HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events

Page created by Lorraine George
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events

           you need
    to make your MS Bike a
     memorable experience
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Welcome to                                          To ensure you receive the most up-to-date
                                                    information about MS Mountain Bike, log into
MS Mountain Bike                                    your Participant Centre and update your
                                                    email address.

                                                    Welcome to MS Mountain Bike........................................... 2
                                                    Research funding................................................................ 3
                                                    Your impact........................................................................ 3
                                                    Why 350?............................................................................ 4
                                                    Friends and family.............................................................. 4
                                                    Are you an MS Mountain Bike rookie?................................ 5
                                                    Riding with a team.............................................................. 6
                                                    Company teams.................................................................. 6
Thank you for joining MS Mountain Bike              Team captain’s corner........................................................ 7
and helping us change the future of MS.             Team building tips.............................................................. 7
                                                    Custom team jerseys.......................................................... 8
Every day in Canada, approximately                  Fundraising
11 people are newly diagnosed with MS.              Get the app......................................................................... 8
                                                    Fundraising made easy....................................................... 9
These people truly understand how life can
                                                    Rewards............................................................................ 10
turn on a dime. Living with MS can feel like        Mission First Club............................................................. 10
living in a body that no longer listens to          Experiences for top fundraisers........................................ 11
you. This makes even the smallest things            Event day information
                                                    Rules for Safe Group Riding.............................................. 12
acts of greatness, but the MS Society is            Training tips...................................................................... 13
on the cusp of important breakthroughs              Special events.................................................................. 13
that will change lives. By participating in         Volunteers........................................................................ 13
                                                    Event day support............................................................. 14
MS Bike you are accelerating the pace of            Food & Refreshments....................................................... 15
MS breakthroughs and empowering people              Your to-do list before the event........................................ 16
affected by MS to live their best lives.            Your to-do list upon check-in........................................... 16
                                                    Here’s what you’ll need.................................................... 16
This handbook contains all the information          Finish Line Activities........................................................ 17
                                                    Accommodations............................................................. 18
and tips you will need to beat your                 Schedule at a Glance........................................................ 19
fundraising goal and have an experience             Maps
you will never forget.                              Day 1................................................................................ 20
                                                    Day 2................................................................................ 21
Let’s do something great!                           Post-tour
                                                    Prize Pickup...................................................................... 22
                                                    Early Registration............................................................. 22
- Tania Vrionis President, MS Society of Canada,   Event Photos.................................................................... 23
  Alberta & NWT - BC & Yukon Divisions
                                                    Keep Cycling..................................................................... 23
                                                    Join us online................................................................... 24
2 2019 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Research Funding
Research funding                                                                                                   ■ Cause & risk factors

                                                                                           Mechanisms of disease
                                                                      14%   8%                                     ■ Triggers of MS
Your fundraising at MS Mountain Bike makes it possible                           14%                               ■ Mechanisms of progression
for the MS Society of Canada to be on the cusp of               18%                                                ■ Repair processes
important research breakthroughs that will change                                                                  ■ Therapy & clinical
lives. Here are the areas of focus of currently funded                                                               tool development
MS research.                                                                                                       ■ Symptom management
                                                                                                                     & quality of life

                                                                             Your impact
                                                                             By joining MS Mountain Bike, you
                                                                             have become a part of a movement of
                                                                             9,000+ cyclists across Canada who are
                                                                             determined to make a difference in the
                                                                             lives of their fellow Canadians.

                                                                             Every dollar you fundraise supports
                                                                             ground-breaking research and impactful
                                                                             services, making life better for people
                                                                             affected by MS.

In 2018, the MS Society released evidence-based
recommendations for vitamin D supplementation
and maintenance of vitamin D serum levels,
addressing a key need of the MS community for
information on vitamin D intake and MS.
“According to multiple studies, vitamin D deficiency is a risk
factor for MS,” says Dr. Ruth Ann Marrie, Director, MS Clinic,
Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre and a member of the
Vitamin D and MS Panel who worked on the recommendations.
They provide optimal dosing ranges for people with or at risk for
MS, and information about comorbid conditions, sun exposure,
vitamin D supplements, and food sources.

