2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic

2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Directory of
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Billings Clinic At-a-Glance
           Billings Clinic is Montana’s largest health system
           serving Montana, Wyoming and the western Dakotas.

Vision:    A not-for-profit organization led by a physician CEO, Billings
           Clinic is governed by a board of community members,
Billings   nurses and physicians. Billings Clinic is an integrated
Clinic     multi-specialty group practice with a 304-bed hospital and

will       Level II trauma center. Billings Clinic has more than 4,700
           employees, including more than 550 physicians and
provide    advanced practitioners offering more than 80 specialties.

best in    Billings Clinic has 15 regional partnerships, including

nation     management agreements with 14 Critical Access Hospitals.
           In addition, we conduct approximately 119 specialty care
clinical   clinics per month at 22 different regional locations for
quality,   residents of rural Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota.

patient    We were designated as the first Magnet organization in
           Montana in 2006 and are a member of the Mayo Clinic Care
safety,    Network. Billings Clinic launched Montana’s first Internal
service,   Medicine Residency program in 2014 and the state’s only
           Psychiatry Residency program in 2018, a testament to its
and        mission of advancing health care, education, and research.
value.     Last year, Billings Clinic’s cost of Community Benefit totaled
           more than $37.7 million, including $12.8 million in financial
           assistance provided to nearly 14,600 patients.
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
2021 Directory of Physicians

Table of Contents
Departments                                                                                               Pediatric Hospital Medicine............................................. 21
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology........................................4                                   Neonatology........................................................................ 21
Cardiovascular Services............................................................4                      Pediatric Neurology............................................................ 21
   Cardiology...............................................................................4             Pediatric Ophthalmology................................................. 21
   Cardiac, Thoracic & Vascular Surgery...............................5                                   Pediatric Orthopedics........................................................ 21
Dermatology.................................................................................6             Pediatric Pulmonology...................................................... 21
                                                                                                          Pediatric Urology................................................................ 21
Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism..............................6
                                                                                                       Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.................................... 21
Emergency Medicine.................................................................6
                                                                                                       Podiatry........................................................................................ 22
Family Medicine...........................................................................7
   Billings Clinic Downtown.....................................................7                      Psychiatric Services.................................................................. 22
   Billings Clinic Heights............................................................7                   Hospital only........................................................................ 22
   Billings Clinic West.................................................................8                 Outpatient only................................................................... 22
Gastroenterology........................................................................8              Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine..................... 23
Geriatrics........................................................................................8    Radiology.................................................................................... 23
Hospital Medicine.......................................................................9              Research...................................................................................... 24
                                                                                                          Cancer Research.................................................................. 24
Infectious Diseases.................................................................. 10
                                                                                                          Clinical Research................................................................. 24
Internal Medicine..................................................................... 10                 Collaborative Science and Innovation.......................... 24
   Billings Clinic Downtown.................................................. 10                          Diabetes and Metabolic Research.................................. 25
   Billings Clinic Heights......................................................... 11
                                                                                                       Rheumatology .......................................................................... 25
   Billings Clinic West.............................................................. 11
                                                                                                       SameDay Care & ExpressCare.............................................. 25
Internal Medicine Residence Program.............................. 11
   Faculty................................................................................... 11       Surgery......................................................................................... 26
   Residents............................................................................... 12            Cardiac Surgery................................................................... 26
                                                                                                          General Surgery................................................................... 26
Naturopathic Medicine.......................................................... 13
                                                                                                          Metabolic Surgery............................................................... 27
Nephrology................................................................................. 13            Thoracic Surgery................................................................. 27
Neurosciences........................................................................... 13               Vascular Surgery................................................................. 27
   Neurology............................................................................. 13           Urology........................................................................................ 28
   Neurosurgery....................................................................... 14
                                                                                                       Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine.......................... 28
Obstetrics & Gynecology....................................................... 15
   Billings Clinic Downtown.................................................. 15                       Branch Clinics, Affiliates & Regional Practices
   Billings Clinic West.............................................................. 15               Billings Clinic Bozeman OB/GYN......................................... 28
   Gynecologic Oncology...................................................... 15                       Billings Clinic Bozeman Pediatrics...................................... 29
   Maternal-Fetal Medicine................................................... 15                       Billings Clinic Broadwater...................................................... 29
   Reproductive Endocrinology & Fertility......................... 15
                                                                                                       Billings Clinic Cody................................................................... 29
   Urogynecology.................................................................... 16
                                                                                                       Billings Clinic Miles City.......................................................... 30
Occupational Medicine.......................................................... 16
                                                                                                       Beartooth Billings Clinic......................................................... 30
Oncology/Hematology.......................................................... 16
   Genetic Counseling............................................................ 17                   Central Montana Medical Center........................................ 30
   Gynecologic Oncology...................................................... 17                       Colstrip Medical Center.......................................................... 31
   Radiation Oncology........................................................... 17                    Community Medical Center................................................. 31
Ophthalmology......................................................................... 17              Daniels Memorial Healthcare Center................................ 31
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.......................................... 18                             Glendive Medical Center....................................................... 31
Otolaryngology......................................................................... 19             Livingston HealthCare............................................................ 31
   Audiology............................................................................. 19           North Big Horn Hospital........................................................ 32
Palliative/Supportive Care..................................................... 19                     Pioneer Medical Center.......................................................... 32
Pathology.................................................................................... 19       Powell Valley Healthcare........................................................ 32
Pediatrics..................................................................................... 20     Regional Services..................................................................... 32
   Billings Clinic Downtown.................................................. 20                       Roundup Memorial Healthcare........................................... 32
   Billings Clinic West.............................................................. 20               Sheridan Memorial Hospital................................................. 32
   Pediatric Cardiology........................................................... 20                  Stillwater Billings Clinic.......................................................... 32
   Pediatric Dermatology...................................................... 20
   Pediatric Endocrinology.................................................... 20                      Three Rivers Health.................................................................. 32
   Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.................................... 20                                Wheatland Memorial Healthcare........................................ 32
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Welcome to Billings Clinic
    Billings Clinic has more than 550 physicians and advanced practitioners as part of more than 4,700 clinical and support
    staff providing health care, education and research to our community and region. We value our relationship with you and
    hope this provider directory can assist you in partnering with Billings Clinic to provide the highest quality of care for the
    patients we serve. With patients at the core of our multi-specialty group practice, our goal is to make the referral process
    seamless, while emphasizing the importance of returning your patient back to you as quickly as possible.

    Patient Transfer Process
    The purpose of the Transfer Center is to assist you and your care team in determining what will best meet the
    needs of your patient. The benefit of this process is to ensure a seamless connection from providers in the region to the
    correct accepting provider. All of the information is obtained in one step. In addition, MedFlight dispatch will be on the
    line to help coordinate a flight if necessary. Our specially trained staff will coordinate your transfer or arrange for a medical
    conversation with a Billings Clinic physician.

    To contact the Transfer Center call Billings Clinic’s Physician Communication Line:
    (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
2021 Directory of Physicians

Billings Clinic’s MedFlight Air Ambulance Service was the first flight team west of the Mississippi River and began serving
the region in 1978. Now a regional leader in patient transport, the MedFlight team strives to offer the highest level of
clinical assessment and treatment during transport. The patient is our first priority. The focus of MedFlight is to deliver the
highest quality care in the safest environment possible while minimizing costs to the patient.

Capabilities: MedFlight is able to bring additional equipment, medications and resources to the patient if needed.
These include blood products, whole blood for trauma patients, medications to reverse anticoagulants, antivenin for
rattlesnake bites, and a balloon pump to help a post cardiac injury patient. Our Billings Clinic physicians will coordinate
care between the sending facility and our flight team.

