1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...

Page created by Bobby Larson
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...
Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse
and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire

1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...

           Fundraising for First Light     04     National Baking Week          27
           Competitive ideas               06     James’s fundraising story     28
           How we help: Sarah’s story      08     Seasonal inspiration ideas    29
           Make it social ideas            10     Set up a JustGiving page      30
           Make the most of social media   12     Boost your donations          32
           Go extreme ideas                14     Heather’s fundraising story   33
           Planning your fundraising       16     Personal challenge ideas      34
           Be active ideas                 18     £1OO challenge                36
           1OO day challenge               20     Be in it to win it! ideas     38
           Musical and creative ideas      22     How your money will help      40
           Margaret’s fundraising story    23     Paying in your fundraising    42
           How we help: Simon’s story      24     Families and kids ideas       43
           Get your Bake On! ideas         26

 HOLD A                     justgiving.com/firstlight
PET SHOW     firstlight.org.uk
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...
04                                                                                                                               05


                        Thank you for choosing to             will often be the most difficult   Each year, our work
                        support First Light and raise         experience a person will go
                        money for our vital work.             through in their lifetime.         helps over 5,OOO
                        This pack provides 1OO                We help people find hope again     people. You’re doing
                        ideas for how to fundraise as         and take the first steps on a
                                                              path towards recovery.
                                                                                                 something incredible
                        well as some useful tips and
                        information to help you plan                                             by raising money to
                        and promote your activity.            Believe in change                  help us reach more
                                                              By raising money for First
                        First Light is a charity supporting   Light, you are helping more        people and change
                        adults and children in Cornwall,      people in Cornwall, Devon and      more lives.”
                        Devon and Wiltshire that have         Wiltshire access expert care and
                        been affected by domestic             support when they need it most.
Every person has        abuse and sexual violence. We
                                                              Whether you choose to take
the right to be safe,   are independent of statutory          part in a personal challenge,
                        agencies, including the police,
free from violence      and we help thousands of people
                                                              organise a community event
and abuse. Your         every year to lead safer lives.
                                                              or fundraise at work, every bit
                                                              of support goes towards saving            If you need help
support can help us                                           lives and helping more people        with deciding what to do
                        Our name reflects the work
make this a reality.”   we do to help people in crisis
                                                              escape abuse.                       or how to get started email
                                                                                                  hello@firstlight.org.uk or
                        make a brave move toward                                                  visit firstlight.org.uk/get-
                        a brighter future away from                                                  involved for more tips
                        violence and abuse. To leave an       Tom Dingwall                                on fundraising
                        abusive relationship or recover       Chief Executive
                        from a sexually violent attack        First Light
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...


                                                                 HOLD A DANCE

       HOST A                                HOLD A
     GAMES NIGHT                         FOOTBALL MATCH
4                                        8
Organise a cricket match                 Host a talent show
Book a pitch, select your teams then
promote the event and sell tickets.      9
Spectators on the day can even           Organise a relay race
join in the game too. Boost your
fundraising with an auction or raffle.

Take part in a boat race                 Competition is
6                                        very good as long
Have a surf-off                          as it’s healthy;
Get the whole family involved and
get surfing! Charge competitors          it’s what makes one
to enter different rounds and include    strive to be better.”
a raffle for spectators.
                                         Christine Lahti
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...
08                                                                                                   09


 Sarah* had been in a                         Following the incident at         I would not be here
 controlling and abusive                      the nursery, Sarah was
 relationship for five years,                 contacted by an Independent       today without the
 with her partner dictating                   Domestic Violence Advisor         support I received
 who she spoke to, where she                  (IDVA) from First Light,          from my IDVA.
 went and even what she ate,                  who explained what would
 before becoming physically                   happen and then supported         She was incredible.
 violent as well.                             her through the process.          Whenever I felt I
                                                                                could not deal with
 Too scared to leave or seek                  This led to Sarah starting a
 help, it was only when changes               journey to take back control      things any more,
 in her son’s behaviour alerted               of her life. That was two years   she helped me to
 staff at his nursery school to               ago and Sarah now has a           get through it.”
 the fact something was wrong,                new home, new friends and
 that she broke down and                      a stronger relationship with
 admitted what was happening.                 her family.

