Page created by Harvey Reyes

Committee & Key Contacts                         Page      3
Playing the Game                                 Page      4-5
   • The Rules
   • Forfeits
   • Durations of Matches
   • Ball Sizes
   • Match Sheets info

Communication & Training Grids                   Page(s)   5 -6
Wet weather procedures                           Page      7
Team Managers Checklist                          Page      8
    • Pre-Match
    • During Match
    • Post Match info
    • Match Sheet Fines
Coaches Checklist                                Page      9
     • Pre-Match
     • During Match
     • Post Match info
     • Match Forfeits
Zero Tolerance Letter                            Page      10
Club Disciplinary Committee procedure            Page(s)   11
Match Sheet Information                          Page(s)   12
Small Side Games U6 – U11                        Page(s)   13- 20
Small sided grading                              Page      20
Codes of Conduct                                 Page(s)   21-23
    • Coaches Code of conduct
    • Managers/Officials Code of Conduct
    • Players Code of Conduct
    • Parents Code of Conduct
    • Spectator Code of Conduct
Referees                                         Page(s)   24-25
     • Referees Fees
    • Referees Receipt Sample
Housekeeping                                     Page      26
    • Gear
    • Nets
    • Drink Bottles
    • Meningococcal Disease Warning
    • Duty of Care – Supervision at Training
Venues                                           Page(s)   27 - 28
Council contacts, Game Procedure, Match Report   Page      29
Incident report, Injuries, Indiscipline Report   Page      30
Final Disclaimer                                 Page      31
Charles Tama            Club President              0411 185 969      president@enfieldfc.com.au
Riccardo Romeo          Vice President              0433 350 056      vicepres.erfc@gmail.com
Vivienne Keijzer-Tama   Club Operations Manager     0411 465 969      treasurer@enfieldfc.com.au
Olga Caristo            Club Secretary              0424 824 226      secretary@enfieldfc.com.au
Maria Dellaia           Club Comp. Secretary        0412 126 710      mariadellaia@bigpond.com

Danny Silvestri         Tech. Director/Judiciary    0428 570 450      techdir.erfc@gmail.com
Phi (Michael) Pham      Sponsorships                0433 350 056      vicepres.erfc@gmail.com
Vince Marciano          Registrations               0431 420 061      enfieldfc.registrar@gmail.com
Olga Caristo            Grievances/Judiciary        0424 824 226      secretary@enfieldfc.com.au
Riccardo Romeo          Grievances/Judiciary        0433 350 056      vicepres.erfc@gmail.com
Tony Santangelo         Club Equipment              0451 635 593      gearsteward.ERFC@gmail.com
Vivienne Keijzer-Tama   MPIO                        0411 465 969      treasurer@enfieldfc.com.au

                                   All club info
www.enfieldfc.com.au               Wet Weather info
                                   Members Page
                                   Match draws/ tables
                                   Changes to draws/venues
www.cdsfa.com.au                   Park closures
                                   Game cancellations
                                   Wet Weather info lines
Club Secretary:
                                   All Red/Yellow card matters. CDSFA judiciary Appeal. Club
Olga Caristo
                                   Disciplinary procedures and Grievances
T: 0424 824 226
Competition Secretary:             To advise of your match results straight after your away game &
Maria Dellaia                      forfeits 72 hours ahead of the game otherwise you will incur a
T: 0412 126 710                    fine from the CDSFA
Member Protection                  For any questions or concerns related to the safety and the well
Information Officer:               being of the club’s members, especially children
                                   All Coaches/Managers of U6 to U18 age group teams are to
Vivienne Keijzer-Tama              apply for the WWC online or sign a Prohibited Employment
                                   Declaration, witnessed by Vivienne
T: 0411 465 969

The club will contact coaches and managers via SMS, TeamApp and Email.

You will also have access to the club website Members Page. This is a password- protected area for
coaches and managers only. It contains details of training schedules, coaches/managers contact list as
well as meeting dates and minutes. You will be given log-in details. These are strictly confidential
and must not be passed on to players or their parents.

Please establish a method of communication with your team in order for information to be passed on
effectively. Encourage players and parents to check both the club website and the CDSFA site
regularly for the most up to date information during the season.



All Coaches and Managers should familiarise themselves with this document. Small but significant
changes are often made to these rules every year, so please don’t think it is not necessary to go
over the possible revised rules. Coaches of U6 to U11, ensure you are familiar with the small
sided games


If you know your team cannot play a scheduled match, you MUST notify the Club Secretary
ASAP 4 days prior. The club has 72 hrs prior a match to notify the Association and other
stakeholders in order to avoid fines. NOTE: forfeit fines will be passed on to the respective

On match day, if the other team fails to show, they must be given 10 minutes grace, if they still do field
a team, you may then claim a forfeit and be awarded the game.


The normal duration of matches shall be as follows:
• Under 18 and up          2 equal periods of 45 minutes
• Under 17                 2 equal periods of 40 minutes
• Under 15 - 16            2 equal periods of 35 minutes
• Under 13 - 14            2 equal periods of 30 minutes
• Under 12                 2 equal periods of 25 minutes
• Under 9 to under 11      2 equal periods of 20 minutes
• Under 8                  2 equal periods of 20 minutes
• Under 6 – 7              2 equal periods of 20 minutes


The following ball sizes shall be used for the appropriate age group:

      •    Under 6, Under 7, Under 8, Under 9, Ball size 3
      •    Under 10, Under 11, Under 12, Under 13 Ball size 4
      •    All other ages and grades Ball size 5



          C1.1   Clubs shall be free to lay out fields for small sided games according to their particular site constraints but shall
                 wherever practicable use the field dimensions recommended by the relevant governing body.

