, 23
                                               Mon      Nm 11:4bͲ15/Ps 81:12Ͳ13, 14Ͳ       Tue    Nm 12:1Ͳ13/Ps 51:3Ͳ4, 5Ͳ6ab,          Wed          Nm 13:1Ͳ2, 25Ͷ14:1, 26Ͳ29a,
              Ͳ24, 25, 54/Eph 4:17, 20Ͳ24/Jn                                                                                                            34Ͳ35/Ps 106:6Ͳ7ab, 13Ͳ14, 21
      1      6:24Ͳ35                           2      15, 16Ͳ17/Mt 14:13Ͳ21
                                                                                             3     6cdͲ7, 12Ͳ13/Mt 14:22Ͳ36 
                                                                                                                                           4           Ͳ22, 23/Mt 15:21Ͳ28 

     Thur                                      Fri      Dn 7:9Ͳ10, 13Ͳ14/Ps 97:1Ͳ2,       Sat                                          Sun          1 Kgs 19:4Ͳ8/Ps 34:2Ͳ3, 4Ͳ5, 6Ͳ
              Nm 20:1Ͳ13/Ps 95:1Ͳ2, 6Ͳ7, 8Ͳ                                                         Dn 6:4Ͳ13/Ps 18: 28, 3Ͳ4. 47
                                                          5Ͳ6, 9/2 Pt 1:16Ͳ19/Mk 9:2Ͳ                                                                   7, 8Ͳ9/Eph 4:30Ͷ5:2/Jn 6:41Ͳ
      5      9/Mt 16:13Ͳ23                     6       10                                7     and 51/Mk 17:14Ͳ20                    8           51 

           FORMATION CORNER                                                                                         RINCÓN DE FORMACIÓN
                 GET FORMED WITH FORMED.ORG                                                                FÓRMESE CON FORMED.ORG
     FORMED.org is available to everyone. Read, listen, and watch to grow               FORMED.org está disponible para todos. Lee, escuche, y mire para crecer en
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     are at your disposal including, REVIVE FOR PARISHES? Check it out with             están a su alcance incluyendo, UNA VIDA POR OTRA: MAXIMILIANO KOLBE.
     your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.                                      Revísenlos en su computadora, laptop, tableta, o smartphone.
     Explore FORMED.org.                                                                Revise FORMED.org.
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     1.         go to: FORMED.org.                                                      1.        vaya a: FORMED.org.
     2.         select: Sign-Up.                                                        2.        seleccione: Sign-Up.
     3.         choose: I belong to a Parish or Organization.                           3.        escoga: I belong to a Parish or Organization.
     4.         search: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Orlando).                           4.        busque: St. Joseph Catholic Church (Orlando).
     5.         enter: your Name and Email.                                             5.        coloque: su Name y Email.
     FORMED.org is a premiere access portal for all parishioners.                       FORMED.org es un portal de acceso estelar para todos los feligreses.
     Enjoy this gift from your parish.                                                  Disfrute este regalo por parte de su parroquia.

         CANTO DE FORMAÇÄO SEJA FORMADO CON FORMED.org Formed.org tem títulos en portuguës. ¡Vê-los!
5                                                        ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL
18181818 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

                            FROM OUR DIRECTOR OF PARISH LIFE

     World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly!                    values and the lessons learned from the past.

     The fourth Sunday of July falls close to the memorial of       As our summer continues warmly unfolding, let us spend a
     Jesus’ grandparents, Saints Joachim and Anne. Pope             little time thinking about how much grandparents and the
     Francis’ established it as the annual World Day for            elderly mean to us and how much they continue to break
     Grandparents and the Elderly and 2021 is its inaugural         barriers – another milestone from last week was the 82-
     year. His hope is to underscore the important of family in     year-old woman who launched into space – sixty years
     this special year of Amoris Laetitia Family which began on     after preparing for this feat, her dream was finally
     the Solemnity of Saint Joseph the husband of Mary, on          realized.
     March 19, 2021. This special year will culminate with the
     World Meeting of Families to be held in Rome in June of
                                                                    God    bless   you   and   have    a   fabulous   week!...

     These special celebrations are wonderful opportunities to
     focus our prayer and daily discipleship around family, the
     elderly, and grandparents.

     Lately, I have been reflecting on the value and
     importance of the elderly in our lives. The historical
     heritage, stability, and perspective they bring are helpful
     to all of us. And the love of grandparents is indispensable.

     During the height of the pandemic my maternal
     grandfather passed away. He was 100 years old. His, was
     a life to celebrate, because of its longevity and the
     blessing of his mental acuity and lucidity – which he
     possessed until the very end. He was the last of my
     grandparents to pass away. Now my parents, aunts, and
     uncles have inherited the role of wisdom figure and elder
     sage as they have become the most seasoned
     generation within my family.

