2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society

Page created by Danny Campbell
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society

                                                                                                                   Photos courtesy of Stan Hohnholz
                                                                                                                 Sketch by Pip Brock, 1930s

We aim to encourage and
enable seniors to live fuller lives


           To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society


          March 20, 1:00 p.m.

          In the Conservatory

                          Guest Speaker TBA

Page 2    To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society
Winter Words ……
Under the Distinguished Patronage               Hello again and welcome this time to our Winter Program. I
 of Her Honour, The Honourable                  would like to start by doing some word association…. for instance:
  Janet Austin, OBC, Lieutenant                 Cold and Comfort…along with…Nostalgia and Family Reunions.
  Governor of British Columbia                  Words that may have significance and deep personal connections
                                                for all of us.
                                                For example: Cold, at this time of the year, indicates a dramatic
      Brock House Society                       change in seasonal conditions. Cooler temperatures, dressing
                                                warmer, low light and difficult conditions underfoot. Comfort:
               Officers                         What we feel like when we have addressed the above discomforts
Peter Phillips, President                       with increased warmth - maybe an open fireplace, a hot chocolate
Tom Henry, 1st Vice-President                   and a good book to read. All of these help to soften our mood.
Patricia Brady, 2nd Vice-President              Then there is Nostalgia, which is often reflected on at this time of
Stanley Hohnholz, Secretary                     the year, when maybe friends or family played a more significant
                                                role, especially around Christmas time. And Reunions, with the
               Directors                        need to meet up with old friends and family members in order to
Patricia Brady, Events                          revisit fond memories from the past.
Deborah Bush, Volunteer Services                These words come naturally to mind as you enter Brock House.
Brenda Clark, Performing Arts                   For instance the immediate warmth that you feel in the lobby as
Adrian Gatrill, Property                        you approach our beautiful open fireplace, and the comfortable
     Management                                 arm-chair seating in the Oak Room with a second fireplace. This
Tom Henry, Planning &                           setting more than addresses the cold/comfort equation. And then
     Business Development                       there are the spontaneous friendships that are so readily made at
Michael Le Bas, Marketing &                     Brock House that become a substitute for absent family or old
     Outreach                                   friends.
Jo Pleshakov, Governance and                    To add to this welcoming setting we also have some exciting new
     Membership                                 programs to offer you along with some old chestnuts……..by an
Adrian Vasile, Information Systems              open fire!
Callie Wong, Programs                           To start with, please renew your membership starting
BevAnn Lister Dean,
                                                November 1, 2018 for the 2019 calendar year.
     Past President
                                                You will then be entitled to attend some exciting new programs
                                                such as: a lecture series on Leadership and Women; a 4-week
                                                Oceanwise Series presented by the Vancouver Aquarium. You’ll
  Park Board Commissioner                       be presented with the means to get rid of Christmas excesses
 John Coupar                                    with exercise classes, Zumba and Line Dancing (a new activity),
                                                along with the usual relaxing yoga. Some of the new lecture
         Administration                         events include Ivan Sayers who is giving a 4-week presentation on
Sophie Djordjevic, Administrator                Women’s Fashion from the 18 th Century to the present and
                                                Orville Nickel who is presenting Constitutional Democracy and
                 Staff                          Policing.
Yolanda Bonkowski, Administrative Asst.         Among the old favourites, we have both Nicolas Krusek
Lee Murray, Maintenance                         (Thursdays this term) and Neil Ritchie returning. Oh - and don’t
Nebojsa Stajcic, Maintenance                    forget the Robbie Burns Day celebration on Thursday, January
                                                24th, 2019!
             Contact Us                         Please remember to register for these events and avoid being
Brock House Society                             disappointed.
3875 Point Grey Road                            So much to do and enjoy and bring you in from the cold, so do
Vancouver, BC V6R 1B3                           have a wonderful Winter Season at Brock House.
Telephone: 604-228-1461
Email: brockhouse@telus.net                     Peter Phillips
Website: www.brockhousesociety.com              President, Brock House Society

  To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office     Page 3
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society

         MONDAY                        TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                         FRIDAY
8:30-    Balance, Posture &   8:30-                        8:30-    Balance, Posture &   8:45-     Tai Chi 24 & 48    9:00-
                                       Yoga                                                                                    Yoga
9:30     Strength             10:00                        9:30     Strength             9:45      Form Review        10:00
         Tai Chi 24 Form,
8:45-                         8:45-    Tai Chi 24 Form     8:45-    Tai Chi Beginners 24 9:00-                        9:00-
         Mirror Image & 48                                                                         Woodworkers                 Artists' Group
9:45                          9:45     Review              9:45     Form                 noon                         12:30
         Form Pt. 2
9:00-                         9:00-                        9:35-                         9:30-                        9:30-
         Woodworkers                   Meet in the Music            Stretch & Strength             Yoga                        Zumba
noon                          10:30                        10:50                         10:30                        10:30
9:30-                         9:15-                        10:00-                        9:30-                        9:30-    BH Big Band
         Beginner's French             Zumba                        Write from the Heart           Genealogy
11:00                         10:15                        noon                          11:30                        11:45    (Out of House)
9:30-                         10:00-   BH Big Band         10:00-                        9:30-     Doodle Art &       10:45-
         Watercolour Class                                          Pole Walkers                                               Table Tennis
11:30                         11:30    (Out of House)      11:00                         11:30     Beyond             12:45
                                                                                                                               Leadership & Women
9:30-    Yarns & Needle-      10:00-   Intermediate        10:00-                        10:00-                       10:00-
                                                                    Discussion Series              Life Writing                Series
11:30    crafts               12:00    Bridge              11:30                         noon                         11:00
                                                                                                                               Jan. 11, Mar. 1 & Mar. 8
9:30-    Handbell Ringers     10:00-   Brock House         10:00-                        10:00-                       10:00-
                                                                    Porcelain Painting             Billiards                   Writers' Circle
noon     (Out of House)       12:00    Players             noon                          3:30                         12:00
9:35-                         10:00-                       10:00-   Brock House          10:30-                       10:00-   Legendary Performers
         Stretch & Strength            Billiards                                                   Democracy &
10:50                         3:30                         noon     Orchestra            12:00                        12:00    Jan. 18-Feb. 22
10:00-                        10:15-                       10:00-                        11:15-                       10:00-
         Billiards                     Yoga                         Billiards                      Osteofit                    Billiards
3:30                          11:15                        3:30                          12:15                        3:30
10:30-                        10:30-                       10:30-   Cryptic Crosswords   12:15-                       10:15-
         Travel Series                 Lecture Series                                              Duplicate Bridge            Yoga
noon                          11:30                        noon     Group                3:30                         11:15

11:15-                        11:00-                       12:15-                        1:00-     Brock House Jazz 12:30-
         Line Dancing                  Spanish Beginners            Mah Jong                                                   Social Bridge
12:15                         noon                         3:30                          3:00      Band             3:30

