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Insurance Horizons - Hogan Lovells
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Insurance Horizons

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                    04        Introduction
                    06        Another active year for M&A in the insurance industry
                    08        Developments in UK insurance business transfers
                    10        Insurance business transfers in the U.S.
                    12        How to collateralise reinsurance agreements using illiquid assets
                    14        Solvency II – Brexit and the forthcoming Solvency II review (''taking back control'')
                    16        Data protection after GDPR and preparing for Brexit
                    18        Recent acquisition a 'game changer' for German life run-off market?
                    20        The new Dutch resolution legal regime
                    22        Focus on vulnerable customers
                    24        Sustainability and climate change

                    26        International initiatives on sustainability and climate change

                    28        Federal Reserve Board preparing insurance group capital requirements

                    30        The U.S. health insurance regulatory landscape

                    32        Reconciling California’s new privacy law with the Insurance Information and Privacy Protection Act

                    34        International sanctions: Breaking rank – stuck in the middle with the EU

                    36        China inbound

                    38        Protectionism and the insurance industry

                    40        Resilience – a global trend

                    42        Operational resilience

                    44        The rise of insurtech, AI, machine-learning, blockchain, and smart contracts in the U.S.

                    48        Key legislation and regulatory changes on the horizon for the insurance sector (2019)

                    54        Our global insurance team

                    55        Insurance sector events 2019

                    56        Genuine global reach

                    58        Citizenship and diversity

                    59        Pro bono – making a world of difference
                    60        About Hogan Lovells
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    Working on this brochure has provided an            as the best strategy to stay up-to-date and, not      The UK has for many years been a significant
    opportunity to consider recent developments         surprisingly, over 25% of deals involving tech        exporter of insurance and financial services, with
    in the insurance industry and how the industry      businesses involve a counterparty which is not        exports in 2017 of approximately £18.3 billion
    might change. A speech delivered by Gabriel         from the tech sector.                                 of insurance and pension services, equivalent
    Bernardino, the Chairman of the European                                                                  to 31% of the UK's financial services exports.
    Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority       Globally, we are facing an economic                   Taking into account the UK's total insurance
    (EIOPA) in Berlin in October 2018, referred         slowdown and political uncertainty with trade         and pension imports of £1.8 billion, this leaves
    to the huge challenges that the European            wars and Brexit. China's growth is slowing            the UK with a trade surplus from insurance of
    insurance sector faces of economic uncertainty,     and faces challenging levels of domestic              around £16.7 billion; according to the WTO, this
    digitalisation and climate change. These            debt; Germany narrowly avoided recession in           is the largest trade surplus amongst the major
    challenges are no less significant for being        2018 and its export-led economy is exposed            insurance economies by quite some margin.
    well known, but it is the ambitions that Mr         to tariffs; and Italy is in recession. We are
                                                        also seeing increasing protectionism as               The forthcoming review of Solvency II will be
    Bernardino then outlined for the insurance
                                                        governments look at foreign investment in             an interesting test case for post-Brexit Britain.
    sector which are more interesting, to be a sector
                                                        key industries. The German Government                 The risk is that the UK will be a "rule-taker" in
    that will:
                                                        recently tightened its control over foreign           the process, caught between a need to maintain
    • be instrumental in closing societal gaps,         investments in a range of industries                  equivalence with Solvency II and the interests of
      such as the pension gap and the protection        following concerns that Chinese state-backed          the EU27 who will naturally bring forward issues
      gap for natural catastrophes;                     companies were gaining too much access to             which reflect their own domestic concerns and
                                                        key technologies. The EU has also introduced          perspectives. Brexit, however, also provides the
    • use its underwriting and investment
                                                        a framework for screening foreign direct              UK with an opportunity to modify Solvency II to
      activities to foster a gradual transition to a
                                                        investment.                                           the benefit of the UK market.
      more green economy; and
    • apply the highest ethical values, acting in       For the insurance industry, there is a case for
      a customer friendly manner and achieving          saying that the trend is towards more liberal,
                                                        open markets. Whilst a number of countries                           Charles Rix
      increased trust.                                                                                                       Global Head of Insurance Sector
                                                        still retain rules which favour local insurers
    M&A trends are often a good indicator of the        and reinsurers, the EU/US Covered Agreement                
    direction of travel in an industry. Three of the    and relaxations made by China in relation to
    largest deals in the insurance industry were in     foreign investment serve to open up markets.
    the reinsurance sector, with AXA acquiring XL,      The focus for national regulators is perhaps not
    AIG acquiring Validus and Renaissance Re's          protectionism but rather financial stability; put
    acquisition of Tokio Millennium from Tokio          simply, will an insurer be able to pay out on
    Marine, reflecting ongoing over-capacity in the     claims when the time comes?
    reinsurance market, soft rates and record losses
    in 2018. Then there is the upswing in European      We still don't know what form Brexit will
    life insurance M&A, with sellers looking to move    take or even whether it will happen, but the
    away from costly legacy portfolios and a deeper     potential implications for the UK are significant.
    pool of consolidators active in the market. A       According to the ABI, the UK insurance market
                                                        is the fourth largest in the world behind the
    number of smaller deals involved acquisitions of,
    or investment in, tech businesses by insurers –     US, China and Japan, with an estimated total                                                               Band 1
    most businesses see the acquisition of technology   premium income of US$283 billion in 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                     Insurance Chambers UK
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                                                                                                                                                             They're a high-quality firm with a broad
                                                                                                                                                             geographic approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Chambers UK, 2019

