2018 Annual Implementation Plan - for improving student outcomes - Oakleigh Primary School

Page created by Hazel Schultz
2018 Annual Implementation Plan - for improving student outcomes - Oakleigh Primary School
2018 Annual Implementation Plan
  for improving student outcomes

  Oakleigh Primary School (1601)

Submitted for review by Michele Nolan (School Principal) on 15 December, 2017 at 09:28 AM
Endorsed by Mark Flack (Senior Education Improvement Leader) on 15 December, 2017 at 10:19 AM
Awaiting endorsement by School Council President
Self-evaluation Summary - 2018
Oakleigh Primary School (1601)

                       FISO Improvement Model Dimensions                                         Self-evaluation Level
                       The 6 High-impact Improvement Initiatives are highlighted below in red.

                          Building practice excellence                                           Embedding
  Excellence in
  teaching and

                          Curriculum planning and assessment                                     Evolving moving towards Embedding

                          Evidence-based high-impact teaching strategies                         Embedding

                          Evaluating impact on learning                                          Embedding

                          Building leadership teams                                              Excelling

                          Instructional and shared leadership                                    Embedding

                          Strategic resource management                                          Excelling

                          Vision, values and culture                                             Embedding

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Empowering students and building school pride                                Evolving
  Positive climate
    for learning

                           Setting expectations and promoting inclusion                                 Embedding

                           Health and wellbeing                                                         Embedding

                           Intellectual engagement and self-awareness                                   Evolving

                           Building communities                                                         Embedding
  engagement in


                           Global citizenship                                                           Evolving

                           Networks with schools, services and agencies                                 Evolving

                           Parents and carers as partners                                               Evolving

Enter your reflective comments                           A range of evidence examined during our school review revealed that we had achieved improved student learning,
                                                         engagement, and wellbeing outcomes during the 2014-2017 strategic plan period. The panel confirmed that the various
                                                         teacher judgement and Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) performance indicators provided evidence to verify that progress
                                                         was made towards driving ongoing improvement of student learning outcomes across all curriculum areas. When measured
                                                         on averages, the school attained the targets for learning gain, and increased the percentages of Year 5 students achieving
                                                         above the NAPLAN National Minimum Standard (NMS) in Reading (from ninety per cent of students in 2014 to ninety-three
                                                         per cent in 2016) and partially in Numeracy (from ninety-three per cent in 2014 to ninety-seven per cent in 2015 and ninety
                                                         per cent in 2016). NAPLAN and teacher judgement showed that nearly all students were assessed as being at or above the
                                                         expected standards during the review period. As would be expected from the school demographic profile, our school means
                                                         were consistently better than those recorded for the state. DET reports revealed that in addition to school means superior to
                                                         those for the state, the average 2014-2016 percentage of Year 3 students in the top three NAPLAN Bands (4, 5 and 6) in
                                                         Reading and Numeracy were greater than one standard deviation above levels predicted by the DET for the school – a
                                                         statistically significant result.

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Considerations for 2019                               Following our comprehensive review consideration for future endeavours are to consolidate and build on the solid
                                                       momentum provided by the work completed during the previous SSP and continued into 2017. This is based on the
                                                       rationale that if an agreed teaching and learning model is embedded in every classroom then consistently high quality
                                                       teaching will occur and every student will demonstrate the targeted learning progress. Key improvement strategies designed
                                                       to achieve these ends include:
                                                       •        Building the capacity of teachers to implement an agreed differentiated instructional model in Mathematics from P-6
                                                       •        Maintaining and further building teacher capacity to implement the agreed differentiated Literacy instructional model
                                                       from P-6.
                                                       Within the comparatively strong performance patterns, Mathematics has been highlighted as a focus area for improvement.
                                                       Our wellbeing goal is to develop healthy, happy and resilient students who display growth mindsets. Based on the rationale
                                                       that children with higher resiliency are more likely to thrive in learning and achieve greater educational outcomes, we will
                                                       continue to build the capacity of teachers to implement our whole-school positive education approach to health, wellbeing
                                                       and inclusion, and to expand on existing links with the broader community in the FISO elements of social justice and global
                                                       citizenship. An additional strategy is to activate student voice, leadership and agency in their own learning. This will initially
                                                       involve staff reaching an agreed understanding of what student voice should look like at our school.
                                                       Although not a focus in the AIP we intend to begin building the capacity of teachers to implement an agreed differentiated
                                                       instructional model in STEM from P-6 leading to increased engagement.