11:15-   Intermediate         11:15-                       12:30-                        1:00-                        1:00-
                                       Osteofit                     Table Tennis                   Chess                       Friday Movies
12:45    French               12:15                        3:30                          3:00                         3:30
                                                                    Oceanwise Lecture
12:00-                        11:30-                       1:00-                         1:00-                        1:15-    Book Club (last Friday of
         Lunch with TED                Chair Yoga                   Series                         Scrabble
1:00                          12:30                        2:00                          3:00                         3:15     the month)
                                                                    Feb. 13-Mar. 5
12:00-   Absolute Beginners 12:00-     Spanish             1:00-    Seniors Services     1:00-
2:00     Bridge             1:00       Intermediate        2:00     Jan. 23 & Jan 30     3:00
                                                                                                   Jan. 17-Feb. 28
12:30-                        12:30-                       1:00-    Brock House
         Table Tennis                  Advanced Bridge
3:30                          2:30                         3:00     Chamber Players
1:00-                         12:30-   Art History         1:00-    Cryptic Crosswords
         Play Reading
3:00                          2:30     Mar. 5-Apr. 9       3:00     for Beginners
                                                                    Jane Kokan Lecture
1:00-                         1:00-                        1:00-
         Computer Drop-In              Chess                        Series
3:00                          3:00                         3:00
                                                                    Jan 23-Feb. 27
                                       A History of Wom-
1:30-                         1:00-    en’s Fashion-Ivan 1:30-      Handbell Ringers
         Advanced French
3:00                          3:00     Sayers            4:00       (Out of House)
                                       Feb. 5-Feb. 26
         The World of
1:30-                         1:00-    BH Choir (Out of    2:00-    Seniors Services
         French Wines
3:15                          3:15     House)              3:30     March 20
         Jan. 28-Mar. 4
1:30-                         1:15-
         Sing-a-Long                   Reading &
3:30                          3:00
                                       Discussion Group
2:05-    Supervised Bridge    1:30-    Toastmasters
3:35     Play                 2:30     Speechcraft

                                                                    March 20
         March 11                                                                                  Jan. 24
1:45-                                                               Brock House Society 1:45-
         St. Patrick’s Day                                 1:00                                    Robbie Burns
3:15                                                                Annual General      3:15
         Event                                                                                     Celebration
         March 18                                                                                  March 7
1:00-    Doug Johnson                                                                    1:30-     The History of
3:00     Photography                                                                     3:00      Douglas Park—
         Lecture                                                                                   Linda Hull

   Page 4                        To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society

 ACTING 101 (Brock House Players) ....................7                                   Legendary Performers ................................... 14
 ARTS & CRAFTS                                                                            Lunch with TED ............................................... 14
   Artists' Group .....................................................7                  Oceanwise Lecture Series.............................. 14
   Doodle Art ...........................................................7                Philosophy Discussion Group ....................... 15
   Magical Mixing of Watercolours .....................7                                  Photography Lecture...................................... 15
   Porcelain Painting ..............................................7                     Seniors’ Services Series .................................. 15
   Yarns & Needlecrafts ........................................7                         Toatsmasters Speechcraft ............................. 15
 BRAIN CHALLENGERS                                                                        Travel Series .................................................... 15
   Cryptic Crosswords Level 2 ..............................8                             Understanding Music ..................................... 16
   Cryptic Crosswords Group ...............................8                              The World of French Wines ........................... 16
 BRIDGE                                                                                  LANGUAGES
   Absolute Beginners ...........................................8                        French Conversation
   Advanced ............................................................8                   Advanced ...................................................... 16
   Duplicate .............................................................8                 Beginners...................................................... 16
   Harrison Bridge Tour ........................................8                           Intermediate ................................................ 16
   Intermediate ......................................................8                   Spanish Conversation .................................... 16
   Social....................................................................8           MOVIES................................................................ 19
   Supervised Play ..................................................9                   MUSIC
 BROCK HOUSE SOCIETY AGM ............................2                                    Brock House Big Band.................................... 17
 COMPUTERS                                                                                Brock House Chamber Players ..................... 17
   Computer Drop-In .............................................9                        Brock House Choir .......................................... 17
 EVENTS & SOCIALS                                                                         Brock House Jazz Band .................................. 17
   Robbie Burns Celebration ............................. 20                              Brock House Orchestra.................................. 17
   St. Patrick’s Day Social .................................... 20                       Handbells ......................................................... 17
 HEALTH & WELLNESS                                                                        Sing-A-Long ...................................................... 17
   Balance, Posture & Strength ............................9                             REGISTRATION for classes, events, programs ....6
   Chair Yoga ...........................................................9               SOCIAL GROUPS
   Hikers................................................................ 10              Adventures in Dining ...................................... 18
   Line Dancing .................................................... 10                  SPECIAL OUT-OF-HOUSE EVENTS
   Osteofit................................................................9              Chinese New Year Celebration ..................... 20
   Pole Walkers .................................................... 10                   La Bohéme Opera........................................... 20
   Stretch & Strength .............................................9                      Valentine’s Day Program ............................... 20
   Tai Chi ............................................................... 10             Vancouver Aquarium ..................................... 20
   Yoga .............................................................10/11               TOURS
   Zumba .............................................................. 11                “Come From Away” the Musical Tour ......... 21
 INDOOR GAMES                                                                             Fraser River Discovery Tour .......................... 21
   Billiards............................................................. 11              Peacock in the Desert—SAM Tour ............... 21
   Canasta............................................................. 11               WOODWORKING
   Chess ................................................................ 11              Workshop......................................................... 18
   Mah Jong .......................................................... 11                 Woodworkers .................................................. 18
   Scrabble ........................................................... 11               WRITTEN WORD
   Table Tennis .................................................... 11                   Book Club ........................................................ 18
 INTELLECTUAL PURSUITS                                                                    Life Writing....................................................... 18
   Art History ........................................................ 11                Play Reading .................................................... 18
   Constitutional Democracy & Policing........... 12                                      Write from the Heart ..................................... 19
   Discussion Series ............................................ 12                      Writers' Circle .................................................. 19
   Genealogy ........................................................ 12                 ABOUT BROCK HOUSE SOCIETY
   A History of Women’s Fashion ...................... 12                                 Cafeteria ........................................................... 22
   The History of Douglas Park.......................... 13                               Hours of Operation ........................................ 22
   Jane Kokan Lecture Series ............................. 13                             Member Benefits ............................................ 22
   Leadership & Women Series ......................... 13                                 Membership (How to become a member) ... 22
   Lecture Series .................................................. 13                   Parking ............................................................. 22

To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office                                                      Page 5
2019 WINTER PROGRAMS & EVENTS - Brock House Society
       LOOK FOR THESE NEW                                         PLEASE NOTE the CANCELLATION POLICY
                                                             How to Register
                                                             There are 3 easy ways to register:
                                                              Online: Go to www.brockhousesociety.com
            HW108 Line Dancing                                In Person: Visit the Society office and a
            Mondays, 11:15-12:15                               volunteer will help you
                                                              By Phone: Call the Society office at
            January 14-March 18                                604-228-1461
                                                             You may register for one other member only.
             IS102 Constitutional                            WHEN TO REGISTER
           Democracy and Policing                            Registration FOR ALL CLASSES commences Thurs-
            Thursdays, 10:30-12:00                           day, January 3. Programs will be visible on the
                                                             website at 9:00 a.m.
             January 31-March 14                             Registration for TOURS and ROBBIE BURNS will
                                                             begin in the office on November 19. You MUST
 IS104 A History of Women’s Fashion                          have your 2019 membership to register.
         Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00                                 Fees for classes and events include GST.
                                                             We understand that sometimes it is necessary to
       February 5-February 26
                                                             withdraw from a course or activity. Please read
                                                             the cancellation policy carefully prior to register-
   IS107 Toastmasters Speechcraft                            ing for classes or activities.
          Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30                                CANCELLATION POLICY
         January 22-March 12                                 A $10.00 processing fee will be charged when you
                                                             withdraw from any course or activity.
                                                             There will be no refunds for cancellations made
And these special presentations:                             three business days prior to the beginning of a
                                                             course or activity or as otherwise noted. There will
        Leadership & Women                                   be no refunds for cancellations made five busi-
                                                             ness days prior to the date of any tours, unless
  Fridays, Jan. 11, Mar. 1 & March 8                         otherwise noted.
                                                             REFUNDS FOR CANCELLED CLASSES
    Oceanwise Lecture Series                                 or ACTIVITIES
 Wednesdays, February 13-March 6                             Classes which do not meet the minimum enrol-
                                                             ment requirement by the designated deadline will
                                                             be cancelled and the fee will be refunded. Cancel-
      The History of Douglas Park                            lation fees do not apply in this case.
          Thursday, March 7                                  If you are unable to attend a session of a class
                                                             you are registered in, you cannot make it up by
                                                             attending another class on a different day.
                                                             DROP-IN POLICY
          Social events and
                                                             You must confirm space availability with the in-
Special Out-of-House tours and events                        structor prior to drop-in. Drop-in fee for ALL clas-
                                                             ses is $15.00 and must be paid prior to attending.

