Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...

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Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
Introduction to Education
He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako


Bachelor of Sport Coaching
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Early Childhood)
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary)
Plus options for graduates
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
                                               TO BE A
                                                 Three-year and one-year
                                              pathways into Early Childhood,
                                                 Primary, and Secondary
                                                  Teaching are available

Contents | Ngā Kai o Roto
Why study at UC?                            Plan your degree                        Subjects
1    Welcome to Education                   20 Bachelor of Sport Coaching           28 Subjects
2    Study Education at UC                  21 Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
4    Bicultural competence and confidence      (Early Childhood)
6    Community responsiveness               22 Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
                                                                                    More information
8    Leadership focus
                                            23 Certificates                         39 Only Sport Coaching degree
10   A modern learning environment                                                     in Aotearoa New Zealand
                                            24 Graduate Diploma in Early
12   Teach who you are                                                              40 Frequently asked questions
                                               Childhood Teaching
14   Practice-based learning                                                        41 Other UC publications
                                            25 Graduate Diploma
16   Keep ahead of 21st century learning       in Teaching and Learning (Primary)
18   See the whole child                    26 Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
                                               Learning (Secondary)                 Cover: Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood
                                                                                    Teaching student, Vivian (centre), interacts with
                                            27 Master of Teaching and Learning      children while on professional practice placement.

                                                                                    Published Mātahi-ā-te-tau | May 2019. Information is
                                                                                    correct at the time of print but is subject to change.
                                                                                    The University’s official regulations are at
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
Welcome to Education
E ngā pītau whakarei        There are many exciting and rewarding        who already have a degree and wish
o tēnei waka, nāia te reo   careers in the Education and Health          to undertake a one-year programme
                            sectors that require well-educated and       of study to become a certificated
rāhiri e karanga atu ki     skilled practitioners. Our recent move       teacher. They include a strong focus on
a koutou.                   to the heart of Ilam campus provides         practice-focused learning through both
                            outstanding new learning spaces, more        community and school placements.
Tauti mai ki Te Rāngai      opportunities for interdisciplinary          These learning experiences are both
Ako me te Hauora!           learning, and a range of social activities   rewarding and challenging, and support
                            that combined provide you with a             you in developing you capabilities and
Tēnā koutou katoa.          world-class student experience.              practices as an excellent and adaptive
                                                                         teacher in the classroom.
                            At Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                            College of Education, Health and             We look forward to supporting you
                            Human Development, we will equip             in this important step of your
                            you with the education and skills you        lifelong learning journey as an
                            need to make a positive difference to         education professional.
                            the lives of children, youth, and adults,
                            and to the communities in which they
                            live. Our graduates are sought after
                            nationally and internationally and have
                            a very high rate of employment.              Professor Letitia Fickel
                                                                         Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Amorangi Taupua,
                            Our initial teacher education                College of Education, Health and Human
                            programmes are both for those                Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                            studying for the first time and those
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
                                              studying Teaching
                                             programmes in 2018

Study Education
                                                                          Leadership focus
                                                                          Learn from educational

at UC
                                                                          researchers who are leading
                                                                          their fields nationally and
                                                                          internationally. See how theory is
                                                                          translated into practice (page 8).
There are many exciting and rewarding careers in
education and health that require well-educated and
skilled practitioners. We will equip you to make a                        Rehua, a modern
positive difference to the lives of children and adults,                  purpose-built
and their communities.                                                    learning environment
                                                                          Come and learn in Rehua, the
Bicultural competence                 Community                           new home for education, health
and confidence                        responsiveness                      sciences, entrepreneurship, and
                                                                          executive development. Take
Biculturalism is woven into your      You get the opportunity to          advantage of flexible learning
studies at UC Education. By the       combine community service with      facilities equipped with the latest
end of the programme, you will        academic learning; to combine       technology (page 10).
have the cultural competence and      rewarding experiences with a
confidence to live and work in        world-recognised qualification.
bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand,      UC Education provides many ways
and a multicultural world             to engage with the community,
(page 4).                             including volunteering at events,
                                      practical placements, and
                                      community service (page 6).
2    2020 Introduction to Education
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
Teach who you are
Learn the best way to teach that
matches your personal style by
being challenged with questions,
scenarios, and problems
(page 12).

Classroom experience is
a vital part of learning at
UC Education – it’s where
you will put into practice all
of the skills and strategies
that we will teach you (page 14).

Keep ahead of 21st
century learning
At UC Education, you’ll be placed
in groups where your individual
talents can shine. Plus, the latest
technology can allow you to learn
many of our offerings even if you
aren’t based on campus
(page 16).

See the whole child
Learn to understand the whole
child to become a better teacher
with UC Education. We’ll also
connect you with the wider
community to get a better
understanding of diversity to help
inform your teaching style
(page 18).

Studying towards a Bachelor of Teaching
and Learning (Primary)

Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                                                                                                                 College of Education,
                                                                                                           Health and Human Development
                                                                                                            has been training teaching and
                                                                                                           educational professionals for over

                                                                                                            135 YEARS

                                                                                                      ‘A lot is being done around

Bicultural competence
                                                                                                      biculturalism, particularly
                                                                                                      within the School of Teacher
                                                                                                      Education. It’s hugely

and confidence
                                                                                                      important for our teacher
                                                                                                      trainees to develop a bicultural
                                                                                                      understanding because they’ll
                                                                                                      be the ones out there working
At UC, understanding and incorporating cultural                                                       alongside our next generation.
identity gives you tools that are essential to your                                                   The College teaches te reo
learning success.                                                                                     Māori, and tikanga Māori
                                                                                                      (Māori language, protocols,
He awa whiria, haehae moana,                        Globally connected                                values, and culture) and
braided rivers                                      Come to Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora | UC           encourages teacher trainees
Bicultural competency is not just a goal at         College of Education, Health and Human            to grow a heart for te ao Māori
UC Education – it’s why we are a leading            Development and you will have the opportunity     (the Māori world).’
educational institution. We weave together          to place your understanding of biculturalism
western science and te ao Māori approaches          and diversity into the context of the global      Kay-Lee Jones (pictured right)
to teaching, and these work together to create      community. In recent years, students have had     Te Aitanga a Māhaki, Ngāti Porou
an enhanced approach to learning. Combining         the opportunity to do professional practice       Studying towards a Doctor of Education
these two practices is integral into your success   placements in Rarotonga. Sport Coaching           Kaiwhakaako Matua | Senior Tutor in
as a leader, teacher, and educationalist.           students have done internships in Australia,      Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako | School of
                                                    Japan, and Germany. Early Childhood students      Teacher Education
‘We recognise the need for cultural competence
                                                    have taken cultural awareness trips to Samoa,
applies to all people, not just tangata whenua.
                                                    and Primary students have taken similar trips
An approach often adopted is He Awa Whiria
                                                    to Japan. Students within Early Childhood and
[Haehae Moana]. This refers to braided rivers,
                                                    Primary teaching programmes have also done a
where western science and mātauranga Māori
                                                    five-month teaching placement in China. If you
together, are more effective than either on
                                                    enrol with us, you will also be able to connect
its own.’ – Angus McFarlane, Ngāti Whakaue
                                                    with teacher recruitment agencies which offer
and Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ahorangi | Professor –
                                                    employment overseas.
Rangahau Māori | Māori Research (above right).