                                              I am now in a much
                                              better place — thanks
                                              to First Light.”

*Names changed to protect staff and clients
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...

                MAKE IT SOCIAL
                FUNDRAISING IDEAS NOS. 11-2O

                12                                     16
                Host an Eighties night                 Host an International themed
                                                       dinner party
                                                       Be globally inspired and theme your
                Hold a fancy dress party               menu around a country or region,
                Film-stars, cartoons or lookalikes!    or select a range of cuisines for your
                                                       different courses.
                Invite friends for a pamper party      17
                Ask local therapists to provide        Host a cheese and wine evening
                mini-treatments in exchange for        18
                donations. It’s a great way for them
                                                       Organise a golf day
                to promote their business and you
                can also do manis, pedis and facials   19
                of your own.                           Invite guests to a BBQ

HOST A COFFEE          HOST A                              HOLD A DARTS
  MORNING            MOVIE NIGHT                           TOURNAMENT
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...


Update friends with your                Use hashtags to communicate
progress and include a link to          with people beyond your friends
your JustGiving page if you             and followers. Make hashtags            ASK FOR
have one.                               relevant and always use your         DONATIONS FOR
                                        local area (e.g. #Plymouth).
Add ‘Support non-profit’ to your                                             BIRTHDAY GIFTS
posts on Facebook and choose            Upload photos to Instagram with
First Light as your charitable cause,   hashtags to help you reach more
so friends can donate here too.         people. Connect your Instagram
                                        with your Facebook if you can.
Follow relevant people, local
businesses and important people         Create an event on Facebook
in your community. If they              to invite friends and followers to
follow you back it might open           your fundraiser — they can then
up new opportunities for help           invite more people via shares.
with your event or donations.
                                        Create a ‘fundraiser’ for your
                                        birthday or another occasion,
                                        on Facebook and ask friends
                                        for donations.
        Facebook, Twitter
     and Instagram are a great          @reply your close connections
       way to promote your              on Twitter and ask them to
       fundraiser and share             retweet your tweets.
        your stories, news
            and photos                  Mention @FirstLightSW on
                                        Twitter so we can see all your
                                        tweets too!
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...


22                                        26
Climb Snowdon, Kilimanjaro                Enter a muddy challenge
or another mountain                       event such as Tough Mudder
23                                        27
Tandem Skydive                            Be a daredevil — bungee jump
Feeling adventurous and up for a jump
from 15,OOOft? Combine the most
                                          or go on a zipwire
exciting and exhilarating moment
of your life with fundraising for us by
booking a jump with Skydive.buzz at       Enter an Ironman or Triathlon
Dunkeswell Airfield, nr Honiton. More     contest — run, cycle and swim!
details at firstlight.org.uk/skydives
24                                        Cycle Land’s End to
Take part in an abseiling event           John O’Groats

                                          If we use our
                                          our possibilities                  GO ON A
  ENTER A HILL                                                             BANGER RALLY
 CLIMBING EVENT                           become limitless.”
                                          Jamie Paolinetti
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...
16                                                                                                                                             17