  Page 6              To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
                                                                    AR101 MAGICAL MIXING of WATERCOLOURS
  Brock House will be closed on these dates:
                                                                    This term we will continue to explore the magical
  Tuesday, January 1—New Year’s Day
                                                                    mixing of watercolours by using some of the same
  Monday, February 18—Family Day
                                                                    spattering techniques from the fall term to prepare for
  Please mark your calendars, especially if you are                 spring by painting new gardens coming to life with
  registered in a course or program that falls on                   spring blossoms and newly formed buds. New
  one of these days.                                                students are welcome. All levels are welcome. A list of
                                                                    supplies will be given upon registration but bring
                                                                    whatever you have to the first class. You have the
                                                                    option of either doing a painting with the class or
                        ACTING                                      using these techniques to create your own painting
                                                                    Jennifer Burrows is substituting for Jennifer Fenske
                                                                    Instructor: Jennifer Burrows        Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18
                                                                    Art Room                                      9:30-11:30
                                                                                                               $100/8 weeks

                                                                    PORCELAIN PAINTING
                                                                    Learn to apply your painting skills to white china or
                                                                    refine your technique with the Brock House
                                                                    Porcelain Painters. We use powdered mineral
                                                                    colours which are ground into an oil base and then
                                                                    applied to china which is fired in the Brock House
                                                                    kiln. Our painters produce quality pieces for their
                                                                    own pleasure and for sale at Society fundraisers.
                                                                    Supplies are available to get you started and we
                                                                    can recommend sources for your specific needs.
                                                                    We take pleasure in helping each other and guiding
                                                                    beginners. When possible, we schedule a visit from
                                                                    a professional artist/instructor. Come and enjoy a
                                                                    lovely art form with experienced peers!
All welcome to visit and participate in any medium.
                                                                    Convenor: Merva Cottle              Wed. 10:00-Noon
No teacher, but advice, encouragement and friend-
                                                                                                                Art Room
ship for beginners and the experienced.
Convenor: Gillian Olson                Fri. 9:00-12:30
                                            Art Room
                                                                    YARNS & NEEDLECRAFTS
                                                                    Members of this group knit, sew and crochet
DOODLE ART & BEYOND                                                 handcrafted projects to sell at the Brock House
Various mixed media projects will be explored in                    Summer and Christmas Fairs. We welcome new
this series of classes. Please bring watercolour                    members of all experience levels to join the group -
paper, watercolour paint or acrylic paint, brush,                   including novices - who weave, quilt, embroider, or
scissors and glue stick. Some materials will be                     do any type of needle crafts.
provided.                                                           Convenors:                           Mon. 9:30-11:30
Pre-registration required.                                          Dorothy Simons, Carol Jackson          Meyer Room
Convenor: Joan Ellis            Thurs. Feb.14-Mar. 21
Art Room                                   9:30-11:30
                                           No charge

  To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office            Page 7
benefit from this class, though a knowledge of the
                                                               basics of bridge will be expected of the players.
                                                               Instructor: Barry Yamanouchi Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19
CRYPTIC CROSSWORDS LEVEL 2                                     Art Room                                   12:30-2:30
You have taken the introductory course and you                 No class March 5                         $90/9 weeks
have been applying that knowledge to solving puz-
zles. Now you are ready to boost your skill in recog-          BR102 INTERMEDIATE
nizing which type of clue you are trying to solve.             These lessons are aimed at players who know the
We will be working together to sharpen your ability            basics of bridge and now are looking to add a few
to crack open the clue. Pre-registration required.             conventions and new techniques to their game.
Instructor:                     Wed. Feb. 6-Mar. 13            The bidding section will cover some of the basic
Maggie Sherlock                             1:00-3:00          conventions of bridge such as takeout doubles,
Meyer Room                                 No Charge           negative doubles and pre-empts, among other sim-
                                                               ilar conventions. The declarer play section will cov-
CRYPTIC CROSSWORDS GROUP                                       er several types of finesses and various methods
This activity is for those who know how to solve               of developing tricks. On defense, we will look at
cryptic clues and enjoy doing so with others. Meet-            the various guidelines such as “second hand low”
ing place is in the Conservatory by the door to the            and “third hand high” with an emphasis on under-
sunroom (west end).                                            standing the principles behind these sayings. A
Convenor: Chris Spencer            Wed. 10:30-noon             large portion of each lesson will be devoted to
                                                               supervised play.
                                                               Instructor: Barry Yamanouchi Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19
                                                               Art Room                                 10:00-noon
                      BRIDGE                                   No class March 5                        $90/9 weeks

ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS                                             Sign-up available from 10:45. No seating after
This class is for people who have never played                 12:00. Maximum number of tables will be seven-
bridge before. We will cover opening and respond-              teen (17). It is necessary to come with a partner.
ing to bids of 1 no trump and 1 of a suit. (No over-           On-going unless otherwise advised.
calls, doubles or competitive bidding.) The Stayman            Convenors:                         Thurs. 12:15-3:30
convention will be introduced, although there may              Margaretta Shirkoff, Sue Girling         $1/Session
be no time to practice. There will be practice hands           Begg, Art & Games Rooms
after each lesson so you can practice what you
have learned. Required for this class: “Bidding in             HARRISON HOT SPRINGS BRIDGE TOUR
                                                               We are once again getting ready to prepare for an-
the 21st Century”, available online at amazon.ca or
                                                               other successful Brock House Harrison Hot Springs
chapters.ca. Pre-registration required.
                                                               Bridge Tournament. The dates for 2019 are April
Instructor: Glenda Affleck       Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18          23, 24 and 25. We were completely booked within a
Begg Room                                   12:00-2:00         few days for the 2018 tour, so please put a remind-
                                            No Charge          er to check off these dates on your 2019 calendar.
BR101 ADVANCED                                                 We will be providing more detailed information
This course is designed to teach some basic tools              early in the new year.
to bid in a more competitive game that typically
occurs in duplicate bridge. This will include takeout
                                                               "Unserious bridge" - singles welcome. On-going
doubles, cue bid raises, balancing and sacrificing.
                                                               unless otherwise advised.
Classes will involve a lesson followed by supervised
                                                               Convenor: Mary Bliss                 Fri. 12:30–3:30
play on lesson hands. Social bridge players will also
                                                               Begg Room