    Another active year for M&A in the
    insurance industry

    2018 was another active year for M&A. Total        towards its new wealth management strategy.        Minsheng's acquisition of Sirius and the three
    deal values reached US$3.5 trillion, ranking       The sale of Standard Life Assurance to Phoenix     acquisitions made by AXA, AIG and Apollo
    2018 as the third largest year since 2001. It      in the UK is not dissimilar with the seller,       referred to above. It will be interesting to
    was only in Q4 that we saw a downturn, with        Standard Life Aberdeen, moving towards             see whether the new owners of these Lloyd's
    investor confidence weakened by concerns           investment management and Phoenix pursuing         businesses wish to retain them. This, together
    relating to the US/China trade war, Brexit,        its consolidation strategy. There is also a        with Lloyd's focus on profitability following
    central bank policy on interest rates and          deeper pool of consolidators in the European       a year of significant losses, may lead to an
    market volatility.                                 life insurance M&A market comprising trade         upswing in M&A involving Lloyd's businesses.
                                                       buyers and private equity as well as Japanese
    In the insurance industry, the number and                                                             2018 saw two disposals by Japanese insurers,
                                                       and Chinese investors. The rating agency Fitch
    value of deals in 2018 was slightly down on                                                           bucking the trend of Japanese outbound
                                                       forecasts that run-off specialists will manage
    2017. Care always needs to be taken with                                                              investment over the last few years: Tokio
                                                       more than 50% of closed life businesses in
    comparisons as deal data can be distorted by                                                          Marine's US$1.5 billion sale of Tokio
                                                       Germany by 2022, up from 25% at present, as
    one-off mega deals, although in this case 2017                                                        Millennium to Renaissance Re; and Sompo's
                                                       insurers find the cost of managing shrinking
    and 2018 were both dominated by one mega                                                              disposal of the Lloyd's business, Canopius, to a
                                                       portfolios an increasing burden.
    deal. In 2018, it was Cigna's acquisition of                                                          private equity consortium led by Centerbridge
    pharmacy company Express Scripts for US$           Amongst reinsurers, soft rates, excess capacity    Partners. Although Japanese insurers may
    67 billion, which closed in December 2018. In      fuelled by investment from alternative             no longer be regarded only as buyers, we
    2017, CVS agreed to acquire Aetna for US$77        capital sources, and reinsurance losses have       anticipate further outbound investment by
    billion – the deal closed in November last         continued to drive M&A. Three of the largest       Japanese insurers.
    year but remains subject to a highly unusual       insurance deals of 2018 involved reinsurance
    judicial review.                                   businesses: AXA's acquisition of XL for
                                                       US$15.3 billion; AIG's acquisition of Validus
    The insurance industry appears to be                                                                                 Charles Rix
                                                       for US$5.6 billion; and Apollo's acquisition of                   Global Head of Insurance Sector
    going through a period of change, with
                                                       Aspen for US$2.6 billion. The ownership of a                      London
    changes in corporate strategies resulting
                                                       number of Lloyd's businesses changed hands              
    in disposals of businesses which are no
                                                       in 2018. China Re agreed to acquire Chaucer,
    longer regarded as "core". Looking at the
                                                       but in a number of other deals, Lloyd's
    European life insurance M&A market, we see
                                                       businesses were part of larger transactions;
    Generali involved in the sale of a number of
                                                       for example, Markel's acquisition of Nephilia,
    life insurance businesses, most notably its
                                                       Hartford's acquisition of Navigators, China
    German life insurance business which it sold
    to Viridium, the biggest run-off deal yet in the
    German market, and also making acquisitions
    of asset management businesses as it moves
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         Developments in UK insurance
         business transfers

         As with much else in the UK, Brexit was                   At the same time, the fact that the number         The complexity of many of these schemes           To date, therefore, Brexit has tended to
         the dominant theme for insurance business                 of Part VIIs was not even higher suggests the      raised a range of novel issues for the            reinforce the position of Part VII as among the
         transfers in 2018 and going into 2019.                    extent to which many insurers with limited         UK courts to consider, especially in the          most flexible and capable portfolio transfer
         Uncertainty over the withdrawal terms and                 European activities may have adopted a             context of transfers of life insurance            mechanisms worldwide. Its ultimate impact,
         the risk around passporting rights associated             risk-based approach to Brexit, weighing the        business. These included the implications         however, will inevitably depend on what form
         with a hard Brexit, led many large insurers               significant and ongoing costs associated with      of the loss of compensation scheme (FSCS)         Brexit finally takes. The main effect of the "no
         to separate their EEA operations using an                 carrying out a transfer and maintaining a          and ombudsman (FOS) protection, the               deal" contingency legislation introduced by
         insurance business transfer scheme under                  European presence against the extent of the        differences between conduct regimes in            the UK Government would be to restrict Part
         Part VII of FSMA (a "Part VII"), with 16                  regulatory risks associated with "no deal" and     different jurisdictions and complex issues        VIIs to domestic transfers of business within
         Brexit schemes initiated in 2018 and an                   the likelihood of a transition period.             of policyholder benefit expectations and          the UK, removing the ability to transfer UK
         additional 4 in the first quarter of 2019. This                                                              security, particularly where with-profits         business to other EEA states and to transfer
         pushed the overall number of Part VIIs to                                                                    business was involved. The response to these      EEA business into the UK. This may have
         near-record levels.                                                                                          issues (as well as those raised by the various    some inadvertent benefits: for example, it
                                                                                                                      banking business transfer schemes that            will no longer be necessary to consult with
    30                                                                                                                were undertaken over the course of 2018)          the regulators in other EEA states in which
                                                                                                                      demonstrated the UK courts' willingness to        transferring risk are situated, which could
    25                                                                                                                consider potential adverse effects in the round   help shorten the Part VII timetable. It will also
                                                                                                                      and to extend the scope of what it will order     no longer be necessary to publish notices in
    20                                                                                                                in connection with a Part VII, where this is      other EEA states. However, the domestication
                                                                                                                      necessary to ensure a transfer is effectively     of Part VII is also likely to reduce the options
    15                                                                                                                carried out. Notable examples included giving     available to international insurers considering
                                                                                                                      orders to transfer the business of another        M&A and restructuring in the future,
    10                                                                                                                group company (which was not, on its own,         removing one of the best-tested mechanisms
                                                                                                                      capable of being transferred under Part VII)      for implementing cross-border European
    5                                                                                                                 alongside a transferring business, on the         insurance transactions.
                                                                                                                      basis that this business was integral to the
    0                                                                                                                 transferring business; and making ancillary
            2012   2013    2014    2015    2016   2017   2018   2019
                                                                                                                      orders to support and supplement a cross-                      Jonathan Russell
           Brexit insurance Part VII transfers                  (Q1)                                                  border merger linked to a Part VII transfer.                   Senior Associate
            Other insurance Part VII transfers                                                                                                                                       London

    Note: numbers are based on when court proceedings were started, not when completed.
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     Insurance business transfers
     in the U.S.