     We should always value the dignity of the elderly. Their
     advanced knowledge and experience are invaluable
     treasures for those of us growing-up behind them. Even
     though physical agility wanes with age, the roots and
     foundations that our elders offer are necessary to
     orientate our lives with a greater focus of time-tested

6                                           ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL


    ¡El Día Mundial para Abuelos y Ancianos!                      vidas con un mayor enfoque en valores a prueba del
                                                                  tiempo y las lecciones aprendidas del pasado.
    El cuarto domingo de julio cae cerca a la memoria de
    los abuelos de Jesús, los santos Joaquín y Ana. El Papa       A medida que nuestro verano continúa desarrollándose
    Francisco lo estableció como el Día Mundial de los            cálidamente, dediquemos un poco de tiempo a pensar
    Abuelos y Ancianos y 2021 es su año inaugural. Su             en cuánto significan para nosotros los abuelos y los
    esperanza es subrayar la importancia de la familia en         ancianos y cuánto continúan rompiendo barreras: otro
    este año especial de la Familia Amoris Laetitia que           evento de la semana pasada fue la mujer de 82 años
    comenzó con la Solemnidad de San José, esposo de              que se lanzó al espacio. - sesenta años después de
    María, el 19 de marzo de 2021. Este año especial              prepararse para esta hazaña, su sueño finalmente se hizo
    culminará con el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias que        realidad.
    se celebrará en Roma en junio de 2022.
                                                                  ¡Dios les bendiga a todos y tengan una buena semana!
    Estas celebraciones especiales son oportunidades              …
    maravillosas para enfocar nuestra oración y discipulado
    diario en torno a la familia, los ancianos y los abuelos.

    Últimamente he estado reflexionando sobre el valor y la
    importancia de las personas mayores en nuestras vidas.
    La herencia histórica, la estabilidad y la perspectiva que
    aportan nos ayudan a todos. Y el amor de los abuelos es

    Durante el apogeo de la pandemia, mi abuelo materno
    falleció. Tenía 100 años. La suya fue una vida para
    celebrar, debido a su longevidad y la bendición de su
    agudeza y lucidez mental- que poseyó hasta el final. Fue
    el último de mis abuelos en fallecer. Ahora mis padres,
    tías y tíos han heredado el papel de figura de sabiduría y
    sabio mayor, ya que se han convertido en la generación
    más experimentada de mi familia.

    Siempre deberíamos valorar la dignidad de las personas
    mayores. Su conocimiento y experiencia avanzada son
    tesoros invaluables para aquellos de nosotros que
    crecimos detrás de ellos. Aunque la agilidad física decae
    con la edad, las raíces y los cimientos que ofrecen
    nuestros mayores son necesarios para orientar nuestras

7                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                                                                     PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS
                OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL 2021                                                           NUESTRA CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA 2021
Our parish contribution to Our Catholic Appeal 2021 is                                  Nuestra contribución parroquial a Nuestra Campaña
$154,361. We encourage you to help us do our part to                                    Católica 2021 es $154,361. Animamos que hagan su parte
collaborate in the direct work of our Bishop. Your generous                             para colaborar en el ministerio directo de nuestro obispo.
participation assists the Church’s mission and ministry                                 Su generosa participación asegura que la misión y
throughout central Florida and beyond. Other services                                   pastoral de la Iglesia se extienda por fuera de la Florida
supported by Our Catholic Appeal 20021 specifically                                     central y más allá. Otros servicios patrocinados por
benefit our parish.                                                                     Nuestra Campaña Católica 2021 específicamente
                                                                                        beneficien a nuestra parroquia.
We invite everyone to please make a gift; whatever                                      Animamos a todos que hagan una donación; lo que
sacrifice you can make is helpful. Give online at:                                      pueda sacrificar sirve como ayuda. Donen en línea a
OurCatholicAppeal.org. If you are unable to give online,                                través del siguiente enlace: OurCatholicAppeal.org. Si no
please contact the parish office; we will assist you in                                 pueden donar en línea, comuníquese con la oficina
submitting your pledge. Thank you for being a part of our                               parroquial para que le ayudemos en determinar su
amazing parish!                                                                         compromiso. ¡Gracias por ser parte de nuestra maravillosa

FREE summer faith kits for families                                                                GROW YOUR ABILITY TO EVANGELIZE & WITNESS
                                                                                                                    THE CATHOLIC FAITH
Don’t let your faith take a vaca5on. Instead strengthen it as a                        Join catechists, volunteers, faith formation and ministry leaders, and dedicated
family using a Summer Kit by Sadlier Religion. Enjoy engaging                          parents across the southeast at the FREE Southeast Catechist Conference.
family ac5vi5es, discover new ways to pray together, and learn                         With 9 participating dioceses and nearly 90 presentations in English, Spanish,
about the saints through any of the four free kits. These en-                          and Vietnamese, this is going to be a powerful virtual gathering equipping you
                                                                                       to be a strong witness and evangelizer of your Catholic Faith.
gaging and easyͲtoͲuse downloadable kits are designed to help
                                                                                       The event goes August 12-15. To learn more, talk to your parish faith formation
your family grow in faith and fun together this summer. For                            and evangelization team or visit our registration page at
free downloads click here                                                             go.virtualcatholicconference.com/SCC2021.