 Documents that support this plan                      Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten Pre-review Self-evaluation Report.docx (2.51 MB)
                                                       Oakleigh Primary School Peer Review Report DRAFT 1.docx (0.74 MB)
                                                       SUPschool_20161601.pdf (2.79 MB)

Annual Implementation Plan - 2018
FISO Improvement Initiatives and Key Improvement Strategies
Oakleigh Primary School (1601)

Four Year Strategic Goals                        Four Year Strategic Targets               Is this          12 month target                  FISO initiative
                                                                                           selected for
                                                                                           focus this       Outline what you want
                                                                                           year?            achieve in the next 12

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months against your
                                                                                                    Strategic Plan target.

Student Achievement                              With appropriate professional learning       Yes   - Increase the percentage of    Building practice excellence
To improve the learning growth of                and a collaborative approach, teachers             students with high relative
every student in Literacy and                    will develop a consistent and evidenced            gain in Reading (NAPLAN
Numeracy.                                        pedagogical approach to teaching and               3-5) from 28% to 30%.
                                                 learning in English, which fits within the
                                                 whole school instructional model, to               - 20% of students assessed
                                                 improve student outcomes.                          in the top two bands in
                                                 Learning growth targets                            Reading in NAPLAN in Yr 3
                                                 Each student to make at least one                  to achieve high relative gain
                                                 Victorian Curriculum level of learning             from 2016 - 2018.
                                                 progress in each school year during the
                                                 strategic plan period in English (as               - For every student to make
                                                 measured by teacher judgement and                  at least one year of learning
                                                 other school assessments identified in             growth (VCAA) in each
                                                 the assessment schedule)                           calendar year in Reading
                                                        • The NAPLAN Year 3 to 5                    and Viewing.
                                                           Relative Gain measures to
                                                           consistently improve over the
                                                           strategic plan period: Reading:
                                                           Increase the average high
                                                           relative gain from 28% to 35%.
                                                           Decrease the average low
                                                           relative gain from 20% to
                                                           15%. Writing: Increase the
                                                           average high relative gain from
                                                           34% to 38%. Decrease the
                                                           average low relative gain from
                                                           13% to 10%.
                                                        • A 10% increase in the average
                                                           percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                           Year P-6 students receiving A
                                                           or B. Reading and Viewing:

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51% to 56%, Writing: 37% to
                                                       41%, Speaking and Listening:
                                                       35% to 39%
                                                     • Increase the average
                                                       percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                       Year 3 and 5 students
                                                       assessed in the top two
                                                       NAPLAN bands for their year
                                                       level. Reading 54% to 68%,
                                                       Writing: 45% to 57%

                                             With appropriate professional learning      Yes   - Increase the percentage of    Building practice excellence
                                             and a collaborative approach, teachers            students with high relative
                                             will develop a consistent and evidenced           gain in Numeracy (NAPLAN
                                             pedagogical approach to teaching and              3-5) from 28% to 30%.
                                             learning in Mathematics which fits within
                                             the whole school instructional model, to          - For every student to make
                                             improve student outcomes.                         at least one year of learning
                                             Teacher planning documents will reflect           growth (VCAA) in each
                                             a consistent pedagogical approach in              calendar year in Numeracy.
                                             Mathematics across the school.
                                             Learning growth targets                           -At least 40% of our
                                                    • Each student to make at least            students to achieve an A or
                                                       one Victorian Curriculum level          B in the mathematical
                                                       of learning progress in each            strands.
                                                       school year during the
                                                       strategic plan period in
                                                       Mathematics. (as measured by
                                                       teacher judgement and other
                                                       school assessments identified
                                                       in the school stage on age
                                                       assessment continuum).
                                                    • The NAPLAN Year 3 to 5
                                                       Relative Gain measures to
                                                       consistently improve over the

