Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

Page created by Jennifer Contreras
Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

Potsdam   Potsdam
 Childcare in Potsdam
Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Social Districts in the State Capital Potsdam
Sozialräume der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

                                                        Social district 1 – Northern Areas
                             1                          Fahrland, Neu Fahrland, Groß Glienicke,
                                                        Marquardt, Sacrow, Satzkorn, Uetz-Paaren

                                                        Social district 2 – Potsdam North
                                                        Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube,

                                                        Social district 3 – West/Centre
                                                        Nördliche Vorstädte, Nördliche Innenstadt,
                                                        Brandenburger Vorstadt, Potsdam West,
                                                        Social district 4 – Babelsberg
                                                        Babelsberg, Zentrum Ost

                                 3                      Social district 5 – Potsdam East
                                                4       Stern, Drewitz, Kirchsteigfeld

                                                        Social district 6 – South
                                                    5   Südliche Innenstadt, Templiner Vorstadt,
                                        6               Teltower Vorstadt, Schlaatz, Waldstadt I,
                                                        Waldstadt II
Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

                                “A piece of joint education”
                                Parents wish the best for their children. The denser the social network is that surrounds them, the
                                better they may meet their great responsibility and the new requirements. The offer provided by child
                                day care does supply them with an important contribution to this. Mike Schubert, Deputy Mayor for
                                Social Affairs, Youth, Health, and Public Order explains this:

What is special about childcare in Potsdam to you?                  do also have Kitas of the Land Sport Association focussed
Unlike most cities, we do not have any day care centres (Ki-        on sports. The broad scenery of independent organisations
tas) of our own, but we do work together very closely and           makes such great variety of educational concepts possible.
cooperatively with independent organisations. That works
well, and I am very thankful for this. Compared with many           Where do you see a need for improvement?
other cities, we do have a great variety and an extensive           As in all other areas too, we have to meet the challenges of a
range of offers in Potsdam as far as the conceptual orien-          growing city. This does apply both to the number of available
tation of childcare facilities is concerned. We have 121 child      places and to the key relating to the provided care in the faci-
day care centres with more than 18 000 places. This includes        lities. In the past ten years, we did succeed together with the
places in day care centres, crèches, kindergartens, and in          organisations to establish 8 000 new places in day care cen-
after-school care. We have a colourful mixture of parents’ ini-     tres. However, this is not enough. Which is why, we are wor-
tiatives, church organisations, small and big associations. We      king flat out to improve the situation further. We shall open

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
twelve new day care centres together with the independent           Why is a good child day care so important to families?
    organisations until 2020. We shall have to be able to offer         As a father of two children, I do experience myself that both
    2 000 further places in childcare centres by next year already.     parents may manage the compatibility of job and family only
    That is a great challenge. Another big problem regarding this       with a comprehensive child day care. We have the nice situ-
    is the lack of specialised personnel. It is true, we are able to    ation in Potsdam that with more than 60 per cent we have
    develop the capacities further, but some organisations indi-        the highest female employment rate of all state capitals in
    cate to us already today that there is no qualified personnel       the country. On the other hand, we as the community have
    for childcare available on the labour market. The real estate       to create sufficient offers for childcare in order to give every
    service (KIS) is going to invest about 26.5 million Euros in        family (where both partners have a job) the safety that some-
    the new construction and conversion of day care centres in          body is looking after their children well. I am glad that we
    Potsdam until 2020. While doing so, we do not only need             need more and more places in this city in order to ensure
    more places in Kitas, but a better key relating to the care pro-    that offer to the parents. So to say, child day care does mean
    vided to the children, particularly during the so called off-peak   more than placing your child under care for a certain time. It
    times of the day. The legal claim of the parents to six hours of    is incredibly important and conducive to the children to play
    childcare per day is mostly not enough for employed parents.        together with children of the same age, to discover the world
    It is true, we are in negotiations with the Land Brandenburg        by playing, and to develop oneself as a social being.
    as well as with the organisations, but we as the city shall now
    make advance performance and shall improve the key relat­
    ing to the provided care.

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

How about the collaboration with the parents?                      benefit from this. Besides, next year we shall go online with
Thanks to a parents’ initiative, we have been having a new         a Kita portal. This shall facilitate the search for a Kita consi-
share in decision-making body, the Kita-Parents’ Council,          derably.
since one year. The organisation, the city, and the parents are
now discussing problems together. The collaboration does           What do you give the parents to remember?
work. Of course, we have arguments and causes of friction          The Kita scenery is incredibly manifold and provides many
here and there like everywhere. The Kita-Parents’ Council          options. All interested parties may assure themselves of this
wants to be and shall be the thorn in the flesh.                   by thumbing through this pamphlet. Unfortunately, it does not
                                                                   always work with the nearest desired Kita. I can even under-
Does someone support the parents when looking for a                stand the desire for short distances for short legs prevailing
place in a crèche, in a Kita or in an after-school care?           with the parents. Should this not be possible, the parents
Of course. This pamphlet is an important first guidance. In        should keep cool, widen the lookout for Kitas beyond their
addition, we have been having the Kita-Tipp since 2010,            neighbourhood, for instance on the way to their job, and be
which we strengthen now with regard to personnel. I recom-         open to new experiences and ideas – such as the children
mend the parents very much to use that central walk-in cen-        normally are. The educational staff gives their best every­
tre when looking for a place in a Kita. There, they receive        where and make an excellent job.
competent advice and information about vacancies. Thus,
we avoid double registrations in the facilities. In the end, all
parents who are looking for the suitable offer for childcare

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Table of contents

      3   Greetings from the Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs, Youth,               Child day care
    		 Health, and Public Order                                                    22   Child day care specialist counselling office
                                                                                   23   Independent associations of childminders
    What parents should know
      7   What are the tasks and aims of child day care?                           Child day care in social districts
      8   Is there a central registration and allocation office in Potsdam?        24   Social district 1
      8   How do I find the suitable offer of care for my child?                   28   Social district 2
     9 Some educational approaches of child day care facilities                    36   Social district 3
    		 in the State Capital Potsdam                                                48   Social district 4
    13    What does it mean to have legal claim to child day care?                 57   Social district 5
    14 Acclimatization of children to child day care facilities and child-­	       63   Social district 6
    16 Duties of the day care placement service of the State Capital               71 Child day care centres not included in the day care plan of the State
    		 Potsdam “Kita-Tipp”                                                         		 Capital Potsdam
    17    Where do I file my application for determining the legal claim?
    17 Requirements for a close-knit company by the counselling ser-               72   Independent associations of child day care
    		 vice Kita-Tipp when looking for a place in a child day care facility
                                                                                   23   Impressum
    18    Information for parents of children with or threatened by disabilities
    19    Local Parents’ Council of the State Capital Potsdam pursuant to
    		 § 6a KitaG (Child Day Care Law)
    20    Parent fees pursuant to the Parents Contribution Statutes of
    		 1 January 2016

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Child day care

What parents should know

1. What are the tasks and aims of child day care?

Child day care fulfils a unique purpose. Their social education work       The State Capital Potsdam fulfils its public mandate for care and
must support family care and collaborate closely with parents or           additional educational offers, with the following:
legal guardians. It cannot and must not replace, but should only           • Child day care centres (age groups: Créche: 0 up to and includ-
complement the family. The main responsibility remains that of both          ing the age of 3, Kita: 3 to school enrolment, After-school care:
parents. They are to be integrated in the work. At the same time,            primary school age)
child day care offers various different educational experiences that       • Child day care (age group: 0 up to and including the age of 3)
can extend the individual family’s horizon. A new framework is cre-        • Educationally accompanied parents-child groups (age group: 0
ated when new people come together.                                          up to and including the age of 3)
Child day care have to consider age and developmental steps in             • After-school care “Hort” (age group: primary school age)
their work. Knowledge of child development is a precondition, but          • Inclusive all-day care (age group: primary school age)
at the same time, every child’s individual personality has to be con-      • AKi – alternative childcare (age group: primary school age)
sidered. Gentle acclimatisation is important, as well as qualified staff   We are developing offers for securing the claims tailored to your
that carefully takes the individual child’s development into consid-       needs on a continuous basis.

