Single Parents in Frankfurt - INFORMATION AND ADDRESSES

Page created by Mildred Morgan
Single Parents in


                         DEPARTMENT OF WOMEN'S

City of Frankfurt am Main
Department of Women's Affairs

Department of Women's Affairs
Hasengasse 4
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: + 49 (0)69 212 35319
Fax: +49 (0)69 212 30727

We do not claim the contents to be exhaustive and cannot
guarantee the accuracy of all statements.

Concept and Implementation
Bettina Eichorn, Department of Women's Affairs

Photos - The Department of Women's Affairs
Sonia Diaz and Esther Zeschky, both of Frankfurt

Design, illustration and text
Opak Frankfurt

Central-Druck Heusenstamm

As of 8/2010
© City of Frankfurt am Main

Dear single mothers and fathers,

The times where “single” or divorced mothers were a small group are long gone. The population statistics show us
that at the end of 2009, there were about 15,000 single parents with children under 18 in our city. Relative to the total
number of 366,500 households in Frankfurt, that does not seem like much. The picture is different when looking at the
64,000 households with children: parents of single children are nearly a quarter of this population; 24 percent of all
families in Frankfurt, i.e. one in five children living in single parent families. It is also interesting that two-thirds of all
single parents are German, while one-third are foreign nationals. In both groups, the proportion of mothers to fathers
is the same: for every nine single mothers, there is one single father.

The lifestyles and circumstances behind the data are numerous and not suitable for stereotypes: single parents may
be separated, divorced or widowed. Some of you are quite happy as single parents, while others want a partner to
share the responsibility.

Many studies have shown an increased risk of poverty among single parents, especially mothers. The following are
listed as reasons for the lack of jobs: lower pay for women, the risks posed by lack of maintenance payments and the
issue of child care. Frankfurt has put a lot of effort into this area, and I am pleased that the expansion of child care has
progressed faster than expected - particularly in the number of childcare spaces for children under three years of age.

In addition to structural changes, a general life skills handout has been requested. “Alleinerziehende in Frankfurt –
Informationen und Adressen” [“Single Parents in Frankfurt - Information and Addresses”] will inform you of the existing
services offered to single parents in Frankfurt as well as assist you in finding a suitable match, if needed.

Yours truly,

Jutta Ebeling

Dear readers,

Frankfurt is a city with a wide range of services to offer. Sometimes this can be a problem: you just cannot be aware
of everything there is. It is especially disappointing if an existing service could improve your situation. This is why we
created our new guide.

“Alleinerziehende in Frankfurt” [“Single parents in Frankfurt”] provides information on benefits and services that fathers
and mothers should be aware of. It also contains the addresses where you can find more information and, if
appropriate, where you can make a request. We also hope that professionals from various fields will find useful
information in our brochure for their work. We know that statements sometimes have a limited shelf life, such as if
legal situations – like current custody rights – or rules change. In some cases, they may even be changing as you are
reading. However, we wanted to give a better orientation, not just concrete facts and figures. See our Frauen-Guide
[Women's Guide] for more addresses that might be useful to you.

We thank the local Frankfurt chapter of the “Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter” [Association of Single
Mothers and Fathers], which has provided us with its assessments and expertise from years of consulting and
lobbying work. A big thank you also goes out to all employees in offices, institutions and initiatives, who answered
thousands of questions in a patient, competent and friendly manner. We hope that our new brochure is useful to you,
and welcome your feedback.

© Department of Women's Affairs                                  © Department of Women's Affairs

Gabriele Wenner                                                  Bettina Eichhorn
Director of the Department of Women's Affairs                    Secretary for Education and Employment

INTRODUCTION                     4

Advice and help 7
Legal advice             7
Custody 9
Access rights            9
Maintenance law 10

                                 TIP Yellow Pages for families and children        10

Pension for widows and half-orphans          12
Parental benefits 12
Unemployment benefit I    12

                                       TIP Caroline Hansellmann Foundation    13
Unemployment benefit II 14
Social welfare  16
Child benefit   16
Supplementary child allowance    17
Maintenance advance and deficiency           17
Tax relief      17
Housing benefit 18
Frankfurt-Pass  18
                                       TIP Orphanage Foundation        18

Advice and guidance       19
Returning to work         20
Education/training and qualifications     21
Promoting further education          22
Academic, vocational and higher education 23
German as a second language         24

Child care facilities and day care 25
Registration and admission to the day care centre  26
                                       TIP Creative Fashion Workshop 26
Parent fees at day care centres    28
Day care options and fees 28
Additional options for child care   29
                                            TIP Newfoundland       29

 All addresses beginning on page 52   ...                                              5
HOUSING           30
                                           TIP Frankfurt Social Market           30

                                                 TIP Family Market          31
Early development                 32
Sick child/sick parent  32
Treatments and Health Counselling           33

Pregnancy and abortion counselling          35
Material assistance for pregnant women      35
Maternity leave and maternity benefits      36
Preventive services, prenatal care 37

Residency and family law 38
Separation and divorce     39
Parental custody and visitation rights      40
Maintenance       40
Fear of child abduction    40
Public Services 41
Advice and help 42
Legal advice      42

                                                   TIP Frankfurt Table 43
Educational advice/ advice for parents, children, young people 44
If you are disabled        45
In cases of domestic violence       46
If unemployed or in debt 46

EDUCATION AND CONTACT                       48

VACATION, HOLIDAY, FREE TIME                         49

ADDRESSES                  52

RECOMMENDATIONS                     63

                                                    TIP Culture Pass 49

6        CONTENTS ...
Separation and divorce brings huge demands, from finding a new perspective to re-organizing everyday life, as well
as resolving legal and financial issues. It is not always possible to find an amicable resolution to problems. In the
following you can find details about counselling and legal services in addition to some important family rights laws.