1 2 3
Choose a date
and time
                     Get friends and
                     family involved
                                              Promote it
                                                                    4 5
                                                                    to the max
                                                                                           Ask local businesses
                                                                                           to contribute
When you’ve          Ask friends and          Tell everyone         Think of ways          If you’re planning
decided what         family to sponsor        you know and ask      to raise as much       a raffle or tombola,
you’d like to do,    you or help with         them to sponsor       money as you can…      you can ask First
think about when     the organisation         you or invite them                           Light for a letter
and where you’re     of your fundraiser.      to participate.       If you’re taking on    of authorisation
going to do your                                                    a challenge, provide   to show to local
                                                                    updates on your        businesses when
fundraising.         If you are hosting       Invite guests to
                                                                    training as you go.    you approach them
                     an event, let people     events and use                               for prizes or other
If you need to       know as soon as          social media and                             contributions.
                                                                    For a social event,
organise a venue     possible so they         local press to                                                            Raffles
                                                                    add a sweepstake,                              and lotteries are
or sort a place in   have plenty of           maximise publicity.
                                                                    ‘guess the number                           a form of gambling so
a challenge event,   time to get the          Don’t forget                                                    do check out guidance at
                                                                    of’ game, or pin the
book this as soon    date in their diaries.   that old-school                                               gamblingcommission.gov.uk
                                                                    tail on whatever                       if you are planning something
as you can.                                   promotion works       takes your fancy!                     big. If your raffle is event-bound
                                              too so put posters                                          and all proceeds are for charity
                                              up at work and on                                              fundraising, not private or
                                              local community                                                 commercial gain, you do
                                                                                                                 not need permission
                                              notice-boards.                                                         to go ahead.
1OO WAYS TO FUNDRAISE - COLLECT Help us support people who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in Cornwall, Devon and Wiltshire ...


31                                      37
Hold a roller disco		                   Put on a Zumbathon
32                                      38
Take part in a swimathon                Ditch the car and cycle
Collaborate with your local pool,       to work each day
then ask swimmers to enter for a        Improve your fitness and do your
small fee and raise sponsorship. You    bit for the environment by swapping
can group swimmers by distance and      your wheels. Ask colleagues to
keep teams rotating all day for non-    donate to collections at work or
stop swimming from dawn to dusk!        ask your employer to support your
                                        worthy effort with sponsorship or
33                                      match funding.
Walk the cliffs of Cornwall
and Devon                               39
                                        Take on a Yogathon
34                                      with friends
Hold a Spinathon event
Run a 5k, 1Ok, half-
marathon or more!
Find a running event that suits your    Challenges are what
ability, book a place, let us know
you’d like to fundraise for us then
                                        make life interesting
get training. Events of all distances   and overcoming
take place across the South West.
                                        them is what makes
                                                                              PUT ON A TENNIS
36                                      life meaningful.”                      TOURNAMENT
Organise a dance flash mob
                                        Joshua J. Marine


Can you take on a challenge          Whatever you decide to do,
for 1OO days? Three months,          this can be a fantastic way to
one week and two days to             get fit and improve wellbeing or
be exact!                            achieve something you’ve always
                                     wanted to do.
The First Light 1OO Day
Challenge asks you to make           It’s a tough challenge but one
a pledge, stick to it for 1OO        for which you’ll be fundraising
days and raise sponsorship by        to help change lives with
asking people to support you.        encouragement from all the
Your challenge could be health       people supporting you and
or fitness orientated; creative or   your progress.
crafty; or out in the community
making a difference.

You might want to ditch a
bad habit for 1OO days and
ask friends and family to
sponsor you; or maybe there’s
                                                  For more
a particular fitness goal you’d
                                             information and to
like to set yourself.
                                           download a 1OO Day
                                           Challenge pack, go to
There might be a creative
project you want to take                firstlight.org.uk/1OOdays
forward; or you could progress
a more spiritual practice such               #1OOdays
as mindfulness or meditation.