  Page 8                To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
SUPERVISED PLAY                                                   Osteofit is designed and run by BC Women’s Hospi-
Beginners 2: Play of the hand and bidding review.                 tal for individuals with osteoporosis, low bone den-
We will attempt to have at least four constructed                 sity or who are at risk of falls and fractures. This is
deals and hopefully more. The target will be to in-               a mild level exercise class suitable for new exercis-
troduce transfer bids by the end of the nine weeks.               ers or those returning from illness or injury. Partic-
Students should attempt to purchase and bring to                  ipants should attend twice per week as recom-
class any “Play of the Hand” book. Pre-registration               mended by Osteofit BC.
required.                                                         Instructors provided by Love Your Age Fitness Inc.
Instructor: Glenda Affleck       Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18             HW103                              Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19
Begg Room                                   2:05-3:35             Activity Room                               11:15-12:15
                                           No Charge                                                        $100/10 weeks
                                                                  HW104                             Thurs. Jan. 17-Mar. 21
                      COMPUTERS                                   Activity Room                                11:15-12:15
                                                                                                            $100/10 weeks
COMPUTER DROP-IN                                                  STRETCH & STRENGTH
                                                                  This 75 minute mostly moderate level class can be
These sessions are available for any member who
                                                                  adapted to suit a variety of levels and physical limi-
wants assistance using computers, tablets or cell
                                                                  tations. The class begins with a short cardiovascu-
phones, or who needs help with certain programs.
                                                                  lar component that can be adapted for chair as
You must know how to use a computer or your de-
                                                                  needed. The last 2/3rds can be seated or standing,
vice. Members can use the computers on their
                                                                  and includes ‘Brain Muves’ balance work, and exer-
own or with help when needed. Volunteers will
                                                                  cises for strength, agility, stability, and stretching/
discuss problems and offer advice on computer
                                                                  mobility. The last part of the class is all seated and
topics as required. The lab has laptop computers
                                                                  may include posture/body alignment, stretching,
with Windows 10 operating system and high speed
                                                                  visualization, and deep relaxation. Activities fea-
Internet access.
                                                                  ture a variety of apparatus such as balls, weights,
Convenors: John Dent,                 Mon. 1:00-3:00
                                                                  tubing, bean bags and more.
David Harding, Brian Luchak
                                                                  Instructors provided by Love Your Age Fitness Inc
Computer Room
                                                                  HW105                              Mon. Jan. 14–Mar. 18
                                                                  Activity Room                                  9:35-10:50
                                                                                                             $112/9 weeks
                HEALTH & WELLNESS                                 HW106                                Wed. Jan. 16-Mar 20
                                                                  Activity Room                                  9:35-10:50
                                                                                                            $125/10 weeks
                                                                  HW107 CHAIR YOGA
This is a moderate/mid-level 60 minute class. Class
                                                                  Yoga with a chair is for students of all ages and
begins with a low-impact cardiovascular segment,
                                                                  abilities who find traditional yoga uncomfortable
followed by exercises to improve balance, strength,
                                                                  for various reasons. The chair sometimes replaces
posture, and body alignment, and ends with
                                                                  the mat and sometimes is used as a prop. This al-
stretching. Activities feature a variety of apparatus
                                                                  lows for greater accessibility and stability. Yoga
such as balls, weights, tubing, bean bags and more.
                                                                  with a chair increases your strength, balance, con-
Instructors provided by Love Your Age Fitness Inc.
                                                                  centration and flexibility; encompasses all aspects
HW101                           Mon. Jan. 14—Mar. 18
                                                                  of an individual: physical, emotional, mental and
Activity Room                                8:30-9:30
                                                                  spiritual. Come and explore the benefits of yoga
                                          $90/9 weeks
                                                                  with a chair in a safe and fun environment.
HW102                            Wed. Jan. 16-Mar. 20
                                                                  Instructor: Annette Wertman      Tues. Jan. 15-Mar.19
Activity Room                                8:30-9:30
                                        $100/10 weeks             Begg Room                                  11:30-12:30
                                                                                                           $80/10 weeks

   To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office            Page 9
HIKERS                                                              POLE WALKERS
                                                                    The group meets outside the front entrance of
                                                                    Brock House to walk for an hour. The walk begins
                                                                    at 10:00, and you should be back at Brock House by
                                                                    11:00. For more information you may contact the
                                                                    convenor at mjkriss78@gmail.com .
                                                                    Convenor: Mona Kriss            Wed. Out of House

                                                                    TAI CHI CLASSES
                                                                    HW109 24 Form for Beginners
Carpools. All hikes leave 12th and Larch at 9:00                    Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise, a martial art,
a.m. sharp unless otherwise noted. The meeting                      and a moving meditation, based on the principle of
place is on Larch Street between 10th & 12th Ave-                   the interplay of Yin and Yang. Slow and graceful
nues. Please arrive 15 minutes early to arrange                     movements improve balance, co-ordination and
carpools.                                                           well-being. Emphasis on proper alignment pro-
Jan 5       Everett Crowley Park and Fraser Foreshore ,             motes Qi flow through the body, and sustained
            Don and Elizabeth 868 -2353                             concentration makes it an excellent exercise for
Jan 12      LaFarge Lake, Cathie 683-1083                           the mind as well! This course is suitable for begin-
Jan 19      Pacific Spirit Park -16th Ave to Deering Island         ners and those who are happy to continue to re-
            Grace 261-4498                                          view the 24 Form from the beginning.
Jan 26      Jug Island and Admiralty Point, TBA                     Instructor: Kelly Maclean         Wed. Jan. 16-Mar. 20
Feb 2       Madrona Whytecliff, Gordon 261-6674                     Conservatory                                 8:45-9:45
Feb 9       Deer Lake, Grace 261-4498                                                                       $100/10 weeks
Feb 16      Derby Reach/Houston Loop,
                                                                    HW110 24 Form Review
            John W 565-6294
                                                                    In this course we will continue to review the 24
Feb 23      Fisherman’s trail to mid-valley viewpoint,
                                                                    Form and the mirror image. We may even make a
            Margit 224 6627
                                                                    start on the 48 Form.
Mar 2       Whyte Lake, Katie 738-8189
                                                                    Instructor: Kelly Maclean        Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19
Mar 9       Simon Fraser via Sidewinder Trail,
                                                                    Conservatory                                 8:45-9:45
            Charles 224 6627
                                                                                                            $100/10 weeks
Mar 16 Pitt Lake Wildlife Area, Jane 264-1250
Mar 23 Campbell Valley, Jane 264-1250                               HW111 24 Form, Mirror Image & 48 Form Part 2
Mar 30 DeBeck Hill/ 4 Lakes trail, Tomina 736-1874                  In this course, we will continue to review the 24
Convenors:                          Sat., Out of House              Form and the mirror image, and to work on the
Margit Arthur, 604-224-6627                                         2nd half of the 48 Form.
Jane Mcdonald, 604-264-1250                                         Instructor: Kelly Maclean       Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18
                                                                    Conservatory                                 8:45-9:45
                                                                                                             $90/9 weeks
Did you know that Line Dancing is an easy way to
exercise the body and mind? It’s a wonderful way                    HW112 24 & 48 Form Review
to lose weight and meet new friends. You’ll dance                   In this class, we generally go through the 24 Form,
to great music in the most popular styles of dance,                 plus the mirror image, and then review the entire
e.g. Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango, Mambo, Jive, Waltz                      48 Form twice.
and Salsa. No partner required. All ages and levels                 Instructor: Kelly Maclean      Thurs. Jan. 17– Mar. 21
welcome. Drop-in $8. Lisa is an enthusiastic and                    Conservatory                                  8:45-9:45
patient instructor. She has taught line dancing for                                                         $100/10 weeks
over 10 years.                                                      YOGA CLASSES
Instructor: Lisa Dong          Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18                 This seniors' yoga program includes full modifica-
Activity Room                             11:15-12:15               tions for almost any pose: gentle, basic-level in-
                                         $65/9 weeks                struction tailored to meet each person's needs.