     A number of U.S. states have adopted, or        Modelled after the highly successful Part          For example                                       Recently, the NAIC established a restructuring
     are considering adopting, law under which       VII transfer process in the UK and EU, IBTs                                                          mechanism working group to consider IBT laws.
     insurance businesses can be transferred to      provide a unique mechanism for transferring        • Vermont’s Legacy Insurance Management           As a first step, the working group will draft a
     other insurers without the consent of the       and assuming insurers to transfer blocks             Act allows non-admitted insurers to transfer    white paper addressing: (a) the perceived need
     policyholders ("IBTs"). Similar to Part VII     of insurance business to another insurance           discontinued commercial business to a third-    for restructuring statutes and alternatives that
     transfers under the UK's Financial Services     company while also providing the legal finality      party company with regulatory approval.         insurers are currently employing to achieve
     and Markets Act 2000, these transfers require   that has not traditionally been available in       • Rhode Island’s “Voluntary Restructuring         similar results; (b) existing state restructuring
     regulatory and court approval. Should the       the United States outside of a whole company         of Solvent Insurers Act” provides               statutes; and (c) legal issues posed by an
     deployment of IBTs gain traction, they may      acquisition. The IBT, once approved in               a mechanism for court-sanctioned                Order of a Court (or approval by an Insurance
     become viable alternative structures to         accordance with the applicable IBT law, will         commutation of policies of commercial           Department) in one state affecting the
     complex reinsurance transactions typically      result in a transfer of contracts of insurance,      property and casualty insurers.                 policyholders of other states.
     employed in the sale of a block of insurance    resulting in the assuming insurer becoming
                                                                                                        • Connecticut, Illinois, and Michigan have
     business to a third party in the U.S.           directly liable to the policyholders of the
                                                                                                          adopted IBT statutes allowing companies
                                                     transferring insurer and extinguishing the
     Widespread acceptance of IBTs may also                                                               domiciled in those states to divide books of                  Robert Fettman
                                                     transferring insurer's insurance obligations or                                                                    Counsel
     attract greater interest from non-traditional                                                        business within a company into two or more
                                                     risks under the contracts.                                                                                         New York
     forms of capital, such as private equity and                                                         insurance companies with regulatory approval.
     sovereign wealth funds, seeking to acquire      An increasing number of states are adopting,       • Oklahoma’s IBT law, which some in the
     insurance assets, as the regulatory approval    or considering, IBT laws. However, while             industry have called a “game changer”,
     process for implementing IBTs may be            Connecticut, Oklahoma, Rhode Island,                 applies to both in-force contracts as well
     relatively easier and quicker than with         Vermont, Illinois, and, most recently,               as discontinued or run-off insurance and
     traditional insurance acquisitions. However,    Michigan, among other states, have passed            includes property/casualty, life, health, and
     the presence of various technical and legal     IBT laws or regulations, there are numerous          any other line of insurance that the Oklahoma
     issues which states will need to work through   differences in the transfer process. These           Insurance Commissioner finds suitable.
     before IBTs achieve widespread acceptance       differences include: whether the IBT must be
     may defer their practical commercial benefits   approved by the state’s insurance regulator
     for some period of time.                        and by court order; the types or classes of
                                                     business that may be transferred; whether
                                                     the transferring insurer is “divided” into
                                                     two distinct legal entities; and whether
                                                     policyholders may “opt out” of the transfer.

     They combine an international
     approach with knowledge of both the
     national market and the law.
                    Chambers Europe, 2018
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     How to collateralise reinsurance
     agreements using illiquid assets

     As is well known, reinsurance is a technique           value that can be attributed to the collateral       Illiquid assets cannot be held in a custody            beneficial interest on trust for the insurer
     by which an insurer can lay off some or all of         arrangement based on the assets that are held        account, so the above model will not work              rather than the reinsurer.
     the risks arising from its insurance policies.         as part of it.                                       as a means of using them as collateral. So,
     However, the primary liability on the policies                                                                                                                     Whether this solution can work in a particular
                                                            Focus on more illiquid assets                        assuming that the insurer is willing, as               context depends on the flexibility of the
     is not transferred, so the insurer is still required                                                        a commercial and regulatory matter, to
     to pay out to policyholders even if the reinsurer                                                                                                                  trustee and the existing documents under
                                                            Insurers and reinsurers are increasingly             accept illiquid assets as part of the collateral
     defaults on its reinsurance obligations.                                                                                                                           which it holds the illiquid assets.
                                                            searching for greater yield from their               arrangement, what can be done to ensure that
     The insurer is therefore exposed to the credit risk    investment portfolios, which has led them            there is security over them? There are three           Company or collective investment scheme
     of the reinsurer. This risk contains two important     to invest to a greater extent in illiquid assets     potential solutions:
                                                            such as equity release mortgages, commercial                                                                The illiquid assets can be transferred to a
     features – first, the risk of non-payment, and,                                                             Funds withheld/deposit-back                            separate entity, such as a limited company or
     second, the risk of a delay in payment.                mortgages, loan portfolios and infrastructure
                                                            assets. There is also a growing desire to hedge                                                             a collective investment scheme. The shares or
                                                                                                                 The illiquid assets remain owned by the insurer,       units in the entity are initially owned by the
     The need for insurers to protect themselves            liabilities through derivatives, which are also a    but subject to an obligation to pass on cashflows
     against this credit risk has long been                 form of illiquid asset. Naturally, it has followed                                                          reinsurer, and the reinsurer grants a security
                                                                                                                 from them to the reinsurer, and, within the            interest over the shares or units in favour of
     recognised, and various legal structures               that reinsurers wish to provide collateral for       confines of the reinsurance agreement, to deal
     have been developed through which the                  reinsurance in the form of such assets.                                                                     the insurer. On default of the reinsurer, the
                                                                                                                 with them in accordance with instructions of the       insurer can then enforce its security to take
     reinsurer can provide collateral for its                                                                    reinsurer. The value of these assets is then set off
     reinsurance obligations. In recent years,              Leaving aside illiquid assets, the typical model                                                            ownership of the shares or units, and therefore
                                                            for reinsurance collateral is as follows:            against the payment obligation of the reinsurer if     take indirect control of the illiquid assets,
     though, three factors have contributed to these                                                             the reinsurance is terminated.
     arrangements being more complicated.                                                                                                                               which it can access by liquidating the entity.
                                                            • the reinsurer opens a custody account on the
                                                              books of a reputable highly rated custodian;       This solution provides strong protection to the        These solutions generally require careful
     Increasing size                                                                                             insurer, as it already owns the assets in the
                                                            • the collateral is held in the custody account                                                             thought and more planning than the
     Reinsurance agreements now often cover very                                                                 event that the reinsurer defaults, with no need        traditional custody account model. However,
                                                              in the form of a mixture of cash and               for any proceedings to recover them from the
     large portfolios of policies, with reinsurance                                                                                                                     in light of the continuing appetite of insurers
                                                              government and corporate bonds;                    insolvent estate of the reinsurer.
     premiums often over £1 billion. Exposures of                                                                                                                       and reinsurers for higher yielding illiquid
     this size mean that a reinsurer default could          • the reinsurer grants a security interest over                                                             assets, we expect to see them being used more
                                                                                                                 Commitment from third party trustee
     be devastating for an insurer if the collateral          the custody account in favour of the insurer,                                                             frequently on reinsurance transactions.
     arrangement were to fail.                                which enables the insurer to recover the           Some types of illiquid asset are legally owned by
                                                              assets in priority to any other creditors of       a third party trustee who holds them on trust
     More intense regulation                                  the reinsurer; and                                 for an identified beneficiary. For example, this
                                                                                                                                                                                     Steven McEwan
     Prior to Solvency II, there were no EU-wide            • the insurer, reinsurer and custodian enter         is often the case for equity release mortgages.                     Partner
     rules covering credit risk for reinsurance,              into an "account control agreement" which          One solution is therefore for the reinsurer to                      London
     so it was a topic left to national regulators.           allows the insurer to recover the assets           grant a security interest over its beneficial             
     In the UK, insurers had to demonstrate                   directly from the custodian, without the           interest in the illiquid asset in favour of the
     that they were "safely managing" large                   need for any court proceedings, in the event       insurer, and then for the insurer, the reinsurer
     reinsurance exposures, and to hold capital               of a default by the reinsurer.                     and the trustee to enter into an agreement
     against the risk of reinsurer default as part of                                                            under which the trustee agrees that if it is
     their individual capital assessment process.                                                                notified by the insurer that it is enforcing
     Solvency II introduced specific requirements                                                                its security interest then it will hold the
     that collateral arrangements must satisfy in
     order to be eligible, plus adjustments to the
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     Solvency II
     Brexit and the forthcoming Solvency II review (''taking back control'')

