Page created by Darryl Castro
S o m e r v i l l e -C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s
           Yo u r L i f e, Yo u r Way , At H o m e

              2021 Service Guide
              &   F   Y   2   0   A   N   N   U   A   L   R   E   P   O   R   T
Your Life, Your Way, At Home

For a Free Consultation on Challenges of Aging, Caregiving, or Disability
           Call 617-628-2601 or Email info@eldercare.org
Table of Contents

Executive Director Greeting…...............................................................4

Advice and Information….....................................................................6
                                                                                                       Somerville-Cambridge Elder
Home Care….......................................................................................8
                                                                                                       Services promotes the right
Caregiver Supports…...........................................................................9

Nutrition Programs….........................................................................10
                                                                                                       of all individuals to live with

Elder Abuse/Behavioral Health.............................................................13          dignity, in the setting of their
Health and Well Being.........................................................................14     choice by offering older people,
Volunteer Programs…........................................................................16        younger people with disabilities,
Donor Honor Roll…............................................................................17      and caregivers the information,
Annual Report Info…..........................................................................22
                                                                                                      services and support needed
                                                                                                     to make choices which enhance
                                                                                                         health, well-being, and

Challenges of 2020 Under
                     Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services plays        Here are a few examples of our impact during
                     an essential role in helping many older adults   the pandemic:
                     maintain independence and well-being, and        • Meals on Wheels deliveries continued
                     this vital work continued throughout the          throughout, and we adjusted to a significant
                     Coronavirus pandemic of 2020.                     increase in demand. We are providing
                                                                       approximately 1,000 meals per day, along
                     A grandmother with memory loss who cannot         with 8,500 frozen and shelf-stable backup
                     safely use the oven and needs home-delivered      meals for at-risk older adults.
                     meals; A cancer survivor who needs assistance
                                                                      • Our case managers and nurses conducted
                     to return home safely after being hospitalized
                                                                       thousands of telephonic, video, and in-per-
                     by a bad fall; An 85-year-old with failing
                                                                       son check-ins with clients, to assess well-be-
                     eyesight who needs help paying bills—these
                                                                       ing, provide emotional support, and adjust
                     are just a few examples of the critical needs
Paul Hollings        that Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services
                                                                       service plans to meet new needs.
Executive Director
                     (SCES) has continued to meet each day as         • Our Home Care program worked closely
                     essential service provider.                       with our vendors to provide hundreds of
                                                                       thousands of hours of in-home health, per-
                                                                       sonal care, and homemaker services for
                                                                       more than 3,000 clients.

                                                                      • Our Aging Information Center has assisted
                                                                       thousands of callers. In many cases, they

                     Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services-Your Local Aging Information Center
score How Elder Services are Essential
     connected older adults with food, masks,                2020 was a challenging year, but it also                       To learn more, call 617-628-2601 or email
     and other essential resources.                          emphasized that Somerville-Cambridge Elder                     info@eldercare.org.

   • Our Elder Protective Services program has               Services is an essential part of the health

     continued to investigate reports of elder               and human services continuum. Our work                         Paul Hollings

     abuse. We have investigated over 400 hun-               matters. We make a difference in people’s lives                Executive Director

     dred reports of elders at risk, often providing         —providing assistance in the safest place to be                Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services

     ongoing help for elders impacted by abuse,              during a pandemic: at home.

     neglect, exploitation, and self-neglect.
                                                              This annual service guide lists the programs

   We have also been grateful for the community              we offer, and provides a brief overview of the

   response during this challenging time. From               many ways we provide assistance. I will close

   the day this all started, we have seen residents          by inviting you to contact our Aging Informa-

   donating their time and resources. Local busi-            tion Center with any questions about aging,

   nesses supporting meals programs. Local or-               caregiving, or disability. It is a free service that

   ganizations working together to provide food              provides unbiased advice and guidance, to

   and protective equipment where it is needed               help people connect with helpful resources,

   most. This support for our mission is deeply              both at SCES and in our community.

   appreciated, and recognized in our honor roll
   of supporters in this guide.

                      S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   5

     Advice and Information

     Talk to Us About Aging, Caregiving, & Disability!

