21st Annual - JONES - PARKVIEW FUNERAL SERVICES - Jones-Parkview Funeral ...

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21st Annual - JONES - PARKVIEW FUNERAL SERVICES - Jones-Parkview Funeral ...

             21st Annual
         “Tree of Memory”
 Memorial Dedication Ceremony

        On this day we dedicate this “Tree of Memory”
to all those whose families we have been privileged to serve.
   May this tree ever stand as a Symbol of Remembrance
        growing in strength and stature, rooted in love.
21st Annual - JONES - PARKVIEW FUNERAL SERVICES - Jones-Parkview Funeral ...
21st Annual - JONES - PARKVIEW FUNERAL SERVICES - Jones-Parkview Funeral ...
              Trade Name for: W. J. Jones & Son Ltd. and Parkview Funeral Chapel Inc.

Chapel & Reception Centre Crematorium  Indoor Columbarium

     A Symbol of Remembrance

             Tree of Memory
            Memorial Program
 The Tree of Memory Program was initiated in 2000 by
 W. J. Jones & Son as a Living Legacy to the families
 that we have served and as a way of saying “thank you
 for the privilege of serving you”. The Program began
 with tree plantings in Moose Jaw’s beautiful
 Wakamow Valley in 2000 through 2007, then evolved,
 moving to Besant Park in 2008 through 2012. In 2013
 we once again evolved the Program, seeking to best
 serve you by planting a “Tree of Memory” at Crescent
 Park, in the heart of our city.
 A tree represents quiet strength, beauty, longevity
 and peacefulness, therefore the “Tree of Memory” will
 be a living tribute to the enduring strength and quality
 of the human spirit. Over time the memorial trees will
 grow, becoming a living sanctuary ~ a place of peace.
21st Annual - JONES - PARKVIEW FUNERAL SERVICES - Jones-Parkview Funeral ...
Tree of Memory Program
                    As we navigate COVID-19 safely,
          we offer you our 21st Annual Tree of Memory Planting
                    online at www.jonesparkview.com

                 Dayna Chamberlain (General Manager)
Poem: “Love, Like a Tree” - Chrystine Dacey

Reflection: "Love, Like a Tree”-Della Ferguson

Tree Planting: Sarah Regent, Moose Jaw Parks & Rec

Tree Dedication: Dayna Chamberlain, Blake Seebach,

The Tree Blessing: Violet Grant

Closing Remarks & Benediction: Della Ferguson

Piper: Michelle Carline-Gallagher

Honour Roll: Kelly Scott

     May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
     may the clarity of light be yours,
     may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
     may the protection of the ancestors be yours.
     And so may a slow wind work these words
     of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life.
                                                 John O'Donohue

                  May the spirit of our love
  and memories nurture the growth of this “Tree of Memory”
     and may we return over and over again to experience
           this connection to life, love and legacy.

                      SPECIAL THANKS TO:
       Sarah Regent of the City of Moose Jaw Parks & Recreation;
                 Dave Boisclair of “db Productions”;
               And our Piper, Michelle Carline Gallagher
“The Tree of Memory”
Stands in Memory of . . . .