  Page 10                    To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
Props are used when necessary: chairs, wall, yoga
straps, blocks, etc. The instructor does not provide                 MAH JONG
                                                                     Enjoy an afternoon playing Mah Jong Hong Kong
any equipment – please bring your own yoga mat
                                                                     style. Play and learn at the same time. Instruction
to participate in this program.
Instructors: Alyshia
HW113 Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19 (90 min.)       8:30-10:00               Convenor: Maribeth Ruckman           Wed. 12:15-3:30
Begg Room                              $135/10 weeks                 Art Room                                  $1/Session
HW114 Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19                10:15-11:15               SCRABBLE
Begg Room                               $95/10 weeks                 Scrabble is a lot of fun and members who love to play
HW115 Thurs. Jan. 17-Mar. 21                9:30-10:30               have organized this weekly gathering. Feel free to join
Begg Room                                 $95/10week                 them, and receive some of the many mental
HW116 Fri. Jan. 18-Mar. 22                  9:00-10:00               benefits that Scrabble players enjoy. There are sev-
Begg Room                               $95/10 weeks                 eral Scrabble sets in the office games cupboard - even
HW117 Fri. Jan. 18-Mar. 22                 10:15-11:15               one in French.
Begg Room                               $95/10 weeks                 Conservatory                           Thurs. 1:00-3:00
Zumba Gold© is perfect for active older adults                       TABLE TENNIS
who are looking for a lower-intensity work-out.                      Come and join other members for a fun game of
The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow                    table tennis! Although it is generally thought of as a
choreography that focuses on balance, range of                       leisure activity, table tennis actually has many
motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat                         health and wellness benefits. Individuals who
and prepare to leave empowered and feeling                           play table tennis regularly can expect improved
strong. The class focuses on all elements of fit-                    reflexes and hand-eye coordination while strength-
ness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexi-                  ening the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen.
bility and balance.                                                  Please contact the office if you wish to speak to
Instructor: Asal Nikoopour                                           someone from the Table Tennis group.
HW118 - Tues. Jan. 15-Mar. 19            9:15-10:15                  Activity Room                   Mon. & Wed.12:30–3:30
Activity Room                         $85/10 weeks                                                            Fri. 10:45-12:45
HW119 - Fri. Jan. 18 –Mar. 22            9:30-10:30
Activity Room                         $85/10 weeks                               INTELLECTUAL PURSUITS
                  INDOOR GAMES
                                                                     IS101 ART HISTORY: Beyond Painting: Art Nou-
BILLIARDS                                                            veau, Art Deco, and the Modern Age
Key in office.                                                       In the rapidly changing modern world of the early
Billiards Room                      Mon.-Fri. 10:00-3:30             20th century, new styles of art changed the fine art
                                                                     world, and beyond. This lecture series will explore
                                                                     the inspirations and artists of Art Nouveau and Art
Do you remember hot times around the kitchen table
                                                                     Deco, who brought new forms and ideas to paint-
playing canasta? More relaxed than bridge and more
                                                                     ing, decorative and graphic arts and architecture,
fun than cribbage, it was the most popular card game
                                                                     and brought modern designs off the canvas and
of the 50’s and 60’s. Join the group for a lively game
                                                                     into daily life. Rejecting Victorian art and design,
once a week.
                                                                     and instead inspired by Japanese prints, nature,
Conservatory                             Tues. 1:30-3:30
                                                                     and the age of the machine, these styles were so
CHESS                                                                much more than frivolous decoration. Come learn
All levels of play including beginners. We have                      about these now beloved modern art and design
some chess sets, but if you want you can bring one                   styles, and their spread across Europe up until
along. Come in and join us. Brock House ladies                       WWII.
welcome.                                                             Instructor:                          Tues. Mar. 5-Apr. 9
Convenors: A. Ramirez, R. Wooldridge                                 Jessa Alston-O’Conner                         12:30-2:30
Meyer Room                     Tues. & Thurs. 1:00-3:00              Halpern Room                           $100.00/6 weeks

 To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office             Page 11
      POLICING                                                     SEARCH
The police in democratic countries have powers                Begin to build a family tree to 4 or 5 generations
that can result in serious injuries to citizens. The          with evaluated sources. Choose appropriate Family
Constitution of Canada protects citizens from un-             Tree Software & Databases for your own purposes.
due interference by government through the un-                Find and evaluate a variety of sources of
necessary application of force when police are                information online. Develop a research plan for
called to a circumstance or disturbance. In this              ongoing searches and for challenging individuals/
course we will explore the origins of the Canadian            families. This course is valuable for newcomers and
Constitution and apply the Charter principles of              for people who are already researching their
democratic freedoms to the concepts of police use             history.
of force. Physical force is authorized by law only in         Jan. 17 Introduction—The Basics of Genealogy
certain circumstances. These concepts will be ex-                        Research
plored and discussed to determine when use of                 Jan. 24 Family Tree Software & Database
force is appropriate.
Instructor: Orville Nickel      Thurs. Jan. 31-Mar. 14
Halpern Room                                10:30-12:00       Jan. 31 Online/Offline Resources for Beginners
No class on Feb. 28                        $80/6 weeks        Feb. 7     Specific Additional Resources
                                                              Feb. 14 Family Tree Specifics & Brick Walls
DISCUSSION SERIES                                             Feb. 21 Write A Family History & Self-Education
Come and join the Brock House Discussion Group.               Handouts each class: a variety including charts,
New members are welcome. Members suggest top-                 forms, lists and internet links.
ics that are often first introduced by a presenter            If you have a laptop computer you are welcome to
and then opened to all for discussion. The discus-            bring it to the class.
sions are thought-provoking, stimulating, educa-              Instructors:                    Thurs. Jan. 17-Feb. 21
tional, challenging and fun! No charge                        BC Genealogical Society                     12:30-2:30
Jan. 9    When would you feel justified in breaking           Games Room                               $65/6 weeks
          the law?
Jan. 16 Are we really free—what does prevent to-
                                                              IS104 A HISTORY OF WOMEN’S FASHION
          tal freedom?
                                                              18th Century to Present Day
                                                              Mr. Sayers will present an overview of women’s
Jan. 30 Is fine art and music relevant—do we need
                                                              fashion from the 18th Century to the present day.
          it or is it unnecessary?
                                                              The lectures will be illustrated with slides and
Feb. 6 Why is a sense of belonging so funda-
                                                              original garments from the speaker’s extensive
                                                              collection of historic clothing. Ivan Sayers is a
Feb. 13 Should the courts treat “the consensus of
                                                              fashion historian who has collected period
          scientists” as established facts?
                                                              costumes for over 50 years. His large and
Feb. 20 Should extremism be banned?
                                                              comprehensive private collection of historical
                                                              clothing is the largest in Canada.
Mar. 6 When voting, what qualities do you consid-
          er important in a candidate?                        Feb. 5 1700-1836
Mar. 13 Is knowledge the path to wisdom?                      Feb. 12 1836-1900
Mar. 20 Is all human action motivated by self                 Feb. 19 1900-1939
          interest?                                           Feb. 26 1939-2000
Mar. 27 Will we accept the costs of replacing plas-           Instructor: Ivan Sayers             Tues. Feb. 5-Feb. 26
          tic food containers and wraps?
                                                              Halpern Room                                   1:00-3:00
Convenor: Ingrid Hanslo              Wed. 10:00-11:30
                                                                                                         $80/4 weeks
Halpern Room