     In 2001, the European Commission formally        2020 and the Commission is due to finish its        Brexit also provides UK regulators with the
     launched the Solvency II project. The            review by the end of 2020, but no timetable for     opportunity to make changes to the Solvency
     negotiations were protracted and complex – 15    consulting on, and then implementing, proposed      II provisions as implemented in the UK.
     years later, on 1 January 2016, the Solvency     legislative changes, has been announced.            The Treasury Select Committee's review of
     II Directive came into force. To alleviate                                                           Solvency II in 2016/2017 was an opportunity
     concerns that certain elements of Solvency       On the basis that at some point the UK
                                                                                                          for a transparent exchange of views from
     II may have unintended consequences and          will leave the EU, the UK Government has
                                                                                                          a variety of market participants on the
     to allow for improvements, the legislation       put in place legislation to ensure that the
                                                                                                          operation and shortfalls of Solvency II and
     provided for two reviews: a review in 2018 of    Solvency II provisions are ''on-shored'' into
                                                                                                          the PRA's application of it. One key theme to
     the Delegated Regulation; and a review in 2020   UK law, but the UK will have no part in the
                                                                                                          come out from the evidence submitted was
     of the Directive.                                future discussions about possible changes
                                                                                                          the industry's dissatisfaction with the PRA's
                                                      to Solvency II. The relative size of the UK
                                                                                                          interpretation and application of Solvency
     In March 2019, the European Commission           insurance industry compared to that of other
                                                                                                          II, particularly in relation to the risk margin
     published a new Delegated Regulation             EU member states has, in the past, enabled it
                                                                                                          and matching adjustment calculations. The
     amending the Solvency II Delegated               to have a significant influence on the shape of
                                                                                                          Committee, in its report, concurred and
     Regulation including changes to the design       insurance regulation.
                                                                                                          asked the PRA to look again at those issues
     and calibration of some elements of the
                                                      The risk to the UK in the forthcoming               raised by, among others, the ABI in the
     Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) standard
                                                      review of Solvency II is that it will be a          context of Brexit and the freedom it may
     formula. In preparation for the 2020 review,
                                                      "rule-taker" in the process, caught between a       provide. The PRA stated in its response that
     on 11 February 2019 the European Commission
                                                      need to maintain equivalence with Solvency II       it is unable to make changes or put forward
     asked EIOPA to provide advice on a number of
                                                      (and, it must be said, the support for Solvency     solutions due to constraints under Solvency
     issues including:
                                                      II from its own regulators) and the interests       II and the lack of a clear view of the future
     • long-term guarantees measures and              of the EU27 who will naturally bring forward        regulatory landscape post-Brexit. Once there
       measures on equity risk (including the         issues which need to be addressed in their          is clarity on the terms of the UK's withdrawal
       functioning of the volatility adjustment and   own domestic insurance markets and for their        from, and future trading relationship with,
       matching adjustment);                          stakeholders. It remains to be seen whether         the EU we should see developments on the
                                                      or not that will lead to deviations between the     PRA's approach to Solvency II.
     • the Solvency Capital Requirement
                                                      EU and UK regulatory landscape. Insurers
       standard formula;
                                                      and reinsurers with a global reach are likely
     • member states' rules and supervisory           to prefer a level regulatory playing field rather                   Kirsten Barber
       authorities' practices on the calculation of   than a jigsaw of different rules.                                   Senior Knowledge Lawyer
       the Minimum Capital Requirement; and                                                                               London
     • group supervision and capital management
       within a (re)insurance group.
     EIOPA is due to deliver its advice by 30 June
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     Data protection after GDPR and
     preparing for Brexit

     2019 is likely to be an eventful year in data        investigations are currently underway                     On the matter of Brexit, if the UK leaves
     protection. The EU General Data Protection           following complaints by organisations such                the EU with a deal, the UK will continue
     Regulation (GDPR) has now been in effect             as Privacy International and NOYB (the                    to be treated as part of the EU during the
     throughout the EU since 25 May 2018                  European Centre for Digital Rights). The                  transition period. An adequacy decision
     and data protection authorities have been            progress, and perhaps conclusion, of these                would be carried out during this time, and
     reporting numerous data breach notifications         investigations will give businesses some clues            would hopefully be made in the UK’s favour,
     and general awareness of data protection             as to the activities where non-compliance with            resulting in a preservation of the status
     issues. This year is likely to see the first         the law will not be tolerated.                            quo as far as data protection is concerned.
     substantial fines being levied, giving an                                                                      However, if the UK leaves the EU without a
     indication of how enforcement will proceed           In any event, some key issues have already                deal, the situation will be very different, as
     under the new legislation. 2019 will also see        emerged as immediate areas for attention.                 the UK will become a third country for the
     judgment being given in some cases before            One of the greatest achievements of the GDPR              EU’s purposes.
     the Court of Justice of the EU concerning data       has been its ability to bring privacy and data
                                                          protection into the mainstream. That has, in              If there is no deal, the Government has put
     protection and privacy, including cases on the
                                                          part, led to an unexpectedly high uptake in               in place various measures to ensure that
     meaning of consent and the scope of the “right
                                                          the exercise of data subjects’ rights. Dealing            data protection standards will remain the
     to be forgotten”. Further guidance is likely to be
                                                          with data subjects’ rights is not easy because            same after exit day (bringing GDPR into
     given about the interpretation of GDPR by the
                                                          most of these rights are not absolute rights.             UK law via secondary legislation) and that
     European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
                                                          They cannot be ignored but they often involve             data transfers out of the UK will be able to
     Another big event on the horizon for data            careful thinking about the limits to be applied,          continue. However, if adequate safeguards
     protection is the UK’s scheduled exit from           the rights of others and the practicalities               are not put in place for data transfers into the
     the EU, although when, and on what basis,            of honouring those rights. As with many other             UK, these transfers are likely to be disrupted.
     remains unclear. While the proposed                  European data protection matters, having a                No-deal preparations for businesses should
     Withdrawal Agreement would have preserved            process in place is key, and following it is essential.   therefore include examining cross-border
     the status quo in data protection terms, at                                                                    EU-UK data flows and putting in place
     least until the end of the transition period, if     On another important front – international                alternative safeguards such as Standard
     the UK leaves the EU without a deal, cross-          data transfers – Binding Corporate Rules                  Contractual Clauses or BCR.
     border data flows between the UK and the EU          (BCR) have emerged as the go-to solution for
     will be disrupted. The outcome of the current        any organisation seeking a robust yet flexible
     political crisis in the UK and its dealings with     approach to legitimising global data flows.
     the EU will therefore have an important effect       BCR top the list of options available in the
                                                          GDPR for this purpose, and regulators appear              Use their industry knowledge and                   Nicola Fulford
     on privacy and data protection.
                                                          sensitive to this situation. As a result, with            expertise to reach sensible commercial             Partner
     There has been a lot of media speculation            the coming into effect of the GDPR, the EU                positions.                                         London
     about the potential for fines of up to €20m          regulators are clearly endorsing the role of                                                       
                                                                                                                                              Legal 500 UK, 2018018
     or 4% of global turnover to be levied under          BCR as the main enabling tool for lawful data
     the new legislation, but 2019 is likely to show      transfers worldwide.
     the true direction of travel of the European                                                                                                                      Eduardo Ustaran
     regulators. In a similar way, a number of                                                                                                                         Partner
Insurance Horizons - Hogan Lovells
18                                                                                           Hogan Lovells   Insurance Horizons 2019