                                                                   The Aging Information Center                                  SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs
                                                                   Our Information Center provides unbiased                      of Everyone) offers information and assis-
                                                                   information and advice on a wide range of                     tance regarding health insurance and benefits
                                                                   aging, disability, and caregiving issues. Our                 to older adults, Medicare beneficiaries with
                                                                   Elder Care Advisors are experts on aging.                     disabilities, and their caregivers.
                                                                   They know what resources are available                        Free and open to Medicare beneficiaries
                                                                   and specialize in connecting people                           living in Cambridge and Somerville and
                                                                   with assistance.                                              non-resident caregivers.
                                                                   Free and open to all residents of Somerville and
                                                                   Cambridge and non-resident caregivers. The                    Technology Coaches is a volunteer program
                                                                   Aging Information Center can be reached by                    that helps older adults get set started with
                                                                   calling 617-628-2601, Monday through Friday                   common applications, such as email, Zoom,
                                                                   from 9 to 5.                                                  or telehealth software. The coaches provide
                                                                                                                                 three succinct support sessions and can rec-
                                                                   Options Counseling assists older adults and                   ommend more in-depth resources, if needed.
                                                                   adults with disabilities in making informed                   Free and open to SCES clients age 60 and over.
                                                                   choices about services, supports, and settings
                                                                   in which to receive care, through an interac-
                                                                   tive decision-support process. Options
                                                                   Counselors meet with individuals on a
                                                                   short-term basis in rehabilitation facilities
                                                                   or community settings.
                                                                   Free and open to all residents of Somerville and
                                                                   Cambridge and non-resident caregivers.

66   Your Life, Your Way, At Home - S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r
Home Care

Removing Obstacles to
Aging In Place
Home Care provides services to older res-      Our Home Care services include:
idents of Cambridge and Somerville who         • Case management
need assistance so they may continue to live   • Adult day programs
independently and safely at home.              • Personal care
                                               • Food shopping
                                               • Home safety adaptations
                                               • Housekeeping
                                               • Laundry
                                               • Meal preparation
                                               • Personal emergency response systems
                                               • Supervision/companionship
                                               • Transportation
                                               • Grocery shopping
                                               • Home health services

                                               Caregiver respite programs are also available.
                                               Open to Cambridge and Somerville residents
                                               age 60 and over. Case management services are
                                               free. Other services are state subsidized, with
                                               copayments on a sliding fee scaled based on
                                               income. Must need assistance with tasks.

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services-Your Local Aging Information Center
Caregiver Supports

Provide the Best Care at Home!

Adult Family Care helps people receive the               Family Caregiver Support offers caregivers in-
care they need from friends and family, by pro-          formation about services, provides educational
viding training, compensation, and ongoing               programs, and short-term individual or family
support for live-in caregivers. Adult Family             consultation.
Care helps MassHealth-eligible adults who                Family Caregiver Support is free and open to
require daily assistance and cannot live alone,          all residents of Cambridge and Somerville and
due to a medical diagnosis.                              non-resident caregivers.

Available with no out-of-pocket costs for                Savvy Caregiver is a training program that
eligible households, AFC provides caregivers             provides family caregivers with skills and
with a monthly stipend, two weeks paid respite           knowledge about dementia. Participants receive
annually, and ongoing support from our team              an overview of dementia, plus support develop-
of nurses and social workers.                            ing strategies for challenges they are facing.
Free for MassHealth-eligible adults who cannot           Free. Open to non-professional caregivers of
live alone due to a medical diagnosis. Open              individuals diagnosed with dementia, who are
to ages 16+ across the Greater Boston, North             residents of Cambridge, Somerville, and
Shore, and Merrimack Valley areas.                       surrounding communities. This program may be
                                                         suspended during the COVID state of emergency.

                  S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   9
Nutrition Programs

     Combatting Malnutrition

                                                                                                                                 Community Cafes serve hot and cold meals in
                                                                                                                                 senior centers and elderly housing.
                                                                                                                                 Voluntary donation. Open to residents of Cam-
                                                                                                                                 bridge and Somerville age 60 and older. This
                                                                                                                                 program may be suspended during the COVID
                                                                                                                                 state of emergency.