“Having these recommendations available to someone like
myself, who may be at risk of the disease, gives me hope,”
says Marie-Ève Simard, whose mother lives with MS.

                                                                        Marie-Ève Simard (right) and her mother
                                                                                                                                2019 MS BIKE 3
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Why $350?
                                                                         The minimum fundraising
                                                                         requirement for MS Mountain Bike
                                                                         is $350. This helps provide a
                                                                         fun-filled event experience while
                                                                         ensuring that we continue to fund:
                                                                         • w
                                                                            orld-leading Canadian MS
                                                                           research into the cause and
                                                                           cure of MS
                                                                         • s ervices to support and inform
                                                                           people affected by MS to ensure a
                                                                           quality of life they deserve
                                                                         • g overnment advocacy to achieve
                                                                           the goals important to the MS

and family

                                                                                 Meredith with A Few
                                                                                 Spokes Short

“Our team started with 4 people sitting around at        for those that can’t, and to celebrate all the teams and
breakfast one year saying they wanted to ride on a       riders. We know there is a cure and by participating
team. We then looked at each other and said ‘Wait… we    and fundraising for this amazing event, we know that
can be a team!” says Meredith Yeo, Team Captain of A     we are helping to find it.”
Few Spokes Short.
                                                         Riding alongside your friends and family at MS
“Since 2003, we have had a few ‘captains’ but            Mountain Bike is an exciting and fulfilling experience.
everyone that has joined us over the years has led the   Whether your family and friends team is big or small,
team to what it is today. This tour is when we come      you will be fully supported by the MS Mountain Bike
together to see our MS Mountain Bike family, to ride     team from start to finish.

4 2019 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Are you an MS Mountain                                                                     “I was diagnosed
                                                                                           with MS in May
Bike rookie?                                                                               2018. This was
You’re in for an amazing experience! We’re very                                            overwhelming and
                                                                                           scary to me. I had
proud of this event, its supporters and fundraisers,
                                                                                           and still have so
and we’re thrilled that you’ve decided to join us.                Christy (right) with son many questions
We want you to have an experience that you won’t                                           and concerns
forget. Our team will guide you through every step              because of the uncertainty of MS,” says
of the way.                                                     Christy Mielhausen.

                                                                “I know there is a lot more I need to learn about
Join our rookie rider team, Team United Sport &
                                                                this disease, so getting involved with MS Bike
Cycle, or form your own team with co-workers,                   is where I decided to start. I have two small
family and friends!                                             boys that I need to be the strongest mom for.
                                                                I have amazing family, friends and live in a
• Learn the perks of riding with a team on page 6.
                                                                very supportive community. The donations to
• Check out fundraising tips and rewards on pages 9 & 10.       my ride were so generous and sure made me
• F ind information about safety, training and what to bring   smile. MS Bike is a great experience and I will
  starting on page 12.                                          continue to ride.”
                                                                                                  2019 MS BIKE 5
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Riding with a team is the best way to…
• H
   ave more fun: create great memories and bond with your friends, family and co-workers.
• S
   trengthen your impact: teams raise more funds and increase awareness because they work together, leading
  to a greater impact on the cause.
• R
   ide in style: order custom team jerseys from Primal with your own logos and colours, and they’ll make a
  donation to your team’s fundraising.
• Increase your corporate visibility: increase your company’s exposure while enjoying a team building experience.
• S
   tay motivated: having a team beside you keeps you motivated and your fundraising on track.

Company teams
If your company has three or more teams registered for MS Bike nationwide, you will receive the
following additional benefits:
• D
   edicated online presence to promote and track all employee teams across Canada
• O
   nsite recognition of involvement on event day
• D
   edicated MS Society staff support to help promote and support your teams
• D
   edicated team area on event site
• T
   ools and resources to host a kick-off event at your office
	For more information on becoming a national company team, contact Meghan Thompson at

6 2019 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Team captain’s corner
“Seeing people truly engaged in an incredible event and knowing that what we’re doing has a huge positive impact
on those affected by MS is rewarding,” says Travis Hawryluk, Team Captain of the SG Front Forks.