                                                                                                             There are three features of the Generali Leben

     Recent acquisition a 'game changer'                                                                     deal worth mentioning:

                                                                                                             •   Generali has retained a minority stake
     for German life run-off market?                                                                             of 10.1% of the share capital of Generali
                                                                                                                 Leben, with an option granted to Viridium
                                                                                                                 to acquire that stake.
                                                                                                             •   The consideration paid by Viridium is
                                                                                                                 subject to adjustment if changes are made
     On 9 April 2019, the German regulator, BaFin,       sale of ARAG Leben to Frankfurter Leben in              to rules and regulations governing the
     announced that, after intensive examination,        September 2016, which BaFin cleared in June             contributions to ZZR reserves required to
     it had concluded that there was no reason for       2017), it appears that BaFin will review any            be held for guarantees contained in the
     it to object to the sale of 89.9% of the share      share deal essentially in the same way that             terms of the life insurance policies issued
     capital of the German life insurer Generali         it would review a portfolio transfer. When              by Generali Leben.
     Leben to the German life insurance run-off          Generali and Viridium signed their deal in
     platform Viridium. BaFin reviewed the deal          July 2018 for the sale of Generali Leben,           •   Generali Deutschland will provide asset
     under the EU Acquisitions Directive (as             BaFin's Chief Executive Director of Insurance           management services for the investments of
     implemented in German law) which grants EU          Supervision, Dr Grund, stated that "no                  Generali Leben for a minimum of five years.
     insurance regulators the power to review the        policyholder may be worse off as a result of a      There is certainly the depth of potential
     acquisition of 10% or more of the shares of an      company being sold".                                buyers in the German life insurance industry
     insurance company. In order to understand                                                               but whether the Generali Leben deal is the
     BaFin's approach to the review of such share        For the purposes of its assessment of an
                                                         acquisition of shares in an insurance company,      game changer we expect it to be will obviously
     deal, it is worth noting that a business transfer                                                       depend on businesses being put up for sale by
     of a life insurance portfolio would be subject      BaFin will want to consider the buyer's
                                                         financial position, its capitalisation and its      their owners. The rating agency, Fitch, forecasts
     to a full examination and approval by BaFin.                                                            that run-off specialists will manage more than
                                                         financial viability. BaFin will also consider the
     The Generali Leben deal is regarded as a            buyer's reputation, its business model and its      50% of closed life businesses in Germany by
     game changer in the German life run-off             internal governance structures. A key issue         2022, up from 25% at present, as insurers
     market; therefore it is worth highlighting a        will be the buyer's risk management system          find the cost of managing shrinking portfolios
     number of aspects:                                  and ability to comply with extensive regulatory     an increasing burden. Familiarity with recent
                                                         reporting requirements. In addition, BaFin          deals and BaFin's expectations and approach
     In relation to a life insurance portfolio                                                               will clearly have an advantage for both buyers
                                                         will consider the buyer's operational plans
     transfer, BaFin will normally insist that the                                                           and sellers in the German life run-off market.
                                                         for the company, including the extent to
     value of the contractual entitlements of the
                                                         which existing systems and employees will
     policyholders are at least the same after
                                                         be retained. As with other EU insurance
     the transfer; and in considering whether
                                                         regulators, BaFin has the power to impose
     that will be the case, BaFin will undertake                                                                              Christoph KÜppers
                                                         conditions on its approval of an acquisition                         Partner
     a comprehensive review of the transfer. At
                                                         of shares in an insurance company. This                              Dusseldorf
     face value, the criteria which an insurance
                                                         might include a requirement for outsourcing                
     regulator must use when considering an
                                                         arrangements to ensure that the business is
     acquisition of shares in an insurance company
                                                         properly managed; the retention of a specified
     are different; the new owner needs to have
                                                         level of capital resources in the company in
     the knowledge and skills (and reputation)
                                                         order to protect the interests of policyholders;
     required to run the insurance company in
                                                         and caps on charges which may be extracted
     a sound and prudent manner. However, in
                                                         from the company by the new owner for
     light of recent sales of life companies (such
                                                         administration and other services.
     as the Generali Leben and the preceding
20                                                                                           Hogan Lovells   Insurance Horizons 2019                                                                                  21

     The new Dutch resolution legal
     regime – a solution for Dutch insurers
     that run into solvency trouble?