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strategic plan period:
                                                            Numeracy: Increase the
                                                            average high relative gain from
                                                            36% to 40%. Decrease the
                                                            average low relative gain from
                                                            12% to 10%.
                                                          • A 10% increase in the average
                                                            percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                            Year P-6 students receiving A
                                                            or B. Measurement and
                                                            Geometry: 39% to 43%,
                                                            Number and Algebra: 45% to
                                                            49%, Statistics and Probability:
                                                            38% to 42%
                                                          • Increase the average
                                                            percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                            Year 3 and 5 students
                                                            assessed in the top two
                                                            NAPLAN bands for their year
                                                            level. Numeracy 45% to 57%

Student Engagement                                                                             No
To develop students who take                              • A sequential program from
responsibility for their learning and                       Prep- 6 in STEM is
are independent and self-regulated                          developed which is linked to
learners.                                                   the outcomes in the Victorian
                                                          • Increase the average
                                                            percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                            students with positive
                                                            responses for learning
                                                            characteristics and disposition
                                                            (learning confidence,
                                                            resilience, motivation and
                                                            interest, self-regulation and

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goal setting, attitude to
                                                       attendance) to at least 90%.
                                                     • Increase the average
                                                       percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                       students with positive
                                                       responses for
                                                       stimulating learning,
                                                       differentiated learning
                                                       challenge to at least 90%.
                                                     • Increase the percentage of
                                                       students with
                                                       abundant/moderate resilience
                                                       in the Monash Resilience
                                                       Survey for educational
                                                       engagement from 80% to

                                                     • Planning documents indicate
                                                       that staff deliberately plan
                                                       open-ended learning tasks that
                                                       provide scope for student
                                                       choice and direction.
                                                     • Increase the average
                                                       percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                       students with positive
                                                       responses for learning
                                                       characteristics and disposition
                                                       (learning confidence,
                                                       resilience, motivation and
                                                       interest, self-regulation and
                                                       goal setting, attitude to
                                                       attendance) to at least 90%.

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• Increase the average
                                                           percentage (2018-2022) of
                                                           students with positive
                                                           responses for
                                                           stimulating learning,
                                                           differentiated learning
                                                           challenge to at least 90%.
                                                         • Increase the percentage of
                                                           students with abundant
                                                           resilience in the Monash
                                                           Resilience Survey
                                                           for empowerment from 32% to
                                                           40%, school belonging from
                                                           64% to 70%, hope from 43% to
                                                           50%, and educational
                                                           engagement from 47% to 55%.

Student Wellbeing                                                                         Yes   - Inquiry Units and other        Empowering students and building school
To develop happy, healthy and                            • Inquiry Units and other              learning experiences             pride
resilient students with a growth                            learning experiences                indicate that staff explicitly
mindset.                                                    indicate that staff                 connect learning with the
                                                            explicitly connect                  broader community in the
                                                            learning with the                   FISO elements of Social
                                                            broader community in                Justice and Global
                                                            the FISO elements of                Citizenship.
                                                            social justice and global
                                                            citizenship.                        - Increase the percentage of
                                                         • Increase the average                 positive responses in the
                                                           percentage (2018-2022) of            Attitude to School Survey -
                                                           students with positive               Stimulating Learning from
                                                           responses for                        79% positive response
                                                           stimulating learning                 (39.9th percentile) in 2017
                                                           and differentiated learning          to at least 85% in 2018.
                                                           challenge to at least 90%.

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• Increase the average                         - Increase the percentage of
                                                           percentage (2018-2022) of                    positive responses in the
                                                           students with positive                       Attitude to School Survey -
                                                           responses for student                        Student Voice and Agency
                                                           voice and agency to at least                 from 69% positive response
                                                           80%.                                         (38th percentile) in 2017 to
                                                                                                        75% in 2018.