4       2020 Introduction to Education
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...   5
Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
                                                                                                                  of community service
                                                                                                             is part of the CHCH 101 course

                                                                                                      ‘Take every opportunity

                                                                                                      that comes up. UC is world
                                                                                                      renowned for its community
                                                                                                      responsiveness, so take

                                                                                                      advantage of that! You might
                                                                                                      raise your hand on a whim
                                                                                                      and it could turn into a life
                                                                                                      changing experience.
We are connected, engaged, and responsive to
                                                                                                      I would really encourage
our communities.                                                                                      every student to take
                                                                                                      CHCH 101. The more you get
Service-based learning                             Engaged with the community                         involved, the more likely it is
Teaching students to become a valuable part of     We’ve many ways for you to get involved in         that something amazing will
the community is a fundamental part of your        the community. Our Bachelor of Teaching            come from it.’
studies at UC Education. International research    and Learning degrees include a community
shows that a mixture of community service          engagement course. There are professional          Sam Andrist (pictured right)
combined with academic studies is                  practice placements and internships. You will be   Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
more effective than either alone. This also         encouraged to attend events such as Principal
meshes well with the UC Education philosophy       Days where you’ll meet principals from around
of community engagement. This is why we            the country to discuss key career skills, school
prepare our graduates to become valuable           cultures, and employment. Presentations
members and future leaders of the communities      from national and international researchers
they will work in. We are strongly connected       happen regularly. Finally, all UC students are
with Waitaha Canterbury schools and early          encouraged to take the CHCH 101 Strengthening
childhood centres, as well as a variety of other   Communities through Social Innovation course,
community-focused organisations.                   where possible. CHCH 101 involves 20 hours
                                                   of community service related to the Ōtautahi
                                                   Christchurch rebuild which is integrated
                                                   with relevant academic content about
                                                   post-disaster response and volunteerism, and
                                                   guided reflection.

6       2020 Introduction to Education
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Education - 2020 Introduction to Education He Kupu Arataki mō te Ako - Bachelor of Sport Coaching Bachelor of Teaching and Learning Early ...
                                                                                                                    in the Sport Coaching
                                                                                                                        degree in 2018

                                                                                                        ‘We want more and more of

Leadership focus
                                                                                                        our students to come through
                                                                                                        and be leaders themselves.
                                                                                                        Sometimes those research
                                                                                                        opportunities don’t happen
UC Education lecturers and professors are leaders in                                                    until they reach higher year
                                                                                                        levels, but I always plant the
their field. Enrol to learn from the best.                                                              seed in our first year students.

National and global leaders                        It’s one of the reasons why Education at UC is       They’ve come to learn
We lead with Aotearoa New Zealand specific and
                                                   ranked in the top 200 in the world.*                 how to be teachers, but I want
international research on:                                                                              them to know that there are
                                                   In their own words                                   broad options, available for
• student engagement in learning
                                                   ‘I was told by several different people that          their future.’
• education leadership and policy
                                                   UC had the best education programme in
• early career learning and development            New Zealand. In all my years at UC, I knew I was     Brigid McNeill (pictured right)
  for teachers                                     in the right place.                                  Ahorangi Tuarua | Associate Professor,
• student and teacher leadership                   ‘The best thing about studying at UC is the          Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako | School of
                                                   quality of the lecturers. If you are serious         Teacher Education
• children’s language and literacy learning
                                                   about your studies, they take a real interest in
• culturally responsive practices
                                                   your work and, more importantly, they offer
• inclusivity and equity in education              feedback. That can be especially useful if you are
• e-learning.                                      considering postgraduate study.’
                                                   André Bertel, Bachelor of Arts in Education with a
Theory and practice                                minor in Human Services
Researchers at UC Education draw from a variety
of subjects to understand how people learn.
Researchers are also highly experienced in real-
world teaching and link both practice and theory
together to better teach you how to teach.         *
                                                       QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2019.

8       2020 Introduction to Education   9
                                                                                                           spent on the Rehua refurbishment

                                                                                                      ‘Rehua is a beautiful new

A modern learning
                                                                                                      home for the college, right in
                                                                                                      the heart of the Ilam campus.
                                                                                                      It has been designed with a

                                                                                                      variety of informal, formal,
                                                                                                      and flexible spaces, utlising
                                                                                                      state-of-the art technology
                                                                                                      to enable digitally-supported
We’re based at Rehua, a completely refurbished                                                        learning opportunities.
building in the heart of the Ilam campus, to make UC                                                  This is a huge advantage to
Education the best place in Aotearoa New Zealand to                                                   our students studying to
become a teacher or educationalist.                                                                   become teacher, as they will
                                                                                                      have first-hand experience in
Rehua                                              Purpose-built                                      how to maximise benefits from
                                                                                                      these types of innovative
In Ngāi Tahu narratives, Rehua was the son of      Rehua is a high-technology, innovative and
Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatūānuku (Earth       flexible working space where you can learn using
Mother) who is a rangatira | chief among           21st century teaching theory and practice.         environments. They
the stars in the night sky. As well as being       Within Rehua you’ll find:                          will graduate from UC
the brightest whetū | star, Rehua heralds the                                                         understanding how digital
                                                   • large flexible learning spaces
beginning of summer and is associated with                                                            technologies can be best used
                                                   • the latest technology
wellness, healing, and leadership. The name
                                                                                                      to create ako-centred practices
of our building, Rehua, has been given by
Ngāi Tūāhuriri, the mana whenua for Te Whare
                                                   • formal teaching spaces                           that enhance student learning.’
                                                   • social spaces
Wānanga o Waitaha | UC, and is the new home
                                                   • meeting and project rooms
                                                                                                      Professor Letitia Fickel
for Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora | College of
Education, Health and Human Development.                                                              Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor | Amorangi Taupua,
                                                   • a cultural function space
                                                                                                      College of Education, Health and Human
This building is the central hub for education,    • health clinics                                   Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
health sciences, entrepreneurship, and executive
                                                   • a ‘makerspace’
development, where students from all subjects
are supported in their studies and their           • a light-filled atrium
professional and personal growth.                  • a café.