 Page 12                 To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
THE HISTORY OF DOUGLAS PARK:                                       LEADERSHIP AND WOMEN SERIES
From Beaver Meadow to Park Land                                    Three distinguished female leaders will share their
Remarkably, the history of this popular, but often                 thoughts on leadership and the challenges and re-
overlooked, park in the middle of Vancouver has                    wards as leaders in their respective field. Pre-
links to pioneers and events which shaped our                      registration required for this series.
province and our nation. Bounded by Heather and                    Fri. Jan. 11 Joyce Murray, Member of Parliament
Laurel Streets and 20th and 22nd Avenues, it has                   Fri. Mar. 1 Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Health
been described as an “oasis” and “breathing space”                                Officer & Vice President, Public Health
ever since the 1870s. Hear the surprising connec-                                 at Vancouver Coastal Health
tion of Douglas Park to logging pioneer Wm. P.                     Fri. Mar. 8    Inspector Colleen Yee,
Mackie; the building of the C.P.R. railway and the                                Vancouver Police Department
land grants; early “land flipping”; James Z. Hall,                 Convenor: Callie Wong                       10:00-11:00
B.C.’s first Notary Public; a Chinese-run market gar-              Halpern Room                                No Charge
den; and the sale of the four-square city blocks to
what was then the Municipality of Point Grey in                    LECTURE SERIES
1926 by Jessie Hall, James’ widow, the first white                 Knowledgeable specialists lecture on diverse topics.
child born in the Cariboo and daughter of Samuel                   Jan. 15 The Remarkable History of the VanDusen
Greer another pioneer of some notoriety.                                   Site, and the Role of the CPR: Told by
Convenor: Linda Hull                     Thurs. Mar. 7                     Midge Oke with historic photographs from
Halpern Room                                 1:30-3:30                     the Vancouver City Archives
                                            No charge              Jan. 22 Trinity Western: A Conflict of Rights: Hoi
                                                                           Kong, UBC Professor of Constitutional Law
IS105 JANE KOKAN LECTURE SERIES                                    Jan. 29 Hummingbirds in your Garden, and Con-
Each lecture will showcase unique themes, photos and                       servation beyond the Garden: Dr. Chris-
videos the award-winning filmmaker and journalist                             tine Bishop, Wildlife Research Scientist,
captured on her travels to over 40 countries in the                           Environment and Climate Change Canada.
world.                                                                        Adjunct Professor, Biology SFU and UBC
Jan. 23 War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against                    Feb. 5  Building Waterslides: the Best Job in the
         Humanity. Can the global community pre-                           World: Emily Colombo, White Water West
         vent, yet another, genocide in the making?                Feb. 12 The Real Estate Foundation of British Co-
Jan. 30 Brexit. What are its implications for the rest                     lumbia: What exactly is it? Assisting BC
         of the world? Why exactly is Britain leaving                      Communities Towards Sustainable Devel-
         the European Union?                                               opment: Jack Wong, Chief Executive Of-
Feb. 6 NATO: Keeping the Peace on this planet?                                ficer of the Foundation.
Feb. 13 Archaeology—Pyramids in the Balkans?                       Feb. 19 A Giant on Clay Feet. The Dutch East In-
Feb. 20 Nation building challenges? Does the world                         dia Company in the 17th and 18th Centu-
         need another ‘mini-state’ with no economic                        ries: Dr. Joost Schokkenbroek, Executive
         and geo-political prospects? Kosovo’s sover-                         Director, Vancouver Maritime Museum
         eignty at stake?                                          Feb. 26 The Attack on Science is a Symptom.
Feb. 27 The Canadian North. An eyewitness account:                         What is the Disease? Dr. Robert
         Rankin Inlet. Nunavut’s second-largest com-                          Woodham, professor emeritus and former
         munity: challenges and opportunities.                                head of Computer Science, UBC
Instructor: Jane Kokan            Wed. Jan. 23-Feb. 27             Mar. 5     Improving the Health, Safety and Well-
Halpern Room                                   1:00-3:00                      Being of Women in Vancouver’s Street-
                                          $105/6 weeks                        Based Sex Trade: Mebrat Beyene, Execu-
                                                                              tive Director, Wish Drop-In Centre Society

  To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office           Page 13
Mar. 12 The Rise of Populism in Europe and the                   Hackschooling made me happy, Logan LaPlante
        USA: A Return to the 1930’s? Dr. Heidi                   Try something new for 30 days, Matt Cutts
          Tworek, Assistant Professor in International His-      Jan. 21 Marijuana
          tory, UBC. Visiting Fellow, Center for History and     What commercialization is doing to cannabis,
          Economics, Harvard University; Non-Resident Fel-       Ben Cort
          low, German Marshall Fund of the United States;
                                                                 A doctor’s case for medical marijuana,
          Non-Resident Fellow, Canadian Global Affairs In-
          stitute                                                David Casarett
Mar. 19 Infectious Diseases: Past, Present and                   Jan. 28 Artificial Intelligence, Technology and You
        Future: Dr . Allison Mah (VGH) and Dr. William           Technology that knows what you’re feeling,
          Connors (St. Pauls Hospital), UBC Division of In-      Poppy Crum
          fectious Diseases, Department of Medicine              A funny look at the unintended consequences of
Convenor: Allan Strain                  Tues. 10:30-11:30        technology, Chuck Nice
Halpern Room                                                     How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack
                                                                 to your life, Pierre Barreau
IS106 LEGENDARY PERFORMERS                                       Feb. 4 Must love animals, especially dogs
Some performers are simply born great. It is their               How the teddy bear taught us compassion,
combination of talent and charisma which makes                   Jon Mooallen
them legendary. Neil Ritchie examines what makes                 Depressed dogs, cats with OCD – what animal mad-
a performer great and looks at how, besides talent,              ness means for humans, Laurel Braitman
their early lives, family, education, career choices,            Two poems about what dogs think (probably),
mentoring, integrity, musicality, direction, timing,             Billy Collins
and, of course, luck impacted their careers. Spend               Feb. 11 Language
some time with each of them enjoying their music                 What makes a word real? Anne Curzan
and learning about their often complicated person-               How language shapes the way we think,
al lives.                                                        Lera Boroditsky
Jan. 18 Porgy and Bess: The masterpiece few peo-                 Go ahead, make up new words, Erin McKean
          ple have seen.                                         Feb. 25 Shame & its cost
Jan. 25 Legends of the jazz saxophone: A survey                  The price of shame, Monica Lewinsky
          of the iconic masters of the most soulful              When online shaming goes too far, Jon Ronson
          jazz instrument.                                       March 4 Discover Brain Power
Feb. 1 Aretha Franklin: A pioneer of soul music                  How we can use light to see deep inside our bodies
          and her complex personal life.                         and brains, May Lou Jepson
Feb. 8 Harry Warren: One of the great songwrit-                  A headset that reads your brainwaves, Tan Le
          ers of tin pan alley know for his Busby                How to control someone else’s arm with your brain,
          Berkley musicals and Glenn Miller hits.                Greg Gage
Feb. 15 Quincy Jones: Producer, band-leader,                     Mar 11 The great political divide
          soundtrack composer and trend setter.                  Can a divided America heal, Jonathan Haidt & Chris
Feb. 22 Diana Krall/Bruno Mars: The cool and the                 Anderson
          hot. A study in contrasts.                             How our friendship survives our opposing politics,
Instructor: Neil Ritchie             Fri. Jan. 18-Feb. 22        Caitlan Quattromani & Lauran Arledge
Halpern Room                                 10:00-12:00
                                                                 Convenors: Christine Chou, Lyz Sayer
                                            $90/6 weeks
                                                                 Halpern Room                         Mon. 12:00-1:00
                                                                 OCEANWISE LECTURE SERIES
Pick up your lunch from the cafeteria and join Chris-
                                                                 This lecture series will explore how all facets of
tine Chou and Lyz Sayer as they present a selection of
                                                                 modern society affect, and are affected by, climate
TED videos followed by a short discussion on the topic
                                                                 change and our oceans. It will concentrate on sig-
of the day. Each session is from 50 to 60 minutes long.
                                                                 nificant, but under-reported aspects of sustainabil-
Please allow sufficient time to get settled before the
                                                                 ity and climate change and demonstrate that, not
video starts.                                                    only is it important that we tackle human-induced
Jan. 14 Innovation – And you                                     mental changes, but that it is vital that we do so in
Where good ideas come from, Steve Johnson                        the most effective way we can. It will take into