                                                                                                        - Increase the average
                                                                                                        score in the local wellbeing
                                                                                                        and attitude survey - from
                                                                                                        2.61 (2016) to 2.80 (2018).

Improvement Initiatives Rationale

The FISO planning and assessment initiative indicates that curriculum and assessment for learning have been shown to have significant impact on student outcomes
over time, and building teacher capacity to implement these is important. If an evidence-based differentiated teaching and learning model is embedded in every
classroom, then consistently high quality teaching focused at each student’s point of need will occur and every student will demonstrate high levels of relative growth and
targeted learning progress.

If students are cognitively, emotionally and behaviourally engaged with schooling then their outcomes will improve. By strengthening the link between student voice and
agency students will be empowered to influence their learning through collaborative decision making and action.
This rationale concurs with the FISO empowering students and building school pride initiative evidence base that shows ‘schools that build a culture where teachers and
students work together, and where student voice is heard and respected, contribute to students building their confidence (a sense of selfworth and mastery) and having a
sense of self efficacy (belief in one’s capacity to succeed).

Children and young people with higher resiliency are more likely to thrive in learning and achieve greater educational outcomes.

Goal 1                                              Student Achievement
                                                    To improve the learning growth of every student in Literacy and Numeracy.

12 month target 1.1                                 - Increase the percentage of students with high relative gain in Reading (NAPLAN 3-5) from 28% to 30%.

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- 20% of students assessed in the top two bands in Reading in NAPLAN in Yr 3 to achieve high relative gain from 2016 - 2018.

                                                    - For every student to make at least one year of learning growth (VCAA) in each calendar year in Reading and Viewing.

FISO Initiative                                     Building practice excellence

Key Improvement Strategies

KIS 1                                               Maintain and further build teacher capacity to implement the Literacy Instructional Model.

12 month target 1.2                                 - Increase the percentage of students with high relative gain in Numeracy (NAPLAN 3-5) from 28% to 30%.

                                                    - For every student to make at least one year of learning growth (VCAA) in each calendar year in Numeracy.

                                                    -At least 40% of our students to achieve an A or B in the mathematical strands.

FISO Initiative                                     Building practice excellence

Key Improvement Strategies

KIS 1                                               1.        Build the capacity of teachers to implement an agreed differentiated instructional model in Mathematics from P-6.

Goal 2                                              Student Wellbeing
                                                    To develop happy, healthy and resilient students with a growth mindset.

12 month target 2.1                                 - Inquiry Units and other learning experiences indicate that staff explicitly connect learning with the broader community in the
                                                    FISO elements of Social Justice and Global Citizenship.

                                                    - Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Attitude to School Survey - Stimulating Learning from 79% positive
                                                    response (39.9th percentile) in 2017 to at least 85% in 2018.

                                                    - Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Attitude to School Survey - Student Voice and Agency from 69%
                                                    positive response (38th percentile) in 2017 to 75% in 2018.

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- Increase the average score in the local wellbeing and attitude survey - from 2.61 (2016) to 2.80 (2018).

FISO Initiative                                     Empowering students and building school pride

Key Improvement Strategies

KIS 1                                               Build the capacity of teachers to implement the agreed whole-school positive education approach to health, wellbeing and
                                                    Expand on the existing links with the broader community in the FISO elements of social justice and global citizenship.

Define Evidence of Impact and Activities and Milestones - 2018
Oakleigh Primary School (1601)

Goal 1                                     Student Achievement
                                           To improve the learning growth of every student in Literacy and Numeracy.

12 month target 1.1                        - Increase the percentage of students with high relative gain in Reading (NAPLAN 3-5) from 28% to 30%.

                                           - 20% of students assessed in the top two bands in Reading in NAPLAN in Yr 3 to achieve high relative gain from 2016 - 2018.

                                           - For every student to make at least one year of learning growth (VCAA) in each calendar year in Reading and Viewing.