                 The diagrams below are provided for general guidance only but may assist Clubs in utilizing their existing main field
                 line markings as part of the small sided field markings.

      There will be at least 65+ teams to accommodate in 2021. All teams have been allocated at least one
      time and field. The fields are divided into two sections. Please adhere to the training schedule so that
      you do not impose on other teams.


                                                                           HALF         FIELD

FIELD 3              FIELD 3                                     FIELD 2          FIELD 2

  A                    B                                           A               B

                                                                                                  MITCHELL STREET
                                                                FIELD 1           FIELD 1
FIELD 4             FIELD 4
                                                                  A                 B
   A                   B



                                                      PORTLAND ST


Burwood Council Wet Weather Line 9078 6170.

Strathfield Council Wet Weather Line 9748 9999

A recorded message announces park closures. These are usually established by
2pm time. Give this number to players and parents.

The club website www.enfieldfc.com.au will also contain information regarding
park closures.

If Henley Park has been closed by the Council, you MUST NOT use the fields.
The club will incur fines if Council directives are not followed.

On game days, do not assume that all parks are closed if has been raining.

To check park closures in other council areas, visit our website on
www.enfieldfc.com.au and click on the link for the CDSFA website where the
updated information in reference to park closures due to wet weather will be
updated by 7.30am on Saturdays and Sundays

Pre- Match
  •   If your game is scheduled to play the first game on a particular field, you are to assist in the
      preparation by putting up nets, corner posts etc.
  •   Ensure all players are aware of game time/ location
  •   Ensure all your players are registered and have a proper ID photo on their registration. Face
      only photo, no sun glasses, no other family members in the photo. Registrations will not be
      approved if the phot o is not as per the requirements and players will not be notified the onus
      is on them to get it right.
  •   A player without a card is NOT INSURED and therefore cannot play
  •   Fill in the Match Sheet. If the Home team, you do this first and then take it to the opposing
      team’s manager together with your ID cards.
  •   Check the oppositions ID cards. All of this is according to the CDSFA digital. Details will be
  •   Pay the referee and the assistant referees, if applicable. The schedule of fees is in this
      document under Referees on page 24.

During Match
  •   Stay inside the technical area
  •   Keep time
  •   Assist coach with substitutes, first aid, etc...
  •   Each manager/coach is required to wear their match official vest; given to you in the gear kit.
      Each manager is responsible for the crowd control of your match. Please ensure that you wear
      the vest as in failing to do so might result in our club being fined and this fine will be forwarded
      on to you.

Post- Match
  •   If the Home team, make sure it is signed by the referee and the opposing team’s manager.
      Note any injuries on the match sheet.
  •   In the event of any injuries, you are required to write this on the actual match sheet and report
      the injury with an official at the Henley Park canteen when returning the match sheet
  •   If you have any questions, contact Maria Dellaia on 0412 126 710 as soon as possible for
      further instructions. If you are the Away team scores must still be entered immediately after
      the game by you.
  •   If you have had a player sent off during the match, you must give their ID card number to the
      referee. If a player needs to report to the Judiciary Committee, you or the coach must
      accompany them.
  •   If your team is the last one scheduled at Henley Park your team are to help with taking
      down nets etc.

Match Sheet Fines

      •   The club passes all imposed fines by the CDSFA on to the managers of the respective teams.
Pre- Match

  •   If your game is scheduled to play the first game on a particular field, you are to assist in the
      preparation by putting up nets, corner posts etc.
  •   Check that all players intended to play are present. Remember, you must have at LEAST six
      players to field a team from U8 to U11 and AT LEAST 7 players for U12 to seniors.
  •   Check that all players are dressed correctly – no jewellery of any kind, including watches. Make
      sure shin pads are worn and that shirts are tucked in and numbers are visible and intact.
  •   Warm up players – stretches, sprints, ball drills, etc.
  •   Check your Match Ball –both teams should provide one.

During Match

  •   Stay in the technical area
  •   Advise the referee when you intend to interchange players and wait for him/her to signal you.
  •   When interchanging, ensure players leave/enter the field from the half way line. Make sure that
      the interchanging player does not enter the field until the other player has come off.
  •   Attend to all injuries promptly. Remember, players sustaining serious injuries should not be
      moved until an ambulance arrives.
  •   Give instructions and encouragement to players on the field.

Post- Match

  •   Ensure all players are good sports and they shake hands with the opposition. You should
      model this by shaking hands with the opposing team’s coach.
  •   Collect the Match Ball.
  •   Gather team and give positive feedback.
  •   If your team is the last one scheduled, you are to help with taking down nets etc.

Match Forfeits
  •   In the event that your team is unable to play you need to inform our Competition
      Secretary or Treasurer 4 days prior in writing (email) of your intentions to forfeit a match.
      As she/he will need to give such notice in writing to the CDSFA no later than 72 hours
      prior to the time at which the match is scheduled to be played.
  •   Failure to give such notice will make the Club liable for referees expenses and a fine in
      accordance with the Association’s Schedule of Fines current at the time.
  •   The Association reserves the right to refuse further allocation of fixtures to the Club
      which forfeits a fixture until a good faith fee, set annually by the EC, has been deposited
      with the Association.
  •   Teams forfeiting on two consecutive occasions without satisfactory explanation may be
      removed from the competition at the discretion of the EC and the team fined in
      accordance with the Association’s Schedule of Fines current at the time. This Fine will be
      passed on to the respective team.

To all Players, Coaches, Team Managers and Officials,

I’m pleased to advise that once again, Enfield Rovers has endorsed a ZERO TOLERANCE policy in
relation to violence in football.