                                                                                                                                 Meals on Wheels delivers hot, cold, and
                                                                                                                                 specialty meals to older people’s homes.
                                                                                                                                 Voluntary donation. Open to residents of Cam-
                                                                                                                                 bridge and Somerville age 60 and over, and their
                                                                                                                                 spouses or dependents with disabilities, who
                                                                                                                                 may be under 60.

                                                                                                                                 Nutrition counseling helps individuals develop
                                                                  Brown Bag is a volunteer-powered grocery                       health and nutrition goals that best meet their
                                                                  supplement program for eligible older adults.                  needs.
                                                                  The groceries are donated by the Greater Bos-
                                                                                                                                 Free and open to SCES clients.
                                                                  ton Food Bank and bagged by volunteers.
                                                                  Free. Open to residents of Cambridge and                       Nutrition supplements offers supplement
                                                                  Somerville age 60 and over who meet eligibil-                  drinks at a low cost for those who cannot meet
                                                                  ity requirements. Also open to eligible people                 their calorie needs through food.
                                                                  with disabilities living in elderly housing. This              Open to all. Free delivery for Meals on Wheels
                                                                  program may be suspended during the COVID                      clients
                                                                  state of emergency.

10   Your Life, Your Way, At Home - S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r
Elder Abuse/Behavioral Health

Reducing Risk Factors
Adult Protective Services
Our Elder Protective Services Program is
designed to eliminate or alleviate abuse or
neglect of older adults.

Protective Services investigates reports of phys-
ical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker
neglect, financial exploitation, and self-neglect.
Our social workers collaborate with older
adults, families, and community agencies to
help reduce risk. Common services include:
• Crisis intervention
• Safety planning
• Harm reduction
• Family intervention
• Housing loss prevention
• Assistance with accessing community
Free. Provided to residents of Cambridge and
Somerville age 60 and over. Services are ac-              Elder Mental Health Outreach Team (EMHOT)                     their homes, and connect them with helpful
cessed by calling the State Elder Abuse Hotline           EMHOT helps address unmet behavioral                          resources that support health and well-being.
at 1-800-922-2275.                                        health needs of older adults, such as hoarding,               Free and open to residents of Cambridge and
                                                          suicidal thoughts, or mental health issues.                   Somerville ages 50 and up.
                                                          EMHOT social workers work with clients in

                   S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   13
Health and Well Being

     Supporting Health and Quality of Life

     Friendly Visitor is a partnership with Friend-               visits. In addition to providing advocacy as                   Money Management matches trained and
     ship Works and SCES. Pairs friendly visitor                  needed, the volunteer helps ensure the older                   insured volunteers with older adults who need
     volunteers with older adults for weekly, one-                adult understands diagnoses, prescriptions,                    help writing checks, balancing checkbooks,
     hour visits to reduce isolation and loneliness.              and instructions.                                              budgeting monthly income, and running bank
     Matches enjoy conversation and activities                    Free. Open to SCES clients. This program may be                errands. Bill pay, power of attorney, and Rep
     together.                                                    suspended the COVID state of emergency.                        Payee services are also available.
     Free. Open to residents of Cambridge and                                                                                    Open to income-eligible Cambridge and
     Somerville, ages 60 and up.                                  Medical Escort matches older adults with                       Somerville residents age 60 and over, and
                                                                  volunteers who provide door-to-door transpor-                  people with disabilities. Possible nominal fee
     Hospital to Home improves communica-                         tation for medical appointments.                               for Rep Payee clients.
     tion and coordination between consumers                      Free. Open to residents of Cambridge and
     and their health care providers by providing                 Somerville age 60 and over. Priority given to                  Stay Strong Fall Prevention reduces the risk of
     consumers with tools and support as they tran-               SCES clients. This program may be suspended                    falls through exercise. Participants receive five
     sition to home from a hospital, rehabilitation               during the COVID state of emergency.                           home visits, which focus on teaching strength
     facility, or skilled nursing facility.                                                                                      and balance exercises, and assistance finding
     Free. Open to members of Cambridge Health                    Music & Memory helps people living with                        ongoing community exercise programs.
     Alliance ACO who live in the community or in an              cognitive and physical challenges find renewed                 Free. Open to residents of Cambridge and
     assisted living facility, and who have recently              joy in life through musical favorites. Improves                Somerville. This program may be suspended
     been discharged from Cambridge or Everett                    quality of life by helping reduce depression,                  during the COVID state of emergency.
     hospitals.                                                   anxiety, and other issues.
                                                                  Free. Open to residents of Cambridge,
     Medical Advocacy matches older adults with                   Somerville, and surrounding communities. This
     volunteers who become familiar with their                    program may be suspended during the COVID
     medical issues and accompany them on doctor                  state of emergency.