FISO Initiative                            Building practice excellence

Key Improvement Strategy 1                 Maintain and further build teacher capacity to implement the Literacy Instructional Model.

Actions                                    - Continue to implement the Big 6 Reading Framework across the school.
                                           - Incorporate the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) in the model.
                                           - Build teacher capacity in the provision of teaching and learning practices which will support our EAL students' language acquisition.
                                           - Utilise Essential Assessments (English) to identify students' (individual and cohort) points of need, misunderstandings and Zone of
                                           Proximal Development (ZPL).

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- Use the FISO improvement-focused continuum to identify the practices and behaviours to shift our self-assessed position in
                                              Curriculum Planning and Assessment towards Excelling.
                                              - Ongoing training of the Literacy Leader.

 Evidence of impact                           Students will:
                                              - complete tasks which are differentiated to point of need.
                                              -use assessment results from Essential Assessments to identify their achievements against the standards, identify
                                              misunderstandings and set personal learning goals.
                                              -listen to and act upon explicit teacher feedback.
                                              Teachers will:
                                              -build their understanding of effective teaching practices for EAL students.
                                              - use HITS as a common language for planning, monitoring and reflecting on classroom practice.
                                              - in Planning Documents and Work Programs indicate an explicit focus on the Big 6 components.
                                              -include a literacy goal in their 2018 PDP.
                                              - use Essential Assessment (English) pre and post assessments to measure impact and determine future learning needs.
                                              - clearly articulate their students' achievement against the standards (VCAA) including strengths, misunderstandings and future
                                              learning needs.
                                              - use Individual Learning Plans generated from Essential Assessment (English) to differentiate learning, in particular for high
                                              achievers in Reading.
                                              Leaders will:
                                              -undertake Literacy Leader training.
                                              -develop and strengthen teaching practices and evidence based assessment approaches.
                                              -support the implementation of the English component of Essential Assessment, including data analysis to teach to point of need.
                                              -lead Professional Development in best practice for teaching students from an EAL background.
                                              -regularly review our progess against the 12 month targets.

 Activities and Milestones                                                      Who                                 Is this a        When                   Budget

 -Professional Learning on the Big 6 framework.                                 KLA Leader                           Yes            from: Term 1           $3,000.00
                                                                                                                                        to: Term 4           Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                            be used

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Professional Learning on the effective teaching of EAL students.                  KLA Leader                           Yes            from: Term 2            $0.00
                                                                                                                                           to: Term 4            Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                                be used

 Fully implement the English component of Essential Assessment                     Teacher(s)                           No             from: Term 1            $1,000.00
 across the school.                                                                                                                        to: Term 4            Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                                be used

 All classroom teachers will include a Reading and Viewing goal in                 Teacher(s)                           No             from: Term 1            $0.00
 their 2018 PDP.                                                                                                                           to: Term 4            Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                                be used

 Goal 1                                       Student Achievement
                                              To improve the learning growth of every student in Literacy and Numeracy.

 12 month target 1.2                          - Increase the percentage of students with high relative gain in Numeracy (NAPLAN 3-5) from 28% to 30%.

                                              - For every student to make at least one year of learning growth (VCAA) in each calendar year in Numeracy.

                                              -At least 40% of our students to achieve an A or B in the mathematical strands.

 FISO Initiative                              Building practice excellence

 Key Improvement Strategy 1                   1.         Build the capacity of teachers to implement an agreed differentiated instructional model in Mathematics from P-6.