     Due to the low interest rate climate, the strict    The Act distinguishes two phases:                   The DNB is for example not required to draw         In addition, the Act also grants the DNB
     Solvency II regime and the unfavourable                                                                 up a resolution plan if the resolvability of the    supporting resolution powers. These supporting
     characteristics of certain legacy insurance         • Planning phase; and                               insurers has been sufficiently safeguarded.         resolution powers are: (i) the DNB can take over
     products, certain insurers may face increased       • Resolution phase.                                                                                     control of the insurer in resolution, (ii) the DNB
                                                                                                             Resolution phase
     supervision and scrutiny from their financial                                                                                                               can appoint a special managing director to take
                                                         Planning phase
     regulators. Will the new resolution regime for                                                          The DNB must decide to resolve an insurer if        control, (iii) the DNB can change the legal form
     Dutch insurers provide relief for Dutch insurers    In the planning phase, the insurer will             the following conditions are met:                   of the insurer, if necessary to apply the bail-
     facing solvency issues for example as a result of   need to draw up a preparatory crisis plan                                                               in measure and (iv) the DNB can terminate or
     legacy issues in insurance portfolios?              in preparation for a deteriorating financial        1. the insurer is failing or is likely to fail to   modify the terms of an agreement to which the
                                                         position. This plan needs to be submitted to           meet Solvency II capital requirements;           insurer is a party.
     The new Dutch Insurers Recovery
                                                         DNB, and is comparable to the recovery plan         2. there is no reasonable prospect that a
     and Resolution Act                                                                                                                                          The Act includes a number of safeguards
                                                         in the banking sector.                                 private solution will prevent this from          to protect the interests of creditors and
     On 1 January 2019, the new Dutch Insurers                                                                  happening; and
                                                         The purpose of the preparatory crisis plan                                                              policyholders. For example, the Act underpins
     Recovery and Resolution Act (the "Act")
                                                         is to make clear what recovery measures             3. the resolution is in the public interest.        the 'no creditor worse off' principle. This
     came into force. The Netherlands is one of
                                                         could be taken if the financial position of the                                                         means that creditors should not be worse off
     the first countries in Europe to implement                                                              In this phase, the following resolution
                                                         insurer deteriorates. The preparatory crisis                                                            than they would be in normal bankruptcy
     a resolution regime for insurers. One of the                                                            measures will be available to the DNB:
                                                         plan is drawn up during the normal course                                                               proceedings of the insurer.
     reasons for the Netherlands to move forward
                                                         of business.                                        • bail-in: this uses the DNB's power to
     at a national level was that the intervention                                                                                                               The Bankruptcy Act
     measures available did not provide an                                                                     write down or convert equity or debt, or
                                                         In addition, the DNB will need to draft a
     effective framework to protect the interests                                                              restructure insurance policies;                   Finally, the Act also amends the Dutch
                                                         resolution plan for every insurer or insurance
                                                                                                                                                                 Bankruptcy Act to improve the position of
     of policyholders. This came to light when           group. In this resolution plan, the DNB will        • sale of business: sell the shares of an
     the Dutch financial group SNS REAAL ran                                                                                                                     policyholders in cases where the DNB decides
                                                         describe how it intends to deal with the              insurance group or troubled company
     into problems in 2013 and the whole group                                                                                                                   not to apply resolution measures but to apply
                                                         resolution of the insurer or insurance group,         within the group;
     (the bank and insurance company) was                                                                                                                        for bankruptcy of the insurer.
                                                         the resolution tools and powers it may use and
                                                                                                             • bridge institution: temporarily
     nationalised by the Dutch Minister of Finance.      which obstacles are hindering the resolution.
                                                                                                               transferring either the insurer's shares
                                                         The plan also describes the important
     The Act is not based on EU legislation;                                                                   or its assets and liabilities to a bridge
                                                         characteristics of the insurer that are relevant                                                                      Victor De Vlaam
     however, the Dutch legislator drew the on                                                                 institution. The DNB will use this tool if
                                                         for resolution (for example, the existence of                                                                         Partner
     the recovery and resolution framework for                                                                 no alternative solution involving market                        Amsterdam
                                                         unit-linked policies).
     banks (directive 2014/59/EU BRRD1 and                                                                     parties can be found in the short term; and           
     Directive 2017/2399 BRRD2).                         If the DNB takes the view that there are            • asset separation: this tool allows the
                                                         obstacles hindering the resolution, it can            DNB to transfer assets and liabilities to an
     Applicable to all insurers
                                                         require the insurer to take measures to remove        asset management vehicle. This measure                         Carlijn Van Rest
     The Act applies to all insurers (life and non-      these obstacles. These measures can be far-           can only be used in combination with one of                    Counsel
     life insurers) under supervision of the Dutch       reaching. For example, the DNB can request:           the other measures                                             Amsterdam
     Central Bank ("DNB"). This also includes
                                                         • selling assets;
     Dutch branches of insurers established in non-
     EU countries. The Act in addition applies to        • limiting existing or proposed activities;
     Dutch parent holding companies and entities           and/or
     performing critical activities for an insurance     • changing the legal or operational structure.
     group. There are a few exceptions and special
     rules for insurers with a limited risk profile.
22                                                                                          Hogan Lovells   Insurance Horizons 2019                                                                                23

     Focus on vulnerable customers

     During 2018, the FCA, the Treasury Select         effectively with their impact and the outcomes       The insurance industry has already made          • Vulnerable circumstances can impact people
     Committee and the Competition and Markets         measured. Christopher Woolard (Executive             steps in the right direction. In 2017, the ABI     for differing periods of time given causes can
     Authority (CMA) each highlighted the              Director of Strategy and Competition, FCA)           published an industry guide – Addressing           include bereavement, divorce, job loss, long-
     potential challenges of dealing with vulnerable   stressed that firms which fail to do so could        customer vulnerability, a guide to identifying     or short term-illness and so on. With this in
     customers and emphasised the importance of        face FCA intervention. There have already            and supporting vulnerable customers in the         mind, firms will need to consider the types
     finding solutions to prevent these customers      been significant challenges determining how          long-term saving market – with the aim of          of scenarios they need to make provision for
     from being financially excluded.                  to define and treat vulnerability within             proving a reference point to help insurers         within their operating environments.
                                                       financial services but the FCA are proposing to      improve their processes for dealing with
     In July 2018, the CMA held a symposium on                                                                                                               • Will existing terms and conditions need to
                                                       introduce minimum standards with which               vulnerability. The ABI's long-term saving
     the challenges facing vulnerable consumers                                                                                                                be reviewed in light of the need for flexibility
                                                       firms will need to be aligned. There is no           members have committed to implementing
     and the potential solutions. A summary of the                                                                                                             to accommodate the changing needs of
                                                       doubt more to come from the FCA on the               a vulnerability policy of strategy, providing
     symposium explained that, as part of a re-                                                                                                                customers in vulnerable circumstances?
                                                       practical impact of its Approach to                  regular staff training and sharing examples of
     examination of the CMA’s legislative framework                                                                                                          • Does reporting within firms provide the
                                                       Consumers, including as part of its discussion       good practice through the ABI.
     under the Government Green Paper on                                                                                                                       necessary clarity and transparency for
                                                       paper on a new duty of care (DP18/5).
     modernising consumer markets (April 2018), the                                                         The challenges for firms                           Senior Managers to take action where
                                                       However, it is clear that the FCA expects firms to
     CMA has asked for further work on how the                                                                                                                 required? For example, do firms analyse
                                                       act now.                                             While this current focus from the regulators
     regime could be strengthened to better protect                                                                                                            data to determine whether causes for
     the vulnerable. In particular, the CMA is         Finally, in late 2018 the Treasury Select            is welcome and will encourage and establish
                                                                                                                                                               declined claims and rejected complaints
     concerned about the issue of price                Committee launched an inquiry into                   a more inclusive environment for vulnerable
                                                                                                                                                               could be indicative of a need to revise
     discrimination (experienced by long-standing      consumers’ access to financial services,             customers, there are some key implementation
                                                                                                                                                               policies and approach to dealing with
     customers and vulnerable customers) and is        focussing on the interaction between                 challenges for firms.
                                                                                                                                                               customers in vulnerable circumstances?
     focussing on challenges and opportunities for     vulnerable customers and financial services          • Consideration of the potential conflicts
     consumers presented by digital technology.        firms and whether certain groups of                    between recording and maintaining
     The CMA concluded that its mandate could be       consumers are excluded from obtaining a                sensitive customer information versus                           Julie Patient
     adjusted to take account of vulnerable            basic level of service from financial services         meeting strict GDPR requirements.                               Counsel
     consumers specifically.                           providers. As part of this inquiry, the                                                                                London
                                                       Committee intends to examine the FCA’s               • The “80/20” rule has been effective in the
     Then, in September 2018, the FCA held a                                                                                                                        
                                                       definition of "vulnerability" and consider             past in determining policies and processes
     workshop on "Customers in Vulnerable                                                                     that work effectively the majority of the
                                                       whether financial services providers should
     Circumstances", which focused on its                                                                     time, with robust processes for managing
                                                       increase efforts to prevent financial exclusion.                                                                       Elizabeth Greaves
     approach to ensuring inclusive and fair                                                                  exceptions. However, do firms now need to
                                                       The deadline for submissions of evidence was 14                                                                        Senior Associate
     treatment of vulnerable consumers in the                                                                 consider designing and implementing
                                                       December 2018, and the practical impact of                                                                             London
     financial services industry. Much of the focus                                                           policies, processes, products and
                                                       the inquiry remains to be seen.                                                                              
     draws from its Approach to Consumers                                                                     services that provide the flexibility to
     published in July 2018. Nick Stace (Non-                                                                 accommodate customers with the greatest
     Executive Director, FCA) emphasised the need                                                             needs, rather than assuming them (the
     for firms within the industry to demonstrate                                                             “20”) to be exceptions?
     that guidelines and policies relating to
     vulnerable consumers are implemented
Insurance Horizons 2019                                                                               25