This Zero Tolerance policy was introduced in 2006, then further reinforced yearly. The Club has no
intention of allowing violence, verbal and physical abuse towards officials or other players.

Any form of violence is no longer tolerated in our game. Additionally, bullying of match officials
will not be countenanced.

Our Zero Tolerance Policy, are the endorsed for your reference.

In summary, the following will apply this year:

       1.       Should your team be involved in a violent incident that leads to the abandonment of the
                game the matter will come before the Disciplinary Committee. Should the Disciplinary
                Committee find your team guilty of participating in violence that led to the
                abandonment of a game, your team may be suspended from the competition for 12-
       2.       Should spectators associated with your team invade the pitch or cause any disturbance
                that leads to the abandonment of the game, a hearing will be conducted by the
                Disciplinary Committee. Should the Disciplinary Committee find that it was your
                spectators that caused the incident that led to the abandonment of the game, then your
                team may be suspended from the competition for 12-months.

The club will not tolerate violence or improper conduct by players or spectators at any stage.
It is our objective to ensure players and match officials enjoy their football in a safe environment free
of abuse and violence.

Enjoy your season

Kind regards,

Vivienne Keijzer-Tama, Club Administrator                                                               10
   The ERFC has noted continued unbecoming behaviour from some patrons in recent times.

       In aligning with Canterbury District Rules of Association which includes “Player Code of
Conduct”, the Association levies sanctions and fines for various misconducts. The ERFC believe
   that it is not reasonable for the club and its members to accept responsibility for the poor
  behaviour of a few and will be directing any such disciplinary action or fines received by our
                                 club back to the responsible individual.

                                 How will this affect you?
If you have been send-off (player/parent/coach/manager) you will need to front the internal
club Disciplinary Committee the Wednesday after the send-off. These hearing will take place at
the club house at Henley Park. You will be contacted with a time to appear.

         Whilst in the past ERFC has taken responsibility for fines and disciplinary actions handed down
         by Canterbury District for offences outlined within guidelines
   •     i) Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct and
   •     ii) Coach and Manager/Official Code of Conduct.
         It is now necessary to forward such fines onto offending individual(s).

   •     “Red Card” fines received by Enfield Rovers from the Association will be transferred to the
         offender. In addition to this fine there will be a $5 administration fee, as well as that the
         offender will not be able to participate in any further games until the fees have been paid in
   •     For repeat or serious offenders of the Canterbury District “Code of Conduct” rules; individuals
         will be required to appear before an ERSC disciplinary committee. It is within the club’s
         discretion to impose further suspensions/ fines.
   •     The ERSC also reserve the right to de-register any player who brings the club into disrepute.
   •     Appeals against actions taken /fines imposed by ERSC must be submitted in writing within 24
         hours and addressed to the President of ERSC. This letter can be send in, by e-mail to

         To further assist in understanding your responsibilities, please refer to your club website:
                           www.enfieldfc.com.au under the tab Club Resources.


You will be informed on how to retrieve Match sheets by the club
administrator once the draw for the season has been put on the website

We are going digital this season, if all goes well! This means you will not
need to print the team sheet but you can have it on our phone or ipad.

You will need to enter the score immediately after the game. The onus is on
you as the team manager and fines that the CDSFA impose for not entering
the scores in time will be forwarded on to your team.

In the event that your team has an additional player after the start of the season
please check that he/she has been added to the team sheet if not as yet please
advise the administrator accordingly.

In the event that your team has a player suspended he/she will be struck out
accordingly on the team sheet until suspension has been lifted.


  I.   NOTE: playing away or at home you need to enter your teams
       score as per details provided by the club administrator.
 II.   NOTE: continue to check the draw on a weekly basis, even up to the day
       before your game.

Laws of Optus Small-Sided Football - Under 6 & 7 Laws of Optus Small-
                       Sided Football - Under 6 & 7
                      (Effective from 1 January 2011)
The field of play
   •   30 metres x 20 metres

   •   Markers or painted line markings.

Goal size
   •   Minimum 1.50 metres wide x 0.90 metres high
   •   Maximum 2.00 metres wide x 1.00 metres high

Goal type
   •   It is preferable that pop up style or portable goals are used where possible however, the use of
       poles and markers as the goals particularly in the Under 6 to 9 age groups is also suitable.

Penalty area
   •   No penalty area

The ball
   •   Size 3
The number of players
   •   4 v 4 – no goalkeeper
   •   Maximum of two substitutes who may rotate during the entire game. The coach or parent is
       allowed to make the substitutions while the ball is in play but must wait until the substituted
       player has left the field.

   •   No Goalkeeper
   •   The game leader, coaches and managers should continually discourage children from
       permanently standing in front of the goal.

Duration of the game:
       •   2 x 20 minutes (Half time break 5 minutes)
       •   This may be flexible depending on the implementation format.

Game Leader
The main role of the game leader is to keep the game moving fluently, limit stoppages and assist
players with all match restarts. Most importantly, they must make every effort to create an environment
that ensures that all players have fun and have maximum involvement. The game leader can be a club
official, parent, older child / player or beginning referee and should always be enthusiastic and
approachable. Most Importantly - Remember the children are learning the game – be flexible and

Start of play & Re-start after a goal
Pass to a teammate from the middle of the half-way line. All players must be in their own half of the
field of play. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play. The ball must touch a
teammate before a goal can be scored.

Ball in and out of play
The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or the touch line on the ground or in the
air, or when play has been stopped by the game leader.

Ball crossing the touch line
There is no throw in. A player from the opposing team to the player that touched the ball last before
crossing the touch line will place the ball on the touch line and pass or dribble the ball into play.
Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play. The ball must touch a teammate
before a goal can be scored.