10      2020 Introduction to Education   11
                                                                                                                       spent in schools for
                                                                                                                     each teaching placement

                                                                                                          ‘My teaching philosophy is

Teach who you are
                                                                                                          built around my own values
                                                                                                          and experiences. Basically, I
                                                                                                          don’t see myself as a superior
                                                                                                          in the classroom, I see myself
At UC Education, we’ll help you to find the teaching                                                      at the same level as the
                                                                                                          students. My main goal is to
approach that works best for you and the tamariki                                                         build relationships with them.
you’ll teach.                                                                                             Students buy into you a lot
                                                                                                          more when they see you as a
Active learning                                         in my own class, to have the opportunity to       real person.
                                                        mould and inspire young minds and help the
Don’t expect to simply be taught established
                                                        students discover new passions, talents, and to   Going on our first placement
facts at UC Education. Here, we actively
challenge you with questions, scenarios, and
                                                        teach them to be comfortable being themselves.’   they said, “This is you, this is
problems so that you can learn the way to teach         Emily Mason, Bachelor of Teaching and             your time. Try things.
that is right for you. You’ll learn critical thinking   Learning (Primary)                                See what works for you, and
skills and gain experience so that you will be          ‘Immersion settings celebrate te reo Māori,       what doesn’t.” The opportunity
able to assess a situation and judge which is the       they enact tikanga (protocols and traditions)     to go on placements allowed
correct teaching style for you to use.                  daily, they teach kaitiakitanga (guardianship)
                                                                                                          us to see who we are in a
                                                        of our whenua (land), our culture and history.
                                                                                                          classroom environment.’
In their own words                                      I think bilingual settings have the ability to
                                                        teach tamariki to be more open and accepting
‘I learned to deal with a wide variety of kids,                                                           Casey Davis (pictured right)
                                                        of other languages and cultures. Tamariki in
which I really enjoyed. I also learned that             these environments become more well-rounded       Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa
teaching the younger, new entrant kids was a lot        citizens of Aotearoa. We have an obligation to    Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
harder than I expected, but it was surprisingly         our children to empower them as individuals       Learning (Secondary)
fun and really cool to see them understand              and open their inquiring minds.’                  Kaiako | Teacher, Kaikōura High School
something I was teaching them.’
                                                        Kay-Lee Jones, studying towards a Doctor of
Cain Tweedie-Cunningham, Bachelor of Teaching           Education, Kaiwhakaako Matua | Senior Tutor
and Learning (Primary)                                  in Te Kura Whakangungu Kaiako | School of
‘Deciding to study at UC was one of the best            Teacher Education.
decisions I’ve made. I can’t wait to be a teacher

12       2020 Introduction to Education   13
                                                                                                                     for education students*

                                                                                                   ‘I’ve been on three placements.

                                                                                                   The first time you do it,
                                                                                                   it’s kind of scary, but once
                                                                                                   you get into it it’s pretty

                                                                                                   It’s been amazing. The
                                                                                                   placements are really helpful
Learn practical skills and strategies to adapt to a                                                because they allow you to test
                                                                                                   ideas and strategies you’ve
wide range of teaching environments.                                                               talked about in lectures. You
                                                                                                   learn a lot on the job and you
Diverse learning environments                     Not only do you learn the skills you’ll need     get to craft your own teaching
                                                  to succeed, but through these networking
You will face a wide range of learning
                                                  opportunities, you might meet your
                                                                                                   style. That’s important because
environments throughout your teaching
                                                  future employers.                                the best way to interact with
career. We will teach you practical skills and                                                     kids is to be yourself.’
strategies to be able to effectively deal with
these situations. We can also provide you with    In their own words                               Isaac Levings (pictured right)
ongoing professional development to meet the      ‘I like to be challenged and I felt these        Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary)
changing needs of your classroom.                 programmes challenged me. I like the structure
                                                  of lectures and laboratories, backing up the
Employable and work-ready                         theory with the practical, and the lecturers
                                                  were very approachable when assistance was
As part of your learning experience with
                                                  needed. I now look back and feel proud of my
UC Education, you will undertake professional
                                                  achievements but I’m still motivated to
practical placements. An associate teacher will
                                                  learn more.’
mentor you and teach you how to manage a
classroom, create resources, and develop lesson   Chrystie Woods, Bachelor of Science in
plans. Trainee sports coaches do something        Psychology, Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
similar as they are placed with sporting teams    Learning (Secondary), Science Teacher at
and organisations.                                Villa Maria College
                                                                                                       UC Graduate Destination Survey 2016.

14      2020 Introduction to Education   15
                                                                                                                   offered by distance study

                                                                                                        ‘With technology, we make

Keep ahead of 21st
                                                                                                        a point of teaching the
                                                                                                        fundamental skills behind
                                                                                                        what kids are learning. It’s

century learning
                                                                                                        about encouraging innovation,
                                                                                                        creativity, and critical
                                                                                                        thinking – the life skills that
                                                                                                        underpin whatever particular
Use the latest technologies to learn how to teach both                                                  technology might be in use at
on campus and off.                                                                                      the time.
                                                                                                        The key skill is building
Modern learning                                      We also have a number of e-resources that          relationships. If you can
                                                     allows you to study some qualifications
The latest in cognitive research informs our
                                                     part-time or full-time from home. These distance
                                                                                                        get on with the kids and
teaching. We create active learning situations
                                                     programmes include onsite learning intensives      nurture relationships with
where teams create knowledge among people.
                                                     in Ōtautahi Christchurch, usually twice a year.    them, you can get them
This means that you can bring your specialist
                                                     When UC Education moved into Rehua                 onboard with what you’re
skills to the table to contribute to the wider
learning experience. Learning this way will filter   during 2018, the distance student experience       teaching. It’s more about
down to your classroom where you can actively        was elevated by the latest technologies. The       facilitating their learning and
engage the children that you teach.                  ability to connect online students in real-time    getting them excited about
                                                     enables greater synergies between campus
                                                                                                        what they’re doing.’
                                                     and distance students, and the design of the
Distance learning                                    teaching rooms, high-spec wi-fi, and multiple AV   Georgia Guilford (pictured right)
Living too far away from campus? Too busy            screens supports students to work digitally in
                                                                                                        Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
to study full-time? UC Education’s distance          collaborative ways.
                                                                                                        Learning (Secondary)
learning allows you to incorporate learning into
                                                                                                        2017 TeachNZ Technology Scholarship awardee
your busy life. Or you can study the Bachelor of
                                                                                                        Teacher, Timaru Girls’ High School
Teaching and Learning (Primary) in our center in
Whakatū Nelson.