 Actions                                      Develop a Mathematics Instructional Model which incorporates the elements of effective teacing practices in numeracy.
                                              Incorporate High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) in the model.
                                              Continue using learning intentions and success criteria, including further embedding the role of students in goal setting and feedback
                                              Use Essential Assessments and other assessment tools to enable differentiated/point -of -need teaching. Interrogate assessment
                                              data and identify specific gaps in student achievement (eg, confirm problem-solving as a student capacity to improve).
                                              Appoint and train 2 Numeracy Leaders who will develop and strengthen teaching practices and evidence based assessment

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Evidence of impact                           Students will:
                                              - complete tasks which are differentiated to point of need.
                                              -use assessment results from Essential Assessment to identify their achievement against the standards and identify current
                                              -set numeracy goals which are explicit and linked to an understanding of their current areas for improvment.
                                              -listen to and act upon explicit teacher feedback.
                                              Teachers will:
                                              - build their understanding of effective teaching practices in Numeracy.
                                              -use HITS as a common language for planning, monitoring and reflecting on classroom practice.
                                              - in Planning Documents and Work Programs indicate an explicit focus on a)Conceptual understanding b)Procedural literacy and
                                              c)Strategic competence through problem solving.
                                              - include a Numeracy goal in their 2018 PD.
                                              - Classroom teachers use Essential Assessment pre and post assessments to measure impact and determine future learning needs.
                                              - Classroom teachers clearly articulate their students' achievement against the standards (VCAA) including strengths,
                                              misunderstandings and future learning needs.
                                              - Staff use Individual Learning Plans generated from Essential Assessment to differentiate learning, in particular for high achievers.
                                              -Students set personal learning goals for numeracy and can clearly identifiy their understandings and misunderstandings.
                                              Leaders will:
                                              -review organisational and instructional leadership structures, including training staff in leading Numeracy.
                                              - develop and strengthen teaching practices and evidence based assessment approaches
                                              - lead Professional Learning activities which will build staffs' capacity to deliver high quality teaching and learning in Numeracy,
                                              -regularly review our progess against the 12 month targets.

 Activities and Milestones                                                       Who                                 Is this a        When                    Budget

 Professional Learning on best practice in Numeracy instruction will             KLA Leader                           Yes            from: Term 1            $2,500.00
 be undertaken.                                                                                                                          to: Term 4            Equity funding will
 Develop teacher knowledge and capacity to plan for and implement                                                                                             be used
 differentiated teaching practices in Mathematics.
 Staff will implement an agreed approach to the teaching of

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All classroom teachers will include a Mathematics goal in their                 Teacher(s)                            No             from: Term 1            $0.00
 2018 PDP.                                                                                                                                to: Term 4            Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                               be used

 Fully implement the Mathematics component of Essential                          Teacher(s)                            No             from: Term 1            $1,500.00
 Assessment across the school to improve the use of student data                                                                          to: Term 4            Equity funding will
 to plan for effective teaching.                                                                                                                               be used

 Goal 2                                       Student Wellbeing
                                              To develop happy, healthy and resilient students with a growth mindset.

 12 month target 2.1                          - Inquiry Units and other learning experiences indicate that staff explicitly connect learning with the broader community in the FISO
                                              elements of Social Justice and Global Citizenship.

                                              - Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Attitude to School Survey - Stimulating Learning from 79% positive response
                                              (39.9th percentile) in 2017 to at least 85% in 2018.

                                              - Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Attitude to School Survey - Student Voice and Agency from 69% positive
                                              response (38th percentile) in 2017 to 75% in 2018.

                                              - Increase the average score in the local wellbeing and attitude survey - from 2.61 (2016) to 2.80 (2018).

 FISO Initiative                              Empowering students and building school pride

 Key Improvement Strategy 1                   Build the capacity of teachers to implement the agreed whole-school positive education approach to health, wellbeing and inclusion.
                                              Expand on the existing links with the broader community in the FISO elements of social justice and global citizenship.

 Actions                                      - Continue to consolidate and build on the work we do in this area linked to our Positive Education Framework with a particular focus
                                              on engagement, meaning and achievement.
                                              - Inquiry Units will be reviewed to include an emphasis on problem solving, collaboration and global/social responsibility.
                                              - Undertake professional learning to develop a clear understanding of what 'student voice and agency' means and how it applies in
                                              the Oakleigh Primary School context.
                                              - The Positive Education team will lead the school using an Appreciative Inquiry Framework: Building Community Relationships.
                                              - Broaden the student leadership roles and forums leading to improved capacity across the school.