The Children and Youth Services Act guarantees all parents, children and young people free, confidential and expert
advice and support in all matters of raising children and of living together, for questions about partnership, separation
and divorce, and for questions about parental custody, access and maintenance. You can contact any of the nine
social welfare offices, 15 educational guidance centres (see page 44) as well as a number of other advisory services.

   Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Sozialdienst [child and youth social services]
   Erziehungsberatungsstellen [educational guidance centres]
   Pro Familia
   Counselling and Meetings for Women, Caritasverband Frankfurt [Caritas Association Frankfurt]
   Beratungsstelle für Frauen [Women's Counselling Centre] at the Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt
   Evangelisches Zentrum für Beratung und Therapie [Evangelical Centre for Counselling and Therapy]
   Crisis and Counselling at the Haus der Volksarbeit
   Internationales Familienzentrum [International Family Centre]
   Familienzentrum Monikahaus [Monikahaus Family Centre]
   Arbeitskreis Partnerschaftskrise, Trennung, Scheidung [Working Group for Partnership Crises, Separation and
    Divorce] (fee-based)
   Väteraufbruch für Kinder [Fathers' Initiative for Children]
   Informationszentrum für Männerfragen [Information Centre for Men's Questions]
   Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften, iaf [Bi-national Families and Partnerships Association, iaf]
   Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter [Association of Single Mothers and Fathers] (VAMV)

You can also use the free and anonymous telephone counselling help line twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
Telephone 0800 1110111 or 0800 1110222

Social welfare offices and information centres provide information on the broad guidelines of the law. Binding
individual advice may only be provided by solicitors, as required by laws governing legal consultation. Legal advice
and legal clarification of rights are always provided at a cost. Those with low incomes

 All addresses beginning on page 52    ...                                                                   7
may be entitled to legal aid and procedural cost assistance. The application for legal aid must be filed with the district court.
If it is approved, you will receive a certificate of eligibility with which you can go to a solicitor of your choice. Subject to the
current individual contribution of €10, they shall be obligated to provide qualified legal advice. Under certain conditions, the
court and legal costs of a trial are borne by the Treasury.
       Amtsgericht [district court], Rechtsantragsstelle [legal claims office]

Legal advice for low-income residents provided in German for €10 or without charge
     Rechtsauskunftsstelle des Frankfurter Anwaltsvereins [Frankfurt Bar Association Legal Advice Centre]

Addresses of specialist solicitors (in all subject areas and in many languages) are available at

Some counselling centres regularly organise free or inexpensive counselling appointments by solicitors specialising in family
law, for example
      Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter [Association of Single Mothers and Fathers]
      Beratungsstelle für Frauen [Women's Counselling Centre] at the Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt
      Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften, iaf [Bi-national Families and Partnerships Association], iaf
          (international family law)

Legal advice for children and young people, either on their own or accompanied by parents, for all children's questions, not
just family law issues, at
       Frankfurter Kinderbüro [Frankfurt Children's Office]
       Deutscher Kinderschutzbund [German Child Protection Association]

Upon separation/divorce, married parents generally have the same parental concerns as any other parent. Decisions of
fundamental importance must be made by both parents by mutual agreement. Day-to-day matters are decided by the parent
with whom the child normally resides. Counselling and support for a shared custody and access plan can be found at
      Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Sozialdienst [child and youth social services]
                                        → solicitor
          Counselling centres (see above)→

Common custody arrangements don't always prove to be the best solution. Therefore, full or partial parental custody can be
transferred to one parent on request.
      Amtsgericht [district court], Familiengericht [Family Court] department

If the parents are not married to each other upon the birth of a child, the mother automatically has sole custody - unless she
agrees to joint custody (through the youth welfare office or a notary). This affidavit also applies in the event of separation. It
can only be reversed through a judicial proceeding at the request of a parent.
      Amtsgericht [district court], Familiengericht [Family Court] department
(Amendment to BVG [Federal Constitutional Court] Judgement of 03.08.2010 is being prepared)
There are special provisions for unmarried teenage mothers. The custody can be transferred to the adult father of the child or
to the grandparents (in a common household); otherwise the youth welfare office is the official guardian.

The parent who is not living with the child has a right of access to the child. The child himself/herself has a right to have
contact with both parents. The specific contact arrangements need to be determined by the parents together. Support from
      Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Sozialdienst [child and youth social services]
      Counselling centres (see above)

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                                  9
If the parents cannot agree upon access to their child, the option of chaperoned visits exists.
      Sozialrathaus [social welfare office], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Sozialdienst [child and youth social services]
      Amtsgericht [district court], Familiengericht [Family Court] department


A new maintenance law has been in place since 2008. The priority is support for the child, regardless of whether his/her
parents are or were married. The maintenance for the supervising parent (spousal support for married parents or maintenance
for unmarried parents) is subordinated. The goal is that after a separation or divorce, both parents should have individual
responsibility for their livelihood.

The parent who does not regularly care for the child must pay child support. The amount is determined by the disposable
income of the parent obliged to pay maintenance and the child's age, with amounts determined in the “Düsseldorfer Tabelle”
[“Düsseldorf Table”]. The legal minimum support is currently €317 for children from 0 to 5, €364 for children from 6 to 11 and
€426 for children from 12 to 17 years. The minimum rate for adult children still in school is €488. The maintenance may each
be reduced by half the child benefit. For unmarried parents, paternity must be known or proven in order to assert a valid
maintenance claim.