14   Your Life, Your Way, At Home - S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r
Volunteer Programs

Together We Make a Difference

                                    Volunteers play a crucial role at Somerville-
                                    Cambridge Elder Services, making more than
                                    a dozen vital programs possible.
                                    More than 350 volunteers joined with SCES
                                    to make a difference in our community over
                                    the past year, providing Medical Advocates
                                    to assist with doctor appointments, Money
                                    Management volunteers to help manage
                                    finances, and much, much more.
                                    Want to get involved? SCES offers a wide range
                                    of volunteer options. Groups, individuals,
                                    one-time, or ongoing—there are many ways
                                    we could use your help.
                                    For more information, email vol@eldercare.org
                                    or call 617-628-2601 ext. 3214.

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services-Your Local Aging Information Center
Donor Honor Roll

Thanking Our Supporters

Donations play a vital role at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, supporting programs such as Money Management
Assistance and giving us more flexibility to provide help where it is needed most.

We thank everyone who has supported our mission during the past year:

Frank Absalon                             Lynn Barth                                     Ann Caples                                     Sandra Cullison
Shari Agatstein                           Ed Barton and Michael Sullivan                 Frank Cappello                                 Mr. and Mrs. Jon Cummings
Constantine Alexander and                 Samuel Bayer                                   Maria Teresa Cardoso                           Carol Cunningham
   Linda Reinfeld                         Maureen and Mike Beaven                        Juliet Carey                                   Agnes Currie
Joao Alves                                Aimee Bellows                                  William and Kathleen Carlow                    Theresa Czarcinski
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson                 David Berger                                   Irene Carmen                                   Mary Ann Dalton
Mary Anderson                             Irma Bickerstaff                               Maria Carpinella                               Julia de la Cruz
Xiao Ao                                   Thomas Bisson                                  Sarah Carr and Robert Moraveo                  Mr. and Mrs. Norbert DeAmato
Patricia Arcand                           Peter Black                                    Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carroll, Jr.               Gill Deford
Mary Armistead                            Andrew Blickenderfer                           Robert Carter                                  Lena DeLucia
Dr. Maria Louise Ascher                   Holly Bodman                                   Mariagnese Cattaneo                            Sally Delvecchio
Lawrence Bacow                            Derek and Sissela Bok                          Maxie Chambliss                                Christie Dennis
Ellen Baker                               Jonathan Bolton                                Daniel Chen                                    Nancy and Beatrice DePierro
Rose Balog                                Marilyn Bornstein                              Costa and Alba Chitouras                       Barbara D’Eramo
Alan Balsam                               Lucy Borodkin                                  Marie Cieri                                    Bruno DiBona
Kimberly Bandtel                          Athanasios Boulukos                            Margaret Clapham                               Amy DiGiandomenico
Stephen Bardige                           Valerie Bradley and Lewis Sargentich           Dorothy Collins                                Penelope Dincauze
Dr. David Baron                           Angie Brusch                                   Mary Connolly                                  Linda Dittmar
Betsy Barr                                Barbara Bryan                                  Eugenia Conway                                 David Doherty
Richard Barran                            Charles Burke                                  Mary and James Nicoll Cooper                   Nancy Donahue
Jane Barrett                              Priscilla Campbell                             Josephine Coscia                               Caroline Donnelly
David F. Barry                            Salvador and Martha Canas                      Sharon Cronan                                  Elsa Dorfman

