Advancing ambulatory pharmacy practice through a crisis: Objectives and strategies used in an ambulatory care action team's response to the ...


Advancing ambulatory pharmacy practice through a
crisis: Objectives and strategies used in an ambulatory
care action team’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Tina Do, PharmD, MS, BCPS,
Department of Pharmacy, Yale New                     Purpose. The objectives and strategies used by an ambulatory care
Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA
                                                     action team operating within a large health system’s pharmacy incident
Steph Luon, PharmD, BCACP, BCPS,                     command structure during the initial response to the coronavirus disease
Department of Pharmacy, Yale New
Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA                   2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are discussed.

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2021
Kimberly Boothe, PharmD, MHA, The
Kimber Boothe Group, LLC, Cincinnati,                Summary. In a time of crisis, a pharmacy ambulatory action team was
OH, USA                                              formed to provide ambulatory clinical pharmacy expertise and meet an im-
Martha Stutsky, PharmD, BCPS,                        mediate and ongoing need to limit nonemergent care during the COVID-19
Department of Pharmacy, Yale New                     pandemic. By building a strong communication infrastructure and part-
Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT, USA
                                                     nership with ambulatory care providers, clinic medical and operational
Marie Renauer, PharmD, MBA,                          leaderships, clinical laboratory staff, and infusion centers, the team was
BCACP, Corporate Pharmacy Services,
Yale New Haven Health, West Haven,                   able to swiftly execute solutions and respond to new issues and requests.
CT, USA                                              Ambulatory care pharmacy practice continued to advance through provi-
                                                     sion of services to vulnerable patient populations with chronic conditions
                                                     that were anticipated to experience gaps in care management during the
                                                     COVID-19 pandemic. These efforts resulted in expansion of pharmacists’
                                                     involvement in collaborative drug therapy management, support of pa-
                                                     tients’ transition from in-clinic injection to home self-administration, pro-
                                                     vision of medication assistance support, and management of 1,300 pa-
                                                     tients via protocol-based warfarin management. Additionally, ambulatory
                                                     pharmacy services in 15 primary care, anticoagulation, and specialty clinic
                                                     sites were transitioned to telehealth. The ambulatory action team also im-
                                                     plemented several strategies to manage medication therapy associated
                                                     with COVID-19–related shortages and implemented electronic decision
                                                     support to guide prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

                                                     Conclusion. Building a strong communication infrastructure and a phar-
                                                     macy ambulatory action team were essential to respond to a crisis and
                                                     continue ambulatory clinical pharmacy services expansion.

                                                     Keywords. ambulatory care, coronavirus, COVID-19, pharmacy practice
                                                     advancement, pharmacy service

                                                                                         Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2021;78:720-725

                                                   T    he coronavirus disease 2019
                                                        (COVID-19) pandemic has tested the
                                                   emergency preparedness of healthcare
                                                                                                   had 2.4 million outpatient encounters
                                                                                                   in fiscal year 2018. The largest hospital
                                                                                                   in the system, Yale New Haven Hospital,
                                                   facilities and created new challenges and       houses its own retail pharmacy, and all
                                                   opportunities for the delivery of ambula-       YNHHS hospitals are networked to an
                                                   tory care, including pharmacy services.         integrated specialty pharmacy.
Address correspondence to Dr. Do                   Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS)                Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                   is a large academic health system con-          the YNHHS pharmacy department
                                                   sisting of 5 hospitals (with a total of 2,563   was implementing strategic expan-
© American Society of Health-System                licensed beds in fiscal year 2018) and a        sion plans that aligned with American
Pharmacists 2021. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please e-mail: journals.          physician foundation of more than 130           Society of Health-System Pharmacists                               community practices in Connecticut,             (ASHP) Practice Advancement Ini­
DOI 10.1093/ajhp/zxab063                           Rhode Island, and New York. YNHHS               tiative 2030 goals to ensure patients