16      2020 Introduction to Education   17
                                                                                                                  internship undertaken in the
                                                                                                                   final year in a professional
                                                                                                                      sporting workplace.

                                                                                                         ‘It’s really important in

See the whole child
                                                                                                         teaching to have a relationship
                                                                                                         with a child’s whanau. Ideally
                                                                                                         you’re forming a partnership
                                                                                                         where everyone’s working
Engage with the wider community and learn how to                                                         together for a child’s best
                                                                                                         outcome. It goes beyond
see the whole child.                                                                                     education to their overall
                                                                                                         well-being. We set up
The whole child                                     Previous students have completed their               environments that stimulate
                                                    community service in a variety of organisations
Children bring their whānau | families with
                                                    across Aotearoa New Zealand, including:
                                                                                                         all the different domains
them when they enter the classroom. Which is                                                             of learning, and it’s fun for
                                                    • the Special Olympics
why we teach you to build a holistic view of an                                                          teachers as well!’
individual child to understand the distinct and     • Riding for the Disabled
complex lives of tamariki and their whānau. We      • Ronald McDonald House                              Gemma Hussey (pictured right)
will give you tools from diverse subjects such as                                                        Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
health sciences, languages, and child and family    • Hohepa
                                                                                                         (Early Childhood)
psychology to do so.                                • IDEA Services
                                                    • PILLARS.
Learn in the community                              Jennah Hegarty described her time volunteering
One of the ways that we help you to connect         at Stand Services, by stating ‘it is going really
with the students you’ll teach, and the whānau      well. Such an amazing organisation and exactly
that they come from, is through the new             what I needed to experience at this point in my
TEPI 230 Informing Teaching and Learning            study’. Tracey Kumar said of her time at the Chris
through Community Engagement course. You            Ruth Centre, ‘I am loving the placement so far.
will undertake 25 hours of community service        I’m learning a lot of new things about both the
and engage with people from vastly different         staff and the people I am working with’.
backgrounds to your own. This new
perspective will allow you to gain a better
understanding of diversity and reflect on your
own teaching philosophies.

18      2020 Introduction to Education   19
Bachelor of                                                                                                                                          BSpC
Sport Coaching
The Bachelor of Sport                                 Bachelor of Sport Coaching majoring in Physical Education – typical degree structure
Coaching (BSpC) is                                    Year 1
the only specialist sport                               SPCO
                                                                   SPCO      SPCO
                                                                                                 SPCO       SPCO
                                                                                                                                100 Level
                                                                                                                                           126           121          or above
coaching degree in                                    Year 2
Aotearoa New Zealand.                                  SPCO 201 or         SPCO             SPCO           SPCO          SPCO 222
                                                                                                                        or 226 or 227     EDUC       200 Level       100 Level
                                                                           208              209            204
With options for flexible
                                                        SPCO 302                                                        or HLED 222      200 Level    or above        or above

learning and internships,                             Year 3
                                                          SPCO             SPCO             SPCO           SPCO                          200 Level2 200 Level 200 Level
this qualification can
                                                          320              334              335             336          300 Level       or above     or above        or above

cater for a wide variety                                   Core courses           Courses required          Optional

of students.
                                                                                  for major1                courses

                                                      1 You must ensure that you complete the required courses for at least one major.
                                                      2 At least 90 points must be at 300-level.
UC students gain key skills employers are             For full course requirements go to the University Regulations webpage
looking for, not just in sport and related fields     Each block represents a 15-point course. However, some courses may be 30 points (or more).

but in everything from communications
to corporate management. BSpC students                teams in the context of your choosing, and a                          • Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
learn skills such as leadership, accountability,      120-hour internship in a professional sporting                          Learning (Secondary)
communication, teamwork, motivation,                  workplace as part of your final year.                                 • Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
and psychology.
                                                                                    Learning (Primary)
This degree also provides a recognised pathway
                                                       Subject                                Major        Minor            • Master of Sport Science
for entry to teaching qualifications, in particular
physical education and health teaching at              Adventure Sport                                       ✓              • Master of Teaching and Learning
secondary level. There is the ability to include       and Environment                                                      • Master of Business Management
additional teaching subjects (eg, maths or             Performance Analysis                        ✓           ✓
                                                                                                                            • Postgraduate Certificate in Sport Science
science) through the optional course spaces in         Physical Education                          ✓
the degree.                                                                                                                 • Postgraduate Diploma in Sport Science.
                                                       Nutrition                                               ✓
                                                       Sport Science                               ✓           ✓
Entry requirements                                     Sports Leadership                           ✓
                                                                                                                            Career opportunities
The BSpC has an intake in February or July.            and Management                                                       By gaining a broad range of professional
                                                       Strength and                                            ✓            competencies throughout your Bachelor of
Entry is subject to an interview and satisfactory                                                                           Sport Coaching, you can enjoy a varied career
police vetting as some courses involve students                                                                             in professional and community sporting
working with school-aged children.                     Strength and                                ✓
                                                       Conditioning                                                         organisations and management roles both
Applicants under 20 years old must have                with Nutrition                                                       within and beyond sport.
University Entrance or provide evidence of their                                                                            Past students have used the 120-hour internship
ability to complete tertiary study successfully.                                                                            to gain experience at the Canterbury Rugby
                                                      Distance learning option                                              Union, High Performance Sport New Zealand,
Degree structure                                      Most BSpC courses are available to study on                           and the New Zealand School of Gymnastics.
The BSpC requires courses to a total of 360 points.   campus or as a flexible, online learning option.                      Recent graduates have become strength and
These are grouped into three main strands:            Students may enrol part or full-time according to                     conditioning coaches, community sports
                                                      their interests and needs.                                            coordinators and advisors, performance analysts,
• Pedagogy (the theory and application of
  coaching and learning)                                                                                                    sport scientists, as well as teachers, police
                                                      Certificate option                                                    officers, project planners, and managers.
• Sport and exercise sciences
                                                      For those who wish to gain an entry-level                   
• Sociology of sport.                                 qualification, the Certificate in Sport Coaching
All students complete one major within the            (CertSpC) is available part-time or over one                          More information
degree, and can also choose a second major or         semester – see page 23.
a minor.                                                                                                                    College of Education, Health and Human
                                                                                                                            Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                                                      Further study                                                         T: +64 3 369 3333
Applied learning in context
                                                      Graduates can complete a qualification in one                         E:
The degree has strong practical elements,             year to become a teacher or manager:                        
including two or three practicums coaching                                                                                  departments/school-of-health-sciences