                   S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   17
Donor Honor Roll

     Deborah Doss                                  Mary Jo Fresolo                                Geraldine Gross                                Margaret Hooper
     Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle                    Elizabeth Frey                                 June Grosskopf                                 Arch Horst
     Ursula Drager                                 Barbara and Benjamin Friedman                  Leonard Gruenberg                              Anne Hughes
     Helder Duarte                                 Cynthia Frude                                  Klazina Grunberger                             Mary Huntington
     Eleanor Duckworth                             Claudia Frye                                   Michael and Elizabeth Grunko                   Charlotte Ikels
     Denise Duffy                                  Chantal Fujiwara                               Brigitte Guay                                  Marcia Jacob
     Sean Durkin                                   James Gallagher                                Shelagh Hadley                                 Elaine Joseph
     Lila Durnan                                   Steve Gallant                                  Felda and Dena Hardymon                        Mary M. Keane
     Ruth Dziadul                                  Janet Garfield                                 Dan and Trudi Harkins                          Mary J. Keane
     Rose Earle                                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garron                     Margaret Harney                                Isabell Kelleher
     Susan Earle                                   Peter and Phyllis Gately                       Mary Alice Harrington                          David Kemple
     Janice Ellertsen                              Jacqueline Gates                               Joyce Harrison                                 Samuel Kendall and Catherine Zusy
     Ann Elliott                                   Etta Gaudet                                    James Havlin                                   Lorraine Kennelly
     Ellen Ellis                                   Marilyn Geddry                                 Zachariah Hayes                                Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kenney
     Elise Farrell                                 Judith Gentile                                 Brad and Trudi Hennemuth                       George and Loulie Kent
     Micheline Federman                            Celia Gilbert                                  Patricia Henry                                 William and Sheila King
     Marsi Fein Miller                             Kathleen Gillespie                             James Herbst                                   Penelope Maud Kleespies
     Mr. and Mrs. John Kenneth Felter              Diana Gilman                                   Jesse Hergert                                  Yolanda Kodrzycki
     Herbert and Toni Fentin                       Susan Glassman                                 Dr. Leslie Hergert                             Nancy Kopell
     Susan Field                                   John and Karen Gledhill                        Howard Hiatt                                   Llana Krepchin
     Irene Finan                                   Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Goetze                         Harold Hill                                    Carol Krieger
     Shelley Fishman                               David Golber                                   Tammi Hill                                     Lawrence Kron
     D. Anthony Flanders                           Diana Goldfarb                                 Timothy Hilton                                 Thomas Kwei
     Inez Folsom                                   Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Gomes                      Pearline Hines                                 Richard and Debbie Lane
     Jean Fordyce                                  Carl Goodnight                                 Carole Hirsch and Neville Traynor              Marie Leary
     Jan Forte                                     Margaret Goostray                              Barbara Hirsh                                  Bambi LeBlanc
     Annie Fowler                                  Marsha Gordon                                  Susan Hirsh                                    Elizabeth Lee
     Marian Fox                                    Ann Gottberg                                   Mr. and Mrs. Kam-Shing Ho                      Thomas Lehrer
     Maurie and Margaret Fox-Warren                Lisa Goyette                                   Jay Hoffman                                    Timothy Lenicheck
     Diane Frank                                   Stephanie Gramolini                            Joan Hollander                                 Winifred Lenihan
     Kate Frank                                    Mary Grassi                                    Paul Hollings                                  Walter Leonardo
     Bathsheba Freedman                            Mr. and Mrs. Garth Greimann                    Gerald and Nisha Holton                        Crystal Leslie