720       AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM            |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 8   |   April 15, 2021
AMBULATORY CARE ADVANCES DURING COVID-19                                                                             Note

have access to a pharmacist in all care                                               Communication
settings.1 One of these strategies was      KEY POINTS                                    One of the first objectives assigned
to integrate and advance ambulatory         • The formation of a pharmacy             to all the YNHHS pharmacy action
clinical pharmacy services across the         incident command structure              teams was to establish clear and ef-
health system. At the onset of the pan-       and ambulatory care ac-                 fective channels for communica-
demic, the pharmacy department’s              tion team facilitated a strong          tion with key stakeholders across the
strategic plan projects were tempor-          communication infrastructure            health ecosystem. The key strategies
arily halted to respond to the imme-          and connection with all key             were to (1) identify key partners, (2)
diate need to limit nonemergent care          stakeholders.                           confirm methods of communication,
and create surge capacity for patients                                                and (3) facilitate sharing of informa-
                                            • Ambulatory pharmacy practice
with COVID-19. In response, YNHHS                                                     tion. The key partners for the ambu-
                                              can advance during a time
initiated a hospital incident command                                                 latory action team were identified as
                                              of crisis through identifica-

                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2021
structure (HICS) for system oversight                                                 the ambulatory care providers, clinic
                                              tion and closure of gaps in
of system incident management (SIM).                                                  medical and operational leaderships,
                                              care management for vulner-
A pharmacy incident command struc-                                                    clinical laboratory staff, and infusion
                                              able populations with chronic
ture (PICS) was deployed to integrate                                                 centers. The main methods of com-
with the HICS and create an infrastruc-                                               munication were reporting at SIM am-
ture to manage long-term emergency          • Focusing on patient access to
                                                                                      bulatory action team meetings and
response demanded by the pandemic.            clinical and laboratory services,
                                                                                      electronic communication via an SBAR
The PICS included a commander, do-            medication access, and drug
main chiefs, and action teams. Action         use policy management is im-
                                                                                      recommendation) format.
teams were diverse and functional             portant in maintaining patient-
workgroups formed to execute iden-            centered care during a pan-             Patient access
tified objectives and strategies during       demic.
                                                                                          Another objective of the ambula-
the pharmacy department and health-                                                   tory action team was to ensure ambu-
system emergency response.                                                            latory pharmacy services supported
     An ambulatory action team was                                                    outpatient care as providers and nurses
formed. The team comprised a team                                                     were redeployed to inpatient care areas
lead, alternate lead, and membership      patient care or medication concerns         in response to increased surge capacity.
across the system pharmacy enterprise,    conveyed from the SIM structure or          Prioritization was given to supporting
including adult, pediatric, and on-       front-line pharmacy practitioners were      areas with established ambulatory
cology ambulatory clinical pharmacy       discussed at daily PICS meetings in         pharmacy services, where existing rela-
services, specialty pharmacy services,    order to develop collaborative strat-       tionships and infrastructure facilitated
and retail pharmacy services. The lead    egies and response timelines and as-        operationalizing new virtual workflows.
and alternate lead of the pharmacy am-    sign an action team to execute them.        Thus, support was provided within 1 to
bulatory action team also participated    A timeline for the COVID-19 response        2 weeks for requests that aligned with
in the SIM ambulatory action team. To     can be seen in Figure 2.                    current ambulatory pharmacy services
plan for our response, each PICS action       Though the pandemic initially           offered, such as diabetes, hypertension,
team, including the ambulatory action     stopped ambulatory pharmacy strategic       anticoagulation, and outpatient paren-
team, completed comprehensive plan-       expansion plans, the integration of phar-   teral antibiotic therapy management.
ning facilitated by the ASHP COVID-19     macy practice with the SIM structure        However, new patient population or
Pandemic Assessment Tool for Health-      highlighted the pivotal role pharmacy       service additions, such as postpartum
System Pharmacy Departments2 and          has in emergency response and ambu-         hypertension management, were only
scenario planning exercises with inci-    latory patient care. This approach al-      planned during the initial acceler-
dent action plans. The main scenario      lowed for ambulatory pharmacy practice      ation phase of the pandemic, but pro-
for ambulatory care was that vulner-      at YNHHS to continue to advance and         gram implementation did not occur
able populations with chronic condi-      for expansion of services to vulnerable     until a recovery phase, when sufficient
tions would experience gaps in care       populations. In response to the COVID-      pharmacist resources were available.
management.3 Objectives and strat-        19 pandemic, the ambulatory action          Strategies implemented by the am-
egies developed from the action team      team was able to execute the key object-    bulatory action team to maintain pa-
planning were added to a standardized     ives of establishing clear and effective    tient access included expansion of
project plan template (Figure 1), which   communication with key stakeholders,        chronic disease state management and
facilitated execution of strategies and   ensuring patient access to clinical and     anticoagulation services through use of
reporting to the PICS on progress and     laboratory services, and managing drug      telehealth. As a result, the total number
barriers. Newly identified ambulatory     shortages related to COVID-19.              of pharmacist visits increased from