41                                       45
Organise a ‘Battle of                    Organise a cultural event
the bands’ event                         It could be a dance recital, jazz night,
                                         fashion show or art exhibition.
Put on a Karaoke night                   46
Everyone has a song they like to         Run a facepainting stall
sing! Charge for entry, refreshments     Set up stall at a festival or local fair
and for each song requested. Ask         and paint kids’ and adults’ faces
local businesses to help with prizes.    for donations. If you’re feeling
                                         adventurous, you could add to your
43                                       repertoire, with glitter tattoos and
Hold a concert or even                   hair braiding.
a mini music festival                                                                    MARGARET’S FUNDRAISING STORY
If you’re part of a music group, choir   47
or orchestra, organise a concert and     Create nail art for you                         “I wanted to raise money for First Light and other charities
take donations from those attending.     and your friends                                    I care about by sharing this fabulous week of music.”
                                         48                                           Margaret organised a series of eight classical music concerts
                                         Crochet, quilt or knit                     over a week in Crantock, Cornwall, in aid of First Light as well as
                                         Then sell your wares or ask friends        other local charities — Refuge4Pets, Mount Hawke Skate Park,
                                         and family for sponsorship for an
                                         ambitious project…                                Musicability and St Carantoc’s Church, Crantock.
                                                                                      The concerts raised over £1,4OO for the charities and it was
                                                                                                   a truly wonderful week of music.
     LEARN TO PLAY                       Host a craft fair
       A MUSICAL                         Charge for stalls and ask designer-          “First Light do fantastic work to support victims of domestic abuse
                                         makers for contributions to a raffle,
      INSTRUMENT                                                                    and sexual violence in the South West. I am delighted they will benefit
                                         auction or special sale.
                                                                                     from monies raised with our retiring collections after each concert.”
24                                                                                                     25


 Simon’s* life was changed                    After contacting the inquiry       The impact of the
 forever by an incident that took             team, he was put in touch
 place during a visit to a school             with an Independent Sexual         abuse is still there
 doctor when he was a young                   Violence Advisor (ISVA) who        but I am pleased
 child. At eight years old, he                supported him through the          I made the decision
 was too young to understand                  subsequent police investigation.
 what had happened to him and                                                    to come forward.”
 it took many years before he                 The enquiry revealed that his
 was able to process the details              abuser had died some time
 of the abuse.                                before. Although this was not
                                              the news Simon had wanted,         The support I
 Simon did not tell anyone what               he is glad that he made the        received from First
 had happened until watching                  decision to report the incident    Light made a huge
 news coverage of the Jimmy                   and receive support.
 Savile case and the subsequent                                                  difference. I could
 Independent Inquiry into Child                                                  not have done it
 Sexual Abuse persuaded him the                                                  without their help.”
 time had come to tell his story.

*Names changed to protect staff and clients
26                                                                                                                                             27

GET YOUR BAKE ON!                                                           READY STEADY BAKE!                                       14-2O
FUNDRAISING IDEAS NOS. 5O-59                                                NATIONAL BAKING WEEK                                     October

                                    55                                      National Baking Week takes          Bake-off
                                                                            place every October with the        Organise a bake-off with entry
                                    Plan a cake sale
                                    At work, school, home or your local     aim of encouraging people           fees and prizes for the winners.
                                    community centre.                       of all abilities to bake. Why not   Plus donations from cake sales
                                                                            hold a baking fundraiser and        once judged and ready for eating.
                                    56                                      make a difference to people
                                    Organise a food festival                affected by domestic abuse and      Bake Sale
                                                                            sexual violence? It’s a great       Everyone loves a bake sale —
       BAKE AND                     57                                      opportunity to sharpen up your      get as many people involved
     SELL COOKIES                   Host a themed brunch                    cooking skills and get involved     as you can to get baking, then
                                    58                                      with loads of fun baking events.    bring it altogether for a bumper
51                                                                                                              sale at home, work, school or
Host a cream tea party              ‘Come Dine with Me’
                                    Take inspiration from the TV-show
                                                                            Bake Club                           a community centre.
Whether you prefer #jamfirst or
cream before jam, put the debate    and invite friends for a cook-off.      Hold a bake club with kids — have
aside and invite your friends for                                           a mini cookery school at home
                                    Get four groups of four to compete      and pass on your baking know-
a delicious tea.
                                    with everyone putting in £25.           how to the next generation.
52                                  The winner from each group of four
Host a curry and quiz night         then plays in a grand final, with the
                                    ultimate winner receiving £1OO
53                                  and the rest is your donation.
Take part in a Bake-off
or Bakeathon                        59
                                    Hold an eating contest
54                                  Build up an appetite for Man v Food.
Host a school dinner night          Who can eat a pasty the quickest?
Serve dishes inspired by your       Who can eat a doughnut without
school days.                        licking their lips?