18   Your Life, Your Way, At Home - S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r
Donor Honor Roll

David Leslie and Clare Walker Leslie       Gerald McCue                                   Virginia Newes                                 Nancy Quigg-Gonsales
John B. Levine, M.D.                       Kevin T. McDevitt                              Michael Newman and Sarah Fishman               Helene Quinn
Janet Levinson                             Walter McDonald                                Allan Nineberg                                 Elisabeth Raleigh
Ruven and Gail Liebhaber                   Sandra McGoldrick                              Steven Novick and Liane Noddin                 Laura Ramsay
Ronald Lim                                 Deborah McLean                                 Dr. James Nolan                                Janet Reckman
Warren and Jean Little                     James Melloni                                  Carolyn O’Brien                                Alice Reed
Corinne Lofchie                            Albert Melo                                    David O’Brien                                  Milner M. Reid, III
Kenneth Loman                              Margarida Mendonca                             Mary O’Connell                                 Patrick Reilly
Anne Longfield                             Dr. Nancy Menzin                               David O’Connor                                 John Reinhardt
Donna Lopes                                Karen Messenger                                Katherine O’Connor                             Rick Reinkraut
Sandra Lovell                              Elizabeth Meyer                                J. P. O’Hare                                   Barbara Reynolds
Lee Ann Lowe                               Nathaniel Meyer                                Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Oliver                      Dianne Rice
Penelope Lueders                           James Meyers                                   Sandra Oliver                                  Avery Rimer and Richard Weissbourd
Guoxiang Luo                               Rosalind Michahelles                           James Olsen                                    Ned and Katie Rimer
Daphine Luscap                             David and Nancy Miller                         Mary O’Neill                                   Alicia Ringel
Paul Luther                                J. Philip Miller and Courtnay Malcolm          Dr. Martha Osler                               Robert Riordan
Barbara Lynch                              Lindsay Miller and Peter Ambler                Susan Ostrander                                Manuela Rix
Robert Lyons                               Margo Miller                                   Lisa Paborsky                                  Carolyn Robbins
Richard MacDonald                          Betty Mitchell                                 Eric and Shirley Paley                         Gregory and Helen Rochlin
Michelle Macintosh                         Fay Mittleman                                  Rina Palmer                                    Amy Rose
Richard Macnair                            Madalena Moniz                                 Philip Parsons                                 Chuck Dresner and Judith Rosen
Norma Mahoney                              Dae Montagu                                    Ms. Kathy Partridge                            Jay Rosengard
Olive Malcolm                              Lina Morales                                   Lowell Partridge                               Marsha Rosenoff
Marie Manis                                Sandra Moriarty                                Dennis Pelletier                               Melissa Rubinsky
Ann Manzelli                               Colleen Morrissey                              Susan Playfair                                 John Russell
Joseph Marques                             Robert Morse                                   Ellea Polimou                                  Sheila Russell
Reta Martin                                Michael Mosbach                                Lia Poorvu, TTEE                               Susan Jo Russell
Thomas Martin                              Vaughn Mullen                                  Dr. Charles Popper                             Ruth Ryals
Stanley Martini                            Thomas Murphy                                  Roderick Powell                                Pamela Ryan
Jean Mason                                 Carolyn Murray                                 Adele Pressman                                 Louise Sabella
Sumner and Linda McClain                   Mary Nadeau                                    Eleanor Price                                  Jonathan Hecht and Lora Sabin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClintock             John Nagurney and Wendy Mariner                Daniela Putnam                                 Dr. Norbert Schulz