Ball crossing the goal line
There is no corner kick. Regardless of which team touched the ball last, a player from the team whose
goal line the ball has crossed will place the ball anywhere along the goal line and pass or dribble the
ball into play. Opponents must retreat to the half-way line and can move once the ball is in play. The
ball must touch a teammate before a goal can be scored.

Method of scoring
A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and
under the crossbar. When goal posts are not available and cones are used for goals, a goal is scored
when the ball passes between the cones without touching them, below shoulder height of the player.

No offside

Fouls and misconduct
Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents must be at
least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken. (An indirect free kick is where a goal
can be scored only if the ball subsequently touches another player before it enters the goal).

Most acts of handball or fouls and misconduct at this level are caused by a lack of coordination, with
no intent. In this case try and give the advantage to the attacking team and continue play. If you
decide a deliberate or serious act of handball, foul or misconduct has occurred, explain to the child
they have done the wrong thing and that they should not do this again.

Point’s tables and finals
To ensure that Optus Small-Sided Football is played in the correct spirit and give all players the best
possible chance to develop, FFA advises that Member Federations, zones, associations and clubs
adopt and promote the following advice and recommendation: Under 6 & 7 FFA advises that the
keeping of point’s tables and playing of finals must not be done.

Laws of Optus Small-Sided Football - Under 8 & 9 Laws of
        Optus Small-Sided Football - Under 8 & 9
                            (Effective from 1 January 2011)
The field of play
  •   Maximum 50m x 40m / Minimum 40m x 30m
  •   ¼ full size pitch – when converting a full-size pitch into Optus Small Sided Football fields
  •   Markers or painted line markings

Goal size
  •   Minimum 2.50 metres wide x 2.00 metres high
  •   Maximum 3.00 metres wide x 2.00 metres high

      Note: For the Under 8 and 9 age groups, it is recommended that clubs that wish to and have
      the capacity to do so use 3m x 2m goals. Should a club not be able to do this in the first
      instance, the 5m x 2m goal is most acceptable for use on fields for the Under 8 and 9 age
      groups as well as the Under 10 and 11 age groups.

Goal type
  •   It is preferable that pop up style or portable goals are used where possible however, the use of
      poles and markers as the goals particularly in the Under 6 to 9 age groups is also suitable.

Penalty area
  •   Rectangular – 5m depth x 12m width
  •   The penalty area can be marked through use of marked lines, flat or soft markers or cones

The ball
  •   Size 3

The number of players
  •   7 v 7 – inc. goalkeeper
  •   Maximum of three substitutes who may rotate during the entire game. The coach or parent is
      allowed to make the substitutions while the ball is in play but must wait until the substituted
      player has left the field.

  •   The goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area. To restart play after
      a save or gathering the ball with their hands, the ball must be thrown or rolled from the hands
      or played from the ground with their feet, within 6 seconds. The goalkeeper is not allowed to
      kick or drop kick the ball directly from their hands.
  •   Opponents must be at least 5m outside the penalty area and cannot move inside the penalty
      area until the ball is in play. The ball is in play once it moves out of the penalty area.
  •   An indirect free kick is awarded if the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands after it has
      been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate.

Duration of the game:
  •   2 x 20 minutes (Half time break 5 minutes).                                                    15
Instructing Referee
The main role of the instructing referee is to control the game to ensure it is played fluently and
instruct and correct the players (with minimal blowing of the whistle) on how to behave and what the
rules are, e.g. what a foul is, what a free kick is and how to throw in etc... Should these indiscretions
happen a second time the referee should stop the game and apply the appropriate action and
decisions. This person can be a club official, capable parent, older child or player, beginning or official
referee from the federation or association.

Start of play and re-start after a goal
Pass to a teammate from the middle of the half-way line. All players must be in their own half of the
field of play. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play. The ball must touch a
tea mate before a goal can be scored.

Ball in and out of play
The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or the touch line on the ground or in the
air, or when play has been stopped by the instructing referee.

Ball crossing the touch line
Throw-in: Player faces the field of play, has part of each foot on the ground either on or behind the
touch line, uses both hands and delivers the ball from behind and over his or her head. The thrower
must not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. Opponents must be at least 5m away
from the ball until it is in play. The ball is in play once it enters the field of play. A goal cannot be
scored directly from a throw in.

Ball crossing the goal line after touching the defending team last
Corner kick. A player from the attacking team places the ball inside the corner arc nearest to the point
where the ball crossed the line. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play.
The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.

Ball crossing the goal line after touching the attacking team last
Goal kick from anywhere within the penalty area. Opponents remain at least 5m outside the penalty
area until the ball is in play. The ball is in play once it is kicked directly out of the penalty area.

Method of scoring
A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and
under the crossbar. When goal posts are not available and cones are used for goals, a goal is scored
when the ball passes between the cones without touching them, below shoulder height of the player.

No offside
Note: In the Under 8 – 11 age groups, team coaches and managers should strongly discourage
children from permanently standing in blatant offside positions. Instructing referees should direct
players permanently standing in blatant offside positions to move into onside positions.

Fouls and misconduct
Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents must be at
least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken. (An indirect free kick is where a goal
can be scored only if the ball subsequently touches another player before it enters the goal).

For deliberate or serious acts of handball or fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a penalty kick is
awarded from an 8m penalty mark with only a goalkeeper in position. All other players must be
outside the penalty area and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.

Fouls and misconduct are:
   •   kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
   •   trips or attempts to trip an opponent
   •   jumps at an opponent
   •   charges an opponent
   •   strikes or attempts to strike an opponent.
   •   pushes an opponent
   •   tackles an opponent from behind to gain possession of the ball
   •   making contact with the opponent before touching the ball.
   •   holds an opponent
   •   spits at an opponent
   •   handles the ball deliberately
   •   plays in a dangerous manner
   •   impedes the progress of a player.