Page 14                  To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
account the social, cultural, political and biological             Jan. 30 E-COMM 911—9-1-1 is your connection to
factors that influence the worlds’ ecosystems, and                 police, fire and ambulance. Find out WHEN to call
the complex interactions between these factors,                    9-1-1, and what steps to take once you have help
using science and evidence-based studies as our                    on the line. E-Comm provides emergency commu-
guide.                                                             nication services in Metro Vancouver and 25 other
Registration is required for this series.                          regional districts across B.C. E-Comm is the largest
Convenor: Callie Wong            Wed. Feb. 13-Mar. 6               9-1-1 centre in British Columbia and is responsible
Halpern Room                                  1:00-2:00            for 92 per cent of the province’s 9-1-1 call volume.
                                            No charge              An E-Comm representative will fill you in on the
                                                                   whole procedure. Don’t miss this!
Part 10: Political Philosophy - From Plato to                      Mar. 20 Progressive Portfolio Construction
                                                                   Marley Snow, FMA, CIWM, CIM TD Bank
          Modern Thought
                                                                   The economy is in a position unlike any other time
The material for this discussion group is designed as
an introduction to Political Philosophy. We will read              in history. Find out how the landscape has changed
and discuss Ancient Political thought, Medieval Politics,          and the smart technology you can use to adapt
Rationality and Enlightenment to Post War Politics.                your investment strategy. The discussion will be
Members are required to come to the group prepared                 around portfolio protection strategies using new
to discuss the agreed text readings of Jack Thomson’s              and innovative alternative ideas. (This presenta-
History of Philosophy. We will also view The Great                 tion runs from 2:00-3:00)
Courses DVD Lecture Series on Political Philosophy                 Convenor: Callie Wong                  Wed.1:00-2:00
taught by Dr. Lawrence Calhoone. Group is limited to               Halpern Room
ten participants. Please contact the convenor through
                                                                   IS107 TOASTMASTERS SPEECHCRAFT
the office before attending for the first time.
                                                                   The purpose of this workshop is to teach participants,
Convenor: Glenys Acland                  Tues. 1:15-3:00
                                                                   in a friendly and supportive way, how to reduce their
Games Room
                                                                   fear of public speaking. You will learn and practice the
PHOTOGRAPHY LECTURE                                                dos and don’ts of impromptu speaking, preparing and
“Where should the eyes be looking?”                                giving an easy formal speech (usually about yourself)
Join Brock House member and professional pho-                      and learning how to evaluate other speakers in the
tographer Doug Johnson. His lecture will cover al-                 process. Also, you will have the opportunity to rant on
most 50 years in photography....fashion, advertis-                 anything your concerned about. You will find this ex-
ing, sports, and some personal photos covering                     perience both fun and helpful in your everyday life.
travel, and family. There will be time after the lec-              Instructor: Bob Nakovics           Tues. Jan. 22-Mar. 12
ture for questions.                                                Halpern Room                                    1:30-2:30
Instructor: Doug Johnson             Monday, Mar. 18                                                           $80/8 weeks
Halpern Room                                 1:00-3:00             TRAVEL SERIES
                                           No charge               Photographers share their travel experiences
SENIORS ’ SERVICES SERIES                                          Jan. 14 Fascinating Sable Island, NS: Wild Horses
The Program Committee is pleased to offer several                          and Sand Dunes, Helen Smith
lectures by people who are professionals in their                  Jan. 21 Highlights from a 20-day Guided Tour of
fields. The format allows plenty of time for ques-                         China, John Gadsby
tions from the audience. Registration is required                  Jan. 28 Mid-Pacific Meanderings: The Marquesas
for this series.                                                           Islands, Rob Allan
                                                                   Feb. 04 New Mexico & Colorado, Neil le Nobel
Jan. 23 Cooking for One—Rosalie Lung
                                                                   Feb. 11 Gabon: My Work with Dr. Albert Schweit-
Healthy eating plays a big part in healthy aging.
                                                                           zer in Lambarene, Erik Rasmussen
Registered Dietician Rosalie from Vancouver
                                                                   Feb. 18 BC Day—Brock House Closed
Coastal Health’s ‘Healthy Living Program’ will share
                                                                   Feb. 25 Bangkok to Paris: 11 Months by Bicycle,
some simple, healthy eating ideas with us, as well
as some easy, healthy and fun recipes.                                        Chris Oram and Margo Mactaggart

 To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office            Page 15
Mar. 04 Amelienborg Palace and Nyhavn Canal                   LG101 Beginners
        Boat Tour, Denmark, Rose Taylor                       Learn our second official language in a class for
Mar. 11 Peru: Exploring Incan & pre-Incan Civiliza-           complete beginners. The emphasis is on conversa-
        tions, Graham Baldwin                                 tion in an informal class. We will work on grammar
Mar. 18 South Africa’s Wild Coast, Wendy Royal                and vocabulary as you practice basic oral skills. We
Convenor: Jo Pleshakov             Mon. 10:30-noon             will also practice basic reading, writing and pro-
                                     Halpern Room             nunciation. The class is dynamic and interactive!
                                                              Begg Room                         Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18
IS108 UNDERSTANDING MUSIC                                                                                 9:30-11:00
The purpose of this course is to answer two ques-                                                       $105/9 weeks
tions: How is music put together? How do we listen
to it? We will consider some of the basic elements            LG102 Intermediate
of melody, harmony, and rhythm, and explore how               For those who have a working knowledge of low
composers use these elements to achieve a partic-             intermediate or intermediate French, this program
ular effect.                                                  offers an exciting way to improve or refresh your
Our discussions will emphasize the importance of              skills. We will study various aspects of grammar
concentration and memory in understanding music               and vocabulary and tie them together with dynamic
                                                              and fun speaking exercises for communicating in
and, most importantly, the role of the listener’s im-
                                                              French-speaking countries and provinces. All mate-
agination. Our listening examples will come from a
                                                              rials will be provided. If you wish to travel to France
broad range of repertoire, from the Baroque to the
                                                              or Quebec, communicate with French-speaking
early 20th century.
                                                              friends or refresh your knowledge of French, this
Nicolas Krusek is a professional musician, conduc-            course is for you. Students should be able to speak
tor and speaker on music-related topics. He has               comfortably in the present tense and have reason-
performed with and directed numerous professional,            able knowledge of the past and future tenses.
amateur and youth orchestras throughout BC and                Begg Room                         Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18
Central Europe                                                                                            11:15-12:45
Instructor: Nicolas Krusek      Thurs. Jan. 17-Feb. 28                                                  $105/9 weeks
Halpern Room                                 1:00-3:00
(no class Jan. 24)                   $90.00/6 weeks           LG103 Advanced
                                                              This course is for students who have completed the
IS109 The WORLD OF FRENCH WINES                               intermediate course or who have an excellent
The French are known for their joie de vivre. Join us         knowledge of intermediate French and who want to
as we take you across this fabulously remarkable              move to the advanced level. We shall study ad-
country of wine excellence. From the sparkling                vanced level grammar and vocabulary points in an
hillsides of Champagne to the Southern borders of             interactive way, allowing students to speak as
the Languedoc. In between, we retrace the steps of            much as possible. Students should be comfortable
Roman legions into Burgundy and the Rhone. Yet,               speaking in the present, past and future tenses but
we recognize the superlative quality of Bordeaux              not fluently.
wines and the romance of the Loire.                           Games Room                     Mon. Jan. 14-Mar. 18
Instructor: Dr. Clinton Lee      Mon. Jan. 28-Mar. 4                                                     1:30-3:00
 Halpern Room                              1:30-3:15                                                 $105/9 weeks
                                    $105.00/5 weeks           SPANISH CONVERSATION
                                                              Basic conversation and pronunciation in an infor-
                   LANGUAGES                                  mal setting. Excellent experience for those plan-
                                                              ning to travel to Mexico and South America. Pre-
CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH                                         registration is required for these classes.
The Sorbonne Ecole de Francais is a Canadian-                 Instructor: Carlos Rabago       Tues. Jan. 22-Feb. 26
owned French language school. The school prides               Level 1-Beginners                        11:00-Noon
itself on the high quality of the teaching. The clas-         Level 2-Intermediate                       Noon-1:00
ses are focused and instructive, energetic and fun.           Games Room                                    6 weeks
                                                                                                         No Charge