20       2020 Introduction to Education
Bachelor of Teaching    BTchLn
and Learning (Early Childhood)
As an early childhood                               Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Early Childhood)
teacher you have the                                Year 1
chance to teach infants,                               TEDU
toddlers, and young                                 Year 2
children when they are                                 TEDU
                                                                        206             205
                                                                                           TEPI         TEPI
most open to learning. The
rapid rate of development                           Year 3
                                                       TEDU            TEDU                TEPI         TEPI           TEPP            TEPP             TECM
in children of this age and                             301             305             305            306             305             306              301          Option

their natural desire to                                  Education          Professional          Professional           Curriculum            Option

learn makes for a hugely
                                                                            Inquiry               Practice               Studies

gratifying environment in
                                                    For full course requirements go to the University Regulations webpage
                                                    Each small block represents a 15-point course. However, some courses may be 30 points (or more).

which to work.
                                                    Degree structure                                                    Graduate options
The BTchLn(EarlyChildhood) is an internationally
recognised qualification that prepares you for      The BTchLn(EarlyChildhood) requires 360 points                      If you already hold a degree, the Graduate
a teaching career in different early childhood       as follows:                                                         Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching is a
settings. The qualification is available to study   • 105 points from Education courses                                 pathway to a new career in early childhood
part or full-time:                                                                                                      teaching. The diploma can be studied full-time
                                                    • 105 points from Professional Inquiry                              for one year (part-time option also available) and
• on campus in Ōtautahi Christchurch                • 45 points from Professional Practice                              is offered by distance.
• by distance study.                                • 105 points from Curriculum Studies.
                                                                              Career opportunities
Entry requirements                                                                                                      Successful graduates meet the requirements for
Applicants under 20 years old must have             Distance Options                                                    provisional teacher registration with the Matatū
University Entrance. Applicants 20 years old or                                                                         Aotearoa | Teaching Council.
                                                    If you would like to study by distance you will
over must have University Entrance or provide                                                                           A UC degree in Early Childhood teaching
                                                    typically need to attend two on-site intensives
evidence of their ability to complete tertiary                                                                          means you will be able to join a skilled and
                                                    per year, one of which is a two week on-site
study successfully.                                                                                                     collaborative teaching profession. Early
                                                    intensive at the beginning of the programme.
                                                    This will be held in Ōtautahi Christchurch.                         Childhood graduates can work in a range of
Selection process                                                                                                       early childhood settings including early learning
                                                    Courses integrate web-based material,
The BTchLn(EarlyChildhood) has one intake each                                                                          centres, childcare centres (public and private),
                                                    audiovisual resources, video conferences, and
February. Selection for entry is based on:                                                                              and government agencies.
                                                    email. Students will undertake a community
• academic ability, involvement and interest        engagement course, as well as attend                                Many graduates have gone on to own and
  in working with children, community               professional practice placements in early                           operate their own early childhood businesses.
  involvement, communication skills, and other      childhood education centres for up to ten weeks                     Teaching skills of management, communication,
  personal qualities                                per year.                                                           coordination, responsibility, and organisation
• a police check, referees’ reports, and                                                                                are prized in many professions such as
  an interview                                      How to apply                                                        management, policy and advocacy, publishing,
                                                                                                                        politics, and business.
• a short literacy and numeracy test.               Applications are open throughout the year
                                                    and close four weeks prior to the start of the            
Students for whom English is an additional
language must meet English language                 programme in early February, or when places
requirements as determined by the Teaching          are filled.                                                         More information
Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.                                                College of Education, Health and Human
                                                    /student-advice-and-forms/guide-to-applying                         Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                                                                                                                        T: +64 3 369 3333

Bachelor of Teaching BTchLn
and Learning (Primary)
If you are inspired by the                            Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (Primary)
world around you and                                  Year 1
wish to make a positive                                  TEDU
difference in the lives                               Year 2
of young people, then                                    TEDU
a career in teaching or
education could be for you.                           Year 3
                                                         TEDU             TEPI              TEPI          TEPP           TEPP            TECP            TECP
                                                          301             320               321           320             321             313            223           Option
The BTchLn(Primary) is a professional
qualification that prepares you for a                     Education          Professional          Professional        Curriculum           Option
rewarding career as a primary school teacher.                                Inquiry               Practice            Studies

There are a number of study options available to      For full course requirements go to the University Regulations webpage
students including:                                   Each small block represents a 15-point course. However, some courses may be 30 points (or more).