                                         TIP Gelbe Seiten Familie & Kind [Yellow Pages for Families and Children]
                                          - new as of end of October 2010
                                         The directory for families in Frankfurt and Offenbach is a project of Trifels Verlag in
                                         collaboration with the Frankfurt Children's Office. With more than 6,000 addresses on
                                         the topics of health, advice & assistance / offices & agencies, support and learning,
                                         arts & entertainment / games & sports, shopping and entertainment / dining &
                                         drinking. The directory is distributed free or charge in hospitals, kindergartens,
                                         schools, medical practices, businesses, retailers, at events and, for example, at the
                                         Frankfurt Children's Office as well.
                                         Upon request: Trifels Verlag, telephone 29999-0

    10        SEPARATION AND DIVORCE ...
The maintenance claims for the child from the liable parent can be taken over by the youth welfare office within the scope of
an advisory guardian. The guardian helps to file the claims as well as in establishing paternity. This applies to children of all
nationalities who reside in Germany.
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wirtschaftsdienst [child and youth economic services]

If you continue to experience difficulties, you can pursue child support through the courts. This is also true under joint custody
arrangements. In these cases, you must have the youth welfare office advisor or legal assistance intervene.
 Amtsgericht [District Court], Abteilung Familiengericht [Family Court department]

If the child support is not paid regularly or is insufficient, single parents may apply for a maintenance advance or deficiency
under the maintenance advance law. This will be paid for up to 72 months or until the child is 12 years of age. Children under
6 receive €133, after that, €180. This applies to children of all nationalities who reside in Germany.
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wirtschaftsdienst [child and youth economic services]

The parent providing for the child is entitled to spousal or maintenance support, as long as the employment does not
interfere with caring for the child. This applies up to the child's third birthday, in some cases even longer. After the child's
third birthday, the parent has a fundamental obligation to work, though not necessarily full-time. If, for example, your child
needs intensive care due to illness or if institutional child care is inadequate, this can also impact your maintenance as well as
your employment for many years, as child care has been deferred and returning to work is very difficult.

In many cases, when the “excess” of the other parent and the maintenance of your child are taken into account, you will be
given no or inadequate maintenance. For more detailed advice:
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wirtschaftsdienst [child and youth economic services]
 Counselling centres (see above)

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                        11

The state benefits that you are entitled to must, as a rule, be distributed individually. The following serves as an initial guide.
All relevant institutions are obligated to provide comprehensive counselling.

The widow/widower is entitled to benefits if he/she is able to prove that the deceased spouse has contributed to the
insurance of contribution/substitute periods of the pension scheme for five years. The benefits also apply if the married couple
lived separately. The following are taken into account when determining the amount and duration of the pension: age and
employability of the survivors, raising a child up to 18 years of age or caring for a disabled child, as well as his/her own
income. The deceased parent must also have fulfilled the five-year waiting period for payment of the half-orphan pension (up
to 18 years of age; under certain conditions up to 27 years). For information and advice
 Deutsche Rentenversicherung [German Pension Insurance]
 Versicherungsamt der Stadt Frankfurt [City of Frankfurt Insurance Department]

Single parents have the option of receiving 14 months of parental benefits. Those who are employed or self-employed receive
67 percent of their former taxable net income/net profits up to €1800. For those on low-incomes and those who are employed
part-time with net incomes under €1000, a higher percentage is calculated. Those who did not have any earned income before
the birth of the child – recipients of ALG [unemployment benefit] II, students, housewives, or mothers with an extended career
break – receive minimum parental benefits of €300. This amount will not be included in the calculation for ALG II, housing
benefit or maintenance payments. Upon request, the calculated monthly amount can be divided in two and the corresponding
disbursement periods doubled. Please note: parental benefits will be deducted from ALG II recipients in 2011.
 Hessisches Amt für Versorgung und Soziales, Elterngeldstelle [Hessian Department for Care and Social Benefits, Parental
     Benefits Office]

There are two different services and responsibilities for those who are unemployed and those seeking employment:
unemployment benefit I from the Agentur für Arbeit [Employment Agency] and unemployment benefit II from the Rhein-Main
Jobcenter GmbH.

12       PUBLIC SERVICES ...
Unemployment benefit I (ALG I) is an insurance benefit based on the Sozialgesetzbuch [Social Security Code] III (SGB III). It
is a temporary payment to someone who is unemployed, who has registered with the Employment Agency as being unemployed
and who meets the qualifying period for the coverage, meaning that within the two years prior to registering as unemployed,
they have contributed at least 12 months of unemployment insurance premiums. Unemployed persons with at least one child
receive 67 percent of their fixed net income. The duration of benefits up to 50 years of age is a maximum of 12 months; after
50 years of age the benefit rises to a maximum of 24 months. Being unemployed, you will only be hired if you are available to
work, that means you must always have child care secured! To ensure your claims, you must renew your unemployment status
at least every three months.

Important: Your unemployment benefit is based on your last income, provided you have paid at least 150 days/five months of
unemployment insurance in the last two years. Otherwise a fictional, often lower value is used as the basis for measurement.
Your 67 percent can also be much lower than expected, for example if you are unemployed after an extended period of parental

Also: The amount of unemployment benefit is also determined by how many hours a week you would like to work! If you have
worked full-time before your unemployment and are now just looking for a part-time position,

                               One-time assistance of the Caroline Hansellmann-Stiftung [Caroline Hansellmann
                               The sole purpose of this independent foundation is support for single mothers (and now single
                               fathers as well) and their children. You must be “needy”; however, the income limits are more
                               generous in size than in other cases. Support will be provided in the form that makes your life
                               easier, for example furniture, household items, clothing or necessary medical treatment.