                    S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   19
Donor Honor Roll

     David and Jessica Sculley                     Pamela Turner                                  AmazonSmile Foundation                         Somerville Municipal Federal
     Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Sedita                  Ullian Family Charitable Fund                  Anodyne Homemaker Services Corp.                 Credit Union
     Mary Patricia Sekler                          Joan S. Van Dorn                               Biogen                                         The Morrison House
     Ellen Semonoff                                Mary Vanderwicken                              Cambridge Trust                                Thurston Real Estate
     Aldo Sesia                                    Susan Vander Velde                             CambridgeSide Partners LLC                     United Healthcare Community Plan
     Asako Severn                                  Dolores Ventre                                 Capuano Family Fund                            VNA of Eastern Massachusetts
     John Kirsch and Sandra Shapiro                David and Natalie Vieira                       Carroll Sons & Carroll Seamless                Wheels For Meals
     Sunil Sharma                                  Eric Von Hippel                                  Gutters
     Karl Sims                                     Billy Walker                                   Cummings Foundation, Inc.                      In Kind Donors
     Jay Sklar                                     Dr. Rebecca Warner                             East Cambridge Savings Bank                    Bello/Welsh LLP
     Mallory and Ylva Slate                        Donald Warren                                  Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation             Boston Area Mask Initiative
     David Smith                                   David Wassen                                   Fresh Pond Trust                               Chuck Dresner and Judith Rosen
     Maxwell D Solet and Dr. JO M Solet            Ann Waters                                     FW Russell & Sons / Langton & Doug-              Household
     Geraldine Spagnuolo                           Lynne Watson                                     las Contracting                              HAIR by Christine & Co.
     David Spink                                   Lisa Waxman                                    Garrett-Lynch Insurance Agency                 Jane Huang Household
     Paul Stecke                                   Dr. Gordon Weir                                Green and Yellow Cab Companies                 Juliet Ciel and Wendel Klein
     Phyllis Stein                                 Caroline Wells                                 Harvard University                               Household
     Helen Steverson                               Frances Wetherell                              Homemaker Services, Inc.                       Kim Thomas Household
     Peter Olson and Wendy Stickel                 Susann Wilkinson and Michael Fischer           Inman Square Hardware                          Leah Lynch Household
     Cynthia Stillinger                            Jane Williams                                  Joie de Vivre                                  Many Helping Hands
     Lois Sullivan                                 Alice Wolf                                     Kingdom Empowerment Center                     Mary Lamrock Household
     Traci Swartz                                  Robert L. Wolff and Caroline Lindeke           Kiwanis Club of Somerville                     Mask Up
     Richard Tarrant                               Vicki Woodard                                  Mary A. Crabtree Christmas Fund                United Healthcare Community Plan
     Peter Temin                                   James Woodman                                  Metropolitan Home Health Services, Inc.
     Christine Tessier                             Deborah Rosenkrantz and                        Microsoft                                      Grants
     Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thompson                     Susan Woskie                                Middlesex Federal Savings, F.A.                Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust
     Suzanne Tilden                                Benjamin Woznick                               Midtown Home Health S ervices                  Cambridge Savings Bank
     Patricia Toner                                Elizabeth Wylde                                Mount Auburn Hospital                          Metropolitan Area Planning Council
     Councilor Timothy Toomey                      Diane Yasgur                                   Natale Company & SafetyCare                      (MAPC)
     Ellyn Torres                                  Yu Yun Kuo Yau                                 Naveo Credit Union                             The Llewellyn Foundation
     Robert Trahan                                 Bernard Yomtov                                 Neville Place at Fresh Pond                    The Llewellyn Foundation
     Amy Truog                                     Jeffrey Ziegler                                Pumpkin Foundation                             Massachussets Association of Home
     Yuan S. Tung                                                                                 Rogers Funeral Home                              Care Programs

20   Your Life, Your Way, At Home - S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r
Revenues by Source
     FY 2020 Agency Statistics                                                                       Total: 40,275,872
     July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020                                                                                                            State-EOEA &

                                                                                                                                              Medicaid & M
     People Served:                               Volunteer Programs
     Aging Information Center: 4,550 calls        SCES has more than 357 volunteers, who                                                      Federal Awar
     Adult Family Care: 293                       provided assistance in the following programs:
     Adult Protective Services: 295+              Advisory Council                                                                            Programs Fee
     Brown Bag: 157*                              Brown Bag
     Choices Program: 274                         Friendly Caller                                                                             Investments
     Enhanced Community Options Program: 257      Friendly Visitor
     Elder Mental Health Outreach Team: 75        Farmer’s Market Coupon Distribution                                                         Other .06%

     Family Caregiver Support Program: 40         Holiday Bagging
                                                                                                                                              Charitable Do
     Little Necessities Fund: 127                 Kate’s Café
     Options Counseling: 122                      Meal Sites
     SHINE Medicare Counseling: 349               Medical Advocate
     State Home Care Program: 1,440               Medical Escort                                      State-EOEA & Other State 62.05%