                                             AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM      |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 8   |   April 15, 2021  721
Note                                                                       AMBULATORY CARE ADVANCES DURING COVID-19

Figure 1. Action plan implemented by ambulatory action team in response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic. REMS indicates medications subject to risk evaluation and mitigation strategy requirements.

                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2021
approximately 1,000 visits per month          safe patient transitions and medication          Anticoagulation management.
to more than double that figure by July       assistance program copayment support         As ambulatory nurses were redeployed
2020 (Figure 3).                              from external, manufacturer-sponsored        to meet inpatient care needs, ambu-
    Telehealth transition. Transi­            programs or grants from disease state–       latory clinical pharmacists assumed
tioning patient appointments to               focused organizations for patients with      responsibility for protocol-based war-
telehealth (telephone or video visits)        financial need. For medications not          farin management for approximately
became a priority during the initial          available through our pharmacy, use of       1,300 patients. Seven ambulatory clin-
pandemic response to ensure com-              340B Drug Pricing Program–contracted         ical pharmacists, 2 ambulatory care
pliance with the Centers for Disease          pharmacies was advised. In collabor-         postgraduate year 2 pharmacy resi-
Control and Prevention’s guidance for         ation with the pharmacy and medical          dents, and 5 pharmacy technicians
social distancing, quarantine, and iso-       leaderships, consensus guidance was          were trained. Three to 5 pharmacists
lation.4,5 With the need for rapid video      developed to provide for consideration       and 3 to 4 technicians were assigned
visit training, one of the ambulatory         of patient self-administration of medi-      each day to support this patient popu-
clinical pharmacists with experience          cations that did not have labeled indi-      lation. Assigned pharmacy staff and re-
conducting video visits trained clinic        cations for home self-administration         maining nursing staff participated in a
staff and led a virtual training for 17 am-   (eg, omalizumab).                            daily huddle to assign roles and ensure
bulatory clinical pharmacists. Within             The ambulatory clinical pharma-          effective communication.
a week all patients were converted to         cists also used the telehealth visits as         The ambulatory action team created
telehealth visits.                            a way to facilitate triage of patients for   a guidance document to clearly out-
    Pharmacist telehealth visits were         further care and assessment. If there        line what action should be taken when
used to provide injection training and        were any concerns for COVID-19–re-           patients reported urgent concerns,
patient counseling for self-admin­            lated symptoms, patients were triaged        including potential COVID-19 symp-
istration of biologic therapies for 27        to the responsible provider and/or call      toms. To decrease the risk of potential
patients in the pulmonary clinic.             center. This workflow aligned with the       COVID-19 transmission, opportunities
Partnering with our health system spe-        SIM ambulatory action team’s COVID-          to extend the International Normalized
cialty pharmacy ensured efficiency in         19 symptoms triage pathway.                  Ratio (INR) monitoring interval to up to

722      AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM        |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 8   |   April 15, 2021
AMBULATORY CARE ADVANCES DURING COVID-19                                                                                                                      Note

Figure 2. Timeline of ambulatory action team (AAT) strategic planning and transformation plan implementation during
early months of response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. PICS indicates pharmacy incident com-
mand structure; HVC, heart and vascular.