                               Informal requests should be directed to the Jugend- und Sozialamt [Youth and Social Welfare
                               Office], Stiftungsverwaltung [Foundation Assistance], Eschersheimer Landstraße 241–249,
                               60320 Frankfurt, Tel. 212 35171

 All addresses beginning on page 52      ...                                                                                13
your unemployment benefit is reduced to reflect your intended work extent.
Accurate information on the calculation of unemployment benefit I for individual cases is available through the Employment
Agency counselling service - not just for when you are unemployed, but also for impending unemployment and other changes
to your employment situation, such as for questions about severance agreements, off-periods or employment during parental
 Agentur für Arbeit [Employment Agency], hotline 01801 555 111, charges apply

Filing for unemployment and application for ALG I at
 Agentur für Arbeit Frankfurt [Frankfurt Employment Agency], in the East, South and North client centres or in the
     Geschäftsstelle Höchst [Höchst Business Centre].

Unemployment benefit II (ALG II) is a public service based on the Social Security Code II (SGB II).
In order to qualify, you must be 15 to 64 years old, able to work and in need of assistance; i.e. if you are healthy enough to
complete at least three hours of daily work and cannot support your existence on your own. The spouse, partner and children
up to 25 years of age who are eligible to claim benefits can also qualify.
The claim covers the cost of living, health insurance, adequate housing and heating as well as additional requirement
supplements and one-time services. In addition, those who earn very little or receive very little ALG I can receive an increased
ALG II. In determining the benefit, the incomes and assets of all members of the group receiving the benefit are taken into
account. Child benefit and maintenance are charged in full; there are exemptions for earned income. Under certain conditions
when transitioning from ALG I to ALG II, there is a surcharge paid to ensure a smooth transition for two years. Please note:
this temporary surcharge is likely to be phased out in 2011.

The standard benefits are currently (as of 08/2010)
€359 for individuals/single parents,
€323 for adult partners,
€215 for children aged 0 to 5 years,
€251 for children aged 6 to 13,
€287 for young people aged from 14 years to adulthood,
€287 for young adults aged 18 to 25 years who live at home with their parents - or have moved out without agreement from
the funding agency.

    14 PUBLIC SERVICES         ...
Single parents have additional needs, meaning a more regular additional contribution. Depending on the number and ages of
children, that equates to between €61 and €129 per month.
Upon request, costs for overnight field trips for children are covered. Every child (up to 25 years of age) who is attending a
general education or vocational school and does not have an education allowance will receive a school starter package of
€100 per school year, which will be paid each August regularly. The perception of right of access after separation or divorce
should also be ensured at an appropriate level (individual assessment of travel and accommodation costs).

There is a one-time subsidy available for home furnishings upon request. This is provided for cases such as when there is no
(sufficient) furniture available after separating and moving out of the shared flat

 All addresses beginning on page 52      ...                                                                      15
or if a young pregnant woman or single parent moves out from the family of origin to establish her own first household.
Pregnant women are also entitled to additional services, see chapter “Pregnancy and Maternity Benefits”.

Even someone who does not receive benefits under the Social Security Code II currently can, under certain conditions, receive
one-time services and additional requirement supplements. For example, this may apply to students. The employees at the
Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH can advise you further.

By the end of 2010, following a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court, the standard benefits for children and young
people in particular will be reviewed and possibly revised or supplemented with additional services.

Counselling on unemployment benefit II and applications at
 Rhein-Main Jobcenter, Höchst, North, East, South and West job centres

Assistance for livelihood, basic insurance in old age and for disability (social welfare) are state benefits based on the Social
Security Code XII. Needy people who are (permanently) incapable of working at full-earning capacity, i.e. cannot earn a living,
are entitled to standard benefits to meet everyday needs plus reasonable accommodation and heating costs. The services are
comparable to those under unemployment benefit II. Single parents are also entitled to additional requirement benefits,
reimbursement for overnight school trips for their children and the school starter package as well as subsidies for home
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Soziale Hilfen Wirtschaftsdienst [social welfare economic services]

Child benefit exists for all children whose children have their primary residence in Germany. It provides €184 each for the first
and second child, €190 for the third child and €215 for each additional child. All children up to 18 years of age will be counted
for children in apprenticeships and studies up to 25 years of age and for unemployed children up to 21 years of age if they are
looking for apprenticeships. Civil or military service may also result in extending benefits. For children who cannot support
themselves because of a disability, it will be paid indefinitely.

    16        PUBLIC SERVICES        …
The child benefit is paid to the parent with whom the child resides. The parent obligated to make cash maintenance payments
may reduce their maintenance payments to half of the child benefit. Public service employees will receive the child benefit
with their salary, all other parents must apply for it.
 Familienkasse der Agentur für Arbeit [Employment Agency Family Fund]

Parents with low incomes can receive a supplementary child allowance in addition to their child benefit (for unmarried children
until their 25th birthday) of up to €140 per child. The prerequisite is that they are able to cover their own expenses with their
income, but cannot cover those of the child or children. The supplementary child allowance is intended to prevent filing for
ALG II. Maintenance and maintenance payments, however, will be charged in full. Those receiving the supplementary child
allowance can also apply for housing benefit. The calculation requires extensive counselling in many cases.
 Familienkasse der Agentur für Arbeit [Employment Agency Family Fund]

