Page created by Julio Lane


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                                  by Jessica Adams
                                 First published in 2019
                          Text copyright © Jessica Adams 2019
 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
      recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Jessica Adams.
                                  Design: Justin Tabari
                             Cover Photograph by Ian Parker

Jessica Adams B.A. graduated with degrees in Philosophy, Ancient Civilisations and
Religious Studies and in Screenwriting. Her career as an international astrologer began at
Elle magazine and she has written horoscopes for many magazines, newspapers and
websites around the world including Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Family Circle
and Cosmopolitan. Her award-winning website jessicaadams.com, run by Asporea, attracts
20 million hits a year. Jessica is also the editor of The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris,
London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins) and lives and works between Australia and
Great Britain.

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We are in Capricorn weather now so all the year’s most important career, work and job
trends will unfold. This is when we will hear about resignations, redundancies and
reshuffles. Also when you will find out about promotions, hirings and mergers.

The Full Moon in Cancer on Friday 10th January is D-Day. This is also a Full Moon Lunar
Eclipse. Expect a blind spot or cover-up. The Sun at 20 Cancer meets the Moon at 20
Cancer that day.



We will see the New Age of Aquarius (a time of global community) previewed in February.
The actual New Age of Aquarius does not begin until December this year, when both
Jupiter and Saturn are in that sign - but the Full Moon in Leo will show us why the world
has to change - and will change.

The Full Moon in Leo occurs on 9th February. The Moon is at 20 Leo that day opposite
the Sun at 20 Aquarius.


MARCH 2020

The Sun goes through Pisces, joining Neptune, this month. At last light will be shed on an
area of your life where you escape from reality, but also need to keep it real. The Full
Moon in Virgo on Monday 9th March will show you how and why. The Sun stands at 19
Pisces that day opposite the Moon at 19 Virgo.


APRIL 2020

In Aries season, with both the Sun and Chiron in Aries, it is time to look at relationships
and partnerships, but also feuds and disputes. It is about how one person, can deal with
another. This is emphasised at the Full Moon in Libra on Wednesday 8th April. On that
day the Sun at 18 Aries is opposite the Moon at 18 Libra.


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MAY 2020

We now arrive in Taurus weather, which is full of radical change and revolution. Why? Not
only the Sun and Mercury - but also Uranus, the planet of upheaval - are now in the same
sign. One area of your life is long overdue for Independence Day. The Full Moon in
Scorpio on Thursday 7th May will show you the issues. The Sun at 17 Taurus is opposite
the Moon at 17 Scorpio then.


JUNE 2020

The Gemini weather is with us. The Sun, Venus and the North Node are all in the sign of
the twins. Karma is with you too. Think back to life 19 years ago, around the year 2001, for

In June 2020 we have a special event. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on 21st June in the sign
of Cancer. The Moon at 0 Cancer will line up with the Sun at 0 Cancer. This foreshadows
July’s weather. Remember an eclipse is always a blind spot or cover-up.


JULY 2020

Cancer season finds the Sun and Mercury in the sign of the crab, which we associate with
family and home. Property and housing. Mercury Retrograde is in Cancer now so be
careful with new arrangements regarding builders, relatives, landladies, tenants,
landlords, flatmates, mortgages and the sale or purchase of homes.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday 5th July shows you the issues, which may involve
the council, government or business. This is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Watch blind spots
or coverups.

The New Moon in Cancer on Sunday 19th July brings big choices.



Leo season finds the Sun in Leo and Mercury too. We also have a New Moon in Leo on
Wednesday 19th August. For you, or the people in your life, this is a time for pregnancies;
adoptions; new sexual relationships. The Sun and Moon traditionally rule father and
mother in astrology. When they join, there is often a conception, or symbolic birth. The
Sun at 26 Leo joins the Moon at 26 Leo that day.


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Virgo weather brings the Sun and Mercury (which rules Virgo) in that zodiac sign. Thursday
17th September brings a New Moon in Virgo. Time to focus on fitness, your weight, your
food, drink, doctor or healer. What works for you - and what does not? The Sun at 25
Virgo joins the Moon at 25 Virgo that day.



Libra season is all about the Libra New Moon on Friday 16th October. A New Moon is
always a new beginning, and in Libra, the sign of engagement, marriage, common-law
marriage, separation and divorce, you will see the start or end of love for those around.
Perhaps, even, for yourself. It’s the time of year. The Sun at 23 Libra joins the Moon at 23
Libra that day.



Scorpio weather brings the Sun, Mercury, Venus around to the sign of the scorpion, long
associated with sex and property. (Also death and money, it has to be said). The New
Moon on Monday 15th November will bring a new beginning in this regard, for you or the
people around you. It may be time for a marriage and mortgage, for example - ‘Until death
do us part.’

The Sun at 23 Scorpio joins the Moon at 23 Scorpio that day.

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Sagittarius season brings the Sun, Mercury, Venus - and a New Moon - into the sign of the
archer. Sagittarius rules the long view (the broad picture) of other regions, cultures,
nationalities and beliefs. It rules the worldwide web, but also travel and education.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on 14th December is a new beginning with these areas
(above) but there will also be a cover-up or blind spot.

Merry Christmas! This year brings an historic event in astrology. The New Age of
Aquarius. The first major pattern in this sign is Jupiter at 0 Aquarius sextile Bacchus at 0
Sagittarius on 19th December. Enjoy the change. It’s time to think global and local as
people power rolls in.


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