         Week of March 8, 2020
         PICS formaon                                     April 1–May 8, 2020
                                                           • AAT twice-weekly meengs
                                                           • Review, reporting, and execuon
                                                             of project plan

               March 12
               Ambulatory care staff huddle started

               March 12–June 9, 2020                                                                                        May 13–Present

                                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2021
               AAT lead and alternate aend system                 April 6, 2020                                            • Review, reporting, and execuon of
               incident management AAT meengs                     Started support of HVC                                     transformaon plan
                                                                   ancoagulaon services                                   • AAT once-weekly meeng

                       March                           |                           April                        |                         May

         March 16–20, 2020
         All adult ambulatory pharmacists                                                                                  May 6, 2020
         converted to work from home                                                        April 21, 2020                 Transformaon plan created
                                                                                            Peak of COVID-19
                                                                                            cases at Yale New
                   March 24, 2020
                                                                                            Haven Hospital
                   AAT chiefs, leads, and
                   alternates perform COVID-19
                   scenario planning

              March 30, 2020
              AAT kick-off meeng and finalizaon of
              project plan

12 weeks in patients with stable doses of                  guidance to enhance care of patients                     of medications. Guidelines outlining
warfarin and consistently therapeutic                      across the health system.                                essential laboratory monitoring param-
INRs were identified.6-8 Pharmacists                           Through this collaboration, op-                      eters and those for which testing could
also identified opportunities to transi-                   portunities to optimize and stand-                       be delayed for patients with diabetes,
tion patients to direct oral anticoagu-                    ardize workflows between departments                     hypertension, heart failure, and/or other
lant (DOAC) therapies to decrease the                      managing warfarin therapy were identi-                   chronic diseases were created.
required monitoring frequency.                             fied. Standardization improved efficiency
    An ambulatory anticoagulation                          and consistency through creation of 21                   Medication access and drug
management workflow document was                           documentation templates and a central-                   use policy
prepared and disseminated across the                       ized workflow resource, which were con-                      A final objective of the ambulatory
health system through the SIM ambu-                        tinually updated as new processes were                   action team was to ensure that pa-
latory action team to provide multidis-                    implemented. This standardization jled                   tients retained access to critical chronic
ciplinary providers with strategies for                    to important protocol clarifications and                 medications during the pandemic and
management of the target population.                       more streamlined and consistent work-                    that prescribers received clear guid-
It included considerations for DOAC                        flows across the health system.                          ance on drug prescribing and moni-
conversion in eligible patients, INR                           Essential laboratory moni-                           toring during this period. Disruptions
monitoring interval extension, options                     toring. To ensure effectiveness of medi-                 in the drug supply chain, as well as
for home INR monitoring, and avail-                        cation therapy while minimizing risks                    emerging evidence supporting use of
ability of laboratory testing locations                    of staff exposure to COVID-19, the am-                   approved drugs for the treatment of
exclusively for patients with confirmed                    bulatory action team completed an as-                    COVID-19, led to drug shortages that
or suspected COVID-19. Through this                        sessment of current ambulatory clinical                  would potentially impact patients re-
communication, the ambulatory ac-                          pharmacy services and essential labora-                  ceiving chronic therapy with affected
tion team had the opportunity to share                     tory tests for initiation and monitoring                 drugs. The team worked to develop

                                                               AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM                  |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 8        |   April 15, 2021  723
Note                                                                           AMBULATORY CARE ADVANCES DURING COVID-19

Figure 3. Ambulatory care pharmacist visits by type (10,895 visits in total) during early months of pandemic response.





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                          2020            2020          2020            2020           2020             2020     2020
                         January     February          March            April          May              June      July
                                             Office Visits      Telehealth Visits        Total Visits