If the child support is not paid regularly or is insufficient, single parents may apply for a maintenance advance or deficiency
under the maintenance advance law. This will be paid for up to 72 months or until the child is 12 years of age. Children under
6 years of age receive €133, older child receive €180. This applies to children of all nationalities who reside in Germany.
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Wirtschaftsdienst für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe [child and youth economic services]

Check your tax class - tax class 1 or 2 is correct depending on the specific situation. Those who were in tax class 5 while
married should change this immediately upon separation; all wage replacement benefits are based on net income and are
significantly lower in tax class 5.
Single parents in tax class 2 are entitled to a relief amount equal to €1308 a year. The Tax Office also recognises income-
related child care expenses for children up to 14 years old, up to a maximum of €4,000 per year, per child. (Collect evidence!)
More information available from → Tax Office

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                                17
Housing benefit is available as a subsidy for rent or as “charge grants” for owner-occupied homes where the income does not
exceed a certain amount and is not sufficient to cover the rent (or the accepted maximum rent).
Someone who receives ALG II or social welfare is not entitled to claim housing benefit.
 Amt für Wohnungswesen [Department of Housing]

The Frankfurt-Pass is a service of the City of Frankfurt for low income households with primary residence in Frankfurt. The
holder is entitled to many benefits: the Youth and Social Welfare Office's holiday card and the city library can be used free of
charge; the entrance to swimming pools, zoo and palm garden costs €1 for adults and €0.50 for children. The entry fee is
halved for many other city events and offerings. Courses at adult education centres and RMV monthly tickets are also reduced.
The income limits are €1125 net for two-person households, €256 for each additional person. Those who receive ALG II, social
welfare or ALG I and fall under the income limit are also eligible. The Frankfurt-Pass must be requested at the social welfare
office in your catchment area.
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], information centres

                             One-time help from the Orphanage Foundation
                             A new bed or a new desk because the old furniture has become too small, after-school care or
                             orthodontic treatment - the Orphanage Foundation can provide grants for all kinds of things for
                             children of single parents.
                             The foundation grants are usually not sufficient for all needs. But in any case you can give it a try,
                             give us a call!
                             Stiftung Waisenhaus [Orphanage Foundation], information office for ambulatory funding, Tel.
                             298003 37

    18     PUBLIC SERVICES        ...
The need for counselling and vocational (re-) orientation can arise from a variety of reasons, separation and divorce are just
some of them. Perhaps you are also unemployed and looking for work. Or you had children very early and therefore have not
obtained job qualifications. You may be dissatisfied with your work and are looking for a change. You may have immigrated to
Germany and are looking for work for the first time. Depending on the situation, you have several options.

If in the last few years you have been unemployed or underemployed and are now looking for a position, or even if you do have
a job and are looking for a change, you can make an appointment for a personal interview at the employment office.
 Agentur für Arbeit [Employment Agency], Tel. 01801 555111 (charges apply)

If you are unemployed and receive ALG I and no benefits, you will be advised at your local employment office, by appointment.

If you receive ALG II, the staff at your local job centre will advise you through your personal contact persons.
 Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH, hotline 069 2171 3493 (local call charges apply)

You can also visit a counselling centre, which specialises in issues of professional development and (further) education. There
you can give a detailed account of your current situation, your desires for the future and your goals. The City of Frankfurt
Department of Women's Affairs promotes various education providers to assist you in identifying your skills and developing
new perspectives:
 beramí - is especially familiar with migrant women's situations
 Frauen-Softwarehaus - counsels with a focus on IT skills
 jumpp Frauenbetriebe - supports the leap into independence
 Verein zur beruflichen Förderung von Frauen [Association for the Professional Advancement of Women] - supports “New
     Ways, New Plans”

Expert advice has been offered for many years in the areas of school, work and study under the training advice of the
 Walter-Kolb Stiftung [Walter Kolb Foundation]

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                     19
The “Hessencampus Frankfurt” Initiative is relatively new; starting at the “Bildungszemtrum Ostend/Volkshochschule Frankfurt”
[“Ostend Education Centre/Frankfurt Adult Education Centre”], the programme advises participants on training and lifelong
 Bildungsberatung Hessencampus Frankfurt [Hessencampus Frankfurt Educational Counselling]

As a migrant, you can also obtain information about schools, education, careers and employment at
 Migrant counselling centres
 Jugendmigrationsdienste [Youth Migration Services] (up to 27 years of age)

In addition, many (further) education providers and institutional counsellors have their own offerings; they already have many
clarifications spelled out.

Those who were not working for family reasons who wish to be employed once again must answer several questions. The person
responsible for labour market equality at the Employment Agency gives you the opportunity of a regularly scheduled
meeting regarding your return to work. She has also organised a free lecture series on topics of interest entitled Biz and
Donna. All dates are on the “Veranstaltungen” page at The brochure “Durchstarten – Familie und
Beruf” [Get up - Family and Work] and the information sheet 18 “Frauen

20                 EMPLOYMENT AND CAREER ...
und Beruf” [Women and Work] provide condensed information on all important issues. You can find many other materials in
each client centre of the Employment Agency, in the “BIZ” career information centre and at >
Bürgerinnen und Bürger > Chancengleichheit > Wiedereinstieg in den Beruf. A wealth of other information on the topic can be
found on the pilot portal

For women receiving ALG II, there is an information event entitled “Erfolgreich ins Erwerbsleben” [“Success in
Employment”] held several times a year at the Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH, where basic questions of career transition and
returning to work are discussed. Invitations to this event are in writing.
Important: Both the Employment Agency and the job centres offer special arrangements for return to work as well as working
life. Information on these events can be obtained from employment consultants at the Employment Agency or through personal
contacts at the job centre - and additionally at the educational providers mentioned above - beramí, Frauen-Softwarehaus,
jumpp and the Association for the Professional Advancement of Women.