Specialized teams: Billings Clinic offers specialized flight teams for high risk OB, and NICU (Neonatal ICU) patients.
The flight team is composed of Registered Nurses and Registered Respiratory Therapists. MedFlight can also transport
any adult or pediatric patient requiring transfer to another facility.

Safety: MedFlight is committed to the safest possible transport of patients. Our two Beechcraft King Air 200 turbo-jet
fixed wing aircrafts have dual engines and are flown by two pilots.

Value: MedFlight remains committed to delivering the highest quality care at the lowest possible cost, thereby delivering
both great care and great value. With the increasing number of Air Medical Providers in the region, we encourage you to
investigate each provider agency for their capabilities, safety and value, as many providers cost substantially more.

Our vision is to be a national leader in providing the best clinical quality, patient safety, service and value. Shared
electronic medical records are one way we have worked toward achieving that goal. For secure electronic access to
shared patients medical records we have established BillingsClinicConnect, a secure portal in which you can view
records and have access to a variety of resources.

To enroll in BillingsClinicConnect, please visit billingsclinicconnect.com
or call our Physician Communication Line at (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774.
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Allergy, Asthma &                               three electrophysiologists.
                                                    Services include diagnostic
    Immunology                                      electrophysiology studies, tilt-table
    The physicians in the Department of             testing, pacemaker and defibrillator
    Allergy, Asthma & Immunology                    implantation and follow-up,
    provide diagnosis and treatment for             radiofrequency ablations, and Laser
    asthma, pediatric and adult allergies,          lead extractions.
    clinical immunology,                                                                          Tarek            Clara
    immunodeficiency diseases,
                                                    Billings Clinic has state-of-the-art          Ibrahim, MD      Kwan, MD
                                                    cardiac catheterization labs where
    urticaria, allergic rhinitis and food
                                                    cardiologists perform cardiovascular
    allergies. Consultations and
                                                    interventions such as coronary
    educational programs are available.
                                                    angioplasty, intracoronary stent
                                                    placement and atherectomy,
                                                    structural heart; including TAVR and
                                                    chronic total occlusion. The
                                                    electrophysiology lab features an EP
                                                    monitoring system and X-ray                   Robert           Brett
                                                    equipment that augments leading               Minor, MD        Oestreich,
                                                    edge technology for complex                   (Missoula)       MD
    Juan                  Kathleen                  ablation procedures, including
    Adams, MD             Davis, MD,                treatment for atrial fibrillation.
                          FACAAI                    Wellness and prevention services
                                                    include a heart failure management
                                                    clinic, cardiac rehabilitation, and
                                                    nutrition education and counseling
                                                    with a registered dietitian.
                                                                                                  Brian            Juan Pablo
                                                    Cardiology                                    Rah, MD,         Rodriguez-
                                                                                                  FACC             Escudero, MD
    Lanske, MD

    Physicians in the Department of                 Luis                  Loren                   Kristin          Per
    Cardiology offer consultative,                  Alvarez, MD           Budge, MD,              Scott-Tillery,   Sommer, MD,
    diagnostic, treatment and                                             FACC                    MD, FACC         FACC, FSCAI
    therapeutic services to adult
    patients with cardiovascular
    diseases. They work closely with
    members of the Department of
    Cardiac Surgery. Pediatric Cardiology
    for children under age 18, is
    available through Billings Clinic’s
    Pediatric Center (see page 20.)                 William               Barbara                 Alan             Douglas
                                                    Dresen, MD            Dudczak, MD,            Thometz,         Waldo, MD
    Consultative services and a wide                                      FACC                    MD, FACC         (Missoula)
    range of specialized cardiac
    procedures are offered, including
    exercise and pharmacological stress
    testing, echocardiography, nuclear
    cardiology, cardiac imaging
    including cardiac MRI and CT, holter
    monitoring, cardiac catheterization,
    coronary arteriography, and                     Collin                Emily                   Matthew          Thomas
    coronary interventional procedures.             Fischer, MD           Hanson, MD              Weiss, MD        Wolford, MD
    In addition, the department has                                                               (Missoula)       (Cody)
4                           billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
2021 Directory of Physicians

Cardiovascular Services –                      Cardiac, Thoracic &
Cardiology (cont’d)
                                               Vascular Surgery
                                               The Department of Cardiac, Thoracic &
                         Photo                 Vascular Surgery, located on the second
                          Not                  floor of the clinic, provides a wide array
                                               of services which include primary and
                                               reoperative coronary artery bypass, and          Zachary       Sarah
                                               cardiac valve surgery including valve            Bland, MD     Counts, MD
Zach                 Sara                      replacement and repair, along with
Appel, PA            Becker, NP                minimally invasive valve surgery in
                     (Cody)                    selected patients. Cardiac
                                               revascularization generally includes the
                                               utilization of the internal mammary
                                               artery. Some patients are candidates for
                                               minimally invasive off pump (beating
                                               heart) bypass surgery. Operations for
                                                                                                Daniel        John
                                               acute and chronic aortic dissection, as                        Gregory, MD
                                                                                                Gramins, MD
                                               well as thoracic aneurysms, are
Steven               Robin                     performed by the division. Surgical
Blohm, FNP           Garland, NP               treatment of atrial fibrillation is available.
                                               Billings Clinic thoracic surgeons provide
                                               surgical evaluation and treatment for
                                               pulmonary, pleural, mediastinal and
                                               chest wall cases. Our surgeons offer
                                               expertise in Video-Assisted
                                               Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS),                    Robert        Eric
                                               robotic-assisted surgery, complex cases          Hancock, MD   Howell, MD
Kellan               Erin                      requiring thoracotomy and employ
Harris, PA           Lafavor, PA               minimally invasive techniques when
                                               Billings Clinic combines the expertise of
                                               vascular surgeons, cardiothoracic
                                               surgeons and interventional radiologists
                                               to provide comprehensive vascular care
                                               for patients in our region. Vascular             Sean          Scott
                                               Surgery consists of experienced,                 Jones, MD     Ziporin, MD
Leah                 Taylor
                                               board-certified surgeons specializing in
Morissette, NP       Pohle, PA
                                               traditional vascular medicine and
                                               surgery who provide treatment for
                                               carotid and vertebral artery blockages,
                                               peripheral arterial disease, thoracic and
                                               abdominal aortic aneurysms, thoracic
                                               outlet syndrome, varicose veins and
                                               deep vein thrombosis. The surgeons and
                                               interventional radiologists also offer           Chad          Janice
Brittany             Tanja                     endovascular procedures for arterial and         Holgard, PA   Ostermiller,
Silvers, NP          Sloan, PA                                                                                NP
                                               venous intervention. The Billings Clinic
                                               Vein Center is available for patients
                                               needing evaluation and treatment of
                                               vein disorders including lower extremity
                                               varicose vein disease. The Vascular Lab
                                               offers specialized diagnostic procedures
                                               such as real time Doppler images of the
                                               carotid arteries, segmental pressures and
                                               exercise testing on upper and lower              Christina     Samantha
Joslyn               Karista                                                                    Richardson,   Thompson,
Thompson, NP         Walsh, NP, DNP            extremities.                                     PA            NP
                            For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                    5
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Dermatology                                    Diabetes, Endocrinology                       Emergency Medicine
    The Dermatology Center offers the              & Metabolism                                  Emergency medical services are
    most comprehensive medical                     The physicians and nurse                      provided at the Nationally
    dermatology, skin cancer detection             practitioners in the Department of            Designated Level II Emergency &
    and treatment in the region. The               Diabetes, Endocrinology &                     Trauma Center located on the north
    board-certified dermatologists                 Metabolism specialize in the                  side of the hospital off 10th Avenue
    provide diagnosis and treatment for            diagnosis and treatment of                    North. Billings Clinic Emergency &
    children and adults of all ages with           endocrine gland diseases. These               Trauma Center has a full time Board
    disorders of the hair, nails and skin.         include diabetes, thyroid,                    Certified Emergency Physicians
    The department has expertise in                parathyroid, pituitary and adrenal            prepared to provide care for any
    geriatric dermatology, pediatric               gland dysfunction. This team of
    dermatology, phototherapy, contact                                                           acute illness or injury. Emergency
                                                   providers also focuses on metabolic           services span the continuum of
    allergy testing, whole-body photo              disorders such as obesity and
    mole mapping, Mohs micrographic                                                              emergency care, including
                                                   diabetes, and works with a
    surgery of skin cancer, reconstructive                                                       pre-hospital medical control,
                                                   multidisciplinary team including
    surgery, laser surgery and                                                                   assessment, life-saving stabilization,
                                                   certified diabetes educators,
    dermatopathology.                              registered dietitians, certified              and patient disposition to
                                                   personal trainers, and social workers.        in-hospital care. Physicians utilize
                                                                                                 wireless tablets at the bedside to
                                                                                                 access the patient’s medical history,
                                                                                                 including medication information,
                                                                                                 allergy information, lab, radiology,
                                                                                                 test results, and physician notes.
                                                                                                 Care managers are staffed to assist
                                                                                                 the physicians in providing social
    Jake                  Mark                     Reed                  Haleigh                 services interventions and discharge
    Fagan, MD             Jones, MD,               Christensen,          James, MD               planning. The Emergency & Trauma
                          FAAD, FACMS              MD, FACP                                      Center is committed to providing
                                                                                                 exemplary service-oriented, quality
                                                                                                 care to patients, their families and
                                                                                                 Billings Clinic’s MedFlight Air
                                                                                                 Ambulance Service optimizes our
                                                                                                 regional service by providing safe
    Gail                  Diana                    David                 James                   and rapid critical care airplane
    Kleman, MD,           Norton, MD               Johnson, MD           Mack, MD                transport to the Trauma Center.
                                                                                                 MedFlight’s team is comprised of
                                                                                                 critical care nurses and respiratory
                                                                                                 therapists who are trained to
                                                                                                 provide stabilization of all health
                                                                                                 care needs available at our facility. To
                                                                                                 arrange an emergency transfer via
                                                                                                 MedFlight air or ground transport to
    Samuel                Michelle                 Jeanne                Nolawit                 Billings Clinic Emergency & Trauma
    Reck, MD,             Spenny, MD               Ortiz, MD,            Tesfaye, MD             Center call toll free: 1-800-325-1774.
    FAAD                                           FAAFP