                                                                                           CRECE EN HABILIDADES PARA EVANGELIZAR Y DAR TESTIMONIO
                                                                                                                    DE LA FE CATÓLICA
Forming Disciples Certification Program (in-person)                                    Únete a catequistas, voluntarios, líderes ministeriales y de formación en la fe, y
Are you hungry to learn more about your faith? Whether a catechist                     padres dedicados en todo el sureste a la Conferencia GRATUITA de
or just a parishioner seeking to dive deeper into the faith, the                       Catequistas del Sureste (SCC). Con 9 diócesis participantes y casi 90
Secretariat for Laity, Family, and Life offers classes on varied topics.               presentaciones en inglés, español y vietnamita, esta será una poderosa reunión
Attendees may take courses for full certification or simply out of                     virtual que te equipará para evangelizar y dar un fuerte testimonio de tu fe
interest. For a full schedule of classes in English and Spanish, go to                 católica.
                                                                                       El evento es del 12 al 15 de agosto. Para obtener más información,
                                                                                       comunícate con el equipo de evangelización y formación en la fe de tu
secretariat/adult-ministry/. For more information: Tomás Evans, Adult                  parroquia o visita nuestra página de registro en https://
Ministry Director, 407-246-4912 tevans@orlandodiocese.org                              go.virtualcatholicconference.com/SCC2021Spanish.

           GIVE ONLINE WITH REALM                                                                       OFFERTORY AND COLLECTIONS
    1   Visit our church website at www.stjosephorlando.org
                                                                                           7/25/2021 Offertory                                     $13,925.80
    2   Click on the New Online Giving button or scan QR code
                                                                                           7/25/2021 Funded Deprecia4on                               $4,212.43
    3   Create one time or recurring gifts. (Visit monthly as choices will change)
                                                                                                       Thank you for your generous donations!
     (If you need help, please contact Wendy at
           wtaylor@stjosephorlando.org or 
                   407Ͳ275Ͳ0841).                                                                         OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL 2021
                                                                                                      Our 2021 parish goal: $154,360.76
     TEXT TO GIVE                                                                                    Pledges to Date:     $132, 184.06
You can also text StJosephOrlando to 73256,
                                                                                                      Over/Under Goal:       (22,176.70)
followed by your giM amount, to give online
                                                                                                                    (Parcipaon 9.0% (232 Gis)
through text.
                                                                                                    You can make your pledge at https://www.cfocf.org/oca/give/
(Standard text message and data rates may                                                   Under CHOOSE YOUR PARISH select St. Joseph Catholic Church, Orlando
8                                                          ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                  PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS
        Our music program is

          We’ve added a choir at our
         Saturday 5pm English Mass.
     If you would like more informa&on
     on joining one of our many choirs,
     Contact Mariann Edwards, Director
            of Liturgy and Music.

       FREE Southeast Catechist Conference
                    August 12Ͳ15
Deepen your own spirituality while learning how to
evangelize, be a disciple, reach intercultural
ministries, youth, and those with disabili5es. Join
parents, catechists, volunteers and ministry leaders
for this fourͲday free virtual conference and
become empowered to give a stronger tes5mony
of your faith through your life and ac5ons. Click
go.virtualcatholicconference.com/SCC2021          to
register. For informa5on on presenta5ons: h7ps://

                                                                                                       El registrarse permite a los feligreses y a la parroquia
                                                                                                       comunicarse de manera más eficaz. También hace
Registration enables parishioners and the parish to                                                    que sea más fácil para todos gestionar mutuamente la
communicate more effectively. It also makes it easier for                                              relación. Podemos indagar y facilitar la participación y
everyone to mutually manage the relationship. We can                                                   el compromiso de los feligreses. Podemos administrar
track and facilitate parishioner participation and                                                     la participación y registrar sucesos históricos, por
engagement. We can administrate involvement and                                                        ejemplo, sacramentos, ministerios, donaciones,
record historical milestones – e.g., sacraments, ministries,                                           comunicación, etc. Esto puede ser un beneficio
giving, communication, etc. This can be a valuable benefit                                             valioso para los feligreses si necesitan verificar el
for parishioners if they need to verify parishioner status or                                          estado de feligreses u obtener una carta de buena
to obtain a letter of good standing. It also helps the parish                                          conducta. También ayuda a la parroquia a conocer
know best where your interests lie.                                                                    mejor sus intereses.
                                                                                                     Si todavía no se ha registrado en la Parroquia de St.
If you have yet to register at the Parish of St. Joseph                                              Joseph (Orlando), lo invitamos a hacerlo. No solo es
(Orlando), we invite you to do so. Not only is it important                                          importante y útil, sino que nos ayudará a brindarle un
and useful, but it will help us to serve you better.                                                 mejor servicio.
                                       Not sure if your family is registered...contact the parish office to find out
9                                                       ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL


                                       FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION
    Faith forma:on registra:on is now available for                        El registro de formación en la fe ahora está
    adults and children in first grade through high                         disponible para adultos y niños desde el primer
    school at                                                             grado hasta la escuela secundaria en
         h?ps://stjosephorlando.org/youthͲfaithͲ                             h?ps://stjosephorlando.org/youthͲfaithͲforma:on/.
                                                                           El horario es el siguiente:
    The schedule is as follows:
                                                                           Adultos (inglés y español)
    Adults (English & Spanish)
                                                                               x Miércoles 4:30 pm Ͳ 6:00 pm
       x Wednesday 4:30 pm ʹ 6 pm
                                                                               x Miércoles 6:30 pm Ͳ 8pm
       x Wednesday 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm
                                                                           Grados 1Ͳ5
    Grades 1Ͳ5
                                                                               x Miércoles 4:30 pm Ͳ 6:00 pm
       x Wednesday 4:30 pm ʹ 6 pm
                                                                               x Miércoles 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm
       x Wednesday 6:30 pm ʹ 8 pm
                                                                           Escuela intermedia (grados 6Ͳ8)
    Middle School (Grades 6Ͳ8)
                                                                               x Jueves 6:45 pm Ͳ 8:15 pm
       x Thursday 6:45 pm ʹ 8:15 pm
                                                                           Escuela secundaria (grados 9Ͳ12)
    High School (Grades 9Ͳ12)
                                                                               x Lunes 6:30 pm Ͳ 8:30 pm
       x Monday 6:30 pm ʹ 8:30 pm

                                                           We are in need of Hospitality Ministers for the 8am and 12noon Masses on
                                                          If interested in serving, please contact Mariann Edwards or Vicky McCann for
                                                                                 details on how to get fingerprinted. 

                                                                               Email Medwards@StJosephOrlando.org. 

Ques6on: I’d like to make some new resoluDons about pracDcing the faith in our family during the new year. Do you have any suggesDons?

Answer: The family is the most essenDal space for the formaDon of values and character. PracDcing your faith as a family can happen both
internally and externally. Consistent prayer together builds habits that can last a lifeDme. With younger children, praying together as a family in
the evening or at dinnerDme could be fairly doable most nights. In the evening, select a few common prayers such as the Our Father, Hail Mary,
or Guardian Angel prayer. Ask each of your children to thank God for three things that day and include a Dme for children and adults alike to pray
out loud for special needs in your family. This pracDce could be done with older children, commiPed to intenDonal efforts in the midst of increas-
ingly busy schedules.

Look for other opportuniDes to pracDce the faith outside the home as well. Sunday
Mass should already be part of your family’s weekly rouDne. Consider seSng other
monthly goals as well. This could be a family service project in your city, aPending
the sacrament of Confession together, or hosDng a hospitality night in your home.
Get your children involved in the planning process. Ask them where they’d like to
volunteer or who they think is having a hard Dme and might need a special night
just for them. Rather than simply imposing new pracDces, your whole family can
have a dynamic role understanding and integraDng faith and life. ©LPi

10                                              ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH / ORLANDO, FL

                                                  PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS

                                         Formaon Summer Program
                                          High School Youth Ministry will meet 6:30Ͳ8:30

                                                      August 9                        August 23

    We welcome into our parish family                                      FOOD PANTRY
                                                                           FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS NEEDED
                                                                           Our Food Pantry is now serving over 35 families. We currently
                                                                           cannot accept food dona5ons but monitory dona5ons are
            Austin Taddeo Jean—
                          Jean—July 17, 2021                               greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph
                                                                           Catholic Church with Food Pantry in the memo sec5on of the
      Mikel Angel Figueroa Jaramillo—
                           Jaramillo—July 24, 2021                         check. Or you can give with our Online Giving or Text to Give
                                                                           op5ons by choosing OutreachͶFood Pantry in the Fund drop
    May God continue to bless you in your spiritual journey
                                                                           down menu.
                                                                           For more informa5on you can contact Vicky McCann at
                    Congratulations to                                     parish.outreachministry@gmail.com. 
                Juan Manuel Jejia Reyes
                and Juana Karina Corona
    who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage on
                   July 26, 2021.
         May God continue to bless your union.

                              Is returning this year!
                             Mark your calendars for
                             Friday, December 3 and
                              Saturday, December 4.
            Watch the bulletin for items of need.

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