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
2. Is there a central registration and allocation office in Pots-

    No. The registration for and the allocation of a place are made at
    the location of the child day care centre directly on principle. The
    registration for care in the child day care is made via the supporting
    organisation with which the person providing the day care service
    is cooperating, or directly with the person providing the day care
    service. The State Capital Potsdam is not a supporting body of fa-

    3. How do I find the suitable offer of care for my child?

                                                                                                                             © Andrey Kuzmin/stock.adobe.com
    Child day care should meet the needs of the single individual case
    on principle. The compatibility of family and job, and the well-being    day care offer on principle. However, the independent organisations
    as well as the development of the child are important for this. How-     decide on the criteria of the allocation in their responsibility. The De-
    ever, not everyone can always get a desired place, even though a         partment for Children, Adolescents and Family should see to that
    right to express ones desire and to elect does exist. The parents or     an adequate offer meeting the need is available. The Kita search
    other persons entitled to the custody of the child decide on the child   portal and the online map too are helpful for the search. Both on the

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Child day care

computer, on the smartphone or on the tablet, the search may be             4. Some educational approaches of child day care facilities
executed platform independent.                                              in the State Capital Potsdam
Let the staff members of the service for places in a care facility Kita-
Tipp advice you in advance of your individual search tailored to your       Every child day care centre of the State Capital Potsdam has an
needs and comprehensively, and let them determine your claim to a           educational concept. The extracted short descriptions listed below
place individually by a notice of legal claim. This is a prerequisite for   are aiming at encouraging the desire for discussing different educa-
being admitted to a child day care centre.                                  tional concepts.
Make appointments with the managements of different facilities, and
inform yourself about educational concepts and special organisa-            Fröbel Education: Children learn by playing and singing – “free
tional features. Clarify what options you have to determine the start-      play”, after Frederick William August Fröbel (1782-1852). In 1840,
ing time of a 6-hour childcare period yourself. Different criteria play     he founded a play circle for children in Blankenburg (Thuringia) and
a role when admitting you child, please inquire about such in the           called it General German Kindergarten. He was the first to use the
facilities. Please check the option of using child day care even be-        term “kindergarten” (“garden of children”). In accordance with his
yond the classical Kita like for instance a child day nursing service,      view of an education suitable for children, Fröbel introduced “free
educationally accompanied parents-child groups etc.                         play” into pedagogy. He used play and learning materials which
Make a reasonable selection (not more than 5 options), and discuss          stimulated the sense of touch, motor functions, imagination, and
with the child day care centres the further procedure. Stay in contact      creativity of children.
with you desired locations, and attend their information events.

Potsdam Potsdam Childcare in Potsdam - Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
Montessori Education: Here the main educational goal is auto­
     nomy (“help me to do it myself”): self-instructed learning, direct
     orientation towards the child and consistent consideration of the
     child’s needs, after Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Educators adapt
     open methods to the individual learning needs of children. Rather
     than being instructed or guided, children are supported in their natu-
     ral childlike impulse to be inquisitive and to develop their natural
     abilities. Adequate educational materials to best encourage the child
     can be chosen by observing every child (“How far is he or she in his
     or her development? Which needs does he or she have? What kind
     of help does the child need?”).

     Reggio Emilia Approach: The child as an inquisitive being – “the
     child is made of one hundred”: 100 child languages can be voiced
     through words, pictures or role-play. The child is seen as an inquisi-
     tive being that wants and needs to be supported in his or her thurst
     for knowledge, the urge to experiment, discover, and shape the
     world. The child can voice his or her feelings in words, pictures, or
     in role-play.                                                            © dglimages/stock.adobe.com

Child day care

Waldorf/Steiner Education: This educational approach was de-
fined by Rudolf Steiner and is based on the concept of anthro-
posophy which was also developed by Steiner. Free play reveals
the child’s individuality and personality. Another element is a regular
rhythm of activities to give children security. To this aim, the day
is structured in different phases like free play, fairytale readings, or
artistic work. The four seasons and festivities structure the year and
are a basis for creative activities. Toys are mostly made of natural
materials such as wool, felt, and wood and are meant to encourage
creativity in children.

Forest kindergarten: In a forest kindergarten, care takes place al-
                                                                                                                      © Oksana Kuzmina/stock.adobe.com
most exclusively outdoors. The forest allows for enough physical
exercise and physical activities. The roots of this concept are to be      Situational Approach: The situational approach pursues the goal
found in Scandinavia. The first forest kindergarten in Germany was         of supporting children from various social and cultural backgrounds
founded in 1968. Children can be creative themselves and train their       in understanding and shaping their individual world in a competent,
senses, imagination, and their gross and fine motor skills. Experien­c­    autonomous, and responsible way. Everyday life situations of chil-
ing plants and animals in their natural habitat and sensitising children   dren and their families are addressed. They are the foundation for
to ecological interrelation are learning goals of forest kindergartens.    projects that are carried out together with the children. Involving

children in the planning process of projects strengthens autonomy
     and self-confidence: they learn to express their opinionbut to show
     consideration for others too.

     Situation-oriented Approach: Children make their experiences on
     an emotional and on a congnitive level of action. This approach ac-
     cording to Armin Krenz (*1952) is characterised by the attitude and
     the esteem for humanity that is the basis of a wholistic pedagogy.
     It is not a pedagogical technique or didactical method. The pillars
     of work: the children are given a great deal of appreciation, current
     situations are considered and picked up on, every day is meaningful
     for the child’s development, and Educators teach and learn at the
     same time. One focus of care is linking situations inside and outside
     the kindergarten, avoiding artificially produced, idealistic situations.

                                                                                                                               © drubig-photo/stock.adobe.com
     Open work: Children are given the chance to freely select play
     groups, activities, and play partners. The existing conventional           and actors of the own environment. The role of the companion, of
     group structures are dissolved, and “the doors are opened”. That           the learning partner, of the active listener, of the supporter, and of
     approach does see all parties involved in the role of active designers     the adviser is attached to the adult.