    Jeffrey                                        Kim                   Jessica                 Nathan                 Jamiee
    Williams, MD                                   Ackerman, NP          Scheer, NP              Allen, MD,             Belsky, MD
6                          billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
2021 Directory of Physicians

Emergency Medicine (cont’d)

                                              Sara                  Jed                     Garett         Robert
                                              Nyquist, MD,          Walker, DO              Williams, MD   Hauptman,
Brian               Gary                      FACEP                                                        PA
Boguslawski,        Breetz, MD

                                              Ronald                Michael                 Cindy
Barbara             Brian                     Winters, MD,          Zieske, MD              Murray, PA
Curry, MD,          Guerico, MD               FACEP
                                              Family Medicine                               Billings Clinic Heights
                                              Billings Clinic has board-certified
                                              family medicine physicians,
                                              physician assistants and nurse
                                              practitioners. To provide effective
                                              health management and education,
                                              these physicians emphasize
Whitney             Daniel                    preventive health care and
Gum, MD             Hurst, DO                 screening. They provide continuing            Cameron        Seth
                                              care for the entire family, including         Grove, DC,     Larson, DO
                                              women’s health services, prenatal             MD
                                              care, newborn care, immunizations,
                                              physical examinations, urgent and
                                              chronic care.

                                              Billings Clinic
Lee, MD,
                    Light, MD,
FACEP               FACEP                                                                   Kristen        Micah
                                                                                            Prewitt, DO    Puyear, DO

                                              Cynthia               Virginia
Mary Bethany        James                     Brewer, DO,           Mohl, MD,
McMaster, MD        Miller, DO,               FAAFP                 PhD                                    Sarah
                    FACEP                                                                   Larry
                                                                                            Bradley, PA    Cruse, NP

                                              Larry                 Michael
Emily               Ryan                      Severa, MD            Temporal, MD
Morrison, DO        Neidhardt, MD
                         For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                  7
2021 Directory of Physicians - Billings Clinic
Family Medicine –                                                                              Gastroenterology
    Billings Clinic Heights (cont’d)
                                                                                                   Our board-certified
                                                                                                   gastroenterologists provide
                                                                                                   screening, diagnosis and treatment
                                                                                                   for digestive tract diseases including
                                                                                                   nutritional disorders, biliary tract
                                                     Cody                 Angela                   disease and hepatology. The
                                                     Englert, DO          Goodman,                 physicians offer leading-edge
                                                                          MD                       technology such as capsule
    Zachary                Hanah
    Halgren, NP            Heser, NP                                                               endoscopy, BRAVO 48 hour pH
                                                                                                   testing, high resolution anal rectal
                                                                                                   manometry, and esophageal
                                                                                                   motility testing. Outpatient
                                                                                                   diagnostic procedures are
                                                                                                   performed at Billings Clinic Hospital.
                                                                                                   Consultations, including therapeutic
                                                     Donald              Daniela                   endoscopy and educational
                                                     Grewell, DO,        Mestre, MD                programs, are available.
    Rachel                 Jill
    McDonald, PA           Powell, PA

    Billings Clinic West

                                                     Ryan                Krysta                    Christopher            Michael
                                                     Schwanke,           Devries, PA               Blevins, MD            Fischer, MD

    Shelly                 Emily
    Castles, MD            Colson, MD

                                                     Marie               Kristy                    Steven                 Eric
                                                     Kennedy, PA         Martin, NP                Hammond,               Nelsen, MD

    Dawn                   Jessica
    Corso, MD              Cozzens, MD,

                                                     Heather             Chris                     Bradley
                                                     Schroder, NP        Smith, PA                 Zins, MD

    Jennell                Heidi
    Duey, MD                                                                                       The board-certified physicians and
                           Duncan, MD,
                           FAAFP                                                                   certified non-physician providers
                                                                                                   with the Division of Geriatric
                                                                                                   Medicine bring a team approach to
                                                                                                   helping diagnose and manage
                                                     Karen                                         health care for elderly persons. A
                                                     Stainton, NP
                                                                                                   comprehensive assessment can be