Acott, Charles “Keith”        Davies, Dorothy
Agnew, Lester                 Dech, Brian
Alexanderson, Angela          Delaye, Rita
Alm, Gary                     Difley, Mabel
Almond, Carole                Dudka, Mike
Alton, Chuck                  Dufour, Denis
Andersen, Peggy               Dumonceau, Luella
Anderson, James “Jim”         Duncan, Gordon
Armstrong, Eileen             Elaschuk, John
Baba, Farris                  Ellingson, Ryan
Bachiu, Helen                 Elliott, Mark
Bacon, James                  England, Pamela
Banilevic, Murray             Fish, Mary “Lorraine”
Beaton, Mildred               Fitzgerald, Catherine “Kitty”
Bellan, Jean                  Francis, Anna
Bellefleur, Eleanor           Friedt, Margaret
Bennett, Della                Geber, Colins
Bergdahl, Bonnie              Girardin, Bernard “Bernie”
Birwert, Donna                Glineur de Leyssac, Sylvia
Blanchard, Garth “Warren”     Grigg, Earl
Briere, Lucienne              Grigg, Memorie
Bullock, Margaret             Gunn, Dorothy
Busse, Rodney                 Gusa, Wendy
Cairns, Brian                 Hanoski, Donald
Callfas, Ivan                 Harkes, Harry
Carter, Edward                Heistad, Thomas
Colwell, Hugh                 Hender, Marie
Craig, Irene                  Hicks, Danny
Dahlman, Lillian              Hicks, Lloyd
Hicks, Owen                 MacNevin, Alice
Hill, Anne “Peggy”          Maitland, Marion
Hill, Thora                 Mann, Raymond
Hobbs, Eleanor              Marsh, Jean
Hobbs, Mandy                Marshall, Audrey
Hofer, Peter                Martin, Elizabeth “Liz”
Hofer, Samuel               Martin, Marion
Hogg, Linda                 McCann, Marie
Holmes, Shaun               McEwen, Beryle
Hook, Leona                 McEwen, Rodney
Hoy, Beatrice               McKibben, Dennis
Hoyes, Karen                Michaud, Shirlee
Huffman, Raymond            Micheletti, Otto
Jeffery, Judith “Judy”      Middlebrook, Ellen
Jensen, Paul                Miller, Robert “Bob”
Johnson, Charmane “Charm”   Miller, Sheila
Johnson, Donald “Andy”      Mitchell, David
Johnson, Kenneth            Moore, Jane
Johnston, David             Morden, Byron
Kalanuk, Meta               Morgan, Eva
Klimek, Vivian              Morphy, Wayne
Knapper, Thomas             Morrell, Katrina
Knudsen, Robert “Bob”       Moser, Martin
Korbo, Isabel               Mulligan, Joseph “Roy”
Koskie, Doreen              Mulvey, Mary
Kurzahls, Elfriede          Munroe, Patricia
Kurzahls, Heinz             Nelson, Barbara
Kwan, Paul                  Neudeck, Shelley
Lauer, Conrad               Oak, Anna
Leflar, Shannon             Oegema, Bartley “Bart”
Lidberg, Joyous             Parker, Garnet
Macdiarmid, Wilma           Passmore, Darlene
MacDonald, Albert “Garth”   Petrescu, Esther
Pomoski, Slaw              Tremblay, Alice
Poole, Frederick           Tremblay, Bernadette
Pullam, Eric               Trites, James “Jim”
Quick, Eileen              Veeder, Joseph “Joe”
Quinn, John                Vervalcke, Hildegarde “Gardie”
Rattee, Patricia           Virtue, Alvin
Robbins, Gloria            Walker, Wayne
Robertson, Kenneth “Ken”   Warner, Willis
Rodger, Bonnie             Way, Mary “Jeanette”
Rolfe, Cynthia             Wenaas, Paul
Ross, Daniel               White, David
Roy, Walter                Whitsitt, Wilhemina
Sauer, Donald              Widera, Ruth
Schwabe, Ione              Widera, Walter
Scott, Gerald              Wiebe, Peter
Seaborn, Walter “Ted”      Wiens, Abram
Sebit, Martin              Wiens, Rhonda
Sedman, Hazel “Alice”      Wilkins, Ethel
Shehyn, Myrtle “Joyce”     Wirges, Gerald
Sinclair, Dolores          Wood, Carolyn
Smail Jeanette             Wright, Olive
Smail, Murray              Zoakipny, Wendell
Solberg, Ruth
Steckler, Susanna
Steiner, Eileen
Stevenson, Brian
Sukarukoff, Thomas
Swanson, Anna “Peggy”
Swanson, Ruth
Symunuk, George
Thiessen, Alexander
                                       The 2021 Tree of Memory
Thompson, Michelle                      will be an Ohio Buckeye
                                     representing those we were
Thomson, Richard “Mark”                  honoured to serve from
                                     May 21, 2020– May 20, 2021
           Love, like a tree,
     sends its roots down deep
so when the storms of life abound
 and the winds of adversity blow,
         it shakes and bends
       and goes with the flow
      but doesn't break or fall.
    And during times of drought
  it drives its roots down deeper
  so whatever comes and goes—
 summer, winter, spring, or fall,
   the good times and the bad—
       it stands the test of all.
                         By Dick Innes
Thank you
Thank you for the sincere privilege it has been to serve
We feel so honoured that you chose JONES-PARKVIEW
FUNERAL SERVICES to serve you in your time of need,
and hope that the Final Farewell (if you chose to have
one) for your beloved was meaningful and healing and
the services provided were helpful, even in light of the
multitude of restrictions we were faced with this year.
It is our deep desire to serve every family as if they
were our own. We hope that throughout the time you
were with us you felt cared for deeply.
The planting of this “Tree of Memory” is another way
of demonstrating our care and of saying “thank you
and bless you”. We pray that this symbol of
remembrance offers you solace for your soul, and
inspiration from your beloved. Nestled into this oasis
of Crescent Park, may this “Tree of Memory” grow
tall and strong, offering a symbol of remembrance to
inspire your own journey. May each visit to this
Sacred Space evoke positive thoughts and peaceful
Peace to you as you journey on, and please know that
we are here for you, supporting you on this healing

From our heart to yours,
Honouring Lives & Healing Hearts

Chapel & Reception Centre Crematorium  Indoor Columbarium

                        OUR TEAM


  STUART DOHERTY                    RAY MOFFAT
  NANCY DONEY                       BRENDA MOORE
  DELLA FERGUSON                    DAVE MOORE
  MARK FORBES                       KELLY SCOTT
  PAT FRENCH                        BLAKE SEEBACH
  JORDAN GRANT                      LLOYD SMITH
  VIOLET GRANT                      LEW YOUNG
Like a tree
                …the Jones-Parkview
               Team reaches out to our
         Honouring Lives…and Healing Hearts.

The Tree of Life
Trees endure many difficulties in their lives: winds, hail,
lightning, tornados and drought. Through it all, they still manage
to survive, standing tall and strong. In some ways our own lives
are much like a tree. We also endure many difficulties and
hardships but survive and stand proud and strong. The life cycle
of a tree will surely end someday, just as our own lives, but “look”
- new life springs forth. Bill Keane

 “Tree of Life” in our Jones- Parkview location foyer created by Bill & Laurette Keane
        474 Hochelaga Street West
             Moose Jaw, SK
                   S6H 2G9
       306-693-4644 306-694-5500
        email: jonesfh106@gmail.com
        website: jonesparkview.com
         A Division of Parkview Funeral Chapel Inc

  Prairie Memorial Crematorium
      & Columbarium Office
        474 Hochelaga Street West
              Moose Jaw, SK
                S6H 2G9
       306-693-4644 306-694-5500

 Website: www.jonesparkview.com
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