                                                                             SEASONAL INSPIRATION
                                                                             FUNDRAISING IDEAS NOS. 6O-71

                                                                             6O                                       66
                                                                             Take a New Year’s Day Dip                Hold a Hallowe’en party
                                                                             Take a plunge into the sea on
                                                                             1 January and celebrate the year         67
                                                                             ahead. Make it an event by sharing       Host a Fireworks night event
                                                                             the planning with others, and inviting
                                                                             the wider community to get involved.     68
                                                                                                                      Do some festive giftwrapping
                                                                             Collect donations on the day,            Get some friends together and set up
                                                                             set up food and drink stalls and         a Christmas present giftwrap station
                                                                             people can fundraise by asking for       in a busy shop or retail centre. Take
                                                                             sponsorship too.                         donations in exchange for wrapping,
                                                                                                                      and have a fun day whilst raising
          JAMES’S FUNDRAISING STORY                                          Hold a Valentine’s ball
                                                                                                                      funds for charity.

 “I don’t want young people growing up to think it’s normal behaviour        62                                       Go carol singing
to be abused either physically or psychologically in their relationships.”   Have a Pancake party
                                                                             on Shrove Tuesday                        7O
     James was inspired to fundraise for First Light by taking                                                        Sell Christmas cards
       donations over 1OO days at his hair salon in Truro.                   63
James survived a childhood of fear and abuse at the hands of his             Put on some Spring flower                Take part in a Santa fun-run
 stepfather and he wanted to help others affected by domestic                arranging workshops                      Get your Santa suits at the ready!
abuse and sexual violence. He donated £1 per client appointment                                                       This is an increasingly popular running
                                                                             64                                       event and you can usually find one
  for every one of the 1OO days and this also raised awareness               Arrange an Easter egg hunt               happening nearby. Register for a
        of how people in crisis could access help in future.                                                          place — they’ll provide the costume
                                                                             65                                       in exchange for small booking fee —
    “I want to make people aware that domestic abuse happens,                Organise a Summer Fair                   and let us know you’re running for us.
          and we should all be able to speak out about it.”
30                                                                                                                                                  31


Whatever you decide to
do, JustGiving is there for                 1                                 4                                    7
donations and sponsorship.                  Visit justgiving.com/firstlight   If you can’t see your type of        When asked if your charity is
                                            Click on Fundraise for us to      event listed, select ‘Add your       contributing to the cost of your
Follow these quick steps to set             start setting up your page.       own’ at the bottom of the page       fundraising, tick ‘No’ unless
                                                                              and tell us a bit more about         you have asked First Light to
up your fundraising page on
JustGiving and start collecting             2                                 your plans.                          subsidise the cost of your event
                                            If you already have an account                                         in any way.
donations from family, friends
and colleagues.                             with JustGiving it will ask you   5
                                            to login. If you don’t have an    Choose your web address — this       8
                                            account yet, you will be asked    is the link you’ll be sharing with   Click ‘Create your page.’ Use
                                            to set one up.                    friends and family when asking       the tips overleaf to make your
                                                                              them to donate.                      page as effective as possible.
                                            Select whether you’re taking      6
                                            part in an event, celebrating     When asked if you are receiving
                                            an occasion, fundraising          donations in return for goods,
          You can add monies                in memory of a loved one,         services or other benefits, tick
         donated offline to your            or doing your own thing.          ‘Yes’ if you’re selling tickets to
     JustGiving total too. To do so,                                          an event, raffle or auction
 just choose to ‘Edit your page’ then                                         For these types of activity
 click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Raised offline’ in                                     donations to your page won’t
 the ‘Donations made to your page’                                            be eligible for Gift Aid.
      section. Then simply add the
           total amount here                                                  Tick ‘No’ for everything else.