• full-time or part-time study on campus in
  Ōtautahi Christchurch                               The optional course at 300-level allows students                    Graduate options
                                                      to specialise in an area of particular interest in
• full-time in Whakatū Nelson by a mix of                                                                                 If you already hold a degree, the Graduate
                                                      their third year.
  face-to-face and distance study                                                                                         Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary) is
                                                                                a pathway to a new career as a primary school
• full-time or part-time study by distance.
                                                                                                                          teacher. The diploma can be studied full-time for
                                                      Distance Options                                                    one year.
Entry requirements
                                                      Students can complete the BTchLn by distance                        Other postgraduate qualifications are available
Applicants under 20 years old must have                                                                                   at UC – see pages 24–27 for listings.
                                                      study. Courses integrate web-based material,
University Entrance. Applicants 20 years old or
                                                      audiovisual resources, video conferences, and
over must have University Entrance or provide
evidence of their ability to complete tertiary
                                                      email (students need good internet access).                         Career opportunities
                                                      You will attend two professional practice
study successfully.                                                                                                       Successful graduates meet the requirements for
                                                      placements per year (one each semester) as well
                                                                                                                          provisional teacher registration with the Matatū
                                                      as undertake a community engagement course.
Selection process                                     Placements are arranged by Te Rāngai Ako me
                                                                                                                          Aotearoa | Teaching Council.
The BTchLn(Primary) has one intake each               te Hauora | College of Education, Health and                        Primary teaching graduates are employed
February. Selection for entry is based on:            Human Development.                                                  in teaching and management positions in
                                                                                                                          primary, intermediate, middle, and area schools
• academic ability, involvement and interest          If you would like to study by distance-only, you
                                                                                                                          in Aotearoa. Internationally recognised, many
  in working with children, community                 will need to attend two on-site intensives in
                                                                                                                          BTchLn(Primary) graduates also find work abroad.
  involvement, communication skills, and other        Ōtautahi Christchurch each year of full-time
  personal qualities                                  study, with the first in February.                                  Teaching skills of management, communication,
                                                                                                                          coordination, responsibility, and organisation
• a police check, referees’ reports, and              Students enrolled in Whakatū Nelson do not
                                                                                                                          are prized by many professions such as
  an interview                                        attend the on-site intensives in Ōtautahi
                                                                                                                          management, policy and advocacy, publishing,
• a short literacy and numeracy test.                 Christchurch. They complete a blended model
                                                                                                                          politics, and business.
                                                      of online course work and face-to face courses
Students for whom English is an additional            and curriculum components held at their                   
language must meet English language                   regional campus.
requirements as determined by the Teaching
                                                                                                                          More information
Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.
                                                      How to apply                                                        College of Education, Health and Human
Degree structure                                      Applications are open throughout the year                           Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                                                      and close four weeks prior to the start of the                      T: +64 3 369 3333
The BTchLn(Primary) requires a total of 360 points:   programme in early February, or when places                         E:
• 60 points from Education courses                    are filled.                                               
• 90 points from Professional Inquiry       
• 45 points from Professional Practice                /student-advice-and-forms/guide-to-applying
• 165 points from Curriculum Studies.

22      2020 Introduction to Education
Certificate in Sport Coaching                         Certificate in                                      While it is desirable to complete the CUP
Designed for working professionals from any           University Preparation                              full-time in one 13 week semester, it is possible
                                                                                                          to study part-time. Distance/flexible options
walk of life who want to develop their skills and     The Certificate in University Preparation (CUP)     are also available. Students who want to enrol
knowledge in the area of Sport Coaching, this         is a one-semester programme designed for            in one or more CUP courses are able to do
certificate can be completed by distance around       students who do not meet the requirements           so by enrolling in a Certificate of Proficiency
your other commitments.                               for University Entrance or who have been out of     Preparatory (COP PREP). A number of CUP courses
Coaches can complement and enhance their              study for a substantial period.                     are available through distance learning.
work-based skills or, if you are currently not        Students who successfully complete the
employed in the sporting industry, you can            programme will be eligible to apply for entry to    CUP courses*
develop skills and competencies to support your       100-level degree courses at UC.                     The certificate comprises four courses: BRDG 006
knowledge and performance in the area of Sport                                                            and three optional courses.
                                                      CUP intakes are in February, June, and November.
Coaching and related fields.
                                                      CUP welcomes students who:                           Course            Course title
Certificate in Sport Coaching –                                                                            code
                                                      • have recently finished Year 13 programmes but
possible structure                                      missed University Entrance                         BRDG 006          Academic Communication and
                                                                                                                             Study Skills**
Year 1                         Level                  • are under 20 and left school without
                                                                                                           BRDG 011          Individuals in Society
  SPCO        SPCO    100 or 200 100 or 200             University Entrance
     101             201             Level    Level                                                        BRDG 014          Teacher Education and
                                                      • have been out of study for a number of years                         Educational Studies
     Core courses          Optional courses             and want to refresh their study skills and         BRDG 016          Mathematics Part One
                                                        obtain further background knowledge before
Each block represents a 15-point course.                                                                   BRDG 017          Mathematics Part Two
                                                        beginning a degree programme
                                                                                                           BRDG 018          Statistics: Data and Probability
The Certificate in Sport Coaching comprises a         • are Aotearoa New Zealand or Australian             BRDG 019          Statistics: Probability
minimum of 60 points at 100 and 200-level and           Citizens or Permanent Residents who are                              Distributions and Inference
can be completed full-time over one semester or         proficient in English.
                                                                                                           BRDG 023          Chemistry
up to two years part-time. Once complete, you         If you are under 18, you must meet the literacy      BRDG 024          Physics
may be exempt 60 points from the Bachelor of          and numeracy requirements for University             BRDG 025          Biology
Sport Coaching.                                       Entrance and provide evidence of support from
                                                                                                           BRDG 028          Accounting
The Certificate in Sport Coaching comprises a         your school.
                                                                                                           BRDG 029          Economics
minimum of 60 points at 100 and 200-level and                     BRDG 032          Special Topic
can be completed full-time over one year or up        /transition/certificate
                                                                                                           BRDG 034          Making the World a Better Place:
to two years part-time. Once complete, you may
                                                                                                                             Ideals and Realities
be exempt 60 points from the Bachelor of              Programme structure and duration                     BRDG 035          Pacific Migration, European
Sport Coaching.
                                                      The CUP programme helps students to develop                            Expansion and the Treaty
The CertSpC comprises two core courses                the skills necessary for successful university                         of Waitangi
SPCO 101 Introduction to Sport Coaching and           study, including time management; oral and
SPCO 201 Athlete-Centred Coaching 1, plus two         written communication; analytical, critical, and
                                                                                                            Courses are under review and may change. See
other optional courses.                               problem solving; and interpersonal, group, and      the latest information.                          teamwork skills.                                    **
                                                      In the February and June intakes, the core course
More information                                      BRDG 006 Academic Communication and Study           More information
                                                      Skills is delivered in partnership with Hagley
College of Education, Health and Human                                                                    UC Liaison | Te Rōpū Takawaenga
                                                      College on the UC campus.
Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora                                                                  Freephone in NZ: 0800 VARSITY (827 748)
T: +64 3 369 3333                                     Self-identified Māori and Pasifika students can     E:
E:                   study the core skills course on the University           campus as part of the connective grouping –         /transition/certificate
departments/school-of-health-sciences                 Te Waka Talanoa. An academic pathway will be
                                                      designed around a student’s individual needs via
                                                      another three courses that make up the
                                                      CUP certificate.