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Evidence of impact                           Students will:
                                              -gain an awareness of our interconnectedness with people and environments around the globe and their place in it.
                                              -influence decision making across a broad range of school areas.
                                              -through our wellbeing program and the Junior School Council, be empowered to become advocates for their own rights and the
                                              dignity of others, locally and globally.
                                              Teachers will:
                                              -clearly articulate what 'student voice and agency' means and how it applies in the Oakleigh Primary School context. Evidence of this
                                              understanding will begin to be articulated in planning documents.
                                              - build their understanding of the Community Engagement components as outlined in the FISO documents, in particular Global
                                              -participate in the Appreciative Inquiry process related to Building Community Relationships.
                                              -review Inquiry Units and Specialist programs to reflect a commitment to developing global awareness,citizenship and student voice.
                                              Leaders will:
                                              - lead and document our Appreciative Inquiry Project.
                                              -lead Professional learning activiites which build staff understanding of student voice and community engagement in learning.
                                              -support the review of our Inquiry Units.

 Activities and Milestones                                                      Who                                 Is this a         When                   Budget

 Continue Appreciative Inquiry Project (Positve Relationships                   All Staff                            Yes             from: Term 1           $1,000.00
 Promote Wellbeing and Success) through reference group and                                                                              to: Term 4           Equity funding will
 staff meeting forums.                                                                                                                                       be used

 Positive Education Overview chart to be reviewed with reference to             PLC Leaders                          No              from: Term 3           $0.00
 engagement, meaning and achievement.                                                                                                    to: Term 4           Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                             be used

 Professional Development in the area of Student Voice and agency               Assistant Principal                  Yes             from: Term 2           $1,000.00
                                                                                                                                         to: Term 4           Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                             be used

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Professional Learning about Global Citizenship undertaken, with                     Principal                       Yes             from: Term 1          $0.00
 particular emphasis on social justice, human rights and sustainable                                                                     to: Term 2          Equity funding will
 futures.                                                                                                                                                   be used

 Review the student leadership opportunities across the school in                    Team Leader(s)                  No              from: Term 3          $0.00
 light of improved understanding about student voice and agency.                                                                         to: Term 4          Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                            be used

 New staff to develop an understanding of the Oakleigh Primary                       PLC Leaders                     No              from: Term 1          $0.00
 School Positive Education program.                                                                                                      to: Term 4          Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                            be used

 Teachers include a Community Engagement goal in their 2018                          Teacher(s)                      No              from: Term 1          $500.00
 PDP.                                                                                                                                    to: Term 4          Equity funding will
                                                                                                                                                            be used

Professional Learning and Development Plan - 2018
Oakleigh Primary School (1601)

  Professional Learning                     Who                   When            Key Professional Learning   Organisational Structure     Expertise Accessed        Where
  Priority                                                                        Strategies

  -Professional Learning on the             KLA Leader            from: Term 1     Planning                   Timetabled Planning         Literacy expertise       Off-site
  Big 6 framework.                                                   to: Term 4    Curriculum development    Day                           Bastow
                                                                                                               PLC/PLT Meeting            program/course            Bastow
                                                                                   Formalised PLC/PLTs                                                              Literacy
                                                                                                                                            Literacy Leaders        Leaders

Oakleigh Primary School (1601) - 2018 - Overall Implementation Plan.docx
Page 18
Professional Learning on the           KLA Leader             from: Term 2     Curriculum development    Formal School Meeting /    Literacy expertise     On-site
effective teaching of EAL                                        to: Term 4    Peer observation         Internal Professional        Literacy Leaders
students.                                                                     including feedback and     Learning Sessions
                                                                              reflection                  Communities of Practice
                                                                               Formalised PLC/PLTs