Tell your story                               Add photos
An engaging story can                         Fundraisers who add photos
really make a difference and                  tend to raise 14% more.
encourages people to donate                   Sharing your photos is one of
more on your page. If you can,                the easiest way of personalising
let people know why you’re                    your page.
fundraising for First Light
                                              JustGiving will now prompt
and what it means to you.
                                              you by email to add updates so
                                              you can show people how your
Share your news
                                              training or personal challenge
Don’t forget to share your
                                              is going.
page by email and on social
                                                                                            HEATHER’S FUNDRAISING STORY
media — e.g. Facebook,
                                              Set a target
Twitter, Instagram. These are
                                              This is a great way of motivating             “Domestic and sexual abuse are not spoken about much.
simple ways to promote your
                                              yourself and it lets your                       Anything we can do to support this is worthwhile.”
fundraising to your friends
                                              supporters know what you’re
and family.                                                                                      Heather and her friends, Anna and Mark,
                                              aiming for and that you’re
                                                                                         walked a double marathon along Cornwall’s North Coast,
                                              getting closer to your goal.
                                                                                           from Sennen Cove to St Agnes in one weekend and
                                                                                            raised over £1,5OO with JustGiving for First Light.
     JustGiving is a trusted partner for charities all over the world. They do not         Whilst an experienced coast-path walker, it was the
     share their data with anyone without their permission and never sell or trade          first time Heather had walked 26 miles in one go,
     personal information with third parties. They also don’t try to ‘upsell’ other      and then completed the same distance the following day.
     services on the back of people’s generosity, and invest everything back into
     the business of providing superior tech for charity fundraisers.                     “The Cornish coastline is beautiful. It was definitely a challenge,
                                                                                      but we had a great experience and were delighted at the money raised.”

           FUNDRAISING IDEAS NOS. 72-82

           73                                    79
           Go hiking                             Dye your hair
                                                 Here’s your chance to colour your
  RUN A    74                                    hair a crazy shade! You could go
MARATHON   Give up smoking                       really wild and opt for a pattern,
                                                 go half and half (one side stays the
           75                                    same, the other is dyed) or, if you’re
           Walk 1O,OOO steps each                really brave, let your kids style your
           day for a month                       hair once you reach a sponsorship
           Track your steps with a fit-bit and   milestone. Share your ‘before and
           pledge to reach a daily target.       after’ pics online.
           1O,OOO steps equates to five miles
           a day and is a great challenge to
           improve health and fitness whilst
           fundraising too.                                      80
           Get sponsored to wear
           a crazy outfit every day
           for a week — or a month!
                                                        LOSE SOME
           Try a new thing every day             81
           for a year                            Go dry for a month, three
                                                 months or a year!
           Shave your head                       82
           Always raises eyebrows —              Attempt a World Record
           and generous donations!               Make some history!


Are you a business who would       We suggest donating £1OO
like to support First Light?       to each of your departments,
                                   or employees, depending on
One way you can do this is by      the size of your company —
making a donation — initially      and your initial donation.
not to us, but to your team!
                                   To incentivise fundraising,
The idea is that your team         you can offer prizes for
is asked to maximize this          whoever does best and have
donation and get creative          a mini-awards ceremony,
with fundraising…                  which provides a good
                                   opportunity for a company
If you’re a very small business,   social and teambuilding.
you may just want to make one
donation of £1OO for your
team, asking them to work
together to invest wisely and
make as much more as they
possibly can.
                                       For more information,
For other businesses, this is                please email
a great way to make donations          hello@firstlight.org.uk
across the team and encourage         or go to firstlight.org.uk/
employees to engage with                 corporate-support/
our cause and develop
entrepreneurial skills.


Hold a tombola
Ask local businesses to donate small
gifts and ask for £1 or more a ‘go’.

Run a sweepstake
                                           ASK FOR
85                                      DONATIONS AND
Hold a ‘Guess the name                   HOLD A RAFFLE
of the teddy’ competition
Find the largest teddy bear you can.
Ask a local toy store to donate one
if possible. Create a list of 1OO
                                       Organise a pub quiz night
names, including the one you choose.   Get your local community involved!
Get people to pay per guess and pick   Charge each team member to enter
a name from the list. When all the     and include a raffle. Ask the pub to
names are taken, the person who        help with prizes — suggest rounds of
guessed right wins the bear!           drinks for winning teams!

