Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport

Page created by Justin Mcbride
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
Ardmore Flyer
                                         December 2019

     A highlight of Ardmore Airports’ annual pre-Christmas party was the announce-
ment of a $5,000 donation from the company to New Zealand Warbirds at Ardmore.
        Dave Marcellus, AAL's
CEO, presented the cheque
to Trish Reynolds, Warbirds'
General Manager, in appreci-
ation of the efforts of
Warbirds' volunteers super-
vising aircraft featured in a
recent, major film production
at the airport.
        He said they played an
important role in ensuring
displays and filming of the
aircraft over a large area of
the airport was well support-
        "Ardmore Airport is
grateful for their support,"
said Dave. "We hope other,
similar opportunities arise
from the success of this co- Trish Reynolds, NZ Warbirds at Ardmore receives donation cheque from
operative effort."             Dave Marcellus, Ardmore Airport CEO.
        Dave said Warbirds
richly deserved the donation as a recognition of the volunteers' commitment to ensuring the organisation
continued to progress.
        And he was impressed with the excellent turn out at the pre-Christmas function where there was
plenty of humour to mark the end of the year. Some lucky guests received door prizes.
        Dave thanked AAL's Melanie Nelson for organising what turned out to be another successful end
of year event.
        "As we prepare to break for the holidays, please accept a Christmas message from all of us here at
Ardmore Airport," he said.
        "Happy holidays and safe travels. We look forward to 2020 and another rewarding year at
Ardmore Airport. "Merry Christmas."
                                                                                   — By John Andrews
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
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                            A big thanks to all those who have contributed to the Airport Food and
                    Clothing Drive. We have had another year of generous support and contributions
                    coming in from people and business both on and off the airport. We will be proud to
                    deliver loads of food and clothing on behalf of the airport tenants, employees and
                    great airport community.
                            We also had a great time at the Airport Christmas Party. It was an excellent
                    turnout again with some good laughs and door prizes being won. Thank you to
                    Melanie for organising the event again this year. Of particular note of course was
Dave Marcellus      the $5,000 donation to NZ Warbirds at Ardmore. This is well deserved and a testa-
                    ment to the commitment of their volunteers to see the association continue to
       As we prepare to break for the holidays please accept a Christmas message from all of us here.
 Happy holidays, safe travels and we look forward to 2020 and another year at Ardmore Airport.

                               Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

          Dave Marcellus, Ardmore Airport's CEO, issued a special message of thanks to all those who've
 donated food and clothing to the company's appeal.
          "People and businesses on and off the airport have again generously supported what has
 become an annual event," he said.
          "On behalf of airport tenants, employees and our great airport community, we're proud to de-
 liver loads of food and clothing for distribution among the needy in the South Auckland area."

                                                                              — By John Andrews
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
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                                                          From left: Daniel Frew, from Avspecs, Dennis and Bradley
                                                          Thompson, from Dennis Thompson International Ltd

Warren Denholm, Avspecs owner, (left), with Dave
Marcellus, Ardmore Airport CEO

                                                                 Tony Miller, NZ Warbirds at Ardmore, (left), with
                                                                 Brent Catchpole, Papakura Local Board Chairperson

Left to right: Brent Catchpole, Dave Marcellus and Jane
Gregory Village Manager Metlife Longford Park

                                          Left to right: Allan Bostock, Ardmore UNICOM Services general
                                          manager, Qwilton Biel Auckland Airspace Users Group, Rachael
                                          Butler, Ardmore Helicopters
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
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  Left to right: Susie Schroder, NZ Warbirds at Ardmore, Paul-
 ine de Graaf, NTech Ltd, Angela Fulljames, Franklin Local
 Board Deputy Chairperson

CHRISTMAS HAMPER                                                 Richard Von Sturmer (left) and Neil Airey, SMS
                                                                 Consultant NZ Safety Management Systems

                                                            Brent Catchpole

     Casey Eastham, Aviation Power Supply

                                                                              Dave Bray
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
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                          Ardmore Airport Limited
                              proudly supports
                      Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust,
                    Kidney Kids and Burns Support Group,
                   Papakura Marae/Auckland City Mission


             NZ Warbirds at Ardmore — Open Day — Sunday 15th March 2020

        If you have an event you wish to have listed here please contact Melanie Nelson on 09) 298 9544 or

                                                                     Ardmore Airport Ltd - Team
                                              Dave Marcellus - Chief Executive -
                                              Mike Gibson - Airport Facilities Manager—
                                              Roslin Quigley - Finance & Administration Manager -
                                              Allan Bostock - General Manager Unicom -
                                              Naydene Wiseman-Kerr - Ardmore Airport Operations Supervisor -
                                              Melanie Nelson - Reception/PA/Events -
                                              John Andrews - Journalist/Editor -

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Reference herein to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark or company or otherwise does not necessarily
constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by AAL (Ardmore Airport Limited). The views and opinions of authors expressed herein shall not be
used for advertising or product-endorsement purposes. AAL assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this publication or other documents or files
that are referenced by or linked to this publication.
Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport Ardmore Flyer - Ardmore Airport
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