Page 16                To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
come and listen any time in the South Room at the
                MUSIC PROGRAMS                                     Kerrisdale Seniors’ Centre, West 42nd Ave. & West
BROCK HOUSE BIG BAND                                               Conductors:
The Brock House Big Band is an 18 piece band with                  Grace Lau                           Mon. 9:30-Noon
a repertoire designed for swing dances. The band                   Jeong Hur                            Wed. 1:30-4:00
performs on average sixteen times a year, deliver-
                                                                   BROCK HOUSE JAZZ BAND
ing big band music to community centres, hospitals
                                                                   The Brock House Jazz Band consists of 4 soloists, a
and seniors’ residences. The repertoire changes to
                                                                   4 piece rhythm section and a vocalist, dedicated to
match major public holidays such as St. Valentine's                playing old style jazz standards. We entertain reg-
Day, Easter, Remembrance Day, and Christmas. The                   ularly for dances at Brock House, Seniors’ Centres,
band meets for practice each Tuesday and Friday                    and Care Homes. At present, there are no vacan-
from September to June at the following locations                  cies in the Band, but, if you are interested in our
and times:                                                         music, you are welcome to come and listen-in to
W.P.G. Com. Centre (Aberthau):     Tues.10:00-11:30                our weekly practices in the House.
Kerrisdale Seniors' Centre:           Fri. 9:30-11:45              Leader: Rob Arseneau
Director: Andrew Clark, 604-842-8581                               Bookings: Doug Rogerson
Outreach: Brenda Clark, 604-842-8581                               Halpern/Activity Room                 Thurs. 1:00-3:00

BROCK HOUSE CHAMBER PLAYERS                                        BROCK HOUSE ORCHESTRA
We are always looking for new members who play                     This is a full symphony orchestra giving regular
strings, woodwinds or brass! Come by to see us on                  concerts of classical and modern works at seniors’
Wednesday afternoon with your instrument and we                    homes and community centres. We enjoy rehears-
will be glad to see you. Set-up at 1:00, music from                ing with our professional conductor, Jeffrey Tseng,
1:00-3:00.                                                         and perform most years at the Summer Fair. If you
Director: TBA                          Wed. 1:00-3:00              play a symphonic instrument, come to the Begg
                                                                   Room on Wednesday mornings. New members are
                                          Begg Room
                                                                   welcome, especially string players.
BROCK HOUSE CHOIR                                                  Director/Conductor: Jeffrey Tseng
We are a four-voice choir. At present we cannot                    Director Emeritus: Ernie Fiedler
take any more members, but if you would like in-                   Outreach: Philip Neame
formation please call our Choir President, Sharon                  Begg Room                           Wed. 10:00-noon
Copeman at 604-263-9917 or our Membership
Chair, Diana Bragg at 604-224-3897. Practices are
                                                                   Brighten your day; leave your worries on the door-
held at the Seniors’ Centre, Kerrisdale Community
                                                                   step; come on over to the sunny side and sing
                                                                   along or swing along with the Brock House Socie-
Director: Elsie Stephen               Tues. 1:00-3:15
                                                                   ty’s gleeful senior songsters on Monday afternoon.
                                       Out of House
                                                                   The benefits of ensemble singing in a non-
                                                                   threatening social setting are unique for each indi-
HANDBELLS (Brock House/Kerrisdale)
                                                                   vidual. We hope the fun we have will improve your
Join this enjoyable and rewarding group activity. No
                                                                   sense of joy and overall well-being and, of course,
handbell experience required but we do ask that
                                                                   your singing. All voices are welcome.
you are 55 or older and able to read music.
                                                                   We do some sing-alongs at Brock House events and
Please contact President Jean Peggie, 604-732-                     our monthly visits to Vancouver seniors’ residences
3354 or Grace Lau, 604-323-8131 before register-                   are popular with both our hosts and our members.
ing. Monday morning conductor Grace Lau and                        Pianist: Leora Williams
Wednesday afternoon conductor Jeong Hur. Please                    with Joane Sunahara on recorder
                                                                   Conservatory/Begg Room               Mon. 1:30-3:00

 To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office          Page 17
SOCIAL GROUPS                                  WOODWORKERS
                                                              During these time periods, volunteer woodworkers
AFTER HOURS                             Out of House          produce items for sale at our fundraisers and fill
The following social group is intended for all Brock          orders between fairs. If you have woodworking
House members - couples and singles alike, or                 experience and would like to contribute, please
those that have partners who are either unable to             consider joining us. All participants must sign a
join them, or who do not share the same interests.            Participation Release form and read and observe the
Activities are scheduled on weekday evenings.                 Workshop Rules.
Members are responsible for their own transporta-             Convenor: Bill Ramey        Mon. & Thurs. 9:00-Noon
tion and expenses.

ADVENTURES IN DINING                                                             WRITTEN WORD
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other
Brock House members while enjoying dinner at
one of Vancouver’s many fine restaurants. Dinners             BOOK CLUB
are scheduled approximately 6 – 8 times per                   To ensure free access to books from the public
year, with breaks during the summer months                    library, and to allow for full participation in the
and Christmas/New Year season. The convenor                   discussion, the group is limited in number. At this
                                                              time there are no vacancies. Please contact
(s) selects a restaurant for its interesting menu
                                                              Francine through the Brock House office for more
and emails members with details, and a proposed
date(s) for the event. Those interested reply by
                                                              Convenor: Francine Panet-Raymond
email to reserve a place, and await confirma-
                                                              Meyer Room           Last Friday of month, 1:15-3:15
tion. Member input to the choice of cuisine and
venue is welcomed. Groups are usually limited to 6            LIFE WRITING
people to facilitate service and conversation, as so-         A well-organized writing group write on varying life
cializing is a focus. Contact one of the convenors            experiences. We meet once a week to inspire and
to join the mailing list.                                     encourage creativity. Weekly assignments receive
Convenors: Christine Chou (2muffychou@telus.net)              positive feedback and mutual support. Improving
Lesley Dawson-Burns (ldawsonburns@telus.net)                  our work is our objective. Producing polished
Jan Smith (4jannys@gmail.com)                                 work is our goal. This is not a drop-in class. Those
                                                              interested in joining the class must contact Inge
                  WORKSHOP                                    Andreen through the office BEFORE the first class,
                                                              as the class has limited enrollment.
                                                              Convenor: Inge Andreen           Thurs. Jan. 17-Mar. 21
WORKSHOP                                                      Meyer Room                                 10:00-Noon
Members experienced with woodworking machin-
ery are welcome. All participants must sign a Partici-        PLAY READING
pation Release form and read and observe the                  Come to read and enjoy plays in a friendly and
Workshop Rules. If you wish to use the Workshop,              supportive atmosphere. English reading and
please contact the convenor through the office for            speaking
a safety and operational briefing on shop and
equipment procedures.                                         Convenor: Penny Pearson                      Mon. 1:00-3:00
Convenor: Bill Ramey       Mon. & Thurs. Noon-3:45            Meyer Room
                        Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9:00-3:45

  Page 18                To register for our 2019 Winter programs go to www.brockhousesociety.com, visit or phone the office
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