Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"

Page created by Reginald Pope
Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"

                 V ICTORIAN F ESTIVAL
                                SUMMER 2020

   Good friends never say goodbye they simply say,
             “see you again next year”

I wish you well during this challenging time and hope everyone keeps safe!
We must do what we can to protect ourselves, as we all must. Good luck to
all those being badly affected by events.
It's a very worrying time for us. I hope you are all in good health, and the
Coronavirus pandemic will soon be over.
Stay healthy and we'll get through this together.
My heart hurts about how people are suffering now, so please stay safe and
Albert and I send our thoughts and prayers to all my subjects in Llandrindod
Wells and we wish you all the best and please stay healthy.
This is going to be a challenging time for everyone but we must all do what
we can to help each other through this.
Hopefully the steps in place will help. I wish you all good health; my prayers
are with you all.
Let us pray all this coronavirus pandemic ends soon.
I look forward to being with you all again at our 40th anniversary in 2021, or
even earlier on 24thMay 2021 for my birthday if conditions permit.

I sincerely hope that the situation in the world will improve soon.
Take care of yourselves and stay healthy.
Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"

                                                                        The Llandrindod Wells Victorian
                                                                         Festival would like to take this
                                                                        opportunity to welcome its new
                                                                      Friends and thank its loyal Friends
                                                                           for their on-going support.
                                                                        By championing the Festival the
                                                                        Friends enable planning for the
                                                                       future, development of ideas and
                                                                       the creation of events, which are
                                                                        enjoyed by thousands of people
                                                                                    every year.
                                                                       Without The Friends the Festival
                                                                        would not exist in the way that it
                                                                      Subscription for couples is £15 per
                                                                           year & £10 for individuals.
                                                                               Please contact us at
                                                                            We prefer subscription for
                                                                      2020/2021 to be paid via BAC’s or
                                                                                    by cheque.
                                                                      Details elsewhere in this newsletter

    Having to cancel this years Victorian Festival has caused
    financial problems as we have continuing monthly payments
                                                                        Friends can also join the 100
    for storage facilities and the Internet. With no income until
                                                                      Club, paying by direct credit of £5
    June of 2021 we are asking for donations to help us over the      per month of which 50% goes to
                                                                            the Festival, the other
    next 12 months to assist us with our planning, also to ask that   50% towards a 1st, 2nd and two
    subscriptions to be paid for this year. This can either be by                 3rd prizes.
                                                                       To join or for more information
    cheque made payable to the ‘Victorian Festival’ or by BAC’s,                please contact
    which due to social distancing we prefer.                
                                                                        At the moment the income is
                                                                       £160 per month of which £80 is
    Victorian Festival. Sort Code 20-71-75 - Account 63733513            prizes and £80 goes to the
                                                                                 1st Prize £40
    We thank you for your present and continuing support and
                                                                                 2nd Prize £20
    look forward to our 40th Anniversary next year in the                 2 x 3rd Prizes £10 each.
    meantime stay safe and secure until we all meet again.                PLEASE SUPPORT US!
Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"

                             BORED! Try our Quizzes
    1. Name the Scottish Gillie Queen Victoria Is Rumoured To Have Had An Affair With?

                 2. Which Prime Minister Made Victoria Empress Of India?

           3. The Victoria Cross Is Generally Made From Guns From Which War?

     4. Which Was The First Book Written By Charles Dickens That Brought Him Fame?

     5. Who Was The British Prime Minister At The Time Of The Battle Of Sebastopol?

                 6. Which City Was The Capital Of The Ottoman Empire?

                        7. Which Victorian Poet Had A Club Foot?

             8. Which Prince Of Saxe Cobourg Gotha Married Queen Victoria?

                   9. To Within 1 How Many Children Did Victoria Have?

                       10. Where Would You Find Osborne House?

                                                              NAME THE BRITISH
                                                               PRIME MINISTERS

                                                              Send your answers to me at

                                                     The first 10 Friends with the
                                                    correct answers
    Sed et tellus at quam sagittis pharetra. Donec faucibus   sagittissent to me will
                                                         be given free tickets to
                                                    Gerald Dickens performance at
                                                        the Albert Hall Theatre
                                                      Tuesday, 24th August 2021

                                                            “The Life & Times of Nicholas
                                                              “Mr Dickens is Coming”

Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"

                                                              Planning is well under way for our 40th
                                                               anniversary in 2021 and our website is
                                                                         regularly updated.
                                                            All the old favorites’ will be back including
                      FINANCES                                     a Gerald Dickens double bill.
                                                            Alison Neil will entertain us with the story
                                                             of E Nesbit performing “Larks & Magic.”
     Many thanks to the friends and management
                                                              The Grand Victorian Ball (practice this
    team who have made donations to the Festival
                                                              year for 2021). Entertainment, from the
    and to those member of the 100 Club who have
                                                             Friends of the Festival and Jan Swindale.
       also donated their winning to the Festival.
                                                            Tea dances, competitions, fancy dress and
        We are, at the moment able to cover all
                                                              seven days of fun on Temple Gardens;
            expenditure to the end of 2020.
                                                               Tony, Anne, Jan, Marina, Denise and
     However, 2021 will be the 40th anniversary of
                                                              myself look forward to the planning and
       the Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival,
                                                            especially to meeting you all again in 2021.
      which we want to be spectacular, so please
     donate to the festival whenever and whatever
                          you can.
    We also ask
                        tellus atnothing
                                  quam is   happening
                                          sagittis pharetra. Donec faucibus sagittis justo.
    in 2020 that friends still pay their subscriptions
              to help us prepare for 2021.
      With the time we now have until next years
    Victorian Festival, it also gives me more time to
       explore other avenues to obtain grant and
        We prefer all donations and subscription
    wherever possible (due to lockdown) to be paid
     via BAC’s direct to our account, cheques can                         CONTACT
                  still be posted to us.                                  Chris Hartley
                  Our bank details are:                       Victorian Festival, Flat 2, Cefnllys Lane
                                                                   Llandrindod Wells LD1 5LD
                  Victorian Festival                                 Telephone : 01597825012
                Sort code : 20-71-75                                   Mobile : 07513463168
                                                               Website: www.victorian-festiva;
            Account number : 63733513

      The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again                                      4
                                             Charles Dickens
Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year" Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year" Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year" Good friends never say goodbye they simply say, "see you again next year"
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