8                            billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

completed by a multidisciplinary team           Hospital Medicine
that helps identify the chronic, medical
and psychosocial needs of frail elderly.        The Hospitalist Program consists of
The staff works with elderly persons            board-certified and board-eligible
who are inpatients, outpatients or              physicians whose goal is to provide
living in a nursing home. The geriatrics        high quality, safe, efficient inpatient
team also brings expertise in diagnosis         care for patients while they are in
and management of patients with                 the hospital, as well as medical              Matthew         Brian
dementia and other psychological                consultation for other hospital               Fischer, MD     Fullerton, MD
illnesses.                                      services. Not having an office
                                                practice and remaining in the
                                                hospital all day allows the hospitalist
                                                physician to respond to the patient’s
                                                needs in a timely manner. The
                                                hospitalist physicians not only focus
                                                on patient care but maintain
                                                excellent communication between
                                                patients, nurses, care managers,              Julian          Glen
Irene                 Larry                     families and referring physicians.            Grecco, MD      Guzman, MD
Lohkamp, MD           Severa, MD

                                                Shelly                 Brendan                Joseph          Thomas
                                                Basye, MD              Bellew, MD,            Law, MD         Luers, MD
Eliza                 Marji                                            PhD
Caldwell, NP          Cunningham,

                                                Jeri Lynn              Andrea                 Peter           Kevin
Leigh                                           Casagrande,            Darilek, MD,           Mitchell, MD,   Moran, MD
                      Amy                       DO                     FAAP, FHM
Gipe, NP              Hansen, PA                                                              FACP


                                                Alden                  Edward                 Emily           Jacob
Christine             Danielle                  Dykstra, MD            Ferman, DO             Pearlman,       Perrin, MD
LaVerdiere,           Martin, NP                                                              MD

                                                                                              Jennnifer       Catherine
Miranda                                                                                       Pflug, MD,      Stephens,
Meunier, NP                                                                                   FAAP            MD, FCCP
                           For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                      9
Hospital Medicine (cont’d)                     Infectious Diseases                           Internal Medicine
                                                    The board-certified and fellowship-           The Department of Internal Medicine
                                                    trained physicians in the Infectious          offers comprehensive medical services
                                                    Diseases Department provide                   for adults. In the Internal Medicine
                                                    diagnosis and treatment for acute             department, board-certified
                                                    and chronic viral, bacterial, and             physicians, physician assistants and
                                                    fungal infections, consultation in            nurse practitioners provide primary
                                                    cases of complicated infectious               care for adults and adolescents with
     Laura                 Di
     Szabo, MD             Wu, MD                   processes, and advice on the                  a broad range of general medical
                                                    prevention of communicable                    problems. They also offer routine
                                                    diseases. Special expertise includes          physical examinations and
                                                    Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, MRSA,                  management of acute and chronic
                                                    COVID-19, sexually transmitted                medical illnesses. Physicians, physician
                                                    diseases, tuberculosis, Q fever,              assistants and the nurse practitioners
                                                    Norwalk virus, travelers’ illnesses,          in the division have a strong interest
                                                    post-operative infections, wound              in preventive medicine.
                                                    infections and wound
     Jessica               Christina                management.                                   Billings Clinic Downtown
     Amsden, PA            Armstrong, PA

                                                    Evan                  Tsun                    Fran                  Alyssa
     Kate                  Joseph                   Bell, MD              Sheng Ku, MD            Argani, MD            Burkhart, MD
     Blakeslee, PA         Epperson, PA

                                                    Martin                Anne Michal             Gay                   Dana
                                                    Prager, MD            Stevens, MD             Canaris, MD           Davis, MD
     Elizabeth             Grace
     Grandahl, PA          West, PA

                                                                                                  Keith                 Baskar
                                                                                                  Davis, MD             Duval, MD

                                                                                                  Taylor                Kylie
                                                                                                  Easley, MD            Ebner, DO

10                          billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Internal Medicine –                            Billings Clinic Heights                       Internal Medicine
Billings Clinic Downtown (cont’d)
                                                                                             Residency Program

Steven                Matthew                  Emery, MD
Gerstner, MD,         Hartman, MD
                                                                                             Alyssa         Gay
                                               Billings Clinic West                          Burkhart, MD   Canaris, MD

James                 Joseph
Jackson, MD           Kerley, MD
                                               Christopher         Katie
                                               Dietrich, DO        Germany, MD               Dana           Keith
                                                                                             Davis, MD      Davis, MD

Kale                  Jason
Knudson, MD           Kunz, DO
                                               Daniel              Kari
                                               Gomez, MD           Kale, MD                  Christopher    Taylor
                                                                                             Dietrich, DO   Easley, MD

Megan                 Matthew
McMillan, MD          Niemeyer,
                                               Joseph              Eric
                                               Peila, MD           Saberhagen,               Kylie          Steven
                                                                   MD                        Ebner, DO      Gerstner, MD,

Sarah                 Barr
Peila, MD             Petersen, MD

                                               Janelle             Seth
                                               Sunvold-            Wilson, PA                Daniel         Matthew
                                               Palmer, NP                                    Gomez, MD      Hartman, MD

Noelle                Lacy
Thomas, MD            Tangedahl, NP
                          For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                     11
Internal Medicine Residency
     Program – Faculty (cont’d)

                                                   Eric                Noelle                    Brittany        Kendell
                                                   Saberhagen,         Thomas, MD                Christensen,    Coburn, DO
                                                   MD                                            MD
     James                Joseph
     Jackson, MD          Kerley, MD

                                                                                                 Jennifer        Jafary
                                                                                                 Eitingon, MD    Fafara, MD
     Kale                 Jason
     Knudson, MD          Kunz, DO                 Conrad              Sydney
                                                   Addison, MD         Asper, MD

                                                                                                 William         Paul
                                                                                                 Greene, DO      Harrie, MD
     Megan                Virginia
     McMillan, MD         Mohl, MD,                Travis              Joel
                          PhD                      Bailey, MD          Barnett, MD

                                                                                                 Seth            Barbara
                                                                                                 Heikkila, MD    McMullan, MD
     Matthew              Joseph
     Niemeyer,            Peila, MD                Jay                 Thomas
     DO                                            Brahmbhatt,         Brockhoft, MD

                                                                                                 Sarah           Andrew
                                                                                                 Mete, DO        Monforton,
     Sarah                Barr
     Peila, MD            Petersen, MD             Vera                TyaJean
                                                   Bude, MD            Campbell, MD

                                                                                                 Jaclyn          Dillon
                                                                                                 Nguyen, MD      Noland, DO

12                         billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Internal Medicine Residency                   Naturopathic Medicine                         Malta, Miles City, Plentywood,
Program – Residents (cont’d)                                                                Poplar, Scobey, Shelby, and Sidney,
                                              Billings Clinic offers integrative            Montana, and Cody and Lovell,
                                              medicine for whole-person care,               Wyoming.
                                              including but not limited to
                                              naturopathic medicine and
                                              integrative oncology. This integrative
                                              approach combines a philosophy of
                                              holistic care with state-of-the-art
                                              medical services. Services offered
Ethan                Jacob                    through the Integrative Medicine
Pauley, MD           Perrin, MD
                                              Department include well exams for
                                              men and women; menopause/                     Grace                 Heather
                                              peri-menopause treatment options              Kim, MD               McGuire, MD
                                              (including bio-identical hormones);
                                              nutrition, botanical medicine,
                                              vitamin/mineral supplementation;
                                              and integrative cancer care.