prescribing guidance, information                guidance from the drug manufacturer                medications be reserved for patients
technology restrictions within the               provided for 7 medications and a change            with medical conditions for which their
computerized order entry system, and             from the usual REMS process for 6.                 use had been established and there
inventory management strategies to re-               Drug shortages management.                     were no alternatives. Dermatology and
tain drug supply for the health system’s         During the early weeks of the COVID-               rheumatology prescribers identified
patients who were receiving these                19 pandemic, several readily avail-                patients whose hydroxychloroquine
medications chronically. Risk manage-            able medications were demonstrated                 therapy could be decreased via once-
ment programs for frequent monitoring            to have possible activity against the              daily dosing to conserve supply and
of some medications were modified in             virus in hospitalized patients, including          also recommended avoiding new-start
response to the COVID-19 pandemic to             hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and              hydroxychloroquine therapy.
reduce the need for patient laboratory           HIV-1 protease inhibitors. The increased               Implementation of electronic deci-
visits, and it was essential to communi-         demand and utilization of these medica-            sion support for hydroxychloroquine
cate these changes to prescribers.               tions for the acute treatment of COVID-            and azithromycin prescribing resulted
     Risk evaluation and mitigation              19 in hospitalized patients resulted in            in generation of an advisory warning
strategies (REMS) management.                    supply shortages in the community for              upon medication prescribing that out-
The US Food and Drug Administration’s            outpatients receiving the medications              lined restrictions on prescribing of
release of the guidance document                 chronically. Several strategies were               these medications in the outpatient
“Policy for Certain REMS Requirements            implemented to manage medication                   setting. These prescriptions also re-
During the COVID-19 Public Health                therapy associated with COVID-19–re-               quired an associated diagnosis code
Emergency” provided temporary relief             lated shortages, including outpatient              and contained a hard-stop limit on
from selected laboratory testing require-        prescribing guidance, prescriber deci-             days’ supply per fill (ie, a maximum
ments or days’ supply limitations for            sion support within the electronic med-            of 30 days). Upon receipt of any new
drugs subject to REMS requirements.9,10          ical record, internal pharmacy validation          hydroxychloroquine        prescriptions,
To provide awareness of REMS program             of prescriptions, and dispensed quantity           clinical pharmacists within the health-
requirement changes, the team compiled           limitations. Guidelines for outpatient             system specialty pharmacy reviewed
a list of medications subject to REMS re-        prescribing of hydroxychloroquine,                 electronic medical record documenta-
quirements prescribed within the health          HIV-1 protease inhibitors, and azith­              tion to validate indications for use and
system, the updated requirements, and            romycin were developed in collabor-                escalated cases to the rheumatology
the manufacturers’ letters about the up-         ation with members of the pharmacy                 leadership if compliance with the out-
dates. During a 13 month period prior            and medical leaderships with expertise             lined guidelines was unclear.
to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,           in infectious diseases, pulmonary medi-                The strategies implemented to
14 such medications were prescribed              cine, rheumatology, and dermatology;               manage       COVID-19–related       drug
within the health system, with formal            the guidelines recommended that these              supply shortages in the outpatient

724      AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM       |   VOLUME 78      |   NUMBER 8     |   April 15, 2021
AMBULATORY CARE ADVANCES DURING COVID-19                                                                                     Note

setting allowed YNHHS pharmacies                   Successful execution of the ac-           References
to continue to fill hydroxychloroquine        tion plan also involved coordination            1. ASHP Practice Advancement Initiative
and azithromycin prescriptions for pa-        and teamwork. Therefore, equally im-               2030: New recommendations for
tients chronically treated with these         portant was the continual fostering of             advancing pharmacy practice in health
                                                                                                 systems. Am J Health-Syst Pharm.
therapies and ensured a sustained             a positive environment that ensured all
supply in the community. Stabilization        team members were heard, involved,              2. American Society of Health-System
of supply also allowed YNHHS phar-            and engaged. Frontline pharmacists                 Pharmacists. ASHP COVID-
macies to accept prescriptions for            and pharmacy residents were members                19 Pandemic Assessment Tool
new-start hydroxychloroquine therapy          of the ambulatory action team and were             for Health-System Pharmacy
                                                                                                 Departments. Accessed March 18,
or for patients receiving chronic             a part of executing and implementing
hydroxychloroquine therapy who had            the action plan. Use of the diverse skill          media/assets/pharmacy-practice/
previously filled prescriptions speci-        sets and clinical expertise of the entire          resource-centers/Coronavirus/docs/