Point’s tables and finals
To ensure that Optus Small-Sided Football is played in the correct spirit and give all players the best
possible chance to develop, FFA advises that Member Federations, zones, associations and clubs
adopt and promote the following advice and recommendation: Under 8 & 9 FFA advises that the
keeping of point’s tables and playing of finals must not be done.

    Laws of Optus Small-Sided Football - Under 10 and 11
    Laws of Optus Small-Sided Football - Under 10 and 11
                             (Effective from 1 January 2011)
The field of play
   •   Maximum 70m x 50m / Minimum 60m x 40m
   •   ½ full size pitch – when converting a full-size pitch into Optus Small Sided Football fields
Note: In the Under 11 age group, the final stage of development in the Optus Small-Sided Football
formats before players commence 11 v 11 football, it is recommended that clubs where facilities and
scheduling allows, set-up the field from penalty box to penalty box and adjust the width of the field
with use of markers to meet the maximum specified width.

   •   Markers or painted line markings
Goal size
   •   Minimum 4.50 metres wide x 2.00 metres high
   •   Maximum 5.00 metres wide x 2.00 metres high

Goal type
   •   It is preferable that pop up style or portable goals are used where possible however, the use of
       poles and markers as the goals particularly in the Under 6 to 9 age groups is also suitable.

Penalty area
   •   Rectangular – 5m depth x 12 m width
   •   The penalty area can be marked through use of marked lines, flat or soft markers or cones.
The ball
   •   Size 4

The number of players
   •   9 v 9 – inc. goalkeeper
   •   Maximum of three substitutes who may rotate during the entire game. The coach or parent is
       allowed to make the substitutions while the ball is in play but must wait until the substituted
       player has left the field.

   •   The goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area. To restart play after
       a save or gathering the ball with their hands, the ball must be thrown or rolled from the hands
       or played from the ground with their feet, within 6 seconds. The goalkeeper is not allowed to
       kick or drop kick the ball
   •   directly from their hands. Opponents must be at least 5m outside the penalty area and cannot
       move inside the penalty area until the ball is in play. The ball is in play once it
       moves out of the penalty area or when the goalkeeper places the ball on the ground*.
   •   An indirect free kick is awarded if the goalkeeper touches the ball with his hands after it has
       been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate.
   •   Goalkeeper Progression
       The developmental progression of the game becoming “live” when the goalkeeper places the
       ball on the ground provides the necessary learning phase for players transitioning to the 11 v
       11 format of football.

Duration of the game:
   •   2 x 25 minutes (Half time break 7.5 minutes)

Instructing Referee
The main role of the instructing referee is to control the game to ensure it is played fluently and
instruct and correct the players (with minimal blowing of the whistle) on how to behave and what the
rules are, e.g. what a foul is, what a free kick is and how to throw in etc... Should these indiscretions
happen a second time the referee should stop the game and apply the appropriate action and
decisions. This person can be a club official, capable parent, older child or player, beginning or official
referee from the federation or association

Start of play and re-start after a goal
Pass to a teammate from the middle of the half -way line. All players must be in their own half of the
field of play. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play. The ball must touch a
teammate before a goal can be scored.

Ball in and out of play
The ball is out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or the touch line on the ground or in the
air, or when play has been stopped by the instructing referee.
Ball crossing the touch line
Throw-in: Player faces the field of play, has part of each foot on the ground either on or behind the
touch line, uses both hands and delivers the ball from behind and over their head. The thrower must
not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. Opponents must be at least 5m away from
the ball until it is in play. The ball is in play once it enters the field of play. A goal cannot be scored
directly from a throw in.

Ball crossing the goal line after touching the defending team last
Corner kick. A player from the attacking team places the ball inside the corner arc nearest to the point
where the ball crossed the line. Opponents must be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play.
The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.

Ball crossing the goal line after touching the attacking team last
Goal kick from anywhere within the penalty area. Opponents remain at least 5m outside the penalty
area until the ball is in play. The ball is in play once it is kicked directly out of the penalty area.

Method of scoring
A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and
under the crossbar. When goal posts are not available and cones are used for goals, a goal is scored
when the ball passes between the cones without touching them, below shoulder height of the player.

No offside
Note: In the Under 8 – 11 age groups, team coaches and managers should strongly discourage
children from permanently standing in blatant offside positions. Instructing referees should direct
players permanently standing in blatant offside positions to move into onside positions.

Fouls and misconduct
Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents must be at
least 5m away from the ball when the indirect free kick is taken. (An indirect free kick is where a goal
can be scored only if the ball subsequently touches another player before it enters the goal).
For deliberate or serious acts of handball or fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a penalty kick is
awarded from an 8m penalty mark with only a goalkeeper in position. All other players must be
outside the penalty area and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.

Fouls and misconduct are:
   •   kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
   •   trips or attempts to trip an opponent
   •   jumps at an opponent
   •   charges an opponent
   •   strikes or attempts to strike an opponent.
   •   pushes an opponent
   •   tackles an opponent from behind to gain possession of the ball
   •   making contact with the opponent before touching the ball.
   •   holds an opponent
   •   spits at an opponent
   •   handles the ball deliberately
   •   plays in a dangerous manner
   •   impedes the progress of a player.

Point’s tables and finals
To ensure that Optus Small-Sided Football is played in the correct spirit and give all players the best
possible chance to develop, FFA advises that Member Federations, zones, associations and clubs
adopt and promote the following advice and recommendation:

Under 10 & 11 FFA advises that the keeping of point’s tables and playing of finals must not be done. It
is also advised, the keeping of point’s tables and playing of finals will only commence when children
playing 11 v 11 football on a full-size pitch in the Under 12 age group.