Nicole               James
Phillips, MBBS       Rankin, MD

                                                                                            Kim                   Jolene
                                                                                            Trostel, MD,          Karls, PA

                                              Bourgon, ND                                   Neurosciences
Brian                Julia
Reidy, DO            Robison, MD              Nephrology                                    The Department of Neurology
                                              Board certified nephrologists                 specializes in disorders of the
                                              provide diagnosis and treatment of            neurological system and structures
                                              diseases involving the kidneys,               such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy
                                              including acute and chronic renal             and seizure, sleep disorders, stroke,
                                              failure, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis       muscular dystrophy and movement
                                              and complicated cases of                      disorders. In collaboration with the
                                              hypertension and electrolyte                  pediatric department, we offer
                                              disturbances. Dialysis services for           diagnosis and treatment to both
Elizabeth “Ellie”    Pavel                                                                  children and adults for disease of the
Schiedemayer,        Shevtsov, MD             patients are available in the Billings
MD                                            Clinic Dialysis Center, located near          brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves
                                              the hospital, as well as at our satellite     and muscles. Our board certified
                                              dialysis site in Sheridan, Wyoming.           physicians also perform neurological
                                              We have established working                   testing in the clinic, such as
                                              relationships with several transplant         electromyography(EMG) and
                                              centers, and assist patients in               electroencephalography(EEG).
                                              preparation for kidney
                                              transplantation. We also provide
Meredith             Chance                   ongoing care for patients following
Sladic, MD           Stewart, MD              kidney transplant.
                                              Outreach clinic locations include
                                              Bozeman and Miles City, Montana,
                                              and Cody and Sheridan, Wyoming.
                                              Telemedicine appointments are also            Steven                Michael
                                              available in Baker, Big Timber, Circle,       Arbogast, DO          Bradshaw, MD
                                              Culbertson, Ekalaka, Forsyth,
                                              Glasgow, Glendive, Livingston,
Zitello, MD
                         For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                               13
Neurosciences – Neurology (cont’d)                                                          addition, spinal surgery also includes
                                                                                                 the insertion of implantable pain
                                                                                                 pumps and electrical stimulation of
                                                                                                 the nervous system for the treatment
                                                                                                 of chronic pain of multiple etiologies.
                                                                                                 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery is
                                                                                                 available for certain neurologic
                                                   Ashley                Adam                    diseases centered in the brain.
                                                   Adams, PA             Lambert, PA
     Gauhar               Martha
     Chaudhary, MD        Cruz, DO

                                                                                                 Eugen                  Michael
                                                   Pamela                                        Dolan, MD              Morone, MD,
                                                   Smith, NP                                                            PhD
     Mary                 John
     Gaddy, MD            Herndon, MD
                                                   The Neurosurgery physicians offer
                                                   diagnosis, treatment and surgery for
                                                   diseases and injuries to the brain,
                                                   spinal cord, peripheral nerves and
                                                   muscles in both adult and pediatric           Mark                   Dusty
                                                                                                 Piedra, MD             Richardson,
                                                   patients. Treatment encompasses
     Sarah                Jalyoung                 both non-operative management
     Hughes, DO           Joe, MD                  (prevention, diagnosis-including
                                                   image interpretation-and treatment
                                                   such as, neurocritical intensive care,
                                                   brain and spinal cord injury and
                                                   rehabilitation) and operative
                                                   management with its associated
                                                   image use and interpretation. The
                                                                                                 Christopher            Holly
                                                   operative treatment of brain                  Stewart, DO            Blehm, NP
                                                   disorders includes surgery for head
     Richard              Dennis                   trauma, the excision and biopsy of
     Lewis, MD            O’Brien, MD              brain tumors, surgical procedures
                                                   involving both the intraand extra
                                                   cranial vascular supply to the brain,
                                                   pituitary surgery, epilepsy surgery
                                                   and surgery requiring computer-
                                                   assisted stereotactic localization of
                                                   brain lesions. The neurosurgical              Laura                  Reid
                                                   treatment of spinal disorders                 Forcella, NP           Gage, PA
                                                   includes minimally invasive spinal
     Sara                 Scott                    surgery for the treatment of disc
     Qureshi, MD          Riggins, MD              disorders as well as complex spinal
                                                   reconstructive surgeries due to
                                                   spinal degeneration, previous spinal
                                                   surgery, trauma and scoliosis. These
                                                   complex spine surgeries often utilize
                                                   instrumentation to stabilize the
                                                   spine as well as computer assisted            Jamaica                Randal
                                                   stereotaxis to aide in the correct            Moore, PA              Pearson, PA
                                                   placement of the instrumentation. In

14                         billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Obstetrics &
The Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology is staffed by board-
certified and board-admissible
physicians and nurse practitioners.
The department offers a wide range of              C.H. Tersh          James                     Kristin                 Michael
basic and specialized services                     McCracken III,      Metherell,                Bell, PA                Heath Hines,
including maternal/fetal medicine,
                                                   MD, FACOG           MD, FACOG                                         PA
reproductive endocrinology and
infertility, in-vitro fertilization, genetic       Billings Clinic West                          Maternal-Fetal Medicine
counseling, microsurgical procedures,
high risk obstetrics with amniocentesis
and ultrasound services. Gynecologic
care includes gynecologic urology and
minimally invasive daVinci robotic
surgery. The ob/gyn physicians are
proficient in gynecologic endoscopy
including colposcopy, laparoscopy,
                                                   Dana                Camille                   Michael                 Kaitlyn
and hysteroscopy.                                  Edwards, MD,        Osborn, MD,               Gordon, MD              Leenheers, PA
The Family Birth Center is based on the            FACOG               FACOG
LDRP (labor, delivery, recovery,
postpartum) model. The Family Birth
Center features 21 private birth suites,
in-room sleeping accommodations for
the birth partner and private
bathrooms. Facilities include onsite
triage rooms for labor assessment, two
surgical suites and a Level III Neonatal           Bridget             Doreen                    Kelsey
Intensive Care Unit. Board-certified               Eckley, PA          Kenfield, PA              Ogilvie, PA
ob/gyn physicians are on staff, as well
as maternal-fetal medicine physicians              Gynecologic Oncology                          Reproductive
and neonatologists.
                                                                                                 Endocrinology & Fertility
Billings Clinic Downtown                                                                         Reproductive Endocrinologists offer
                                                                                                 advanced reproductive medicine
                                                                                                 treatments and procedures including,
                                                                                                 Comprehensive female and male
                                                                                                 fertility evaluation, including ovarian
                                                   Justin              Elizabeth                 function, pelvic ultrasound and
                                                   Bottsford-          Connor, MD                hysterosalpingogram (HSG);
                                                   Miller, MD                                    Fertility-specific management of
Amy                     Amanda                                                                   endometriosis and polycystic ovarian
Hopstad, MD,            Langager, MD,                                                            syndrome; Microscopic and
FACOG                   FACOG                                                                    minimally-invasive surgery, including
                                                                                                 tubal reversals; Surgical correction of
                                                                                                 uterine abnormalities; Fertility
                                                                                                 treatments, including ovulation
                                                                                                 induction and intrauterine
                                                   Alexis              Megan                     insemination (IUI); In-vitro fertilization
                                                   Hokenstad, MD       Petersen, MD              program.