These organisations have been working in cooperation with the State of Hesse and the European Social Fund in the “Netzwerk
Wiedereinstieg” [“Re-entry Network”] since 2009 and can provide countless additional services for returning to work -
initially limited until the end of 2011. It is basically irrelevant whether you are a housewife and mother or if you are
unemployed and looking for work. Specific information about these offerings is provided by each of the associations mentioned
or at

Both the employment agency and the job centres offer different types of arrangements that are carried out by support
organisations responsible for education, training and employment.
Since 1998, the Association for the Professional Advancement of Women has had experience with part-time training for
(single) young mothers. There are currently two types of training with different approaches and different professions, each
with a 30-hour per week training period, IHK [Chamber of Commerce] qualification and educational support to cope with the
demands of child rearing and education. Both forms are aimed at young women under 27 who have not completed vocational
training; one is especially for young single mothers, the other for young mothers with or without a partner. The exact
requirements can be found at
 Verein zur beruflichen Förderung von Frauen [Association for the Professional Advancement of Women]

 All addresses beginning on page 52     ...                                                                              21
There are no special offerings through the employment agency for single parents. Training and qualification arrangements
for part-time and full-time work with reduced hourly requirements make it possible to balance work and family. To participate,
you must already have day care arrangements worked out.

Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH offers a series of solutions specifically for single parents, some of them are for young mothers
under 25, but there also options for women who are interested beyond that age. In the following examples, child care is either
offered directly or you will be assisted in arranging child care.

“Zukunft mit Kind und Beruf” [“Future with children and work”] is a four-month orientation project including internship at →
for young mothers up to 25 years of age who have not graduated from school or a training programme.

“Frauen am Start” [“Women at the start”] is for single mothers with children over 3 years of age which includes six months of
child care from → Berlitz Berufsservice

“Stark mit Kind” [“Strong with Children”] is for pregnant women and young mothers with children under 3 years of age and
provides personalised transition over the course of a year.
 Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt

Under Social Security Code II, “specific family circumstances” such as care of children or dependants must also be taken into
consideration. Therefore, many activities take place part-time, and child care is arranged for. The arrangements will be made,
enhanced or terminated depending on demand. Access is always arranged through the personal contact persons at the job
centres. Just ask!

You can find an overview of the offerings for professional development and providers on the following websites: > Berufs- und Bildungsinformationen > Kursnet

Some courses and arrangements for unemployed persons can be arranged through the Employment Agency as well as the job
centres. Some are for people who “self-pay”, but a large number have been subsidised for employees for some time now.

22                 EMPLOYMENT AND CAREER
The state of Hesse awards “training vouchers” valued up to €500 for employees in small and medium-sized companies who do
not have a recognised degree for their current professional activities or are over the age of 45. There is advice available on this
topic at 13 different institutions in Frankfurt. You can find them at

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research promotes continuing education with an “education bonus” of up to max. €500
- even for employees on parental leave or people with low incomes who also receive ALG II! More information in Frankfurt at
 Walter-Kolb-Stiftung [Walter Kolb Foundation] and → Bildungsberatung Hessencampus Frankfurt [Hessencampus Frankfurt
     Educational Counselling]
Information also available at www.bildungsprä

Last, but not least: the “Upgrading Further Education Assistance Act,” also called “Meister-BAföG”, provides professional
development regardless of income which is funded through grants and cheap loans. Single parents receive a subsidy for child
care expenses of €113 a month without proof of cost for each child under 10 years of age; for children with disabilities there
is no age limit.
Free information from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung [Federal Ministry of Education and Research] at Tel.
0800 6223634 or at


Information about late acquisition of school qualifications (primary or secondary school certificates, school-leaving
qualification) or “second chance education” is available for example at the following:
 Walter-Kolb-Stiftung [Walter Kolb Foundation]
 Bildungsberatung Hessencampus Frankfurt [Hessencampus Frankfurt Educational Counselling]
 Verein zur beruflichen Förderung von Frauen [Association for the Professional Advancement of Women]
 Migration counselling centres
 Jugendmigrationsdienste [Youth Migration Services] (for young adults up to 27 years of age)

If you have obtained educational or professional qualifications abroad, you can have these recognised. Unfortunately, the
recognition of foreign degrees is a difficult topic as the paths differ, for example depending on occupation and country of
origin. Assistance is provided at the counselling centres listed above. For good general information, visit www.berufliche- The “Anerkennung von Schul-, Berufs- und Hochschulabschlüssen in Hessen” [“Recognition of Academic,
Vocational and Higher Education Qualifications in Hesse”] handbook provides a detailed overview for Hesse, which you can
order free of charge from → beramí

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                        23

For economic independence, you usually need sufficient knowledge of German. There are various ways to learn or improve your
The integration courses (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge [Federal Office for Migration and Refugees]) have served
recent immigrants and taught basic language skills since 2005. Those who have already lived here for some time are also
allowed to participate, and even those who have with German nationality. The courses last from 600 to max. 1200 hours and
end with a final test. One hour costs €1. The job centre may require you to take the course to improve your likelihood of
employment; in this case, participation is free. Other ALG II recipients can apply for exemption from charges. Certain providers
offer courses only for women, courses with child care or literacy courses. Detailed information can be found at or at
 Migration counselling centres
 Jugendmigrationsdienste [Youth Migration Services]