Life changes                           Nothing is
very quickly,                          impossible. The
in a very positive                     word itself says
                                                                                 HOST A
way, if you let it.”                   I’m possible!”                         BINGO NIGHT
Lindsey Vonn                           Audrey Hepburn
40                                                                                                                                41


Every penny we raise will go
towards our services to help       £2O                             £5O                             £3OO
people affected by domestic        will pay for a set of           will pay for an Independent     will pay for six sessions
abuse and sexual violence.         toiletries for families who     Domestic Violence Advisor       of therapy for a survivor of
                                   have to escape abuse and        (IDVA) to have an initial       recent sexual assault or a
We need money to encourage         move at short notice to a       client meeting in a high-risk   person living with historic
more people to speak out and       refuge or other safe place.     situation and help them         sexual violence
be there to provide the help                                       plan for a safer future.
they need. We put survivors at
the heart of our work, listening
and responding to their needs,
and providing expert care
and understanding.

                                   £3O                             £1OO                            £5OO
                                   will pay for a critical call    will pay for one day of an      will pay for one to one
                                   on our helpline in Cornwall,    Independent Sexual Violence     life-changing art therapy
                                   enabling anyone who is          Advisor (ISVA) to work          for six months for a child
                                   affected by domestic abuse      with people who have been       who has experienced
                                   to phone in and receive help.   seriously assaulted, helping    sexual abuse.
                                                                   them with their recovery.
42                                                                                                                                          43

PAYING IN YOUR FUNDRAISING                                          FAMILIES AND KIDS
                                                                    FUNDRAISING IDEAS NOS. 89-99

Make a difference                By bank transfer
                                                                    89                                      95
By paying in the money           To set up a bank transfer,
                                                                    Organise a treasure hunt                Organise a family car-boot
you’ve raised, you’re making     provide these details to your      Find a trail online, download           or jumble sale
a real difference to people’s    bank in person or use online:      instructions then ask friends for       Take the opportunity to embrace
lives today.                                                        donations to take part — see who        your inner Marie Kondo — clear out
                                 Sort code: 20-68-10                gets to the treasure first!             your clutter and raise some money
Online                           Account no: 80646741                                                       for First Light in the process.
The easiest and most             Account name:                      9O
                                                                    Create a nature trail                   96
secure way to donate is          First Light SW Ltd.
                                                                                                            Offer a dog walking service
via firstlight.org.uk/pay-       Bank: Barclays                     91
in-fundraising                                                                                              97
                                                                    Hold a teddy bears’ picnic
Select the ‘pay in’ button and   Please include a clear reference                                           Pack bags at your
pay in your fundraising here.    so we know the donation is         92                                      local supermarket
                                 specific to your fundraising.      Put on a pantomime
By post                                                                                                     98
If sending a cheque,                                                93                                      Take on a sponsored
please make this payable                                            Take part in a Superhero                read-a-thon
to ‘First Light’ and complete                                       fun-run
the money return form                    A huge thank you!          94
enclosed in this pack or               The money you raised         Host a pyjama party
available online.                  will help thousands of adults    We’d all love to stay in our pyjamas
                                    and children in Cornwall,       for the day sometimes! So, here’s a
Send to:                            Devon and Wiltshire lead        way you can whilst raising cash for a
First Light                              safer lives and find
                                                                    good cause. Invite friends and family
The Business Centre,                         hope again.
                                                                    round for a fun social gathering in       MAKE AND SELL
                                                                    PJs or suggest a pyjama day at work
2 Cattedown Road
                                                                    or school.                                 YOUR WARES
Plymouth PL4 0EG

   First Light is the trading name of
         First Light South West Ltd.
           Company no. 3440794
  Charity registration no. 1090457
                Registered address:
               The Business Centre
                2 Cattedown Road
               Plymouth PL4 0EG
              Phone: 03458 121212

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