Maureen                 Nicole
Lucas, MD,              Mandala, MD,
FACOG                   FACOG

                              For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                                   15
Reproductive Endocrinology                     Occupational
     & Fertility (cont’d)
                                                    Occupational Medicine is staffed
                                                    with physicians who are board
                                                    certified in preventive medicine/
                                                    occupational medicine, experienced
                                                    physician assistants, and physical            Stephanie             Tia Robinette,
                                                    therapists familiar with industrial           Melmer,               MSW, LCSW
                                                    rehab. They provide a range of
     Colleen               Stacy
     Milroy, MD            Shomento,                occupational health services
                           MD, FACOG                including diagnosis and treatment
                           (Bozeman)                of occupational illnesses and
                                                    injuries, comprehensive
                                                    preplacement & DOT exams by a
                                                    Certified Medical Examiner, onsite
                                                    work safety, drug testing, health
                                                    consultations, periodic exams, IME’s,         Shirley, LAC,
                                                    second opinions, FCE’s and care               LCPC
     Christine             Melanie
     McDonnell, PA         Schmitz, PA              The department offers a multitude
     (Bozeman)                                      of services for businesses, employers
                                                    and their employees to promote                Located in the comprehensive
     Urogynecology                                  health in the workplace and to                Cancer Center and using a team
     Billings Clinic has the only                   restore ill or injured employees to           approach with surgery,
     urogynecologists in Montana, Wyoming           productive work.                              interventional radiology ,
     and North Dakota who are specially                                                           gynecologic oncology and radiation
     trained to treat pelvic floor disorders.                                                     oncology, physicians in the
     Other conditions treated include pelvic                                                      Department of Oncology and
     organ prolapse, stress urinary                                                               Hematology offer comprehensive
     incontinence, birth trauma, recurrent                                                        diagnosis and treatment of oncologic
     urinary tract infections, vaginal atrophy,                                                   and hematologic disorders. The staff
     urethral abnormalities, congenital                                                           includes board-certified physicians in
     abnormalities of the female reproductive                                                     internal medicine, oncology and
     tract, fistual repair, and revision of         John                  Trish                   hematology.
     previous mesh complications. Types of
                                                    Petrisko, MD          Barker, PA
                                                                          (Livingston)            The department is involved with
     treatment include botox injections,
                                                                                                  staging and treatment plans for all
     cystoscopy, non-invasive treatment,
                                                                                                  types of cancers and participates in
     minimally invasive surgery, and sacral
                                                                                                  clinical cancer research with the
     neuromodulation or InterStim.
                                                                                                  National Cancer Institute, Montana
                                                                                                  Cancer Consortium, Gynecologic
                                                                                                  Oncology Group, and several
                                                                                                  pharmaceutical companies.
                                                    Susan                 Bryce
                                                    Cervoski, PA          Doak, PA

     Erik                  Craig
     Hokenstad, MD         Mayr, MD, PhD

                                                                                                  Jesus                 Michael
                                                                                                  Fabregas              Kidd, MD
                                                    Julia                 Jennifer Finn,          Mercado, MD
                                                    Marsik, PA            MSW, LCSW,
     Sheila                Tanielle
     Sarmiento, PA         Unger, PA
16                          billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Oncology/Hematology (cont’d)                 Genetic Counseling                            provide radiation treatments with
                                                                                           intensity modulated radiation
                                                                                           therapy (IMRT), stereotactic
                                                                                           radiosurgery, including Gamma
                                                                                           Knife procedures, image guided
                                                                                           radiation therapy (IGRT) and high
                                                                                           dose rate brachytherapy.

Le Min             Shin Yin
Lee, MD            Lee, MD                   Andrea
                                             Crawford, MS

                                             Gynecologic Oncology

                                                                                           Christopher           Michelle
                                                                                           Goulet, MD            Proper, MD
Cesar              Carlos
Ochoa, MD          Silva, MD

                                             Justin               Elizabeth
                                             Bottsford-           Connor, MD
                                             Miller, MD

                                                                                           John                  Breanne
                                                                                           Schallenkamp,         Terakedis, MD
Christian          Tauna
Brady, NP          Jeffery, NP
                                             Alexis               Megan                    Board-certified physicians in the
                                             Hokenstad, MD        Petersen, MD             Department of Ophthalmology
                                                                                           provide complete diagnosis and
                                                                                           treatment of ophthalmologic
                                                                                           disorders in pediatric and adult
                                                                                           patients. Special interests include
                                                                                           pediatric eye care and surgery;
Maria              Kyle                                                                    diagnosis and treatment of diabetic
Krasowski,         Raymond, PA                                                             retinopathy, macular degeneration
NP, DNP                                                                                    and retinal detachment, glaucoma
                                             Kristin              Michael                  treatment including laser surgery,
                                             Bell, PA             Heath Hines,
                                                                  PA                       cataract surgery, eye plastic surgery
                                                                                           in addition to routine eye exams.

                                             Radiation Oncology
                                             The Department of Radiation
                                             Oncology offers the most innovative
                                             technology in the region and is part
Truchot, NP,
MSN                                          of the Cancer Center’s
                                             multidisciplinary team. These
                                             physicians take part in several
                                                                                           Brock                 Julia
                                             weekly site-specific Tumor Boards             Alonzo, MD            Byrd, MD
                                             and work together with surgeons,                                    (Pediatric)
                                             medical oncologists and
                                             gynecologic oncologists to provide
                                             the most effective oncology
                                             treatments for our patients. They

                        For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                              17
Ophthalmology (cont’d)                           Located at North 27th Street and
                                                      7th Avenue North.
                                                      Billings Clinic Orthopedics & Sports
                                                      Medicine is certified in Hip and Knee
                                                      Replacement by the Joint
                                                                                                    Jennifer        Kylinn
                                                                                                    Archibald, PA   Brenden, PA
     James                  Curtis
     Cornetet, MD,          Frewin, MD

                                                      Nicholas              Steven
                                                      Beck, MD              Fischer, MD,
                                                                                                    Randi           Jillian
                                                                                                    Ellis, PA       Hatfield, PA
     Robert                 Brendan
     Gaskill, OD            Girschek, MD

                                                      Bryon                 Noah
                                                      Hobby, MD,            Marks, MD,
                                                      FAAOS                 FAAOS
                                                                                                    Stephanie       Stephen
                                                                                                    Morup, PA       Rogers, PA
     Weaver, MD,
     FAAO (Pediatric)

     Orthopedics &
     Sports Medicine                                  Shane                 Brian
     The Department of Orthopedics &                  Milu, DO              Piazza, MD
     Sports Medicine offers                                                                         Lanny           Elie
     comprehensive diagnosis and                                                                    Schneider, PA   Soueidi, PA
     treatment for disorders of the
     musculoskeletal system in children
     and adults. The board-certified
     physicians and physician assistants
     have special interests in trauma,
     adult reconstructive hip and knee
     surgery, pediatric orthopedics,                  Danielle              Whitney
                                                      Ries de               Robinson,
     arthroscopic surgery, broken bones;              Chaffin, MD           MD, FAAOS
     foot and ankle, shoulder, knee and                                                             Brian           Troy
     elbow injuries; athletic injuries and                                                          Sullivan, PA    Wagner, PA
     surgery, total joint replacements,
     hand injuries and hand surgery. The
     sports medicine physical
     rehabilitation is housed in this
     facility. Sports Specific Training
     programs are offered by Certified
                                                      Guy                   Barry
     Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists,          Schmidt, MD,          Smith, MD,
     Occupational Therapists and                      FAAOS                 FAAOS
     Certified Strength and Conditioning                                                            Matthew
     Specialists.                                                                                   Walsh, PA