     Senior Care Options: 1,982                   Memory Cafe
                                                                                                      Medicaid & Medicare 28.58%
                                                  Money Management                                                                            State Home C
     + investigations completed
                                                  Music & Memory                                      Federal Awards 2.23%
     *average per month
                                                  Nutrition                                                                                   Area Agency/
                                                                                                      Programs Fees & Donations 6.12%
     Nutrition                                    Office Volunteers
                                                  SHINE                                                                                       Nutrition 6.8
     Meals on Wheels: 245,640 meals served                                                            Investments .41%
     Congregate: 49,100 meals served              Thanksgiving Meals on Wheels
                                                                                                      Other .06%
                                                                                                                                              Senior Care O

                                                                                                      Charitable Donations & In kind .54%     Adult Family

                                                                                                                                              Enhanced Co

                                                                                                                                              Protective Se
                                                                                                      State Home Care 11.17%

22   Your Life, Your Way, At Home   - Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services-Your Local Aging Information Center                                 Community C
                                                                                                      Area Agency/Supportive Services 1.17%
Other .06%

                                                       Charitable Donations & In kind .54%

Expenses by Program
     State-EOEA & Other State 62.05%
   Total: 39,850,577                                      FY 2020 Board of Directors
     Medicaid & Medicare 28.58%                            July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020
                                                        State Home Care 11.17%

     Federal Awards 2.23%
                                                        Area Agency/Supportive Services 1.17%
     Programs Fees & Donations 6.12%
                                                           Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is operated by a local volunteer Board of
                                                        Nutrition 6.81% a majority of whom, by law, are older people.
     Investments .41%
                                                        Senior       L. Wilkinson
                                                               Care Options          (President)
                                                                            Program 11.56%                    Curtis Jones                   Laura Ramsay
     Other .06%                                             Jan Mattimoe (Vice-President)                     Jan Levinson                   Judith Rosen
                                                                          15.94%                              Lily Owyang                    M. Anne Sa’adah
     Charitable Donations & In kind .54%
                                                            Brian Kelley (Treasurer)                          Susan Pacheco                  Mel Simms
                                                        Enhanced    Hergert Options 4.72%                     Henry Parker                   Lois Simon
                                                            Pearline Hines                                    Helene Quinn
                                                        Protective Services 1.93%
     State Home Care 11.17%
                                                            FY 2020 Leadership Team
                                                        Community Choices 42.08%
     Area Agency/Supportive Services 1.17%                 Paul Hollings, Executive Director
                                                           .53% Fowler, Assistant Executive Director
     Nutrition 6.81%
                                                           Donna Vaskelis, Chief Financial Officer
                                                        Other 4.09%
     Senior Care Options Program 11.56%
                                                            Norah Al-Wetaid, Director of Protective Services
     Adult Family Care 15.94%                               Stephanie Becker, Director of Clinical Services
                                                            Dana Beguerie, Director of Aging Information
     Enhanced Community Options 4.72%
                                                            Rachel Berry, Director of Quality Improvement and Compliance
     Protective Services 1.93%                              Nathan Lamb, Director of Outreach and Community Relations
                                                            Jeanne Leyden, Adult Family Care Director
     Community Choices 42.08%
                                                            Colleen Morrissey, Director of Volunteers and Special Projects
     H2H .53%
                                                            Carolyn “Charlie” O’Brien, Director of Home Care
                                                            Meghan Ostrander, Director of Nutrition Programs
     Other 4.09%                                            Ellyn Torres, Director of Human Resources

           S o m e r v i l l e - C a m b r i d g e E l d e r S e r v i c e s - Y o u r L o c a l A g i n g I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r - Your Life, Your Way, At Home   23
Non-Profit Org.
                                                                        U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                           Boston, MA
                                                                        Permit No. 59668

 Your Local Age Info Center - Your Life, Your Way, at Home

61 Medford Street
Somerville, MA 02143-3429

Phone: 617-628-2601
Fax: 617-628-1085
Email: info@eldercare.org
Web: www.eldercare.org

Susann Wilkinson President
Paul Hollings Executive Director

This agency and its programs are funded in part by contracts with the
Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

SCES Annual Report
Nathan Lamb, Editor
Chris Dearborn, Graphic Designer www.spacestationz.com
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