The project “Mama lernt Deutsch – Papa auch” [“Mummy is learning German - Daddy too”] helps parents, especially
mothers, who want to improve their German so that for example they can understand their children's schooling situation or the
educational system as a whole. All courses take place in small groups with child care near the home, usually in the morning, in
schools and day care centres with many women's only courses. 300 hours will be provided; for literacy, 450 hours. These are
well suited as preparation for the integration courses. Information available at:
 VHS Volkshochschule Frankfurt [VHS Frankfurt Adult Education Centre]
 Lehrerkooperative [Teaching Cooperative]

Those who wish to improve their German for the job market can take part in the Berufsbezogene Deutschförderung [Job-
Related German Education Programme] (Federal Department for Migration and Refugees). An integration course is generally a
prerequisite. The courses last for six months; part-time courses can take up to one year, and consist of German lessons and
specialised teaching, work experience and company visits. They are free of charge. If you receive ALG I or are registered as
unemployed, information is available at
 Employment Agency
If you receive ALG II, information is available at your job centre
 Rhein-Main Jobcenter GmbH
If you need to improve your German to keep your position, your employer can contact
 Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge [Federal Department for Migration and Refugees]

You can of course also improve your German skills at one of many language schools. Special deals and discounts (such as for
the unemployed or with the Frankfurt-Pass) at:
 VHS Volkshochschule Frankfurt [Frankfurt Adult Education Centre]

24                 EMPLOYMENT AND CAREER


Frankfurt has a rich and varied offering of care services for children of all ages which is constantly expanding. Child care
facilities (crèches, toddler playrooms, kindergartens, alternative nurseries and schools, after-school care, etc.) care for
children from 0 to 12 years. In schools, there are also an increasing number of spaces in day care and afternoon care for
school children, especially for small children. Communal, religious and charitable organisations with varying profiles offer
parents a wide range of care, education and parenting options for their children, to help them to combine family and work.

For information about child care from A-Z, visit the city website and

 All addresses beginning on page 52      ...                                                                       25
The “Kita-Wegweiser Frankfurt am Main” [“Frankfurt am Main Day Care Centre Guide”] brochure provides concise
information about the entire field of child care in Frankfurt. It was offered for the first time in spring 2010 and was distributed
by the Frankfurt City Department of Education and Journal Frankfurt. For a stamped addressed envelope (DIN A4, €1.45 postage,
keyword “Kita-Wegweiser”), it is available at
 Stadtschulamt Frankfurt [Frankfurt City Department of Education], Bürgerservice [Resident Services]

Information specific to the city day care centres available at
 Städtische Kitas [city day care centres] or at

Information about day care centres offered by religious or volunteer organisations available at
 Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Frankfurt [Frankfurt Workers' Welfare Association], Abt. Kinderbetreuung [Child Care
 BVZ Beratungs- und Verwaltungszentrum [BVZ Counselling and Administrative Centre]
 Caritasverband Frankfurt [Caritas Association Frankfurt], Referat Kindertagesstätten [Department of Day Care Centres]
 Diakonisches Werk Frankfurt, Arbeitsbereich Kindertagesstätten [area of operations - day care centres]
 Jüdische Gemeinde Frankfurt am Main [Frankfurt am Main Jewish Community]
 Lehrerkooperative [Teaching Cooperative]
 Sozialpädagogischer Verein zur familienergänzenden Erziehung [Social Education Association for Extended Family

A list of all free community playgroups and alternative nurseries and schools is available at
 LAG Freie Kinderarbeit Hessen [Hesse Regional Association Free Child Labour]

In Frankfurt there are neighbourhood institutions with and institutions with a particular pedagogical approach which take in
children from all over the city. A variety of ideas and

                           Clothing for the job from the ModeKreativWerkstatt [Creative Fashion Workshop]
                           Clothes make the people - and the wrong outfit for an interview can quickly ruin your chances. When
                           you not only lack a job, but the appropriate clothing for it, this project for unemployed women is
                           perhaps the right one for you: high-quality second hand clothing is available for free and tailored to
                           fit you. For all women who receive ALG I, ALG II or social welfare or have a Frankfurt-Pass.
                           Rohrbachstraße 54, HH, 60389 Frankfurt
                           Telephone 40353665; open Tues, Thurs, Fri 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

26        CHILD CARE ...
support organisations offer you a choice to work with your schedule. You can and should register your child at multiple child
care facilities.
There is a common procedure for admission to day care for all support organisations and their facilities throughout the city
with few exceptions. The facilities/day care centres decide themselves according to the admissions criteria on the (primary)
admission of the registered children. As the demand for care is very high in Frankfurt, it may be difficult in spite of all efforts
to find a suitable place for child care in some cases. Children have a legal right to a day care space by the end of their 3rd year.

Single parents will be given priority if they are willing and able to work, if they are completing an internship or are in school
or if they are receiving services for integration in the workplace under SGB II. Other reasons for exception include the child or
family's situation. Appropriate evidence helps the management of the institutions in their decision.

Their are detailed information sheets on the registration and admissions process - also available in English, French, Croatian,
Serbian, Arabic, Italian, Polish and Turkish! You can find them for children in age groups up to 3, from 3 to 6, and for
primary school children in all day care centres or at

For those looking for day care facilities, please use the day care centre guide on the internet - with information about
institutions by city area, educational concept, institution size, opening hours, contacts and office hours. The search function
also enables you to search for available spaces.

