Confirmation of Attendance - 2018 Club 500 - Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles

Page created by Dennis Shelton
Confirmation of Attendance - 2018 Club 500 - Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
2018 Club 500
                               Confirmation of Attendance
April 16, 2018

Congratulations on selling 500 or more boxes of cookies during Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles 2018 Cookie
Program! This great achievement has earned your attendance to Club 500’s Event at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor.

        Date:        May 19, 2018
        Time:        Event - 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
        Place:       Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, 26101 Magic Mountain Parkway, Valencia, CA 91355

You and MORE THAN 2400 other Girl Scouts from GSGLA will celebrate together on an exclusive day set aside at
Hurricane Harbor, only for YOU! Come and enjoy the fun for all ages, from thrill rides to a leisurely float
down the river. Don’t miss our main all-you-can-eat buffet. We look forward to celebrating together on this
very special day.

Please review the enclosed FAQs so you have a good idea of what to expect for the day. Your girl may bring one
(and only one) adult/guardian who will be responsible for her. This adult will be able to attend free of charge
and enjoy all rides. Sorry, no tagalongs. Please complete these steps to facilitate your girl’s attendance to Club
500 at Hurricane Harbor:

This email confirms your attendance to this event (choice entered by your Troop Leader or Troop
Cookie Chair in eBudde).

IMPORTANT: Due to the success of our program we have a record breaking number of people attending. To
make the registration process move more smoothly with this very large number of guests, we ask that
EVERYONE please plan to register in person at your closet Service Center during each locations business/shop
hours, except where clarified below. Click Here for Service Center/Shop hours.

Registration dates
        Wednesday and Friday May 9th and May 11th (Palmdale Service Center)
        Monday-Friday        May 7th thru May 11th (all other Service Centers)
        Saturday             May 12th 10am – 1pm (Long Beach, Upland, Woodland Hills and Palmdale)
You will receive your tickets to enter the park, a parking pass, and your wristbands at that time.

Guests that register on the above dates will be able to enter the park as soon as it opens at 10:30 and will not be
required to wait in the registration lines (You MUST have your tickets to enter the park, these are non-
replaceable and are only good for the day of the event).

Those who do not pre-register will need to pay the $25.00 parking fee to enter the parking lot (which is non-
refundable). In addition you will be required to register at the tables located at the entrance of Hurricane
Harbor and placed at the end of the line waiting to enter the park, which will delay your entrance. Spend more
time having fun by pre-registering before you come!

           Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles, 801 S. Grand Ave., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90017
                                T 213-213-0123 
Confirmation of Attendance - 2018 Club 500 - Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
Club 500 FAQs
                                  Six Flags Hurricane Harbor
                                          Valencia, CA 91355

                     *** May 19, 2018– 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM ***
                          (Day of event registration begins at 9:30 AM)

Who is invited to attend?
This event is exclusively for Girl Scouts who sell 500 or more boxes of cookies during the 2018 Girl Scout Cookie
Program. Each qualifying girl and one adult of her choice may attend this event. Girls should decide who will
attend this event with them, be it a parent or guardian, her troop leader or another family member over the age
of 18 who will be responsible for her.

Do I need my ticket?
Yes! Please don’t forget or lose your tickets, these are non-replaceable and are only good for the day of the

Are Tag-alongs permitted at this event?
No, this event is limited to the Club 500 girl and one accompanying adult. Capacity is limited.

Will transportation be provided?
No. The venue in Valencia is accessible from all parts of the council via major highways. Since many attendees
are from the same troop, carpooling is a great plan. We can help connect you with others in your region to
make carpool arrangements.

Will volunteers be allowed to assist at the event?
Thank you for asking! As with other GSGLA events, additional help is appreciated. We will be sending out
information on voluntary opportunities soon.