Child day care

Inclusive Education: Inclusive care facilities enable children with        In order to answer this question, the Department for Children, Ado-
and without disabilities to live and learn together. Children are taught   lescents and Family shall verify what period is required for child day
to develop positive social behaviour patterns: educators strengthen        care and what is tailored to the needs as regards the family situation,
mutual understanding, tolerance, and helpfulness at a young age,           the well-being, and the development of the child.
thus avoiding the development of prejudices. It is not about pressure      One may for instance use educationally accompanied parents-child
to perform and competitive mentality, but to handle tasks together.        groups and child day nursing services for children of up to and in-

5. What does it mean to have legal claim to child day care?

Child day care ensures the compatibility of family and job, and it
serves for the well-being and for the development of the children.
All children from and inclusive of the age of 1 until being moved up
into class 5, have a legal claim to upbringing, education, care, and
being fed in child day care centres or to other offers relating to child
day care. Children from and inclusive of the age of 1, and children of
forms 5 and 6 have a legal claim to such, if the family situation, for
instance being employed, being away from home because of look-
ing for a job, because the parents attend training or further training
courses, or if a special need for upbringing require this.                                                                    © Kersten Schröder/PIXELIO

clusive of the age of 3, and integrated offers of day schools or other   An application for legal guardians is unnecessary:
     offers that are available to children of primary school age.             • for children from the completed third year of life until first day of
     Acclimatisation to child day care is a very sensitive process and will     school, for a minimum care time of up to 6 hours
     be considered and identified as part of determining the legal claim      • for children in primary school (grade 1-4), for a minimum care
     separately.                                                                time of up to 4 hours
                                                                              • when the scope of care is reduced from up to 10 hours to up to
     An application for legal guardians is necessary as follows:                8 hours
     • for children until the completed third year of life
     • for children from the completed third year of life with a need of      6. Acclimatization of children to child day care facilities and
       more than 6 hours                                                      childminders
     • for children from 1st until 4th grade with a need of more than
       4 hours                                                                The transition from the home environment to a new care situation
     • for children of 5th and 6th grade                                      is a substantial challenge that parents, educators/childminders, and
     • for children who visit care centers in other communities or Berlin     children face together. Cutting the cord and building new bonds to
     • for children from fled families                                        supplement familiar persons is a long process. Integrating a child
     • when the scope of care is reduced from up to 8 hours to up to          into the everyday life of a day care centre or the care of a childmin-
       6 hours                                                                der can never be routine. The mutual interchange between the par-
     You get application forms for checking the legal claim on the Internet   ents and the kindergarten teachers/persons providing the day care
     under www.potsdam.de/kita.                                               service is necessary for the parents to learn how the daily routine of

Child day care

their child is going on now. Doing so, it is in the foreground to find
out what the child needs in order to feel well in the new situation.
If you have a good feeling about how someone is looking after your
child, this is an important requirement for being able “to release”.
The acclimatisation offers time to get into an interchange about the
habits of the child, but also about the rules of living together in the
daily routine in the Kita or with the person providing the day care
The acclimatisation is orientated towards the “Berlin Model” of In-
fans (www.infans.net). As a rule, that stage covers 10 workdays, i.e.
2 consecutive weeks. The different stages of acclimatisation shall be
discussed. The stages may vary in time depending on the age and
on the stage of development of the child.
A discussion between the parents and the psychological parent
(educator) takes place at the beginning of the acclimatisation. Any
liking, habits and individual peculiarities of the child are taken down
(for instance sleeping and eating habits, possible allergies etc.).
Please take time for the joint arrival and discuss the individual pro-
cedure in the facility.                                                        © RioPatuca Images/stock.adobe.com

7. Duties of the day care placement service of the State
                               Capital Potsdam “Kita-Tipp”

                               The staff members of the service for places in a care facility Kita-
                               Tipp render information and give advice to pregnant women, par-
                               ents, and to interested citizen on all topics around child day care in
                               the State Capital Potsdam.

                               Our services in terms of compatibility of family and job and of
                               promoting the development of the child are:
                               • Initial counselling during pregnancy to prepare for a child day care
                               • Rendering information about educational approaches, profiles of
                                  the child day care offers in Potsdam, and about the principles of
                                  educational work
                               • Rendering information and giving advice about child day care for
                                  children with handicaps and with special needs
                               • Cooperation with internal and external partners
                               • Counselling in legal matters around the topic of finding childcare
     © JackF/stock.adobe.com      offers tailored to the child’s needs

Child day care

                                                                            8. Where do I file my application for determining the legal

                                                                            The application for a legal claim will be accepted and checked by
                                                                            the service for places in a care facility ¬Kita-Tipp of the Department
                                                                            for Children, Adolescents and Family. The final notice is a basic pre-
                                                                            requisite for signing the care service agreement, of which one copy
                                                     © Daniela B./PIXELIO
                                                                            should be delivered to the care service facility.
• Accompanying the parents when looking for a special place in a
  childcare facility tailored to the child’s needs                          9. Requirements for a close-knit company by the counsel-
• Giving advice on and determining the legal claim to child day care        ling service Kita-Tipp when looking for a place in a child day
• Rendering information when looking after children in and from             care facility
  other communities and from Berlin
• Rendering information about using the online portal “Search por-          Should you not have received yet a positive feedback from your de-
  tal child day care” www.potsdam.de/kita                                   sired facility or from a person providing the day care service 3 months
• Kita pamphlet “Childcare in Potsdam” in German and in English             before the desired entry date into the child day care, please contact
  languages listing all places in centres and in other forms provid-        the service for places in a care facility Kita-Tipp. There, you should
  ing care tailored to the children’s needs www.potsdam.de/Kita-            complete the consent form for processing personal data (www.pots-
  Broschuere-fuer-potsdam                                                   dam.de/kita, then under the link Kita-Tipp, there downloads/links).

The service for places in a care facility Kita-Tipp is in permanent      Doing so, the child shall be offered best possible opportunities for
     contact with the facilities and with the organisations running such      developing his/her personality, for developing towards an independ-
     facilities on a regular basis about available places. The service for    ent life, and for an equal participation in society.
     places in a care facility Kita-Tipp is acting as a support module, and   Handicapped children and such threatened of a handicap may be
     it will accompany you in the best possible way for getting a place in    promoted, brought up, educated, looked after and fed in an integra-
     a child day care facility.                                               tion Kita, but even in a regular child day care centre. This is always
                                                                              then possible if the regular Kita meets the requirements relating to
     10. Information for parents of children with or threatened by            personnel and space in order to be able to secure the individually
     disabilities                                                             required company and promotion.
                                                                              Parents of children with a handicap may apply for an integration al-
     Pursuant to Article 3 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of     lowance with the locally competent authority responsible for public
     Germany, no individual should be disadvantaged because of his/her        assistance or with the Youth Welfare organisation respectively.
     handicap. This does even include the equal participation in the com-     Parents living in Potsdam who wish to apply for such allowance
     munity’s life. Nurturing pre-school children is a complex nurturing of   should contact the Sector of Social Health Services of the Depart-
     the child having more or less extensive deficits in the miscellaneous    ment for Social Affairs, Health, and Environment of the State Capital,
     stages of development. It is aimed at identifying conspicuous fea-       in order to avail themselves of free of charge counselling and sup-
     tures or impairments at the earliest stage possible in order to avoid    port. As a rule, the granting of such benefit is dependent on the
     the occurrence of handicaps, and to ease or to remove handicaps          family’s income and wealth.
     and their consequences.

Child day care

Department for Social Affairs, Health, and Environment / Social
Health Services Sector / Inclusion Task Group “Arbeitsgruppe
Hegelallee 6-10 (Entrance Jägerallee 2), House 2, 14467 Potsdam
E-mail: gesundheitssozialedienste@rathaus.potsdam.de
  Jägertor/Justizzentrum Bus 692, 695
  Nauener Tor Tram 92, 96, Bus 638, walking distance 8 minutes

11. Local Parents’ Council of the State Capital Potsdam pur-
suant to § 6a KitaG (Child Day Care Law)

The Local Parents’ Council for Potsdam was elected in January
2017. The parents’ initiative “Jetzt KITA” did suggest the foundation
                                                                                                                © WavebreakmediaMicro/stock.adobe.com
of the parents’ council, the State Capital did support the project.
The Parents’ Council comprises 6 members. The foundation of local       from their midst”. However, the membership ends when the child is
parents’ councils has become possible with the amendment of the         leaving the facility at the latest.
Law on Child Day Care Centres of the Land Brandenburg of 1 Au-          The Parents’ Council shall be heard by the local organisation re-
gust 2015. In the law, it says “Parents, whose children visit a child   sponsible for the public Youth Welfare in all questions essential to
day care centre, may elect a local parents’ council for the facility    child day care.