“As a team captain, your job is to inspire, engage, motivate, and lead to help move people from the start to finish
line. Find what drives people; their motivation will lead them to participate, raise funds, and advocate for the
cause,” Travis explains. “It’s about more than raising funds or riding a bike. It’s about watching people grow.”

Join MS Mountain Bike as a Team Captain and you will receive regular emails with helpful team tips and check-ins
from the MS Bike team.

                            If you and your team are looking to expand, boost your fundraising, or bump up your
          Team              team experience we offer:
          building          • Lunch ‘n’ Learn Presentations – Looking to recruit in your workplace? We offer hour-long
          tips              lunch ‘n’ learns during which we will visit your office and present on the benefits of getting
                            involved in the MS Mountain Bike - Hinton. Best of all – we’ll bring lunch!

  For more information,     • Hosting a Fundraiser – If you are looking to host a pub night, garage sale, raffle or
  contact your              anything else you can think of, we have an array of tips and tricks to create a successful
  Team Captain              fundraiser. If your fundraiser requires an AGLC licence, we can get that for you too!
  Representatives,          • Fundraising & Recruitment Tips –We are armed with resources to help you navigate
  Makhanna & Lisa:          your role as team captain and ensure your team members meet their fundraising goals!

  mssociety.ca              If you are looking to step up your team captain game, take a look at our new Team
                            Captain Handbook located at msbike.ca. Inside you will find information on building
  lisa.brooks@              your team, fundraising, team bonding, and event experience.

                                                                                                       2019 MS BIKE 7
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Get the app
Update your fundraising page, ask for donations, thank your donors and
monitor your progress by using the MS Bike app from your phone.
Download the app on your Apple or Android device today!
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Fundraising made easy
What’s Next?
Joining MS Mountain Bike is the first step in the fight against MS. Here are the other steps we suggest
you take to make the most out of your MS Bike experience and help raise funds to improve the lives
of those affected by MS.

         Make a                     Update your                     Go digital                   Email your
        donation                   personal page                 Take advantage of
      Kick start your           Post a picture, include a         the MS Bike app              Reach out to your
      fundraising by               story of why you             and use the tools to           family and friends
   showing your support          joined MS Mountain            boost your fundraising           and ask them to
    by being the first to        Bike, and set a goal!             and track your             help you reach your
    donate towards your                                         progress. Download            fundraising goal by
     fundraising goal.                                             the app today!             making a donation.

     Ask, ask, ask                 Host an event                Get ready for                  Say thank you!
  Post on social media,         Get creative! Bake sale,
                                                              MS Mountain Bike                Be sure to recognize
    display posters at             board game night,            Print and fill out your          everyone who
  work, send emails and          smoothie bar, fitness           donation tracking           donated or helped you
   ask your workplace             class - it will be fun       form, and don’t forget         by saying thank you
   about making a gift             and help you raise            to bring donations             after the event.
    or matching your                money towards                     to hand in.
       fundraising.                    your goal.

                                                                                                      2019 MS BIKE 9
HANDBOOK 2019 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Special Events
Your hard work helps improve the lives of those affected by MS, and we want to recognize your
accomplishments with these rewards.