What time does all this happen?
        Six Flags Parking Lot Opens             9:30 AM
        Registration Opens                      9:30 AM
        Hurricane Harbor Opens                  10:30 AM to 5:00 PM
        Hot Dog Concession Stands               11:00 AM to 4:30 PM
        Lunch Buffet                            11:30 AM to 4:00 PM
        Park Closes / Exit                      5:00 PM

What is there to eat, and are there healthy food options?
The food is the best part of the day (depending on your perspective). Food stations will be located throughout
the park, and Paradise Picnic Pavilion will offer a variety of fun and healthy food choices, including vegetarian
options. All menu items are prepared on-site by the park’s chef and include BBQ beef brisket, grilled chicken
sandwich, baked beans, homemade mac’n’cheese, corn cobbett, garden salad, watermelon. The main lunch will
be served from 11:30AM until 4:00 PM at the Paradise Pavilion …..Oh and let’s not forget the hot dogs, chicken
tenders and potato chips (Hot dog concession stands from 11:00 AM until 4:30 PM) and is all you can eat.

In addition, there will be supplemental water/drink stations throughout the park so everyone stays hydrated.
Kiosks will provide snacks such as drumsticks, ice cream sandwiches, and popsicles.
What areas of Hurricane Harbor do we use?
We have reserved the entire park for Girls Scouts of Greater Los Angeles, all attractions are currently planned to
be open for our use.

Where do we park?
Everyone will park in Six Flags parking lot. Parking lot opens at 9:30 AM. Follow the driving/parking instructions

There will be lots of people walking around the parked cars. Be extra careful when leaving. Everyone will be
tired and we want you to get home safely.

Will there be Handicap parking?
Yes, there is handicap parking in Six Flags parking lot.

Will there be a charge for parking?
No. A parking pass will be provided to you when you Pre-Register and receive your Hurricane Harbor tickets.

How do I know that my daughter is confirmed to attend?
GSGLA will email a confirmation with complete details to each parent. Please watch your email. If you have not
received the confirmation that you are attending by April 23, 2018, please contact customer care at 213-213-
0123. This confirmation is from information entered by your Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Chair in

What is Pre-Registration?
EVERYONE should pre-register at the Service Center closest to you during their normal business hours. You will
receive a ticket for the girl and the one adult who will be attending, along with a paring pass. YOU MUST BRING
THESE to enter Hurricane Harbor.
        Pre-Registration Dates:
Registration dates
         Wednesday and Friday             May 9th and May 11th (Palmdale Service Center)
         Monday-Friday                    May 7th thru May 11th (all other Service Centers)
         Saturday                         May 12th 10am – 1pm (Long Beach, Upland, Woodland Hills and Palmdale)

We ask that EVERYONE please plan to pre-register in person at your closet Service Center only during each
Service Center’s business hours. Business hours include extended hours to match shop close time, for days the
shop is open later. Click Here for Service Center/Shop hours.

Those who do not pre-register will need to pay the $25.00 parking fee to enter the parking lot (which is non-
refundable). In addition you will be required to register at the tables located at the entrance of Hurricane Harbor
and placed at the end of the line waiting to enter the park, which will delay your entrance. Spend more time
having fun by pre-registering before you come!

What kind of lines will there be before entering the park?
We are excited to welcome over 2400 girls and their one adult as they attend Club 500. Keep in mind that
Hurricane Harbor will not open the parking lot gates until 9:30 AM so you will have to wait in line for the gates to
open. Everyone must then go through security before getting in line to enter the park. Please be patient as we
get everyone into the park as fast as we can.

Will there be special activities for various age levels?
Hurricane Harbor has attractions for all ages. Choose Thrill rides, for our older girls and those who like to hang
on the edge, or the Family rides for some fun or try cruising down the river. The kid’s rides are great for the
younger girls to have fun in the shallow waters. There is something for everyone.

How will the pool and waterslide safety be handled?
Hurricane Harbor has all the safety requirements needed with lifeguard ratios.

What about life vests and flooties?
No flooties are allowed in Hurricane Harbor, but life vest can be provided to you if requested.