12. Parent fees pursuant to the Parents Contribution Stat-                 tion is to be directed to the Service Section of the Department for
     utes of 1 January 2016                                                     Children, Youth, and Family.

     Legal guardians are required to pay a fee for the running costs of
     the facility (parent fee) as well as a contribution towards the child’s
     lunch to the amount of the average saved expenses (food money).
     Parent fees are determined and charged by the day care associa-
     tion. The principles of determining the amount and scale of costs
     are to be established in mutual agreement with the local youth wel-
     fare office of the State Capital Potsdam.
     The parents should pay contributions pursuant to the Parents Con-
     tribution Statutes for availing themselves of places in the day care
     facilities found by the Youth Welfare Office or by the independent
     organisation, or arranged by the persons entitled to the custody of
     the child/parents and aided by the Youth Welfare Office. The youth
     welfare office will charge the fees.
     According to § 90 Abs. 2 Nr. 1a SGB VIII, parent fees can be partially
     or fully remitted or taken on by the youth welfare office, if the burden
                                                                                                                              © highwaystarz/stock.adobe.com
     would be too much for the child or the parents. The written applica-

Child day care

Sector Child day care                                                Further regional competences:
Head: Ms Elsaßer, Am Palais Lichtenau 3, 14469 Potsdam
                                                                     Regional team 1 – Social district 1, 2, and 3
Task group specialist management Kita                                Am Palais Lichtenau 3, 14469 Potsdam
Head: Ms Imhof, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 79/81, 14469 Potsdam              Rathaus Tram 92, 96, Bus 603, 638

Day care placement service “Kita-Tipp”                               Regional team 2 – Social district 4 and 5
Town Hall (Stadthaus), Room 106, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 79/81,         Galileistr. 37-39, 14480 Potsdam
14469 Potsdam                                                          Johannes-Keppler-Platz Tram 92, 96, Bus 118, 601, 690, 694,
Telephone: 0331.289-22 41/-22 42/-22 44, Fax: 0331.289-22 43           walking distance 5 minutes
E-mail: kita-tipp@rathaus.potsdam.de
www.potsdam.de/kita-tipp                                             Regional team 3 – Social district 6
Contact hours: Tue 9 to 12 a.m., 1 to 6 p.m.; Thu 9 to 12 a.m.,      Horstweg 96 (corner An den Kopfweiden), 14478 Potsdam
1 to 4 p.m.; every last Saturday of the month 8 to 12 a.m.             Waldstr./Horstweg Tram 91, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99
Telephone contact hours: Wed 1.30 to 3 p.m., Fri 9 to 10.30 a.m.
If you wish a first detailed consultation you can make an appoint-   Please learn about the contacts who are responsible for you from
ment by e-mail or during our telephone contact hours. You can also   the following Internet page: www.potsdam.de > Politik Verwaltung
use the authority telephone number 115.                              > Rathaus | Stadtverwaltung > Virtuelles Rathaus > Suche: Regio­
    Rathaus Tram 92, 96, Bus 603, 638                                nalteam

Child day care

                                      Child day care specialist counselling office

                                       In addition to day care centres (Kita), the family-like   Postal address:
                                       form of care in Potsdam offers opportunities for          Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 79/81, 14469 Potsdam
                                       education and care that is of equal rank but still
                                       independent.                                              Visitor address:
                                                                                                 Am Palais Lichtenau 3/5, 14469 Potsdam
                                       Child day care stands for educating, bringing up,         Room 2.18 and 2.19
                                       and looking after children from the age of 8 weeks
                                       up to and including the age of 3 by a child day care      Independent organisations of Child Welfare find
                                       person – colloquially called „childminder“ (female or     vacancies in day care centres. They find exclusively
                                       male). A childminder is looking after your child either   qualified childminders and such that have been
                                       at her/his own home or in the parents’ household or       checked by the child day care specialist counselling
                                       on any other suitable premises in a small group of        office on their personal and professional qualification
                                       maximum 5 children.                                       holding a care permit pursuant to § 43 Social Code
                                                                                                 (SGB) VIII. They have gone through extensive qua-
                                       The responsible and competent specialist counsellors      lification courses of at least 160 lessons, they have
                                       do furnish you with information relating to all ques­     acquired a nationwide certificate, and they undergo
                                       tions around looking after children in the child day      continuous further education, and the child day care
                                       care system.                                              specialist counselling office accompanies them in
                                                                                                 technical terms.
                                       Educational advice:
                                                                                                 Please find below the contact data of the relevant
                                       Ms Gorgas                                                 independent organisations.
                                       Child day care practice consultant
                                       Department for Children, Youth, and Family
                                       0331.289-23 22

                                       Ms Neumann
                                       Child day care specialist counsellor
                                       Department for Children, Youth, and Family
                                       0331.289-22 59
                      © fws/PIXELIO
Independent associations of childminders

Day care places with childminders are allocated on behalf of the State Capital Potsdam by the
following associations

 Die Kinderwelt gGmbH                                 FidL – Frauen in der Lebensmitte e.V.
 ADDRESS:   Breite Str. 19, 14467 Potsdam             ADDRESS:  Alleestr. 1, 14469 Potsdam
 CONTACT PERSON:    Ms Koske                          CONTACT PERSON:    Markus Weyh
 TEL: 0331.273 33 94                                  TEL: 0331.86 75 00 87
 Fax: 0331.273 33 96                                  FAX: 0331.86 75 00 92
 E-Mail: kindertagespflege@die-kinderwelt.com         E-Mail: tagespflege@fidl.de
 Internet: www.die-kinderwelt.com                     Internet: www.fidl.de
 COUNCIL TIMES: Wed 2 to 4 p.m.                       COUNCIL TIMES: Tue 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thu 2 to 6 p.m.
 CAPACITY: max. 5 children per childminder            CAPACITY: max. 5 children per childminder, Enrolment
 AGE: 8 weeks to 3 years                              only via www.fidl.de or www.facebook.com/fidl.potsdam                                        © Susanne Schmich/PIXELIO
 CARE HOURS: depending on childminder                 AGE: 8 weeks to 3 years
 FEES: Day Care Centre Constitution of the State      CARE HOURS: Table of care hours and vacancies under     Impressum
 Capital Potsdam                                      www.fidl.de
                                                      FEES: Day Care Centre Constitution of the State         PUBLISHER:
    Naturkundemuseum Bus 606; Luisenplatz-Süd                                                                 State Capital Potsdam
                                                      Capital Potsdam
    Tram 91, 94, 98, Bus 605, 606, 610, 631                                                                   Lord Mayor
                                                         Reiterweg/Alleestr. Tram 92, 96, Bus 603, 604, 638
                                                                                                              Department for Children, Youth, and Family
 Erziehungs- und Bildungswege gGmbH                   Treffpunkt Fahrland e.V.                                Luft Verlag, owner Ms Nicole Luft
 ADDRESS:   Potsdamer Str. 63, 14469 Potsdam          ADDRESS:  Ketziner Str. 20, 14476 Potsdam               Kurfürstenstr. 13, 14467 Potsdam
 CONTACT PERSON: Dr Rosenbaum                         CONTACT PERSON: Mr Liebe                                0331.704 69 74, www.potskids.de
 TEL: 0331.967 60 43                                  TEL: 033208.503 57                                      PUBLISHED IN: 2017, 4nd reworked edition
 Fax: 0331.967 60 44                                  Fax: 033208.23 73 03                                    COVER: State Capital Potsdam/Robert Schnabel, State
 E-Mail: elterninfo@erziehungs-und-bildungswege.de    E-Mail: geschaeftsstelle@treffpunkt-fahrland.de         Capital Potsdam/Vivien Taschner, Gorilla/stock.adobe.com,
 CAPACITY: max. 5 children per childminder            Internet: treffpunkt-fahrland.de                        Monkey-Business/Fotolia.com, Anastasia Hermann, Chris­
 AGE: 8 weeks to 3 years                              CAPACITY: max. 5 children per childminder               tian Schlicht
 CARE HOURS: 6, 8 and 10 hours, times can be arran-   AGE: 1 to 3 years (normally)
                                                                                                              TRANSLATION: Robert Liebermann, Sylvia Menger, World
 ged individually                                     CARE HOURS: 6, 8 and 10 hours, times can be arran-
 FEES: Day Care Centre Constitution of the State      ged individually
 Capital Potsdam                                      FEES: Day Care Centre Constitution of the State         PHOTO CREDITS: Pictures that are not identified were provi-