18                            billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Otolaryngology                                   Audiology
The Department of Otolaryngology                 The providers in the Department of
– Head and Neck Surgery provides                 Audiology evaluate and manage adults
complete diagnosis and treatment for             and children with hearing loss and
disorders of the ear, nose and throat            balance disorders. The audiologists
in children and adults. It is staffed by         assess the hearing mechanism utilizing
board-certified otolaryngologists and            behavioral techniques as well as
                                                 electrophysiologic tests including            Irene                 Diane
certified audiologists with interests in
                                                 otoacoustic emissions, tympanometry
                                                                                               Lohkamp, MD           Jones, NP,
otology (diseases and surgery of the                                                                                 MSN
                                                 and auditory evoked potentials.
ear), rhinology (diseases and surgery            Balance disorders are evaluated and
of the nasal and sinus passages),                treated utilizing videonystagmography
laryngology (voice and swallowing                and vestibular testing. The audiology
disorders), pediatric otolaryngology,            staff assesses a patient’s need for
tumors of the head and neck, snoring             amplification and other aural
and obstructive sleep disorders,                 rehabilitation, fitting hearing
fracture, trauma, and cosmetic or                instruments and assistive listening
reconstructive surgery of the ears,              devices as well as cochlear implant           Anna
nose and face.                                   mapping.                                      Weber, NP

                                                                                               The Department of Pathology is
                                                                                               staffed by board-certified
                                                                                               pathologists who provide a full
                                                                                               range of anatomic pathology of
                                                                                               both surgical and sub-subspecialty
Jennifer               Maria                     Kristy                Janice                  pathology, including cytopathology,
Andrus, MD,            Buniel, MD                Foss, MCSD            Johnson, AuD
FACS                                                                                           hematopathology and
                                                                                               gastrointestinal pathology. They also
                                                                                               provide clinical pathology services
                                                                                               including consultations in
                                                                                               transfusion medicine, clinical
                                                                                               chemistry, coagulation and medical
                                                                                               microbiology. Laboratory medical
                                                                                               directorships and consultant
Paul                   Robin                     Kelsey                Sarah                   services are provided to regional
Byorth, MD             Horrell, MD,              Mann, AuD             Schied, AuD             laboratories by Billings Clinic
                       PhD                                                                     pathology department.

                           Photo                 Palliative/
                            Not                  Supportive Care                                   Photo
                                                 Palliative care is provided by a team            Available
                                                 of doctors, nurses, and other
                                                 specialists who work together with a
                                                 patient’s other doctors to provide an
Phillip                Afton
Key, MD                Bruffey, NP               extra layer of support. It is                 Bruce                 Simone
                                                 appropriate at any age and at any             Britton, MD           Davion, MD
                                                 stage in a serious illness and can be
                                                 provided along with curative

Lathrop, NP                                                                                    Christina             Ronald
                                                                                               Kavran, DO            Linfesty, MD

                            For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                              19
Pathology (cont’d)                                                                           Pediatric Cardiology

                                                    David               Kathryn
                                                    Higgins, MD         Lysinger, MD
     Trudie               Luke
     Muir, MD             Plumier, MD                                                             Nancy
                                                                                                  Hua, DO

                                                                                                  Pediatric Dermatology

                                                    Jon Matthew         Patricia
                                                    McDonald, MD        Notario, MD
     Mark                 Jeffrey
     Sheiko, MD           Smith, MD

                                                                                                  Gail               Samuel
                                                                                                  Kleman, MD,        Reck, MD,
                                                                                                  FAAD               FAAD

                                                    Leslie              Joan                      Pediatric Endocrinology
                                                    Poling, MD          Sorenson, MD,
     Parker                                                             FAAP
     Marquardt, PA

     Pediatricians specialize in diseases
                                                                                                  Colleen            Janelise
     and conditions of infants, children
                                                    Brian               Megan                     Wood, MD           Clarke, NP
     and adolescents. Services include care
                                                    Starr, MD           Poser, NP
     and consultation for acute and
     chronic pediatric illness, disease                                                           Pediatric Hematology/
     prevention, nutrition information and          Billings Clinic West                          Oncology
     routine physical evaluation. Special
     expertise includes high-risk newborn
     care, cardiology, gastroenterology,
     hematology, oncology, neurology,
     pulmonology, diabetes mellitus,
     genetics and dysmorphology and
     child abuse and neglect.
                                                    Karen               Elizabeth
     Billings Clinic Downtown                       Breetz, MD,         McDonald,
                                                                                                  Jack Staddon, MD
                                                    FAAP                MD

     Deborah              Erin
     Agnew, MD,           Allen, MD                 Michelle
     FAAP                                           Pierson, MD
20                          billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Pediatric Hospital                               Pediatric Neurology                           Pediatric Urology
   Photo                                             Not
    Not                                            Available

                                                 E. Lynn                                       Erin
Lance                  Scott                     Wood, MD                                      Grantham, MD
Robbins, DO            Stephens, DO              (August 2021)

                                                                                               Physical Medicine &
                                                 Pediatric Ophthalmology                       Rehabilitation
                                                                                               The Department of Physical Medicine
                                                                                               and Rehabilitation is staffed by
                                                                                               board-certified physiatrists. They
                                                                                               provide inpatient consultations for
                                                                                               patients who require comprehensive
Caitlin                Katie                                                                   rehabilitation management as a result
Wainscott, MD          Skelton, NP
                                                                                               of their medical problems. Outpatient
                                                 Julia               Daniel Weaver,            rehabilitation management of any
                                                 Byrd, MD            MD, FAAO
Neonatology                                                                                    neurological, medical or
                                                                                               musculoskeletal diagnosis resulting in
Neonatology is a subspecialty of
pediatrics focused on the medical                Pediatric Orthopedics                         loss of function or quality of life for
                                                                                               both children and adults.
care of ill or premature newborn
                                                                                               Interventional procedures and electro
infants in the Billings Clinic Family
                                                                                               diagnostic services (EMG/NCS) are
Birth Center’s Level III neonatal
                                                                                               also provided by this department.
intensive care unit (NICU). Our
neonatologists and pediatricians,
along with our maternal-fetal
medicine specialists, work together
with NICU nurses in the care of                  Brian
high-risk moms and their babies.                 Piazza, MD
Maternal and neonatal emergency
transport is available by MedFlight
air ambulance to our NICU.                       Pediatric Pulmonology                         Lindsey               Terrence
                                                                                               Beck, DO              Cahill, MD

Fermin                 Jeffrey                   Jerimiah            Shelly
Blanco, MD             Cooper, MD                Lysinger, MD        Eagen, NP                 Aaron                 Earl
                                                                                               Flanagan, MD          Healy, DO

Nadine                                           Kaitlyn
Seger, MD                                        Frenk, PA

                            For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                                21
Physical Medicine &                               Psychiatric Services
     Rehabilitation (cont’d)
                                                       Billings Clinic Psychiatric Services
                                                       provides comprehensive mental health
                                                       services, including inpatient treatment
                                                       for adults and youth, as well as the
                                                       Youth Partial Hospitalization Program.
                                                       These services are provided at Billings       Angela          Melinda
                                                       Clinic Psychiatric Center, located at         Schell, NP      Truesdell, NP
                                                       2950 10th Ave. North on the main
     Christopher           James                       campus. Comprehensive outpatient
     Ideen, MD             Johnson, MD
                                                       services, including psychiatric,              Outpatient only
                                                       psychological testing, and mental
                                                       health counseling for individuals and
                                                       families are available at Billings Clinic
                                                       Behavioral Health Clinic, located at
                                                       1020 North 27th Street, Suite 410.