Small Sided Football Grading for the ages 8 to 11

Our district follows the format of the national small-sided football curriculum for the ages 8 to 11.

The philosophy behind Small Sided Football is not to have these age groups play on a competition
basis in other words the game results with not be published on the leagues tables. However, each
team is expected to hand in their team sheets on a weekly basis in order for the Grading committee to
understand the playing level in each division. The Small Sided Football grading committee is then
able to undertake a review of the placement of teams in the various pools.

This part of the process of the SSF Grading Committee, is implemented to measure and try to maintain
a balance within the various playing groups and therefore to create a fair game for all.

We as a club have requested Danny Silvestri our head coach to assist each of the teams in the age
groups of 8 to 11 to determine for the teams the be entered in the correct division for the season. A
review will occur after round 9 of the Season.

At the conclusion of the season there will be an age division gala day held on which day each player
will receive the acknowledgement for participating in the sport.
Coaches and Managers
                                 Codes of Conduct
 1. Remember that junior players participate for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun.
 2. Never ridicule or yell at a junior player for making a mistake or not winning.
 3. Be reasonable in your demands on players' time, energy and enthusiasm.
 4. Operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach your players to do the same.
 5. Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience. All junior players are
    deserving of equal attention and opportunities.
 6. Avoid overplaying the talented players; the just average need and deserve equal time.
 7. Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the
    age and ability of all players.
 8. Display control, respect and professionalism to all involved with the sport. This includes
    opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators. Encourage your
    players to do the same.
 9. Show concern and caution toward sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a
    physician when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or
10. Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices and the
    principles of growth and development of young players.
11. Any physical contact with a junior player should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for
    the player's development.
12. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability,
    Cultural background or religion.

 1. Modify rules and regulations to match the skill levels and needs of young people.
 2. Compliment and encourage all participants.
 3. Be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions.
 4. Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents.
 5. Emphasize the spirit of the game rather than the errors.
 6. Encourage and promote rule changes, which will make participation more enjoyable.
 7. Be a good sport yourself. Actions speak louder than words.
 8. Keep up to date with the latest trends in officiating and the principles of growth and development
    of young players.
 9. Remember, you set an example. Your behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive.
10. Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
11. Give all young people a 'fair go' regardless of their gender, ability, and cultural background or


1. Play by the rules.
2. Never argue with a referee or assistant referee. If you disagree, have your captain,
   coach or manager approach the official on your behalf.
3. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or
   provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted behaviour in soccer.
4. Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team's performance will benefit and so will you.
5. Be a good sport; recognise all good plays whether they are part of your team or the opposition.
6. Treat all participants in soccer as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of
   other competitors.
7. Cooperate with your coach, team-mates and opponents. Without them there would be no game.
8. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
9. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural
  background or religion.

 1. Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment.
 2. Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
 3. Focus on the child's efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
 4. Encourage children always to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without
    resorting to hostility or violence.
 5. Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game.
 6. Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays
    by all participants.
 7. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from all of soccer's activities.
 8. Respect official's decisions and teach children to do likewise.
 9. Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child
    could not participate.
10. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability,
    cultural background or religion.

1. Remember that young people participate for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.
2. Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams. Congratulate all participants
   on their performance regardless of the game's outcome.
3. Respect the decisions of officials and teach junior players to do the same.
4. Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake. Positive comments are motivational.
5. Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
6. Show respect for your team's opponents. Without them there would be no game.
7. Encourage players to follow the rules and the officials' decisions.
8. Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials.
9. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability,
   cultural background or religion.

The CDSFA appoints referees to officiate games from Under 10s to Seniors.

The referee has total control of the match. You may not always agree with his/her decisions, but
remember, only errors in the application of the Rules of the Game are deemed grounds for appeal
against a referees’ decision, in such a situation, this should be noted on the match sheet. Be guided by
your professionalism and always treat referees with courtesy and respect.

Referees and Assistant referees must be paid BEFORE a game in CASH.

Each team pays half of the total fee. Ensure they sign your receipt book so that you can claim the
amount from the canteen at Henley Park.


  Grade/Division                  Referee Fee                Assistant Referee Fee

  Under 10                        $15.00                     $5.00

  Under 11                        $15.00                     $5.00

  Under 12                        $20.00                     $10.00

  Under 13                        $20.00                     $10.00

  Under 14                        $20.00                     $10.00

  Under 15                        $25.00                     $15.00

  Under 16                        $25.00                     $15.00

  Under 17                        $30.00                     $15.00

  Under 18                        $30.00                     $15.00

  Under 21/WIL                    $35.00                     $17.00

  All Age                         $35.00                     $17.00

  Over 35’s                       $35.00                     $17.00

  Over 45’s                       $35.00                     $17.00

  BBC/GMT                         $40.00                     $20.00

upon remittance of receipt                                                                           24
               Strict ruling for 2021 season
what your receipt for re-imbursement of the referee/linesman
             fees should look like

   Original                        RECEIPT                                 01

                                                       Date 04/04/2021

   Received from
                       AAL/1A Enfield versus AAL/1A Juventus

   The sum of $50.00                                                          .


   Being for Referee
                        J. Smith     and        51000000        $     35.00
   Linesman             Name         and         number         $                     .

   Linesman             Name         and         number         $                     .