                                                      Capital Potsdam                                         ded by the supporting associations and facilities or by the
    Florastr. Bus 612, 614, 692, 698                                                                          publisher Luft Verlag.
                                                         Kaiserplatz Bus 609
Social district 1 – Northern districts Fahrland, Neu Fahrland, Groß Glienicke, Marquardt, Sacrow, Satzkorn, Uetz-Paaren

     AKi an der Hanna-von-Pestalozza-Grundschule,                   Elterninitiativkita Butzemannhaus e.V., parent               Fahrländer Landmäuse, day care centre
     alternative childcare                                          initiative day care centre

                                       Hechtsprung 14-16,                                           Seepromenade 54,                                            Marquardter Str./Aus­-
                                       14476 Potsdam                                                14476 Potsdam                                               bau 1, 14476 Potsdam
                                       HEAD: Ms Friedrichs and                                      HEAD:Ms Franke-Rade-                                        HEAD:   Ms Döpke
                                       Ms Ströer                                                    macher
                                                                                                                                                                TEL:   033208.502 91
                                       TEL:   033201.312 23                                         TEL:   033201.312 23                                        FAX:   033208.502 91
                                       FAX:   033201.45 68 82                                       FAX:   033201.45 68 82
                                                                                                                                                                E-MAIL: kita@treffpunkt-
                     © Pixequelle.de   E-MAIL:                                                      E-MAIL: butzemannhaus                                       fahrland.de
                                       regine.stroeer@t-online.de                                   @t-online.de
                                                                                                                                  CAPACITY:   85 children
      CAPACITY:   20 children                                        CAPACITY:   50 children
                                                                                                                                  AGE:   2 years to school enrolment
      CARE HOURS:    11.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.                         AGE:   0 years to school enrolment
                                                                                                                                  CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                              CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fri 6 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.                    no summer closing times
      You may learn more about the facility’s profile during a
                                                                     SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                            SELF-DESCRIPTION:
      personal appointment.
                                                                     • Half-open group work with four peer groups                 • Work based on situational approach in family
      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:      Butzemannhaus e.V.                • Early musical education                                      atmosphere, close integration into local life, playing
                                                                     • Music and English are offered by external institu-           and learning in the former “Gutspark”
         Hechtsprung Bus 638
                                                                       tions                                                      • We follow the educational principle (support of
                                                                     • In-house kitchen – fresh and healthy food, prepared          exercise, speech and communication, competence
                                                                       daily                                                        of music and arts and the understanding of maths
                                                                     • Healthy children network                                     and natural sciences)
                                                                     • Family atmosphere                                          • Long-term project “healthy nutrition”
                                                                     Preschool education starts with the admission to the         • Parent assemblies, Cooperation with day care com-
                                                                     day care facility and includes regular visits to the pri-      mittee, parents are welcome to cooperate
                                                                     mary school in the last year before school enrolment,
                                                                                                                                  SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:   Treffpunkt Fahrland e.V.
                                                                     educational offers in English from native speaker, port-
                                                                     folio, individual acclimatisation into the daily routine,       Kaiserplatz Bus 609
                                                                     family atmosphere.
                                                                     SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    Butzemannhaus e.V.
                                                                         Friedrich-Günther-Park Bus 638

Social district 1 – Northern districts Fahrland, Neu Fahrland, Groß Glienicke, Marquardt, Sacrow, Satzkorn, Uetz-Paaren

Haus Sonnenschein, day care centre                          Hort an der Regenbogenschule, Fahrland, after-                   Kinderland, day care centre
                                                            school care

                               Ulrich-Steinhauer-Str. 3a,                                    Ketziner Str. 31 c,                                            Am Kirchberg 50,
                               14476 Potsdam                                                 14476 Potsdam                                                  14476 Potsdam
                               HEAD:     Ms Selke                                            HEAD:     Ms Schallau                                          HEAD:     Ms Göse
                               TEL:   033201.317 26                                          TEL:   033208.575 20                                           TEL:   033208.226 10
                               FAX:   033201.440 51                                          FAX:   033208.23 03 76                                         FAX:   033208.226 11
                               E-MAIL:                                                       E-MAIL: hort@treffpunkt-                                       E-MAIL:
                               sonnenschein.de                                               fahrland.de                                                    kinderland-neufahrland@
 CAPACITY:   46 children                                     CAPACITY:   204 children
                                                                                                                              CAPACITY:   102 children
 AGE:   8 weeks to school enrolment                          AGE:   year before School enrolment to 6th grade
                                                                                                                              AGE:   1 year to school enrolment
 CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 5 p.m., no holiday closure         CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
                                                                           day care during holidays                           CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5 p.m., no closing time
                                                                           no summer closing times
 • Work based on situational approach                                                                                         SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • Half-open group work, every child has an assigned         SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                                • Profile of integrated Health support
   educator                                                  • Support of exercise, speech and communication,                 • Bilingual education (German-English)
 • Creative construction room, “nest room” for the             competence of music and arts and the understand-               • Well-balanced, healthy, child-appropriate nutritious
   youngest, exercise and sports room, room for                ing of maths and natural sciences                                food from in-house kitchen
   meetings, ballet and dance lessons, early musical         • Cooperative partner of the primary school in VHG               • “Healthy Kita” certified
   education, sport lessons                                    starting at 11.20 a.m.
                                                                                                                              SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    FRÖBEL Bildung und Erzie-
 • Wholesome, well-balanced meals, using fresh               • Special instruction in speech for children during their
                                                                                                                              hung gGmbH
   ingredients                                                 last year before school
 • Cooperation based on mutual trust, parent-educa-          • Parent assemblies, Cooperation with Care centre                   Heinrich-Heine-Weg Bus 609, 638, 697
   tor talks offered on request or if indicated                committee, parents are welcome to cooperate,
 “Feel secure and understood and learn according to            close integration into the local rural life in the district
 your own wishes.”
                                                             SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     Treffpunkt Fahrland e.V.
 SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    Haus Sonnenschein e.V.
                                                                 Fahrland, Schule Bus 609
    Groß Glienicke, Birkenweg Bus 638
    Theodor-Fontane-Str. Bus 639