• Raise
  Ride in the Tour of Champions OR receive a $900 gift
  card†. You’ll also receive Club 2000 cycling shorts,
  Club 1000 jersey, event t-shirt, and an invitation to
  the Dinner of Champions where you will be honoured
  for your fundraising achievement

• Raise $5,000+
  Receive a $400 gift card, Club 2000 cycling shorts,
  Club 1000 jersey, event t-shirt, and an invitation to
  the Dinner of Champions
• Raise
  Receive a $250 gift card, Club 2000 cycling shorts,
  Club 1000 jersey, an event t-shirt, and an invitation
  to the Dinner of Champions

• Raise
  Receive the Club 2000 cycling shorts, Club 1000
  jersey, an event t-shirt, and an invitation to the
  Dinner of Champions

• Raise
  Receive the Club 1000 jersey an event t-shirt,
  and an invitation to the Dinner of Champions

• Raise
  Receive an event t-shirt

                                                                   When you raise $3,500+ you can
                                                                   choose to join the Mission First
                                                                  Club by donating your gift card
                                                               back to the MS Society in return for
                                                           a tax receipt.
                                                          This generous action helps us reduce our
                                                          costs and dedicate additional funds toward MS
                                                          research and services.

                                                          Join the Mission First Club by selecting the
                                                          option on your participant information form,
                                                          contacting us at 780-463-1190 or
Top fundraising leaders
                                                  Our top fundraising leaders from each event become
                                                  members of our Top 10 and 1000 Clubs.
                                                  On event day, they are identified with easy-to-
                                                  recognize yellow top fundraiser cyclist bibs.
                                                  Step up your fundraising so that you too can join
                                                  this club!

Experiences for top fundraisers
Tour of Champions
Join top fundraisers from across Canada at the Tour of
Champions and experience the worldwide movement to end MS.
When you raise $12,500+ in 2019, you will be offered a spot on
Team Canada at the 2020 Tour of Champions.

“The Tour of Champions is an awesome experience!” says Greg
Van Tighem, Co-Captain of the Jasper Steel Panthers, who has
ridden in the Tour of Champions 6 times. “For the past 6 years,
I have been fortunate enough to be part of Team Canada, a
group of top MS Bike fundraisers representing the MS Society of
Canada. We’ve been to San Francisco, Texas, Nashville, Ocean
City, and Philadelphia, and each event has been uniquely different
and amazingly fun. This event this year is in New York City and
I can’t wait to join the team again! I highly recommend that you
kick up your fundraising efforts to the $12,500 milestone so that
you can join us next year in the Tour of Champions!”

Dinner of Champions
Dinner of Champions brings together elite fundraisers from
our MS Bike, MS Walk, and Golf events to celebrate their
achievements. Let us thank YOU while you connect with all our
exceptional fundraisers. Participants who raise $1000+ are
invited to this evening of fun, friends, awards and inspiring guest
speakers. Look for your invitation in the Fall!

                                                                                              2019 MS BIKE 11
Rules for Safe Group Riding

                  11   A properly fitted helmet is mandatory when cycling.
                     	Always yield to pedestrians, potential wildlife, and traffic.
                  13 	Ride on the right side of the trail and pass riders on the left.
                       Announce yourself to other riders by saying “on your left”.
                  14   Ride single file.
                  15   Obey all traffic and trail signs at all times.
                       You are considered a vehicle while riding.
                  16   Always ride within your limits, slow down for blind corners,
                       and stick to designated trails.
                  17   Be respectful to fellow riders, drivers, and the communities
                       we ride through.

12 2019 MS BIKE
Training tips
                 Although we have a fully supported route, the MS Mountain Bike does include some
                 technical terrain. All skill levels are welcome but it is highly recommended that you
                 train prior to the event. Here are some tips:
• V
   isit United Sport & Cycle for an inspection and             (EBTC) or the Elbow Valley Cycle Club in Calgary!
  they inform you if a tune up or adjustment is
                                                              • G
                                                                 o ride. Start your training rides with shorter
  necessary (fees may apply).
                                                                distances like 15 to 20 kilometres and gradually
• J oin a cycling club. Are you wanting to amp up              increase it up to 60 kilometres. We will let
  your local cycling involvement? Join a local cycling          participants know about their local training rides
  club such as the Edmonton Bike and Touring Club               by email and on our social media channels.

Special events
Training rides
Weekly training rides put on by Stewart Hutchings begin Tuesday, July 16th 6:30pm in the Terwillegar Park parking
lot in Edmonton. The last training ride will be held Tuesday, September 3rd.