   $ 35.00                                   J. Smith
                                             Signature of centre referee

  •    Please ensure that your receipt highlights the following important information:
              o   Date.
              o   Match details (Enfield vs. whom).
              o   Sum paid; individual and total.
              o   Referee and assistant referee name and number (number is more important than
                  the name).
              o   Signature or initials.
  •    Name and number is required for both the referee and assistant referees. If any of them are
       unable to provide you with their number, then do not pay him/her. We will not reimburse you
       for that person, pay at your own risk.
  •    You need to hand in the original receipt at the club canteen to receive your reimbursement.



Tony Santangelo is the Club Equipment Steward. You will be issued with training equipment for your
team. Coaches and Managers are ultimately responsible for the proper use and maintenance of these.

All club equipment (bibs, cones, GK jersey if team has borrowed from the club) remains the property
of Enfield Rovers and MUST be returned at the end of the season. Failure to do so will result in the
club taking action against you for the recovery of its property.

NOTE: Every player is to buy their own kit online through the Ultra Football link on our club website
www.enfieldfc.com.au under the tab Online Shop. It is the responsibility of the players/parents
themselves to get the right outfit and right size. If size is wrong they will have to contact Ultra Football.


If your game is the last one scheduled, you are to help with taking down
nets etc. See Managers checklist


Ensure that players are well hydrated at all times. Each player must use their own drink bottle. All
empty bottles and other rubbish should be disposed of correctly.


The sharing of drink bottles has been identified as an area of high risk in relation to the transfer of
saliva and increased possibility of contracting the Meningococcal Bacteria, a potentially life-
threatening disease. As a carrier, one is relatively safe, but can still pass it on to someone who will not
be as fortunate. Enfield Rovers recommends that drink bottles are NOT SHARED.


Child minding is NOT the responsibility of coaches or managers. Parents must ensure that their child
arrives at and leaves the park safely and on time.

Ground Name               Address                                         Council/Operator               Map
Algie Park                Ramsay Road, HABERFIELD                         Ashfield         8752 1506       Map

Arlington Oval            Constitution Lane, DULWICH HILL                 Marrickville     9335 2299       Map

Balmain Road Sporting
                          Balmain Road, Lilyfield                         Leichhardt       9367 9190       Map

                          Sydney Secondary College – Balmain
Balmain Secondary College Campus                                          Balmain DFC      0432813499      Map
                          Terry Street, ROZELLE

Beaman Park               Flinders Road, EARLWOOD                         Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Bark Huts Reserve         Elliot Street, BELFIELD                         Strathfield      9748 9972       Map

Birchgrove Oval           Grove Street, BIRCHGROVE                        Leichhardt       9367 9190       Map

Blair Park                Queen Street, BURWOOD                           Burwood          9078 6170       Map

Bland Oval                221 Bonds Road, RIVERWOOD                       Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Blick Oval                Holden Street, ASHBURY                          Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Bennett Park              Karne Street, ROSELANDS                         Canterbury       9718 7666       Map
                          Waterfront Drive (Rozelle
Callan Park                                                               Balmain DFC      0432 813499     Map
Campbell Park             Bibby Street, CHISWICK                          Canada Bay       9911 6375       Map

Centenary Park            Church Street, CROYDON                          Ashfield         8752 1506       Map

Camdenville Oval          May Street, ST. PETERS                          Marrickville     9335 2299       Map

Cohen Park                Smith Street, ANNANDALE                         Leichhardt       9367 9190       Map

Cooke Park                Chisholm Street, Belfield / South Strathfield   Strathfield      9748 9972       Map

Croydon Park              Croydon Avenue, CROYDON PARK                    Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Easton Park               Lilyfield Road, ROZELLE                         Leichhardt       9367 9190       Map

Edwards Park              Wellbank Street, CONCORD                        Canada Bay       9911 6375       Map

Earlwood Oval             Doris Avenue, EARLWOOD                          Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Ewen Park                 Tennent Pde, HURLSTONE PARK                     Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Fraser Park               100 Marrickville Road, MARRICKVILLE             Marrickville     9335 2299       Map

Gough Whitlam Park        Bayview Ave, EARLWOOD                           Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

Glover St Fields          Glover St , LILYFIELD                           Leichhardt       93679190        Map

Hammond Park              39 Lucy Street, ASHFIELD                        Ashfield         8752 1506       Map

Henley Park               Portland Street, ENFIELD                        Burwood          9078 6170       Map

Hughes Park               Westfield Street, EARLWOOD                      Canterbury       9718 7666       Map

King George Park          Manning Street, ROZELLE                         Leichhardt       9367 9190       Map

12A Kentucky Road, RIVERWOOD
Kentucky Road Reserve                                               Canterbury       9716 7666      Map
                           Nearest cross street is Union Street
Lambert Park               Marion Street, Leichhardt                Leichhardt       0402 306 666   Map

Lance Hutchinson Reserve   221 Bonds Road, RIVERWOOD                Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Lees Park                  Hay Street, CROYDON PARK                 Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Leichhardt Park            Glover Street, LILYFIELD                 Leichhardt       9367 9190      Map
                           Sydney Secondary College -Leichhardt
Leichhardt Secondary       Campus                                   Leichhardt       9367 9190      Map
                           210 Balmain Road, LEICHHARDT

Lysaght Park (Mini)        Bibby Street, CHISWICK                   Canada Bay       9911 6375      Map

Mackey Park                Carrington Road, MARRICKVILLE            Marrickville     9335 2299      Map

Mahoney Park               Illawarra Road, MARRICKVILLE             Marrickville     9335 2299      Map

Mason Park                 Underwood Road, Homebush                 Strathfield      9748 9972      Map

Nield Park                 Henley Marine Drive, RODD POINT          Canada Bay       9911 6375      Map

Punchbowl Oval             Viola Street, PUNCHBOWL                  Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Parry Park                 Punchbowl Road, LAKEMBA                  Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Pratten Park               Arthur Street, ASHFIELD                  Ashfield         8752 1506      Map