Sustainability and climate change

Sustainable or ''green'' finance (the process of   • new categories of benchmarks comprising           In the UK, the FCA and PRA have published          Insurers can, of course, make choices over
taking environmental, social and governance          low-carbon and positive-carbon impact             reports considering the impact of climate          what they underwrite; some risks may come
(ESG) considerations into account in                 benchmarks; and                                   change on financial services. The reports          to be seen as too risky or require specific
investment decision-making) and a focus                                                                highlight the financial risks to the markets       exclusions, such as housing in flood plains or
                                                   • changes to the MiFID II Directive and the
on the impact of climate change have risen                                                             and firms and the increasing need for              business disruption arising from weather events.
                                                     Insurance Distribution Directive which will
up the international regulatory agenda over                                                            adequate disclosure of those risks to investors,
                                                     require investment firms and insurance                                                               Recognition of the systemic impacts of climate
the last few years. Kick-started in 2015 by                                                            consideration of those risks at board level and
                                                     distributors to collect information about their                                                      change and the transition to a low carbon
the adoption of the Paris Agreement on                                                                 the development of strategies to ensure (re)
                                                     clients' ESG preferences and to take these into                                                      economy on the financial services sector
Climate Change and the UN 2030 Agenda                                                                  insurers manage those risks.
                                                     account as part of the advisory process.                                                             has prompted a global response. Through
for Sustainable Development, national
                                                                                                       Financial risks from climate change can be         their underwriting and investment activities,
governments, regulators and market bodies          EIOPA has been asked by the European
                                                                                                       divided into physical and transition. Physical     insurers are particularly exposed to the risks
have been looking at how the financial services    Commission to give technical advice on the
                                                                                                       risks arise from a number of factors and           arising from climate change. Increasingly,
sector can play its part in achieving a more       integration of sustainability risks and factors
                                                                                                       can be related to specific weather events          some insurers and reinsurers are starting
sustainable economy.                               in the Delegated Regulations of the Solvency
                                                                                                       such as heatwaves, floods, wildfires and           to incorporate sustainability principles into
                                                   II Directive and Insurance Distribution
The European Commission has been quick to                                                              storms and longer term shifts in climate           their businesses. We can expect the trend for
                                                   Directive (due by 30 April 2019), and provide
act on its 2018 Action Plan and has published                                                          such as changes in precipitation and extreme       more regulation in this area to continue. The
                                                   an Opinion on sustainability in the Solvency
legislative proposals which will introduce:                                                            weather variability, and rising sea level and      challenge for regulators, insurers and other
                                                   II Directive (by 30 September 2019). EIOPA's
                                                                                                       temperatures. These risks can obviously            stakeholders is to ensure that regulatory
• an EU classification (taxonomy) for              policy proposals in its draft technical advice
                                                                                                       impact insurers and reinsurers through higher      initiatives are consistent, proportionate
  sustainable investments;                         will require insurance companies to review
                                                                                                       claims. Global insured losses from natural         and do not result in constraints stifling the
                                                   and amend their internal policies, processes
• new requirements on certain firms, including                                                         disaster events in 2017 were the highest ever      innovation of new products.
                                                   and compliance procedures to integrate
  insurers who provide insurance-based                                                                 recorded. The number of registered weather
                                                   sustainability risks into their investment, risk
  investment products (IBIPs) and insurance                                                            related natural hazard loss events has tripled
                                                   and capital management functions, which
  intermediaries providing advice on IBIPs                                                             since the 1980s and inflation-adjusted                          Kirsten Barber
                                                   will have cost and infrastructure implications.
  about the integration of sustainability risks                                                        insurance losses from these events have                         Senior Knowledge Lawyer
                                                   No timetable for implementation of these
  in their investment decision-making process                                                          increased from an annual average of around                      London
                                                   proposals has been given but they are likely to
  and advisory process;                                                                                US$10 billion in the 1980s to around US$55            
                                                   be implemented in 2020.
                                                                                                       billion over the last decade.