Graduate Diploma in Early
Childhood Teaching GradDipECTeach
As an early childhood                              Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching – typical diploma structure
teacher, you have the                                 TEPI
chance to teach kids when                          Year 1
they are most open to
learning. You will provide                              Professional Inquiry           Professional Practice          Curriculum Studies

support for families with                          Each block represents a 15-point course.

parenting and caregiving.
Through guided play,                               Selection process                                                      How to apply
you can help children                              Selection for entry is not automatic and is based                      Applications are open throughout the year and
gain the skills they need                          on academic ability, involvement and interest
                                                   in working with children and young people,
                                                                                                                          we strongly recommend that you apply as early
                                                                                                                          as possible. Applications close four weeks prior
for healthy intellectual,                          community involvement, communication skills,                           to the commencement of the programme in
emotional, and physical                            and other personal qualities.                                          February, or when places are filled (whichever
                                                                                                                          comes first).
                                                   The selection process includes a police check and
                                                   may include an interview.                                    
Early childhood teaching is a very challenging
                                                   Study options
and satisfying career where you can make a real
difference in children’s lives.
                                                                                                                          Career opportunities
                                                   Distance study                                                         Successful completion of this graduate diploma
Entry requirements                                 Studying this diploma through distance learning                        meets the Matatū Aotearoa | Teaching Council
                                                   combines distance study using written and                              graduating teachers’ standards requirements.
Students wishing to enrol in the GradDipECTeach    online resources with three face-to-face on-site                       Upon successful completion, graduates may
must have:                                         intensive blocks of study. Distance students                           apply to the Teaching Council for provisional
• qualified for an equivalent level 7 bachelor’s   need to be able to manage their workload and                           registration which enables them to apply for
  degree; or                                       assignments, and good time management skills                           teaching positions in Aotearoa.
• been admitted ad eundem statum as entitled       are essential.                                                         This programme is designed to meet the
  to enrol for the Diploma; and                    Students will require continual access to a                            requirements of Aotearoa settings. Applicants
• approval as a candidate by the Dean of           computer with broadband internet to                                    should contact the relevant authorities for
  Education and Health Sciences, on the            complete this programme. They will also need                           international requirements.
  recommendation of a Selection Committee.         to be conversant with email, internet, and                   
                                                   Microsoft Word programmes. Lecturers will use
Involvement and interest in working with
children and community is recommended. You
                                                   email and UC’s Learn website
                                                                                                                          More information
                                                   ( to contact
should also have excellent communication skills                                                                           College of Education, Health and Human
                                                   students, provide resources, and host forums
and a commitment to tikanga and te reo Māori.                                                                             Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
                                                   for discussion.
Students will require continual access to a                                                                               T: +64 3 369 3333
computer with broadband internet to complete       On-site intensives (OSIs)                                              E:
this qualification.                                                                                             
                                                   OSIs require attendance on campus in Ōtautahi
Students for whom English is an additional         Christchurch for up to two weeks per term and
language must meet English language                are an essential part of the distance programme.
requirements as determined by the Teaching         They provide an opportunity to meet course
Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.                   lecturers and other students and form study                   groups. On-site intensives will include
                                                   face-to-face classes and are also a chance to
                                                   explore the UC resources available.

24      2020 Introduction to Education
Graduate Diploma in Teaching and
Learning (Primary) GradDipTchLn(Primary)
As a primary teacher, you                           Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary) – typical diploma structure
will introduce children to                                   TEPI
the world of learning, and                          Year 1
start them on their road
to reading, writing, and
                                                         Professional           Professional            Contextual/Curriculum
                                                         Studies                Practice                Studies

mathematics. It’s a very                            Each small block represents a 15-point course and each large block represents a 30-point course.

rewarding and satisfying
career in which you can                             Degree structure                                                       How to apply
make a real difference in                           This programme can be studied full-time in one                         Applications are open throughout the year and
children’s lives.                                   year either on-campus or by distance study.
                                                    Please note that this programme is not currently
                                                                                                                           we strongly recommend that you apply as early
                                                                                                                           as possible. Applications close four weeks prior
                                                    open to part-time students.                                            to the commencement of the programme in
                                                                                                                           February, or when places are filled (whichever
Entry requirements
                                                    On campus                                                              comes first).
Applicants for this programme must hold a                                                                        
level 7 Aotearoa New Zealand bachelor’s degree      Classes are normally scheduled between the
                                                    hours of 8am and 7pm, Monday through Friday.                           /student-advice-and-forms/guide-to-applying
or equivalent.
                                                    Classes will not be scheduled all day, every day,
You should also have effective communication         but will normally run between these times                              Career opportunities
skills and a commitment to te reo Māori.            during term time.
Experience in dealing with young people                                                                                    Successful completion of this programme
is recommended.                                                                                                            meets the Matatū Aotearoa | Teaching Council
                                                    Distance study                                                         graduating teachers’ standards requirements.
Students for whom English is an additional
                                                    Students who study by distance complete the                            Graduates must apply to the Teaching Council
language must meet English language
                                                    same courses, coursework, and assessments                              for provisional registration, which allows them
requirements as determined by the Teaching
                                                    as students attending classes on campus. They                          to apply for teaching positions in Aotearoa.
Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.
                                                    should be aware good time management skills                            This programme is designed to meet the                    are essential. Lecturers will use UC’s Learn                           requirements of Aotearoa settings. Applicants
                                                    website ( to deliver                    should contact the relevant authorities for
Selection process                                   course content and host forums for discussion.                         international requirements.
                                                    There may also be online tasks to complete.
Selection for entry is not automatic and is based                                                                
on academic ability, involvement and interest       On-site intensives (OSIs) are a compulsory
                                                    part of the distance programme and provide
in working with children and young people,
                                                    an opportunity to meet and work with course
                                                                                                                           More information
community involvement, communication skills,
and other personal qualities.                       lecturers and other students. They cater for                           College of Education, Health and Human
                                                    courses which require specific face-to-face                            Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
The selection process includes a police check and
                                                    contact with students and are also a chance to                         T: +64 3 369 3333
may include an interview.
                                                    explore the university resources and form study                        E:
                                                    groups. Full-time students attend one on-site                
                                                    intensive per semester. All distance students
                                                    are required to attend an on-site intensive in
                                                    Ōtautahi Christchurch at the beginning of their
                                                    first year.
                                                    Students will require continual access to a
                                                    computer with broadband internet to complete
                                                    this qualification.

Graduate Diploma in Teaching
and Learning (Secondary)
Secondary school                                    Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Secondary) – typical diploma structure
teaching gives you the                                       TEPI
                                                                                                                                                       396 or

opportunity to specialise

                                                    Year 1
in the subjects you are
most passionate about and
                                                         Professional           Professional            Teaching subject
                                                         Studies                Practice                specific

inspire others.                                     Each small block represents a 15-point course and each large block represents a 30-point course.

The Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning
(Secondary) is an internationally recognised,       Selection process                                                      Career opportunities
professional qualification that prepares students   Selection for entry is not automatic and is based                      Successful completion of this programme
for a teaching career in the secondary sector       on academic ability, involvement and interest                          meets the Matatū Aotearoa | Teaching Council
(Years 7–13; ages 11–18).                           in working with children and young people,                             graduating teachers’ standards requirements.
                                                    community involvement, communication skills,                           Graduates must apply to the Teaching Council
Entry requirements                                  and other personal qualities.                                          for provisional registration which enables them
Students wishing to enrol in the Graduate           The selection process includes a police check and                      to apply for teaching positions in Aotearoa
Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Secondary)        may include an interview.                                              New Zealand.
must have:                                                                                                                 This programme is designed to meet the
• qualified for an equivalent level 7 bachelor’s    Degree structure                                                       requirements of Aotearoa settings. Applicants
  degree; or                                                                                                               should contact the relevant authorities for
                                                    The GradDipTchLn(Secondary) is a one-year
                                                                                                                           international requirements.
• been admitted with equivalent academic            full-time course.
  standing as entitled to enrol for the                                                                                    Transferable skills gained during the degree
                                                    This programme can only be studied on-campus.
  Diploma; and                                                                                                             apply to other workplaces and careers such
                                                                                                                           as educational publishing, policy, advocacy,
• approval as a candidate by the Dean of            Subjects                                                               consultancy, social work, and the police.
  Education and Health Sciences, on the
                                                    Secondary teaching subjects include English,                 
  recommendation of a Selection Committee.
                                                    Health, International Languages, Mathematics,
Applicants must also have the prerequisite          Music, Outdoor and Environmental Education,
requirements for an additional teaching             Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science with
                                                                                                                           More information
subject. For example, with a degree major in        Biology, Science with Chemistry, Science with                          College of Education, Health and Human
Biology including courses in Maths, a student       Physics, Social Studies with Classical Studies,                        Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora
may apply for the programme with a specialist       Social Studies with Economics, Social Studies                          T: +64 3 369 3333
teaching subject of Science with Biology and        with Geography, Social Studies with History,                           E:
Maths as an additional teaching subject. The        Technology, Te Reo Māori.                                    
depth as well as level of study in each subject
area is taken into consideration when
assessing applications.
                                                    How to apply
                                                    Applications are open throughout the year and
Involvement and interest in working with
                                                    we strongly recommend that you apply as early
children and the community is recommended.
                                                    as possible. Applications close four weeks prior
You should also have excellent communication
                                                    to the commencement of the programme in
skills and a commitment to tikanga and
                                                    February, or when places are filled (whichever
te reo Māori.
                                                    comes first).
Students for whom English is an additional
language must meet English language
requirements as determined by the Teaching
Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.

26      2020 Introduction to Education
Master of           MTchgLn
Teaching and Learning
This taught Master’s                                English language requirements
degree combines                                     Students for whom English is an additional
                                                    language must provide evidence of having
research-informed                                   passed IELTS (Academic) with a minimum score
knowledge,                                          of 7.5 overall, with no component score lower
                                                    than 7.5.
evidence-based inquiry,
and practice-based                                  Degree structure
experiences in schools.                             Pre-service teachers in the MTchgLn programme
                                                    will work in two different local partnership
The degree has a particular focus on knowledge      schools that serve significant numbers of
and practice that supports Māori and diverse        priority learners. The first semester placement
learners, including Pasifika youth, students for    will be completed in a local primary or secondary
whom English is a second language, students         school context and consist of 1–2 days per week
from low socio-economic backgrounds, and            across the semester, as well as a four-week
students who experience special learning needs.     intensive experience where candidates will
                                                    take leadership responsibility for teaching. In
Students can choose an endorsement in Primary
                                                    the second semester the pre-service teacher           ‘I was inspired to take on this
or Secondary.
                                                    will move to another local partnership school         career path at uni so I could
Entry requirements
                                                    and complete a more intensive practice-based          learn the skills and knowledge
                                                    learning experience. This will include 1–2 days per
                                                    week, and six weeks of increased responsibility
                                                                                                          I needed to assist children in
Applicants for the MTchgLn programme will
normally have a degree in a disciplinary field      for leading teaching and learning in a classroom.     their growth and development
appropriate to teaching in Aotearoa                 The delivery model is designed as a                   in these crucial years of
New Zealand. In addition:                           school-university community of practice. It is        their lives.
• Students are normally expected to have            undertaken within a digitally enriched learning
  achieved a B+ Grade Point Average or better in    environment that reflects and supports modern         I wanted to explore and
  the 300-level courses in their major subject in   learning pedagogies that are necessary for            further build on my teaching
  their undergraduate degree.                       current and future professional practice              knowledge and career, as well
• Students will need to demonstrate academic
                                                    in education.                                         as leave my future career
  literacy and digital literacy/ICT competence at                                                         options open for all age groups.
  a standard sufficient to independently engage     How to apply
  with postgraduate study and professional          Applications are open throughout the year             I can confidently say that I have
  work contexts.                                    and close four weeks prior to the start of the        grown so much throughout
• For the Secondary endorsement, the entry          programme or when places are filled.                  my degree as a result of the
  qualification shall include courses to 300 or                        support from my lecturers
  400-level in a teaching subject appropriate to    /student-advice-and-forms/guide-to-applying           and classmates.’
  the secondary school curriculum.
• Students who wish to do a Primary                 Career opportunities                                  Aroha Weaver
  endorsement will need to demonstrate                                                                    Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
                                                    The programme is aligned with Teaching Council
  sufficient numeracy and scientific literacy to                                                          (Early Childhood)
                                                    Graduating Teacher Standards, which means
  support curriculum development and learning                                                             Studying towards a Master of Teaching and
                                                    after successfully completing the programme
  in primary contexts.                                                                                    Learning (Primary)
                                                    you can apply for teacher registration
• Students who completed an entry                   in Aotearoa.
  qualification overseas, and who intend to
  become registered teachers in Aotearoa, are
  advised that the Teaching Council will
  require an assessment of their qualification by   More information
  the New Zealand Qualifications                    College of Education, Health and Human
  Authority (NZQA).                                 Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora                    T: +64 3 369 3333

You can also read