Shop nights – April 30 & June 4
You’re invited to our exclusive shop nights at United Sport & Cycle!

Enjoy a VIP shopping experience, with the whole store open exclusively to our MS Bike participants! Enjoy
storewide discounts, with one-of-a-kind promotions and snacks to fuel your evening of shopping! Prepare for the
ride in the best way possible: with some great deals!

For more info about pre-tour events, visit our online event calendar at msbike.ca, follow @MSBikeLedCam online
or contact Amber at amber.tkachuk@mssociety.ca!

Volunteering is another great way you can
support MS Mountain Bike and make an
impact on the lives of people affected by MS
while meeting new people! There are so many
ways you can volunteer, from helping to plan
the event to assisting on event day. Email
jody.deckert@mssociety.ca for volunteer
opportunities at MS Mountain Bike.

                                                                                                     2019 MS BIKE 13
Event day support
When you participate in MS Mountain Bike, we’ve got you covered! The following services are
provided on event day to registered cyclists wearing the event cyclist bibs:

Rest stops                                                 Transportation Trucks
Optional rest stops are available every 10-20              Transportation trucks are available throughout the
kilometres so you can take a break when needed.            route to assist riders who are no longer able to ride in
Each rest stop has a bike mechanic, portable toilets,      the tour.
first aid, snacks and refreshments.
                                                           Please connect with a volunteer at the checkpoints
Bike Marshals                                              or a bike marshal along the route if you need any
                                                           transportation assistance.
Bike marshals are MS Mountain Bike participants who
have volunteered to help cyclists along the route.
They can change a flat, provide basic first aid or         Bike mechanics
contact a Transportation Truck. Bike Marshals are          The start line and rest stops will have a bike
identified by their green bibs. Interested in being a      mechanics from United Sport & Cycle available for
Bike Marshal? Contact jody.deckert@mssociety.ca.           basic repairs. However, we recommend you visit
                                                           United Sport & Cycle before the ride to ensure your
First aid                                                  bike is in top condition.

Trained first aiders are available throughout the route
to help all participants. If you need assistance, do not
hesitate to ask. In case of an emergency,
please call 911.
Food & Refreshments

Food for the whole weekend is provided with the help from our generous sponsors!
Food at the tour includes:
Day 1
 •   . reakfast: Enjoy a light continental breakfast before we kick off the tour.
 •   Checkpoints: Snacks and refreshments are available at each checkpoint.
 •   Lunch Stop: Lunch will include vegetarian chili, sandwiches, snacks, and refreshments.
 •   Hinton Centre Dinner: Enjoy a hearty buffet dinner with your fellow cyclists as we come together
     to celebrate.

Day 2
 • Breakfast: Enjoy a light breakfast at the Hinton Centre to fuel your day 2 ride.
 • Checkpoints: Snacks and refreshments are available at each checkpoint.
 • Hinton Centre Finish Line BBQ: Grab your team and enjoy our classic finish line BBQ to celebrate
   the end of the ride!

Alley Kat Beer Gardens
Alley Kat Brewery is yet again hosting our beer gardens for all those ages 18 and up! Come join a
hard-earned brew after each day of riding. 100% of beer sales go towards the MS Society of Canada!
Please remember to bring your photo ID and cash to enjoy a beverage for a good cause!

Dietary Restrictions
Gluten-free and vegetarian options are available throughout the weekend. If there are severe
allergies or other concerns, we suggest bringing your own meals to ensure you are well-fed and safe.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Amber at amber.tkachuk@mssociety.ca.
                                                                                       2019 MS BIKE 15
Your to-do list before the event
   Register a minimum of one month before your tour and you will receive a personalized cyclist bib on event day.
    Submit (online or deliver) any funds that you raise throughout the year to the MS Society of Canada. Mail cheques
     with completed donation tracking forms to: MS Mountain Bike, #150, 9405 50 St NW Edmonton, AB T6B 2T4.
     Do not send cash by mail.