Social district 1 – Northern districts Fahrland, Neu Fahrland, Groß Glienicke, Marquardt, Sacrow, Satzkorn, Uetz-Paaren

     Montessori-Kinderhaus Starke Kinder, day care             Seepferdchen, day care centre                              Spatzennest, day care centre
     centre and after-school care

                                    An der Sporthalle 2,                                      Hauptstr. 19/22,                                            Tristanstr. 58,
                                    14476 Potsdam                                             14476 Potsdam                                               14476 Potsdam
                                    HEAD:                                                     HEAD:     Sascha Lasch                                      HEAD:     Ms Schmidt
                                    Ms Manneschmidt
                                                                                              TEL:    033208.21 78 15                                     TEL:   033201.43 00 43
                                    TEL:   033201.43 02 40                                            0151.53 86 57 11                                    FAX:   033201.43 00 44
                                    FAX:   033201.43 02 41
                                                                                              E-MAIL:                                                     E-MAIL:
                                    E-MAIL:                                                   lasch.s@gesa-ag.de                                          buero@spatzennest.info
                                                                CAPACITY:   230 children                                   CAPACITY:   106 children
      CAPACITY:   55 children
                                                                AGE:   1 year to primary school age                        AGE:   9 months to school enrolment
      AGE:   1 year to school enrolment
                                                                CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 6 p.m.                             CARE HOURS:   6.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      CARE HOURS:    7.45 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                                                 fridays 6.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
      SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                         • Orientation on the situational approach/environmen-      SELF-DESCRIPTION:
      • Montessori education                                      tally orientated                                         • Bilingual (German-English)
      • Half-open group work – every child has an assigned      • English with native speakers                             • Half-open and open work with limited mixing of age
        educator and belongs to a specific toddlers’ or         • Steady teacher in half open groups, after-school           groups
        small children’s group, age-independent work              care open group and cooperation with the Neue            • Children’s dance, gymnastics and exercise games,
      • Free work and play are complemented by offers             Grundschule Marquardt                                      “water acclimatisation”, handling of different materi-
        including musical, creative, physical and natural       • Offers in all educational areas, like music, exercise      als, tools, and techniques, early musical education,
        scientific activities                                     and language complete the child’s play, own veg-           linguistic support
      • Wholesome, well-balanced meals using organic              etable garden and lots of green, regular excursions      • Lunch cooked on the premises with careful atten-
        products                                                  in nature, swimming lessons, theatre- and environ-         tion to nutritional aspects
      • Cooperation between parents and educators based           mental projects, homework supervision, holiday day       • Parent evenings, parent afternoons, parent talks,
        on mutual trust, talks on child development, parent-      care, student radio, cooking, Nature Kids, karate or       parent committees, festivities are organised
        educator talks, parent assemblies, parent evenings        dragon boat on the Schlänitzsee                            together
                                                                • The most important rule is a responsibility for each     Pre-school education: 2 x weekly theme-based,
      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:   Montessori & Friends Edu-
                                                                  other and the environment and the strengthening of       1 x monthly visit to the primary school, 1 x monthly
      cation gGmbH
                                                                  a positiv self-confidence.                               visit to the after-school care centre, 1 x monthly visit to
         Am Anger Bus 638                                                                                                  the “Forest School” in Potsdam
                                                                SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    ASG – Anerkannte Schulge-
                                                                sellschaft mbH                                             SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    Kita Spatzennest e.V.
                                                                   Schule Marquardt Bus 614, 609, 650                          Sacrower Allee/R.-Wagner-Str. Bus 638
Social district 1 – Northern districts Fahrland, Neu Fahrland, Groß Glienicke, Marquardt, Sacrow, Satzkorn, Uetz-Paaren

Traumzauberbaum, after-school care                         Villa Kunterbunt, day care centre

                                Hechtsprung 14,                                             Am Glienicker Mühlen-
                                14476 Potsdam                                               berg 3, 14476 Potsdam
                                HEAD:     Ms Röder                                          HEAD:   Ms Schmidt
                                TEL:   033201.43 00 42                                      TEL:   033201.312 01
                                FAX:   033201.43 00 41                                      FAX:   033201.440 85
                                E-MAIL:                                                     E-MAIL: villakunterbunt@
                                buero@spatzennest.info                     © Adel/PIXELIO   die-kinderwelt.de
 CAPACITY:   140 children                                   CAPACITY:   41 children
 AGE:   primary school age                                  AGE:   1 year to school enrolment
 CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5 p.m., holiday support            CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                          SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • Open work                                                • Based on situational approach
 • Homework support, play – research – experiments          • Bilingual (German-English)
 • Lunch cooked on the premises with careful atten-         • Half-open group work for the 3 to 6 year old
   tion to nutritional aspects                                children
 • Parent evenings, parent café, parent talks, and par-     • Language, exercise, music, set theory, creativity,
   ent committee                                              and much more (all sectors of education), “Koch-
 Offers include: furnicular, swings, seesaw, climbing         mützenclub” cooking club
 frame, football field, wooden huts, table tennis table,    Exercise, play, and creativity room
 vegetable garden, and flower border
                                                            SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     Die Kinderwelt gGmbH
 Educational work: accompanies children in their
 development towards self-confident and responsible             Groß Glienicke, Birkenweg Bus 638
 SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     Kita Spatzennest e.V.
    Hechtsprung Bus 638

                                                                                                                       © redsheep/PIXELIO
Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

     Am Herzberg, after-school care                               Am Jungfern See, day care centre                          Am Storchennest, exercise and health oriented
                                                                                                                            day care centre

                                        In der Feldmark 28,                                         Konrad-Zuse-Ring,                                      Geiselbergstr. 12,
                                        14476 Potsdam                                               14469 Potsdam                                          14476 Potsdam-Golm
                                        HEAD:     Ms Brenger                                        HEAD:     N.N.                                         HEAD:   Ms Tietz
                                        TEL:   0331.96 78 23 50                                     TEL:   N.N.                                            TEL:   0331.50 06 57
                                                                                                    FAX:   N.N.                                            FAX:   0331.550 68 22
                                        awo-potsdam.de                                              E-MAIL:    N.N.                                        E-MAIL: storchennest@
               © S. v. Gehren/PIXELIO                                  © Sandra Melicchio/PIXELIO                                                          lsb-sportservice.de
      CAPACITY:   126 children                                     CAPACITY:   120 children                                  CAPACITY:   60 children
      AGE:   primary school age                                    AGE:   0 years to school enrolment                        AGE:   1 year to school enrolment
      CARE HOURS:    N.N.                                          CARE HOURS:    N.N.                                       CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                            Fri 6 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
      SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                            SELF-DESCRIPTION:
      You may learn more about the facility’s profile during a     • Nature scientific concept                               SELF-DESCRIPTION:
      personal appointment.                                        Earliest opening 3rd quarter of 2018                      • Health and exercise orientated
                                                                                                                             • Possibility to do a year of voluntary social work and
      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:                                      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:      FRÖBEL Bildung und Erzie-
                                                                                                                               voluntary social year
      AWO Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Potsdam gGmbH                    hung gGmbH
                                                                                                                             • Fixed groups
         Zum Großen Herzberg Bus 605                                  Campus Jungfernsee Tram 96, Bus 604, 609, 638          • English, Judo, ball games, music, dancing, swim-
                                                                                                                               ming for pre-school kids, day in the forest and other
                                                                                                                               exercise offers
                                                                                                                             • Exercise room and children’s kitchen
                                                                                                                             • Cooperation with parents, parent talks, day care
                                                                                                                             • Exercise tests by exercise coordinators
                                                                                                                             SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    LSB SportService Branden-
                                                                                                                             burg gGmbH
                                                                                                                                Kirche Golm Bus 606

Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

Betriebskita klEinstein, company day care                     Bornstedter Feld, day care centre and after-             Entdeckerland, day care centre
centre                                                        school care

                                 Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 135,                                  Jakob-von-Gundling-                                     Walter-Funcke-Str. 25,
                                 14469 Potsdam                                               Str. 27, 14469 Potsdam                                  14469 Potsdam
                                 HEAD:     Ms Neugebauer                                     HEAD:     Ms Goldbeck                                   HEAD:     Ms Hirsch
                                 TEL:   0331.505 45 42                                       TEL:   0331.96 79 98 90                                 TEL:   0331.550 87 83
                                 FAX:   0331.50 54 06 31                                     FAX:   0331.96 79 98 91                                 FAX:   0331.550 87 84
                                 E-MAIL: kleinstein@                                         E-MAIL:ilka.goldbeck@                                   E-MAIL:
    © Sandra Melicchio/PIXELIO   die-childrenwelt.com                                        independentliving.de                                    kita-entdeckerland@ejf.de
 CAPACITY:   110 children                                      CAPACITY:   335 children                                 CAPACITY:   102 children
 AGE:   0 years to school enrolment                            AGE:   3 years to primary school age                     AGE:   8 months to school enrolment
 CARE HOURS:   7.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.                             CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 6 p.m., open all year round      CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                             SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                        SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • Company day care centre of the student union                • Open work based on elementary education and            • Work based on situational approach
   “Studentenwerk Potsdam”, based on the situational             upbringing                                             • Day care in mixed age groups, nursery from 0 to
   approach                                                                                                               3 years, day care from 3 to 6 years
                                                               SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION: IL Kinder- und Jugendhilfe-
 • Partially open work with older children                                                                              • Sports and exercise room, kitchen for children,
                                                               einrichtungen in Potsdam gGmbH
 • Life orientated subjects, offers and projects                                                                          creative room, play and fun course at swimming
 • Regulary music- and theatre offers (stories, games,             Ruinenbergstr. Bus 692, 697                            school “Pinguin”, external offers judo and music,
   crafts)                                                                                                                preschool club
 • All meals provided, with high percentage of organic                                                                  • In-house kitchen
                                                                                                                        SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    EJF gAG
 • Health prevention according to Kneipp
                                                                                                                           Hannes-Meyer-Str. Tram 92
    Studentenwohnheim Bus 605, 606, 612

Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

     Farbenspiel, day care centre                                  Firlefanz, day care centre                                     Haus der fröhlichen Kinder, after-school care

                                         Peter-Huchel-Str. 1,                                          Nedlitzer Holz 12 a,                                     Kirschallee 171/172,
                                         14469 Potsdam                                                 14469 Potsdam                                            14469 Potsdam
                                         HEAD:     Ms Stielow                                          HEAD:     Ms Teichert                                    HEAD:     Ms Zielske
                                         TEL:   0331.58 11 48 00                                       TEL:   0331.505 12 21                                    TEL:   0331.505 47 84
                                         FAX:   0331.58 11 48 01                                       FAX:   0331.550 63 90                                    FAX:   0331.505 47 95
                                         E-MAIL:                                                       E-MAIL:  kita-firlefanz@                                 E-MAIL:
                                         farbenspiel@                                                  t-online.de                                              froehlichekinder-pdm@
                                         die-kinderwelt.com                                                                                                     jus-or.de
                                                                    CAPACITY:   54 children
      CAPACITY:   120 children                                                                                                     CAPACITY:   216 children
                                                                    AGE:   0 years to school enrolment
      AGE:   from 3 months up                                                                                                      AGE:   primary school age
                                                                    CARE HOURS:     6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
      CARE HOURS:     7 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                                                                             CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., holidays 7 a.m. to
                                                                                                                                                 5 p.m., not closed during the summer
      SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                             • Open, social inclusive education, the goal of the
      • Orientation on Reggio ecucation                               pedagogic work: autonomy, social behaviour, Ac-
      • Open group work in high-quality functional rooms              quire of knowledge in natural scien­ces, mathemat-           SELF-DESCRIPTION:
        like art studio, building room, exercise room, work-          ics, art, sport, language and music                          • Care in fixed groups
        shop and restaurant                                         • Age-integrated                                               • Generously sized and individually furnished rooms,
      • Importance on free development of any individual            • Workshop, rooms are equiped according to edu-                  including homework support, open work outside
        child                                                         cational areas, many experimental and educational              the care centre, e.g. working in ceramics, creative
      • Fullboard (breakfast, lunch, snack in the afternoon           offers/field trips, individual curricula, portfolio and        and wood workshops, sewing and drawing studio,
        and an offer of fruits and vegetables)                        development reports                                            exercise and sports activities, gym and outside
                                                                    • Organic food                                                   sports area, natural science experiments in the
      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:        Die Kinderwelt gGmbH
                                                                    • Day care centre partys                                         2.000 square metres of the play and fun garden,
                   Viereckremise Tram 96                                                                                             observation, experimenting, course offers, silk
                                                                    SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:        Erziehungs- und Bildungs-
                   Am Golfplatz Bus 609, 638                                                                                         painting, drawing, sewing, and baking lessons,
                                                                    wege gGmbH
                                                                                                                                     individual free play
                                                                                 Viereckremise Tram 96                             • Healthy meals
                                                                                 Am Golfplatz Bus 609, 638
                                                                                                                                   SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:
                                                                                                                                   Jugend- und Sozialwerk gGmbH
                                                                                                                                       Kirschallee Tram 92, 612, 692, 697, 698

Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

Hort Bornim, after-school care                                Hort der Grundschule Bornstedter Feld II, after-            Kids Company, day care centre
                                                              school care

                                   Potsdamer Str. 90,                                          Esplanade 5,                                                Potsdamer Str. 63,
                                   14469 Potsdam                                               14469 Potsdam                                               14469 Potsdam
                                   HEAD:     Ms Daumke                                         HEAD:     Ms Müller                                         HEAD:  Ms Letzner, repre-
                                                                                                                                                           sentative Ms Konrad
                                   TEL:   0331.50 54 04 54                                     TEL:   0331.95 14 64 25
                                   FAX:   0331.50 54 04 55                                     FAX:   0331.95 14 64 26                                     TEL:   0331.967 61 26/27
                                                                                                                                                           FAX:   0331.967 60 44
                                   E-MAIL: bianca.daumke@                                      E-MAIL:  katrin.mueller@
    © Albrecht E. Arnold/PIXELIO   internationaler-bund.de                  © anschi/PIXELIO   internationaler-bund.de                                     E-MAIL: kitakidscompany
 CAPACITY:   112 children                                      CAPACITY:   56 children
                                                                                                                           CAPACITY:   142 children
 AGE:   primary school age                                     AGE:   primary school age
                                                                                                                           AGE:   0 years to school enrolment
 CARE HOURS:    6 a.m. to 6 p.m.                               CARE HOURS:    6.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                              holidays 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.                    CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 • Individual learn and play offers                            SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                           SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • Play and fun at the outdoor area, the playground or         • Open work                                                 • Bilingual (German-English)
   football field close by                                     • Daily study time (besides Friday)                         • Open group work (from the age of 3 years up)
 • Handicrafts, creative offers, library, nature and forest    • Individual learn play offers as practice for school,      • 3 houses: small house, big house and Uli house
   experience, external offers(music and sports)                 exercise and relaxation, play and fun, daily play         • Music, sauna, forest days, wood workshop, dance,
 • Monday/Wednesday offer: children’s kitchen (from              outside, creative offers, sports projects                   sports, speech lessons
   fruit salad to semolina)                                                                                                • All meals provided – prepared with organic produce
                                                               SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     Internationaler Bund Berlin-
 SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:       Internationaler Bund Berlin-    Brandenburg gGmbH                                           SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     Erziehungs- und Bildungs-
 Brandenburg gGmbH                                                                                                         wege gGmbH
                                                                   Volkspark Tram 96
     Lindstedter Chaussee Bus 612, 614, 692, 698                                                                                       Kirschallee Tram 92, Bus 612, 692, 697, 698
                                                                                                                                       Florastr. Bus 612, 692, 698

Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

     Neunmalklug, day care centre                              Oberlin-Kindertagesstätte Eiche, day care                   Schulplatz 1, after-school care

                                    Mitschurinstr. 1,                                         Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 106,                                   Schulplatz 1,
                                    14469 Potsdam                                             14469 Potsdam                                                14469 Potsdam
                                    HEAD:  Ms Bressé, repre-                                  HEAD:     Ms Babenerd                                        HEAD:   Ms Horn-Husche
                                    sentative Ms Zoellner
                                                                                              TEL:   0331.730 93 80                                        TEL:   0331.967 95 30
                                    TEL:   0331.601 49 14                                     FAX:   0331.763 33 48                                        FAX:   0331.967 95 31
                                    FAX:   0331.601 49 08
                                                                                              E-MAIL: kita-eiche@                                          E-MAIL: schulplatz1@­
                                    E-MAIL:                                                   oberlinhaus.de                                               lsb-sportservice.de
                                                                CAPACITY:   123 children                                    CAPACITY:   244 children
      CAPACITY:   104 children
                                                                AGE:   0 years to primary school age                        AGE:   primary school age
      AGE:   0 years to school enrolment
                                                                CARE HOURS:   day care centre 6.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.           CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
      CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 5 p.m.                                          after-school care 6.30 to 7.45 a.m.,
                                                                              11.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
      SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                                                                                     • Sports and exercise oriented
      • Natural science oriented                                SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                           • Integration of European volunteers (native speakers)
      • Bilingual (German-English)                              • Christian values, projects (day care) according to        • Partially free work
      • Open group work                                           the situational approach                                  • Kneipp water treading room, play and exercise
      • Early musical education, sports activities, forest,     • Compensatory education in speech                            rooms, climbing, swimming lessons, wrestling and
        sauna in the winter months                              • Partly open work (nursery, day care)                        grappling, music, kitchen for children, exercise coor-
      • Healthy meals, all ingredients exclusively from         • Open work (after-school care), variety of educational       dinator, motor skill tests
        organic production                                        offers: theatre, dance, sports, crafting, relaxation      • Health oriented, children’s kitchen
                                                                • Papilio, addiction and violence prevention (day           • Cooperation with parents, parent talks, day care
      SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    Erziehungs- und Bildungs-
                                                                  care), music, judo, participation, guitar                   committee
      wege gGmbH
                                                                • Full board, in-house kitchen with daily fresh prepa-      • Large, park-like outside play area
         Hugstr. Bus 692, 698, 612, 614                           ration
                                                                                                                            SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:     LSB Sportservice Branden-
                                                                • Cooperation with parents (committees, family after-
                                                                                                                            burg gGmbH
                                                                  noons, consultation offers, parent conversation)
                                                                • Child-care during holidays                                    Kirschallee Tram 92, Bus 612, 692, 697, 698
                                                                  SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:   Verein Oberlinhaus Leb-
                                                                   Am Alten Mörtelwerk Bus 605, 606

Social district 2 – Potsdam North Bornim, Bornstedt, Eiche, Golm, Grube, Nedlitz

Schulplatz 1, day care centre                               Sinnesgarten, day care centre                              Springfrosch, day care centre

                               Schulplatz 1,                                              Jakob-von-Gundling-                                         Zum Mühlenteich 8,
                               14469 Potsdam                                              Str. 28, 14469 Potsdam                                      14476 Potsdam
                               HEAD:   Ms Reinsberg                                       HEAD:     Ms Theiß                                          HEAD:     Ms Niehaus
                               TEL:   0331.95 14 31 50                                    TEL:   0331.505 76 21                                       TEL:   0331.64 75 84 94
                                                                                          FAX:   0331.505 79 59                                       FAX:   0331.64 75 84 95
                               E-MAIL: kiga-sp1@lsb-
                               sportservice.de                                                  sinnesgarten-
                                                                                          E-MAIL:                                                     E-MAIL:
                                                                                          pdm@jus-or.de                                               springfrosch-potsdam@
 CAPACITY:   56 children                                     CAPACITY:   105 children
                                                                                                                        CAPACITY:   120 children
 AGE:   3 years to school enrolment                          AGE:   8 months to school enrolment
                                                                                                                        AGE:   0 years to school enrolment
 CARE HOURS:    7 a.m. to 5 p.m.                             CARE HOURS:   6.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
                                                                                                                        CARE HOURS:   6 a.m. to 6 p.m., if required to 8 p.m.
 SELF-DESCRIPTION:                                           SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • Sports and exercise oriented                              • Work based on situational approach; certain              SELF-DESCRIPTION:
 • European volunteer service (native speaker)                 elements and principles of the work of reform            • Work based on open concept in the field of elemen-
 • Partially free work                                         pedagogues Maria Montessori and Celestin Freinet           tary education
 • Kneipp water treading room, play and exercise               are integrated                                           • Bilingual (German-English)
   rooms, climbing, swimming lessons, wrestling and          • External offer “early childhood English education”       • The nursery groups are mostly homogenous
   grappling, music, kitchen for children, exercise coor-    • Homogenous age groups at the after-school centre;        • Library, musical education, promotion of health
   dinator, motor skills test                                  open group work with educators at the kindergarten         (child-size kitchen), strong orientation towards
 • Health-oriented, kitchen for children                     • Large outside area, play and project offers, edu-          natural sciences and environmental education (small
 • Organic food                                                cational offers, natural sciences and other topics,        laboratory)
 • Cooperation with parents, parent talks, day care            social life, performing and designing, body, exercise    • Well-balanced and nutritious meals, freshly prepared
   committee                                                   and health, music                                          in the in-house kitchen
                                                             • All meals provided, in-house kitchen, healthy and        • Parents are seen as experts for their child, therefore:
 SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:   LSB Sportservice Branden-
                                                               well-balanced nutritional options                          open and transparent cooperative education
 burg gGmbH
                                                             • One-to-one talks, parent talks, parent assemblies,
                                                                                                                        SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:    FRÖBEL Bildung und Erzie-
    Kirschallee Tram 92, Bus 612, 692, 697, 698                parent afternoons, day care centre committee
                                                                                                                        hung gGmbH
                                                             SUPPORTING ASSOCIATION:
                                                                                                                           Wissenschaftspark Bus 605, 606, 612
                                                             Jugend- und Sozialwerk gGmbH
                                                                Ruinenbergstr. Bus 692, 697

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