Professional Learning on best          KLA Leader             from: Term 1     Planning                  Whole School Student       Internal staff         Off-site
practice in Numeracy                                             to: Term 4    Moderated assessment     Free Day                     Bastow
instruction will be undertaken.                                               of student learning         Professional Practice     program/course          Bastow -
Develop teacher knowledge                                                                                Day                                                 Leading
and capacity to plan for and                                                   Curriculum development                                                       Numeracy
implement differentiated                                                                                  Formal School Meeting /                           Course
teaching practices in                                                                                    Internal Professional
Mathematics.                                                                                             Learning Sessions
Staff will implement an                                                                                   Timetabled Planning
agreed approach to the
teaching of mathematics.
                                                                                                          Communities of Practice
                                                                                                          PLC/PLT Meeting

Continue Appreciative Inquiry          All Staff              from: Term 1     Planning                  Formal School Meeting /    Internal staff         On-site
Project (Positve                                                 to: Term 4    Collaborative            Internal Professional        Subject association
Relationships Promote                                                         Inquiry/Action Research    Learning Sessions
Wellbeing and Success)                                                        team                        Communities of Practice
through reference group and
staff meeting forums.                                                          Peer observation
                                                                              including feedback and

Professional Development in            Assistant              from: Term 2     Collaborative             Professional Practice      PLC Initiative         On-site
the area of Student Voice and          Principal                 to: Term 4   Inquiry/Action Research    Day                          Internal staff
agency                                                                        team

   Oakleigh Primary School (1601) - 2018 - Overall Implementation Plan.docx
   Page 19
 Curriculum development       Formal School Meeting /
                                                                                                            Internal Professional
                                                                               Formalised PLC/PLTs         Learning Sessions
                                                                                                             Communities of Practice
                                                                                                             PLC/PLT Meeting

Professional Learning about            Principal              from: Term 1     Collaborative                Formal School Meeting /    Internal staff    On-site
Global Citizenship                                               to: Term 2   Inquiry/Action Research       Internal Professional
undertaken, with particular                                                   team                          Learning Sessions
emphasis on social justice,                                                    Formalised PLC/PLTs          Communities of Practice
human rights and sustainable
futures.                                                                       Individualised Reflection    PLC/PLT Meeting

Documents that support the plan
The school has uploaded the following documents to support the self-evaluation.

Dimension 1
   Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten Pre-review Self-evaluation Report.docx (2.51 MB)
   Oakleigh Primary School Peer Review Report DRAFT 1.docx (0.74 MB)
Dimension 2
   2017 Assessment Schedule.docx (0.08 MB)
   6.10 Curriculum Framework Policy.doc (0.09 MB)
   curriculum 2017.xlsx (0.19 MB)
   Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten Pre-review Self-evaluation Report.docx (2.51 MB)
   Oakleigh Primary School Peer Review Report DRAFT 1.docx (0.74 MB)
   Speaking and Listening scope and sequence.docx (0.03 MB)
   The BIG Six of Reading S&S.docx (0.3 MB)
   Whole School Phonics Program.docx (0.09 MB)
Dimension 4
   2017 Assessment Schedule.docx (0.08 MB)
Dimension 5
   3.15 ops induction policy and procedures.doc (0.38 MB)
   organsitional chart 2017docx.docx (0.27 MB)

   Oakleigh Primary School (1601) - 2018 - Overall Implementation Plan.docx
   Page 20
Dimension 6
    organsitional chart 2017docx.docx (0.27 MB)
Dimension 11
    2016 Wellbeing Survey.xlsx (0.29 MB)
    4.5 Duty of Care Policy and Procedures web.doc (0.08 MB)
Dimension 13
    Oakleigh Primary School Class Rep Scheme.doc (1.89 MB)
Self-evaluation Summary
    Oakleigh Primary School and Kindergarten Pre-review Self-evaluation Report.docx (2.51 MB)
    Oakleigh Primary School Peer Review Report DRAFT 1.docx (0.74 MB)
    SUPschool_20161601.pdf (2.79 MB)
2018 Annual Implementation Plan
    Oakleigh PS 2017_School_Annual_Implementation_Plan_.docx (0.18 MB)

   Oakleigh Primary School (1601) - 2018 - Overall Implementation Plan.docx
   Page 21
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