Will the girls receive any recognition at this event?
Girls will receive their silver 2018 Club 500 pin along with their regular 2018 Rewards when the troop receives
them. Specially made posters that list every 2018 Club 500 girl will be hung near the entrance walkway– be sure
to find your name. Posters are for picture taking only and belong to GSGLA.

Will the girls need to bring extra money?
No additional money is needed for attractions, or the food and beverages provided.

Will there be anything the girls can buy at Hurricane Harbor?
Yes. Hurricane Harbor will have their gift shop “Cabana Bros. Export Trading Co.” open for girls who wish to buy
anything from the park. Also available for purchase are funnel cakes at “Captain Cooks”.

What about waiting in line?
Every activity can accommodate several girls at once, and the park’s staff work hard to keep lines moving.
However, we cannot control the popularity of every activity. Waiting lines tells us we have great activities that
the girls want to participate in. We hope every girl gets to experience it all, and even go back to her favorites.
Please expect some lines, however lines will move as quickly as possible.

Will the rafts be available?
All rafts needed will at the entrances of each attraction including the Wave Pool and Lazy River. No one will be
allowed to exit any attraction with a raft. You will receive a raft when you enter the attraction and will then
leave the raft as you exit the attraction. This is to assure that all attending have an opportunity to enjoy all the
attractions. No one will be allowed to keep a raft.

Can we bring in folding chairs, coolers or EZ up and umbrellas?
Hurricane Harbor does not allow Lawn/folding chairs, coolers or EZ-ups. You may bring small personal

Are Lockers Available?
A limited supply of lockers are available at your cost.

Are there Cabanas available?
We will be able to use the Cabanas at Hurricane Harbor.

How will Cabanas be issued?
Cabanas will be given out by lottery. Each girl will have one chance to draw for a Cabana during pre-registration.
Girls who draw cabanas are encouraged to invite other girls to join them.

Are there chairs or lounge chairs available?
Yes. There is limited seating, so please be mindful to only use chairs that someone will be staying in. Any guest
will be allowed to use any chair that does not have a physical person in it at the time.
Every person attending has earned this day so please be a sister to every Girl Scout.

What measures will be taken to ensure the participants’ safety?
Hurricane Harbor has been acquired by Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles for 2018 Club 500 use only. Adults
are responsible for supervising their girls. Only those that we give tickets to can enter the park. All life guard
requirements have been met by Hurricane Harbor staff.

Hurricane Harbor has it own First Aid office within the park and staffed by EMTs. Safety comes first.

Is smoking allowed in Hurricane Harbor?
No. This is a Girl Scout event and smoking is not allowed. We have purchased the park for the day so Girl Scout
rules apply. There is smoking outside the park. Anyone caught smoking inside Hurricane Harbor will be required
to leave the park.

What is the attire for the Club 500 event?
We want everyone to have fun and be comfortable, while dressing appropriately. T-shirt type tops with short or
long bottoms and modest swimwear are appropriate. Please, no strapless or camisole tops. Flip flops are OK in
the pool area only. Don’t forget your towel and sunscreen. Swimwear with rivets or any other metal
ornamentation is not permitted on the water slides. It could also be a cool day, so layers of dry clothes are a
good idea. Uniforms are not needed; this is a day of fun, not formality.

Can we reserve spots in line for entering the park?
No. You should get in line as you arrive. If you wish to enter with additional people at the same time, please wait
for your whole party to arrive before you get in line.

What options do I have if there is a scheduling conflict?
GSGLA addressed this issue by contracting the date last summer for this event and published this date before
the Cookie Program began to avoid as many scheduling conflicts as possible. Any girl who cannot make this
event was given the option to choose $50 Camp/Program Credit in lieu of attending the event (at the time when
the reward option was selected)

For more information about Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, visit:

                         Please DO NOT contact Six Flags Hurricane Harbor directly.
                        For questions, please contact Customer Care at 213-213-0123,
                                     or your Product Sal es Manager.

Girl Scouts Six Flags Policies

Because Six Flags is a family park, we expect guests to behave appropriately. Violating our park policies may be
cause for ejection from the park without refund.