        Your to-do list upon check-in
   Submit any outstanding cash or cheque donations along with a completed donation tracking form or online at
    msbike.ca. Provide all donor information, including a valid postal address, to ensure they receive a tax receipt.

   You must raise the minimum $350 in order to receive your cyclists package and attend the ride.

        Ready to ride? Here’s what you’ll need
   Helmet (required)                                                Sunglasses and sunscreen
   ID (including your Health Card)                                  Necessary medications
   Reusable water bottles                                           Pocket money
   Rain gear (we ride rain or shine)                                Change of clothes for
                                                                      evening ceremonies

        Free parking is available at all start/finish locations. We recommend that you do not leave valuables
        in your vehicle. The MS Society cannot be responsible for lost or stolen articles.

16 2019 PWC MS BIKE
Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodations for the tour weekend.
Accommodations book up quickly, so it is recommended that participants book early. Participants
are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the Hinton Centre.

It is recommended that participants book their hotel rooms early, as rooms book up quickly.
• Ramada Hinton (149 Woodly Drive)
• Holiday Inn Hinton (393 Gregg Ave)
• .Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hinton (462 Smith Street)
• Days Inn Hinton (358 Smith Street)
• .Quality Inn & Suites (782 Carmichael Lane)
• Econo Lodge & Suites (571 Gregg Ave)
• White Wolf Inn (828 Carmichael Lane)
• Twin Pine Inn & Suites (595 Gregg Ave)
• Super 8 Hinton (284 Smith Street)
• Tara Vista Inn (425 Gregg Ave)
• Hinton Lodge (752 Carmichael Lane)
• .Lakeview Inns & Suites (500 Smith Street)

Participants are responsible for booking their own camping spots. The Hinton Campground is
located right beside the start/finish line at the Hinton Centre. Please phone (780) 865-0876 to
book your spot.

                                                                                      2019 MS BIKE 17
MS Mountain Bike Schedule At-A-Glance
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 2019                              SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2019
Hinton Centre Start Line                                Hinton Centre & Kelley’s Bathtub Startline
8:00am – 9:00am	Hinton Centre Open                     7:00am – 8:00am        Continental Breakfast
                 (Check-in, pledge drop-off,            8:00am                 Shuttle to Kelley’s Bathtub
                 t-shirt/jersey/shorts pick-up,
                 coffee and light breakfast)            8:30am                 Bikes Unlocked
                                                        9:00am                 Tour Starts
9:00 am	Tour Starts

Checkpoint & Route Schedule                             Checkpoint & Route Schedule

9:30am – 11:30am       #1 Old Entrance                  9:30am – 12:00pm       #1 Nordic Centre

10:00am – 12:30pm      #2 Community Pasture             10:30am – 1:00pm       #2 Entrance Airport
11am                   Grip Challenge Route Closed
                                                        11:00am                Grind Challenge Route Closed
10:30am – 2:00pm       Lunch – Black Cat Ranch
                                                        11:30am – 3:00pm       #3 Athabasca Ranch
11:30am – 3:30pm       #3 Soloman Valley
12:30pm – 4:30pm       #4 Jarvis Lake
                                                        Hinton Centre Finish Line
2pm – 5pm              Finish Line – Kelley’s Bathtub
                       (Refreshments & bike storage)    11:00am                Finish Line BBQ Lunch
2:30pm – 5:30pm        Shuttle buses to Hinton Centre
                                                        Hinton Centre
                                                        965 Switzer Drive
Hinton Centre Evening Celebrations                      Hinton, AB
                                                        T7V 1WI
3:00pm – 11:00pm       Alley Kat Beer Gardens
6:30pm                 Dinner
7:00pm – 8:00pm        Program

18 2019 MS BIKE
m A.