You can also directly contact the day care centre information desk, either by telephone or in person. There you can find basic
information on all day care centres (including care options at schools), address lists and lists of available spaces.
      Stadtschulamt [City Department of Education], Infobörse Kindertageseinrichtungen [Day Care Facilities Information

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                        27

For children under 3 years of age, the current parental fee for all-day/two-thirds/half-day spaces is €198/€158/€138 per
month in addition to money for food and drink. For nursery children and children after school, the fee, also according to the
duration of care, is €148 for a full-day space.
The last year of nursery before attending school in Frankfurt is always free!
The amount listed is the highest amount! For kindergarten and school children, the amount depends on the fee level (1-4),
which the City Department of Education determines regardless of income. There is a discount for siblings. Important: If you
think that you cannot pay the fixed fees, you can file an application for (pro rata) reimbursement at your local social welfare
office under § 90 SGB VIII. Information and applications at
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wirtschaftsdienst [child and youth economic services]

Day care is a familiar and flexible form of care especially for children in the early years; it takes place in the parents' home or in
the childminder's home. It can also be a possibility for older children if the opening times of the day care centres do not match
up with your working hours, for example. The City Department of Education's day care information desk can answer all
questions or provide addresses of qualified childminders with available spaces either by telephone or in person. They decide
for themselves who they take in and do not need to prioritise single parents.
 Stadtschulamt, Infobörse Kindertagespflege [City Department of Education's day care information desk]

You can also register at and obtain information about childminders with free spaces.
However, you will only find a selection of the options available there.

The parental fee for day care is independent from the scope of services like in the day care centres. All-day spaces (35 to 45
hours per week) currently cost €225 per month including food and drink. The assignment takes place in the City Department of
Education. Parents with low incomes can also file an application for day care at the appropriate social welfare office in
accordance with § 90 SGB VIII, which will reimburse part of or the entire parental fee.
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wirtschaftsdienst [child and youth economic services]

28        CHILD CARE ...
The Babysitter- und Tagespflegevermittlung [Babysitter and Day Care Placement Agency] works in close cooperation with the
City Department of Education and under similar terms. They refer not only qualified nannies, but also checked babysitters. →
Babysitter- und Tagespflegevermittlung (BTV) [Babysitter and Day Care Placement Agency (BTV)]


Some family development centres and volunteer organisations offer mini-clubs for small children in the mornings or afternoons,
from one to four days per week. Flexible options for child care help when you are in a jam and tough situations spring up,
such as illness, sudden business travel or attendance of a continuing education course. Or if you need to tend to time-
consuming matters or simply need a breather. For information on existing options and addresses
 Frankfurter Kinderbüro [Frankfurt Children's Office]

In the event of a caregiving emergency, if planned child care (day care, nanny, grandma and grandpa, au pair, etc.) falls
through or you have urgent short-term obligations, there is professional child care available without preregistration for
extenuating circumstances, including Saturdays and evenings, at → Elbi-Strolche.
Participants in courses at the Zentrum für Weiterbildung [Centre for Continuing Education] and in arrangements with Rhein-
Main Jobcenter GmbH can use the option for free!

Overnight childcare is also available in Frankfurt; during the week for clients of the “Familienservice” [“Family Services”] only,
also available on weekends for private individuals. There are test days available to get to know this service. → Kinderhotel
Frankfurt [Frankfurt Children's Hotel]

                           Have you ever visited Neufundland [Newfoundland]?
                           Furniture, lamps, home accessories, electronics, household goods, crockery, books - the Frankfurt
                           workshop's second-hand warehouse offers a wide assortment for bargain hunters.
                           Lärchenstraße 135, 65933 Frankfurt
                           Telephone 93996-0
                           open Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

 All addresses beginning on page 52       ...                                                                        29
With a low income, you may be entitled to publicly subsidised housing (social housing). By applying, you will be recorded
and connected. If your household meets certain income limits and your current housing conditions are inadequate, the city of
Frankfurt has an obligation to provide housing. When awarding housing, pregnant women will be given preference.
 Amt für Wohnungswesen [Department of Housing]

There is also free tenant's rights counselling available for those with net income up to €1650 plus €500 for each additional
household member. The housing supervisor can help if your landlord is not willing to repair housing issues such as damp walls,
leaking roof, etc. You can also contact the Department of Housing if you suspect you are paying excessive rent.
The “Lila Luftschloss” Frankfurt Women's Housing Cooperative operates two community housing projects for women in
Bornheim and Gutleutviertel. When allocating flats, single mothers are given preference.
 Frauen-Wohnungsbau-Genossenschaft [Women's Housing Cooperative]

Information on other housing projects in Frankfurt available at

For young mothers-to-be, underage and young adult mothers with young children, there are various residential options
combined with social education. Information available at
 Sozialrathäuser [social welfare offices], Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Sozialdienst [child and youth social services]
 Mutter-Kind-Haus der Stiftung Waisenhaus Frankfurt am Main [Mother-Child Home of the Frankfurt am Main Orphanage
 Familienzentrum Monikahaus – Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen [Monikahaus Family Centre - Catholic Women's Social

                          Are you aware of the Sozialmarkt Frankfurt [Frankfurt social market]?
                          If you are looking for cheap clothing for yourself or your children, you are in the right place at the
                          GFFB gGmbH social market. Household goods, books and a wide selection of toys are available, but
                          no furniture. Prerequisite: Frankfurt-Pass, certificate of eligibility or ALG II assessment.
                          Sozialmarkt Frankfurt
                          Mainzer Landstraße 349, 60326 Frankfurt
                          Telephone 973226-150
                          open Mon – Thurs 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Fri 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

30        HOUSING      …
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