We expect all guests to behave in a family-friendly manner. Line jumping, profanity and unruly behavior are
offensive to park guests and may be cause for ejection without refund. Guests are not permitted to save places
in line, bypass others in line, or exit the line and return to the same place for any reason. Guests exiting a line
must go to the back of the line if they choose to return.

In keeping with our family-friendly atmosphere, and for health and safety reasons, Six Flags strictly enforces a
dress code. Proper swimwear is required. Swimwear with rivets or any other metal ornamentation is not
permitted on the water slides. Clothing or tattoos with offensive language or graphics are not permitted at any
Examples of clothing not permitted are those displaying:
Graphic violence
Support of drugs and drug use
Gang symbols
Promotion of discrimination against any group
Provocative swimwear and long pants are not permitted. T-shirts and surf/rash shirts are not allowed on body
slides. All children must be in appropriate swimwear. Park admission may be denied if clothing or tattoos are
deemed to be inappropriate by management and the Guest refuses all reasonable options. Shirts cannot be
turned inside out as a solution.

For your safety, certain rides may need to close during severe weather, such as electrical storms, heavy rain, or
high winds. Most restaurants and shops will remain open. Rides will re-open as soon as safe operations can be
assured. Unfortunately, refunds and rain checks are not offered for inclement weather.

Line jumping is strictly prohibited. Guests are not permitted to save places in line or exit the line and return for
any reason. Violators will be ejected without a refund.

Loose articles are not permitted on most rides and should be left with non-riders or secured in lockers. Six Flags
and its employees are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Pets are not allowed, with the exception of working service animals.

By entering the park, guests grant Six Flags the right to film, video, record or photograph them on park property
for any reason without payment or consideration. Six Flags requests that all photographs or video taken by our
guests be used for their personal use and enjoyment only. Any use, reuse or reproduction for commercial
purposes without the express written consent of Six Flags is strictly prohibited. Six Flags reserves the right to
refuse to allow photography of any kind as necessary at individual locations. No commercial photography of any
kind is permitted. Specifically, the use of the following equipment is not permitted:
Go Pro cameras
Interchangeable lenses of any kind
Any camera mounted to a vehicle, drone, cart, scooter or other moving object
No cameras (video, still, cell-phone, smart phones, etc.) are allowed on any rides at any time. No exceptions.
All Six Flags rides, shows and attractions are protected by copyright. Guests must have written permission to
use photographs and/or videotape of Six Flags images for commercial broadcasting, advertising, marketing or
publishing in any medium.

The following items are not permitted at any time:
inner tubes (available at park only)
Lawn/folding chairs
Magic markers, spray paint
Aerosol cans
Glass bottles
Knives, Multi-tools or other similar items regardless of size
Spiked clothing/jewelry
Chemical weapons, mace/pepper spray
Skate shoes or any footwear with wheels
Selfie sticks, monopods, and similar items
Unmanned ariel vehicles (drones)
*Food exceptions are made for Guests with special dietary needs to include food allergies and baby
food/formula, but coolers are not allowed.

To leave the park and re-enter on the same day, please get your hand stamped and re-enter at the re-entry
gate. This includes Season Pass holders. Season Passes may only be scanned once per day.

Safety is our number-one priority. Guests with certain body proportions or of certain heights and/or weights
may not be able to enjoy certain rides if the safety restraints will not operate as designed.

There is an inherent risk in participating in any amusement ride. We expect riders to exercise good judgment
and act in a responsible manner. Guests must also obey all oral and written warnings and properly use all ride
safety equipment provided. Guests who do not comply with ride rules may be ejected from the park without
refund. Please refer to specific guidelines posted at the entrance of every ride.

Selfie sticks, monopods, and similar devices are not allowed inside Six Flags parks.

Girl Scouts does not allow smoking at any Girl Scout event, but smoking is allowed outside the park. Any
one smoking in the park will asked to leave immediately.
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