                                                                                                       Transition risks can arise from the process
                                                                                                       of adjustment towards a low-carbon
                                                                                                       economy. This adjustment is influenced by
                                                                                                       a range of factors including climate-related
                                                                                                       developments in policy and regulation,
                                                                                                       the emergence of disruptive technology or
                                                                                                       business models, and shifting sentiment and
                                                                                                       social preferences.
26                                                                                   Hogan Lovells    Insurance Horizons 2019                                                                    27

     International initiatives on                                                                    International               European Commission            UK

     sustainability and climate change                                                               2018

                                                                                                     IAIS/SIF published Issues   HLEG final                     GFT published its report
                                                                                                     Paper on Climate Change     recommendations                Accelerating Green
                                                                                                     Risks to the Insurance      published.                     Finance.
                                                                                                                                 Commission's Action Plan       FCA published a
     International                 European Commission              UK                                                           on Sustainable Finance         discussion paper on
                                                                                                                                 published.                     Climate Change and
                                                                                                                                                                Green Finance.
     2015                                                                                                                        Technical expert group
                                                                                                                                 on sustainable finance
     Paris Agreement and UN                                         PRA publishes a report                                       (TEG) established to help
     2030 Agenda for Sustainable                                    on The impact of climate                                     the Commission develop
     Development adopted.                                           change on the UK insurance                                   legislative proposals.
     Financial Stability Board                                                                                                   Three legislative proposals
     launched its Task Force on                                                                                                  published on establishment
     Climate related Financial                                                                                                   of a framework to
     Disclosures (TCFD).                                                                                                         facilitate sustainable
                                                                                                                                 investment (taxonomy),
                                                                                                                                 regulation of disclosures
     2016                                                                                                                        and amendments to the
                                                                                                                                 Benchmark Regulation.
     Sustainable Insurance         High Level Expert Group
     Forum (SIF) established       on Sustainable Finance
     – network of insurance        (HLEG) established to                                             2019                        Publication of amendments      FCA and PRA hosted the
     supervisors and regulators.   advise on how to promote                                                                      to provisions on suitability   first meeting of the Climate
                                   the use of public and private                                                                 assessments under MiFID        Financial Risk Forum,
                                   capital for sustainable                                                                       II and the Insurance           a new body comprising
                                   investments and on the                                                                        Distribution Directive (IDD)   representatives from across
                                   protection of the stability of                                                                not yet adopted.               the financial sector, with the
                                   the financial system from                                                                                                    aim of developing practical
                                   environmental risks.                                                                          EIOPA publishes technical
                                                                                                                                                                tools and approaches to
                                                                                                                                 advice on integration of
                                                                                                                                                                address climate-related
                                                                                                                                 sustainability risks and
                                                                                                                                                                financial risks.
     2017                                                                                                                        factors in the delegated
                                                                                                                                 regulations of Solvency II     PRA published policy and
                                                                                                                                 and IDD.                       supervisory statements on
     TCFD recommendations                                           Government established a                                                                    enhancing banks' and
                                                                                                                                 EIOPA due to give its
     published.                                                     Green Finance Task-force                                                                    insurers' approaches to
                                                                                                                                 Opinion (by 29 September)
                                                                    (GFT) to report on how                                                                      managing financial risks
                                                                                                                                 on sustainability in the
                                                                    to make green finance an                                                                    from climate change.
                                                                                                                                 Solvency II Directive.
                                                                    integral part of the financial
28                                                                                        Hogan Lovells   Insurance Horizons 2019

     Federal Reserve Board preparing
     insurance group capital requirements

     Recent remarks by the U.S. Federal Reserve         concluded that the insurance capital standard     The FRB also described a number of
     Board (FRB) provided the insurance industry        (ICS) being developed by the International        adjustments that the BBA would need to
     with a high-level overview of the FRB's            Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)       make to the building blocks in order for
     forthcoming proposal on consolidated capital       for internationally active insurance groups       the aggregation to function appropriately,
     requirements for insurers supervised by the FRB.   was not an optimal framework for the U.S.         including measures designed to avoid
                                                        insurance market.                                 double-counting that could arise from
     By way of background, the Dodd-Frank Wall                                                            inter-company transactions and provisions to
     Street Reform and Consumer Protection              Key attributes of the BBA                         comply with the Collins Amendment under
     Act gave the FRB regulatory responsibilities                                                         Dodd-Frank. Significantly, one adjustment
     both for insurance holding companies that          As the name implies, the soon to be published
                                                        BBA constructs "building blocks" — or             to the building blocks would apply insurance
     own a federally insured bank or thrift and                                                           capital rules consistently, without regard to
     for insurance companies designated as              groupings of entities in the supervised firm
                                                        — that are covered under the same capital         permitted accounting practices granted by
     systemically important by the U.S. Financial                                                         an individual state, thus uniformly applying
     Stability Oversight Council (so-called SIFIs),     regime, which are then used to calculate
                                                        combined, enterprise-level capital resources      statutory accounting principles as set forth
     the former of which represent approximately                                                          by the National Association of Insurance
     10 percent of the U.S. insurance industry.         and requirements. For example, subsidiaries
                                                        within a life insurance building block            Commissioners (NAIC).
     In June 2016, the FRB published an advance         would be treated under the BBA the way            The FRB also noted the need of the BBA to
     notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR)               they would be treated under life insurance        "scale" capital positions in different regimes
     describing two potential regulatory capital        capital requirements, while subsidiaries          through analyzing historical defaults because,
     frameworks for FRB-supervised insurers: a          in a depository institution building block        as he noted, "two building blocks under two
     capital framework, styled as a "building block     would be subject to bank regulatory capital       different capital regimes cannot simply be
     approach," to be applied to savings and loan       requirements.                                     added together if, as is frequently the case,
     holding companies or bank holding companies                                                          each regime has a different scale for its ratios
     with significant insurance activities; and a       To address regulatory gaps and arbitrage
                                                        risks, the BBA generally would apply              and thresholds".
     "consolidated approach" applicable to insurer
     SIFIs. With Prudential's de-designation in         bank regulatory capital requirements to
     October 2018, no insurer currently has the         nonbank/noninsurance building blocks.
                                                        Once the enterprise’s entities are grouped                        Robert Fettman
     SIFI label.                                                                                                          Counsel
                                                        into building blocks, and capital resources
                                                                                                                          New York
     The FRB's building block approach (BBA)            and requirements are computed for each                  
                                                        building block, the enterprise's capital
     In its written remarks, the FRB noted that
                                                        position is, subject to certain adjustments
     it: (i) decided against applying FRB bank
                                                        and scaling (described below), produced by
     holding company capital rules to supervised
                                                        generally adding up the capital positions of
     insurers at the enterprise level, in light
                                                        each building block. Finally, the BBA would
     of the very different business models of
                                                        impose a minimum capital requirement
     insurance and banking; (ii) determined that
                                                        against the holding company's aggregate
     a capital approach akin to the European
                                                        capital position calibrated to "ensure that
     Solvency II framework would not adequately
                                                        the risks of the enterprise do not present
     incorporate U.S. accounting frameworks and
                                                        undue risk to the safety and soundness of the
     could unintentionally crimp the ability of
                                                        depository institution".
     insurers to provide long-term life insurance
     and retirement planning products; and (iii)
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