Queen Elizabeth Park       Addison Ave, CONCORD                     Canada Bay       9911 6375      Map
                           Nirranda Street, CONCORD (near Concord
Ron Routley Oval                                                    Canada Bay       9911 6375      Map
Rosedale Park              Cnr. Lyminge & Riverside, Croydon Park   Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Rudd Park                  Clarence Street, BELFIELD                Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Steel Park                 Illawarra Road, Marrickville             Marrickville     9335 2299      Map

St Johns Oval              Parramatta Road, CAMPERDOWN                                              Map

Strathfield Park           Chalmers Road, STRATHFIELD               Strathfield      9748 9972      Map

Tasker Park                Phillip Avenue, CAMPSIE                  Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

Tempe Reserve              Holbeach Avenue, Tempe                   Marrickville     9335 2299      Map

Timbrell Park              Henley Marine Drive, DRUMMOYNE           Canada Bay       9911 6375      Map
                           Cnr of Physics Road and Western Ave,
The Square                                                          City of Sydney   9246 7708      Map
                           Sydney University
Wentworth Park             Wattle Street ,GLEBE                     City of Sydney   9246 7708      Map

Wills Ground               Wardell Road, MARRICKVILLE               Marrickville     9335 2299      Map

Yatama Park                Jarrett Street, Clemton Park             Canterbury       9718 7666      Map

  •   Ashfield Council – 8752 1506 - Algie, Centennary, Pratten
  •   Burwood Council – 9078 6170 - Blair, Henley
  •   Canada Bay Council – 9911 6375 - Campbell, Edwards, Neild, Queen Elizabeth, Ron Routley,
  •   Canterbury Council – 9718 7666 - Beaman, Bennett, Blick, Croydon, Earlwood, Ewen,
      Hughes, Lees, Parry, Rudd
  •   Leichhardt Council – 9367 9190 - Birchgrove, Cohen, Easton, King George, Leichhardt
  •   Callan Park controlled by Balmain & D. FC
  •   Marrickville Council – 9335 2299 - Arlington, Camdenville, Mackey, Steel
  •   Fraser Park controlled by Fraser Park FC
  •   Strathfield Council – 9748 9972 - Cooke, Mason, Strathfield

Game Procedures
  •   Do you have a copy of the Rules with you?
  •   Home team to prepare the match sheet well in advance of the start time (definitely 10- minutes
      prior to start time).
  •   All players to have their ID cards present and checked by the referee prior to start time.
  •   Ensure you obtain your ID cards from the referee after the game. This is YOUR responsibility as
      the Manager / Coach.
  •   Ensure you have the correct footballs to play your game with.
  •   Ensure all players playing in your team are eligible in accordance with the Rules. This is YOUR
      responsibility as the Manager / Coach.
  •   VESTED and clearly IDENTIFIABLE Ground Official(s) is known to the referee prior to the
      commencement of the game.

Match Reports

  •   Submit your results straight after your game. SAME DAY!!!!!!
  •   Managers/Coaches are to ensure the game results are entered by Sunday 6pm latest Results
      the Association display on the website each Monday reflect only those results we receive in
      time – and that are not in conflict.

Incident Reports

  •   A report is to be made to the Ground Official / Host Club and your Club on any matter that is
      not common to the running of the game. I.e. injury, ground markings, un-official referees,
      spectator behaviour, change-room condition.
  •   Reports on acts of violence on and off the field at a game, match abandonment (injury
      /violence / ground condition), unacceptable behaviour is to be first reported to Your Club.
  •   Details on the conduct of the Judiciary / Disciplinary / Appeals Committees are located in the


  •   For injury claims please refer to your respective club in the first instance. Information on the
      Football NSW accident support scheme is available on the Football NSW website (also
      accessible through the Association website).

Indiscipline Report

  •   Player’s sent from the field by the referee (official or unofficial) are not to participate in their
      next match. Send-off reports are received by the Association by 6pm Tuesday following the
      weekend’s fixtures with notification of sentences issued to Clubs by 9am Wednesday. You will
      need to front our club internal Disciplinary hearing the following Wednesday after having been
      sent off or upon email notification from the club disciplinary committee.
  •   Team Staff removed from the technical area by a match official (referee / ground official /etc)
      are automatically suspended for a minimum of 1 game. You will need to front our club internal
      Disciplinary hearing the following Wednesday after having been sent off or upon email
      notification from the club disciplinary committee.
  •   The Association will stand down persons if it believes their conduct in games while awaiting a
      hearing may be detrimental to the game.
  •   In most cases where a match official has been the subject of abuse the accused person will be
      stood down immediately from all football involvement.
  •   Details regarding fronting club Disciplinary Committee can be found on our club website
      www.enfieldfc.com.au under club resources.

   Remember – Football is meant to be a game and enjoyed by all no matter the age or level of

Players, team officials, club officials and most importantly parents of junior
     players need to remind themselves of this very simple ideology.

Finale and Disclaimer

This handbook has been prepared for the Coaches and Managers of Enfield Rovers Soccer Club only.
It is a working document and should be used as a quick reference guide.

As with any piece of work produced by human hands, it quite possibly contains some errors or
omissions. It is not a legal document and no responsibility will be taken for any information deemed to
be misleading or incorrect.

We acknowledge that ALL office bearers, volunteers such as Coaches and Managers, that give up a
great deal of time for the players in their care.

The Executive Committee, together with the players and the entire Enfield Rovers Community, thank
you in anticipation, for all your hard work and effort.
Enjoy Season 2021

This publication has been produced by, Enfield Rovers, 2021
It must not be reproduced without permission.
It is also available electronically www.enfieldfc.com.au under Club Resources

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