                                                                                                                                            Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2021
fying certain approved indications at         team enabled quick execution of the                ASHP_COVID19_AssessmentTool.
outside community pharmacies.                 action plan.                                       ashx?loc=ashphero3-covid19assessm
                                                   The project tracker and action plan
Discussion                                    were useful tools for organizing the object-
                                                                                              3. Advisory Board. Coronavirus scenario
                                                                                                 planning: 12 situations hospital leaders
    The COVID-19 pandemic has pre-            ives and tactics during the initial phase of       should prepare for. Accessed March
sented an unprecedented crisis, which         the pandemic. Towards the subsequent               16, 2020.
has required the YNHHS ambulatory             recovery and practice transformation               media/Advisory-com/Research/HCAB/
pharmacy team to respond in a nimble                                                             Resources/2020/Coronavirus-scenario-
                                              phase, these tools were used to plan some
manner. The unique challenges en-             of the pharmacy department’s strategic          4. Centers for Disease Control and
countered have tested our ability to          initiatives. Strategies that required fur-         Prevention. Coronavirus disease 2019
adapt, accelerated timelines, changed         ther resource assessment, modification             (COVID-19): social distancing. Accessed
previous workflows, and led to creation       of workflow, and maintainence, such as             March 1, 2020.
of new processes. During the initial re-                                                         coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-
                                              the anticoagulation management and
sponse to the pandemic, we identified         postpartum hypertension management              5. Centers for Disease Control and
that there was a need for a new commu-        strategies, were added to the 2021 strategic       Prevention. Coronavirus disease 2019
nication infrastructure that spanned          plan for implementation by separate pro-           (COVID-19): quarantine and isolation.
across all levels to allow for clear coord-   ject teams.                                        Accessed March 1, 2020. https://www.
ination and to facilitate collaboration.                                               
To ensure the success of the PICS and         Conclusion
                                                                                              6. Witt DM, Delate T, Clark NP, et al.
the ambulatory action team, they were             Ambulatory care pharmacy plays an              Twelve-month outcomes and predictors
introduced to the pharmacy staff at           essential role by providing support to             of very stable INR control in prevalent
town halls and huddles. The ambula-           the community, patients, department,               warfarin users. J Thromb Haemost.
tory action team and pharmacy leader-                                                            2010;8(4):744-749.
                                              and multidisciplinary team. The for-
                                                                                              7. Barnes GD, Kong X, Cole D, et al.
ship also reminded staff of the correct       mation and work of the ambulatory ac-              Extended international normalized
method of escalation if there was a de-       tion team was critical for the continued           ratio testing intervals for warfarin-
viation in the process. The ambulatory        advancement of YNHHS’ ambulatory                   treated patients. J Thromb Haemost.
action team became the hub of all am-         pharmacy practice during the early                 2018;16(7):1307-1312.
bulatory care–related issues, improve-                                                        8. Schulman S, Parpia S, Stewart C, et al.
                                              weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. The
                                                                                                 Warfarin dose assessment every 4 weeks
ments, and opportunities by receiving         experiences gained during the COVID-               versus every 12 weeks in patients with
and relaying new information and              19 pandemic have made the YNHHS                    stable international normalized ratios.
data related to ambulatory care. This         ambulatory pharmacy team better pre-               Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:653-659.
approach allowed the team to pivot            pared for future crises and equipped            9. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA’s
strategically to address each new or                                                             Policy for certain REMS requirements
                                              the team with new tools and skills that
                                                                                                 during the COVID-19 public health
evolving issue with modified tactics or       will remain in a transformative state.             emergency. Published March 2020.
strategies in a short time frame; it also                                                        Accessed March 30, 2020. https://www.
prevented any duplication of efforts in       Acknowledgments                          
the pharmacy department. Thus, a key          The authors acknowledge the members of the     10. Bosentan REMS Program. Important
to the ambulatory action team’s suc-          YNHHS COVID-19 ambulatory action team.             program update (as of 04/07/2020).
                                                                                                 Published April 7, 2020. Accessed
cessful execution and implementation
                                                                                                 April 12, 2020. https://www.
of the objectives in the action plan was      Disclosures                              
to create and maintain a robust com-          The authors have declared no potential con-        BosentanUI/rems/pdf/resources/
munication framework.                         flicts of interest.                                Bosentan_REMS_IPU_for_COVID-19.pdf

                                                 AM J HEALTH-SYST PHARM         |   VOLUME 78   |   NUMBER 8   |   April 15, 2021  725
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