           Route Map - Day 1
               Kelley’s Bathtub

                                                 William A.
           Jarvis Lake                          Switzer Park
                                                                      Kelley’s Bathtub


                                                                  Jarvis Lake
                                 CHECKPOINT 4



                                                                                                                      Hinton Centre
                  CHECKPOINT 3

                            CHECKPOINT 1                                                                                                                   START
                                                                                                                                                         Hinton Centre
                         Brule                    510A                                           Hinton
                         Road                                                       40
                                                                                   CHECKPOINT 1
                                                                                Brule                510A                Hinton
                                                                                Road                             40

                                              CHECKPOINT 2                 16



                                                                                                                                  Day One Route
                                                                                                                                  Day One Endurance Loop        Day One Route
                                                                                                                                  (For experienced riders only. Day One Endurance Loop
                                                                                                                                  Very techinal terrain.)       (For experienced riders on
                                                                                                                                                                 Very techinal terrain.)

                                                    Day 1 Checkpoint
                                                    All checkpoints are approximately 10-15 km apart in distance.

                                                        Day 1 Checkpoint Times
                                                        Checkpoint 1                    9:00am – 11:30am
                                                        Checkpoint 2                    10:00am – 1:30pm
                                                        Lunch                           10:00am – 2:00pm
                                                        Checkpoint 3                    11:00am – 3:00pm
                                                        Checkpoint 4                    12:30am – 5:00pm
                                                        Finish Line                     2:00am – 5:00pm

                                                                                                                                                        2019 MS BIKE 19
Road                                       40

Route Map - Day 2

                   William A.
                  Switzer Park
                                        Kelley’s Bathtub                                   Day Two Route
                                                                                           Day Two Endurance Loop
                                                                                           (For experienced riders only.
                                                                                           Very techinal terrain.)

                                       Jarvis Lake

                                                                                                           CHECKPOINT 3
                                                             CHECKPOINT 1


                                                                       CHECKPOINT 2                                        Hinton Centre

                                                     Brule         510A                         Hinton
                                                     Road                             40


                                                                                                                                   Day Two Route
                                                                                                                                   Day Two Endurance Loop
                                                                                                                                   (For experienced riders o
                                 Day 2 Checkpoints                                                                                 Very techinal terrain.)

                                 All checkpoints are approximately 10-15 km apart in distance.

                                   Day 1 Checkpoint Times
                                   Checkpoint 1              9:00am – 12:00am
                                   Checkpoint 2              10:30am – 1:00pm
                                   Checkpoint 3              11:00am – 4:00pm

20 2019 MS BIKE
Prize Pick-Up
Remember, if you reach $3500+ you are eligible to receive a gift card reward — choose from
RONA, Chapters or United Sport & Cycle. If you qualify, be sure to submit your prize selection
during package pick up week or by emailing Amber at amber.tkachuk@mssociety.ca. Prizes will
be distributed during prize pick up week in October 2019.  
Stay tuned for details on where and when you can collect your 2019 rewards!

2020 Early Bird Registration
Registration for the 2020 MS Mountain Bike – Hinton (taking place September 12 & 13, 2020)
will be open on September 8th. For a limited time, you will be able to register at an all-time low,
event-weekend-only price for the 2020 MS Mountain Bike. Keep a lookout at the finish line to take
advantage of this incredible opportunity and secure your spot for next year!

Event Photos
Thanks to the incredible volunteers who lend their time and talents to the tour, we are able to
bring you some amazing shots from the weekend’s events. Stay tuned to our Facebook page and
MS Mountain Bike emails for our Flickr link in the weeks following the tour.
Please note: Our volunteers graciously provide their photography services and photographs
free of charge. Be patient as they edit and upload the hundreds of photos captured during
MS Mountain Bike.

                                                                                      2019 MS BIKE 21
Join us online

• L og into your Participant Centre to access
  fundraising resources and track your progress
• G
   et fundraising tips and learn about rewards
• V
   isit your event page for up-to-date
  event information

Do you receive our emails?
News updates are sent out regularly to keep you
informed. If you haven’t received information,
contact Amber at amber.tkachuk@mssociety.ca.




        Find us on Flickr at MS Alberta Division

Thank you to our sponsors

                                                   NATIONAL SPONSORS   OFFICIAL APPAREL PARTNER
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