Board of Studies Overview and Schedule of Business

Page created by Cecil Leon
Board of Studies Overview and
Schedule of Business

Role of the board of studies
1.   Boards of studies play a crucial role in the management of the University’s taught
     programmes. Every taught programme (undergraduate or postgraduate) offered by the
     University is overseen by a board of studies, and boards have primary responsibility
     (reporting to FLTSECs and ULTSEC) for the day-to-day management of taught
     programmes including the management of the quality and standards of these
     programmes. The detailed responsibilities and membership of boards of studies are set
     out at .
The business of the board of studies
2. All meetings of the board of studies should include the following as standard items:
     a. Follow-up action from the previous meeting.
     b. Reports from any sub-committees, and Student-Staff Committee.
     c. Student feedback, and any generic issues arising from student withdrawals.
     d. Any issues referred to the board by the relevant FLTSEC, or other committee in the
        academic in which the board of studies is based.
3. Additionally Table 1 below sets out those issues that must be considered at least
   annually by the board of studies. The table does not prescribe when each issue is
   considered, but does indicate when data that supports consideration of these issues will
   be available.
4. Boards of studies should also consider any other issues that it feels are appropriate in
   order for it to discharge its responsibilities as set out in the terms of reference linked to
   in paragraph 1 above.
Conduct of the board of studies
5. Boards of studies are required to meet at least once each term. Boards may meet more
   frequently than this, but they should not meet less frequently. The timing of meetings
   within each term is not prescribed by the University; it is for boards to determine the
   timing that best fits the pattern of their business.
6. Minutes must be taken at every meeting of the board, so that there is a full record of
   progress with business. These minutes should indicate the issues that have been raised
   and dealt with by the board. Board of studies minutes will be primary sources of
   information and evidence for processes such as Annual Monitoring and Review, and
   Learning and Teaching Review. They will also provide evidence for external review (for
   example by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, or the QAA).
Sub-groups and sub-committees

7. Boards of studies may choose to establish sub-groups or sub-committees to undertake
   particular tasks on their behalf. These may be time-limited, issue -or theme-specific sub-
   groups/sub-committees. They may also be standing sub-groups or sub-committees
   carrying out specific roles on behalf of the board of studies.

Table 1        Required issues that must be considered by boards of studies on at least an annual basis
Issue                                              When is data available?          Purpose of review
Admissions and recruitment                                   Early autumn           To assess effectiveness and success recruitment and admissions,
                                                                                    and consider changes for the future.
Induction                                                    Mid-autumn             To learn from the experience and change future arrangements.
Student surveys                                              Early autumn           Consider NSS / PTES, ISB, Semester 2 module evaluations stage
                                                                                    evaluation results to develop action plans to improve scores in
                                                                                    future and to feed back to students on action.
Placement and study abroad experience the                      Autumn               To check whether arrangements need revision and whether any
previous year                                                                       current placement providers/study abroad locations should be
Timeliness of feedback on assessed work             Autumn for previous academic    To check on compliance with University policy and take remedial
                                                                year                action if necessary.
External examiners' reports                         Autumn for previous academic    To check on alignment of standards and quality of assessment
                                                                year                procedures.
Review of exercise of discretion by the board of             Early autumn           To review BoE and consider whether any changes in policy and
examiners                                                                           practice are needed.
Degree classifications                                         Autumn               To check that pattern is not out of line with expectations.
Retention and progression                           Autumn for previous academic    To check that pattern is not out of line with expectations.
Module reviews                                        At end of relevant semester   To consider whether any changes are needed in the light of
                                                                                    student feedback, performance, module evaluation questionnaire
                                                                                    results etc.
Approving module changes/new modules                      December/January          To inform pre-registration and timetabling
Approving changes to programme regulations                     January              To inform pre-registration and timetabling
Semester 1 module evaluation questionnaires                    February             To develop action plans to improve scores in future and to feed

back to students on action.
 Update programme specifications                                April/May                Annual updating to keep document current
 Introduction of new programmes or major             As required, but notice needed      For future planning,
 programme changes
 DLHE data                                                       Summer                  To review employability of graduates and consider possible action.
 Personal tutoring                                    Autumn for Stage Evaluation        To assess how well PT is running
                                                      Questionnaire; Spring for KPI
 Library provision                                              Annually                 To review adequacy of provision and address any issues
 Accreditation reviews                                        Unpredictable              To ensure adequate planning and appropriate follow up.
a. To assist boards of studies in considering these issues, a wide range of data recruitment, applications, student progression and student achievement
   can be accessed via the Annual Degree Programme Statistics (ADPS) at . The progression
   of cohorts through the entire length of a programme can be reported on using the Cohort Analysis function available at .
b. Results from the National Student Survey and Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey are made available in August each year, and can be found at .
c. Graduate destination from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey is available at . Destination data for the previous academic year is usually available from the summer.
d. Prompts for the consideration of many aspects of this data are available at WEBLINK. Please note that this is a suggested list of potential questions and
   issues, not a checklist of required questions. Not all of the prompts will be equally relevant to all boards; equally, many boards will want to consider
   issues and questions not set out in that document.

Approved by University Learning, Teaching, and Student Experience Committee, June 2015. Last modified June

This document is primarily intended for:              Chairs of Boards of Studies
                                                      Degree Programme Directors
                                                      Course Representatives

Contact:                                              Simon Meacher, LTDS, ext. 83969

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