                                                       Hospital only
     Michael               Lynn                                                                      Jared           Julie
     Moore, MD             Shenk, DO                                                                 Bozeman, MD     Kelso, MD

     The management of diabetes-related
     foot problems is the primary focus, but
     a broad spectrum of services is offered,          Adrienne               Allie
     such as: diabetic foot screening and              Coopey, DO             Davis, DO
     preventive care, management of
     diabetic foot infections, treatment of                                                          John            Svetlana
     diabetic foot ulcers, care of skin and                                                          Powers, MD      Yakov, MD
     toenail problems, fungal infections
     management of painful foot
     deformities, flat feet, bunions,
     hammertoes, arthritic conditions,
     treatment of heel pain, management of
                                                       Mariela                Amy
     nerve conditions of the foot, surgical            Herrera Rojas,         Schuett, MD,
     treatment of the above conditions                 MD                     FAPA
     when indicated, and hospital consults.
                                                                                                     John            Rebecca
                                                                                                     Andre, PhD      Davis, PhD

                                                       Susan                  Diane
     Paul                  Ryan                        Finn, NP               Goedde, NP
     Ouradnik,             Payne, DPM
     DPM                                                                                             Brenda          Angela
                                                                                                     Roche, PhD      Wagenaar,

                                                       Bonnie                 Jackie
     Sarah Sample-                                     Karinen, FNP           LaVé, NP
22                             billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
2021 Directory of Physicians

Psychiatric Services –                          critical care medicine. The
Outpatient only (cont’d)                        department is associated with the
                                                Sleep Disorders Center which is
                                                accredited by the American Sleep
                                                Disorders Association.

                                                                                              LaNora                Lynette
                                                                                              Dixon, NP             Gordy, NP

Mark                  Annette
Ackerman, NP          Darkenwald,
                                                Rafael               Manfred
                                                Arciniegas,          Baumgartner,
                                                MD                   MD

                                                                                              Kendra                Tanner
                                                                                              Oestreich, PA         Rienhart, PA
Danielle              Diane
Eldridge,             Hurd, NP
LCSW                                                                                          Radiology
                                                                                              The Department of Radiology is
                                                Fernando             Aleksandra               staffed by board-certified diagnostic
   Photo                                        Caceres, MD          Kwasnik, MD
                                                                                              radiologists and RPA/RA non-
    Not                                                                                       physician providers. They provide a
                                                                                              full range of vascular-interventional,
                                                                                              musculoskeletal, cardiothoracic,
                                                                                              general and neuroradiologic
Andrea                Anne                                                                    diagnostic services including: MRI,
MacDonald,            McRae, NP                                                               CT, CT angiography, Cardiac CT,
NP                                                                                            Cardiac MR, Ultrasound, image
                                                                                              guided biopsy, diagnostic and
                                                Robert               Joyce
                                                Merchant, MD,        Pang, MD                 therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, PET/
Pulmonary, Critical                             FCCP                                          CT, Digital Mammography with CAD,
Care & Sleep Medicine                                                                         3D Tomosynthesis, and breast
                                                                                              interventional procedures, Breast
The Department of Pulmonary
                                                                                              MRI, Breast US, Pain Management,
Disease, Critical Care and Sleep
                                                                                              Radiography /Fluoroscopy,
Disorders Medicine offers diagnosis
                                                                                              Myelography, Arthrography,
and treatment of a variety of
                                                                                              Angiography, Angioplasty,
respiratory system related illnesses.
                                                                                              Thrombolysis, Interventional
Prognosis and specific expertise are
                                                Dave                 Robert                   Oncology, Vascular Stent Placement
offered in: Chronic obstructive
                                                Pucci, DO,           Pueringer, MD,           and Venous ports. State-of-the-art
pulmonary disease; Asthma; Cystic
                                                FCCP                 FCCP, FACP               equipment, training and techniques
fibrosis ; Lung cancer; Interstitial
                                                                                              ensure accurate and efficient
lung disease; Tuberculosis; Sleep
                                                                                              performance of procedures and
medicine; Pulmonary Hypertension
and Pleural disease; Pulmonary
physiology and exercise testing.
Intensive Care Department
physicians are available around the
clock for consultation by phone. All
physicians in the department are                Erin                 Jamie
                                                Rains, DO            Riha, MD
American Board of Internal Medicine
certified in pulmonary disease and
                                                                                              Doug                  Zachary
                                                                                              Bell, MD              Bland, MD

                           For patient use: (406) 238-2500 or 1-800-332-7156 • MedFlight: 1-800-325-1774                               23
Radiology (cont’d)                                                                          Southwestern Oncology Group
                                                                                                 which we are members through the
                                                                                                 Montana Cancer Consortium. We
                                                                                                 also continue to offer
                                                                                                 pharmaceutical trials and specimen
                                                                                                 collection trials with Total Cancer
                                                                                                 Care program with Moffitt Cancer
                                                   John                   Sarah                  Center.
                                                   Sillery, MD            Stilwill, MD
     Tara                 John
     Bowman               Brandon, MD
     Seitz, MD                                                                                   Clinical Research
                                                                                                 Clinical Research is being done in
                                                                                                 many departments in the Billings
                                                                                                 Clinic including Diabetes and
                                                                                                 Endocrinology, Cardiology, Allergy,
                                                                                                 Gastrointestinal, Internal Medicine,
                                                                                                 Infectious Disease, and Pediatrics
                                                   Mariah                 Patrick                involving over 40 research trials.
     Dean                 Andrew                   White, MD              Minchow,
                                                                          RPA, RRA               Current studies are being conducted
     Bruschwein,          Cox, MD                                                                for Asthma, Gout, Cystic Fibrosis,
                                                                                                 Diabetes, and COPD. Clinical
                                                                                                 Research trials bring new
                                                                                                 medications and technology to
                                                                                                 patients in our community. To find
                                                                                                 out the latest trials available for
                                                                                                 patients please check the Billings
                                                                                                 Clinic web.
                                                   Mike Nielsen,
     Joshua               Heather                  RPA, RRA
     Delavan, MD          Gale, MD                                                               Collaborative Science
                                                                                                 and Innovation
                                                   Research                                      Established in 1999, the Center for
                                                                                                 Clinical Translational Research
                                                   Cancer Research                               identifies and studies the most
                                                   The Billings Clinic Cancer Research           effective ways to organize, manage,
                                                   program is involved in more than              finance and deliver high quality care;
                                                   100 clinical trials ranging from phase        reduce medical errors; and improve
                                                   1-4. Clinical trials are available to a       patient safety and quality of care.
     Jonathan             Sean                     wide variety of cancers with an
     Graeve, MD           Jones, MD                                                              The Center works together with
                                                   emphasis on the newest therapies.             urban and rural community clinics,
                                                   Billings Clinic is part of the newly          health care professionals and health
                                                   formed National Cancer Institute              care agencies throughout the region
                                                   (NCI) Community Research Program              to test new methods of providing
                                                   (NCORP) with the Montana Cancer               the most efficient, effective and
                                                   Consortium. The program is a                  highest quality care possible. The
                                                   combination of the Community                  Center works via Telemedicine in
                                                   Cancer Oncology Program (CCOP)                partnership with rural communities
                                                   and the NCI Community Cancer                  to conduct studies pertaining to
     George               Jeffry
                                                   Center Program (NCCCP). Besides               chronic disease management.
     Knight, MD           Lindenbaum,
                          MD, PhD                  clinical research a new area offered          Studies are currently being
                                                   is Cancer Care Delivery Research              conducted in Billings, as well as
                                                   (CCDR). This new research which will          numerous rural communities in both
                                                   look at how cancer care is being              hospital and clinic environments.
                                                   delivered. Redesign of the                    The Center also collaborates on
                                                   cooperative group program has also            research studies with university and
                                                   occurred with the formation of                medical clinics, as well as health care
                                                   research bases Alliance, NRG, and             systems, across the nation.
     Eric                 Scott
     May, MD              Paulsen, MD
24                         billingsclinic.com • Physician Communication Line: (406) 255-8411 or 1-800-325-1774
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